Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DATLY 13EE : I\ONIAY \ , MARCH 7 , 1802.
I'l '
Prolific Sources of Dissuasion and Argu
ment for Congressmen ,
Men ur < n Tlml Will Chilm the Attnntlon of
Our National LogUlittorH Itapnrta Irom
the Hoiitlinrn ItopuhllcnVn liliiE *
ton News unit ( lonlp.
tf , D. 0. , March -Silver and
1ho tariff are the loading features in the pro
gram of congressional procooduro this wook.
The con test over the free silver question will
begin In the house tomorrow , when the nntl-
silver democrats will oppose tha adoption of
the report of the rules commltto" , making
the Bland bill a special order for n specified
The opponents of free coinage on the demo
cratic ldo have vigorously , but vainly , urged
the republican minority to Join with them In
opposing the consideration of the bill , and
Bunh pronounced antl-freo coinage democrats
us Mr. Andrews of Massachusetts and Mr.
Harterof Ohio now oonccdo that the special
order will almost certainly bo adopted. The
anll-froo coinage men say , however , that this
is but the boBlnnlng of the light in the house
nnd that they will use every possible means
to defeat the passage of tha bill Itself.
There has been some discussion of a prop
osition to amend the special order of the
rules committed by fixing n tlmo at which n
vote shall bo taken , but the proposition has
been discouraged ,
Although filibustering against the silver
order li not tiiuikoly , It Is believed that this
can bo quickly checKnd If attempted , and
that the ordnr will bo adopted Without the
consumption of much timo.
Appropriation Ullla Will Ito Connldrml.
Tne loaders of the house are anxious to se-
cura speedy actiou on tha appropriations
bills nnd to have o'.l thnsa measures now
pending In the house passed before a discus-
> lon of tbo tariff Is entered upon. For this
reason Monday will not bo devoted exclu
sively to the silver order and to the usual
grlst'of comparatively small measures con
sidered on ' 'suspension Mondays , " An op
portunity Dorbaps may bo afforded to pass
on ono or two bills under suspension of the
rules , but it Is the present purpose to devote
the greater part of the day to the pension
appropriation bill and the army appropria
tion bill in order to clear the docks for the
tariff do Da to.
Mr. McMlltln of Tennessee will open tdo
tariff discussion on Tuesday If no deviation
boimdo from tha program on account of thu
urmy appropriation bill. OthorspouSsors will
follow Mr. McMlllln in rapid succession ,
and the whole ot tbo week will bn occupied
with tariff debates , except that Saturday af
ternoon , In accordance with nn order ot the
house , will bo devoted to eulogies on the late
Representative Gambia of South Dakota.
Opposition to the I'liru fooil Hill.
In the sonata the pure food bill is the pend
ing ordor. There are signs that the measure
is about to encounter a considerable degree
of opposition in addition to tha attacks al
ready inado upon it , and this may take the
shape of interjection Into thn regular course
of business of long speeches und debates on
other matters , in the expectation that some
regular anproprlalion bills will finally bo
brought forward to displace the pure food
Mr. Call has given notice of his Intention
to address the senate tomorrow on tbo sub
ject of railroad Interference in Florida elec
tions , and Mr. Dolph wishes to deliver a
speech Friday on Senator Stanford's bill to
provide a sound circulating medium. In ad
dition to thcso diversions from the regular
order it may bo that the long expected debate -
bate on the reciprocity resolutions , which
nro now on the table , will begin some day
this wook.
Opportunity for the , discussion .of the
.financial methods of the government is also
at hand it : connection v/llb the bill providing
for tha Issue of a small amount ot oonds to
defray the cost of improvements la the Dis
trict of Columbia , which hava already served
ns the pretext for several speeches and on
tno general subject ot finances. It is unlikely
that any of tbo general appropriation bills
\vill como before the sonata for action this
week , nnd actual progress In the legislation
will probably bo confined to action on some
measures of minor importance during the
morning hours.
"JnUluo. "
The most remarkable thing about the cur
rent season of musio is the fact that dollar-
and-a-half opera may bo enjoyed at prices
ranging from 75 cents down to 15. This
unusual condition prevails at the Farnam
Street theater , where the W. T. Cnrloton
Opera company is holding forth for the
WOOK , nnd , Judclng from yesterday's per
formances , thosa productions are receiving as
conscientious presentation as though higher
price * ruled.
The engagement opened yesterday with
"Indigo. " a oomiu opera by Johann Strauss ,
the Viennese maker of waltzes. While the
work Is not ono of t he creates t of Its Kind , the
original score bad enough bright melodies to
catch popular favor , und those bavo boon
strungthoned by additions. A number ot
Strauss' finest waltz airs , such as
"Ths Blue Danube" and. "Wine ,
\Vomen and Song , ! ' have been Intro
duced into this opera , and Mr. Carlnloa
seems to have made some very clover Inter
polations of bis own. Ho also uses a libretto
written by himself , apparently to bettor suit
American taste than the original English
version by a London humorist. Tha result
of those changes and additions is a work
admirably adapted to the demand of thn tlmo
and placo.
Tbo plot of a comic opera Is prone-rally a
matter of minor Importance , but In this case
it is unique enough to bo of Interest. A
youtig Hungarian girl , Fantasca , Is ship-
v.Ttcked upon an Island ruled by King Indigo
and becomes attached to bis harem. Her
lover , Janio , Is conveniently stranded upon
the Barao shore , Tha king has a creat treas
ure secreted In a eave und is Informed that a
band of robbers threatens to sack tbo placo.
Indigo hat ) been too penurious to maintain an
army , and hi * pi Una minister , Homadour ,
suggests ttio arming of tbo women of his
harem. This Is douo , and Fantasca becomes
their leader , The Amazons put the king
and his guard to rout and then rob the cave
themselves. All Baba , a donkey driver , who
lias lent some assistance , gats half the
treasure. Fantasca escapes tha king and
marries Junlo , nnd the amorous All Oaba is
captured by bis tarmagont wife ,
That which will attract most popular no
tice Is the exceedingly amusing comei'v ' of
Mr. Charles A. BItrclow in t ho role of King
Indigo. Ho Is splndlo-shanked und pot-bol-
Hod , with a taste for rococo ottiro and u pro-
dllootlon tor the bloyole. In tbo first act ho
does a hiccough song to tloklo risibilities ,
and as a climax to the porfornmnco ho rehearses -
hearses the orchestra , in which act bo Imitates
each Instrument before culling on it to Join
the others. The latter Is a remarkably
clover bit of mimicry , apparently an Inter
polation , and It was encored until ' the per
former's stock of variations was exhausted ,
Judged from his artistio worn In this role ,
Mr. Blpolow deserves to rank among the
first of opeiatlo comedians.
Theru is another successful fun maker In
the person of Mr. W. H. Fltzgorala , the
donkey driver. Ho Is a vocalist as well as
n comedian , and bis muleteer aong. which ho
slnga Uuely , Is cue of thq boat things In tbo
original scoro. He also does a morrv topical
sonp , "Npt In a Thousand Years , " that wins
Blxorsovou recalls.
The rich , well trained biritouo of Mr. J , 1C.
Murray ( Homadour ) u entitled to iho vocal
bcnors , and bis sword bong Is ouo of the
most meritorious numbers in ttni original
Miss Clara Lane Is a close second to liar
husband , singing the score of Fantusca with
simple case and acting tha part gracefully.
MUs Allco Vincent as Toffana and Mr. T.
Huntley as Jan to gave excellent support.
The male chorus U a olt wouk when blnu'Iug
alone , but on the whole the choruses nro
adequate to tbo occasion ,
The opera Is put on with handsome special
icanory , is" richly costumed and In every way
is well calculated to win public favor.
"JIuzel Klrke. "
The revival of a cant off play U generally
attended with much risk of disappointment
pTabubly because tradition both softens am
FlorlQus ; but It is not always that a rouur-
lectod drama lias so much , of oUislo beaut ;
nnd heart Interest M "Hanoi IClrko , " nor Is
t often that the original creators of Us suc
cess nro permitted to revivify Its linos.
Hozol Klrhe" enjoys those advantages , and
ts reproduction Is stirring hearts nnd win
ning honor * as successfully as of old , ns was
demonstrated nt the Boyd last night.
Miss Efllo Ellslor In the tltlo role , Mr. C.
W. Couldock as Dunstan ICirko nnd Mr.
Frnnk WcUon ns Plttacui Green were the
original * , of those characters , nnd their Itn-
personations are thoroughly artistic. Mr.
.ouldocK Is ono of the famous old men ol the
\tnorican stage. Personally ho Inspires n
Gnder veneration , und toe" perfection of bis
art defies advrrso criticism. His character-
zatlon ot the ilrone willed , stubborn old
nlllcr U likely to be como a stage tradition ,
and It Is worth seeing , not only for the pres
ent pleasure but for the purpose of hanging
n picture on memory' * wnlU
The charm of MlviEllslor's Hazel lies In Iti
nbsoluto naturalness. It is never extrava
gant or hysterical and. whether In the piny-
ulnrss of happv married llfo or the pathos
of sorrow , the illusion Is never marred by
Mr. Weston ns thofilghty , batpoodnnlurod
mutuai friend , also has n character which
nw rnslly bo overdrawn , but ho furnishes n ,
lellcious strain of comedy that lluhtons the
hndows of ihj picture , but Is never garish.
Robert iJrouet i. admirable ai Arthur Car-
ington , nnd the support is excellent through
out. Last night's ' performance was nn nrtls-
ic treat , and the delighted nudlcuco Insisted
on repeated curtain calls.
ALT. IUUK Ar.i.v / * .
rlre Fight at Covlnglon Itrcnks Up In a
( lenenil How.
Sioux CITT , la. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKU.I The fight to n finish bo-
ween Patsy Magnor of Ynnkton nnd Billy
O'Donnoll of SU Paul for n ? 5UO purse and
gate money came off at Covlnpton this after
icon. Hugh Bayno was roforco. Mngncr
weighed in at lUi pounds and O'Dounoll ' at
22 pouuds.
Up to tha seventh round Magncr had the
Dost of It , but afterwards O'Donnoll took the
nggrejslvo nnd showed superior skill. Mng-
nor was severely punished in the face and
chest , whllb his blows fell short. In the
eighteenth round O'Donnell landed on Mag-
nor's fnco twelve times , cutting his cheek
nnd almost closing the left eye , without ro-
cclvlng punishment.
In tha nineteenth round Magnor cnmo up
groggy and winded nnd received a tcrritio
Ight-liander on the windpipe , which sent
ilm upon the ropes , apparently unconscious ,
vbcn O'Donnoil struck him a second time.
On a claim of foul the reforco gave the fight
o Magnor. A great uproar followed , nnd
hero wore u half dozen fights in the crowd
and many broken heads. O'Donuoll pur-
ucd the referee , but that dignitary fled
across the pontoon bridge.
Kennel Club Committees.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Omaha Kennel club directory , on March 1
ho following committees were appointed :
Auditing and llnanco E. L. Marston , J. L.
Cvans , O. W. Waterman. These gentlemen
ire a committee on ways and moans , also
ionch show W. E. Nnsou , E. L. Man > ton
3. W. Waterman , J. Short , Charles Fronzor
'rinting W F. Cadngan , C. W. Waterman
I. n. Kennedy. The now constitution nnd
> y-laxvs lira in the bands of tno printer and
vill bo Issued in about two weeks.
The bench show committee was instructed
o proceed to make nrnuiEOmonts for mi ex-
ilbltion in the fall. The club has removed
rom its rooms on Fourteenth street nnd
vill meet at tba Collins Gun company's store
loroaftor. Tha club will endeavor to have
the next legislature pass a law malting docs
iroperty and taxable. Senator SwiUler lu-
reduced a bill at the last legislature , which
parsed thu senate , but tbo Nuwberry bill
consumed so much of the tlmo of the house
hat file 170 was lost in the shufllo.
Tips tor ToUuy.
Here are some Monday horses which are
considered nice things to open the week on :
1. OroPorll. .
2. Innovation Moll to Davu.
3. anttor ii-nixio.
4. Itancocas Woodoutter.
5. Lester Azrual.
0. Longstrldc Wlnslow.
1. Edgar Johnson Carneg'e.
2. McO-irMiy-ltuta U.
3. tr. Ilabinutli Ivii.ipp.
4. Courtier Klrthdiiy.
5. Gcnovlovu Cuim.
8. Young Lottery Goldstop.
The Allen Homestcud Sold.
The Re ubon Allen homestead at 1010 Webster
stor street was sold this week to Dr. J. E.
VlcGrow , the specialist , for $10,000. After
making a few minor changes the doctor will
nake this beautiful and historic spot his
tuturo homo.
r.ut.t /
Harry Millie of DoWitt is at the Arcade.
F. P. Henstoad of Hastings is at the Ar
E. J. Cullen of Lincoln is roglstorcd at the
A. A. Davis of Emerson is stopping at the
H. G. P. Miller of San Francisco is at the
H. A , Allen ot Atkinson was at the Arcade
last night.
FredC. Palln of Covington is a guest at
the Arcado.
T. O. Goldoer of O'Noll was at the Arcada
ast ovenlntr.
John Morrett and wife of Casper , Wjo. ,
are at the Arcade.
J. E. Robblns of Nebraska City was at the
Arcade yesterday.
George W. Mohan und C. H. Dunstoco
Hastings are guests at tbo Dellono.
C , H. Jefferson of Idaho Fulls , Idaho , was
at tbo Dellono yesterday ,
B , F. Montgomery of Denver Is a guest at
the Mlllard.
H. B. Schrolder of Fremont was at the
Millard last evening.
E. G , liters of Holdrogo was at the Mll
lard last evening.
W. K. Frazer of Deadwood is a guest at
the Paxton. <
M. H. Beer nnd .1. W. Oxloy of Lincoln are
registered at the Paxton.
O. A. Parks , of Norfolk is at the Murray.
James Guard and wifeof Denver are guests
at the Murray.
Mrs. L. B. Hoffman of Lincoln is at the
Ex-Llouionant Governor George D. Motkel-
John and W , N. Suchott of Fullurtcm are at
A. E. Mocllor ot Friend h a guest s. the
J. W. Wallace ot Ovorton Is registered at
the Merchants.
Isaac D. Smoad , tbo head of the Smoad Ho
Air and Furnace company of Toledo , O , , is a
the Paxton with his wife and child ,
Pastor First Baptist church , Pleasant
Grove , la. : Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : Mv
wife has been afflicted for several years with
a complication of kidney and liver troubles.
Your "Tree of Llfo" has been of great Done-
fit to her. Sno Joins tno In thanks to you nud
expresses the wish that others suffering from
similar causes may find equal relief , Yours ,
Rev. J. W. Curter , Pastor 0. T. church. For
sale by all druggUU.
Mrs. L. H. Pnttpn , Hockford , III. , writes :
"From personal experience I can recommend
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla. a cure for impure
blood aud geiHTil debility. "
DaWitt's Sarsuparllla destroys such poi-
sous us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla u reliable.
Dowitt'a Bursaparillacloanars'tbo blood.
My'mother has suffered for many long
years with headache. Bradyorotlno cured
her. G. E. Carter , Holly Springs , N. Y.
Gessler's Magic lioadaoho Wafers cures
all headaches In 20minutes , At all druggists
A 8u-i ( > tloil.
We wish to make a suggestion to persons
troubled with rheumatism. Try o few ap
plications of Cbamuorluln's Puln Balm , If
that does not bring relief , dampen a piece ol
ilannol with the Pain Balm and bind it on
over the scat of pain. The first application
h almost sure to relieve toe pain and by IIta
continued use muuy severe oases have been
pcraaotmily cured. CO coat bottles for sale
by druffguu.
Yr.sTEntUY's sKcosn r.nrnox. )
Serious State of Affairs in Europe is Alarm
ing the Governments.
Public Suffering is Now Almost General
Throughout the Continent.
Anarchists Pind Ready Converts Among
Those Who Lack Peed , and Clothes.
Vpproncli of the liny U Vlowcil With .Much
Agitation hy Thoiu Who llornll the
I.H81 ClmnccA for Trouhlb
[ Copi/rf0M l If&lbvJamti Cordon JJewiciM
PAIIIS , March n. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bui : . ] The European gov
ernments are Lcgtiinlng to bo alarmed at the
spread of public mlsory. The Berlin riots
nnd the disturbances which have followed
.horn In Dantzlgand Brunswick nro proofs ot
an abnormal state ot things. And when wo
find even the worklngmon of h petty town In
the duchy Auhalt take to pillaging tbo baker
nnd butcher shops , wo may bo sure that the
danger is real.
In Austria the prevailing distress was un
suspected , even by the government. Yet in
Vienna nlono moro than ao.000 unemployed
\vorkingmon are wandering about the streets
and highways near the city. Assaults with
violence are becoming common. In the
northern provinces of Hungary the misery
s terrible. Moro than " 0,000 peasants have
icon forced to subsist on roots and on thu
) tirk of trees. I could name villages in
which parents have boon driven to kill the
children they have had no means of feeding.
In Russia , on the other hand , there Is no
change for the bettor. Whole provinces are
threatened with starvation. But if the
wretchedness Is great , there Is much charity
abroad , Tha soldiers In mnny of the Russian
regiments ere sacrificing part of their rations
of Dread to alleviate the distress in the rural
I'our Other ScilliTlng Kingdoms.
The situation Is not much moro hopeful in
Italy. There the misery Is not confined to
.ho poor. It affects every class of soci
ety. From published statistics it would
seem that during the past yoa'r the consump
tion of food has diminished in the following
proportions : Bread , 4 per confb moat , 20
percent ; coffee , 21 percent ; sugar , 12 per
cent ; tobacco , U per cent. Those figures
are lamentably eloquent. Doiplto all this
th < - Italian ministry docs not think of re
ducing the army and navy estimates , which
are commonly behoved to explain the present
mlsory. Italy aspires to play the part of a
great power for which she is not suit > d oy
Lho state of her finaucus ana her public
Tbo financial disorder In three other Eu
ropean countries has led to a public crisis , in
Greece the king has .boon impelled to tils-
miss his advisors because they could not fill
the treasury. In Portugal the downfall of
the government is Imminent , and lastly in
Spain , whore the distress is comparatively
small , matters have grown sorlnus , owing to
tbo faults of which the cabinet has boon
guilty within the last twelve months. Kx-
changes have risen in unprecedented ways ,
nnd holders ot securities in all tbo three
states I have last mentioned arc growing
Waiting far Labor Diiy.
It is not strange that all those symptoms
combined should have excited grave fears as
to the course things may take on tbo 1st of
May. The little Gorman emperor talks of
proposing International measures to prevent ,
disorders. Ho pronoscs that anarchists who
commit crimes should bo liable to trial In ouv
of the countries leacued together In which
tbo offender may bo captured. Tt is easy to
foresee , however , thai this proposal , which
would virtually create n kind of Inter
national court , will not bo atrreod
to , ut all events by Franco and England , who
arc Jealous of their own authority. But ex
ceptional measures of some sort will have to
bo taken.
Greater Significance thin Year.
Our Labor day this year will bavo a much
greater significance than on former oc
casions. The 1st of May falls on a Sunday
and thus many worklngmon who in tbo or
dinary course would not have stopped their
work to join in a manifestation , will bo free.
In Franco again , the data will coincide with
tha municipal elections , which will
then be hold la every city
except Paris , and which may
glvo rise to disorder. The Paris police ,
however , think that thu day will pass by
without dangerous riots , except in the out
lying districts St. Etlonro and in ay bo at
Fourroies , where the anarchists talk ot re
newing the disastrous nffrays'of last year.
In Purls the precautions , which will betaken
taken should keep the agitation within
Tbo English anarchists ore powerless. The
English worklngmen will put forth their
whole strength In thu great strike which the
mines are to inaugurate next wcok.
Whom Trouble Will He.
Wo may have moro disturbances In Ham
burg and Berlin where , it Is thought , thu
ultra-socialists may try to affect the release
of their leaders. But oven there the author
ities expect to bo able to repress tbo trouble.
Moro anxiety Is felt In Vienna , where thu
anarchists are making- rapid progress.
Strikes nro also expected at Brunn ,
Tbo course oC events In Belgium depends
on the chamber. Should tbo reform ol the
constitution bo voted , all will bo calm on
tbo 1st of May. Should the reform In ques
tion nut bo voted , wo may BCO violent ouV-
breaks , amounting almost to a revolution.
The Belgian government Is keeping a sharp
Two countries can hardly hope to escape
disordernauioly , Italy and Spam. , The trial
of tbo rioters arrested on the 1st.of . May ,
last year , in Italy , is not yet ended , and the
anarchists do not conceal tholr Indig
nation. Fresh arrests are already
under consideration. In Spain much ex
asperation has neon caused by tha execution
of the Jerez anarchists. Hod hot , republican
ism prevails In Barceloulu , which has been
excited by the executions and by the recent
dynamite explosion in ono of tbo government
offices The allegiance of the army is
strongly suspected and It Is not lllwly that
the troops will be called out to repress possi
ble riots , a fact which will glvu the malcon
tents grent'opportuDltles.
ticrlouH , but Not Tragic ,
To sum up , though there may bo outbreaks
In various places , It is only In Spain that
dangerous riots need bu dreaded. Unless a
financial crisis aggravates tbo existing dis
content , uo serious trouble need bo feared In
= OF- - - -
other qunrtcTS. H must bo berne In mind , ]
though , tlmtiho MclCinloy bill has forced
mnny raanufqc't joM to roauco the number
of their empjjo.vjis. Tho. r.nnr.chlM roll hoi
swelled vlthlolh-o past twelve months , but
there nro prolJallly not tnoro than 10,01 ol
-them all toldYlh 'Kuropo. ' With such small
force * the nijiy hlsU may of course glvo
trouble horojnjtft there , but tlioy cannot
bring about rvftoXcnlutlotii
In short , wlifluCVlay I should bo looked for
ward to with > oJousnoss , It ahoiild not bo
viewed tragleiil ) v
Disorders bvwofbroltcn out In Loipslg. The
worklnpmon nwnblod outsldu the city have
forced tholr wifrjo thntown hull despite the
resistance of the pollco. Troops oncupy the
The grand duico of Ucsso Is dying.
It Wnsn Triumph fur Ilia ProRri-sslxpii Its
Kllcctnn tint I'urllummilnry Contrst.
LONDON' , March ft. The triennial elections
to tbo London city council cAme oft today.
The counting In u few districts tins been
postponed until Monday , but the results us
already known show a swooping progressive
triumph In the proportion of thrco to one ,
which the results still to como will not alter.
Lord Kosoborryaml John Burns , the labor
lenders , nro elected ( by largo majorities.
South London hai gone solid for the pro
gressives. Sovonty-sevou progrosslvo candi
dates and seventeen moderates nro already
known to have been elected. The duke of
Norfolk ( moderate ) , Lords Carrlnton and
Monswoll ( progrosslvo ) and the avowed
Racialists , Messrs. Tims , Bruce. Cooper ana
Sidney Webb have all been returned , The
political nature of the struggle , the candi
dates beingoponiy dubbed "llboral" or "con-
sorvatlvo , " promises to strongly influence
the parliamentary elections. If Mr. Glad
stone is able to capture the scuts for London
ho will bo assured of an Immense majority.
Kngllsh Politic-Inns Not Anilniift to Go Hur
riedly Ilnfnro the People.
Loxnox , March 5. Tbo Sunday Sun says
the fact that the government Is allowing
some of its supporters to go abroad for sev
eral wcoKs indicates that It does not intend
to dissolve parliament , yet awhile. "Tho
whole tendency of parliament , " the Sun con
tinues , ' 'is that 'tbo general elections
will bo postponed until July und par-
Imps November. It is _ _ believed that Mr.
Gladstone prefers "that" the elections should
bo postponed until July , because an election
in the middle of the parliamentary session
would compel him to produce his bills hur
riedly ana riMc the disaster which resulted
from the break-neck pace that ho was com
pelled to pursue In 18SO , Ho will probablv
take months instnad of weeks to prepare his
homo rule bill and to carefully study every
detail of the measure. Therefore the liberals
liavo been enjoined to press the government
to dissolve parliament.
± -
ArchliUhop Ireln'iYil so Describes the Appeal
from ( ho U&ittlou oftlio ArchbUhops.
HOME , Marcn S. In speaking today of the
appeal of some Catholics in the United States
from the decision < ff the archbishops in refer
ence to the propbs'od Catholic congress in
Chicago during7 thb progress of the World's
fair in that city , ' Most Uov. John Ireland ,
D.D. , archbishop tff St. Paul , Minn. , who is
now In Homo , smd : "Tho whole matter is a
tempest In a teapot ! . ' Anybody may sena a
letter to Homo bVany subject. Whether the
cominunlcatio rocjsivos attention , however ,
is quite anoibpr"iuestlon. . -Certain people
ple attain" j'lin08 their own fancies
an' importance' Which1- the eater < Jworld
refuses to onaofrso' The letter sent bv
* °
Messrs. Dunne , jPallon , Kuhlmann and
others , will not create the slightest ripple In
the stream of current Human ecclesiastical
thought. There are waste baskets In Homo
ni well as In the United States. The Idea is
absurd that an appeal by a few disgruntled
ana self-conceited men against the decisions
of the archbishops will bo listened to In
Hnmo. If Messrs. Dunne mid Pallen had any
grievances why Old they not , m true Ameri
can fashion , speulc them out plainly instead
of seeking redress by tortuous moans ? There
is manifestly some other design in their
minds than thai ot putting the Catholic congress -
gross in. shape. Mr. Dunne is to bo con
gratulated on the fellowship of the St. Louis
Cahonslltos. "
\Vur nnil Jtiunorx of War.
UITV OP MEXICO , March ft. It is rumored
hero that war oetwceu Guatemala and Sun
Salvador has commenced. Guatemalan dls
patches say It is officially denied tnat such is
the state of affairs , but Salvadorean specials
say that war Is imminent and unavoidable.
, T.ixaLisa Tr.UM.VK.sE.
Tliolr Kindlons Ilusponglblo Tor Illots and
Disorders lluny Are Injuroil.
SAN ITiuxcisuo , Cal. , March 5. Serious
rioting is in progress In Japan. The news
comes by the steamer Citj of Poking , which
arrived hero this afternoon from Yokohama.
Political troubles are at the bottom of the
riots. The police preservation Is again
enforced at ICochI Ken" and the government
has suppressed a numDor of opposition
papers. Count , Atagakl , bena of Jiyu To , and
Count Okuma , head of the ICaisbln To par-
tics , are being prosecuted for alleged viola
tion of the law governing public meetings In
puollcly endorsing the candidature ot live
members ot tbo popular party. Other ad
herents of thcso parties were also proceeded
The Jiyu To manifesto alleges malfeasance
on the part of the government in enterprises
whore public money was luvishly used. The
statement is made that the radicals huvn sent
lr > UO persons to Sanawa Muora and it has
been decided that all villagers above 15 and
under 50 years of ago bo called out for the
radical party against tbo ICokumln party.
Several members of the Japan society of the
Hod Cross have gene to the place to assist
the wounded in the event of riots.
Two hundred ICoKumln rioters demolished
eighty houses at S.igmva Muorra September
15 , Tno loss of some lives Is reported from
Yoshlkawa , Ishitcuw , Olta and other per *
foctures. 'ffi _
Itubbl Mimdcs Hliptvuml Seriously Wounded
by u Man \Vliom-Hi Ilitil Ilofrluiiiloil.
Nu\v Yoiiic , Maroh 5. Dr. Henry Polra
Mendes , ono of 'the most popular and bast
known Hebrew rabbis in thU city , is the
latest victim oil Tbo disappointed sjokor
after alms. IBtor ten years Dr.
Mendes has .oihid charge ot the
uundsomo synjWKUQ at Nineteenth
street and FIftlUavonue known as Shearlth
Israel , This synagogue Is supported by the
loading Bpanisfcdud Portucuoo Hebrews of
this city. JoseiMoasachkl , who has been in
this country foriJn ny your * , but whom no
ono appeared ! to know , belonged
to Dr. MendeuS J congregation and nail
several times ouMrnd fur and obtained
relief. Lately Dr.'Mondos had grown tired
of the constant begging and tonight refused
to give him any more money , Mcssuchki
followed him homo and demanded 100.
Being refused , he drew a hugo revolver and
tired , and tlion'mado hU'cjcivpo. The rabbi
will llvo.
ir//J5 irjijii THK iti'.it ir.i-r.
Arcbbjtliij | > Irnluntl Will ll Kluvutcd to the
DlKiilty nl ( 'urilliml.
Sr. PAUL , Minn , , Inarch 5. Hoarding tbo
dispatch ( rom Homo to the effect that Arch
bishop Ireland would probably bo iimdo a
cardinal in a few days , Father HoiTron ot the
catbcdiul parish was se < m tuis morning und
saidi "Tbo dispatch from Homo states the
situation truthfully so far us I can tell "
"Wus not the archbishop's visit , to Homo
prompted by somu Intelligence that ho waste
to bo mudo u cardinal ! " was asked.
"Ho may have had that intlmulion , but it
was not known to us. I thlutt , hovvuver , that
Archbishop Ireland will bo made a cardinal
during his present visit , "
J.V Tlltl KJ.VS.IN ktri'llKMI ! UOVllT ,
THO Import-nit UpcUlnns llnmlnl tlinrn by
Tlutt Hotly.
TorKKA , ICan. , March ft. The supreme
court handed down today n decision In the
quo wnrrnnto proceedings of 1) . 1C. Horton
and others ng.ilnst 10. Wilder and others.
The parties to the suit nro stocKholdcrs In
the San Dlogo Land com pun v , Incorporated
undcrtho laws of .Kansas , but doing business
In California. The decision upholds the
Kansas law , providing taat at least three
directors of every companv Incorporated
under the laws of this stnto shall bu citizens
of Kansas. Two factions were contending
for the control of the corporation
mid the ballot for directors resulted in
the election ot eleven nonresidents. The
chairman of the meeting declared three roil-
dents of Kansas elected notwithstanding
the vote , and eight nonresidents who re
ceived the highest vote , The three nonresi
dents who baa been elected , but who were
forced to glvo way under the decision of the
chairman of tun incutlng , Instituted the pro
ceedings , but the court held that they were
not entitled to rolluf under the law. The
capital stock of the company was f2.000,000.
The court also handed down an opinion in
the case of thn stnto against George Nolan.
ThU case Is Important , because It calls In
question the Kansas law presetIblng pun
ishment for nil crimes , and had not the
decision of the lower court been sustained
the Kansas ponltentiarv would hava boon
depopulated. ISdward Farrl" , n negro of
Atchlson , was convicted of nrson. His at
torney appealed the case to the supreme
court , claiming that the falluro to Insert in
the Kansas law the words "In the peniten
tiary" after the words "confined at hard
labor" was a fatal omission. Chief Justice
Horton In handing down the decision said the
Intention of the trainers of the law was ap
parent that the conllnomcnt proscribed
should bo in the penitentiary and that sen
tences to that effect were not In violation of
the laws or constitution of the United States.
The case will now bo appealed to the United
States supreme court.
WILT niroitvK cnuitcn , i.vsr.trr. .
Crisis In Chilian AfTiilrs Appro idling
Which Wilt llnvu u Good Klleet.
Copi/rfoMol IKK tin Jamef Oonlnn llcnnctl.
VAI.PAIUISO , Chill , ( via Galveiton , Tex. , )
March 5. [ By Moxlcau Cnblo to the NovYork
Herald Special to THE BKB.J There Is no
gainsaying the fact that Chill Is on the ova
of u political crisis. The conservatives or
church party intends to pursue a roost ag-
grosslvo policy In the approaching term of
congress. To that end It is now bonding
all Its onorgics , The conservatives nro not
satisfied with the great power tney now
possess but are determined to strike for
mortTholr partisans already 1111 the ma
jority of posts on the railroads und In the
other branches of the government service.
They now doslro to secure at least one-half
of the Judicial ofllccB , and have evinced the
utmost antipathy toward the council of
state , a body of six persons appointed by
congress , unil which , whllo it lasts , gets its
authority from the president.
Curios Walker Martinez and Manuel Irraz-
zabal , conservative members of the council ,
have tonaornd tholr resignations and with
out doubt there will bo a big fight In congress -
gross against the liberal party. The liberals
for tholr part will combat tholr old-tlmo
political foes to the bitter and. It is
the opinion throughout Chill of the
intelligent men , nearly all of whom are lib
erals , that the final solution of the question
will bo the total separation of church and
state. Tbo church relies in a great meas
ure upon its h'f.uonco over tbo woman devo
tees , but its Interference in politics U ro-
cardca Dy liberals as so obstructive to the
proeress of the country that they uro re
solved tnat Its power must bo curtailed or
Flimncllll DlsturlMlnetvf.
Chili's financial condition , her best men
Deliovo , requires either Vnlao ? Vorgara or
Augustln Edwards , each of whom Is an able
financier , as minister of Hacienda. Both
have the ontira confidence of commercial
circles. The liberal members ot the cabinet
will hold oftlco at President Monti's ' request
until u now ministry is formed.
Senor Sulusto Beech , formerly manager of
tbo National banu , is on his way to the United
States and Europe , having been commis
sioned by the Chilian government to investi
gate the prospects for extended use of
nitrates. Mr. Eyro , representing William
H. Gracoj & Co. hero , has caused the
insertion of an article in Elhauldo ,
boasting of Mr. William H. Grace's
Influences with the United States
government In behalf of Chili , and adding
that ho is equally powerful in the South
American republics. This article was pub
lished evidently in an endeavor to remove
tno prevalent impression that. . Grace's firm
helped Balmacoda , as published in tbo Her
ald some time ago.
ra t Nlght'd Storm Was Ono of the Worot
In Omaha's History.
After several aays of threatening weather
ono of the hardest storms soon in Omaha for
many years broke over the city and eastern
Nebraska about 8 o'clock last night.
The heavy mist which was fulling turned
into rain and was soon followed by snow.
And such Hakes ! No ono around thcso parts
remembered seeing such a heavy and rapid
fall of snow since Omaha was a village.
Every moment the grout snow ( lakes seemed
to come thicker and faster until the electric
lights were hardly aiscornnblo and pedes
trians could not bo distinguished llvo feet
Within an hour an Inch of heavy white
crystals covered the cround und the down
town sldowallis , where the travel was
heaviest , worn soon a mass of slush. The
wind shifted from the east to the north and
the snow came down heavier than over.
With the change in the wind came a line
rain which wet the already moist snow-Hakes
and the rapidly accumulating mass of Icy
particles began to pack. Then tbo trouble
Wagons , cabs and street cars hod to run
slowly nnJ It wasn't long until the latter
were stuck entirely. The Farnam
street ears gave up the tight early
and abandoned the road entirely.
In less than a quarter of an hour after the
last cur passed over the line Farnam street
was a sheet of sparkling white without a
sign of car or tracks. Tbo Council Bluffs
line made a great effort to get cars ever the
bridge , but were laid out for over an hnur.
At latt a suniclont number of motors were
linked together and a road broken. This did
not last but a moment , and all efforts to got
the trams through were given up. On tho'
Hurnoy street line travel wus abandoned
early , the cables tried to carry passen
gers through , but got stuck every
few minutes and hud to glvo up ,
A big train of motors were
kept running on tbo Sixteenth street line
und a great effort was made to knop the
trucks open. It was a useless attempt , for
tbo snow was too bcuvy und keot coming
down faster than It could bo cleared awov.
Track H woe pew were useless on account ot
the weight , of tha snow , and at an early hour
this morning the company ordoicd out the
heavy snow plows and intended to try and
keep the down town traclis clear.
Pedestrians were searcq.on thu streets and
the heart of the cltv looked IIko a great
white grave yard. The only change in the
scene was when the theater closed. All the
hotels and reeortu worn empty xvllb the ox-
caption of the belated pilgrim who wnltod
patiently for the street car which never
Tbo telegraph and telephone wires were
all heavily coated with lea und snow and the
tiansuilsslon of inossaL'Cs a dllllcult
matter. So heavy aid some of the wires lio-
come that it was an utter Impossibility to
use them.
After an absence of eight voars John
Maxwell , who pretends to bo u "medium , "
returned to town yesterday afternoon und
was at onca arrested ou suspicion. Maxwell
is a well known "box" man , u general thlof.
Hoborl llrown , a tough looking character ,
was also taken Into custody suspected of
uong | a pal of Maxwell. Both pruonor * are
good people to kocp locked up.
rMTp nn t\ir tt T inrMiTi\TT <
Killed by an OfTicor of the United States
Navy Wlioss Homo Ho Had Destroyed.
lluntier Itohliiftim'A Attention * to Mm , > n-
tenant llrlhrrliiRlon Co t Hint Ills
l.irn Sjmpntliy i\prr ; 4ril for III *
Slnji-r Dutull * til the AOiilr.
x FIUNCISCO , Cal. , MarchB. News from
the Orient of nn extraordinary parallel of
the Deacon case reached here today. This
ono Is in Yokohama , Japan , nnd the Ameri
can husband Is Lieutenant Itolhorlngton of
the federal navy. The dead Lothario U n
wealthy English resident of Japan. The rupert -
port brought by the stoamcr City of Poking
Is that Gcorgo Gower Hoblnson , n well known
resident of Yokohama , was shot and killed
ITobruary 1U by Lieutenant tlothorlngton.
The latter , It Is alleged , was Jealous of Hob.
Inson's nttontlons to Mrs. Hothorlngton.
The lieutenant surrendered himself and Is
con lined aboard the Marlon ,
Hobinson , the young man lulled by Hoth-
orlngton , was nyouiig banker. Ho was born
in Vokohuma nnd educated in England. Ho
wai very handsome , moved In the best so
ciety and being a well known man about
town was extremely popular. Some tlmo
ago ho began paying nttontlons to Mrs.
ilotborlnglon and was so devoted that their
intimacy bccntno the gossip of the town.
Hcthcrlnglon told Hobin&on that ho must ro-
fraln from seeing Mrs. Hothorlngton and
that ho had bettor leave town. Hoblnson
promised to obey and went ixwuy.
BK Killed for UN Attention.
In two WCOKS ho returned nnd became moro
dovotcd than ever to Mrs. Hothorlnglon. On
the evening of February 3 Hoblnson with a
friend named Pars was out. driving when
some on the road called out for him to stop.
Hoblnson pulled up his horse , when two shots
wcro llrod from a pistol. The first ono
missed , but the second took effect In Houln-
son's groin and ho fell out of the buggy.
Pars also Jumped out and seized Hothoring-
ton , who did the shooting , lie was arrested
and placed in Jail. Hoblnson died soon after
tbo s'hootlng.
On account of the prominence of both men
and Hoblnson's popularity the affair created a
croat sensation. Public sympathy is largely
with Hothcrlngton. Passengers from Yokohama
hama who arrived on the steamer today state
it was comaTon report that Hoblnson had
been unduly intimate with Mrs. Hothoritig-
ton.Mrs. . Hcthorlnpton sailed from San Fran
cisco last October on tuu steamer China to
rejoin her husband. Shu is about ! M years
old and has ono child a year old. She Is a
handsome , stylish-looking woman. Her
maiden name is not known hero , but her
father is a prominent citizen of Wilmington ,
Del. Mrs. Hothorinuton spent last summer
ut Marlnevllla , Capo May.
Hobinson on his doata bed denied that ho
had been criminally intimate with her , and
hud bcon merely carrying on a flirtation.
SHOT IllMl ItimtAYKlt.
Annlo Ward ot Itlilgcly Park , 1'a. , AVOIIROB
n Wrong ulth u 1'lntol.
CiiESTKit , Pa. , March 3. As Michael Gal
lagher , a young man of 21 years , was about
to board a train for Philadelphia at Hldgoly
Park station of the Philadelphia , Wilming
ton & Baltimore railroad tonight ho
was shot four times by Miss Annlo Ward , n
resident of that placo. Gallagher fell and In
the confusion the woman boarded the train
and came to this city. Entering tbo tele
graph ofllco she flourished n revolver nna de
clared that sbo hud murdered Gallagher be
cause ho hod ruined her. She then sur
rendered to thu pollco. Gallagher is in a
critical condition.
A fire in the Paxlon hotel kitchen last
night called out Chemical 3. There was no
damage and no loss.
Charles Boyco was fined S'O and costs by
Judge Berka yesterday for disturbing a Sal
vation army mooting.
Judge Borka fined Harvov VVayne , colored ,
520 and costs yesterday for throwing a boor
keg through a Tenth strost saloon door und
causing a general disturbance.
Frank Froizo , an old-time vaeranl , was
picked up on the atrootlnstnight for bogging
on the street. Ho is an old hum ana begging
is the hardest work ho over docs.
The third annual masque ball of tbo i3o-
hoiniun voroln was held at MeU hall last
night. Notwithstanding the storm there
was a largo crowd in attendance and everyone
ono scorned to enjoy themselves.
found Bert Kinknid
An oflicor 9-year-old
down town yesterday with n counterfeit sil
ver dollar in his possession. After an exam
ination at headquarters the boy was sent to
his homo at 50S South Sixteenth street.
Deputy Commissioner of Labor Philip
Andres ha requested Chlof Snavoy to in-
vcsligato the employment aeonuios in the
city and ascertain their manner of doing
business and how many of them are frauds.
R. R. Bontly.who lives at 1514 Cuss street ,
sent a cotnolaint to Chief Scavey yosterdav
against a peanut peddler's little tin whUtlo
at Sixteenth and Cuss street , which this
complainant claims Blows all night , keeping
blmutvuko ,
Mossrs. J. B. Haynes , R. 11. Peattie nnd
Clement Chase have been appointed as a
press committee in connection with the as
sembling uf the Pan-Ucpubllu congress and
Human Freedom league com t ittcus in this
city on April 30.
A committee of the Samosot club , consistIng -
Ing of JncK Moynlhun , Adam Snyder , John
Dowllng and Nat Blown , loft last night lor
Chicago to nmko arrangements for hotel ac
commodations for tha club during tbo demo
cratic convention.
Fred Boccher's residence , about thrco
blocks north of the Fremont & Elkhorn
railway crossing on North Sixteenth street ,
caught Hro last night about 11:30 : o'clock
from a lamp explosion nnd burned to the
ground. No alarm was sent in.
Burglar got Into Cutler's butcher shop , 217
North Twenty-fifth street , Friday night , and
wont through the nafo , which was open.
Some notes and securities were taUon , The
same safe was blowod a"year ago ; since then
no money has been kept In the box ,
Thn banks in Uio Omaha clearing house
have reduced the rnto of interest on certifi
cates of deposit. Formerly > lt was fi per
cent on deposits running three months or
longer. Hereafter It will bu 8 and 4 per
cent , according to the length of tlmo.
The English ni tit entertainment at the
Young Man's Christian association building
last night was a decided succos * . Dospllc
the tnclomont n oat her that prevailed the
In the print of good health. But with nil the
precaution wo nmy take there aio cut-mica
nlwuji lurking nhout our systemi , only wait-
liiB u favornnlo opportunity to asiert tlicm-
selves. Bcrofuln nnd other Iminiilllea In the
Itlood may lie hidden for years or ou'ii for
Bennratlons. mul suddenly hieak forth , undermining -
mining health and hastening death. l "or ull
diseases arising from Impuru hlooil
Hood's Sarsaparllla
I the unoquallcil nnd unupproacheil rvmoiiy ,
It U King ot them at ! , for It cnnrjuern disease.
It Imlldi up In n perfectly natural way all tha
weakened pnrts , vitalizes , enriches ami
Purifies the Blood
And assists to healthy action those Important
organs , thu kidneys and liver. K you need a
good medicine you should certainly take
Sold by all dtURKliU. 91 ; lxforf4. rreparedonlr
by 0.1. HOOD A CO. , Ai Jthecarlu , J-ovrtdl , Man
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
lecture hnl ! was crowded. William Ivo pro-
sided. Mr. Swnn ilollvorca n very line nd-
rtross upon "KnRlnnil. " The remainder ot
the program consisted of recitations , songs
nnd Instrumental selections ,
Mrs. Doolittlo , who tlvoi nt S10 South Sev
enth street , -wan knocliod down And run ever
by nn lea wncon nt the corner of Tenth nnd
.Inckson streets last ovonlntj. The driver of
thn wagon wns nrrcstod nnd locked up for
recUlesi driving. Dr. King , the county
nhvsiclnn , WHS cnllod nnd attended the
woman , who was not aorlouily hurt , She
was removed to her homo In the patrol
The Young Mon'a Institute will organim
tomorrow afternoon nt ! ! : .10 o'clock , nt the
hall of the Young Moil's Institute , n clut ) to
ho known ns the Voting Men's Institute Ath
letic club , the putposo of which It to pro.
mete Indoor mill outdoor sports nnrt the general
oral pin slcnl development of Its member * .
At present thu Institute Is owner of n first
rlrm gymnnstlf ! outllt. Including parallel
bars , horizontal bars , horse , Indian clubs ,
dumb bells , ptilUys , rowing machine nnd
other parnphornnha which raaku n gym
nasium complete.
Mnhor Turkic * .1 , lliirlnyoorn.
CIUHWJTTK , N. O. . Maro'.i 5. Peter Mnhor ,
the prbo tighter , wto was lately benton by
llt/.slmmons In Now Orleans , endeavored to
commit sulcldo hv leaping from the window
of n car on the Piedmont Air lit'o near huro
lodny , The train was running nt the rnto of
fifty mlles nn hour. Mahcr matlo n wild
leap for the open winnow , nil of
n sudden and had gotten nlmost entirely out.
It took live mon to pull him buuic Into tlio car
and a long 11 mo to quiet him. It Is stntod
that ho has been on n crazy drunk ever slncco
his defeat in Koxv Orleans , nnd that ho wns
maddened to such n dociou that in a lit of
despondency , Insnnllv or else tutor reckless-
IICSB ho miidu the wild dnsh , The mon aboard
the train nro hiwlnc a hrnl tlmo or It trying
to Itoop him quiet. Ho scorns to hnvo taken
defeat terribly hard nnd tins cone to lusnmg
to a great extent ,
THI : Tivitir AUKST ,
Another Hrnsittlniml ItoWniry In tlio Wild
mul Wooly llmt ,
Nnw HAVC.V , Conn. , March 5. A short ,
stout man rushed oil the : 'M Xcw York
bound train at Uullford tonight nud lute the
depot. Ho run straight to the oftlca
und covered the atjont with a pistol. "Out
with every d n cent or down you f'o , "
hissed , and the agent obeyed. The fellow
got $75. Ho rushed out of tbo depot , hired u
double team with a driver nnd disappeared
in the darkness. Ho was captured at 8
o'clock In Hast Haven. Ho refused to glvo
tits namo.
SllOH'A LAItOK IXVHr.4t > K.
Census Itoturns from N'ow York and llroolc
lyn About All In.
Nnw YoitK , March 5. The census returns
for the city of Now York are all in with the
oxccptlon of two election districts. Thu
total population of twenty-four districts ac
cording to the enumeration is l.TOj/Jl'o. '
DnooKiA-x , N. Y. , March 5. The total
population of Brooklyn , according- the
census returns so far handed In to date ,
with the exception of one district , Is 9r > : iW7. :
The missing district will probably bring it
up to OS'i.OOO. The federal census for Ib'JJ ' 800,1 ! I' ! , and the police census , taken four
months later , was 853,015.
in n cough more
than ever when
your blood is
* 'baiL" It makes
i . , things easy for
J Consumption. Rut
there's a cure for
in Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medical
Discovery. A pos
itive euro not only for Weak Lungs , Hpit-
ting of Illocxl , Bronchitis , Ahthma and ull
lingering Coughs , but for Consumption lUoIf
in all its earlier btagcs. It's reasonable. Ail
these diseases depend on tainted blood. Con
sumption ij simply Lung-scrofnlu. And for
every form of scrofula and blood-taint , the
"Discovery" is n certain remedy. It's so
certain , that its makers guarantee It to bene
fit or euro , in every case , or tho'monby ' is re
funded. With a medicine that is certain ,
this can be done.
There's n < Turo for Catarrh , too , no matter
what you've boon led to Iwliovo. If there
isn't , in your case , you'll get $500 cosh. It's
n bona fide offer that's maUo by the proprie
tors of Dr. Sato's Catarrh Remedy.
They are willing to take the risk you
ought to bo glad to take the medicine.
in 2 days by the French Itemudy , entitled , Ths
King it dissolves against und Is absorbed Into
the Intlnmoil parts. Will rerun.1 money It it
does not euro , ni * causes stricture. Gontlemiml
hero U a reliable urtlole. * 1 p ideate or U for t\
by mall prepild. Snow. Luartte Co , , Omaha.
. . . . .
Ml. I. V fcA .M h * J.ITifcT
A now an.I Complete Truntiuunt , conalgtlriK or
Suppositories , ointment In ( 'nisill03 | , uloo In Hoi
und 1'IIU ; a 1'onltlvo Uura for Hitomnl. Intornnl
mind or Ulooillni ; Itching , Clironlo , llocont or
Hereditary I'tlcs. 'IliU Itomcdjr tins norur boon
known to tall. II pertjor. il for Si ; sent br mull.
Why tmffur from tlds torrlblo itUona ] wlicnn writ
ten Kiinranica la positively Klven with is box oa , ur
rofuiul tlio nionuy If not curoU. Horn ! ntumn tor
free Sample , ( iimrnntoo laatioJ bjr Kuhn & < 'o.
DntKKlMs. Solo AKont * . corner Hthnnd Uounlui
arcutH. Onmhn. Neb.
KHADICATOU .ureinll ilorfomoi buoiiuu ILkllli
tlio microbe or Kami. Put lip nnd rpUllud In J ! . tlimJ
tinzoj , thu latter IVj uttllons. Sent inirwnoro pre
paid on receipt of price or 0. O. I ) . Well ma n Kuar-
ftntoo tocuro. Thopublla trido nn > l Jobbiri ajp-
piled bjr the Klnn'ur Drim Co'npvijr , O nthi ; C. A
Me Ichor , HovTRrd Muyernnd K I * . Haykorn , HoiUli
Onmlm ; A. U Foster mi J II. J. mill. Council Illiuti
1)11 ' . O WK3T8 MCltVU AND 11UA1.N THKA.T-
MKNT.anpuoltlofor Mrstorln , DlKlnaii , KIH , Nau.
r lKln , lloudnclio , Nurvoui I'rourntlon cauaaJ hrnl-
coliol or tobacco , Wnkefiilnoii , Muutnt Ijprunlan.
Hoftunlnif of the llrnln , oiuilru Ininnlty , uiliorr ,
dcciiy , doalli , I'ronmturu Old A < o , llarrdnnoit , IIUH
of 1'owor In either tax , Impotuncjr , I.eiicorrhoon an I
nil I'enmlu Woiknonioi , Involuntary l-onol , .Hiijr-
iniiturrlioenciiiioJ by oror-oxertlun of tlu briln
Holf-iibuHf , ovor-lii'lultfenoj. ' A nuirJi'4 IrantniEmt
II , I ) for Jl , by unit. Wo ( Junr.intaj nl < Imxoit )
cure. Kaoh order forfi liaxoi , with I ) will aonil wrt- |
tcn guarantee to n'fund 1C nnt on rod. ( JunnntiJi
lisuuit only by A. Hchrotor , I > ru vlit , "Olu agouti , A
K , cor. lull und Kanmiuiti , , Uuiaha , Nob.
Dr , Bailay , $ r
The Leading
Thirtl Moor , Pixton Bloo'x ;
TelqilionD 11)85. ) Klt'i ' nnil Funimi Sti
AfiilUotof toutli on riililiur for I ) . I'jrfojt II' ,
Tooth without pin to i or rumovAtilo brlilvo wor <
jUBt the thlnjf for ginger * or putillo spuiKuri , n j/Jf
All lllllnin nt rmaonablo rntoi , nil work wjrrnntoj
Cut tlili out for auulilo.
National Bank.
Capital. $100,000
Onker * unit Dlroclors llcnrf W. Vntniprunlrtont
II C. i'ii > lilnK , vlcu | iruil < U'nl. IX H. Maurice , W. V
Mouo.JohnH Collliih , J. N. 11. 1'ulilck. LutrU A
lloud , Caiililvr.
T1-115 , IRON BANK.
Corner ISth and Farnam St.s.
rropoHiiU fur lutorlur flnlnh of City Hall.
Heiiled hlils will ho rnculvod at tlioolllooof
the Oomptrullor , Oimihu , Neb , up U ) 4 O'ulouk
p , in. iiuruh intli , ih'Ji ' f jr in irlilu work , Htuoco
work a.B f. fur lln.slunk' uuuit und lulU In
city hall , arcor > llii3 to plans und spuolllo.itloiu
on ll.o In this oflluo ,
All uUU inuxt bo necompanlj-tby a oortillod
cheek tottioamount of fi.uxj.Uj , which wilt ho
forfoltuil to tliu ulty In ontu thu hlddor sliuuld
bo awuidoj tlio contract and full to furnUh u
iKinil iiecoptablo to the inuyor und ulty uniin-
ull In lliuetiin of twlco tno amount of contract
price. Milch bond to bo signed by rciildontu of
Umulaticuuiily ,
I'lioeounali re Jrvo the rlitht to acoopt or
rojuct any or all bldn UH will buituurvo tlio In-
yioslH of the city.
llh'i tiboiuldroi.od"Uld on In torlor llnlsh
Tlllii ) Ol.SUS.Ooi.iptrollur. .