Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1892, Image 3

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t.'cllvcir < l 1 > y Cnrilcrtonny pnrlof tlio CltT
TFt . rmin\r J Ittis'ncw Office No J
. - ?
TFI.EPI10M.b-j No !
jlRt , | Kltor ]
K , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Croft's chattel loans. 201 Sapp hlocl' .
The bcllbovs of the Grand note ) will glvo n
ball In the K'nlphU of Pythias hall on the
evening of April 0.
Tbo Misses Tholl entertained a few friends
informally at high flvo last Tuesday evening
at their homo on South Sixth street ,
3. J. Stcadman , who has been gelling hold
ot the ropes In the ofllco of inj clerk of the
federal court for the past few weeks , look
formal possession of the oillco yesterday.
Revival services will ho held nt the Second
Presbyterian church , on Harmony and Logan
streets , this coming week , by the pastor ,
Rov. S. Alexander , beginning with today's
The regular monthly mooting of the We-
man's Chilsilan association will ho bold at n
p. m. Monday , March 7 , at the hospital , cor
ner Ninth street und Sixth avenue. Mrs. b.
' 'Alexander.
A brakcman on the Northwestern named
Costello hod two fingers mashed Friday
night while coupling cars In the company's
.vardn. The Injury was dressed nnd the
owner lefl for his borne In Grand Junction.
Henry Ross was Iried in police court yes
terday morning nnd found guilty of nn at
tempt lo commit nn outrageous assault upon
n boy who works at tbo Pacific house. Ho
was given n sentence of thirty days on the
The Jury In the damage suit of George
Scbultz against Joseph Wardlnn for falsa
imprisonment brought In a verdict of $10 In
favor of the plaintiff yesterday , instead of
$700 , the amount which was demanded by the
The case of A. A. Prentice against the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway company
was on irlal in the superior court yesterday.
The plaintiff is seeking to recover WO for Ihe
loss of a steer which It is claimed was
killed by n train.
The case ot S. E. Maxod against tlio city ,
In which Maxon is trying to collect $112.50
Tor plans which ho drew for tholowor Broad
way engine house , but which were rejected
by the city council , was on trial yesterday in
the district court.
The following foreleners were granted
final naturalization papers yesterday in tbo
snperlor court : Frederick Ruponkamp. An
drew Olson , Nels. Olson , Lars Paulson , An
drew Johnson. Jobu Smith , Charles Christen
sen , Chris. Jacohsrn , Nels Olson. Jens
Slmonsen , James Anderson and Jahauca
Mayor Macrao attached his signature yes
terday to the ordinance which was passed at
the lust meeting granting a franchise to John
T. Stewart to build nn electric light , nnd
cower plant. Ho states that ho does not
think the objections wblcb were raised by
City Atlornoy Stewart are of sufllclont
weight to Justify u velo , especially since
there are enough friends of the ordinance in
the council to pass It over his veto.
Peter Jenkins , a cripple who was bogglne
atout the streets yesterday , ended up the
day by going on a glorious drunk. Ho was
taken to the city Jail durmtr the afternoon ,
and in his pocket was found a parcr thai
showed ho bad collected nearly $ 0 as an ob
ject of charity. Ho bad only 10 cents about
bim , but from the quality of his Jag the offi
cers have a pretty good Idea as to wbero tbo
other (19 went.
W. W. Lawrence , who lives at 207 Waph-
iL'gton avenue- , has been In the habit lately
of giving dances at his homo at which
hilarity was crv draught In such hogsheads
that tbo neighbors for a distance of a couple
of blocks on each side found it difficult to
sleep until 6 o'clock In the morning , when
the fiddles had ceased their dulcet tones. C.
Wind , who lives next door , stood U for some
time , but yesterday morning bad him ar
rested. Wind and A. J. Stoubonson were on
hand to testify to tbo noisy character of Mr.
Lawrence's entertainments. fawrenco pro
tested that bo never heard any noise on any
of tbo occasions referred to , but bo was lined
$10.80 and sent on his way with an admoni
tion from the Judgo.
lilg llunkrupt Bargains.
The creditors who bid in the Blede-
man stock of clothing , eotting a $20,000
stock of flno goods for $7,000 , did not buj
them to put on the wholesale marko'l
nguin , but they bought thorn to sell al
once nnd to cot out of thom the amount
of their purchase money. For this pur
pose they opened the door of the stoi'e
on Saturday nnd run off a few thousand
dollars worth of poods at prices thai
created a panic. Tomorrow , Monday ,
the btoro will bo opened again , and it if
very likely that the rush will bo BC
great that the greater part of the remainder
maindor will bo cleaned out. Everything
is sold for considerably IOBB than whole
sale cost in the cast , and gentlemen will
get bargains in spring clothing and fur
nishing goods thut will simply astatine !
them. Como and BOO tomorrow if thli
is not so. _
I'EIISOXAT. l'AU.Hlt.ll'ltS.
Colonel A. Cochrnn of Litllo Sioux Is it
Iho oily.
Hon. Henry Wattorson loft yosterdaj
afternoon for Chicago.
O. P. Wlckhnm returned yesterday after
noon from n week's visit in Dos Molnos.
Miss Lou Staufleld of Crcslon , la. , is visit
Ing Mrs. Sutherland , 1010 Seventh avenue
for a few days.
W. E. Randall , financial ngonl of the Bap
list seminary at Osage , la. , is in the city , th
guest of Rov. L. A. Hall.
Miss Holla Robinson loft for the east las
week to visit relatives aud friends. She als
hopes to hear Padorowskl , Sherwood , Pact :
man , Rlvo-KInc and other renowned artist !
William H. Marble , who has been visltln
his sister , Mrs. Captain Sauudors , at Fret
enck , Md. , has gene to Washington , D. C
for a short visit , after which ho expects t
roiurn lo his homo in this city.
Mr. A. T. Rico yesiorday resigned hi
position as assistant cashier of tno Fir :
National bank. Ho has been connected wit
tbU bank for a quarter of a cenlury , and hi
long nt > d faithful service bus won for hit
thu confidence and esteem of all.
I'rom Sanctum to Legation.
Hon. Henry Wattorson tolls a story on
young man who was formerly In bis oroplo
In a subordinate position on the Courloi
Journal that tends to show that It Is possibl
for oven a newspaper men to sblno in hlc
places If ho only bus a chance. Durlu
Cleveland's administration this younc mm
\vbo by Iho way was gelling ? 12 a week fo
his work on Mr , Wattorson's paper , coi
cclvod thai il would bo a good Idea for hit
lo go as a representative of tbo United State
government to the government of Peru. H
accordingly made a formal application t
President Cleveland and secured tbo bacl
ing of n couple oi prominent politicians of hi
acquaintance. For some time his appllcatio
hung lira , and In that thna Ho suffered a
the hopes and fears that nro common to ni
pllcants tor political honors. Finally on
day ho received the welcome tidings that hi
application had boon favorably consldere
and that his credentials would be forthcon
Ing In a few days , lie bad an offlcli
career that would compare vet
favorably with those of some mon who mlgl
have been expected to outshine him. "Tl :
funniest thing about it all , " says Mr. Wa
torson , in concluding the fctory , "U that If
had railed hit wages (5 a week bo woul
have been perfectly willing to withdraw h
application , "
Mrs. Andrew Noreno entertained a part
of friends last Friday ovtnlng at a musics
at her residence , 937 Avenue E. The hou :
was beautifully decorated with flowers ,
most oujoyabla musical program was roi
dered , oao of the most Interesting feature
being the flute and ptcalo solos by M. Le
His "Hommage a la Ru&so , Morceau c
Balon" and "Chirp , Chirp Polka , " wll
piano nocoinpantmcuU by Miss Noreno , we ;
specially enjoyed. Delightful rofroshmon
were served by Mrs. Norouo and Mm Carr
Erlckson ,
Ernest Oullis Writes Another Chapter in
His Checkered History.
When Iln Mail ilio Cntilrtt Opportunity ,
1Iour\rr , He ClmiiRCil Ills Mind Mini-
denl } ' mill CotU'ludrd to Itcinnlii
nil inrtlt \Vhlle Longer.
Last evening about S o'clock someone
was hoard giving vent lo the most blood
curdling groans In front of the roiiaonco of
Hov , T. V. 'Ihlckstim on Willow nvonuo.
Mr. Thlckstun proceeded to Investigate nnd
found a young man loaning up against a tree
In an altitude that suggested the possibility
thut something bo had mid for supper disa
greed with him. Upon being questioned ho
snld his name was Ernest Cullls , and that
ho was the young man who had won so much
notoriety bv falling desperately In love with
Mrs. Dead ) , widow fit ) years of ago or
thereabouts. His love affair had
como to a disastrous ondlne of
late nnd bis swoaUoirt bad
repulsed his attentions effectually by having
him arrested for larceny , vagrancy , threat
ening to kill , and a number of other crimes.
Life bad at la t become unbearable to him ,
nnd ho had decided to end It by emptying au
ounce or so of laudanum down his alimen
tary canal. The laudanum was making its
presence felt in ratbor a disagreeable fash
ion , and ho was not altogether satisfied with
the appearance of the promised land so far
as ho had got. This story was plentifully
punctuated with the groans already re-
lerrcd to. Ho was at once marched to the
ofllco of Dr. * ' . S. Thomas , whore a largo
dose of sulphate of zlno was given him to
keep tbo laudanum company. A friend then
took him to Dr. Troynor's ofllcovhoro
furthsr treatment was given hlm.untilho was
finally brought back Into his normal condi
tion. A letter which ho had sent to Hov.
Henry Dclongby a friend explains his situa
tion. It road as follows :
COUNCIL Ht.tJKFS , In. , Mutch " > . Mr. Oolong :
Ooar l-'rlend I want to thank you for your
sympathy In my recent trouulu with Airs.
llouch , who done everything ugulnsl Die. Hut
It has loni ) too fur now to bo remedied , nnd I
have determined to tiilto tny own life. lean-
not live without her. If she has wronscd mo
1 fotglvo her. 1 am Berry wo lived tootuor
the wuy wo did in adultery , and hope Hod
will foritlvo mo and this rash act , Oood-bye ,
Tbe laudanum with which ho attempted to
ona his career did not act as laudanum
usually does , and that , fact led a suspicion
ttint hia attempt at suicide was rather an
imaginary affair , mudo for the purpose seeing
If ho could not bring Mrs. Beach lo terms.
Council lltuiTs , In. , spring Announcement
180J ! .
Our thousands of patrons hive : boon
asking daily when oiu- spring morehnn-
lso would bo placed on sale Most of
ho inquiries were regarding dteos
joods , which wo have at last got ur-
auged in stock and open for inspection.
Everything the latest , the newest , the
jobbiust. They have only to bo seen to
bo appreciated.
IP a light weight material in silk and
w nl known as "Lansdowno , " perfectly
piain , weave losorablingsilk , but drapes
and clings much more graceful.
Wo show the best quality in the mar
ket , carried and advertised by all the
loading eastern houses at $1.35 and $1.50 ;
ivo-mafco our priuo 81.25 goods full 40
in. wide.
A popular material for this season.
Wo show a nice line of spring shades ,
also black ; our price 81.00 a yard.
This is a now weave of Bedford cord ,
woven with the raised cord , lut figured
with a Vandyke pattern.
Handsome line of shades ; our price 75c
a yard.
The above is a novelty , something en
tirely now in effect and very desirable
good for spring wear. The price $1.00
Wo have them in all qualities and all
imaginable shades and colors at 50c , 58c ,
75c and 95c a yard.
Our dross goods department novel
was so complete , having taken great
pains in selecting for this season , the
popular shades being , lizard green ,
gobelin green , pearl gray , ashes 01
roses , French modes and sidles , Englisli
tans and tan-browns.
Cold 8torUK Discussed.
The farmers and fruit growers hold theii
regular monthly mooting yesterday af tcrnoot
at the court house. In addition to their usua
program , which included papers by severa
of the members of the association , tbo subJect
Joct of erecting a cold storage warehouse wai
discussed at considerable length. J. J. Tea
ron appeared before the association and ex
plained the plan which ho proposed at thi
Joint meeting of the Board of Trade and tbi
Merchants and Manufacturers association
last wock. Ho proposed that a slocK com
panv bo organized for tbo purpose of build
Ing a warehouse to cost about $33,000 , H <
then acreod to take the warehouse Tor a torn
of live years , paying the moniBors of ihi
company 3 per con t on the amount of thoii
investment each year for tbo flrsl two years
4 per cent for the third year and 5 par com
for the last two years.
This scheme did not scorn to moot with tbi
approval of the formers , who tnougbt lha
Fearon ought to bo able to make them a mon
lomptlng proposition. L. A. Casper acroec
to take the house at a yearly rental ofOOl !
for a period of live years , with the pnvilogi
of ten , and as this would irivo the investor :
an income of nearly U per cent on their in
vestment it was somewhat more populai
tnan Fcaron's proposal. Still they were no
wholly satisfied. It was finally decided ti
leave the mutter for the present In tha hand :
ofV. . J , Davenport , who stated that ho hat
boon in correspondence with a man who vva
anxious to build u warehouse on his owi
hook. Thn man In question Is expected t
arrive in tha city in n wcoK or ten da ) s , am
when ha comes something detlnito will jirot
ably be dono. The prospects are now that i
cold storage warehouse will bo built in th
city in time so that It can bo used during thi
coming fruit season.
Eastern money to loan on real ostat
by E. H. Slioufo , Broadway and Main.
Look at the lots in Franklin Square
An aero in each lot ; 10 per cent oil fo
thirty days. DAY & HESS.
Will Not Ugu the Tools.
Harry Hamilton , the coutldonco man , vva
taken before Judge MoUeo yoiterday for i
bearing on the writ of habeas corpus. Th
testimony of Mlynko , his alleged victim , wa
beard , after which n postponement was take
until Monday , when the case will probabl.
bo completed , During bis absence a searc
was inado In the jail and a saw was foun
carefully bidden away under a pile of cetin
in the corridor , It having evidently oeu
handed in to him through the bars to ossi !
him in making his osuapo. How long it ba
boon tboro is of course not known , but I
could not have been long , as he bad not mad
any attempt to gain bis liberty. Ho will I
watched by the Jail authorities from no\
until his case I * disposed of more uarcfull ,
than over.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. Jolir
stou & Van Patten , Everett blook.
Seeking u New Locution.
Tbo good sisters In charge of St. Fruncl
academy are confronted with a sortoi
problem. During the past ton yean seven
enlargements and alterations hive bee
made in the academy , designed to meet tl
steady increase of pupils. These expedient
costly ns they were , served the purpose
temporarily. At present the academy Is un
comfortably crowded , 10 much so that no
moro students can be received. To ontargo
the prosoot buildings would bo unwlso , for
reason that the area uf ground Is limited and
an addition such as is demanded would Icavo
the children without a play ground. Besides
the city ha * become so tblcklv populated
around the school as to destroy privacy and
distract scholars. In vlow of those condi
tions the sisters have about decided to seek
a now location where ample playground maybe
bo had , A number of desirable sites In tbo
htll and glens back of the city have been
examined , but no decision bos boon reached.
The change will Involve nn outlay of about
f 100,000. The undertaking Is a sonous ono ,
especially as the sisters are financially poor.
But , there seems no other road out of the dif
ficulty than n now slto nnd a now building.
Tbo project means much for the educational
Interests of Council Bluffs and should com
mand substantial encouragement from our
citizens. _
Orritt 7-lny Sain of Winter Hood * nt the
llofttnn Store , Council IllutTx , In.
Oui1 Buyer being in the eastern mar
kets Now York and Boston wo dread
the immense arrival of spring goods ,
simply because wo don't know where to
put them.UOOM
and room wo are going to have , if sell
ing goods next to giving them away will
help us out.
Just glance nt a few of our prices for
7 days.
Although you don't need tlio goods
this winter , a , hotter invcstmens you
can't find.
Would bo to us , but wo must have
Ladies' jackets and nowmarkots that
sold for $5.00 , $7.50 , $10.00 and $15.00 ,
choice for $1.08.
Our entire line of children's coats.
$0.60 , $7.50 and $8.50 garments , for $2.48.
Ladies' $10.00 , $11. . 50 and $15.00
jackets , choice $3.08.
Ladies' Walker plush jackets that sold
for $15.00. $19.00 and $25.00 , choice , for
Ladies' 42-inch long Walker plush
sacques , former price $19.50 , $25.00 ,
* ; tt.OO : and $ I5.00 ! , choice for $14.98.
10 dozen ladies' all wool knit jackets ,
sleeveless , worth $1.25 , in all colors , dur
ing sale for 48c.
$3.25 comforters for $2. 10.
$3.75 comforters for $2.50.
$4.75 line French Battcon for $3.00.
$5.00 all wool blankets for $3.75.
$4.50 all wool rod blankets for $3.G8.
85.00 all wool red blanltots for $3.08.
Ladies' SOc vests and pants for 33c.
Ladies' natural wool vests and pants ,
ribbtd , $1.00 garments for OOc.
Ladies' all wool scarlet vests and
pants , $1.25 garments , , extra fine , dur
ing sale , G9c.
Gent's heavy gray camel's hair shirts
and drawers , 33c garments , sale price ,
Gent's Scotch random mixed shirts
and drawers , also natural wool and
camel's hair , all in at ono price , 37jc ,
were 50c.
Gent's all wool 'scarlet shirts and
drawers were $1.00 and $1.25 , sale price
02c { , or 81. 25 a suit.
All children's garments knifed the
same way. BOSTON STORE ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices.
Council BlulTs , la.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , bost.
Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ills IlPSlfrnutloii Accepted.
A business meeting of the members of the
'irst ' Baptist church was hold last evening
for the purpose of taking action on the resig
nation of Uev. L. A , Hall , which was put
nto the hands of the advisory committee
several days ago in accordance with the
agreement between the two. factions. The
mooting was attended by members of both
sides , but thev got along amazingly well to-
golhur , they all seeming to feel that it was
not worth while proloneing tbo ill-feeling.
The resignation was accepted unanimously ,
to talto effect as soon as the pastor is paid
the back salary which is still coming to him.
It was decided to hold another business
meeting next Wednesday nlaht , at which tbe
settlement with the pastor will probably be
made. Charles Weolts and wife , Mr . Lulu
Stevenson nnd Mr. and Mrs. Conrad were
granted letters of dismissal , after which the
mooting adjourned.
Franklin Square.
Where is it ? Take the Broadway carte
to Gr.ico street , then go southeast on
Franklin avenue , "paved , " until you
see our signs. The lots are in size IOC
by 300 foot ; good shade trees ; the lineal
lots in the city. Ton per cent off on all
sales made during the next ton days.
DAY & HESS , Solo Agents.
Democrats Nominate Director * .
Tbo democrats mot at the court house lasi
ovcnir.g to place in nomination candidate :
for tbo school board to bo voted on at the
election a week from tomorrow. There was
only a falr-sizod representation , and it wa ;
evident that tbo school election was consld
ored a thing of minor importance comparoc
with that to talto place tomorrow. Trj <
meeting was called to order byV. . H ,
Knepber , and Judge E. E. Aylesworth wai
appointed chairman and D. M. West socro
tarv. The nominations were at once pro-
cee'dcd with , and John Schoentgon and A. T ,
Elwoll were chosen candidates unanimously
bv acclamation. HeprosentativoW. H. Ware
who is spending a few days' vacation a *
home , was called upon to make a speech , am
occupied a few minutes exhorting the demo
crats to stand by their ticket.
Walnut block and Wjoming coal
fresh m''iod ' , rocelvoddally Thatcher ,
Wo have our own vineyards in Callfor
nJa. Jarvis Wino company , Co. Bluffs
Work of nn Unknown Marltnuun ,
As Mrs. C. W. Spencer was passini
toiler's grocery on Upper Broadway las
evening about 0 o'clock she was startled bj
the report of a pistol from the opposite sldi
of the street and the same instant a bullo
whlzzod past her , piercing nor cloak. Shi
was terribly frightened by her oxparlouco
and with good reason , for a variation of twi
inches in tbo direction of tbo bullet \vouli
have undoubtedly caused her death , J
couple of well known tough characters wbi
were seen In tbo vicinity wcro suspected o
firing the shot , but there was nothing bu
circumstantial ovideuco against them so fa
as could bo learned last night , and a no wa
not arrested.
The Corner liook Htoru
Displays in ono of the show windows i
complete line of typewriter papers , ribbons
bens , reporter's note books , etc.
Homutlilng About Uoiild.
George M. Gould , who was nominated fo
the ofllco of city auditor by thoropubllca
convention last Friday , has boon a resldoo
of Council Bluffs for tbo last twenty years
and Is ono of the most promising young bus !
ness men of the city. Ho has never had
chroiuo thirst for oQlco and so Is not so wo ]
known , possibly , aa some other men wh
might have boeu put up. Ho has been boot
keeper for tbo Union Elevator company fa
tbe past olght years , and Is ono of the lead
ing members of Fidelity council , Uoyi
Arcanum. _
Swunson Music Co. , Musonio tempi
Jarvls wild blackberry U the bast
Jumped In Time.
Mrs. U. M. Anderson vnot with a narrow
escape yesterday afternoon. While drivin
down Broadway her horse took fright an
dashed wildly down the street. As goon a
he found that the horse was unmanagatil
she leaped from the buggy and , loft the ani
mal to pursue his oourso otbrtfi. Before ho
had gene a quarter of a bWc\t \ < further the
bugy struck an express wrtfcon that was in
the way and WAS overturned landing bottom
side up. The horse toro loose from tbo
vohlcloand ran down Fourth street , but was
soon captured. Mrs. Anders'hH Was consider
ably shaken up by her rdo ! , < but was other
wise unhurt. Both shafts oftlho buggy were
shattered , nnd It was raerc.i\Airoko ) of good
luck tbnt the dnmago was not. greater.
Dnnring Party , '
A pleasant dancing party Stns given last
Wednesday evening nt thu KnlgbU of
Pythias hall by the students 'of the Western
Iowa Business college. Ani6ne those who
were present were the following : Mlssos
Otto , Boylos , Hus , Pfelffer , Kondlo , M.
Kcndlo , ScuroiH , Crouch , Mary Schrodt ,
Swlgart , Bcocroft , Klrkland , Field , Hughes ,
Beltsch , Dahl , Tnlbot , Soaloy , Keller ,
French , Evans. Brown nnd Scbrodt. Messrs.
Grotrcr , Wind , Martin , Dcotkon , Blalno ,
Hayes , Evans , Lang , Ellsworth , Spatildlne ,
Peterson , Swigort , Stolnlgor , McCnrgor ,
Bishop , Alexander , Uoss , Lohan , Jacobs ,
Neal , Frank Smllh. > lnrk Smith , Frank
Capcll , Charles Capoll and Mr. nnd Mrs. P.
E. Hose. _
St. Bernard Hospital Wo nro badly
in need of cast off clothing for the poor
who como to our door. Any donations
in this line will bo thankfully received.
Sisters of Morcy.
Tried to Slenl tlio Store.
Fred Clark , a boy who Is now under $500
bonds to answer to the grand Jury on a
charge of robbing the cigar store of Fred
Lamb n couple of weeks ago , wont Into L.
Bledorman's store last ovonlni ; and at
tempted to carry oft all the stock in sight.
Ho had succeeded In setting a pair of panta
loons , u vest , six pairs of stockings , a necktie
and n pair of gloves under his coat when
Sheriff Hazon , who was in the store , hap
pened to noticehim. . Tno boy was taken in
charge nt once nnd will now have a chance to
answer to another criminal charge.
Dr. A. E. Dorwent , veterinary sur
geon. Hospital , 464th street. Tol. 295 ,
Salvation OlliccrH1 Farewell.
Captain and Mrs. Smith , who have labored
faithfully during the past flvo months in
charco of the Salvation army work In Coun
cil Bluffs , announce that they will civo up
command ot the corps tomorrow evening. A
parting tea will be given to oftlcors , soldiers
nnd friends from n to 8 o'clock. Monday , nnd
tbo ofllccrs are anxious to meet all their
friends on this occasion. Today ono or two
"specials" from Omaha nro expected to
assist in the meetings and tonight there will
be nn "enrollment of recruits. " Silver offer
ing at door.
it UcllKlitfully Kntertiilns n Select Amlloncc
lit tlio Homo of JMr . ,1. M. Woolwortli.
Tbo spacious parlors of Mrs. J. M. Wool-
worth's chnrmmtr residence were nt the dis
posal of the Omaha Ladies' Musical society
yesterday afternoon. The last two recitals
given under the auspices of-this society wcro
confined to pianoforte solos , tbo artists being
Miss Noally Stevens nnd FrAuloln Aus Dor
Oho , and consequently thn program given
yesterday by the Philomela Quartette proved
to bo a pleasing variation , in that the work
was cntirjly vocal.
The opening number w s an arrangement
of "Schubert's SerenadeV by Vogrich , this
selection has been recently added to the
repertory of the quarteTtei and was rendered
in u highly artistic manner.
Miss Bishop's full rich voice was hoard in
the contralto solo " " Becker
, "Springtide , oy ;
it was sung with true interpretation and
good taste.
Miss Clara Clarkson followed , in Glorza's
solo , "La Pritna Viola. " und immediately
after with Mrs. Sunderland and Miss
Bishop rendered BargiplU "Dragon Flies , "
a trio which is au artistic and masterly pleco
of composition , and was repeated at the en
thusiastic demand of tho'audience.
Mrs. Prances Moellor sane : Tostl's beauti
ful number , "Could Ii" It was the universal
opinion that she was never heard in bolter
Uubinstein's melody In F , arranged by
Yurnall as a duet was taken by Miss' Clara
Clurkson and Miss Bishop. It Is rather an
unfortunate arrangement of such a beautiful
melody and reminds ono moro of a contralto
solo with soprano obligate ; it would bo un
fair to tbo latter to call it a duet.
Mrs. Georgia Boulter Sunderland sang
"Una Voce Pace Fa" ( Rossini ) in a very
worthy manner. Her phrasing was tirm and
llnihtied , and her powers of "declamando"
are increasing. Thu only criticism to bo
made on her rendition of this difilcult aria
was a slight inclination to hurry in some
places , which Interfered with hor'otherwlse
careful breathing.
The quartette "Blue Bolls of Scotland , "
arranged by Schilling , was a delightful endIng -
Ing to this choice program. Tbo composition
is excellent and was carefully sung ; the time
was good , and the voices blended togothet
sweetly , oven In the mystic mazes of the
minor harmonies. It could , however , be
made moro effective by having the pianis
simo passages moro decidedly soft , and in one
or two places a "ritaro" could bo introduced
with good result. Tno audience was enthu
siastic over this number and enjoyed Its
Tbo Ladles Philomela quartette is dolnc
good work and has already a very desirable
reputation. It is to bo hoped that they will
bo encouraged to increase tbcir repertory by
having a constant demand upon It.
Mrs. J , W. Cotton , who is the organizer ol
the quartette , played the accompaniment !
with excellent taste nnd many pleasant re
marks wore " made on the versatility of h'ci
'Western ltotd : In Trouble.
CHICAGO , 111. , March 5. Western railroad
men do not feel at all uneasy in regard to the
outcome of the snarl Into which they hav <
got regarding rates to Kansas points. Now
tnat the light bos narrowed itself down to i
contest between the Atchlson and tbo Rocli
Island the interest has reached a point when
speculation is freely indulged in as t (
whether an amicable settlement 1 :
possible or demoralization and cbaos Inovl
table. The order of tbo Kansas railroac
commissioners reduces 111th class rates only
from the Missouri river to Wichita , Sallua
Hulch'.nson and other points In that state
It does not apply to fourth class freight
which consists mainly of the articles otn
braced lu the fifth class , in less that car loac
lots , which takes a higher rater poi
100 pounds , Tbo , VtAtchlson argue :
in favor of simply obeying thi
order of tbo commissioners with
out disturbing in the * 16slst any bnt flftl
class rates , while tboHock Island declare :
that such u proceeding Wodld bo Illegal.
In the llunda dfiU.JtecDlver.
MACOS , Ga. , March 5-rrl'ho Central Uftll-
road and Banking Corapdoy of Georgia , wilt
all Its assets and ontlrojproperty , has passei
into the hands of General E. P. Alexander a
receiver , ' D. F. Houndlrbe , a member of th
Atlanta bar , and Mr. Perry , a member of th
Charleston bar , prescntedito Judge Spoor o
tbo United Stutes courts ; a bill attacking i
Icaso of the Central's prosertlos t
the Georgia Paclllo-j/nnd the Richmond
mend & Danvlllo systems. The claln
is that the purcbasa by the Goorgli
Pacltla company , or tbo Richmond & Wcs
Point Terminal company 3of10,000 shares o
stock of the Central Railroad und Banklni
company , for the purpose of controlling tb
policy of tbo same was u plain violation o
the constitution , which forbids "any corpor
atlon of this btato or elsowboro to make an ;
contract or agreement whatever with an ;
such corporation wulcli may have tbo effec
or be intended to have the effect to oncourag
monopoly and all such contracts and agree
mcnts shall be Illegal and void.1'
Agreed Upon u Iterulver ,
L.i\vur.xoi. , Kan , , March 5. The affairs c
the Western Farm Mortgage company wor
before the court today. A committee- th
stockholders was present and all partie
agreed on Mr , Edward Russell as rocelvci
The stockholders bellevo the assets of th
company , If prudently managed , will pa ; al
Us liabilities and to that end will soon call
mooting of all parties Interested In the casl
The com mil too hopes to raise sudiclon
monev ' to meet the present calls on the coir
piny , and so take it out of the bands of a re
ooivor , and protect the interests ot all partie :
Some Desire to Have the World's Fair
Olosed on Sunday.
Cotnlclernlile llinlnem Traiunctcd llcforo
Adjournment lor a Siinduy'ft Kent More
I'ctltlons.on thi ! Subject nf I'rolllbl-
tlou StntoSown Note * .
DBS Moisn ? , la. , March 5. In the senate
this morning petitions were presented nsK-
ing for the closing of the World's ' fair on
Sunday and for the repeal ohlbltlonof the pr
law. A bill was Introduced asking for the
appropriation of $3,000 for the Benedict re
treat at Dccorah.
Tbo senate took up the calendar and
ordered engrossed bills appropriating money
tb pay the expenses of the delegates to the
convention to Investigate the boot and pork
combine ; to provide fct n governing board
for the Industrial homo for the blind ; to
provide for the election of township asses
sors ; authorizing -organization of boards
of public works In cities of 1,000 or more
population ; to provide for the preservation
of iho historical records.
The house resolution ask'ng ' for the pardon
of John S. Little , now In iho penitentiary ,
was passed.
In the house petitions were presented ask
ing for the retention of the prohibitory law.
A largo number of commltloo reports were
presented recommending various bills for Indefinite
definitepostponement. . A resolution passed
calling for two sessions dally.
Bills were passed to amend the Joint rate
law so that rates made by the commissioners
shall bo considered rcasonnblo , and toauthor-
Izo xlio funding of the Indebtedness of cortaln
Captured bv I'edernl Ofllelulp.
ConxiMi , la. , March 6. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEE. Donuty Unltod'Statcs Marshal
W. A. Richards captured ono George W.
Scott at Prcucott , Adams county , lost night
and took him to Dos Molnos lodny lo secure
requisition papers , for defrauding the pen
sion department by assuming lo bo nu old
soldier and swearing falsely lo secure n pen
sion. Scolt's homo Is Monroe county , Ar
United Stales Deputy Marshal Booms to
day arrested ono Carnes of Carbon , Adams
counly , for violating the revenue law. Ho
will bo lauon lo Council Bluffs.
Awarded Heavy Damages.
Font DODGE , la. , March G. [ Special
Telegram lo Tins BEE. [ In tbo district
court nt Rockwell City j oilerday Mrs. Min
nie Smith obtained Judgment for $3,000
against the town of Manson for Injuries re
ceived bv falling Inlo an open ditch last sum
mer. Tlio jury decided that the accident was
caused by negligence on the part of the city
in not providing aguinst accident.
llarrUoii's Administration Knilorncil.
Dis MOINES , la. , March 5. A largo num
ber of county conventions won ) held in Iowa
today , for the state couvonlion Ibo 17th inst.
In all of Ihom Iho administration of Presi
dent Harrison \vas endorsed , but In general
the delegates are not Insttuctcd. In Polk
county several primaries adopted Blaiuo
Iowa Miners May Strike.
DCS MOINES , la. , March 5. A coal miners'
strike seems Imminent here. The minors'
scale has boon cut doxvn from 09 cents to 0
cents and a great deal of dissatisfaction ex
ists. Mine owners complain that the lack of
demand for coal is Iho causn for reduction
and they cannot pay the regular rales.
Damaged by I'lre iinrt Water.
Sioux CITV , la. , March 5. Fire Ihls after
noon In the dry goods store of J. H. Moynl-
han caused a loss of 10,000. In the same
building the wholesale dry coeds house of J.
A. Janet & Co. was damaged by walor nnd
smoke lo Iho oxlont of $15,000.
Omaha Turnveroln Members Knjoy a
Masquerade Hall at ( iormanla Hall.
Tno grand masquerade ball given last
evening , by the turuvoroln in ( Jormanla hall
was ono of Iho prettiest and most enjoyable
affairs that over took place ihero. Not only
was Iho throng of merry masquers a large
one , but there were more handsome costumes
than are ordinarily found on such an occa
sion. In fact the percentage of cheap or un
attractive make-ups was reduced to a mini
mum , and the scene prosonlod by Iho dancers
in their almost unceasing whirl was ono
of uninterrupted interest The floor man
agers wore all attired In Emperor Frederick
costumes , and all raovomenls were directed
by Philip Andres , wno also led Iho Prince
Carnival march. The hall was decoraled
with carnival banners nnd evergreens , nnd
all harmonized completely with the brilliant
scone of shifting color on the floor ,
Besides the opening march the first of six
numbers included three grand tableaux on
the sUgo , representing "Columbus' Depar
ture From Spain,1' tno scene boinc tlio court
of Ferdinand nnd Isabella ; the "Landing in
the Now World , " nnd "William Ponn's ,
Treaty With the Indians. " The costumes
were rich , tbo staging elaborate and the ef
fect was very flno.
For the dromon's qundrillo and nloigh bolls
quadrlllo the ball was darkened and the
tigures were danced in tbo cbxngmg colors ol
calcium lights thrown upon the floor from
the stage. After that came the unmasking
and tbo regular dance program of twenty-
four numbers. The festivities lasted until
long past midnight. That the affair was one
of the most successful of the many bappj
events given by tbo turnverein goes without
saying , still these enthusiastic and ambitious
athletes proinlio oven more next time.
IlcporU That Juy Gould Died Wlillo Ki
Itonto South HIIBO rubrlciitloiiK.
DAM.AS , Tox. , March 5. The reports tele
graphed over the country that Jay Uouli
had died while on route south , or was In i
dying condition , are without the shadow o ;
foundation. Ho attended a meeting of thi
slockboldors of tbo International & Groai
Northern railway nt Palestine today ant
was elected president. From ofllclals of tin
Texas A Pacific , who spent tbo night ot
Gould's train and loft him at noon today , 11
Is learned that ho has completely rocovoruc
from Ibo nervous nttaclc which ho bad previous
ous to his departure from New York.
To Control tlio C'oal I'rmluct.
PniLADEU'iitA , Pa. , March 5 , It was to
day announced that the Reading was rouk
ing rapid progress in its plan to secure thi
output of the Individual operators along thi
line of its enlarged system. A number o
operator ; ! accepted Iho proposition today ant
President McLcod has no doubt that all tbi
loading operators will wllhln a low woeUi
follow their example. The deal made b ;
Coxo Bros. & Co. looking to tbo control o
tbo output of all tbo Pardoo mlnos Is nov
practically concluded , and tbo llrm ho.s secured
cured a total tonnage of about 2,600,000 toni
which will go over lo the Reading road. I
is expected lhat the llrm will also secure tb
the Lindermann & Skor plant at Stocklon
and that it will operate tbo collieries belong
ing to that tlrm.
Kan Francisco Mining Quotations.
HAN FIIANCIBCO. Ual. . Muroh S. The ofllcla
closing quotations for mining stoclcs ted no
werous follows :
Hilled by u Uonvtulile.
BOISK , Idaho , March 5 At Oroana , thli
afternoon Bamuol J. Pritchard , doput.
United Stales marshal and chairman of Ih
state republican cer.tral commit too , wa
killed by Constable Fleming ,
( Hunt I'owder on 1'lrc.
Ouiur , Colo. , Marou 5. An extraordlnar ;
ccurronco was experienced nt the American
? oltio mlno today. A lire started nnO he-
ore U could ho extlnpulslirJ It had entirely
onsumcd ten boxes ot elnnl powder , but
trango as It fnay seem no explosion took
ilaco. There were UK ) mon In the mlno at
ho tlmo nnd had the powder exploded , a
treat loss ot Ufa would bnvo boon iho lesult. MI.\KS i'UiwitAi > tn.
lore Valuable Kcaduood t rairrly | Trnn -
ferred ton Milwaukee Sjndlcale ,
DKAHWOOD , S , D. , March 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Dr.KJ Another big raining
deal was closed un today when the llnrdin-
Inkcr company boucht thoUold Bullion ,
Julia C and William L > lodes Ironi Ueroy U ,
loytnnd 0. 1) . Strnss tor S.MX > ,000. The
cod transferring the claims , which are lo
cated In Whltowood dlsitlct , wns plnccd on
ocon' this afternoon. The purchasing com
pany was recently orRanlrod under the laws
f Wisconsin nnd has headquarters at Mll-
H Captured.
MAIUSI : CITV , Mich. , March 5. There Is
great excitement hero over the arrest of
mugglcrs nnd the possibility thai Iwonty
or thirty prominent citizens may bo impli
H. A. Garrison , customs house officer hero ,
assisted by S. W. Day nnd Mr. 1'cttlt of
'ort Huron , this morning arrested George
? . Logan , a merchant tailor , and f rank May ,
both of Somhra , Unt. , while Ihoy wcro imug-
( lln clothing acron Iho river. Between
wenty nnd thirty citizens are snld to possess
clothing purchased In Canada , knowing they
voro dealing with smugglers ,
Lottery People Indicted.
Nuw OKI.KANS , La. , March n. Fifteen po r-
sons , odlccrs ami employes of the Louisiana
Staio Lollcry company , Indletod by the
crand Jury for alluded violation of the ntttl-
ottory poslal low , \oro arraigned loday before -
fore Commissioner Wright and placed under
Donds af f.'OO each lo appear nl Ibo next term
of the circuit court at Trenton , N , J ,
Allegheny's Mayor Sentenced.
PiTTSiiimo , I'n. , March 5. Ex-Mnyor
Wyman of Allegheny , convicted of extortion
while In ofllce , was sentenced today to pay
the cosls of prosooullon and undergo Ihroo
nonius' Imprisonment In the county jail.
1'Mro at Dexter , Kan. , catibocl n loss of $7,009.
Solomun Williams of Uoshcn , 1ml. , paid a
swindler S5.00J for n bogus patentrl hl.
Ignat ? Krl ? , a Chicago llohcmlan. shot und
tilled Joseph .llsks for wlnnhu his ( Krlz's )
wife's afVectlons.
William lloyco of Portland. Ind. , wns nr-
rcslod at Cincinnati , O. , fora shouklni , heart-
ess case of Infanticide ,
George S. Grutmmn of Now Haven , Conn. ,
lias been arrested nnd hold for trial In tl.-MO
jonds for defrauding a nickel In the Riot
( JustiivSehram. Ill Walnut street. I'nlla-
rielphla , I'u. , fired two shots at his wife with
out effect. He than blow out his brains with
the weapon.
A Colorado jury has awarded C. A. Donn
lamnpcs to the amount of JJ. > ,000 In u uase
jrouuht by him against W. H. Kronen of Den
ver for alienating his wife's aircctions.
Advices from Villa Grove , Coo ! , , are to the
effect Unit a vein of ere has been discovered
near there which runs as hl.'h ns 160 ounces of
gold and J75 ounces ot silver to the ton.
About twenty member * of the Iowa legis
lature are visiting Chicago , havln ; for the
object the perfection of plans to make a com
plete state exhibit at the World's fair.
At Now Haven. Conn. , thu funeral of the
late Dr. Noali I'orter of Vale will take place
on Monday. Services will bo holJ In Uattoll
: hapcl lit.I o'clock , and will bo conducted by
President Dwlght ,
Cornelius Vanderbllt IB to hnlld a now man
sion In Now York city. It Is to cost , together
with the improvements nnd zroumls. at least
f..OOO.OOJ , and will bo the finest private resl-
doneo in the metropolis.
Logodovvlo I Slilrldon of Now York , who
was uccusod of smUKg" " ? valuable paintings ,
was discharged by Un ted fctates Commis
sioner Shields , ho holding thut thu evidence
produced by the covuriunent wus Insufllelent.
The American Wheel comuany of Kulamu-
zoo , Mich. , announces that It must remain In
the hands ot a receiver. Thu Indianapolis
settlement has fallen through , as creditors
representing $300,000 would not agree to the
Another of the Mussalla's u.iPBcngcrs bus
died ut Hrothcru Island. N. Y. Tlio senator
ial und house committees upnolnted to Inves
tigate tlio typhus outbreak and make inquir
ies into the expenditures on Kills island have
begun their work.
Huso Kail , president and owner of the Slav-
liiHkl bank of Mount Pleasant , I'u. , and ueu- Btoamshlu a-enr , Is missing. The Slavs
and Huns of this region Imvo been depositing
their B-tvings with him , und ho Is sa'd to have
$8.000 of their money In his possession.
Eye & Ear
Host facilities , apparatus and Remedies
for successful treatment of nvory form
of dlseaao rcqiilrlir. : medical or
biir lcal treatment.
50 beds for patients , board and attendance.
HcRt acroinodations In the west.
Write for circulars on deformities and
braces , trusses , club feet , curvatures of spine ,
piles , tumors , cancer , catarrh , bronchitis , In-
liahulon , electricity , paralysis , epilepsy , kid
ney , bladder , eye. ear , ukln und blood and all
surgical operations.
_ Hook on Diseases of
Women 1 > ' . . Wo have lately added a lying-
in department for women during confinement ,
( strictly private , ) Only Kollablu Medical In
stitute making it Hood ilty ot
All II load Diseases successfully treated.
Syphilitic 1'olson removed from tlio system
without intiruury. Now itestorntlvo Trout-
mont for Loss of VITAL I'OWEIl. I'orsonsiiii-
nblo to visit us may ho treated at homo by
enrruspon loncc. All communications confi
dential. Medicines or Instruments sent l > y
mall oro.xprcss , securely packed , no markH tc
Indicate contents or Bender. One personal In
terview preferred. Call und consult us or no ml
history of your case , und we will bond In plalr
wrapper , our
nnnu Tn MFN I'HEEI uuon i-rivato ,
OUUn IU men , iUcolal or Nervous Dm-
cases , Impotency , Bvphllls , Gleet and Vurlco-
cole , with question list
Ill-aces , Appliances for Deformities it Truseu
Only manufactory Intho Wcatof HtiifUltJt-
IfY HJM'//.IAC/tA , Z'JC/aaiiA , ULKVl'Itll
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broaiway , Co moll Bluffs.
Ten minutes' ild from center of Omaha on
Omaha and Oounull llluffa electric motor line
TKADR Elishty acres near town foi
registered stallion or Imported druft horse
Addiesu , U 4 , lleootllce , Council lltuffg.
FOH SALE At a bargain , J'-acro fruit am
irardon farm adjoining city limits ; foot
dwelling. K. 11. Shoafo.
trade house and lot for team ; wll
WILD long llrneon balance. Cull at 015 B
6th street.
TT1AHMS , gar.len lands , houses , lots an'J
J- business block * for salu or rent. Day A
Hess. l I'uarl atrout. Counoll Ululfa ,
T/UJK IlENT-Ovor 10J dwellliiis of every do
< Bcrlptlon at prices varying from tl to tioi
per month , locutud In all parts of the city , E
11 , Sheifo , 60J llroudway.
. ) acres of land a short , distance-b. K. o
Council HlulTs and the I ) , and 1) . Institute a
(21 per acre. A snap. Also good KM-aoro furn
iiour .Missouri Valley nt l.5 per acre. 1'obsca
slon glvon at OIIPU If sol J. Kino farms urn
Burdens of all slzei , Johnston & Van 1'utton
Council Illolla.
POK SALK Four acres nf line fruit lands
east slope , near city , for f20U per acre
Young stooU ttikon In part payment. Apul ;
to Leonard Uvurutt , Council 111 u Ilj , la.
iru > H KENT Nicely furnished rooms formm
Jand wife. Inquire at 113 North Sixth at.
Mrs. Mlll'o ShlliB , Wifeof
JoBoph Shields , of the Wnluut
Hill OhrlBtinn O niroh , Ro-
Intos Her Exporloncb
with Ontnrrh.
"When 1 commenced treatment with Dris
Jopuland , Slippurd mill MniulU'ld,1' said Mrs ,
hleltK "I li.ul hontlnclio utmost liUTs < mnlly ,
ily noio , finostdoor thootliprand luiuiy ttmrt
loth , was otoppcd continually , nnil 1 w.alicd
tioro would never bo unnthor night , for I
ould not broiulie without ( ho greatest dlfll-
ulty , and houce , had no rest. MornliiK
had constant hawking nnd Bolttlng , and my
onslls wcro croatly enlarged so that my vole *
MiiscrlimMv alToetod , also ulcers In my no e.
n short , I felt hailly every wny. t ciin smy ,
iftcr t\\o months' treatment. In Drs. Cope *
nml. Ph"iird | nnd Mnnsllcld'n favor , that I
iiivo hcongroally hunoflltcd.
I lit ) uleuis are coin.1 , lionilaeho Infrequent ,
uitl Inrxcr slept hotter In my life , lliiwklng
mil splttlni : hn < t almost , entirely censed , nnd I
bollovoii uorimuieiit euro will bu olTooted ,
I ho treatment IH mild , and I am truly Krnto-
u 1 to Drs. Copclaml , blunmrd und MiuKdold
or their imiuh needed lioln. nnd cun luinuslly
nicomnioiul them to suffering luunanltj
illllcted us I was.
4328 Cliarlosstreot.
As Hinted above , Mrs Shields Is the wife of
ho Rov. Joseph Shields , pastor of the Walnut
III ) Chrlsllun churchHIO | Uan o.sllmahlolndy
nnd bet story wlii bo road with Interest by
nany friends.
The Many Annoying Symptoms Which Ac
conpany It.
[ The secretions ilropplnu'Into the throat nnd
) assln with the food , or wnon the patient la
n bed. Into Iho stomach , poison the stomiicli
mil Klvorlso to many forms ot nustrltls. Ca
tarrh ot the stomaeh Is ono of the most fre-
inuut types of tlio disease. ' 1 hi ! formation of
KIIS , lilontliiL- , notching , mtiison , frequent
vomiting , an nll-vono or fainting feollni : , diz
ziness , a Knawlnc sensation poor appetite , dis
tressed fooling after oatlns all tncso Inilt-
eato catarrh of the stomach nnd may It'iui to
ilcor.itlon of thustoinuch , and In home cases
cancer. ]
Mr. J. I. I'liyno. the well known and promin
ent farmer of I'.ipllllon , Nob. , toils hlbjxpor -
'enco :
"I had been ulllng for fifteen yeurs and euf-
'crlnj : from n number of dlso IHCS which
really Impaired my health nnd strength , I
suffered badly from catarrh , my nose und
throat being badly stopped up , sore and Irri
table. Much discharge from my nose , with
crusts and swellings , made me so miserable
that I could neither oat nor alccp. I had con
stant nnd severe pains through my cheat and
lun-.s I cmuhod much and nothing seemed to
do me any good. Mv upootlto was poor and
I did hot know what hunger was.
Often my stomach was .so weak that I vomited
as soon as I not up from the table. My foot !
was pooily digested giving rUe to hln.ttlng.
fullness nnd sourness of the stomach and
bowels. What I nto seemed lo do me no ttood ,
for I became weak and low-spirited , looking nil
my amb tlon , My weight decreased and my
muscles became soft and Hubby. In tills very
serious condition 1 began treatment wltb Urs ,
Copeland , Shoptird and Manstleld , and I can
truly sny that they have worked a romai-kablo
change In inc. I now am vigorous ami strong
fullofunor y and ambition , and In the past
four weeks have calnucl elchto''n pounna. I
cun further say tint T have received moro
benoflt I'rom those physicians In five wcoks
than for elf-lit louts years of treatment by
other doctors. The public may th iiU tula ft
tttroniz statement , but I can fully verify It If
I foci Illio another man and am todnv taking
great comfort In mv Improved state of health.
My appetite bus leturned and I oanunt heart
ily ami enjoy good digestion.
1 advise all my fr.cnds needing treatment
for chronic complaints cull on lrs. Copeland ,
Hhopaid und Munsfhild.
J. J. 1'AVNE , 1'apllllon , Nob.
A Coincidence In the Notable Credentials ol
the riiyxlclans of tint Copeland
Meilleal Institute.
Dr. W. II. Copolnnd wus president of his olivm
at Hellevuo Hospital Medical Cello o , Now
Vorlc , where lie graduated , the most turnout
Institution of Its kind In the country. Ills
diploma bears the written cndoisemeiit ot the
medieiil authorities- Now Vork.of thoilounu
of prominent medical colleges In Pennsyl
vania , " r. U. S. Hliepanl wua president of his
duns at Hush Medical College. Chicago ,
which IB acknowledged to bu the loading in
stitution of ItH kind in the west. Or. Khepard'a
thorough hospital experience and special
study In the diseases of the eye , oar , nose and
throat , place htm nmonz the loading flpi-clul-
Istu In the west. Dr. T. 1) ) . Mansfield's creden
tials are no less abundant and iimiuullflod
He also Is formally Indorsed by the sourotnrici
of various county and state medical sojloties.
BOOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building
Cor. 17th and Fnrnam Sis. , Omaha , Nub.
W. II. COl'Kf-ANI ) . M. D.
C. S. Siusi'AUD , M. D.
T. B. MANSPIKM ) , M. D.
Consulting I'liyslclarn.
Spcolaltov. O itarrh and all dlso isn of tha
Eye. Eur. Throat aii'l I/un-'H , Nervous ll
eases , Bkln Diseases , Ohrnnlo Diseases. OMIca
Hours 0 to II a. m. , i ! to f. p. m. , 7 toO i > , to ,
bunday 10 u. in to * p. m. >
Cutarrhal troiihlus and Kindred dlsoaiei
treated successfully by mull. Send 4o in
stamps for question circulars. Addrosj all
letters to Copeland Modloal Institute , Wo *
York l.lfe llulldlnk' . Omaha , Neb.
Uf Council IlluTTi.
OuplUlstoo'c 81.fH , 00
Surplus and I'roflts NOOOO
NotCapltul nnl Surplus 0tt30O00
Dlrectom J. I > . ICdmundion , 1C. U HtiuKurt , V.O ,
nicuon , ! ! . K. llnrt , I. A , Miller , .1 , V , lllncbmta
unilClnirlf * u. IlMionn. Transact general bunkIng -
Ing biibineBS. Lamest capital und surjHuu of
any bunk In Southwestern lowu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director nml Undertaker.
811 Broadway , Counoll Hlulfa.
Tulopbono ilj.