Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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tJclhctcdby Carrier to any part of tbo City
lliiilnc OITIco Np
i(1tor ; ( |
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnft's chattel loans. 01 Snpp block.
For Sale My house. Mrs. J. Lytnnn.
Mrs. Tnrlott of Boulder , Colo. , is in the
city on a visit to Miss Ragsdnlo.
B. O. Brtilngton of Atlantic , Jud'o ( Smith's
shorthand reporter , wns In the city yesterday -
day morning.
rtio Rebokah Relief association will meet
this afternoon at UUO : o'clock at the homo of
Mrs. Montclth , 2.30 Broadway.
Tickets for the entertainment to bo given
by the Class Union , Thursday nvonlne atths
First Baptist church , are for sale al Ellis'
The Ladles Ala society of the Bcroan Bap
tist church will moot tomorrow nftornoon at
the homo of Mrs. T. F. Thickstun , 721 Wil
low avonuu.
The Ladles Aid society of St. John's
English Lutheran church moots tomorrow
nftornoon nt the residence of Mrs. I1 , Nelson ,
2009 Sixth nvcnuo.
Mr. Whltemw of the firm of Fothering-
hurn , Whltolnw & Co , , Boston store , loft
Monday night for Now York and Boston on
n business trip for the honsu.
A company of about twenty young people
of this city wont to Oinahii lust evening to
attend u bull givun at the Metropolitan club
bousu by the Korlti Omaha club.
The Rod Men of this city have become
tired of dancing to the music of the tom-tom
and hava purchased a line new piano , which
adds greatly to the interest of their ledge
Mnrriapo licenses were Issued yosterdy to
A. R. Morrlton nnd Bridget Glllosplo of
Surpy county , Nebraska , and to Adalbert
Cook and Nellie \Valtor , both of Honey
Creek , Pottuwnttamio county.
Pottnwultamlo trlbo , No. 21 , Improved
Order of Red Men , will moot nt 7:1)0 : ) o'clock
this evening In regular council in their wig-
wnm , corner of Broadway and Main streets ,
for work in the adoption degree. Visiting
chiefs are welcome.
J. J. Stoadman Uns returned from Missouri
Vnlloy. whcro ho wont to attend the dedi
catory exerctsns of the now ball which has
Just been opened by the Grand Army of the
Republic. While there ho delivered an ad
dress which is highly spoken of by the press
of the town.
The fruit growers nnd gardeners will meet
In regular seshlon on Saturday , March 5 ,
nt 2 p. m , nt their room In the county court
bouse. The following papers will bo read
nnd discussed : "Employlnc Burry Pickers , "
by L O. Williams ; "The Manufacture of
Wino from Our Grapes , ' ' by Peter Wois.
Other mutters of interest will como before
the association.
The Pacific house was solzod on nn attach
ment writ Monday evening ibsuod from the
district court In favor of E. A. Wickhnm
and W. A. Mauror. the owners of the build
ing , acainst H. P. Ntlos to secure S 'UO.whlch
Is claimed to bo a balance due on the last two
months. ' rent. It remained In the hands of a
deputy nil night , and yesterday Nlles again
took possession pendinir n sottlc-nont.
City Marshal Sims of West Point , Neb. ,
was in lha city Monday night nnd yesterday
morning lonking for Jesse Sheer , wbo is
wnnlnd at West Point to answer to the
charge of being the father of a fatherless
child which caino to light at that pluco u
short time ago. Ho belongs to a well-to-do
family at West Point , but for some ttmo has
thought to bo biding SOL nvhore in Iowa in
order to avoid belnir arrested. The officer , In
company with Officer Beswick , made the
rounds of nil the places where it was thought
ho might bo , but without finding him. The
West Point marshal left , for Oinahu yester
day and is now making a further search.
Eastern money to loan on renl estate
by E. II. Sheafo , Broadway und Main.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John
ston & Van Patten , Evoi-ott block.
Look at the lots in Franklin Square.
An ucro in each lot ; 10 per cent olt for
thirty days. DAY & HESS.
I'lled Her AiiNwcr.
A few days since Mr. Pillsbury of Minne
apolis commenced a suit In the district court
ugalnst Captain and Mrs. F. B. Hart asking ,
Judgment against the defendants upon u
V covenant contained in a mortgage theretofore
glvon to him by tbo defendants , alleging that
tbo mortgaged property was subject to prior
lucumbranccs for its full vuluo. Mrs. Hart's
scpuratc property W.IB attached on the ground
of non-rosuloiico. Yesterday she filed her
newer nnd cross-petition'through her at
torney , Colonel Diulo.v , from which it appears
that after giving the mortcngo sued upon
Mr. Plllsoury purchased ot the defendants
ono of tt.o mortgaged tracts for $12,000 , sub
ject to the mortgnio bold by him , and that It
was ngreert that such purchase and solo
should not mcrgo his mortgage security. It
Is also alleged that at the time ol the sale to
Pillsbury nil prior lions against the property
had been paid und that bis second mortgage
thereby became the first and only lion against
Enid property ; aiso that .Mrs. Hurt hns ten
dered to Mr. Pillsbury the full amount of his
tlobt with costs , which be declined. In her
cross-petition sbo asks that ho bo required to
accept payment and that defendants bo sub
roguted to the mortgage security.
Swanson Music Co. , Mnaonlo toraplo
The G. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vet
crane , will give n ball in G. A. 11. hal
on the evening of March 7. A cord hi
Invitation is ox tended to the public.
Jrirvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
MI-H. l'olliinl'8 StiitKineiit.
COUNCIL Buiri-x , Feb. 23. To the Editor o
TUB BKE : Your statement luTuc BBK of February
ruary 28 , In relation to Mr. Bowcn , my ad
vance agent and myself , Is incorrect. Mr.
Bowen did agree to pay every dollar of
money ho owes mo and offered to put him
self under bonds. What passed between
Mr. Bowen and myself in my "closeted" in
terview with him in my lawyer's office Is fully
known to my attorney , and had reference to
certain papers and lawsuits , which bo ,
Down , had brought for mo in the state of
New Vork. The matter has not boon "patched
up. " Mr. Bowou's retraction and apology
before Justice Jones , February 27 , was of
bis own seeking , and voluntary on bis part.
1 simply decline to prosecute or persecute a
human belnc who as far as ho is able has
made the amende honorable. Youru truly ,
Dra Woodburydontistsnoxt to Grand
betel ; line work u specialty. Tola 14&
Roller , the tailor , 310 I3roadwny , 1ms
all the latest styles and newest fronds.
Satisfaction fjnurnntood.
Nnlit Illpileriiiiin' * Stock ,
The clothing stock of L. Hloderman was
told out at auction yesterday afternoon by
Wallace Mcl addon to satisfy a chattel
mortgage hold by tno Council Illu ffi Sav-
' IIIRS bank of f 1,000. There were only two
bidden , MotcalfDroj. of this city and E.
UolhRChlld & , Dro. of Chicago , and ufter a
few spirited rounds the hammer full and iho
itock was declared sold to the latter firm
for 7,000 , It having been Inventoried at t8- !
000. ! ' . M. ilunter was on the ground anneu
with a writ ot attachment which had been
Issued from the United States district court
forfS.OOOin favor of Cabti Uro . of Chicago ,
but it was not served , as ho decided to at
tach the 17,000 which wai received by tbo
bank a few minutes later as the proceeds of
tbo sale.
Wo have our own vinoynrds In Caltfor
nln. Jnrvh Wlno company , Co. UlutTs
Walnut block and Wjointng coal ,
fresh mluud. rouoivuddtilK Thntolior ,
0 Utl * .
Republican Primaries Oall Out a Very En
thusiastic Crowd ,
\crniiiiiKMlnllnti4 Kntlrvly Iniiifllclcnt
tti I Sut My OKI llmti of the I'nltliliil
l.lflt of the Cumlldutn null Dclo.
There \voro republicans visible nil around
last night.
Tlioy wcro as plentiful us they wcro dur
ing ttio political landslide of last year.
Contrary to nil precedent eslnbllibod dur
ing the past ten years of the party's con
tinuous defeat they attended the pri
maries. In nil the words the little bunches
of stalwarts wbo never fall were swallowed
up In multitudes too ( trout for the accommo
dations provided , and the caucuses that
usually occupy a few minutes of in
formal discussion took up the time of the
onthusltstlo republicans until nearly 11
o'clock ,
Thla cannot bo taken as anything also tnan
nn Indication of the result that will follow
the city election next Monday.
In the First ward chuio was a spirited con
test between the friends of Aldormun Casper
ntnl Henry Stovunson , and it took several
" ( allots before It cnuld bo determined wbo
houlu bo the candidate for nldormanlc
lonors. The last ballot resulted In a mnjor-
ty lor Stevenson and his nomination was
nindo unanimous.
Ho la the mutineer of the Council Bluffs
lumber company und is n clean man and a
rontf candidate. The following delegates
ivcro chosen : W. C. Stacy. W. ti. Hcllon ,
A. N. Lund , E. C. Buldy , E. J. Abbott and
' . A , Cusan.
The longest and hardest fight was In the
econd ward , whore the crusli was BO great
hat it tilled the city buildUii ; nnd extended
nto the street. Several hundred votes were
nst and It took n long time to cou'jl them ,
rive ballots were taken before it could Do
: lcclded whether L. O. Kiiotts or C. A.
TlbbottR should bo the candidate for alilor-
rnan , and then Tlbbcts only secured It by ono
majority. Delegates ; J , H. Pace , L. G.
"Cnotts , J. C.Uaker , C. M. Gould , C. S.
ilubbard , C. A. Tibbots , J. J. Stcadmuu and
L. C. Dale.
In the Third ward there was about the
n in a degron of enthusiasm , but it did not
aU long , as only dulognte& were to bo nomi
nated. CJcorgo F. Smith was chairman and
j. Kinnehun socrotarv. Delegates : J , E.
larkness , M. II. Chamberlain . E. Hnvor-
lock , James Armstrong , L. E. Brldonutom ,
\V. J. Snoathon , William Arnd and L. 13.
The Fourth ward bad an Interesting caucus
n Inr as numbers were concerned , but us
only delegates xvoro to bo chosen there wan
no contest , Delt-patea : E. L. Shugort ,
Coory Hoed , E. E. Mnyno , Fitzwarron ,
Junior Palerson and I. M. Tronor.
Thcro was u love feast in the Fifth ward ,
and while it wns at Its height Alderman
Smith was renomlnated by acclamation. H.
O. Cook was chairman hnd Doll G. Morgan
.ecretary. . Dole-rates : W. A. Highsmlth.
jcorgo Gates , Thonms Peterson , Ed. Can
ning , John Mailson. Thomas Berwick , E. E.
ook imd George W. Strong.
lu the Sixth ward there was no contest ,
but a great deal of interest nnd largo attend
ance. Only delegates were selected , us
follows : Wilson ,1'nmos , C. I. Clattorbuck ,
S. S. Elliott , F. M. West.
2ounc.ll lllull'rf , In. , .Nprlns Annouiiccinent
Our thousands of patrons have boon
isklng daily whoa our spring merchan
dise would be placed on salo. Most of
the inquiries were regarding dress
goods , which \vo have nt lust got nr-
anged in stock and open for inspection.
[ Everything the latest , the newest , the
lobbiesl. They have only to bo soon to
3o appreciated.
IB a light weight material in silk and
woil known as "Lansdowno , " perfectly
plain , weave resembling bilk , but drapes
ind clings much moro graceful.
Wo show the best quality in the mar
ket , carried and advertised by all the
loading eastern houses at $1.83 and SI.50 ;
wo make our price $1.25 goods full 40
in. wide.
A popular mtitorial for this season.
Wo show a nice line of spring shades ,
also black ; our price $1.00 a yard.
This is a now weave of Bedford cord ,
wp''on with the raised cord , ' ut figured
with a Vandyke pattern.
Handsome line of shades ; our price 75c
n yard.
The above is a novelty , something en
tirely now in effect and very desirable
good for spring wear. The price SI. 00
a yard.
Wo have thorn in all qualities and all
imaginable shades and colors at 60c , 58c ,
75c and 9oc n yard.
Our dross goods department never
was so complete , having taken great
pains in selecting for this season , the
popular shades being , lizard green ,
gobelin green , pearl gray , ashes oi
rofeos , French modes und slates , English
tans and tan-browns.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin. " a beautiful edi
tion , only 25c at Braekott'a Corner Book
Ciiiirt N nv8.
A suit wns commenced in the district court
yesterday by Cora Morris for a divorce from
her husband , Oscur Morris. Plaintiff asks
custody of tbo child , Melvln Earlo.
George Fischer has commenced u divorce
sultagaum his wife , Wilhalmina Fischer ,
whom ho married In Furnenhaapcn , Han
over , Germany , lu IS. " . ; ) , lloallogca that they
lived together for twont.v-one years , when
bis wife loft him nnd has not boon seen or
hoard from since.
A null uas boon commenced by John E ,
Blackman against George F. Wrlpbt to com
pel .the defendant to rcconvoy to him athlity
ncio trnct of laud which bo deeded to
Wilght. lu 188Q on condition that Wright
wns to let him have nny sum of money bo
needed not to exceed f 10,000. Utnckmai
claims ho executed thn deed and delivered It
to Charles Uuldano , who was nt that time n
partner of Wright , but that Wright always
refused to lot him huvo tbo money as no
agreed , \Vnght on tils side claims thnt the
papers referred to wcro never handed ti
him by Iluldano. IJlnckman demands tha
WrU'ht be required to reconvey the ptop
orty to him , und that It ho refuses to do sc
the clerx of the court be appointed a com
mlssionor to execute the deed.
1'otiilons were nUo placed on file yesterday
day at follows ; Charles Bowman ngtlni
James K. Hlco ot al ; Council liluffa Sivincs
bank ngalnit F. F. Chamborlala et al ; Jucob
Koulcmacber against Andy Bowling ot al.
To 50o a day will buy a flrstclass piano
at half price. For particulars wrlto or
BOO the
103 Main St. , Council BlulTu , la.
Hardly Salluflvil.
All a ay long yesterday ono of the prlnclpa
themes ot conversation on the streott was thi
coming election and what tbo chances wore
for the various candidates that Had already
been put up by the democrats and those wbo
would be nominated by the ropuoilcans. Ou
all sldei could bo heard expressions of ills
satisfaction among tbo democrats , many o
whom fool as though tbo ticket was the rcsul
of u put un Job tooutt a certain faction from
power. Many who have nothing per
sonally urfuliut any of tbo candidates
announce tlieir willingness to vet
for anything except tbo domocratli
tlokot , simply to show ttiolr disapproval o
iucuttctlc * . A Urge abare of this dUntis
action , of course , oamo from those who sup-
orted sorni of the unsuccessful candidates be-
ore and during the convention. The breach
n the ranks Is being taken advantage of by
bo republican loaders , nnd every effort will
bo made to put up n ticket that will bo etc-
optablo to the disgruntled democrats. The
irnspocts nro considered very encouruRtng
or thn success of the republican ticket at
ho polls next Monday , provided the right
cind of men are placed In nomination.
Dr. N. D , Lawrence Is being prominently
mentioned by the republicans as among the
losslbllltlcs for the nomination of mayor ,
lis boomlct has sprung up within the last
ew days and ho had made all his nrraugo-
nents to take an extended ocean voyage dur-
ng the coming spring. Ho hns at last con-
entoa to allow his name to bo used , and has
given up the Intended trip.
Jnrriswlld blackborrv is the boat
The Now Directory.
\Villlara Quigley of the Dubuque Dally
Telegraph is in the olty distributing the
epics of the uow city directory to the sub-
crlbors. The book is to nil appearances the
most complete ono that has over boon pub-
ishcd for the city of Council Bluffs. It was
compiled by .1. P. Bushnoll of Dns Molnos ,
and contains 10,000 names , which on the
bnsls usually employed In figuring up tbo
city's population from the directory , gtvus
Council Bluffs n population of 35.00J. In ad
dition to the list of resident * of this city ,
hnro Is n complete directory of the county ,
vblch takes up about one-third of the entire
oook. The front part of the book contains a
great many oncravings of buildings and
cones in nnd about the Bluffs , including
hose of ovcry public school building in the
city. All In all It seems to bo a very crodlt-
able publication , nnd the people of the city
nnd county are to bo congratulated at their
good fortune in having it.
Skipped u-lth the StMlio Monoy.
Andy Taylor , n well known barber of this
city , acted as stakeholder nl a wrestling
mutch hold in South Omaha lust Friday
evening , and about $ lf > 0 was deposited with
lim by various parties wbo hot on the result.
Vftor the match was over Taylor was no-
vhero to bo found , and ho has not been seen
) y any of his friends from that day to this.
Some of tils friends lu this city claim to have
received letters from him since his depart
ure , but as these letters nro dated from all
over the country , from Kansas City to Uon-
vor , but little reliance U placed In those
stories. Both ho and ttio money bavo disun
ion red , however , and the winners , who have
lover had n chance to sco the color of tholr
vlnulngs , nro anxiously looking for him.
Surprised Tliclr Pastor.
The residence of E. M. II. Fleming , pastor
ot the Epworth Methodist church. 1150 East
'ierco street , was invaded by about thirty
of his members Monday evening without a
vord of warning. Tha visitors deposited
vith tbcpv host their tokens of esteem ,
among which was quite an amount of silver ,
after which they proceeded to enjoy them
selves. The surprise was In honor of the
"Uth birthday of Mr. Fleming. Among those
iresent were Mr. Seymour , Mr. and Mrs. A.
3. Harding , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Uanoy , Mrs.
Graves , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smllio , Mrs.
: toso Davis , Misses Cutler , Seymour , Davis ,
Nichols , West and others.
1,1st as Far ns Known of Delegates to the
Mctlnxllst Conference.
The following list of delegates to the Meth
odist quadrennial conference which meets
.n tbis city on the first of May next , will beef
of interest to a great mony readers oi THE
BEE. The list is not as yet completed ns tbo
conferences will not all bo held until about
the middle of April. The following nro these
who have boon chosen up to date. The
reserves or alternates are not given bero ,
simply tha delegates :
Austin : Ministerial David Gay , presid
ing older , Fort Worth , Tex. Lay George
E. Nols , rallwny ofllce , Fort Worth , Tex.
Blue Hldgo : Ministerial Thomas W.
Matnoy , pastor , Kicovillo , N. C. Lay
James E. Iloed , clerk United States court ,
Ashevltle , N. C.
California : Ministerial Charles V. An
thony , pastor , San Jose , Cal. ; 'James M.
Board , president Napa college , Napa , Cal. ;
William II. Gobor , pastor , Los Gates , Cal. ;
John D. Hammond , agent Book depository ,
San Francisco , Cal. Lay Ely W. Plater ,
capitalist , Oakland , Cal. j Caauncey Galnes ,
banner , Berkeley , Cal.
Central Gorman : Ministerial Henry J.
Liobhart , editor Sunday school and tract
publications , Cincinnati , O. ; Jacob Roth-
weiler , presiding elder , Newport. Ky. ; John
G. Schnol , pastor , Cincinnati , O. Lav
Gotliob . ' . Goldor , editor , Pittsburg , Pa. ;
Hans A. Schroottor , insurance agent , Cin
cinnati , O.
Central Illinois : Ministerial Charles O.
McCulloch , presiding elder , Peoria , 111. ;
Thomas Donoy , presiding elder. Pontiac ,
III. ; Merrick A. Head , presiding older. Rock
Island. 111. ; Benjamin F. Tullmau , presiding
elder , Kanuakco , III. ; Jervis G. Evans , pres
ident Holding college , Abington , 111.
Lay Mliton Hicks , manufacturer , Slreator ,
III. ; Thomas J. Robinson , banker , Rock
Island , 111.
Central Now York : Ministerial Luke C.
Quoal , presiding elder , Auburn , N. Y. ; Ed
mund M. Mills , pastor , Elmlra , N. Y. ; Ed
win J. Hermans , castor , Elmira. N. Y. :
Uriah S. Beobo , presiding elder , Cuzonovlo.
N. Y. ; Marvin P. Blakesloo , presiding older ,
Ithaca , N. Y. Lay George A. Gournsey ,
banker , Canton , Pa. ; Andrew B. Blodgett ,
saporlntcndcut public schools , Syracuse ,
Central Ohio : Ministerial Leroy A , Belt ,
presiding elder , IContou , O. ; Ellas D. Whit-
lock , pastor , Delaware. O. ; Adam C. Barnes ,
presiding elder , Carey , O. ; Isaiah U. Hender
son , presiding older , Ivonton , O. Lay Wil
liam Lawrence , lawynr , Bollofontalue , O. ;
Alfred G. Williams , merchant , Perrysburg ,
Central Tennessee : Ministerial Joseph
M. Carter , pastor , Tullahoma , Tonn. Ltiy
Charles 11. Maynnrd , merchant , Tullahoma ,
Chicago Gorman : Ministerial Charles
Hcdler , pastor , Oshkosh , Wis. ; Charles
Iwert , pastor , Watortown , Wls. Lay
Gustavus Seofold , merchant , Milwaukee
Wls. ; Charles L. Gamer , manufacturer , Chi
Cincinnati : Ministerial Adna B. Leon
ard , secretary Missionary society , Now York
city ; Charles H. Payne , secretary Board of
Education , Now York city ; John Pearson ,
presiding elder , Cincinnati , O. ; Thomas H.
Pcarno , pastor , Xenla , O. Lay William .
Wilson , bank cashier , Urbana , O. ; J nines M.
Gamble , manufacturer , Cincinnati , O.
Colorado : Ministerial Earl Cranston ,
agent Western Book concern , Cincinnati , O. ;
Nathaniel A , Chamberlain , pastor , Denver ,
Colo. : Samuel W. Thornton , presiding alder ,
Denver , Colo. Lay John Evans , capitalist ,
Denver , Colo. ; Horace T. DoLong , reporter ,
Grand Junction , Colo.
Columbia : Ministerial George M. Booth ,
presiding older. Spokene , Wash. ; Henry
Rasmus , presiding older , Spoitune , U'ash. '
Lay-James B , Sargont , rancher , Spokane ,
Wash. ; Harlln J. Co/1 no , professor , Walla
Walla , Wash.
Dauntti : Ministerial Charles B. Clark ,
presiding older , Mitchell , S. D. ; Alva W.
Adklnson , pastor , Albuquerque , N.M. Lav
Henry E. Cratz , teacher , Vermlllion , S. D. ;
Edwaru T. Langlov , lawyer , Huron , S. D.
DCS Molnos : Ministerial Emory Miller ,
pastor. Iniiianoln. la. ; William S. Hooker ,
presiding elder , Kheuandoab , In. ; John K.
Hurswoll , pastor , Bedford , lu. ; William C.
Martin , presiding older , Charlton , la. ;
William N. Ramsay , presiding older , Boone ,
la. Lay Leroy M. Mann , real estate , Dos
Motuo ? , la. ; Leslie M. Shaw , lawyer , IJoni
son , la.
Detroit : Ministerial Lewis R. Fisko ,
presiding elder , Albion college , AlbionMich. ;
Joseph F. Berry , editor Epworth Herald ,
Chicago. 111. ; William H. Shier , pastor. De
troit , Mich. ; Arthur Edwards , editor North
western Christian Advocate , Chicago , 111. ;
James S. Smart , presiding elder , Flint ,
Mich. ; Matthew C. Hawks , pastor ,
Bay Cltv , Mich. ; JCSHO ICIlpalrlck , pastor ,
Yale , Mich. Lay George W. Hoblnson ,
lumberman , Detroit , Mich. : Herbert A. For
rest , lawyer , Saginaw , Mich.
East Ohio : Ministerial Wllllim H. Rider ,
prcsldlnir elder , Akron , O. ; Robert M.
Freshwater , presiding older , Sclo , O. ; John
It. Koyos , pastor. Now Philadelphia. O. " ; Jay
S. Youmans , presiding older , Cleveland , O. ;
John I. Wilson , presiding elder , Cambridge ,
O , ; Harvey Webb , pastor , Cleveland , O.
Lay Lewis Miller , manufacturer , Akron ,
O. ; Silas J. Williams , manufacturer , Alli
ance , O.
East Tennessee : Ministerial Daniel W.
Hays , presiding elder , Cleveland. Tonn. Lay
Robert Howard , real estate , Chattanooga ,
rlo : MlaUterlal Francis II. Beck , pre
Mrtlng older , Uroofcvlllo , PU ; James T. Edward -
ward ! ) , pdnclpnl ChambprlalHinstitute , Han-
dolph , N. \ . \ William P. Bljrnoll. presldll.g
elder. Kandolph , N. Y. ; Alfred Wheeler ,
presiding elder , Eric , Pa. Lay Truman D.
Collins , lumber , Nebraska , # , ( , Gorton U.
Chase , merchant , Greenville , in.
Genoseo : Ministerial Jamtfe E. Williams ,
presiding elder. Buffalo , N. Y. ; Stanford
Hunt ! njtont Book Concern , Now York ; John
T. Cnnlielcl. presiding Kldor , Corning , N. Y. ;
George C. Jones , pn tor , HoUhestor , N. Y. ;
lamot K. Bills , presiding elder , Rochester ,
N. Y. ; Samuel McUcrnld , editor Buffalo
Christian AtJvocnto , Biiffnlov'N. ' Y. Lav
Vancls H. Hoot , merchant Buffalo , N. Y , ;
James E. Brlgps , lawyer , Hochostor. N. Y ,
Germany : MlnlstcrlalKrhst U. Gob-
iardt , presiding older , Karlsruhe , Germany.
i.ay Ernst Mann , manufacturer , Uodnlbon ,
Holaton : Ministerial John F. Spcnco ,
president U. S. Grant university , Knoxvlllo ,
rcnn. ; Thomas C < Carter , cx-oitltor Meth
odist Advocate , Chattanooga , Tonn , ;
Lay William At Galhraith , clerk , Nashvlllo ,
1'onii. : Andrew J. Brunor , dentist , Morris-
town. Tonn.
Idaho : Ministerial Harvey 1C. Ulncs ,
irofossor Portland university , Portland ,
Ore. Lay Isaac H. Sanders , lawyer , Union ,
Illinois ; Mlnlstorlal-StCDhon H. Whit-
lock , pastor , Clinton , 111. ; William N. McKl-
roy , presiding elder , Springfield , 111. ; Chris.
Jaloenor , pastor , Qulncy , III. ; William H.
Musgrovu , pastor , Uushvillo , 111. ; Marion
W. Evorhart , presiding elder , Jacksonville ,
III. ; William II. Webster , superintendent
Domestic missions , Danville. 111. ; William
A. Smith , mistor. Bloumlncton , 111 , Lay
[ Inrvoy C. DeMotto , superintendent Or-
[ ) Unn's Homo , Normal , III , ; Asapn C. Van-
lorwutor , merchant , Pnna , III.
Indiana : Ministerial .John A. Ward , pre
siding older , Hockport , Ind. ; William 11.
Halstcad. pastor , Bloomltiaton , Ind , ; John
II. Ketcham , presiding elder , Indianapolis ,
Ind. Lay Nowlnnd T. DoPauw , nmnufnc-
turor , Now Albany , Inn. ; Jonathan B.
Young , merchant. Petersburg , Ind.
Iowa : Ministerial Charles L. Stafford ,
president lown Weslo.van university , Mount
Pleasant , la. ; Ira O. Komblo , presiding elder
dor , Osknloosn , lu. ; Thomas J. Myers , pre
siding older , Mount Pleasant , la. Lay
Homorlay B. Williams , merchant. Centre-
vllle , la. ; Marcus Simpson , merchant , Bur
lington , la.
Italy : Ministerial William Burt. presid
ing elder. Homo , Italy. Lay Mnndp Lulgl ,
t'ostal department. Homo. Italy.
Japan : Ministerial Julius .Sopor , presid
ing elder , Tokto , Japan. Lay Yasujl Ntno-
mlya , merchant , Yokohama , Jiipan.
Kentuokv : Ministerial Amen Borolng ,
providing elder , Corington , Ky. ; Einiau L.
Shepard , presiding elder , Leitchflcld , Ky.
Lay Atnos Shlnklo , banner , Covington , Ky. ;
loromlah ti. Jones , lumber , Wllllumsburg1 ,
Michigan : Ministerial James II , Potts ,
editor Michlean'Christian Advocate , Detroit ,
Mich. ; Lev ! Master , presiding elder , Kula-
mazoo , Mich. ; William L. Cog-
shall , presiding cldor , Grand Hapids ,
Mich. ; George S. Hlokoy. presiding older ,
Lansing , Mich. ; Daniel W. Parsons , presid
ing elder , Big Hnplds. Mich. ; Marshall W.
Cullen , pastor , Jackson , Mich. ; Nicholas L.
Bray , presiding cldor , Coldwator , Mich.
Lay Samuel Dickio , teacher , Albion , Mich. :
Hiram E. Staples , capitalist , Whlto Hull ,
Minnesota : Ministerial James F. Cbaffeo1
presiding elder , Minneapolis , ; George
II. Bridgmnan , president lianlllnouniversity ,
Hamlino , Minn. ; Henry C.1 Jennings , pastor ,
Hod Wlnp , Mlan.Wllliairf'McK.inloy. ; presid
ing oldnr , St. Paul , Mlnitfi Coursen M.
Heard , pastor , Minneapolis. ' Minn. Lay
Hascal H. Brill , Judgo'district court , St.
Paul , Minn. ; Henry Beettier , Insurance ,
Minneapolis , Minn. '
Montana : Ministerial-Francis A. Hag-
gin , pastor , Fish Creek , -Mont. Lay John
E. Kicnards , lieu ten ant" " governor , Butte
Cltv , Mont. "
Nebraska : Mmlstorial Chnrles F. Creigh-
ton , chancellor Wesluyan nnlvoralty. Univer
sity Place , Nob. : Henry 1' . Davis , presiding
elder , Lincoln. Nob. : Duke Slavins , presid
ing elder , Yorit , Nob. Lav Bartiott L.
folno , phVslciun , Lincoln , Nob. ; Archibald
F. Coon , farmer , David City , NOD.
Nortn Carolina : Ministerial Charles N.
Grandison , president- Bennett collcgo ,
Greensboro , N. C. Lay-H.- > Baxtt > rMcHary ,
professor , Lexington , N. C.
North Dakota : Ministerial Jacob A.
Hovis. presiding elder , Devil's Lake , N. D.
Lay Frank J , Young , lawyer , Valley City ,
N. D.
Nortn Gorman : Ministerial John G.
Bauer , presiding older , Minneapolis , Minn.
Lay William F. Finko , professor , St. Paul
college , fat. Paul , Minn.
ftorlb Nebraska : Ministerial John B.
Maxfleld , presiding older , Omaha , Nob. ; John
W. Shank , editor Nebraska Christian Advo
cate , Omaha , Nob. Lav Andrew J. Ander
son , merchant , NoUgu , Nob. , Jonn Dale , real
estate , OmahafNeb.
North Ohio : Ministerial James W. Mcn-
donhall , editor Methodht Review , Now
York ; John Mitchell , presiding older , Cleve
land , O. ; William F. W hillock , professor ,
Delaware , O. ; Garrottson A. Hughes , pastor ,
Crcston , O. Lay Martin M. Hester , farmer.
Peru , O. ; John A. Gaun , physician , Woos-
tor , O.
Northwest German : Ministerial Adolph
Dulitz , presiding elder , Redfleld , S. D. Lay-
Henry A. Salzer , lumber. La Crosse , Wls
Northwest Indiana ; Ministerial John L.
Smith , superanuated , Valparaiso , Ind. ; John
H. Clsscl , pastor , La Porto , Ind. ; Hillary A.
Gobln , dean DoPauw university , Green-
castlo. Ind. Lay William M. Kendall ,
merchant , Plymouth , Ind. ; Oliver Gnrd ,
clerk circuit court , Frankfort , Ind.
Northwest lown : Ministerial George IV.
Pratt , presiding elder , Sioux City , la. ; Wll-
mot Whltfleld , chancellor Northwest univer
sity , Sioux City , lu. ; George W. L. Brown ,
nrcaldlng older , Fort Dodge , la. Lay-
Cyrus C. Carpenter , postmaster Fort Dadgo ,
lu. ; Eugene Secor , banker , Forest City , In.
Northwest Swedish : Ministerial Alfred
Anderson ' , presiding Older , Evnnston , III.
Lay 'John U. Llndgron , banker , Chicago
Norway : Ministerial Andres Olsen ,
presiding oldor. Krlstlnnla , Norway. Lay
Martin Svoudson , merchant , Eidangor ,
Norwegian and Danish : Ministerial-
John H. Johnson , presiding elder , Chicago ,
III. Lay Peter O. Magnuson , steam laun
dry , Evanstou , III.
Ohio : Ministerial David II. Moore , edi
tor Western Christian Advocate , Cincinnati ,
O. ; John W. Dillon , pastor , Lancaster , O. ;
John C. Jackson , pustor , Columbus , O. ;
John H. Tibbies , pastor , Fultonhnm , O. ;
John C. Arbuckle , pastor , Zaiiesvillo , O.
Lay Carmi Aldormun , merchant , Ironton ,
O. ; Fletcher C. Coultrap , superintendent
public schools , Nolsonvllle , O ,
Oregon : Ministerial bamuel P. Wilson ,
presiding older , Salem. Ore. ; Charles C.
Strattou , president Portland university ,
Portland , Ore. Lay Goorpo W. Slaver ,
merchant , Portland , Ore , ; John O. Booth ,
merchant , Grant's Puss , Ore.
PitUburg : Ministerial Charles W. Smith ,
editor Pittsbure Chmtmif Advocate , Pltls-
burg , Pa. ; Asbury L. Dotty , presiding older ,
Bouver , Pa. ; Thomaa ILWoodrlng , presid
ing elder , Wilklnsburif/Pa.j , / Joseph W.
Miles , presiding elder , Wlfsburg , Pa. Lay
James A. Lane , tima eopor , Johnstown ,
Pa. ; Vachael Harding , .retired , Washington ,
Pa. n-fj
Puget Sound : MlnUUsrlal Andrew J.
Hanion , presUhng clilar- , } Portland , Oro. ;
Thomas J. Masioy , pastor , Whatcom , Wash.
Lay David T. Donny , < capitalist , Seattle ,
Wash. ; Frederick S.'Williams , physician ,
Puyallup , Wash. „ , ,
Hock Hlver : Ministerial-Frank M. Bristol
tel , pasior , Chicago , I1L : Jowis Curtis , prc-
slolng elder , Chio < igo , III. ) : Franklin A. liar-
din , providing elder , KnMcwood , III , ; John
M. Caldwoli , pastor , ClUeajjo , 111. ; Henry B.
Hideaway , president Garrett Biblical Insti
tute , Evanston , III. ; Wlllittm H. Burns , pre
siding cldor , ChlcagQi Jll. Lay William
Deorlni ? , manufacturer. . J'jvanston , 111. ; Ben
jamin F. Shoots , supenutxindont Illinois State
reformatory , Pontiac , III.
fit. LouU Gorman : Ministerial William
Koenoku , pastor , San Jose , III , ; Jonn L. J.
Barth , presiding older. Burlington , In. ;
Charles Holdel , PUB tor , Warronton , Mo. Lay
George Cress , manufacturer , Warsaw ,
111. ; Herman M. Jacoby. merchant , tit.
LouU , Mo.
Southeast Indlanu : Ministerial Jotin P.
D. John , president DePauw University ,
Grooncitstlo , Ind. ; Jamns A. Sargent , presiding -
siding older , Connorovillo , Ind. ; Enoch U ,
Wood , pastor , Franklin. Ind. Lay William
F. Stevens , merchant , Aurora , lud. ; William
T , Fried ley , Judga of court , North Madison ,
Southern California ; Ministerial Pblneas
F. Bresco , presiding elder , Los Angeles ,
Cal. ; Edwin W. Can well , presiding elder ,
Sunto Barbara. Cal. ; WlntiolU S. Mattbew ,
vice president University of Soutncra Cali
fornia , Los Angeles , Cal , . Lay Joseph E.
McComas , state senator , Pomona , Cal. ;
Perry M. Green , banker. Pasadena , Cut.
Southern Germany ; Ministerial Ciotliob
DosdAll. presiding elder , Waco , Tex. Lay-
Henry Wellmnn , builder , Now Orleans , La.
Southern Illinois t Ministerial Owen II.
Clark , presiding elder , Bollovlllo , 111. ; Fran
cis M. Van Trooso , presiding elder , Snlom ,
Ill.Iohn ; D , Gllhaui , pastor. Ccntrnlin , 111.
Lay Albert G. Jcphson , profo ser , Lebanon ,
111. ; .Milton A. Smltb , editor , Vienna , 111.
Sweden : Minlstoilnl Karl A , Jansson ,
editor , Stockholm , Sweden ; John P. Lnrsson ,
pastor , Molala , Sweden , Lav Jacob T.
Jncobsson , merchant , Stockholm , Sweden ;
August Fllnk , engineer , Sfindvlkon , Sweden.
Sivltrorlaud- Ministerial Hans J. Broiler ,
pastor , Basil , Switzerland , Lay Wilheltn
Hitter , profassor , Zurich , Swit/orland.
Tennessee : Ministerial Crnwfonl S.W11
son , pastor , Murfco.sboro , Tonn. Lay
Thomas W. Johnson , merchant , Nashvlllo ,
Upporlown : Ministerial-John C. Mugee ,
pastor , Cedar Fulls , la. ; Alpha J. Kvnott ,
secretary Board of Church Extension , Phila
delphia. Pa. ; Thomas E. Fleming , presiding
elder , Da\onport , la. ; Samuel w. Hoald ,
pastor , Fuyetto , In. ; James H. Hhoa , pastor ,
Marshalltown , la. Lay Henry Kgbert ,
bookbinder , Davenport , lu. ; Calvin Yoram ,
merchant , Manchester , In.
West German Ministerial Charles Ott ,
pastor , St. Joseph , Mo. : John G , Lolst , pas
tor , Kansas City , Mo. Lay Samuel J. Kiln-
schmldt , merchant , Hlggmsvillo , Mo. ; Con
rad Frlcu , merchant , Denver , Colo.
West Nebraska : Ministerial Charles A.
Martin , presiding elder , Holdrcgo , Nob. ;
Orlando H. Boobo , pastor , Broken Bow , Nob.
Lay Byron L. Hoblnson , telegrapher , North
Plattc , Neb. ; John N. Dryden , lawyer , Kcnr-
nov. Nob.
West Virginia : Ministerial-William G.
Hlholdaffcr , pastor. Wheeling , W. Va. i Lorln
L. Stownrt , presiding elder , Wllllninstown ,
W. Vn. ; Calvin II. Lakln , presiding elder ,
Huntlngton , W. Vn. ; Lowls H. Jordan , pre
siding elder , Buckannon. W. Vn. Lay Lowls
A. Martin , Charleston , W. Vn. ; Hnrlln P.
McGregor , merchant , Wheeling , W. Vn.
West Wisconsin : Ministerial George W.
Case , presiding elder , Sparta , Wls. ; Samuel
S. Benedict , pastor. Now Llsbou , Wls , ; Man
ning B , Bnlch , presidingeldor , Mndlson , Wls.
Lay Pores J. Luno , clerk of court , Viroqiin ,
Wis. ; James Snonsley , furnior , Mineral
Point , Wls.
Wisconsin : Ministerial- William P. Stowc ,
ngont Western Methodist Book Concern ,
Chicago , 111. ; John II. Crolghton , presiding
older , Milwaukee , Wis. ; Hodman W. Bos-
worth , presiding elder , Jnncsvillo , Wls. :
Charles W. Gallagher , president Lawrence
university , Apuloton , Wls. Lay Hobert
McMillan , mnnufacluror , Oshkosh , Wls. ;
Amherst Kollog , bookkeeper , Milwaukee ,
Wis ,
Propositions by the Minister of I-'limncc
CIIIIHO IteslKimtloni ,
IC > pi/rftfhtal / tKIltin Jtimcf GnnlonIcimctM
VAI.I'AUAISO , Chllo , ( via Galvcston , Tex , , )
March 1. [ By Mexican Cable to the NoivYork
Herald Special to THE Bci.J Ministers
Poiolra and Blanco Viol have roiicnod from
the cabinet and Carlos Walker Martinez has
retired from the council of stato. All
throe of the members of the conservative
party have likewise loft the council. It. is
generally believed that the ether members of
Lbo cabinet will likewise surrender their
portfolios. The coalition ministry , it would
seem , under the present liberal regime , can
not attain any sollditv. It is said that the
cause of the resignations wns dissatisfaction
with the proposals of Finance Minister
Valdes Vorgara , to rehabilitate Chili's
finances and raise her credit in the world's
money maruots.
Following Kn li'ml's Kxnmplo.
ICopiirtiiMed 183 ! by Jama Gimton litnnslt. )
CAIHO , Egypt , March 1. [ Now York Herald -
ald Cable Special to Tim BEK. | Tbo ex
ample of England in receiving credentials to
the new kbedive Is being followed by other
nations who have Diplomatic agents accred
ited to the Egyptian government. Itata , the
French minister , has already presented his
credentials. Father Ohrwaldor , the Aus
trian missionary , who recently escaped from
the Soudan , on Friday made a touching
recital to the Khodival Geographical society
of his captivity amoug the Mahdists. He
says the Christian priests owed their lives to
tb'o.oplnlon expressed by an Eulomun to the
effect that the doctrines of Mabomal forbid
that priests bo killed or tortured.
Ohio iMIss.Rnll way.
Ofllce President and 746 Dolphin Street ,
General Manager. Baltimore. Md. ,
Cincinnati , Ohio Jnn'y 18,1890.
"My foot suddenly "J * " brllle < 1 baa'
turned and ga\e mo ly in hlpandsldo bj
a very severely a full and Buffered BC-
sprained nnkle. The
Application of Et. verely. St. Jacobs Oil
Jacobs Oil resulted at completely cured
once In a relief from mo. "
pain. "
W.W. PhABODV , Member of Stuto
Trcst.A Gen'l Man'sr. Legislature.
'ANTED ' A. Good cutter and fitter. No.
15 Main street , up stalra. Council HlulTs.
FOH SAI-E-At a bargain , 12-ncro fruit and
garden fhrin adjoining city limits ; good
dwelling. E. II. Hhcafe.
WIMj tniflfi house nnd lot for team ; will
ulvo long Umooii balance. Call at 613 S.
Oth streot.
C1AHMS. gurdon lands , homos , lots an I
Jlinslneis block ! for s.tlu or rant. D.iy 4.
llcss. U 1'onrl street. Council 111 u IN.
TjtOH IinNT Over 103 dwellings of every de-
JL1 scrlptlon ut jirlccs varying from $1 to $10(1 (
per month , located In all pr.rts of the elty. E ,
11 , Shuafo. AOJ llroadway.
POH KXOIIANOK Clean stoelc of cencrul
nmreliamllM1. Invoice : ihout } lMO. for real
ostutound Bomo cash. Ed K. MuyncilU ( Uroud-
way , Oounull lllulTs.
10J ncroa nf land n short distance S. E. of
Council HUilTu unit the 1) . and I ) . Inatltuio ut
? 2& pur aero. A inup. AUu Kood IDO-aoio farm
near Missouri Valley ut f. ' , " ) per ucru. IVibscs-
slnn Klvun at oni'o If sold. Klnn farnm and
mirdons of nil a\iea \ , Jolinstun & Van i'atton ,
Conticll lllnll's.
\ \ LTANTKI ) A competent elrl to do Keneral
liouaowork. Inijulre ut ( J''Q 1st uveiuio.
\\7ANTKD-A competent lady bookkeeper ,
T > oiio of J. II. Hmlth's Omalii uoolckcepnrs
nroforrod. Wiiecs , llu per week. Addrubslru
Johnbon , lice ofllce. Council UlulTs.
> lKNTi | i90lllufor Hraterla , Dlitlnmi , KHi , Noll.
rnlKlft , lleudtioliu , NcrTous I'roitrAtlou onuaatl by nt.
cohol or tobacco , WnUufuluoii , iloalnl Iiupraiitun ,
Buttoning of the Ilraln , cauilntr limnlljr , mlierr ,
decnr , ileittli. I'rjiuatiiru OM Ana , ll.'irrjimon , lon
( it I'owor la uUtior uv , liupotoiicy , Lourorrlioon snl
all Fem&lo Woiknostei , Involuntary IKJIIOI , rtmr-
matorrhooac.inju.l by ovur-oxorllDa of tliu briln
Bulf-abtii ? , oror-luduluencd. A munth'tf treattuant
f I , ti for ! . ' > , by mullVo ( luaranloe ilx bntaito
cure. Ilacii orilor fnrH boxes , wlthJJ will lend writ
ten BU rniitB to refund If not enrol. ( Juariuitsm
Inuoil only by A. Schroter , DrUKnlnt. > ole luunti , S.
B. cor. lotli and Furaam iU , , Onmhn. Nub ,
Wo eenil tlio marvflnaj Frfnrh
ItemedCAUTHO8 frrc , and n
legal Ruarantoo tliat UALTHOI will
( TOP DUrhnrac * - Kmlulonn ,
CintK Hnrrmalorrhvn.VarIeot.fl0
ad HKhTOIti : Ixtt Vlc ° r.
Utt it and fay i/iatitJiJ.
jidlrvON .MOHL CO. ,
B U lurrt > i"t , llDcInlll , ( Jtla.
Attornoysat law 1'
tlco In iho iut una
federal court.l. Itoonii .1. I uuil 3
lleuoulock , Counoll Illufli. lx
A new an.l Complete ' 1'ruuluiunt , coimUtlnK cl
Huptoiltorlu , Ulntmonl In Capnulei , nUo la llui
and I'llUi a I'mliUo Cure for HiUrual , Internal ,
llllnd or IllQCillag lloulnic , Clirunlo , Itucuul or
Ileredltar1'llca. . 'I'lili lloiuedr lia < nuror boon
known to fall. II t > or box. 11 forfj : iDnt binttll ,
Wbr iiifli-r fromtldi turrlblo dlieasn wlitiu a writ
ten ( juarantuo l iioiltlrclr iil en with (1 ( box in , or
refund Iho inonvr If not cured. Bond tump tor
free ( Sample. Uuarantou Uiuel br Kuli & < 'o.
DruwliU. solo Auonti , coruvr UtU ua"i > ougUi
ircett. Uuiatia , heLi.
wqnxn A GUINEA A DOX. "
Sleepy ,
, In the d y time
.after a good
Jn Iffh t1 s tleep ,
there's indices-
'tlon ' and ttomacli ;
> 0horcler.
by removing the waste
matter Hhkh Is clog-
Ing the system , win
ctiro nil lllltoiiiitml
Xrrvoin dltorriert , anil will qultkljr re.
line SlckXIenilnehc.
Of nil ilrupputs. Price 2B cents n box ,
New York Depot , 355 Canal St. M
An Ideal Complexion Soap.
TYiruilobynllTimBnnil Knnoyflood'Poolersortf
unable tn nroruro thin AVoudprnil Snnit oiiil Vft
crnl In ntnmps nnd receive n cnku b > * return until.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
NPF.OTAT.-Slmnrtnn'Ilnlls Wnlti ( the roimlnr
Poctetj Wi\ll7lnont KIIRE to nnvonc tending UB
Uirco wmppcra of Blmadon Hells Soap.
Ask your doctor what hap
pens to cod-liver oil when it
gets inside of you.
He will say it is shaken
and broken up into tiny
drops , becomes an emulsion ;
there are other changes , but
this is the first.
He will tell you also that
it is economy to take the oil
broken up , as it is in Scott's
Emulsion , rather than bur
den yourself with this work.
You skip the taste too.
Let us send you an interesting -
esting book on CAREFUL LIV
ING ; free.
Scorr ft HowNpChcmisn , 131 Sonlh 51)1 ) A venue.
New Yorlc.
Your druggist keep * Scoll'i Emulsion of coiM\er !
eil all drugguis every wliert do. f i.
Hon. Henrii Watterson
Kdltor of the T.oulsvlMo Tourlcr-Journal.
- - AT 8 F. M. - -
TlcKot holders can ' euuro icsorvud seats at
Ellis' I'htunmcy , without , extia cmrgi ] > .
ComnnJiicInK Mondny. 1'eh. 'J'.l. TU'Kuts for
snlout Pacific lloubo Cliur stoio and Moore &
Council Bluffs , lown.
Now , modern , woll-apnointod , thor
oughly woll-Uopt , 3)3 ) n day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Of Council llluffa.
aapltilstoo't S/-5 , W
Surplus und 1'ronts HOfHH >
Net Capital nn 1 Purplus . . .
Dlrcclnrn . 1) . Kdiuunil'iiiii ' , II , I. . blmiMrt. P.O ,
aipniun , K H. Hurt. I. A. Miller. J. V Illnclmun
mill Ulinrlai It. IlHiiaitn. TntnsuvtKcnorul iKink-
liiK biiHiness. l.arcost cnpllul und hiirplua of
any hunk In t-uutliwuatorn lowu.
14 N. Mnin , Council Bluffs.
Chas. Lunkley ,
riinernl Director anil Undertaker.
311 Brondwny , Council Dluffa.
Tiileiihono it.fl.
After Years of Uusuoojsiful Ss.iroh fir .1
Cure , Martin Anderson Oots Holloffrom
the Chinese Doctor-A Vol'intirTjat '
OMAHA , Nob. . .Tnn. 18 , 1802.
To whom It May Concern :
This Is to cortifv Unit 1 linvo boon n
constant sutToror for many vcnrs with
catarrh , nsthina and bronulilal nlTou-
lions of the throat , nnd tried all the
imlont medicines and roinodlos I over
lioard of , but with no success. I tieuted
with doctors in various parts of the
country , but HOMO of thorn could do mo
any ROOI ! further than Muff mo shop
temporary relief. I btilTorotl ntirht an-
day. and continued to grow worse not
witliBlandiiif , ' all the medicine 1 had
taken. 1 hnd almost trtvun up my case
ns hopeless when I was iuformoii by a.
friend of Dr. C. Goo \Vo , the Chlnoao
doctor , and advised to go and sco him in
the hope ot getting relief ut least , if not
n , perinnnent onro tor my troublo. I was
elow in making up my mind to make
sui'h a radical change in my treatment ,
ns 1 know a trial with the Chinese doc
tor would bring mo , but I dually con
eluded to give him a trl it , so I called ut
his ollico with that intention. I round
thn doctor a clover , entertaining gentleman -
man , thoroughly posted on my condi
tion , nnd it took only a vary short time
to convince mo that ho was the party I
was so long in search of. Ho told m
my case was curable , nnd that ho could
euro mo , and prepared mo a snociuA
treatment to suit my condition , nnd in
two weeks 1 was to much better thnt I
had the fullest confidence In the doctor's
ability and committed my case to his
treatment. I continued In grow bettor
rapidly and am now entirely well. I
owe my cure to Dr. C. Gee \Vo , and am
not nshamed to admit , it. I ml visa all
who want relief from their troubles to
call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. and they will bo
cured. For all particulars apply or
JJ121 Cunring St. , Omaha , Nob.
] 1 ? . C c ! jo Ao ,
lioEiilnr er ulnato of Chlnpsu inodli'lni' . nt'lit
years'study , ten years' prnrtlc'ti. Trontssuc1
ci's ftilly all diseases known to MilVorlir. ; hn *
Knots plantflnnd herbs nature's remedies
his inudlclnc" ! the world his wltni'ss ; l,0ja tos-
ttinonlu'B. Call nnd see him , Oonmiltiitlon
free * . Ilus also constantly on hand reined os
for tbo following dlsouso * rondy prepared :
Asthinn , C'iitnrrh , Hheiitirit'.sni. InillRostlon ,
1 est Miinhoo'l. Komulo WiviUuess. Slek Ho'id-
nehc. Blood I'nrlllor. nnd Kldn y tuul Liver.
I'rlco , ono dollar per bottle or six for five del
lars. Tlio'o who cannot cull , enclose 2-cont
Mump for cinestlon list und full partlenlurs.
Clfico , Cor. lOthanJ Callfo.-nla SU. .
An oidlimiK'O ilecliirlnj ; tut ) necessity of erail-
lnur the alloy In block : ! . ( Jainntiell'saddition ,
fioin-ith stic'ot to'l > t street , nnd appoint'
liiK three dlslntcrrsted appraisers td ns'-CBy
und determine the duninciis. If any , to pnni-
city nwiioiN which may bo caused by buck
lie It onlnlncd by tlio city council of thoulty
of Oinihii ;
Seotlon I. Thut it Is proiiorniid necessary ,
and It Is heruhy dcelared proper nnd neees-
s.-uv to iirado alloy In block : i. ( . 'nnipbuirs ud-
dltlon , to Its present ostibllblit : * < l siuiliIn -
cliKllng neeoss'irv approaches tlion'lo. frniii
MOth stu'ettoaihtstrcol. In thurltv of Oinahu ,
properly owners ouniiu more iliun ilirec-
llftlic of the fi'ot frontiiRi ! on said alley having
petitioned to lmvesii : < l alloy Kraded under the
thicc-IKthschuiso of the city charter and the
cost thereof to Do made payublu In ten eijuul
Heel Ion 2. That the mayor , with the up-
pi'ovii ! of the city coiiiic.l ] , iippolnt three dlslri-
tcrebled uppruiseisto uppni se. ussc sutii ! ( le-
teimlne the ilimii0 : ) tonroiicrl v ownoi.s which
muy be caused by such Lrrudlng. t-iKlim Into
consideration In mnkliiK such uppraisement ,
llio pei'litl henuflts , If nny , to snub property ,
by reason nf such Kradlnu.
-L'i' . . ' ) . Tliiitthl" or.ilnunco shull tuKuetfeet )
und Ins In force ftomuml utter Its pas ? i u ,
1'as ed Kuliru.'iry ' 'Jril , isii.1.
Ulty rlerlc.
I'resldi'iit City Cinincll.
The within oidlnimcu was rntiirnoil liy the
iniiyor MaiTh Isl. IHt' , with bib veto. The pri'b-
Idunt tni'ii put tlioiifstlon | : "Shall thoord.n-
unco bec3ino u law. the veto of the mayor to
the c'ontiaiy iiolwlthstundlng ? "
Avcs-lliu'k. llecho' , Iruner ! , CkulTuK. Con-
wuy , Kdwnidh , Ivlsusser. Juuohsen. McI.iurle : ,
Munro , I'rlnoe , Kju-olit , Stuel , Tnttlo , Mr. 1'res-
Nays -llowull ,
Mr. President then ( lectured the oidlnunco a
GKOVKS.Olty Clerk.
Scaled pioposuls will ho received by the un-
dorsls ned until 1:110 : o'clock i > . m. . March 11 ,
If'.i' ' . ' , for iho eonstiiiet on of purmuiKint sldo-
wulks , with brluk or tiling , oidurecl laid by the
mayor und city counell until June I , IHU'J , In
the elty of Oinahu.
bucli sldowulka to bo constrnotcd according
to plans und hpeuilloatloiiB on Hie In the ollico
of Ihii lloiird of I'uhllo WorkH.
Kacli bid to specify u price per superflc-lnl
snare ( | foot for the Hluuwulk romplotc , and to
be accompanied by : t eon Hied vhnclc In the
8iim of fVK ) . pivyublo to thnulty of Un.iihu iia
nn evlJcinoi ! of L-ooil fulth IIMdorH must fur
nish u saianlo of brloU or tlllntr.
The board rotorves the rijjht touwitrd aeon-
tract for Ihn two klndn of mutorlul , to ether
or separately , to reject any or nil bids am ) to
wulvtiaufnctH. I' . W. IIIKKIIAI'KCK ' ,
Chiilrman of tiio Hoard of I'ubll"VorKs. .
Omiihn , Nob. . KuhSJ , ISi ) . ' . 1U ! il Ml 4
nnrndlno Itnbll
curodla KHoilOdnyi
Allan Lane
B.UI regularly dnrliu wlntur fro. a
Cabin 110 nnd upward ! tccond cabin , 1i' > Utcora t
HI low r.Uei , No i ATTI.K L AIIIIIKI ) ,
( oi -
Now Vork nnd ( jlni > : ow I'liriaUlillif.
Cabin (111. bocuml Cabin 12V Sluor < e fU Applr
In ALLAN A CO , Oliloiio 1L K MOJ i \VubllU
Tli kul Oilluui W. l'.V'All..lurllJiu.Ml Tloo. Olln
Decre.WcMo T 1 > O The nurnoof thobus- ft E Mcyara
i f\/r 7T ,
. I < J 1 1 V IILJ Sv l" ° houBus hero , ,
' 111/ Y 1 U icfor- Bucroniur to 0. A.
/ 1 V \ Klvonaro us -
1 ' ' ' 1 11 V V
Agrioultur'a1 - - Gnue for the uonllt , Hoobo A Co ,
Implements oflmyors. Wo rcconi- Ijiritoil llouiu In Kuraltura Ilia Mo.
inttiid thuiii IIH the Viilloy. VJ5 to 'M
VYnKoni , lieb-tlioiloes to doul llroidwity. Counoll
etc. . .South Muln . Bl with liiCouiiclllllITs , Illurn.
Council lllutli.
Russell & C KeystOBoMfcCo W , 11 Manrer
Milnllloa. O.
Council lllutli , la. I MI lu 1M7 S , Main Importer and Job llrdiicli Olllca-
-Vlnnufnctururs of. Bt. Council IllutI * . ber Minnracliirln ; ? MUl'uarl Htreot ,
Farm Engines JotibarH of full line Crockery and t'onrcttlonnrg. Council Jfunufucluron lllnilifa. or .
of Agricultural l.n- Iho Itcmull
Cyclone Thresher Auto-
Qhsiwaro KrultK
plonionls , Tohlcloi , In , mntlo Out- oil Ku-
Corey 4 , Woodburr Nut , Bio. Kino.
HOMO 1'uwcr * . cio.fto. Council llliitT * la "
MarscilFcr Wcir-sSarlCo llruncli Uou oCoun , "KEYS"BHoT
Council UlulTj , la. oo. Council Ilium , la. clllllutri , 1 , Mfirr.
I'iW South Main Ht , KanilwIoU bliollori ,
Wliolomle and re Council Illulta. Jobbori of lmpl -
tail ( inrdeu , Kluld . nit U > , ( jrlndor < ,
Weilvro llruncli inenliViwniu.iJar -
. I'fBMB * . Hind- K hisi5iirrlos.loiia
llur {
nd flower boodii. llou u--.Jobt.ur In rltiKOi , lllco Cell Harrul
. Mower < , WUKOIIH
Illtflivat market HprliiK lluttulai. oit. , Ourt ,
urlco paid for luedi. Kuriuvrt' b'rloinl Carl , Wood uvt , Klc. Oo , 111 u If *
Writu lor tituloguu Bivol riuutur , via eta lu.