Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Committees Are Working Very Hard to
Make Satisfactory Arrangements.
Where to Holil the Srftilniu l Still a .Mooted
n Wlmt thii Street ItullHny
ipaiij-l'ronil cd I'ro jicct-
Ing for Coul ,
The regular meeting of the Heal Ettato
Owner * association was hold In Its rooms In
the Now York Llfo building yesterday after
President Hoggs presented n letter which
ho proposed to send to real estate owners of
the city urging them to give a helping hand
to the effort being made by the association.
The letter sets forth that there are a number
of Industries which could bo scoured with a
little effort nnd urge * those to whom sent to
signify on nn enclosed slip how much stock
they would bo willing to Invest In the pro
posed Industries.
Judge Scott brought up the matter of a
wigwam for the accommodation of the pee
ple's convention nnd various plans were pro
posed. On a suggestion of Mr. lioggs , the
hoard of Trade secretory and those In the
oillco were Invited to come over
for n joint discussion of the prob
lem. The Invitation was accepted uud
tbo question was participated In by all
those present , Including Messrs. J. A. wake-
Held , Dan Pnrroll , jr. , Judge bcott. V. O.
Strlckler , Secretary Niison , E. S. Davis ,
Jeff Hertford , Cadet Taylor , Gcorgo W ,
Bof-KS , E. A. Benson , iMato Crary and Will
The Hoard of Trade delegation reported
thatil had ooon busy , but had found very
few available locations. It had llunlly nar
rowed the question down to the Coliseum ,
but this was received with disfavor unless
satisfactory arrangements can bo made with
the street railway company. It had Isccn
Mr. Fratut Murphv , who was to put In oops
to the bulldirg from all the northern lines ,
the cable , the Ilnnscom Park and Twenty-
fourth street , tbo Walnut Hill , the Sherman
avenue and the Seventeenth street horse car
llncii. The building will accommodate about
10,000 people , nnd the meeting figured on nn
attendance of l.'JTrt delegates , MO press rep
resentatives , you distinguished guests nnd
fifty visitors from each state , or 3'JOO In nil.
This would leave a surpliisjof scats of 5,000 ,
which would prove amplo.
The question of hotel accommodation was
brought up , and it was decided to publish a
list of tan houses , with their prices and loca
It was also suggested that it would bo ad-
vlsaolo to run a series of excursions through
the state.
y. O. Strlckler brought up the matter of u
banquet to the press representatives , and
nmplo accommodations nro proposed for the
press for work und enjoyment.
After the departure of the Board of 1 ratio
doldgatlon the association took up the peti
tion of property owners concerning tno Fif
teenth street viaduct. It was referred.
A motion was adopted requesting the sena
tors and representatives to see that all work
on the government building , where possible ,
bo done by Omaha mocmimcs.
It was resolved to request that the city at
torney bo rouuostod to see if the recent ac
tion of the city council in selling portions of
thu street were leeal.
The committee on ways and moans re
ported that no satisfactory borings had over
been made to ascertain whether or not the
coal which so largely underlies the
ucctlon of Iowa but a. , short
distance cast of Omaha can bo
found in Douglas county , nnd
recommended : ( I ) That as cheap fuel Is In
dispensable for manufacturing wo bcllovo
steps should bo taken to prospect for real ,
gas or oil ; (2) ( ) that the board of directors of
the Kcal Estate Owners association will un
dertaketbls work and prosecute It to a final
conclusion provided a fund can bo raised :
(3) ( ) The valuable assistance of TUB BHE nnd
World-Herald is appreciated and their co
operation is asked In this work.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Is the bait
of all remedies for children teething. 25
cents n bottle.
aiousuri' * Suggested lor tlin ConaliU-rntloii
of thu Kiiilill | < Mii Cent nil Commit tee.
'i'ho committee appointed by the republi
can county and city committees to draft a
primary election law is making progress
slowly , but will probably have n report fully
dcf.ncd nnd ready to present to the joint
meeting of the two committees next Satur-
Chairman D. H. Mercer of the county cen
tral committee has drawn up a bill that ho
thinks will cover the ground pretty thor
oughly. Ho ho * modeled it after the fashion
of the Australian ballot law , but has loft out
a prcat deal of the complexity existing In
' that law. One provision which Mr. Mercer
'recommends will doubtless bring out a
L-oocl deal of discussion. It Is to
the effect that each man who seeks election
as n delegate to any county , city , state or
' national convention shall , before his name
can bo presented to the convention at which
ho hopes to ho elected , pay to the treasurer
of the ( .01111 ty or city central committee $1 ,
to bo placed in tno treasury to defray the
necessary expenses of holding primary oloo-
" 1 bcllovo that this plan will solve the
question of raising funds to benr primary
election expenses , " said Mr. Mercer tea
a HEB man , "No man could complain , it
seems to mo , on account of this arrangement.
If a man wishes to po us a delegate to a con
vention ho ought to bu willlim to pay $1 for
.tho privilege. Where a candidate
wishes to have his friends elected
"is delegates ho ought to be
willing ( o put up something for
primary expenses. With the number of as-
plrlng-dolegatcs ns numerous as they usually
are In Omuhn , this Bcbome would create a
very respectable fund and nobody would
have to boar the big nml of the load. "
Chairman Klchard Smith of the citv cen
tral committee had something to say upon
the subject when ho mot a lnr. ) reporter.
' There Is ono point In this proposed
primary law that scows to bo a great
stumbling block to many ot us who have
boon thinking the mutter over. It is the
question of challenging voters ivho are BUS-
pccted of belonging to some other party nnd
Who really have no right to vow In n republi
can primary. How can wo prevent n man
from voting In our primaries If
ha says ho Intends to vote
the republican ticket. Even where parties
have boon outspouon , democrats or independents -
pendents , U they announce that thev Intend
to vote the republican ticket it seems as
though they could clnlm the right to vote In
the primurloi. Hut where parties are dls.
honest enough to swear to a lie In order to
vote In the primaries then nn Injustice nnd a
fraud might bo perpetrated wth | no way to Some think that no ono should bo
permitted to vote nt republican primaries
but these who have voted fora majority of the
candidates on the republican ticket at the last
general election , Hut how are wo to know
when men nro tolling the truth about the mat-
lorl Tbo Australian ballot is u secret ballot
and no body haa a right to know or is sup
posed to know how men voted. A suitable
primary law Is going to bo n dinleult ono to
make because a good deal will have to depend -
pond on the honesty of tbo voters nud the
loopholes through which dishonest voters
may crawt will unvp 10 l > o n atchcd with emit
caro. It looks to mo as though this question
of eligibility of voters ut the primaries U the
all important and most dlftlcult problem m
! our whole election bcbomo at present. "
Mr. J. Lane , general manager Georgia
Southern & Florida railroad , says : "I was
entirely relieved of hoadacbo by Dradyci-p-
tlno lu llftten minutes. It is the only tuluij
that relic-yea mo after the puln commences. "
A disease , treated as such and ponnu-
nontly cured. No publicity. Noinllrm-
ary. Ho in o treatment. Harmless and
olfoctual. Refer by permission to Uur-
lington Iluwkoyo , Send -o stamp for
pamphlet , Shokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , In.
Justu tie Job.
H. Uoldstlno's general merchandise om-
porlum RV 009 .Sorlh Sixteenth street , was
opened with n false key Wednesday night nnd
robbed of ono pair of parts with rod stripes ,
ono pair with yellow stripes nnd a silver
watch ,
A flood Trxt nml Application.
Clergymen do not always seek the
texts whereon they ground their good
tulvico in the Book of Books , hut some
times Und them in the practices of the
day , nnd in such Instances got so eloso
to the comprehension of both saint nnd
sinner that there is no dodging the
pnlpablo conclusions.
Quito recently Hov. W. A. Knight of
Columbus , O. , found his text in the
Louisiana lottery. In the course of Ills
romnrks ho observed : "I want to sny
to you , when anything comes along nnd
proposes to glvo you something for
nothing you can know it is" masked
there is evil buck of it. You can never
got something for nothing in this world
except by a forlunttto or unfortunate
accident , I think it is always unfortun
ate. Believe ropresonlatlons only when
the returns offered are in accordance
with the natural gains of trade. "
This is a truth which standnrd llfo
insurancu nnd nssc.isincnt llfo insurance
have boon exemplifying to the world for
yours ; the latter by countless fniluros ,
the former by the unshaken successes of
An Knrly Morning Illurc Tliat Prospered In
In Snlto oT the l-'lroiiii'ii.
Shortly af tori o'clock yesterday mornlng"a
still" called hose company No. & to I'-JI ) South
Twenty-fourth street , where a llttlo blaze In
a ono story f ramo cottngo occupied by Mr.
Dadflold , had started from n dcfoctlvo stove.
It was easily extinguished.
Three hours afterwards a second alarm
from the same quarter was sent In and hose
companies I , 5 and 7 , chemical No. . ' ! and
truck Nn. 2 responded. Flro bad broken out
in the Dadllcld cottage again , and In the
high wind was rapidly spreading to two ad-
loinlng cottages. Tbo structures burned llko
Llndor , and the occupants considered them
selves lucky to ret out with their lives and
wbat few possessions they could grasp m
their arms. A story and a half building and
two ono story cottages were soon reduced to
Tbo property belonged to the Byron Uced
company , and Its destruction entails a loss of
$2,000 , covered by Insurance ,
A IC'iimnM.ill's Ktpnrijiicorttli Co'.ii'n
nml ColdH.
Colds nnd coughs have boon so prevalent
during tbo past few months that the experi
ence of Albert Favorite of Arkansas City ,
Kan. , cannot full to Interest some of our
readers. Hero it is In his own words : " 1
contracted a cold early lost spring that set
tled on my lun s and had hardly recovered
from It when I caught another that hung on
all summer and left roe with a backing cough
which I thought I never would cot rid of. 1
liad used Chamberlain's cough remedy some
fourteen years ago with much success and
concluded to try it again. When I had got
through with ono bottle my cough had left
mo and I have not suffered with a cough or
cold since. I have recommended it to others
and all speak well of it. " 50 cent bottled for
sale by druggists.
Dr. Culliraoro , oculist ; . I3oo building
It Will Ho Fittingly CVlclmitrd About the
First of April.
The now Kellom school Is to bo opened
about the 1st of April with considerable
pomp and circumstance. JMiss Fannie Ar
nold Is now busy drilling the children of the
seventh and eighth grades upon n cantata
called "Tho Dress Rehearsal , " which is to
bo given at the oponing. The children of the
sixth , seventh und" eighth ( Trades will also
join In singing national songs. Members of
the Board of Education , city ofllcials , teach
ers , parents and the public lu general will be
Invited to tbo juoilco.
Mr. Mongedoht said yesterday ho had just
ordered the last piece of material for tbo now
building and when that is put in place the
building will bo llnisncu. It will require a
week or two with good fires ournmg to get
the .building thoroughly dried out and in lit
condition for occupancy ,
BUIII.INQTO.V , la. , Apri l , 1891.
Dr. J. B. Moore Dour Sir : Have been
troubled with catarrh in my head nnd face
for throe years at times AIM unable to hoar ,
had n constant ringing in my a'ars and for
two years wis almost deaf. Have tried sev
eral so-called remedies and been treated oy
regular physicians and noted specialists , but
failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Mooro's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave
immediate relief and effected a permanent
cure. I heartily recommend It to all suffer
ers of this disouso and will cheerfully give
any further Information on hemg addressed
at my homo , No. 22U Sweeney avo. , Burling
ton , la. For sale by all druggists.
Kespectfullly ,
Two Colored Mm , Altllctpil with Consump
tion , lilt ) thu Sumi ) Night.
Three weeks ago Superintendent Mahoney
of tbo poor farm found two negroes , John
Smith and Charles Ford , lying qulto 111 at a
boarding house on South Sixteenth stroot.
The men were in destitute circumstances
and were removed to the county hospital nnd
were pronounced by the county physician to
bo both vary low with consumption.
Early yesterday evening Smith dloj , and
his taking off had a depressing effect upon
Ford , who complained ho bad a telephone In
his head calling him away from this world
of euros. Ford died later In tbo night.
Smith's relatives llvo In St. Joseph nnd
will send for his romalns. Ford will bo
buried by fnonds in Omaha.
Onu .Minute.
Ono minute tlmo often makes a great dlf
foronco a one minute remedy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
oursu is n olosslng. Cubeb Cough Cure is
such a romody. For sale by nil druggists.
C'ubeb Cough Cure Onomlnute.
In Memory of Illxhop Gliirksoii ,
V'estorday was the eighth anniversary of the
death of Bishop Clarkson. Appropriate mem
orial services wore observed at Trinity Cath
edral , at which Dean Gardner and Canon
Whitman ! ! offered a few words suitable to
the occasion. A largo bouquet of lilies was
laid on the crive of tbo honored nnd la
mented bishop near the cathedral for which
bo did so much during hi : notivo llfo. Bishop
Wortulngton was prevented from attending
by 111 health.
Da Witt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood ,
Inoroasestho appellloand tones up the sys
tem , It has bunollttod many people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
Tim 1'uxton Hotel Ciinn.
The ease of J. B. Kitchen against Henry
A. Eastman , Involving thu possession of a
part of the 1'axton hotel building , came up for
a hearing yesterday In Wllcox's court- , but a
change of venue was token to Gibson's court
and the cuso will ho hoard today , There
nro sorao very prominent attornova on botn
sides and a stubborn light will doubtless ha
made by the landlord and tenant.
Indigestion. Dizziness. Take Beocham's
PilU ,
Meeting of an Impromptu Kickers Olnb
and Its Sago Deliberations.
Wlmt tlip City Council OitRlit to Ilo , Wlmt
tlio Ilimrd ofTrnilo MlRlit Do , mill
Wlmt the District Court
Domn't Do.
There wns something In the raw Wind Hint
swept down from Prohibition hill yesterday
that seamed to Infuse nn clomunt of discon
tent Into the denizens of the Mnglo City.
They deserted the wind-swept streets nnd
congregated nrodiid'tho stoves In real estate
odlccs nud stores nnd locked about every
thing In Rencrnl and n few matters In partlc-
ulnr. Everything came In for n shnro of
their romlcmnnUoti. The city council se
cured an extra largo piece , partly because it
is nearly election time and partly because It
Is n part of the unwritten law of South
Omaha to abuse the city council whenever
there Is any doubt where to lay the blnmo of
u particular grievance.
Throe real estate men , a physician nnd
half n dozen men with political nsplrntions
were sitting In nn N street real estate ofllco
yesterday nftornoon when some otia started
it. Every one took n hiiml nnd In the course
of an hour they felt relieved ,
Why Doesn't ttia CoitncU'IliisU'o ?
"I Imvo lived In seine towns , " said the first
Bucakor , "whoro the elty authorities scorned
to hnvo some object In llfo besides drawing
their salaries. If any Improvement seemed
necessary to the safety and comfort of the
people ttiov wont ahead and did something.
Hut it Is different hero. The city council of
South Omaha has to bo prodded with n sharp
stick llko u balky mule. If some condition of
things requires nn Immediate remedy the
newspapers tnko It up and then perhaps n
petition Is sent to the council asking thorn to
take some action. Then an aldermnnlc com
mitted requires a week or two to realize
what has been painfully apparent to ewsry
one else t'or three months , nnd perhaps they
recommend some measurennd perhaps they
don't. It seems to me that the council ought
to do something once in' awhile without
wnitlng until n thing becomes a nuisance. "
"That is about right , too , " chimed In a
well known real cstato dealer. "I lost the
sale of a lot only the other day because the
city government was unequal to the task of
keeping a few crosswalks clean. A friend of
mliio cnmo nil the way from Elgin , III. , to
look at sumo property and didn't stay in
town an hour. Ho told mo ho didn't want to
invest his money where the streets were 1m-
assablo without rubber boots and a cunoo.
5 'all ; about raising moooy to advertise the
city. $100 InvoUea in cleaning off the streets
\\oulddousmorogood than any thine else.
1 toll you It is hard work to sell property in
u town where such matters as cloaningstrects
and Keeping thorn in repair are neglected. "
Spasmodic but I'utllo KlVorto.
"Then there Is our Board of Trade , too. "
added the . "It is
physician. a mighty uncer
tain body. Every little while It llarcs up
with some scheme that Is golnit to bo
the making of South Omaha. It
calls two or throe meetings , .a resolution
Is adopted ; committees are appointed - sputter
awhile- aim finally go out. Some tlino ngo
the Board of Trade held two or three meet
ings .for the purpose of formulating a plan to
advertise the improvements which are to be
made by the packing houses and stockyards.
It was a good idea and people were willing to
help the hoard push It through. They hold
two meetings , passed the time honored reso
lution , appointed a committee and adjourned
subject to the call of vhe committee. The
committee hasn't called yet , and no one
knows whether It holds four aces or a bob-
tall flush.
"Tho board have a committee out , too , for
the purpose of pushing the city hospital
schema , nnd that seems to have be-in lost
somewhere. What the Board of Trade wants
Is IGJS talk and more business. They are re
markably fort Ho In Ideas , but tnoy don't
carry them through In time. If South Omaha
Is going to be advertised it should bo done
right away. "
Ity thn f.un's Delay.
"ThatN street Injunction is another matter
that is nothing loss than an outrage , " re
marked a quiet man who bad not spoken be
fore. "Hero wo are with a whole block torn
up right on the busiest thoroughfare In town
and wo can't help ourselves , The matter
was argued In district court over three
months ago , and no decision has been handed
down yet. The Metropolitan Street Railway
company cannot touch it while the injunction
is pondtntr , and it would not bo just for the
mayor to ronair the pavement and charge it
up to the company , because the latter is not
to blame because n district court judge can
not innlto up his raiuU. That judge ought to
bo interviewed by a committee of citizens
and Invited to decide the matter ono way or
the other right away. "
The only man who had not had a volno In
the discussion rose to remark that hu was n
candidate for ofllce and If elected ho would
endeavor but it was lunch time nnd ho was
left alone.
Pull lot- Keep * .
The tug of war contest between the cham
pion Swede team nnd the German carpenters
at Blum's hall tonight will bo ono of the best
athletic exhibitions over scon In South
Omaha. The teams have both been In trainIng -
Ing for two weeks nnd the stake of $ l,3JO
added to 75 per cent of the gate rccolpts will
act as a sufllclont stimulant to Insure a bard
fought contest. Each team has deposited
$000 in the hands orV. . W. Owens , who Is
the acting stakeholder.
The Swedish team is composed of Nols
Lundgron , captain ; John Lind , anchor ; Gust
MaLson , J. G. Jacobson , J. E. Johnson , Alex
Lind , U. E. Johnson , Alof Nowstrom , Ed
ward Johnson and F. U. Johnson ,
John Eggcrs Is tbo captain of tbo carpen
ters and has not decided on all of bis mon.
Ho has an athletic lot of follows to ctiooso
from and will have a stronger team than the
ono with which ho won the Ian contest.
Unique hut Illljoynlilr.
The calico uall given by the Young Poo-
plo's Social club at ICnlghts of Pythias hall
last evening was an unusually enjoyable
affair. Tbo calico dr&ssos did not detract
from the attractions of the lady guests and
the novelty of the affair proved so much of u
success that the members of the plub contemplate -
template giving a phantom ball In the uoar
futu ro.
Notes and
Mrs. E. O. Mavllold is qulto 111.
IX C. Elmont loft yesterday lor Chicago ,
whore ho will visit bis parents.
A fire alarm was hoard at 3 o'clock ' yester
day nftornoon , but It proved false.
J , \V. itlako has returned from n business
trip throueh Kansas nnd Missouri.
Mrs. J. C. Suarploy of Toledo , O. , Is the
guest of Mr , nnd Airs , L. M. Johnson ,
Mrs. A. Tl. Uoso of La Crosse , Kan. , Is the
guest of her son-in-law , Postmaster Glasgow , family.
Tbo Third Ward Democratic club mot at
Evans" boll , Twenty-eighth and K streets ,
last owning.
The plate glass window In Otto Manor's
saloon on Twenty-fourth street was blown
in hy the wind.
Mrs. J ainos Salmon and MM. Hoeder of
Columbus. Nob. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. V. Miller , Twouty-il/st and N streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Mauley Uayloy nro receiving
Used In Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
congratulations ovcntho birth of n girl and
Postmaster Ulasgowi rejoices In the proud
title of "grandpa. " .
The friends of Mid * Clara Davis surprised
her at her homo Wmlnosdny evening. Curds
nud refreshments assisted the company to
pass an enjoyable eronlng.
The King's Daughters of the Pro.ibytorlnn
church were plentnntly entertained by Mrs.
W. G. Sloano at her resldenco , Twenty-sec
end nnd II streets , yesterday afternoon.
A. lodsoof Hoynli olphhorj , the ladles'
branch of the Modem Woodmen of America ,
was Instituted at Alnsonlc hall last night.
The lodge basins Its existence with about
thirty-five members/
Mr. Dcmia Albery , business mnnnjtor of
llio Drovers Journal , wont to Utnir Monday
nnd has rolarnjd with n hrldo In the person
of Mrs. Maizlo S. Gardner of Blair. They
will reside al'JOO'.l N stroot.
William Dwyer , a sheep butcher at Swift
& Co.'s was badly cut whllo skinning a sheep
yesterday. The knlfo slipped and entered
his Inft nrm between the elbow and wrist ,
cutting n deep gash and severing the artery.
Ho will bo laid up for about two weeks.
James Colllnn , the 5-yoar-old son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. G. S. Collins , dlod nt their homo at
Forty-eighth and Q streets , ot diphtheria ,
Wednesday night. The funeral was held
yostordny afternoon and the romnlns were
interred. In St. Mnrv's cemetery. Another
child of the same family was burled a week
ngo yesterday and the two remaining chil
dren are scnouslv 111 with thu sumo disease.
Deceiving thn Ncbraslui Consumer.
OMAHA , March 10. To Tun HKK :
Seine outside nmmifiiuturorB in their
olTorts to subvert the homo patronage
movement nro advertising in a way to
deceive the ucoplo. As an example of this
attention In culled to tlia custom of
labeling clpar boxes with the natno of
Oinitha nnd some Omiiha merchants and
then passing oil the cigars us of homo
manufacture. As another example
hero is a local advertisement that is
being- run in an evening paper : "Patron
ize homo industry by using . " Tlio
article mentioned is of common use in
every household and it is the object of
the manufacturer to make the consumer
bollovo that the particular brand men
tioned Is of Nebraska manufacture when
it. Is really nnulo in another state. In
order to avoid being deceived by such
schemes consumers should bo careful to
ascertain beyond a doubt the location of
the manufacturer of the goods in ques
tion or rco to it that the goods bear the
Nebraska label , of which the following
is a fac simile.
A. D. 13RAULKY ,
Secretary Manufiteturcrs nnd Consum
ers A&soeintion of Nebraska.
1'lrst.ot tlio Iinitrti Services Held ut Trinity
CiitlitMlriil l.nst Mglit.
The first of the special Lenten services held
under the nupiccs > of the Brotherhood ot St.
Andrew was held lost nlgbtatTrinity cathe
dral. The service was intended for men only ,
nnd there were about 150 present. The ad
dress was by Kov. Mr. Johnston , missionary
priest nt the St. Andrew's mission , Walnut
ilill. His subject was "Social Purity , " nnd
the address was a vigorous and straightfor
ward condemnation of these vices that ruin
society and dustroytho strength nnd purity
of men and women. Tbo spoakov did not
waste any word * m beating about the bush ,
but drove straight nt the uvlls to which he
wished to call the attention of the gentlemen
present. He oxhorttd thu brethren to spurn
social evils of every description and to set
their mark of purity and virtue high an J
then live un to it.
The brotherhood meeting next Thursday
night will bo heldlnSw ISarnabas church.
Wo wish to make : i suggestion to mu-sons
troubled with rheumatism. Try n few ap
plications of Chamoerlaln's Pain Balm. If
that does not bring relief , dampen a piece of
flannel with the Pain Balm and bind it on
over the seat of pain. The first application
is almostsnro to" relieve tno pain and by its
continued use many severe oases have been
permanently cured. CO cent bottles for sale
by druggibts.
Next Sunday night nnd the three nights
following Cora Tanner appears at Boyd's now
theater in the now play , " \vill Sno Divorce
Him , " a drama written for her by Clinton
Stuart. As her heroine , Isabel Spencer , the
girted actress , has a character In which she
can disnlay to perfection the varied his
trionic powers with which she is so richly
endowed. The lady's many admirers will receive -
coivo with pleasure the information that as
Isabel Spencer she Is given opportunities to
exorcise the emotional strength which she
possesses in an eminent degree , an artistically
trained torco that llrstdrow attention to hoi
as an actress of fnr more than average abil
. The In the lady's is
ity. pathos now jilay re
lieved by numerous gleams of bunshlno.
Cora Tanner's transition from grave to gay ,
from lively lo serene , are veritable triumphs
of histrionic art , for they counterfeit nature
so admirably.
The sale of cheap and infe
rior goods is the cause of
constant complaint , and cre
ates a great many dissatis
fied customers. Merchants
would prefer to handle the
best articles if their custom
ers were willing to pay for
them. It is contrary to com
mon sense to expect genuine
goods at inferior prices. If
customers want Dr. Price's
Delicious Flavoring Extracts
they can obtain them of any
rcsponsibleigroccr. The cost
is greater but the results
obtained and the satisfaction
gained more than compen
sates for the extra expense
it ! buying them.
AnorillnniifotliiuiwJMi thuuiiih llnusnn S.'nd
btn-ot , fill struct. Mtli htrout , mill I'lnltiiuv
slruot In KouniTi ) I'lucu tu the ciity of
OnKiliu. and roiHMllin : "omiK'li of all unll-
MMIICOS l'i conllfcl horuwlth ,
WhiTuas , DOtltlous Imvuhcen iircsuntcd tu
city coiuii'll to havu thu inirU Urn' * of ' . " 'nil
stiool. ItHhbtlcut , "Mil htruot ; iiul I'liiknuy
street , In Ivouiit/o 1'luou , rhuiiKcd ua licroln-
iirtnrhppo nucll Tlioioforos
Ho H ordained hy the city council ut thu city
Section i. That thu cnH ) lines uf -11 ' ' 1
stioet. Iflli Btreot mill I * nUnuy street In
Kouiit/.o I'luoB huunil thu hiiiuu mu hi-reby
clian 'ud ton iiiilforni .llsluneo of l"i fi'ut on
oiuhbldoof llioofiiterllnub of S > IKI Mi out.
bitotlon"hut the eiirii lines of Uli snoot
In K"uiint/o I'lueo hound the kuiiiu : uu liumliy
uhaiiKoil ton uniform Ulitmioo ) f II fuel on
OUL-II sliloof thu center line of sun ! street.
-'cut Ion II. Ho iniieli of all iirdlniinei-s In ron-
fllot with Hi" provisions of this oidluuncu Uu
and the I.RIIIOUIO hereby roioaluil. |
r > rctlon4. TliUonlliiaiii'u shall tulio elfeet
anil tin In force from und after Its pus ase.
I'rosldont C'lty Council.
Mayor ,
( TroJa Mark. )
The above brands of gloves are for sale
The Boston Store
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Chapped. Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted { or Use in Hard Water.
; lo Solten the Hands.
Before retii'i.ig take a largo pair of old gloves
and spread mutton tallow Inside , r.Uo all over
the hands. Wear the cloves all night , and wash
the hands with olive ell and Vvhlte castllo soap
the next morning.
The above , together with 1001 other things
equally If not more important to know , is found
In the handsomely Illustrated new book lust
published by
Betts& Belts-
America's most Rifted , popular and
This book they send to any address on receipt
of 4 cents to pay pobtago ilut
do more than write valuable hooks which thcj
Clvc to thoio who need them. They euro
Catarrh ,
Piles , Stricture' ,
Hydrocele , Varicoeele ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea ,
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
Diseases ,
Female Weakness ,
Effects of Early Vice ,
and every form of
Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
Diseases. ,
Consultation free. Call upon or address wilt
btuuip ,
110 So'it'i Hth St. . N.K. CjtMOPltt h
nnd Doupliw Sta.
Omaha ; . Neb.
nn I hiii'MixK. ! . Indliin SorvU'e , Oimilm
m.d Wlhnolmgo Indliii AtfonevVltmubiio. : .
Tliniston County. Nub , , IMr ' , bonled DIO-
IK sills endorse ! "Proposals for llulldliix Mit-
torlul iin I llorsoV as thoimo may be , und
addriissod tu thu unilor l nad at Wlnnobugo.
Nob. , will ho iccolved until 1 n'uloolv , p. in , , of
April -Illi , IhO'- ' , for furnishing und dullvoi'liiK
nt the WlnnulmKo AKuney , iihuut H ) , 0(1 ( foot of
iissorti'd lumber , ui window * . ; i > iloorH , Imrd-
wiuii , liilrl ; , litni' , nK' . . minimi lu ilinoriic-
llon of i : > fraino honsi'S for NVInnobii o Indian
iillottuus. AlhoforfiinilhliliiK unit ik-llvi-rlir. ;
in at said fiKenry. A full 1 st and do-
hcrlitn | ! of the niiiloiliil iciuy be obtained UP'
on application to the umlurbluno I , llorvs
limit uoof Aniurleaii bluok , from 4 to 7 yt'iirs
old , sound and wull. hroUmi to nurncBi , with
out hltMiilhh , not lens Hum 15 liiincls bluh ,
.ui'.l built in pmpjrtlou to hltlit , and to wulKh
not loss than U.V ) pounds IHddiT * will ho re-
ijnliod Idhtiito Biioalllually In Iholr bids Ihu
[ imposed orleo of o.ii'h in ticluonmocl for ilo-
meiy iiiiiloi- contract. The ilk'lil lsri"i'rvwl '
to ri'jeol any or nil bids or any pint of any
1)1(1 If duomi'd for tlio I I'M Intru.'st of thn nor-
vice. L'urtllluil uliUGhb : Kiiuh bid must he no-
coiiipaiilod by a certified chock or draft upon
bonio Tutted Muti'b depository or Milvunt
nation tl bniilt In the vicinity of the roslduneo
of the hlddur. mailu payable to the order of
tlio Coiuinls'itoiior of Indian A trim H , for at
least 3 per cent of tint iiinoiinl of thu iiriipoaal ,
which I'liiuk orilr.ift will ho forfeited to the
I'nllud bliitci lu eaiio liny bidder or bidders
ini.'cilvliu' an award sllutl fall to promptly ox-
1'i'iito n rnntrut will gooil and sufllclont
Mirt'llt1' . . ollii'nvlnu to to returned to tlio t > ld-
dur. Illds auiuiniMiiliHl uy ua h In llou of a
i'i rttlc ( < l t'h"0' ' " 111 not ho coimldi'ii-il I'or
fuitliur lufoiin itlon jipply to UUIICUT II ,
AS1II.KV. I' . S. Imlla > i Asent.M _ 11 d'Jl tm. for Iloiiiln ,
> uilud : hill * will bu rccvlvud at ihn oillco of
Ihu City Tioubiirer. Uniulu , Noli. , up In I'J
o'clock Mnruh lUtli , 1V/J , far thu puiclniHO of
8IT.'i.OJU.'Kiajyeir5 : per con t City llill : Unmix.
Thu nrlncTpul und Intitrobt uru payable ut
KonnUu Ili-os. , Nnw Yoilv. ImuruM pnyulilo
Kuim-iinmially. Kadi hid must a t.itn the
price unil Ihu amount of bonds son a lit ( or iinJ
iniisi Inclndo Intoiest up todaluof dollvorv ,
Ibsuud iiiidrr uiilliorily of Cliurtur of moi * clih'i. mid Or llirince JIU apiirnvnl
January JOth , IH'u. Thu r0ut ! Is reserved to
Ulty Troaaururi
Every season , as we have seen the new /
suits in our Boys' Department open up bright /
and fresh , ithas seemed as though the men
who make a specialty of manufacturing clothes
for our rising generation had reached a point
of excellence that they could never hope to
surpass. We thought so in " 89" we almost
knew it in " 9O" we positively did know it in
491" and here comes our new spring stock fo
" 92" and throws them all in the shade , The
styles look neater , the patterns are handsomer - *
somer , and it seems as if we could give you a -
little more wear for your dollars this season
than we've been able to before. In suits
say from two to four dollars , the values are
exceptionally good. V
"We are showing some very
neat fancy cheviot Knee Pant
Suits in "half inch boucle" '
At $2.00 novelties , to fit boys from four
to fourteen years of age.
Three dollars worth of wear *
goes with every suit.
You can choose from a half
dozen handsome styles of
Knee Pant Suits , in fine all
wool cassimeres , made up in. " *
At $2.50 nobby fashions. The "Ne
braska's" two fifty boys' suits
have made a place for them
selves in many of the homes
of "Omaha's 149. "
"We have a very handsome
"dust proof" suit. That is- *
it don't take much "dust" to
At $3.25 buy it and it won't show
dust when it's "dusf'y. Dost
Thou catch on ? It's a wearer
Big boys and little men will find a de
cidedly handsome assortment of long pant
suits , in ages ten to nineteen , in all the popular
fabrics , and in all the correct patterns for
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m ,
TlioOnly I'crfcct Vaginal nml
ItfClnl Hjrlnxc In
tlin world.
IA the onr ) N > rliiKO ever In
vented by lilcli vuiglnnl In-
jfctlurm cnn tiu ndmlnlalured
without leaking nnd eolMni :
tliu clothln ; or nccoolt.ttliiK
thu IIBU of n vosuul. mid
which c.ui A ! o bu used lor
rcclnl Injt'ttloni or Irrlti-
Mull order * solicited.
The Aloe & Penfokl Co
Xi-jrt to I'oHtoffli-r-
Phynlclnns' proscription *
carefully ] ireured lit low
National Bank.
Capital $400,000
m-jiliis , 51)0 )
Oniromnnil Dlioctorn Ilonry W. Yi\lo , prnnldont
U C. funning , vice president. ( J. H. Miintlro , W. V
Moifo , JolmB. CulIUm , J. .V. II. 1'utrlck. I,3wU A
llocil , Cntliler.
Corner 12th anil Farnam Sts.
Dr , Bailey , $ r
The Leading
Third Floor , Plxton
Tolcilioii3 | 10S5. Kith unit Parana SU
A full eet ot toclli on rubber for fi. l'jrfotilt ,
Tcutli without phitoi ur ruiiiDvnlila lirl lk'3 worlc ,
Ju t tlio tlilnj for olii.-ori or pnbllg simi.iurj , iiJ/jf
ilruiiuwn. | |
All llllliiii a' roiioniblu rntoj , nil oik wjrrnutoil
Col ttili out. ( ur a KUlilu.
< ) n > K < > n Sluirt l.lno K ITInliiirlliern Unit
uuy Coin pit ny Slueldnililers' .lli-iitliiKT ,
Nollcn Is lioruuy clvon that the luiniuil
inuotlni ; of the t > toelliolilors of tint Oregon
hlioit IInn .t Utah Norllinrn Kullw.iy com
pany , for thti D'ciitlon ' of dlrcctoia nml such
other lmsne-.i : is in.'iv loyally eoino before tliu
ineetliiL' , will be. hold lit room No. 41 , llnonur
lliilldlir. , Halt l.iiko Cllv. Utah Turrllory.
upon Wcilnusd.iy , llio lUlh duy of Muicli , 18.1. ,
at IQ o'clucl : a. n :
Htoul { tnuinfor boolo will nloso upon tlio
SOth day of Koliftiary. and ruopun upon llio
I7tli day of March. ALI\AMIKK : .MII.I.AII ,
HOSTON , MabS. , I'uh. a. I69J. Klfld .OtM
DR. J. B , McftHEW ,
1-1TH&FAKNAMHTS , , OH Air A ,
Belts , Beds , Babies ,
Drugs , Drinks , Dry Goods ,
Lands , Ladies , Laws ,
Alden Advertising Agent ,
Pins , Pills , Piles ,
Routes , Roots , Rheumatism ,
Sand , Soup , Saws , \
Tennis , Teeth , Ties ,
and advertisements on almost every concclv *
able subject. Sonic of our efforts hnve been
great successes , and Imvc made n Rrcatdeal of
money for our customers. We have spent
$500,000 on a single advertisement that was
written , designed and made up entirely In
our alike.
Do you need oitr cervices nlong ( his line ?
We understand the tirt of advertising , anil
think we know sometimes what will take
with the American people.
Everybody us ; we nrc the popular
Advertising House of the 'West. Let ua buy
your advertising for you. We know how.
Samples of advertisements wr have written
will be bent on application
C6 & 68 W. Third St. . Cincinnati , 0.
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
Is the b Rt for nil purposes , l > o-
oiuso It la poiltivoly pure and mi-
tnro. ID Is oxoo jclinKly plausnnt to
tlio tuoto un J hua u cisllolous L > ou-
N. B. It doosn't burn nor soald
tlio thtoat or Btcin toll llko inferior
whlelcjya. It la recommended by
the boat
Sold on y ut high olass hot. ) IB ,
c'.rusr and liquor stores.
Uitt vftoct *
youthful error *
Slock I'Yi'ili'rs ur I'anii .MK'TH J.ouk Jloro
TuliM.e J In 6 jcur il uunriwr i'c-llon , Vtr crej
cultlrulutl , llvo liuuio * . Hood uu tt'iiuiitu , t > ii < ill < tnl
JiuUluitiUtlim , near railroad , llolnraitu. Nob.jmv *
ncollthlcuni Inna. lor | > rlloulun wtllu
l.Jtlt , f JfJSXXlaOA' , Z > t.M' f , CO&