n Y/7F7 r * 11 ; THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAIIOIT 6 , IB92-STXTEElSr PAGES. JECARDLESSOFCONSEQUENCE English Poachers Will Not Bo Allowed to Depopulate Bering Sea of Its Seals. ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT Borretnrj NoblnTnlcrs CoininUitlonor Itnitm to Task Destitution In Aliiskn An Ap * proprlntlon Ankril KorVnshlng * ton Nc\vs nml Uosslp. WASIIXOTOS- : . C. , March 5. The Boring tea matter has assumed n most serious pbnso and public officials make no attorn pt to dls- gulso their grave concern nt Iho outcome , and union Lord Salisbury recedes from his present position nud consents to a ronownl of last year's ' modus vlvondl , restricting the cutch of sonls to such ns Is regnrded nccos- onry for the welfare ot the natives , It will bo necessary for this government to undertake alone tha protection of the seals by the en forcement of laws bearing on the sub ject. Probably a special meeting of the cabinet will bo huld on Monday for the .purpose of considering the subject nnd deciding upon n plan of notion In en so Salisbury Insists on his last proposi tion. This proposition is that not only should Boring son bo open outside of tha thirty mlle zone from the 1'ribyloff Islands to indiscriminate sealing , but that tba catch within that bolt should bo limited to 00,000 avals , llrronrmm Impressions 1'rnvnll. It Is quita clear from inquiry at the capital that with the exception of n few members of tbo house nnd senate committees on foreign relations the senators and representatives nro in a state of Ipnoranco of the present negotiations between tbo United States nnd ( Jrcat Britnin respecting tha seal fisheries. There is ninong them n very gonoval , but erroneous , impression that tha treaty of arbitration Just mndo between the two gov ernments incllidod nil tbo questions nt issue , nnd that wbilo the nrbitratiou is In progress tha sealing waters nro to remain uuinfostod by poachers without further sUnulntion. Therefore , they have relieved their minds from further concern In the matter nnd have fulled utterly to perceive the necessity of re newing for nt least another year thu modus vivcmil or agreement which is nbout to ex pire by limitation and by the operation ot which the seals in Boring son wcro last sea- ion partially protected from destruction. Many of the senators also believed thnt the arbitration treaty contains a clause renew ing the modus vivcndi , forgetful of the fact that If this were so the president would not bo engaged In n strcnous elfort to prolong its life in order tbnt at least a few of the Bpnls may bo preserved ns tbo subject of nrbitratiou. Interim ! loiml Complication * Fourcd. This ignornnco of the real state of affairs at the capital Is partially excusable on the ground that the treaty Itself has not yet reached the senate , and , indeed , it is hinted by ser members that ; unless Great Britain evinces a disposition to act witn fairness in the nmttor or modus vivcndi it may never bo sent to the sonata by the president. While this deplorable contingency is not believed to bo neur nt hand the few congressman who arc Informed ns to the exact situation express - press privately their pruvo concern at the outlook nud fear that it the treaty fall ? and thu contentions of the two nations relative to the right of their subjects in Boring son revert to the status they occupied nt the be ginning of negotiations sovunxl years ago serious International complications may bo expected. The discussion of the subject hns hnd the effect to nttrnct the attention , not only of the general public , but nlso of vcxisol owners , nnd the latter , allured by the promise of lurgo profits from seal fishing in the north- urn waters , -ard mailing .preparations for nuivlug toWnrd-Bennp s'en'ln such numbers as to wnrjautt-bo belief thut unless the move ment is promptly mid vigorously checked , the seal rookeries will . bo Completely depopu * - - lated. Pouching Will Not lie 1'crnilttod. Such members of the foreign relations committee as nro conversant with the subject are of the opinion that the United States cannot permit this organized system of poach ing to bo resumed , and that failing in its ef fort to secure a renewal of the modus vlvondl , in Justice to the half starved natives ot the t > i'nl islnnds , if not from a regard for tbo dig nity of the nation and the rights of lessees of tba islands , the government will proceed us boon as the season opens to police the waters of Boring son , nnd with a p-jworful nnd effective Hoot .seize nil poaching vessels , xvunrdless of nationality or of protests of m- tprosicd nations. While the adoption of such n course might appear to bo nn invita tion to disruot cordial rotations , und , per haps to mor.o serious consequences , it is said bv some members of the committee that It will bo really in accord with the established diplomatic practice which permits a nation vhilo its contentions nro the subject of noL'Otlatlon to maintain its ground until a conclusion Is reached , with the understand ing that if the result of tbo negotiation or arbitration is against the nation it will be under the obligation to make good any wrong li mnv have committed upon the right of the suujocts of the party to the controversy. SCOI.DKl ) Bupreturjr Noble OliJrcU to the Manner In Which reunion fused art ) Handled. WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , March -Sfcrotary Noolo'Jias sent Commissioner Huum u rather sharp letter on the subject of giving prefer ences in the adjudication of pension claims. The loiter Is 'ono of n series which hnvo passed between the secretary nnd Commis sioner Knum , The series opened with n let tur from the aoorotary to the commissioner stating tlmt complaints were coming Into the department of partiality in the examination and final disposition of claims. In reply ' Commissioner Kuuin stated that the rule wa's in aniwintr cases from the files for examina tion to draw from tbo completed Jltos accord- ii'g ' to the dates of their tiling. This rule , liowovor , ho said , wns continually broken through the courtesy which is extended tc members of congress who cull for the status or cases. These fractures of the rules , said thr > commission , had boon a matter of serious cnurorn and required immediate remedy. When papers in cases called for by congress. jiinn were returned and were round to bo uomplato they were placed on the oxuinin- vr'adoaic to prevent a second handling of the ] iup r und wnro noon disposed of thuroaf tor , vhilo other complicated eases , filed before them , were obliged to wait their propot turn , Secretary Noblo's letter of today was Ii : r ply to this letter of Commissioner Kaum. U'lio horrotary snys that when the completed i.Asox nro returned by' congressmen , they should bo placed bask in file In regular ordoi and not ou the examiner's desk , so tlmt oacl c.isci nuv take its proper turn in the axamln ntlou. Tbo scciotary says that tho"commis KlonurM reasons for not so returning thi imrors to the tiles is sufficient and wtthoul j'Hiillcation , nnd urges strict compliant with the rule requiring each case to como ui in proper order. _ M'ltlMiUU .NKAUI.V OUT < ) T DANr.KU The Only Thlntr to llo I'nuriul Xo - IH i Iti'lupxu , WAHIHXOTOX , 'D. C. , March fi. The condl [ lion of Congressman Springer still continue favorable , although there Is but llttlu vUibl Improvement thu morning , The patient I Mill vary much prostrated and the gmatos rani is being exercised to prevent a relapse lr , Vincent of Sprlugtlold , III. , Sprlucer' family physician , arrived , this morning niv was immediately called In consultation wit Ihu other physicians. At the conclusion o thu consultation nod aftorexamination of tli patient. Dr. Vincent , said : 'Tbo condition of Mr. Sprlugor Is vor. inui.'h improved , and whllo I might sir lie Is practically out of dancer , yet as i itntter of fact a man is uot out of clangor in imxnof this kind until ho bus passed the stag ( where n relapse is possible. It will probubl I 1-c several days before Mr. Springer will p.n iHit point. Ho Is so completely prostrate now tnat n very Hula Imprudcnco or u sllgb inlktaku would cause a relapse which mlgh jirove fatal" Itlulne In Much Hotter. WASHINGTON , p. C. , March 5. Socrotar JDIalne , who h been quite lit with the crl for several clays past , U much bettor today and hopes to bo out In n few dnys , PtailTMt.1 NULL T.tl.KtX < l. PrtO.Jnrlnon ( loci Into Training Mitchell I.lrkft Hulllvim Airiiln. l JS9J liu Jamu Onnlnn HennrtL ] March 5. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BUB.- Peter Jack son arrived In London today "from Now York , accompanied by Con Hoardon of Snn Francisco. Ho was mot at the Euston sta tion by the dologAtlon from the National Sporting club. Jackson goes into training nt Brighton In two wcoks for the fight with Slnvln In May. Ho weighs now 201 pounds , but will tram down to 1W. Mitchell M Inillgnnnt. ST. Louis , Me. , March 5. Chnrlia Mitchell nnd l-'rauk Slavin , the pugilists , nrrlvod In this city this morning from Now Orleans. They wcro today shown John L. Sulllvmi's challenge and nskod fo ? comment. Mitchell said : "As to inv reply to this so-called challenge to light hi September , I wish to say that there Is no man living who knows bettor than John L. Sullivan himself thnt I will bo dollghtod to say the match botwccn us Is ratified. As to the $10,000 bet on Iho outside , ho must bo crnzy , or thinks I nm. The purse would bo quite enough for mu , but 1 will wngor myself JJ.fiOO oven monupon tbo result. You will notice that Sullivan wishes to have every thing to suit himself ; the tltno , the place , the purse and the side bet. Now , I will in alto all thcso concession ; , and oven fight in n sixteen-foot ring If ho will pay mo for th o privileges. I doVt care under what rules wo light. I am willing to fight under Queens- berry or 1'rlzo King rules , and nny tlmo In September , Octonor or November , when the weather In Now Orleans Is coll. " Mr. Mitchell Boomed greatly irritated nt Sullivan's challenge , and it could plainly bo scon thnt ho was restraining himself and not using the lutiKUago tin would Ilka to when speaking ot Sullivan , for whom bo seams to have the most utter contempt. "Sullivan knows ho Is safe hi challenging mo to u light , " Slavin remarked , ns Mitchell concluded , "bocauso I urn to fight Peter .lack- son , the Australian , In London on May ! W. I will say now. however , that If I win In that fight 1 will return to America and challenge Sullivan , If I lose I may not. Mitchell bore will light htm and glvo him everything ho asits uud then lick him , although Mitchell Is thirty to forty pounds lighter. " SullUnn'H War Talk. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 5. Sullivan snys over since the existence of his two-sonson theatrical contract was raado known this country l < as boon overrun with a lot of foreign lighters nud nlso American aspirnnts for fistic fame , who have sought notoriety and dollars by issuing challenges when they know his hands were tied. Ills turn has now como , nud ho challenges "any and nil ( bo bluffers who have beoa trying to make capital nt ray expense. " He insists on nn outside bet to show they menu business. The Auvertlsor of Now York , Colonel Coukrill's paper , is to bo the stakeholder. " 1 " Sullivan "to glvo precedence , snys , Slavin of Australia , as be and his backers hnvo douo the greatest amount , of blowine. My second preference is the bombastic sprinter , Chnrlcs Mitchell of England , whom I would rnthor whip than nny man in the world. My third preference Is James Cor- bctt of California , who hns also achieved his shnro of bombast. But 1 include all fighters ilrst como lirst served who nro white. I will not light a negro ; I never hnvo ; I never shall. I prefer this challenge should bo ac cepted by homo of the foreigners who hnvo been spring so hard nftor American dollars of lato. ns I would rather whip them than nny of my own countrymen. Marquis of Quponsboiuy rules must govern this contest , ns 1 want lighting , not foot racing , and 1 in tend to keep the championship of the world where it belongs in the land of the free nnd the homo of the bravo. " tor ritz. Prnsnrna. Pa , March 5. Thomas O'Uourko this afternoon cabled Ted Pritch- ard , England's middleweight , to como to this country and ho would match him against Pitzsimmous. Will Hiivou Ciiunco. ' ' Nnw OIH.KANS , La. . March C. In answer to Sullivan's loiter offering to' fight Slavin , Mitchell or Corbott , President booof \ the Olympic club will tonight forward to John L. Sulllvanjartlclos of agreement for a glove contest to Ja finish with Charles Mitchell , the contest to take plnco next October , for a purse or $25,000. It may bo stated that Mitchell is very nnxlous to meet Suilivau , and boforoiho left the city Ia < t Thursday ho placed in the hands of Mr. Neal a paper authorizing a match between himself nnd Sullivan or nny other pugilist. Corbett Will Not I'lRht Choyuskl. PiiiiAPKU'iiiA , Pa. , March 5. Jim Corbott says ho has authorized no ono to make n match for him wi'.h Choynskl and that ho will not light him , having already bested him four times. Corbott expresses n willingness to moot Fitzsitnraons or the winner of the Jockson-Slavin match. ( Joint ; nt Guttcnbenr. N. J. , March 5. The trnck today wns very muddy. About 5,003 persons were present. KIrst rare , six fur lodes : Panhandle won , Ore second , Brovlor third , Time : 1:21 : , Second race , four nnd one-lmlf furlongs : ( illttor II. won , Hugo second. Objoctirn third. Tlmo : My Third nice , ono mlle : Sir George II , won ; Hailstone second , b'r.mk L. third. Time : 1X',1. : ' fourth race , thrco furlonss : K1U Knight won. Vocal second , Dillon J. third , Time : . .17 ? , ' . Fifth race , four anil one-half furlongs : Dixie \voii , Mttlo Kiod Docond , McKeevur third. Timij ; . .IS. Sixth race , soveii furlongs : Van won , I'ol- liuni second , Koiuplund third , Tlmo : ljl : > ! < Away I o Souk. CHICAGO , III. , March 5. The Chicago ball team will leave for HQI .Springs. Ark. , to morrow , where it will spend the tlnio fron : now until April 13 cutting In trim for tht season. N Orleans Uuclng , NEW Ow.Kvxst , La. , March 5 , Cloudj weather ; coed attendance and fairly fast trneic. First rncp.solllni ; . flvo nml n hiilt furloms Kocolver won , Fo\hall second , Dante third Tlino : ltH : ) ! . f-'cuond rai-f. mtllliiK. IIvn furlongs : Hnr.-ol won. .Miss Ki-.mcls second , Miracle third Time : l : < ri Tlilid race , holllntr. seven furlong * ) ; i'at Conloy won , D.ulv Undo.sooond , Tom lovum third. Tlnin ; I'J54. fourth race , handicap , gnvcn furlongs Sam Saym won , Mum HOCOIIC ) , Amor'uun hiuh thlid. Tlmo : 1'U. : Ite ultn nt Oliiiicnstnr , OI.OUCKSTKII , N. J. , March O. Soowlnir track heavy. Kir.it race , thlrtucn-slxtoeulhs of u mlle selllne : U.irlnhinm won. ( JariiBXlu ( Iho favor Itul MH'oncl. I'llirriin third , Tom Hey , Koslus Youim Loltory mid Question drawn , Tlmoi li'l.U. Hueund r.ictnl \ und one-fourth furlongs , ; | . year-old * , Milling : Kn.inn ithn favorite ) won Jursiiy RUCOII.I , Kraut third , ICddlo M. drawn Tlniu ; t.1) : ) . Third rai'u , onu mlle ; Unulta ( the favorite won. UlrtlKliiy bucond , Oanrood third. Tlmo 1.VH4 ; , 1'ourth race , llflocn-slxto-nlhs of 11 mllu hollliiK : AlRnminm won. 1'urnwood second Ilrasa third , KlylpnandTawmlKinnoelc drawn Clmtnr ( tli'i tuvorltul mn unplaccdi Tlmo 'I'lfth raft' . nlno-slN'tounthsof it mlle , soiling Aiutral won , Annie Ksuuund , linwUoyo tlijnl I' , J. 11 , , Cornu lit und ( iunovlovo drawn. .Join 1/icUIand ( tbo favorite ) ran unplacud , Tlniu biuh race. slnnd one-fourth furlongs , sol ] In'losi : ( > Iloward won , llojrl second , itovo ( thu favorite ) third , MacOruKor diawn. Tlmo I- " . ) . Murdered and Thim Cromitted. PIKKSIX , Ariz. , March 5. Tbo discover ; of the burned remains of a man and a bora in Thcsnul county , has disclosed a munio which is laid ct tha door of Senor Papagos Recently a noted smuggler , Figuoroa , cam to Tucson to buy supplies. Ho toft for bom und was never hi ar I of afterwards. Papago was liiioivn to bo on his trail and the dia covery of the remains has led to the bollol ' owing to Hii'rrouudlng circumstances , tha 1'iipagos killed nnd robbed Figueroa am then built u hugo bouQro over hit remain and those of hli liono. Allot her Onllfonilu liunlf Involved. SAN DIKOO , Cal. , March 5. General Mui rat of this city has been appointed receive of the California Savings bn-ilf bythosupt rlor court under proceedings Instituted i behalf of Iho bank comuiUslouen ot Cullfoi nla. This step was newmltnted by the fall- < ro ot the California National bank In order , f possible , to secure the depositors of the avlnps bank , of which President Collins , wliosuicldod , was vlco president and an nc- Ivo dlroctor. sicit V.INHS or TVi'iir/.s. The Worst Yet llUeovereil Totlny In n Crotvilrd Tenement. Nuw YOIIK , March 5. The worst case of yphus yet reported ws found this morning n n flvo story tenement house occupied by eighteen families. Mrs. Nnthonson Is the stricken ono. She contracted the llsonso by coming In contact with Immigrants. She was removed to North Hrother Island. Abraham Jcsso , the proprietor of n lodging louse where several typhus patients were found , was stricken with tbo disease this morning , Wfcstorn ItoiiiU In Trouble , CHICAGO , III. , Alaroh A. Western railroad ncn do not fool nt nil uneasy in regard to the outcome of the snarl into which they hnvo ; ot regarding r.Uos to Kansas points , Now .hat the light has narrowed Itself down to n contest between the Atchlson nnd the Kock slaml the Interest has roachciln point where speculation Is freely indulged In ns to whether nn nmtcnblo settlement is lossiblo or demoralization and chnos Inovl- ! nblo. The order of the Knnsns railroad commissioners reduces fifth clnss rales only , 'rom the Missouri rlvor to Wichita , Sallna , ilutchlnson nnd other points In thnt stato. It docs not apply to fourth class freight , which consists mainly of the articles om- jracod in the fifth class , In less that car load ots , which takes a higher rater per 100 pounds , Tbo Atchlson argues n favor ot simply oboylne the order of the commissioners with out disturbing In the least any bnt fifth class rates , whllo the Kock Island declares .hat such a proceeding would bo Illegal. Allegheny's 31 uyor.Sentenced. PiTTgntma , Pa. , March 5. Ex-Mayor Wyman of Allegheny , convicted ot extortion whllo in office , was sontonccd today to pay the costs of prosecution and undergo three months' 1 Imprisonment In the county jail. Only Twelve Seniors lerlni. ! HALIFAX , N. S. , March 5. It transpires .lint the disaster to.tho sealers Is less serious ihan was first thought. Twelve men only nro known to hnvo perished , though eleven urn unaccounted for. Decrease In the Hunk Itesnrvn. NKW YOIIK , March 5. The weekly bank statement shows the rcsorvo has decreased S. , CT7,000. The banks now hold $21,2&,000 .n excess of legal requirements. Foot nml Mouth Disease Prevalent. BIHI.IN , Mnrch 5. Twenty-two cnttlo markets in four cities hnvo boon closed for a montllu consequence of the prevalence of the foot nud mouth disease. The Klra Keconl. Liivnitroou March 5. A block of six-story cotton warehouses wns completely burned this morning. The loss will bo very heavy. ChnrKeil with Uobblng the Mnlls. NEWAIIK , N. J. , March 5. Superintendent of Mails Hammond has boon arrested on the charge of robbing the mails. Ilomb i\iiloslou : tit Itiireolonn. BAIICHLOXA , March fi. A bomb was ex ploded on tbo promouado Uracia today. No ) uo was injured. CllVllCll XOTIC1SS. immanuel Baptist church , North Twonty- fourth and Blnnoy streets Kov.Frank W. foster , pastor. Regular services ut 10:30 : a. in. , and 70 : ! ! p. m. Morning theme , "The Giroatost Question. " Evening tbomo , "Good Promises and Bad Conduct , " At the close ] f tb& morning service the sacrament of the Lord's supper and recaption ot- new mom- bora. Young people's meeting at 0:45 : p. m. Every one cordially welcomed at our church. Seats free. " * : First MclhodUt Episcopal church , Twon , ; , tioth and Daven ort'st-rootsT' ' ' ! .1 P. ' "S. Merrill. D. D. , pastor ; 10:30 , Lord's ' supper ; 7-30 , "Justification Poaoo. " Sabbiith school at. 2:30 : , and revival meetings every night no'xt wook. Kov. W. J. Horsha will speak Sabbath ev ening on "God's Hand in Kussian Affairs. " The church is at tba corner of Seventeenth nad Dodge streets , and strangers nro espec ially welcome. ICountzo Memorial English and Lutheran church , cornor'Slxtoonth and Harney Kov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Survicos 10iOa. : m. Subject , "Gain of Becoming a Christian. " And at 7:30 : p. m. two selected choirs will render a very beautiful antiphonal sermon. Preaching both morning und evening by tbo pastor. Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor - doavor atU:30p. : in. Everybody cordially in vited to those services and receive a Chris tian welcome. - Hillside Congregational church , cor ner Thirtieth and Ohio streets , A. H. Ross , pastor Morning service , 10:30. : Communion Sunday. Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor , 0:15 p. ra. Vespers.7:30 p. in. Su perintendent Bross will preach. All are welcome. Park Place Congregational church , Thlr- tioth and California streets Sunday services as follows : Morning at 11 o'clock to bo con ducted by Kov. Harmon Bross of Lincoln , superintendent of the American Homo Mis sionary society ; evening at 7:30 : o'clock ; pas tor's subject , "A Treasure and its Value. " Sunday school at noon. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock , to be fol lowed by nn important business meeting. A cordial Invitation to all. William J. Pasko , pastor. St. Mary's ' Avenue Copgrogatlonal church Services at 10:3'J : ' a.m. nud 7:15 : p.m. will be conducted by Kov. S. Wright Butler of Port Chester. Long Island. Sabbath school at noon. Mission schools at it p.m. Young Pee ple's mooting at ( J:45 : p.m. SU John's ( College ) church. Twenty-fifth and California streets This Lenten course of lectures , on Sunday nights throughout Lent , will bo preached by Kov. Father Hooitor , director of St. John's sodality , at thu requoit. of the members ot the sodality uud under their auspices : Consisting of doctrinal and scriptural discourses on sub jects of the hlghost importance , they ought to comand earnest attention. Catholics who attend nro invited to bring their noncatholla friends with ttom. The following subjects are announced : First Sun'dny , "Prlmn Fnclo Evidence of St. John VI" ; second Sunday , "Interpretation of John VI" ; third Sunday , "Fullllmont of John VI" ( Matt. xxvl. 20 , 27 ; Mark xlv , 23 , 2U ; Luke xxll , 10 , 20 ; Paul I Cor. x , 111 and xi , 2H , UO ) ; fourth Sunday , "Tho Kulo of FMtn" ( Matt , xxvlll , 10. 20 ; Mark xvl , 15 , 1(1) ( ) ; fifth Sunday , "Mystonoj" ( John vl. 5. ) , 01. 07) ) : slxt'j ' Sun day , "Tho Sacrifice of the Now Law" ( Gen , xlv ; P * . 109 ; Matt , xxil ; llobr. v , vll , vlll ; Malachy i ; Matt , xxvl ; Mark xlv ; Luke xxli ; 1 uor. x , xl. First ChrUuaa churoh , earner Capitol avenue and Twontlaih street Hav. T. E. Crnmblet , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a.m. and 7:45 : p.m. Sunday school at 13 m. Young Pooplo'i Society of Christian Endeavor at ( \'A5 \ p. m , .Subject of morning sermon : "Tha Measure of Greatness. " Subject ol evening sermon : "Now and Then. ' All seats are free and all nro welcome , Grant Street Christian church. Lnk'c street , between Twoaty-llfth nuu Ttvontv. sixth , Sunday school aii:33 ! : p.m. E. F , Pickeri'ig , superintendent. \VustiuinstorProsbylorIanchurch , Twenty- ninth uud Mason streets. The pastor.Kov. Jobi : Gordon , U.U. , will proauh at 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p.m. After the morning sorfic * new members will bo received and the jucra mont of the Lord's supper administered Sunday school at 12ID. ; Mooting of Younf People's Society of Christian Endeavor a' ' 0:45 : p. m. First Congregational church , Nineteenth and Davenport streets. Or. J. T. Uuryoa , pastor. Sunday morning services at 10:30 : , Immouialoly followed by Sunday school , Evening services at 7:45. : Prayer and prnlti meetings , \Vodnosuy evening at 7:45 : Young People's Society of Christian. En dcavor nt 0K : ! ) p. in. All uro wolcomo. People's church , ou liightoenth atroat between California and Webster. Key Charles W. Savldgo. 'pastor , Proachlu'i at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Boats free All are wolcomo. Sabbath school at 2:3) ) p. ra CastolUr Street I'roibyterlau church , Sixteenth teonth and Cattollar stroats , Kov. J. M. Wil sou , pastor. Subjects : "Redeemed with thi Precious Blood otChmt,1' ' and "Tho Right onusnots Which Exalts. " Communion sor- vies Sabbath morning. * * CynttiH Christian church. 4.113 Nlcholaj street Joseph Shields , p.istoiv Preaching at lOiftDn. in , ana 7:30 p. m , Sunday school nt 13 m. Young People's Society of Christian Undonvor nt 0:45 : p. m. Prayer mooting Thursilny 7:30 : p. in. . Morning subject ; "Thoso Who 'Pronch/tho Word' nro God's llepresontnttvns ; " otmninff subject , ' 'Whnt Must I Do to bo sKycdl" Baotism after preaching. All sonf froev Lowe Avenue Presbyterian chnroh , corner Fortieth and Nlcholnstroot.s. Roy. Charles G. Sterling , pastjb-/1'roachlng service * nt 10:30 : n , m. nnd 7niip. nit Sunday school nt 12 m. Yountr people's jSocloty of Chris tian Endeavor for nil yotiifff people nt 0:30 : p. m. Weekly prayer mooting Wednesday evening nt 7:45. : The Lord's Supper will bo administered Mnrch0 nt the morning service HU Marie's Evnnjoltoal Lulhor.m church , tiornorTwouty-flnt and Burdolto .streets Kov. J. O. Gllflltlv pastor. Regular services - vices nt 10lJo. : ! m. ' n6u 7no ! p m. Subject for the morning service , "Tho Coming King dom. " Sunday school ut 12 m. Cathoohutnon class at .1:30. Y. P. L. A. nt 030. ; Scats free , tnito your choice. Clifton Hill Gospel Mission Sunday school every Sunday nl 3 p. m , Gospel sorvloo avery Sunday nt-i p. in. Rev. Mr. Sterling of Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will conduct the services nl4 p.m. Everybody cordially invited. The First Society of Progrositvo Splrltu- nlists moots every Sunday in Marathon hall , corner Twenty-fifth nvonuo and Oumlng street. A cordial invitation is extended to alt , i At thoContralUnllod Presbyterian church , Seventeenth street , botwcon Capitol nvonuo and Dodge Rov. John Williamson , D.D. , pastor. Preaching tomorrow nt 10 ; 30 n. m. subject : "Christ All and In All. " And nt 7:30 : p. m. subject ; "Tho Christian Hope. " Sabbath school at 13 m. and young people's meeting nt 0:30 : p. ra. Everybody welcome. Church of the Good Shophqrd ( Episcopal ) I. P. D. Lloyd , roctor. During the remodel ing ot the church building services are hold at 1811 Lnko street , as follow * ; Sunday school. 0:45 : a.m Mon's bible class. 10a.m. Holy communion , 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Even ing prayer , 7:30 : p.m. Morning sermon topic : "Temptation. " Evohinc : "Rejoicing In One's Youth. " Seats frco to nil. 'Unitarla'ii church , Seventeenth nnd Cass streets Rov. Newton M. Mann will preach In the morning. The hour of service is changed to 10:30 : for the convenience of the Sunday school , which moots nt 12 o'clock. Tbo school will bo reorganized nnd all chil dren of the parish nnd others not in attend ance elsewhere are cordially Invited. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth nnd Davenport streets Kov. D. R. Wntson will supply the pulpit morning nnd oven Ing. Services 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Prnyor meetings Wednesday nnd Frlany evenings nt 7:30. Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church , corner Fortieth nud Nicholas streets Rov. Charles G. Storline , pastor. Sabbath preaching ser vices nt 10:30 : a. m. nml 7:45 p. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor for" all young people , 0:30 : p. m.Vodnosday evening prayer moot ing. The Lord's ' supper will bo administered March 0 at the morning service. Sermon subjects ; "Tho Uncertain Factor in Man's Salvation , " and "God's Control of Man's Wnys. " Plymouth Congregational church , corner Tvventith nnd Spencer streets , ICountzo Place Rov. A. R. Thaln , D.D. , pastor. Mor ning service at 10:30. : Subjcctof sermon : "Christ's Memorial Day. " Sunday school nt 12 m. . W. K. Russell superintendent. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor moots nt 7 p. in. Evening service : Union meeting nt Trinity Methodist Episcopal , Twenty-first and Biiincy ; sermon by Kev. Asa Lear , Pastor of Knox Presbyterian church. Southwest Presbyterian „ church , corner Twentieth and Leaven wefth streets Preach ing by Rov. M. C. Butfor of St. Louis , Mo. Morning subject : "A Divhio Physician vs. A Sick World , " Lukop-10. Evening service : Sabbath school concert. Time of services , 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m , Sunday school at noon. Como all yo WbouvUl , lot us hear and reason together. " v ' First Presbyterian church , corner Seven teenth and DoJgo sfifeoU Sorvfcos" at"10:30 ii.m. nnd 7. $ ) p..m.rconducted.by tbo pastor , Ko'v.-W' M/ \Haryh4/n.B. \ ; j Communion will bo observed in tho'niornirig. Sabbath school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor mooting at 0:80 : p. m. Young Men's ChrlsUau association , build ing corner Sixteenth "arid Dotiglas streets Free library. Reading correspondence rooms open week dnys from 8 a. m. till 10 p. m. ; Sundays from I to 7 p. m. Strangers , visitors and everybody cordially Invited to use these rooms. Bible classes Sundays , 0 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mon's meeting nt 4 p.m. Addressed by Rev. S. Wright Butler of Port Chester , N. Y. Current Topio club Monday evening at 8 o'clock with Dr. Joseph T , Duryoa in cnargu. Lotus Glee club of Bos ton March 23. Grace mission , Twonty-nintn and Spauld- lu . Sunday schocl nt 3 p. m. t'rcnchuig at 4 o'clock by R v. Irwla , All are cordially invited to attend these services. South T nth Street Methodist Episcopal church , corner Tenth , and Plorco streets Kev. Alfred Hodgo'tts , D.D. . pastor. Class meetings , 10 a , m. nnd 0:30 p. m. Preaching , 10:30 : n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. ra. Sacrament of the Lord's supper at close of morning sermon. Evening subject , "Does Christ or the World Rulq the Church ? " All cordially invited. Seats freo. Good muslo. The poor , the stranger' , tho'saint and the sin ner will find a hearty welcome. BoVh'Edon Baptist church , Park nvonuo near Leavonwortb. Rev. E. N. Harris pas tor , Preaching at 10.i.1n. m. and 7:30 : p.m. Communion at the close of the morning ser vico. Sunday school Ut 12tl5p.m. Sittiugs all free nnd ovorvono welcome. Free Church of S. Matthias ( Episcopal ) South Tenth street and Worthlngton Place , Rov. Alexander W. Jvlacnab , roctor. First Sunday in Lent Celebration of the holy communion , 7 a. m. ; Sunday school and bible class , 10 a. m. ; morning prayer , litany and second celebration of the holy communion , 11 a. rp. ; baptism , 3 u. m. Evonsoug with sermon , 7:30 : p. m. Dally morning prayer nt 0 o'clock ; Monday , Tuesday , Thursday evensong nt 4:80 : ; Wednesday and "Friday evening prayer at 7:30 : ; Wednesday , Friday , Saturday , ember days ; Friday , 2 p , in. , mooting of the Woman's auxiliary ; Saturday , 2:30 : p. ra. , Industrial school. A mooting of the Christian Social union will ba hold In the crypt of Trinity cathedral on Monday ovonlng , 7th lust , , at 8 o'clock , when a paper will bo road by Rov. Mr , Mackav , rector of All Saints , on the subject , Was Moses u Socialist ! " Services of the Associate Mission St , An drews , Forty-second and Nicholas streets : Holy communion , 7:30 : a. in. ; morning prayer , 11:15 : ; Sunday school , 10 ; litany and holy communion , 11 ; availing prayer , 7:30 p. m. ; Friday evening's lituuy .ana address , 7:30. : St. Aucustinn , Thirty-third nnd Frnnols streets , Windsor Place : Sunday school , 3 p.m. ; evening prayer , ' 4 pi m. ; Wednesday evening , prayer and , btblo study , 7:30 , St , Paul's , Cass strcot , twtntdors west of Thirty- second : Sunday scfiWplJJlO a' , m. ; litany nnd holy communion , 11 { " evening prayer , 8 p.m. ; Friday evening , littlHy'Ahd ' address , 7:30. : Grace , Twouty-nintH aWa Spauldlng , near DruliHilll : Sunday school , 3 p. m. ; service and sermon , 4 p. in. ul ) < | lt < < Southwestern Lutherani church , Twenty- sixths , root , botwcuna\yboUvorlh and Pop- ploton avenues , KfK , . . 'Author- , Kuhns , pastor. Services at , 1 ( , u , m , appropriate to Loiil , and at 7:3u , : jtj.ra. Subject , "Tho WrotohoJ Prospect QtiiMission { ( service at 2:30 : p. m , in th'e S uMcfcy school , Trinity MothnilUt i/jppujbpul church , corner Twenty-first nnd HinuM V.If.Bonns , pnstor. Preaching 10 :3'J : a. m. imji 7:30 p.m. Sub jects ; Morning , "AfV } 104.Do / . ; " ovonlng , union mooting sonnojij ' by Rev. Loard. Sunday school at ( | u J. T , Robinson , superintendent. EpjvbrtlJ League mooting , 080. ; Seats froo. varybody uiado welcome " " como , HullUiui.Wlllliij- to NKW YOIIK , ' March ( 4. Tbo following telegram is published h.oro this afternoon ; HT. I'Ain , Minn. , .March 4. John U Sullivan nuthorlzos mo to state that ho will llRlit either Clmrloy Mltflioll or Hluvln at the Olympic ) club at Now Orleans 'for tba punso of * , UOU nnd un autsldu bet of f loifloo. or as much inuru U8 they cun and will bet , tbo flzht to tulio pluco tbo lust wockof nuxt Aji.-nst or the first wuuk lu next September. September.DUNCAN' 1) . ) | AIIIIISON. Steamer ArrlvuU. At London Steamer Ottomo from Liver pool.At At Baltimore Austrian , Jrcm Elvorpool. At Hamburg Russia , from Now York. At Qppciiitovtn Itrlttanlc , from Now York. At Plymouth Obdnm , from Now York. At Now York Hocla , from Copenhagen. TrsfsnnXT's SHCONH RMTIOX. ] The flroat Oreodo Camp as it Appears by Day and Night , MONEY AND LEAD QUITE PLENTIFUL A NotiriMkiin AVoolnj * Dmno I'ortuno nml VlnwliiR thnSlRhtH i > n tllci Sltlo Mlu- crnl WonUh nml Prospects A. Great limit. CIIKKIIB , Colo. , March 4. ( Spoelnl to Tnn Br.i : . | Creodo , M soon "by your correspond- out , Is sttuatoj In the canyon bolwoon moun * tains tlmt nro seine sovou hundred foot above the town. Throuitii this canyon runs a small stream calloaVlUow crook. The width of the strcot or cnnyon Is between fifty and sixty foot. Including tbo crook. The water Mowing In the crcok Is clonr spring and snow wntor. Every nvntlnblo foot of tlm space is occupied with buildings , sot upon posts. The town of Croodo commences nt the \vc3t cnd'of the canyon and runs cast. Build ings nro strung nlong Willow crook lor a dis tance of ono mlto. Tlion commonocs what Is known as Jlmtowu. It Is impossible for n stranger to Know where the towns commence or end. It Is simply ono town as far ai 1 can see , although they have two separata postonlcos. 1 moan by this they leave mall at both the railroad stations. At Jim town there Is no ofllco as yet. The mall is thrown off hero and dumped into small goods box on the platform. Then some man slops to the box , calls off the address of each cnvolopo.If the parties whoso unmos nro called holds up tholr.hands their mall is hanucd over. After this process Is gene over with three times , too pallor throws tho. unclaimed mall Into this bo'x and goes nway Then everyone who comes along picus up the mail , looks It over uud throws it dncic In the box. At Oecdo pronor it Is somnwh at differ ent. There is a postofllco In n room 14x10 , and It takes you from ono to thrco hours ai any time of the dny to got your mail. Jim- town is soon to have qullo a nice oftlco with souio COO boxc ? . A Wniiilcrrul Cainp. This Is simply n wonderful camp. You can hoar tuo carpenter's hammers at nil hours of the dny or night. At night by the aid of ulootric lights. Croodo is undoubtedly the magio ctty of thorn all. There nro now over 2,000 buildings completed and sotno 000 Hearing completion. The ground is nil stalled off away up the sldos of the inountnins ono end of the buildings restIng - Ing on the rocks whllo the front Is perched upon posts. It makes a very strange sight to soo. I.lf in Camp. Iho toxvn now has eighty saloons , dance houses , etc. They are all In full blast , and such dance houses as they nro , and such dances , und such discarded remnants ns the old fnirio who lloat nround in tuoin were noverseon before. They nro n Job lot of weazened witches , but they make the night groan just the same. Drunken nion como out occasionally and empty their guns in the air or in somooody's logs , yesterday ono bad the ends of both t numbs shot off and another had the front legs of the chair ho was sitting on shot off. It Is needless to say that ho moved without any further Invitation. The nccordlan cuts quite a flguro in this light mountain air nt night. It is useless to try to sleep a night through without beint' awak ened by firing ol pistols and the yelling from thcso clous Itiislitiic lluMncss. This is really a rustling , bustling town. Every kir.a of business you can find any where is roprosentedboro. The furniture deal ers hnvo such signs ns this : -"Outfits from the cradle to the gravo. " The lumber men are-doing a rushing business , and also the hardware men. Money seems to be plentiful. Everything is on the jump. Rants for store rooms are enormous. A building on ono ot the town streets in Jimtown , say 23x40 feet , brings from $250 to $500 per montu , and it is impossible to get a store room at any price on cither of those streets. The Mines. The paying mines , as far as ] can earnl nro as follows : The Last Chance , Ainothvs * Botcholor , Holy Moses , Elholnnd the Hidgo way. In the latter mluo yesterday was found ono piece of pure silver weighing fifty- six pounds. Should the owners make a- few * more such discoveries and 1 think they will this will prove to bo the greatest camp in tno world. Even now , with lots of snow on the mountains , you can see prospectors at work. I , like many others , am interested In trying to find something rich , nnd think tbo indications are pretty fair. Ono hundred and thirty-two claims are staked off and named within a radius of six miles of Crccdo. Of these the six named are producers. The Holy Moses is the only ono of those com pletely bonded , nnd that for only $ TOOuO. The manner of staking off a claim is interest ing. The locator , alter satisfying himself thnt ho has struck it neb , drives n plain stick or board Into tbo coveted spot and in English more ompbatio than chaste or elegant writes thereon the name of the claim. its boundaries , whoa located nnd by whom. In this preliminary the law has "been com plied with. Tbo Load is the property of the "localtors" for thirty days if tney shouldn't ovou do n lick of work on it. But if nt the expiration of that time they don't dig a hole in the ground ten feet ileop they uro liable to lose their property through tbo act of the nimble Jumper , who simply announces on another board stuck by tuo side of the other. But if this Jumnor isn't careful he will got his head blown off and no questions asked. I'criimnimc'y. The permanency of the camp can bo de termined only by time. Tbo glib-touguea boomer will erab you by an nrm before you strike terra llrma from your railroad coach nnd tell you that nothing like It was over before soon on the earth , and that its pros pects surpass the wildest dreams. Then there is another species who u ill swear toyou wltn equal earnestness that the whole affair is so badly inflated that wiion it col- Inpsos within the year , or half year , millions will go to wreck. There is still another char acter of man , a part and parcel of tbo hetero geneous mass that composes tha young city's population , who avers that of course every thing is overdone now , but tbnt there is tha best and surest basis of permanency , to-wlt : Millions of silver already In sight , and the mountains have yet only been scratched , As-yot I hnvo mot nobody from Omnha Or Nebraska. The greater part of this popula tion , which is very cloio to (1,000 ( , is from Colorado. There are qullo a few greasers from Mexico hero. Strange to say , there is not a single China man to bo found in this oamp. The town , though without organization , Is qultd a peaceable ono. It will bo throe weeks before the people can organize a city govern ment , as there is seine doubt as to what county tbo camp belongs to. The camp is a great boom for the Denver & Hto U rondo railroad people. They have more tbau they ran do. WOUNDED KNEU. Tlltllll Of THK NKir TO/J/i 1'lUllT , IVlint n Xulmmkuu Tlilnli * of the Outlook lor Diiiiiorrury. CIIKUQO , 111. , March 4r Ex-Governor Mor ton of Nebraska , In an Interview in a local paper , declares that the democrats of tbo west are tired of the Clovolund-Hill flght ; that the pee pi u want a western man. Mr. Morton is disposed to favor Boles , with Hus- nell for vloa president. Palmer Is all right , but ago will count against him. However , it the democratic house jiassoi a froa coinage bill the ox-governor says it roakos no differ ence who the democrats put up , bo will bo defeated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kiiilorn < Ml I'ulmur. CHICAGO , III. , March 4. The democratic county convention today endorsed General John M , Palmer for president and Judge Altgold of this city tor governor. Corn Tor Mexico. ST. T.OUIS , Mo. , March 4. The initial kU In what is expected to prove a largo business was taken in the Merchants Exchange today by n call for } 8,000 bushels of corn for ship. mout to Mexico by tbo Tamplco route. This ale , although of great importance , regarded as a single transaction , is luoflrutof tbo kind cvor raado. During the last four ycftrs Mexico Imi raised corn crops nmplo nt all llmoi for it * own uso. Last year there was a failure of the cropnnd the United States has boon called upon to supply the deficiency. The snlo Is understood as signifying thnt the Mexican reserve tins been exhausted , XKXT ins ituft/.vj.StS' nii.tnr. ArchbMiop Irrlnml l Itrgnnlril with ( Ircnt 1'nvor 1 > y 1'opo I.cii XIII. ICopi/rfoFitnt / 1ST } 1 > yJamrJ > ( Inrtlon lltnntII , I HOMK , March 4. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BRP. . | The Monlteur dl Koran publish A four-column odluJrl.U In form ot n communication fron the Vatican in defense of Archbisbop Ireland , entitled "Mgr. Ireland nnd ills Detractors. " It says that for some time passionate nttnoks have boon made on the archbishop , who It now n cuostol the pope. AttompU have boon tnndo to provo that the archbishop's action Is In opposition to the policy of his holiness , no- cuMng the prelate of bolng utsloynl nnd be traying the cause of the pope's Independence. Tbo nrticlo says Ireland's American career nnd speeches hnvo given his enemies the llo , showing htm to bo nn admirer of the popo's views on reconciliation nnd pacification , whllo tilsvorlt has boon to extend the church's influence , gauging the spirit ot the ago , following Cnthollo traditions nmld changing forms and situations , adapting Catholic vitality to now needs , placing religion nbovo political strife , uniting and not dividing , nnd Inoculating the American republic with religion ns the pope would do with Franco. Mgr. Ireland's Bal timore centennial speech echoed the popo's Racial policy. His popularity in the United States makes useless his enemies' attempts to silence his powerful voice acd break his precious Influence. Hostility to the popo's policy U nt the bottom of these attacks on Ireland , whom the pope regards ns the ex ponent of his own vlowa In America. The pope will not allow himself to bo 'cut olt from his great friends by the tricks of his enemies. iiomtmi.i : SCIM : ; AT AN n.vr.cimox. Hungllng Work nT the i\rrntlimrruiiit : Ills Aulul IIIonflthlrHtlm'HM. Bnuu.v , March 4. The details ot n most horrible story wore received in this city to day. A man named Hagoan in Sladc , a small village In the province of Hanover , was con victed ou the chnrgo of murder mid was sontonccd to bo put to death by the guillo tine. tine.Today Today wns the day sot for the execution. Ho wns led forth to the plnco where the guillotine was orcctod , securely bound , nnd the executioner placed him in the usual pas 1- tlon on the hoard beneath the sharp stool blade. When nil was In readiness the knlfo was released ana fell on the nock of the pros trate criminal. To the horror of the specta tors , however , tha knife foiled to sever the head from the trunk , leaving the nock of the murderer in u terribly mutilated condition. The nwfulnoss of the scene was Increased when the executioner raised the knife of the guillotine nnd made n horrible attempt to wrench off tuo head of the unfortunate man with his hands , whllo the blood gushed in torrents from the gaping wounds. Ho failed to tear it off nnd ho again placed the body in position under the guillotine and tried n second end time to behead the man by means of the knifo. Again did the blade fail to success fully perform its deadly work. The execu tioner then procured a sharp knife and hacked nnd slashed nt the bacn of the vic tim's nock , at the same time fastening his lin gers In the man's blood soaked hair and pull ing with all his might. At length after chopping ping- through most of the flesh which still hold the head to the body the executioner succeeded In tearing the head away. \Viuits to HnC.iilllollnrd. PAHIS , March 4. The thief who shot two men dead and soriouslj wounded another while bomg pursued in the .Huo St. Denis late last night was subjected to a searching examination today. His namo-la Crampton' , but be refuses to give the names ot his two accomplices , who escaped. Ho said ho hoped tbo Jury would ilnd no extenuating circum stances in the case , ns ho preferred the guillotine to lifo In the penal colony of Now Caledonia. Ha admitted that ho bed al ready serynd a term of ton years in prison. Latest In the Dritcoii CHHC. ICojij/rfi/Mal / / isyibyjainei Gor.l < mJ3ennrtt. ] . GIUSSE , March 4. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TIIK BEE. ] There Is noth ing now to say in regard to the Deacon case , except that the authorities hayo today taken stops to prevent Mrs. Deacon leaving. She and her children are still nt the Hotel Metropolo. Mr. Deacon will bo set nt liberiv tomorrow or Monday at the latest , but will bo required to deposit 10,000 francs in lieu of bail. Uiazll's New Cnhlnot. [ Copj/rf0Med 1SI2 l > n Jamci Gordon Renneft.1 VAWAKAISO , Chili ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , March 4. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to TUB Bnu.l Whllo tboro Is no ofllcial news tonight as to the formation of the now cabinet , it is gonoraly believed that the late liberal members will retain their places and that cither Eduardo Mntto or David Mclvor will toke the port folio of foreign nlfnlrs nnd Fodorico Erra- zuriz t.uat of war and marine. In the Kniliflli I'arllninriit. Loxnox , March 4. There was more dobuto in the House of Commons today on the prop osition to veto f 100,000 for n survey for n railway line from Mombass to Victoria Ny- anzn in British East Africa. Mr. Balfour movoa the application of tbo clot uro rula nnd the credit asked for was granted by n vote of 200 to 120. Witliilroir Their Support , ATHHNI ) , Mnrch'4. Many members of the Chamber who on Tuesday last voted confi dence In the Dclyannis ministry , have with drawn their Hupport , declaring they noted In ipnoranco ot the notunl condition ot affairs. int. rs CASK. Inquiry nr to 1IU Snnlly I'mtiinnp riiiiifttniirr * In the t'n i < . CIIICAOO , III , , March 4. Who drew up the forged will li tonight the first question In the .fokj-ll-llydo cnto that Is puzzling nil of Chicago. But tot the alleged discovery ot Dr. Scudacr1 * surroptltlout bundling ot private papers of n rich woman who ho Is clmrgcd with having munlond , ho might never have boon suspected of the cilmo. A forged will Is In possession of Attorney Tolman , repre senting tbo rioaa woman' * husband nud sis ter. The circumstance * under which Scuddor had It drawn , if he did. will likely go far to provo or disprove hjs sanity nnd guilt. It seemingly was prepared by n lawyer , and the question of the attorney's identity and posst- blo complicity Is being carefully put toward solution. It is said an export to whom the two wills were submitted before Dr. cnd dor's arrest , and who know nothing of the circumstance * in the case , decided without hesitation that Iho two documents wcro not signed by the snmo person , ono signature showing n tronior Incident , to old ace , or fcoblonosE , nnd the other firmly written , with forced attempts nt Irregularity of out- lino. ThocRsoof Dr. II. M. Scuador. accused of the muraorof his mothor-tn-law , Mrs. Dun- ton , was called up for Inquiry In the Insauo court nml wns postponed this morning for ono week. A reporter who interviewed Scuddor Is ot the opinion that ho is shamming Insanity , Scuddcr denied ho killed Mrs. Dunton. Dr. Lyinan , insanity expert , however , bollovo * Scuddor Insuno. _ C.VUSKU 11Y A IllSVIVAt , . I'rco Methodist * ol Ailninn Count ) ' Attacked by n JMol ) . DBS MOINES , In. , March 4. A report Just received nt the Register ofllco states thnt the mob nt Corning , Adams county , mndo little demonstration tonight. It tins been hnrd to gain any definite Information nbout the mat- tor. A rollglous rovlvnl ot unusual Intensity has been going on in Corning for several weeks under the nusplcos of Free Method ists. The town hns boon thoroughly excited for several aays. The rouchor nnd free think ing elements have opposed the revival and throated the landers .vith mob violence on account of the affect they were having on the people , some of whom bavo shown symplomi of religious insanity. The revivalists declare it is the work of God nnd have persisted. For several nights the roughs hnvo been surrounding the church and attempting to break up tbo muot- ings.Tho The report thnt the governor had boon appealed - pealed to for authority to call out the militia has been alternately assorted nnd denied. The governor went"to Fort Madison this afternoon. Buforo going bo was informed of the disturbance and asked by n minister to order out the militia. Ho telegraphed for further information , but found the local au thorities , including thu sheriff , did not want the militia , nnd so nothing was dona. Horrible Crliuo of u 1'utlKT. MASOX Cirr , la. , March 4. Today nt Butta wcro revealed the details of a horrible crime. About thrco yours ago Mrs. Ooorgo Stuart , died , leaving to her husband's care flvo children , the oldest n girl of 10. The family kept together , but hist November the oldest girl wont to Now York. She re turned last Saturday only to become n mother the next day. She then told n horrible rible story of how not only aha but her younger sisters hnd been for three years compelled to submit to n fnthor's lust. Stu- nrt has Hod but Is bolng hunted and it cnugbt will undoubtedly bo lynched. Pretty liootl Shooting : . DAVKNPOIIT , In. , March 4. [ Special Telegram to THE BEG. ] This afternoon John Arp of the Wast End Gun club and J.V. Iloward of the Foresters of this city shot at fifty live birds , each for $50 a man. The score stood : Howard , 43 ; Art ) , 84. 211(1 VACKKllH IX CO OUT. Suit Afrnlnst Numerous Chleago Corpora tions nil Trhil In Now Jerney. NHWAUK , N. J. , March 4. Tha suit of Charles T. Wllloughby against the Chicago Junction railroad , Chicago Stock Yards com pany , Union Stock Yards and Transit com pany , Armour & Co. , Swift & Co , , nnd Morris & Co. , wns resumed before vlco Chancellors Green and von Well today. Tha session wns occupied by F. W. Stevens , counsel for the plaintiff , who made an argu ment on behalf of his client. At the conclusion of Mr. Stevens' argu ment the court adjourned. Will linllil u Xo\r Jluilronil. MADISONWls. . , March 4. Articles of incorporation - corporation were 11 led today by tbo Chicago , Lake Geneva & Northwestern Railroad com pany , The Incorporalors nro Fremont Hill. Horace A. Alexander , John S. Monk and W. C. Elliot of Chicago and D. C. Dunlap of Rockford. Tbo capital stock Is $2.000,000. nnd the rend will run from Lake Geneva to this city. 1'repurlnjf for a Verdict. Nr.w Yonic , March 4. The jury In the case of Bookmaker Webster , charged with tha killing of Goodwin ot the Porclval flats ol this city last spring , has boon locked up in the night to prepare their verdict , Jiifriiiceil on Their I'litent. CHICAGO , 111. , March 4. The Appleton Manufacturing company of Appleton , Wis , , has brought suit in tba United States courts against J. NicholU , also of Appleton , to cu < join nn alleged infringement on the patent method foe reducing corn on the stalk and sopuratlng the kernels , The machine al leged to have been infringed upon is in gen < cral use among farmers of the northwest. Suits have beou begun against a number ol agents. Itching Skin Humors Torturing , Disfiguring Eczemas And every species of itching , burning , bleeding , scaly , crusted , pimply , and blotchy skin-and scalp diseases are relieved in the majority of cases by 3 single application , and speedily , permanently and economically cured by the CUTICURA REMEDIES when the best physicians , hospitals , and all other remedies fail. No language can exaggerate the suf fering of those afflicted with these dis eases , especially of little babies , whose tender skins are literally on fire. CUTICURA Remedies are the greatest skin cureSj blood purifiers , and humor reme dies of modern times , are absolutely pure , and agreeable to the most sensi tive , and may be used on ihe youngest infant and most delicate invalid with gratifying and unfailing success. CITICURA , the great skin cure , iustiintly allays the most intense itching , burning , and inllamma- lion , permits rest and sleep , heals raw and irri tated surfaces , cleanses the scalp of crusts and scales , and restores the liajr. CUTICURA Sou * , the only medicated toilet soap , is indispensable in cleansing diseased surfaces. CUTJCURA RESOLVENT , the new Wood and skin purifier and greatest of humor reme dies , cleanses the blood of all impurities , and thus removes Jhc cause. Hence , the CUTICURA REMEDIES cure every humor of the tlin ; , scalp , and blood'with loss of hair. jri-"Hov TO CURE DISEASES or THE SKIN AND Duton"mailed free to any address , 4Mccf , 50 Illustratloni , 100 Testimonials. A book of pricclcu value to every tulluer. S REUIDIKS are told throughout the world. J'ric , CUIICUKA , joe. ; CUTICIWA SoAr. tA RESOLVBKT , $ i. 1'reparcd by FOTXBR DRUG & CHEMICAL COKP'H , Boston , U. S. A * ted , rough lundi , painful finger endt and ibapcleti mill Pimply Skin * re prcvcnlcdand cutcd by Cutlcura Soap , in comparably thcgreitc t cf Iun puiifieii and Uaulificrt , ' while nulling In delicacy and turpauinj ; ia purity tlie moil c penm of toilet nJ nurtery toi [ * . Tkt etj txidicattJ lollit leap and Hi fitly frtvitilh'i and eurt of uiflarmrulion and clogging of Iht ( joici , tht caut of pimplci , UicVhcxJi , tough , red , amioiiy littu , vid liaijle kainort cf UUaU.