Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    " IVI
I , 'JU.
1'cilmul lijr Carrier tonny partof tlio City
tlmlncfsomco No 41
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs dumber Co. , coal.
Croft1 * chattel loans. 204 Sapp Wool- .
Star chapter Mo. 47 , Unynl Arch Masons ,
meets Monday evening , February . usi-
ness of Importan'co ; n full nttonuanco is
desired. Wa'lo Cary , 11. 1' .
An order was Issued from police headquar
ters last , evening that th saloons close ui y
o'clcck this morning nnd remain closed until
' the closing of tbo polls this evening nt 0
The Odd Follows will glvo a ball on the
evening ot April 27. nt the Masonlo temple to
r.ilso funds to bo used In entertaining the
erand lodpo ot the order which convenes In
this city next October.
The residence of A. S. Beck , 180 Glen
nvonuo , was sot on Hro Saturday by a llaino
from n gasoline stove which was allowed to
stand lee near n board partition , The lire
' -was oxtinculsbed without any trouble and
the damage was slight.
Colonel C. S. llocclnnd , the newsboy's
friend , addressed n union mooting of the
I'rosbytorlan anil Congregational churches
last evening at tno Congregational church.
Ho pave an intoiostlne talk , which was en
joyed by a fair sized audience.
Mr. and Mrs. 1) . J. Gates celebrated their
llttconth woildlog anniversary Saturday
evening at the homo of M. K. Woathorboo on
Uroadway. A largo number of invited
guests were present , nnd a number of ele
gant present * were bestowed upon the bap FT
\Vo have our own vineyards In Callfor
nln. Jarvls Wino como.iny , Go. BluHs
Ewnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple
Jnrviawlld blnckborrv it the boat
I'KKliOXAl , I''tlS.
Mrs. S. II. I'orterlicld Is vlsllmg friends
In Ncoln.
W. E. Butler , shorthand reporter for
Judge Doomor , win In tbo city yesterday ,
Ho has made arrangements to rent n house
on Frank street nnd will move his family to
this city about April 1.
.fudge A. V. Larimer of Sioux City Is in
the Bluffs.
Mrs. Smith of St. Josepn. Mo. , is In the
city. .1 gui-st of her sister , Mrs. Horace
The Spooncr Comedy company Is quar
tered at tlio Ogden homo.
Mrs. M. Pfolffer has gene onst to purchase
n spring stock of goods. She will be gone
about two weeks.
Croat 7-Day Sulo of Winter Goods t UK ;
lloston Storr , Council IIIuIN , III ,
Oui' Buyer being in the oiistorn mtir-
kots Now York and Boston wo dread
the immciibo arrival of spring goods ,
simply because wo don't know where to
put them.
nnd room wo tire going to hnvo , if soil
ing goods next to giving them away will
help us out.
Just glance at a few of our prices for
7 days.
Although you don't need the goods
this winter , a better invostmens you
can't find.
Would bo to us , but wo must have
Ladies' jackets and nowmarkots that
sold for $ .5.00 , $7.50 , $10.00 and $15.00 ,
choice for $1.08.
Our entire line of children's coats.
$0.50 , $7.oO and 88.50 garments , for $2.4a
Ladies' $10.00 , $12.50 nnd $15.00
jackets , choice $3.98.
Ladies' Walker plush jackets that sold
for $15.00 , $19.00 and $25.00 , ohoico , for
$7. a
Ladies' 42-inch long Walker plush
Racques , former price $19.50 , $25.00 ,
$33.00 and $35.00 , choice for $14.98.
10 dozen Indie's' all wool knit jackets ,
sleeveless , worth $1.25 , in nil colors , dur
ing sale for 48c.
$3.25 comforters for $2.19.
$3.76 comforters for $2.50.
$1.75 line French satteon for $3.00.
$5.00 all wool blankets for $3.75.
$4.50 nil wool rod blankets for $3.08.
$5.00 all wool red blankets for $3.08.
Ladies' 5c ( ) vests and pants for 33c.
Ladles' natural wool vosti and pante ,
ribbed , $1.00 garments for 09c.
Ladies' all wool scarlut vests nnd
pants , SI.25 garments , oxtrti fine , dur
ing bale , OUc.
Gent's heavy gray camel's hair shirts
and drawers , 33c garments , sale price ,
Gent's Scotch random mixed shirts
nnd drawers , also natural wool and
camol's hair , all in at one price , 37jc ,
were 50c.
Gent's all wool scarlet shirts and
drawers were $1.00 nnd $1.25 , sale price
21c , or $1.25 a suit.
All 'children's garments knifed the
Biimo way. BOSTON STORE ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices ,
Council Blulls , In.
ll i Will Itvcmor. *
Ernest Cullls , the young man who clnlmoi
to have attempted sutcldo Saturday night
spent tto night nnd nil day yesterday In St
Hcrnard'3 Hospital , where do was taken b ;
order of tlio physician who attended htm. Hi
complained of pains all over tils body , am
tbo laudanum , or whatever ho took In It
phtco , caused considerable nausea , but beyond
yond that ho aid not hcom to have sufforci
particularly by bis oxporloncs. Ho put
chased the laudanum of George S. Davis , 01
upper Jlroadway , but tburo are some doubt
fell as to bis navlng taken It. An unknowi
young man who as with Cullis Saiurda ;
night seamed lo Know n good dent about th
rasp , and it Is thought that tbo scliom
was patched up between llien
to arouse Mrs. Jloach's sympathy
Ihero IB n strong suspicion that the youni
man is Insane , and bo will bo given an ox
nmlimtlon oy Uio commissioners of insanity
providing any of his acquaintances can b
induced to lilo an Information against bun.
Spooncr Oommly Conipuiiy.
The popular Spooiior Comedy company -
pany , the first company that ever hunt
out. the standing room sign in Counul
Hhillf , will open tonight at Dohanoy'i
fur n wcok. Opening play , "Inez , " i
Mexican romance. A Mexican orchcstrr
has been added slnro thuir fortnor visit
hero ; with now Mexican music bj
genuine Moxicntia Misses Edna Ma }
nnd Cecil Spoonor will uupenr in nov
nnd nleiidlng Spanish dnncns. Tonigli
is Indies' free mglit , two Intlios or out
Contlemnn and Indy iidmittod on ono 30
cent ticket.
Their Tlive
Mr. end Mrs. Bollluger celebrated thi
tenth anniversary of their marriage at thel
homo on Baugh street last Friday evening
Tbo guosu presented the host and DOJIOS
with many cholco tokens In tbo way of tii
and chlnawaro. Kofrcihmonts were servci
and at a late hour the party dispersed. Tin
following invited ituosu were present ; Mr
and Mrs , Blair , Mrs. Haymaker anil MM
Wilson , Omaha ; Hov. and Mrs. T. MclC
Stuart , Mr. and Mri. Orcuit. Mr. and Mrs
Arthur , Mr. and Mrs. Jennings , Mr. am
Mm. McBride , Mr. and Mrs , Alwood.
Mesdamuj Askwlth , Cook , Tullova.
Mlssos IMo , Jennie I'llo , Clausen , Lon
Clausen , Hanson. Magctc Hanson , Mclniosti
Tulleys , Minnie Hanson.
Jurvis 1877 bruudy , puruit , eafoat , beet
Many Indications That the Approaching
Election Will Bo Warm ,
DrincirrntH Admit That Tlirlr Chances Tor
iircllii ; | ; the llnllro Ticket AroSlim ,
but Tlu-y Will do Alter
the Major.
If any onnhad any doubt of the fact that
election was to tnko plnco todny , all ho
would have to do would have boon to walk
up and down Broadway or Main street yes
terday afternoon and sco the candidates ( ly
ing about , button-holing the voters and on-
paging m friendly , though confidential , talk
with nil who looked as though tboy
were old to voto. It Is
the general opinion of these who claim to
know Ibo political situation that today's con-
est Is Being to bo ono of the closest over
icon in the city.
Generally ono pnrly or the other Is ronav
to claim a complete ana rousing victory be
fore a ballot Is cast , but yesterday leading
democrats admitted that thuir chances for
electing their ontlro ticket were very slim ,
\ \ hllo the republicans claim n goo.l shuro of
their ticket will wenther the storm of votes ,
at least.
A meeting of the democratic city central
committee was bold yesterday afternoon nt
tbo council chamber. Whnt was tha nature-
of the business transacted thcro can only bo
guessed at , ns these present were strangely
uncommunicative on the subject. It is stated
that the domocrnts will center nil their ef
forts on the cliu'iton of Grabnm for mayor
nnd Tinloy for city attorney. For those two
it Is claimed that nil the rest of Ibo candi
dates arc to bo traded off , provided lopubli-
cans can bo found who are willing to trado.
It l also rumored that an effort will bo
made to vote a number of fraudulently reg
istered votois mul men who have not lived
in tbo city the rcuulrod length of time. Kach
party makes this churgc against the other ,
nnd each parly will consequently have
Its onglo oyo" peeled for any attumpt
nt illegal voting by the other. There will bo
only two tickets , the republican and the
democratic , no independent candidates hav
ing appeared with but ono exception J. M.
Lamcko who announced himself u Candi
da to for the republican nomination for the
olllcc of marshal , but who failed to bo hoird
from In the convention , yesterday announced
himself an ind"pcndont candidate for the
olllco. A small circular was scattered about
the streets and In the stores calling the at
tention of thu voters to his candidacy , and
staling that if elected bo will toke the .saliry
of $1,500 per annain , ns provided by the
council , and in addition will poc-kot nit the
fees that arc supposed to have been cut off
by the passage of"tbo new salary ordinance.
It Is not thought that ho will rut much of a
iicuro in the election , however.
The following are the polling places in thn
various wards , and they will ho open from 0
a. in. to 0 p. in. ; l-'irst ward , Pnttor. build
ing on upper Broadway between Stutsman
mid Graeo streets ; Second ward , 21 Bryant
street ; Third wnrd , Schlckentan ' harbor
shop. Main street near tbo corner of Fifth
avenue ; Fourth ward , tlrst precinct , Tor-
williger's stable , Poi.rl stieot noir the cor
ner of Fifth avenue , second precinct , , Kelly
house , Main street ; Fifth ward , Straub
building , corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth
street ; Sixth ward , first precinct , 21100
Broitdwav ; second precinct , J. D. Korr's '
store , Cut-off island.
Walnut block and Wjomlng coal ,
fresh tniiiod , received dull , } Thatcher ,
] G Main street.
Eastern money to loan on renl ostnto
by E. . II. Sliodfo" Broadway and Main.
Not Disturbed hy the Weather.
Nearly all of tbo members of the new Bap
tist church that has been organized out of
ono portion of the dissatisllod element of the
First Baptist society , waded through the
deep snow yesterday and met in the Masonlo
temple. There were few outsiders who
cared to brave the inclement weather , and
only the Knot of sixty odd worshipers con
gregated in one corner of the big hall and
listened to the inornintr subject of the
pastor , Hev. I , , . A. Hull. The subject
"The Church That , Ago Needs"
was full of practical thoughts , commending
itself to all who board it. The speaker said :
' The church wo ncod today is essentially the
saiuo as in all ajes , but statistics went to
show that Its musion was not being accom
plished. The church of today shoulo. bo
sound in doctrine , phUauthropic. having love
and faith lu human nature. Unterpilshi ) . ' ,
adapting its methods to circumstances. En
thusiastic in all its work , and above all it
should bo a pure rhui'ch. For such a church
the speaker" thought Council Bluffs would
furnish ample work. "
Following the same line of thought , Rnv.
William Kandall , financial secretary of thu
Osage seminary , spoke earnest words of en
couragement nnd concluded by savin/ / ; that he
had been commissioned to irivito Mr. Hall to
visit one of the large churches of the state
with n view of becoming its paitor , where a
Isrgo salary and overytlng that went to make
a pleasant pastoratu awaited him , but , Mr.
Hall had determined to stay hero and carry
on the work , \ \ hlch both ho and his follow
ers feel can bo done on lines suggested by tbo
pastor's discourse. Mr. Randall , who" Is a
prominent member of the Baptist ministry ,
said he had beoi , a fellow worker with Mr.
Hall for n number of years nnd wished to
boar testimony to bis worth ns n Christian
minister and his ability to lend his peoplu
into works ol usefulness.
Mr. Rnndnilfalt tlut there was a plainly
apparent ovldenco ot divine interposition
In the nssumblaco of the earnest Christian
people , and bo believed that Mr. Hull had ,
maruod out for him , by the Master , n great
work In Council Bluff ? , nnd ho bollovcd that
work begun with this meeting. After the
the conclusion nf his remarks at the sug
gestion of tbo pastor , the old ofllcors of tbo
church who were all present with one exception -
coption , were made the temporary ofllcers of
the now society. Hegular inootlngs will beheld
held In the temple hall until arrangements
are completed for.porm inent quarters.
At the close of Ihe services n business
meeting was called and the preliminary steps
were taken toward toward the organisation
of a now church , No name was selected for
the now organization , but the name of the
Sunday school organized In the morning was
the Temple Baptist Sunday school , and it la
likely that a similar naino will be adopted bv
the church when fullv tnrted. The ofllcers
of the old church , all of whom resigned tholt
positions nnd took out their letters last week. .
woio elected to the positions they hnc
formerly held , \V. A. Strong and William
Blood being named deacons , C. K , Dnvo
treasurer , and L. It. Joseph clerk. II IE
generally understood that Uov. L. A. Hal
will ho thu pastor , and a for in ill call will bi
oxtcndcd to him as soon as the now church h
fairly under way.
Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , 1ms
nil tlio latest style * and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Money to loan. Lowest rat'-'s. John
ston & Vun I'.itton , Ever ctt cioaU.
iK C'lil
A party o ( younc men have organliet
themsclijos into a dancing club for the pur
pose of giving private dances each week. A
committee , consisting of F. F. Cbumbcrlln
13. S. McCrary , M. H. Smith , K. Q. Smith
U. P. Robinson , U. B. Cradall , U. J. Mai tin
W. L. Murphy , H , P. Davis , Julius Uingi
and John Bono , Jr. , bus been appointed U
make the arrangements and work up tin
membership roll. The name adopted U tin
( Jllvotto Circle , and the llrst dance will b <
given next Wednesday evening lu Hucbes
hall. Elaborate preparations nro being mud <
for tbo occasion and au enjoyable time is
looked fur.
Tranlilo on thu AtrliUan.
TomKA , Kan. , March U. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB.J The grievance commit
lee of the Order of Hallway Conductors ant
Railway Trainmen today secured thu signature
turo of the ofllcors of tbo Alchlsou , Topjki
& Santa Fa tn adopt u new schedule o
wages. Too committee has been at work foi
two mouths on the schedule which advance :
wages of conductors and trainmen on moi
of tbo divUlous and branches and rcmodlei
heretofore exUtluy , Tli coin
rmttoo has held several coniultntlons with
the ofllcorn of the company , nnd Friday the
members demanded that a final nnswor bo
given before Monday and threatened n gen
eral strike If It was not done.
Todav the company granted Ml that was
asked and the trlko was prevented. The
conductors have still another grievance
otralnsl the company which may result In a
strike. They have boon compelled to glvo a
bond for.VX ) In the Canadian Guaranty com
pany Instead of the Now York Guaianty
company. To this they objected because of
the stringent rules of the former. Whnt
irogroas has boon made In this question the
men decline to state.
Itoxldent * of OnmlmVlui Will Help iutrr- :
tnln the Drlcuntrft.
The Interest lii the coming conference of
the Methodist churoti Is greatly increasing.
Uvory ono appreciates the Immense adv'ant-
ago to the city and the merchants In the
city the tremendous number tn attendance
will bo.
A good report of Om ha can bo carried to
nil quarters of the globe by proper treatment
of tbo delegate * , who will number about 500.
That they will bo well trtitod Is guaranteed
3'tlio names ot those given bclonr , who will
entertain. They nro the best families In the
city , nnd ot all nationalities. Not all are
gentiles , neither are all Protestant , but all
are equally free in opening their homes ,
some oven putting u lounge In for ono of
.heir family nnd giving the delegates the
best In their house , while others , not able to
even do that , show their hospitality nnd
-ood will by entertaining their guests nt a
Many business man bavo not yet men
tioned the subject of the numbnr of dolo-
* aioi that they will entertain , to their wives.
This should bo done as soon at possible , ns It
will take the committee In cbargo quito n
time to assign them all.
Parties whoso names nro not In the follow
ing list should send their name nnd address
to N. A. Kuhn , Fifteenth and Douglas
streets , stating the number of delegates that
they will entertain.
J. W. Arnold. lUO North Eighteenth
street ; G. Abrnham&on , 181 ! ) North Twenty-
sixth ; John Anderaon'AID Chicago ; Joseph
Barker , C. E. Bntos , Tlilrtv-sccond nnd
Dodge ; W. J. Broatoh. 2520 Dodge ; J. L.
Brandcls , 2'JOU Dooi-o ; E. A. Benson , 4T2S
Dodge ; Samuel Burns , 1723 Dodeo ; Louis
Bornshoim , S549 Si. Mary's avenue ; Mrs.
Elizabeth Bell. 252S fapalding ; Mrs. 1C. .
Bryant , 410 North Forty-first ; Henry
Brown , Twenty-sixth and Charles ; G. M.
Brown , 2818 Woolworth nvenuo ; C. C.
Bclden , 1011 Capitol avenue ; K. W. Breokon-
ridge , 121(1 ( Thirtieth avenue ; C. F. Brecken-
ridgc , 002 South Twenty-eighth street ;
O. M. Carter , 3510 Farnam ; C. L. Chaffee ,
Thirty-fifth nnd Burton ; F. C. Clcndonlng ,
Forty-seventh and Davenport ; A. S. Cost ,
1800 Blrnoy : David Cole , 21M Smith Tenth :
H. A. Crane. 2211 Seward ; J. B. Carmlchael ,
4915 Cnss ; G. W. Doane , 2024 Chlcaito ; John
Dale , 1833 Park avenue ; J. T. Dale , 1233
Tblrty-nrst ; G. P. Dietz. 1002 Norlb Twenty-
eighth ; J. T.Dlllon , , 2220 Seward ; H. D. Es-
tabrook. 3012 Howard ; Mrs. Eastman , 2017
Chicago ; John P. Flack. 4011 Howard ; A. C.
Foster , 1024 South Thirty-fourth ; L. D.
Fowler , 1812 Wlrt ; D. Fnrrell , 1224 Soulh
Thirtieth ; G. W. Forbes , 3015 North
Twenty-fourth ; Jacob Fnwcott , 2lor Spen
cer ; A. G. Frodin , Oil North Nineteenth ;
Dr. Clarlt Gapen , 1S113 Twontv-flftb avenue ;
Mis. I. W. Gannett , 212 North Twenty-
second street ; Dr. W. S. Glbbs , 1515 Sher
man avenue , W. A. L. Gibbdns , 4115 La
fayette avenue ; A. P. Hopkins , 820 Twenty-
first stioot : G.V. . Hall , Purl : avenue ; C.
Hartman , 3111 Furuam ; D. M. Hnvcrly. 1914
Farnnm ; John Hun.llne , 2023 Charles ; M.
f. Hamlino , 1820 Spencer ; Mrs. Anna HUB
i\s \ , 1821 Binnoy ; J. W. Hoffman. 2210 Seward
ard ; G. N. Hopper , 20.4 Twenty-eighth
avenue ; W. K. Homan , 1S04 Binney : Mrs.
C. Hardy , 1508 South Thirty-fourth street ;
Mrs. U. A. Hutchison , 1408 North Twenty-
litth street ; James Hedge , 2153 South Tenth ;
Alex Hedge , 2201 South Tontn ; Hobert
Hedge , 2203 South Tenth ! Mrs. A. J. Har
mon , 814 Pierce ; Mrs. J. Huynes , 024 North
Twenty-fourth ; A. Hodectts , 1007
Pierce" ; R. D. Hills , 2018 Califor
nia ; L. A. Harmon , 2220. Ohio ;
Mrs. E. A. Jackson , South Fourth street ;
C. A. Jacobson , 1515 DodgeT. C. Johnson ,
210 North Twenty-second ; Harry Johnson ,
South Thirtieth ; Howard Konnodv. 2224
LodgoJ. ) ; M. Keyer , 2110 Binnoy ; Mrs. J.
W. Kline , 3510 North Twenty-third ; J. A.
Ketlar , 1314 North Twenty-seventh ; A. B.
Knrr , 1830 North Twenty-seventh ; Mrs. S ,
E. Kennedy , 21110 Dodge ; Mrs' Dr. Knodo ,
3120 Mason ; Allen Kocb , 2120 Wlrt ; S. W ,
Lindsay , 3115 Mason ; Mrs. Helen A. Lewis ,
Twentieth and Chicago ; C. O. Lobeck , 1021
North Twentieth ; Mrs. A. L. Lobeck , 153J
North Nintoonth ; George C. Metcalf , Thirty-
fourth and Francis ; J. M. Marston , 2518
Patrick avenue ; J. J. McLaln. 2309 Spencer ;
Mrs. Jennie Mclntosh , 2J23 South Tentb ;
Hobert MoClellanl , 2214 Webster ; Mrs. W.
C. Mulford , 472J Capitol avenue ; Mrs. A ,
G. McAusland , 2100 Locust ; Alfred Millard ;
Max Meyer , Twenty-fourth and Harnev ; W ,
N. Nnson. Seventeenth nndCassJ.W.Nicbol' ;
son , 2210Spruce ; J. H. OxnnntM. T. Patrick ,
Twenty-fourth and Lake ; . ) . H. N. Patrick ,
Happy HollowA. ; J.Popploton , ICSOSbermnn
avonuoK. ; A. Parmaloo , 20 nnd Cor by ; A. T ,
Uoctor.l802Blnnoy ; C. S.Raymond , 114 Soutt
Tbirty-eichtb avenue ; J. T. Robmsoa , 210 !
Binney ; M. T. ttoys. Twentieth nnd Binnoy :
Mrs. L. S. Sulntior , 212Twenty-fifthMrs ;
Minnlo Sturgis , 050 North Txvony-thlrd Dr.
H. M. Stone , 3870 Dodge ; W. S.Slrawn , 201. '
Douglas ; C. E. Sharp , 1029 South Thlrtiott
avenue ; Mrs. N. J. Smith , 21b'J South Tenth ;
M. E. Savage , 1000 Dodge ; W. L. Selby ,
4800 Davenport ; Ellas Swenson , 2001
North Twenty-fourth ; Brad D. Slaughtei
Twenty-first nndVlrt ; Dr. E. Snor
wood. 2915 Woolworth ; Dr. S. K ,
Shaldlnp. Twenty-llfth nnd Charles ;
Martin Tlbko , 2129 Wlrt ; Dexter L. Thomas
1004 North Twenty-seventh. Charles Turner.
3310 Farnam ; Mrs. L. M. Tuttle , 158 South
Twenty-fifth ; M. A. Upton , 5818 Davenport
port : MM. C. W. Van Tylo , 4023 Douc
las ; P. 'Whitiioy , 1311 South Twenty-sixtl
street ; E. Wnuely , 007 North Nineteontt
street ; W. L. Wright. 2014 So ward ; Mrs. J ,
T. Wtston , 2805 California ; A. J. Worloy ,
2510 Seward ; C. F. W oiler , 2103 Wlrt ; C. H.
Wilson. Fiftieth and Cumings ; A.Vng
goner , 1212 South Thirty-second street
Mrs. E. Young , Thirty-second and Dodgo.
They Ciaiu in Charity ,
The following parties have kindly contributed
butod clothing , etc. , during tbo months o
January nnd February to tbo Omaha Citj
Mission and co oporatlvo charities :
Mrs. Turner , Mrs. Graff , H , B. Baldwin
C. H. Fredoilck , Mrs. Sams , Mrs. Brown
Farnam Street lodging bouse , Mrs. Penoyor
Mrs. O. S. Carter , Mrs. M. T. Atkins , Mrs
Cook , Windsor Place Sowing Society , Mrs
Bedford , Mm. Btrkhauser , Mrs. Clarke , C
H , Stoncblll , Thompson & Belden , Dr. Han
cbott , N. B. Pali-oner , the King's Daughlcr
of the Second Presbyterian church , ox-Mayo
W. 1. Broatch. Captain Sorson of For
Omaha , Mrs. Joslyn , Mrs. J. H. Dumont
Mrs. Hickmau , Mrs , C. H. Montgomery
Mrs. Sorson , Mr. Trennory , Mrs. Dunbaum
Mrs. Doano , Mrs. Folgor , Mrs. Schormor
horn , Mrs. Tllden , Thomas P. Cramnr ant
many other friends who names were not ot
the parcels.
Sixty families were supplied with dothlng
shoes , etc. , nnd savonty-'lvo families \ver <
supplied with 150 provision orders during tin
past two months.
Wiint llottor.talilmth Observance.
Tbo following resolution was unanimously
adopted at the Sunday morning service o
the First HaptUt church , Omaha :
Ho it roMiUed by the Klrd. HaptUt church I
meeting assembled , Thiil wo view nlth dee !
concern the widespread anil ciowlni dUru
eardnf the Christian b ibh.uh In this olty , li ;
ki-eplii'i business houses , stores , shopi
theaters , placet oJ amusement , oto. . me , , th
carrying on uf all I ; nils oCcontruct work botl
of a publlo ml private nature.
\Vu. thvrufurc. bolluvu It to bo our duty ns i
Christian church to en tor our solemn nrotcs
against such desecration , and especially uil
inonltih our ineinliL-rs to refrain from all un
necessary ttork or business ou Hunclny.
Itemeinbor thu Lord's day to keep It holy.
Into u .MUplaoeil Sivllrli ,
CixciNMiTi , March 0. A misplaced switcl
on tha Big Four near Clevcs caused a pa ;
sengor train to run into tbo rear of a sid
tracked freight. John Larsh , tbo llrcmai
was mortally , and Osrner Henry , the enr
noer of the passenger train , was serious !
hurt , Charles Taylor of Cloves was arruste
for misplacing the switch.
lt ivolt In South Alilcn.
Lisnox , March 6. The mail from Soul
Africa brings news of a revolt lu
besi Baru district against Captain Gouvoi
who , it u rumored , bu been killed.
r .1
Daughtera of the Dead Genpja ) Loft Utterly
Penniless , < * i
Ittlo Attention Attnirlrritj > fv the l.ltlRn-
tlou In I'urU It Woulil l1li M < llrrn
nilloront n lew Montli 'Srfico Cur-
illnnl Mnnnltiff' *
H92 fi/.7 | < tmji ( Inntnn
Mnrch 0 [ Now York Horalil Cftblo
Sooclal to TIIR Dnn. ] A cnso came up
Saturday before the flrst chamber of the
1'nrls civil court thnt would , a few months
ago , hnvo pncliod the court with n curious
crowd , but was now board with complete ln-
dlfToronco by a dozen poisons wbno pros-
; nco iras probably duo mainly to a doslro of
keeping wnrm this doraana for the ratin-
cation of the deeds of liquidation of the
property hold In common by the Into General
Uouiangor nnd his wlfo. The most Inter
esting part of the dceo. of liquidation which
wns duly ratlllod wns that giving the torras
of the tnnrrlaco contract , from which It ap
pears tliat Uoulangcr possessed clothes ,
linen , jewelry , arms nnd books to the vnltio
of 5,000 francs , and furnlturo to the value of
1,500 francs , given by his parents , 8,500 frnncs
In money , nlso Riven by his parents. On her
ildo Mmo. Boulnngar had n trousseau worth
8,000 francs nnU n dowry of 40,000 francs.
After twenty-six years of Inarried llfo the
assets of the pair amounted to UK,772 francs
nnd liabilities to the amount of 10,700 francs.
Mmo. Doulanpcr'a claims amount to U7.070
Francs , consequently not n single conllino
remains for the late general's two dauchtors.
Ills Holiness the 1'opo UrRoil tii Mitko the
Si'lrctliin nt Once ,
[ Copy ; fwMcd IXllIijJctmti ( lonlin ncnntU. ]
HOMK , March 0. [ Now York Herald Cab'.o
Special to Tun BKK. ] Lord Dufforln , ac
companied bv Monsignor Shonor , had n
orlvate Interview with the Dope yesterday ,
nstinp three-quarters of an hour. Ttiroo
names were submitted by the chapter of
\Vostnnnstor to the propaganda from which
thn pee [ will select Cardinal Manning's
successor as archbishop of Weitmlnstor.
Thov ere Monsignor Gilbert , tbo late
mrclinixl's ; Illshop Vauehnn and
Bishop Bcdlov , the former of Hal ford and
the latter of Newport.
Purls'Spanish Colony Kntortnliicd.
\CovvrtoMttt \ JS93 by Jcimta < Jordon H'nnetl , ' ]
PAUIS , March0 [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE BEE.I Ex-Quoou Isabella
of Spain , held a reception this ovcninc prior
to her departure for Madrid. Among those
who attended were : The Dukodo Nomours ,
Countess do Trepnni. Princes Xurlo. Princess
Matttnldo , Baroness de Ualbols and the elite
of the Spanish colony. ,
It Is nnnouncnd that Dqacon will bo sot at
liberty Tuesday. ' '
KtfeotH of Hie 'Explosion of n
Ilpiitlns ; Appuriitus.
Toi'EKA , Kan. , March , < } . [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiiG BBU.- ] The heating apparatus
In the imokini : car of an Alohlson , Topeka tt
Santa Fo passenger trnlri''rnunlug ' between
this city and St. Joseph exploded about 11
o'clock last night near Kilmer , a small sta
tion ton tnllns east of Ibis place. Almon
Ktcharda , living at 32L"Adams street , To-
pekn , and Alexander Encltson , of Auburn-
dale , Kan. , were burned ( to badly that phy
sicians despair of tboir 'recovery. John
Sbavor < anil John Swnrlz , employes1 of the
company , living In North Topcka , and Jcsso
L. Brown , of 'Plattamouth , Nob. , were sorl-
ousty burned , but will recover , and two
Swedes employed in the Atchison , Topeka &
Santa Fo shops were sligntly injured. The
train arrived hero at midnight and tbo men
were taken to tno company's hospital.
Kichards' In urics are frightful. His face
Is scalded beyond recognition. His legs wore
cut open and scolded until both are nearly
bare ana both his ' .nstops nro laid open to tbo
bone. Alexander Ericuson was badly cut
about the face and nock and injured inter
nally. Tbo passengers say the explosion
sounded like an explosion of dynamite.
Nearly all .bo passengers were asleep and
were thrown from their seats. The car is
almost a total wreck. The front half is m
splinters. Every window is shattered and
tbo seats torn up. It Is the custom with the
Sunta Fo to heat the cars from the cngino
and this train has alwavs been hoatea in
this manner. Yesterday afternoon , however ,
the hose connecting the engine pipe with the
smoker was blown off , which necessitated
tbo building of a flro In. the heater to warm
the oar. There was a safety valve on top of
the car which should hnvo regulated the
pressure of the steam , but for some reason
this did not work last night. The result
was a too high pressure of steam for the
pipes to boar.
Efforts Looking to thn Organization , , f n
National Association.
PiTTMiuiio , Pa. , March 0. Tomorrow an
important mostln ? of delegates from the va
rious trades unions will bo hold In this city
for tbo purpose of forming a national federa
tion , to bo composed of pattern makers ,
molders , blactcsmlths , brass workers , bailer
makers nnd steam fitters.
A circular letter has been sent to every
organization lu tbo country , and enough re
sponses have been received by W. J. P. Me-
Gonnoll , general president of the Pattern
Makers association , to show that the meet-
lug will bo laryo.
The objects of the federation is to provide
the means whereby the machinery trades
can bo united together for the purpose of
practical co-operation and mutual support ,
protection and defense in all measures af
fecting their separate and combined Inter
ests ; to influence the apprentice system In a
direction of intelligence , competency and
skill , nnd institute such regulations as will
restrain the vicious tendency to over produc
tion in the various branches , so as to avoid
all conflicts and dlfllculllos with employers
by means of arbitration , and peaceful meth
ods in tbo settlement of all disputes concern
ing wages and conditions of employment ;
the reduction of the hours of labor to eight
ppr day and tbo abolishment of the aysten of
letting out by contracUhe labor of convicts.
SANDUSICV , O. , MarchnU. Judge Smallcy
yet torn ay appointed , / , \Valtor B , Hltcble
of Lima , rccolvor. bifor the Pitts-
burg , Akron & Wqsitirn railroad , the
now road running from .polpbos to Akron.
The company is said "to1 bo In debt over
1)00,000. ) u t
Treatmunt. A Homo Glowing Health !
i A O
Rosy Gtieaks !
Haalthy Bodies !
'Boon ' Companions' '
Costs 1'our
Cents a Day ,
It curocaturrli nwlftly , radically , Vou Inhale Hie
wuriu.rlcli liealtli Uilen TApor. ImmeUluiely It
Mnrum. tuutliei. uihlloratoi. ( ilvoi api > etltu ami
Bwcot sleep n turully. I'mlllvcly curej L'ATAIUUI
llrunchlili , Aitlmin. Ijt ( irlppe , Cuniuiuptlon ,
Headache , Dripopila , Nervoui I'ru lriillon ,
KM1MCNT i > liitlclaii ) In cliarno of Ouiiih * olllco * .
Inlialatlon * and nJvlco free al ( illlcuj.
Oxyncii Miinual free. A puttul geti It.
Cullur write today ; liuudreJi liupplly linve.
BS 510 Bheoly lildg. cor. 1Mb and Howard itreclJ ,
* Omaha ,
Mrs. Mill'o Shi3ll8 , Wlfo of Rsv
Joseph Shields , of the Walnut
H II Onrlstlan O lurch , Relates -
latos Her Exporionoo
with Catarrh.
"When I commenced treatment with lr ,
Copclaml , Bhcpard nnd Mansfield , " s'lld Mrs.
Shields. "I headache almost Incrss-uitly.
My nose , onosldo or the other and many ttmos
both , was stopped continually , anil I wished
there would never bo another night , for 1
could not breathe without ( ho greatest dllll-
culty , nn.t hence , had no rest Morning
i had constant ImwUlns and sulttlnj. , and my
tonsils wore nioally enlarged so that my voice
wassorlonslv affected , also ulcers In my nose ,
In short , I felt badly every \\tiv. t can say ,
after two months' treatment. In Drs. Copo-
MU . Mtt.r.tR
land , Sh"pard and Mnnsfleld's favor , that I
have been croatly benellttcd.
The ulcers are cone , hoailacho Infrequent ,
and I never slept bettor in my life , llawklni :
and bplttlnu has almost ontliely ceased , and I
bo levoa uormnncnt euro will be effected.
The treatment Is mild , and 1 am truly crateful -
ful to Drs. Copeiatid , Shctmrd and Mansfield
for their much needed help , and can honestly
recommend them to suffering humanity
atlllcted us I was.
4,123 Charles stront.
As stated above , Mrs. Shields Is the wlfo of
the Rev. Joseph Shields , pastor of the Walnut
lllll Christian churchshe Is an estimable lady
and her story whi bo read with Interest by
ninny friends.
The Many Annoying Symntoms Which AC-
CO npiny It.
fTtio secretions ilrnpplnc Into the throat nnd
passing with the fooil , or wlion thn putliMit Is
in lied , Into thu sioiiiucli , poison thu stoinacli
nnd Klvu rlto to iniiny forms of mistrltls Oa-
turrh of thy 310111:10)1 : ) la ono of thu most frequent -
quont types of the disease. Thu formation of
Kits , liloutlnir , tiolcliliiff , imnscii , frcituunt
vomiting , nn all-cono or fulntlns fcolln ; ; , clb-
ylnoss. a Knawlnisensation pooriipputlie. dis
tressed fuollnx lifter catlns all those Inll-
cato catarrh of the btoinach and may luatl to
nlcor.itlon of the stomach , and In some cases
cancer. ]
Mr. J. I. 1'uync , the well known and promin
ent farmer of I'.inlllton , Nob. , tolls hls ! xpcr-
Icnvo :
" 1 bad been ailing for fifteen yeara and snf-
fcrlnp from a number of disc iscsvhlch
Krontly Imptilrcd my health and stronstli , I
sufforcd badly from catarrh , my nose nnd
throat being badly stopped up , sore and Irri
table , Much discharge from my nose , with
crusts and swellings , made mo so miserable
that I could neither eat nor nlcup. I had con
stant and severe pains through my chest nnd
luius I couhod : much and not'iliiB scemod to
do mo any good. My upnctltu was poor nnd
I did hot know what hunger was.
Often my stomach was so uoak that I vomited
us soon us 1 Kot up from the table. My food
WHS poorly digested giving rUe to bloating ,
fullness nnd sourness of the stomach and
bowels. What 1 ate seemed lo do mo no Rood ,
for I bccamo weak and low-spirited , loosing all
my nti'.b tlon , My weight decreased nna inv
muscles bccitmo heft nnd Ilnbby. In this very
serious condition 1 begun treatment with Drs.
Copeland , Sliopurd nnd Manbllold , and I can
truly say that they hnvo worked u remarkable
change In mo. I now am vigorous nnd strong
full of encr.-y and ambition , and In the past
four weeks have galnod elglitosn poiinns. I
can further say that I have received more
bcnollt from those puynluliuis In live weeks
thiin for eight long yours of treatment by
other doctors. Thu publlo may th nk this a
strong statement , but. 1 can fully \erifyltlf
I feel like another man and run todav taking
great comfort In my Improved stntu of hualih.
My nppollto has returned nnd I can oat lionrl-
llv and enjoy good digestion.
I advlsu nil my friends noodlng trcatniunt
for chronic complaints call on Ur.s. Copuland ,
bhopard and Mansllnld.
J. I. 1'AYNK , 1'apllllon , Nob.
A Coincidence- the Xotiihlo OrcdcntlaU of
tlm 1'lij sidling ol tlio Copuliind
Medliiul Instltiltr.
Dr. W. II. Conoland was president of hl&class
nt llollovuu Hospital Medical Colloijo , Now
Yorl > , where he graduated , the most famout
Institution ot its kind In thu country. Ills
diploma boars the written endorsement of thu
muilic.ll authorities of Now Voi Ic , of the ( loans
of prominent colluoi In I'ennsyl-
vunln , r. U. S. Hhopard wiis president of Ills
cliiss nt Hush Medical Uolloxc. C'hloago ,
which Is ncknowlodgcd to bo the lending In-
stltut'on of MB kind In tbo west. Dr. tihopard's
thorough hospital oxpoiloii'O and special
study In thu diseases of the eye. oar , nose and
throat , place him union' , ' the leading Hpeelal-
Ists In the wust. Dr. T. II. Manslluld'8 creden
tials are no less abundant and unqualltluii
Ho also Is formally Indorsed by the secretaries
of various county and state medical soolollos.
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building ,
Cor. 17th nnd Fnrnam Sis. , Omaha , Nob.
T. B. MAXHl'IKM ) , M. D.
ConsuHIng I'hyslclans
Rponlnltos : Oitnrrh and all dlso.isss of tin
Eye , Eur. Throat an I I.nnirs , Nurvous Ills-
oiitos , hkln Dlsoasos , Uhronlu Diseases. Ollicu
Hours U toll a. in. , " to 5 p. in. , 7 to D p in.
bunilny 111 a. tn to 4 p m.
Uatarrhal troubles and kindred dlsoisoi
( routed successfully by mull. Horn ! 4a In
stamps for question circulars. Address all
letters to Copeland Mudlual Iiutltuto , Mutr
York Llfo Ilulldlng. Omaha , Nob.
( HJOlt
.Muny Hlch I'liulM Hitlne.'Miiilurn tlio Vicinity
oT OiM'do , Ciiln.
CIIEBUI : , Colo. , March 0. Mr. Fay , who U
employed as delivery clerk tn the postofilco ,
Is charged witli opening registered letters ,
The posttimstor , Mr , Winston , was notified ,
a postoftlco Inspector sent for nnd yesterday
Fay taken to Donvur. The amount of hU
defalcation is not known ,
Tbo reputation of Croodo as bclnc tbc
most orderly camp In Ibo state U fast fading
away , Clun plays are becoming of great fro *
qucnco , and broken heads and black eyes
will soon roiult In dead man and crippled
\vould-bo toughs. Tbo contact country U
becoming flooded with prospectors , and some
promising looking ere is being brought into
the camp ,
Allan Line
B\ll rcitulvlr dnrlni winter from
O\bln40mnl upwards seconlcubln IJJ Stccriwa
t low rales. Mi ATTI 1 l AIIHIUI ,
STATE ( sisttvioR oi >
Now York anil ( ] | * * goff Purlnlvhllr
Cabin Jld. Second CiiMii m Stccravoll ? Apply
liiAI.l.ANACO.Chlouo It. B. .MJJUJ , VVWiil
Tlfket uaroiV. . K.v.ui , -Ilium neci tnni
Of Council ItlulH.
( 'nIUtMoc' | < . fff. ? .
burplus anil 1'ronti . .SO.OOO
NrtCnpltnl mil Surplus .ftV < 'Wonu
Dlreclorii-J I ) . KilniuiiiHnn , K I. . MmiuS , V O.
( llPMun , K K. llnrt , I A. Miller , . ! V Illncliiiiii
ml Charles l ( Hnnnrin TransiH't SPiipnil liuik-
liiK mislnois. I , argon capital uiul surplus of
any bunk In Southwestern lonu ,
Chas. Lunkley ,
I'linci-nl Director nntl Undertaker.
311 Broiuhvny , Council Bluff * .
'lyippliono an.
nnpTIHANI | | > Al\VOOI ) CAPSl't.HS nro Ihc
UUUU I A1" " * nlul " " 'y ' eni'Milei lirrocrlliCMl by
' "
,7 , "ri-Kulnr iiliyMclnim fur tlio euro of
( lomirrliu ) nml illvilmrKi's from the nrlimry organs !
menses In 5 iln > s. JIM ) per box All ilrujrKln
Stork Feeders or Farm Mg'iN I.onk Hprct
To Ip uo 3 to SIMM 21 qnnrtpr sectloni , WO ncro *
cultivated , live house * . ituod Mib-u-imnl' , I'xrcllent
froillnii station near rnllnnd , lloUrvli1. Neb : 1111
excelled corn lind I'ur t rllciilar > wrlto
IHt. (
tlco injt,0 | , utu
federal courts. Itoitns I , 4 unJ 3
Ucuo block , Coitiiull HlulTj. Ix
or run
At OnvilKi , In tlio State of NobniUn. nt tlio
close of business. Marrh 1st , IS'JJ. '
Kisoui < uis. :
Loans nml discounts. . } ? TIUU Ml
Ovrrdiafls. seemed and
unsecured 0,457 DO
U. 8. bonds to seouro cir
culation 60,00000
Stocks , securities , etc. . . . lbS8 HJ
Duo from approved ru-
servo agents (2.10,0.11 50
Duo from othcr'nattonal
banks 83.T41 72
line from state banks
andlmnkors 60,111380t7..0 : 7 41
and llxturos 170,300 OT >
Otbor roil ostatu ana
mortgage1- owned 2,475 CO
Current expenses nml
taxes paid 10,010 ftt
I'roniluiiisnn U. S. l.onds 7)00 00
Checks nnd other cubh
Items I.anO 50
Exchanges for oluarlnx
boiiso 15,001 41
Hills of other banks . , . . 1.1,10' ' ) 00
Tractlonal paper cnircn-
cy , nickels and cents. . . 4H ! ) IK !
Specie , 77.70.170
l.ocnl tender notes aj.UOO 00 14',490 ' A3
Kodcmptloii fund with U.
S treasurer (5 ( pur cunt
of circulation 'J.UV ) 00
Total . Sl,5t8.402 89
Capital stock inld In. . . . . M00.010 00
I'ndlvlded prollts . 1.VU74I
National banknotes out
standing . 45,00000
liiillvliiiiiil dopobltssnu-
jcot to check . $ IO.,1II 75
Deni'ind certlllcates of
deposit . 1,01)5 ) 78
Tlmo vortlflotitcs of de
posit . 2SO.IOJ 40
Certified checks . 6,205 15
Cashier's checks out
standing .
Due 10 other national
banks . 1S7.7CO 74
Duo to state binks and
bankers . 2J0.301 351.0S7.475 37
Total . .17,518,402 SO
STATE 01 ? NKllUASKA , 1
County of Douglas , f
I. Alfred Mlllard , caslilor of tlio above-
named bank , do solemnly nwoar that tlio
above statement Is true 10 the best of my
knowledge and belief.
AU'MIEO MIUjAKD , Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to boforu mo this 7th
day of Murch. 1R < U.
It V. PAGAN. Notary Public.
Correct- Attest :
n. M. MOHSMAN , 1
O. K. HATES.Directors. [ .
W.M. O. MAUL , J
Proposals fur Interior I'lnlnli nf City Hull.
Scaled bids will be rocolved at the ollloo of
the Comptroller , Omahii , Neb , up to 4 o'clock
p. in. March lT > th , ! 80J for m irblu work , stucco
win k a. a t , for tin. slung eouit and halls In
city hall , accor.lliiKto plans and speclllcatlons
on tlio In this olllcc.
All bids must bo accompanied by , \ certified
check to tlio amount of tl.OJU.03. which will bo
forfeited to the olty In case the bidder should
bo nwardo'l tlio contract and fnll to furnish a
bond acceptable to the mavoi and city 'coun
cil In the sum of twlco tno amount of conttuct
iirlcc. such bond to bo signed by residents of
longing county.
Tim council reserves the rljiht to accept or
reject any or nil bids us will best serve tlio In-
teicstbof the city.
lllds to lie add relied "Hid on Interior finish
for Omaha City Hal . " _ TI1EO OLSEN. Comptroller.
Oregon Short I.lno & Utah Nortliorn Kail
nay Company Stockholder' MvutliiK1.
Notice Is hereby clvon that the annual
inuetlnir of tlio stockholders of tlio Oregon
bhoit I.lno & Utah Northcin Hallway com
pany , for the o'oc'tlon ' of directors and such
other business as may legally como before the
muotlnir , will bo hold at room No. 41 , Hooper
IliilUlIni , Halt Lulit ) City , Utah Torrltory.
iiuon Wednesday , the 10th day of March. 18J. ' ,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Stock transfer books will cloto upon tlio
9thday of Kubruary. and reopen upon the
17th day of March. Ari\ANi : > tu , MHI.AII ,
feoori'tary ,
BOSTON , Mass. . 1'ob. 3. 1692. PlOd ' .UtJl
Foil TKADl.l'lghty acres near town for
registered nfilllon or Imported draft
Address , U , IlOJ olllco , Council HIillTs.
FOR SAIjII At n bargain , ID-acre fruit and
gardun iaim udjolnlns city limits ; good
dwelling. E. U. Bhujfo.
ATI ? IIJi trade honso and lot for tnain ; will
TT give Ions tlmoon balance. ( Jail at ( SIS H.
Ctll BtlCBt.
FAHMS , gar.lon lanrU , lionsBs , lots ani
business liloaks for H Uo or rent. Day &
Uoss , 10 I'oarl atroot , Uouniill lllulf.s.
Ovoroilwelllni ) of every de-
Hcrlptlon at prices varying from 71 to tloo
per month , located In all parts ot tlio clly , K ,
II. Shoafc. MJ llroailwqy.
( ) ncros of land u short distance b , C. of
Council ItlnlTH and the D , and I ) Instlluto al
(25 per uoro. A snap. Also good inj-uoru farm
near .Missouri Valley al * T > per aorn. l'i ! . os-
slon given ut OTU'U If sold , Mnu farniH and
Eunlons of all slzoi , Johnston & Van 1'ulten ,
Co niioll Illuirs.
OJlSAM' Kour acres of line fruit lands ,
F oust slope , near cltv , for tvuu per ncio.
Voung stouk lukun In purl ii.iymcnt , Apply
to Leonard llverotl , Council llluirs , la.
HUNT Nicely furnished rooms for man
Foil wife. Inquire at lii : > orth Mxtli Bt
(111(11 ( (
lw fi to
FOR Till ? !
Most facilities , apparatus and Komcilles
foi sui'cemful troiUiiPiil of nvery form
of disease teqitlrlnx medical or
Hiir.lciu ! treatment.
SO beds for patients ho ml and attendance.
Itest aecomoclations In the west.
Wrllu for circulars on ilrforiiilt us ami
brace * , trusses club feet , curvatures of snlno ,
piles , tuition , iMiiror.ontnrrli. bronchlt s , in-
lialiuloii.o'cctrlclty , , millciisv , kid
ney , b adder , ovo. ear , skin and blood : iiul all
al operations.
Hook nn nno.ism of
\\oinen riiii : % \\o hn\ol itely ad led a lylnR-
In ( leii.irtinent for women durlnir cotillnoinenU
( strictly prl\ate. ) Only ( tollable Mi-dlcal In
stitute mailing a Sped iltv of
All H'ood Dlsunsos successfully troateil.
Syphilitic I'nlson tamovcd from tno system
without mercury. Now itnstor.itlvo 'iTreat
ment for Loss uf VITAL I'OWKIt. PorsoiiMiin-
nblo to visit us mav bo treated at home by
correction 'ence. ' All communications confi
dential. Medicines or InMnnmmM sent by
mail orovprcss , securely paeked , mi marks to
Indicate contents or sender. Ono personal In
terview preferred. Call undconsiilt us or spud
hlstoiy of your case , nnd wo wilt send In plain
wraptier. our
ninni I'm i-rivnto ,
Rnntf Tn MFN
BUUH IU men , sueclal or Nervous Ills'
eas"s. Itnpolcney. Bvphllla , Oleulau.l Vnrlco-
oeli' , with question list ,
Ittaees Appliances for Pefoinilllrs A Trupos.
Only manufactory In the West of ii
n \ .tt i-i.i i , % . > . nci/a. > A.s Kit /
it i rr/i/j * \ it it
Omaha and . Institute ,
20th nnd Broa Iway , Oo neil BlufFd.
ten mlniili"'lido front uotitor of Om.ilia on
Omaha and Council UluiTi oluetrlo motor line ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , well-appointed , tlior
oughly well-kept , $3 a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.