THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . .THUHSIUY , MARCH 3 , 1892 , 8PE01HL NDT1GE8 , ADVKUTIHKMKNTS FCW THKSK COLUMNS will britaken until 11:80 : p. tn for the evening nod until 8.SO p. m. for the morning or Sunday edl- lion. lion.All BdTcrllaemonti In lliran column * IK rents n linn flrnt Insertion , find 10 r nti a line thereafter , or t2 per line per month. No advertisement taken for IOM tlmn 23 rents for the fim Insertion. Term * , cflnh In advance. Count about mvon word * to the line , initials , injures , symbol * , etc. , cnch count aa n word All advertisement * must run conopctnlvoly. Advertisers IJT rcqiicKtlriH n mimbcriMl check , cnn have the loiters "mdroiised to n numbered letter In ear * of Tim 1IKC. ao addressed will ho flollvrrpd on presentation of the check. IJRANCll OFFICK8-AIViitTI8INI ; ( ( ORTJIKSK J'columnii will bo taken on tlio above condllloni nt the following business houses , who are author Iteil to take special notices at the name ratca as can l > o had at the main onirni floiith Omaha llranch Olllcc No. 2033 N rtreot , I.lKter block. John \V lloll , pharmaclit , llth and Mason utrceta. H. II , Farnnworth , pharmacist , SII5 Cnmlng street. \V. J. HuBhcn. tiharmacltt , 1,31 N. 10th street. U. K. Hattorneld , phartuaclM , 1718 Lcavenworth ttrncl. Hugheit' pearmacy , 31th and Farnam. { SITUATIONS WANTED. IlATKS lie a line first time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for Icsi than 26c. ' TvA TKUrHlTtJATION lir HANK"A8 IIOOK- A keeper or assistant cashier ; had aomo oxpcrl' cncc , best of ref orenco. K. L. Argabrlght , Bhtibert , Neb , 770 4 , WANTICI ) , SITUATION IIV A MLK TVPK- kwrltcr to do copying at homo. Address P tn. llco. Mdll .V A-YOUNII LADY DKfllRKH A POSITION FOll ofllco work of any kind ; understands shorthand , typowrlttiig and bookkueplng ; can'furnish best of references. Address P27 , lleo. M'.UO 3 * WOULD I.IKH A POSITION AS STKN- A ographcr or bookkeeper , llnvn had three Tear' * experience. First clnss roforoncoa. Address l'30.1lec. * WANTED--MALE HELP. HATES Itc a line tlrst time and lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for leas than 25c. TJ-WANTED. SALESMEN ON SALAHY Oil COM- JLlmlaalon to handle tlio now patent chemical Ink craalnu pencil. 'Iho itreatest sHIlim novelty ever jiroduccd ; eraaea Ink tliiiruuulily In two aeciindi ; no atarnalon of paper ; 20U to MHI per cent profit ; nno nKcnt'H snlea amounted to tf U In six da > a , another tM In two hours. Wo want ono general aittMit In oachatatoand territory. Kor terms and lull par ticulars address Monroe Kraacr Mfit. Co , LaCros e , Wla. . X M. B77 B WANTED , KH18T-CLAS3 MACHINIST. Davis A CowBllt. " 75 T-POIITIIAIT ARTISTS WANTKD TO (1IVK JOour electric llRht prlnta n trial. Kxcelslor Portrait trait Co. , Ware block , Omaha. M.U4 M13 * 1) WANTKD , MACHINISTS ' 1O KKKP AWAY J from Indianapolis , Inil , . n there Is a ntrlko there. .1. J. Lamb , ( I. 1C , Hoard. 1IM2V 1 > WANTKIIAN HNF.1UIF.T10 MAN IN A ttl'.Vf JJllnii of aolicltlug , Call or address N. Y. 1.1 To Illdg. room 3JI. B-OANVArtSURS WANTKD TO 8OLIC1T OR- dora for our portrait ! . Kxcelslor Portrait Co. . .Ware block , Omaha. M < ! 3 < MM * B 11 fJOOD CANVASSKRS WANTKD. 1UJ N. Y. Lire. J , II. Jerome. .MT'.Hf. ' - . MASON1CSALESMEN. CAPAIII.E B-WANTED. > In aalnxlnday. Address J. N , Me- Cllntock.manager , Mil llroadway , Kansas City. Mo. M'.li ti1 T > -MEN TO TAKE OUDKIlf ; NO DBLIVEUIM ! JJor collecting no experience ; steady works bi-it term * : best specialties ; samples free. Glen llros , Kocheatcr , N. V. MlMt-I2 T > -WANTEI > , PAPIJIl HANOK't TO DO WOUK JUiind take part pay In rent. Ono year's rent ininr- t-antcfd. tl. K. Hulls , 220 S. 17th , lice bldg. 77'i 4 -WANTED , KIHST-OLASB M1LKE11. .1. V. Hoch , 41.02 Ames avo. V32 3 * B MAN TO SEW IIUCO.US ON McCOMI ) SEW- Inu machine. Omaha Urooui Works , l&th nnd Pacific , tut 4 * WANTED-FEMAI.E KEEP. B-ISea line llr t time nnd lOe aline there after. No advertisement taken for leas than Wo. LADIKsl)0 m "w'ilK AT YOUR HOMKS : easy nnd Interentlng ; day or evening ; no cxoer- lencit , no cnnvnfslnu : good pay. Addreaa with rtamp , Iloatoii Aiiuarellu Art Cu.,49 Winter atrcet , lloaton , Mass. M5bl > MS * p WANTKI ) , GOOD COOK AND LAUNDRESS , wlli S.ZUtli at. _ 75J WANTHD. A ( HIIL FO1K1KNHHAL IIOtlSK- C work ut 2C31 Uarncy street. Mrs. U. U. Wheelbr. M77J l \ GC-OD GIRL FOR GnNIIRAL HOUSEWORK , V-'fanilly of two , 112' ' ! South 3'.M street. 78.14 * -WANTED , GIRL FOll HOUSE WORK. 817 S. Itllli M. 1)34 ) 3 G ( WANTED , YOUNG I.1RL FOR GENERAL lioULOTOrk , light nork. Apply at 1618 North' > 7tli IOOD UI11L KOU HENEllAti UOUSEWOIIK ; aahlng. 617 3.2Btli St. MiUS 3 f \ WANTED , O1HL TO TAKE CAHE OK I1AHY V/aftornoiiiia , 514 N. liltu , M.I 2 C-WANTED UIIIL KOU HOUSEWO111C , 1C18 Web- stor. . V38 3 * /S AN KXPEHIKNCEI ) COOK AND LAUNDIIESS , V/rcfercnccs required. Mrs. J. E , Doyd , 11X13 Daven port st. WJ 3 * C-OCODOIUL KOU OKNEHAL HOUSK.WOUK. Apply 1810 N,2Cth st. 1153 U -liOOD OIItL KOU CiENEUAL UOUSEWOUIC. Mi Karnam street. 772 3 * C-WANTED , A CHIIL I-OII OENEUAL HOUSE- .vork. Call at onco. 1312 South 31st street. Mrs. J. W. Cralir. M1I75 pl-JIRL TO COOK , WASH AND IRON. H24 V Juckson atroot. -WANTKD , GIRL FOll GENERAL HOUSK- work.must bo n good cook. Mrs. U A. anrnur.KUT California st. ItoO | 1-WANTED , SMART YOUNG GIRL AT IIALD- Vywln'a. 1301) ) N. 21th atroet. 1W5 2 * a 10 GOOD GIRLS FOll HOUSK WORK CAN GET . lacoa Immediately ; wogca W.SOto W per week Apply at 1414 Farnam street. 03.1 3 * -WANTED , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN D1C BlrtiiK profitable employment call at 008 N. 17tl street 10 to 12 aud I to u today. MOT 8 * FO H BENT-HOUSES. HATES 15o a line nrstthuo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for Icis than 25c , . HOUSES , 110 to $13. UEST11ES- j ldcnco Huts In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 442 lieo bldu. " 3 _ _ _ _ _ -KOU UKNT , HOUSE 10 IIOOMS , ALL MODem - em Improvement * , f ) per month ; 32d and F r- nam , Dexter I , . Thonmn , Bill -UHOOM HOUSU. S7TH AND DAVENPOlllr all conveniences , f WOO per month , 1' ' . 1C. Dar llnK , Murker block , SO -HOUbBS , COTTAOES , IIOOMS , 014 N. I7tli st. 47&-ml7' TTV-KOIl UENT. SKVEN-IIOOM COTTAOK. CITY Jywalor , mis and cistern. 2401 DodKO st. . (23 pur month. M. J , Kenniircl , w.l New York Lifo building 610 -KOU UENT , COTTACJE.O HOOMS , HATH. HOT and cold wuter. IIITKU bturo room , Stntloimry niiiKe , curtains , Kood cellar , fuO00 ] > er month. I6il , bhennan avcnuo. Call at room 37 , Merchants hotel , MM I D-POH UKNT , FliAMK HOUSE , NO. 600 8 ll.TH streetlu ; good repair , llant f lft.00 per month. Call at Her .V Co's. , 1112 llnrney atreot. M7li -KOU UKNT.MtOOM PLAT , KIIONT IbTH AND Hickory. Ttl 2' D I-tl 110OM KLAT , 2403 LEAVENWOUTII ST. K T\-IO-1IOOM , ALL MODEIIN HOUSE , 63 S. 28TH X J/strcot. 8 room IIOIIFO , 1117 Hovrnril st. H-room liouso. Wtl H. Idth st. U-rooui house , OOfl Plurco st. U room house , fail S. Itith st. A largo Hit of other huuaos. II. U. Olark it Co. , 1218 llurney it. 733 4 | DT-1IOOM COTTAtli : , , S7TH , EAST KIIONT , I mlle from P. O..all mod. Imp. , (23. 7-room cottano , asil Seward , now , pretty. Hi. 6-room IIOUBO , 25th near bt. Mary's avi > . , tlU. Fidelity Trust Co. , K , untrancu f. Y. Ltfo. 784 MM IV ° ! l ° 9M WTTAllE. HOT AND COLD WATKII , J-'bttth , cloaet. f iirnaco , lieuutKul lawn and slmdu. Apply ut N , E. cor , 22nd nnd Miami. U KM1 1IENT , HTKA.M IIEATKH KLAT8 IN L/tlui P. K. Her block , corner loth uud Jacksoi slreoti. U'bey huvo nil ronvunlvnoos and are li good ropalr. Call at Her It Co's. , HU llarnoy treot. MI14 _ _ _ D-KOIt UKNT AT 1 TH AND CHICAGO streets ; S room cottage with water. 13. 4-room tint with water , 110 , C-room Hat , steam heat , Newly papurod and painted , flO. Itobvns , Kit ) Chicago street MU7U B * VKItv I > K8IHAHIH KOlJli J moderu Hats , iteatu lieat Ono six room , ono UvorooiiicotlSKO. 'lei. 1.7W , SlOboulli V2d Mreot I-k-e-IlOOM KLAT OVEll CSS SOUTH IOTI 4-'stroctj freihly papurod ; all modern convou ences. Including large kitchen range. Apply Winder or , N , Y , IJfobldg. MTO T\-COTTAJE.ZyTH ANDO11ANT 8TH. . II& PEI JUiuunth , 110 uor mouth ton .lo.lroblo younc ma siidolfe. C. tVllarrlnQn. UU N. Y. Ufe. W 4 TFOll | HUNT. MY UKSlDKNCK.gtm DOlKJIMi yl'itP rtly furnUlnHi. { 100 per uionth ; posses / lou April 1. Kred W. tirny. turn i * FOR ROOMS. S l&ca line Urst lime and tOa llnu thuro utter. No adiertlstuuenl taken for lean than 2Sa. ' oulyi , uiodera laiprofemeuts. IJouglasst 1TOM7 * ron nENT-nousES. Conttmitil. EFOll HENT. ONK LAUOK KHONT OH TWO back fnrnldhr-d cr unfurnished rooms. In the beat location In Omaha , Address P In , Hen. 8 < VI -IJESIHAHLKKtlHNlSIIKDHOO.MK , JIJ7 Dodge atroet. Ilefcrcnccs. M8343 * -NICELY KUHN19HED KIIONT HOOM KOHONH -I Jor two gentlemen , 2010 Davenport at. M7 tine llrat time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2.1c. li-rLEANTLY ( KUIINISHED ItOOMS , SlNdl.K Lnrenaultci all modern conveniences ! nrttcla a hoard ; I83.2Cth at. 881 -NICKLY KIIHNISHKD HOOM WITH IIOAIID J- for man and wlfo or two ladle , private- family ; W week each ; modern conveniences , 313 N. 23nl at. Ml ir-KUHNlSlIKD ItOOMS AND IIOAIID. nTJ JL Cnpltol nvcntio. IB4 3 * ii'-KUONT HOOM WITH ALCOVK , ALSO HOOM unf urntilied If ileslrod. 212 So , Vilh st. ci U-UOOM9 AND I10AHD , 118 8. 23TII. St. JL' 42t-ml3 1 ? KUHN19HED IIOOMS WI'lH IIOAIID. IIEKKH- - 1'cnco. . 2214 Karnam al. 778 4t - KUltNIMHED IIOOMS WITH HOAltl ) . 1717 Ch Icngo st. M874 S 1 FOH HENT , WITH IIOAUU. A KUHN13HK1) -L front roOm suitable for two. 2019 California at. M7W & in-PLEASANT KHONT IIOOMS WITH 000. ) X board. 40.1 N , I'Jtli St. M971 4 * FOK KENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS HATK.S-l.'x ) a line flrst time and lOo a line there- alter. No advertisement taken for leas than23c. n-SIX UNKUITNISED HoOMf. lil S I7TH VTnvcnuo , between Jackaon and Lcavenworth. P3t 4' _ BOARDINQ. ilATES l&o nllno llrat time and lOc a line thcro- aftor. No advertisement taken for leas than 23c. -L Aboard , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and to * ntlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor IU1 M 10' < . AND OFFICES. FCmRENT---STgR.E3 : . ilATKS-ir.c nllno llrst time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 23c. I KOU UENT , STOUE ' nSJACKSON "sTHKKT. 633 _ _ _ _ I KOU HENT. THE 4-8TOIIY I11UCIC I1UILD1NO , DIG Karnan street. The bulldliiK has a tiro-proof cement basement , complete atcani-heatlnir llxturcs , water on nil the floors , gas , cto. Apply at the ollleo of The lleo. 1(13 _ 1FOll HENT , STOUE | 1B21 UO WA11D. 833 _ _ _ 1 KOH UENT , OKKICES , VE11Y DESIHAHLE , Jalngloorcn aultc. In Douglas block. Knqulro J , H. Parrotte , room 22. M787 3 l-SUlTAilLi : 11U1LDINOS KOU MAMJRACTUH- J Ing purposes at Eckeruiann Place , good englno and boiler , Mi per uioiitln C. K. llarrlaon , 1)12 ) N. Y. l.lfo. | i32al _ 1-KOIl KENT , IN I1E8THETA1L LOCATION IN Omaha , entlr" aecond lloor or dopartuionts In Golden Eaulu bhoo htoro , . 114 S HUh st. Wl 1-DESK HOOM I'OIl H1CNT CH1CAP. UOOM 22 J Krenicr block. MUU.1 5 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IlATES l&o a line llrst tlmt- and lOc a line there after. No ttdvertlsement lakon for less than 25c. J-OAllDEN KAIIMS TO UENT. T. MUllUAYi 884 _ T-UUICIC YAHDS KOU UENT. T. MUltllAY. tf MC52 _ ' WANTEP'-TO RENT UATES 16e a line first time and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. Kn unfurnished , house of about 8 rooma , moderate conveniences , In KOod nelKhtorhood , State loca tion and price. Addro s P3J Doe. J10B7-0 * RENTAL AQENCIES. UATES ICe a line tlrat time and lOe a line there- altar. No advertisement taken for lest than 25c. f ItENTALAUKNCY ; UANK IlEKEltENCES. E. -LiC. Oarvln A. Co. , 203 blicely block. Telephone KUOj So * ) L-TO INSURE QUICK RENTING. LIST WITH tbo Kxcluslvo Rental Agency , Parrotto , Douglas block KbU STORAGE. RATKS 15o a line llrat time anitlOc a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for leas ? hau 25c. M -OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND HEST BTORAHK house In tbo city. Williams A. Crossi-'H Hui nny. 887 WANTED TO BUY. RATES ISc a line first time and lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for leas than K > c. \T-FURN IT u iTE UOUGHT , SOLD , STORED" 1 > Well * . 1111 Farnam st. bS8 N SECOND-HAND FURNITUREROUGHT.SOI.l ) and exchanged : highest prices paid for second hand goods. Boston Furnlturo Co , COS N. 10th st. UW M21 * TV" WANTED , PAIR OF SCALES , 1,000 TO 1,500 1 > pounds capacity. Address O 03. Hoe. 725 M1 WANTKD A GOOD PHAETON. WILLO1VI5 -t good buslnois wagon and some cash In exchange. Address 1' 17 , lloo. M 851' ' 6 * WANTHD THIS WEEK , LOT ON 20TH DE- twcen Castcllar nnd Vlnton. Submit proposi tions. Fidelity Trust Co. . lull Farnam. U i 3 FOR SALE FUKNITUBE. RATKS I5ca llnatlrst time anil lOc a line there after. No advertiaoinont taken for loss than 3)a ) 0 -FURNITURH FOR 3 ROOMS AT HALF price , inquire Sam Olaon , 1028 S. 2Jd StJ1073 J1073 4 FOB SALE HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. RATES I5c a Una tlrat time and lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. P-STALLION , GENTLE , BTYL1SH , SPEEDY and well bred , for sale or trade for wild pralrlo land Iu Iowa or Nebraska. Address M ( XI , lloo. M005-M3 * TFOR SALE , GOOD WORK HORSE , 125,00 -L Furay's barn , 25th and Cummlng st , E. S. Jester. , - 7302 * TFOR SALE. HORSES AND MULES , CHEAP. 1 Fidelity Oil Co. , S 20th and U. P. Ity. 087 U * 1)-P.ONY KOU SALE , RO.OO. 822 N tOTH. JL OS9 2 * ' FbR SALE-MiaOELLANEOUS. HATES I5o a line llrat time and I0o a line there- after. No advertisement taken for leas than 23c. need only a few months , at u sncrlllco. 2ti2 ] Cald well st. 4iU Q I-ONE NEW UP1UGHT PIANO. 817 S IIITII ST. MM.U- Q-KOH SALE , TWO II1LLIAHD AND TWO POOI , tables , with cues , balls , racks ; good order ; $73 each. Dull tirecn , llarkor block. M31II -KODAK , NO. 1 , (1OOD AS NEW. AT 11ALK price for cash. Addresa P2i ) , lice. MW7-.1 * -30,000 11II1CK KOU SALE , fi Wl THOUSAND i2l ! N Ilith. WS 2' Q -KOIl BALE , A KINK I1ALK JE1ISEY COW AND ! calf cheap. AililresaP .11 , lloo , Q TYPEWItlTEll , "SMITH PltBMIKH , " GOOD us n vr , only uauil a taw uiontha. Cht'iip , Ail * dross P33 , lice. .M'/J5 ' 4- "JiliaOELLANEOPS. IlATKS 15 < j it line llrst time ami lOu a line thoro- after. No advertisement taken for leas than 2Sc , -nAMii/roNmio CA IIP KNT K us AND builders. All kinds Jobblnir. Ill Bo.KHh. Tel. 1171) ) I ) CLAIMS KOItSALAUIES.SEIlVICKS.WAIlUS , -IVotc. , agalntt corporations or Indlvldiiu's , bought aud advanced oil , V , It. ti Continental blk .JOJ 3112 R-CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OKKICE , 314W S. 15th , male and foumlo help ; orders by mall promptly attended to lloforonoo ; Omaha Nallona bank. Tol.tvS ) . 7IB-M-25 IJ-WANTBD. WASHI.NO TO ixi AT HOME on -lv | | | gi out by the day , Mrs. Haley , I40S Leaven- north , sccoim noor , Miuil * " -OUT TODAY , THAT 1HIHJH1BT1IILK HOOK. "No , 3 ( March'i'ules ) from Town Topics. " Don't mils IU All news and book dealers , or send 0 cents to Town Topics , 21 Wont W < t street , Now York. Have you road No , 1 and 27 MMI a * CLAIRVOYANTS. HATES l&o a line tlrnt time aud lOu a line there after. No advurtUemcut taken for leas than 2 c , O- t-VevuUtlonn. fliullenuei tbo world. Mrs. Dr. M l iiravo , iluad truuco clairvoyant , mtroloxlst , palmist and lifo reader ; tells your lifo from tlio cradle to uravit ; unites tlio separated I causes lunr rlsgo with the ono you love ; tulla nhoru you will succvml and In what bualnuss twit adapted for ; has tbo colibrated Kuyptlan breastplatu for luck audio destroy biul Influences ; cures tits , Inleuipttruuco and all private complaints with PIBBSSKO , baths and alcohol treatment , hvnd fi. lock of hair , numo and dsto of birth aud receive accurate lifo chart ; 2 cents In Um'S | for clronlar ; Klva InltluU of oiiu you will marry ; also photos of same. Olllco lUUi bouth llth street , tlrst noor ; liouri.U a. m to V p. m. Come ono , conio alL und bo convlnond of tuts woudortul oraclo. il > 00-4 < < J-MIN1)HKADUII AND UUSINKbS ilKDIUM KJackuowledjieU by pr ss und public to bo tbo but forecaster In the woild. has a sultu of parlors ul thu Pullman uuu e. Tuli medium bos * trans uilttcr of thought , with It your Ufa Is Ilka an oiwn book. It enables the forccaiter toneetbo einlui the bovlnulnir. Alio lias tbe wonderful maulo uilr ror , lull ) ou run sue your future husband , wlfo counties or friends. ( It's frro. ) Private parlors 0 to il. WJ40-4- OLAIBVOYANT3. CJ-MIIS. NANNIE V WA1UIEN , CLAI11VOYAN T , Orollablo business medium , ntth year Hi ) r ( . IiUh , 88 J S-.MADAMH KIHT7. , SJ20 CU1IINO SrTlKET , clalrToyanl and tranrn medium ) Independent rolces ! tells past and future. 774M21 * _ MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. _ - TIIKAT.MENT. KLBCTIIO-THKH- TI-MA8SAOE mat batlia , sralpnnd hair treatment , manicure mul chiropodist. Mra.Post,31 i < S. IMh.Wlttiuoll blk. R1) ) fl'-MADAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUOLAS ST11BET , Jroom 7,3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and aoa baths. M83tm7 * _ _ fP-MASSAOK , 610 S , 13TII 8TIIEET , JI ) FLOOU. X _ fill ! M20 * tP-MAHAMK tA UUK. MASSAI1K. I8 SOUTH JL 15th strcot. ' 'rd lloor. tlal 4 , assistant. M74V3' rr-MISS K'HIWK , MASSEUSE ELECTI11CIAN J : 2 llarngB block. MOT ) 7 * . _ AIUSIO , AKT AMP LANQUAOE. IlATKS lo n line tlrat time and lOo a linn there after. No adrcrtlsoment taken for lean than 2ic , now scale Klmball piano. Alloapo , 1513 DouRlas. mi -0. K. OEI.LENHECIC. 1IANJO TICAC1IR1 , > wlthlloape , or SIS N. ISth st * Oil SALE , CHEAP POH CASH , A KINH upriKlit piano , nearly now and standard mann- facture. Addrcsa O.11 , lloo onicc. 4S4 MONEY TO LOAN-KEAIj ESTATE. HATES 15c a line llrat time and lOo n line there after. No advertlaamcnt taken for Ion than 23a \\T EN ilAirKANTlVud' ? COTil3lf mDL \\r-LOANSONIMPIlOVKD AN ! ) UNIMPROVED city propcrty.M.WJU and to 8 per rent. No ( Iclnja. W.rnrnam Smith A Co.,15th , andllarney , \V RUAL KSTATU LOANS , B TO 7 PKK CKNT ; > ' no nddlllonnl charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Molklo , Urst National bank bldg , X ) _ " \\r-COATK8,1014 FARNAM. EASTF.RN MONKY not " \\r LOANS , W."M. HARRIS , R.20 , FHKN7.KR I1L1C. \\T--LOANS , a. a. WALLACE , 312 IIHOWN HLK. * T b'u HEAL ESTATE IXANS,342 HUE IILD'O \\r-ANTlIONYLOANANDTRUSTCO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lend at low rates for eholco aecurlty on' Nebraska or Iowa farms or Ouiaba city property. property.81U 81U ir-APPLY TO J. L. LOVETT KOU CHEAP ' money ; only first class aocurlty , 220 S. 13th. 894 \r-MONEV TO LOAN ON IMPHOVEI ) CITY ' property , low rate A. C" Frost , Douglas blk. 895 A\r MONKY TO LOAN ON IXXU OR SHOUT time In oums of JJOU to $10,000. Mutual Investment Company , 63 17" C. W. HAINEY.31SOMAHA NAT. HK. ULDO. > City mortgages , Lowest rates. Money on hand. 897 LOANS ON RKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- W tcrnl notea nnd mortgages bought. Reed & Sclby , ail Uoard of Trade. IKIJ f-fl PEH CENT KIHST MOUTOAQK LOANS , lllchard C. Palterson , 1311 Karnam st. Wl y-LOANS , CITY PHOPEIITY. K. NKII. AND W. I Iowa farms. K. V , lllncor. 1310 Knrnam.U42M U42-M 4 * V-SC1100L BONDS WANTED. It. 0. 1'ETEHS. > Wust Point. Neb. C44 6 \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVED OMAHA il property ; building loans a specialty. Ilrcnnau & Co. , Karbach block. M703 M24 \\r-MONEY AT LOWEST HATUS , K. K. WIL- Hams , Klrst National Hank building. M733 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS 11ANIC MAKES LOANS on real estate at loweat market ratos. Loans made In small or largo sum and for abort or long tfmo No commission la charged , and the loans are not rold In the eaat , but can always bo found at the bunk on the corner of Uth and Douglas streets \\r-PnlVATn MONEY. KIHST AND SECOND IT mortgage loans , low rates. Alex. Moore.401 lleo building M7B8 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES 15c a line llrst lime and lOc a line there- after. No advertisement taken for leas than 25c. X-DO YOU WANT MO > HsYf If so do not fall to get our ratea bofora bor rowing. Womakoloana , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses , wugona , etc. , uttUu low- eat possible rate. J ' There li no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on tbo aamo day you aak for It. Wo will carry the loan aa long as you doalre , giving you the privilege of paying It In full or In part at any time to ault your convenience , nnd any part paid rodncoa the coat of c/irrylnic tUo loan In proportion to tbo amount paid. Our ofllccs nro centrally located and are so ar ranged that parties calling on us can bi > waited on quickly and courteoualy. It will bo to your advantage to BOO us bcforo se curing a loan- Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , ' Room 11 , Orolghton lllock , 15th St. , south of Postoffico. M13USHI X MONKY TO LOAN I1Y II. F. MASTERS ON household goods , planoa. Organs , homes , mules , wagona , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or. change of pos- acaalon. Time arranged to ault the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo nnulo at any time , reducing both principal and Intercut , thus giving patrons ull the bcnollts of tbo partial pay ment plan. Call and eco mo when you want a loan , or If rapro convenient , call telephone 1W1 and your buslneasa can bo transacted at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; uo publicity ; lowest rates : business confidential. B. F. Masters , It. 4 , Wlthnoll blk , 15tb and Harncy. WO V-WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF -iVsccurlty ; strictly contldontlnl. A , K. Harris , room I. Continental block. UOS X-ROH'T PIUTCUARD , R. 3 , WITHNELL ULl U07 MONKY ON FURNITURE , HORSES , PIANOS. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , room 20d , Sbeely block. ' .103 X-WII YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN 8KB W. R. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. 1HW - MONEY IXJANED ON FURN1TURB , HORSES , wagons , planoa , etc. FrudTurry , R. 433 , Ramgo. 1)10 ) X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. CO , 90 DAYS ON FURNIture - ture , Uvo stock , etc. Dud Grucn , removed to Room 8 and tl. Darker blk 183 MONKY ON ilONDS , STOCKS , .WARRANTS personal property.VuyncAlliilloy , It. 40J Karlmcu 060 MJI _ _ _ _ BUSINESS CHANCES. RATES 15o a line llrat time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thttn25c. -\T 1IUY THE CO.MNlEtcAf * TlK J- hotel at Broken Dow , Neb , No land tn trado. ! J till _ _ _ Y FOR SALE , 1IOTBL. FURNISHED , 17 ROOMS. doing a Rood business ; terms easy : location beat. Address RoxWJ , Chudron Nob. M584 M84 FOR SALE-SALOON , DOING A GOOD RITSI- ness ; good reason given ror soiling. Address Lockbox Hia. Weal Point , Nob. Y J-OIl HALE , A FIllbT CLASS OPKNINU FOll a man with amnall capital ti Invest In n stock of general merclmndlHu ; well established bualnoas ; Kood protlU. Address box 719 , Ouiuua , Neb , 4t7 in 10' _ CASH PAID FOll ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old line companies. Send description A. K. llrooklosby , box 2.1.1 , Hertford , Conn , _ C45 13' FOR RENT , AIIOUT MARCH 1. THE How" ard hotel , corner Howard and llllh atreots ; con- tulua about 40 rooms , which uru furnlahod com. pletc. A Kood opportunity to the right party , For particulars cull at .Her & Co' , IIIJ Hartley street. M713 _ _ V PARTNER WANTED IN TUB MANUFAC- L turn of brick , business already oatsbllshed , capacity of plant 40.UUU per day. 2 hanka of clay , IS acres cluIn all , building and paving. U-horau power boiler , Mhurt-u power engine , Ohio brick machine and aiircada , and all other tools necessary fora tlrat-cliiKsynrd ; established S years and Imvo Iho tradu of central Nubraika ; will sell half or all. lor further particulars Inqulro of P , A. blcwart , Haatlnga , Adams Co. , Nob. _ 7JO H Y-ONK-IIALF OR ALL OF HARDWARE STOCK. deed trado. good location , cheap rent , and good reasons for soiling. Address Lock llox Vir. , Lincoln. ftgh. Mb5 < 8 _ _ _ _ _ Y-FOH SALE , A CMS AN STOCK OF JKN ernl luercbuudlse , Invoice IIO.OUU to H 2,000 as ileMrrd. Oldest bunlncas firm In city. Wullestab- llshcd and pa ) lug tradu. Good reuaon for rutlrlug. A splendid chunco for anyone du lrliig toeiuage In mercantile butlneis. Address Ford k Peck , btromabiirKiNob. M8.11 ti * V-WANTKI ) , AN ACTIVE PARTY WHO CAN J. Invest fJ.OOO or ll.UXI In an Incorporated company doing u wholesale and manufacturing business , to take nn olllco position und become actively n. gaged. Don't answer unless cun glvo tbo best of references us to ability Integrity , etc. Addrcsi P W. IIQ9. M8UI 4 _ V-W.UOO 11ANK STUCK IN ONU OF THK IlKhT 1 batiks In the city , 0. F. Harrison , 91 : N , Y. Life. Ml 4 PARTNER WITH SMALL OAPL J-talwuntod. Apply ICK N llith WO 2 V- AND OPENING FDR (1KNKHAL M R. J-cbaudliu store ) town booming ; canning factory and a h and iloor factory already entabllibedi grvul Inducements bclnjj o lie red for acrt ) mery ; the b dl toro building In town v c nt : rent lo ; r ro chance. A. IX White. Itoal Estate Avoacy , bt. Ed ward , Uoonti Co. , Nub. SJW3 ir " BOH EXCHANGE. RATKS lo a line Unit time nod 100 a line there- after. No advcrtltcuient takuq forlf's thanKc , Z-CLKAN fa-rocK OF OKNKUAI.iru-Hit ; YviITi. tak i sj citntB & moiiuy. lloryjiFrftukfart , ltd. Vltf EXOHANQE. r/-IK YOU HAVE A lUXID UPlUHItT PIANO TO /Jtrncle for lot 4fl , blriHc ' 1 , Armour Ptaco , South Omaliai clear of all Hicuhibrsnco. AddreM N 4j , Ucoofflcc. > ' V. M2.T3 IlUNDHEDHBAn1 OF HOHSKS AND LAND /Jne | tprM Nabraakrt ff r a stock of dry Roods , clothing , boots and MirttK'hats and eap . Address box 101V Nebraaka UtrtNl b 235 MIO' y -mil KXCHANH'EI ' MKW UPUHIHT PIANO for Int. Address p nee. MS 2 I/-HA1KIAIN , A llt/Al'KSMlTH AND WAOON /Jshop for aalo or trarta with a residence ; will sail Or trade for good farmlnxiland. Tappo Ilro < , Vor- don. Neb. MTO'i a * ry-HUSlNKSSLOTOJTN SITU ST. KOU HOME /Jor vacant loW. C. P.Wirrlson , 912 N. V. Lifo. FOB SALE..KEAIJ ESTATE. IlATKS I to n line flart time niul lOo n linn there- nftcr. No mlrortlsotnctit Inkcn for less tlmn 2Sc. AT E. CO11NKII MTU AND 11ICKOIIV , 60X1W 1 > .foot : n hnrKnln for n few < lnr ontr. v. K. lnr Una , llarkor block. OH > I 7011 BALK. NEI1HASKA KAHM LANDS. O , O. Wallace , 312 Drown block , 16th and Douglas. FOll 8AI.K , HOMKH , ANY I'lUCK , fTW , fl.UO UP ) cruy terms ; tnkoclpnrproperty nn Hr t imminent. U U , Wallace , llrovrn block , lutu and Douglas. 016 17011 SAI.H AT A HAIttJAlN , LOT 15. lll.OUK 4 , X1 w. U Bolbjr'ii tlret addition to South Omaha. Small parment ( town , balance monthlr It deMred , Inquire U. II. Tcschuck , Umaba Deo. 303 MonmiN iu HOOM UOUSK. tioon LOCATION ) no trade ; cash bargain , Address O2I , Hoc. MIIDMIfi * 1on 8AT.H-400 ACIUC PA1IM IN I1I.UK HIVKH -L Tailor , Tliajrcr countr , 10 mllen went of llcliron. One of tlio very bust farms In the county ; Rood liounc , bnrn , Kranarlcn , crlli , ele. . and an abundance of fruit , tlmbiT and running wntnr. Also for aalo or cxclianKO for Rood lands or city property , a brick pork packing house niul llxluren In Ilobron , Tliaycr county , near II. & M , depot. For particular * In quire of any real estate niiont tn Hebron. 535 BKAUT1KUI , 11OMK ON . < UN1) AVK VACINll TUB park ; the liouso Is n Rein and tlio location nil Unit cnn bo ik-Mred ulro of urounil Mx34l feet , price , in.tiOO. C. Harrison , U12 N. V. Life.P8H P8H KOUNTZi : PLACK. . 1UHOAIN3 , NIN1MIOOM house on Wlrt , tG.500 : II.WJ cash. Klcgant lionio on I'lnkncr , f&.fiOO ; f.VW casb , balance fJJIW per niontli ! other line homes ; would consider aomo trade. J. J. Ulbson , CreluMon block. MiJM35 : > FOH SAL1S , OWNKK K)11CK1)TO tiltl.Ij WITHIN 5day 45xl2" foot at 25ID llrlstol street. ' 11,500 vrlll buy It. J. II. Jolmson , 8U N. Y. I.I To. M34S 5 TOTATCOUNKIl OK 33111) ANI > DAVKNPOIIT - UsiH8lxl3i ! , Iroiitliitf east and south , ono block from Mr. Yatcs , residence , tW per foot. C. K. Harrison risen , UI3N. Y. Life , 981 i FOll BALK. IIK11K IS A I1AIKJAIN : 7-rnom house and bnrn , 2 full lota , ono n cor nor. In Walnut lllll,2 feet nliovo grade , beautiful yard , only $2,600 ! JoOO cash down ; discount for all cash. Hi U , Clark A Co. , 1313 Hiirnoy at. .82 4 filASTFIlONTLOTNOl' KAIl FltOM HANHCOM H/iiurk , 12,100 , Tory cheap. C. K. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Lifo SOI < FOUSALK-205TQ7-UOOM HOUSKd , II.MOOO TO K.KWOO , JlOOOUcnsh , JIOOU per mo. 1 IIOIIMI to rentat453CntnlnifBt. , $10U ) pur mo. K. ( i. .Mlrrell1 4512 Patrick ttTO. Wi ( 7 LOTKIlONTINOKASt'ONMTlI ST. NO11TH OF 0. M. Cnrlcr'n residence , $30 per foot. C. K. Harrison risen , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 1)81 ) 4 l Olt SALK OU JIK.NTboTeral dcalrable medium -1- sized and amall Uouacs cbenp niul on easy terms. \V. U. Mlllard , atOumbn Nut. bank. < . < Sfl I7OH SALK OK TIlAniS , ISO AUIIKS CHOICK J- land , half niHo from Orchard , Neb. Adilrras Oeo. W. Conrnd , Snyilcr , Neb , M'W 6" HAIRI GOODS. HATES 15c a line llrstitlmo and lOo n line there after. No ailTcrtlsomgnt taken for less than 23c L AUGUST "STOCK "i'Srj NT"illB WKST : TIIK.VT- rlcal n-lKS and beards a specialty.VlKf. . bniiK awltchea. hair chalnsr. etc. . send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. D.lvles , 111 S. 15th St. , Omnlia. ov tllO tlMIK 1DKAL LADIES'.HAIH DIIKSS1NO 1'All- -L lore , snltelies , banga , vlga ; , toupoca , jewelry and hulr oruamcnta In etoclc- . > vliato order , apodal at tention KlTen to mall outers. 209 S. IMh at , 3d lloor. M63I M20- PAWN JROKERS. IlATKS 15o allnotlral'llmo ' and lOc a linn there after. No advertisement taken for lesa tlmn 25c. FHKDMOIILK , OKKIOK-.ISIIH KAIINAM 81' . SNTDKU'S LOAN * 0MCE , 1510 UODUi : ST. ' * * T- Muw ai > KN If. MARTI , IHSMUyiSl ) TO 107'S. 1STI1 ST. > V f 971 Mil * DKKS3MAKING. ENJAl > i.MENT8 TO DIIKS8 MAKING IN fumlllcs aollcltcd. Miss btunly , 3 0 S. 2Mh at. LOST. LOST , SATUItDAY NIGHT AT THK ( II ! A NO opera liouso , on tbo stage , a ladles' circular. ( Illack. ) I'lunso return to J , J , Qlbaun , room 3 , Crelghton block. M U70 4 * LOST 1 > AI It OF GOLD KYIMU.ASBES. IH'.TUIIN to 1511) ) Karnam and receive reward. 9tl-2 ! * STRAYED. HATKS ISo a line tlmt time and lOe a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2.1c. STIIAYKD-AIIOUT A MONTH AiO A HUD mllrb cow from Kraus llros. ' dairy at Fort Omaha. Hoturn tor reward. a.'J 2 * MASQUERADE COSTUMES , Eta LADIKS&GKNrLKMICNCAN UKNT MASQUK- rado costumes at 114 SlUth. Qoldon Kacle storo. MANUFAOTURINO JEWLERS. riASH PAID FOll OLD aOLI ) , CARSON A UANKS , Wroom 80 llarkor block. Omaha. 1)18 ) OPTLERY QRINDINO. SEND YOUll HC1SSOIIS , UAZOllS. KTC. , TO 11U itrnund to Undorliind & Co. . IUtl 8. lUh at. 'Jl'.l TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. oruKon Short Line Si Utah Northern Kail wuy C'ompiiny Stockholders' Meeting : . Notlco Is horuby Klvon that the annual ineotliiir of the Htoi'klioldor * of tlio Oregon Hliort Line & Utah jNorthurii Hillwuy ; eiiin- piiiiy , for tlio oioutlmiof dlroetora und suuh other bustiioHs 43 niay.lo ally coino before the ineotliitf , will be room No. 41 , lloonor lliilldlMir , Halt LiiktfCllv , Utah Territory , upon Wednesday , tuff , loth dny of March , IS1 } . ' , at 10 o'clock u. in. , Hloclc tninafur booRrt ; will olojo upon the 20th day of Pobriiui'jvi and reopen upon the I7th day ot Muruh , , 'Af.uxANiiEii MIM.AII , Secretary. IIOSTQN , Muss. . l''eb. ' 3. 160J. I'lCd .OtM 1'ropoHuls tor lloniU , Sealed hldK will bo received at the olllce of the ( Jlty TroaHUrer , Uniaha , Neb. , up to 1 o'clock March lUlb , Itir.1 , for the purohuso of (17 :'JJ years per cent Ulty Hull lloiuU. The principal nnd Interest uro payable at Kouutzo Hros. , Now Vorlc. JnluroHt jmyu-lilu Eouu-aimuiilly. Kach bid must a tatu the prlco nnd tlio amount , of bonds Houcht for and Miustlncludo Intoieat up to'Into of dollvorv. Issued under authority of Charter of inot- ropolltin : oliluaniia UralntncoHU aunrovod Junuiiry ; wtli , IS'.cj. The right Is roberved to reJectuuyoraUbld , , F18d37tM City Tre.inurer. 1'oiiiitl Not Ire , Taken up und Impounded In the city ot Onialiu on the 1st dav of March , IS ! ) ? , ono year ling heifer calf , hpotted , part Jersey , which will be , 1C not redt'omed before ali' . sold ut public auction to the hlKhent bidder for aash , on the Hth jluy of Murch , IH'J. ' , at iu o'ciook In the furvnooiu II. I'ULASKI , rouiidmastrr. OMAHA , March 2.1(02. MadatM IFDKCATED YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. Bllpplntr oft tli' ihoulder Impoi * title. Alt your dcsl rfor them or end tl 00 Car s m- > le i lr to Lacs J luck Nuipeuiler > > . , or i oi > l r St. , Neil erfc. GLOWING HEALTH ! A Homo Treatment. Rosy checks , strong licnltliy bodies nro the results from the use ol tlmt Inhnltnblo pro- tluctof nitturo SPECIFIC OXYGEN Costs Four Cents a Day. Oxygen l your lifo. youroTl lenco. f-piTlitcOxygon li stored up life. VdU Inhale Die warm , rich , health laden Tftpo I.Ike nmnlolt warms , aoothoi and invigorates. Snoct" < lcop and appctltoromonaturnlly. . Tlimnmicli blc's Its wonder worklna power. Shattered nyttcin , from l.nllrliipo , happily roMorml. Wonderful foatiiro for Catarru-oiir "cprny llulb , " wlftunfaillngsco ( cut. ) Specific Oxygen positively euros CATARRH , Ilronchltls , Asthma. Ln llrlppo , Ooniumptlon , Headache ( Mck or nerTiiui ) , Dyspepsia , .Nervous Prostration , KMINKNT phjstclana In charge of Omaha onicoi. Oxynen Manual free. Inhalations free at olllco. Call or wrlto today ; bo aurprlscd-ploasoJ Till ! 8PKC1FIC OXYdKN CO. . 610 Ehooly nidg. cor. IMh and Howard strooti , Omaha , Nebraska. Main Iioadqtiartors and Laboratories , Naslwllla , Tcnnossoo. A Written Gunrantco SYPHILIS to Cure Uvory Case or Money KofmidoJ. Ourcuro la permanent ami nota pitohlnJ up. Oiut cated soTen years azo IIBTO never aeon a Hvniplin alnco. lly describing cine fully wo ran treat you by mall , and wo give tliasamo tronn guarantee to curd orrofund all money. Thosa who prefer to coma hero fortrcatmont cando aoand wo will pay railroad faro both ways and hotel bills while hero Ifio fnll to euro Wo Challenge the World for n case that our MAtHO RICMBDY will not cure. Wrlto fur particular ! anJ get the evidence. In our SOTOII yoarV pracllco with tlilsMAOtORKUKDY It liai boon most dinicnlt t ) overcomotho prejudices n aluit socallol speelUJi Rutundcr our strong guarantee thomand * are trylni Rand being cnra.1. Wo guarantee to euro or ref an I overydollar , and ai wo IIIITOB repiitatlo'i to prHon also financial backlngof J.M1.0JU It Is perfectly nafo to Ml who will try the treatment. Horotof o-d you have been putting up and paying out your inonoy fordlilor ent trcatmcnti , and although you are not yet euro I no ono has paid back your money. Wo will positively euro you. Old chronic , deep seated casoicurol InJJ to.UJ days. InTestlgatoour tlnanclal staiullun , our rcpuUllon as business men. Wrlto us for names and addresses of tuo'O wo have cured who haTO given pennlsslontorufurto thorn. It costs you only post age to do this. If your symptoms are sere thro it , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bonoi ani joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of thi body , fooling of general depression , pains In boa I or Dones. You have no time to waito. * Those who arj constantly taking mercury md potiili shoull dlsoon tlnuo It , Constant use of these drugs will surely bring cores and eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence aunt soiled In plain envelope ! Wolnvlto the most rigid Investigation and will do all rl our power'to aid yon In It. Address OOOK EEMEDY CO. , - Omatn , Nebraska. MAGIC CURE FOR ONLY. MEN 1500 for u case of Lovr or TAILINO MAN HOOD , Goiionit or NKUVOBS lKiuitrv. weak ness of body nrinlntl , the elfoots of errors or ox- ccsso-tlu elder yoiiiiK tlmtwocaiinotoiiro. Wo iruiiraiitcoovory case orrofund every iloll ir. -Klve iluystrlnl tniatniunt 91 , full eonrso i 5. l'orccptlho : .btniollus ruallrod In three days. Ity mull , soouroly p ickoil from ousurvatlon. CooKUBMEDV Co. . UMAIIA. NEII _ LADIES ONLY UAPIP l''i : IAI.i : ItKdULATOK , Safe nnil nlHUlU Cortnln to a day or inonoy refunded. Hy malt SI. Soouroly soaloJ from ohsurra- tion. COOK. HKMKItV Vlt. , Omaha , Neb _ If you Imvo nialnrla , riles. Sick Jleiiit- Audio , Cci.stlvo llowels , Dumb Ague urM If j our food does not iissliulliito , Tutt'sTisiyPiISs : IB will euro tlin o troubles. Dose small , f 1'rlco , SBo. Olllco , a 1'nrlc 1'Iuco , N. Y. PENETRATING PLASTER. la yt ICK. others ii comparieon an ! elow or UKAU. IfeuffcrluRtrr WOOD'S PLASTER. It PonvtrateB , Itv lluvi > . Cures. * 'l I'rnsirista REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 16071 Tjirnim Street , Omaha. JTeb. RRILWRYT1ME GRRD Leaves II1URLINGTON A MO. RIVEll.l Arrives Omaha. | Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Loaves I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th arylMarcy 8ta. [ Omaha. Golnc I CIIIOACO. It. I. A PACIFU Tt'roni Bust. [ Union Depot 10th & Marcy Sts. | Enat. ( luliiK I CHIOAliO , II. I , A. PAU'lUC. I From West. llJnlon DupotlOtlinnil.MnrcySts.l West. 1.20 p ml Denver Limited l.'l.nj | 7m 7,05 p m | Denver Expreas | 7.oU a in Heaves ICHICAUO , MIL & SI' . PAULIArrlve Omahal U. P. dopofanil Marcy bta. | Omalia 6.45 p ml bt. Paul Limited | il.2A a m Loaves { CHICAGO H NOlirnWlCbTKIlN I Arrives Omaha Iu , P. depot , 10th and Marcy Sta , | Onmlia 4.10 p m | Bt. Louis Cannon llall | l2.'ISp m A MEMORY-SPUR THAT OFTEN FAILS Otio Man Tmimfcni 111 * ItlnR Anotticr I > o- | > rn < li On n Notebook. Now York Tribune : "I hope you won't forgot that , " siild ono frlond to another , roforrlnff to n commission which the second won to execute. "Oh , no , " said the other ; "don't bnvo any ( onr about It. " "Well , " remarked No. 1 , "I thought tlioro would bo no harm In n , gonllo ro- uilndor. " "But n memorandum la bettor tlmn a reminder , " answered No. 2 , with a smile. "Oh. that's all right. " said No. 1 , "I guosa Unit la n good habit. Now , do you know that I have iv method of remem bering things which I don't want to for got , but the trouble is Unit it doesn't al ways work. " "What Is that ? " Inquired No. 2. "Do you see this ring ! " ' pointing to a plain gold band on the llttlo Anger of the loft hand. A nod was the answor. "Woll , you see , I habitually wear it on my loft hand , but when there Is any spoclal thing that I wish to remember as , for instance , some errand that my wlfo has askud mo to do on my way down town it Is my custom to lake the ring oil and put it on the corresponding finger of the other hand. Now doesn't that strike you as an exceedingly slmwlo method of bracing and fortifying ono's memory ? I used to think b6. 1 don't now as much as I did. Kor oftentimes now I have a whole world of trouble in trying to remember what it is that I want to romombor. It isn't ' always that way , but It is sometimes. Of course the unaccustomed fooling of the ring on the wrong flngor reminds mo that tlioro is something on my mind , and so on some occasions the burden becomes positively heavy. I have worn that ring on my right hand for two or three days at a time , now and then , vexing my brain all the time to flndi what I may perhaps term the missing link. It's no fun , I as sure you. " "Yourexperience Is very interesting , " said No. 2. "I have never adopted any any such method as you describe , though 1 often consider myself blessed or the other thing with what Mr. Bcochor used to call a 'good forgoltory. ' The only sufo rule with mo is to nmko a note of what I wish to keep in mind , aud then as I frequently refer to my notebook I usually manage to got along without any bad blunders. I neve ? had much faith in the methods of improving the memory - ory which various professors give in structions iu , though , not having ac tually tried them , I muy not , do them full justice. The fact is that my memory used to bo a good deal bettor than it is now. When I was in college I had an A1 memory. It was the wonder of all my classmates. I took moro prizes than anybody olso" had over done up to that time , largely because I could cram nasily and remember all that the books contained. Then , when I wont into the prize examinations , it was easy work for mo to write out the answers to all ques tions. But my business after leaving college has boon such that it has boon necessary for mo each day to deal with an entirely now sot of fats , and a largo number of them. Each day's accumula tion was shoved asidp by the following day's and thus the mind , or the memory , if you please , lost its grip , as it wore. As this went on for years , my memory became permanently impaired , and I have no hope of over recovering it It is only Important matters that I can now keep in mind , or else matters ihat have a special personal interest. For details I have no capacity of retention for moro than a few days. And , as I said , when there Js any special thing that I must attend to'outside of the regular course of business I imiko use of my memorandum-book. " A uroat benefit has boon secured to the poor by the introduction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; for it now only tulcos 33 cents to euro a cough or cold. Anybody troubled with rheumatism , neu ralgia , stiff nock , or any pain or ncho , should procure a bottle of Salvation Oil at onco. Price 25 cents. Ono on the Doctor. Ono of the Chicago Young Mon's Christian association olllcials recently had a touch of the grip which prostrated him for the first time In hjb lifo , says the Mail. The nearest physician was sum moned and began the treatment without knowing who or what his patient was. "No whisky , " ho remarked , emphati cally. "I never prescribe alcohol in any form for tlio grip. Just follow my direfi- tlons implicitly and you'll pull through nil right in a few days. In the meantime- I must ask you to bo very abstemious. Prom this point until you nro yourself again I can give you but throe cigars a day say ono after each meal. " After tv hard siege the patient finally became convalescent and ono day when tbo doctor called ho found the young man dressed and sitting In an easy chair. "Ah , this is better , decidedly bother. " cheerily oxoloimcd the physician. "Now then , all wo have boforo'us Is to build up your shattered system. You'll soon pull yourself together again. " "I sincerely hopn so , doctor , " wearily invalid. "I'vo had replied tlio a pretty rough time of It and I'm played out. Those cigars have nearly killed mo but I followed your instructions to the let ter. " "How about the cigars ? " asked the physician with a puzzled look. "Well , I never smoked u cigar in my lifo before I was knocked out by the grip and it was terribly hard to learn to smoke under such circumstances , but I did it. " * "Lato to bed and early to rise will shorten the rend to your homo In tlio cklcs. " Hut curly to bed and a "Llttlo Early Klsor , " tlio pill that mattes lifo longer and butter and wlsor. What n DIuiniinil lg. The diamond , generally , and in its purest condition , is colorless and transparent - parent ; yet at limes it is found colored , but only slightly , with palo yellow , oohro yellow , light bottle green , yellow ish green , blackish green , blue , rod , and Ironi brown to black , says the Jewelers' SICK SO LONG. 0. W. HoDKiNB , postmaster ut East Latnolno Mo. , wrilai that Mrs. Kelly's BOD , who luul been confined to Ixxl four teen months with an Abscess , bos been cured sound nnd well by Swift's Spe cific. The boy la fourteen years old , lives next door to mo , nnd I know the statement to IKJ trtio. S. B. S. has n wonderful effect on children , nnd should be Riven to every weak nnd debilitated child. Bend for our book on tbo Blood nnd Skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC ) Co , , Atlantn , ( la. MBM1USHI3 Nollru , Notice U hereby Klvon tlmt throe certain promUsory notes , diitotl Illalr , hob , Jiuiuary Ji , l-Oi Dayuble In twuntj ilnys , B\ ! months und one your tespe.-lf ully , to II. K. Monrot > , wereohtulued hymUronresentatloii and with out coiisldvruUou. All parties lire warnoil against purchasing them. n. U lUnr. MMHMAK' 2 PISO'S CURE-FOR CONSUMPTION Roylow. Next to yellow , green diamonds mends are the most niiinoratio ; the Wtto are Very rare and not of n bright tint. When the diamond is between brown and black Its transparency entirely dlsap- PIVIM , or-ls soon only at the angles. Entirely colorless diamonds comofrom the mines in Indln , Brazil , the Capo and Australia , One-fourth of the diamonds are colorless ; one-fourth of "pure- water , " with a stripe or spot color , and the remainder colored. The colored diamonds preserve their luster and clearness best when they are cut ; especially the beautiful yollowoncs , which by candle light almost surpass in brilliancy the diamonds of pure water. Diamonds can bo grouped according to the shades of color. The diamond Is a nonconductor of electricity , and this is the moro strange as graphite and charcoal , substances absolutely identical with It chemically , are very good conduotors. By friction , howovnr.bolh in the rough and polished state , it becomes positively electric , hut loses its electricity completely in the course of half an hour. Chemically tbo diamond consists of pnro carbon. Nowlon concluded the diamond must bo n combustible body in consequence of its high refractive power. Hobort Boyle , however , strove in vain to consume It In tlio crucible. For the purpose of investigating this supposed combustibility the academy of the Cimento at Florence , In the year lt > ! )4inducod ) by the Grand Duke Cosimo III. , fixed a diamond in the locus of a largo biu-nlne-glass. The academicians found that it cracked , coruscated , and at length disappeared without leaving a particle behind. Can Von lint . Heartily , with relish and without distress afterward I If not wo recommend to you Hood's ' Snrsapnrllln , which orcntos a good nppotlto and so invigorates tliu s to much ami bowels Hint the food U properly dlcoatod mid all Is nutriment aeslmlliitoil. Hood's Pills nro purely vegetable , pnr- foouly hnrmlcjs , effective , but Uo not cause pain or grlpo. Do sure to not Hood's. llcullatlu "Thoro never was an actress who could command her lachrymal glands as Adelaide Nollspn , " snid handsoino .luck ; Barnes of JolTorson's company to a re porter of the Chicago Post. "I was her loading man at ono tinio , " continued Jack , "and I learned her pecu liar faculty in this way to my cost. At that time I rather fancied myself , don't you know , In such parts as Komoo and the like , and I wont to considerable expense - ponso in dressing. "For Homeo 1 and some lovely dresses , all silk , satin and lace , and of the most delicate 'evening shades , ' as the ladies say. A delicate palo blue jacket was my favorite in ono of the scenes between Romeo and Juliet , and I was awfully sorry I had it before the season was over. "After a few performances I noticed that the beautiful palo blue silk on the front of my costume was stained in some way. There wore long streaks I could not account for. "That night Nollson and I were in ono of the pathetic love ncjncs of 'Romeo and Juliet. ' Her -acad rested on my breast. She looked up. I turned her face to the audience a moment , which at once burst into tumultuous applause. When she turned her face toward mine again I saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. "I glanced at my costume and saw the cause of the stains. Hero were bovoral fresh , wet streaks on the handsome palo blue eilk mndo by Juliet's tears. 1 tried to hold her bond away from mo , but cos tumes had to bo sacrificed to art , and when the season was over my costume was a striped instead of a plain blue silk , " the change having boon causod"by Juliet's too roiiDstic weeps. " WEUPINO WATKII , Neb. . Oct. 28 , 1890. Dr. Mooro. My Dour Sir : I have Just bought tbo third bottle of your Tree of Lifo. It Is indeed a "Treo of L.lfo. " Dr , , whoa you so kindly gave mo that 11 rat bottle , my right siUo was su lame and sere and my liver enlarged so much that I could not Uo upon my right slclo at all. There was a soreness over my Kidneys all of tbo time , but now Hint trouble is all over. I sloop just as well on ono side as on the other , and my stoop rests and lofrcsheft mo und 1 feel the best I'.vo felt in llftcou years , and I Uuow that It is all duo to your Tree of Life. Yours very tr ulv , _ lJ.KDuiu.GY. Diamond * In Tliclr HilinpH , There is a belief among many people that if you quietly rub with the palm of your hand the protuberance of a hunch back luck will follow you all the week. Special Inspector Donohuc , of the cus toms service , says the Now York Tele gram , thought of this as ho stood on tlio deck of the steamship La Brotagno and saw two of the cabin passengers descend ing the gang plank , each with a llttlo hump between his shoulders. The inspector allowed his hand to glide over the back of ono of .tho pas sengers. lie felt a metallic "jlnglo" und know his luclc had eomci with sur prising quickness. lie requested the men to step into the examination room and found upon them a largo quantity of smuggled jewelry. On ono. who gave his name as Mr. Put-dine , wiis found one pair diamond earrings , throe diamond rings , ono pair ruby ana pearl earrings , ono cameo brooch , ono pair cameo earrings , two pairs cameo pendants , ono agate brooch , throe gold rings , two coral pendants and two coral drops. In the hump of the other pnsbengor , named Scatoim , wiw found ono diamond and snpnhlru bracelet , ono diamond and enpphiro brooch , two pearl rings , ono pair amethyst earrings , ono pair pearl and amethyst brooches , one pair sap phire earrings , ono gold watch and chain and one .silver watch and chain. The jewelry was taken to the seizure room of the custom house , The two pas sengers were onrouto to California. A KIIIIKIIM .Man' * I2x | > ftrliiiit'o uitli and ColilH. Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent during tbo past few months thai tbo experi ence of Albert Favorite -Arkansas City , Kan , , cannot fall to interest some of our readers. Hero tils in his own words ; " 1 contracted a cold early last spring that sot- tied on my lungs and find hardly recovered from It when I citugbt another that bung1 on nil summer and loft me with n haciilng cough which I thought 1 never would col rid of , 1 had used Chamberlain's COUKII remedy some fourteen years ago with much success and concluded to try Itngnln. When I bad got through wit n 'ono bottle inv cough had left ma and I have not suffered with. u cough or cold blnce. I Lmvo recommended It to others and all speak well of U. " 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists , Till : UKAiYl'V .M HICKT. TNHTRUMKNTS pluoed on rooor.l Muroh 2 , i. WAItltANTV PKKI11. j J 11 Thompson to 1'loreiico Halo , lot 2 , blnuk 1 , AniliovTHiV Iluiiboii'u uUil , . . . . 750 N 1 * Joliiikou mid wife toO II Antlorion , lot ID , llimlotto court unit 25 foot strip itdjucnnt . 2.0)9 II II Harder toVJ McKulliroii , lot 10 , block "II , " I'riHDoct pluco. . , . , . . . 3.003 \V .1 WciUluuis ami vvlfn to Annn Ward , \ \ lute , I'rcsloii .V Wllllnm * ' mill , . 0,003 Andruw linsU and wife to Miirlnus Kor- roinon , s.'XI foot , lot fl , block 17 , K V BinHli'8 mid . . - . 2.0W Arthur IJustto It II Hutoli. lots f and B , ' blouk 2. IB ! uda to West Side . 1,933 QUITOI.UU UUUiM , J II DioUoy to J I ) Summers , Jr , lot 13 , block P , Patrick's 2nd mill . . . . . . 1 Mrs Anon f'orrUiiu to Kato McDoniild , lotSJ , 0 lee k 2 , lil add to .Missouri uvo- n uo nurk.t . , . , . , , 1 Total amount of truiufura . , . . $ 15,704 Cook's Imperial Champatrnolmo stood the test ifor thirty years. Tlioro Is DO bailer vvlno uiado. U'u extra dry.