THE OMAHA DAILY IWEi SUNDAY , .flfAUCH 0 , 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES. 11 U THE CONDITION OF TRADE The Grain Market Has Been Rather Slow For the Past Week , A REVIEW OF THE PRODUCE MARKET Jobbing Hnliin n Wm Never In Jlellrr Condition NoUrltlifttn tbo Ueport * of IMillneis Sent Out from Now York , The poor condition of country roads has vended to decrease farmers' deliveries of pro- cluco nt country points nnd to tbo same ex tent has Interfered with the trade of rotnll dealers. Conditions , however , arising from such causes , can bo of only n temporary nature nnd will not have any Important bearIng - Ing on the trade tn general. The jobbing trade of Omaha contlnuoi to bo unusually good for the season , and In al most every line Jobbers arc talking about an Increase tn Iho volitma of business over last year , amounting to nil the way from SO to 00 percent. Vhero was never a llmo In Iho history of the city when the feeling was us good among the Jobbers In all lines , nor was there ever a time when so few complaints were board. Not only does trade como up to expectations , but tt exceeds what the Jobbers anticipated. Many bouRCs have had all that they could dote to keep up with ordcM. At the sumo time country collections linvo been reasonably good. In view of those facts the reports tolo.- Kraphod nil ever the United States by n cor- tnln Institution , having Its headquarters In New York , that trade Is quiet at Omaha , seems very peculiar. Jobbers wboao atton- tlon wus called to the matter said that they did tint understand how such u report could originnto , as It wus certainly tar from the . truth. Tliu ( iriiln Trade , The local groin market was rather slow last wcoic. Country deliveries have been In terfered with by the heavy country roads , ana tbo offerings of grain -havo been light. The dally call has boon discontinued by the Hoard of Trauo owing to the impossibility of doing business to any extent under thu pres ent railroad rates. Orrmha brokers and - elevator vator men will continue to buy grain ns here tofore , but the bids 'Will huvo tb Do bo eden on Mississippi river points. Grain men fool that no great grain market can bo built up'ln Omaha until the railroads glvo stop-over privileges which will nilmlt of the grain -being brought to Omaha nnd in- sptctcd/nnd either placed in elevators here or diverted to any eastern point aosirod. At present grain halted in that way has to pajf tbo local rate into Omaha nnd the local rate out. The grain business is iifabout the same situation us the llvo stocks business was-In when the yards were opened ut South Omaha. The llvo stock market never amounted tn anything until the railroads were forced to give * stop-over privileges , and the grain men EIIV that the sumo thing is truu In reference to the grain tnnrkot. ( Jraln men point to Iho great benefits which Nebraska has-derived from having n llvo stoclc market near at hand.mill claim that a good gram market would bo of equal benefit. The grain men of Oinahn , however , do not nppunr to bo strong enough to forcti the railroads to glvo them what they want. Tlio 1'rodiico 3Iarl < ct , In country produce the changes hnvo not boon of a very marked character. The best grades of country butter uro not plenty and have commanded good prices till tno week. , Poultry bus been very slendy with no quota ble change in prices. Kggs have not boon very strong and the week closes with a feeling among n portion of the trade at least that prices are about to go still lower. In the vegetable Htio spinach has put in an ap- peni'anco during.tbo past few days. Eastern celery arriving is not of very good quality , in fact hardly irood enough to shin. Soiio : California celery has boon received , but there is none on the market Just nt present. This month promises to about wind up the apple business. Good stock commands very satisfactory prices. Lcmocs have been arriv ing nt the ports of entry more freely of Into and prices are hardly so tirm. Cranberries are to bo had on the markcv at all prices owing to the amount of soft stock. LL VK STUCK. JIAUKETS. Vfci-.kCloses with Light Receiptsniul Hiither Lower Prices. OMAHA. March 5. llecelpts for the week foot up 12,403 cattle , 22,1J 0 hogs and -VMS sheep , against H.014 cattle , 28.042 hogs und 8,077 Bhecp last week and 11.311) ) euttlc , 40,2til hogs , 4.r > ' :0 sheep thu llrst week of March lust year. On nil bnt heavy fat steer * , good enough for Bhlpplnz or exporting , the murkut this week bus been very dull and unsatisfactory. Kor the bettor grailos of cattle there bus linen a very falroutsldo ilenianil , amlaslocal dressed beef buyers alno wanted thlscluss of stock the uetlvo competition held prices up to resnoctnblo flguies. Medium fleshed und coninii.nlsli cattle buvo been hard to sull all week , thu Inquiry for ear-h belli' ; entirely local and ratlier ImlllTerent at thut. Llu'ht stcui.s have also boon" Hailing badly , es pecially for thu pant two or tlireeUays.malnly on account of thu gruatly reduced demand for good feeders. These latter classes of cattle - tlo are faolllng from lOo to 15u lowur thun lust weuk , Ilutchurs' anil cannurs' eattle uro sell ing at from I5o to 23o lower thun u week or ten dnys ago. The supply has been moro than ample , wlillu tbo shutting off of outsldu butelierb' orders'has left tbo pmrKot prau- tlcully to tbo tender mercies of locul buyers. Thu feeder market has been dull all \\oek and a heavy supply has ucciiinulated. 1'rlces uro from ISO to25e lower on about ( ivory thing In this line. Ho.-s juvo sold vo y unevcn'y ' und the general Impression scums to bu tnat wu have been the high mark for some time. ICastern shlpplii'i orilurs are dlmmlshlm ; and local buyers being relieved In u great measure of oiitsldo coniputltlon uru ducldcdly bearish. 1'rlcen aru Bo to lOo lower than last weuk. Blieoii vulnus show no particular change , the supply being rather limited and thu dumuiid The week closes with n very fair run of cuttle , Including u larger proportion of good heavy beeves than uny day this week , Sblp- jio rb und exporter j were active bidders on tliu best cattle but locul buyers also wanted them. The result wus an active , firm market on anything good enough to unltu com petition , Cuduhy bought good cuttle weighing around 1,5.0 Ibs. ut $1.20 und $ l,6j und sovural loads ot good 1.2.X ) to I.MW-lb. beeves sold from 170 toll.IS. On the nnilur grailes , liowuvcr , thu murkut WIIK rather tame und spiritless , Ifnotocuu- Blonally lower , fulr to good 1,001 to IiOO-lb. : steers nulling from $1.40 to *'J. Light und common htoera sold arounil J.1.23 to &UO. Truding wan only moderately uetlvo , but u good clearance wus effected. The supply of butcher stock was unusually limited and the fulr to good grailes naturally developed some little strength , 'I lie niaruet was tolerably brisk und prices firm , but not nuotably higher. Home very desirable stuff mild as high us $1,00 to fJ.r : > , but fulr to good cows and nulfors went largely from $ . ' .25 to j.5 und dinners from il.w ) to $2.1)0. ) Hulls , oxen anil stags were ( steady ut from ) to Ki.25. calves iiiichungod ut from t..UJ to J.XOJ. It Uld not taku very Ion ? to clear up the meaner oll'orlngs. Tln'ie wns u very dull trade In tbo , Htockor and feeiler line. Thu small Inquiry for fuudurs BceniB due , In a itreat decree ut least , to iho Impassible eondltlon nf the country rouils. At any rate fully 2.00J head of mock and fee.1- IIIL' entile huvo aeeuniulutod In the yaids and tt Is almost Impossible to move them. UVLMI at prices 15o to 2. > o lowur thun lust week , The volume uf trailing was email , with stilus from (2.00 to W.U' , Iteurof entatlve sales : i. . Kin IT : . n..n.i a 4u a.iMi 3 is J..Ui : 200 4..1lll'S 251 L.iaX ) . ' 12.1 1. . 1110 2 UO St. . K 2f. ) 4..1SI5 375 G. , OJ3 2 00 1..1HO 2 5J 3. . 1100 3 25 1C. . 1101 id ) C.U.VE3. ; 1. . 240 200 5. . . ' . * > ) S 00 1. . 120 4 SO 2. . iii.i : i oj i. , 210 3W i. . 120 50 } II U M.S. 1..10JO 1 OS 1 , MM 2iO 1..1780 S 75 1..I30J 1 tiS I .i : 0 2M 2..I803 21W 1..1C.3) ) 175 1.1'JM SJO 1..2IIO 200 1. . 770 175 1..K8) ) 2 in 1..10IO 300 1..1MJ 2 CO 1..15IO ZAO 1..1U-2) ) 30J I..IT.W - uj i..iiwa 2:0 1..17SJ : ioo 1..I440 20,1 I..10J1 SM 1. . 19(15 ( 30J I..15V5 S 10 1. 1(111 ( SfiO 1. llfl ) 3UO 1..IWK ) 215 1. 17M 2 IJ5 8 .1HOS 300 I..1.KXJ..2SO 1..14JJ 275 1..1800 3SS 4 . . 12X ( ) S SO 6TA09. 1. IRS ) 3 ' . ' 5 oxr.N. . i . . taoo 2 oo " RTOOKKHS AND FSeilBIU. 10. . Wl 21V ) 8. . 7.10 20) 10. . 729 305 14. . 5S7 a 7J 2. . 7.13 200 51. . S45 3 1J Mii.Ktm ? AND sriiiNncus. 1 now mill calf . l 00 1 cowmul calf . i . " ' " > : springer . . 25 00 Items Hccolptsof hogs this week full 11,303 short of lft tvcok \ nml nearly IR.WO i sliorl of thu first week of .March lint year. Thorn was no material change la tliu general quality of thnofforltias. I'or Iho llrst tlino In weeks tlioro was no shipping dnmiind und local buyers took nd- vantaguof this f.ict to demand and succeed In getting concessions of from 5e to lOc. especially on the kind of hogs shippers huvo boon tiiklni , I. e. , lljlit mill heavy butcher wulehts. Tlioy bought good light hugs , nioro or loiseorto.l , nt from 4" 1.43 tofl.r > 7J. ! uiitchor weights lit from $1.45 to $1.55. Uunvy hogs worn not u great deal different from Friday ut from $ l.42Ji to $ l.r > . ! i. It was u alow , dull market from start-to ( Inlsh , Imt ncurly every thing was Ilnullv illHhoscd of. tlio bulk of the sulos being from i 1.45 to tl.55 ucalnsi JI..MI to S4tt.1 Krlduy , tbe avur.rjoof prices paid being * I..MS ! against tl.MH b'rlday ami tl.M last Satur.luy. Koprusuntatlvo silcs : : No. Av. 81i. P'r. No. Av. Sh. 1'r. 4 . 2111 40 $135 5tt . 2.-IO 120 $ IM 10 . IKI 4 III tH . 201 8J 45 ! ) 5 , . . ' . 3.M 1 35 ' (12 ( . . . . ' . 249 451 31 . 15. ) 4 40 78 . 211 ISO 4 SO 21)1 ) . . . . : ! 880 4 43JJ 48 . IB ) KHI 4 . ' .0 77. . 2.11 40 445 63. . . 251 240 450 (11 ( ; . . . .HJ ) 100 445 M . VIS H ) 450 84 . IbO 8) ) 445 71 . 210 HO 450 07 . 217 320 445 78 . 10) 200 4 5J 71 . 215 12J 441 fit ) . 211 21)0 ) 450 Ml . 275 80.441 . .73 . . . .230 80 4,10 57 . 25110 ( 4 47ii TO . 3) ' . ) 320 450 15 . 4411 BO 4 47S ! (13 ( . 1117 4) 4fi' { 08. . . : . : ci ; 4'47'i (17 ( . you210 J.VHJ O'l . . . . .2li.1 120 447" GO . 231 100 4.12'i ' 78 . 2.1:1 : 1(10 ( 4 47i ! M . 317 N ) 4 .Y ! 70 . 277 210 4 5) SM . . . . .SOU bO 4 u"/ 02 . SKI -100 4.50- 70 . 247 4 M',4 ' ( II . 2.18 120.450 71 . 245 ICO 45'"i 72. . . . ' 2.17 .80 450 ' II ! ) . 103. 455 72. . ' 7.240 200 4 M " " 7 ! ) . 201 80 451 70 . .231 bO'4DO 7.1 . 235 41 4 55 fin . 255 8) 45' ) 58 . 3'Ci 80 451 00 . 20712 ISO U7..i..l8'l 455 CO . SHI 40 4 M Oi . 250 40 45.1 ffl . . . . .lia 201 4 M ' TO . 225 UO 4 .V. 7rt . ; ] 0.l 40 4.50 BO . 252 40 45.1 JG7 . S-J8 lid 4.10 78 . . . . . 2 tU 45.1 74 . . . .2111 210 4'50 78 . 21(1. ( fcO 455 01 . 272 40 450 72 . 250 8'J 455 (10 ( . 241 JGO 450 ' Kl . 205 4 57i ! 511 . 22U 200 4 5D 71 . 2.0 457ii OS . VIS 120 4t > 9" - f . SiicKiVrTTCo few. loads received were con- sUiiud through to Chicago a'ml nut olToroil on the nitirkut. A load of holdovers soli ! for $ -VUO ntfutntt J5.20 lust Thursday us nucuofs were not iinxloiu to cnrry the shcop ovci Snnil.iy. Tliu ilomikiid Is still . ( jootl. Kulr to coed na tives , J4.2.VS51.4U ! wcsturns , 44.OXQt5.25 : common mid stock"slicop , J25'.I75 : sjood to ulio cu lambs , wolghjng to > Ji Ibs , . $1.2530.00. Hep- rcsuntatlvu sales : No. Av. Pr. ISO western wolhora. . . . ' . . . " . . . 100 } 5 00 Ki > cil ; > tl mill IINp.tiltl > : l of St'J3k. Olllclal r.ioeluU si'Vil ilispDiltlon of stos't as tlio bik-i of tliu Union Sleek Vards company for the twunty-four IIOUN , ending ut 5o cloul ; p. in. March 5 , IS'JX msl'OSlTlO.N. Chicago Llvo Stock Market. CIIICAOO , III. . March 5. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKK.I Prices for cattle today were Hrm nt from tl..U to KUi ) for poor to extra cows and heifers , J1.30 to KtTS for bulls , $ i23 to if 1.75 for stockers and feeders , M.13 to $5i3 : for dressed liecf and sblpulng steers , and K.Ol ) to (4.13 for Toxus cattle. The features of the market were the sumo as for other Sat urdays. a llht supply , an IndllToront demand and nominally unchanged values. I'rlccs are a little higher than they were a week nxo for till descriptions of cattle , the market having Kiown gradually stronger since Tuesday. With receipts of 'only about 13.0UO bond , thu hog iiinrkot was lirincr. local packers wanted but few and thoshluplivi demand was not at all urgent , but the meager proportions of the supply helped sellers to an advance , the mar ket averaging So higher than at yesterday's closo. Although no sales were loported ut over $ \G0. theru were a number of trades' ut W.U3 and the greater pirt of the offerings changed owners ube > -o $1.73. Closing quotation's were from $4. 10 to J I. ' . ) . " > for ponr to prime llxht , and $4.50 to } i.0i : for medium and heavy weights. Hogs weighing ever ICiO lla. are quoted from "Oc to 40e un'Jcr thu above prices. Tradln-i In fiheop was at about Friday's prices , or at from II.SO to f 0.1,1 for poor to uxtia sheep , nhd at $3.UU to $0.73 for lambs. Uccelpts were : Cattle , l.MUO ; l.o s , U',000 ; sheep , lr > 'jl. Tlio Evening Journal reports ; OATTI.E Re ceipts , 1.50U ; ahlmnents. 1,000 ; market steady ; native steers , KLUOI,7 < " > ; Htockcrs. Sl.73yX > ' , cows , bulls and mixed. K. . lions Hocelpts. 10.0'JO ; Blilpmonts. 8.000 ; market active , closing higher ; rough , $1.10 ® 4.00 ; mlxuil. $ ( .70 < iHb3 ; heavy , j4.0JQ.3.uO ( ; light , llu-lit , J4.7JK4.W. SiiKEi' Uccolpts. 1.3COi ; shipments , 1.000 ; mar ket llrnidr ; western , * . " > .4o < a,3.0 ( ; ; mixed , $ i 15 ; owes , JI.4LHiil.Oj ; lambs , $ 'i.30S,0.5J. ( St. Louts Llvo Stock Market. ST. Louis. Mo. . Mi roll 5. O.vrrr.B Receipts , 123 ; Hhlpmonts , 700 ; Htrong , but Inactive ; fair to goou native steers , $ .L5il.f > 0 ; fair to good Indian and Texan steers. i. . ? . . < ri > : t 00. lions Ueculpts , J.WO ; Hhlpmonts , M.iWO ; higher : heavy , * ) .70tt.SO ; mixed , f4.-)34.8J ; light , tl.Oxai.7J DoWitt's Sarsaparllla destroys such poi sons us scrofula , slcln disease , eczema , rheu matism , Its timely use saves many lives. TIII : M. INSTRUMENTS placed on ro ori Maroh 5 , Ib'J-Ji ' WAllllANTV DEED ! . O S Half man nnd wlfo to I L linns , und ! 4 lots 5 to 17 , block 1. anil lots 1 to U and II ) to i. ' , block' ' , Union place $ 0,003 Sumo toBiune , umliilotli , bluolcD , Hans- corn p.iico , : i,750 W L bclby , trustee , to Anin I'almiuiist , InfibloolcS , W LHolby'sadd. . . . . . . . . yso F G Kbenur and wlfo to M H and Loulso Krcdrlcksun , lots 11 and 1' ' , block 111 , Itcmilngton J.TilS Miles & Thompson to It V Walter , w5'J ? ' fet of s IIS feet lot 11 , block 1 , I'nrk place. 2,103 J K Uardner und wife to U N Ilottun , lot 19. block "II , " humidors & Hlmebaiigh's 53 ] 8 J Hojkwooit to 1 A Wood , loll ! , block ' . ' , 1'ottor'a udd 1,000 James Voru and wlfu to H E llavurly. I old , bocl'I. ! South Omulm Iiurk , . . . . . . 450 E E 1'ioncli and wife to I'1 U Habln , lots S5 ! and ai. block 1 , W LHolby's Ut udd to South Omaha 1,000 T II Uonover and wlfo to Dulphlna Sholcs , lots U and I" , block 'Sherwood I'ark ' , , 1 Doluhlna Sho'os and husband to J P IClchardson , n 7 feet of a 77 foot of lots II and I" , block : ' , same 5'jOO IlWVatosand wlfo tn II .1 Windsor , lots I und L , block ll , llllislilo add Nit. 1. 0,0:0 : A It Ross to II U Davis , lot 17 , block U , I'ottur & Oolib's L'liil udd to South Omaha H30 I'runk Uarriith and wlfo to J II The > np- son , s 102 foot of lot I : . ' , block 14 , Im provement Assoolntlon add. , , 7,50) ) QUIT OIAIU IKliD3. O S Hoffman und wlfo to I LIIass , undlv ii of lot U , block ft. Hiinscom place. . . . . . U,750 Sumo to same , undlv i > of lots S to 7 , block 1 ; lots 1 to U and I'J to . " . ' , block 2 , Union place , 0,003 Ed 1'hulun and wife to E E Laion , sii of lot 4 , block 33 , Oinuha ; lots 7 and 8 , block I. Kendall's udil ; lot 2. block ft , I'ark place , and lot B , block 8 , Shull's xa udd , , . 1 DEEDS. 0 A Lottie Brown , lot 12. block 4. HorbucbSadudd ! i,530 O UUulder , Hpeclnl muster , to Omaha Loan und llu.ldlne association , part of lota 10 and U , block 7 , Drake's uddV.'OO Same S.-'JO Same to Mutual Loan und llulldlng as sociation , same , , " , " 00 Hiimo , " , iiiU r.dward Lncey to public , dedication ot ulutof Lacuy'aaUU to Omuha Total umount of transfers , ,101,707 Mrs. L. R. Patton , Uockford , 111. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend DoWitt's tiursanarllla. a euro for impure blood and concril dobulty. " THE SPECULATIVE--MARKETS There Was a Deoidsdly Bearish Feeling in Wheat Yesterday , TRADERS WERE CLEVERLY DECEIVED Itcportcil Crop DixtnaRO Wlilrh Ciuncd Such Heavy HiijliiK I'rliluy Proved to Ho Entirely I'lilso How tlio Stories . AVcro Cli'culntcil , CincAno. III. , March 5. There was a dootil- odly bearish fcoMnR In vrhoit during most of tlio session and lower prleja. The news pro- sontoil tsshiro : oantrast with tint which WAS elvon out so freely yotlorday. The bulls hardly pot u single Item In tholr Cuvor , and the suspicion which started saying Hint trade tmd been olovorly dosolvotl br tnaniifixitiirod IntolllRence was strongly felt. The manli- ( nvturora who were rouresontoJ as huylni so vleoronsly only yu-Uorday , anil HID damage to crops which they riiprusont d as MO alarmln ; , wore scarcely montloiiod today , On the con trary , dullness and apithy seemed to prevail everywhere. Amid HO much that was bearish It Isdinicult to s.iy what was tlio nto t de pressing , but the muizcrevports from the sea board for the wculc only V.2J1.0) ) ) low llrui for u Ionjtlmu wiis very dlscouraalni ? . The fact that much wheat was clnaro : ! from the seaboard ycstunlay was another bearish Ito n. A published report on tliu condition of tliu wlnlor wheat crop , the contln.iU.'l ftoo inure ment In thu northwest mid tliu lower cables \vcro likewise woalu-nliu In tholr tondonoy with the shorts and It did not take loiu for the crowd to cot on tlio boar slilu with un usual animation. Ultras saw alt tholr hopes of profits sh itturu : ! and tn ifio haste to sell mid others , talilnt new con nine , assisted In the docllno by selling freely. There win very lltt'c deposition to buy until there had been a dccldi'd roconslon In pr co-t an I liven then It was mostly In the w.iy . of coverlnir lv ; uliorts who hud pooJ prollts In sl ht , I'anlridno was a buyer J.nd coveren a bin line of wheat. The lust two \Mol < 3 must huvo brought the Rroat speculator bl ; wlunln.'S. Now Vorkcrs loil liv Cottrell , were heavy seller * from tlio start. The weakness continued throughout the Hussion with no notlcoililu reaction nnd closed weak and only slightly above the liol- tom tlsnri's of the dav at a loss of ever 1 per cent comparo.l with yestordav. May opened , e lower at L'O'jc. ' said to DJUc , wont HIT to UO'ie , llrinud toSJ c , broke tubOUound closed weak ut Wic. Corn wusijulot ami o.isy : receipts were a trlllu In I'xeiHA of the estimates mid cont.tlno I 10 cars of contract. Trade W.IH slow and this with the weakness In Iho wheat pit and the wiukncss of the cash demand were doprcsilni lullneiKOj. The trios-ietlons were conllncd to a raiuuof ? nc and thu , wus Uo lower than that of vcstcr.Iay. Oats were dull anil eusy and the market was featureless. Considering the weakness In wheat , the dnllncs * in corn and liiraor re ceipts of oats tbun o\pectedj prices held very well , closing with ' 40 loss. llo ; products wurc quiet mid rather easy , thoiuh tlio opening was u lltt.o firmer on ac count of the receipts of hossbclns 0.000 "mailer than predicted and prices ut thu virds from rc to lOe hlKhor. lint there wus lltllo Iminiry and the firmness soon disappeared. Thu close shows the market unchanged wth lard and rllu5c hUhor. Euinmtud receipts for Mnnilay : Wheat. 173 curs ; corn , 20i cars : outs , 127 cars ; ho si.UOJ ( head , and IIP , ' ) ! ) , ) buad for no.vt week. Tbuluuittnu fnllives rmvjea as folloows : Cash quotation ! ) were ns follows : I'l.ouu Sioailv and unchanged. WHEAT No. a sprlns wheat. 878'c ; No. 3 spring wheat , 83c ; No. 'i red. D'Jc. COIIN Lower ; No. ' . ' . 41ie ! ; No. 3 , yellow , 40Vic. OATS No. 2 , 20'ic ' ; No. S white , f. o. b. . ! ® : ) ! ; .So. 3wilte ! , 3Jc. HvK-Na 2. KOo. HAIII.KV No. 2. r > Go ; No. 3. f. o. b. , 4253c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . U2@-'ilc. U I'rlmo. I'onic Mess pork- per bbl. , J10.02 ! { ; Inrd. per cwt. , } 0.ii : ; ; Rliort ribs sides ( loose ) ; dry salted shoulilors ( boxed ) , W.7.r > . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. $ ! .14. SUOAIIS Cut leif , inichanzod at5@540. CoitN No. . ' ) yollow. 3JJiIOc. Receipts and shipments lud iy wore as fol lows : Now York .tlarkots. NEW YOIIK , March5. Kl-otw-Reoelpts , 3I.20 ; ) pkgs ; exports. ' .183 bbls , : ) ,547 sacks : iiulot , dull , heavy ; sales , 1'i.H.VJ bbls. COIIN McAij Dull , steady ; yellow western , * . > .7.yauo. : WIIIT Receipts. C7.50) ) bn. ; exports , none ; sales , 1)10,000 bu. of futures ; 7(1,000 ( Du , of spot. Spot market dull ; No. 2 ro I , tl.lii'iifai.0" : > ! i In stoio unit elevator ; { l.'Jli'.iOl.U'J'i ' nlloat ; $ I.U3i ! ® l.07',5 ' f. o. b. ; No. 3 rod , nulot , : No. 3 un- griulud red. 8J5Jne ! ; No. l northern. $ l.031ii ( ( Lilt : No. 1 hard , l.C'/Sll.07J ! ; No. 2 norUiorii , UO e. Options were weak and1 dull , closing 7ic below ycstorilay on lowur cables , forel.-n- crs selling and favorable woathcr west. No. 2 rol. March 1.0 : . " . ; ; April. $ loiMiy. : : : Jl.ul ® 1.0IB , closing at 8l.01i.ii Juno. liQf@UICi clos ing at UOjjo.Iulv. : ! B.i'taj.Mc ! , olojlng utOSJic ; Auirust , 03JiDs'Jle. ( ' ( closing utm o. llAULKV Dull , but steady ; No , 2 Milwaukee , GStftMio. llAiiLEYMAi.T SOc ; Canada country made , 8.1e. 8.1e.COIIN COIIN Receipts , 130.5DJ bu. : exports , 0,720 bii. ; sales , llO.D.Hi lin. futures ; Ol.iHW bn. spot. Hpotmarket iiilot ] ; No. 2 , 40'/l'.iyo In ele vator ; -IW. , ' > U4C afloat ; ungraded mixed , 48 ft5I4c ; No. : i. MK&lMia ; steamer mixed , 494ft ! > 50hc. Options dull , closing steady ; March. 4Ul o ; April , 5ii'iOUc ! , closing at f 0.'io ; May , 4i : lt-li3l'.n.e ; ! closing ut 4UUc ; Juno , 48J u ; July. 4sai'J ! ! c , clnsln ; at 49ic. ! OATS Rocoints , 41.030 bu , ; exports , 24,400 bu. : sales , 4U.OM bu. futiir : 54uo ( ) bn. spot ; spot market dull and steady ; options dull undeaslor ; Muruh 'Mjil8SW/t\i. \ oioslng at 335c ! ; April 3aiu ? ; Muy , iKWie , closing ut 3Uftc ; spot Nu. 2 alloat M'ia.'H'.io ' ; mlxud western , 311 ® aSo ; white western. : i'Jailo ' ; No. 2 Chicago , ; tr > c , llAV-yulot und Hrm. llot'.s Dulot and uasy. I'uclflu , lOa o. SudAii Ituw , rjulot and stoauy ; fair rolln- In-'lo ; oontrlfiials , 9J toit. 3ju ? ; rellnod , firm nndiitnt. | MOIMSSKS Korolgn , dullsM test , 12 , ' o ; Now Orleans ijulot and Hrm ; common to fancy , 28 ® 30c. 30c.lUcu lUcu Fairly active und firm. 1'KTUOI.KU.M Steady ; United closeJ nt 50Jo ! for April , COTTON SIID On , Steady und iiulct : crude , 23-tCl ! yellow , 2tc. ) TAI.M > W Qulul and easy ; city ( tiCO for pkgs ) , 41 1-lliC. liosiN 1'lrm and ( juiot ; steamed , common to good , $ I.3'I.37J. ! Tuni'CNTiNK Dull und steady at 4040ic. } Eons Lowur ; largo receipts ; western , | 5o ; reculptu , I4,2v'4 pkgs. . .Minus-Steady und iiiilott wet salted Now Orleans selected. 43 am ! 73 Ibs. at GiiSu ; Texas fioli'Cled , M and 01 Ibs. Ki.ic. I'oiiK Sloitdy ; mess , $11.7 ® I0.50. OUT MKATS EIISV ; pickled bellies. 0ie ! ; plck- lodshoulUurK , . ' .Q.'iUoi pickled hams , Ul4o ; middles , ( uilet anil easy ; short clear , $0.5) . Klc ; wpstcrn rru.iincry , 2l.0ljc ; westurn fac- torv , IW.'Jc ; EUlns.Uliie. CIIKKSK t'lriu aniliilt | ! ; partsklms , ( WilO'.io ' , I'ni IIION Quiet anil cusy ; American , 115.7. ' ) ® 17.75. t'oi'i'Eit Quiet and steady ; Icko , (10.50 ® lo.rr.'ij , LKAD Steady nnd dull ; domestic , JI.lJttl.20. TiN-iJtuudy ; Btralts , $ IU.OU. Oinahn 1'roiliiro Murkwtd. Fl.ouii Omuhu , Milling company's Hollanco I'utent. $ . ' ,51 ; Invincible I'ntont , $ . ' .40 ; Lonu Star Suin'rlatlve. $ . ' .20 ; bnowllakf , il.&i ; I'ancy Family. $1.73 ; S. F , Oilman's Uold Medal , S-.r.'j ; .Snow White , $2.23 ; Hnowtluke , $2.00 ; low grudc , $1.00 ; Queen of the I'antry , $2.00. HIULS-NO. 1 green suited hides. 4U < ailJc ; .No. 2 grocn suited hides , 4Hmu ; No l vrecn salted bides. 23 to 40 Ibs. , 3l 3Uc ; No. 2 grcon baltod hldos , 23 to 40 Ibs. , IlMiici No. 1 veal calf. B to 13 Ibs. , On ; No. 2 veal calf , B to 15 Ibs. , 4e ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7&c : No. 3 dry Hint hklca , 5Uc : No. 1 dry sulton hides , 5Cc. Tal low , No. 1 , 3lili > ; tallow , No. 2 , 3ic ! ; grease , wlnto A.4o ; gruasu , white U , 3)i3 ) u ; gruitsu , yellow , ac ; giouse , durk , 2)J ) ; old butter , 2 ® 2'/ic : beeswax , prime , leu ; rough tullow , iji ® 2c. 1'OUI.TIIV Chickens , good stock , ftJilOc ; fva v. ducks und turkuys , U12u. lltiTTEH llust choice country roll , 1932lc ; lowur gruiiou , 17(31 ( Se. HAV Slow kt IU.50i , < X ) . Tbe latter price criufil only bo obtained forMAmothlnj ortra gond , Eona-Mnrket easier Ciirrrntn. of Conuncrcr. A. 11. Worrell of Mason Neb. , was In the city ycstciday looklngnvur the uasliluas situation , The Omaha rurnlturo .loiirnnl Is the nnmo of a now trade publication -that has onlv re cently niado Its uppourancu before the public , Thn Trade Journal t lil < ( ttWV makes a spe cial fo.miro of an ( utmidcd review ot the different towns located In Dod u and Cumlng county. lion. A. R. Uo'ln. a Itftlllna attorney of Olrcloville. O. , and E. S. Robinson of the suno city , are spending u few days.ln the city , Mr. llnlln Is the guest of Ai T.i'lU < otor , a relative of bis. j } , „ The Giiaymii ! ! oranpo. which U snld to beef of very superior nAulltyY'lt grown from t > ocd ohtalnod from the crovo bulomtlng to the king of Spain. Although there Is a duty of about 'Wo n box on oriuues n great iiianv are shltiDcd Into this country froi-i Mexico. Mr. R. I1. Serrano , from Uuaymns , Mox. . Is In the city , the guest of R II. llrunch. Mr. i-errnno is a heavy Importer ut or.inges grown In the vicinity of UuiiytitHs and docs an ox- Umslvo buslni'fi ! > through wholesale houses In Denver , Omaha , St. Louis. Minneapolis nnd other western elite * . Ouuymas Is nboilt l.MD miles from Omaha nnd Is the terminal point of the Santa Fj roan on thoUulf nf California , H Is a lively town of about IO.OU ) Inhabitants. among whom are ninny American * , fiio.iklng about the dllTcrcncc In buslnoss motho Is Mr. Sorr.ino lemurked that there was not a stiulu bank In .iiiiymas or for that manor In the state of Sonor.i. Every business house docs Its own nankins biis'in-ss ' , and as many of these lion BUS tire IUO yoirs old they are re garded as moro secure by thu people than n bank would bo. iCIty MarkcU. KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . March S Fi.onit In Rood ( lomiiiKI , firm and uncliatiircd : pat ents. $ . ' . : .u ; extra fancy , $ . ' .v04i2.23 ; fancy , J2.ii.VB2.1.1 : choice. # loo2.iO. ( WIIKAT Hotter : No. 2 hurd , 77o bid ; No. 2 red , cash , h-'e bin. Cons Lower ; No. 2 , cashIKlUc bid ; March , I13aC ? ask 'd , OATS Steady ; No. 2. cash and March , 2SobId , Hvr.-\Veak ; No. 2. 77W78C. KI.AX SKKI > bo. ' . HIIAN Steady : ( He. HAY .Market strong ; pnlrlo 'fie ' higher ; ( imitations are , timothy. &MK ) per ton ; fancy prairie , $ ,1.5 | LOOI to chulco , J3.UO@o.OO ; low grades. { 4..UG5.UU. ElH Steady at I So. HUTTKII-Scarce , but firm ; creamery , 223So ; roll , firm to hlghnrat I4O2IC. CIIP.KSE Unchanged ; Youiiz Amerlcn , too ; Kunsiis. 75ilc. ) KliCKllTR Wheat , 3P.21U bu. ; corn , 27,010 bin oats , llHi7 bu , Silli'MKNTS Wheat. 12,013 bu. ; corn , 23,178 bu. ; oats , 2,437 bu. K'.uuai City Live Stock .Market. KANSAS Our. Mo. , March . " > . CATTLE Re ceipts. ' .DJO ; shipments. iHIS. ; The market gen erally was stea y to strung. Sales ; Dressed beet and shipping steers , Kl. lMQt4.ti5 : cows unit heifers , 1.73 © I.V.I ; stockcrs and feeders , $ : MU < ii'.ii5. IIoiij Ujcclpts. 0,111 ; shipments , 2,470. The market was iiulct , opening ! > c lower and eloslntAc to lOc lower : extreme rnnc , JJ.50 sjun ; bulk , $ i.ivaioi. SIISKP Receipts. 02 ! ) ; shipments , 400. The market wus quiet und slcady. London Wool .Market. Lo.NnoN , March S. The receipts of wool dur- In. tlm past week were ; From Now South Wales , l.urt b.ilufrom ; Victoria , 1,732 balua ; from South Australia , l.tJl bsles ; from West Australia , I',45J bales ; from New /.calami' ' . ' . (117 ( bales ; from the Capo of Oocd Hope and N.ital. 2,40i bu us ; from Russia , 1,100 bales ; from France , hTti bales , und from various other places , 7U.1 bules. C'olli'o .Uarliut , NEWYouic. Marcli t. dotlbns opened barely steady at ii to t.r > points down ; closed steady at. . " > to 10 points down ; sale , " . "i.T.M ba''s. In cluding Muicli. Ui.i,0 : : ApVll. tii.liilll.vfi : , ; May. $ l2.7r > ai2.8l ; July. * l2.iUriiiuutember : | , 4I2.2J ® I2.'l' . Spot Rio dull and nominal ; No. 7 , $11.87' } , ' " ' Cotton Mu'l-lu't. NKW Onrr.ANS , La. . March ! > . COTTON Maruet uusy : middles. , ( Hie ; low mid dles. 5'io ; good ijrillnury.SKo. Not rucolpts , 7u.4 bales : gross reeeliHs > 8,717 bales ; ex ports coastwise , 11'JJ'J bales ; sales , ,1,600 bales ; stock , 433y0 ; bules. - : ( ( Liverpool Markets. LlvEiii-oot. . March ! > . .W/tKAT Dull ; hold ers olfor moderately ; No 2 red winter , 7s llMd percental. COIIN Steady : demandfair. JJACON Long cluar,43 lbs./35s per cwt. Cincinnati .Markets. CINCINNATI. O. , March Q.iJ- WHEAT Easier ; No. 2 red , 0. > c. OATS llaroiy steady : No. 2 mixed , S'J'/sSSSc ' , WIIISKV J1.14. Tr.Kk-r. . ' Talk. CIIICAOO , 111. , March. ) . Counsolman & Day to Cockrell Uros , : Wheat opened weak under free sulllng by the crowd on account of lower cables und settled , mild weather. After tic decline the market ruled dull until past noon , when light elearanees und generally lower cables caused a further decline of ! je , und the market closed /rltliout a rally , although Nuw York and M.nncapolls reported a good oxpart inquiry und n lioer- ninount workcQ on foreign orders. CnshbtulT hero Is quiet and about ! io lower all uround for sample lots. Corn mid oats were also about lie lower to shluuors and futures. closing ut ! iUu dcultne. 1'rovislons wore moro active and u moderate business was done on oiitsldo orders. Some now buying was noticeable , based on decreasing hog products. The local crowd continues gener ally bearish on account of liberal stocks and an ubBcncu uf speculation , which Is attributed to the Hnanclul depression In the cotton rais ing status. CIIICACO , 111. , March 5. F. G. Logan & Co. to J. Sands Commission Company : Wa havu had a dull and drugging wheat market today. May opened at U0,4u toUOUo and closed athDi c. Cables uro dull und a shade lower , The prime rupert Is rugarded us favorable for a good crop of winter wheat , In no district Is there uny winter killing , although Iho ohint In many localities Is thin. No clearances from Now York and spring weather all ever the country caused a week feo.lng and free llqul- datluiuby holders. It Is early In iho season to conclude we have passed the danger line and that no serious damage can overtake tliu growing plant. Unless wo have durnago on a backward spring wu.wlll have lower prices. 1'rossnt prices here are on a parity with for eign values , cost and freight. Our ndvices from Minneapolis are that the Hour trade for export Is good , at fully better prices than yesterday , A moiloratu business In corn with light lluctiiatlon. Muy sold us high us 424c ? , closed ut 4'J'/iO. The shipping domain ! cent - t nucs good. Thu prospects now are that re- cclpts will bo liberal , ana with uny mod erate increase wo will sell lo to 2c lower. Provisions closed ut the highest nolnt of the day. Estimated hogs : Monday , 27,000. nnd for the week IIW.OUO. CiilCAli ) , III. , March 5. Konnott , Hop kins & Co. to B. A. MoWhortcr : There has been free liquidation of lung wheat on weaker cables , line weather anil a bearish crop report by Prime , who Is supposed to bo able to see rather moro dumugo than any other crop ex port , Forulgnera take freely , which Is un encouraging feature , us It Is evidence that they really want It und uro tryIng - Ing to buy as cheaply us possi ble. Homo continental cables state that daniiigo by frost In France Is serious and will huvo its olt'cct later on. The market Is In shape tn rally on bullish news. Thu move ment for thu week would Indicate little change In the visible supply but u moderate Increase in expected. Corn und oats show the ell'ect of liberal sulos nf long stulf bnt the buyeia will undoubtedly tukn It buck on u fair reaction as the situation continues to favor higher prices. In provisions hammer- Ins by the bears failed tp.brlnx out but little long stuff and there -Indications thut a decline Is about over fertile present. STOCKH AN1)JIOMS. ) Compluto and DomoralUliiK Chung-en Oc curred lu tlm'Wioln l.lKt. NEW YOUK , March ft. The stock market again showed evidence ( lint the moving power behind tlio lluetuatlons'lf'only manipulation and , while the strength1onhu whole list was very decided In the llrst hour , complete and demoralizing changesVu'iiurrcil ut 11 o'clock und the most positive iveuKness marked the trailing on tlm exchange..for the lust hour of thu session , There wcry fwo principal causes advanced for this stidd ijj.changn in temper , one being the rumor loftljYpd ot the death of Mr. Gould and the oth r'jvua the appointment of a receiver for the Georgia Central railroad. The former , however , .wus quickly donled , thu latter was known bcfora the opening of the session und bee in oil to have no weight dur ing thu tlrst hour , Tburu wag besldo u bank statement which showed' u large decrease In cash , drsplto a moderate increubo n deposits and u huuvy expansion of loans , which caused a reduction In iho surplus reserve of over $5- ouo.iuo. This undoubtedly hud t > omo Influence , but the downward movement wus In full swing long before thu Issue of thu statement. Thu murkut opened with u Hrm lumper , und the who ( i list , with the exception of thu Richmond mend Ac "West I'olnt securities and Now En gland , scored further Improvement in the llrst hour , 1,11 ere being up to thut time no ad- vantagu to the Vunderbllts , though they were ttlil stionx. and LU.UO Shuru rose rapidly from luO't to 14lt ! , Michigan Oentral more thun keeping pucu with It. n rise from llft to HU on much Bmullyr business , Allthootbur stocks of this group felt the stimulus , and Northwestern nnd Nuw York Central niado material gains , soiling up to tliu highest points for thu WCUK , Up to nils time tbo concessions In every thing but thu Richmond & West I'olnt were insli'iillleant , but thut stock went down li per cent und n tired further , wnllo Iho pre ferred , after opening down 3Ji pur centm CM , further dropped to 01. In iho fucu of thu wcuknuei lu the rcit of tbe Hit it rallied to 07 , but closed nt 6.1. The ecnornl quickly run otT in the InM hour nnd hciivy short selling , together with the execution ot some MOD orders , ncptlcrntcd ihc decline , l.uko Snore dropped from 141'i to KI3 ! , Northwest ern 121 to 1li ( , Lnckawnnnu tram IUIM to 130' . ' nnd Delaware & Hudson IJO't to 1.17't. whllo the untlro list was brought down below thu list , of yesterday. Advances worn lost In all cases nml In miiiiy addition-it fraction * , The onslaught win Lept up to the close and tlm market flnlshnd weak at the lowest prices of the day. Michigan Central was the only stock which holil mi to any portion ot Its ad vance , nnd It Is "i per cent higher tonlzht at I III thumb the bid for U nt the close was ma terially Lclow that figure. The losses , however - over , inelmio'l Lake Shore and Delaware & Hudson each 3 per cent , Richmond & West Point 3t ! per cent nnd Now England and Mis souri 1'nclllo each 1-V percent. The following uro the closing quotations for ( lie lending stocks on the New York Stock ex change today , exdlv The total sates of stocks today were 1190.000 shares. Including : Atchlson , H.flflj ; Canada Southern , 14 , M1 : Delaware , Imokawnnna & Western , 4l ! ) ! Eric. 1,1 0 ; luke Shore. ! ! 0ar > 7j Louisville & Nashville. 5.COO ; Michigan Central , 4.45" Missouri I'ltelfle , 8.703 ; Nort'j- western , liO.IKd : New York Central. C.80J : ; Now Knzlaml , : ilUO : ; Kcudlnt : , 47.1)31 ) ; Richmond & West I'olnt. .248 ; St. I'nul. 48OUO ; Western Union , 'lTi75. ! Financial Ituvlow. NEW Youic. March 5. The Post snypi A pyramid built on Its anex may bo reason ably expected to topple over when It Is pushed. The market lorthc last few days lias been precisely such an architectural mon strosity. In the face of n naturally boavy list , u proup of professional operators hnvo been forcing the moat extravagant advances In prices. To explain this movement only two iiuoioslcs for argument hnvo been advanced a stock dividend on Lake Shore and possible consumption of dividend during the week on St. 1'anl common. The llrst was ooubted oven by the enthusiastic buyers of yesterday ; of the second possibil ity the professional traders have exactly us much knowledge now as the most Ignorant outsider. The renewal this moniln- of thu crazy buying In Lake Shore and Us companions prepared the way more Invitingly for the beatraiders. . Thu advances of four poll ts In this Block and of two In rsorthwcst- crn were made In ah.Milnto Inillll'eronco to the blow received by the Richmond Terminal ro- or anlzcrs , which sent the stocks of that non- corn bowling down still from the start. Only one other factor win needed. Half an hour before the close thu heavy uecroasoln thu bank reserve was reported nnd then thu market collnpscd. l.oiidiiii Stock .Market. [ Copyrtuhtcd ISD2 liy James ( Ionian /Jcmiet.l ! LONDON , March 5. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE HUE. ] More business has been transacted In the Stock exchange today than has been thecasc for many Saturdays. Luadln ; markets have presented a decidedly favorable appcarnncu. Argentine govern- meat bonds are unaltered , while provincial loans have given away notwithstanding the premium ot gold , having declined to " 40 per cent. Homo railways met with a fair amount of attention. The close was strong , the dis position belli ; ; to take a more hopeful view of the outlook In connection with the threat ened coal strike. In the majority of cases an advance of U to H per cent was established. American railways have been quite active and buoyant under the Icud of Lake Shore , which advanced as much as O.'i per cent , Canadian lines have shown more strength In sympathy. Money has been In only moderate demand fu Lombard street today. Notwithstanding payments and repayments to bank , with an abundant supply of floating capital , short loans nave been easily obtained : tt from 1 to 14 ! per cent. Not many bills were brought forward. Those at two and three montns were quoted at from H.i to IK per cent. LONDON , March 5. The following were the London stock quotations closing ut 4 p. in : Consols , monoy.'Ji 13-lfi Mexican Ordinary. . 7.IH ilo , account UJ76 St. I'nul com S3W N. V. , 1' . AOlBts. . . . 3 ? } < Now York Central. . I20H Can. 1'aclUo O ! 1'gnnsylvanla & * J-H Krle 3lf Uuudlnx VJH Krlo xGconds 1IUSJ ilex. Central new 4s 1'2 ! < Illinois Central. . . . IDS j HAH Sll.vitil-U 7-10d. MONEV 1H per cent. Hatoof discount In the open market for both short nnd three months bills , \ % per cent. Amount ot bullion iono Into the Hank of England on balances today , ' . 1.000. Nn\v York .Houoy .Uurkut. NEW Yoitic , Muroh 5. MONEV ON CALt , Easier ; no loans olTcrcrt at 2 per cent. I'uiMi : MRKCANTibE 1'Ai'Eii 4@ " > /i per cent. STKHMNO EXCHANGE Quiet but steady at l.8.-/j ! for sixty-day ullls and Jl.87i for de mand. The closing quotations on bonus ; llostoii Stock Market. BOSTON. Mass. . March 5. The following were the closing prices on stocks on tbo lloston stock market today ; 1'limnelal Notes. I'A ii is. March S. Thrco per cent rentes fcflf Mo for the uccunnt. lUi.TiMoiiB , Mil. , March 5. OlonrlnKB , 12,410- 23. ; buluncos , .8)KH. ) Hutu , C per cent. KANBiH OlTV , Mo. , MarchS. The bank oleur- IIIKB today were | l,4Kllt > 5 , and for the wcuk were tU.VjT.OTO. MKMI'IIIB. Tenn , , March 5. Nuw York ox. chance belllru ut pur. Clearings. t'JJl,4B'J , ; balances. fi,7i : : 0 , NKW OIIIKANMarohS. . CloarliiKS , tl,515.t30. : Now York exehan.-u coininerclul paper , 1,000 premium ; bunk f 1.5'j ' pur 1,000. NEW YOIIK , March 5-ClearluKB , 1141,015,380 ; balance * . * I.CS7.0I9. Vat the wock , clearings , f 77PG'4WV1 ; balances. j.'r.oni.V.7. ? I'liii.AiiKi.i'iiiA , I'n. , March ! > . Clonrlnt * . JIJ.I27.1J2 ( ; balances , $ liSJwu. : CIciirlnRS for the week ending todav wuro } ? SMI.ft : : > ti ; bal ances , fi2.feio.87a. Monoy. 34 ! per cent. Cim-Ano , 111. . Mnrch ft. Money onsv nt 4'i ® r per cent. Now York exchange , ooo discount. Stcrllmt ( v\chano iinchaiucil , Hank Inss. 5HSSIIU ; for the ucok.tOJ.M.Mdl. NEW YOIIK , March \-Tho exports of specie Inst wcuk amounted to $ lti < 7.o.'is. ot which HOfi0.2.V > wns pold nnd J.M4.7IVI silver. The Imnortsot spcolo dnrlni ; thu wcu' < amounted to * 77.4l ! , of which } IU1,720 wns golil and } ; IO- 7M si Ivor. IIOSTON , Vass. . March r.-ClenrlnK , tii.4.T9- : 178 ; balances ji.aih.214. Money , 1H6 ( . ' . ' ner cent. i\ehaneo : on Nuw York. rJifci.e ! dlscoitnt. for the wcoU , fOM.Vt.VKl ; balances , Jll,3'M i. I'or the same wouk lust year ; ( 'lour * - ST. Louis. Mo. , March fl. Hunk oloarliiRs , 91CS.\72U : bnlutico * , tl74.0ll. This week , clear- IIIBS , * U.Y > .40J ; balances. } . ' .RU,8 ) 15 ; last week. * 20 , : 12,857 ; balancc , * -ii\li7 : ; cloarlins for thu corresponding wcuk last year , 121,478,010 ; balances , * l,8'nj. ' ) : Money , Oii7 par cent. Now York oxchangc.par , FOR PAIUC SI1E3 , TractOnVrnl Iho City AVUli Prices At- taelied to Tliein , Tbo Pnrlt commissioners bold n short mooting yesterday to consider the various offers of park tracts in accordance with tbo recent resolution of the council , Thcro wore fifteen of these which were sent to the coun cil without recommendation , The tracts offered are ns follows ; V , 0 , Lim try offers 1IK1 acres west and north of Newport , near I'lorencc , Including Vermin Heights. forfHI..Mt ' , U. It , bhaw and K. K. Kronen offer n piece of ground . . , . eighty uerea. . u . portion . . of . . . which . was Included In thu , LatiKtry olfur. lying north ot Vcrnon Heights and Newport , at 14K ) per ncro. ncro.R L. llluiner offers ti > 0 ncros , aurrounilcd on the northeast und south by llcnson's addition , . The Omaha Heights synilloale ofTors eighty norcs ot land between Umiiha llel'liis ; on thu north nnd Central I'ark on thu south for tdAH per ii ere. Tno 1'reinonl. Klkhorn tV Mis souri Valley rallioad cuts through tnls piece diagonally. Oyrus Morton offers the south half of the northeast quarter ot thu northwest quarter Of section 21) ) . township I ! > , r.uro 111. twenty acres' In all , ut 81,5-0 per ticro ; also eighty acres ot the south halt of section 3J , township l.i , ran so 13. atJT.-jOJ per aero. I ) . 1' . Kedinan olTors sixty ucros of grounil west , udiolirliiR Onuilia Hulghts und Vurnon huights. forf.ViU per acre. Also forty uurm , Including u portion of llar.calow's subdivision , south of thu ubovu oiler forV,0 pur aero. I'liius blevers and Otto Illttorlf offer HOO acres lying west of Llttlo I'upllllou , In section 22 , for liVj per aero. ICraslus A. Hcnsoii and A. 1' Tuttey offer eighty acres nurth and east ut llcuson's addi tion anil west of Maplnton for W per acre. ,1. \Voolworth and A. J. 1'oppluton offer what Is known as Sulphur .Sprint's reserve und block 7 In Suipluir Springs addition In thu city of Omaha , about nine acres of ground , for lo'.M ) . 0 , on condition that $10,000 bo expended the first yonr for Improvomuiils. etc. Charles Turner proposes to eult lots 1 to ll ) ami li ! to S4 Inclusive , lu block 2 of Summit place , also lots 1 und 2 In block 3 , West Knd addition , for $12,000. M. T. Patrick offers nlno acres at the north west corner Lake and Twenty-fourth streets , ut an nppralsod value. i Thn O. If. Duvls company offers thosw ? 4 of section Si , town ! . " > , range 1' . ' , 1U ) acres , hull a' mlle west of Kim wood. ; A committco consisting of .lui'go L'lke , Messrs. Mlllnrd and Uningor was appointed to see Mr. H. U. Clarke and offer 1 1,1)00 ) pur ncro for the thirty-throe and n fraction acres between Sackett street on the north , Ninth sti-eot on tbo west and the 13. & M. tracks on the southeast nnd cast. I'ho board will tomorrow drive ever the proposed southwest boulevard. TAKING THE TOWN. Telegraph Linemen Capture 1'ilriillin Street nnd Tear Up tliu SldeivillltH. At nn early hour yosturaay morning fifty or moro telegraph linemen , with picks , axes and shovels , were on the streets. They stationed themselves in squads ut the several street corners and In the middle of the blocks. The command wus clycn by the foreman , and a few moments tutor bugo blocus of permanent sidewalk were torn up and thrown into the gutter. Property owners aloni ; the north stdo ot the street , where tbo walk was belnp destroyed , protested , but the protests were of no avail , as the man In chnree flashed his authority and urged his men on" In their work. Tbo authority catno from Jack Ualllgqn chief of iho 11 ro department , and in brief stated that the Postal Teleeraph cotppany had received his permission to place poles from its ofllco on Douelas street to Farnum and Thirteenth and thence west to Eighteenth street. The mayor , the chairman of the Board of Public Works and the city clerk were visited oy tbo Irate property owners , but the only consolation that they could give wns that they knew nothing about tbo matter and that they had given the telegraph company no permission. Dr. Miller , general manager of the New York Life company , stated tha , it was a shame and a disgrace but he did not know of any way of stopping the work. Alfred Mtllard ot tbo Commercial National bank said that bo felt disgusted , lie talked injunction , but when Ualllgan's permit was exhibited bo subsided. Other "property owners felt the same , but they did not succeed in stopping the wonc. In the meantime the work of elevating the poles wont on until now u long line of addi tional ugly poles rear their heads fifty foot In the air along the principal street of the city.Tho The Postal people smiled at the anger ex pressed by the npoplo along tbo street alia mildly explained that they wore acting under authority granted by u city onlclal. Tholr intention , they said , was to have the pol s for their own use and at the same time they would allow the motor company to attach Its wires. > , None of tbo city ofllciaU seem to know whether or not Chief Galllgan bad authority to grant the permit , but they are free to ex press the opinion that no other company could tear up tbo pavement and the sidewalk without first obtaining a permit from tbo Board of Public Works. To say that the additional poles disfigure tbo north side of Farnain strcot goes with out suylncr , as vvlth their numerous cross- arms they glvo that slao of tbo street the appearance of a dead forest. JIK.ISTH JtA3I'S JIUll.f. \Vhon a man gets religion richt his borso soon 11 n its It out. Tbo devil can make almost anything ho wants to out of n loafer , The best time to keep awav from some people ple Is when you are In trouble. Tbo time when a woman bas no mercy Is when she gets a mouse in a trap. Wearing wigs and dying whiskers never deceives anybody but the people who do It. M < : n who howl at tno passing of a hat in churcb will pay an outrageous hotel bill and never whimper. Tboro are some people who think the mu&lo never amounts to much except when they play llrst fiddle. If everybody's cnlliren were as good as their neighbors think they ought to bo , tbo sun would never set. If men would only stand up for their re ligion llko they da for tholr politics , how BOOH the devil would begin to run. It is a prutty sure sign that wo have fall ings ourselves when wo are much glvnn to calling attention to the fullings of others , Miirrlitn | Tbo following marrlago Hocuses were Is sued by Judge Ellcr yesterday ; Namoand Address. Ago , I Myron Wood ring , t'oiith Omaha. . , . . . ? 1 1 Julia M. I'hliinoy , Houth Omuha . 17 I Carl Sclinilil , HpriiiKfliild . 21 I Annie KlmisRcr , Oiniilm . 10 J K. E. I'utnum , Henbnor . DO 1 Hcrllm rainier. CiUar Illuff'I ' J Robert O. linm. Oreslnun . 21 I Mlna Hluncke , Urushum. , . , , , . 24 j Carl 1'roni , Omuha . . . 23 I Idu Lemon , Omuha . "t An ICIuvutor Accident. One of the heavy cables In tbo southeast elevator of the Now York Llfo build ing parted at tbo top of tbo building whllo the car was at tbo first floor. - The long , heavy wlro rope came coiling and clattering down tbo shaft wltb a good deal of fuss , but did no damage. Each cur has fojr of those supporting cables , any ono ot which , it is claimed , Is umtlclont to sup port tbo heaviest load required of it. I'hlludolphlu Times : Money goes fust under almost uny ulrouinstunei-H , but ono way of oven expediting Un uuturaUpcud Is pultliiK it oil a hor.u. SENT THREATENING LETTERS Two Young Men Jnilocl by Federal Author ities on a Serious Olmrgo. ( CLAIMED TO BE SUN REPRESENTATIVE \Vlicn ( hey tried to Itliickmnll n Younfl . Alan thu Postolllco OdlclnU Took H Hand nml lltookoil ( he ( Iiuiio. The nu'.horlttos nt the Omntitk postofllcs niado u vorj | lmpnrtant nrrcst Krldny nlfiht , nnd followed It joslordny with two more. About two weeks ego n well known young limn who moves hi good society In this city rocolvod n letter Urn brought drops of perspiration to his brow ami made his "hale stand on end llko quills upon the f rot fill porcupine cupine , " H road niter the following fashion | Tlirritlened to Ktpnto tlm Vlrllln. Dear Sir I wish to make you tlio following proposition , mid luavo It to vonr judenionl as to whether the conditions shall no compiled wlthornoU 1 know all about veer relations with Mrs. . Now I wish to say that , the on- tlro story will hn published In the Kansas City Sun unless you send mo 3100 to have the mat * ter suppressed. If you will send mo a letter contalnni : ; llvo $2u bills , neatly fo'dcd nnd wrappud in pupor so that no one will detect It , the urtlclo will bo suppressed. Do not solid thu money In a ruxlsluro : ! lottor. 1 will not receive a registered lottor. Send It In an ordinary letter addressed to Fred I'roeman , Omaha , Nebraska. ) ' . S.--Attend to this mnttnr at once or you will : bo exposed and n marked copy of the Sun containing articlewill bo mulled to your mother In Didn't Solid tlio Stiitr. The rcclplnnt of the nbovo delightful mos * sago hud n prolonged attack of liisoninla the night after ho perused the contents of the lottcr. In tbo morning ho nwoko fully con * vlncod that virtue was Us own reward nnd that , corrupt morals como pretty near fur- nlshlm ; udcqilnto ounlshtnont In this world without considering the world to come. Ho was Just about to carrv his \vr\tcli , his best suit and hU diamond shirt studs to the pawn shop for tlm purpose of rmslng $100 with which to satisfy the demands of the black mailer , when suddenly the dastardly meanness and unlawful nature of the case Hushed upon him , To think in that strain wai to net and In jusl four minutes bo was in u law oftlco laying the particulars bo torn n friend of tbo legal profession. " That snmo < li\y the postmaster nud Inspector specter Brpwn ot the postofllco department , were put in possession of the facU In , the case and they began prnparlm ; the trap which finally caught the perpetrators of tao blackmailing schorao. Cmiirlit by 11 Decoy Lottor. A letter was written and 'mailed to FroJ Freeman according to the directions of the blackmailer and then a watch was put on to urrbit the party who called for the letter. It was an easy mark , showing that the partlos wore cither very bold and rasher or entirely inexperienced. Between 5 nnd 0 o'clock last evening u young man walked up to the general delivery window ut the post- olllco and asked if there wore any letters for Fred Freeman. The signal was given , nnd whuo the clerk was shuttling through the letters a deputy United States marshal walked out in the hall , nnd just ns the young man took the letter udd rosso J to Fred Free man the deputy tapped him on the shoulder and made him a prisoner. It. was now tlrao for tlio oxcosslvo pnrapiratlou to How from parties acting the other sldo of the play. The young man arrested gave the naino of J. E. Wallonhaupt and said that ho had no connection with the scheme at. all. He declared that ho simply nskod for a letter at thorcqucstof africndandhohadnoknowl- edge of tbo contents. \Vullouhaupt was informed that his story might bo perfectly correct , but ho would bo obliged to divulga the nnmos of the parties interested in tbo schema or suffer himself In thiir stead. Ho finally gave the names of VV. G , Bruce of South Omaha nnd U. Do Joel ot Omaha as being the guilty parties. Two Confodurittcs Captured. Warrants were issued for tholr arrest and at 11 o'clock Friday night Mr. Bruce was taken into custody , and yesterday forenoon Mr. Do Joel was arrested. When the deputy marshal and Inspector Brown bccumo convinced that Wnltonhuupt had told the truth about his connection with the case ho was released , but will bo used as a witness. W. G. Bruce has been for some time em ployed in the business ofllco of n largo pack * ing house at South Omaha. His father Is the European agent for the samu concern , and it is said that Bruce comes of it family very highly roapectca. Do Joel is a young man formerly employed by the Bradley Manufacturing company. Ho and Bruca have boon chums for several months and Wallonhaupt was simply an ao- qimintnnco. The preliminary examination will probably dlvulgo the fact as to whether or not these young men hud any connection with the ICansas City Sun or whether they were sim ply using the reputation of that sheet as a club with which to extort money by a black * mailing process. Ilruce Alga Ilolcusnil. Mr. Bruce stated to the United StnUu at torney and Commissioner Dundy that ho had nothing to do with the blackmailing lotion. Ho stated that ho wont to the county jail lute Friday night at the urgent request of Do Joci and then started out to sojuro a bonds man for his friend. Ho was surprised whoa ho returned to his hotel and found an ofllcor awaiting him with a warrant for hla arrest. Ho thought that Do Joci must huvo fur nished the Information which causea his ar rest , but declared that bo had nothing tn do with writing the letter. Mr. Bruce was co- Icusod but DC Joel was bold. Fully Kxonomtud. District Attorney Baker has written th following letter to the mother of Mr.Val - lenlmunt , the young man who figured in the above case ; OMAHA , March 5. Your son informs mo you ara consldorablv agitated ever his sup posed connection with violation of ttio postal law by sending improper mailing matter through tlio mails , wherein W , G. Urucoand K. Do Joel were hold to appear before tha next term of court. Permit mo today , as per request of your son , that your son , J , 1C. , U not guilty of any violation of law Ho only did an unwise thing to please u friend , that is , ho called for a letter , thu calling of'whioh told the story of who sent the umnallabla matter. Your son calling for the letter led the United States authorities to suspect your son of knowledge of the letter to which the one called for was a reply , but his story of the matter was fully corroborated by all par ties and your son is exonerated of any Inten tion of wrong. Trusting the a1) eve may beef of some comfort to you , I am , madam , ro- spcctlully yours , IS S. DoWitt's Sarsapuriila cleanses the blood , Incroascstha appctlloand tones up the ays- lorn. It has betiolltlod many people who Imvo suffered from blood disorders. It will hoipyou. Vmiderlillt nml ( loulil. Rumors of a change in Union Pacilio affairs from Gould to Vunuorbilt management con tinue to accumulate , A railroad man on the inside says that the Now York Central mag * nates , who have a powerful interest In the Northwestern , bavo been Investigating tbe causa of an alleged fulling off in the transcontinental - continental trutilc of tbo latter road. Under tbe compact of IBtf the Union Pa- clllo should turn over Itx oast-bound business to tbo Northwestern , but It Is alleged that Gould is delivering a largo sllco of this traftlo to the Missouri Pacific. Some time ago Tun IKK ! explained a schema in operation to send truftlo cast from Omaha by wav of thu Mis- Hour ! Pnclllu and the Santa Fa to Chicago , lly that deal the Missouri 1'aclllc gets 40 per cent of tua earnings Irotn Onintiu to Chicago , whtlo the Norihwe&torn gets loft. That arrangement does not rob the Union Pacific , but it Is now asserted that consider able oast-bound business is being diverted from the Union Pacitlo ut Cheyenne to tbe Doiivur Pacific , which turns it over to the Missouri Pacilio at Denver. This Is said to bo one of the discoveries resulting from the Vnndorbllt Investigation. "Latn to bed and earlv to rise will shorten the road to your home In tbo nicies. " But early to bed and "Little Early Hlsor , " tba pill that make * Ufa looter auU bo'.ter nod wiser.