( a THE OMAHA DAILY REE : TOTJRSDAY , MARCH 10 , 1892. LEGAL- FIGHT OF A CONVICT Interesting History of a Oheyonno County Murderer's Career. HIS ORIGINAL SENTENCE WAS FOR LIFE liy Which ll Wns Inilnrril to rirnil Utility Wcrr Xnt Urnprotcil nnil HID Governor IiitiTforoil Hurry Hull's l.llc llrnml , LINCOLN , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to Tnu BEE. ] Harry Hall , n convict at the state penitentiary , has boon making a desperate Attempt to obtain his freedom and tbo legal tight ho has made has been Ingenious enough to deserve a bettor reward than ho received today by a decision of iho supreme court , which remands him bacK to his cell for an other year at least. The state penitentiary contains no inmate with a inoto Interesting history than that ot Harry Hall. Ho was convicted of murder In the second degree in March , 183. ! , Itr Choyeniio county , and by Judge Qaslln sentenced to Imprisonment for life. When ho wns arraigned ho pleaded KUllty with the understanding , as ho alleges , that his sentence would not bo for a longer term than ten years and that oven that time would bo shortened by executive clemency. Ho wns placed in the penitentiary on April 6 , IbS'J , at the ago ol US. Ho fully believed that when the circumstances of his plea , sen tence anil Incarceration became known to the governor the arrangement would bo cairlcd Into effect ; but the yours followed each other into the dim recesses of the misty past nni' ' the lone looked for pardon never came. Finally despairing of the promised clemency Hull made his escape on January 5 , 18SS. He was recaptured In Provo City , U. T. , and on De cember U , 183'J , was again placed behind the bar * . Ills case hy this tlmo attracted the execu tive attention and on January 2 , 1S9I , his excellency , Governor Thnyor , commuted his I Bontenco from life to nine years actual tlmo. ' Jlall now claimed that under the provisions y of the statutes ho was entitled to a reduction of his sentence on the ground ol good be havior. Ho accordingly made an applica tion to the supreme court of the state for his freedom on a writ of habeas corpus , claiming 'that by good behavior his nine years term liad been shortened to .six years and live months , and that he had actually served seven years , eleven months nnd txvcnty days. The supreme court hold today that me language of the commutation meant nine full yeais In the penitentiary and that the prisoner was not entitled to the bcuollt of the provisions of the law known as the "oood tlmo act" for the purpose of reducing bis term to loss than nine years. HiinkliiK Act IH Cim tltiitioiml , Some wcoks ago the constitutionality of the state banking act was attucuod bv Messrs. Kstabrook and Webster of Omaha , attorneys for a Chicago llrin ot commission merchants. The case arose out of tbo old case known as the state against the Ex change bank of Mllllgun. This bank hud boon closed by the state banking board and n receiver appointed by tbo supreme court , After the business of the bank had been wound up the Chicago house referred to ap peared with a claim for $5UIM ) that had not ocfore been board of. Messrs. EstubroOk and Webster attacked the constitutionality of the banking act , alleging that it coiiferreii original Jurisdiction noon the supreme court In cases not contemplated by the constitu tion. In an opinion handed doxvn today thu supreme court declares that the law Is cori- Htltutional , The decision , which was read by Judge Post , declares : "Tho purpose ol the act , viz. , to protect depositors and In sure solvent banking InstitutlODs is not only within the constitutional powers of tbo legis lature , but is certainly u judicious oxcrchu of such power. The legislature has by this net not only prescribed the conditions upon which any corporation , tirtn or individual may engage In business of banking , but bus provided that in cases of a violation of Its provisions by a failure to comply with thu conditions or terms imposed the state may interfere hy means of ttio agencies provided Dy law In order to protect those interested and to prevent a diversion of funds from the purpose to which they should bo applied , Whether the application for a receiver Is ad' dressed to this court or to the district courl the effect is tbo same. It is an exorcise o ! the sovereign power of the state for purpose and In a manner plainly provided by law. " Wiiltlui ; for the Mandate. A great deal of comment has been engendered derod by the alleged failure of the mandate In the Boyd-Thayer case to roach the clorli of the Nebraska supreme court and thi Irtonds of General Tbuycr are freely assert ing that it is being withheld by Uovcruoi Boyd's attorneys for sinister purposes. It ii known that the manauto was delivered u General Garland a week ago. Govornoi Boyd and his friends laugh nt the idea thai the attorneys have any ulterior motive It withholding the mandate. Regarding the statement published in an Omaha paper this morning to the effect thai tbo papers reopening tha case had been pre pared nnd Mgned , General Thayer stated u THE BBE representative this afternoon thn' ' the story was a clumsy piece of fiction will not a shadow of a foundation. Ho leaves foi the east in n low days on purely private bus ! ness and has given the old contest case n < consideration whatever. I.pgillutlvo Vic tin Tabulated. A tabulated summary of the replies to tin letter addressed by Governor Boyd to tti < members of the legislature , la which hi uskod their views in regard to an extra ses nion , has boon prepared and It reveals some Interesting facts. Twenty-eight senators responded to the in qulry. Of these , seven were In favor of ai extra session , fifteen were opposed and si : wore noncommittal. Of those senators re plying fourteen favored the proposition for i maximum rate bill , eleven wore opposed am three noncommittal. Of the eleven opposed six declared that nothing less than the Now berry bill would bo acceptable. Of ninety-five ropllos received from meui bers of the house , thirty-seven favored th call for an extra session , forty-four opposei it , and fourteen were noncommittal. O tboso replying iitty favored railroad lolsln tion , twenty-six were onposod , and nluotoe were noncommittal. Of the twcnty-sl opposed twenty-three declared that nothln Icis than the Nowbcrry bill would bo accept nblo. Those mentioned n * noncommittal iir republicans who simply opposed the idea c calling such u session. Mil at I'uy tlio I'nll Amount , A case somewhat out of tbo usual order c suits at law was decided by an opinln handed down by thu supreme court th : nioruiiii" . The cashier of tbo Bank of Wen orn. In tbls state drew a draft for one of hi customers on the Chase National bunk e Now York. The draft stated the amount i figures as "MOO , " and in writing "flvo at. no 100 dollars. " The purchaser paid tb cashier f.VX ) for the draft and supposed was for that amount. The cashier Of tli Cbaio National bank refused to pay moi than 15. The Hank of Western atlorwaii ! went Into the bands of u receiver. The si pro me court held that upon tbe concede facts the purchaser wan entitled to bo pal f500 row in tbo bands of the drawee. Uo l | > of the Stuto Home. Lieutenant Goveraor Majors was at tt capital today. Ex-Coinmlsiloner General Greer callo upon Governor Boyd this afternoon. 'iho Washington County Creamery aasool otlon filed articles of incorporation tb afternoon with tbe secretary of itate. In District Court. Judge Field beat the record today in fllvorco suit. Within fifteen minutes afti tlraco Knight had tiled her petition for a d ' vorco from her tuubaud , A. S. iCnight , well Unowu attorney , she was a free womai She claimed that her husband hid abuse nor and looked her out ol the house after si had returned from a visit to bur mumm She also got a third of thn $50,000 owned I Knight , and the custody ot two children , Judge field today decided an imperial question of law. lialph Kitchen ot Omat bad secured a Judgment In the circuit cou af the United SUtes against Hoggon & M Donald , former owner * ot the Capital hot in tills city. TnU Judgment was not trou erlpiod to the Lancaster district court , at when credit wns asked of local dealers UK gave It , as there appeared notbloe of rccoi ijalnst the linn. Kitchen attempted to e force his judgment , but the other credlto 4ouiurr d on the ground that they oime first , as his petition did not state facts Mif- flciont to constitute n cause of action. Judge Field sustained the demurrer , and Kitchen will tnKo It up to the supreme court. J. D. Calhoun , the democratic editor of the Lincoln Herald , tiled an application for a mandamus this morning to roqulro the coun cil to divide the several wards of the city into election products , according to and In conformity with the provisions of the now ward ordinance. ThU is simplv carrying Into the courts the rumpus between the various parties ns to whotbcr or not iho old ward lines shall bo observed In the coming election , ( Mils nnil imU. : John Bennlval , the colored fellow who claims to bo the victim of some enemy who had "tricked" him , grow very violent this morning and It was necessary to put him in a solitary. Thomas Morrlsioy , Jr. , a young farmer living near Uenton , was arrested this morn ing on the charge of having attempted to be head his slstor Mar/ with an ox. Tno pre cise nature of the trouble ls not known , but It appears that Thomas was angered because she refused to cook for him unless ho got something to cook with. Jndgo Lansing last ovontng married Isaac Kakostraw of Geneva and Miss Catherine Kulncs of Silver Creek , Colo. The clddy old people ore just liS. Forty years ngo , 'way back In Ohio , they were lovers , but n qunml took placa and Isnao loft his native place. In the yearn that have passed between Isaac has been married four times and Catnorlno three. They will reside In Gonovn. Mr. II. W. Dickinson of the law firm of Hutchlnson & Dickinson nt Broken Bow \tlll lecture- bolero the law students at the state university tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Dickinson was class historian of the Ann Arbor law school , having graduated there in the class of ' 85. and has lately come to this state to practice. Mr. Dickinson Is a young man of line ability and is capable of deliver ing an nblo lecture. suruiMi : Dcclfilnnn Given Out by the Xclirnslm Trl- liiiiml YpKtnritny Other I'rori'pillngH. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 9. [ Special to TUB In the supreme court today opinions In the following cases were handed down : Meyer ft Uaapko vs Facan ; error from Greoloy county ; afllrmed. Opinion'by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. Whore a motion was nmdo to quash the bill f exceptions because not presented to and iKiicd hy IhujmUo within the time ll\ed by nw , It uppu.irml that the bill had been pru- cntiMl to one of the attorneys for the dofeiid- intln error within thotlmu llxed by statute ; hat suuh attorney hud retained the bill fur a onir tlmo iiml Unit IIKI delay In presenting ho bill to tno Jnilffu for his signature wns ansod by Mich attorney retaining the bill. Ichl , that such riofntilt could not no assigned IB u reason foruuuslilnx the bill ami that the lotion would bu overruled. Whore from the Issue made by the pload- ncs It Is In olfcct admitted that an attach ment was wrongfully sued nut and levied on ho debtor's stock of goods. nlthoiiKh they .vero . not removed from thu store uch debtor fler the dissolution of the .attachment , will o entitled to damages for Injury to his busi es ? and credit , and n voidlct for JCiO , upon he evidence In thu record will not bo set side. State vs Bank of Western. Original. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. The cash or nf the Hank ofV. \ . drew a draft n the Chase National bank of New York In avorofli. This drafts.iteil the amount in iKuroa , ; > s "ivw , " and In wrltliis."llvo auJ uo- UO dollars. " The purchaser paid the ashler } MO tat the draft and sup posed It was for that amount. The Irawco rnfnaeil to pay more than J. > . The 'lank of W. afterwards bolnp declared Insolent - ont and placed In the hands of a receiver , tlold , that upon the conceded fuels 1C. wns entitled to bo paid $30i ) now In the Hands of the drawee. State vs Exchange bank of Mllllgan. Orig- nnl. Objection to jurisdiction ovorruloa. Opinion by Mr. Justice Post. The provisions of section 14 , chapter vlll , compiled laws , known as iho banKlriff act , which authorizes tno appointment bv the jourtof rncolvort. of Insolvent private banks ti take charge of and wind up the business .hereof , does nut conlllct with section IW. article vl of the constitution. The state of Nobraxka vs the Commercial bank , 24 Nebraska , (177. ( cited uhd followed. State ex rol Packard vs Nelson. Manda mus. Demurrer sustained and action dis missed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Max well. The provisions of sootlon 2 , article x , of the constitution whlnli doi'laros that : "No county - ' . 11 bo divided , or have any part stricken therefiom , without first submitting the iiics- | iuii to \oloof thu people of the county , nor unless a majority ot all the lozal voters of the county voting on the question slmll vote for ho sumo , " Is a restriction upon the powers ol .he legislature to the extent n.tiuod , but Is not a prohibition upon that poworto roqulio more than a malorltv in favorof the proposition us three-fifths of the lojjal votes cast upon that question. State ox rol Richards vs Gayhardt Man damus. Demurrer sustained and action dis missed. Opinion by Air. Justice Norval. Under the revenue law of this state notice ot the tlmo when the redemption of real es tate sold ut tax sale will expire , must bOKlvcn at least three months prior to the oxplriitlon of two years from date of Halo to entitle the liolderof the tax certificate to a treasurer's deed. Where such notice Is published In n newsoapor. It must bo Inserted at least three times , the IIrat publication nut more than flvo months , and the last not loss than throe months , before the time Oxod by statute for redemption expires. A peremptory mandamus will not Issue ? alii3t u county treasurer to compel the exe cution of a tax deed whole the holder of the tax eortlflotito lins failed to comply with tin requirements of the statute relating to the giving of notice to redeem. Richardson vs Campbell. Appeal frotr Jobnsou county. On rehearing. Former opinion modified. Opinion by Mr. Uhiel Justice Maxwell. Where money has been loaned at a specific rule of Interest , as 10 per cent , and the note contains u provision that If not paid at ma turity the maker shall pay 12 per cent there after the blirher rate Is In the nature of n penalty , and the contract rule will continue as before the maturity of the note. Whore u loan wan made for llvo years at It per cent , the Interest being represented by coupon notcH due In live years with Interest from maturity , the loan being ; made at a time when the statute authorized 12 per cont. Hold , that a contract loral when made woult bo enforced , notwithstanding a oh anne In the Hlatiito reducing thu rate. - . That all the notes would bo considered us parts of 0111 transaction and that If they , talcun together did not exceed the limit llxed by law for tin exacting of Interest the contract would not be tainted with usury. In re Harry Hall. Habeas corpus. Do- murrersustalned. Petition dismissed. Opln ion by Mr. Justice Post. One II wus convicted In this state of mimloi and sentenced to Imprisonment for life In the penitentiary , tiuhsoquontly the governor bj nu order In duo form commuttoj the sentence In question to Imprisonment for nine yearn the commutation boliiK as follows : "To ulni years ot actual tlmo In the penitentiary iuu when ho shall Imvo served nine your actual time In Hald penitentiary ho shall b < entitled to Ii s dlschurge , " etc. Held , that b < the lanuunxo used Is mount nine full years Ii the penitentiary nnil that the prisoner I * no entitled to the bunnllt of the provisions nf th law known as the 'Vood tlmo act" for the pur pose of reducing his term to less than nln yours. State ex rol Gaga county vs King. Krro from Gaee county , Afllrmod. Opinion by Mi Justice Norval. A proceeding by mandamus Is barred by th statute of limitations at the expiration r four years train the tlmo the rUht to the wrl acerucd. The 1'honlx Insurance company vs Woj mouth , Krror from tiarpy county. Reverse and remanded , Opinion by Mr. Justice Pos Evidence nxaulnod and found not to su ; tnln the verdict ami judgment for defouduni In error. Clark vs Van Court. Krror from Douch county. Aftlrmcd. Opinion by Mr. Chlol Ju tlce Maxwell. On the trial of n'catiftochoro the answer e fbeclelemlitntawui Koimnil denial , thoconi refused to permit proof of iin utllrmutlvo di fenso until "thu UiUP * are perfected In tli ca o. " evidently referring to an amendexl ni awer whloh WUH soon ultcrnnidi filed. Hull that the ruling of the court WUH not erron- ous. ous.Tho sixth and sov.inth tar.igraphs of tli Miiendod answer contnlnod matter In the UK turu of a counter claim. A motion WHS mull to Ktriko limit p iraxraph * o'll "for thu ruusu that thov do not state proper cause for de tense. " Tim motion u to the sixth parvrap wuii overruled , but the record fulled tovho any rullnit aa to the seventh , and tiotlrnon was adniltt * 1 to uruvo the facts KttitoJ tlierc In , lleild , that error illd not ulllrmutlveiy uj pour. Whore the uniwcr roUed n.uo tlons us ( o tl nature ot the contract entered into by tl ; parties , and the quality ot the artlole di llvo rod under It , to which n reply wuv Ulei tlio pUlntltr In robuttul tiiuy ' ' "n trndleaor ui plain tno testimony IntiodiiccU to Binuln tl aniwor. Initrnctlon * bet out In the record , hold , a | pltenblo to the testimony. Burris v Court , Krror froni Loup coui ty. Reversed and remanded. Opinion t Mr. Justice Norval. In a busturdr proceeding thu jury may ( HI Into consideration uuy variation * in ilio it a wouy of the Vroteoutrlx < ind that before U Jury. A f Ml nro to Instruct the Jury to that effect Is not reversible error , where nosueh In struction wns requested to ho Riven. In a bastardy o so whore the testimony Is conlllollnit as to the paternity of the child It Iscotnpntcnt for the defendant to prove that about the time tlio allowed Intoreoiltso was had the complainant whllo alone was fro- miontly visited by a mnn other than the de fendant from a half hour to an hour and a half ouch time. Whalen vs Bronnnn. Appeal from Doug las county. Anirmod. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. \Vhcr Rcau o Is referred lo a roforcq to tnko the testimony nnd make his Undines therofrom. ho Is the proper pnrtv to sl n hill of exceptions containing the evidence taken an the trial. Where all exceptions to the report are with drawn and the report confirmed by consent , nn objection that certain ( Indliifts arn not sus tained by the evidence will not DO considered. Whom the parties by n written stipulation : i ? reo that cert ilu woids may bo withdrawn from the referee's report , the oflpet of which will bo to admit tliut n curtiln suiTi Is duo one of thu parties , the court will not review the evidence to determine whether or not such Hum Is duo. An ncrocn.ont entered Into by parties tor thn purpose of preventing competition In the letting of public contracts Is vohl. and a 111(0 rule prevails whore the nece > asary tendency or effect ot the contract would bo to stlllo coin- petition. To have this olToct , however. It must appear that the Intent , olToet or neces sary tendency of the eon r.ict was to prevent or silllo competition. Otherwise the contract will he sustained , Fuller vs Ryan. Hrror fiom Saundovs county. Motion to modify decree overruled. Supplemental opinion per curlam. In an action to redeem certain promises from n sale by referees In proceedings In partition , the court required the plnlnttlts to repay the purchase money within ninety days. On u motion to modify this Judgment by requiring the application of the manor in the hands of the referees who effuctod the sale to the re * denipllon by the land , the motion was over ruled. The district court has Jurisdiction ot such referees and upon u proper ntllduvlt Doing died showliiK that they were Impropnrly holdlnir thn proceeds derived f nun such sale may roqulro them to account for said fund * . State ox rel fc'owHo vs Painter. Man damus. Doinurror to petition sustained and the action dismissed , for reasons stated In State vs Nelson , supra. James Brlnkcrhoff , osq. , of Seward county was admitted to practice. Lentz vs Nlsson ; motion to qua h bill of exceptions nnd dismiss appeal sustained. McCoy vs Stato. No application having been mauo to advance case and plaintiff in error having sorvcd the full sentence pro nounced by thu district court , the petition In error Is dismissed without prejudice. The following causes were arguodand sub mitted : German Insurance company vs Kddy , ( Juoen Flto Insurance company vs Eddy , German Fito Insurance company vs Kddy. Ballou vs Sherwood. Leave given appellee to fllu petition to sot aside decree ; summons ordered. W. J. McDonald , superintendent Lanncau Manufacturing Co. , Greenvlllo , ti. C. , says : "My wife has used Bradyerotmo for head- ncho and It is the only thing that relieves her sufferings. " Dr. Blrnoy.tiosoand t nro at. Bsc bldg IT'S A-BOOMINO. Prosperity Tlutt Attends the KlltirU of the Homo Industry Chumplons. Tbo Manufacturers association is meeting with great success in tholr canvass of the city. Already 4,239 names have boon signed to the agreement to buy Nebraska goods. As only ouo person in each family signs the list it pan bo safely said that 20,000 people in Omaha have agreed to give NebrasKa made goods ttio preference. The canvassers report - port that they are generally received verv cordially by housekeepers , the majority of whom nro perfectly familiar with ttio objects of tbo movement from loading THE BEG. The work will bo carried on until ut least 10.000 signatures have been obtained. "Eastern cigar manufacturers are becom ing very cunning , " said a smoker. "They print the name of some Omaha firm th.it is not a manufacturer on the box. Then the dealer can pass off the cigars on the public as Omaha made. " Tha Manufacturers association has had a number of rubber stamps made for the uo of members , giving the date of the coming exposition. They are also having 50,000 cir culars prlutod to bo slipped Into lottors. Thirty Nebraska manufacturers outside of Omaha have applied for space to make ex hibits at the coming exposition. The same number of Omaha manufacturers have also applied for space. It is not a question of how to 1111 the Coliseum building , but how to gel them all in. President Page is arranging for a trip to Nebraska City , Beatrice , Lincoln , Hastings and Fremont , where ho will meet the mem bers of the association In those places and discuss with them questions pertaining to the coming exposition. Mrs. L. R. Palton , Rookford , 111. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparllla. a euro for Impure blood andgoncril debility. " Every bar Union soap guaranteed. MUST SAW WOOD. Plan to Make Applicants for Aid Karn What They Get. The committee consisting of Messrs. Kil- patrlck , Hu iias and Clark from the Bureau of Associated faaritlos and Commissioners Stcnborcc and Paddock , together with Poor- master Maheucy , have solved the problem by which some of the parties who have been receiving aid from the county may bo made self-supporting. The committee has hold a session with the county commissioners and has asked tboso gentlemen to send all worthy men who nro willing to work and nro now receiving county aid to the Mission wood yard. There tbo mon will bo paid at tbo rnto of 15 cents per hour , the prococds to bo applied In buying groceries , after the orders are properly cortltled by tlio superintendent of poor. of Cook's KxtM Imperial Call for a pint Dry perial Champagne If you want u dollclous cocktail made. WAS ONLY A SLjJlir DRAUGHT - n BI tO > ' Yesterday's Zephyr Was Occasioned by a Storm on the Great Lakes. NOT IN IT WITH SO E OTHER WINDS rrrpt of rnrnirr vVnr * nnil Ilio llt-conls They Ilino I.cfl "flJilio " of the rrciikt of the Itolllrill'iii ; Hitrom Vcntqrdiiy. The heavy northwest wind which started to blow about I o'clock Wednesday morning wus simply a drought of air cnuscd by an ex traordinarily Cnorgntlc storm crossing the great lakes and accompanied , as a matter of course , by a depression of temperature , much of which Is duo to the rapid rising of the barometer and high winds from northern latitude : * . Up to midnight last nlcht the maxlmlim velocity of wind re corded at the United State * weather bnroau onico was forty-two miles per hour. Ever slnco the gale commenced the average veloc ity per hour had boon thirty-six miles. Wniio the wind has whistled around the corners at a pretty lively gait the present gale Is hardly to ho compared with others which Omaha has experienced In the past. In May of lUTtl the wind blew at the rnto of fifty miles an hour from the south , and In November of the same year the signal service Instruments registered fUty-ona miles per hour. During a storm in Juno , 1878 , a record of sixty miles was made , and the same thing occurred In Juno , 18SJ. A blizzard about this tlmo In March. 1880 , sent tlio wind whistling down the Missouri vultoy at the rate of llfty-two miles In sixty minutes. A heavy northwest storm In Juno , 1SS1 , caused tbo signal sorvloD auemomotor to re cord a velocity of tlfty-six tulles an hour. In February , ISSSI , Omaha was visited by a hurricane which blow down the walls of the old Max Meyer building at the corner of Eleventh and Fainnui streets , causing a con- slUorublo loss of life. During this gala the north ulna blow at the rate of forty nine miles an hour. At 7 o'clock last night the wind was blow ing through the streets of Sioux City at the rate ot forty-eight miles. The maximum velocity reported was Ufty-slx miles. Yank- ton , S. D. , reported twenty-eight miles at 7 p. in. with a maximum of forty-eight mllos. Sumo of ItH FreuttH. All day yesterday pedestrians were Uopt dodging signs and fragments of roof which hud beou loosened by the wind and were blown about the stroots. A high cnimnoy at the now St. Joseph's hospital was blown down and crasDed through the slate roof , doing considerable damage. Several of tbo ornaments on the turrets of Trinity cathedral were t&rn loose and fell to the grouud. The tin dorntco on the building occupied by Hospo on Douglas street was loosened by the g.ilo and threatened to tall any moment. In orderto , avoid accidents a rope was stretched across the sidewalk , thus compelling uodostriau to walk in the street while passing the dangerous locality. Owing to the difllculty of Uceptng up steam In such a gale the cable cars were run vorjr slowly all day yestdrday and last night. Tue motors suffered to souie'extont , and the uiotormcu found It liqppssible to run as fust as usual. A trolley wire on the Sixteenth street line at Sixteenth and Capitol avenue.broko about ? o'clock lust night , and foil to the street. The fact that the wire was a llvo 0110 was 'apparent to every one in' the vicinity , for as the doadlv wire was shaken and swung by the wind a really line pyrotochlo display , was given to tno spectators free ot charge. All tao cars on the line wore stopped for about an hour while the damage was'being repaired. Uhim.io.vs ullovor town Were blown down , causing more or loss damage. The telephone and telegraph service was constantly luterferrod with oy the breaking and crossing of wires. A window in the cupola of the court house was broken by tno wind during the afternoon and tno shuttered glass fell with a crash to the bottom of the rotunda. One of the glass fronts at Stonehill'x ' , one at Morse's and one at tbo Golden Kaglo adjoining Stonohlll's , were blown in within a few minutes of each other. The damage will amount to several hundred del lars. lars.A A heavy plato , 8x10 foot in size , in the front of the north store room on the ground floor of the Goodrich block at Twenty-fourth and Paul , was smashed by the falling of tbo awning , whloh was torn from its fastenings. A smaller light in tbo front of the No- urusko Steam laundry at Sixteenth and Howard was also wrecked. Hard on the I'lremon. The firemen probably bavo moro causa to complain about the storm than anybody else. For nearly twenty-four hour * there xvas trouble in tbo department wires. Frequently during the day and almost constantly last night loosened and broken wires were coming In contact with tbo tire lines and tbo big boll on top of the head quarters house , as well as all the fire alarm gongs in the city wore Itont riuglng. It was useless for the man to try to sleep and so the majority of thorn aat around the stoves in their houses with their running clothes on in order to bo ready at a moment's notice in casu a bona lido call wus sent in. The horses were driven nearly wild by the oxciteuiont and constant ringing of the bells and pawed and stamped in their stalls , anxious to bo freo. The drivers did the best they could to quiet the restive animals but wltnout success , for every time tbo boll tapped the intelligent boasts would make a jump toward their places in the harness. Nearly all the wires between hero and Chicago were either down or In trouble and consequently the weather ollluo oQiclais GOOD LUCK. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is often called the Good-Luck Baking Powder. Owing to the fact that good luck always'iiliitends the use of Dr. Price's , it is not essential to use itiftl'e . moment a ) I1 ! t it is mixed nor is it required to have the oven,03rWays , just D in so , as in the case with ammo'nia or alum powders.- is not VTt luck after all , but the exact accuracy and careJje.jr.ercised in the preparation and combination of all the ingredients of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Competent ! chemists i ° v- t 7 ' are employed to test the strength and purity of each ingredient. Nothing is trusted to chance. Hence ; it is always uniform in its work. H House wives never fail to have "good luck" in mak- jj ing most delicious bread , biscuit , pastry and cakes that remain moist and sweet. Only Baking' Powder that non- tains the white of eggs. O i" Dr , Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia , Alum , or any other adulterant. In fact , the purity of this ideal powder has ver been qucs- i ; tioned. could not get any omtcrn reports on which to bajo the proalrtlona for today. My wife has useel Unidycrotlno for head- ncho with the best Imaginable ro ulti. I state this without solicitation. J.V. . Mnsh burn , Abbeville , (3a. NICK EASY JOB. \Vholp.ulo Ornrors Hinuii StfortUtlrnlly CriicUril by n Iliirglnr. The outorprlslng burglar continues to bur gle with monotonous regularity. The ron- tloman now plnylna an ongngomout of an in- dcllnlto uumiior ot nights in Omaha appears to bo no novlco nnd permits no throats of po- llco or press to disturb his professional serenity. * Tuesday nlcht ho visited Sloan , Johnson & Co.'s wholesale grocery. From the alloy on ' the north side of the building ho ofTeclo'd nn entrance into tbo warehouse , and thus to the oflle-o. The safe Is located In n largo fire proof vault , the door ot which wns drilled and broken open. After two or three inef fectual attempts , shown by the holes drilled in the door , ho bored his way through and poured lu sufficient powder to blow up n man - of - war. Then he closed the outer vault door , returned to the oftlco , selected a few delica cies from the sample shrives In the shape of plcklos , canned sardines , salmon , etc. , coolly opened tbe cans and sat down to enjoy himself - self nnd wait for the earthquake. When this occurred ho returned to the vault , closed the door , turned on the electric light and began Ms search. Dcods , drafts , checks , In- suraui-o policies , etc. , ho had no use for and they were found scattered about the lloor. In the money drawer , however , there was (91.00 , which came in after banking hours , and this he pocketed. The burglar xvas lucky , for the vault Is merely for llro protection and rarely contains moro than n dollar's worth of postage stamps. The damage done to the safe nnd vault amounts to about $ i" > 0. The linn now proposes , for the Information ot future visitors of the same purMinslon , to post in a conspicuous place n lognnd to in form all comers In the plainest and largest round hand that "this vault is not locked. " DoWltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood , Incroascstho appetite ana tones up the sys tem. It has bonoilttod many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will holpyou. Next Sunday night and the three ul ht * following Cora Tauuor appears at Boyd's now theater In the now play , " \vlll Sno Divorce Him , " a drama written for her by Clinton Stuart. As her heroine , Isabel Spencer , tbo girted actress , has a character In which she can dlsnlay to perfection the varied his- trlonlc powers with which she Is so richly endowed. The lady's many admirers will ro- PRINCESS KICKAPOO. "PURE BLOOD , PERFECT HEALTH. " By the peculiar searching and cleansing qualities of this great medicine it expels like magic all poisons from the system. No one need suffer from blood disorders who will give the celebrated compound O Indian Sagwa fair trial. It is simple , harmless , yet powerful and unfailing ; prepared from herbs , roots , and barks gathered by the Indians. Its ingredients are Blood = rnaking , Bood | = cleansing , Life = sustaining. It Ii the original Indian remedy fur the blood , Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure tomach , livi r. kidneys , nnil hmvels. In common tun for a hundred } ears or mure , f t UO a bottle. burc and quick relief . from coughs anil . All drucglitt colds. 50 cents. AMUSEMENTS. Bo-ycTsTinwi : Seventeenth and llarnoy streets THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , MARCH 10 , HAND 12. The Greatest nf ISnttllnli Opern L'oinpnnles , THE eOSTHMANS , KAHU MacDONAI.D .1 HAUNAIIKK , ITnp'rs. In Iho 1'ollonliiiZ Iteprrtolro ; Thursiloyorciilnif 1MIIIN IIDOI ) . Krldax ovcniini-OAK.MKN. amunUr mntlneo ItOlll.V HOOD. Hntiinlur ovunlnK-DUItuniV HCAI.i : UK I'ltlinCH. 1'arquot Circle , nrat&rowa . , . 1 M Clrolo. last J rowi , , . JIM llnlcony , flrat < row * . I Ol llalcnnr , la l 6ro § . 7Do Gunerul ndiuli'lun loreor tnlconf . Ulc FARNAM ST , THEATER I POI > Kvcry Evening thin Weiok , Mutlnr.o Saturday , Carleton Opera Comp'y uxriciiiiiiiii : . Ilmrntlinr NlKht. KIIMINIK. Ki-iilnr N'Kht. ' IMHlil ) . Sntmdny .Mnlliiuo. NANON , rialiiriliir NlRht , KIIMINIK. NO AHVAKCK IN 1'HICHS , Ht > aU now on tula. ' IlbW I Ot n Good BOYD'S THEATRE Bevenlrenth unit llama ? Street ! 'SUNDAY , MARCH 13 KinrnRcmcnt of the Voung Ainer'nin ' Star. CDRR Under the M.inaieincnt of < 'ulV K , bung. I'rt'aoiillnL' { iir tlio llr t tlmti lie-ro Ollnton t-timrt'H Illglnr iii'ci".8fnl I'luy , WILL SHE DIVORCIi HIM ? A i > l4teil hy u ( 'an'fMlly Sedprlod Coinp.iny iid'layurs from HnHik ! > u I'.nk Thoiitro. Tlio irre.lt M diiircsi tiuyond a rlonhtof l/'orn Tanner' * ninny Hchlovi'iueiit * Tlio salt of fi'iitn will c'peii satiiiduy inoru- lut at regular jirlcea. coivo with pleasure tbo Information that as Isabel Spencer oho Is Riven opportunities lo exercise tha emotional strength whloh she I > o * c33ns In an eminent degree , an artistically trained torco that tint drew attention to her ns an actress of far moro than aventpo abil ity. The pathos In the lady's now play Is re- Hoved by numerous ploams of sunshine. Cora Tanner's transition from tjravo to ( jay , from lively to serene , are veritable triumphs of hlstrlonloart , for they counterfeit nnturo so admirably. Tonight the nostonlans will repeat the opera of "Hobln Hood , " presenting the fol lowing cast , Hotiln Hood IMwInW. Hoff IilttloJnhn W. II , McDonald SliurllTof .NottliiRlmin II. O llariuiboo WIHScnrlet KUROIIU Oowlos Allan-A-liala riota rinlayson I'rlnr Ytiok Ooorso Krotlilnannin Uuy of tllsborno 1'pti-r I.-iiiu Miila Marlon C.inilllo IVArvlllo Damr Dnrdon Josephine IHttloit Annabel . . . . . Mtiuu L'lmor No safer remedy ran bo had for coughs ami colds , or any trouble of the throat , than "Hrown's Hfonohlal Troches. " 1'rleo C5 cts. Sold only in boxes. nr.nr.ii , or miT n.isiiixo. i\niiRrllnts Conducting Honmrkulilo Srrv. Iron ut nil Inilliiini Town. Cot.UMnti ? , Ind. , Mnrcti U. The most re markable religious rovlyal ever known hero Is now in progress nt Flat lloclt. For seven weeks Uov. Messrs Stoughton of Missouri nnd Hill of Anderson , liuullsts , have hold services nightly. The meetings nro remarkable - able In many rospocts. Services begin about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and last all night. The sorvlcoi of Saturday continued all night , all day Sunday nnd until nearly daylight Monday. Little preaching aud much praying Is done. They strip tholr lower limbs bare nnil hundred * of them may bo scon ut the snpio tlmo washing each other's feet. The building is an old abandoned church which has been occupied o-ilv by hats and owls for years past. Hundreds attend nightly and many are turned away for want of room. Dr. Blrnoy euros catnrrn. BKU bldg Siiruli Altlirn ArrrMocl. SANFitNCISCO , Gal. , March fl. Judge Levy today issued \varrant for the arrest of Mrs. Surah Althea Sharon Terry , and she wns taken to court whora she will bo ex amined bv the commissioners of Insanity , who , will pass upon the ejuestion of con- lining her in some asylum. KoUetunfflre JliiMor ( < . imilcrtlili headfifty centseach lUftltlfmiuI line ten coiti. IUIOW Wednesday , Miirch 9 , at 11:10 : p. in. , at the Ilrown hospital. Tnontiotli and Hodge. K\'a Muy. wlfoof Uharios K. Ilrown , 1'unoral notice Inter. AMUSEMENTS. . . Jt Tho5ttorll > ol > ur'AIt m ' ill oil llloditjl I' I'our iilslits , eoininoiieln ? Siuulnv mutlnoo , March ii : , JAJ1KS II. WALI.AOK , In twogie.it pluyu , SiinOay matlnite and nlnlit and Monday night , "T1IK IIANDIT K1N 1. " Tuesday night , WoJncsihiy matlnoo and night. "THU OATTI.i : KINfl. " German Carpenters and Swedish Tug o' WarTeams , OF SOUTH OMAHA. Friday Night , Mar , II AT- B. BLUM'S HRLL , SOUTH OMAHA. Admission , BO Cents. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NEB Capital $ 100,000 urpliu ( id , 500 onuernanit lltoowrllonr / W. V tu . preilduni II ( . 'iuliliii " , . , lou rroiWfitl. IX H Muurlca. W , \ Mono , John d i.'ollfii . J M U. I'ntrlck , la u & lluu-l , I'ruUlef. THIS IRON BANK. Corner 112th and Farnam Bts. FOUND AT LAST After Ve.irs of Unsuaojssfnl Soaroh for a Cure , Martin Anderson Gets Kolloffrom the Chlniso Doctor A VolunUrTjit monlal. OMAHA. Nob. . Jan. 18 , 18'J2. ' To whom It May Concern ; This Is to cortliv Unit I Imvo boon a constant sulToror foV mnny yotiM with catarrh , asthma and 'bronchial ' alTou- tlona of tin ) throat , and trioil all the imtont inmllelnoft and remedies I ever lieard ot , but with no success. 1 ticatcd with doctors in various purls of the country , but none of them could do mo any good further than giving mo shor temporary relief. I hullorod nlirht an- day. and continued to grow worse not withstanding all the medicine I had taken. I had almost given up my case as hopeless when I was Informed by a frloml of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the Clilneso doctor , nnd advised to go and hoe him in the hope of getting relief at least , if not a permanent cure for my trouble. I was alow in making up my mind to make such n radical change in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese elou- lor would bring mo , but I llnally eon clutled to give him a tritil. so I called at his ollico with that intention. I lound the doctor n clover , entertaining gentleman - man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and it took only n vary short tlmo to convince mo that ho was the parly I was so long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro mo , and pronarctl mo a special treatment to suit my condition , and in two weeks 1 was so much hotter thnt I had the fullest confidence In the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued lo grow better rapidly and am now entirely wall. I owe my cure to Dr. C. Goo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want rollof from tholr troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo , and they will ho cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAUTIN L. ANUKKSON , 8121 Cumlng St. , Omaha , Nob. rm. c. GKE wo , Regular graduate of ( 'hlneso medicine. oleM y oars' study , ton yo.ir " practice Troalssiio < cossfully all diseases known to sulTorliu hu manity. Hoots , plants nnd herbs nature's remedies his medicines the world his witness ; I.UJO toi- tlmonlals. Call and Bee him , Consultitlou free. Han also constantly on hind remedies for the following diseases road.v prepared : Asthma , Catarrh , Khoiimatlsm , Indigestion , Lost Manhood. Kninnto Wn.iUness. SIolc Ho id- ache , Illood I'urlflnr. and Kldn y and Liver. I'rlce , one dollar per bottle or six feir live del lars. Those who cannot call , enclose 2-cont stump for question list and full pirtleulars LlUce , Cor. 10th and CallfornU St3. . O.na \ TUB SilORT EST USE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on'this mao. ' " "n , ' 'CEDAR RAPIDS DESHOINES Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. . . ' . . ' OUIENTAL T. I'Kl.I.X GOUUAltD'S CllKAM. DK. OK MAGICAL , UKAUIVIUK. 5 2 ISfSlt * . Itomnvoa Tun , - § - .KSSV I'lrm-i-i. Ifpprk. HS 8 a ° KS3F3S5 ! i.Moti Patch. = ° ! "La " "I blom- llh ? n b < " > 'r. anildBfles itotpo- tlon. U hui Inuil the toil of ( U juurs , uiid In go harmlenn wn tnato. tii bemire It l properly inn do , Airepl no cnmrorfolt ofihalUrnniiio , lr K A Knjcr nald to uladf ot tilt ) hnut ton ( a inilontl "A < < yuu liulln w 111 iKelh m 1 recommend ijQiiriiiMl's ( .renrn'm Hie loait Inrmfulof all tlio Kkln prl'pnrallona , " For italii by nil DriiKnUtu nnd t-'nni - T ( } ( Mitl Dofilorn la the Unllod btatos , Ciinudaa nnd ICuropo VJIKDT , HOl'KINH , I'rop'r.i'T Great Jouoa 81. , N. Y. OltDI NANCE NO 2)7-lT ! ) An ordinance cirilnrlni : the cradlns ot Capllol avenue , from the Umaha Helt Ity to Intli Htrcul , and dln-cllns the hoard of pulillo works to take iiccess'iry slops to ouuso said work to he done : He It ordained hy the city council of the elty of ninuliu : Hectlon I. Whereas , permanent crudes hnvu been rstabllshod upon , and appnilsi-iH have heein duly uppolntud hy law , to appraise HID damaucs caiihed uy thu Kradln nf C'apltol avenue from the Omaha licit Ity to 4Sth sircot .ind made Iheli report to the ultv council , which has formally udoptod the samu ; and , WhoreuH. property owner * , ropri'sonUiiK' moro than tlireo fifths of the property uhnttlnir im Hald portions nf iho avenue nhuvu Mpoclflt'd , have putltlonod the elty council to have said avenue Kraded to the present ostnhllxiicd irrailo. under the throe-fifths clanm without rharpe U > the city , anil that tlio cost bo made iiiiynblo In ton equal InbtallnientH , Therefore. Utipltol iivoniin , from the Omaha Holt Uy ttHRth Htreiit. he and hereby Is order ed Kruilud to the present established Krado , . ' ect'on ' - . Tlmtthi ) birinl of imbllo works ho and hereby Is dlrocti'd to taliu the necert- hary ateps lo cause said wurU to De done. .Section : i Tint this ordlniiiico Nliull tile elToct and bo in force from and after Its pan- tinuo. Ulty Olork. K. I' . DAVIS. President Ulty Ounnell. Approved Muruh 6th , ISTJ. ISTJ.OKO. . I'.HKMIH , Mayor. OrnRuu Short l.lnu & Utah Northern Jlull way Company Ntoiikluililur * ' Alootlni ; . Notice Is harohy ( ilven that the annual meetlnu of the stockholders nf tlio Oregon Hhort I. Inn & Utah Northern Hallway com pany , for the election of directors uni ) unuli other bnslni > 8 AS nmv legally como before Ilio meotliiK , will bo hold nt room No. ) ! , llooiior llulldlnir , Hnlt l.nlco Ulty , Utah Territory. upon Wcdnuaday , the lOln dity of JIarcli. ISJ at ID o'clock n. m. Htouk transfer boolm will close upon tha SOlh day of Kobfuary. and reopen upon thu 17th day ot March. AI.KXAMOEII MII.I.AII , Hoorrtarir , IIORTON. Masa. . Kcl ) . 3. IMi l-'lfld VUtM _ 1'rupoiuls for I'uriiiaiirnt rtliletnilk Aroiiml N..VV City Hull. Hcaln'J proposals will ho received at thin ollico until 4 p , m. March 1'dli , Ibf * . for tliui-iui- htiuctlon ot Hlunu nlduwulk around llu-iiow city hall. BpcoincalU > iisai.d pluiu now on Illu ut this onlcu. Kaeli hid must ho accompanied liy nooitl- Heid check for t.W.W to hu forroltud to the olty ot Omaha If a hlddurkhould fail U ) ftirnluh thu pi upor bond or enter Into conlrucl accoidliu to the hid. If It ahotlld l > u awarded tii them , The council rusorvcH the rlzht to loject any or nil bids. T1IKO OI.HI'.N. miudit Comptroller. Nutlrii. Thn regular uiuotlnu of tlio iliilldom' and Tr.idur * ' ICxchaiik'o will take place d iy , Mm oh U , at Id ; O a. m tharu. Two llvu unbjccta will bu up tor N , II. IliJoSEV , I'rosldciiU W , 3. Wiuut , Seoietury , Tuei-o-\Vud-t