Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Oonnty Attaches Wait Tremblingly for tlio
Commissioner's ' ax to fall.
Dciiiotrntla Member * of tlic Itnnril ( let
Into n Hiiurl nnil Miiy Iliito to
Cull In it Uepiihllrnn to Help
Them Out.
Unless nil signs fall the heads of a num
ber of tbo county employes will drop Into the
ofllclal wasta basket with tbo coming hi of
next month. Cruel fata has maruod John
J , Mahoney , superintendent ot the poor
farm , Mike Leahy , engineer at the court
house , anil Oscar Slovens , clerk to the Board
of County Commissioners , for its own , The
cllo has boon cast and n light In the board Is
the only thing that will give these contlomon
n longer lease upon the positions which they
now occupy.
During the past month any number of
democratic slutos have boon made to bo
IT broken , the trouble bolng that Commissioners
| i- ' Paddock mid Van Camp each had a man for
each position. When the domocratlo caucui
was held some weeks ago It was agreed that
Mahoney , Looby nnd Slovens should hold
over until April 1. As soon as that agree
ment had been made tno three democrats
upon the board began to cast about for
friends to 1111 the position. Chairman
Tim mo was satisfied to roappolnt
the present Incumbents , but Paddock
and Van Camp did not feel thut way. Thov
argued that the retaining of the present In
cumbents would not strengthen the dome
cratlo party and that a change was neces
sary , After reaching that decision they
tried to agree upon the appointees , but so far
all attempts toward an" agreement hava
They object to Stevens and claim that ho is
too slow , and right In this connection County
Clerk Sackott Illcs an objection to Slovens.
The state law makes no provision
1,1 for a cleric to tha county board ,
IJ but Instead states that iho county
- clerk shall bo the responsible party. Sackott
argues that It ho is to bo responsible for the
acts of that man ho should have something
to say about who the party should bo ; therefore -
fore Mr. Sackott insists that the clerk to the
board should bo a dcputv county clerk , but
at thesamo tlmo ho declares that Stevens
can ncvor bo bis deputy.
\Vltb this state of affairs existing the dem
ocratic members are all nt sea and admit
that they can do nothing in the way of re
moving tbo men as the domocratlo bouao Is
divided against Itself ,
They , however , are figuring to got out of
the dilemma , and In so llguring they nro
about to take a republican Into their conll-
donco. Tills republican , if Major Paddock
can have his way , will not bo Judge Stcn-
borg , as tbo major and Stotibarg bavo had so
many bouts In commlttco-of-the-wholo that
tboy are not as friendly as two brothers.
Consequently the only hope rests with Ber
lin. While an understanding has not been
reached , a now slate is in couna of con
struction which Indicates that Paddock is to
nnmo ono man , Vun Camp another and IJor-
lin the third. Paddock and Van Camp will
selcctdomocratsforsuperlntondcntof the poor
farm and engineers at the court house and
jail , wbilo Berlin will confer with County
Clerk Sackett and agree upon iho clerk for
the board. _
Action Which Hns Itesultud In the Olllclitl
Ilctcrmlimtlon ol the llest linking 1'ondcr.
The act of congress authorizing the exami
nation of the baking ponders hns resulted in
a most unprecedented compliment to the
Royal Baking powder. The tests were made
in the government laboratory at Washing
ton , and the ofllcial report shows that the
Kov nils superior to oil others in leavening
strength bolng ovorSO per cent above the
average. The report shows the purity of the
Royal Powder and the wholesomeness of Its
This is probably the highest compliment
of an oflirlal character ever paid to n propri
etary article , though no moro than the great
army of baking powder consumers would expect -
poct In behalf of their old frioud and favor-
The rosult.'of the ofllcial examination , as
thus determined will , of course , make the
Royal the standard for government pur
Unvo Slnrcor Shown limy fiOO IclojiteH :
Can l\fi nntertiiincd Without Trouble.
"Of co'urso Omaha will entertain the Moth-
odlst conference , and royally , too , " remarked
Dave II. ftlercor yesterday to a representative
"I attended the mooting at the Grand
opera house on Sunday and was disappointed
in not seeing 5,000 Instead of 500 citizens
present : this did not augur favorably , and I
mot loss encouragement m tbo audience by
the conspicuous absentees. Many of these
who have grown wealthy out ot Omaha and
bavo little fear ot want in this world were
not present , aiding by their wealth a worthy
cause. But I still insist that Omaha will
glvo this exemplary boiiy a royal welcome.
" ? First Omaha has national
"Why , a rep-
utatlon as tbo homo of moro palatial bank
buildings than any other city In the union of
twice her slzo. In fact , sbo undoubtedly
ranks fourth In tnis rcspoct , bolng preceded
only by Now York , Philadelphia and Chi
cago. Tboso buildings are cbaractorlstlo of
the financial standing of these institutions.
Now these banks , national , state and savings ,
realizing that tbo pride of this magnificent
city U at stake , will gladly offer to entertain
100 dolegales a loss number would not re
ceive consideration. Then , the Methodist
people throughout the city will entertain a
like number , while members of other denom
inations will certainly ask the privilege of
administering to twice that number , The
hotels of the city , anxious to establish a rep
utation for Omaha as a convention city ,
thereby insuring to thomsalvos a largo in
crease of business year after voar ,
would surely entertain free of cost "fifty
of these di tlnguishod guests. Then , the
Omaha olub would like an opportunity to
how its generosity , and ton moro persons
would bo cared for , while the Board of Trade ,
Real Kstato Owners exchange ana
Mauufaciurcrs and Consumers association
would each entertain II vo gucsU ; then tboro
in our magnanimous sister city , Council
Blurts , only too anxious to ontorlaln fifty
moro. I have thus far located fJ'-ij persons ,
nnd very few people recognbod in the dis
tribution of these prUos. for it will not only
bo a pleasure but a privilege to entertain the
men ot character , ability and inlluonco who
attend Motbodtst conferences.
"Enterprising Kearney , a bundle of nerves ,
n corporation of ambition and enterprise ,
evorv corner lot bolng a monument to thilft
and Industry , has undertaken to entertain
000 delegates to a state convention , and she
will succeed even if obliged to appoint a com
mittee on entertainment of COO persons , with
each commlttooman to entertain ono guost.
In fact , the strife already among ICoarnoyltos
to see who can ontortaln the moil persons Is
to bitter that 1 fear the holding of the con
vention there will engender n very bad fool
ing among the citizens , for the reason that
ono person has the opportunity of entertain
ing more guests than his neighbor.
"Omaha should cease her doublings ,
'Actions speak louder than ivords.1 Immedi
ately obtain entertainment for 600 people for
the month of May , aud publish to Iho world
n complaint that 500 more were oxpeotnd , I
trust that all who como may bo royally enter
tained , and that Oraaba will establish for
nil tlmo to come her right and tlllo to the
the 'coavontlon city.1 "
One .Minute.
Ono minute tlmo often makoi a great dlt
forenco--a ono nutiuto remedy for bronchitis
choking up of tbo throat , lungs , etc. , fa
ourso U a blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure is
lucb a remedy. For tala by all druggUu.
Cubeb Cough Cur Ouemluuto.
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock cents will
bo placed on aalo for the engagement of W.
T. Carloton's opera company , which baglns
nt the Furnatn Street theater Sunday after
noon next , Three operas will bo produced ,
Htrauss' "Indigo , " Uenoe'i "Nauon" and
' "Ermlnlo. " These perform.
ancps will bo given with the same cast nnd
the sawo raroful attention to detail ns
hM always characterized the performances
of the Carleton opera company. Special
sCenery will bo used and thoroughly first
class productions may bo expected nt popular
ptlcos. There will bo no advnnco In the
charge for ncats or admission.
The Philadelphia Press in n burst of en
thusiasm for "Bill" , says that ho Is the
brightest humorist of the day. "No change
In the English language can do nway with
his fun. Hu is n public bcnnfnrtor ) ono of
the greatest men of his ago.Vo shudder to
thinic what will become of us when ho is
trono. " Now that is proity strong language
for a Quaker clly lo use , but when two such
mon ns Nye aim Burbank moot on the same
stage , you expect enthusiastic encomiums.
The Press club presents these two delight
ful entertainers next Friday evening for Its
annual benefit nnd the Indications point to n
big houso.
Mtillni'eVeilnrvlny. .
See the grout play , "Nobody's Clnim , "
nt the Furnuin Street tlicrttor. 25 cents.
Any reserved soul In the house.
A Itoardlni : House Tnlo Thut Sent Judge
Herltn Into l.euul OoiiviilNliniK ,
Mrs. Susan Wallace , Miss Smith and Mr.
A. T. Smith gave so many versions of n row
atthobourdlnghousoSunday nlghtthatJudpo
Borku wont nway to a private room with a
wet towel on his uaad to untnnelo the knot.
Mrs.Vnllaco conducts a boarding house nud
rents rooms nt 1310 Capitol avenue , and Miss
Smith occupies ono of barrooms , Mr. Smith
lives nt Thirteenth utul Jackson nnd Is nn
electrician. According to his story ho escort
ed to Mrs. Wallace's establishment n young
gentleman whoso feet were unsteady. Upon
arriving at the house ho was surrounded by
about thirty gesticulating females who do-
nmnded pay for nil the broken furniture In
the house. Falling to liquidate ho was thrown
down nnd hold by two burly athletes while
his Intoxicated friend pounded bis face lo n
Jelly. Then n policeman was called nud ha
went to jail.
Miss Smith , with n F > onch accent and
through a red veil , makes a tew corrections.
She says Smith is no gentleman o cause ho
came into the house claiming ho was n de
tective and to show his authority smashed a
few lamp chimneys , kicked holes in the pins-
tor , demolished a rocking obair , jumped
through a bed , punched on inofonsivo
boarder on the nose , threatened to shoot tbo
landlady and swore two separata times.
The judge dismissed the case in disgust ,
A Itemitrlmblo Cure of lUiotuiuUlsin.
Messrs. Gaga and Sherman of Alexander ,
Tox. , write us regarding a remarkable euro
of rheumatism tuoro , as follows ; "Tuo wlfo
of Mr. Willlum Prultl , the postmaster hero ,
has boon bed-ridden with rheumatism for
several years. She could got nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm nnd she was completely
cured bv Us use. Wo rotor any ono to her to
verify tills statement. Fifty cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
C. W. Hull Co. , coal. Tol. 429.
Sioux county still has 900,000 acres of gov
ernment land.
Th'iBolos club has been organized by Exeter -
ter democrats.
The Baptists of Cozad have begun the erec
tion of a now brick church.
An entertainment at Auburn for thn bono-
111 of tbo poor of the town notlod f50.
In case of nn extra sosslou , Dodge county
will have no representation In the senate.
The Blair canning factory will contract for
about 700 acres of swcotcorn and 300 acres of
The Plorco county nursery at Plainvtow
has passed into Iho hands of a stock com
The Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows
building at Geneva will bo dedicated
March 15. *
The Courier has been established at Cook ,
Johnson county , by L. 14. Deshazo. It looks
like a winner.
A deal has been consummated whereby an
oiovator of 12,000 bushels capacity will bo
erected ut Pierco.
John F. Alblu , editor of the MoCool Junc
tion Hocord , and Miss Nannie Rabbins were
married Sunday.
Joe Christian , a bad Crete boy who turned
switches and signal lights , has been sent to
the reform school.
The wlfo of Rev. W. A. Boucher , pastor of
the Motbodlst church at Hartley , is dead
after a protracted illness.
McCook people will put up a wigwam
costing J2,01)0 to accommodate the republican
congressional convention.
Ed Kellogg of Friend was struck by
llirhtntiig over n year ago and bU arm so
burned that venous circulation was stopped.
Ho has just had the arm taken off.
The Rod Willow county fair will bo hold
on September 20 to SI , the Hitchcock countv
fair on September 23 to October 1 , and the
Hayes county fair on October 5 to 7.
Ton pool balls were stolen from a saloon
in Louisvlllo and tbo proprietor of n billiard
hall In Weeping Water was suspected of tbo
thoft. Ho domed it , but paid $17 to save
Mrs. Elizabeth Clark , residing throe miles
east ot Brownvillo , has lived under the ad
ministration of nil tbo presidents , having
boon born in 1705. She Is still In iho bast of
health and gees around visiting the neigh
Mrs. Doyle of Carleton , whoso husband re
cently suicided in Omaha , hired a man to at
tend to bringing the body homo. Then sbo
refused to pay him , claiming lhat tbo Wood
men wore to pay tbo funeral expenses. The
man sued bar nnd won ,
O. A. Cooper of Humboldt made the
largest contribution of Hour to ths Russian
relief train of any single miller , and now
gets his reward by being mentioned in n
Russian newspaper as tbo wealthiest mlllor
in the United States and owner of the largest
mill In the country. Russians judge things
lOHH ,
Cass countv is Infested with wolves , which
carry oil considerable poultry and small
Miss Margaret Noel , who had lived nt
Davenport since 1&15 , died of the grip at tbo
ago of sO.
A meeting will bo held In Dos Moluos
March U to perfect u state organization of
democratic clubs ,
A Muscatlno county mon put nn "ad" for
a wife In a Chicago matrimonial paper and
received 128 answers ,
The Sioux City Journal hns absorbed the
Times and proposes to make it n nowspanur
as good an evening paper as tbo Journal Is
In the morning.
Tbo olllcors.ot the First Iowa Cavalry as
sociation bavo selected ICookuk as the placa
of the ninth annual reunion , to bo held
September 14 nnd 15 ,
Muscatlno has dropped negotiations with
the parties who wanted $ J30UOO to put In a
boot sugar factory there , aud is understood
to bo llgurlu ? with others who will establish
a plant for ( oO.OOO.
Department Commnnder Davidson of the
lowu Grand Army of the Republic , and mem
bers of his stall , have been in Ottumwn ar
ranging for the stnta encampment , which is
to bo hold thoroihls year , An attendance of
15,000 is expected.
The mining town of Angus , Boone county ,
which had n wonderful boom a few years
ugo and than bocumo entirely a deserted
village , ib reviving. Tbo old mines and
several now ones are being opened , and the
place is once moro quito lively.
A Davenport man is patentee of a brake
which is said to bo the only one thut will All
the requirements of the proposed lown law
requiring tbo equipment of cars with such
brakes , aud U is proposed If the bill passes to
erect a plant und manufacture the apparatus
at Davenport.
A stock company has been formed with
I'omeroy men at Its head , to boom , the Twin
Lakes , in Calhouu county , The outlet of
the lakes will bo dammed , raising the water
several feet. Fish gates will bo put in , coed
boats , a email steamer , a Ural-class hotel ,
and everything essential to u pleasant sum
mer resort.
Andrew * Admitted to Hull ,
Young Bert Andrews of Pavld City , who
was arrested upon n charge of stealing letter *
from tba postoQlco at David City , was given
a preliminary oxmnluaUou yesterday and
released upon bail ,
DeWUt's SawparlUft u roliabft.
Applicants for Positions in the Postoffico
Must Pass Examinations ,
Otrrkn Cnn llrronftor Drppiut on HrrrUlnR
the ItrcoKiiltlou Hue Their Merits How
ri-nniotliiiiN III lin ItrKtilntcd AVnrk-
of the t\\v. ;
The Omnbn postonico Is tbo only postofflco
In Nebraska where civil service rules hnvo
been adopted In every department. Slneo
the first of the present year tbo Omaha oflleo
hns been strictly n civil service onico.
In accordance with n rule established by
the postmaster general for civil service
ofllcos a largo record li now kept wbcro the
nnmo of every employe ot tbo ofllco appears
nnd a daily record of the promptness In at
tendance , ability , application and Industry ,
habits , adaptability and loiwos of nbsonco of
every one. At th'o close of each month an
average la tnado up from the dally
footings. In addition to this there Is also a
course of study laid down for the employes
to perfect themselves In. At regular Inter
vals they are salted questions bearing utxm
the < vork In whlMi they are engaged. Their
abfllty to ans\v\r tboso questions Is also
citunlod In the roe\rd. Their dallv average
counts for ( X ) It porK-ct and their ability to
answer the questions o-inis-for 40 if perfect.
All promotions will hereafter be bused
upon tuo nvorago record of the employes.
Formerly promotions wore tnado by selectIng -
Ing these who had been longest In the
service , but that will out no llguro in promo
tions hereafter.
"Promotions will be made hereafter , " said
Postmaster ( JlarKson toduy. "upon the actual
merits of the employes" shown by the
record. If nn omplnyo should fool that ho
has not boon justly graded by the head of
his department ho can appeal to tbo board.
You see wo have a local civil service board
ana this record Is under the inspection and
supervision of that board. "
Following nro tbo members of the
local board : J , E. Cramer , superin
tendent of malls ; Paul Mayor , dis
tributing department ; , N. Fitzpotnck ,
money order department ; \V. Anlstadt ,
registry department ; Mrs. Mathcson , execu
tive department.
PostnmstorClarlrsonhasatso boon Informed
that the Omaha oflleo has been placed upon
the list of civil service oftlcos from which
employes will bo promoted to positions In the
postonico at Washington , D. C.
Nebraska will have a right to furnish
a proportionate number of clerks for the
various acnartmonts in the postonico at
"Washington. When the tlmo comes for ono
or more to bo selected from Nebraska , Post
master Clarkson will bo asked to furnish
tbo names of these standing highest on the
record in each of the departments In the
Omaha postonico and they will bo
appointed to take positions In the
Washington postonico. In maklntr appoint
ments the average record for six months
will bo considered , these having the highest
record for that length of tlmo will bo con
sidered the proper ones to bo promoted. The
postmaster is very much pleased with the
now rules , and thinks that the clerks who
really desire to render houost services to the
government will Una these regulations very
There Is notninp in existence ) that will
equal Salvation Oil in curing pains in the
Joints and muscles , or spinal affections.
Price 25 cents.
A preacher , who hntl boon annoyed by the
Incessant "hacking" of members of his con
gregation , recommended such to try Dr.
Bull's Cougn Syrup.
THE 8T.ITKOJ ? IU.111O ,
THE BIE has closed'a contract for a series
of articles upon tbo resources of tbo now
states written by United States senators
from those states. '
For years THE Bnu has advocated the in
terests and published to the world the ad
vantages of Omaha , the state of Nebraska
and the great wost. Evory"Monduy nearly
a page Is devoted to news notes-covering a
wldo territory west of us. The articles by
the senators will bo accepted as mitborativo
by every reader of Tim BEE and cannot falf
of appreciation by them.
The tint of these articles will appear Sun
day , March 0. The subject will bo
from tbo pen of the talented United States
senator from that state ,
HON. l-JtKI > T. DU1S01S.
Following is an outline of the topics treated
oy him :
Idaho being opened up by now railroads ; it
wonderful agricultural regions ; ' farms which
average thirty bushels of wheat and 250
bushels of potatoes an aero ; the wonderful
Snake rlvor , which Is as big as the Ohio ; six
million acres of Irrigable laud awaiting set
tlement ; how the state is crowding Cali
fornia as a fruit country ; its wonderful cattle -
tlo Interests and Its magnificent timber ; Its
mineral prospects and how It has produced
150,000,000 In silver and gold ; tbo now load
mines and the chances for prospectors ; tbo
best climate of the United States ; Idaho's
wonderful lakes ; Its hot springs and its
Niagara Falls ; something about the big
towns of Idaho and other matter concerning
ono of the most Interesting states of tuo
BUHUNOTON- . , April1891. ! .
Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have been
troubled with catarrn In my head , and fuco
for three years nt times Aasunublo to near ,
bad a constant ringing In my oars and for
two years wis almost deaf. Have tried sev
eral so-called remedies and been treated by
regular physicians and noted specialists , but
failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Mooro's Tree of Llfo Catarrh Curo. It gave
Immediate rcliof and effected a permanent
euro. I heartily recommend It to all suffer
ers of this disease and will cheerfully glvo
any further Information on being addressed
at my homo , No. 2i3 ! Swoonoy ova , Burling
ton , In. For sale by all druggists.
Hospeotfulllv ,
At the Court IIuiiHo.
Sheriff Hannett returned yesterday from a
duck shooting tour In the western part of the
county. During Ma two days' absence thn
sheriff succeeded In bagging a counlo of
hundred ducks and a score or moro of wild
In district court the case of the state
aeainst Grace Russell was dismissed upon
motion of the county attorney. The woman
was charged with larceny from the person.
The case of H. E. Gates against the Omaha
and'Councll Bluffs liridgo and Strocit Hull-
way company is on Mai in Judge Ferguson's
court. The plaintiff Is the owner of two lots
at Eighth and Douglas streets , ana sets'forth
In tilt petition that on nceount'of ttih' con
struction of the Douglas street brldgo his
properly has boon damaged to the extent of
J2U,000 , which amount ho asks the brldgo
company to pay ,
"Latn to bed and early to rlso will shorten
the road to your homo in the skies.- But
early to bed and a "Uttlo Early Hlsor. " the
pill > that makes Ufa longer and better and
A New Way to rrownl Cruelty ,
Mrs. Mary S. Martin , ropretoatlDg tbo
Humana World of St. Paul , MinnIs In the
TDontos T Jioumatism. i
' Mr. CHAKI.EH LA WHENCE , of Aslilaml ,
Nob. , says that Swift's Specific cured
Mm of sovcro Rlicuinntlaiu of
liaci suffered for over six months , with
vain efforts to get relief. , Ho recom
mends It to nil EulTcrcra from Ijlmuiua-
' Send for our book on llio Hloou1 and
Bkln , mulled free.
city and her mlsslon' > M < * o ls to get these who
have charge of dumtrhnlmals to treat them
with klndncts InstanA of cruelty. Ono
method is to Induce thtfea who nro nblo and
willing to mibscrlbo tcf the Humane World
to do so and then thoTipy so subscribed for
can bo sent tosomotltnmstor or driver \ ho
may not feel dlsprntall to subscribe lor It
himself. It Is thouRHt much can bo done In
the way of prevention. of cruelty to animals
by a liberal circulation of the Humane
World , whose pages nr * full of well written
articles and nttrnctlva stories Illustrative of
the way some pcoplo.trcnt dumb animals.
Dlsonso never succctslully attacks n svs-
torn with pure blood. DoWltt's Sarsnparllln
makes pure , now bltxld and enriches the old.
Dr. Culllinoro , ofculist. l3oa building ;
Doc Itnjmoml Talk * Affection Ilefnre nil
Outraged HuMndicl.
Dee Raymond was arrested by Court Ofll-
cor Koysor on charge of undue familiarity
with the wife of ono Robinson , 017 South
Seventeenth street. IJoo is n "rello of old
daconoy. " In the good old days when people
voted In rings In the Third word , ho was n
man with n pull In politics. His wlto at that
tlmo was the mistress , In largo capital
lottora , of n house of rather
shady reputation , A turn of fortune's
wheat nnd n good many turns of the flowing
bowl and Dou's glorv has departed.
Ills present trouble Is the culmination of
quite a long story If ho tolls Ithlmsolf. A
good while ago ho became enamoured ot the
charms of the lawfully wedded wlfo of his
friend Robinson nnd captured tbo fair ono's
affections. They forthwith and ns a matter
of coursn sot up housekeeping. In a short
time Robinson made a ten strlko ana
his wife's ttffocttonc carao back to the
old lovo. This vibration had uono on for
soroo tlrao with the rutyilnrlty of a pendulum
till Doo' lost his "place to stay" and the llcklo
heroine failed to return to his arms according
to schedule. Instead of swallowing his grlof
with a suitable gulp , Dee has boon persistent ,
and yesterday fell Into a trap.
Ho mot the object of his affection , accordIng -
Ing to appointment , at her own homo. Ho
made an eloquent pica in the parlor. Roblu-
son occupied the next room and the door was
ujar. Ofllor Iteysor occupied the entry and
the door was aar. Enter wrathful husband
roar , and olllcor loft center. Tableau I
Dee Raymond will plead to a serious charge
In the police court.
Now Washington , I'unn. , People
are not slow about taking hold ot a now
thing , if the article has merit. A few months
ago David Bvors of that place bought his
first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Roraedv.
Ho has sold It all and ordered moro. Hosays :
"It has given the best of satisfaction. I
huvo warranted every bottle , nnd have not
had ono como back. " CO cent and $1 bottles
for sale by druggists.
Now Specification * * for Urutliiifr Contractors.
The Board of Public Works has adopted
tbo following specifications which will gov
ern all grading contracts that are awarded
this season :
The grading of each street shall Include approaches
preaches at Intersections of streets ami
All streets and alleys shall bo graded as per
stakes sot by the cltyoniilnoor.
Grading will ho measured nnd paid for by
the anblc yard In either excavation or on-
bankmont whichever may bo ln .oxcossand no
allowance for shrlnK.iRu In cnh.inkment will
bo nmdc. All earth shall bo hauled from and
to'sueh points us the city ciialncor uml the
chairman of the Hoard of Public Works shall
Grading estimates will ho based upon the
quantity of ourth ovcavated or filled nhlch-
ever may be in excess Yipon streets or alloys
to DO Improved. Haul limit , l.UOO feet. One
cent per cubic yard per 100 foot will bo allotted
for overhaul , If ordered by the city engineer
and the chairman of the Hoard of I'uhllo
Works , unless otherwise provided for In this
Monthly estimates -will bo mnda of nil grad
ing , and 45 per cent allowed outof the general
fund On such work. Where u contract has ex
pired nf to time , no further estimates shall ho
made u tit 11 the contract shall have buou Com-
A penalty of $10 n flay will bodeducted from
the llnal'bJtlniatcs for the time that any con
tract' shall overrxin the tlmo of uoniplotlon
specified In said contract. ; ,
Alt sidewalks' ' and crosswalks on stroetf t6
bo graded shall bo taken up , stored and je-
nluccd by nnd nt thoaxuenscof the contractor
In as irood condition ns found before removal ,
and for that purpose u list will bo ninde out
by the city engineer before work Is bosun on
ouch street , and such list shall ho filed in the
olllcoof the Ho ml of 1'nbllc Works nnd no
final estimate shall bo allowed any contractor
for trad ng until the sidewalks nnd cross
walks shall have been properly restored and
put In place to the sutlbluction of iho city
engineer nnd the chairman of the Hoard of
Public Works. _ _
Nrtirnlfflu Cured In I'lftccn .Minutes.
Mr.'J. S. Sturtovant , editor of the Waupaca
( Wls. ) Post , says : "LostnightCbamoerlain's
J'aln Balm cured my wife of neuralgia of the
face and tooth in llftoon minutes. We would
not bo without It. " .50 cent bottles for sale
by aruggists.
The Supreme Court SuntiiiiH ,1uilgn llcrlui.
Judec Bcrka says that the fees may bo a
little bigger before tbo United States supreme
premo court , but the Omaha police court gats
there Just the samo. On two important oc
casions tbo supreme court at Washington has
said In effect that t'bizzonor" was eminently
correct. Ho has repeatedly decided cases in
volving the ownership of both East Omaha
and Oklahoma.
_ _
Mrs. Julia W. Lovott , Groousvlllc , Go. ,
writes : % 'My physician gave mo Bradycro-
tlno for a severe headache. It acted like a
charm. I nopa this recommendation will bo
tbo moans of relieving other sufferers. "
Dime No\ol J tenders Corralled.
Tbreo young lads hailing from Ualosburg ,
III. , and looking for the bounding , bouncing ,
Indian-killing Ufa of tbo shoreless prairies ,
have boon headed off In Omaha and are now
at the police station waiting claimants. Their
names are Ed. Leonard , John Johnson and
Charles Garvcr.
The fame of your wonderful headache
cure , Bradycrotino , has gene abroad and I
can't keep it in stocic. J. A. Hcltnan , Em-
mltsburg , Md ,
I wax nflllcted with cystitis , ureturltla
anil clironlc uterine uleertitlnu , I Buffered
much pnln In luy head and buck ; win
treated by numerous physicians , nnd trkd
many domestic remedies , all to no avail.
Jly suffering WAI BO great that It became
neceeeary to use liiBtriunental means dally
for relief. In this deplorable condition ,
with tlio ever preaint patu and suffering of
body and mind for eo > en long yours , I
come lo Kiccltlor Springs , Nov. 8tli , 1888.
I obtained , wlthlillwcnty-four hours , euch
unaccountable rtllrf that I could dispense
with medicine and Instrument , and within
three duygafterory nrrhnlust free from
pain and suffering. Remained one month
end became perfectly well und strong.
( Signed ) Mns. E. T.
For the trutlKof tbo above wo refer to
Dr. I * . Warner ( Deck , Normal Pork und
CSth blrcet , Chicago , III.
The uateri art bottltd only by the Excel
tlor Spring * Cornjxiny at
Excelsior Springs
Richardson Drug Go , , Agis , , Omaha , Nsb ,
Hie Leading . I
Third Floor. Paxton Dloa'.c.
clophai3l08j. : lUt'i anil Furniii : : Stt
Afulliotof teeth oa rubber for 15 .
Teeth without plntos or removublu brldxe work ,
] u t tlie thing tor ilnKori or publlo ipaakarj , njfjf
All IllllDiii at romonabie ratai , all work warrant ) 1
Cut tuli out f or a cuMa.
( TfinilTi 8ANUAMVOOIJ CAl'dULtSS are tti *
MII li M I D best and only capiului pruirlbed by
* * * * * regular pUyilclani lor Iho cura ot
Gonorrhea and Uoliarvoi tronlUs urinary orKaaii
laiilayi. 41 3 per uaz , All dr uggl
renioiljr dlcorrrod Hint IN of far
greater eftlrncy limit ( ho
The t\iberct ( lacitU were discovered br
Prof. ICoch , to l constantly present In nil
coses of consumption , Where the blood h
Impoverished or impure , ( licro results tluxt
constltutlonnl condition known ns scrofnln.
which Is chnrnctcrlrod by the Hnhlllty of
certain tissueS to bocoino the scat of chronic
InflammnUona nnd enlarBoniontn.
Those troubloa mny start ns catarrh In the
nasal pnssagos , tliront or limp , nnd ns the
membranes become weakened , the tubercle
baccllll entar , nnd multiply , nnd wo have , as
n result , that dread disease ConsunipUon.
Find a perfect remedy for bcrofuln , In nil
its forms something purifies the blood ,
ns well ns claimi to. That , If It's taken in
time , will euro Consumption. It hai been
found In Dr. Plerco's Uolden Medical Discov
ery. As n htrongth-rcstorer , bUxxl-cloonser ,
and flcsh-bul Idcr , nothing like it h kno vn to
medical 1 science. For Scrofula , Bronchial ,
Tliroat , and Unifr nfTectlons , Weak I-mies ,
severe 2ouclis , and kindrcxl nllmcnts , it's tlio
only remedy so Fiiro that It can boittwm ( -
tccil. If it doesn't benefit or euro , your
money is refunded.
Cattle are reared on their
fertile grazing fields in
Uruguay , solely to provide
prime beef for making the
Liebig COMPANY'S '
Extract of Beef.
Competent chemists supervise every do-
tull , from thu euro of the entile' und
through Iho processes of nuinufuvlure
scrupulous cleanliness prevails to the
potllnz of the completed ovtruct. This
picservos the guAi.m' . riavoit timl puit-
iTVof this famous product , which Is to
day , as when Mist put tip by the great
chemist , Justus von Moblg.
Incomparably the Best
Tor Improved nnd nconomio Cookery.
Tor Delicious , ICofreshlng Hoot Ton.
To Cure Sleeplessness
Take bromide ot Dot.iBli. ono ounce ; extract ot
bops , two drachms ; water , clRht ounces ; mix.
Take a table spoonful half an hour before cat-
Ini ; last meal and nt bed time.
The above valuable recipe Is taken from the
Illustrated new book of 120 pages , which
will send to any address for 4 cents In stamps.
It Is full of valuable Information for the sick
and the wellnnd Is a most reliable work , having
been prepared and published by tlie most noted
and successful Specialists In America the
famous and popular
/ ' \ \ 7f\
Whose successful cure ot more cases of
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases
than any other physicians In the United States ,
gives them a prestige possessed by none ot their
professional contemporaries.
In the treatment of
The equals of these glfitC
Kings of Specialists
are not to be found In all the length and bro dth
of the land. Tney have plenty of Imitators but
no equals.
Consultation free.
Call upon or address with stamp , f
. Belts &Betts
9 llSouth 14th St. , N. li Corner 141 li
nnd DoviRlns Sis.
Omaha , Neb.
> V. 11AKEII & CO.'S
Breakfast Cocoa
from w Well tlio oicom of oil
lus belli removed ,
In < ili.i < ilntilif jntre and
it is eolnlilc ,
No CJtcmicdls
are uteil In IU preparation. It
lins note tfiiin three tlmtt tlie
slrrngth of Cocoa mixed i\lth
Blurch , Arrowroot or Bugar ,
! nnd In therefore far more ceo-
i Domical , coating Iru t/mn out
ictntncii ] > , ItUddlclousnour-
_ I iKhlni ; , ilrrngthculiitf , EASILY
, and admirably adapted for linallds
KB veil ni for pernoDR In lieullli ,
Solil Itf ( iron'everywhere ,
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Stop anointing ,
mid apply lo the
cpot that aches
continuously , IU
PI AQTCE ? M'iclal power to
IrLHOI PClllale the pores ,
iitiittratc Uteplynntl stop pain , renders
it far superior to ordinary porous
platters ,
of the spring season is always a welcome time
in a large clothing establishment , such asours ,
to every Individual connected with it , from the
heads of the house to the youngest salesman
employed in it ; from the man who ouys the
goods to the man who tells you about them in ,
the papers. After long months of handling
thick , heavy goods in darlc and sombre colors ,
to turn to the handsome shades and colors ot
spring , is like turning from a dead stump in a
pasture to a fragrant bed of pansies in full
bloom. This spring it's a little "more so" than
usual. Such a radical change in styles has not
been known in years before. Particularly is. ,
this true ill
The shades and colors have never opened up
as handsomely as this spring's productions.
New shades of brown and blue and gray ; toney
tans ; handsome modes , and nobby mixtures in
countless blends. New styles in pin-head
checks and -'eighth inch effects. " New plaida *
and stripes. No man can tell , and no man can
imagine when he is told how handsome the
new things are without a look.
Our entire new line of Spring Suits for men
will be ready to inspect any day this week.
Homespuns , Cheviots , Wales , Corkscrew , Di
agonals , Worsteds , Cassimeres , Meltons ,
Serges , in Cutaways or Sacks , bound or plain.
Drop in bring your pocketbook not much
money you'll have a new spring suit to wear
next Sunday.
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1C p. m <
Our catalogue sent by mail if you spend a cent to mail
postal card to have it sent.
nro the
Sell Them.
For Consumptives and In-
vaKds must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
Is the b 'Bt for all purpoaou , b3-
oauso it Is positively pure and m i-
turo. It is oxco3dinarly pleasant to
tbo taato aud baa u dolloioua bou
N. B. Ik doesn't burn nor scald
tbo throat or atoraioh llko inferior
whiskeys. It is recommended by
the best physicians.
Bold only at high olass hotels ,
drusr and liquor fctoreo.
DAU-TMANI : ) & co. , oillOAno.
Protect your lungs by
wearing a Chamois vest ,
Fop cold feet buy a Hot
' Water Bottlo. We hdvo
all sUes , at low prices.
Physicians Prose rlj.r
tions prepared at low-
prices. *
The Alloe ft Tenfold Company ,
15th Bt. , ueU to I * . O , Oniulin , Nch ,
I'M till * A Ift M I' M "nlterin * front
T U WrAK MrN u" > tT"ctg ( ° t
I U If kfilT. IfflL.ll jouthful errors
tnrlr decay , wmtliirfweakuiKs , loet inauliuxl , etc.
1 wfll aoxl a valuable treutlne iMAlcdj containing
full particular * for home cure , KH UK ot charge.
A pltnilM tneillcal work j tJioulJ t > ji rvwl by every
man who 1 < ncrrou * fttnl ile > illlluU > d. > ddrrn.
i'rofi V. C. I'OWLim.Uooauf , Cotuu
DR. J. E MctfUEW
iMinsurpassort In thotrotmoiil of all c.isos ot
PIUVATE DISEASES , anil all disorders
and dishllltlcsof youth anil manhood 17years1
cxnorlcnco. Ills icbonri us and fiiullllloa uro
priiftlo illy ilrillmltn.i Tlio Doolor U rocom-
momlud hy the nresi. and endorsed In the
ntronsc'-tterms hy the ponp o for f.ilr triiiiH
nicnt and lionust pmfusslonnl advk'O. Tim
most powerful roincdlnu Known to moiloru
s.'imico for the snucesifiil treatment of till }
following dlauiiBeH :
GONORRHOEAImincilluto relief. A com-
p'otoruro ' without the losi of an lioin s timil
front hudlnoss.
GI/EET One of thu most complolo nnd sue *
ccssnl truntinonts for Kleot unit ull unnoylntf
itlhchnrecf yet Itnown to Iho incdlvnl profov
tloii. Tlio roKiiltH uro truly womloifiil. Thn
most stubborn anduliromo oasob uhuro thu
discharge hail oxlitod fnryn ir * . ontlroly coai
trolled Inn remarkably hliort , tlniu. .c
STIUCTURE-Uteatcst known remedy totf
the treatment of stricture ; , without p.iln , nut *
tin , : , or dilntlnjr. A miHtroirinrUiiblo iomedy.
SYPHILIS No tHMlmejit for this torrllilt ]
hload ( llsanso luis uvor heon moro siicfiiBsfiil <
or had Htroujur endomeniuuls. In tfio lUht )
of mo tern sc'oneo ' thli dlsoiibu Is positively
nimble nml every tr.ieixit tlio poison entirely
ieimno'1 fioin thu bloud , J'lio unru Is complotn
and porniannnt.
LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , norvnU9-t
niiiS timidity , dosponJmuy and nil hlluhtlng
I'lli-utsofuarly vleo. Itullef obtained at oncS
'I bonak KTOW ntionx , mrl the despondentho
como obeerfiil an I li.ip.y | ,
SKIN DISEASES , mil all dlsuasos of thn
blood , llvor , lildnoys andl ) luddor are tin.itocl
Hiiecessfully with IhOKruatuitltnown romcUloi
for these UlHOUbCS.
Write forelronlariin < l question list free.
MuJrow'i ( ) treatment for disorder * of thil
Monmuh , IIIIH the uticiialllleil | endorsement ol
those wholiavo been cured , L/'iifU'S that had
tu lie rod for years und nimble lo WOUK or Kxl
without IneruiiHlnn their mlhery , untireljl
cured. Tlio remo lies are plons > nt and pal-
ulatile to the most ileltrjato Htomiioh. litli
nnil KaHirun Sis. , Onialin , Neb. Untranco oa
either street
The Original anil Genuine'
Impurti tlio moat delicious tatto and ttit (9
TI.KMAN at M d.
nt to lit * brother I'IBII ,
tlay , 16U. HOT COUI
that their muco U
bUhlyc teiu ? < l In
India , and li In my
opinion , tnu moat U'Kl.hll-
ralital/le , urell '
the uioat whole- KAUKIIITB , 'v
eoine MUCO UuU I *
nude. " Ofe ,
Beware jof Imitations f
BOB that you get Loa & Perrina' '
Blputure on every bottle ot Original & Oc