Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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rho Balance of Our Wonderful Tire Stock
- , . to Bo Placed on Bale ,
AVc IMnre on Snlo llio IJulk of Stock from
ficlmn , Aln , Itc-mrtnlicrn llona I'l'lo
Halo mill > olliliiK Is
Loco curtains will suffer Monday.
JfOO pairs of luce curtulns , thixt. the
manufacturers term odd pairs , thtit is ,
only two nnd thrco pair of u kind , nt
one-third ncttml vnluo.
Luce curtains nt OOc , SOc , l)8c ) , $1.49 ,
$1,00 , $1.08 , $2.08 , $3.08 , worth up to
$10.00 a pair.
With every pair of lace curtains Mon
day wo will Rlvo polo nnd Ilxturos. Re-
inumbor this.
You will see thcso beautiful goods dis
played In the rear of our store.
Now spring calicoes , genuine Lodl
make , Hie.
The very finest calicoes made , 45c , in
nil the now spring styles.
Hero is u wonderful bargain.
Table oil cloth at 11 Jo per yard. How
is that for high ?
COO now spring jackets and capos at
COc on the dollar.
Wo shall offer the biggest bargain in
white goods remnants ever hold in the
A solid bale ot them came in from the
factory Saturday to bo placed on sale
Monday nt OJc. They tire worth up 35c
u yard.
From the Selma , Ala. , stock wo shall
place on sale the balance of the very
line foster 7 hook kid gloves.
This will bo your last opportunity to
got $2.25 kid gloves for 8oc.
They como in all colors und black.
Monday morning from 10 to 11 o'clock
wo shall olTer all the gents ties left ftoin
the Solmti Ala stock that wo have been
advertising. They are worth up to $1.50
nnd go for lOc oach.
Boar in mind this ono bargain will
only bo on sale for ono hour.
Wo want to close them out.
Wo also want to close out the balnnco
of the wrappers. They are all now
Hpring goods , and tlio prices tire less
than one-third that you can make them
We just received our entire now spring
line of dress goods. Evorythintr is now
in and wo shall offer toinon'ow some
wonderful bargains.
Henriettas 12.Jc a yard , worth 25c.
Henriettas 25c , worth 39c.
All wool henriottas 49c , worth 75c.
All wool honriettas , the llnest quality
made , worth $1.00 , for Ooc.
All thcso goods come in black and
Wo want to. close out nil the jackets
that wo have loft that wo have been ad
vertising , and on Monday all the ladies'
jackets worth up to $3.00 apiece will gofer
for 86c , the children's will go for 5'Jc ,
and all the ladies' worth up to $5.00 ,
$0.00 and $7.00 will go for 31.23.
Wo shall also olTer tomorrow the bal
ance of those very fine silk velvets ,
worth $3.00 a yard , at 75c.
Stockinet dross shields , seamless , 5c n's
Canfiold's dress shields lOc.
Silk binding ribbon , the very beat
quality , lOc a Dolt.
Silk dress shields , best quality , 19c.
These shields nro worth fully 75c.
Bolting , 2c H yard.
. Pearl buttons , 5o and lOc n dozen.
Sntino dress stays , Oc.
Horn bono , till sizes , 7c a dozen.
Hooks and eycsj.Uc a card.
DoLong's hooks anu eyes , 9c a card.
.Book pins , 2c.
Best English .book pins , 5c.
Needles , 2c a paper.
Hair crimpers , ic a p.xpor.
Cabinet hair pins , 30 a box ,
Black pins , lie a box.
Steel hair pins , 3c n paper.
Rubber hair pins , 8c a box.
Stool beads , 8c a bunch.
Kid curlers , 5c a package.
Double handle eurling irons , Go.
Basket beads , He a bunch.
12 dozen agate buttons , 3c.
Electric curling comb. lOe.
Thimbles Ic ,
Kirk's juvenile soap Ific.
Kirk's perfumes , Hubsinn violet , 1
ouuco bottles 19c.
Cocoa soap 2oo a dozen cakes.
Kirk's honriotta soap 65e a dozen.
Any of our customers who got dupli
cate souvenirs at our store Saturday , by
bringing their duplicates back can exchange -
change them for different kinds und
those who como in Monday by asking
for the souvenir can got ono free of
Remember the souvenirs that wo give
you are worth SOc. t
They will bo given free of charge , but
only on condition thst vou ask for them.
RAMGE wishes to announce the ar
rival of spring woolens and takes pleas
ure in showing them to all his friends
desiring the best grades of clothes.
To Out of Town Clothing Huyern.
If you are going ti : buy a spring suit
of clothes write to us , describe ubout
what you are looking for and wo will
Bond you sample patterns by mall. Wo
then want you to compare our prices
with those of our competitors nnd you
bo the judge.
Wo tire having a special Sale on suits
nt $0.76 and $9.60 , on which wo save you
almost i of what you pay to high priced
Thanking you for past favors and so
liciting you to call when In the city wo
nro always at your service.
"d door west ot 13th street , ( between
13th and 1-ttli ulrc.ns. ]
Mrs. R. H. Davies , the milliner , is
nttonding the spring openings of inllli-
nnry in Now York.
% W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages.
Quick Tlmo to the Kuit.
Under the schedule , whloh recently
wont into effect on the Chicago & North
western Ry. , passengers can leave the
Union Pacific depot , Omaha , daily nt
9:16 : p. in. and arrive at Chicago at 11:50 :
o'clock the next morning.
This arrangement reduces the time to
Chicago two hours , nnd also affords con
nection with nil of the fast .limited trains
for the east , and the journey to New
York , Boston und other eastern cities
may now be made in several hours
quicker than over boforo.
In addition to this service the after *
noon "liver" via the Chicago & North
western Ry. loaves the U. P. depot daily
at 6 p. in , and arrives at Chicago ut 8:15 :
the next morning.
Both of the above mentioned trains
ire vostibuled throughout and are
tqujppod with Wagner and Pullman
ilcepors , free reclining chair cars und
"Northwestern" dining cars.
Bagcitgo chocked from residence and
through sleeping car berths reserved.
City olllcp , 1401 Pnrnam street.
R. R. Rri'CHiK , General A ont.
G. F. WKST , O. P , & T , A.
Eioh Effects in Two Tone Taffetas , Fancy
Suitings , Crystal Bongnlines , Etc.
The llnro Productions In 1'lnln ninl Nov
elty Drrn * rubrics from tlio Hcst
Manufacturer * of the
The latest English and Scotch effects
In all wool spring suitings
COc. COc. 50c.
40-inch nil wool suitings , extra line
quality , worth $1.00 , our sale price
76c. 7oc. 76c.
All the late spring shades , 42 inches
wide , splendid vuluo at ,
$1.00. * i.oa $1.00.
40 inches wide , unequalled for style
and durability ,
$1.35. $1.35. $1.35.
Bedford cords , in crepe effects , Bolgn
mixtures , twotoncd stripes nnd all tlio
late spring shades.
$1.00 , $1.00 , $1.00.
Wo have added many superior styles
to our already largo assortment of line
dress patterns.
Styles are exclusive. Our prices are
popular. Wo invite your inspection on
100 styles to select from ; beautiful pat
terns and colorings ; exclusive designs.
They uro 24 inches wide.
$1.00. $1.00. $1.00.
So much in demand. Now effects.
9oe 95c. Doc.
Superior dress silk. The correct
$1.60. $1.50. 81.50.
Our black goods department now con
tains nil those materials that are in
Full line of jackets , capes and ulsters
in the new shapes and styles for spring
and summer wear.
Jackets in all colors made with French
collars and 30 inches long , prices from
$5.00 to $28.00.
Black jackets in clay worsted chevi
ots and line twills , all made in the latest
style , 30 nnd 30 inches long , French col
lars ; special values , $5.00 , 0.50 , $7.50 ,
$8.00 , $9.50 to $30.00.
Capos40 inches long in blno black and
tan , handsomely embroidered and trim
med with feather trimming , till now and
very stylish , they range in prices from
$8.00 to $30.00.
Farnam and loth Streets.
An "liirly anil l.itr. "
A very pleasant little "early and lato" was
Rivon Tuesday evoninc by Miss Ottillla Pratt
at her homo in honor of Miss Sadie Maci ; of
Boonc , la. Progressive high live was the
order of the ovonlnp , seven games being
played , the ladies' first piizo boiiiR won by
Miss Matio McMcllnn , tbo gentleman's by
Mr. Mont Hasio.
At 11 refreshments \vcro served , nfter
which dancing was enjoyed until tbo time
piece reminded the participants of the near
upproach of tbo Lenten season.
Those present wore : The Misses Emma
Pratt , Margaret Hobinson , Eva Parson ,
Emma Parson , Malio McMellan. Etta Con-
ory , Muud Parson , Sadie Fitsrpatriclc , badlo
Mack of Boone , the Messrs. Henrv Blum ,
George Chapman , Fred StocUdalc , Charles
Millar , Moat Hasle , Charles Borttiwlclc ,
Henry Qrotte , Mr. and Mrs. Russell.
Ensor institute , South Omaha , for the
cure of liquor , opium and tobacco habits.
Mrs. R. H. Davics , the milliner , is
attending the spring openings of milli
nery in New York.
HouEton Cuio for liquor , morphine
and tobacco nabits. No loss of time
from business. Tobacco cure $5.00. In
stitute under direction of Dr. Houston ,
discoverer of this marvelous cure.
Sheoly block , 15th and Howard sis.
Dr. Cullimoro , oculis ; . iJoa building1
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
119 N. 10th street. Telephone 148i
Dr. Neville has removed his office to
the Karbach hlk. , 209 S. 15th.
.1. r. . , Johnson & Co.
Now occupied the old olllco of J. J.
Johnson & Co1. , 220 S. 15th , and nro
yeady to fill ajl orders for the line of
goods formerly kept by J. J. Johnson &
-Telephone 811.
J. J. Johnson , supt. of sales Western
Portland Cement Co. Works : Yunkton ,
South Dakota. Tensile strength equal
to any English or Gorman cement , and
general western agent Milwaukee
Hydraulic cement
Mrs. R. II. Davies , the milliner , is
attending the spring openings of milli
nery in Now York.
The People's Mammoth Installment
house has leased for a term of years the
two largo floors adjoining their estab
Genuine Rock Springs coal ,
* _ _ .
rr -L a >
Road the Burlington Route's adv.
6. R. Patten , dentist , Bee building.
J. R Diotrlcknrchltoct,000 N.Y. Life.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh. BEE bldg
Dr. Blrnoy.nosoaml throat. BEB bldg
$100,000.00 to loan ut once on good im
proved property or vacant lots In Omiihn ,
1014 Farnam Street.
C. W. Hull Co. , coal. Tel. 420.
You have seen California frequently
mentioned in newspapers and magazines *
Perhaps u friend has boon there und
writes enthusiastic letters bacu homo
about the climate nnd the fruits. It
makes you nnxious to boo the country
for yourfolf.
The best time to go is in the fall nnd
win tar. Then work hero is least press *
ing nnd California climate is now pleas-
ing. The way to go Is via , Santa Fo
route , on ono of that lino's popular , per
sonally conducted parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday evening , und leav
ing Kansas City every Sunday morning ,
Special ngonts and porters in attend
ance , Pullman tourist sleepers uro
need , furnished with bedding , mat
tresses , toilet articles , etc. Second
ehua tickets honored. Write to li L.
Palmer , passenger agent Santa Fo
route , 1310 Furnum street , Omaha , Neb.
$25,000 Hi h Gratia Imported Black and
Colored Dress Fabrics.
Sold to 17s by Oronlcil ConrPMlon of I'rlcc *
liter .Mndnliy nn Importer I'.ltlicr
Hide ( if the Alliintlc On
* Hiilo Tomorrow.
Monday morning ul-8 o'clock wo will
show the grandest line of high grade
drcts goods , robes and imported novel
ties over exhibited in Omaha.
Imported by u Now York firm con
ceded to bo ho highest authority on cor
rect styles and containing every novelty
that will bo worn this season , together
with marvelous low prices which will
prevail , the occasion ot this sale is of
such great importance that it will eas
ily standout as the greatest dress goods
sale over held in the west.
At $12.50 , $19.75 and $2 > .0l ) oach.
Scarcelv 10 days from the custom
house and received in Omaha Saturday
morning. The most o'.cgant and unique
point do Gene pattern robes. The very
newest colorings in now greens , new
modes , now reds , embroidered in two
toned tinsel with the most elaborate
gnlpuro do gene trimming.
Choice dross patterns for early spring
wear , no two alike , $9.75 , worth fully
50 different styles now spring dress
robes ut $0.50 , $7 75 , $8.50 , worth up to
75 now embroidered robes , all now
shades , stylish material , $3.50 , $4.50 ,
$1.75 for entire dress pattern , worth up
to $8.00.
At 25c Ill-inch silk finish honricttnt
in every now spring shade and blacks ,
regular 45o quality.
At 39o. All wool Bud ford now
fancy stripes , suitable for early spring
dresses and tea-gowns. These goods are
Worth 76c.
At 48c. Wo are showing an elegant
line of popular cheviot novelties , all
new designs , y.ig-zags , two toned checks
and stripes and camel hair effects. All
novelties and worth SOc.
At 5So. All wool French serges and
all wool French hunriultus , all the latest
shades and black , worth $1.00 , go at o8c
u yard.
At 75e , strictly all wool imported Bedford -
ford and Windsor cords , all new shades ,
( such us are sold all over for $1.25 a
yard ) .
At $1.00 a yard , wo will show 120 dif
ferent styles of the newest high grade
dress goods imported this season. All
extreme novcltio * . Nothing linoimudr > .
No two alike. Worth up to $2.00 a yard
Northwest corner 10th and Douglas.
* Two I'rotty KiMHliisrtom.
Mrs. J. C. Cowin , to terminnto the period
of joy nnd festivity properly , and prepare for
the Lenten rest which came in with Ash
Wednesday , eave two beautifully appointed
Kensingtons Monday nnd Tuesday of last
wcelc. The Cowin residence in Worthington
plneo was prettily decorated on bnih days ,
loses being in the ascendant , althouch pinks ,
Easter lilioi nnd , backed by stately
palms , added much to the pleading picture.
Tbo hall was rartii-ularlv well p.irnitured
with flowers and nnln-H , while ttio dining
room was n poem in its quiet , but effective
coloring. The guests Monday were : Mr * .
Patrick' . Mrs. Yost , Mn. Morstnan , Mrs. .
Barton , Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Howard Smith ,
Mrs. Hanchott , MM. Broolw , Mrs.
Paxton. Mrs. Bov-J , Mrs. McICenna ,
Mrs. Wnkoloy , Miss Walteloy , Mrs.
Hichardson , Mr.-i. Vates , . MM.
Sheridan , Mrs. L'Ute , Airs. Barker , Mrs.
Lacey. Mrs. Cornish , Mrs. Pritchutt , Mrs.
Wcssols , Mrs. Millnrd. M'-s. Gardner , Mrs.
Wallace , Mrs. Horuach. Mrs. h. H. Brown ,
Mrs.V. . V. Morse. Mrs. Popplcton. Mis.
S. D. Barkulow , Mrs. H. McCcrd , TVIrs.
Buchanan , Mr . A. Saunders , Mrs. Doanc ,
Mrs. Hawlov , Mrs. Cnmmmgs , Mrs. Gilbert ,
Mrs. Kilpatrlck , Airs. Gallagher , Mrs. J. J.
Brown , Airs. Perrme , Mrs. C. H. Hamilton ,
Mrs. Nash. The guests on Tuesday were :
Airs , Alorris , Air. ? . W. Millanl , Alrj. A.
Millnrd. Mrs. Gift'ord , Mrs. Bourke ,
Mrs. Deucl , Airs. N. Burkalo'v , Mrs.
D. H. Wheeler , Alri. Chase , AI's. W.
Popploton , Airs. Bisroowor , Mrs. Colpetzer ,
Mrs. B. B. Wood , Air. * . Beclcwitn , Mrs.
Ueome Squiw , Airs. A. Wakeloy , Airs. Pat
terson. Ally. Peck , Airs. Council , Mrs. Cole ,
Mrs. E. Cudahy , Mrs. Bofrps , Mrs. Drake ,
Airs. Alnrsh , AIM. Hitchcoclr , Airs Gaylord ,
ATrs. V. Cain wall , MM. Charles Squires ,
Airs. L. Reed , Mrs. Irvine , Airs. O. AI. Carter -
tor , Airs. Bradford , Alr.s. Motcaif , Al . AIc-
Intosh , Airs. Estabrook , Airs. Meday , Airs.
Coutant , Mrs. Kitchen , Mrs.Vymun , Airs.
Rogers , Airs. Doherty , Airs. K. Kingwalt ,
Airs. Kellar , Airs. Dundy , Airs. Wilbur. Airs.
W. Hodick , Airs. Greene , Airs C. Will Ham
ilton , Mrs. C. BrifTfr , Airs. D. H. Wheeler ,
jr. , Airs. Catlin , Mrs. Wheaton , Airs. L.
Hlchurdson , Airs. J. JS. H. PatricK , Mrs.
Tarty t Mntriijmlltun Hull.
The leap year ball given by the ladies to
tbolr friouds of tbo Metropolitan club Satur
day evenlnj ? was delightful in every particu
lar , the fair EOX showing great adaptability
in managing and directing the ball. Mrs. AI.
Hellmnn , Airs. George Hovn and AIlss Clara
SnhlOElnger had the affairs In ctmrgo and to
the minutest particular nothing.was lacking
to limbo the funptlon a success.
It was a rather novel' sight to see a young
woman In the position of mistress of cere
monies and additionally pleasing to ROO a
young woman read the crand march , intro
ducing llguros not heretofore used at dances ,
and then to make the event still moro
charming a woman occupied the chair
of toastmlstrcss nt the banquet , which
was served during the evening in
the dining room of the club. And
tboso varied positions , requiring quailll-
catlona of moro than ordinary
moment were 111 led by Mis , " Ulara Schles-
Ingcr. Several of the young women re
sponded to toasts ana showed that at on the
mantle of aSnlu , n Depew , a Porter , raipht
fall upon tbo fomulo alilo of the house in the
century that is coming.
Those participating were : Air. nnd Airs.
Iloyn , Mr. and Airs. Hollmun , Air. and Airs.
A. Calm. Air. and Airs. Holler , Air. and Mrs.
Lobman , Air. und Airs. ICtrt-chbraun , Mr ,
and Mis. Sllberstoln. Air. und Airs. Hoson-
stock , Air. and Airs. Kotuschlld , Mr. and
Kntz , Mr , and Atra. Polack , Mr. and Mrs.
Jacobson , Air. and Airs. Grotto , Air. and
Mrs. Becker , Mr. and Airs. Bergman ,
Air. actt Airs. Adolph Aloyor , Air.
ana Airs. L. Klrschbraun , Mr.
and Airs , llnus. Air. and Mrs. O ,
Stonehlll , AIlss Sohleslngor , Miss Jltll-
man , AIlss Polack , Aliss Alnttio Polack , AIlss
Lobman , Aliss Scllgsobn. Miss Heller , Alirs
Adlcr , Miss BecKer , Miss Sonneulll , Miss
Lowonstoln , Mlis Hosenntoclt , Miss Jacobson -
son , Miss Pracor , Miss Hcse , Miss Hoths-
sclilla , Dr. liosonau. Mr. Kaufman , Air.
Sollpsohn , Air. Julius Meyer , Air. Hose , Air.
Dclschcs , Air. Wessel , Air. 12d. Wosso ) ,
Air..under , Air. Frank , Mr. Kosentlial. Air ,
Morlti Meyer , Air. Lobman , Mr. Hoffman ,
Air , Laugstadter , Air. Bergman , Air. Law
Atoyew of Now York , Air. Brandoii , Dr.
llosowatcr and Air , JJottonsteln.
Ovt < r tlin CiinlH.
The R. aud V. or V , and H. high five club
met at the resldonco of Air. and Airs. L. AI.
Huootn , 2T 40 Popploton avenue , Tuonlay
evening and enjoyed a thoroughly delightful
gatno of cards. Prizoa were won by Airs.
Blanchard , Air. Vlroling , Mrs. Shull and Mr.
O. B. Horton.
The guests present were : Mr , and Alrs.D.
Smith , Air. and Mrs. Dan Shull , Air. and
Mrs. A. Vlorllng , Air. and Airs. S. H , Korty ,
Mr. and Mrs , John Bwobo , Air. and Mn ,
.f , Manchester , Air. and Airs. O , AI. Nattlu-
cor , Air. and Mrs. Halko , Air. and Airs.
Blanchard , Air. and Mrs. K , E. Bryson , Air.
nnd Airs. U. B. Horton , Mrs. Hughes , Mrs.
Dyball , Miss Pair , Alias Fos dike. Airs. Will-
lam Shull , Mr. William D/ ball , Air. Kobort
A MmvnfurlurrrH llthllilr ,
The homdqiatronngo movement is be
coming in oca 'popular every day with
consumers arid retail dealers nro many
of them oncanrn/rtng / the sentiment. As
showing whW bomo wldo-u-waho dealers
are doing tojllulp the movement W. K ,
Bennett Co.lihns sot aside n special de
partment for tie ( display of the goods
made by the < ronsolidatcd Coflco CO.
This dopaclmont is in the nature of an
exhibit of Urn goods put up by this
house and the Attractive nrrnngemont
ot goods thnpnrp In themselves attract
ive makes n display that is well wortli
seeing ,
A largo fflas ? case contains llavorlng
extracts of < every kind , prominent
among thorn' being the brand known ns
Dr. Baker's. The popularity of these ex
tracts , especially Dr. Baker's , is Jho
best evidence of their excellence.
Ono of the most noticeable features of
the exhibit is the showing of "Perfec
tion .lava and Mocha" and "Gorman"1
colT'.io. The demand for those brands ot
coffee has increased wonderfully and it
has boon said by dealers that no person
ever tried thorn that did not from that
time on give them the preference.
Then there is the Gorman baking
powder which is also put uf > by the Con
solidated Coffee company , and many
other lines of goods us German dry hop
yoiist , Imperial lluid bluing , spices , etc.
Every citizen must feel proud of the fact
that there is in the city a house putting
up such an extended line ot goods and of
such excellent quality ,
Homo patronage makes It possible for
such houses to exist. The Consolidated
ColTeo company pays out In wages $5,000
per month , and , as showing the extent
of their business , they bought the other
day in one lot 100,000 pounds of oolToe.
Tim ( iimriN * I'nll Dross.
The full dross Inspection of the Omaha
Guardt Alonday evening was witnessed by a
very pleasant lot , of people , who applauded
the efforts of the cracl : military company of
the city nnd watched their evolutions with
interest. After inspection the guests and
the Guards were permitted to dance to the
music of the Omaha Guards band.
Among these present were- Miss Benton ,
AllsjHe " , Aliss Leonard , Miss Fora Lnigh-
ton , Airs. Ellsworth , Aliss llaskcll , Aliss
Alyors , Alibs Moore , Aliss Hollinan , Aliss
Scott , MiHsAlbaugh. AIlss AndroA. AIlss Al
ien , Airs. Movers , Aliss Watts , Aliss Knight ,
Airs. James. Miss llindlnp. Aliss Price , Miss
Ambrose , Alibs Milestone. AIlss Abbio Leighton -
ton , Alk-a Buuman , Aliss Byrne , Aliss Burns ,
AIlss Hipgins , Aliss Goodsell , Aliss Pooru ,
Ahs. Ward. Aliss Ketcham. Aliss Dukin , Miss
Williams. AIlss James , the AIUsoj Whitman ,
Aliss ituiu'li , Mr. Long , Air. Frank Temple-
ton. Mr. Whitbread , Mr. Low Landtrpicn ,
Mr. Colt , Mr. W. B. Whitmorp , Air. O. H.
Dutton , Mr. F. Barrett , Mr. Q. KHOHSC , Air.
E. Wessols , Air. II. McConnell. Air. A. J.
Aloyors , Mr. W. S. Holler. Mr. H. B. Fostar ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bushman , Mr. Uillor , Mr. Will
Buirsws , Air. L.horlcs Burmoistor , Air.
Fisher , Air. Uuiror , M- . Ward , Mr. II. B.
bmlth. Mr. H. Woocnrd , Air. F. Beach. Air.
F. L. Gregory , Mr. C. L. Day , Air. Wytie
Jones , Air. John R Aitchison , Captain Ham-
ford , LioutoiKint Mulford , Sorpo nt Cone ,
Sergeant Dnkin , Sergeant Ten Eyck , Ser-
ircnnt Wilson , , Sergeant Hodgins , Sergeant
Belt. Corporal AIills , Corporal Alurrav , Cor
poral ICnupp , Corporal Uooiimun. Corporal
Senrlo , Private Luud , Private Deltoborts ,
Private Cook , Privnto Elliott , Prlvnto Day ,
Private Barnctt , Private Stotenborough ,
Private Wunian. Private Bovclle , Private
Colfnx , Private Squires , Private Burlcigh.
. \niilltury Can ! I'urly.
Monday evening Ouptain and Mrs. Aycrs
entertained at c.irds at their residence on
Capitol uvonue in honor of Mrs. Baker of
Chicago. Many of the captain's superior of
ficers of tbo Departmontof tho" Plntto were
present , and tfaoco was qulto a military at-
mosphercrabout the roams. Partners were
ascertained by means 'Of many pretty and
Unique military rteficos , . the symbols of the
varioda corpsTbrln ? " used' ' to indicate who
should piny vcitlt who nnd at what tnblo they
would'bo expected to begin the progression.
There were crossed rifles , cannons nnd
sabers attached to red , white , blue nnd ycl-
loiv ribbDns. while to those us the game pro-
pi essea tiny army buttons wero" attached ,
tied with the national colors , indicating the
number of gnmos won. Airs. Mclntosh took
llio first prize for tlio women , an cxqusito
lawn canter piece ; Airs. Benham received a
Dresden ink stuud ; Mr. F. M.
Kicbardiou won the man's head prize ,
a glass inucilugo bottle with silver
top and tray , whiio Air. Shepherd received u
prettily bound copy of "Homola. " The
guests were Uenoral aud Airs. JJrookc ,
General and Mrs. Wneuton , Colonel nnd
Airs. Sheridan , Lieutenant and Airs.
Woostor , Dr. ana Airs. Sncncer , Airs.
Wicks , Lieutenant and Mrs. Piper. Mr. and
Mrs.V. . H. Yates , Airs. Bcnhnm , Air. and
Airs. Itiohnrdson , Air. nnrt Airs. Huhsey , Mr.
and Airs. Hill , Mi4. . and Airs. MoKcnna , Alias
Balcombe , Air. Bache , AlUs Hussey , Air. nnd
Airs. B. B. Wood , Air. nnd Airs. Burkalow ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh , Airs. Lewis Heed ,
Air. Algernon Patrick , Air. Vornov , Captuin
CrowdC" , Air. Shepherd.
At Ilrllln 'H Hull.
A select leap yjar Dirty wa given Alon
day cvoatng at ErJiinz's hall by the Misses
Clara Clavoland , Lllho Brontoa. Llzzlo nnd
Aggie Wilson , Alamlo Brady and Grace
Cleveland. Tha young ladies obtained tbo
assistance of threes younx' gantlo.iiaii , who
acted us floor manager ) and who did all in
their power to assist tbo fair hostesses.
The hall was vJry prettily decorated by
thobo who had the arrangements in charge.
The grand mansti presented a lovely plcturo
to the spectators ns they watehod the many
prettily costumed yoang lilies ; marching
boucath the lo\v draped ceiling. Sherbert
and caku were served throughout the evenIng -
Ing In the balcony. Twenty-thrco numbers
were dan cod.
Among these present were Air. and Airs.
Frank Anderson , Fred Alotzer , Airs. Allen
of Denver , Master Ilulph Anderson , Misses
Clara Cleveland , Lillie Brcnton , LIzzio Wil
son , Alamio Brady , Grace Cleveland , Koso
Brady , Sophie Cleveland , Cherry Tvlcr of
South Omnha , L. Holliday , D. Freeman , AI.
Gould , ICelley , Carloss of South Omaha ,
Shields of Council Bluff * , Block , Thornton ,
B. Wltherspoon , LUzlo Leoder , Nannio An
derson , Crawford , N. Askwith , Bush ,
Aloselv , Somcmoii , Lavender , Louisa Leoder ,
Lena Looder , Pearl Page , Colo. Alcssrs. J.
Simpson , H , Hllfrich , T. Cleveland , M. Hus-
fla , II , Htissio , J. T. Kitzmorris , D. Brady ,
Brosttaux of Now York , N. W. Nelson ,
Gonnoll , Gould , P. Hollldny , O'Neill , G.
Clavolund , L. Looder , ijmcaton , T. Murphy
of South Omaha , Uaclu , H. Taggnrt , Wrlglit
of South Omaha , Conlov , Slater , Castellar ,
N. Brown , Adams , AlcVun , Htouber.s , Page ,
G , Moseley , , O4Uon , IColloy , Van Court ,
Knanp. _
V\i'Ulcntitlly hliot.
OKI.IUCIIH , SID. , Alaroh P. [ Special to THE
BKC.J HugtjuHqughton und wife , living
south of town , ' wont to a neighbor's this
afternoon , Icavlnn their oldest son , a lad of
about 1' ' youifi ) at homo te watoh the stack.
Upon ruturuUig homo Freddy was found
lying on the HOOP dond. with a largo bullet
hole through bis hoad. Ho had taken down
the largo revolver during his parents' absence -
sonco und apparently was Intending to take
It to the Hold , ' as Ills pony wu s'lUJlod at
the door
Kallcttnf flptilluwtirlcn uiiilcr tlitt
t < nt ; citiU nifrWnunt Hue tenant * .
Inzbticut , iiifnnt bun ofV. . II , and ( , ' , ) ni Do
Friini'U , azu : i months. I'linorul tills uftur-
noon l"Uj ; '
We Are Sf Holly In It.
Ily handling nothing but first dlnss
poods nnd selling them nt the lowest
possible margins we have built up n big
business. Kncburngod by this result
wo have decided to mnko n fitUl harder
effort for public favor this spring. Wo
have mndo enormous cash purchases
of spring Eults from manufacturers
that were pushed for money on
account of slow collections. Wo
offer 100 styles ot olccnnt men's
suits light or dark color , light , medium
weight or heavy amongst thorn. You
will llnd plntn grey cnsslmcro worth up
to $12.00 for $0.75.
75 styles o ( suits , Inclndlne cork
screw Worsteds , worth up to 818.00 for
Lots of people like square corner
coats , and because they can't find any
thing nobbv enough roaily tnndo they
pay about $45.00 to a high toned merchant
chant tailor. Now wo have had mado"
especially for us out ot imported cloth
a line ot the above described suits ox-
antly us your tailor would malco them ,
and wo oiTor them for $20.00 , lilted up to
your body. No trouble to show goods
whether von buy or not ,
130't DoUdLAS STUKKT ,
2nd door west of 13th , bet. 13th < fc 14th st.
Kcpnlillrnn Central Commuters i : rncstly
Coimlderlng u Nmv Iv. .
There wns a Joint nicotine of the repub
lican city central committee and the county
central committee yesterday afternoon at the
Houubhcan League headquarters. The moot
ing was largely attended and the harmony
that prevailed was decidedly encouraging.
The principal subject discussed was a pro
posed law to regulate primary elections sug
gested by the Lincoln club. Chairman D. H.
Mercer of the county central committee In
troduced the subject and said that the Lin
coln club had discussed H , at loncth. Ho
then presented n copy of the law thnt had
been drafted by the Lincoln club. It wnj
qtlito .similar to the Australian ballot law ,
with irss complication.
Air. Sol Prince explained the Lincoln club
primary scheme nnd said that the central
cotmntttco .should tnko .somo action in the
mutter. A Joint commlttco from the two
central committees to prepare u primary law
nnd icport It to n Joint mooting next Satur
day of the two central committees was
named as follows : Charles Unit , J. AI.
Counsman. T. L. Van Dorn , George S.
Smith , Sol Prince , John A. Wostberg nnd
Bruce McUulloch ol South Omaha.
Chnliumn D. H. Murcor and Uichard
Smith \vjro also made members of the sub-
The sub committee will hold n mooting at
the le.ipuo headquarters tonight.
The executive commlttco of the republican
city central commlttco will meet at the league
headquarters next Tuesday night to transact
important business.
Jt Is I'rimikcil liy tlio Discovery That He
Mils KITH Duped.
Councilman Elsasscr was the mnadest
man In town last night , nnd from the way hu
tnlkcd ono would suppose that before morn
ing there would bo two or three corpses in
Alike Maul's morgue. About n month ago
the councilman and Billy Donnelly signed
the bond of E. A. Ivoon , representative of a
Kansas City paper , for his appearance in the
distiicl court when ho was arrested on
complaint of W. S. Shoemaker on the charge
of criminal libo ) . According to JSlsusscr's
statement ho was anxious to bo released from
the bond , nnd so informed Keen about a
week ago. Several times during the week
the request to bo released was made and each
time Kooti promised to attend to the matter.
About o o'clock yesterday afternoon Air.
Klsasscr ran Keen down and stated that ho
had como to take Keen ana turn him over to
the authorities. Keen expressed a wininc-
ness to go und regretted that ho tad been too
busy to attend to the bond.
Ho asked for a little moro time , which request -
quest wns granted. 'Keen worked ut his
UOM : for awhilo. all the tima wat hod T > y his
bondsman. At last Keen loft his aosi and
prepared to go with Elsusser. but wanted to
stop into the toilet room a moment.
The councilman waited und is waiting yot.
That was the reason f or Elsasser's great load
of wrath. Keen slipped out nr.d o-csumaoly
took a motor for the Iowa side i J thoriver.
When ho found he had been dupau the coun
cilman loaded himself and his wr.Uh into a
cab nnd started out in the storm to hunt for
the missing man.
Stounu'r Arrl\ilK.
At Now York Umbrla , from Liverpool ;
Daniel , from Hamburg ; Labourgno , from
At London Richmond Hill and England ,
from Now York.
At Lizard Passed Europe , from Now
At Boulogne Obdam , from Now York.
At Brow Head Passed Etruria , from
Now York for Liverpool.
At St. Thomas' Sailed Seguranca and
Finance , both from Brazilian ports tor Now
I'KBSOX.IL I'AK.Uilt.ll'ns ,
W. J. Cook of Blair is nt the Millard.
Air. S. G. Joyce Is in New York City.
J. A. Davis of Plattsmouth is at. the Alur-
H. n. Tinsley of Long Pine Is nt the Alur-
E , J. Lawton of Dead wood Is at the Ar
ea Uo.
II. Hunter of Hock Port , AIo. , Is at the
Pax ton.
E. 1C , Cobb of Geneva is a guest at the
O. E. Berg of Blair was at the Dellono
J. S. Giihain of Hoa Cloud is stopping at
the Arcade.
F. W. Lewder of Sioux City , is n guest nt
tbo Arcade.
John Barker and child of Deadwood are at
the Paxton.
H. H. Townly and wife of Lincoln are at
the Allllard.
F. AI. Park of Lincoln wns at the Allllard
last evening.
John F. Sherman of Wuhoo Is registered
at the Arcade.
Andrew Kerr of Beatrice was at the Mil
lnrd yostcrduy.
Aliss ROJO Von Stouben of Nebraska City
Is at the Dellono.
A. E. Langdon of Papllllon was nt the Dol-
lone last evening.
H. H. Alusgiovo of Columbus was at the
Arcade yesterday.
W , O. Ilumbol of Falrbury was at the
Alurrav yesterday.
J. W. Goodhnrd of Klkbora was nt the
Dollono yesterday.
A. L. Spearman of Sprmgflold was nt the
Paxton last evening.
J , D. Harris , wife and sister of Lincoln are
guests at the Allllurd.
Georgn S. Patterson of North Platte was
at the Alurrav yesterday.
H. H. Jackson and George Simonds of
Hastings wore at tbo Dellono ycstorday ,
E. A , Browtvand William P. Oftergrlug of
Nebraska City were at the Dellono last evenIng -
Ing ,
Charles G. SU'olo , George L. Il s , G. DOR-
ner and W , H. Bucholz of Norfolk were ut
the Alillard yesterday ,
Messrs. Emerick II. and J. E. iSickcls of
Philadelphia spent a few days in Omaha last
week. They expressed themselves us very
much pleased with the west.
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the vStaudard
John Groves Tolls Something of the Oourso
of the Firm That is Kicking ,
Hofrnmn-Kcrro Coinpniiy f Clitrngo Until *
Good n Clinnrii HA Aill ) ily In-
lilo IIIMory ul thn Cine
OHru Out.
Next Tuesday when the grand Jury re
sumes Its labors nftor the vacation that Is
now bclnp enjoyed , the members of that
body , hould they so desire , may unearth
some very racy matters connected wllli the
letting of the contract for furnlsliliiR vault
ilxturos for the now city hall. It ttin stories
now being told arc true some ot the parties
conncctcit with the HolTman-Kcoto Pile com
pany of Chicago may appear In a most un
favorable light.
Last Wednesday evening TUB UKB pub
lished an Interview had with II. J. Hoffman
of the Hoffmnn-Koefo rompany , In which
that gentleman openly charged that the
Fonton Motahc Manufacturing company and
the Ofllco Specialty Manufacturing company
were In collusion for the purpose of mnxlng
Omaha pay nn exorbitant prlco for her
vault una oftlco fittings. In tbo sumo inter
view Mr. Hoffman volunteered the Informa
tion that ho was too busy to como to Omaha
for the purpose ot tolling the fraud Jury
what ho know about the matter.
YcMorJav City Clerk Orovos unbosomed
himself and told some tales out of school.
Not only this , but ho told all of tlio circum
stances connected with Mr. Hoffman's pro
truded bid nnd Its rejection ; the vlst of his
npcntto this city nnd howthomaniittomptod
to cngapo In the leg pulling business on his
own account.
Mr. Orovos explained that advertisements
inviting bids on the vault ilxturos were In-
ortod in Tin : Uri : , the World-Herald nnd
the American Architect , Such notice to
bidders stated that they were to furnish
their own plans and specifications ; the bids
were to bo opened on August 18 , 1SU1 , and
were to b.ivo boon acoompanlod bv a certi
fied check for S" > OJ. On August , ' 10. II. J.
Hoffman wrote the following letter , address
ing it to the committee on public property
and buildings :
Will yon kindly Inform us wlit1ier you
coiitcinp'ato ' llio Diirchaso of metal furniture )
for vour vaults , nnd If sovhil : aggregate
amount of wall sp.ico In Miuiro | foot you will
luiliilre to linvo filled , approximately ?
On August 13 this letter , the only ono
which ever reached Air. Groves or any of
the member.of the committee on public
property und buildings , was received by
Henry OstholT , chairman of the committee" ,
and sent to him in euro of Mr. Groves. The
sumo day the epistle was turned over to Mr.
Groves , who was instructed to telegraph
this message to Mr. Hoffman at his ofllfo ia
the rotunda of the Palmer house , Chicago :
I'or the Information you desire wire 1'owlor
& Itelnaotll , architects. HUB bulMlng.
Continuing Ills statement , Mr. Groves said
tnut no persou connected with llio Hoffman
company sought any moro information upon
the subject until the day before the blUs
were opened , when on agent appeared upon
the scene and asked to bo allowed to bid.
Ho was tolu ho mustcncloso acortiliod choclc
for WOl ) . This the man did not do , but , in
stead went to the other bidders and told
them that if thov would give him ? TiOO ho
would not bid. Tbo proposition was re
jected , after which ho offered to stay out If
bo was paid W > 0. This offer , like the former
ono was rejected and the man wont axvay.
Ho borrowed ? i > to pay his hotel bill and re
turned homo to become an inmate of an in
sane asylum.
Mr. Groves states that if the Hoffman-
Kcefo company did not bid on the vault lix-
turos it wns its own tault , as thcro was
plenty of time to have son' , a man to Omaba
after the house was telegraphed concerning
the requirements asked of tlio bidders. The
information ashed could not have been sent
to the oooplo by telegraph , as It
would have required n man to have gone
through each oftloo nnd made specifications
utm then telegraphed them to Chicago.
Mr. Groves thinks thcro is altogether too
much backcapping among some of tbo
bidders for city work. They want to wait
until the last 'hour ' before 'submitting uny
bids , which gives them an excuse for kick"-
antr. After that they want all of the bids re
jected. By so dome they are enabled to got
prices nnd then como in with now bids ,
taking advantage of the prices that other
bidders have previously quoted.
T o Colored Jfon in Jail nnd No Question
Alioilt Their ( iulll.
MEMPHIS , Ter.n. , March 5. Two of the
train wreckers who have been operating in
northwestern Mississippi for tbo last six
mouths nro safely lodged behind the bars at
Greenville , Miss. The last of the wrecks ,
which wns attended with loss of life , occurred
on the Louisville , New Orleans & Texas road
at Helms .Station , Miss. The engineer had
to Jump for his life und the negro llromnu
was killed. The sheriff of Washington
county with a Pinkerton dotcctivo worked
up clows. Tnoy pointed to Bob Moore and
Sam Smith , colored , as the wreckers , bmilh
was flist secured , yesterday tlio sheriff and
the deteotlvo mot Moore in the rend , They
accosted him.
"I'm Hob Moore , " sola the wayfarer. / \
"I want you , " md the dotcctivo. * *
"Well , you can't prove It , " ald Moore do *
" 1'rovo what ! " , , -
"Dat I done wrecked dnt train , " snlor '
Moore , falling Into ttio trap. The ovltlon/r *
gainst both the prisoners Is conclusive.
D1LT.OX .I.V1 > ti.Wli
Inypntlgntlon of tlio UR | Itnllrimd Conililnn-
llnti Develops InlcrrKlhig I'liclx ,
NEW YORK , March 5. Inquiry Into the nl
loeed combination by the big coal carrying
railroads was continued this morning by thu
state scnato committee. Sidney Dillon said
Mr. Sago and himself were retired from the
directory ot the Delaware , Lnckawnnna &
Western to make room for Maxwell nnd
Unker , who had acquired 100,000 shales of
the stock. Hussoll Sago testified to the
same olToct. When asked It ho thought thu
Intention was to advance prices as fur ns thu
maricot would bear , Mr , Sago said : "Yuv
sir , to ndvHiico prices as fnv an they dare ?
They nro fcollnir the puolla puMo at pres
ent. " Sage oxulRlnod that thcro was no
limit to prices , nnd such n combination as ho
understood had been made could control the
S. A. Williams , comptroller of the Central
road , was the third witness. Ho understood
that thcro was a combination ot sums of the
roads. Ho ban not seen n draft of the con
tract between the Central and the Heading
roads nor had this contract botweemiho
roads been ( lied with him arthoy should > I
such contracts had boon mado. Ho knew of *
no contract between the Lackawmitia and
Heading but ho understood that thcro had
boon nn agreement of some kind between tbo
Heading and Central. W. O. Oakman ,
secretary of tbo Jersey Central had
scon what purported to bo nn agioe-
mcnt between bis road nnd the
Heading. It had been sent to Philadelphia
nnd la now In the hands of the attorney general
oral of the road for his Inspection. Tnc con
tract pronldod for the lease of the propel ty
ol the Central to the Heading for a. certain
consideration , 10 nor cent on the stock of the
Jersey Central to oo the maximum and ( t per
cent the minimum. It was practically a per
manent lease or transfer. He did not think
that the combination of railroads would af
fect the prlco ot coal ns far us consume .
were concerned , , it might ralso the price 10
the big buyers.
Cutting Don 11 thu I'lini * .
Dr.NVKii , Colo. , March 5. For some lima
the matter of shoi'toning the time between
Denver and Chicago has boon agitated by
parties interested In transcontinental rail
way passenger service and It U quite likely
that an experiment will bo made before long.
The Hock Island has boon considering the
matter nnd has under contemplation the
start of a short vcsttbulcd train leaving
Denver at noon , which will arrive in I'lncaso
the next afternoon at 5. The plan will prob
ably bo put iu opi'rnticn before May 1 , If It
is d'ono tbo Ulo Grundo will shorten tbo time
between Ogden and Denver , making cornice
tion with the Hock Island nt 1'uoblo , wneio
a light flyer , consisting of n light bat'pige ,
chair and Pullman car , will take the through
passengers fo:1 : Missouri river points and Chicago
cage and make , the run to Denver , 120 miles ,
in ubout two hours , making connection \\lth.
the Chicane train.
in : . 11 it 1:11 * ? UKKGA s r.
OMAHA , March 5 , f.
Contrary to expectation the souther
storm has proved the moro inlluontlal oMhlj _
two storms now In progress. It is centnl
over Indian Territory and southern Kansas
nnd is apparently a severe storm. General
rains have JaMou in eastern und snow In
western Kansas. This storm has continued
to dominate the weather hero yesterday and
will be likely to today. There has not boon
much chance In temperature , tbo coldest
point reported , JiG3 , being Dodge City ,
Kansas. The siorm will now probably causa
u moderately cold wave ever the lower Mis
souri valley.
For Omaha uud vicinity Continued north
east ta north winds , cold'ur weather , proba
bly with snow Hurries during Sunday.
WASiiisoro.v , D. U. , March 5. For Iowa-
Threatening weather , with rain , easterly
For Missouri Ualn ; east winds , becoming
variable ; colder Sunday night in southern
portion ; fair Monday.
For Nebraska Showers In southeast ; lair
In northwest portion ; variable winds ; slight ,
rise In temperature in northwest portion.
For Kansas llain or snow , followed by
clearing weather ; fair Monday ; colder in
the southeast and warmer in thu northwest
portion ; north winds.
For South Dakota Generally fair ; warmer
in the east portion.
For Colorado Local showers In the south ;
fair in the north portion ; north windi
warmer in the east portion ,
For North Dakota Fair and warmer in
tbo southeast portion.
For Montana Fair , west winds ; warmev
in the west portion.
The renont civil war in Chili cost tin
victors , the congressional party , $15,000,000 ,
according to a recent estimate made by the
Chilian newspapers. Of that amount jss.1-
000 was contributed by Senora Dona.ltwiM
Kdwnrds , tlie mother of Don Augustin IM-
wards , minister of llnnnco , from her private
fortune. Tbo cost of the war to the Hal-
niaccda partisans has not been llgurcd out ,
nor Inns because they lost everything , uud it. .
Is a big thing to estimate on.
Money on Real Estate. If
you have property for Sale
or Rent List it with
Has been u hip success und the public hna rouH/.od that there Is a place whore tlJSj ?
can got value for value , especially in our Gents' Fuinlshliifj Goods Department ,
und to make it more fully known to the people , wo wish to state u few of our nuiu *
orous bargains which will pa on sate tomorrow :
. "SO do/.on unhindered White Shirts , bold elsewhere from SOc to floe , outf
price SJUc.
100 do/.on Domot Shirts , advertised all ever from 25o to 35c , our price 10o.
75 do/.on Suspenders , with silk webs , lie.
85 do/ extra quality Merino Underwear , novvhoro sold under ( ! 0c , our price WA
Fast black Satin Shirts , with pookots , they are hummerp , at 47c.
Our Neckwear can't be equaled for style und prico. Sea our windows u id b6
convinced.Men's Clothingl
100 Men's Wool Suits , in 4 different patterns , worth $10 , pont $1.89.
50 Men's All Wool Cufasimcra Suits , sold nt $16 , will tfu tomorrow nt $6 7i > .
75 Men's All Wool Cheviot Suits , in light and dark colors , sold ut $17 , K ° to *
morrow at $8,15.
60 Men's All Wool Fancy Worsted , in throe styles , worth $22 , will go at $12.05.
The Popular Clothing House"
Between Douglas and Dodge Streets ,