Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : TitUUSlUY , MARCH 10 , 1892.
UcilTtrcdlij'Cnrrlcr loony part of the City
11. W. Ttl/TON , - MANAGER
N , Y. Plumblnp Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ( coal.
Crnf t's chattel loans. 204 Sapp bloc * .
Wanlod-Girl for general housework ,
Mrs. T. ! ' . Thlckstuu , SI ] Willow avenue.
The OllveUo circle will ? lvo Its first danc
ing party this evening in Hughes' hall.
U M said that .T , M. Scanlan will bo the
next chief of police under Dr. Lawrence's
Fred Midnight was fined $74.150 yesterday
for keeping his saloon open on election day
contrary to the mayor's orders.
The Engllsn Lutherans will hold dovo-
tfonnl services this evening at 7 : : IO , ut the
residence of the pastor , Hev. G. W Snyder ,
11.1 Kasl Plcrco street.
N. Martin and Wlllmm Kinney wcro nr-
, , 'rested Monday night for lighting in the
Sixth ward. They will bavo a hearing In
police court this morning.
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion ,
will hold nn open mooting ut Knlinits of
Pythias hall , this evening. All soldiers and
their families and friends nrc cordially In
Peter , the n-voar-old son of Mr. nnd MM.
James Peterson , died of lung fever yesterday
morning at 8 o'clock. The funeral services
will be hold at the family residence on Huu-
bard street today. ,
D. C. Canncll was arrested Monday night
for committing an assault and battery on
William Bjdd , a driver for the Council
Bluffs Transfer company. Ho wus lined
(15.10 In police court yistorday.
Last evening Maithal Tomploton pro-
sentcd police ofllcers Lunch nnd Wells with
beautiful gold stars us n recognition of their
cervices in capturing the burglars at the
Boston stern a few weeks ago.
The recular council meeting' Pottn-
wattatnlo tribe No. SI , Improved Order of
Hcd Mon , will bo held this 'ovcninif ' In their
wigwam , corner of Broadway and Mum
streets , at 7:30 : o'clock. Visiting chief nro
Ltllio Neop died nt 1 : 0 o'clock yesterday
morning of diphtheria. The funeral occurred
in the afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resi
dence , corner of Avenue A and Thirty-sixth
street , the remains being interred in Walnut
Hill cemetery.
A pleasant social was held In the Vojng
Men's Christian association rooms Monday
evening by the members of the bops' depart
ment. A short address was madq b.v George
H. Gnolo , after which the ovening-wai spent
pleasantly in games and gymnastic exer
George , the Infant son of John P. Burkn ,
died at 2 o'clock yesterday morning , agouti 1
year and 12 months. The funeral will take
rlaco this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the
Inmllv residence , < N3 Washington avenue ,
and tno remains will bo interred in Falrvtnw
Fred Clarke , who was caueht stealing a
lot of clothing from Bicdormnn's ' .store last
Saturday night , was bound over to the grand
jury ycsscrday nnd his bond lixcd at $500.
This is the second criminal charge now rest
ing ngainst him , both of which are to bo in
vestigated at the coming session of the grand
Jury.A .
A suit for u divorce was commenced yester
day in the district court by Hannah Mason
ngainst Homer C. Mnsou. Tno plaintiff ul-
logos that she was married to the defendant
July'8 , 18Sn. nnd lived with him in this city
until November , 1S87 , when ho deserted her.
She demands a divorce and nsks that she be
allowed to assume'her maiden name , Hanna
Something of a sensation was caused
Monday night about midnight In the vicinity
of the corner of Eighth street and First
avenue by the tiring of two or three pistol
shots. The neighbors were nroused b.v tbo
noise , nnd wont to see what was the matter.
It was found that n dozen or moro small
boys had united to whip ono of their fellows
who had Imbibed enough of the politico-
religious sentiment that prevailed on election
day to announce his ability to thrash all th
Catholic boys in town. The combatants were
separated before any serious damage was
done. _
Mil-flit 7-l > ny S lo of Winter floods at the
Huston Stern , Council lllulI'H , lu.
Our Buyer being m the eastern mar
kets Now York and Boston wo drourt
the linmonao arrival of spring1 goods ,
simply because wo don't know whore to
put them.
nnd room wo are going to have , If noil-
ing ; poods next to giving thorn away will
help us out.
.lust glance at a few of our prices for
7 days.
Although you don't need the goods
this winter , a hotter investmeiis you
can't ilnd.
Would ho to us , but wo must have
Ladles' jackets and nowmarhols that
Bold for 95.00 , $7.60 , $10.00 and $15.00 ,
oholco for $1.5)8. )
Our entire line of children's coats ,
$0.50 , * 7.50 nnd $8.60 garments , for $2.4a
Ladies' $10.00 , $12.60 and $15.00
jackets , choice $3.08.
Ladies' Walker plush junkets that sold
for $15.00 , $10.00 and $2-5.00 , choice , for
$7. a
Ladies' 42-inch long Walker plush
BiicqiiOB , former price 819.50 , $25.00 ,
$ ; tU)0 : ) and $35.00 , choice for $14.1)8. )
10 dozen ladles' all wool knit jackets ,
sleeveless , worth $1.25 , in all colors , dur
ing sale for 48c ,
$3.25 comforters for $2.10.
$3.75 comforters for $2.60.
$4.75 line French sattcon for $3.00.
$ .5.00 all wool blankets for $3.75.
$4.60 nil wool rod blankets for $3.08.
$5.00 all wool rod blankets for $3.08.
Ladles' 60o vests and pants for 33e.
Ladles' natural wool vests and pnnle ,
rlbbbd , $1.00 garments for OOo.
Ladles' all wool scnrlnt vests and
punts , $1.25 garments , extra , line , dur
ing mile , fi'Jc.
Cent's heavy gray camel's hair shirts
and drawers , 33o garments , sale price ,
Goat's Scotch random mixed shirts
and drawers , also natural wool and
camel's hair , till in at ono price , 37e } ,
were 60o.
Cent's all wool scarlet shirts nnd
drawers were $1,01) ) and 81.25 , bale prlco
SMo , or $1.25 a suit.
All children's garments knifed the
same way. BOSTON STORK ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices.
Council Bluffs , In.
Misses Efta and Nettio Louis are east for a
few weeks' visit.
John P. Organ loft last evening for a vlilt
to his homo In Keola.
L. A. Casper loaves for Salt Lake the
latter part tf tbe week.
Mrs. Dr. Benbamllunt and daughter Huth
of Lafayette , Ind. are visiting Mr. and MM.
T. B. Louis. They will spend tbe summer.
Mrs. M. B. Sanford. wife of George P.
Sanford , president of the First National
bank arrived In tbe city yesterday morning
from Wisconsin ,
Agency Director E. U. Smith and wife of
the Now York l.lfo insurance company , Ed
Q. Smith nnd W , U. Copson , special agents ,
left last evening for Chicago to attend a
nicotine- tbo western managers and agents
of the company. Hon. John A. McCall , the
newly elected president , will bo present at
this meeting.
Walnut block and Wjomlng coal ,
fresh mined , received dally Tuntchor ,
10 Maiu street.
How the Democrats Explain Their Almost
Total Defeat.
Soinr l > rrrptl\p llnllotx Clrrnlnlril by John
\VrHtrrArc Siilil to Iliuc Acconi-
I IIP Defeat of I.nlilmrt
In tlir Flltli.
A. C. Graham takes his defeat very phllo-
lophlcalty , "I have no explanations to offer.
J'ho trouble was that 1 didn't have money
nud votoi enough. It's ' queer how 1'vo '
changed In two years. When I was put up
for park commissioner both the democratic
and republican papers couldn'tsay enough In
my favor. You'd have thought 1 was just
tbo lltiost fcltnw In the land. The minute I
wan suggested for mayor , the same ones that
had said no much for mo couldn't say mean
enough things. I Know 1 haven't gtown so
awfullv much worse In two years. It's all
right , The corporations knocked mo out , but
I wake up this morning my own man yet.
They don't own mo yeU"
Tbo election and its results formed the
principal topic of conversation on the street
corners and although the victory for the
republicans was not of so dccldod n nature
us to bo termed a "landslide , " yet it was
sufficiently so to civo the democrats n tired
feeling' nnd fill the hearts of republicans
with n calm content. John P. ' Weaver , ono
of the old time democrats , received con
siderably moro than bis share ot atten
tion from both republicans and democrats ,
from the fact that , is reports bo true , ho is
responsible for the defeat of S. Lobhart , the
democratic candidate for alderman in the
Fifth ward. During the forenoon Weaver
peddled votes for u time In the Fourth ward
and then left for the Fifth to see what ho
could do toward holding the faithful to
gether. Ho scattered ballots broadcast und
twenty-eight of them had boon deposited .n
the ballot box before it was discovered they
were of the kind he had been dis
tributing In the Fourth ward , whore there
wni no candidate for alderman ,
As soon ns the true state of affairs was
discovered the Fourth wards votes were
hustled out of tbe marxct , but the mischief
had been done. When the box was opened
twenty-eight bob-tailed democratic ballots
were found reposing peacefully within. The
consequence was that Lobhart , who would
havtt received a nmjorlty of eighteen if the
votes bad been cast according to the wishes
of those casting thoni , found himself ten
votes behind his opponent. Smith holds the
ofllco with both hands , however , and no contest -
test will bo made. The same trick was
Stayed in both the first and Second wards ,
ut did not uflVct the concral result.
The council , as It will be constituted dur
ing the coming yoir , will be n tie , there be-
in ? four democrats and four republicans.
How this will affect the positions of the
ofllcers who are to bo appointed In April
cannot bo told at present , but it Is likely to
ulvo rise to some unpleasant complications.
The ofticcs of city clerk , physician , street
supervisor and chief of thn flro department
will have to bo tilled within tbo next mouth ,
nnd it is very doubtful whether an agree
ment can be reached uetweon the two fac
tions except after a long and weary struggle.
The present ofllcials , however , will hold over
until their succnssoi-- * tire appointed , which
may bo a month or a yrar.
By an error In counting up the total vote
Georco H. Richmond was stated ycsteroay
to have beaten Cook in the race for the sur-
vuvorship. Cook's majority in reality was
Fine music , recitations and readings
at Broadway church rooms , Hughes
block , Friday evening. "
Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Money to loan. Lowest riis. John
ston & Van Patten , Evo.-ett h'lOJk.
Fourth street was the scone yostordny
afternoon of another of the bold depredations
that have been going on at Intervals for tbo
past two mouths. The residence of George
S. Damon , at 101) ) Fourtd street , was the place
visited. A young man of rather dudish ap
pearance was soon by Mrs. Duerr , the next
door neighbor , In the yurd during the after
noon , but nothing particularly was thought
of the fact until one of the Damon
boys got homo alter school and found
that a back window had been pried
open and the whole house , upstairs and
down , had been thoroughly ransacked. The
house is usually loft alone all day as Mr.
Damon is out of the city and his sUtor , Miss
Murv a teacher in the city schools.
The burglar was evidently nwaro of this
fact , and had consequently taken all tbo
time necessary to make tbu search a thorough
ono. Trunks , bureau drawer * , and all other
pliices whore money or valuables might bo
kept were torn to pieces. So far as known ,
however nothing is missing excepting a
small gold pin of Aliss Matron's and a line
pair of go ! a bowed glasses belonging to Mrs.
Curtis. _
Broadway Sabbath school give an on-
tortuiinnent Friday evening , Hughes
block. All attend ; line program.
Wo have our own vinoyarda In Califor
nia. Jarvis Wine comixiny , Co. Blutfs
Jarvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
PnHScil the .Senate.
Considerable satisfaction wus expressed
lust evening by the citl/onson account of the
Information contained in a telegram from
Sonasor Gronoweg at Dos Moincs to his busi
ness partner , John Sehoontgen , to the effect
that tbo Uatch license local option law had
liaised the senate , every democrat in tbo
senate voilne in its fuvor. E. L. Shugart
and W. F. Sapp , Jr. , loft for Ies Molnes last
evening , and the main object of their visit Is
to do what they can toward Inducing the re
publican representatives to vote for the bill
when It comes up In the house for considera
Attend the entertainment Friday
evening. Hughes block. Proceeds to
furnish Sabbath school room , Broadway
church. _
: it : t.i ;
To 60c a day will buy a llrhtclass piano
fvt half price. For particulars write or
bco the
103 Main St. , Council BluiTs , In.
O. Ytinkernuin iVCo. , food , seeds , com
mission , country produce , 108 Broadway.
Srlioiil IMrrtlon ,
The election of two school directors takes
place next Monday. Hut little attention has
Dcen paid to the subject , on account of tbo
nll-absorbim : Intciest felt in the general city
election. Now that that U over , however , ft
is thought that the republicans will get down
to work and select candidates to run against
these put up by the democrats last weeK. bo
far the names of K. H. Odell , H. O. Cook and
H , H. Field have ucen mc'ii'.loned , and other
candidates are expected to rise to the top of
the pool In the course of a day or two.
- tvnnson Mudlc Co. , Masonic temple
Jarvis wild blackberrv h the bast
Carpet weaving at 028 Avenue P.
Attention lriulillrun |
Alt delegates from tbe several wards
chosen at tbo republican caucus held on Tues
day evening , March 1 , 1603 , are requested to
meet la the south room of tbo court house
tonight ut 8 o'clock for the purpose of plac
ing In nomination two members of tbe school
board. WII.I.UM AIIMI , Chairman ,
Eastern money to loan on real estate
by E. II. Shoiifo , Broadway and Main.
Mount Miicli fur Uvnilivouil.
Mesin , Browning and Hicklo of Deadwood
are In the city. ' 1 ha gentlemen bavo been m
tbe east casting about for a process which
c n bo u od lu the reduction of tLo refractory
ores so abundant near Doadwood. Experi
ments nnvo been made In this city and
eastern cities , and ttiu gentlemen claim that
the result * obtained have bet-n remarkably
satisfactory , It having been determined that
the ori-s can bo reduced at n maximum cost
of * } .fiO per ton. Should a practical applica
tion of the process decided on prove as fruit
ful RS have the experimental tests , there is
opened up for the entire Black hills a bright
There are mountain * of low grade ore in
that country , which , owlne to lt refractory
character hat not contributed n cent toward
the prosperity of that region , the cost of re
duction , oven by the cheapest process In use ,
rendering It necessary that the ore bo moro
than ordlnarilv rich and so tonn upon
tons of t" nnd ts rock have been passed by
ns worthless. Should what these gentlemen
state prove true , all this ere will bo worked
nud Its working moans nn era of prosperity
for the Black Hills and the placing of It nt
the ton of the list of the producing mining
districts of the world.
Lumbermen Kntcrtnlnrit nt thn TheMor
' mill Aflrr\runl llnnqurtcil. ,
Tuesday evening the local and visiting lum
ber dealers attended tbo performance of
"Indigo'1 at the Farnam Strc&t theater and
occupied ISO seats. At the conclusion of tbo
opera the party repaired to the Millard
hotel , whore a complimentary banquet was
given to the Nebraska dealers by the Omaha
At exactly 11 o'clock the dining room
doors were thrown open nud the guests
entered the banquet ball. The tables were
ranced around three sides of the largo dining
room and cover * were laid for 100. Fruits ,
ferns nnd flowers adorned the long tables
which were covered with snowy llnncn , pure
white china and an abundance of cut glass
ornaments. Owing to tno lateness ot the
hour the menu was not elaborate but was
very flue , and Justice was done to It by
every one.
President William Fried of Fremont aroio
after the coffee had boon sipped and cigars
lighted and said that as ho was no speechmaker -
maker ho would ask Mr. F. Colpotzer of the
committee of arrangements to act ns toast-
master. In his Introductory remarks Mr.
Colpctzor called tbo attention of the guests
to the fact that the hour was late and that
brief speeches only would be the order.
Mr. C. L. Chaffeo was culled and fulfilled
the request by saying that ho had no speech
to makound with an expression of good will
toward all present sat down.
Mr. Tucker of Howell was next called for
and started the story tolling ball rolling by
relating some amusing Incidents regarding
tbe lumber business. When Mr. Barnes , the
editor of the St. Louis Lumberman , was
called on he illlod in a few minutes by ro'.at-
Ing a funny Arkansas story , { secretary Hol-
lls of the Northwest association took his
turn at story tolling and then Mr. H. J.
Jowettof the Howell company was called
to the floor. Ho spoke of the friendly fooling
between the wholesale and retail lumber
dealers and said that the wholesalers wore
always rnady and willing to stand by the re
tail dealers.
Jumos B. Hume of Madison , John A.
Wauciicld , J. N. Dcltz and others told sto
ries , and then tbo meeting was declared ad
Unanswered QucHtlon In Connection with
It. 1C. ( Irnngcr'H Taking OT. (
Some time last November H. E. Granger
of Chicago came to this city in search of
work and stopped at tbo Pullman house near
Thirteenth and Dodge streets. Falling to
find employment Granger , who is about 55
years old , became despondent nnd it is sup-
cosed tried to take his own life.
Late yesterday morning Granger was
found in his room by the chambermaid. Ho
was breathing heavily and moaning. A
physician was called and worlced hard for
several hours trying to save his patient's
life but without avail. Shortly after 3
o'clock tbo man died and Coroner Maul was
notified. It was supposed that It was
merely n case of heart failure and the theory
of suicide was ridiculed by the proprietors
and inmates of the houso.
An inquest was held last evening at tbo
morgue. Dr. Ralph testified that the pupils
of tbo eye were s.'igbtly dilated and indicated
the possibility of poison. After a consulta
tion the physicians who attended Granger
decided to cell it a case of heart failure.
Coroner Maul asked the Jury for an opinion
as to whether a post mortem was necessary.
This question could not bo decided and the
Jury adjourned until 4:30 : o'clock today to
await developments.
Granger has a Drother lu St. Louis who
was telegraphed for bv ' the coroner last
Free Methodists Again Disturbed by u Mob
nnd the 1'renclierH Hurt.
COHKINO , la. , March 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | Another disturbance
has been caused by tbo Free Methodist meet
ing * hero. Last night Preacher Craig in
judiciously characterized the disturbers by
various epithets and said the mob of toughs
ought to bo driven out of town.
The gang awaited tha closing of
tbo meeting and assaulted the preachers ,
beginning Dy pusbiug one another against
them. They grew moro violent until they
knocked them down , heat and kicked them
In the mud. Preachers Hiram Brockney and
Alonzo Dewocs were badly bruised. The
former It ) confined to bis room. Ho is an In
offensive and physically weak man , having
been sick and almost unable to oat for some
weeks , so that tbo act was co\yardly and
brutal. It has done much to wlu public sen
timent , not In favor of the meeting , but
against lawless interference. It is feared
the effect will be to add fuel to the ( lames
and the hold this " "
strengthen "whoop-la" re
ligion has maiio upon the city.
Preacher Craig announced last night that
the general headquarters for North America
would bo transferred from Canada to Cor
ning. Ho further announced that the whole
thirty-four Pentecost bands would soon be
hero , that tbo general confcronco will beheld
held bore , opening April 7 , and citizens must
begin to make arrangements for their enter
tainment and that they wilt matte this their
Chautauqua grounds. Many of last night's
mob are known and warrants are out for
Alike Kennedy , Samuel McCaskner and Bert
HoilUler. Tbo two first named are under
stood to have skipped for Omaha. No ono
upholds lust night's assault upon luoltenslvo
Preacher Brocknoy ,
Brother uf the flcnrnil Superintendent of
Ilia Hiillwuy .Mull Hervlre Cuugjit.
DuiiUQUK , la. March 8. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKK. | For some tlmo past letters
and merchandise packages have been missing
from the mall bags on the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. I'aul railroad between Mc
Gregor and Chamberlain. S. D. A detootlvo
was put on the line and decoy letters were
used. By menus of the latter the thief was
traced , Ho proved to bo J. D , White of
Sanborn , In. , a postal route agent. The
marked letters were found on his parson ,
some of them between his legs. Ho was ar
rested ncd brought before United States
Commissioner Hobbs today and confessed
his guilt. Ho admitted that ho had been
stealing letters for three months , but tbo
postal onlcoH say for a longer time :
While is a man .V > years of UKC , of good
faiiily , and U a brother of General Superin
tendent Wlilto of the railway mall service of
Chicago. Ho and his family are members of
a church at Sanborn.
lowu'n Srnxutloiml Divorce Null.
Ku > oiuJa. , March 8. Tno Ellsworth divorce -
vorco sensation had Its lint innings In court
here today , 1C. S. Ellsworth , whoso wealth
is estimated from 1500,000 up , has a Colorado
divorce from lus wife , who seeks to have the
decree annulled as fraudulent. This fore
noon was consumed In reading the petition of
tbe wife. The reading formally developed the
fact that the Colorado decree was based on
shocking accusations , among others that for
four years the wife had consorted with per
son * of low character , receiving their visits
at unreasonable hours. Mrs. Ellsworth's
answer declares her signature to tbo notlco
of the suit was obtained by the misrepresen
tation nud intimidation of Ellsworth's attor
ney , and that tbo and her husband contiu.
ued to cohabit atter tbo notlco was signed
until a visit by her to Colorado , which she
now declares was made by her busband'b
suggestion and was part of tbo plan aKaicsi
Ellsworth declares in hit antwcr that tbe
ft l j
wife consented to the dlvorjp tl tiowliip well
what she was dotne and -waiHy nccoptlnB
tl.OOO a yonr alimony , lifetime or
until she should marry again , Ho submits n
letter purporting to bo from her cxorosslng
cntlro satisfaction with the Rotttamont. AVRU-
menu b.v Lawyer Naiflo Inbehalf of the
husband wcro begun this aeiuoon and will
bo concluded tomorrow. .
Arrpfttoil Inr
la. , Mirth1 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Dcn.J p. | 6. Tomllnson ,
operator of the BurlluptonQodar , HaptJs ft
Northern at this place , wflslarrostcd today
for cmbcrzlcmont of the company's ' funds.
Iho stealing has boon Id progress for over
four years , but the montHly" reports were
mane strait' htby borrowed funds. Insnoctors
are buyv on the books and report so far JI.SOO
short. Tomllnson is hold under arrest without -
out ball. Ho has A wife and flvo children.
Murdered In n I'll of Angrr.
FOIIT Donne , la. , March 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK URB. ] Tom UafToy shot and
killed 1C. D. Buggy at Duncombo this morn *
InR. Muggy was walking along the street at
the ttmo of the murder In company with
Ll77.lo Murphy , a girl with whom G alley had
been UcopltiK company" The deed was com
mitted In a IH of anger. Biigi'y Is a promi
nent business man ot Duncombo. uaffov
Immediately came to Port Dodge and gave
himself up.
AtTAins OF TIIK wniattr THVST.
The Hoard of Directors Cllvo Out Inlornm-
tlon to tlio Stockholder * .
NRW YORK , March 8. At tbo regular
monthly mooting of the Distillers & Cattle
Feeders company's board of directors bold at
the rooms of their now club in Fifth avenue
today , it was deoldod , in view of existing cir
cumstances , to reduce the quarterly dlvl-
dent to 1 per cent , and to rcduuo the
market prlco of the company's product 1
cent per gallon. In explanation of this
action the board gava out this statement to
the stockholders :
' The business of the company Is entirely
satisfactory , and Its earnings for the quarter
have boon more than sutiiclonl to pay the
full dividend of 1.5 per cout. "
The suit brought by the United States
authorities nt lioston against the company
the directors do not consider serious , and
they are advised by the best counsel obtain
able that no case can bo maintained against
the company. Actual and oosslble competi
tors mav , and probably will , unvo considered
that the present situation would afford an
opportunity to make inroads In our business ,
and our directors , in vlow of its determined
policy to protect our trade at all hazards ,
deem It wise to strengthen tbo position of
the company. The directors feel that they
will be able to dispel all doubts as to the
stability and strength of the company , and
they assure the stockholders of their full
conlldonco in Its permanent success.
P. J. Honuossoy , secretary , said President
Grccnhut stated that while il was somewhat
unusual to publish a statement of the above
character , yet ho felt that the circumstances
fully warranted tbu action. It Is plainly ap
parent that the company proposes to ade
quately protect its trade agalust present and
prospective competition.
Will Appear In Court Siiturdiiy.
BOSTON , Mass. , March S.A11 the defend
ants in the Whisky trust' cases have recog
nized for their appearance In Boston next
Saturday oxcopt'Nelson Morris.
The district attorney niiu his assistants are
busy drawing the indictments in tbo cases on
which the grand Jury uuvu reached an agree
ment. No developments .ijro , expected until
the grand jury reassembles pn Friday.
t'BHSUXAL rAIl'.tflllAl'IIS. '
R. M. Allen of Amos is'at'tho Millard.
0. L. Horn ot Denver 'is at the Millard.
J. U. Hume of . the Paxton.
E. M. .ludd of Kearney , isat tbo Paxton.
L. E. Spoonor of Sidney is at the Murray.
T. VV. Jenal of Tokamnb a at the Arcade.
M. E. House of Lexington is at the Mur
ray. , u
E. D. Strooterof'DavIa.City Is at the Ar-
oaae. - > ! ,
A. L. McDonald oftDwigbt' Is at the Mer
chants. . 11
C. G. Cono'of Crete Is registered at the
S. Sherman and son of Kimball are at the
A. H. Stuckoy of Broken Bow is at the
E. C. Houston of Tckamah is at the
W. L. Spear of Geneva is registered at tbo
George M. Hemlngton of Noola , la. , is in
tbo city.
J. H. Miller of Lincoln was at the Millavd
1. G. Chapon of Lincoln was at tbo Murray
T. S. Clnivson of York was at tno Millard
H. T. Decker of Dorchester is at the
J. G. Kilo of Rawllns , Wyo. , is stopping at
the Arcade.
J. C. Hodges of Fairlleld Is registered at
the Arcade. ' '
G. H. Peebles ot Lincoln is stopping at
tho' Paxton.
B. A. Gibson of Lincoln U roglstored at
the Paxton.
B. Y. Shepherd of Ashland Is registered at
the Murray.
W. G. Beach of Columbus is stopping at
the Murray.
W. E. Jalcwuy of Kearney is registered at
the Murray.
N. M. Cor.hrano ofVllbor is stopping at
the Dollono.
J. H. Harvft.v of Turlington is a guest at
the Murray.
J. S. LoHow of McCook was at tbo T > axton
last evening.
Mrs. Julia Telbor of Denver is a guest at
the Millard.
John Porter of MoorecroftVyo. . , is
at the Paxton.
A. S. Campbell of Hastings is stopping at
the Merchants.
Hugh J. Dobbs of Beatrice was at the Ar
cade yesterday.
T. F , Zuylorot Randolph was nt the Ar
cade yesterday.
P. G. Covvlos and wife of Sidney are guests
at tbo Merchants.
J. R. Doano and J. B. Adams of Blair are
at the Merchants.
R. B. Windham of Pluttimouth was at the
Murray yesterday.
Mm , G. G. Bochor of Columbus is stop
ping at the Paxton.
George Berry of Casper , Wyo. , Is rogls
tored at the Millard. , , " ,
J. R. Hollmcsworth od Do Witt was at the
Murray last evening. i.'n
John Barker and cHUli. of Doadwoad are
cuosis at the Millard , Y
R. J. Kllnairlok and'wl/o / of Beatrice are
guests at tbo Paxton. < ( o
Dr. Miller leaves tod'dy\o ( attend a moot
ing of the agents of thoJfpw York Lifo In
Price | " Worth e Cuban a Box. " 125c.
Dislodge Kile ,
Stir up the Liver , l
Cure Sick-Headache , \
Remove .Disease &
Promote Good Health
Famous the world over.
Ask for Dec-chain's unit take no others.
Made at Si.HelensUnhand , Sold by drug-/
uists and dealers. New Voile Depot , 365 }
Canal Mreeu Jim. C
A torpid liter U tlm Kiiirouof
khi , nick liciuhiolii' , ciiiiktlpatlon , plle > , (
'lllllllllfL-MT | , cllllUlllllljaUlllllfl ! .
Tuft's Tiny Pills ;
f IIHVH u Hiivulllu i-lH'rt mi the lltrr , ro * "
It to hrullliy iictlun. U.lrtu.
aurnnce company , to bo hold In Cblcnpo. SI H
teen n onU went from Oinnhn , fourteen from
Council muffs and twenty from Denver.
1C. A. liurlburteditor of the Aurora Sunis
roplstorrd nt the Merchants.
, lntno W. Aceo find .1. D vls of Valley
were nt-tho 1'nxton yesterday.
1) . W. Norton nnd P. S. Heed of Oaklnnd
nro stoppinr nt the Merchants.
.Inmos Folaom nnd B. S. Hnll of Grand
Islnnd nro rtuosts at the Merchants.
CJonernl n. H. Van Wvck of Nobrnska
City \vns at the Paxton last ovoninp.
J.V. . Poxworthy and II. M. Judson of
Lincoln were nt the Paxton yesterday.
John E. Shervtn nnd J. I ) . McDonald of
Fremont are registered at the Merchants.
it. J. Hayes of O'Neill , the newly elected
treasurer of Holt county , Is at the Areado.
Hnrrv Cromer leaves today for Hurllnpton ,
Iowa , and it is snid ho will not return alone.
Mrs , John Francis accompanies her hus
band on his trip to Monterey , Cnl.
North nnd South Dukntn Uimldo to ARrro on
Trrrltorlnl l.iinltutlonn.
ST. PAW , , Minn. , March 8. ( Special Tele-
Rram to TIIK BEK.J A dispute Is threatened
between North and South Dakota as to the
boundary line between thu two states. The
enabling net provides that the states shall bo
divided by the seventh standard parallel mid
that It shall bo extended duo west to
the Montana lino. The trouble arises
throuuh the seventh standard being a
crooked line to Iho eastern boundary
line of tbo state. In llohorts countv , South
Dakota , U is some two miles north of tbo
boundary line between Sargent and Day
counties , owing to the Minnesota base line
being extended for the south boundary.
This makes ono tier of towushlns In Roberts
county north of the seventh standard par
DllblKlllo I'liporM I.ltlRiito.
Dt'nuquR , la. , March 8. Judge Noy today
granted application ol the Herald for nn In
junction restraining the Times from using
Associated Press dispatches in the evening
editions. The suit was based on violation of
rules of the association requiring unanimous
consent for publication of Iho dispatches in
more than ono edition of the same pauor.
The Times demurred that tbo Herald's
remedy wus a suit against thu association
and not ono member of it. The Judge over
ruled the demurrer on the cround that the
Injury was to the Herald and not to the
There Will lt No Strike.
TOI-EKA , ICan. , March 8. There will be no
strlko on tbo Topeka & Simla Fo railroad
By stem , as the trainmen and ofticlnls bavo
cotno to a settlement entirely satisfactory
to all.
Strnmcr ArrlvnU.
At Plymouth Pennsylvania , from Phila
At Philadelphia Switzerland , from Ant
At Gibraltar Passed Werra , from New
York to tionoa.
At New York Uossl , from Santos.
Sold in England
for Is. ISd. , and
in America
for 25 cents a bottlo.
Cure Sickness and Headache. :
Small , plioiunt , a fnvorlto with the ;
I W. n. nOOKEUBi-l \ , NEW YOHK.
For sale by Kuhn & Co. , nndShermv
& McConnell , Omaha.
MKNT , n specula for lljitorli , Dlnlnon , Fit ! , Neu-
raltfla , lloadaoho , Ncrrouj Prostration ciiuiod by al
cohol or tubncco , Wnltofulnoji , Mental Dupreislon.
Softening of the Ilraln. mujlru Infinity , inlsor/ ,
decay , dentil , I'remnturtf Old A 0. Harrunnou , I.DII
of Tower In cither sox , IniDotency , J/ouoorrlioon an I
all Kemi\lo Woiknosia * , Involuntary I.o oi , So > r-
inntorrhoea caused by orcr-exertlon of tha bniln
Holf-nhus ? , ovor-lnJiiUoncJ. A month's troatiunt
II , U for fS , by mall. We ( iunranloo MX bnxoi to
cure. Kacli order fern boxes , wlthi will send written -
ton RUar.-uitoo to refund If not cared. Ouarantoai
lisuuil only by A. Schrutur , Uruxglst , role ivouti , d
K. cor. 16th nnd Karnamsti. , Omihi. Nab.
An ordinance ulmiiKliU the grade of 42nd
ftroet from Hamilton street to OnmliiK
street , and the InlursustliiK streets ; aho list
street from Nicholas to Cumin ; ; street In the
city ot Omaha , uml repea'lir ' , ' so much of
( irade Otdtmncc1 No. Illi and so much of all
ordinance * In conflict herewith :
llu It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section I , Whereas It hiiH heen deelatcd nco-
rasary to change the Kr.ido of 4 'ml stieut
from Hamilton street to Cumin ; ; street ; also
4 1st street from Nicholas aticot to Oiimlnx
street , and certain parts of thu Intcr.sectlii ! :
streets hereinafter sped lied ;
And whoioas.thrcu disinterested freeholders
have heen appointed by the mayor and
conllrmed by the city council to ap
praise tnudamazcs arising by reason of said
chaiik'o of prado ;
And whereas , said appraisers , after duly
( limlifylnc according to law and examining ;
the property affected , have made their re
port and the oltv council has approved the
8'imo ;
Therefore , the of said parts of 42nd
street , and Intorsectlir.- streets , also 41st
street , Is hereby chunked and established so
that the elo vat Inns .shall ho us follows , the
grade between the points cited belli ; uniform
straight lines :
Urade oM''m ! street
Deration Elevation
of West of K.iut
Curl ) . Curb.
North curb of Hamilton
street ah established . ' . ' . ' > 7.5 KM )
Morthcnthof I.ufiiyetto avo.vio 5.10,5
couth curbof l.afayulle nvc.'JTO.n. ZU.i
North curb of Nicholas st..L'.W.5 lili.u
South curb of Nicholas st. . . .1TJI.5 .in.u
North em ! ) of lird : si . m.ri ' 'I'.i.d
Houth eurhof l/.nrd st . 2IH.3 L'lU.O
Outer of alloy between Iird
and C'umlna ( tlri'uts . K2n,0 tr.'O.n
Noith cuibof Cuminfst . . . .aiil ) IM9.5
Section - . Uradu of h.ifayello ave
Kluvatlon novation
of .south of North
Curb , Curb.
Point M feet west of west 1 1 mi
of 4.'nd ' street . oil ihllahrd grade
West curb of 4''ml street . S.V.o ) y.o.o curb of 4-'nd si rout . ' . ' .W.S L'.iU.5
Wubtcurbof4UtNtruitt . . . . : ' ( ) .U ! txi.J
Heel Ion a. ( Jradoof Nicholas
Kabt curb of 43id nvr. , for-
murly DaliiHlrubt . 20i. : & MJ 0
We tciirbor4-'iidilrcot . ' . ' . .U.ri ZU > .5
ICast cnrliof 4'nd utuuit . . . , , , 'Ui 0 VJ'.u '
West imiliof llhlsticci . ' . ' ; u.5 v.u.5
Suction 4. Grade of Itard
Kast curb of JJird avenue , as
oitabllUii'u1 . 'JiR.0 Sfl.\D
Wd tunrbof C.'nd Htniat . VIK.5 lilxS
K.iHtvurbuf 12nd mrcut . 'JlU.u
Wi ) t urbof 41ht streiit. . . .24N.O
Piist Clllbof 4Ut8tlOOt . , .l'4H,5 'JH.5
Vi'i'sl cuib of J.owu uvcniic ,
now 4 Hi St. , aa established .fC S 2JI.O
Section 5. ( Jra do of 4Ut
Elovatlon Klevathm
of West of llabt
C/'urlj Cuib
Houth eurhof N'lcholiiHHtJW.5 Vll.ti
North uurbof Uurd st . V4H.O 2IH.5
Houihuiirbof Ixunl et . Vl\u L'ls.5
North curb of Cumin.- . Z .D SU.5
Section A. So inunh of grade ordinance No.
Ill ) and so much of nil other oidlnuni'ei dolln-
Ins the grudffcof the abovu streots. as con-
lllcls with the iirovUlomi of thU ortllnunre , is
hereby repealed.
rectum i , That this ordinance shall take
Direct nnd bo In force from and after Its pas-
Passed March 1st , ) B03.
( Jltv Clerk ,
I'rubhlcntinty Council ,
Approved March 8th , 1MU.
UEO , P. 11EMI8.
"Would you know Y/Vy / vrttii pleasure
Our faces so beam ?
grumble ,
Is ile ] cause of our bliss ;
For all sorts of clean\\g ! \
It neer9conies anjiss.
A now nnl Comptnto Treatment , conMMInu of
Suppositories. Oliumcnt In Capsule * , nl o In llox
nmlVllls ! n 1'iisltlvo Ciira for Uxtarunl , Intornnl
Illlnd or llluo.llnu Itchlnir , Chronic , Iteoent > r
Hereditary rues. This Itomcdy hm never been
knonntofntl. $1 par box.B fur Si ! cnt l > / mill ,
Wliysullor from this terrible dlseasi when a writ
ten minranteo Is positively Klron wIlliO boxes or
refund the monvy If not ciiNd. Solid slainii tor
free Snmple. tluarantou Istuod by Kuhn A Co. ,
DruKRlstn. Kolo Aitouls , corner IMIi nnd 1'ouslni
srct-ts , Omtitm. Net ) .
Notice Is hereby Khun lo the owner or own
ers of the follow In ; ? real ustatu , In the ulty of
of Omaha , to lay and repair sidewalks in front
of and mljoliilnictliclr property within itfteon
MSI dnys from the 1'Jth day of Mutch. IMtt. Such
HldewalUs to bu const ruutud , n-pwln'tl and laid
In accordance with plunuimi speculations on
( He In tinollk'O of the board of pubic works ,
uml in aci'imliincu with resolutions adopted
by the city council , viz :
West side of UNt ulroot. lots I , 8. II. 4 and fl.
block ID. K. V. Smith's addition , li fuc.tldo ,
presen .
WeMtsldu of 23th street , lot 2' . ' . Iteed's 2nd
addition , 0 feet wide , permanent grade.
Kivst side of Olh street , lot 'JO , Konntzu 2nd
North side of II million street , east half lot
0. bloolCI , Orchard Illll.
South 8ld ) of llnncrof t street , lots I to 18 in-
olnslvi > . N. .1 , bmlth's . ' 1(1(111 hm , B feet wide ,
im-scnt grade. , _
Kusl fildo of 29th struct , lots I. 2. 5 , 0 nnd T.
block 0. Uoc s .t Hill's 2nd addition , ( i feel
wide , present Kr.ido.
South sldo of Oass street , lots 1 and 2. block
0. Swoczy's addition , li foot wide , present
Kast Bide ol IMnl street , sonlli half lot 2.1.
block" Iliinscoin Waco. fuel- wide , perma
nent r.idc.
South side of Pacific street , lot 23 , bloc' * 7.
Iliinscoin Place. 0 feet wide , permanent Rrado.
luest end 10 feel , moio or less. I
West side of H'lid stieM. lots I toll Inclusive.
block 4 , Mayno Place , 0 feet wide , penimntmt
' " ' " "
sldo of 4th .street , lots I and 5 , block SOS.
city , n feat wide , present grade.
South sltloof Uuntorstruol. lots I amKl.blocU
! . Campbell's addition , C fo t wide , present
West slda of 13th Htreot. blocks 2 , 15. 10 , 20. Ki ,
2(1 ( and III. West tilde addition , 4 fuel wide , tum-
poraiy crude. . . .
\Vestsldoof4Stli street , blocks 1 and 2. I'at-
t arson's subdivision 4 feet wide , temporary
East sldo of 40th street , lots 11 and 12 , block
IS. Orchard Illll , li feet wide , permanent grade.
North slilo of Parker stieel. lots I lo 2J In
clusive , li.ock 17 , Orchard Hill , 4 foot wide.
temporary vriulo.
West Fide of : btli stieel. lot 22. Kocd's2nd ad
dition , 0 feet wide , permanent grade ,
\VcstHldoof23th.-treot. Iot2l , Heed's 2nd ad
Wi-Jt sldo of Kith street , lots IS and 1 ! ) , block
0 , luMint/o'sIlrd addlt'on , nnd replace.
North MlfluoT 1'onpleton avenue , lots 15 nnd
10. block 5 , SliuU's addition. '
East 8'ile of 22nd struct , lot 10 , block : > , SliuU's
South Hlo : of Ohio street , lots 1 and 2 , block
22 , Omaha Vlow Extension , icpluce and rc-
Westsldoof : iith street , lots 1 to Inclusive ,
block I , Wnrrcnton
South side of Cas-lus street , lotflO , Glse's ad
South Hide of Casslns Btrect , lots 1 and 2 ,
Pnrkur'H ul > of lotOI. Olso's addition.
South sldootOussIus street , lot'Jl , Glse's ad
Smith ld of Casslus street , lots I , 4 , fl , ( i and
7 , Kumliiiiton's sub.
Bonthsldu of Casslns street , lots 01 to ID1 In
clusive , UiRu'a addition.
South side of Popplulon avenue , lot 1. block
10. Hanscom I'lueo , b.v c.\tendlns walk to curb
at the corner.
North side of I'opplrton avenue , lot 12 ,
block ii. Hanscom Place , by extundlni ; wall ; to
curb at Urn corner.
South sldo of I'opploton iLvennc , lot 1 block
11 , by oxtoncllni walk to curb t the corner.
EiistHldoof 17th street , lotstlJ , III , ; ! U , Hurt-
man's addition.
North sldo of Mason street , northwest corner
17th. lot-S , blocks , Koiint/.e& Hutli's addition.
Onrilm , Miirchlith. H > J2.
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
in 10- 1 1-12
\Ve tend the mnrvflonii French
ItemedCALTHOS frrv , uml n
loaal KimmntOdtlmtC'A mum will
STOI' DUrhnrcr * A KinlMloim ,
CiniK NiMTnmtorrlieo , Varlcoerle
and IlEHTOKK l.ocllgor. .
' Useitandfavifsatitfeii.
jlJ.lrfii . , VON MOHL CO. ,
Bole inn-ltin IftiU , ( Utl.D.ll , Ohio.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , woll-nppointod , thor
oughly woll-kopt , $3 n day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Omalia Medical and Sni'pl
lli'st facilities , apparatus and Huinoillos
for successful troatiunnt olnrury form
of dlsi'iiso remilrlii r medical or
surgical treatment.
50 buds for patients , bo ml and attendance.
Hum. uccnmod alums In the west.
Write for circulars on doformltius nnd
braces , trusses , club foot , onrvjturos of snlno ,
piles , tumors , cancur , catarrh , bionchltls , ln
halation. electricity , paralysis , culluir'y , kid *
ney. b adder , oyo. our , skin and blood and all
Women KKKK. Wo have lately added n l
in department fur women ilurlnt : conllneinent.
( strictly pr.vtite. ) Only Uollablo Medical In
stitute limiting a Spocl.ilty of
All It'ood Diseases successfully treated.
Synhllltlu I'nUon removed From tha system
without mercury. Now Itosloratlvo Treat
ment. for Loss of VITA I * POWKH. Persons un
ahUi lo vis , L us may bu treated at homo by
roiTOsnun encc. All communications con II-
( hmtlal. Medicines or Instruments scut l < y
mall oruAprt'ss , .securely packed , no murks to
Indlcatucontuntsor sondor. Ono personal In *
tervlinv pruferro.l. Cull and consult iisomund
history of your caso. and wo will send In plain
wrapper , our
RnnK 77) MN 1'KEE : 1'imn Private ,
Buun iu men .
, . - .
.vuoM ( ) r .mms is-
eiiscs. liiipoteney. Kvphllls. Qlcot and Vailco-
cold , with ciitstlon | list.
Uraei's Appliances for Deformities .t Triinoa.
Only manufactory Intho Wcitot i 'tit-'i
ITl ,11 I'M.HII n * , l'iHlnit , Kl.hCI'ltK )
it A T riit ! .s A \ ; ; n . / . * .s.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institulo ,
26th mid B-oa iway , Oo neil Bluffs.
Ton minutes' ildu from center of Omaha on
Omaha and Council IllulT < electric motor Hue ,
All kltulsnf Dvolngand ( Moanln ; done In tha
lilKbi'Stbtyloof the art. K.ulod and stained
fabrics made to Ionic us peed us now , lloil
feathers cloauud by steam In lint-class man
ner. Work promptly done and delivered in all
parts of ihu country. Scud for nrlcu list.
. . PltUPfilKTOU.
C. A. MALMIAN. - -
wir. Nuir N"orlha torn Depot
( oiry'ir < ItMirift. low.
Uf Council Illuffs.
Capital stooV tf/.JO , OOO
Surplus mil Prortts HOOOP
Net Capital an 1 Purplus. . . . 8UtOOOO
Director-J. I ) . IMniundion , K. l > Sliiiifirt. H'O ,
Oloason , H. K. Hurt. I , A. Millar , J. V Illnclrntn
anil Charles It llnnnnn. TriinsactKiMtoral bank-
Inu biibiness. Largest capital and surplus of
any haul ; In Southwestern Iowa.
Sims & I' anl
federal courts. Ko-jmi i , 1 aud
Ucuoblock , Council UlutTi , li.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Director nuil Undci'lukcr.
311 Broadway , Council HlulTs.
Toll-phono : i. .
FOK TKADB lOlshty acres near town for
registered Ht nil Ion or liniiortuil ilruft horHO.
AdilrubH , li I , lleuofllco , Oouiioll HIitlT.s
imOU riAI.K At n li.irealn , lii-acro fruit and
-L uiirdun lUrm adjoining city Minimi irood
dwelling , K. II. Hhoafu.
\\II ; < I , trudo honso and lot for ton in ; will
V > i-jvo long tlmoon bi litnue. Uiill lit (115 ( HL
Gib street.
171AKMH. lixinh. lioinat. lots and
JL1 business hlok for H ilu or runt. U y I *
lless. ill I'oarl atrout. Uannull HIiilTj ,
TjlOHUIC NT 57or 101 dwulllii ( H ofovory < lo-
iAscription ut price * varying from II to 1100
pur month , lociitu I In all parts of thu ulty. II
11 , Shu tfu. MJ Hroadwity.
-It' } ucr s of Ian I u short ilUliiucu H. II of
J-l.'onnclt llliiM'rf unU thu I ) , an.t It , Institute at
} i.'i pur ucro , A snup. Also coed liU-iiuru fnrui
ntur .Mlhsoiirl Viilloy iitl.'S per IIITU. | 'OHCH-
Blnn Klvon at oiu-o If sol I , I'lnu farnm nnd
curduns of all nUm , Johnston & Van 1'ulleu ,
Council Illuirs.
" \\rANTBIi-Ulrl for guuorul hoiuuwuik. < XA
V i liltiiioln uvunue.
DcerB.Wclls&Co ' Tha naino of tha bus * GP M
. BUYER'S Iness liouAOK here i Ui
Kven | : > ro as rufur- Hiicce * or to C. A.
Agricultural cncu for tin ) boiiflt lloutia .V Oo.
Implemeuta of buyers Wo recommend I.ivrKuit Kurnltur *
llou i > In thu Mo.
mend thorn the GUIDE
Wanoni , bungle * , as . ValluU ) ) to * rt
bi'st houses lo
llrojiira ' Council
Dtc. , Houth Mulii tic with InCounoIIIIlfTs. ) ,
Council lllutTi. lllilBl.
Mitiilllon , O.
Ilr.mdi Ortloo
MU I'i'arlStreet ,
Council Ulutli , . I * .
Mamifacturnrt ot
.lie Ittuiull Auto *
matlo Out 07 liu-
CurrljuuB.llu g
W agon * .
Kto. Oo. IllufO