G TFIE OMAHA DAILY BEErtlONDAY. MAKOH 7 , 1832. NO CLEW TO THE MYSTERY Brokers Anxious to Know Why Lnko Slioro Took a Vpurt. MANY HOLD GOULD RESPONSIBLE They Arc i ; < | imlly Atixlnn * to Know Why That Slock Suddenly Cotluturil i " l Left a Comfortable Mnjnrlty Stranded onVull Htrret'n Curb. NBW YOHK , Mnroh -Spcclul | Tclcgrnm to TUB HUB. ] All ordinary calculations wcro upset by iiuch n market ns x\o nro hav ing now. It Is ono or perpetual Burprlsos. The latest tins been Riven by the LakoShoro. Hero Is a stock which scotncd the embodi ment of conservatism. Speculation In It was b.wcd on general Ideas and Its movo- nioiit * were therefore slow and steady. Sud denly ono afternoon , without nnv cause that ttio average observer can discover , brokers rush Into the exchange and buy it so eagerly that It mounts live points In thirty minutes ; next mornltiR It jumps flvo points moro and then as suddenly falls back the stimo amount , Friday morning LaUo Sboro sold at 1S8 , in the attornnon at 1fiO ! Saturday It Jumped to 140 , then dived back to 135. 'Such wild movements exceed these of the Industrial stock which used to till people- with Kcavo fears about "shak ing publlu confidence. " when nooplo see such n stock as Lnko Shore outline capers llko this it produces something of the same feeling as might be excited by the sight of a gray boarded , ven erable nmn of known staid demeanor all at once rushlnc Into the street turning hand springs , climbing lamp posts and lumping over tipple stands. Ona looks on amii/ed and Inquires the oauso. Shrouded In .Mystery. It Is n mystery , the latest the street has been treated to. Somebody has the key 10 It , that Is certain , for the brokers must Imvo received their orders from some sourco. Humors that a "melon was to bo cut" sprung up on all sides , but no ono seemed to know what niolou it was to be or why the cutting of It should have been de cided upon Friday morning. Michigan Central rose about eight or ntno points also ; Is there to bo a melon In the way of scrip dividend or some other extra distribution lu that stock also ? Another report was that it was duo to n largo order to buy the stock "at the market , " as tbo technical term 1 to cover shorw , and the order was said to como from Mr , Gould , who hod determined to close u long standing short account ho had in the stock. No ono else that Wall street knows of would give an order llko that except Mr. Gould , Hence , when thn rumor spread that tbo buying was to cover shorts , Mr. Gould was naturally thought of as n man who was short. When" the stock broke back after touching 140 and the whole market slumped , the oxcltcd brokers had it that Mr. ( Jould was dead died suddenly In his private car. The wits of the exchange divined the cause immediately ho had boon told the prlco of Lake Shore and It killed him. What Caused 4nuld'H Action. Supposing It to bo true that Mr. Gould was chart find had determined to cover at any cost , what wus his reason for doing it ) Had ho received some Information wnlch decided hi mi Supposing there was no truth in thcso stories , und the sudden caperIn Lake Shore were merely clever manipulation , mudo possible by the small amount of stock after that In the street , then U might bn as sumed that the prlco will collapse oven moro quickly thau it rose. But this is not so cer tain. It Is obvious that the Vandcrbllt holdings of the stock have not como upon the marketer or the price could never have risen to 130 , to say nothing of 140. It follows , therefore , that at any pi Ice yet made for tbo stock thcso largo holders nro not willing to sell. This argues un Idea of the value of tbo prop erty , which may yet put It to the price of Lncknwnnua. Some ono , how ever , took the opportunity afforded by the excitement In Lake Sboro to unload a considerable quantity of Heading and doubt less such superlluons amounts of other coal blocks which largo insiders were willing to let outsiders havo. bavo been coming on the murkot lately while publio attention wus at tracted to the great strength of the Vaador- bilt stocks. It Is a novel sensation to the street to have Lake Sl.oro enveloped In mysteiy , but mystery seems tbo fashion now. Delaware & Hudson was enveloped in ono a week ago aad thoaoubo started It fvero great Iv entertained at the case with which it ban be done In these times. The stock which Is perennially enveloped In mystery now Is Now England. An operator who bos had some experience in these things says ho never handled u stock which responded so readily to manipulations. Utsy to C'uru for Millions , There nro only $ 0,000,000 of It , so the amount afloat , any time Is easy to tuko care ot ; one-half the people believe it is worth less , the other half that It will bo or great value some day , through the rivalry of the iiclphborinB wealthy companies of the prop erty. So conditioned , Now England can bo worked to a charm , either on tbo bull or boar side according to the general temper of tbo market. The goucral tamper now Is bullish , strongly so ; banco there Is tiotblng surpris ing la tbo fuot that Now England has boon put through another of Its mysterious phases , enabling some ono on the hibldo to unload a considerable block of the stock ut satisfactory prices. Nor Is It at all unlikely that after a period of rest the stock will bo brought back again and another bull turn made. It Is a mine of gold when properly han dled so long ns the road Is not leased by any of Its more powerful neighbors , leasing would remove the stock from the spoculalivo arena. For the coming week wo nro told to buy all the Vandorbllts , Including North western ; to buy Erie ; also St. Paul , which holds Its dividend mooting Thursday. There ls to bo no lop for Vundorbllt stocks. Ono can believe almost anything after Lake Shore's performances. TJio industrial stocks arc qulto distanced. They have become tame beside tbo gyrations of tbo heavy dividend payers nmung the railroads. Never were bull points thicker in Wall street than they were Friday nnd Saturday. The air wait dark with scrip dividends , privileges , rights , distribution of surpluses , new combi nations , increased dividends , guarantees and the rest of it. The concern , however , secnu to find Its reorganization road hard travel ing tbu Uichmond Terminal. It U II HIB Deal. The new scheme appears to DO In u bad wny. Mr , Oicott will hnvo to look out or his reputation for success as a roorcnnlzor will receive u fatal blow. It will bo said of him that bo underestimated the size of the contract - tract ho took In hand , which U a bad thing to have said of a man In bis position , The Terminal securities fell while the rest ot the market was going up and as for the 5 per cent bonds they took a header of about tou points In two days. When the whole list dropped back Saturday In tbo last half hour It was doubtless due to n Knowledge- that tbo bank statement just about to como out would bo bad. It showed tbo surplus re serve to bo decreased | 5XJO,000 ( , wbilo the loans were Increaiod nearly 18,000,000. The deposits had Increased only 1 1,000,000 , so tbo loss In surplus was duo to the loans. This gives us some Idea of the amount of securi ties co-mine to us from abroad and the nu merous deliveries of stock in ten-share cer tificates , and of bondi with the English rev enue stamp on them are Indisputable ovl- donco to the same effect , London seems to bo Inexhaustible ; it sells , lid sells , and keeps on soiling. But brokers who do an active foreign business report that there are cortnln signs now that tbo bottom ls about roschoa. Stocks are getting ccarco lor delivery on the otuor sldo. That tolls the story. Soon they will find their market bare of Americans. Then must como the turn and London will begin to buy back some of the securities she has poured upon us so persistently , This Is a bull point merely ono In the aauural crop of them. Wo uro prepared for anything after luch events as tboso of the last week , and merely usk , what noxtl FINANCIAL ItKVlKW. Stagnation Boeini to 11 o Settling Down on I j : > ; rllilii r , LOKDO.V , March 0. Discount was oaiy During the pust week at 1 % per com for three months nnd V { per cent for short. Money xvas moro plentiful , but there was no demand. Hill broken have dnlly been mak ing repayment * to the Dank of England nnd supplloshnvo * boon further Increased by the return of currency from the provinces , uhoro capital taken out of com mercial enterprises throuch declining trade Is placed in banks awaiting n bolter chance for Investment. Stagnation seems lo bo settling down on everything with dull times nnd permanent low rates. The weeks advnnco In silver ot Is 8d disappointed these expecting n sharper reaction. Busi ness during the week was almost solely on Indian account. Oa the Stock oxehnngo movements were Irregular and business generally was Innctlvu. The prolonged negotiations tor the snltlomont of the Muriel- las nffnlri tends to chock operations. Tbo South American Trust has withdrawn from the proposed arrangement whereby they be came responsible for the Murlottns liabili ties , about 500,000 of which is Immediately pnvnblo. A tlnnnclal crisis In the Munottas affairs Is therefore Imminent , fell twas reported yesterday that Ibo bills were returned and that the holders are about tonpplyto the accounts for the winding up of the linn. The putting nn end to the pro tracted susponco regarding the fnto of the linn will bo a positive rollcf , llnanclars thus galling rid of an uncertainty long Impend ing. The fresh developments lu the conl panic had an Influence In checking business and especially In British railway securities , lu which there was a general fall for the week of from 9f per cent to 11 per cent. American railway socurllles experienced spurts of acllvily with Intervals of quiet , The course of dealings showed that Now York was buying nnd Iho English public for the most part selling. Altbough values were chiefly sustained by Wull street orders , considcinulc buying on English account proceeded In Vnndorbllt stocks , the chief favorite being Now York Central shares , the demand for which was almost sensational. Variations for the week lu prices of American railway securities In clude the following : Increases Lake Shore , "Jf percent ; Denver & Ulo Grande , pro- tcrrod. ! ) per cent : Erie , ordinary , 2 per cent ; Denver und Ulo Grande , common , I/ percent ; Union Paclllcshares , H percent ; Alchlson , Income , Not them Pacific nnd Louisville & Nashville , 1 par cent cnch ; Atchlson , Central PncIIlo shares , Now York. Ontailo fe Western , Norfolk & Woslorn pro- forrcd , Ohio it Mississippi ordinary , Wabush proforrotl , yt percent oaeh ; Illinois Central , 1 per cent ; St. Paul common , 'J f per cent ; Now York Central , 4J < par cent. Canadian railway securities wcro quiet , Grand Trunk third preferred declining 1 nor cent on Ino week , and the Grand Trunk 11 rat und second preferred yt per cent onch. In the depart ment of foreign government securities Span ish bonds declined } < "t per cent lor Iho week , owing lo selling In Paris and bad national financial prospects. Portueuuao issues under the some Influences wont down 1/4 per cent , ivhilo ItnlUn bonds declined 1 } { per cjnt nnd Argentines \yt nor C3ut. Among the miscellaneous securities nil Sophis Droworios show a falling ofi } per cent for the week , and Elraoro copper a fall of li per cent. Iliiviinii Market Hot low. HAVANA , March 0. It was n quiet week In th'o sugar market ; only a small business was dono. Quotations : Molasses sugnr , regular to good polarization , $ -'J5@2.r > 0 , gold , per quintal ; Muscovado , fair to good refining , 83 to OU degrees polarization , $2.25@2.50 , gold , per quintal ; centrifugal , ! ) i lo 00 de grees polarization , & .S7 @ : i.iKi : ! gold , per quintal. Receipts from 25th lo U'Jlh lilt. , 09.000 bags : 013 hhds. Exports during the same time , 01,000 bags , 757 hhds. , of which 77,000 bags and all the hogsheads lo the United States. BACON 50.50 , gold , per cwt. FI.OUU American , $7.70 , gold , per bbl. JiuKii > Ucur $8.50 , gold , per 100 Ibs. HAMS-American cured , $12.50 gold per quintal for northern ; $10.50 lor southern. Luii > In kogs. $3.50 gold per quintal ; in tins , $11.00. LUM unit Nominal. St-OKKS ANII Haul's Quiet. CIIKWIXO Toiucco $10.50 gold per quintal. WIIITC NAVY BEANS $4.75 gold per quin tal. FiiemiiTs Qulot and weak. EXCIIANOK Weak. SPANISH Goi.i-Ji.40 @ 2.41. On the llcrlln Hour-He. BEIIMX , March G. Business was quiet on the bourse during the past week. Homo funds wcro firm. Iron and coal shares rose on the Drospcct of an English coal strike , but receded yesterday under the expectation of a settlement. Bank und industrial shares were weak. The final quotations include the following : Prussian 4s , 100.50 ; Mexican us , 81.80 : Doutsoh bank , 153.10 ; Bochumor , 105.00 ; Harpenor , 138 ; short oxehnngo on London , & 20.42 ; long oxchaugo on London , $20.321 ; private discount , 11)- ) per cent. On the 1'urltt llonrso. PAWS , March 0. The settlement has Just been concluded. Contages were easy. Many buyers of Italian , Spanish and Portuguese securities closed operations , causing a fall In those bocuritics wilh weakness In foreigners generally. Government stocK was tlrm , after the now cabinet's declaration of Us policy. Three per cant routes show n rise of COo in Iho week and Hio Tinto % f , while Credit Foncior dropped fljf f. COn the Fran It fart Iloursr. FitvxKroiiT , March 0. On the bourse dur ing Iho week business was dull. Foreign securilics yesterday relapsed } per cent. The anal quotations include : Hungarian gold ronio , < JJ.5 ; Portuguese , 38.50 ; Uusslan , 03.00 ; Spanish , 5S.30 ; Austrian credit , i.'OJ ; short oxehnngo on London , $20.42 ; prlvaln discount , \ % percent. THU SPUUULATIVU M.VKKKTS. There Wus u Decidedly JtcarlHlt reeling in \Vlifiit Yesterday. CHICAGO. III. , March 5. There was u dnold- odly bearish fooling In wheat during most of Ihoseadlon and lower prlcja. The nowa pre sented u sharp ojntrast with that which was irlvon out no frouly yesterday. The bulls hardly got a slnzle Item In their favor , and Iho Huspiclon which started suylng that trudu bad been ulevurly deceived by manufactured Intelligence wus strongly felt. The manu facturers who wore rourosontcd ns buying so vigorously only yesterday , nnd the damage to cropswhloh they represented as bo alarmlnj , were scarcely mentioned today. On the con trary , dullness and apathy scuinod to prevail every where. Amid so much that wus bearish It Is dltlluult to say what wus the most de- tnoslnR , but the ino.mcr exports from the sea board for Iho week only V.2JJ.03J leu than for u nniUlinu WIIB very discouraging. The fuel thut much whuut wus cld.irod from the seaboard yoxtorday was another bearish Item. A published report on tnu condition oC the wliuor wheut crop , the continued free move ment In the northwest anil the lower oitblos wuro likewise wcalccnln. ; In their tendency with the shorts und It did not tuko loiu for the orowd to get on the boar Hide with un- UHiml animation. Longs saw nil their hopes ot profits * > li itturcd und m-uio liasto to soil und others , tukliiii now COUMKC , assisted In thu decline by solllni ; freely. There was very llttlo disposition to buy until thuro hud boon u dooldod recession In pr.cos nnd oven them It was mostly In Iho way ot covering bv shorts who hud peed profits in sight , 1'urdrldgo wus n buyer ivnd covurou u big line of whoiit. The last iwo weeks mum huvo broiiL'ht the pnmt specnlutor bla wlnnlu.-B. Now Vorkuta led by Cottrell , were hoiivv Hollers trom the start. The weakness continued throughout the Hcaiilun with im noticeinlo rouutlon nnd closed wouk und only ulluhtly nbovo the bet tom ifKurcs of the day ut u loss nf over 1 per coiit compared with yoMorifuv. May opened f o lower ut UOJo. ? sold to Wic. wont off to WMc , drmod totuyc , broke tobOUo and closed weak ut M.e. ) ? Corn wusqulot and easy ; receipts were u trlllo In excess of the estimates and contained JO curs of contract. Trade ivus blow and this with the weakness In thowhuutult and the weakness of the cash doinund wuro doiiresslnj Influences. Thu transactions were confined tou runjoof o und the llbi wus Jio lower than that ot yesterday. Outs were dull and uusy und the market wus fouturolDss. Considering the weakness In wheat , thu dullness in corn and luruor re ceipts of oats thuu expected , prices hold very well , cloning with Uo loss. lloj ? products noru quiet nnd rattier easy , though thoopuuliiR wuHallti'n ( Inner on uo- oountot Iho receipts of lioKibufni ; 0,000smaller than predicted and prices at the yards from 60 to lUa higher. Hut there wus llttlo inquiry nnd the flrmuess soon dlinppourud. The close shows thu marl.ct uuclmuKcd with lard und rib * So higher. Kitlniutud rocelpls for Monday : Wheat. 173 cai-a ; corn , lUi ! cars ; unt , U > 7 cam ; liob , 20.000 head , und lUJ.too head ( or next weuk. Cash quotations wuro us tollows : Kr.oim-Hiendv and unchanged. WHEAT-NO. 2 spring who.it , b7Voi No. 3 spring wheat , tOo ; No. 1 red. vio. CoiiN-Lowcr ; Ao. 2. ! * 0 ! No. 3 , yellow , OATS-NO. Z. 20' ' < oi No. 2 wultc , t. o. b _ 32A.iiO ! r o. U white , UJc. QllVB-No.2 , bOo. 1'uiiK Mem pork , per bbl. , ( lO.K.'Kl lurd , ppr cwt , fU)7' ( ) ; : hort ribs sides ( looao ) ( \80 : dry salted nhouldurs iboxod ) . Jl.T.'v IIAIU.F.T-NO. 2. Mot No. a. f. o. b. , 4 a&V | No. 4 , f. o. b. . oaailc. TIMOTIIV HKHti-Prlmo. tl 245ll.ni. VIIISKV Distillers' Onlshcd goods , per gal. HtTOAlis Cutloif , unchanged ntSSSJic , COIIN No. ; iyellow. IW Ol.'c. Tlio loading fut urea rnnscd as folloows ! AiiTin.rs. ninu. LOW. CI.OI-8 , Wit CAT-NO , s .March 1 8 = ) ' { 1 67 ill COIIN f < o. 2 March , 4tU 4SM June 41 0 OATS No. 7- Mnrch. . , . , . .Mnjr lUfiR 1'OIIK- Mnrcl WK IOP7V 10 8H MDT. 11 14 It 17.L HOtW IA IID Mnrcli , . , , , , (1 ( 10 n 40 > t r U W e 47K glldllT HIIIB- Mnrch , . , . , . 6fO May 5 ! - ; 6 W & M MX ) nccelpls and shlpmcnU led y were ns fol lows : On the I'roilticn oxchuntro ted uy the butter minuet wns unoliaiiRcdi fancy eroninorv , 1'8'i line western , iiVZJi'c1 : ordlimrv.-dSJ'.Mo : solcctod dairy , S.'QJJot ordiiiury.fl ife'-JZle , Kggs. Ha _ Now Yor .M-irkoM , New VOIIK , MurcliS. Kr.ouit Ilccclnts , JI.26J pligs ; oxporu. lH5lilU ) , , > J,547uuoUsiiulot , dull , lioiivys sules , 1.VIM hbK COIIN MIAI , Dull , steady ; yellow weslorn , - ' . . WHEAT Hceolpts. G7.MJ hu.s exports , notio ; sales , 010,000 bit. of futures ; 7Gi ( ) int. of spot. Spot nmrket dull ; No.J ro I , Jt.O.Hi'iM.O'iU ' In store and elevntor : ! I.UO'il.01.'i ' aflonl ; Jl.o.Hi (3I.U7'/i ( f. o. I ) : No. II rod , qulot ; Nn. n un graded red , 8 > 3nle : No. I tiottliurn. $1.0.114 I.Oli No. 1 h.ird , Jl.in'.SiTil.OTlJ ' ; Nj ) . 3 northern , UOUc. options were weuk and dull , olosliiK , ' e holow yestordny on lower cables , forel , - tiers ers selling nnd fuvornlilo weather west. No 2 toil , Mm eh tl.tmi ; April , fl,03Muy. ; II.UI ® l.ol . eloauittiit Jl.OlU ; June. OTJjtt'JJJf. ' olos- InR ullW.'eO ; Julv. WUTiOS. e. oloalnj utOSJio ; AiiL-ust , invQOilo. clotltiKntniiio. llAiu.Kr Dull , bul steady ; No , 2 Mllwaulioo , csa'ico. ' UAitLKrMALT SOe ; Cuimda country made. 81o. 81o.COIIN Kccoipts , KIO.IiDO bu. : exports , 0,702 bu , ; Hiih'H , liu.UJd bu. futures ; SlI.WM bu snot. Hpotinarkut quiet ; No. 2 , 40'l'yo ) In olo- vutor ; h'lttffi.rt'ic ullout ; ungraded mixed , 4SHSl ci No. a. 48MIIUio ; stoumer mlvod. 4l'iW" ! > ! ie. Options dull , closing steady ; March , 491io ; April , ruWWic , closlnnut ftO o ; Mur. 4 Il-i0ii4'l c ; clmlu tit 4'J'4c ' : Juno , 48 o ; July. 41 'i4Uic , clnslns ut 49'iu. UT8 llocoiuts , 41.0,0 bu. ; exports , 14,400 bu. ; miles , ig.ooo bu. futures ; ril.ouO bu. spot ; spotnmrlcet dull und steady ; options dull und easier ; Maroh MV&Wfo. cloMnK utSJ'ie ; April : w ; 'o ; May , : ii > Sc. closing ut MHe ; spot No. 2 ullaat IIH IS'io ' ; mixed western. UUft aSc ; white western , joailo ; No. 2 Uhle.iRO , : ce , HAY Qulot unrt flrm. HOPS Qulot nnd easy. Pacific co int. 1923e. SUQAlt Raw. ejiilet and sto.idy ; fair relln- ln,3c : conlrlfintuls , 9J tost. as : rollnod , firm und ( inlet. MOLAPSBS Foreign , dull ; 53 tost. 12'jc ; New Orleans quiet und firm ; common to fancy , "S © 'Me. 'Me.KICIJ Fairly active und flrm. I'BTHOLEUM-Stcady ; Unltud closoJ ut B9ic ! for April. COTTON SEED OIL Steady und quiet : crude , 2.V-5C ; yellow , 2Uc. TAI.IJOW Qulot nncl ensy ; city ( $3.00 for pkgs ) . 41 1-lliC. Kosm Firm nnd quiet ; steamed , common to Kood , ti aj < ai.i7' : { . Tuiti'KKTtsK Dull nnd strndy ut 4KJ401c. ( { Kens Lower ; lur o receipts ; western , 15e ; receipts , 144 pks. ( HIDES Stcndy und qulot ; wet salted New Orleans selected. 4" > nnd 75 Ibs. at 03.Sc ; Toxus selected , A'J nnd GO Ibs. wasc. i'oHK StuuiJy ; mess. $ ! ) . " © 10.50. Cur MEATS Eusy ; pickled bellies. B' < o ; plck- loil nhuuldors.i4c ! ! ; pickled hums. IXtil4c ; middles , quiet und easy : short do ir. 905 . LAKU fatiudy nnd dull western steam , tfl.75 nskod ; option sales , 200 tierces ; March , $ .72O.W ; Mny , $ G.8Juske ( < l ; July , J6.01 usked. IIUTTEit Kreoly olTorod : western dairy. ID ® 23c ; western cro.imory. 21.OKc : western fuc- torv. 1GG2JC ! ElulnsHHio. CIIKF.SE Firm und qulot ; purt skims , &R10V5e. JVia IIION Qulot und cusy ; American. tl. TA ® Coi'i'Eii Quiet nnd steady ; Ipko , J10.50 ® . , , LEAD Steady and dull ; domestic , $1.15J.20. TIN Steady ; str.ilts , J19.00. Oinitlia Produce MurketB. FI.OUU Omuhu Milling company's Ilollanco 1'atentr > J ; Invlnclblo I'utcnt , K..40 ; Lone Star Hunorlatlve. f--'O ; Snowllukc , * 1.8 : > ; Fancy Family. $ : .73 ; S. F. ( illman's Hold Medal. J-.r.'j ; Snow White. J2.25 ; Snowllake , J2.00 ; low crude. tl.CO ; Queen ot the I'.iutry. $4 00. l > 4 > UbTitv Chickens , oed stock , 010c ; geese , ducks und turkeys , ll12c. HUTTEII llest choice country roll. 10@21e ; lower grades , 17lHc. HIDKS No. 1 ktreen salted hides. 4U4 o ; No. 2Krocn suited hldos , 4Hl'-ie ; No l Kroeu suited hides. 2Ti to 40 Ilia , ISUWc ; No. U Rreen suited hides. 23 lo 40 11)3. , yAJJie : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , Gc ; No. 2 vcnl cult. 8 to 15 ! bs. , 4c ; No 1 dry flint hides , 78o : No. 2 dry flint hides , 5tibc ( ; No. 1 dry sultocl hides. ! iCe. Tal low , \o. 1 , : i'/4c ; tallow , No. ' . ' . J'/ic ; Krcaso , white A , 4u ; i ; reuse , white li , WWla ; Rreabo. yellow. He ; KIOUSO. dtirk , 2' c ; old ontter , 2 ® 2'Ac ; beeswax , prime , ICe ; rough tallow , Ui © lie. lie.HAV Slow ut S3.50.VOO. The Inttor prlco could only bo obtulncd for something extra good. KiHJB-Murket easier ut 12 KUIIHUS City Market * . KANSAS Cirr. Mo. . Mnroh 5 Fr.onrt In good demand , II rm and iincliunccd ; pat- ei.tK , J..WJ ; extra funcy. t.y < KK.yzs fancy , 8J.ir.2.lft ; choice. JLUOQi--OO. WHEAT Hotter ; No. 2 hard , 77o bid ; No. 2 rod , cash , 82o bid. CoitN Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 33ie ! hid ; March , Wlc asl.ed. OATS-Stendy ; No. 2. cash and March , 28obld. KYK Weak ; No. 2. 77ffl78c. FLAX SEED BOc. DHAN Steady ; fi4e. HAY Market strons ; pnlrlo E5o hiRlicr ; ( jnotatloiiH are. timothy. f.OU ! ) per Ion ; fanoy pralrlo , JT5T ; good to choice , I5.00aii.00 ; low Krndos , J4.5D5.00. Eons Stcndy nt 12o. lIUTTEU-bcarco , but firm ; creamery , 228o ; roll , flrm to higher ut I4O2U ! . CIIIISE Unchanged ; Vouna America , lOo ; KutiNns. 7 © o. ICBCRIITS Whaat,38S03 bu. ; corn , 27,049 bu ; outs , 1.UG7 bu. Hiiii'MKNTB Wheat , 22,015 bu. ; corn , 23.178 bu. ; outs , 2,457 bu. London Wool Murkot , LONDON , Mnrcli 5. The receipts of wool dur ing the past week were : From Now .South Wales. J.U71 b.ilos ; from VIotorlu , 1.7JJ b.Ues ; from South Australia , 1,41) ) b'.los ; from West Australia , : i,450 bales ; from New X.onlnntl , 2.UI7 bales ; from the Cnpo of ( Joed Ilopo and Natal. 2,403 bales ; from Uusslu , 1,109 bales ; from I'ranco ' , HTri bales , and from vurlous oilier plucos , 7UJ bales. Cofloo Markot. MEWYOIIK. March 5. Options opened bnroly steady ut 5 to 15 points down ; closed steady nt&to lOunlnts clown : sales. MS ) buss. In- cludlnz March , ( Ul l ; April , Iiaooffl3.ti5 | ; May. ll-J.TfiiilS.8l ; July , jr..ao ; Soiitombor , IS.a3 ® 12'l'Spot Klo dull and nominal ! No. 7. 914,87 ! ' ) , Liverpool Murhoti , LiVEitpoou March 5. WHBAT Dull ; hold ers offer modera'.ely ; No rod winter , 7s UHd porccntul , CoHN-btendy ; demand fair. 11ACON LOIIK ulour , 45 Ibs. , ajs per owt. STHUKS AM ) 11ON U.S. Couiploto nnil DuiuorullzliiK CIiiiii 'CH Oc- uiirrvd In the \Vliolo I. Int. NEW YOIIK , Mnroh 5. The stock mnrknt iisiiln tliowod ovldcnco Hint the moving power belilnn the fluctuations Is only muiilpulutlon und , whim the atrensth of tlio whole list wus very decided In the first hour , comuleto and demoralizing CUUIIKOS occurred ut II o'clock und the most positive weuKneua marked the trodlnuon thn excliunne for thu luat hour of thu session , There were two principal OUIISCB udvunccd for this audden chunirit In temper , one tiding the rumor revived ot the death of Mr. liould und the other was the appointment of , t receiver for the Oeoridu Central railroad. The former , however , wus qulukly denied , the luttnr WIIH known before the opening of thu session und seemed to Imvo no woluht dur ing thu first hour. 1 huro wui beside u hunk statement which showed u lurgo deereusu | n eaali.dcBplto u moderuto Increuso n deposits und a lie. ivy expansluu of loans , which cuutod a ruductlon In the fcuruius rvBurva of over t\- OUO.liOO. ThlB unUoubtedly hud homo Inllucnoo , but tbo downward movement was In full swing long before the Issue ot the Matemttnt. ' 1 ho market oucned withu linn temper , und Uio who o list , with thuuxcoitlon | of tlio ICIch- iioud&We | t I'olnt securlt.os uud New En- glund , beoi-od further Improvement in the llrst hour , thoio being up to thut time no ud- vuntuKO to the Vaudurbllts , tliough they were still strong , and Luke bluiro rose rapidly from iatl'4 to I4J1J. MKihlKBii Ocntrul inoro llian kot-plng pucu with It. with a rlso from m.i to llllou much smaller business. All tlie other blocks of this jsroup full the htlmulnn , nnd Nortliwesleni and New York Central mudo material gulns , selling up lo thu highest points for the weoit. uu to tnls time the concessions In every thing bul tlio Uichmond & West I'olnt were insignificant , but thut stock went down It Iicr cent and n tired further , iMillo thu pre ferred , utter opening dawn U3i per ooutiUW , fiirlher dropped lo OOtirln Iho fncc of the weakness In the test of 4hu lint It milled tof,7. but closed at 01. 'I lift-Wlioral INt iiiilrmy rnn off In the Intt hour Vfd ln-n y Miorl iclllnff , tozplhcr with the oxo.-ntUm of omo stop order , accelerated Ujrdecline | l.uko Shore iiroppoii from Uiif. 'to u.Vi. Northwost- crn IJI to UP , I.iqV.-iwnnnu from 1MH tol'.g'i nnd lolnwnrg/Jlul80ii ( ( 140'i ' to 137 ! < , ttlit.o the entlro \y/tfitirouRhl down below tlio list of yostercluy. .lAidvnnrcs nrro lost In nil vases anil In nmriy addition il fractions. Tlioonsluuplil was kc-ptiiip to ttio close and the miirkot llnliliod work at the lowest prices ofthodiiy. Michigan. .Ur-ntral wns the only stock which Imltl nn ttfttiy nortloii of Its advance - vance , nnd It Is . uoj-t'bjit ' higher tonlzht nt UU. tliou.'h the bid for IL'ut tin ) close was ma terially ticlow that Uiturr. The losses , how ever , luolunn I Ln'o Shore nud Delaware , < : Hudson each : i per emit , Uichmond .V West I'olnl Ti percent and Now Kneluud unrt .Mis souri I'nclflo each IV per cent. Thu following are tlio closing quotations for the loading stocks on the New York Stock ex change toduVi cxillv The tolil sales of stocks today were IiOO.OOO shares , Including ! Atchlson , H.H'.iJ ' ; Ganadii Southern , 14.UM5 ; Dolnwurc , 1/aoktiwnnnn tt Weslorn , 491 ; Eric. 1,110 ; LuUu Shoro. SO.U57 ; Louisville & Nashville , MOO ; Mlchlcun Contra ) , 4,45 ; Missouri 1'uclllc. 5.703 ; Nort'i- woslorn. ao fl : Now York Central. 8.M-1 ) ; Now EtiKlund , lll.llll ) ; ( tending , 47.U3i ; Klchinonil & West Point , a8-4B ; Bt. I'uul. iSGW > ; Western union , 11,575. rinnncla ) Uo\lo\r. NEW YOIIK. Mnrcli 5. Tlio Post snys ; A prrnnild huilton Its aucx may ho reuson- uhly expected to topple over whun It Is puunud. The market for the l&st tow days 1ms hcon precisely such un architectural mon- slroslly. In the fuco of a naturally heavy list , a croup of professional opcrutors hnvo hccn forcing the mo uxtravitRant advances In prices. To explain this movement only two apologies for argument have boon .idvuncod a stock dividend on Lnko Shore und possible ) consumption of dividend during the week on St. Puul common. The first was aoubted oven hy the cnthuslnitlo huyers of vestordny ; of thoi second iiosslhll- Ity the professional traders huvo cxnctly ns much knowledge now us the mosl iKiiorttnl outsider. The renewal this niornlntt of the crazy uuylnu In. Lake Shore und Its compunlons prepurcu Jho wuymoie luvltlitRly for the hoar raldor3VJTlio advances of four poll Is In this Block tnid of two In Northwest ern were mudo In absolute ImtHTorenco to the blow rocclvod by the Richmond Terminal ro- or nnlzors , wnlch soul IJio stocks of th it ion- corn bowllnir down still from thu mart. Only one other factor witn needed. Half nn hour before the close Ilia heavy decrease In the hank reserve was reported > iuU then the market collapsed , Now York Stiijioy .Murkot. NEW YOIIK , Murcii 5. MONKY os CAM. Easier ; no loans oflcroa nt 2 pnr cent. PRIME .MEIIUANTII.K I'Ai'Kit 4HJ iicr cent. STIIUMXG B.xciiANUcQtilot but steady ut W.85 < 4 for slxty-dny.lilllsoiind M.87Ji for de mand. Tlio closing quolntlonson-faonda ; Boston Stouk Murkot. BOSTON , Mass. . Murch 5. The foltowlni were the closing prloed oti stocks on the Doston stock inurkol lod.iy ; Denver .tllnliif ; Mocks. DENVEIU Cole . March 5. The fallowing list Is thcioloslnz quotations on tho.Minium wdny. S.ilos 2",7UO. Now Vork .AIlllliiK Uuotutlon ) . Murch 5 The following uro the closing mining stocic ( juotatlons : Aspen sjo Mexican IbO llest A Ilolclicr 215 Ontario 4100 Caledonia 110 Ophlr U75 Chollnr IIS I'lyniouth 175 Con. Cat-A Vn 415 I'otoBl uu Deadwood 1UJ Kavaee ISO ICnrekni'on , , . ItiO Sierra Nevada 160 Halo A Norcroaa. . . . liu standard IHU Homeatako 1.125 Union Con. . . . . . . . . 145 Horn mivcr 370 Yellow Jacket UU L.I VK H'MUH. MA11KET8 , ours with I.lulit ItecflptHinul Hut her lM\\W\Frlee \ \ , OMAHA. March & . Kouelpta for the wpolc foot up f. ,4a ! c.ittlc , 'J3.IK/IMIIOKH und .r > , ' . ' 08 Hhooii , uwulnst 1:1,014 : ouiloj * j4Sofn } \ \ und B.077 Hliuop lust \\eolc nnd Il.lHU i'imle , 40-81 hoxs , 4,5:0 shcop the first week .afnMnrch lust yuar , On till hut lieuvy ( ntteors , coed unotuh for shlpiilng or flxpoitln tlilio inurkol this wi-ok tins liccn very dull und niuutlHfiictory. Kor thu helter grades ofrotittlo there hits linen a very fulroutNldodoiii iid. unduslocul dressed uoof hnyora also wuiUfd thlsoliiss of slock the uctlvo cuinpetitlnn tihuld prlcus up to rcspoctahlo ll unw.l Medium lli > sliod anil coiuinontsli , ? ntJlo Imvo hcon hurd to soil nil ttook , thu'fiuiiilrv for oiuh Loluii ontlroly locul and rather IndllToront ul that. LlL'lit stoura huvo alut ) tionn helling budly , oh- pcolully for Iho l > ahtt\to or tlireo clays , mainly on ncconnt of tlio Kr > Mt\y \ ro luccd doinund for good focdurs. These luttor clashes of otil- tlo iirosolllni : fioni'ilOu Iol5o lowur thun Ittst wouk , Ilutohcrs' uniluiinnoiH' cuttlo uro sell- Ins ut f i oin I5c toVJiAlp vur thun u wcolior ten day HUSO. The supply ) his licoii moro thun uiuplo , whllu tlio sbuttlnz ofT of outsldu huiohors' onlciia linn 'left the market pruu- tlonlly to the tender inorolesof local buyers. The fnedcr inurkct hus buen dull all week und u houvy supply has ucciininliitod , 1'ilcusiiro from ISo to Voo lower on atont overythlni ; lu IIos "javo gold vo y unovcn'y und the gonornl Impression heuiiis to uo tliul wo huvo teen the hlli | murk for sumo time. Kusturn shlppliu o rd nrs nro iHunnlilnni : und looul biiyors holnz relieved In u Kre.it niuiibiiro of ontslilo computltlon uro docldudlv licurUh. I'rlcvH uru &o to lOo lower thun lust wcok. blicuu vulijos show no purllculur clianuo , tlio supply holiiB riMher llmivuil uid the doinund stroin : , The wcok closes with u very fulr run of cuttlo , IncludiiiK u lurpor proportion of KOOI ! houvy hceea thun nny day thu nook , tililp- pura und o.vporturi were uctivu lilddora on lt > o Lest cattle hut local buyers ult > u uantod them. Tlio icsull wan an uetUc.'flrm murkot on anytliliiz coed onoiiKh to unlto com. petition. Unduhy bonnht itood cuttlo wolKhlnK around 1,5 U Ibs. at ft.'JO und JI.5J and suvorul loads of coixl 1,250 lo I.00-IU beuvi'S sold from U70 lo 1 1. IS. On the under grudos , huwcvur. the murUot wan rather tumo und bptrlitoss. If not occa sionally lower , fulr to Kood l.WJJ to l.hOO-ll ) . Hioers iollln from J.4J to tl.GU. Light und uouiiuou stuuru mid uround tJ.i.'i lo U.10. Trndinu w.n only moderately nollvo , hul n Rood clouriinco win cITertcd , Tlio supply of butcher stock WHS unusually limited and the fair to Rood Rradcs naturally developed nome llttlo Mrensth. IhotnarKot wus lolorably brisk nnd prices firm , hul not < ] iiotubly hUhcr. Homo very dcslrnb'.o sttifT sold us blch as (1.00 to Ui\ : bill fair to coed cows and hclton wenl larxoly from J..W to f-.7.'i and cannuM from tl.no lo SJ.CO. Hulls , OXPII imd stnzs wore nloAilv at from tl.M to W.a5. calves iincluincfd nt from S/,03 to f\00. It did not take \cry lon to clo.ir tip the moaner olTorln R. Tlinro wns a very dull Iradn In the stocUor and feeder lino. The tnrill Inijulry for foodcrs ( coins due , Itr a great dcprce at lenit , to the Itnpiistublo rondltton of the country roads. At any rate full v 2.00J houd of dock und feoc- Inir cattle have accumulated In the y..rtls and lll < < uliuosl Imnosslhla to move tlioin , oven ul prices 15o to > 3 lower thun Itisloolc. . The volume of iradlnj was stnull , with sales from n' . 00 to HI" . ] { upro Ciilitlvcsaludi STEKKS. No. Av. I'r No. Av. Pr. 21. .1215 CJ 4.1 11) ) . ISia IM - i7..im ; aoo . . 1 .IX'O UO ) 21 .1.141 : tuo 21) ) .l.m 403 2i. . 1211 400 40. r.m 4 uo 2S Mil 410 IV I4J7 415 12 mn 4 is 1H 1404 41,1 17 .ia 4 is .iaMTI in MTI 415 20 141.1 415 21 t4.r. 420 110. 15.8 420 17. 1470 4W 17. .1x15 46U MIXKU. lloos Itecolpls of boss this week fall 0,800 shortof lnt week and ni'urlv 1H.OOI short of the llrst week of .March Just yo.ir. There was no material ch.inuo In tlio uonor.il quality of Iho offerings. Korlho fltsltltue In weeks Ihoro was no shipping demand nnd local buyers tool : ntl- vantuco of this f.iel to demand und succeed In Rotting concessions of fiom . 'u to Klc , ospccliilly on Ine Kind of hogs Hlilppors hi\o been taking , 1. c. , lUlit und heavy bttlcher weights. They bought Rood llRlil ho s , mote orlops Borletl , at fiom ? 4.43 loM.37" , . Uiitchor weights at from $4,45 to 81.51. lloavv bo swore were not n Kreutde.il different fiom I'rlduy nt f roni } l.42 > i lo JI..1's. \ . It was u slow , dull muiket ftom stuit to finish , bul nearly every thing was finally dlsnoscd of. the bulk of the s.ilos belin ; from $1.41 to % l.51 azulim tl.oO to 74.05 1'riday , the uvoraio of prices paid being W.5UH iiRiilnot $1,1414 I'Vlduy und JI.JO lust Suttirduy. Ueprosentatlvu s ties : rilu I'r. Sh. t'r. 40 $1 35 I2i I2iS3 431 S3 450 483 450 4 40 120 450 8SO 4 42'J 120 450 40 44.1 243 450 100 441 8J 450 BJ 445 SO 450 320 445 200 453 120 441 21X1 450 21X1SO 80 441 SO 450 fcO 4 47J' 320 4 > 80 44715 10 4 5/S : ' 4 t"1/ 210 4 5J',5 120 4 47'4 100 452' } KiO 4 47'i 8 ! ) 4 52 ' ,4 210 45- ) 80 4.12J4 100 450 4 5JJi 120 453 100 4 52i ( S3 450 455 200 4 50 80 451 80 4 50 41 451 80 450 80 451 120 450 4 r > 5 40 453 40 451 20.1 450 U'O 455 40 4 50 40 451 K'O 450 40S3 453 240 150 S3 451 40 450 SO 455 100 450 4 574 ! 45) 4 57i ! 63 . 2.18 120 4 SO SIIIEI > The tow loads received were con- st.'ned throiiRli to Clili'.iso und not olTorod on the market. A loud of holdovers sold for $5 00 ugulnst $1.20 lust Thiitsday as puckers weio not anxious to carrv the sneop ovei iMinilay. The demand U still Rood. I'ulr to Ruud nu- tUes. $4.2.72)5.40 ) ; wcslerns , Jl.0)3.2.1 ) : common und block shcop , (30 (3.73 : Kood to cho.co lambs , wolBhliiK 40 to 0 ( Ibs. . $1,253000. ISep- roscntntlvo salt's : No. Av. I'r. IbO western wulhOM . 1UO J3 O'J ' Kooelpt ) unit OUp Mltl ju of Stiiclc , Olllclulrocaluts Mid disposition of steak us shown by the books of the Union Slock Vnrds company for the tuunty-foiit-hours , ending ut 5o clock p m , Aiurch 5 , IS'J. ' . IIKCKIITS. DIHl'llsniOV. < ; liU' go I.Uo SlixMc .Mur lie t. CHICAGO , 111. . Mnruh A. [ SpoolttlTolosrr.ini to Tun HlJK.1 Prices for cattle todav were llrni ut from 81,25 to AJ.40 for poor to xtra t'owH and hulfoia , 81.50 to $ .1.7.1 for hulls , i2.21 to $ ' .75 for HtoukerH and feeders , J.I.I J to 5.85 for dressed hcof und shipping stools , and f-.t.O to J4 15 for Textm cattle. Tlio nenoral feutnros of the market nero the sainu a.s forotliorS.il- urduys , u Iluhtsnpnly , un Indllleronl doinund und nomlnullv nnclian.'ed values. 1'rlcus nru u llttlo higher thun they woio u \ > eok iu'0 for ull debcrlpllonsof cattle , the miirket having KIOWII Krudunlly Htrotuor slnco Tuoiilay. With iccelptsof only about 12.0)0 ) houd , tlio IIOK iniirket was ( Inner , local packers wanted but few and IliONhlupliiK demiind was not at nil urgent , 'ml ' the meiiKor nropoi lions of thu supply helped Hullnrs lo nn udvunce , thu inur- ket u\oniKln8" > o hliiher th.in alyodloiduy'H close. Although uo sales were icporicd ut over $3.ou. thuro wtuo u nnniDer of trades nt 14,05 nnd the Kiuner mrt of tlio olTvrliis changed owners nbino 11,7,1 , OloahiK' < inot.ithiiis woio fiom J4.49 to ? l."i ' for poor to prlmo Huhl. arid $1.50 to HOI for 'iiedluin and houvy wululils , llo 't , wolKhlnj ; o\eri50 : RH , urutioled | from 20o lo 40u nii'ler the above prices. Trad I IK In Hheep was al about 1'ilduy's prices , or nt from (1,5 < I to io.15 for poor lo oxira sheep , und att3.03 lo * ! .75 for lambs. Ueculpla wore : Cattle , l..W ; l.o s , 12,000 ! iec ) , . . The i : unlii ' Journal reports ] OATn.E He- colpttf , 1,5.10 ; slilnmonth. l.UJU ; inuikot Hteady ; n.ithe steers , fj.CKX I.75 ; htoekor . { l.7.Cii.i.'ii : : COWH. hulls und mixed , f2.0iy .V.5. llotis Itocolpts , 10.0'JO ; snlpmcntH , H.Ofll ; market iiotive. closlnj ; liUhor : ronnh , H.HXFo 4.UO ; inlx.i , ! . If4,70ts.85 ( ; heavy. " b. 1.5,0 ; bhlpniontH , 1.000 ; inur kct llrtncr ; xvestern , $14 ( il.l.iiO ; mlxeil , fi5 ! | owes , J4.4 < BI.U ( ; lumbs , H.so@0. . ' . HI. l.onU l.lvn Slock .Mlitket. ST , I.oillH , Mo. . Much 5 , ( JiiTl.B-ltooeliiH , 12.1 ; Hhlpments. 7JO ; btron/ , tint Inaetho ; fulr ( o cocid native steers , i-t- ! > Cil.50 ; fair to xood Indian und Toxnn atcuri. $ . ' .7 dlMU. lloos Kecolpts , - ' . ( l ; bhlpmunlH , : iUO ) ; hlaheri houvv , { I70til.b9 ; inUed , JI.VJtM.S. ) ; lltjht , ll.6'Jffll,75. WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP tortlie Hklubc4lp Mini Coinplazluu. k At IIIUMK ! * * or mttni i y iuill , 1 C e. A tl > tiiila Caia uj lit ] ujj f Mot k on Dornutt lu y un J Ituauly. J Illuilnteil , on Hkln , hrulp , J < or\oin , / iiil llluuU Iilii.aiui and tl.olr Ircut. ntcnt. Miit lunliHl. icjr.i DliH uro * , jtrti , lilrtti llarki. Molut , Watli , ludl S Ink mill f.iwilcr Utrki , Kc > r > , I'lllli'Xi , H (1ue ( nf V , e , Hupvrfluoni Jlalr , I'lm. plei , lc , rcniOT d. ConiultutUmrrre , t otllc orlij ui ll. JOHN H. WOODBURY , Dermalologlcal Inititule , 15 IVrtt 4 aO btrecl , Acw York City , , OMAHA AWNINGS AND TtNTS OMAHA TENT-AWNIKG COMPANY , I-'lnu' . linminncki , oil nnd libber rlothlnit i end for rntnluguo. lllirnrnnm , BAGS ANDTWliMtc. DEMIS OMAHA BAG CO Importer * nnd nnniitto * tntorK. l-'lour Sncli < , tlitrl.ipi nnd Twtno. BICYCLES. A.H , PERIOD A , CO M.O.OAXON , HOI lh > do strojt. lllc clo gold on monthljr Send for our citnltuuo p.tTincnli. nnd prlcoi. Knrnam st , Oimhn BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-CHE SHOE 03. IIII ) llnw-ir.l StroJt. 1 nlo IT corner llth nnd DoiMlnt 'trooti. MC oklnil close ptlcoi tocnOi bljuri , nnl nro rolllni ; n clan of a.'ub wnlch l < verj sil- oitblo irllh inorcliint ) . KIRKEKDALl , JOIIES & AMERIOAH HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. Wholo'nlo Mnntifnctit'rj , Hoot' . rhne , rnbbcri AKrnt , ' for llcnlon Hub- and felt Roods. bvr Shoo Co , IHri , 1101 nndltOU IInrnoy street. 1231-f ! llnnor stroot. COAL , COKE , tlC. , OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO , , Unrd nn 1 soft conl S R. corner li > lh nnd Duunln streets , CORNICE. | CLOTH NG. EAOLECORNICEWORXS GIIMORE&.RUHL , Mnnnfntiturorj of < ) A | . Manufacturer * nnd vnnlzcd Iron Cornlco. Wliulow caps , tnctiiUa \V'holo nlo Clothlort , ( krllntit" , vto. 1I1U nnd 1112 DO.IKOBU . 110J Humpy street , DrtV GOODS. M.E. SMITH & CO. , KILPATRICX-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Dry Roodi , notion ? , fur- Dry xnodinotion * . Ronti' nlshlnc Koodi furnlihhiR Roodi. Corner 11th and Howard Cor I ° niidllonurdsts. ELECTRICAL SUP.PLIES. OMAHA CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CO. Kluctro Ujnnnioj. I.nmpi , Wire nnd Kiuctrlcal Sup- plloi of All Kinds. 1113 lloirur.I strout , Ouuha. WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , llrntTutcd cntalocuo free. Ifill Cnpltol Aronue. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. 51.1 South 13th-st Olt-S. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , llctlnert nnd Itibrlcntlnn oils , nulo Kroixso , etc. PRODUCE GOMM SSION. BRANCH & CO. , RIBBELl & SMITH , Posters In rountrr prod Produce , fruits nt alt uce , frultf , To oUblei , etc. kinds , ojstori , 1207 Ilownrd Stroot. 13th nail llarnor Streets. KIRSHBRAUN&.BROS. , JAS. A. CLARK It , CO , , Duller , cheoio , estl , Batter , nnd paultrr. eggs poultrj nnd utms. 1409 Karnnm St. KI'J South 13th StrosL & CO. D. PEOAU , RIDDELL& . . , Commlislon M or all nut. Huttcr. chcote , 1'roiluco , lluttwr..zn \ , Cliuoio unrt IMultrr. ctnbles , frlllU , poultry 12th and Howard at . nnd K.11H8. Ouialia. IVIULLIN&MCLAIN , BINQHAM&SON , Fpccltiltlfj. bultjr. Oftt Send us your KITKS , "lit clicoKC , poultry , eta No. tor , Poultry. Ijntuo , 15 S lit l Kof lit Nil llldoi ) , Klo. bank. 1 TO 1-3 I.oiTunnurJi St. P-PE . CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CO. Cnrrr n full itoct nf WrnpplnKpnpor.n IklnJI of txvlnL's , etu prlntlnit , wrapping nnd 1403 Howard at. nrtlttiK pnpur , curd pa- pur , ota. Tol. I7J ) STOVE REPAIRS. JAMES HUGHES , OMAHA STOVE REPAIR Stoves repairs of nit kind ) WORKS , Cooks and Ilontori Stovoropnlri and vriter attuchmontn for uuy kind forsnlo. of alovomndo. mi fl. nth Street 1207 ItoiiKlas SASH. I TOYS. IYI.A. H. HARDY &CO. Mannfacturort of rash , Tojs , dolls , albums , faner Roods , housofur- door * , blinds and mouldings. Uruacli ot- nl hlnn Roodj , child Bco , 12th and liard Sts. ren's carriages. 1311) ) Karnnm Strost. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIVITEO COMMISSON MERCHANTS. ALLEN ROOT & CO. , OASMANN HoomJI KxchanKB Hulld- Ilaams , 6 ] nnd ill Bx- UulMIni ; South c'nuo billJIK Omaha. South O-ni1) } . S. Superior Value. No other plasters have been produced which gain so rnany testimonials of high value as those continuously accorded to ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTP.RS , and the only motive for these excep tional commendations lies in the fact of their being a medicinal and pharmaceutical preparation of superior value. Additional proof of the true value of ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS , lies in the fact that they are being largely imitated by unscrupulous persons , who seek to deceive the public by offering plasters which they claim to be the "same , " "equal , " "as good , " ' 'better , " "best porous plaster , " etc. , while it is in general appearance only that they resemble ALLCOCK'S. All of the so-called porous plasters are imitations of PLASTERS Avoid dealer. ! wlio attempt to palm off inferior and worthless plasters that are purchased Uy them al low rates for the purpose of substitution. THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures all disorder. ! of tlio Stomach , Liver , IlomtlH , Kl.louy < 4 , Ill.nliljr , N. > rrou : senses , I of-H of A | iictite , Jiradnrlie. ( ' ( uiMlimtiui , Costlvcnrss , In tlgoU ! m , JJlllotu- IIOH , I'eu'r , 1'lles , Elianil n'irji'ru the synlcMii loss liable to contract dlso.uo. DYSPEPSIA. ItADWAY'ri I'IM.S uio onto for this coniplulnl. They tone up tint liilornul hncrellons to healthy action , K'Moii'Mn'iiKlli to the slonmeli , mill eniiblo It lo perform Us functions. , I > ilco2 > e a not. hold by nil diugelsls , or n > ulltd by ItAHWAi & . ( JO , , Vti Warren vtrcot Now Vork , on locelpt of piUe. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent apoclallit lu nerYoni , clircnliprliHle. . bluoJ , tklnatul uniurr cllJeeiei. A rcuulnr and registered liruduuiom uii-ilclnu , dlp'omiit unJ icrilllcutei li < n * . liinil truullnx wIlU lliugraiituil ( iicceii cturili. iprriu torrliotU. lo t lunnliooi ) , iumlnivl wcHUnuis. nUlit loisai , liuimtoiicy , i/phllu. itrlctura. on or/lioi'O , Kli-et , vnrlroculu.ctc. No nierury usoJNciv triMtmciit lorloit of Ital puhtr , 1'arllei unable to Tl lt moumy bulronlul at liuiuu by corroiiundcncr , Muillilne or liulruuicnu tout \ > j mall uroipri'ii > eurilyiii.kud ! , nu mark * lo ImlU'iilu coiiloutu ortpiuli'r , Ono uerionul lulunluw prcferrud. Connullallua ( rua. CorrunuoiidvniHi ultUtlr iirlnite. Hook ( Myularlai of Life ) ( lint trat , Ufflou UouriOn.ia. ton p. a , iiunduj > 19 u. u.toliui acuu itatupltir f ' - 3iS ! | Dr. GLUCK , Slcye , Ear. NoseThroat , SPECIALIST. MH iidjuitud to ail visual defects. Uulurrh 1.111-1 cstfutly treutnd , Room 18 , Darker Block , 15th autl Farnam JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' \ STEEL , PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS.