THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 8 , 1892. SPEGIflL NOT10E8 , ADVKUTIBKMKNTH KOIt TIIK8B COM1UNB will bo taken tintll HXO : p. m. for the oTcnlna nort until8:30p.m. : ( or Hie morning or Bandar i-di. tlon. tlon.All RdTprtlncmenta In llipno colnmnii Ih rfntu a line firm Insertion , And 10 conn n line thereafter , or W per line per tnonth. No adTcrtlxament taken for ICIKI thnn 21 cents for thn Hint Insertion. Term * , raftli la nilrnncn , Count abonl porcn words to the line. Initial * . Henri' * , symbols , etc. . each count as word. All advertisements must run consecutively. Advertisers by requesting n numbered chock , can have Iho letter * addrr-ssrd to n numbered letter In onroof HUB IIKE. Answers so addressed will bo delivered on presentation of tlm check. SITUATIONS WANTED. ItATKB-lficfillnn flrnttlmo nnfl lOo line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than ttc. ' 'tlwANTKiT'A StTlIATIO > TAS IliToKKl'.Kt'KH , or position In olllcaj reliable ; good refer ences. Address I'M , lleo. Q 8 WAVrKP. A POSITION AS Ct.KUK IN 1IO- tolorolub. Rood roferBtircs. Address PW. llee. MKO a * - ( ANIINAVIAN 1M1AIIMACIST. IS VKAUS A-R oiperlencp , rciMslerod Dakota nnd Nebraska , bott recommendations , wishes to not n position. Apply llornlck , Hast & More , Sioux City , Iowa. HWANTKI ) , POSITION AS tlOOKKKKl'KIl Oil assistant bookkeeper nnd runnier by young lady ; liost city references from former employer * . Ad dress H S , lice M'"J3 9 * A WANTKD. SITUATION IIV COMIM'.TKNT male stenographer ; best references. Address H 3i Her. MW7 8 _ A WANTKK , A SITUATION TO DO DAY WOUK hylady. Address H I , lleo. MWI-Kf WANTED--MALE HELP. IIATKS IScnllnollrsl tlmo nnd lOo n linn thorn- after. No advertisement taken for less than 23n. WANTK'n. 8AilCHMlN"oN RALAUV OHCOAI- mission In handle the new patent chcmlenl Ink rrnslngpencll. Iho urontest selling novelty over produced ; erases Ink thnroimhly In two seconds ; nn nhrasluii or paper ; 20U tn Ml per cent prollt ; ono nuont's sales nmounted In fiBU In six days , another IV12 In two hours. Wo want onn Kcncral agent In each state nnd territory. Kor terms nnd full par ticulars nddresa Monroe ICrnser Mfg. Co , LaCrosvi , WIs. . X.V1 , 877 FHIST-CLABS S1ACIIIN1ST. > Iavls ) \ Cowglll. ' " 5 n-l'OHTUAlT AHTIST8 WANTK1) TO (1IVK JJour electric light prints a trial. ICxcelslor Portrait trait Co. , Wnro block , Omaha. MMI iMI.t * -OJVNVA8Siil WANTKD TO SOLICIT Oil- J > dcrs for our portraits. Kxcclslor Portrait Co. , Ware block , Omaha. MM4 MIS' _ _ MKN TxTrAKB OHDKItS ! NO DKLIYKIUNO or collecting ; nopxpcrlenca ; steady work ; best terms ; test xpoclaltlcs ! samples freo. Glen llroi , Hochestcr , N. Y. MU34-12 * B 8ALKSMEN. PAYS WKLL. 401 DISK IlLDU. IOJA5' n-ONK IIKNTH AND * JOUHNKYMAN CAH- 'JJpcnters at once. Address It. llox 07 , Alliance , Neb. 1018 * T > XV1DKAWAKIC W JUKKI18 HVKIIYWIIKHK X > for the greatest booV on eartli ; "Shapp's pho tographs of the World , " costing J100,000 : main- moth Illustrntod clrctilarn nml terms free : tinparn- lolled success ; Mr. Thomas K Martin. Ccnturvllle , Tex. , cleared J711 In U days ; Miss Itoso Adams , \Vooster , ( ) . . tZI In 40 minutes ; Itor. J. Honnrd Madison , Lyons , N. Y.flOI In 7 hours ; a bonanza ; maenlllccnt outfit only II Hooks on credit. Freight paid. Address ( Hobo Illblo Publishing Co. . No.8W Dearborn street , Chicago , III. , or Phllnilel- phi a , Pa. M123 8 * B -PLINTYOK : woitK AT FOUT citooic NOW for pick nnd shovel hands. 127 10 * BB B WANTKD. (1001) 11LACK9M1TH ; STEADY work to right man. Address N. Lundqulst. Yal- ley , Nob. 173 7 n-CKIAUS. IIY A CKSAIt MANUFACTUIHNC iJflrm. nitlesinen traveling the western states to carry their goods as a side line on n liberal com mission ; those selling drugs or liquors preferred ; best of reference required. O. P. Mcrryman A Co. , 325 North Howard St. , Haltluioro , Md. 177 7 - HOY Aiioirr" i YKAUS OLD TO B-STIIONO learn hardware business. Address P , C ) lleo. M25U-8 B ; -WANTED TWO COAT AND ONK PANTS makers. C. Aron , Crete , Nob. M2W 10 * BB B WANTKD AOKNTH TO SKLL TIIKOHANI ) . CM Rt. Patrick's day orimiuent over seen : f , " . to WO made : don't miss It. Sample lOo. 31. Krnst , Clorelund , O. M2KI-8 * WANTKD. A YOUNI ! MAN FHOM 17 TO 19 years of ago that hnd hud some experience. In n ftrocery nnd willing to innko 111 line If generally useful. Itefuroiico required. Address l'C4 , lleo. 278 1 -HAKKIl WANTIil ) , KOIl KUIlTIIKIl INFOU- mutton uddrcss B. J. Cornur , Uruoley Ccnter.Ncb 2KI 8 f > -WANTKD. 4 UKl'KllTOIHI ] 1'KOl'liK WITH . specialties' for Lcorn Co. ; also rollnhlo business niiin with Htunllonpltnl to take- full charge of the finances of company , now on the roiul fully equipped , playing ono week slands ; these meaning business only address John Lane , Neola , la. , this week only. 2M 7 * T > WANTED. A ROOD 1ILACK8MITII WITH JJtoois at 1'ralrlo Home , Nob. , Immedlnloly Thos. Kerrlhard. .M3IJ if * t WANTED-FEMALE HELP. UATUa 15ou llnnllrnt tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement tnktm for lens than 25o. ' " " " -WANTKDr'aoOD""COOK ANI"i7AUmUK93 , Ili0 : H.y.Hh Bt. 752 -WANTKO , A ( Hill. FOU OlINKUAL IIOUSK- work. Call ut once. 1212 South 31st Btroot. .Mrs. J. W. Craig. M1I7A C ! WANTKI ) , LAD1KS AND OIIII.S TO DO PITH now work for us at homo ; f.1 to $ fl per week irnslly made ; no painting or canvassing ; send self- CC envelope. Kc-lio Manufacturing Co. . 4 , I.lbcrty square , Io ton , Ma.9. 145 8 * C WANTTCII ami , FOII QKNEltAL HOUSE work. 20T.2 Hurt t. MV25 8 * WANTED. ISXPICIUENCISI ) DINING HOOM C i girl. 2101 Douglas. M2278' C WANTKD-VOUNO LADY TO IIOTTI.K .I'ltll- f nine and to handle ladles' toilet articles. Must bo willing to travel. No canvassing. Call nt 3048. 13th St. , from ID tn 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p.m. M 2C7 8 C-O1KI.T11ATIJNIKIISTANI)3 COOKING AND doing housework , 2 In family. IS.'l Davenport st. 271) ) U fl-WANTKU. A01IU , KOltOENKUAL HOUSK- L < vrorlcotl'30N2llhrJt. ' 27CU' C-WANTKI ) . A GOOD ( SIIII , OU WOMAN FOIl general housework. Mm. W. U. Davis , ISO ) S loth. 275'J' C WANTKD. A OOOI ) COOK ; ItKFKUKNCKS required. W , W. Marsh , 6th und 1'lno eti. 8869' J 1 WANTKD , ( lllll , KOIl OUNKIIAI , 11OUSK- Owork , 2714 Howard si. , at oticu. 2S.S U' i-A NEAT I1IUL WA.Vl'KD TO TKND hTOUK C and do housework. Cigar store , 712 S. Ibth Uriiut. M'iWlS' f > 3.4 AS UOOM IIOUHKS , IIU to 115. IIKST UKH- JJldcncu lints lu city. Mead Inv't Co. , 442 Iluo bldg , fc7J _ T\-0 UOOM FLAT , 240J I.KAVKNWOHTII ST. D FOU HUNT , STKAM HKATICII FLATS IN thu 1' . I't. Her block , corner ICIh und Jackson llreets. Thny havu all convvnlenoos and lire In good repair. Call at Her It Co's. , 1112 Ilurnuy street. M7I4 0-9-llOOM 11OIIS1 ! . 27TI1 AND DAVK.NI'OItT nil convonlonous , 12500 per month , F. 1C , Da ling , llurkur blook. 8JO 1HOUiKS , COITAdKd. UOOMS , 1114 N. I71h St. SJ 475ml7 T -Kll UKNT AT 18TII AND C1I10AUO JVatroutst 1 room cottage with water , H. 4-room nut with water , 110. ( Vniom flat , stuam host , Newly papered and pnlntoil , ftO. Uoburls , lUd Chlcavo street. 1V-a-HOOM FLAT OVKIl 2J SOUTH IOTJI J etrMf frashly papered ; all modurn convent. tmcen. IncludlnK largo kitchen rnnua. Apply Windsor - ser , Hump A Co. , aij N. V , 1.1 fo bldg. Mii7fl 1\-FOU 11KNT.4-IIOOM FLAT , FHONT 18TH AND J-'lllckorjf , 7JV * 1\-FOU HUNT , FHAMK IIOJSK , NO. KW ri HiTlI X' treof lu good repair. Kent JI5.0U per uionlh. Call at Her A C'o's. . 1112 HariiBy slruel. M7li BT-llKM ) COTTAOB , 27TII , KABT FHONT. 1 uilUi from 1' . O..all mod. Imp. , tU. T-room collage. S3U fownrd , new , pretty , 114. 6-rooni home , 2&th near HI. Mary's nve. , Ill FIdullly Trust Co. , K , entrance N. Y , Mfo. 784 M3I pv-llOUHUS ANDAI'AUTMKNlglN UK8 T UICSI- JUdoucu bluvk In city , ttlll a. i'Jd street. Tel. 17W. MIU2 - + FOII UKNT , FLAT OK 4 11OOSIH , ( iltOUNI ) Hour , chuap lo rluht parly , 2NJ4 I'K-rco st. st.N2.V1 N2.V1 S -rLAJJIlK LIST OF HOUHKa. HTOUKS , FLATS etc. , | i anil , up. 1'aul , 17 Hoard of Trudu. 215 A 6' FOR RENT-.FURNI8IIED ROOMsT HATKS-150 a line Urst IllilB and lOo a line Ihcro- aftcr , Nu advurtlsuuionl taken for lean than V6o. outr ; nil uiudttrn Ituproveuiunti. I4U9 Iougl i t. 1IQM7 * -XOH IlKNT. ONK 1.AIU1K KIIONT OU TWO back fuiolihod or unf urnlehaJ ruoiui. m boulh 1Mb lrt > vt- BOO -NICKI.V KUKNISHKl ) KIIO.VT UOOM KOUONK or two Kt'iitlomon , VHO Davenport t , VM -FOH ItKNT , FUllNISHKl ) OU UNKllll. althed roomi torllgbt houiokuoplav. 1111 K. lltli itrflut. IBS _ E-VKItV DKsTllAllI.K rouui. all miidurn eoiirenlencet , convoulent to Dill cUu board , 414 North IDtti .trcct , MI1W lu * FOH RENT-FtniNISHED HOOMS. Co > i nti f. E-rUHNIBHKIl IIOOMS WITH Oil WITIIOtn board. 104 S. l lh. IHO 10 * 17 TWO NICKI.V KUUNI8I1KI > ItOOMB TO HUNT JJwIlh modern conTcnlfnoei. Host location , 2413 Cnpltol Are. 17U 7' J7-KOII HUNT. laitOANT KUIIN181IKI ) UOOMB. J-Jninnleor fnnnlto , I ndlolnlng nrlnr , nullnlilo for I orJ ladles or married conpl best or reference enco required. ( DlSo. ith St. Iti7 II U-I.AIK1K KIIONT IIOOM KI.KOANTt.V Kllll J'nlshpd. itontn lient , tiMh , Die , 1817 lAjnrrnworth ttrri-t. ror gentleman. > Hi 10 * -FnilUKNT7vUltN18IIKII HOOM : 1'I.KAHANT J 'front room for MtiKla Kenllnmnn In family of two : f8 per month ; house comforts ! reformed ex changed. Addruis 1' , 4J lloo. M2U8-6 * P-KUHNISHICI ) UOOM , M MONTH , 1D02 KAIIN AM lj U Z74 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UATE9 lien line Hr t lime nnd lUo ix linn there- nfter. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 2Jc T-NICKLY FU11NI8IIKD UOOM WITH IIOAIll ) J- for man andwlfo or two ladles , private- family : K week each ; modern conveniences. 515 N , 23rd st. rP-FIIONT IIOOM WITH AI.COVK. ALSO UOOM unfurnlthcd If desired. 212 So. 25th ft. C7I P-HOOMS AND 110AIU ) , 113 B. 8STII. ( J 17-iioo.MS , nntNisiiRii ou UNKUIINISHKO , -I. and k-ood t.-iblo board. 2IOT DoiiRlas. MIW8 * 1-VKUV DKaiUAIlI.K FIIIST ANII SKCONI ) " floor , aontli nnd cnat , furnlshod rooms nt "Tho Frcnier. " 110 No , 7Hh utreot. M340 18' 17-2 VKUY D1-.HIUAII1.K IIOO.M8 WITH IIOAUI ) . J'Mra. Shrlncr , Ml 8. aith street. 279 IS FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS llATKH-lta n line llrst llmo nnd lOc n linn there- riflor. Nn ndvortlscmont taken for lens than 250. p-Bl-X UNfUIINlHRI ) ItOOMa. 1131 8. 171'H V nvcnuo. between Jackson and l.cnvonworth.Wl Wl 8 G 3 U.NKUUNISHKI ) UOOMS , C.1I 8. 17TII ST , BOAKDINQ. HATKS-ISc n Una llrst time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2je. H-PULLMAN IIUUSK , 1310 DOIHJK , FOH ( JOOI ) board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo > otlon It cannot bo oxcollod. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 261 A10 FOB BENT STOBE8 AND OFFICES. HATKS-IRc n line first time nnd lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. T Vo [ ruE NT"T i i K 4 HTOKV IIIIICK KIIILDINO , -l l Farnnn street. The building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam-heating tlxturci , water on all the Hours , gas , etc. Apply at the ollloo of The lleo. bJ8 1FOUHKNT.STOllK , IC21 IIOWAKI ) . B3S - 1IUILDINRS FOIl MA.NUFACTUU- I-8UITAULI5 Ing purposes at Kckormann Place , good engine nnd boiler , M-'i per month. C. K. Harrison , U12 N. Y. Life. 32at - IIK.NT , IN IIKSTUKTAIL LOCATION IN 1-FOll Omaha , entire second door or department * In fiolden Kaglo Shoe Store , 114 S lrth st. Wl FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IlATIig l.r > c o line llrst Unitnnd lUc a line there after. No Hdvortlsement taken for less thnn'C. . r-GAIlDKN KAUMS TO HUNT. T , "MUUIIAY. t ) E8I J UUICK YAUDSKOll UKNT. T. MUHUAY.MU53 WANTED TO RENT IIATKS 16o n line tlrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 25c. K WANTKI ) , KUUNISHKD UOOM FOIl OKNT ; conlrnlly located ; stiito terms. Address 1MO , lice. M2IJ2 8' RENTAL AOENCIE3. IIATKS llic a line first tlmo nnd lOo line there after. No advertisement taken for loss thnn 25o. -ilENTALAfJENCY C. Ciarvlu A. Co. , 20S Shcoly block. Telephone 1U10 8&5 STOBAOE. M OLDUST , CllKAI'liST AND I1EST BTOllAdK house In the city. Williams & Cross,1214 llarney. 637 TVAUTED-TO BUY. UATKS 1511 fi llnu anttlmo itnd-lOo a lln thereaf ter. N.O advertisement taken for less than 25c. "VT FUUNITljilK HOUGHSOLui ! STOllKI ) . 1 > Well * . 1111 Farnam st. 8.HS \T SECOND-HAND FUHNITimiC - * ' und exchanged : highest prices ptild for second hand goods. llOBton Furniture Co , UM N. If.tli st. M Mil' WANTKI ) . A GOOD UOLLKll TO1 DKSK. ADdress - dross I'M , lleo. 282 9 * "M WANTKD , TO BUY A COOD TWO BTOIIY Li housi o that can bo moved. Address lUO , lleo. 2348" T7IOH BALK , SBVEItAL KLEOANT IIOUSKS L near Ilanscom park , just completed , all modern conveniences ; can gtvo Immediate possession. ( Jeo. N. Hicks. ; K)5 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 2S.M3 _ FOB SA.LE FUKNITUKE. UATE3 I5o a line first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o - SALEFU11N 0-FOU a ten-room house , with , lease for 14 months , four blocks west of postolllco. Surroundings strictly first clasti. none better. On corner , largo yard , shade trees , barn , modern conveniences , suit able for boarding or room lotting. Possession given nny time from now to Mar I , Kent WOOO-por month. Prices will bo found very reasonable , If condi tions are favorable will remain as boarders. P42 , llee office. M1B9 11 * -FOU SAT.B , VEIIY CHEAP. KLEfiANT LEAther - thor upholstered furniture , eight chairs and lounge ; suitable for olllco or library. Address I'M. Hoe onico. 828 _ FOB BALE-HOR8E3 , WAOON3 , ETC. HATKS It * a line first time and lOc a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25e. -Vdil 8ATn 1 CIIKAP , WKN 2 slSrrED FAUji buggy. Call 2520 Davenport street. 2G3 IB FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ltATES-150 a line first tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. rW'K ( JPUUSHT PIANO. BTANDAItD MAKE , VXUHH ! only a few mouths , at a sucrlllco. 2023 Cald , well st. _ 4M Q-l'OIl SALE , 3'WO I11LLIAKD AND TWO POOL tables , with cues , balls , racks ; good order ; 176 each. Dull ( irocii , Barker block. MS4C -11IOVCLKS. NEW. 1140 ; LATEST PATTEHN , cushion tire cycles for tlUO. Cheaper grades In proportion l.lntn true. Agents n anted. A. W. < iump , Dayton , O. StMJ S * IIATKS- it line llrst tlmo nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 2ic , J Veto. , against corporations or IndlvlduuU , tiounht and advanced on , W. K. Davis , H'JJ Contlnontal blk _ auu-MI2 R -CANADIAN KMPIXVM1CNT OFFICE. M4 S. lith , mnlo nnd female help ; orders by mall promptly attended to Heforoncu ; Oiimlm Nutlona bank. Tel. Wl , v -72-il-Vi -HA MILTON I1UOS. , CAIIPKNTEKS AND lhullderH. All kinds Jobbing , 414 Bo. 18th. Tel. I17U. OLAIKVOYANTS. UATES-150 a line first tlmo and lOu a Una there. after. No advertisement taken for less tuan25c , " - A DA Ml K 1 ITic s UiHNO S-M clairvoyant and troneu medium ; Indepundont voices ; tulls pu t und futuro. T2IM24 * S-MHS. NANN1KV , WAIIUKN. CLAIIIVOVANT reliable tiu lne s medium , fifth year 1IJ N. ICth SUV S-AUltlVAL KXTHAOUIMNAllV.VONDEUKUL reveUlloiii. ClialleuKes thu world. Mr a. Dr. M , Luitraie , dtmd franco clairvoyant , ustrologUt , paluilit and Ufa reader ; tells your Ufa from the crndlo to urovo ; unites the separated ! causes ui r > rlago with the one you lovoj tells ulitiro you "III Buccved and In what bn > lno brut adapted for ; has the celebrated Egyptian braattplato for luck and to destroy bad Inlluonceni cures tits , Intemperance and all private complaint ) with massage , baths and alcohol treatment. Send I. , lock of hair , numa and ditto of birth and roceiva accurate llfu oharti 2 ceuu In etauii'H for circular ) glvu InltlnU of ana you Kill inarryj also photo * of name , onico 10U7 couth lltli Btruet , tint door ; hourf.U a. m to W n. m. Come one , coma all. and bo convinced of this wonderful 01 uclu. MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. 'P-JIA8SAOB TIIL'ATMENT , KLKCTUO-THKH- J uial bathi , tcaluand Imlr treatment , manicure andchtropodUt. Mra.Po > t,91VH S. 15thWlthuell blk. B'JI ' | \-MA1)AMK HMIT11. 1121 1HJULAH HTUGIKT , L room7Sd Hour. Alcoholsulphur and lua baths. UMImf fp-MlB8 t'TOWK , MASSKUSK KLKCTUICIAN -L 312 Itumiio block. iUMO 14' rp-MADAMULA HUB. MAdSAOK. 41G SOUTH -Llithttreot , ! rd floor. Hit 4 , aiilstant. MT45-V fVHAS3AGE | , Via H. IST1I bTUKKT , JI ) FLOOIt X lily M20 * PEB80NALS. UATttS I5o n line first tlmo and lOo n line tuoro- utter. No advvrlli uivut lakva for leittbau > 5a. " -KOH SAl7K oil" iTKNT , THH ONLY OTKL In the Incorporated town of Keunird , Wanh. Cxi Kv\h Addrt i T. Davldsuo. l < tt-H flIUSIO , ART AMD LANQUAQE. _ HATK8 ISe a line first time nnd tOd a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2jo. V O. f. ( iELLKNIlkCrtr I1A-N JO TKAClllil , > wlthllospo , or5ISN , ISthst _ 9H -ilKKOUK llttYINH A PIANO HXAMINK TIIK v now scale Klmball piano. A llo | io , I51J Itatulas , \r-FOIl BALK , CHKAP FOU OA9II , A FINE ' upright piano , nearly new and standard manu facture. Address U.TI , lleo ORICQ. 484 MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. UATKa-l.'Kj a line first tlrao and too n line there after. No advertisement lako.i for IOM than 2J3 \\r-CKNTUAb LOAN A TIIU3T CO. IIKI5 11LIHI , \ \ LOANS ON IMPUOVKI ) AND UNIMPllOVKI ) ' i clly propcrty.M.UOO nnd to 8 iior cent , No delays. W.Farnam Smith , VCo.IMh andllarney \\r--HKAl.lS8TATKI.OANH.OTO7 I'Kll CICNTi i no additional charires fur commission or attor noy's fees. W. II. Molklc , First National bank bids. ir-COATKS , 1014 KAUNAM. KASTKUN MONKY > Ml 1\r-IXAN3.W.M. UAItltlS , H.M , ntKNZlCIl III.K. > > Wl < 8 , . ( \VAI.LACK,312 IlltOWN 1II.IC , SM 420 \\r-ANTIIONV LOAN ANDTHU8T CO. , Hlfl N. V. ' Life , lend at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or lena farms or Omaha city property. 8(1,1 ( r APPLY TO J. Ik LOVKTT FOU CIIKAP money ; only first class security , 820 S. 13th. 891 ir MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVKI ) CITY ' properly , tow rate. A. C ! Frost , Douglas blk. 895 iy MONKV TO LOAN ON LONG OU SHOUT time III snmsnf JXTOO lo 110,000. Multial Investment Company , 8 ! 1 AY r-C , W IIAINKY,315OMAHA NAT. UK. IILDO. City mortgages. Lowest roles. Money on hand. \\r-LOANS ON UKAI , KSTATK AND COlitiAT- ' ' tcral notes nnd inortgaKes bought. I toed A Solby , Ml Hoard of Trade. W3 AY rPKK ! CUNT FIUST MOUTOAOF. LOANS , lllchnrd C. Patterson , till Farnam st. l Jl \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVKI ) OMAHA ' ' property ; building loans a specialty , llrennan A Co. , Karbach block. MTUS M24 A T-MONKYAT LOWKST UATKS , P. V. WIL ' Kami , Klrsi National Ilank building. M733 \\r-OMAHA SAYINOS HANK MAKK9 LOANS v > on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In nmall or largo sum and for short or long time No commission Is charged , and the loans are tiotiold In the cast , but can always bo found at the bank ou the corner of 13th and Douglas streets \\r-PIUVATH MONKY. FIUST AND SKCOND ' mortgage loans , low rates. Alex. Mooro. 401 lleo building M78.-1 \\r-WANTKD , 10 PER CKNT MONKY TO LOAN ' on Kilt eilxed town property In St. Kdwards , Neb. Hoferencc. ICxchnngo bank , Ht. Kdwnrds Nob. A. D. White , Heal Kstuto and Loan Agency. M7a3 \y-WK Alll ? NOW IMIKPAUIH ) TO PJ.ACK ' i lar o loans on Insldo business property at very low rates of Interest. We also handle ground lenses on business properties , tleo. J. Paul. 17 Hoard of Trade. M21.V1H * \\r-l.OAN WASTKII , I WANT J60.0UO KOIl F1VK ' > enrs alii percent , will nlvo first mortgage on lOi ) farms lu Nebraska. Addruts box n > trnnkfort , Ind , 27012 MONEY TO LOAN--OHATTEI.3. IIATKS 15o a. line llrst llmo und 100-a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2jc. X-DO YOU WANT MONKYt If so do not fall lo get our rates before bor rowing. Wu make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , at the low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , hut you get the money on the same day you asU far It. Wo will carry the loan ns long as yon desire , giving you the prlvllcgo of paying It In full or In part at any tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our offices nro centrally located and are so ar ranged that partlescalllng on us can bo nailed on quickly nnd courteously. It will bo to your advantage to soous before securing - curing a loan. r Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . Uoom II , Crultthton Hlpck , 15th St. , south of I'ostofllco. " ' ' 2S7 -MONKY TO LOAN 11Y 11. F , MASTI111S ON household goods , pianos , organ * , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at thu lonest pouilblo rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmo arranged to unit the borrower. ' ' " I'liymcnlM of any amount can bo madu atnny tlmo , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all the benefits of .tho partial pay ment plan. Call and see mo when you want n loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone I Oil and your buslncsss can bo transacted at homo. Money alwa > s ou baud ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. . ' U. F. Masters , U. 4 , WUhnoll blk , 15th and llarney. DOH - WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF security : strictly confidential , A. IS. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. , . 1)05 ) X -UOU'T PIUTCIIAUD , U. 3 , W1TUNKLL IlLlf ! . JO ? x" -MONKY ON FUUNITUUK.'HOIISKS. PIANOS. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , room ' > $ , Slieely block. x"X 006 XWHKN YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN SKI ! W. U. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. UXI X-MON15Y LOANKD ON FUUNITUIIK.TIOUSKS , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , H. 4J3,1 Iliimgc , lilt ) MONKY TO LOAN , 30. CO , W DAYS ON FUIINI- turo , llvo stock , etc. Dull Clroon , removed to Uoom 8 and V. Darker blk 188 V MONKY ON ilONDS , STOCKS , WAUUANT8 -/Vpersonal property.WuyneAllalloy.U.WJ Karbach 90)3131' BUSINESS CHANCES. RATES 15e a line first time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for leu thnnZic. V BUV TIIK COMM1SIICIAU THE LEADING J- hotel at Broken Uow , Neb , No land In trade.ill ill I Y-FOH BALE. HOTEL , FURNISHED , II HOOMS , doingu good business ; terms easy ; location bent. Address llox an , Chadron Neb. M2B4 MS * -HIl HALE , A FIIlbT CLASS OPENING FOH YHIl a man with asmall capital I ? Invest In a stock of general merchandise ; well established business ; good profits. Addresu box 713 , Omaha , Neb , 4i7 m 1C' - - OH ALLOFHAIlDWAItE STOCK. Y-ONE-HALF Good trade , good location , cheap rent , and good reasons for selling. Address Lock llox Ud2 , Lincoln , Neb. M854 H Y FOH HENT , AIIOUT MAllCII 1. THE HOW nrd hotel , corner Howard and ICth streoti ; con tains about 40 rooms , which are furnlbhed com plete , A good opportunity to the right party , i'or particulars call at Her It Co's. , Ill ) llarney direct. MTU -CASH PAID FOH ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old line companies. Send description A. 1C. Ilrooklusby , box .Ml , Hartford , Conn. (145 13 * - ( ) OPENING FOIt GKNEKAL .MICK- Y-JltANI clmndlse store ; town booming ; canning factory and sash and door factory already established ; great Inducements being offered for acrcamery ; the be > t store building In town vacant ; rent low ; rare chance. A , D. Whlto Heal Eatato Agency , Bt. Kd- ward , lloono Co. , Nob. 11W5 U \ ' MEAT MAIIKET KOH BALE IN ONE OF the most thriving towns of Nebraska. Address Holler & Liver Co. , butchers' aupplloa , 1217 Howard at. , Omaha , Neb , 110-tl Y-PAHTNEIl WANTED IN THE MANUFAC- ture of brick , builnosa already ostabllshod , capacity of plant 40,000 per day. 2 bank ! of clay , 15 acres clay In all , building and paving , 05-hor > o power holler , iShorso power onglno , Ohio brick machine and spread * , and all other tools necessary for u first-class yard ; oitablUhixl 6 years and Imvo the trade of central Nebraska ; will sell half or all. For further particulars luqulru of P. A. Stewart , Hastings , Adams Co. , Nub. 7JO U Y FOH BALE-SALOON , DOING A GOOD II IIS I- ne > s ; good rcanou given ror Belllnir. Address Lockbox UU , West Point , Neb. M38U V WANTED , IILACKBUITH TO IXJCATK IN J- now to IT n on now railway ; Inducements to right party , Addrois Wm. H. Gunaull , townsltu agent , Bavngo , AntelopoCo. , Nob. Mill ] \r-FOH BALE , A CIOAH MANUFAOTOHY AND L tobacco atoro of twenty-one yuari'.ttandliig. oil account of uld ago. Inquire of II. Anidi , lllalr. Nob. MU1 a3 > Y-WANTED , A CIIEAMEHY AT ST. KDWAUDH , Neb. Good Inducements offered u good uian cither In bonus or stock. Address A , Powell , ecc- rvtary Ilnilnoss Men's anoclatl-jn. ' ivi 13 V KOIl HENT. A TWO-hTOltV IIIIICK HOTEL 1 well furnished , 24 Bleeping rooms , reasonable rent , located on a good eornur ou the main bubll iu' itraet In a wldoawako county neat town hav ing good railroad facilities ; good references re quired ; leseeo must have oiporlouco In thu hotel business ( married man preferred ) and able satis factorily to fevuru rent. Addr * T. II. Wallace , agent , St. Paul , Nob. ' 115 7 VSALE , A 11A1INES3 SHOP. 1STII AND X Vlnton Ms. , on account of ttckaesa. Address Frfld Mueller , 1724 Vlnlon nt. 181-ia V FOH BALE , "MY HA HUNG HESOHT AT J Luke Manama. Address J. J , Malowuey , Hebron , Nob. . -i RAI Y'-FOH SALE , THE ONLY. FIIlbT CLASS hotel In the townof Wllber. All furnished tn good running order , doing 11 uood business. Item- oim for nollluK , don't llko thu climate. Will ( till cheap for cosh or part on time. I'oMurthor partlo- ulan write to Jot. F , Kyle , Wllbor , Ballnii Co. . Nub. OT3I3 NEWBPAPEH KOIl BALK ; ONLY * DMO- large domocratto i-ouulr ; . pub- llshtTlnolty .uUOIuhBbltanls ; It uttlcltlpapcr and has all legal putrouagu ; larKa.oultlt ; cuoap ; vnty tttcui. Wrltu at oucv. S 4 , lUio. MW V * BUSINESS-TjnANCE3. V-KOlfSALK. OOODilUSINK8 , , IN OMAl'A ) Lwllltako prrt parinCAfni good real estate. Good reasons for telling. AddrtM I'ra , lleo. MSB lu * ron _ _ UATErt-I.V ! a line nrttTWo aniTlSc a line there- nflcr. No adTrtl emMrt1akcn forlesj than 25e , Altakc real estate A monoyi Ilox29. > , Frankforl , Ind. loK UU _ V-IF YOU HAVE A G,6li UPIUOHT PIANO ' 1X1 'Jtrado for lot 48. block , . ) . Armour Place , South Omaha ; clear of all Inrotnbranco. Address N 43 , lice onico. _ [ S1ZI3 y-llUNDHKDHllADUJr' HOUSES AND LAND /Jnen | tern Nebraska tfdr a stock of dry goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes , hats nnd ciipi. Addrots box ion. Nebraska City , Neb. 2.U MIU * y-UAHClAIN , A IIUCK MITH AN ! ) WAGON ' shop for sale or trade with a residence ; will seller or trade for good farming land , Tappo llros. , Ver- don. Nob. M70J _ r/-nNE-THIHD CASH , IIALANCK IN CHOICE ' -'clear Nebraska land or trotting stallions to ex change for ( i good , clean stock of merchandise or hardware ; write with full particulars , or better cotuoand sco inoand the land. Henry Chamhcrlln , Wood Ulvcr , Neb , 173 IS _ V WANTED TO TIIA1)K. A CLKAH HOUSE ' -'and lot or n Nohrnskn farm for household furnl turo. Address I1 01 , lleo. MIDI FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. JiATKS I.'KJ a line flsrt tlmo nnd tOc a line there * after. No ndvcrtlonumt taken for less than 2.V1 , IJ'OII BALK AT ' llGLV.OT IslfAJCIIC 4 JW. . U Solby'9 first addition to South Omnha. Small payment down , balance-monthly It desired Inquire G. 11 , Tischuck , Omaha Ilco. ; W3 M : ODEHN ID KOOM HOUSE. GOOD IXJCATION ; no trade ; cash bargain. Addrois O2I , llee. MIIOM1G' " 170HSAI.15 100 ACIUO KAUM IN 1IMJK U1VKR J valley. Thaycr county , 10 miles west of Hebron. Ono of the very best farms In the county : good house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc. * nnd an abundance of fruit , Umber nnd running water. Also for sale or exchange for good lands or city property , n brick pork packing house and llxtures In Hebron , Thnyer county , near II. , V M , depot. Kor particulars In qulro of nny real estate agent In Hebron. Mir -\r E. coitNini arrit AND HICKOIIV. M.XIM J- ' feet ! n bargain for a few days Only. F. K. Dnr ling , llarkor block. Pit II SAI.K. NKnilASKA FAUM T.AND3. Q. 0. Wallace , 312 llrown block , ICth and Douglas. B15 _ _ FOH SAI.K. IIOMKS , ANY PIHCK. I7SO.M.2M VK ; easy terms ; takoclonrproporty as llrst payment , U U. Wallace , llrown block , lUth and Douglas. D15 _ KOUNTZtf I'LAflB , 1IA1KJA1NH , N1NK-UOOM house on Wlrt , M. ll ) : f U XI cash. Klounnt home on Plnkncy , ( A..VX ) ; tfiOO cash , balance f.l.VOO per month ; ether fine homes ; would conildcr tome trndo. J. J. Gibson. Crolghton block. FOI18AU2-S06TO7-11OOM UOUSKd , 11.20000 TO K.6000U.tlOO 00 cash , $10.00 per mo. I houhe to rent nt , Ill ) DO pur mo. E. O. MlrrolP 45IZ Patrick avo. 076 7 FOIt HAI.KOU HUNT Several dcslrablo medium sited nnd small houtos cheap mm on easy terms. W. 'I. Mlllard , nt Oniahu Nat. bank. Wl iJ'Oll SAIiK 9-K COUNKIt 17th. DOUCAH. 83H.X I&S 3 cottnsca , stable for I ! horses , can bo divided Into Slots. Inquire at promlnes. 112V * \\rOUM ) YOU l.IKB A IlKAUTIFUIj HOMK' ' ' I have n clmrmltiK lot at 3Jnd and Woolworth , facing the park , which I will sell to naslrablo party upon most favorable terms , or will build to suit purchaaur upon monthly or quarterly payments. Call at once , David Jaralcson , 412 lieu building. 131 _ _ INK ACUK UT.I ADJOINING THIS TOWN OF lllalr , Nob. ; good liuiJi , , II. W. Mcllrldc. ' 144-A-3' _ OH8AI.KOUHKNTS-1tOO.M COTTAGE ( NKW ) with full lot. In OrcHiiM hill. Apply to Wm. Anderson , Murray hotel , ' or 20U So. 20tli etroot. a . M1E7 7 _ _ EH SAI.K-ON A PUQMINKNT ST11KKT , A8- phalt , east front , on-Ktade , a Illio residence , stable , etc. , complete ln.overy , detail ? latest Im provements ; house dccprau-d tbrouuhotit : ten minutes from court boufOly , motor ! n Kreat chance to sccuroa modern hoinpt Address P 47 , lleo onicc. _ % y _ M8U7 ! . ) ACHKS KOH 8Ain : , FIIANKMN. CUSTKH , t lloonc , Cheyenne and1 Klmball counties at a great sacratloe. G. II. rtitorson , 1412 H. 13th. Oma ha , Nob. 05 1 2.11 " 80 AOUKS OF OOODilMNII , 14 MILKS FIIOM Lincoln. f5 ! per aero ; easy paymontH. Co-Opera- ttvo Land X Lot Co. , 203 N. ICth st. 2s'i 0 Oil BALK SKVHNTlJfcN TltOIISANU ACHKS unimproved lands In Howard , Sherman , ( Ireolcy and Valley counties , Ncnmska. onuvery liberal tocnraiidn deferred piv-iucntn. 0 per cent Interest. Address I ) . Konilck , , ! ' . O.Jhoi VUOU.ol Anuulcs , Ual. , Sf 'I ( . ' } . ifiji v * tt\if \ < UH oW y LOST. " IIATBS 16o a line first tluio nnd lOo a line Iliore after , No advertisement taken for less than 2Sc- OST.FOXTl whlto body , black rump ; rowaruifor return. 1512 California et. .M ; : > 7-8' _ OST A SOltltKLL IIOUSK , 2 YKAItS OLD. UK- turn to r'rcrt Mueller , 1724 Ylnton et. ; got re ward. 12l I0 OST UKTWKKN POSTOKfICK AND KAUNAM st. , a bunch of keys , llcturn to 1424 Fiirunraiit. and get the reward. itrj. > 8 * SM'ALL GOLD HOItHK SHOK PIN WITH NINK fltuull stones sot In. 1'loaie leave at U o utlfcc. j , _ M1M ! & ' HAIR GOODS. IIATKS 15e a line first tlmo and lOo a .lino there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c LAIUiKST STOCK IN ENTIIIK WKST ; THKAT- . rlcal wigs and beards n xpeclalty. Wigs , bangs Bwltches , hnlr chains , etc. , ecnd for catalogue Mall orders solicited. Davlea , 111 S. 15th at. , Omaha mo 2 ' IDKAL I.AIHKS'1 HAIlt DltUSSINO PAIt- T'HK lors , switches , bangs , w.lgs , toupees , jewelry nnd hair ornaments In stock ; wigs to order , special at tention given to mall orders. 2ug S. 15th st , : id floor. M5 ! > 4 M20 * FAWN BBOKEH3. HATK3 15o a line llrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. KN F. MAUT1 , HEMOVKD TO 107 S. 15TI1 ST. 971 Ati S. SNYUISU'U LOAN OKFICIf , 1510 DODOK HT. S.n . MU43 31 * n < HKD MOHLE , OFFICE 15I1M FAUNAM ST. 817 STKAYED. HATES"15o n line first Ime and lOcn line there after. No advertisement taken for lejs than 25o OAny Information will bo rewarded by John Itcls- dorfl , 29th and Unpont streets. M242 8 * STHAYED. A DUN PONY AIIOUT 8 YEAHS ; weighs 700 pounds. Address J , Hover. South Omaha , for reward. M290 10 * FOUND. I70UND-POCKETI100K CONTAINING MONK1 ; J- owner may have eaiuo by proving property nnd paying advertising , Mlllard Hotel. MH01 'J * DUESSMAKING. ENGAGEMENTS TO DHESS-tlAKlNG IN famlllos solicited. Miss Sturdy , 3'JU S. avtb t. MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETO. T ADIES A GENTLEMEN CAN HENT MAHQUE- A-Tado cobtuiuoi at 114 SlOtli. Uoldou Eagle store. MANUgAOTUItlNa JEWELERS. ' " " " ASH"iMi"lIII"FOIl OLD GOL1) , CAHSON Jt 11AKKti room 80 llarker block , Omaha. U13 OUTLEKY ORINDINO. SEND YOUK Hti.S301trt.lA/.Oll3 , KTC. , TO IIE ground to Underlain ! .t'Co. , 101 S , 14th nt. WJ REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. ' , MEGKATH , 16074 Farnira slraot , Orakha. Neb , SUTCIDESjbR / LOVE. On r.nnriilnp ; Thnt Ills * "oriucr Swcethcnrt U AlHHit to llu Alurrlixl , Coroner Maul hold an Inquest on tlio body of Cyrus K. Kopp , a painter who committed sutclito at Vulloy by sw/illowlnp / ; a largo dose of morphtno. It scorns that ho ob tained Iho drug at Waterloo whllo attending an A. I1. A. meeting. Kopp teen > .ho poison on Rong ) to bed and told bis roninmata named Kico , in a jesting to no. When Hico proposed going for a phy sician Kopp said bo was Joking , and his true condition was not discovered until ho began to froth at the mouth and his limbs twitched spasmodically. All efforts to save the unfortunate young man were In vain. vain.Kopp'e rash act was the result of disap pointment lu love. Ho loft a letter addressed to Miss IClla Wood , Calburg , Ouster county , from which It seems thai they had been en gaged to bo married. The engagement was broken off last summer , und Kopp learned re cently that tbo young Udy wai about to bo married to another man. CANCEROUS/ "In the summer of 1800 , ft sere tip- Beared on my fnco similar to n Cancer. 1 tried various remedies , but found no Belief until I took Swift's Specific , which cured mo entirely. I used 0 bottles. .W. F. STKAUSS. Alexander City , All. " Wo hnvoliful n largo number of cnscsx Skin Cancer reported cured by the use \ of a. 8. S. It la vegetable , builds up \ thu general Health , and forces out the I poison Send for book on the Ulood. / SWIFT Si-acme Co Atlanta , G , / A Written ( .J till Hint COte SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Case or Money Refunded. Our euro Is permanent nnd not > pMoMnf up. Uti3l catod seven years ago have never eona snnuti-n since. Ily describing ca o fully wo ean ireat you by malland wo iilro the samu strong guarantee tocitra orrofund all money. Tbo o who prefer to come hero fortrcalmcnt cando soand wo will pay railroad faro both ways and hotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to curt ) We Challenge the World for n cav > that our MAfllO ItKMKDV will not euro. Wrlto for partlcu'ar < anl net the evidence. In our seven years' pmilloa with this M AQIC UI'.MKDV It hai boon mo dlfflgnlt tj OTercomotho prejudices njalnst sooallot spMlflJI Hut under our strong uiiarnntua thousand * nro trylnf Hand bulnitenrol. Wo Kiiarnutoo to euro or rofiml overydollar , nnlni wo Invoa rjpJlitl'jn ti prt'.on alsoflnanclal backing of IXMO.OJJ It Is perfectly snfoto all who will try thotrentinonU llcrotofn'o you Imvj been puttlnKup atiil | m > liu out your inonur forillno * vnt tixMttment * , nnd although you nro nol jot ctirtil no ono has palil bnck your money. Wo will niuHl voly curoyou. Old chrontodeop soittf.1 CAIOI euro 1 lull to 1U days. InveslUnto our financial stanllnz. our reputation as biislncxs men , Wrlto us for nnmos nml addresses of lho n wo Imvo curnd who huro Klvon permission to refer to thorn. H costs you only post- nKoto do this. It your .symptoms nro sere tliroM , mucous pntchcs tu mouth , rheumatism In bonui an 1 Jointshnlr fallliiK out , eruptions on nny part of th ) body , feeling of Kencral iloprasslon , p.tlns In hca 1 or Donca. Yoit.havo no tlmo to wasto. The o who nrj tonstnntly taking mercury and potuu slioul 1 dlsoiin tlnuotu Constant USD of these drugs will surely bring tores and entlng ulcers In the ciul , Don't fall to Wrlto. All correspondence sent sealed In plain envelope * We Invite the most rigid Investigation and will do all n our power to nUjyou In It. Address OOOE KEMEDY i0. ; , - Omiln , Nebraska. MAGIC CURE for a case of lovr or FAiiaxn MAN HOOD , Gcnnril : or Nnitvous Dnuu.trr.vunk - tii-ss of body or luliitl , tlio ulTec Is of errors or o\- coaioaln old or yoiinctlmtwocaiinotuuro. Wo I'Uiiruntooovory cnso orrofiiml every dollar. Five ( lays trlnl troatniunt SI , full course SI5. I'urcoptlnlo bcnoflus roallzud In tliroo days. Ily mull , suenroly p tokud from olworviitlon. COOK UEMEOV Co. . OMAHA. NKII _ LADIES ONLY UAHIP I'KJtAtK UilUI.ATOK. : Sato and lunUlU Cnrtatn to a day nr money rcftindod. Ily mull S2. Securely soiloJ ; from olisorrn- tlon. COOK nKMtiltY Vtt. , Omaha. Neb WHITE RUSSIAN Specialfy Adapted for Use in Hard Water , DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , Cures Ohappod Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Did you ever see a sickly baby with dimples ? or a heal thy one without them ? A thin baby is always deli cate. Nobody worries about a plump one. If you can get your baby plump , he is almost sure to be well. If you can get him well , he is almost sure to be plump. The way to do both there is but one way is by CARE FUL LIVING. Sometimes this depends on Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. We will send you a book on it ; free. SCOTT ft DOWNK , Chemists , 131 South 5th Avenue , New York , MANHOOD RtSTOHtD. " 8ANATIVO , " th Wonderful Hrtnlsn Itrmi-dy , Is sold with a Written Guarantee to euro all Neivous Dis eases. as Weak Memory , I u of Drain power. Headache , Wakofiilncss , Lout Man hood , Ncrvousnrsj , Ijis- Bltudo , ell drains and Before & After Uso. Ion of power or the Fhotographed from life. Gcnerallvo Organs In - cither EOT , caused l > y ovei-cxertloiK joutliful the e cfnlyo lie of InbacfO , upluiu , or stimulants , which ulllinnlcly Imdto Iiillrinlty , CuiiKumptlon mid Insanity. Put up In com mil-lit form Ui carrv In tho\nt pnckt-t. Pike llapockngcorBfor$5. Wllli every fioiiln vrgltea written Kimrantoo lo euro or reftinU the money. Hcnt by null to nny nddreu. Circular frt In plain envelope , Mi-nllon this p.ii'i-r ' Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Urauch Office for U. S , A 358 Deaihnrn Street , CHICAGO , ILL. FOIl BALK IN OMAHA. NED. , BY KuliD & Co. , Co.r lith & Douglas 6U. J .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th & PmiclnsSU. A D Foster A Co , Council muff * , la. A torpid liver l tlio BOUri-diifiljBiK'p- > Klu,8lcli lu-iiilnclir , niiisllpiitl . iillun , A blllmisiVvi-r , chill * ami jiiiimllco. 'Tutt's ' Tiny Pills ! F Imvo u spoclllo flfi-ct DII tlio liver , ruF It to lieultliy ui'tliii , OLEANINa THE STIIEETS. Mrort Jlelug Uludu to Out tlio < ! r < M < | 11-11 III I'lllD'H. Chairman JllrUlmuser of the Hoard of Pub lic Works was not In a happy mood yesterday - day ( .azod ou < of his olllco window and observed the sorry coiidltlin of the streets. The chairman said that before the storm ho had tbo streets in a passable conditionbut now they \\9ro worse than before the work pf cleaning bad been commenced. Now nothing remained to do but to lot the water run off.- At an early hour the street commissioner with bis gang of mon were ordered out to clean off iomo of tbo crossings in the cen tral portion of the city , In addition to this the men. opened the catch basins and allowed the water to , flow into the sewers , thus preventing - venting tbo Hooding of basemen tj. No safer remedy can bo bad for coughs and colds , or any trouble of the throat , than "liro.wn1. * IJronchlal Troche * . " I'rlco 25 cts. Sold only la boxos. MUKTO.HIKS rttOFir.tltl , ! ! TO I' Mniln Moro Out of the l.tmn Tli n tlio I.omlt-r IHil CnmlncComity's l'ro | iorlly. WmitK , Nob. , March a William Ulnu- bins , residing In Wliner township , is n native of Germany , and came to this country tn 1SOS , hornostoadln ? the quarter section wboro bo now lives. Ho had no moans , nnd was unable to own n team the llrst year. 1'ho second year ho purchased n yoke of oxen for $150. Ho now owns llvo quarters 800 acres of the best land tn the township , worth on on nvornpo $30 per ncro , ot which 440 noros nro under plow nnd In a high state of cultivation. In ISO I Mr. Ulatiblns raised 0,400 bushels of corn , 3,500 bushels of wheat , 1,700 bushels of oats nnd a quantity of millet nnd hay. His personal property consists of twenty-seven head of horses , sovonty-llvo head of cattle , besides a Hock of shcop and a lot ot swine. ( Us improvements consist of two commodious dwellings , n largo barn , granaries and shods. Mr. Glaublus says that farming pays if it Is wall managed. Ho has never mndo nny money outsldo of his farming and feeding operations , And finds the conditions of the farmer continually Im proving In Nooraska. Ho is In debt for a psrl of the purchase money of the last farm ho bought , but Is only sorry that it has as long to run , as ho finds himself able to moot the nouv before they nro duo. Ho will loan his surplus , however , and thus offset Interest with Interest. . John Mornn , who lives four miles east ot Wisncr , Is un Irishman by birth , nnd located near his present homo place In 187(1. ( Ills aggregate possessions nt that tlmo consisted of $10 In cash and n family of u wlfo and three children. Ho paid $3 uu ncro tor the llrst quarter section , which ho bought in 1881 , after renting live years. Ho gnys ho was almost discouraged nt times during the grasshopper days , especially on the occasion of the birth of twin daughters when ho hnd not a dollar on hand. Mr. Moran now owns 420 acres which ho would not soil for less thnn ( , " > per ncro. Of this 325 ncros are under plo-.v. Corn is bis principal grain crop , his product last season being 5,000 bushels. Ho also put up 1100 tons of bay. Ho has twclvo hoid of IIOMOS , slxty-llvo bead of cattle tlo , with two car loads ready for the packing house , nnd sixty hogs. HN farm Is a model one In all Its Improvements nml conveniences. Mr. Moran states in an unhesitating manner that funning is the only safe business , and that if it were not for banks and money lend ers this would still bo a poor country. Ho never borrowed money but that ho made moro out of the loan than the louder did. Mr. Morau Is virtually out of debt , und bo- llovos from his own oxDorlooco that there is no reason why n Nobrusita farmer who at tends to his business should not lift his mortgages. A. r. Uahlors , a substantial farmer living llvo miles northeast ofVisnor , Is n nntlvo of Germany , nnd located ou his Nebraska farm In 1S70. Ho paid $ . " > n ncro for his first quarter section und Und $1,800 to put Into Im provements , stock and Implements. In 1S32 ho bought another quarter for $7 nn acre , and In ISS'.l added a half section moro to his farm at $ i nn acre. About ouo-hatf of his section farm Is under plow nnd tha remainder U ! n tame and native grasses. Ho produced last year S,000 bushels of coru , 1,200 bushels of wheat , 2,000 bushels ot oats and 175 tons of hay. Ho has 10 head of horses nnd mules , 104 cattle nnd 150 hogs. His buildings nro coad , rosoinbllng a small villnco In number. Mr. liehlors has not hesitated to go Into doot for land , as ho bad grout faith in himself nnd Nebraska. Ho has always been able to meet his obligations and only asks thu continuance of present conditions and the favorable sea sons for which this part of the state Is noted to enable farmers to pay off their mortgages. He says he can make moro money farming his land than ho could make by selling his farm at its present value of from $30 lo S35 an aero and making S per cent out of tbo monoy. Ho thinks thora is no reason why farmers should not muKo their business pay nnd nt the same lima surround themselves and families with many of the comforts of life. life.Mr. Mr. Von Soggorn emigrated from Gormnn > und located In Dodge county , this stale , in 18iS. ( Ho was then worth about $1,000 all told. Hu homcstcaded eighty acres and subsequently bought two'moro quarters at $ ( t and $7 per acio. In 1SS4 he sold out his 400 acres in Dodge county and located on his present home place , clebt miles northwest of \Visnor , where ho now owns SOO acres in Cumlng and Wayne counties , nil llnoly im proved us thrco farms and worth 10 per acre. This comprises 440 acres of plow land and : S60 acres of meadow and pasture. It Is nil under fence and conveniently subdivided into Held ? . His improvements alone nro easily worth $7,500. Mr. "Von Soggorn raised 11,000 bushels of corn laat year , II.IWO bushel ? of oats nnd 500 tons of buy. Ho bos 10 head of horses. 200 cattle nnd 80 hogs , and esti mates his personal property to bo worth 610,000. Ho states that ho found growlnc gram for market in tbo earlier years of his residence in Nebraska a slow business , and turned his attention to feeding , in which ho has been successful. In recent years ho thinks that money could bo made out of ( rraln , owing to improved marKct facilities. Ho emphatically terms tbo man.a fool who will assert that tbo Nebraska farmer who attends to bis business cannot lift his mort gages , and has no complaint to make con cerning the conditions surrounding tbo farmer today. J. a. . Sodon came to this country from Now York stuto In 1872 with $1,400. aud bought a quarter section six miles north of Wisnor for $1,000. Ho now owns a full section , having bouebttho second quarter In 1870 at $7 per acre , the third lu 1882 at $10 per aero and the fourth In 1891 at $10 per aero. His Improve ments are extensive , consisting of two dwell ings and abundance of outbuildings , making the property worth $30 nor aero. The farms are all under fence and conveniently subdi vided Into Holds. There are under plow 200 acro.s , 100 acres In clover and tame grass , and the balance in native grass pasture. Mr. Sodon has 1,000 worth of personal property , included In which are 14 head of horses , 230 cattle and 150 hogs. The product of the farm last year were 0,500 bushels of corn , : i7. i bushels of wheat , 2,000 bushels of outs and 480 tons of hay. Mr. Soden says that raising grain for market pays at prices that aavo nrovailcd for the past few years , hut feeding Is moro profitable. Ho consumes all hu grain ut homo und even moro. According to his experience the condition of the farmer is constantly improving , for while in tbo ' 70s ho found it hard to meet his Interest , hu no longer looks upon debts us very formidable to meet. Ho does not know of any use to which bo could divert his moans to made as much money us ho can by Judicious manage ment of his farm. now IT in i A jniiti \ \ > CUUMTI : Wliut a Holltury lint rililnliic ; Dnllur 'May Grow to Sciino KejiroiiiiitiitlJlKciinU. . Sr. PAUL , Nob. , March 5. Your corrui- pondcnthas motadozon or moro of tbo on- orpotlofarmors of this aoctlon and tu hli question , "loos farming pay In Howard county i" thov are prompt in answorlnc , yei , as tholrstatomonu , wbluh follow , will provo. A. L. Wurno of Cleveland proclnut , homesteaded - steaded In lbT5 , Ho canio bora with three horses , ono cow and { 39 in cash. Ho now ownsUJOacros of gosa land , well improved und stocked , and says ho would not sell It for ? ir an ucro. J , F. Frederick caroo m 187 : ) with $1,000 cash. Hoontorod 1120 ncroi of Rovurrinont land , Now ho owns 400 acres , well Improved , ilenty : of stock , and aavs ho would not soil " , s land for $8,000. S. S , Smith catno in 1671 , and borrowed fl ! i to purchase tbo rollmjuuhuiout of a homesteader. Ho had no moans to stiirt , with , hut now ho owns 1,000 ucros of the beat land on "Canada Hill , " worth from $3J to $25 per acre , 200 head of oattlo and 100 head of hogs , besides 00 hones. Ho sold Ki.UOO worth of grain from his IS'Jl crop and lias lots lofu Ho bns Just received $ lrXX ) for a bunch of cattle shipped to South Omaha , He has plenty of money loaned out but rather than KOI too personal thu amount was not u-und In tins statement. X. IMacoskl , who is in business In .St. Paul now , is the proud owner of 1,100 aoros ot Howard county land. Ho came in 1W78 wlth-r ,00i ) in gold , bought 400 acres of land , and for somu yoari paid his whole attention to farmlnK. The prosperity attandlne utnijt attnntlon to that busluosx made him richer , and for the purpose of educating hU chil dren ho moved to tit. Paul , then only a vil lage. Ho rents whaMaud ho owns una says bU share , already delivered , amounts to ) ,000. with gram still to como. Many acroi of his sovun quarter aoctloua are yet pralrlo , or his revenue for'thls year would bo larger. W. H. Unlimau came in 1871 and homesteaded - steaded with iVIO cash ussots. Ho now owns ! MO acres of good land and forty lie ad of stock. Ho has raised and educated a good- sized family and says he is worth t-S.OOO , or nt lenst lie would not soil out tor ttmlnmount nnd po ohowhoro tioul * Gttggonmoss onmo tn 1870 and took n homestead. Ho is among our wealthiest farmers anil I * a monny lontlor now. The nmotint ho does not stnto , but says tin hi\ 855 acres of land with ono ot the ilnost roM- donees In the county nml otuor Improve- inont. to match. Ho has forty head of cattle , ton horses nnd plenty of hogs. Mr. G. says ho has worked hnrd , anil In such case * ho is emphatic tn asserting Hint farming pays. C. II , Young of Cotosllold iircoinot cnmi In 1831 nntt bought olghty naros of the Union Pncilla Hallway company for $ . " > C > 0. Ho tinil $500 In cash ta start wltn. Ho has 0311 lined his labor to the same eighty acres all tin tlmo , and has made Improvements so that ha would refuse $1.500 for his little farm today. liorul ot cnttlo and twt-lvo hogs ( thoroughbreds ) , but has sold within the lint yonr : Hogs , flO. > ; cuttle , $ , > ; > 0 ; milk , $100 ; butter , $100 ; txnldos $1.000 worth of Rraln. Ooo.i not owe n cent. How Is tins I Hosnys farming pay * . William Taylor uaiuo from Jnuksonvillo , 111. , two yours ago , atut bought n l40-acrt ! farm north of St , Paul for $20 per ncro. lid gota bnrgnln nnd Is still taking the benefit of IU Ho nays his expense for Iho past yoir has boon oxtrn heavy ( $ laoO ) on nouount ol sickness , but ho has sold f3,0 , < H ) worth ot gniln , mid slocK to the nniount ot $1,000. "Doos farming pay I" Yes I George \Voodotiry first located here In ISSO. Ho bought 200 acres nnd paldono-llfth down , Now ho has 440 neros , worth $25 par aero , nnd U possessed nf a ntco house , barn nnd all necessary imnrovomouts. Ho has $1,500 worth of grain for sale and $3,000 mtshols of corn whloh ho will food to fifty head of cnttlo nnd 100 hand of lings. Mr. Woodbury Is very modest and Uoos not toll nil ho could , Anton Grlosor , n Gorman , came u years ago nnd brought $1,100 In hard-oiirnott cash from Illinois , lie ims Just llmshod a line residence , nnd with his twelve bond of cattle and ton horses , hoc * , etc. , tolls mo ho Is worth $ , " > ,000 or moro. Hu Is for Nebraska llrst , lait nnd always. Waldo L. Little says when ho arrived here in 1871 tin $1 on earth. Ho now owns SIO acres of land worth $ T > , OOi > , twenty horses , thirty-live tioiul of cnttlo nnd thirty hogs. Has sold within n year $ l00 worth of cattle nun values his crop nt3,800. . Ho says , "yos. " .Iiunes Manuel came In IbSO with $700 , bought n I''O-ttcro furm nnd has It well Im proved nud stocked. Last year's crop will not him over $1,000. Ho thinks ho Is worth $ .5,000 nun don't want to leave Nebraska. The above mentioned fannors wcro mot In St. Paul ou the aamo day , nnd are only n fair representation In numbers of the onorgotlo ones of the district. Any number of others might , be quoted to demonstrate that farming In Nebraska Uoos nny , nnd stop ( If anything could ) the months of "calamity howlers , " who rnlso "hlgh-llvo" corn by spending their tlmo in town. What 1 know about that standard remedy Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syruu I know that n 'jr > cent bottlu cured mo of n bad cough lutwolva hours. It is a fact. Myriads of cases of rheumatism and neur algia have already succumbed to thai won derful remedy , Salvation Oil. Pnco only .23 cents n bottle. VAI.LKV COUNTY'S SIIOWINU. Ti-ii YI'IITH * Itcrord , Nnirly I'l\o Ilumlrcd I'or Ucnt IncriMisn InV -ilth : Hrlhl | I'l-oHpcvtH. Oni ) , Nob. , March 0. Valley county is ono of the later settled and moro sparsely popu lated counties of Nebraska , but it has hnd its futlsharo in the groivtli of population ana the accumulation of wealth that have chnr- nctcrlzod tlio stnto during the past ton yours. The census of I8SO gnvo Valley county a pop ulation of 'J,03T ) , Its valuation nt ttmt lima being placed at $ I,1I10T2T. In 18'JO ' Its popu lation haU grown to bo T.O'.U , while its valu ation had risen to $ .rilGli,70. ) an Increase In ten years of ! ) IS per cent In population and 445 per cent In wealth. Surely a significant index of it : capabilities as a place in which to make n'ouoy , when It Is considered that almost nil of its settlers came hero poor. The crop area In 1891 was 51MO acres , divided among the grain crops as follows : \Vhcat , 10,518 acres ; outs,7,712 acres ; barley , JIM ) acres : flux , 200 acres , und corn , ! U,7-10 acres. The average price per bushel at which crops have boon marketed Is wheat ( i-'ic , oats Sic , barley S5c , HajclVic , corn ! Mc , milking the value of the crop of IS'Jl to the county over $3:17,1)00. : ) Settlers coming here poor and in many cnt > os ignorant of the art of farming , as a natural consequence they have beori com pelled to go In debt , but that this will not bo a permanent condlnon , but only tbo transient state of a now county , can bo seen by a refurouco to the records of the county cleric , whoso record uf mortgages and rcleasofl of mortgages Hied for the period of four months ending Jannnrv , 18U2 , shows : Heal estate mortgOBOs filed , $53,017.02 ; released , $5l- ! 700.92 ; released over Illed. $171UK ) ; chattel mortgages fllod , $03.044.24 ; released , $73- 3S1 8.'l ; released over Illed , $10i)7.fi1) ! : ) ) . The balance to the credit of citizens lying in the banks of the county nro Indications of prosperity that cannot bo cnlnsald. They foot up a total of $302,000 , being $28.48 per capita. Of this amount about CO pur cent Is lying idle in the banksthere being at present no demand for It. Land is beginning to change hands and the price is steadily advancing. Two hund- drod nfcrcs were lately sold at $25 per aero , the highest prlco as yet paid for land in this county. The class now coming In are mon of means , who have made a success of farming and the prospects for the future of the county are ( tailoring. A KUIIBIIR ninu'n Kxiiiiriciico with anil L'otd * . Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent during tbo past few months that the experience - once of Albert Favorite of Arkansas Cfty , Kan. , cannot fall to Interest some of our reactors. Here it Is In his own words : "I contracted a cold early last spring that set tled on my lungs nnd bed hardly recovered from It when I caught another that hung on nil summer and left mo with n hacking cough which I thought I never would cot rid of. i had used Chamberlain's cough remedy name fourteen years ago with much succors and concluded to try It ugnln. When I hail got through with ono bottle my cough had loft mo and I have not suffered with a cough nr cold since. I have recommended It to others and all speak well of it. " 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. TIIK .MAKKIM1 , rNSTUUMKNTS placed on rocorl Murch 7 , i. IbWi WAIUU.NTV IIEKII4. J Ii 0 Churltmi , agent , and wife to HO ( Jump , lot U , block 4 , Institute I'liice. . SI80 O K DnvU Co to Huimit'l Mortonnen , w ' foot of o K'l foul , lots 7 and H. blook IB , WllcotV-'d add . , . 200 W I , Solby , trustee , to It Nelbon , lot II , block I.Holb.v'alstiidd to South Omaha 3ji liinwood I'urk l.iunl ( Jo ; o Trunk llvo- rule , s 4' ' tout lots U and 10 , blook 10 , UnwooU I'ark . 40) I'rod Nye and wife to Thomn Nye , loin I'll Iinil27 , block' ! . I'orust HIM . , . . . 13.103 K a Hood nnd wife to A I' llopklns.loU 4 , 17 , IHniid IU , hlookfl. nnd lots a und 24 , blouk 7. Albright's nime.v . 4,200 II 1C llurket and wlfu to U W T Orowuil , lot 5. block 1. 1'addook i'lnco . 1 K W Dillon to I ) Ii Dillon , lot U. block U , Orotund Mill . „ . J / Kurtii'B H nd hiisDiind toO UKwtinson , lot 7 , block J , Klmwood Turk . & 3J Anna Oorrlgnn to It J L'orrlKim , lolnil to II. block II , lota 1 to 4 , block 7 , loUfi to H , blook 4. loll A to H , blook II , lota I lo 4 , blocks. Uorrlirun I'luou ; lots H nnd I- . blook IU. lots J to G , blouk 18 , lots I .to U , blouk . ' . ' . lots ia to IB. blouk 21 , lots 1 lo 0 und ta to W , blouk 20 , lots I to fi und 12 tn 17. hlocU UO , lots 7 , lo 12. blook ifl. lota 1 lot ! , block : il , 1st add to t'orrlnun I'luoo . . . . . . . . . 1 W I. MoO.iitnn to 1 McCoiinull Uroer , lot 7. blook ( I , MeCuittiu'H add . l.'O ) J il Nwulnum ut , il to W II llrowti , lots 17 anil 18 , blouk 2 , llrst add to Central I'-irK . 590 M W H i : II Allen , lotIt ) , blook B , Syiiillcute I'ark , and lot 15 , blouk U Juttur'H mid 203 DKIDS. 1) II Mnrcor , tnastnr In chancery , to Nil- tlonul Llfo InsUriiiivo company , lot IU. blook II , Koun tie Ilil add . 10.123 I N Watson , nnoulal nutstor , to II I' 'riioina > , lots 23 und 24 , block 4 , Hans- coin I'lucu . 20J K It Illorbowor , upoulul iniistor. to U O Cilur , lotu , I'ruyn's bub In Mlllurd A O's arid . . . 1,410 O A llonridtt. Hhorlir. to ( J T llu.iKluud , a BOffuUif nOjfoutloU 11 o.iil ( II. block 10 , i > utrluK' 2a udd. . . , . . . . . . . . S Total amount of transfer * . tU'l.lbS \Viirlifil Wiindorit. The following Is uu extract from a letter of Hoy. J. W. Carter to Kov. J. T. Mumford : "It has boncAlcd my wife BO much I wnnt bar to contlnuo the use of thu mod Id no. Talcing Into consideration hi-r ugo C'J ' ycaia nnd thu long standing of her kidney and liver troubles the Tree of Llfo hut work ; d won ders la her case. " For salu by all