c G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SA&11DAY , MATICH 5 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS After a Number of Sharp Fluctuations Wheat Closed Unchanged. CROP DAMAGE REPORTS WERE PLENTIFUL Trnilo WIIH Hiillicr Dull mill nn n Itulc l-urRcly CnnlliK-il to I'rofodnlonuM , tln'l < nil Piililtn Still llulilliiROir. CHICAGO. 111. , March 4. Wheat opened firm nnd higher this morning , but weakened uftcr i- n time and after a number of rather sharp L' llnrtilatlonB closed without change compared I1 ! $ wild yestorday. The foreign news wns very generally dullish , strong cables wcro received both from Pngllsh and continental markets nnd higher quotations were tnailo. This In the face of the weak closing hero was regarded us quite encouraging and stimulated the buying. Crop damage H ports from 1'ranee were again plentiful And the news of the character rocchod yester day scorned lo to count-mod. Cola , Unfa- Mirablo weather was also reported In Great llrltaln and Holland. A Paris cable said : Frosts continue , fcovcro damage to wheat ! In 1 Bonn ) parts It extends to ono-thlrd of tha crop. One from Antwerp said ! Weather cold ; bun I 1'f. severely damaged the wheat crop. f. Mclntyro from NowYoik said that there was good buying there. 1 his factcontrlbuted not a little to the confident fueling which prevailed. Tlio weather In this countty was sciitoimblo anil the n.o\enient on a fairly liberal scale , especially In the northwest where an Immense amount K sta tistically at least , waiting shipment , btitthesu facts were nut potent In the ninklnu of prices. Trade was rather dull as a rule and largely confined to tlio professionals , tno general pub lic still holding olT , There was NOIIIO good buying at the stirl by Scliwiirtz-Du pee. Lo gan , Mllmlue-Ilotlman , llrosseait and others. May opened at from ; ? ie to Ul'ju against ( Kjc ] nt the olosp yestoidny and advanced tolll'ic. Hut at this point the Belling became free , partly In the way of realizing , and Dtirtly owing to the liuttfiu out of short lines , and tlioro wan a section of weakness , the price cropping JjotoDJfie. Pardridie was the prin cipal Holler , though Itlgolow was understood to have marketed a. considerable line for San Francisco account , lint after the Milling was I over there was u hotter tone. During most of the last hour , on continued bullish weather , cables which started shorts to co\orng ! ami near the elo-o icnewed selling , weakened prices und the close Aua at 'JJJJe. Corn was quiet , but strong nt from 'Jo to 'Jo higher , llrcolpts woie less tli in expt-ctod mid the weather wns unfavorable. ' 1 he country roads are In bud condition and Itghtei arri vals me looked for. There was u moderate shipping demand , and the report thatoVcr BOOtiiO | bu. were taken at the seaboard ycstcr- dav helped to cause Iho firmness. The fluctu ations were extra narrow and the close uu- ' changed compared with jestorduy. Oats were steady , fluctuating within ! , e range and oloslni "je higher. Hog products opened firm nt ycstordav's closing. Lurd and ribs steady , closing slightly loner. Pork advanced for a time by pur chases by packers but then wo ikened owlnir to a luck of demand and closed witli u loss of Estimate ; ! receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 140 caift ; corn100 ears ; oats , 110 ears ; lie s. 14.1100 head. The leading futures ranon us folloows : AIITUl.Krt. II10II. IOW. WIIFAT-NU. 2 March 1 8SH May Con > No. 2 March < 1M Mny 42 ? Jimp 4ID4 41 OATS > O. 'l MH ret Mny 801 * iOJ6 WJSS 1'OHK- .Mnrch 11 OU 11 07W n SIM II ! )2 ) 11 2l ) 11 27 ! < 11 07H I Aim Mnrcli a 40 C37 fi 37 Ma > a to , B45 G 45 SHOUT Itius- Marcli 682 6b2K S77K S77H May 6 W ) 6 ! X > SRI 585 Cash quotations wuro as follows : l-'i.ouii Dull and unchanged. WIIBAT No. 2 spring wheat. 83'Jo ' : No. a iprlng wheat , 8iS.ic ; No. 2 red , t > 2 c. UiiiN Steady ; No. 2 , 4IHc ; No. 3 yellow , OArs-No. 2 , 20ic ! ; No. 2 wulto , aie ; ; Ko. ; i white. Sic. UYK No. 2 , S6o. HAIILEY-NO. 2. 5Cc ; No. 3 , 4155c ; No. 4 , 47 B3 e. KLAX SEEINO. . 1. J1.00J4. TIMOTHY SEKO Prime. * 1.2JI,29. I'OIIK Mess pork , jior bbi. , 110.00 ; Inrd. per cwt , tOlla ; short ribs sldos ( loose ) f5.77J4 : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J4.75 ® fj.fifl ; short clear sldon ( boxed ) . S0.2\ WHISKY Distillers' UnUlied goods , per gal. BuoAiis Cut leif , unchanged atSoVo. COHN No. II yellow. 4 o. Itccotpts und shipments today were as fol lows : Unnj full cream Cheddars , 11 ® 117'c ; flats. Ili ) < l2c : Young Americas , 12ffit3e. HIDES Unvhnuircd , TAM.ow-Unchan.-td. New York Murkuta. NEW VOHK , March 4. Fl.otm-Itcceipts , 18,000 pkgs ; oxporto , B20.UOO bbls , M.3JO sacks ; quiet , uncliaim'L'd ; sales. 10,700 bbls. CouvMtiUi Dull. WHEAT Iteeelpts. 51,000 bu. ; exports. 09.- 0t7 : bu. ; sulrs , : > , ( i.tuom bu. of futures ; 158,000 bu. of spot. Spot market unsettled , moderate business , closing steady ; No. 2 re.l , $1.04i.05 ! ! urn , l.tK ) ' . Options atlvancod from o to J/o on higher cables and foreign buvlng doullnud fiom ! Je to ? e on line weather west and Ion 's Helling : adviincPtl from Kotoo on covering closed steady tit from 'So to Wo ; decline oil March and April und We advance on other months. No. 2 red , Maioli Sl.O.'lJ.Ol.Ol'o. CUM- ! inK iiltl.0 ! ! April , Jl.ai1.04 , elosliu : at Jl.oa.'i ; May , Kl.ul 15-l Ol.oay , o osing at H.tttUj Juiic ll.ou MMl-ooss. closing ut Ji.oo'i : Juiv , iwouUft closing ulOOo ; August , 03Ji'J74C ' ! , closing at Uvk-Stoady. iiulet ; vcstorit. U71Je$1.05J' . HAiii.hr Dull , but steady ; No , 2HilwauUeo. OSGl'Jio. T Dull : Canada country made. . UOIIN Itocolpts , S2.700 bu , : exports , snT9i bu. ; sali-s , 12S.WKI bu. futures ; 148.WU bu spot. Bjiot market Irrec'llar. easier anil quiet ; No. 2. liiilltWe In elevator ; W > io alloiit ; ungrutled mixed. 4iVi i5IMc ; No , 2 white , 67i > ; No. a , 4Ui6 Wo ; steamer niUed , 4Xtti0 ! c' . Options dull und unchanged ; March , 44V' < uMU'.io. closing at I'lyc ; April , ft ) Uc. closing at &oioi ; May , 48Uc ; Juno. 4bJUo ; July. 401 o. OATS Hocoipis , 0.400 bu.i exports , 4,000 bu , : sales , 10 ' ,000 bu. futures ; U4ooo bu , spot ; , white. aSHGasjJe ; mixed western , White western , : .0 4lJc ! , HAY Finn tind Quiet. lloi-s heady und iiulot. buoAii llaw , quiet and firm : sales of a car- EO of centrifugals , Wtost. to 1'hlladuluhl.i at Bj.o o. I. f. ; ratlricd , linn and falily active. JUiAHSK6 Foreign , lower ; 50 test , 12' o ; Now Orleans llrm at JlOo. HICK Firm und In good demand , I'KTiiOMsuM-Qulot and steady ; United closed ntS'JJio for April , COTTON bneii On , Steady. TAl.i.ow-Steady and ( julot ; city ( JiCO for KOb'iN Omot mill steady ; steamed , common to good , ! l.M3i.rm. : : TUIirBNTIMB Dull , W08tern10S1 ° ! ro" , B Steady and quiet. Wool , Qtilot and steady , I'OitK Quiet and steady. OUT MKATfl-Stoady i middles , dull and easy ! tlmrt clear. W.W , jMiin-Stsndy and quiet ; western steam , 8,7S ; aalei , 2.7SU tierces ) option sales , 2V ) a- ' llUTTEii Pair domaiid mid steady ; western dairy. 1823o ; western creamery , 21&0te. ! ! piiEEBE-KIrm uudiiulet ; piirteklms , WilO'.Jo. 1'JO 1 now-Dull aud easy ; American , IliTS ® 17,75. C'ori'Bii Dull and steady i leko. tlO.MKailo.fliij , GAII Quiet and Btoad ; domestic , tl.lMi ) Omalitt I'roduco Dlurkoti. FttuiTS California riverside oraniros. (2.25 ® S.asiuyhtnglon \ nu vets , W.50 ® W : Oallfornlu tunzorines , tJ.00 per text Florida oranges , brlirhts , * J.OO : russets , 3OOSSL7S ; Florida tau- ( rorlnos , ta&034.00 ; hulf boxes , western apples , choice. I2.ocfi)250 ) nor bbl. , fancy stand might bring more ; Now York apple * t-i.75i2-J.03 : fancy lemons , tVOOQA2J : choice lemons , H.MdJ4.75 | crapes , per bbl. , : banaims , crated , IJ.ou2.AO ; oraiiborrles , W.50447.00 , VKDETAIILM UullfornU cabbage , Sio ) per Ib. In crutes ; homo grown lottuue , 45o per tin/ ; ' potatoes , dull ! California cauliflower , fi.OO : onions , &Ou4lJI.OO per bu , ; Nebraska hand picked bouus , JLWXii.2.0) ; medium. ll.5&ai.73 ; edery. U.V&4UO ; sheet potatoes. 'i , ' ; . ( : .f > 0. u Ouiuhn Mliilug couipUDjr'N llulluuco r tcn . , ! tnvlnclblo t'atont , tHOTone ! _ Stnr SituerlKtlve. tl.WBnown.ike \ , 11.8.1s Fdncj Kntnlly. I.M | S. K. ( lllmnn's Oold Modnl. I.V ) | SIIOIT White , 12.K ; Hnownako , 12.00 ] low grade , tl.no ; Queen of the t'.intry. 13 00. lltiiEi No. 1 oreen salted hides. 4U ® 4o ; No. 2 green ul tot ! hldov 4'iai'e { : No 1 ercen salted hldus. 2.1 to 40 Ib * , IKM'tct N 2 green suited hides , 2. ' . to to His. , : * ft.l'io ' : No.Mc.ll calf. 8 to n Ihi. , Be ; No. a veal cnlf. 8 to lit Ibs , 4ej No. lilry flint hides , 74Mo ! No 2dry Hint hldcR , fiftCc ; No. t dry saltu.i hldeft , W.c , Tn\- \ low. No. 1. : i' ' < 3lcl tallow , No. 2. .V.lc : grease , white A , 4o ; urcase , white II , IlSfVIHO ! grpnin. yellow , : io ! Kioaso. dark , 214e ; old butter , I ! ® J'io ; bcciwax , prime , Met rouili tallow , IHI ® 2r. 2r.POUI.TIIV - Chickens , coed iloclc , OttlOc ; gi-eso , ducks and ttirkoyi , IKftldc , IliiTTFU llesi I'holco country roll , 10 < 3io ; lower gr. do , KftlHiS. HAV slow ut tL.VXQ'.VOO. ' The latter price could only bo obtained for something extra good , Loos-Murkelcftsleratmsano. llo ton Wool Markrt. HOSTON. Mass. March 4. The demand for wool has been pteady nnd the sales for the week large , iiiiioiintfiri to ; i,7. * > 8.0J.1 Ibs , nt all kinds , 1'rlros remain the 1,11110 , low , and In favor of buyers. Quito good ( talcs of Ohio lleeco Is roporti-d I\t27 < ft27'5c fdr X and 2b23o ( for XX and XX and above , Michigan X sold to n fair extent nt 2tic. In No , 1 wool thcra has been a quiet trade nt : U7i X > a for Ohio and ItltfiJo for Michigan , No 1 fomblng wools have been dull ati : ttWu : , Fine delaine fleece * h.ivo been quiet at WiWIc for Ohio nnd 'lltftto for Michigan , In un washed combing wool there has been moderate sales of oiio-quartor blood ut 24y ( c nnd three-eighths atL'i2dc. The sales ot territory wools urn large , amounting to 7U5.00J Ibs , , In- cliidlnL-oiio lnrKo lot of Uo.orado at about l. > c. Ohio Bales of One wool have been at 14S31Kc ; line medium , IM&IOc , and mcdliiiu nxlra , 22c. On a scouted busts territory wools sell at rSo , principally for line , n' tie for fine tuc- diiini and niKcJVlc for medium , Consldorahlo spring Texas sold at l"(3--li' ( . Including one lot of 7.VJO libs , utaioi fall Texas , iftasjc. Cali fornia wools , IJSJ.'c. Sales It ive been made of. choice supers at 3Sl2c : fair to goo I supers nt IWiJ bo. nnd extras at 22u. Australian wools haxobecn active , with sales at : U'4Uc ' , l'or- ( f.lgn carpet wools huvo been In fair donuind at unchanged pi ices. Kansas City M-irketi. KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. . March 4 Ft.orjit In good demand , firm nnd unchatized : p.tt- er.ts , ( . ' .Mi extra fntiuy , S.V'ti1.fancy ; , $2.0MW.IS : chiilci' , Jl.OOjJ..00. WIIBAT honor ; No. 2 hard , cash , 774obld ! : No. 2 red. 84o bid. ColtN lllsher ; No. 2 , cash , ffl'/Se hid , OATS Steady : No. 2. cash , 28o bid. Uve-Woiik : No. 2. 777fio. FLAX HKI-.O h'Jo ' on the basis of pure. \N-btendy ; Hie In lUO-lu s.iuks. IIv I'lrm ' ; timothy. $9..10 per ton ; fancy prairie , $00) ) ; tooj to choice , M.lU3J50i ) low grades , $ l.i.G5.00. ; Hnns Active and lower at 12o. lIUTrKit-Searce , but urleoa unchanged ; oiouiiiury , 2."A.tc : roll , 14f4'0u. UtlRlMR Unchanged ; Younz America , 10c ; luinias. Tft'Jc. ' . Hcciut'TS AVhoat , 14,10) bu. ; corn , 24,710 buj oats , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 43,183 bu. : corn , 29,407 bu. ; oats , 5IU bu , MIlAvnukru .Markets. MILWAUKEE , WIs. . March 4. FLOUII Moder ate demand. U WHEAT manor ; No. 2 spring , 87c ; May , 8T4' ! ' ! No. I northern , Ole. CDIIN Higher ; No J. iwailp. OAIS Unchuiucd ; No. tf white , 31J4 ; No. 3 , white , ao iOyiiic. 11AHM5V .Neglected ; No. 2 , 52J53c : sample , on track : K@VSc. Kru Weaker : No. J , 8 Jc. { litnvisn > N8 Lower. I'OIIK ( Il.tlP. LAIIII * ' . : > . UeuEiprs riottr , 8,000 Ibs. ; wheat , 33,200 bu. ; D.irley. 2it)0 ! ) ) bu. Sliii-MENTS-Flouf , 2ii,700 Ibs. ; wheat , 24,030 tu. ) ; barlov. iiouo. jMluiirapulls U'heat Aliirkct. MiNNUApoi.'S. Minn. . .March 4. Wheat was steady , but tills Is nil ttiut can bo said about It , It was very dull. Muy oucned at UJe , up a little from last nlclit. and the range of fluctu ations was very low. The highest was bOJic. lowest , 8' > 7 c , and those held only for n moment , leavin ; the trading practically on a range ot 8o.Jli' . The close for May was 8. > ? iu. The cash market was ousy at yesterday's , hut a fair amount of wheat was disposed of. No. 1 northern sold at 80fil4e. } Kcuciptsof wheat here were 305 cars and at DuUitli and Supetlor 100 cars. Ulose ; No. 1 northern , March closed bl o ; Muy opened bOo : hUhcst , S3 ? o ; lowest. &V 'e , closed. 857e ; on track. ISo. 1 hard. 8'i'fc ; No. 1 northern , 83 o ; No. 2 northern , SOSSJc. Knnsiis City Llvo Stock Market. KANSAS Crrir , Mo. . March 4. CATTLE Re ceipts. : t,500 ; shipments. 428 : steers were steady to bttonc ; cows were 1015e lower ; feeders were active and steady to strong. Sales : Urcsncd beef and shipping steers , W.4oa3M ; cows and heifers , J1.&IK3U5 ; stockers and feeders , M2j 6..7a UOQS Kjcelpts. 0,705 ; shipments. 3,203 ; choice hogs were strong , others steady ; ex treme ranges , IJ.50I.75 ; bulk , $ I.GTi. SHEEP Receipts , l.tfj.l ; shlpiucnts , 844 ; sheep of coocl quality were In request , active and strong ; bales , $4.253.00. ( St. Louis Markets. ST. Louis. Mo , , March 4. WHEAT Lower ; cash , D2Kc ; May , O-2'iO , COUN HlRher ; cash. 3P < c : May , L8ic ! , I'OIIK Dull nt 8ll.i ; : > © ll.M7i. ! LAUU Quiet atS0.2Jffi.30. ( WlllSKV S1.14. lliiTTEB Steady ; creamery , 2l28o ; dairy , 15Q25C. _ Duliith Wlip.it Market. DiiT.trr.iT. Minn. , March 4. May sold at the start li In advance otyestorday's close und thcto was u fairly good demand with trading in 100,000 bu. lots. Wheat for milling purposes In good demand atio ! higher than yesterday. Following uero the closing prices : No. 1 hard , cash. 8' > ! $ o : March. 85 0 ; May , OOJjo : No. I northern eai-li , Me ; March , 84c ; May , fcS ? c ; No 2 northern , cash , 77c : No. 3 , T''c ; I.lvorpout JMirhoH. LtvEitroOL , March 4. WIIBAT Quiet und holders olTer moderately ; No. 1 California , bs 2d © < ' 3 3d per cental : No 2 red winter , 8s y < \ liiSi Id. Hecoluts of wheat for the past throe days wore I8J.030 centals , Including 8tOUO ! Amorlcuu. CoiiN-Stoady. hut demand poor ; mixed western , 4s 7d ! per cental. Ueoelots of Ameri can corn for the past three days were 101 , 100 centals. _ Collco .Market. NEwVoitK. Murch 4. Options opened barely steady at 5 to 15 points down ; closed steady and unchanged to 10 points down : sales , 1II.5JO bags. Including Match , $ l.lV > 4il.l.C5 ; April , ( KIU5 ; Muy. JlS.85ai2 IDs Juno. $ U. > ; July. l2.1USentembor. * l2.USI..r : ( > ; Doeeiiibor , 112.05 . ! „ ' . Ki , yet ] Ulo dull und nominal ; No. 7 , Vorclii Oil Mnrkot. LONDON March 4. CALCUTTA LINSEED IlOs Od per quarter. LINSEED OAKK-fl Ihs. . Us per ton. TlJltl'ENriNK Sl'lIllTb 2Gs Her OWt. LivKiii'OOL. March 4 , Turpentine , 2s per owt , ANTWCUP , March 4. I'otrolciini , 15f , Toleiln Uriiln Murkut. TOLEDO , O. , March 4 , WIIBAT Lower : cash and March. ' - > . ' > ? 4'u. Cons Firm ; No. 2 and cuhh , 42c , OAIUQuiet ; cash. : i-'o. Cliiclnimtl 'Murkuts. CIN-INNATI. O. . March 4. WiiEAT-Flrm ; No. 2 rod. ( JOHN Stronger ! No. 2mlvcd , 42'iC. OATS Firm ; No , 2 mixed , 3JlJJc. WlMBKV-11.14 , | _ _ Cotton .Market , NKwYoitK , March 4. Futures closed mi lot and steady : hale5,581 biles ; April , * ! i.7H : May , INJ.-B ; June. W03 ; July , J7.01) ) ; August * 7.2s : September , J7.3I ; October , J7.10 ; Novem- Usr. * 7.5 ; Ueeoinbor.t7.cu , Trader1 TulkT OIIICAOO , III , March 4.-Kcnnott , Hopkins & Co , to 8. A. MeWhorters Thu market has been nervous , following cables In the absence of any other liillnuiitlal nous , These have been conllictlng and uppaiuntly manipulated , There was u quick spurt on private informa tion that the 1 renuhuroii WHS thought to havu been damaged ono-thlrd by the lute cold bnup but when tr-ulors rellectcd tliut I'urla would he likely to discover u matter of M > gra\o linuortaneo and put up that niurkot If true thcro wus a ueiicr.il unloading and the lowest prlcea of the day were made , Appar ently foreign markets nre manlpulutcd to sell on and It Is hard to toll what the imtual situa tion Is. It la very noticeable that whllo win ter wheat lu strong nt times , spring wheat la 11 drug. The demand Is for red winter and Cali fornia mid foreigners bcemlngly have little use for spring. This U something for traders to consider who are dealing In the spring wheat market. It U not Impossible that wheat nmydeollnu here and In tno north west nnd advance ut Hu Louis mid tno sea board. Chicago blocks ot wheat aggrbzuto inoro than I2.UOO.OOO bushels and they are very large In tliu northwest over IW.uio.OuO bushels , Thlb will have to find a market at much lower prices It the foreign demand continues to seek winter wheat and noglout uprlng wheat. I u corn and outs there waa not a lar.-o trade , but relatively stronger than other products. Thu exports of corn were Urge und largo en- cagpmunts show up strong , Wo bellovo In hlxhor prices , I'rot Ibloim continue to book a lower level In consequence of presauioby the big boar traders. It It bolfuvod by good Judges that the product Is getting Into a place where It outi be bulled sharply when the turn comes. CmoAao , II ) . . Jlarch 4.-F.1O. Lozan & Co. to J , Sands Commission company : Wheat opened firm utlWio toOlo for May , sold up to niUu , ai low u8t > 9 > i@UOUc , eloied at DOli&UJNc. KtiKlUh cables uro steady and cash wheat un changed , with fututes rather lower. French cables are oountcting. Some road strong and saylinr dHiniiKO by frost Is serljus , an much us ono-thlrd of the crop damaged by freezing aud thawing weather. In this market there Is soiuu llttlo luuulry ( or vxuoit wheut ( about current prices. Quito a number of telegrams received from the millingcontcriti the north west that several mills would shortly Mult down because ot the falllngon In the demand. TliU wo sot no confirmation of , Iho mnrknt Is nervous nnd thn gonpral feolluz Is unsettled as to vnluos. The heavy stock hero Is the drawback lo any advance. The weather nnd prospects of llio growing crop wo look on us the Imtiortnnt factors tor the next few weeks. Mioit d dan ago occur tlio advance will bo sharp. Mow much it would bo would depend on tlio extent. The decline from this point with line wontbpr will bo s'ow. ' although It may be sure. Corn Is strong In all positions. Until wo have Increased receipts wo look for better prices. The demand continues good. May opened at 42jc , sold as high as 42'io nnd closed at 42' e. All our advice * from the coun try are no corn In cribs and f.irmors unable to market any In < < oti9c < | uonca of bad roads , I'rovislonH uro iiilet. | 'toward thn close u prominent liro.er purchusud about ? , 'JOO,000 Mav libs. The soiling was scattered. OIIICAOO , III.March4. Counsolman k Day to Cockrell Ilros. : Wheat wns dovo'd ot spec ulative Interest most of the day nnd closing prices wcro iinchunited. There were snioral rallies , caused by higher cables , which also mentioned some crop duningo liv frost In France , Tlio trading was In the direction of liquidation. Shorts bid prices tiu and the long Interest supplied the demand. Thu foreign news , however , did not Insplro cnouzli now buying to sustain the advai.cn und the Improvement wns lost. The maikct closed tarn ? . Corn and oats were in active shipping demand , and the lighter receipt * wcio mostly old nt from ' 40 to ! { o advanco. Later the feeling was a sliadn easier , anil latest pi Ices wcro unohantted for corn and about Me higher for oats. Futures were oil let but firm , selllne Uc higher nnd closing 'jo hlelict than yesterday Provisions were dull anJ the market was u repetition of yesterday. Pork opened active , rallied 7'Ji * . declined 20o under pressure of packer's sales , which forced out some stop loss orders and closed houvy at about the bottom tom , Laid and ribs were less active , but rilled lower In sympathy with pork , STOCKS AND HUNtS. Olio ( Iroup of Securities Monopolized tlio Attention oCTriidc-i-H. New YORK , March 4. The stock market to day was again very active after the first hour and decidedly stroiu , although ono group of stocks monouoltrcd the attention ot traders anil the lion's sharoof impiovomont In prices. The general list , however , presented a firm front throughout the day , despite the early wo kncss In both Now England and the Richmond mend & West Point securities In addition to several specialties. The trading as a wh > .o did not lese Its professional character , but llioiu wns nioru life to the deal Ina and whllo the late advance may have been largely duo to the frightening ot the shorts by the unusual ndvanccs in the Vandorbllts , the buying wus undoubtedly ot a good character and Iho Improvement substantial In other stocks than the loaders. Theopcnlntr ot tlio market wasmude , at Irregular changes from the Un il ll.rures of last evening , but advances wcro In a majority and the market right , ut the start displayed a disposition tonrouk away from the weakening Influence of both Now England and the Hiehinond & West Points. The trading In the first of the stocks was bttll very largo this morn ntr , thoiuh not on the Immense scale of yesterday , and It gradually bottled down to ordinary proportions tions as time were along. The early decline was also followed by a full recovery and the covering of shorts In It was as marked auring the afternoon as In many other stocks. The Richmond & West Point securities are still suffering from the uncertainty In regard to the reorganization. The stocks todav. however , were compara tively stronz , whllo the bonds took a header itnd closed materially lower. Later In the day the feature of the day's operations was developed and tlio Vunderbllt stocks quickly came to the front , with Lake Shore In the lc id. Michigan Cantral followlii' . und oven tlio Nickel Plate stock coming In for a share In the rlso. The upward movement In Luke Shore overshadowed the transactions In the rest of the list , and from 12S It mounted to 130 . The grangers also became morn prominent In the lute dealings und St. Paul crossed 81 once moro. while tlio connec tion of Northwestern with the Vandorbllts accounted for u marked rise In thutsto k. The coal stocks , however , wcro weak and the Industrials quite neglected. The buying be came more urgent as the dose approached , and whllo there was some roall/.mg In the ad vances the llnal dealings wer.o at the top figures nnd the oloso was strong nnd confident on a largo volume of business. Too Important advances of the day Include : Lake Shore. 77i percent ; Michigan Central , Ifs per cent ; Nlukol Pluto firsts. 2Ji percent ; Northwestern. Canada Southern aud St. Paul , 15a per cent ; Hock Island , 1(5 ( uer cent ; Now York Central and liuilin ton , 1 % per cent ; Denver & Ulo Grande preferred. f > i pur cent : Utcntuond & West Point , 1)6 ) per cent , und Erie , 1 percent. j Government bonds have been dull and flrm.l State bonds have been neglected. The following are the closing quotations for tbo leading stocks on the New Vork Stock exchange - change tod-ay bid. The total sales of stocks today were 514 , IR9 shares , Including : Atchlson , 7,200 ; Canada Southern , 11,000 ; Chicago Uas , ! U.M ; Dola- wnro , LuokiiwannaA Western , 0,139 : Erie. 01- 100 ; Lake fahore , 21,370 ; Louisville St. Niishvlllo , 4.SOO ; Manhattan , 5.400 : Missouri Pacific , d,770 ; NortUwosUTii. 2iOJ'J ' ; North Ainorluun , : i,35j ; Joitioy Central. 4,414 ; Now York Contra ) , 11.705 ; Northern Pacific preferred , 5,73-1 : Now Eng land , 1 0i : 0 ; Heading , 00,000 ; Richmond & West Point , : i8.003 ; at Paul , 20.000 ; St. Paul & Omaha , 3,300 ; Western Union , 2,082. Financial Ituvlow. NEW YOIIK. March 4.-Tho Post says : Hoblnd all tlio dny' movement It was obvious that thcro was a concerted object to get tlio market once moro Into n favorable condition for bull tiadlng. The day's buying thus stands forth as a bold nnd despeiule test ot the market's Intrinsic stioiiKth. It Is not the first experiment in the same direction and it remains to bo seen whether It will share the fate of Its predecessors. New York Money .Market. NEW YoitK , March 4 , MONICY os OALt , Easy at l'i2per cent ; lust loan 2 pur cent ; closed olTcred at 2 per rent , PIIIMIS MERCANTILE PAt'Brt 41 per cent. HTBIU.INO KxciiANtlK-Qnlet but steady at JI.BVi for sixty-day bills und $4.B7 j for de mand , ThocUHln ; ; quotations on bonds : rinanclal Notes , I'AIIIB , March 4 , Three per cunt rentes Oflf Olio for account. NEW YOIIK. March 4. Clearings , J12fl,125,078i balance : , , $ < J.424U7 ! ) , KANSAS CITV , Mo. . March 4. Tlio bank clear- In 8I,77JU'J. ' . KS today were , , liAi/riuullE , Mil. , March 4. Clearings , I2.20J- 8JO ; balances. IJJl.S'jfl. ' Kate , 0 per cent. 1'iiii.AuuM'iiiA , PH. , Maieli 4. Clearltr.'s , } ll.li74,48J ; balances , II.X'T.bTO. Moudy , D per eunt. MEMPHIS. Tonn , March 4. Now York ex change selllnjc at p&r. Clearings. KT42,8JU ( ; balances , tyui.017 , Ui.Nci.iNATi. o. , March 4. Money , U&O per cent. New York exchange nominal at 40&MO discount , Oioarlnnu , * -,15J,000. tir. Louis. Mo. , March 4 , Hank clearing * , $4,107,834 ; balances , t'i2NXU. ( Money , WS7 per cent. Now York exchange , par , UOSTOV , Mass. , March 4. Clearings , tlU.TJ7- 2 < 4 ; balances , fl,3:17.017. : Money , 2 per cent , nxchunzo on New York , U'H&l'u discount. Cilii'AflO , III. , March 4. Money ojsy ut 41i5i 5 per cent on call and 0 > { ® 0 per cent on time loans , llnnk clearings , t5i ! > 60tXW. Now Vork exchange , TUo discount. I.oniluu Htoi-k Market. lCni > ui1ulitctl 1S92 litiJaintt ( Ionian Ileiuictt. ] LONDON , Murch I , LNow Vork Herald Cable Special to 'inn IlnKr There lias been n. nihrkod alxoncn of liilVIHtsH In the Stock ox- ohungo today. In fnctrdiYHtiu the nftornoon It has boon nearly at n Viaidottll. Thfi Incrc.is- inc cnseof monov li.i oniiied consols to do- cllno-ir ; ! , to i , per cciiUiiTho fosturo In for- eln covcrnniDiit sooitltles ) Is the Mat ness of Hpinlsh nnd Poituguraniboiids , duo to Pnrls selling , The formcrmlmvu fillon 1 pnr cent nnd the latter t ppr t > nt. Homo railways havn shown n better' ' tondeticy durliu the latter part of the day. illo disposition being to take a loss alarming V1KW of the outlook In connection with the 'AMendliiK ) coal strike. Northeastern has rl > fiii per cent , otliorj are better or have jrocovered the e.itly decline. American irnrlwuys have been very tiilot | as rojnrds new .business. They opened dull nnd generally lower , hut In the course ot thojlav nave Improve. ) In tone and on receipt of .New' York priei-s In the afternoon they became strong and ha\ooon- tlnucdsotothoelosc. I'uiindlaii lines have been moro or less depressed all day , A material decline has taken place In Grand Ti link 1s- sties. .Money has been torrilulo wanted in Lombard street. Today loans have been easily obtained at u ( per cent .dis count. The mnrkot has been ijulet , Two and thrco months bills are inoted ) at IJj to2 per cent , LONDON , M-trch 4. The following were the London stock iinotatlons oloslns at 4 p , hi ! ItAlt Stl.VEll 41 T-lOd. MONEV lU@l'i per cent , itatnof ( U'count In the open market for both short and throe months bills. Wrtl'd percent , Amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of nngland on balances today , i".UOOO. Stock .Murknt. HOSTON. Mass. . March 4. The followlmworo the closing price ) on stocks on tliu Itosion stock market to lay : Denver Mli\lnK Stocks. DBNVEH. Cole . M irch 4.-The following list Is thnolosliKqiiotatlonson the .Mlulnz oxcnango today. Sales li > , jW. San Francisco Mining Quotations , SAN PciAvctsco. Oil. . March 4. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : I XlYK STOOK.TS1AKKETS. Liberal llrcolpts at South Omaha rind Heady Sale at Good Prices. OMAHA. March 4. Receipts for the past Dvo days , 10,288 cattle. 18.1SU hogs and 4,043 sheep , against 10,817 cattle , 22,5'JJ hoxs and 8,077 sheep the corresponding five days last week. Receipts of cattle were cootl enough as to quantity but rather Indifferent as toquallty. Conditions otherwise were much the same as they have been all week. Shlopers and ox- uorters wanted good heavy cattloanil dressed lieef buyers also wanted cattle of this grade. The supply bolnz limited prices were firm and trading moderately uri.k on good VJOO-lb. to 1.4uo-lt > . licovos with prices ranging from &I.53 to J1.U5. Medium and fair steers constituted the bulk ot the offer ings and for this reason the dressed beef buyers could afford to bo somewhat Indiffer ent. The uljsoiu'o of any very brisk feeder demand Is also In a measure rosoonslble for the weakness developed by the lighter grades of steers during the past week or ton days. Fair to good 1,100 to 1'J50-lb. stecra sold from U33 toUrt and lleht 80J to llM-lb. ) steers fromSJ.10 to $3.35. Nearly everything at all useful was disposed of before the close. Butchers aud canncrs stock was very slow sale. thobUDDly being tlber.il and the demand certainly no bettor than It has been of late. There was practically no Inquiry from outsldo butchers. Unyors for dressed beef houses paid $2.50 to 12.75 for very good cows and heifers and from tlM to $2.5o for common to very fair stuff. Gunners took Inferior lots and odds und ends at from $1.00 to J-.OO. Hulls , oxen and stags wore about steadv nt from $1.75 to f.1.23 , calves unchanged at from f I.-1. ) to { J.50 for common stuff mid yearlings to $1.00 to Jfi 23 for fair to good veals. It was a slow market throughout with good stuff about steady and common lower. There was no improvement In the market for stackers and feeders and prlora were lower. lOo to 20o lower than lust week , $2.50 to U.20 buying common to very good stock. Representative sales : Iloos The market In general WIIB slow , with prices ranging from steady to &u lower- Ullerlngs were more liberal than utual and made up largely of pretty good light und mo- dUm widght hogs. HuslnCHS wasdull at the opening , with good light and medium weight borls bringing about hteady prices. With llb- ctal rcccliits aim a greatly reduced shipping demand the market weakened ai > the niorutiig advanced , and utter tno first round bids wuru generally pietty cloao to 60 lower on overy- rut.com wuru particularly bearish uu rough henry hogs nnd thay Bold at $4 40 to J4.V ) for full toads ixml from I4.8S to * 4.4 < for pieces , or ta to lee lower. Light bogs sold at from I4.X ( > tofl.M. butohcr wolihts about the same rnngonnd liotixles front 11,40tnfl..V\ wivS nntill , dr.iEgln < c mnr'iot throughout , nnd several bunches remained unsold , Hales worn largely nt 5I..Y ) to 1'KH A.VI ) llOUdll 1 500 i ! 50 7 157 425 HHBKP Seven out of the ten loads received were not offered on the market , either being consigned direct to a local slaiightorur or through to Chicago. Two douliles of fair western wethers sold for I iOO and one single deck of natives remain unsold. The market wiisiiuotably u shade c.tslerantl slow , Quota tions ate us follows : Ka r to good natives , ? ! . " " > CW.40 ; westerns , $ I.OOHVJ5 : comiiion an I stock sheep , * iSUt.75 ; : good toeho'co lambs wolfh- ing forty to ninety pounds , tl.'J.)50.uO , Uepro- seiitntlvu sales : No. Av. I'r. 80 ! ) western wethers OS " > 00 KccolpU unit Dlspntlttou of Stock. Ofllclal receipts Mid disposition ot stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twonty-fourhours , ending at So clock p ni. March 4 , It-'J. . nKCKtlTS. IHSI'OSITIOV. Chicago I.l\o Stock Market. CillCAdo , III. . March < . [ Special Telegram leTHE THE HEE.I A further decrease In the receipts of cattle made It possible for sellers to iret a further small advance In prices. Useful ship ping cattle were especially stron ? , as theio were few of them and the deri.ind , both for eastern and export , was active. Iliitchcrs and canncrs stock also sold well , and the yards were soon stripped. Quotations weiq from 1 1.25 to $ ; . :5 , cows selllnz at f roni 81.25 to J.J.W for Inferior to o.xtra qualities , bulls at from $1.50 to ill 05 , stackers and feeders at from $ --5 to 81.75. dressed Deof and shlpplnc stcors at from $ .1.10 to $5'J5 and Texas cattle at from $ . ' .00 to $4.15. QThe receipts of hors for today wore lamer than had been anticipated and tlio ucathor wus warm and wet. That combination taken In connection with the unsettled condition of the market foi hog product caused a decline In prices. Opcnln : S'lle worn within 5c iisr 100 Ibs. of yesterday's ( iiiolutlons , but the market very soon oxsed oil' another Se. u'oslng with $1.05 the extreme top for heavy nnd medium weights nnd $ l.8i fin outside quota tion for light. From these figures s.iles ran down to from $4.40 to $4.50 for poor grades antl to from $ . ' .5) to $4.00 for culls. The close was very flat. The sheep market wus very quiet today , the wet weather being against active tradfng but the fact of light receipts scorned to prevent any decline in prices Sheep were saleable at from $1.50 to $ o\15 for poor to extra and lambs were quoted at f rom $5.0J to $8.75. 'Ihoiewas little trading In sheep at over $5.05 and sales of lambs wore generally boiow $0.0.1. The ntarUet was active all the week and has made asllgnt adv.inoe. Itocolpts were : Cattle , 0,000 ; hogs. 22.000 ; sheep , 7,100. The Evening Journal reports : OATTLE Re ceipts , 0,000 ; shipments. 3.000 ; market steady to a shade liUhcr ; good to choice steers , $4.5 O5.75 ; fair to good steers , $ J.7. > ® 4.-J5 ; heavy feeders , $ J.253.5U ; stookers , .OOiB U.25. U.25.HOOB Receipts , 21.000 ; shipments , 14.000 ; market fairly active , lower ; rouzh and common , $1.40(3)4.55 ( ) ; mixed and P'tckers , $1.75 (34.8) ( ; prime heavy and butchers woUhts , $4.002)11)5 ) ) ; Digs , J1.GJQ4.83. Now York Live Stock 'Market. NEW YOIIK , March 4. HEBVES Receipts , 2,415 head , Including 5U for sale ; market stoadj ; native steers , 8J.853.10 par ewt ; dressed beaf , steady at bffiSMo per 11) . bhlp- ments tomorrow , 1,459 beeves und 4,250 quar ters of beef. OAtVE3 Receipts. 701 head ; market steady ; veals , $0.51 pur owt. SIIKEI * Receipts. 051 head ; market slow but firm ; sheep. $5.00BU ) per owl , ; lambs , $0.75 ® 7.50 ; dressed mutton steady atMBlOe ncnb. ; dressed lambs , firm at 1X3 Ho perlb. lloas Receipts. D.410 heid. consigned di rect ; market nominally .steady ut $4.0JQ)3.53 ) per cwt. _ _ _ _ _ St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , Mo. , Miroh 4. OATTT-B Rooolpts , 400 ; shipments. HJO : steady ; fair to good native stcors , $ .i.0)1.25 ; fair to good Indian und Toxaiibteors. $ . ' .5 > ® 1 80. lloas Receipts , Il.MO ; shipments , : iW3 : ; strong : ho.ivy , $ L70d)4.85 ) ; mixed , $4.152)4.75 ) ; light , $1.0'J4.8J. _ Mrs. H. C.Gordlng , Evansvlllo , Ind. , says ; "I tiavo tried Bradycrotlno for hondncbe and have always found relief , " Two Kllloil anil 1'ive Injured. BiitMiNOHAM , Ala. , March 4. A wrook on the Kansas City. Memphis & Birmingham road near Danville last night , resulted in the death of two brakomou and the injury of iivo other trainmen. Vivo Miners Fatally Ilurnod. POTTBVII.US , Pa. , March 4. An explosion of 11 ro damp at tno Elmwood colliery in Ma- bonoy City this morning fatally burned llvo men. Ills AVIfo Now JMurdcrm- . DKTISOIT , Mich. , March 4. Charles N. Ayers , wli J was shot by his wife Wednesday , has died. An unlooJectl for oppor tunity is off ami to test the eflicacy of Johann Hoffw Malt Extract. La Grippe is raging uni versal. TJio effects are oxtrcmoly dobilitating. Your cnustittition ncetlBBtrcngtliuning ; your btoinach an invigorator. Tl.o genuine Jolmnn IIoiT's jNIalt Extract is known to do all tliis and moro. It will aid diges tion , increase tlio appetite , and store up fat. ] ) r. I'Yickc , a we'll known practitioner of Philadelphia , writes : "In my own case of impaired diges tion it has benefited mo more than all other remedial agents which I have used. " Ho sure to obtain the genuine winch must have the bigna- turo of "Johann lloff" on tliu neck of uvery bottle , OMAHA POP ? ' aim AWNINGS AND TtNTS OMAHA TENT'AWNIKQ COMPANY , Hrim. Imnimock ) , oil and cuMier clothing Sam ! for rnlnloKue , 111,1 Knrmtn , BAGS ANDTWlNEi. BEMIS OMAHA BAQ CO Importer * nncl nnnufao turor . KluurSncki , llurlnpi and Twine. BICYCLES. AH. PERIOD & GO M.O. DAXON , HO ! Doit jo strait. lllc clos sold on monthly Send for our cutiloKiia payment ! . and price * . lflJT'4 ' rnrnim St. , Oniiht. BOOTb AND SHOES. MDRSE-CDESHOECO. 110) ) Ilonard Strojt. Knlotf corner lltlinnrt lhiuglft utrcoH. \V cnic eXIngclo o ptlco to c 'h buyer , and nro n ( .list or Kuodi which I' vorr gnl * morchnnti KIRKEKDALl , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. \Vholc nlo Mnnufnctu'ri Hoot' , i-liof. rubticrj Aventi for llo ton Hub * and felt iioods. ber Shoe Co , 1IU. . 1101 nnd HIM UnrnoyiitreeU 1M1-R lUrnir Jtro ot. CAL , COKE , tTC. , OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. , Hnrd nnd ! > oft coil H K. corner Kith nnd Donnlii utreatt , CORiNlCc. | CLOTH NG. EAOLECQRNICEWORKS OILMORE&RUHL , Mnntifnutururj of ( Inl- Manufacturers nnd Tanl/od Iron Cornloo. Window exp , inutillo Wholesale Clothlorj , ntc. 1110 and U 110. ) Hartley street M.E. SMITH & . CO. , KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Dry good' , notions , fur- Dry KoonX notions. Kcnti' furnhlilnz uoodi. Howard Cor I " nnd llorvnrdsts. Corner llth and ELECTRKJAL SUPPLIcS. OMAHA CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CO. Elvitro Djrmnini , Iatn : > i , Wire ami Klc'ctrlcAl Sup- pilot ot All Kinds. 1112 Howard trunt , Omitha. WOLF ELECTRICAL CD. , Illustrated cntalo ua freo. 1014 rnpltol Arenito. FURNITURE AND CARPET ? . BEEBE&RUNYAN FUR NITURE CO. , Successor toC A Heobo A Co , HARDWARE. RECTON & WHHEtMY LQBECX&LINN , CO , , hiriiriM or. 10th niul JnckionSti uli Oinalift. HOl > oiil\i3U ! L QUOR . HER A , CO. , R. R. QROTTE , l.lqunr Mcrchintt , Importer met Jobber ot 1111 llnrnor Streat , Wlnoi nmt Liquor * . lOTJnnil toil ftrnnm . Knit India lltlMri Trice IlitiunnpplloUlon. FRICX & , HERBERT. Wholesale lljuor dail er 1001 Knrnnm it. LUMBtr. . CHAS. R. LEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Itnnlwoort lumber , wool cnrpctn nml imr.iaut luiiorlel | , Amorloin I'ort flooring , linlcommt , Mllw.vikoa fumiMit and ! > lli nml Doiulir , liUo ll.i'O , MILLINER'Y. C.ASTONEHIU , A. HDSPE , JR. , Mllllnciy , notion'cln-\k > rKuni , nrllit * ' etc , rattorl.ili , etc. IIR-ltS S ICth ( t. Om.ihn 1MH Do street , OYSTtRS. A.BQOTH PACKING CO. PLATT& . CO. , I'nckoriof ojrttor * , flsli Ojsteri , Kliltaiil 'olj nntl Color/ , SIOHiiHh Ufi Bt fOSI.oavonworth SL l ) rld Cole , M xmp OluS. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Itoflncd and lubricating oils , nxlo Kreaio , eta. PRODUCE COIViM SSION BRANCH & CO. , RIBBELL & SMITH , Dealer * la country prod I > reduce > frulti of all uce , fruits , TCgoUblei , etc. klndi , oyster * , 1207 Howard Street 13th and lUruo.r Htrcotl. KIRSHBRAUN&BROS. , JAS. A. CLARK A , CO. , Butter , cheoio , cjiti , Duttcr , effgi and poultry poultry and game. 1409 1'arnim it COD South 13th Street RIDDELL& CO. , 0. PEQAU , CoinmlBilon Merchant. Dutter cliooeo. OBZI.TOI- Produce , Mutter. ICun , Clu'u.e nnd Poultry. ctabloj , frulu , poultry 12tti and Howard Sit. and tf&aio. Omaha. MULLIN&MCLAIN , BINQHAM&SON. PpeclaHles. biut-r. oi , Send us your Ken * , Hut clioo o. poultry , cto No. tor , Poultry , llaiue , 15-i llti Itof lit Nit. Hidei , Ktc. bank. 1701-3 I.eaTLMiworh St. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CD KINO PAPER CO. a'l ' kl.iji Wrapplnn piper , Carry a full Block of of twines , eto printing , wrapping and 1IOS llcnvanlat. writing paper , card pa per , etc. Tel. 17JJ STOVE REPA RS. JAMES HUGHES , OMAHA STOVE REPAIR Stores repairs of all itla J i WORKS , Cooks and Hmleri Steve repairs and witer attachments for any kind for sale. of stove miito n S. llth Streat 120 ; DoitKlas SASH. I M.A. OISOROW&CO. H. HARDY & CO. , Manufacturers of sash , Toy * , dolli , alb u mi , doori. blinds nnd fancy Hooili. housofur- mouldtnei. llianch of- nl'hlnH Koodi , child- Dce , 13lh and Iiard Sis. ' . 131B 1'arnam Street. SOUTH OMAHA. UNIOS STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED COMMISSON MERCHANTS. ALLEN ROOT & CO. , GASMANN f" DUDLEY. lloomH Kichanite UullJ- lloom ! , 0) and 01 Ef- UulldlHtf South e'ntij ) bililiif Omaha. South O-uiho. \ BONDED PUBLIC WRREHOU8B CAPACITY GOO.OOO BUSHELS. MOKEY ADYAHCED Oil CONSUMERS. ' 1 All Br.ilnolliiid , Inspuctud ami htorijd ritj chlabllbhud by state olllcers. " * Write for rates and full particulars antl consign shipments caio of WO ODMAN &RJ TCI HE : 0 OMAHA , NKli. Every MAN can be I S'/UONO and VIQ- OUOUSmall retperiB _ Jby using SPANISH NitRVINB , theBrcnt hpnnlBh Reraedv. YOUNG MItN OR OIBuOrrinir from NHRVOU9 DKBIT < ITY , I < OST or KAII/INO MANHOOD , nightly emissions , convulsions , ncivous . prostration , ciuiic ii by tueuse of opium , lohjcco or alcohol , wake * fulness , mental depression , loss of power in cither sex , sjcimntor- [ DErnoKK ANU AFTER UbE , rlia-a caused by self abuse and ovcrtndulKrnceorany personal wtak' ness can be restored to perfect health and Iho NOllIvH VITALITY OF STUONO MBN. We give a written guarantee with C boxes to cure any case or refund Itui innney. } i a box , Ci bnici , $5 For sale in Omahv : by McCoi-raick & Lund , lotli & Fitrnamsts. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent unoflallit In nervous , chronic , prlinle. bloat , skin and urinary rtlsnnei'i. A regular and registered Kniduatu In nirilclne , K > Jlpuma > und ccrlltlcntrtiUow , lisuil treating with thairreilrst iiiccnx catarrli , | iurmaturrlioca , Ion innulion l,8umlnal wimkinija. nl ht husoj , linpmnncy , inilillii. irlcluru , uun. orrliocs , cleptvnrlc < icolcctc , No inertury iioef. Now tioatiiimil fnrlovi of vital poiirr , I' rtl i unable to vlnllmo iniiy tie irecto t at homo uy oorre'i oiidcncr , Mertlilno or ln truim > nt kent Ur mall or o < | > rvri ia- eurely packed , no iimrkt to Indicate tontonn or nender. Ono ucrtonal Interview prcltrrod. C < iniall Uuu ( roo. Lorropundoni'u itrlcllr private. Hank ( .Mjnterles of Llfo ) ioal froo. Oflluo hours'J a. m. leO p , m. > 10 a. m. to It m. Heuu uiup ( or reply. . OOLD MEDAL , PAKIB , 1070. W. AKEH & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from "Mi li the rsirti of oil luubun rtincucd , Is iili.ioliitclu jmrrt tintl It la sottilile. No Chemicals lira u rd In IU ! > r < partition. It Imi tnort than three tlmtt Hie ititngth uf Cocoa mind with Blutclirrowroot or Fugar , nncl | i < Uicrcforo far morn ceo- i numlcid , coiling Irs * limn one i. ] tl ( lfllfloU8iiciiir. I Iililtii ; , rlrciiglliciiliiKi KASII.Y ii , und ndmlrnbly odnjitrd for Imidlclt nu well ns for pcruoni liijicaltli. Hold bjr Croctr * ercrjnliere , W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. or IOBT or FAILING 1IA1IHOOD. eceral and NERVOUS DEBILITY , lWeakneu of Body and Mind , Effect * llofErroriorlUctiieainOldorYouiigr. iMIIHID IM ; lUilorrd. How lo vlirrrx.4 . il.clulrlr uiUlii.j Illiglf TnHTHtiT-llmiBl. U.d.j , Irillf ; from (0 Ullln Mil I rtll u lrli. llrllc II.ILI , Vrilrl ) Hie Hovk , t > rl""l u > 4 | > rvor > Billtd ( mltajt'te , Atditu ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFAkU.N. V _ INSTANTRELIEF , fmncuro PILES iiiluu < ) * . uuu liner ruturin. _ _ l.urge.no | lt .noiiuppi > ltury huf- ferer wllll arn oft tlmpln remoily I rte by J- 'CURE 'YOURSELF ! ' ' , Aik your IrnigUt for a . bottlu of IlittU. ' 1 he only . lion jMiiionoui loincdy lor all' ' Hie iiiiiuiturul dischargee and / | irlvateilln jsesoincn nnd the I debilitating wraLtipti peculiar 1 to women. It cures in a few | da > s without the aid or publicity ol a doctor. i7Ae tfnfirrial American Cure. Manufactured by I .Tbo Evans Chemical 0 } . ' CINCINNATI , O. U , O , A , Chlolititcr'i Hugllih IMamund R.-MII. WWqtyLaP/LLS ? 7V Orlaliml undOnlj Oi-iulue. A ilil fur Cttcl.nltri ftialttk 'l > ( it . . . . . /framlla HrdimJ ttfj lu.i.llta' , JUiti ituluJ whliUue rllitou , TuLe Jlivulbrr. Kr/vtt Jang trout , ttttuu r tiftfitanrf fjflfa//uii Af ) ) ruc liltirk b4e. ( lo tutapa fur ( itrllcgltri , lrltnu > oUU toil "Iftllrf fur iMAlvt"inItlltr. it rrluru . _ Mall. KilKMITrilliiioulili fiamt fitpir , , r < 'l'l'hi'Mrr 'l.rralr * ! < 'u.Uudl.oiHguurcv Bold bjr ! ! lx > c UrunliK. I'lillada. , I'm. Tft UIVA 1 latflVaLl Battering front 1 II W trJaki RiB'fa tii viivcu ut B V VV * * mlIVIblM , outbfultirori arlyaecar , waitlnir weakncw , Irxt majiluxid , eta. 1 will in'uil n valuable trvallui ( ual dl iimtaluluj full turtle ulurn fur lismo curi * , I'lli ; ! ? or rbaruc. AM'Hit'lIU mcilical work ! > htiul < ! l > rcaU l > j t very loan who U ni-rvmiii mid ilriillltaUU.ildriu. . 1'roC , 1' . C. I'OVJUUU. . Uooduo , C'ouu *