Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Was Fairly Active But the Market
Was Unsettled.
\Yrnthrr Jtcp'irts llirlnrnil tlin ( IroirliiK
Crop In Dungrr from I'rri/liiB nnd
iK Mny Opened ullh a
O , III , , March a Wlunt was fairly
active today , but the market was somowlmt
unsettled , though prices ruled hUhcr thin un
yesterday with several lluctutitloiH. Cables
reported the TnulWi niarkots stroiuor and
seine higher , nd domestic niurkets nil eotncd
to bo ( Ioln hotter at the outsot. The weather ,
too , wiiBrc .irik-d us anything but favorable
for the growing crops , unlnj to freezing nnd
thawing , nnd a peed ninny crop dispatches
were rocohcd , an unusual number coining
from The govcrninent weather
crop report was nlso n bullish feature. It
pointed out that the pist month had boon a
trying ono on the w heat plant , hut whether It
had caused serious damage by freezing and
thawing remained to bo determined during
the present month. It wns a critical period
for winter wheat. This Inclined sellers gener
ally to conservatism.
The weather all over the northwest was mild
lt ) t In r.nttlnnd It wns reported cold nnn un
favorable. Tlio receipts both here nnd In the
northwest showed a fulling olT. On the who o
the position was looked on as rather bullish ,
and , as Now York was a good buyer the mar
ket wns firm with tin upward tendency.
Logan , MlUholl and Mllmlno-llodman wio
Hie lo idlni btiyerH and shorts covered VIth
conscrvntUo frct-dom. 1'iidcr this ocninnd
May wheat opened ? c up at 00 c and ad
vanced gradually to Olc. Iho ad\nnco wns
btlmulntud by the good shipping at the sea
board , the Atlantic ports and New Orleins
having cleared Mfl.0 0 bit. U as also rumored
that lloydon i Co had worked a louiiii lot of
wheat and that thcru was more w.intcu Hilt
Into prixato cables ijtiino In easier nnd
especially from the continent , ami Kansas
and Missouri dlspitcheH salu trop piospecls
In those Bt \\.issplendtd nnd the roporteu
working of a round lot of wheat were umtta-
dlctod by lloydon. Then came Hradstreets
report of thu ax allabli- supply , showing n not
detreas'jln Iho nxallnblo supply nf oiilv 4111-
000 bu. on both coast' , e ist of the Kouky
mount.ilnoRhowIng tin Increase of ! 0l,00tilm
With these statlstkH In hand the opportunity
fur working a scalp was axnlled of and th"
early buytrs , nsslsted by 1'ardrldge. be nn to
olTcr freely , with the result that the in
declined toUU'.e. Their object aciompllsliLd.
the sel ors began to buy again , and nsslsted
by heavy Inlying for Now York account , de
cidedly oLtler late cables and cropdnmaso
reports from Prance , the market boc.imo verv
ulroiig on the small receipts only 118 cars-
ami llriuniHS In wheat.
In corn shorts were uneasy and coxercd
freely , sending prices up "omc , as there was
appuieutly % ory Jlttlu for talo. Later , on the
break In wheat , tlio ftelliu softened conHld-
erable , thu demnnil fell olT and the ollerlngs
Increased , prices docllnlng somewhat , llrincd
up again xvlth xvheat toward the close.
Opened' c higher at 4 ; " , niU anted to 4J' c ,
declined tu4."iO and closed steady at4JsSo
Oats weroiiilol | and steady and closed with
out change.
Hog products were generally xvoak and
lower llo at thu yards xvero uasloi and the
stocks were larger than expected nnd there
wns frto belling. 'Iho ollorlngs were led tiy
Alcrton , Ilaldwln Ktirimin , I.o tinIho Anglo- lomp my and llelpose Thoioxxiis
a decline of 15u compared with yesterday , but
It recovered all oJtceptAe of It. I/ard and ribs
wore stonily.
I stlmattd receipts for tomorrow : \\ ,
ir > 0 cars ; corn , .US cars ; oats , l.U tars ; hogs.
M.OOJ head.
The leading futures ranged us follows :
AiiTin I.H. 1 OU Cl O8E
.Mnrch . . . . 87 l ,
( OIIN No i
Mnrcl W 21 211 5J
\lren I'oim
March II 20 11 10 11 20
Mny 11.1714 II 40 11 X 11 10
Mnrch G42 I , 45 042 G 45
Vny G 65
litoui Itins-
Mnrch . . . . t > 80 S65
May S .15 fi WJ 5 W
Cash ( [ notations were ns follows :
Kr.ouu Dull and lee lower ; patents , S4.31 ( < 4
I fa ; spring pitcnts , $ l.30l.55 ; bakers , fJ.40
D.OO.WIIKAT No. 2 spring wheat. SS' ' o ; No 3
tjirlnc wheat , Hlo : So 2 rod , K.Q.'il'ic ' ,
COHN HUher ; No .1 yellow. tfJMc.
OATfl No 2. 200 ; No a wnlto , f. o. b. , D1U ®
B2J.JC ! r o J while , f. o b. , 2UilJIJ4c.
HYK No. 2,81Ko.
IlAin.nv No. 2. Me ; No 3. f. o. b. , 3jOe ; No
i , r. o. b , : u < a rc.
riAx si en-No , i.ooaoouc.
TIMOTHV HhUD 1'rline. tl.20l4.
1'OitK"Moss pork , per bbl , J1I.15 ; lard ,
per ewt. { d 4. < aO,4 > ; short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
l ! > . ! - ! ® > .K > : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , M.75
Q' < riO ; short ole ir tildes ( boxed ) , $ C.\
Wiiibia Dlstlllcis' finished KoaJs , per gal.
biKlAiw Cut leif , nnchan-'cd nfJiiSKc.
Kecolpts and shipments today were as fol-
On the I'lodnccexchanzo today Iho butter
Noxv York .Hnrliotn ,
Ni'.xv VOHK , MuuliS II'LOUR Itccohits. 17,100
jikgs : exports , loobbls0,005 saokbj quiet ;
hali'H. bblH.
t'oits MEti < Qmct.
WlIKAT-Heooipts. 120.70 % bu.
! exports , 1(7.- (
fi-Tbu. ! ulun , O.i..uuobu. of futures ; HUIO i\ti ,
uf hpot. bpot market unsullied , closllig
stronger ; quiet ; No. ' . rod , ' { 1 ( ) l' , + < 3i\M \ In stoio
and elevator ; Jl.tflJ , © ! t7ii alloat ; * l.uf > .
4SI.C8J4 f. o. b ! No. a red , JI.OOj unvruduil
rtil , lKiiclfl.lOM : No. 1 norlhurn. tl.bW : No.
I b.ird , ; No. _ uorthurn , iliuii :
options steiullly adxuncod and closed Him at
Tttfdl'iu a ( U an to throu.h hotter cables , In-
cieuHcd foreign hnyliu und fleering xxunthur
xxuHt ; No ruil , fl.U.IJ.iai.U.'iclosing ! atI.OI'j :
April. * IOI , closliiL' at * I.WMi rubrinrv ,
ll.iilf.OI.Oo'osing ! nt tl.O-'li ; June , lUJjuis
II Mt , closing nt * l.0i ( ? : July , iw ft'iM c.
euulng at ti3.o ; August , lXj'i < a % c , cloblng at
HV'F bliongor : vvstorn. l)7)Jtilll ) ) ( 01 ; snles
f.mj liu. at Ub itWc ; f.OJU bu , ut il.OOU f , o. b.
HAIIWV : Dull ; No. S MllxxnuUoo , ! flWian.7.\
HAHl.l-JlAiT-Iull ) ; Oiinadn country nmuo.
C'OHN' llecolpts , rw.SOO bu. : exports , 2.V ) 511
bii , ; Hales , lu7u.OiHi bu. fntnies ; lt)7ulii ) ) bu Hpot.
Kpotinurlvutstioiignnd fairly urtlxu ; No 3,40'd
ColuK" In ulovutor : HOHft.'iO c. alloat ; ungraded
lnl.\cl ( , 4l < i JU1ic. Options ndvaniud U'/ii ' ; ex
cept Junii and July , which xvoro uncluinu'cd.
closijd steady on foreign buying niul boiler
cables ; Muroh , fJ'.ttlU' c , closing at 4'iffii ' :
Apill , M045.f > 07-lt)0.oloiliiK ut 5U\c : May , 4li kff _
4U,1tc. closing at-I0,7c ; June , 4S } dijUo , closing
at 4HVc ; July. 4Jio ! ) : eloslng at I'JUu ,
OATS-lloculuts , J-i.040 bu. ; oxjMirtN , nonoi
eules , 15I.OW ) bu. futures ! 70.000 uu. of spot
ipot ninrkut iiuiut. strong ! options linn and
quiet ; March. iWMWOlic. olosluc at Jfliic ; May
B04.l7'.c , closing at U7o ; spot fso. _ xxhlto.
BS'4c ; in U oil xvoslorn , J6U"Kcjwhlto ; wtaturn ,
IIAV I'inn , iitlct | ,
lloi'H Weak , ( | iiiot.
BUQAU H xv. qulotund steady ; ccntrlfnpals
B'il ' ! : . , bJ5e ' ? ' 6I1 ° lll" ! - " " > ' < " ado bU teat at : io
nnd 10.HOU bags centrifugal W test nt , lo c. I.
f. ; rullnod , higher , fair diiniund : No , a" ®
Dc ) ; No. H , ; i'i Jic ! No I ) , : iriKVic.ljoo
; - -joo : oil A.
_ ; , _ , , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .
It I I -itva.t'io / ; .l.rllll.l . I ltTt II/ ! t \ n
' JtOJ' < oj stundard A , 4) ) , ©
o ; confeetlonora'A. 4 < it ' , c : povxdoied 414 ©
4io ? ! grunuluted. 4)4',0 ) ! oubos. 4miM.c
Moi.ABSKh-Klrm. dull M ' '
; test , I''lio aeked ;
Now Orleans , steady. iiilot ] , ' '
HICK I'lriii ; need demund.
I'BTunLKUii-Uiiutie * steady and after ad-
vanoliiR ) > o declined Ho on small sties , clouliiK
woalt. rmiiisylMiiiItt oil spot uilos , nontij
April open options. WUe. hlrfiiost.fiUSo. lutxvst.
fflaBiwfei.u ! ! > 0 ! 1'"iiu oUi" ° 8ttlflii ! totui
COTTON BRED OnI'lrm nnd quiet.
TALiow-ririu and qulou
KOHIN l''lrm undiinlet.
Tuiii-BNTiMH Dull and caar ,
Knos Firmer : wustorn , lc ; receipts. 0,7iJO
HitiKti-Btoady and nulet.
I'OIIK Qulot.
Our MBATS-yiow , easy i pickled bellies. 6o ;
middles , oatlor , dull ; short clour , W 00.
lAiin-riim and qulotj xvosteru steam , f 80 ;
inles.VfO tierces ; option iuca , 1,550 tleruos ;
Muruh , (0.70 , olosluif. M 77 bid ; May , to w4 .hO ,
olniliiK. MM ! July , M.W.
IltiTTEit Klrmiir but quiet : xrestarn dairy.
If TJoi Hustorn cro.imury. 2l4iiOUu ; wustvrn
factory. 10 2.10 ; iiKlns,30idJUu. )
UiiKEBE-rirmer , bettor lijnmnd : part
lklm > . OSlOe.
1'ia IUON Weak nnddulli American , 115.60 ®
15.7U ,
CoiTEit Easy and dull ; IrKo , H0.504M007H.
hut steady ) domestic , 14.20 ©
but dull ; itrulta. im.55aifl.BO.
.Maiichciler Trndo Itcport ,
MAMCIIKBTEH , March 2. The Quurdlan , la
IU commercial nrtlclo. * avs ; Tl.c hardening
of prlcpn of cotton In the mnrkct nt Liverpool
limurrcstort tbcdccllnolnMRnchoster , thonph
there his been no Incrnmo In business. Th
Inquiry for forolpn Is Inactive , r-omo South
American houses haxoilono n full builnoM for
thii larger ports on the xrest , liny In for outside -
side parties Is llpht. Muhufneturcrs uro free
sellers at previous prices. Printing and blonch-
IiiK otoths nnd shlrtlnzs are nonlcctod. Yarns
nrc depressed and the market inactive. Sales
art' RIM al I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omntui Troilnrn .Mnrltrtn.
rittiiTS-Callfornla rlxorsldo ornnccs. * 2.5.vl
8. Uii I UasliltiBton n.ivels. tJ.'MHAni California
tunecrlnns , Hw per Loxl I'lorlda oranges ,
brluhlH. MnOi riH8cl. , ? . ' .Wi4i7'i : I'lorlda tan-
pmlnos , fl WU no ; half boxes , .vcstcrn apples ,
choice. 520 C.KiO per bhl , , fancy ntind mlpht
lit Ing moro ; New VorkHpplcs. * fancy
lemons , * M ) T > 2i : fhnltii IOIIIOIIR. ft SOiM.T-i
Krnpis. per bbl. . 18 0X00,00 : bnnanns , cr.itoi ,
l-WavM ; cranberries , JO 517.00.
VrdtTAiit.Fs t'allfornl i cnbbaBP , 2'Jc ' per
Ib In crntui : homo crown lettuce , 4'ic per dor- ;
potatoes , dull : California cnulllloxxcr , $ -.OJt
onions , 80c < iitlOj per bu , ; Nebrask i hand
picked bonus II DOiiaoni medium. II.VXai.7n ;
co'ory ' , Xiiduci sxioet uotutocs WAYas M.
Fi.otin Omahii MltllnK coniintiy'n Kollanco
1'atenl. . ' , rl ; Invincible I'atent , > . ' 40 : I.otio
HtnrSuuorlatlxe. f..a ) ! 8" > : Piuioy
rnmllv. II.7SI S I' . Ullnvin's Oold Mcdnl. I-.V ) ;
Snow White. * 2I'i ; f nowflnko , JS.OO : low grade ,
ll. l ; QIICPII of the I'.intry. f . ' .00.
II MILS -No. I Rrecn sallnd hides. 4'4il4lio ! ;
No 2 green salted hides , 4 > < © < Sc ; No l creen
sailed hides. Ki lo 40 Ibs , . IU Hie ; .No. 2 urren
salted hides. Si to 40 Hit , MU'ioi ' No. 1 veal
calf. H to 1'f Ibs , be ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs ,
4c ; No I dry Hint hides , 7acc : No 2 dry flint
bides , MOc : No I dry tnltotl hides , MKe.
loxv , .No. I. : i'Qc ' ( : tallow , No 2. Tic ; Kronse ,
xvlnto A,4e ; Rrease , xxlilto II , 'I'jaTie ' : ( 'rnnso. : jtioase. dark , 2'ic ; old outiei , 2ffl
2'ic ! beesxt.ix , prime , ICe ; ronijh tallow , 1W
I'OUI.TIIV Chickens , good stock , & 310C !
ci'ese , ducks and turkeys , HGtHIc.
IIUTTFit llest choice country roll. 102loi
lonuritridox , I'GtVfe.
r ( H Clonoral market about Clo
HAV S-IOXT ut J.l.wa'iOO. The latter price
could only be obtained for something extra
Rood. _
Oiimlm Craln .M.irkot ,
Prices based on dollverv at Mississippi rlvor
points , Nebraska Inspojtion , and ten OayV
shniniont. nn.o-nothurwlsd sl-\toJ , Cash Kraln
calls for ship nont xvlth In lire days
Wilt : \T--No 2 spring , 8Jc bid ; No. 3 spring.
7V bid.
UVI.-NO 2. 8D"ebltl : No. : i 7Se bid.
OATJ No 2 wh te. IlO'io ' bid ; No 3 xvhltc ,
Ma bid ; No. S mixed , 20c bid ; No. II colored , 28/c !
bid.COIIN No 2 March. 37'ie bid , St. I.ouls
terms. No. 1 April. .i7Sc ! bid ; No. .1 or better ,
Murch , ,17e ; No ,1 white , US'ic bid.
AIIIOIIK the silos wore : 100 cars No. 3 or boi
ler corn. bt. l.onls teims , J7'.ic : 12) ) same ,
Toledo terms , IITc : "J cars same , 3c.
llOttlU UPTllsUnMOTI.S.
II II CocKcrolt has returned from a week's
\ Kit to bt. 1. mils and Chlcatw
. ' W. .Mcl'iirlund I'erol-
( yiieldon and Mr. ' of -
xnl , l.i. , xvureon tbo board.
Uoor.'o llutiico reiiiesenti'V Mllnilnc. Ilod-
nrin.VCo.of New York nnd Chlcnijo.xns
amone the visitors at the lloaul of Trade
Albert Skinner. Martlnnd , Neb. , was In
looking oxei thu Kialn situation.
Kansas City MurknU.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . March 2 Kr.onii
In Rood demand , llrm and uncli mired : pat
ents. $ . ' . 'iO ; oxtn fnncy. $ . ' .VO2.2j ; fancy ,
UttiBin ; choice. * I.yo _ 00.
WIIE T Nothlnt ! dolu ?
Cons bteady ; No 2neash , 3Ic naked ; March.
3.l.o ! bid
OATS firm : No 2 , , 28o hid ; March.
let E Weak : No. 2. 'iVc.
HHAN \ \ enU nt fiTie.
HAV bteidy ntl.JTiO.
llUTTKit-bcarce , hut prices unchanged ;
croiinery , 2ii'sc < ; : roll. 14it0c. (
CIIKKSK Unohuuged ; Vonnir America , lOc ;
Kansas. 7ilJo
ItKOHtTS Wheat , 'Jl,703 bu. : corn , 14,030 bu :
oats , none
hliii'MBNTS Wheat. 30,003 bu. ; corn , 10,700 ;
oats , none. _
Col ton 'Market.
Nixv YOUK , Mnrch " Cotton futures closed
( inlet : sales 0 ,7m biles ; March $0.72 : April ; Mny 8i.J ! ) : Junoi7 01 ; July J7.ll ; August
$ : f-optdmber $ " . .ll : Ojtobei $ " .41 ; Novem
ber J7.5J : Deccmbei J7.CI
Nitxv Uiu.hAss , La. , Murch 2. COTION
Wo ik : iniiidlcs. b'o ; IOXT middles. ri'to ; good
ordinary. ! > 'to. Not aud cross receipts , 5 Kll
haleaitexports to the continent. 11'M bales :
Biles , r > ,2.0 bales : sulniiers , 11,2SJ bales , block ,
4AJ01 bates.
Coftco Market.
N-wYoiiK. March 2 Options opened steady
ana unchanged to 10 points up ; closed llrm
nnd unchanged to 15 points up : salos. Il7r > .i
hairs. Including March. 91 1C © 1,1 05 ; April ,
Ml aniO : Mny. IS.Sil..O ) : boptcmber ,
12.25I2 .1) ) . Bpot Klo dull and easy.
Cincinnati Markets.
CiHnNNATr. O , M irch 2. WIIKAT Easier ;
No. 2 rod. lJ95Hc. )
C'OII.N-Slronc ; No. 2 mixed 4Ui4o.
OATH No. 2 mixed , 3'bc.
WlilSK(1.14. .
Llxorpool Miirkots.
LiVF.iU'Oou March 2. WHEAT Steady ; de
mund pooi ; holders offer modoiutcly.
Coitw I'lrm : demand poor ; mixed xvostern ,
4s 7'id per cental.
Oil Jl.irkat.
7Md per quarter.
TUHI'KNTINB bl'IHITB 203 7'5d tCr OWt.
TriidcuH1 Talk.
CIIICAQO. 111. , Mnrch 2. Counsolmnn & Day
to CocUroll Ilros. : Wheat ruled Irregular to
day nnd after several sharp fluctuations
caused by conflicting private 'advices con
cerning crops nnd cables became strong on
public postings of btoadv to llrmer cables.
liberal clearances xvitli reported revival of
buying on foiulgn orders much of which ,
howoxer , xvns the July fatuic. Tlio closing
vxitb lo higher und within > 4o ot the tup
for the day. The general sentiment
ot speculators Is that It frojli oxpoil con
tinue hoaxy buying Is necessary to any
material ndvnncu nnd the Inclination of the
local crowd Ib lo koll freely xvhun Iho market
lulls after a good rally. Corn nnd oats xvere
quiet but firm xvlth a nairoxv range and un
changed. 1'ioxlslons opened xvonic on monthly
showing of stocl.s on h mil , but rallied un
local buying and to isod r o lower for pork.
Laid and ribs stoady. Local opniators are
getting generally bearish ami Kill freely ensigns
signs of weakness , but loner quickly unless
ollorlngs are full on the break. The receipts
ot hogs for thoxxoolv will buS.OOJ to B.OOj under
the estimate.
OHIO UK ) . Ill , , March . . -T. G. Logan A. Co. to
J. . ' anils Commission company , Noxv York
Life building : Wulinxe had a ncrvoiix ac
tive market today In xxhcnt. May opened at
IMJic to ! U ? c , bold up to IH'iC. and clobed ut
Die toul'ac. Continental ami Kngllsh adx Ires
by cnbluaiohottor , and HO ho.ii of consider
able being purchased for continental account.
The home nlllln ; demand Is r ithoi quiet , Iho
weather line , und the nsniil line crop proa-
poct at this he ison of the your Is lielnz
discounted , which rnthor rofirds the upward
moxeiuent today. This month of Murch Is u
critical one on winter , and the growing
crop U still liable to many \ leltsltiidcs before
wo uio Into harvest. As wo said vestorduy.
xxe look upon the market us a xvouthorono for
the next tuenty days. 'I he corn trading hi on
the Improvement ; xvo 1 olluvo II will do some
bettor. Stocks are light , uo uro rotelpts No
feat uro td proxlslons. They are dull. Iluv
pork closed at * ll,4t > . lard ( d ) > , ribs KM.
II. , Mm eh . . Kimnott. Hnp-
luns A. Co to 8. A. MeWhortori 'llie nmrlict
hus ahoxvn renewed vigor with good buying bv
hotiMjt , xxltb Now York connections. ' 1 hem
xvas but ono bronlc dining tlio day , and that
in consciinencuof reports that froui I.OOC.OUO
to 1,500oi0 are huh ! In curs on irank In
the northwest , iiiuvuiitlntt the Increase
lu thu visible supply generally expected ,
Cables iiaxo been ( jnlto Irrngulur. seine
public advices quoting pi Ices from J&l : below -
low prlvutu cables. If the latter mo con-
llrintxi In the morning u higher market Is
ptobithlc , but It will take continued bullish
nowslo keopprices nunIn-C nnward , Thuox-
poriongaguinunts today have not been on-
eotiraglne. I laltorlng rciortson | thucropont-
loolc In Kansas have been rather nluiillfu' .
Corn and oats worn stronz nnd looked as If
they xxould huxegoiio higher but for rather
fieorcalMng sales by lopgs , xx ho are sonlpin , '
the niiirUet on a big si'itlu 1'iovisloiiM xvoio
weaU nnd strong by turns , xvlth a moderate
trade and ulosud about wboio they did yester
day. HtocliBof now pork ami Inrl nra some-
wluit above thu catlnmtes , but hud no pro
nounced otfcct on price.- , .
bhowlng the ran o of prices In the loading
options ut tit. Louis , as reported by H. A. , Mc-
Whorler ;
loMMouirT Opun , ClODO , Vcnt'r
Mu V3\t \
Julyl.r. Wbti
M.y , . . . BS ! < 88
Showing the o of pr.ces lu the luttllnz
options at Uhlcugi ) . an reportej by J , A. HaniU
Coinnilssion company ;
COUNUUITV Open. UlllU 1.0 W ,
nn .r * ,
Wi ti
II 10 II 40 II 32 II 40 II 4 ]
H ITt II 20 II 'A )
6 W i DO 605 61 *
t b ) 6U
eta W 8 W 86T
t n 8 U a ii
by tlio rrofrMlntmlii Wn * Ilin Vrn.
tnr - of Yrstcrdnj'nTnullnic.
NEW YORK. Mnrch 2. Tlio stock tnnrkct
continued tobo n trndorV ninrhot tudny nml
Ilia Rolling Ijv tlio profcsiloiitils mnlntnlnol
tlio licnvv tone tliroiuho it tlio nun I of the
day In tlie Roncral ll t , nUlionh In tlio nftor-
noon tlioro WHS bnttor support noticeable In
tlio nctUo film res , nnd tlio Industrials and
spoclnlllci were conspicuous for itrengtli nun
nctlvlty In the provitllltiK dullticss. At the
prc onttimo , hewer , tiny connection , olttior
actual or rumored , with the coil deal now
nU | ' | ) scil to bo pending tssuniolcnt to c-xnso
not only n tnnrkcd Incronse In tlio business
donu In the stock on the oxchnnsobiil itlio a
inutcrlnl ImproMJtnont In the ( ] Utitlon . The
latest one to bo circulated Is that the Now
York Is uciiulrlni control of the liotu-
wiiro ft Hudson. This rumor bec-uno current
aflur th c close ( if business last night , nnd this
inornlnK th uro wns u rush to buy tor the ro-
spoctlvo account , wlillo the forolcti liouses
were nlso heavy bidders for the stock. As a
consequence the market opened ut Cl'i ' und
the profnrred ut 77. 'I ho higher prices brought
a Krcat lU'iil of it nnd the preferred retired
quickly to 7iV , wlillo the common after a
further slight lniiro\cinent | imrcly hold Its
own and nflor the forenoon rns over both
sank back Into rompatallvn dullness with
the remainder of the nnirket. Oiitslnc.
among the riillroul list. New Knuland ntlll
continued to bo moat promtmmt and It sold
olTo\cr 1'i iior com In early Ir.idlns only to
recover Inter In the day. The coal 5too 1m. the
grangers and the others were quiet through
out , though Norlhnustorn became uctl\e and
strong at ono tltno Thn Industrials wore the
Btron. features of the afternoon , sugar rising
1 per cent while distillers tallied ftotu Its Into
noiiUtlosri anil advanced I nor cent In the foiu-
noon. though not able to retain It lalui In the
day uhon 1,1 mi oil stock and sugar again became
came- prominent In the advance.
Tun buj IIIR of a hotter character In the
late de illius and m aerially cITccted the tone
of the close. TlioRotinral list openinc at In-
sUnillcant chniucs from last night' ' llzuros ,
ruiiiulncd dull and dropped ( lining the
pi eater portion of the day. hut milled in tlio
last hour when the forenoon's losses worn
generally reeo\oiod The only te.illvweak
point In the market was Whcnllng
l.uko Krlo uhleh declined stt.ullly nnd
f.vllcd to r.illy ultli the rest ot the
list. The market finally closed nctlxo and
( Inn to stionir. with active stock ? at the best
prlcesot the day , but with the general list at
orne.u the opening limires the advances
\\aru inoicover ni.itorlal and tonight Now
I.ngl.ind shows n gain of 'l per cent , bugar 1
pel tent , Crle 1'4 ' per tent and the preferred
\ < t pot cent , while Wheeling > V Lake Krle Is
down 1 percent.
Go\einiiiQnt bonds dull and firm. httUo
bonds tin Hand steady.
The following nro the closing quotations for
the loailinc stocks on the New York t > tock ex
change today
The totil sales of stoolti today were
shares , Incluutn ? : Atclilson , B.2M.1 ; Canndn
boothern , ai.bflChicago ; * On * , 11,030 ; Dola-
xvaro , Ij.iolmxxnnn i ft Western , 11'ifiO ;
Delnxvaro & Hudson , 3.000 : Eric , 108,030 :
J.oke Shoie. , ' ,10J ; Lonls\llo ! & Ixashvillo ,
4.420 : N'ort'iwostern , .1,570 : Noxv. Jersey Ceutrnl.
3kl5 ( : Noxv York Central. J,4uO : Northern I'n-
clflo preferred , 0'OJ : Noxv EiiKl.ind , 71,300 ;
Heading , .11,700 ; Utchmond & West I'olnt , t > ,700 ;
St 1'aifl , Za.'JDO ; Western I'nlou. nIO ,
rlnanclal llexlcxx.
NEW YOIIK , March 2. The 1'ost says :
ItcL'ardlng the pending railroad "doils. "
which may he said without hesitation to hnxe
asubstuntlal plate In fact , and of which the
traders are desperately laboring to nvall
thomselxoj , there is plenty of injstery ; re
garding the stook mirUct Itbclf , there Is no
mystery wh ituxor. The market Is fortlllud
by piofcsslonal "cliques" In oxery quarter ;
this makeq It htubborn In resisting bear at
tacks There Is Eufllciont Intrinsic merit In
the situation and outlook to press the accu
mulation of slop orders closely lo cnncnt
prices lint , on tlie other hand , tlio tendency
of the moment Is entirely against enthusi
astic buying. Thoontfildo spoculatlxo Inter
est , largo or small , Is virtually extinct , and
not likely to rex Ivo during this season.
Xoxt York Money .
NKXT YOIIK , March 2. MO.NEV os OAr.i , Easy
at I-- ! per cent ; last loan closed offered at
'J percent.
bTKiii.iNO ExciiANnE Qulut hut steady at
W.SVi for sixty-day Ullls and $4.h7i ! for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
bid. tanked.
London Stock .Market.
ICnplli ttllited IKK byJainca ( Ionian llrnnfll\ \
LOMIO.N , March' ' [ New York Herald Onblo
Hpncliil to 'inn HKE. I General business has
been co'iipar.ith ely ( inlet In the Stock ex
change today , notwithstanding the Ineroabed
ease of money. Consols have ( riven xvay ! a per
cent. Indian rupee paper Immoxul , ' > to U
nor cent. 1'orel n seem Itles close more or less
Hat. A feature Is the heavy full In Ureek
bonduoxvbu to the ministerial crisis at Athens ,
' 1 ho unsatisfactory trullle btatemuntu and un-
easlncsiH engendered by the appioachliiK crisis
In the coal trade have had u dojiresslnx ellect
on home railways , but there has been no pres
sure In silcsho that the fall In puces , xvhllo
nearly Is not Important. It Includes
Vi percent In llrlxhton deferred , NorlhcasleiJi
Hi London , Northwestern , and ' 6 to Jn per cent
In others The foatiiin In the market for
American railways ha been Iho demand for
Vnnderhllt lines nnd Krle , due lo t he reported
acquisition of the conliol of the Delaware &
Hudson. Theio tins boon little money In
Lombard street loday , bhoil loans h ivebeen
eiislly obtained nil ! nor cent discount , The
market has Mioxvn Jnciensod ease , txxound
thieo months bills beink'iiuoted ai 1 % to V pet
cent. Thoio Is every prospect of i.iloson de
posit being reduced.
LOMiOM , March . ' . The followlns were the
London stojic ijiiotatlonH eloslui ; at 4 p. m :
Conxild , money Wi'li' , Xleikun Onllnnry.
do , niuoiuil Hit ) Hi fit. Tuul ( Oiu . , .
Tumi A Ohio I IB , . .47 Hi .Si'trork Central
Can Tnilnu 1'J Tt'mmxlvnnln . . .
Krlu cfiondH , . 110 Heading 30
JINiMiU C'nitral , . I07U
llAU SlI.VKU ll Jd.
Mo.NKr ,5J."t l > r cent.
Hate of discount In thu open maiUet for both
short and three months hlllx , ' tli't ' per com.
Ainonnlof bullion tul.en Into the liank of
balance , i.'lb7.UOii ,
rinnnelal Niite ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Muicli ' . ' . Money , 25J.O per
I'AittH , March 2. Tluee per cent rentes DOf
UMiu for account.
Nixv : YOUK. March L' . Clearings , tl5',804,4fiO :
balances , | s,2.'Jiril .
KA.NSAS Crrv , Mo. March S. The bank oloar-
i\K \ today xxeie tlUIOu ; > .l.
IIAI.TIMOIIK , Md . March ' . ' . Money , : ii ! per
cent , Cloarlnna , U'.TIU.'O ) ! halanccs , t'H\H.
I'mi.AtiLU'iiiA , I'n. . March ' - ' . Clearings ,
J17.'UV Ki ; balances , ? J7iUJ2. , Money , W per
HOSION , Mass. , .March-S. OlcarliiKH , ( IS. . ' . -
; 1M ; lialtinces. J..lfvV.-Jl. Money , 11 , foj per cunt ,
KM'haiik'O on Nexv York. 1'ic. disco lint ,
ST. Linus. Mo , Martha. Hunk clearing * ,
JJ,017oOi ) balances , SW".Oi ) . Money. Wi.7 per
cent. Exchange on Now York.5u prttinlum ,
Ni.xv OIII.HAN . .Maioli2.-Clo irlncs. < . ' .010. | |
Noxv York oxchantfo , coiiimericlai , Wo per
tl.MiO premium. Hunk , (1.50 per tlVOO prumliun.
ClllCAHO. 111. , Mm eh 2. Monov ojsy at 4' ' ' , ©
o per cunt. Hank clearings. Kl7tuofoi. Now
York uxuhaiiKC. 70u discount , tilerllni ; ox-
chaiuf , dull atllbS > 4 for sixty-day bills und
iN.b'ii for slKht drafts.
llonton Stock Market ,
Demon , Man , Muroh 2. Thu follow lug vrera
Supply of South Unialui Still Short of the
I > i > in mil rurdooil Anliniils.
OXIAHA. March 2. Itocolplsjo far this xvcok
foot up ( I.On cattle. 7,0'ill ' IIO B and 2,810 sheep.
against 7,747 cattle , 14 , Oil hogs and 2,470 sheep
the first three days or hint week.
The general cattle market was not mater
ially illlTuront from I'ueslay. Offerings In-
< Hided a fair proportion of pretty good stuff
und such xvas In good demand at fully steady
prke * Outs'do ' slaughterers , shippers and
exporters were buying or trying to buy , xxhllo
local Id lers al-o had good orders to Oil. Uood
ltw : Ib. to l.liUO Ib. beeves sold from
J..ISO to SdliO. or ut good firm
pi Ices , all buyers xvantlng thc u grades.
On the ornlnarv run of fair to good
1.000 to 1.253-lb steers the market wns lather
sloxv and the biippiy bolni fairly liberal prices
were baiely steady nt from IJL25 to } lfi3
Tiadlng xvus moderitolv active nnd the close
found comparatively few useful C'lttlo un
In butchers' nnd dinners' stock the feeling
xx as rather xvo .k. except on the poo'l to choice
stock , which sold all Iho nay fromtJUIto
$ J ; . Pair to good covxs sold from f.r > to ? . ' b ) ,
and common und canning stuff f rom JI ( ) J to
$ l.k.r > . There xvas prautlrully only one buyer
for medium und cominon stutf nnd prices
tilled xvoak to lOc'Mo.xxer than TticMluy ,
a decline so far IhK xvcelc of Ifio lo 2 > c.
Hulls , oxen nnd slugs xvere In fair
demand und firm at from $20 } to JMr > i. Veal
calves xvero In light supply , good demand and
steady at from St.VJ to ? S.IO xvlth large ealxos
nnd yearlings at fiom } l 50 to S ) ( HI. Tiadfng
was i at her on the dull and tliaggln : older
hut a fair clearance at least of decent stock
xx as c Hoc ted. _ _
The stookei nnd feeder trade was very quiet
nnd prkes hardly ns tlrm as last xveuk. flood
Or > ) to 1053-lb steers toill fiom S2 8li to * .L27Vt.
with common stuff from'thut on down to $1.50.
Iteprcscntatlxo sales :
No Av. I'r. No Axl l > r. No. Av. Pr.
I .120 83 00 17 .102 ! ) 11 45 17 1214 JJ fi5
18 S04 3 15 10 .1171 a 50 jo no. .ita
1004 32.-I 15 1.J0850 : ! 18 1.1)7 ) 360
1170 21 .1H ) < V ) U7 J27 3QJ
1140 3 30 1414
1014 A : n G3 1104 it 50 18 .ir'JS ' .11)5 )
IKi7 3.15 1 1270 3J > 0 17 KI57 4 00
1058 3 ,15 122-1 3 co 10 1401 4 2 >
1..1170 3 40 1205 S CO 10 . 1001 4 JO
720 1 00 1 070 2 25 7 007 2CO
7J4 1 35 10 1195 2 _ 5 4 . IIBT 2 CO
702 1 51 1IJJ 25 _ . 010 2 ( < 0
1K)7 1 50 II. 031 2 an U. , , l'J7 2liO
04U 1 M ! 8 817 235 r > . 1102 2 CO
1 . ' 0 I. 1200 3 35 21 790 ' 'CO
1010 1 75 1. bftO 2 40 21Si 10M 2LO
r-60 1 75 17 1081 2 40 Si SIX )
805 1 80 B..1JJS 2 40 it fed ! 203
S9.J 1 85 1 1.W ) 250 i 270
875 1 85 1..1 80 2 fiO 1110 275
750 1 fc5 018 250 5 080 275
. 980 1 03 1215 2 50 21 OC7 275
.1027 200 ire 2 50 5 2 00
740 200 800 2 50 0 ll' > 0 .100
II JO 200 10 ! ) 2 50 J 1241) ) 3UO
105- 2 00 0.7 2 50 1 .1410 ,100
1.10 2 00 1. 1030 2 55 1 U'.tO ' 301
1040 2 00 C 1118 2 55 0 1018 J25
04) 2 10 2 55 .1175 I
1JM 2 15 18 093 S l 20 1177 3S5
II. . 044 2 15
] . . 323 223 25 095 2 00 1. . 870 275
. 201 1 50 4. 4J7 2 00 1. 140 500
2.5 ! 1 1.5 2 2Vi 3 UO 2. U2 500
440 1 75 1 IbO 4 ! > 0 11 HB 500
. 410 2 00
.1)40 ) 2 00 1 1000 2 25 1 VI70 2 50
1250 2 UO 1 15.H ) 2 2i 1 .17SO 250
121)3 ) 2 ( " > 1. llSt ) 2 25 1 1440 2bO
1050 2 05 1 H80 2 25 1 .1703 2fi1
.142U 205 U M' ) ) 2.10 1 I4.0 270
U-'O 2 10 1 1)03 ) 2 .10 1 1150 27ri
1443 2 15 i 1750 2 : n i 170J 275
1740 2 25 3 H4J 2 Jj 1 1500 .100
Ti75 2 25 1 1700 2 5) 1 .180) 3 10
. 710 2 25 1..14V ) 2 50 1. .1710 J23
.1400 2 25
1 1520 3 50
1. 4f,0 , 1 50 30. , 285 1. IOV ) 3 IS
1. . f > 00 200 4 012 2 00 1,1l 1040 1115
1. ( j0 S 25 8 . 2 00 < " l ' b70 : n >
mo 3 50 21 . 609 3 00 78J : i i.ri
20. . 508 250 : u 731 3 00 41.b. . an
1. 720 2 50 20 552 3 10 b. .120
1 IUO i 05 5 5. M ) 3 10 50. 707 J271
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
21 feeders . E6I 51 10
lions Receipts xxcro not very heavy , only
II.MW head , or 1 000 less than were here last
Wcdnos lay. The fallliu olTso fur this xxeek
comp irod with last Is In the neighborhood of
O.O.H ) head , The qn illty xvas hardly us good ns
on TuoMlny.
A good local nnd shipping domino for light
xvolghts produced u Hun markoton this class
of hogs , lluyois paid from $1 ( K ) to 4.U5 for
light sorts , throwing out nil rough und
envy hogs. Thcbo thiow-outs xvero hard to
dlsposo of , literally a drug on the muiket.
Medium and heavy butcher xvulgbt ho s sold
a hhade Jo Do lower nt from * l 55 to J4.W ) .
Heavy hogs , Uhpoeially roiuh heavies and
thioxv-outs. were In jioor demand , paelicrs'
bids lioliu from fo to ItW , and moro often lOc ,
loxvor than Tutsday * these grades. Tlicy
sold mostly from Jf ! ! to $4 50 und u few re
mained unsold tit ' tno close. bales xv ore
lurgely nt fiom I V ) , to tliH , against * ! Mto
J4 05 Tuesday , the axMrftgo of prices p ild holng
iH 57. against l WlH 'LHfosday und 57Si last
Wcdnusduy. Koprosfnitatlvo sales ;
No. Av. '
14 . ' _
10 'iips r.o 4 40 t , i
10U fa 4 40 , „
II5U. ' 415 hi ) 4 40.
5U. . , .KI5 ' 'U Hi'
: .2 . < i l.'U 4 40
17 : IH 12J
12 : in 80
70 . .wi 4 15
10 . . .L'8
3 .
28 . 200
37 . . .304 40
13 , .104
, .2a7
OJ. . .311 200
45 . 377 hO 4 5) )
40U' , 317 10J 4 ! > 0
U' . . 8TI II-'O 4 'M
71M , 205M1 2 > 0 4 50
M , , M1 40 4 50
01. , 308 240 4 50
IH , 34 J 240 4 M
& . 4 50
111. .254 200 4 50
00 ' 4 50
8 . 'lW : i.0 4 W
51 . .ifi'l 5U ) 4 50
47 . ,2 J N ) 4 53
tu" , ; ; :
. . .234 40 4 M
77. . . .2I-8 X-0 4 M
G ) . . .272 40 4 55
107. . . , ' 49 { 0 t M
69 . . . .It , , ' 40 4 55
1'IQS AN ! ) IlOUdll.
4 . 420 ' . ' 00 4 140 400
1. , | .IJ 200 1 -IM ) 42
1 IW a 6J l.ftW ) 4 40
Hiitti1 Tlio market xvas actlvo and all do-
ulrublu Block sold reuUlly ut ( teed IInil prices.
Oood western wethers wolghliiu W to 108 Ibs
sold at from * \lu totV-J aim n small bunch of
stock luuib- found u purchuBor ut (1.15 The
demand continues ktruaK nlth pricoi yuolu-
My firm , Quotation * are : Fair to good na
tive * , W.SJ to U 40i wo l ri. iHiOO to IA.x'5 ; com
mon nnd stock tthccp J50 to M'M good to
choice alnmbs welching n to OJ Ihs , $1,2.1 to
MOO. Hcprcecntatlvc sales !
No. Av. J'r.
2-17 xvcstorn wethers 10,1 1 10
211 xxrMurn xxtilhrM ! " ft 10
270 wuntorn xvothor * 107 531
70 xrcMtirn wcthrr- > . MS 5 2J
: i" > natlxo stock lambs M 415
ltrrrlpt unl Dlipixltlnn of Hliirk ,
Oniclal receipts Mid ( ilsMXlllon | of Mosl tin
shown hy the li < ) ilof the Union Stock Ynrdt
comp'itiv for the txvonty-fourho'ir * , ondltr < nt
6oclooki | m .March 2 , ISJJ.
CAlTlTT itoos
Cnr < llonil Curs,11 tend Car * llrnd
IU7 | fi
Omaha Parking rotmmtif 51
1 lie ( I , U Hammond Co . Z--3 - 413
Swill A Co . V\l \ Wll sm
Cudnhr I'neklnisconiiianr 3I9 111 ? 35
K , Son 1H7
l > n > ton 1H7US
Siicrrr .V II an
Snippers and feeders mt
I/eft over
Tolnl. 81,1
Chicago l.lxr Stork Market.
CIUCAOO. Ill . March 2. tSpeclnl Telegram
to TUB Mm 1 The cattle market xvas xvoak
and iituott ed today. It was Imrd work to
get former iirlces for any grade. > loit de
scriptions soul u slmdo lo er than joslerd ly
neither the local nor shipping demand dovcl-
oped much activity untl ij.UOJcatllo proxe I lo
be a larger number than the trade \\ould absorb
serb except nt icdnee.l prices , Shlppots and
exporters bought principally nt from Jl/Ti to
JUKIvhlIoBalcs to loenl hutcheis and r inneis
were cenorallv at fiom Jl.T.'i to tJ.i > 0 'I he do-
niitnd for stocliurs nnd feeders xrns fair at
from J..l to 1,1. 7.1 nnd ve il calxescro xxantcd
at an ndxnuco on last week's prices , being
silablo at from $ . ' . > ' . to W.7.V
Iho ho ? n arl.ot wis not itillo | as "nnk" us
at the ouonlinj of business yestordnv , but
xvus firmer tlnn at that day's eloso. Trido
was active for eastern account nnd loc il
packets ulso liny In t with some free loni the
pens wore emptied In coo 1 season. I'roiii II DO
tojlin foi cliocj ! nied'utn ' nndheixy webtht ,
sales rniucd downward to from 81.10 lo Jl.di
for poor stuff nntl to from J.HO tofluu for
culls It did not require \ory good article
to brliuSl.Tt ) , anil theie XTasnot much tr ulltu
belon that llguie. Thu market t'loaod stuatly
nt fiom Y4.COto4l.05 for poor to prime heixy
and medium and at ftom J45 > to { 4.8i for
- . riicro x\as no abatement of thontmness that
for some time pnst has character the
sheep timrkct. buppHc * are coming forward
r nhcr sparingly , und under u good local anil
shipping demand values umtlnuo to
strengthen. Today's olTcrlnis were quickly
absorbed atin advance on yeUcrday'a prltos
of from So to lOo. silcs making on n bus's of
from $1 7o to Jj.lO for common to extra fheep
nnd fiom Woo lojc , sc , for lambs. Culls were.
ouoted lit from J'.T'i to f L5J.
Itotolpts wore : Cuttle , 5,0 0 , boss. 27,000 ;
sheep , V.uOO.
UIIIUAI.O , Til. . Mirch 2. The nvcnlns
Journal reports' CATTLK UcceIpts.l5OiHslilp- ) ;
mcnth. 4000 ; inarUot steady ; good to extra
steers , f 4 'i a" ? ) ; others. HiViSI i > i stock-
era. iKMOffilOO : LOWS. Jl % © ) . ' > .
Moos itecelptH , .linoo ; snlpments. I2.fl01 ;
mnrl.ct steady ; rough nnd common , tl 10 ®
1.5'J ; mixed and pickers. ( KC ilHi ; pr'mu
licivy undUutchurH wel.hts , J4.8ft 4.0U ; lUht ,
- .
SHEEP Keceipts. 6.000 : shipments. 300) ) ;
mnr'tet ' nctlxo. lOo hUhor ; ones. $ t.OJ4i > 4 "i ;
ml.\odIO ffti4.7'i ; xvothois. M 2" > S'i 70 : west ins ,
. > . .IOQM ( ; Inmos , steadvSo.50ail50 ! ; ycarlliu-s ,
, " > 75
N w York I.lxe Stock Market.
NEXV YOUK , ? larch 2. HEKVIS Ileceluts
Included to cars for sale ; market hlo\\
butsteatly ; for native steers. $4 luji per c t. :
bulls and cows , $ J (10 ( ® . ) 50 ; dressed htof sto idy
utG8ViO per II ) Shipments ted ly. 475 beeves
nnd 7.404 cuui tiers of uetf ; tomorroxx , 40J
bcexes nnd 1'ihhoep. '
UAI.VKS Hecoipts.oAW head ; market steady :
veals J5.iXU8tiO ( ( per lou Ibs ; barnyard aud
xvestfrii oal vos. $ . ' Xi ® 1 00
t < iihEP Hecolpts. ( iMi heid ; mnrkct firm ;
sheep , CiS650perlOO IbIambs. . JGtWf87 Wj
dressed muttons , steady nt KftlOc per ib ;
dressed lambs , firm at lie peril )
lloos llciolpts WU heid , foreign account :
market nominally llrm ut } 4 'JJIi. ) r > 0 per IUO
_ Clt } I. Itii Mock Market.
KA\B\R CITV. Mo , March 2. OATTI.E Ite-
oelpts. ' . ' .BOO : shipments. I.OU ; steers were
strong to higher : tows steady ; feeders more
tiLtlxc and steady. SnlcR : Dressed beef nnd
shipping steeis , SJ 1VB4Ij ; cows and heifers ,
fl'flffii.M : stocUers anil feeders , $ J : > ! au,0.
Hoes Uecelpts. 8'A'J ; shipments. 8,049 :
choice horfs xx ore strong and hUher nnd com
mon xvcnk to loxxci ; extra , SJ 0.S'l ( > i bulk ,
bUBEi1 Receipts. 2,151 ; shipments , none ;
sheep u ere mi 11 and weak , bales. f.7J. )
St. I.ouls r.lxfl stiitl. nnrknt.
ST. Lotus , Mo . Jlireh 2. OtTTf.s-Uooalpts ,
J.700 ; shipments. 400 : strong ; fair to good
native steers. W nO ( } > 4 40. f.ilr to good Indian
and Toxnn tcors. JJ 8 0,1 10.
lloos Receipts , 5lK)0 ) ; shipments , 1.40) ;
lower : heavy. Jl GO-ti-t.iO ; mixed , ? 4 10(34 ( 05 ;
light , 1 1.5 ( S4.70.
Ilcnxy ! ) ( re iso In Totals Oniuliii Mill
Ciilnlni , ' I-iiiRCly.
TiNClNNATi. O , Jlnrch 2. Ibpecla ! Toloprirn
to L'IIB IlBi l Tomorioxv's I'rlce Current xxlll
say : The neck's p ickln In thoxxestls ISO , OJ
hois , agulnst 275.00) last year. C.oso esti
mates and returns for nearly all points Indi
cate that the total for the four winter tnonthi
xvlll bo7.71 > JlOO ho s , about 42\OJO less thin
last year. I us places cumparo fet the
season as follows :
I Ibuu I
, JSI7000
Knnrns City 81 1000 .lltiUXI
Umnlia 1.10(4)0 ( ) 681.UOJ
hit I.oills . . : . . , P45 IKJfl ! fll OJO
Indlnnnpolla . . 317 UOO ,11ft Ot > J
Mlhvnlikce .WaOOO AftftM
ClnclnnKll . . . . 21-S 000 no i ctxi
Ctilur llniilda , . , JI.MUU MJ UJJ
Sioux City H10JO ll'i 00(1 (
Ottuimva . . , . , n.'iioo 1 14 000
bt I'Mil I 161) ) 1X10 I WOO )
Clcxclniid 101 00' )
ht JOHOII | ) .t . . 1HIOOO
pbrn8kn City. 1U70IIJ I2SOOO
Wichita w o 10 i i.ooa
All others . . . . 1.2I51XH
jiixii > 'Jin ; ir/r.vBss ui > .
I'helps 1'criln ContraillelH lllmscir In tlio
r.iiuoiiH I ! iker Case.
Asiii\Nt ) , Wis. , March 2. For flvo days
Ptielps Porrln has been in the wltncsa box in
the famous Baker case , and that it docs not
agree with him Is made manifest from his
ntmxvcis , many of which ate made in nny-
thliiR but a ploabiint inannor. Yesterday
thoto was a cioss-oxaminutlou of the most ,
searching character. The main point was
the comparinc of bis testimony in the present
case to that of the previous trials. In
places ho contradicted himself , the most itn-
poitnnt contiadlction bulnf that rogurdlnc
now Lccluiro paid him a certain sum. At the
former trials ho stated Lcclalro paid him in
currency , but at this hcnring lie said the
money xvas in spocia , ha Imving changed it
for currency from the vault. In one or two
othnr Instances ho admitted bo hail testified
dltlorontly at otbor trials , but said it xvas
under Iho dirottlon of his attorney.
Coiiiprciiiilacil the C'auu.
LOUISVII i.r , Ky , , March 2 , The lognl com
plication ausing from the full uro of Lynn
county to pay Its bonded debt of $ lll,000lontr (
blnci ) overdue , tins ended. The holders of
{ l.0,003 ! of the bonds hnvo signed n compro-
mlso proposed by the sinlnns fund commis
sioners of the dofaulttnrr county. Tlrj total
debt , Including Interest , u ab'iut JJTO.OJO ,
liy the terms of the comprouiUo , the county
will pay f lb5UOO In annual Installmonls of
? lbr > 00 , nml sonil-annual liiBtullmontH of the
intcicst iiccitihitf. The bonds were for thu
construction of a railroad which buuluuptod
Eovcral cnuutlus.
\Viinl thu Itcil Itlx r Impriixi il ,
\ViNMi'Fo , , March U. At a mooting of the
joint commltteo of the city council and tha
board of trade on lied river nuviKutlon Im
provement hold hero , Major Uu'tan pro-
sentcd a ruportBUhtnUtinR a raomorlul to the
irovcrnmotii of Canada praying tlmtfSOO.OOO
bo expended by pnrliatnonlln Impruvliiff nav
igation on the Ued river so that tUatHtreatn
would be passable for Btoumurs fiom LaUo
Wmnlpogto the North UnUota lino. The
memorialists bubmlt as facts und rousons in
support of their petition that it would dn-
volop tratlo xvlth the UuHeu States and
would bolp the country.
I'leil xxith Ill-Cotton ( iulnft.
UiKMivaiiAM , Ala , March S. M. Ocllhorn ,
> \bo illiiippearjd last Saturday , loft to avoid
the penally for a iiumharof crimes. Ho ran
an endowment benefit association , In which
subscribers paid $11 in txvelvo monthly in
stallments and were to got baclt f 100. Many
bit at the templing ball. Gollhoru also raised
aJ check , druxvn by the ( Jato Uitv National
bank of Atlanta on the Park National bank
of Now York , to . ' ,000 , and got It cashed in
this oliy. The Now York bank notified tbo
'bank hero that tba money wat put to its
credit , ( jolluorn hus been running bis suuomo
for about twelve uiculb * .
KlllllU and Jolliers' Dirootey /
HOB * linimnock" ollnnl
rubber dotliln.r oml for
rnlnlotmp Illl l-nrnrun
AfsDTWiNfc. . .
Importer * nml mnniif 10
I'lour Hcki Iliirlnpi xml
'I wlno
1(0) ) OocUo troot. HiCTcIc * nolil ( in monlhtr
fend for our cililojiuo pijrtnenti
nnd | irlc i | IW < I'nrmm M , Omnlm
11UJ ItnwiM Slro-t
rnlnir corner lltlinnil lonulix utreon
\V o mo n\\nit \ close ptlco * to cn h bujror , mid nro
n cl s ( if itoodi which l \vT < "
citblo with niarchtnti
\Vholo nlo Mniiufnctu r < DooH. rhnpi , rubbers
Agent * for Moilon Hub- and toll gooiM
bcr 'Shoo Co. 1103 , 1101
niut 11UJ Ilnrnu-mrcoU 1201-U llitrnuy Btroet.
Hnr.l nn 1-of t ciml SB
curlier II.tli ntul Douulm
Mannficiuror * of ( , al. Manufacturers nnd
vnnlrpil Iron Cornice
\\lnilow cnpj , imllto < \VhohWla Clothier ) ,
skvlliihH , etc. 1110 nnd
1IOJ llnrncjr street
D.-tv GOODS.
Dry pinilr , notions , fur Drj KOOI | nothvn ncnti'
nishing ifooili furnlihhii ; u" ili
Corner llth and Howard Cor I h nml llowurilats.
Electro Ujiiiiiiui. ] .nmn. | Wlro nnd Kluctrlcil hup-
pilot of All Kinds
I1U llonnrd strout , Umnhn.
lIliiDtratod catnloguo
1014 Capital Avenue
Succox'nn to ( ' A. floobo
A Co.
Oriconndntli iti.Omiha
Oonu' furnishing roods , Oonts' furnlshlnx ( foods ,
clnthlne nnd notions
' '
UU u us n trial Wo < end m't'tt celobritod llntnd
m-mplea "lltickskln" Ore rails
cxprois pro- ,
pnld prints , ghlrts , routs etc.
11U Hnrner. Erst Omnhj.
ISOI-lSOSJonoj slreot , 10th and Hnrner. Oamhit ,
Oninhn , Nou ,
215 lloird of Trndo
L'roXor In Krnln , provl-
ulcintnliiUtockn I'rlviito
wires to N. V. , Chicago
and 8t Lotil *
Huts , cnp , Htrnn Eoods
Iluyeri ot hi IDi wool
Ulovoj and mlttuni
, lullon and fun
5H South
HER & GO , , R. R. GROTTE ,
J.lqiKir Mrrchtn ,
Importdr an I .lobbv nt
arney JUrMl , Wlnoi nnd l.lqnorf
MnoufAe 1070 nnI lu Knrnam- ) ! .
Knst India lllllarj I'rlroll'tion
\Miulpnlo ll'iuor t
1031 Karnam 1U
llardnood hilntier. wool
rnries | nnd Mir.uot linpo.-tol Aincrlom I'orl
lloorhiR , Innd ni nn u , Xlllwniikeo
hrdrnullc commit mid
flh nnd Douetir , tjulncf wlilttt Hire ,
Mllllffosr , notionclonks '
, I'lnncx oritnm , nrtht *
etc ,
miterlili , etc.
I0-1'8 ! ' S llth Ft. Oimha Un Doimlai Mro-t ,
1'nckon nf orator * , d h , Flih snl
and Coiurr , 31P Hoiltli lOl'l St
l81uavenwortli St David Cole , M\nifjr.
LIN ! CO. ,
IteHnod and lulirlcntlnK
elli , axle Krcaio , etc.
ne > ler > In countrr produce - rrodure , frulti ot alt
uce , frulu , veuotnbloi ,
etc. kinds oyster' ,
1307 Howard Street. 13th nnd llnrnoy Htrcetj.
Uutter. chceio CXKS ,
Uutter. CKR9 and poultrr poultrr and gumo.
1409 I'armm it. COJ South 13th Btrck
Commission Merchant ,
nutter chcoie egsijox- I'roduco Duller ICgii ,
( lieoto und I'nultrr.
ctables frulti poultrr
, , .
Utli nnd llunard Sl
and ifnuia Omnli'u
Spiclntllf ( Iniltjr oxii Send us > our I'.nu * , Hut
rhoi'so piultrr , etc No ter , Tonltrj. fntne ,
HS lit i llaf 1st Nat Illdus. Kta
bank. KOI J I St.
P < -PER.
Wrapping piper , a I Id i4i
Carrr a full stock of
of twIni'H , tto
priming , wrapping anil . .
writing paper card pa-
I or , etc. 'Iel ITU
Stores repairs WORKS ,
CooLji and llcaten Slovu ropilrs ind witsr
nitiicliinonts for nny kind
foraala of steve nndo *
)7S ) nth Strut l.'U7
Manufacturer ! of Mh dolli. nib u mi ,
fanor goudi. nousofur *
doors blind s and
mouldlni ; ! Ilrancli of nl hln Rtioli , child-
fice. 12th und liurd Su ren' < cnrrlaicos
131U farnim Street.
Stop , " " for .TT1 TpT' of
! ? ilS & > ittiKiS Sa Si < iaw f ? _ . _ u
All crilnveUlied , Inspojtod and storio rita
Cblabllshtd by ht.ito olllcerj
Write for r.itcs and full particulars and consign
, Ehlpmentsc.ueof
Initnntly stops the most excruciating pnlinj never falls to ( 'lvo eaiotu Ibo inrforai.
For .pritiiis , bnilsO ) , I ) luxac.iL' , pilu in t'ia t'h.nt or slLM , Iii > .il'ic'i3 , ( ojl'i ' ic'io ,
oi < tiny external pain , a few applications , rubuod on by hatiil , net UUo inn ic , cms-
inpr the jKiin to instantly stop. For < : oir"stliiin , inlliiiniiitloiH , rliou iiutlsm , nnn
ral lu , lumli.iiMj sfl itiiM , puias In tlio Hinill of HID h.u-'i. ino-o oxtoiulod nml ro-
loitou ) : n.plluitioiip [ ) : are nocosaary : All Intjnnl piins , iliiirrluui , dso ) lUr , culk1 , i
sp.'isius , nniHPA , fivintlii ; s tells , iinrvoiisnois , K't ' > nloisuos ; ) , nro relieved instantly
ftud qulultly cured by ttiklnj'ttixvardly 20 toOf ) ilrouj in half it tumbler of xvttur. H
COconta it bottle ; sold by driii.list ) . With HAUWAVS PILLS there is no better 1 !
euro or provculiro of I'evcr an.l A uo.
Hvtry KAN can be
H'/It ONO and VIO-
OllOUH In all re.pern
by mini ! Hl'AHI.SH
NitKVINK.tlicBrent apiml-h Kcmtdv. YOUNO MI5N
Oil OLD Bullimm from NUKVOUH UKHII/ITV. I.OST or
s , * . I'AII/INQ MANHOODnlKlillytniisilonorunvuliloni , niivoui
piu.lranon , cause il livllmiue of omiini , lobicco or alcoliol , wakf
Illinois , menial drproEion , l"'s uf powtr in Liilier cx , > i > ennalor.
J AFTKK us , rlni'Q cauncil by cltabuse nnd o\cr iiMlulcniroor on > personal weak'
ness ran be restored lo perfect health and liir NOIIMC VXTALITV OF HT11ONO MEM.
We give a wiillen guarantee with 6 bones to cine any cisn or refund the money , ( i it hoiA boiej $5
For H.tlo in Omnhj , by McCorraiok & Lund , loth & FtirnnmaU
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
ThB cinilniiit ipodalKt In norxouf. rlironlr , prlxnt * . line I , ikln anil unnnrr dl iH u A ro uUr nn < ]
realttircJ cradiiale In niuilclnu , in dlp'onjixinnl ' cfriltlcattmliovr ititnl Irontlni ; with thiiyruitrtt inoceil
cnlnrrli.apurniulorrhuia , lout manhood , leoihuil xvenkne . loiioi , Inipnionoiulillu. . Irlnlnro. ton-
orrlioen.gleetTnrlrocalc clu , Nonicriury u eJ. rw trunlmnni forloiiof rliul po .r , I'urllei uimUfu to
vldtiuumny lie troalal ni licm.e Iy correspondence , .Mo.Hi.lue or liiitruminu gnt b/ mull uroipru'i >
enrol ) ntckoil , ni > iiiarki Id IndUatu ( ontonu orjenilur. Ono | itr oiml Intorvlew prrforreil. Cuniull.llua
frou corrcKiniiidenio ttrlclly prl'ulu , Honk liljjiianat of U/o ; > oht froo. uutco liuur * 'J . m. to tf p. in.
i.luUrun niliuiui ( lor rtflf.
Eye , Ear , Nosa , fh'jat i
Glasses udjustod to nil visual tlofrcu.
Catarrh bticccssfnlly troatml ,
Room 18 , Barker Dlock , 15th aidarnain
0 |
rnrlrdeear , wutinic weakniu. l'"t iiianlnxxl , .U : ,
1 will K.ii.1 axaluaiilo tnailMi ( nUili conlalnlni
full partu ulan fur liaino cure , rltllK of rbarcu.
_ . dpltiull 1 luuillcal wurlc i ulinulili \ n-d by ernry
man xtho U nmoui ami ( i i'llhuUd. ' > , ltreu ( ,
Iftof. If. C. I'
The Most Efftcliva Tonic.'n
r 'lhl prcpiinlKjii nrlkcj at the > ( if | ho orll br
.olurliiK qulcklr and oiTeUuiilly tlm niitilllrn
'unctluni uf tbo dobllllnUil aytium.
Bold > u All
n. KOU < il5UA tSc 00. , AgunUt forU
BU , _ ! ti N.UCJ Noi th WUlUmi BL. , W. V