THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MARCH 12 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. RESULT OF FALSE ECONOMY Hastings' Pcderal Building Must Be Con structed on Limited Capital , DEMOCRATS ADHERE TO THE POLICY They llnpp to Srcnro C'rnllt Far AVIsn I.OR | . latlon by Cutting Down Norrssary Appropriation * HowTlicy Will Ho WASIIIXOTOSBuitnic orTnr. Br.r : , B13 FouiiTKBNTit STIIF.BT , WABIJISOTOX , 1) ) . C , , March 11. Tbu house commlttco on publlo buildings has agreed to report the Hastings publlo building bill lit 100,000 , cutting down the ap propriation from $350,000 , as passed by the onnto. This result is somewhat discour aging to Congressman MoKelijhan , who had hoped for a larger sum oven from a ohooso paring democratic congress on the verge ot n presidential campaign. The bill came within an ncoot passing last year at $75U3J under republican auspices , It will probably pas * this year if looked after , a It goes to Iho tot ) of the calendar when publlo building bills are considered. The delay In reporting the bill M duo to nn attempt of the democrats to cut off nil now building appro priations. It was not until last week that the committee decided that they would recommend the erection of any now government building * at the present aosilon. Now that HnUlngs comes out of the commlttoo with the earliest batch re ported , she can probably bo assured of n publlo building nt tbli congress , not nt all commensurate with the needs of a court city ot 10.00J inhabitants , but which , thanks to democratic parsimony , must bo adjusted to Iho sUe of the small soulod patriots who do not llvo In republican states and who propose to tnako the next presidential struggle on a platform of ohooso paring as a national Issue. Senator Paddock houo * that the appropria tion may bo increased if tbo bill cooi into conference nnd will tnako a hard fight to got the limit raised ns nigh as possible. It is noticeable that Congressman Item has probably not yet hoard of Norfolk's wbbos in the public building matter. DlNfHiHflltiK I'orttolllc'o MriiRiires. The general postolllco building bill which the senate has boon discussing for two days and which will bo the llrst meusuro of this character to pars the senate , had Its origin an tbo bill introduced in the forty-ninth con- Rress by Senator Paddock shortly after his Hrrlvafin Washington. This year the sen- Bto committee on publlo grounds and build ings , under the leadership of Senator Vest , reported a bill most of whoso provisions were taken bodily flora Senator Pad- dock's meusuro but which fixed a maximum cost for postofllco buildings nt $20,000 and limited ttio expenditures to towns xvhoro tbo postofllco receipts for three years previous had aggregated $9,000 , 'or $1,000 annually. Senator Paddock's bill , with whlcn ho yesterday antagonized the Vest bill , started with the minimum class placing the appro priation for this class ut $10,000 and rising in the scale ot appropriation to the gross annual receipts for three years preceding without other limit us to the cost of the building to bo constructed. Senator Vest , to save bis committee bill , modtllod It by raising tha limit of expenditure from $20UOO to $90,000 and Senator Paddock sig nifying his acquiescence In the change his substitute bill was voted down by a small majority. Senator Paddock professes himself sail fled that' the committee bid , it it becomes n law , will accomplish about tbo same results ' as bis original measure , whoso lines it so closely follows. The limit of $90,000 will cover nearly all the postofllcos , which have not already boon provided for by special act. Senator Paddock introduced tbo first bill'of this nature In congress and has strug gled for it each year since. It has boon ex tensively commented on and endorsed by the press , and the public fooling aroused in its favor is largely responsible for the possibll Jty of a kindred measure receiving the pros ! toatlal sanction at u reasonably early day. Prolmblo Army Transfers. The orders for tbo annual chances of sta tions ot troops In tbo army inay bo expected to issue very shortly. The general command ing tbo army and Uenorals Morritt and Miles have boon In consultation for several days past , and tbo result of their conference mav soon bo oxpoclod. There nro rumors that the Ninth cavalry and Second infantry now stationed in Nebraska will bo among tbo regiments changing station , It Is also bin tea In army circles that onu troop of tbo Ninth S , cavalry will bo sent to Fort Sheridan , near Chicago , and that Captain Dell's troop of tbo Seventh cavalry will soon take station at Fort Myor , near Washington. There has boon much competition among the various cavalry regiments for this last detail , which Is considered one of tbo most eligible In the army , owing to the social features and the absence of much unpleasant routine work. The expectation is that tbo JUnth will go aoutb and the Third and First cavalry cbatlgo stations , tbo Fifth cavnlrv also going further fcouth. lliiHluc.H * Method * Prouillril. A beautiful exemplification of the advan tage wblch business and common soiuo has ever government red tnpo comes to light today in tbo fallowing story : Negotiations nro in progress bowoon the Lower Brulo and Rosebud Indians as to tha proposed change of location of the Lower Brulo from the Koscbud agency whom they have livnd for years to the now reservation west of tbo Missouri river , near Pierre , which \vas sot apart for thorn by the act of March 3 , 1S90. The Brulos promptly doolmod tn irmlco the transfer and on Indian commission was sent last summer to either secure their ns cent to the removal or to make some other arrangement satisfactory to both the Brulos , and Uosobud Indians. After tbo expenditure of much lung power , several Interpreters anil $0,000 of money the commission failed to > rnako any terms with the Indians. When Senators Pottlgrew and Mandursou visited the Indian reservation last fall they sug gested that the Indians bo allowed to get to gether and makoan agreement among them selves. Tbo Indians agreed promptly and the commissioner of Indian affairs acquiesced In tbo suggestion. Tbo Indians bavo boon conferring together on tha subject at Hoiebud agency today. Senator Pottigrow was Informed by the Indian bureau tbat tbo Indians hail agreed upon a treaty which provides that tbo Brulos are to remain where they are , the lower Brulos agree to sell their new reserva tion near Pierre to tbo government to bo opened to settlers , tbo proceeds to go to ttio Koscbud Indians , tbo Uosobud Indians on the other bund are to cede to tbo lower Brutes a like number of acres south of the \Vblto river on tno Uosobud reservation. This agreement will open 500,000 acres of laud near Plorro lo settlement. Urging Iho rnymmit ofAVar Kxpunaos. Senator Mundonion's report on bis bill to reimburse Nobraiika for expenses Incurred - in assisting to suppress tha Sioux outbreak 0(1890-01 ( , appeared In print toaay. Itllwt calls attention to the characteristics of the Sioux , their war-like nature and their suvatro bravery and notes that in November , 1690 , rumors of danger were to numerous tbat a largo body of United Stutos troops were sent on the border ; tbut in December , IS'.K ) . u general Indian war was threatened uud the settlers on the Nebraska border lied to the towns. The report further recites tbat on January 2 , 1891 , the governor of Nebraska ordered the 'First brigade of Nebraska M a- , tiounl guards to the front and that tnoy promptly obeyed nnd wore ubly located in positions to guard ths Kottlouieuts , Senator Mandoraon incor porates ! portions of General Colby's and General Ylfqualn's reports showing the dU- position of the Nebraska tnlllUa and quotes General Mllon' letter to General Colby stat ing that "I fool that the state troops can now be withdrawn with safety. " Senator Mandornon says that it U plain that the Ne braska troops cut off ull bono of tbo 03capo of the Indians east of iho Black dills. Ho recommends an appropriation of $13,000 to ro imburso the state for lie expenditure. Bluit Ajiiwer for Their lEvcord. "Help ui , Casslus , or wo sink , " was the plaintive cry of tbo northern and eastern democrats to tbo autl-froo coinage republl. cans. And tbo republicans with hard hearted political sagastty declined to lift thoTracoys and Frert William * and Fitcbe * and sixty. .hroo other bourbon * nnd mugwumps out of ho democratic free coinage slough. So tno Uland lunacy Will bo debated nnd passed , will go over to the senate and there probably secure passage through the votes of the billionaire senators nnd will finally ship wreck on the rocm of a presidential vote , list as tno inflation bill split on tno roof of General Grant's hard common sense. The republican policy Is to lot the majority rule nnd to hold It afterwards to a strict accountability for Its record , sound money will bo the great Hsu a ot the next presidential campaign. That Is now perfectly apparent. The country will bo vtkcd to puss a verdict upon thu quotllon whether national credit and private business Interests are to bo sacrificed for the sane of making an unlimited government market fop the products of the sliver mines of the west. The Issue will resolve Itself into tbo proposi tion wbothor the people of the Unltod States propose to bind themselves In perpetuity to pay | 1 for 09 cents worth of metal to Incronso thoVroflts of the mine oxvnurs. Wo hoar mucn of the late educational campaigns on the tariff. It will provo to have boon n kin- dorgnrton compared lo the education which the next campaign willaffordupon the money question. The business Interests of thn country nro already aroused. They bavo made up their minds that they must face the Issue of u P03- slblv debased currency Just as they faced It la 1874 and they are preparing to throw per sonal political preference * to the winds in defense - fonso of "vhat they consider tbo commercial stability of the nation.Nothing Is surer than ttfan that not a sltiglo New England democrat can bo ro-oloctod if the democratic party in congress places Itself on record for the frco and unlimited coinage of the silver of the world. Anti-silver democrats declare openly that Now York state and a number of its congressmen will certainly bo burled in the ruins. The largo democratic trains of 181K ) In the cast will become republican ac cessions through the cry of an bonost dollar for nil bono t day's work. Mlsccllancoun. The postofllco department has again noti fied Senator Mandorson that It must decline to give Kcurnoy mounted mall carrier service for the outlying manufacturing plants ot the cltv. The department states that It has already exorcised toward Kearney the utmost limit of liberality consistent wttn the appropriations. Senator Paddooic was In forme J today by the general land ofllco that the executive proclamation declaring the lands of the Slssoton and Wnhpolon Indians subject to settlement and entry Is In course of prepar ation and would soon Issuo. . Citizens at , O'Neill , Nob. , have requested Sonalor Mnndorson to assist In securing for them n dally mall service to Dorsoy on the O'Nolll-RtvorsIdo route. Senator Mandor son has made recommendation accordingly. Tbo senator has also recommended the es tablishment of a postofilcc at Mcadvillo , Ivoya. Paha county , nnd tbo appointment of John Boyd as postmaster at the samo. In response to n letter to the commissioner of pensions recommending the establishment of an examining Hoard at.Ashland , Saunders county , Nob. , Senator Manderson received a reply suggesting the establishment of a full board at Wahoo. The secretary of the interior today afllrmcd the decision of tno commission of thu general land ofllco in tno ease of Elmer Ellsworth against Charles H. Chase , involving the val idity of the latlor's onlry under the home stead law to the southeast quarter of section 10 , town 37 north , range 89 west , O'Neill land district. Ho also dismissed the appeal of James Dar.ioll against Cccla J. Green In the contest for the northeast quarter of sec tion 01 , town 33 , range 21 , Valentino land district of Nebraska , thus confirming the title of Green to the homestead. Tno secretary of the interior today af firmed tbo Judgment of the commlssionor of tbo general land onico in favor of William Sturtcvant in the contest over bis timber culture entry In the McCook , Neb. , land dis trict. Ho also affirmed the amended decision of the land office in tno case of the Union Pacific ngainst William MclUnloy , whoso richt to purchasn iho southeast quarter of section nine , township seven , north range stxtv-ninn west , Denver land district , origin ally taken up within supposed railroad lim its , was assailed. His right to purchase the land under soctiou 5 , act of March 3. 1SS7 , Is affirmed. Mr. T. S. Clarkson , postmaster at Omaha , Is at tbo Ebbitt. Bartlett Richards of Chadron , Neb. , has loft for New York. P. S. H. Wcttrrn 1'ciiAloiiM. WASHINGTON- . C. , ( March 11. ( Special Telegram toTn : Bun. ] Tno following list of pensions granted is reported by TUB BBC and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original John C. Goodwin , George Thornburg , John Fraakonborgcr , William H. Francis , Michael Uunnigan. Ad ditional Lewis Craig , Samuel D. Love , Hiram Dolong , Joseph Pitts , Francis M. Parmenter. Additional John Grndy. Sup- plomonlal Jacoo Hoartor. Increase John Bauman. Original widows , etc. Minor of John A. Kite. Iowa : Original Oscar C. BIckford , Ben jamin R. Franlclln. George Fosgato , William Alspaugh , John F. Alutcr , John Thomas , John Hamilton. Additional Francis A. Par- rott , Edward F. Harter , Andrew Decker , Wilson Keen , John W. Remand , Rodloy R. Coatos. Restoration and reissue JacKson Baker , deceased. Renewal and increase- Lewis C. Mclntyre. Increase Cornelius Nichols. Reissue John P. MoKlssIck , Charles E. S. Cooper , Thomas McClure , Charles G. Brooks. Reissue and increase Joseph L. Canol. Original widows , etc. Sylvia Kellogg , mother. South Daicota : Original Invalid Gilbert A. Jordan , William Reiser. Additional- Martin A. Buttorfiold , Garrelt Ratbbun. Increase Franklin Wilkor. Reissue and In crease Hugh A. MoDonala. A Wo wish to make a suggestion to parsons troubled with rheumatism. Try a few ap plications of Chamoorlaln's Pain Balm. If that does not bring relief , dampen a piece of flannel with the Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. The first application Ualmostsura to relieve the pain and by its continued use many severe cases have boon permanently cured. 50 cant bottles for sale by druggisis. Tlin Old "I'arinoM1 Home. " SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , March 0. To the Editor of THE HUB : It is with reluotanco I answer , or ask you for space to answer , tbo correction of the history of Farnatn street , by the person signing hlnnolf J. R. , but ho. soomlng so vindictive nndjsuroly incorrect In his last romarlu , I cannot lot It pass without telling him I was correct and meant only Kindness. It the history bad boon written to cover an earlier date than twonty-flveor twenty-eight yours ago , ho , no doabt , would bo correct In tbo first part of bis correction , and my llrjt article would noyor have boon written. My father was the last landlord the Farm ers' ' Homo bad wbilo It stood on the corner of Thirteenth and Fariiam streets about that lime , and our name being so unfamiliar , I supposed it to bo simply a mistake in the name not the deed. Now , J. R. , you may bo correct In your his tory prior to the time the his tory of Farnatn street was intended to repre sent , but from the time John Godola took possession till the house was moved , I bog leave to dilTor. Tbo facts are those : John Godola kept In 1S57 to IS'iO u fruit and confectionery store In thu building next to tbo northwest corner of Farnam street , tbo corner than , us now , bolng owned by Charles Bolndorf. My father conducted his business so successfully that ho was able to purchase the Farmers' Homo and good will from William Furgoson ( or Fergos perhaps ) , on tuo south east corner of Thirteenth and Farnam streets , In tlmo to celebrate the birth of bis son Louis , which occurred July 4 , 16(11 ( , and did an extensive business till ho died at the lame place nearly three years latoraftor which tlmo tbo lot being bought by the lute Edward Crolgbton , the house was moved , and well do I roincmncr watching it as It slowly wended its way on rollers down Thirteenth street , carrying its name with U wtaoro U now stands behind the slto of the old Douglas house on Thirteenth street , be tween Harnoy and Howard streets , and used as Samuel Mott's fish market. I think , J. R. , If you search your memory further you will find the "Emmott Houso" a different structure , tbo history of which I have board but have no recollection , uonco can say nothing positively. That there may bo uo spirit of mallco In tbo few old settlers loft and that you knew taj 'father and lost sight of him , I kindly ask your name and would so enjoy going over the time whoa grass grew on Faraam street , with you. Respectfully , Mus. Joux O. CAIIHOI.I. , 723 North 24th st. , South Omaha , NOD. Dr. Blrnoy cures camera. BKK Mdjr ONLY A FEW HOURS TO LIVE Grim Death Has Sot His Mark on Judge Borgolt of Lincoln , HIS ASSASSIN TELLS OF MIS PASSION Warner Admits That Ho AVrnt to Ihn Cinirt Itooni tn Kill tlin .litilRO Ho WHS Nurtcil hy Liquor Talk of I.yncliliiB. L.IXCOLN , Nob. , March 11. [ Special to Tun BSE. ] Judge Borgoll is ho\fcrlng be tween II fo nna death , with the chances ngolnsi blm. At 3 o'clock thl nftornoon ono of the attending physicians stated tbnt his death was a question ot but a few bours , and this evening the statement was made that there was no upparont change , although It was believed that the wounded man would llvo until morning. One-bait ot the split bullet Is still tn the brain , lodging , it Is bo- llovcil , at the base of that organ. The right arm is paralyzed and all hopes of the ulti mate recovery of the victim are apparently gone. AftstiMlu Crnioil l > y I.lquor. Before Warner was formally Incarcerated In the county Jail ho was brought before Judge Lansing and questioned. Ho claimed to have been born in Cattaraugus county , Mew York , In 18U3 , and has two sons living In Toledo , O. Ho says bis right name Is Hugh Carroll , although ho has eono under tno nnrao of Warner for nearly a year , or slnco ho has been In Lincoln. Ho came bora from Kansas City , but for flvo years was at St. Paul , employed as a brakeman on the Manitoba road. When nslicd why ho shot the Judge ho replied that ho had a crazy lit on , and besides had taken several drinks of liquor. Ho said further that on the morning of the occurrcnco ho had maao up his mind to kill the Judge , fortified his nerve with liquor , but after ho bad gotten about throe foot Inside the door ho thought It was not right to do It and turned to go out. Just at that moment ho caught sight of the judge at his desk and a Hood of passion swept over his brain and ho rumomborcd nothing more until ho was bohlnd the bara. Threats of Lynching * The faot that there has never been a legal hanging in Lancaster county , coupled with the turtbor fact that in the last three mur ders committed hero In the past year , the Sbeody case , the Hutohlnson case and the Hayes case , not a man or woman was even convicted has created a sontiinont that the law is Incapable ot pun- ishlntr Its violators. Hence the talk of lynching Warner has gained ground. The Jail has boon guarded by halt a dozen men armed with Winchesters , but the sheriff ap- Dears to have grown more apprehensive , as it was reported thu afternoon that the mur derer had been taken to the penitentiary for safe hooping. Several Complaints from Ilulo. The citizens of the town of Uulo , Nob. , have maao a number of complaints to tbo State Boai'd of Transportation against the B. M. company. The principal ono is that when the road was constructed through tbo town a deep excavation was made across Commercial street by reason of which that street is completely obstructed , greatly to the detriment of the traveling public and to tno great incouvonionco of the people living along said street. Complaint is also made that In erecting its depot , real sheds , water tank , eta , the company used certain streets and alloys without the consent of the village authorities. The matter was at ono time In vestigated by the board and the company ordered to opec and maintain another street in lieu of the privilege of occupying the streets and alloys refoircd to. The company has neglected to comply with the former rulings of the board in all particulars and hence the complaint. Meeting of the Military Hoard. The Military board has been in session for the past two days , and an attempt has been made to unravel the entanglement in which the affairs of the adjutant general's ofllco have become involved. In view of the mat ter of the examination of General Colo's ac counts , the board found it impossible , by reason ot the lack of time and owing to the imperfect manner in which tbo books wora kept , to satisfactorily audio the accounts and expenditures of the ofllco and prepare a statement showing the exact condition of the finances. It was decided toomploy an expert accountant to axamlno the books , chocks and vouchers , and multo u statement showing the exact condition of affairs at as early a date as practicable. Gosalp at the State House. Ex-Govornor Dawos transacted legal busi ness at the capital this morning' . The Bureau of Industrial Statistics has entered upon the work of gathering Informa tion in regard to the cost of raising corn 1n tno state of Nebraska. To this and blanks will bo sent to a largo number of farmers in every county of the state , asking for information mation on the subject. The Farmers State bank of Kustls , Nob. , was Incorporated today. The ontcial bond of Prank K. Mornssoy , private secretary to the governor , was tiled with the secretary of state today. G. M , Hitehooclt , J. H. Hungnto and G. E. Prltchett are named as sureties. Dr. U. H. Livingston. Jr. , of Plattsmouth was today appointed first physician at the asylum for the incurable insane at Hastings , vice W. B. Kearnos romovod. Mrs , ICato Wlrts was this afternoon ap pointed matron at the insane hospital at Nor folk. folk.D. D. Johnson , superintendent of the Hastings asylum for the Insane , called on tbo gov ernor this afternoon. Messrs. Koont/ and Johnson , secretaries ot the State Board of Transportation , wont to Omaha today on business connected with the grain inspection department. No especial significance is attached to the visit. Secretary Dilworth of tbo State Board of Transportation , wont to Hastings today. The case of the Missouri Pacific Railroad company against Oswald Baler , administra tor of the estate ol Katharine Baler" de ceased , was tiled In the supremo-court today. In the lower court Baler xvas accorded n ver dict ot $ . > ,000 , damages for the death of bis wlfo , which was caused , as bo alleged , by the carelessness of tlu railroad company. The case comes to tbo supreme court on an error. In District Court. Tbo Missouri Pacific finally won the null brought against It by Gottlieb Wolnnlnger for { 10,009 for Injuries sustained in a run away caused by an ongluo of the company. On the first trial ot tun case Gottlieb got "a vordlct for $1)11.1" ) and the company ap pealed. Before tbo case was reached in supreme premo cojrt , however , the company secured a rehearing on a showing that there had boon perjury'committed by a half dozen wit nesses and attorneys. The case came up' for a retrial today and tbo company was given u verdict for costs , the plaintiff making a very weak showing. Judge TibuoUs tried the case of the state against C. O. Strickland. The defendant had boon robbed by his confidential man. Peter Jensen , of ! 00. Jensen was captured In Denver and brought bade for trial. Strickland , the complaining witness , came forward and gave bond Jor Jensen's appear ance. Peter skipped out and thh suit , was brought to recover on the forfeited recogniz ance. Strickland asuod for the leniency of the court on the ground that ho had gene on Jensen's bond after the follow , who hud boon a trusted and capable omplovo , had promised to do bettor. The matter was talten under advisement. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Is the bast of all remedies for children toothing. 23 cents a bottle. Dr. Blrnoy.nosoand. turoii , D K bldff kOU'fll 0.11.1///I. Won by thu Herman * . The Germans owned South Omaha and part of Sarpy county after 10 o'clock last night. The Gorman carpenters' tug-of-wor team defeated the Swedes after a hard foucht con test and were richer by nearly f 1,000 by their succcs * . The pull wai ono of tbo best ever aoou hero and Blum' * ball was well filled with the ud mlrors of tbo two teams. A largo number of ladies were present and seemed to enjoy the contest a well as their masculine friends. Hotting was lively nt'evon money , and both Swedes and Germans , were ready to stake their last dollar on Uiolr respective teams. Several bets of throd'flgurcs ' wcro made and the ontlro sum wrrgbrud on the result was nearly 1,000. T. The teams .took their places at S ) o'clock ana nt 0:07 : the pull Uegun. The Germans wcro honvlor than their opponents and oven bats on them began Loco begging. At first there was no visible' 'advantage for either team. At the end I6f twenty minutes the Germans had won a foot of the coveted dis tance. The rest came qnsicr and In Just half an hour they pulled ihd Swedes over the line and were declared tlio winners. Then the band playrd "Watch an , the Khlno" and tbo Gorman constituency In the audience went wild , The music changed to "Annlo Koonoy" at the vanquished Swears marched to their drowsing rooms defeated , but not disgraced. The victorious carpenters remained on the nlntform while Mesdamcs Utitrgp , Blum and Blorman decorated each of thorn with n hand some" bouqdot. Thau the millionco gnvo three cheers for1 the champions and wont homo. The Gorman carpenters' team Is const ! ' luted as follows ; J. Kggors , captain ; B. Blum , anchor ; John Bupgo , John Aliatz , Fred Hnssi Jacob Wolss , Charles Molchlor , Herman wclsa , Ben Mler and Henry \Vnltr. T.udloi llnte n Lodge. The Institution of a ledge ot Hoyal Neigh bors In connection with the local Modnrn Woodman was an on joy a bio social event as well as n business meeting. The lodge was Instituted by Mrs. O.V. . Eastman , grand supreme oraclo. assisted by the degree staff and Mrs. J. E. Van Glider , supreme deputy. Refreshments were served after the order of business was finished. The following people from out of town were present : Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Swanson , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bolknnp , Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carothere , Mr. and Mrs. E. Mottz , Mr. and Mrs. S. Pblobert , Mr. and Mrs. H. O. BubliU. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams of Council Bluffs , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Eastman , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Glldor , Mr. and Mrs. A. Hold. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Thornton , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cady , Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Robinson , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Glldor. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt , and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kemp of Omaha. The supreme oracle and supreme deputy will bo hero to Install ofllcors next Thursday afternoon. Will Jtoot Them Out. The police made a raid on the notorious re sort opposite the Union Pacific depot on Twenty-seventh street yesterday afternoon and arrested six women who were inmates. They were each fined $3 and costs for vag rancy and given twenty-four hours to pay the fine. This is the bediming of a crusade which Captain O'Hara says will continue until the dive is closed for good. The resort Is over the saloon kept by John Dlngman In the building next to the Christian church. It was broken up some time ago and opened again this week. Tbo people who llvo in tint vlclnitv , as well as tbo mem bars of the Christian church , are highly indignant over the existence of a place of that character under the shadow of the church splro , and are Highly gratified with the action of tbo police. Tbo place will be raided again today unless the Inmates leave town. Debaters. The First Ward D/ppcratio club mot nt Pivonka's hall last iplgtit. An oxocutlve committee was appajntjod , consisting of B. F. Nitchio , James jPiyonka , J. J. Brcon , Robert Parks and J. Krittonbrink. The school board was criticised by several speakers and E. B. Towle , M. O'Donnoll , Joseph Kopotz , DanplDonovan ( and James Fleming were appointed ns a committee to ascertain bow many1niomoers should consti tute tbo Board of Education and report at the next meeting. c > > i > This question is injdispute between Mr. Edgerton , the attorneypf , the school board , and State Superintendent , Lovo. Mr. Edgorton says that s4k' members should con stitute tbo board. wbtfQ Mr. Love contends that nine members aro'requirod. I'ccullur and Painful Accident. N , Johnson of.the'South Omaha Transfer company .was tho/viotim / of' aipeoullar ac cident jestordny afternoon. Ho was riding up the hill nt Twenty-third and U streets on a load of furniture and in some manner fell off the wagon. His foot caught between the foot braknand tbo wagon box and ho struck head firstop the pavement. His bodv foil under the wheels and the heavy load had nearly passed over him before tbo driver could flop the team. Mr. Johnson was taken to bis homo at Twonty-flf th and M streets and a physician called. Ho was Injured internally in ad dition to some severe bruises , but his friends hope that his injuries will not provo serious. Will Kxhlblt Ueloarto. The young people of the Presbyterian church are arranging fora Dolsartlan enter tainment , to bo given at the church Tuesday evening , March 22. The entertainment will bo given by fifteen young ladies of the church under tbo management of Misses Kctcbum and Alien of the Omaha Conservatory of Music. The affair will be the first of the kind over soon la this ' , city and the personnel of the participants' Is1 a sufficient guarantee of Its excellence. Clcarinakerg' Odlcerg. The following ofllcors huvo boon elected by Cigarmakors union No. 07 of this city : President , A. T. "Spooht ; vice president , Joseph Kramollscb ; financial and corresponding spending secrotnry , C. Christiansen ; re corder , Edward Elstor ; treasurer , S. D. Roy or ; trustees , Joseph Kramoiisob , Ed ward Elstor and William F. Moyor. No ten anil ] 'or onaln. E. W. Crosby of Plorro , S. D. , is the tuost of Prod Nltchol. J. C. Bowo of Kansas City is the guest of A. B. Kotchum. C. B. Reynolds of Raymond , Neb. , was In the city yesterday. D. L. McGuckon , who has bcon sorlouslj 111 for some weeks , was out again yesterday. H. G. Martin was fined $ ) and costs in po lice court yesterday for disturbing tbo peace. Mrs. H. B. Fisher entertained a party of friends at tier homo , 3307 L atroot , Thursday evening. H. P. Chossloy and James V. Mahonoy"of the Sioux City Block yards were visitors "at the yards today. - The trial of M. J. Holllstor nnd Attorney Makepeace for disturbing tbo peace i.v on Judge King's docket today. Messrs , Van Buron , Aultman , Rico and Allison and Miss Allco Grlfilth represented South Omaha ledge at the district conven tion of Good Templars in Omaha Thursday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs , C. . .A. Darling of Lyons , Neb. . Fred Slade of .Qjtjialoosn , la. , and Miss Bartholemo , ot Valparaiso , Ind. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. f.P. Cornish at Twenty , second and L streets'.1 ' U , A. Mallory nnd'J ? ' ! ' . Pierce of the Llvo Stook Exchange of .Chicago were looking FlavMn NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. - " Of perfect purity. UmonI - or great strensth. Almond Z [ Eoonomy'nthelrusa ' Rose OtCrl Flavor as delicately and deUoloualy as the fresh fruit. j i | j over the vnrds yesterday. Both Kcntlcmpn expressed the opinion ihnt South Onmhn would ultimately provo n rival for ChlcnRO. ttcobivo lodfjo No. 103 ot the Masonic onlor will moot Saturday nlcnt to ronsldor the idon of orpanlnntf nn Eastern Star loilR" . Ibo order of the Hustoni Star Is the women's auxiliary of the Masonic order , and all wives of Master Mnsons are eligible for mombor- nhlp.Tbo Tbo snoait tlilovoi who have successfully pursued tbolr vocation In boutti Omaha alt xvlntor mnilo another haul Thuwday night. P. J. Pcrjons was up to that tlmo the owner ot n line collection of poultry , but when ho wont out to feed thorn yesterday morning ho only found ono bantam hon. Charles Cutnrnltics of the Fourth wnra has boon iirroMtcd by Sheriff Dennett and com mitted to Jail. UummlnRs was convicted of ombozzlomnnt n vcar are In the police court In this city. Uo appealed to tbo district court , where the verdict of the lower court was sustained. Ho then appealed to tbo supreme - promo couit and was released under bonds. Ho has failed to illo his transcript In iho supreme premo court in tbo specified time , hotico his nrrost. . ' Thomas Kearns came to the police station yostordov and swore out n warrant for the orrostof Donnls McGulro nnd n man named Kelly for disturbing tbo peace. Koirns Kavo n party Thursday nlfjbt nt his residence nt Twenty-eighth and Q streets. About mid night , according to his story , McUulro nnd Kelly came In and began to ralso n disturb' nn co. Ho ordered thorn out , when they seized Mrs. ICoarns and anolhor lady , who stood near , by the nnklos and dragged tbom down n flight of stairs. LuAvr.xwoitTii , 1C , Juno 1C , ' 00. Dr. J. U. Moore : Mv Dear Sir 1 have been subject to sick headache all my llfo. Over two years ago I began using "Mooro's Tree of Life" for it and never had a case of sick headache since , except when the medicine was nt ono end of tbo road and I at the other. It Is worth moro than money to mo. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers of sick headache. Very truly yours , \V" . B. Ln.n. Pastor First Baptist Church , For sale by all druggists. Jiir.r.Kl ) * IXJ ) A.TK A Ca.VMli.lf. Horrifying Story Which Conies from the AVIIiU of Old Mexico. CnmuAiitu , Mexico , March 11. Among the Indians to the west of this place the be lief in witchcraft is general and for a num ber of yours an old woman has hold the In dians in that locality In great fear by her al leged powers over hfo mid doatb , und was no- cusod of oatlng young children. When the woman was known to bo away from horhumo a party of men wont there and found horri ble evidences that she had indulged In meals of children's llosh. There wcro not only the bones to bo seen , but n partly eaten child was also found. When pho returned she was burned at tbo staUo and the people ate small particles of her body tn order to keep off any evils that might befall them for Killing her. Mr. DariusVutorhouso , Chattanooga , Tonn.savs : "It costs but , little to try Brndv- crotino , and a trial is all tbut U necessary to convince tbo doubting thousands that it will euro headache. " IRELAND It ILL HE The Archbishop ot St. 1'uul to Wear the Itod lint. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 11. Rev. Father Hoffcron , who has charge of Catholic affairs during tbo absence of Archbishop Ireland , has at last received definite advices from the Holy city that the archbishop Is to bo made second cardinal for iho United States and the ceremony of conlorrinp too rod hat will occur in-Romo during the latter part of this moiwtb , NEW YOKK , March 11. Archbishop Uorri- gan received an ofllcial letter this morning from Homo announcing tbo appointment of Mor.solgnour McDonnell a * olsbop ot Brook lyn. lyn.IT IT you bavo a cough don't delay. It is dangerous. Plso's ( Jura for Consumption will euro you. Guaranteed. All druggists. ! 35o. Connecticut Dmnocrutx I'uvor Cleveland. NEW HAVRX , Conn. , March 11. The poll of representative democrats of Connoctlr.ut , conducted by the News of this city , continues to show a sontlment in favor of Cleveland. Over 83 per cent of those replying name Cleveland as their choice , while only 10 per cent name Hill. Only about half of the outspoken Cleveland ad vacates have a second choice , Palmer leadme heavily with those who nnmo a second. Tbo name of Boies for vice president Is oftcnest coupled with Cleveland. Tbo sentiment on the Issues is practically unanimous In favor of pushing tariff reform and radically opposed to the Bland silver legislation. WimlliiR Up the Gurzn Revolution. SAX ANTONIO , Tex. , March 11. The United States marshal has arrived hero with eight prisoners , Mexicans arrested on com plaint of Captain Bourke , who charges them with violation of tbo United States neutrality laws. The marshal assorts that nearly all tbo principal followers of Oiarza. including the leader himself , will probably bo under arrest within the next tow days. . Geaslor's Magic Headache Wafers cures all hoadachos'in 20 minutes. At all druggists Philadelphia's I'r ] H > 4 d XIMV Depot. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 11 , Arrange ments bavo been completed by the ofllcers of the Philadelphia & Heading railroad for a great passenger depot at Twelfth and Market streets. In external appearance the struct ure , which will bo eight stories high , nnd will resemble sn opera house or totnplo of amuse ment moro than the terminus of n railroad. DKAT1IH. Kottcu of fife lines or lattwulerthtt lu < ulJlftu cents : cadi ailitltlmial line ten centi. GUANAOHER Joseph. F.k'Ot ! M vimra. nt Ilia home , 18J4 Hurt Htiuut , March H , : it 0l ; p. in , Funeral notice later. JACOBS OR V * THE BKST. * 44 Rheumatism. Neuralgia. N. Ogdcn , Mlcli. . llogewlown.Md. , May 17,1800 , April . 21,1890. " "A half lioltlo of " your Invaluable "I.nud otliersofmy incillclne , St. Jacobs family , Imvo used St. OH , cured moof rbeu- Jacobs Oil for neu- inntfsm "nil rlioii- - imitlo swelling ortlie rulgla and found It kiiuo. Histliolicstln a speedy , effective tlio unlrerko. " cure. " J , M , It. I'oitTXit. Mil * . AGNES KELLEV. IT HAS NO EQUAL. 11 "LADIES' PIMCT" SYRINQE. The Only 1'erffct VaKlunl nnd llvctal hrliiho In Dm world. la Ilio onlr nyrlnKo over In. rented liy whlcli MiKlnnl In jiTllun * ran ho admlnlitered without luakliiK and nolllnx Ihe clotlitnK or neeo'.lutln1/ tlio u o of n vuuul , nnd which ciin al-o ba uiuil for rectal Injoclloiu or Irrita tion , BHT IltlllllKH. 11111,11 1IAIIK UtJIIlllSli 11KI.U * . Il'K , tH.H > . Moll ordur < "elicited The Aloe & Penfold Co titreet , to J'ttHtHffloe. Phydclani' pro crlptltin < carefully prepared at low price * Dr , Ballsy , 3 The Leading' Dentist Third FloaPixton , 10S3. Kitli anil r\mmi Stt A full tut of teeth on rutibar for IV I'.irfoctlt , Teeth without iilutui or roaiornlilB lirllii ) wort , ju t tlio thliu lor < ln < or or publlo ipoUorj , u fj. ' Orononn. | | TEEIH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN , AllllllluKt at roiiun blu ratui , * tl worltwarrautod Cat Iliii out ( or 4 itulilu. A Commercial Traveller. CKtiAn lUrin * , ! A , , JalySOth , 1SOI.-I hi c sntTcrcil Intensely fern nntnber of JTIUS with cMnrrh of tlio stomach Mid liiflnm- mntlonof the bladder nliJ after being Inert- picltatcd for bn lnc s by nn nctito attack of ncn oils prostration which almost threat ened my rcnjon nnd not recoiling any lieneflt from my physician , I w Induced to go to Kxcclslor Spring * , Mo. 1 ( pent n month drinking tlio Sulplio-Sullno anil Fcrro-Mnngancso waters with ttio > cry prompt rcsnlt of what I bcllevo lo bo ft perfect cnro of all my ailments. At any rate I nm now free from all pain anil dli tre ? , my appetite and digestion conld not bo better anil myMrenglh Is fnllyrestored. I cannot siy too much regarding my con victions as to the wonderful healing prop erties of the waters. Yours truly , 11 , T. .Tr.ivru , With Wltwcr nro ? . , Wholesale Grocers. 37 > e icattn are botllttl only by lfi Eictl- ttor Springt Company at Excelsior Springs piiiet. Missouri jchardson Drug Co , , Agis , , Omaha. N h A Wrllloii ( Juarnnteo SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Casojor Money Refunded. Our euro Mpermnnont nn limit puyilnr in. till ) ) untcicl ocvi'ii jcur.iiwn Imvo norrr on.i n srmptn-u olnco. lly iloscrlblniicnsu fully vr ran IroM you tir ) mall , unit wo Rive the same stronit Rnarntitco to euro orrefunil oil monojr. These who prefer to come lioro fortrentmentcniulo sonntl wo will pny nillronil fnro tioth wnyaniul hotel bllhwhUo here It wo full to CUM Wr Clmllrngo tlio World for it rnso Hint our MAflIC limiEDV will not euro. Wrlto for imrtlcu'aM nJ KCttliocTldpnoo. In our aovon yoirs' praotlco wltU thlsMACHC UKMKDV U hiu boon molt dimault t } overcome the prejudice nalint nociUol spjollli Dutunder our strong cunm'iloo tlmimui Ji nro trjliu Itand being euro I. Wo uunrantoo to euro or ref ,111 1 everydollur , nn I inTO havn H rj ; > UV.1 > 1 t ) prjtoa nlaoflnnnclixl backing of $3MOJU It l ยง porfoctlr oaf o to allnho will try thotrentmunt , Hcrjtofo-ojou Imvj been initUnRup nnl imylirj outyour inunor forillilB ? cnt treatments , nnd nlthouitu you nro not yet euro I no ono tins pnld bnck your money. Wo will iioalllvotr euro you. Old chronic , ilcop soatoJ ai at curol In II to OJ ilHj-s. Investlnnto our llnnnclitl ntnnlliu , our reputation ns business men. Wrlto us for names nnd addresses of tho'o wo hnve cured who hnro Klvon permission to refer to thirn. It com you only poU- Ago to do thli. If your symptoms nro tyra throat , mucous patches In mouth , rhuunmtls u In bonoa mil Joint' , hair falling out , eruptions on nnjr part of tin body , feclhiK of KenerM tloprof Ion , pitm : In hcnil or Dones. You have no tlmo to waitu. These who nrj constantly taking morojry niJ potusii shoutldlsoon ttnuo It. Constant use of thcso driiKs will surely bring rorcs nnd cutltiK ulcers In thocnl. Don't full to writo. All correspondence sent HOKleJ tn plnli envelope * Wolnvlto tlio most rlxld Investigation und will do all n our power lo nt t you In It. Addrosi OOOE REMEDY i 0. , - Omatn , Nebrarta. MAGIC CURE BOO fora case of Lovr or I''AIM Nil MAN HOOD , Ooncrul or NKIIVOUS DnitMrr , wcalt- nossot body or mind , tlio olTootsntorroriorux- ccssosln elder yomixtliiitwocittinotcurQ. Wo snmr.mtee every case or ref nnd every dollar. Flvo tl.iystrial treatment Wl , full couraB 9)3. I'orcopttmo bonollts nnllrod In throe ( lays. By nmll , socurcly pick-oil from observation. COOK UEMKUV Co. . UMAHA. NEII LADIES ONLY MA RIP I'KUAi.K m : < ; ui-.vr < m. .safe and nlnUlu Certain to a day or tnnnoy rofiuidod. Ilr mall $ - ' . Socnroly aoalol from oburvu- tlou. COOK. UtiJl&UYCtt. , Omuua. Neb Babies are always happy when comfortable. They are comfortable when well. They are apt to be well when fat ; they worry and cry when thin. They ought to be fat ; their nature is to be fat. If your baby is thin , we have a book for you CARE FUL LIVING free. SCOTT & DOWNH , Chcmiils , 131 South 5th Avenue , New York. Your druggist keeps Scou's-Emulilon of cod-llver 11 all druggUts cverywhert do , ft. 4 HARD DRINKERS Buffering In mind , bod/and nur o from DRUNK- ENNKbSormi'rJOMANIAcniilio lurely. inrelr nnd ipecdlly cured by tbo wonderful nuw speclili CHLORBOGQLD ! No matter whether the person Is a modornto or "porlocllcnl" drinker or n ' total wreck , " CIII.U- IlIOGOI.l ) < le > troymillii | > i > rtlIc or craving for ulcahollc ntliuiilaiiti without Imrm or In convenience , nnd uniurcs the imllont nuw llfo and Impplnosa. lloliic li tele U can lie iclvun by Irlond In ten , cofTuii. lomonndo , bear , llquori , or food without tlio imtlont'a knowledge , or ft cun betaken taken liy tlio uutlcnt in the Bumo llqnldt. with a Kuarnntoo ofalmnlutoeuccess niul a i-ndlcul euro InolthPrrnnn. llundrniliiof euros have Dt'cn made with C'IIIOK1000I.J > In llllnolB nlono. I'rlro wltbln reach of nil. only . 31II.OUIUOUL1I cnu lie hnl of o > i r iiEruti or unit i > o lpiilU liy u > . rniuiililotxfurnlHlicdfreo. All corroniiondonco ttmtldonllal. JUAIIItIlunr. : > II < : AI.C > . , Hole rrojirlctors for tlio U. a. , 3M Dearborn Bt. , Calcngo FOR SAI.K IK OMAHA. NER. BV Knlin ft Co. , Co.r IMli ft DHURUH Pt . J .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. lllh ft ] ) ounlaa SU. A. I ) , Foetrr A Co. , Cuuucil Illuffi. In- NE BRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NEB Capital $100,000 urpiiu 00,51)0 ) OHIcoraand Director * Henry W. Yatoi , proildont It. C. Ciithlmr. vlcn praildunt. ( ' . ti. Mauilco , W , V Mono , John H. Coltlin , J. N. II. ratrlc * . Lirl A Hoed , Cannier , Tl-im IRON BANK. Corner 12th mill Farnam Bt ? . Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat SPECIALIST. Glnsses ncljUHtud to nil vUual Dofoot * C/'uturrli biiuuussfully trout nil , Room 18 , liarlicr Mock , I5tii and Faroam Wo tend III * Riarvolniii Xrench Itoinedy CALTHO6 fre < > . Hid a leeal cuarantJ that Ctniwt will KTIM * I xharct A Kmluloni , ClTltK XrM-nni > t rrli it. VHrlroral * knd 1IEHTUUK Ixitt Vlc r- Utt it and fay if tatitjird , Allrm , VON MOHL CO. , Bol. Amrrito I | U , , UUo. CURE 'YOURSELF ! ' . ilf your Druggist for i _ . bottle of llltf U. The only 1 neil poUonout retnudy for all tlio unnatural discharge ! and I private diti'Mti of uieu and tha debilitating Mcakncu peculiar I toujmen. . It curi In & few 1 days' without tbo nld or i publicity of n doctor 47A t'ntirrtal Amtriran Curt. Manufactured by CINCINNATI , O. u , a. A. * v FOUND AT- LAST Aflor Yours of Uu moos < ! sf\il So.iroh fir a Cure , Martin Anderson Qots Relief from the Chin330 Doctor A Volant rTjJt monlal. OMAHA , Nob. . .Tun. 18 , 1892. To whom It Mtiy Concern : This is to certify Unit. I linvo boon a coiistniit sulToror 101 * ninny VUUM wltlt cittnrrli , asthma and bronchial iilToc- lions of the throat , nnd tried nil the nntont inodluiuos and romoillos I ever lionrd of , but with no .success , t tionted with doctors in various parts of tlio country , hut none of them could do mo any good furtlior than ( jiving tno shor temporary rollof. I stilTorod niirht nn- day. and continued to grow worsu not withstanding nil the modtclno I hud tukun. I had almost given up my cnso as hopo'ioss when L was informed by a friend of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the Chlnuso doctor , and advised to go and see him in the hope of getting rollof at least , if not a permanent cure for my trouble. I wna slow in making up my mind to mttko atiuh a radical change in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese doc tor would bring mo , but I finally con cluded to glvo him a trial , so.,1 called at hisolnco with that intention. I lound the doctor a elovur , entertaining gentleman - man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and it took only a vary short tlmo to convince mo thai ho was the party I was so long in search of. lie told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro mo , and prepared mo a snoclal treatment to suit my condition , and in two weeks I was t-o much bettor that I had the fullest confidence in tlio doctor's ability and committed my case to hia treatment. I continued to grow bailer rapidly and am now entirely well. I ewe my euro to Dr. C Gco Wo , and tun not ashamed to admit , it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gee Wo. and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAHTIK L. ANDKIISON , ai21 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob. DK. C. OK 13 WO , Regular irrndiinloof Uhlnosu inocllplno. olzhl'Htudr , ton years' practice. Troivts suc cessfully nil diseases known to sulTorlng hu manity. Hoots , plants nnd herbs nature's roinoillos- hls medicine the world his wltnrss ; l.ujl ) tes timonials. Call and BCD him , Consnlt.Ulou froe. Ilasulso constantly on hand romodloi for thu following dlsuasot roudv prepared : Asthma , Catarrh , Ithonm.itlsiii , Indigestion , Lost Mimliouil. Femnlo Weakness. .SIok Ho ul < ache. Blood I'urltlor. nnd Kldny uiul Llvor. I'tlco , ono dollar pur bottle or six for flvo doN Inrs. Those who cannot call , enclose 2-conl Htnnip for question list anil full particular * . V.IHCO , Cor. 10th anl California Sts. . Oma'i To promote health , preserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious flavor , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of richest qual ity. Unlike inferior whiskies it will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach. Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. For sale only at high-class liquor and drticj stores. DAM/RMANH & CO. , CHICAGO. GOLD MEDAL , PABIB , 1873. W. BAKER &Co.'S Cocoa from which the excess of oil 1ms bcon removed , la Absolutely Pure and it. is Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in Its preparation. It hna more tlutn three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro economical , costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , EASILY DIGESTED , and admirably ndiipled for invalids as will as for persons in health. Sold by Orooors ovorywhoro. W , BAKER & CO. , Dorchester. Mass. GUITARS MANDOLINS The Marquette * Tno Lakeside. i jtfr * aM 4 ) > Kiiiur0 f T.W VinrV4l .l IlirUt t'X'fl < in ID The Arlo . , , ialM , IM Fully Mtrrantttt iof tbt lit tor Ui | TC | tltf world irTurdm. MT nuaoffcttur * til Ji comM > n it | * rU iud Bio Hi * t rfc t iniktre < m th Klol , | fjufM ) ot our Inilruiitrnt * now HI u . livid lij aU IrftdUy dralrrc. Griiuln * lnvt litiua 1'Oliitd on tlifl bull * l < rT > k nuutlitr l lllulratiKl | nuM | tnailed frcl. LYON A HEALY , 166 to 164 St.te St. , Chicago. f Oktchr.Ur' . K ll li nUv.urf Urljx. rENNWOJALflLLS r 4S \ Orlflii | l Had llnlVrrtHlno. . A. r . il j > rrli > u . uoic > , k , Dru irUt for ( * Al < A4 < ( r'a JfnaUa ( V \SllranJ \ lo lUil ml b'vU nmilll < \ ' > ] with tlM ribtioi. , Jttfutt Jtttgtreut I . JMlttif4tfM AlUrviKfill , r bd4a * "lullr'r ' fJr J > .Mitlt , " ! 'l < f'1cr'ri/r ' < lure Mllll. Ill "OH It'OUHl'uptr , Ball tjr > li txul l > iu ( Uu. nil fO INSTANT FIELIEF. fln.lcuro UIR I V ni iud j , i > il uuvor loiutut. Nu m IBiiMwlMjrK0.iio tlve.nogui > pukilt > iy but. /ort > r Milll iii ol > liupl rcnigdy Krw l 4 > l * lKAUU.,7 Ku i t > UK. y.U-