THE -OMAftA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MARCH 13 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES ; 01 Ol \ N. B. FALCONEt'S , TOMORROW. Silk Finish Melaneis , 19e , value SSc. The reading and the heading of this SPRING [ .ANNOUNCEMENT means a saving to you and your future pjftpronage to us. CJ CO "O COH o J 0 W CN CNP O P H-l O H-l PH H O H-l , O C/3 H-l E O CO COO o H U p Q W O N H ffiO S HH ffiU ffiH New Dress Fabrics. In our dress goods depart ment ( which is the largest and best lighted in the city ) you will find some of the biggest bargains ever offered over a dress goods counter. Mr. Falconer , who is now in the East , has shipped us the following goods , with instruc tions as under : "Sell these goods at a trifle above cost in order to advertise your department. It ought to keep you busy for a month , and will do you more good than printers' ink. " Accordingly we give you the prices you are the judge. 25 pieces genuine all wool novelty suitings , in snowflake , zigzag , diagonal , etc. This cloth is good , honest value at 850 , but you read our instruc tions , for this week , 580. 5.000 yards pure silk finish mohair , in new and desirable colorings of navygreenbronze , brown , amythist , etc. The reg ular price of these goods is 750 , you read our instructions , for this week , 39c. 4o-inch henrietta , in ail the new colorings of tan , brown , green , navy , etc. This cloth has never been sold for less than 450. You read our in struction , for this week , 290. A few special things where there is only a few pieces and won't last very long. New crepon weave , a very pretty effect and the great rage east , for this week $1.25. The new crepe stripemakes a handsome dress and is the latest novelty for this season ; for this week , $1.50. v The new bow knot twills , in navy , gray and tanare superb. This is 48 inches wide and has the bow knot embroidered in .contrasting colors , for this week , $1.75. The new weaves , such as the Cossague , Atalanta , Colum bine , diagonal , fantaisse , etc. ; the largest range of designs in this city. Our regular price is $1.50 , but for this week , $1.26. We would ask ladies who are interested in this great sale to come as early in the day as possible , when we shall be pleased to show them through our immense stock of new spring dress goods. Embroidery Dep't. 3,000 yards embroidery , i inch to 2 inch , at 50. 3,000 yards embroidery , i yz inch to 3J inch , at 7 c. 3,000 yards embroidery , 2 inch to 5 inch , uc. 3,000 yards embroidery , 2 inch to 9 inch , at 130. The above embroideries are quoted at just one-fourth their value , having been bought at a recent forced sale of an im porter's stock. Lace Department. We are pleased to an nounce the arrival of a second lot of real Point de Paris laces , 8c , roc , i2c , 170 , zoc and 250 yard. Real Point Gene , 6 to 12 in , wide , 40 to 900 yard. Black Chantilly laces , 150 , 2oc , 250 , 330 and 4oc. Black Chantilly Demi- Flouning 380 , 450 , 550,650 and 850 yard. Black Dress Goods. Specials for this week re quire no comment. Read the following list carefully : Black English Cashmere , ,42 inch and a thoroughly good black , at 390. All wool French Camelette , 38 inch , and sold everywhere at 750 , we want you to visit our store this week , here is the price , sSc. All wool French Serge , 48 inches wide and warranted best dye ; there is no better cloth sold for $1.25 , but we want your trade , here is the price , gSc. New Landsdown or Sub lime cloth , a new fabric and deserving of the big demand there is for it , we have just opened a new line at $1.50 and $ i.7s per yard. Bedford Cord is still in de mand and we offer you rare value in a 40 inch cloth , the market value of which is $1.25 , as an incentive to pay us a visit , for this week 95c. Do not delay , thinking you can get these bargains at any time , as you cannot , they won't last any time at the prices wo have quoted. Silk Department. 24 inch Habutai Silk , in white , cream or black , regu lar 950 quality , at 750. i 27 inch Black Habutai , with colored figures , that was bought to sell * for $1.35 , for one day only at $ i. A few pieces of black India Silk , with colored figures , that has been sold at 85c , to close out the lot we offer them 'for 68c. 24 inch Plain Black Grena dine , ouri quality as a leader for Monday only 750. 50 pieces natural color Pongee gee Silk , considered cheap at 5oc , for Monday only 37 c. Wash Goods. 2 cases Dress Ginghams , value i2j c , on sale Monday at 50. 3 cases new Challies at SG , worth We have made a most for tunate purchase from the Gil bert Manufacturing Company of the popular wash fabric known as Silk Finish Melaneis. The entire production of these mills was bought by Mr. Fal coner at 500 on the dollar. They have always sold at 350 , but we place them , on sale Monday at 190. New printed Bedford Cords , value rSc. New Pine Apple Tissue , # C. New Outing Flannel , 120. New Percales , 12 Ask to see our French Ba tistes and silk stripe Ging hams. JKJJ Linen Department. Below is a few of the leaders we will offer for Monday. 10 dozen 3-4 Bleachcd-Nap- kins at $2. reduced from $3. 10 dozen 3-4 Bleached Nap kins at $3 , reduced from $4.25. 50 dozen hemstitched Muck Towels , at 250. A good assortment of those stamped Linens , left. 13ig- bargains in remnants of Table Damask. Big bargains in remnants of Table Crash. i case yard wide Bleached Muslin at 7/iC yard , very heavy. i case yard wide half bleach ed Muslin at Sl/tc , worth loc. White Goods. . Dept. New novelties constantly ar riving1. Plaid Lawn at roc , worth I5C Plaid Lawn at i2/c ] , worth 2OC. Plaid lawn at i6c , worth 250 , See our printed Dimities. See our printed Swiss. See our sideband printed Persian Lawn. A full line of colored Cheese Cloth , fine quality , at 8 Ac. Flannel Dept.Ji Our Spring l nnels have arrived. < " We call thej , attention of ladies to our line of Embroid ered Flannels , ul table for skirts , in hemstitched , polka dots and all the newest de signs in white 4ii $ ' .colored at popular prices , r " > Also a fine Ijne * of Outing Flannels in cotton and wool , and silk and wool for waists and Gents' Negligee Shirts , from 250 to 75c. A French Wool Suiting at 2QC , regular price 400 , in stripes , plaids and checkslight or dark ; very suitable for child ren's dresses. A great bar gain. Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear Dept. Our spring stock of import ed Hosiery and Underwear is now ail in and opens up much better than any season hereto fore. . It consists of all the best makes of English , French and German Hosiery , and is far superior in stock and style than we have ever shown. For 2.ic we are offering a very fine 40 gauge cotton stock ing "Onyx Dye , " guaranteed absolutely stainless ; the qual ity that is usually sold at 350 to 4oc. For 350 we show a heavier and finer grade of fine Mace cotton that is excellent value , 3 pairs for $ i. For soc we are showing an extra fine even thread that beats anything jn the market for the money. See them. Special price on half dozen quantity. For 750 , 850 aitf | $ i we are showing a large 'l/J / p of ribbed and plain top , ingJiajn dye lisle thread , and * fnveJwSea Island Cotton Hose , coloV1 and satis- , r ' W4tA faction guarante cL.j ' A large variety otisolid opera colors and blacllnboot , colors guaranteed , at . . figE" ' .ivvom Fine drop stitplij ngram cot ton at 300 ; boughti. to sell at SQC. See them.10 Ol Ladies' New Spring Wraps. Ladies' reefer and top coats , made of all new and desirable material , at $3.98 , § 4.50 , $5 , $6.50 , $7.50 , $10 , $12.75 and $15. Ladies' capes , made in the Very , latest styles , at $4.50 , $5-50 , $7.50 , $8 , $10 , $12 and $ i5. Ladies' military cape ulsters at $10 , $13.75 , $ ' 5i 516.50 , $18 and $20. ChildrenVspring jackets at $2 , $2.25 , $2.50 , $3 , $4. $4.65 , $5.5o and $5.75. Cloak Department , We have opened a full line of ladies' wash wrappers that we offer at special bargains Monday. Ladies' wrappers , made of fast colored prints , usually sold for $1.35 , Monday , 9QC each. Ladies' gingham wrappers , made in a very desirable style and usually sold at $2.25 , Monday , $1.50 each. We have also 4 or 5 other styles in wrappers made of percales , sateen or gingham , at iS ? , < > ° _ , < ; _ ' > . - ' > < ' J , JPJ < " , frj./Jl " > worth up to $5. New spring shawls just re- received ; note prices. All advertised shawls are full size , 72x72. Plaid shawls at $2.18 , worth $3-25. . Plaid shawls at $3.12 , worth $5.00 , Plaid shawls at $3.79 , worth $5-50. Plaid shawls at $4.15 , worth $6.00. Plaid shawls at $4.68 , worth $6.50. Plaid shawls at $5.98 , worth $7-50. Umbrellas. Imported gloria umbrellas , natural wood stick , 24 inches and 26 inches , $ i. 15 and $1.25. Majestic silk , 26 inches , acasia wood sticks , $2.15. Umbria silk , guaranteed , natural wood sticks , 26 inches , $3-oo. Puritan silk , guaranteed , fine wood sticks , 26 inches , $4. $4.50 and $5. Upholstery Dept. Plain chenille portiereswith ) double knotted fringe at top j nine inches long , and 4-inch fringe at bottom , in all colors , at $5 pair. Full width Irish point cur tains , si yards long , very ef fective and good quality , at $4.50 per pair. Crushed plush , 24 inches wide , in all colors , at $ i yard. New line figured China silks , 75c and $ i a yard. Underwear. Heavy ribbed Balbriggan Vests , good wearing and good for this season's wear , at 500 , pants to match. Low neck , sleeveless vests , with tape in neck and sleeve , for i5c. Fine grade ribbed cctton , silk tape , for 250. A leader for the money. Extra fine quality of Swiss cotton and lisle thread at 300 , 400 and 500. Excellent value , Boys' heavy cotton Onyx dye , all sixes , from 6 to 9 , at 25c , colors guaranteed. Men's Furnishing Dept Neckwear. We have always shown a good line of neckwear in all the different styles and prices , But this is the season our line is far ahead of "any previous season. For 500 we can show everything that is made in the very latest style of silks. A look at our line will con vince you. Handkerchiefs- Fine French cambric col- 01 ed bordered handkerchiefs at i2j c each. Fine white cambric hand kerchiefs , tape edge or hem stitched border for i6 < ic , extra value. A large line of stylish col ored bordered linen handker chiefs at i6'jC. ] Plain white linen , all grades , 25c , 35C. 5 ° c to Si- ' Special prices on half dozen quantity. Hosiery. We are showing for 250 a fine gauge onyx dye half hose that is far superior to any we have -heretofore shown. Finer grades at 350 , 5oc and 75c , see them. Heavy Oxford mixed half hose at i2 c. White Shirts. Just put in a new line of white shirts , at SOG , 75c and $1.00. For 500 we can give you the best shirt ever made for the money. For 750 and $ i the ones we will offer you are unsurpassed anywhere. Among the brands are the celebrated "Gold" and "Silver" at 750 and $ i. Negligee Shirts. We have opened our spring line of Negligee Shirts , it com prises outing flannels , madras , cheviots and madras cloth , at 5oc , 75c , $ i , $1.25 , $1.50 to $3.50 each. Special A heavy cotton and wool shirt in medium and dark colors , for spring wear , at Si and $1.50. Its equal has never been shown. Underwear. A heavy six thread Balbriggan - gan shirt , for spring wear , at 75d in blue and gray colors , nicely trimmed and an excel lent wearer for the money. Light weight merino and all wool underwear , all colors , at $1.25 and $1.50. Splendid value. Muslin Underwear. Ladies' muslin gowns at 690. Ladies' muslin gowns at Ladies' muslin gowns at $ i and up. Muslin drawers , a special bargain at 750. Corset covers at 250. Misses' corsets and War ner's waists at 25c. Ladies' nursing corsets at a special bargain. H ffi ffiw o o H HH o n o r tn o tno V * < o LH o H O OO OO U en r a w INO o Mail Orders receive prompt attention , satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. French Sateens , 19e , value SBe. . ' " ' " 'C N. B. FALCONER , -1505-7-9 Douglas Street