8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MARCH 3 , 1892. HUNTING FOR SAPPY BOARDS An Investigating Oommitteo Pays a Visit to tbo Kollom School , ALLEGED DEFECTIVE WORK EXAMINED f'Oj-Cnntraclnp llnyilon She Some t'oor Work Tliut lln Did llltnii'ir nml Homo That Ollinr * Did The llcnult. The now Kollom school buildmgntTwonty- oconu * nnd Paul streets was Inspected by tbo Board of Education committee on buildings nnd property yostcrdiy for the purpose of as certaining the truth or falsity of certain state ments made by MA D. I. Hayden , ono of the subcontractors , with reference to the laying of the floors. Mr. Hayden had presented n sworn state ment to the effect that In several of the rooms there was no paper laid between the llrst and iccoild layers of flooring. The specifi cations call for tar paper between thcso floors , anil the board Instructed the cammlttoo on buildings and property to Investigate. Only Mr. Euclid Martin und Mr. Corvoll from the committee wcro present , but Superintendent Hamilton. Contractor Mongodoht , Mr. Hay- den. Mr. Nelmoyor and several other work men nnd n BUB reporter vroro eye witnesses to the Investigation. The first charno made by Mr. Hayden was that sappy and rotten boards had been used In the lloort. Ho was * astced to point out these dofocttvo boards and ho proceeded to do 10. Ho pointed to six boards In different rooms * on too first und second floors that ho called sappy. Mr. Noltnoyor , tbo foreman , planed the boards off and the snnvlngs were carefully examined. The boards wore all found to bo dry nna Mr. Hayden admitted that thrco of them were not sappy. Two others ho claimed had boon sappy because they showed blue and black streaks through them. Ouo board had evidently boon a sappy ono. It was Btnlnod blacit by tbo effects of the water which had at some llmo held lodgment In it. The committee thought that about the only really objectionable board found. Both Mr. Martin ana Mr. Coryoll pronounced the floors very satisfactory In the main. The next cbargo was that no paper had been put down botwcon tbo floors in some rooms. AI tor a long war of words between Mr. Hayden and Superintendent Hamilton , Mr. 1) . O. Hayden , brother to the subcontractor , agreed to show the rooms where no paper had been laid. In the southeast room on the second floor the auger was put through the floor near the center of the room and paper was found. "You won't find any paper hero , " said Mr. D. C. Hayden , stepping a few feet farther oast. ' Put the auger down hero , " said Mr. Mar tin , nnd sure enough thcro was no paper found at that nolnt. "Tho paper begins nt the cast sldo , " con tinued Mr. Hayden , "where wo began to lay the tloor but It only continues about throe foot. Then there Is no paper until you got pretty well toward the center of the room. " "How did that napponi" asked Mr. Martin. "The work was done according to instruc tions. " replied Mr. Haydon. "Who gave you such Instructional" chipped in Superintendent Hamilton. "Mr. Mongodoht , " was Havdon's answer. It was now about time to hoar something from Mr. Mengcdoht and it looked for a mo ment ns tbouph the Ho direct and possibly blows would bo passed. But Mr. Mongc- doht appears to bo a patient and self-pot- sesscd man , so bo simply denied that he had over given instructions that no paper should belaid. "Hayden told mo several times , " said Mr. Mentrodoht , "that it wns all nonsense - sense to put paper between the floors and that it was a croat deal of trouble for him to put it down. I told him that the specifications called for the paper and I must have it put there. I would not have had him fail to put paper In there for $1,000 , and told him so. It's a very small item of expense anyway. 1 bought paper enough and sent It up hero to cover all these Moors nnd I fullv expected that he would put it down. When ho failed to put down the paper ho was violating the Instructions I gave him. " Then Mr. Hamilton had his Inning. Hn oxnlplnod that ho had found Mr. Havdrn's men In that Identical room laying floor with out paper under it uud bad ordered them to tear it up and not to lay any moro In that manner. That nortion of the floor laid after Mr. Hamilton had discovered the difficulty was examined with the auger and paper was found under it. Mr. Hayden then pointed out certain places In other rooms nnd in the hall where there was no"papor. Ho also called attention to the defective work on the moulding around the wainscoting. "Who diu tbut work ? " Mr. Martin nskod. "My men did it , " sold Haydon. "And you brought us up here to exhibit the defects In your own worlr , did youi" "Well , it seemed to please Superintendent Hamilton all right. Ho didn't catch onto in Ho don't know a poor job when ho sees it , " continued Hayden , as ho passed around the room showing whore the moulding on the wainscoting failed 16 fit the window casing. Tbo "defects which Hayden pointed out In the wainscoting appealed to the committee to DC very trivial and Mr. Hey den wns asked to point out the rotten Hoards spoken of In hisaffidavit. Ho failed to find ony rotten boards but sal that ho meant boards that had been sappy for a long time nnd had a sort of dry rot In them. This brought tbo investigation to an end , and after looking the building through tbo committee considered several minor changes suggested by the suDorlutoiidcnt in reference to the outer doors and the main hall. The committee will report at the next mooting of the board. Sufferers from catarrh ran find relief nnd n sure cute by using Plso's Homodv for Catarrh. All druggists , DOc. BRIDGING CUT-OFF. ConimlsMcmcT ! ! Vury Munli nisniipolntcil lit tliu Action of the Council. It was with some degree of disgust that the members of iho Board of County Com missioners road the proceedings of Tuesday night's council mooting , or nt least that portion tion referring to the disposition of Raymond Brothers' contract for constructing the bridge over Cut-Off lake , on the line of Amos nvonuo. County Commissioners Berlin , Stouborg nnd Tlmmo today stated that the boundary line cojld cut no figure , us tbo city's contract provided for the construction of 400 feet of tbo bridge eastward from the wcstsboro of the lake. That portion of the lake had always boon In tbo Fifth ward and no question had ever boon raised as to the boundarv. If there wni any question about the locution of the eastern terminus , the county bad taken all of the responsibility when It lot the contract lor the construction of 1,200 foot of the bridge. > The commissioners suld they had acted in goo'l faith nna would not have lot the con. tract If it had not boon understood und ngreod that the city would construct 400 feet of the bridge ever the west tide of the lake. They could not soy what would bo the result. The county had let Its portion of the contract and the contractor had commenced work. If the Courtland Beach company would not build the 400 foot there was nothing to aobut conitruot the 1,200 foot of bridge out into the lake and then let it stand. Commissioner Tlmmo itatea that the con tract wns lot more for the purpose of aiding Omaha In securing a * pleasure report than for any other purpose. The bridge could benefit no person outside of Omaha and it had boon so understood sincetbo day when the scheme was first conceived , DoWltt't Sarsnparllla cleanses the blood , increases ino appetite and tones up the sys tem. It has benofittod many people who have suffered from blood disorders , It will lielpyou. _ Exonerated ( lie Minister. For the last few days the colored section of the city has boon somewhat excited over the reported trial of Kov , Mr. Ewlng. pastor of Zlon Baptist church at Twenty-second and Grant streets. It appears that the pas tor UM boon giving losnous to a number of young girls , nnrt ono of thorn named Jackson , who wns colling private Instruction , charged Iho reverend gentleman with assault. Her charge * were Investigated Tuesday night nnd of the dozen present only ono favored preferring a formal charge before tbo church. I'ruUo Mnins Mrrlt , The success of Chamberlain's couch rem edy In offfutlngn speedy cure of la grippe , colds , croup nnd whooping cough , has brought It Into great demand. Messrs. Pontius tius & Son of Cameron , O. , say that It has gained a reputation second to none In that vicinity , , lnmcs M , Queen of Johnston , W. Va. , says It Is the best ho over used. B. F. Jones , druggist , VVinona , Miss. , says ; "Chamberlain's cough remedy Is perfectly reliable. I hnvo alwuvs warranted It and it never fulled to give the most perfect satis faction. " CO cent bottles for snlo by drug gists. _ _ THE EAST OMAHA DECISION. .Slum-hip of Wlmt thr States Claimed nnit U'lmtTliry HrcoUml. 'Iho officers and stockholders of the Bast Omaha Land company are footing unusually Jubilant ever the decision of the United States supreme court which has settled the question of the boundary line between Iowa and Nebraska , or at least that portion per taining to ICflst Omaha. As Is well known the case wont up from ' the United States circuit court of 'Iowa. 10 very fact was nut In Issue am ) for morn than a year n dcspcrato legal bnttlo was waged. From the start Iowa contended that the boundary line was midway between iho United States surveys of 1851 nnd 18M. This line ran from a mile to n mile and u halt north of the present channel of the river , through Bnsbo's bond , nnd throw ull Of the Easl Omaha possessions into lown. Then It ran duo west to a nolnt about ono mlle east of Sherman avenue nnd then south about 1,000 feet oar.t of tbo water works pumping station , Nobraski contended that the boundarv line followed the channel of 1S7T ns the river ran just prior to the cut-of. This position the United States supreme court sustained. Tlio decision places the antlro river frontage In Nebraska nnd adds several thousand acres of land. At the same time It places the boi- tlo shaped tract in the bond of Iho river , where it flowed In the sprint ; of 1877 In Iowa. Iowa gets the whole of the Courtland Beach tract and some ' . ' 00 acres lying directly south. Tbo wording of the supreme court aocls- lon. as handed down by Justlco Brewer , Is The boundary line shall bo located where Iho river ran in 1877 , previous to the cut-off , subject to such changes as may have been brought about by the gradual shifting of the channel. The next mflvo will bo to settle this boundary line. An effort will bo made to have It sealed uy a survey made Jolnlly by the surveyor of Douglas county , Nebraska. and the surveyor of Pottavvattamio , la. If they cannot agree , the matter will go to a commission to ba appointed by the govern ment. The officers of the East Omaha Land com pany state that the decision will result in n great boom for Omaha ana East Omaha. It will add several miles of rlvor front which has always boon claimed uy Iowa , and In addition It will throw several thousand dollars' worth of 'property Into Douglas county for assessment purposes. Hogardlnc the question of annexing East Omaha to Omaha , tbo East' Omaha Land company do not view the proposition with any great degree of favor. They claim thnt they have paved and graded streets , water works nnd sewers , and do not see where they roald gain any benefits by such a movo. To annex their taxes , thov claim , would bo in creased without receiving any corresponding advantages. A Wo wish to make a suggestion to persons troubled with rheumatism. Try u few ap plications of Chamocrlain's Pain iBalm. If thnt does not bring relief , dampen a piece of flannel with the Pain' Balm and bind it on ever tbo seat of pain. The first application is almost sure to' relieve tno pain and by its continued use many severe cases have been permanently cured. 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. . m , TOO STOTJTjTO WORK. Judge Korku Meets' a Collection of Olil- Tlmo Druiikn ! in < l'V KnintK. L. T. Hagers was the first victim to square himself up before the police Ju'dgo yesterday. Hagors Is a little too long for his clothes and the. slzo of nls understandings suggest difficulties In aisroolng. Ho wears a beard which is woody and long and his tangled locks are crowned with a boll slmpad hat of the regulation boys' size. Ho operates a farm about twelve miles from the city and came to Omaba on business Tuesday , and after wards full by tbo wayside. Ho was sen tenced to go homo and take care of bis family. Barton lilies , the famous , again came up smiling. Ho was sentenced to a bichlorido institute a short time ago ; took ono shot and proceeded to celebrate tfio event. There was a bottle of "rod eye" on the taolo of the in stitute. at the service of the patients. Bar ton sampled it and decided unanimously that his lines had fallen in pleasant places. In cidentally , however , he hoard it remarked that it would soon become itnpossibio 'or him to swallow his free boozu and he wont away sorrowfully for his thirst was great. Wesley Israel , a sou of Ham , u-.is accused of having no visible moans of support. "Dunno what dat is judge 1" "You'ro accused of being a man that won't work , " shouted the ] udgo. "Aw , that ain't right , jos you glnimo n chauco and I'll ' show you. " "All right ! Co ! down stairs and tackle tbo white-wash brush. " William Dwyer , n Hibernian , came Into town looking for a Job and was arrested for vngrancy , "Did you ever do any work , Dwyer } " asked tbo judge. "I aid that , your honor. I had n job wuuco wld a clothing store. " "What were you doing ! " "I was carryin1 an advertisement for thrco-dollar pants. " "How long ago was thaU" "That was two year ago lost October. " "What have yea been doing alncol" "Luckin" for another job. " "Well , you need u rest. Thirty days : first ton on broad nnd water. " Sick UoaJackof Bo3cljiii's : PHh will curj HUH ruitii in Mr. Cioorgo Hunlon , ono of the proprietors of the Hnnlon Brothers' attractions , nnd who Is spending the present week In the city with Fantasma , Is a heavy Investor in the realty of several of the most flourls-hlng of western cities. Several years ago Mr. Han- Ion bought some Omaha property on west Farnam street , nnd feels moro than satisfied with the advance In price It has tnauo dur ing the period of his ownership. Mr. Hun lon has great faith In the future of Omaba , and is contemplating further investments , Ills big show , "Fnntastna. " is furnishing him the money to do It. Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. " Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years jthe Standard , Delicious Cake and P < u > Try , Ught Flaky Biscuit , CridJle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. . . No other baking 'poirdeTdoci luck wodb AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Some Points That Are Usually Overlooked by Oasuiil Observers , IMPORTANCE OF THE STOCK TRADE It * drouth n.Matter of.Surprise to Any Who Jlino Not U'atchcMl It Cloqely I'liins for the Iliiinnioml Additions Approioil. It may bo doubted whether moro than one- half of the people In South Omaha ro.ilUo how rapidly the live stock Interests of the place nro developing. To n casual observer the Increase In the amount of stock handled Is not apparent or is so gradual that the difference - feronco Is scarcely noticed , A glance at thn figures showing the daily amount of business transacted by the yards nnd packing houses Is surprising to anyone who remembers what these same llguroi footca up n year or two ago. ago.It wns only a short time ngo when the patrons of the South Omaha yards pointed with pride to the fact that 8,000 hogs had once been received hero In ono day. This was regarded as a wonderful achievement und ns indisputable evidence thnt the Magic City was destined to bocoma the second greatest packing point In the United States. The books of the Union Stock Yards com pany show that during the mouth of Janu ary the receipts of hogs exceeded 8,000 on fourteen fcopamtc duyc. The total receipts on these fourteen days amounted to 130,108 , an nvarngo of II.72J n day. That the local domain ! for hogs Is fully equal to the market Is demonstrated by the fact that the four packing establishments slaughtorou over- b.OOO hogs on Esovun duvs of iho some month. The aggregate for the seven days wns U-SJ1 ( an average of 8,980 a day. In comparing those figures with these of other points it should bo romoinbcrcd thnt. the uverago weight of tlio hogs received hero was 270 pounds , against a similar nvorago of ' . ! > pounds at Chicago , so that thu handling of 8,000 hogs here was equal to n business of nearly 9.000 In Chicago. That this increase In business will con tinue Is not doubted bv any ono wno is fa miliar with live stock.Interests. Ills n well known fnot thnt tUo South Omaha market Is nt nil tlmos proportionately higher than Kansas City \\nen the difference In freight rates Is tiiKon Into consideration. It Is in ex pectation of a largo increase In shipments during the coming .season that thu stock yards and packing houses are about to invest a roilnd million of dollars In preparing to receive It. " ; Democratic lrlmiiry DntcH. The democratic city contrnl.committee mot last evening nnd sot March IS forano day on which to hold the primaries fromtj to 7 p. m. , and March 10 for the conveution.-Tno polling places were fixed as follows. t First Ward Two doora south of Delone hotel , Twentv-slxth street. Second Ward Barber shop , ' Twontv- fourth and Q streets. Third Ward Fire engine hall , U strodt. Fourth Ward Missouri Pacific railway office. Five delegates will bo allowed to each ward. Judges and cloiks were appointed ns follows : First Wnrd T. U. Hatcher , E. H. Doud nndDtivo Bloom. Second Ward It Haunnnn , Joseph Derr- rel and K. Pitzpntrick. Third Ward-Chnrlos McCann , EJ Uyon nnd Thomas Dowllng. Fourth Wnrd J. W. Kelly , J. C. Howe nnd Joseph Sif. The city central committee ns reorganized Is composed of Thomas Healoy , tJaruey Kelly , Jehu Frey nnd Gus MuDonough. . \ | > | > rent tinrians. . A cablegram wns received list night an nouncing that the plans for tno contemplated ndditions to the Ueorgo H. Hammond com pany's plant in this city have boon np"bro\'ed by the officials of the compiny , who are now in London. The plans were completed some time ape and sent on to London for approval. This being accomplished , the work of construction will bj Uogun as soon us possible. "Juago" L. A. Davis , who aupsrintendoil the erection of iho additional building two yours ago , will return to Soutn Omaha next week to take charge of the construction of tbo new building. llmo Sijjneil Articles. Articles of agreement have b joa signed for the ttig of war batwoon Iho champion SxVodes nnd the German carpenters. The articles provide that the Swede * nro to have the samn men they had in thn drat , contest , while the Germans have the piivlloo of utrcnglhonlng their team. Each team must dcpislt &WJ In the Packer's National b ink on or before noon March 4 in addition to the 3T ) forfeit , already posted. The contust will be in BHnn'.rluul Friday night , March II , und the winning team will win Sl.'JJi ) , 75 par cent of the guto money and the championship of the city. Printers' OlllcerH. South Omaha Typographical union , No. 209 , has elected the following ortlceri : Presi dent , C. C. Vnuirhn ; vice presidunt , E. G. Smith ; financial tecrotary.j J. P.- Webb ; rending secretary , A. E. Brigbam ; treasurer , E. G. Smith ; sergcant-nt-nrms A. E. Bri ? hum ; executive committee , J. V. WobG , Alex. S'blegel and E. G. Smith. NotVS lillll I'l-MOIlltlH. Lewis Williams , who has been confined to Compai A careful comparison of Dr. Trice's Delicious Flavoring Extracts with the other fla voring extracts offered for sale , will convince any per son that for strength , purity , delicate and natural flavor , Dr. Price's arc far superior. Ladies of taste once having enjoyed the delicious flavor that is given to cakes , pud dings , creams , etc. , by Dr. Price's Vanilla or Lemon Ex tract , could not be induced to use any other. Ttc I * eat. Faitctt anil Flnrit In the World. PaSBunger accompdatlont unoxccllou. MEW VORK. lONDONDEHRr AND GLASGOW. NEW YOBK , aillTtAI/rk'l'iind NAPLES , At rovular lutcrvnls. SAIQOH , SECOND-CLASS AND STEtRAQE ratoaiinhmoit terma to and from Iho principle HOOTCH , t 9U3B , 11I3U k ALL C01IIIKEHTAL POniTO- Kicuralonllcketi > ii IUblu to return by clthtrthoplo- tuntxiue Olrda & Kartli or Irclitnit or KaplM Olkrafur Ertftj tl Uonir Orion fr it7 Amut it I wit Bun. Applr to nnr of our local Agents or to llllOTUKIfJ. Chlcauo , III. / \ - -r i f \ P-m EQUOT. f the house with thofi-rip. was out again ycslor day. day.William William Stownrt hdi returned from a visit nt his old homo at MJccIo , Inih James Condon of Ilillon , Neb. , Is visiting friends nnd rolntlvoMiu town. Mrs. A , H. Halo laumtortnlnlnR Mrs. Knto Early nnd Miss Uavfeiol Columtuis , Nob. John Sexton , spootnl policeman for the Cmlnhy 1'acklli ? conman.r , It at work again nf tcr a severe ntlaclciot the grip. John O. Doyle ttf Swift & Co. has In- vontcd an ImprovcuVbarrol rack which Is pro nounced superior tomnynow In uso. Will Pnildock , fonmcrlr of the American District Toloffrnnhtoampnny , is lying nt the point of death \vltlKqulck consumpUou. Mr. I. Hrown , roprosontlnif M. Uoldsmlth , the Now YorK oattlo exporter , arrived at the yards yesterday. Ho will bo the regular buyer for the export trndo. The Snrsflold Literary club has arranged nu excellent program for the umilvcrsiiry of the birth of Kobert IStnmot. The entertainment - mont will bo ilven lu. Ulum's hall next Fri day evening. OOlcor Mllco IlntiRon Indignantly repudi ates the statement of a aewlng mnehlno npcnt nt the council mooting the other night. Hanson says ho rented the machine nna the rent is all paid up to dnto. The suit of LoURhonberg and Ulark against the city of South Omaha wn. decided In favor of the city yesterday. The plaintiffs nro the owners of the I'loneor block on N street nnd olalmoa $0,000 damages on ac count of the change ol griuio. Ocorgo , Ilurko & Fraztor possess n curious freak , given them by. George Hllss of Fre mont , it is the bodv of a young calf with n * perfectly formed double heart. The I wo heads nro Joined nt the bnso and face almost in opposite directions. Euch bead nas Its full complement of oars , eyes , etc , The nnlmal UTIH the offspring of a cow owned by Henry GofT of Fremont , Mr. Chns. A. Uladno , wholc.snlo denier in dry goods , Statin ton , Va. . writes : I have Hsod'Briutycrotino for headache and find It-a good thing. Tlio 1'ollrn Ilium ) AfTUIrH. The action of the counc'.l In refusing to npprovo the bond * of Go vernor lloyd's recent appointments on the flro and police board gnvo rise to rumors this morning to the effect , that the new bourd would or- Kiuib.o or nttempt to do so nnd lot results bo what they mltrht. JudRO Shields , ono of the outs , snys ho has no Idea of what will bo the next move in the police commUslon mudtlln. Tlioru has boon no council of war and consequently no plan of campaign. However , ho Is perfectly well convinced in his own mind that ho Is ono of the commissioners uucl there will bo n tight for it In some way. Ono of iho largest retail drug bouses In the west. H. C. Arnold nt Kansas City. Mo. , snyb Br.ulycrotino is the greatest boon to humanity in Iho world It euros every form of headache. Dr. Cullliuoro , oculist , tfos building l.lcnnr * . The following mirriago Hcousas wore. Is sued by Judge EllenyestorJay : Nnmo und Address " Aao. JA S. Woodman. Omaha . , . Ill I M.ie S. I'eck , Uenron . 2ri I I ) . W. C'.irnnhull , I'octlitnd , Oio . 1T ! I O.irrlo M ( Jauly. Tdronto , Oau . S3 j Aithur Kromholil , Oniiilm . St , t Mnmlu lltlller , Omaha / . . 20 I I.onls .1. l.lntz , T Uiflno . 30 t hnclul lluilut. TalimiKO. . 13 That Grip , if it catches you , will probably leave you as it has thousands or others , weak , nervous , in fact , your general health impaiied. What are you oing to do about it ? Ask your physician if Johann Hoff's Malt Extract will help you. The medical fraternity throughout the woild lecommend it. It is a stand ard icmedy for indigestion , general debility , for weaknesses of women and children , for catarrhal affections , and it is the first nutritive tonic. It is specially efficacious in stomach disorders , indigestion , dyspepsia. Take it , and you can eat what you please with no bad effects after wards. The genuine have Johann HotT's signature on the neck of the bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents. THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of New York RICHARD A. McCURDY-PfiESIDENT. Statement for the year ending December 31 , 1801 Asset t , - - - J7snaoyi3s as Bcscrro on Policies [ American Tnbln 4 % ) . . . . $ UO.On8 , 22 00 Mnlillltlfu other than Itcsme , o07IU C ! > Surplus , . 12,0W,1II7 ; ( 1(1 ( Kcrelnta from all sourcm , . ; , ( : ! , ; ! M I'ujmeiitsto I'ollij.lluldcrs , . lbi&5,711 bO Illsks assumed ami rrnoiml , 11)4. ) 470 imllrlPK , - - 007.171,601 00 Blskb lu furre , Jiiiv'iOi ' policies , nmouutliib- 095,753,101 03 NOTB , The above statement ihons n large Increase over the business of iBip in amount nt rWncw business assumed , payments to policy-holders , receipts , assets and surplus ; aim includes as risks assumed only the number ana amount of policies actually issued and paid for in the accounts of the year. THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS : Itcal Delate and llondiJfc. Mortgage liaiu ( . 881,345,540 49 United Mitten Ilouds and other Securities , . . . . . 57,001 , 45ft 78 loan on Collateral Ketorltlen , lU/-Jl.UOS 1)0 ) I'akh In llunUs and Innt Compa nies at interest. I . . . 6,070,153 03 Interest ncrrued , l' nlumH lo- ferrtd , etc. , - - - - f.,200,085 40 3S 08 I hive carefully examined the foregoing statement nJ find the same to l > c corrccl. 4A < N , WATCRIIOUSE , Auditor , From the Surplus a dividend will bo apportioned acusual , REPORT Of TBa'tXlUiniKQ COMIIITTU. OSM of Tit Uutul lifolmruct Compinj of Xtv lorlt. limit } 25 , im it m ttag c ( tlii Burl U Trustees of ttb Comfinj , bdd on the (31 ( diy of Ileumber , ulUE&ttt undesigned vert appointed t Cent - to eiuust Uia tnnuiltutcment for tht jur ending Peoember II , 1891 , and to renf ; the tun bnmpuuoi vith the useU of lie OoOlMQITi W wiamittM hi" ctrefullj performed tit duty ( signed to them. ind hereby certify thtt ti tUUment ii In til jvticoUn correct , nd Ihst Uu us U tpicifled thenin ut in poueuun of Iht Company , la miking this ocrti Jcite Hi Commute * bur teitlmonj to th > high ihtrtcter c [ Uu liTUtmenU of Ue Ccaptnj and tiprtu their appro bation of Iht ijiUm , order , and acearie j with whai the account ! and roucAirt tin botn Vet , and tht linnets la general u transacted , H. 0. VON POST , RoacHr Gtvttiu Qtofloi Duee , J. H. HCRHICK , JUUEN T , DAVIU , O , C , RociNtoN , Ji , O. HOIDEN. _ ROBERT A. ORANNIS8 , Vict-PntciOiNT. WALTER K < GILLETTE , - General Manager , FXEDEMIC CROUWILL , . . . Treasurer. KUOKY MCCLINTOCK , . . . Actuary , W. K AUEN. General AKOIII , Npbrusku , North und South D.iKotu , Wyocnlii ; nnd I ! tnh- OcHiil. ai' the , rc > | ionslllu agents wanted , ni- ply to W. 1' . Allfii , fiviicr.il iih'fiit , Onuhu. Nob. SANIMI.WOOII rAi'dlttiliS arj Ilia UUUU bait aiutonlcnpiulei presrlbad tif I H i-eiiular i > h7lcl ni for Ibo curj of tionorrboaand licUarifm froii-ltia urluir Wurttcase * lu5JJf < - H.SJ vur box , AFTER THE GRIPPE , Tlio Grlppo IlcHponslhto for More Dcntlis nflor llcuovcry than Durlnjt ItnCoiirnc , How to Avoid the Dun * Orlppo , In IHelf , Inline ! enough , dobllllixtlns enough , lullt U the aftereffects , ttiu slownm of recovery Hint give It Its Rront tlnnger. In most cnsoi , the iicreon tllrt not Imvo Hiiniclent vltiillty to rntly nftor the dlsrmso Itself lintl passed. Tlio forces of nnttiro wore too weak to contend with the debility which the Orlppo hnil loft , It Is sntl to thlnlf how ninny people hnvo died who mlslit huvo been R.ived It natiiro lintl been properly assisted and fortified nftor the Onppo lind been driven from the rystoin Many physlolnns roullrod this fuel , mid as sisted their patients over the tlnmrnrous after olTccts by bracing tip anil stimulating tholr systems. This was. and enn bo done In but ono way. and that Is by the stoidy : und n od- orntousoof some pure yet powerful stlnui- lunt. There Is but ono absolutely pure and medicinal gtlmuliint known to the profession nnd to the public , and that Is DufTy's 1'uro Mult Whiskey. The most prominent scientists nnd physlclniiHof the land cnilouo Its purity and valuo. It Is not a now whlsUoy , it has been before the publlo for years. It Is not a cheap decoction , but a pnro distillation. It Impirts a tonu to the system possible In no other manner and Bonds the blood counting through the veins with renowcrt vlcor. His suuiirlor In every respect and however much any unscrupulous drupRUl orKro.-crmay seek to li ad you to bollevu to the contrary do not bo deceived. To Cure Sleeplessness Take bromide of tiotaih. ono ounce ; extract ol hops , two drarlims : ' water , eight ounces ; mix. Truce a table Fpoonful half an hour before1 cat * Ing last meal and at bed time. The above valuable recipe Is taken from the Illustrated new book of I'M pages , \vhlcli " DRS. BETTS & BETTS will send to any'nddress for -1 cents In stamps. It Is full of valuable Information for the nick nnd the welland IB a most reliable work , havlnc been prepared and published by the most noted and successful Specialists In America the famous and popular DRS. BETTS & BETTS Whose successful cure ol more cases of Nervous , Chronic AND , Private Diseases than any other physicians In the United States , Elves them a prestige possessed by none of tnslr professional contemporaries. In the treatment of The equals of these gif W. Kings of Specialists are not to be found In all the length and bro din of the land. They have plenty uf Imitators but no equals. Consultation free. Call upon or address v.Ith stamp , OllSouth I4th St..N. K Conor 11 nnrt Douglas Sts. Omaha , Neb. M ; rn m mm SYR.INQEX , Tlio Only I'crfcct Vn lnal niul Itl'ctnl Syrlruo In tbu world Is ( lie only nyrlniie ever In vented by wrilcli vaginal In- jecttoiH can bo administered without lunklntt iintl sollliitf the i.lotlilnu or m'co'ult Hint- thu HBO ot no.nol. . mill which enn alia bo IIS < H | fur rectal Injections or Irrltf.i * tlon hOKl' 1IUIII1KII MUM ) nnd iiAitu uuiiiiini i'ltU'll , $ ! ! . . Mull imltTl sollUtccl. The Aloe & Pcnfold Co /.7f/i Htffft , , V.rf t M'oMt of five. I'livclc Inns proscriptions curcfiill ) jircparoii nt low in i. JT.I.IA i.uiiiiAiiD'-i UHIKXTALCU > : A.M. ' OH MAt.lCAl , IIHAUH'IICII. Itoranvea Tnn , ! , Moth Pntch. e . lfn > n nna bk I n Dliioatoa , anduverr bleni- Uh un beaulf , anddcfleii detec tton , . It linn etuort the tout ol < Ujoam , and Ute to harm lean wo I ami' , to bomira It la proper ) ? uiftilo. Accept no counlorfolt of Blmllurnuiiiu , Dr. U A , fitror Hid to H. lady of thu luiut ton ( n lailent ) : "Ajjoii ludlo Mill use them IrecoHiuiond lioiimud'i l renm'n the least harmful of all the tkln prcpiirntloni. " Kor mlu br all DruitnleU and Funcr GuoiU Dealers In the Untied btaUi , Cauadas und ICuropu , yUKUT. H01'KINB.l'fop'r,37QrcatJonei St , N. Y , NEBRASKA National' Bank. * U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , NEB ( 'apltu ! , . . . . if 100.000 Surplus. T 00,500 unicorn mid Ilruc'tiir ) llenrr W Ynlc , proililent U. C , t'luhliiR , Tire pruHldent. C. b. Mnurlro. W V Morto , Julin H. Conui * . J N U , 1'ulrlck , Low Is A. Hoed , Canhlcr , THE1 IRON BANK. Corner 12th and Farnam Sts. Or , BAILEY r Ilia Loading ilJ * . \J Dentist Third Floor , Paxton nios'c. ' Cloplioiu I1) i > , Hit1 ! UllJ K.UM I U Sh A full net of tenth on rubber for IV Perfiut lit. Ti'i'Ili without platoi or romorabla brlUa wor , Juit the tiling for ln < or or puulla upoakorJi nirjr ilroiirtoivn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. AH llllluirt at roaf on Jbtu ratoi , all irark wirraat j I Cat thlt out for a uuldu. HI ! PCt INSTANT RELIEF. Vlntlcur Mil n T laludnji , nj noier returui. No I lbkw lpurc , uoulreni jnp < llorr.6iif- * Hllll ftrn ola simple rvmouy Fra * . by mil * of the spring season is always a welcome time in a large clothing establishment , such asours , to every Individual connected with it , from the heads of the house to the youngest salesman , employed in it ; from the man who buys the goods to the man who tells you about them in the papers. After long months of handlin thick , heavy goods in darlc and sombre colors , to turn to the handsome shades and colors of spring , is like turning from a dead stump in g pasture to a fragrant bed of pansies in full bloom. This spring it's a little "more so" than usual. Such a radical change in styles has not } been known in years before. Particularly is this true in MEN'S SUITS. The shades and colors have never opened up as handsomely as this spring's productions. New shades of brown and blue and gray ; toney tans ; handsome modes , and nobby mixtures in countless blends. New styles in pin-head cheeks and ' 'eighth inch effects. " ' New plaids' and stripes. No man can tell , and 'no man can imagine when he is told how handsome the new things are without a look. Our entire new line of Spring Suits for men will be ready to inspect any day this week. Homespuns , Cheviots , Wales , Corkscrew , Di agonals , Worsteds , Cassimeres , Meltons , Serges , in Cutaways or Sacks , bound or plain. Drop in bring your pocketbook not much money you'll have a new spring suit to weai ? next Sunday. Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m I ) b Our catalogue sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail postal card to have it sent. Dear Sir : We will It pleased to mail to you , securely sealed and free from all marks , a copy of our treatise on I the Irving Treatment of the Decline of Manhood and Nervous Debility. Also sample of the Irving Specifics. Enclose stamp to cover postage. I Respectfully Yours , P IRVING nOJIKOPATIIIC INSTITUTE , 86 Fifth Attnnt , New York. | fe Sore Throat Lameness Sore Ey < Sorem Cat ; Bn Piles Female Complaints Rheumatism AND ALL Inflammation Sold cnly In our own bot'lct. ' All ( Iruggljti. POND'S ' EXTRACT To promote health , preserve and length en life , stimulate and invigorate the whole system , tone the stomach , aid digestion , create an appetite and repair the waste tissues of the lungs , nothing surpasses an absolutely pure whiskey of deli cious 11 a v o r , smooth to the taste , mellow , mature and of richest qual ity. LJnlike inferior whiskies it will not rasp or scald the throat and stomach , Call for CREAM PURE RYE and take no other. „ For sale only at high-class liquor and druc stores. DAU.it ; MAN I ) & CO. , OHlOAdO. _ . 'CURE , /YOURSELF ! , . Ailc your UrugKUt for m bottle gt W 1. The only , j non jioiionuut ruinvuy fur all l / the unnatural ( IlKhargciBiid I private illncwn nf men anil the I debilitating fakncs perullur I to uomen. It cures In a few lda > without the aid or \ publlcltr o ( a doctor , I'A J'niurial Amrrican Curl. Manufarturril by I k.Tbe Evani Chemical Co. ' CINCINNATI. O. U.S.A. DR. J. E Me & HEW THE SPECIALIST , iHuiisurpiiBaodlnthetrotrnont of nil cases o PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd nil disorder nnd dohllltlea of youth nnd mnnhood. ITvours' experience. Ilia resources nnd facilities lira pniutlc illy unlimited , Tlio Doctor Is recom- inunilud hy the press , nnd endoisod In the atmiiKCSttornia by tliupoop o for fair treat- mi'nt und linni'kt , professional iidvk'o. The most powerful remedies known to rnnditrn ivlonco fur the sucuusiful truutiuimt of the following diseases : GONORRHOEA Iminoillnto relief. A com. ploto euro without the loss of un hour's time from business. GLEET One of the most complete nnd sue- cessul treatments for Kleot miti all nnnoylnil itlsulnir.'ua yet known to the mcdlc.i ! proffli- Blon. Thu results itro truly wondeiful. The inu ! > t stubborn iimlehronlo ruses where the dlsc'hnr o hnd oxlstoil fnryo.ns. entirely con trolled Inn remarkably short time , . ' STRICTURE-Urcutost known roinody for tlio treatment of btrlclnre , without puln , ruU Una , ortlllatlnir , A most remarkable remedy. SYPHILIS No treatment for tins torrlblu blood illsBiibo hui over been mure successful , or hnd stronger ondnmumuiit * . In the light of moilern science thin dlsenso Is positively ciir.ililu nml ovury tr.icoof the poison untlroly rcinovoil from the blood. The euro la complete nnd pcrinnnnnt , LOST MANHOOD , anil nmbltlon , nervous * liois , timidity , dosuondnnoy nnd nil bllt'htln'- ( oifeetHof uurly vlco. Hollof obtained at nruy , 'I ho woulc urow st intiff. un I Iho despondent bo * come oheerfill nnd hup.y | , SKIN DISEASES , un I nil diseases of thn blood , Hvor , lcldneyn nndli litdilor uru tiuiitivl successfully with thogreatosl known remedied for thesu disoubua \Vrlto for elrcularsiuul ( jiifcHllon Hat free. DISEASES OP THE STOMACH - Dr. Mcdrew'a ' treatment for ( llsorder.s of tllq btiJinacli , liua the unijualllliHl en.lorseinejit of thobu wholiavo been cured. ( Jam's thnt hnd MilTcred for yours und unable to Woitit or HAT without inoreuHlni ; their inltiory , untiruly cured , 'J'hn rumodlus are p'ousnt , und pnl utublo to the most ( Iclluatostornuuh , lltt ) mid litrnnin Hta , Omalm , Neb , ICnlr.inoo on either street WEAK UNDEVELOPED Condltrnsof ! Ibeliuiiiaii furm utcu ifullrtrc > tc4 tortoveloii , > trenuthon , cnluruo all wtruk. munlcd , uniloreloiied. fecile orKmis nnil i-iirls of the tody which huvu ) utl or ntiver attiilncil a proper and natural > lto , duo to III houlili , Lu u.eiccxein unknown cuuief. 'Ihore U iiu inrl hull \iu only our. by which Ihlt may un uccuniillil | > i4. IncrraacilUovr of tlouil to imr Purl , ( iruducedct hnploapparutiis acllnv autumnllcullr.crcatcirio . tliiuu , tuna und Tlitor by thu punm nutural ) > ( thglnrrcaioof iliu and ttronulhof iiiuiclo. Don'l to prejudiced Locuo llttlo quark * pruuuo r > ; ; neiii5 to do tl.o .nme. JNVKHTH Tlivrii'n biirlt ofour 0urii. un trnp UMI „ , „ „ „ u , ! . , . , ) ,0 , uubllo knowi cTuarlr .v.v. . . from fraud iVrilii u > for Initrnctloiii. full doc/I lion , vrixif , , reference ! . etc. All ent you la f ! icniun loner without coit of iinv kind. EWE MEDICAL CO , , BUFFALO , N.