Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Ci : : - NO. 12 PKAKL STKEKT.
I clhucd ly Carrier to any pnrtof Uio City
11. Vu T1I.TON , - MANAGER
Hni'nf > = Office . Np
J i r 1 t'
Nllt ( ; ) 1illnr : |
nx3 wx.
K , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council J'lnffs Lumber Co. , coal.
C mil's chattel loans. 204 Sapp blocc.
Tor Sulo Mv houso. Mrs. J. Lytnnn.
A tcnm belonging to Dr. llnnchott dashed
out of the burn last evening with a buggy
attnched and run for about hnlfnrnllo. The
cnrrlnge was overturned and ono of the
wheels broken off.
IL , All persons , old or young , mole or fomnlc ,
* ivho nro willing to cunvnss for funds for
llusslan relief fund In tbo Fourth ward nro
requested to como to tbe rooms of tbo YOIIIIL'
Mrn'a ' Chrhllnn association Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Marriage licenses \vcro issued yesterday to
the following parties : Or tint Pllllne nnd
Annn W. Lewis of Orovo township : Lovcn
1C. ilnrr nf Fullerton , Neb. , nna Anna L. Van
Draff of Oakland , In. ; IJoado Stafford of
SJiolby , In. , nnd Ella V. Allbiuigh of Chicago.
f > The solicitors for tbo Uusslnn relief fund
In the Second ward uro Mrc. O. H. Lucas ,
W. C. Eistcp , O. H. Drown , A. C. Kuckwcll ,
Enderton , E. Ditty , Miss Jcnnlo Kellv. Thn
committee will report ut Mrs. O. II. llrownji
on Mynstor street , between Sixth and
Bcvontb streets. C. Hover.
Mrs. Stophcnson's class In the Flnl Bap
tist church will give nn entertainment
In tbo church Thursday evening for
tbo nurpose of raisinc funds to
carry on n work of charity that has boon be
gun uy it In the way of taking frulls und
llowcr.i to Ihe sick througbcui the city. A
fine niusunl nnd literary program has been
prepared , nnd Ibo entertainment should bo
well palrontznd.
Harry Kelley did not have the money to
pay his wny Into the show ut the opera bouso
4 > 2st c'vonlnu' , but bo was bound to see ttin
wliow any wny. lie nccordlnglv climbed in nt
n window , but Just as bo bad bugun to
enjoy the play the i-aglo eyes of the man-
ngor und a delcctwo chunccd to lighten
on lihn nt the satno time. Ho was bundled
off lo Iho police slaliou and spent Ibo night
In tbo city jail on u charge of vagrancy.
A milt for a divorce was commenced In tbo
district court yestoidnv by Flavlus M. Wolf
against Evn A. Wolf. It is alleged
in the petition that the parties were
married In Lowlston , Fulton county ,
111. , In 1831 , and lived together until
two years ngo Inst January , when Mm , Wolf
deserted her husuand. Ilo demands a Ui-
vorco nnd the custody of their 0-year-old
daughter , Ethel , who bast lived \vith him
over slnco her mother's departure.
George Frederick Westrip , the 8-yonr-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Westrip , died
yesterday morning at 10lr ) o'clock. Ilo be
en re o afllictcd with curvature of
the Bpino fourteen months ngo
nnd It wus found necessary to perform
a surgical opciatlon upon him. It wns un
successful , however , however , and Irom that
time to the day of his death he uever left his
bed. The fuiionit will occur tomorrow after
noon nt2 o'clock from the family residence ,
70'J ' Mynster street.
Alderman L. A. Caspar was made the vic
tim of another surprise yesterday morning in
honor of his birthday. While ho was nt
brcakfust his amplovci , to tbo num
ber of sixteen , filed In , beaded by
the Toromnn , and stood bcloro him. His
first thought was that a strike was on foot' ,
but in a few seconds bo uus considerably rca -
a ° surod by one of the men stepping forward
ana presenting him with a magnificent gold
locket watch charm , engraved on ono Eido
with Iho name of the recipient and the date ,
while tbo other side was sot in rubies nnd
diamonds. _
The announcement that J. D. Crocl
well IKK ! secured an exact , duplicate of
the baby carriage presented little Ruth
Cleveland having been questioned by
rompotUors , ho produces tbo original
order , correspondence and invoices from
the manufacturers themselves , fully cor
roborating Mr. Crockwoll's claim. The
olegnnt carriage was sold yesterday to
Mr. Teal , master mechanic of the Sioux
City Pacific , as a present to his daugh
ter , Mrs. August Borobheiui.
Immense ) Stork of Spring ( iooils Junl Itc-
coHi'il See the Display.
All this week wo have been receiving
> consignments ol spring goods , and noxl
> vcok wo shall have on display all the
latoot novelties in dross goods , hosiery ,
etc. Como in and see tno now fabrics.
You will be highly pleased with them ,
nnd , as iibiinl , you will ( ind our prices
lower than any other dry goods store in
the west.
And , by the wny , the rainy season is
at hand. We're lixod for it with thoiv
sands of umbrellas in all kinds of now
.designs. BOSTON STORE ,
Council BlulTs , In.
Folheringiiam , Whitolaw & Co. , load
ers and promoters of low prices.
l'KHSHXtl4 l'.llt.lili.l.l'JIS.
John Bono is
ftl. C. Sorcnson , tbo wolll known Avoca
morcbant , wus in tbo city yesterday.
Mrs. S. A. Fields of Sbonandoab , wlfo of
tbo roprosentntlvo fiom I'u o county , WHS
tbo truest of Miss Emma Toinlluson , on Bluff
street , over Sunday.
Eastern money to loan on real estate
by H. II. Shoafo , Broadway and Main.
Jarylswild blackborrv i9 tlio boat
Monov to loan. Lowest rntea. John
wlon & Van Patten , Everett bloolc.
Look at Iho lots in Mwllson Square
An acre in each lot ; 10 per cent otT foi
thirty days. DAY & HKSS.
f tvnnson Music Co. , Masonlo temple
The G. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vet
oranp , will give a ball in G. A. R. hall
on the evening of March 7. A cordial
invitation io extended to the public.
Itopubllriiu 1'rliiiiii left.
The republicans will bold their primaries
In the various wards this evening at 8
o'clock. The lollowlng places bavo been
First Wuid At tbo room on Unpor Broad-
wuv opposite Hunlon struct , and select six
deietatos und nominate a candidate for ward
Second vVnnl At tbo city building , and
Eolool olKht delegates nnd nomlnato a candi
date for ward aldorniun
\Vurd-Atroomovcr415 Uroadwny ,
unil select elqht Uoloeatcs.
Fourth Ward At tbo county court house ,
nnd select six delegates ,
Fifth Ward Al 'Squlro Stone's building
on Twenty-first street , tiolwoen Fifih anil
Sixth avenues , and select eight do legates
ana nominate a caudldato for ward nltior-
man.Sixth Ward At Schubert block , No. 2fl2U
West Broadway , anil select four delegates.
Jui'vlalB77 brtindy , purest , safest , best.
rruukllu Square.
\Vhpro Is Hr1 Tnko the Broadway carte
to Grace street , then go southeast on
Franklin avenue , "paved , " until you
BOO our signs. The lots are In slzo 100
by 300 foot ; good shade trees ; the llnost
lots in the city. Tan per cent oil on all
sales intido during the next ton days.
DAY & HKSS , Solo Agents.
Dra. Woodbury.dentistsnexttoGrnnd 1
holol ; line work a specialty. Tole. 14S.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
\V. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
Oth avenue _
Wu hnvo our own vineyards in Califor
nlu Jurvli Wino oompivny , Co. BlulTs 1
A , 0. Graham Named na tbo Democratic
Orintlitlnlo for Mayor.
MncninVn Not In the Ilnre nt Any MitRQ nf
tlio CHIIIU Ilinv tlio .S
l iiRlnrrrril the
The domocrnU held their city convention
yesterday nftornoon. All uny Sunday lintl
been spent by the candidates In preparing
for the fray , and tlio livcllst Interest
wus manifested by both republicans
mill democrats to see how these
manocuvcrs hod changed the state of affairs
tlnco tlio caucuses on b'atnrdny night. All
sorts of rumors worn nllout with reference
to tbo nominations that ml ht bo
made , nnil ihurovns just enough
apparent reliability about Itieni
to give n relish to tlio piospcct. llplf an
hour buforo the tlmo for opening the conven
tion rolled arouna the dcloirntos , candldntos
anil spcctntors began tonrrlvo , and tliosupcr-
coutt room , whcro tbo convention was to beheld
held , and iho lobbies outsitlo wcra coon filled ,
the tlmo before the enll to order bring 00:11-
nicu by the candidates and their wire-pullers
In wnndcrlnK bore and there nnionn the
voters nnd strengthonlng whatever wonn
places there might bo.
Hhoitly after 'J o'clock the convention was
called to order by W. 11. Knopher , who
called J. J. Shea to the ehalr as temporary
chairman. John 11. Mithcn was appointed
temporary sccietniy , and n committee of six
was chosen as a committee ) on credentials ,
composed us follows : J. H , Uoltrlch of the
Third , .1. H. Mcl'uorson of the first , W. H.
KnoplH-r of the Second , Frank Trlmblo of
the Fourth , W. C. Morris of the Fifth and
O. Graves of the Sixth. After thn report of
the committee hrd bee maUo the chairman
appointed a committee on permanent organ
ization , consisting of Dr T. H. Liiccy ,
W. H. Kncphcr and U Illlntu Malonoy. The
report of this committee was that the
tomornry organization bo made permanent ,
and the report was concurred In , in splto ol
Chairman Shea's statement that ho should
feel at liberty to cull any other delegate to
the chair at any time ho might llnnlc hU
presence wus needed on the lloor.
The convention then proceeded to
the nomination of a candidate
for inn v or. There were ilfty-throo votes
cast. Thn result of the informal bal
lot was us follows : A. C. Graham , ? G ; Joslah
Dunfortn , 5 ; S. R. Wudsworth , 19 ; D. Mu-
cine , it. On the first formal bnllot Graham
received 33 votes , Wadsworth 10 and J. E. F.
McGee 1. Qrahnm was declared tbo nomi
nee , and his nomination was , by motion ,
made unanimous.
Tbo nomination of a candidate for nicer
man at largo was proceeded to , oud the ra-
sult of the Informal ballot was as follows :
V. Jennings , twonty-llvo ; L. C. Larson , ten ;
B. S. Tcrwllllgor , nine ; W. C. James , three ;
U. H. White , six. James' name was uitb-
drawn at bis own icquest and tbo next bal
lot stood as follows : Jminlngs , 43 ; Larson ,
" ; Torwilllger , 7 ; White , 1. Jennings was
.declared the nominee.
There weio but two candidates for city
auditor , and the infoinuil vote stood : H. N
Whittlcsoy , 25 , nnd J. U. Lance , S. On the
formal bullet Longo received " votes , and
on motion of Wbiltlcsoy his nomination WUH
made unanimous , Whittlcsoy ulodging Lange
his support and announcing that ho wab a
democrat , but no "Citizen. "
On the informal ballot tor citv solicitor the
vote was us follows : KiimetTinloy , ! t. ; G.
A. Holmes , 20 ; J. J. Stewurl , 1. On the
next vote Tinlo.7 received IS ! votes to Holmes'
15 and was doclured the winner.
The forces were considerably scattered on
the informal ballot for treasurer , the result
belugas follows : O. D. Haicli , ! M ; F. W.
Spetraun , 14 ; J. 1. Lutz , S ; S. J. Uoddn , 5 ; E.
D. Bowman , 1 ; S. IJ. Wadsworth , 1. On the
formal bullet llalgb was nominated , receiv
ing 34 votes , Spctmnn 12 , Lutz 4 and Wads-
worth 3.
In the contest for the nomination of citv
marshal , the informal ballott stood as fol
lows : H. U. Obernollzer. 81 : John ChurchIll -
Ill , 21 : C. II. Whlto , 7 ; J. J. Hathaway , 4.
On the formal bullet Oborholtzer received
-7 votes and was nominated , Churchill 10-
ceivlng 23 votes and Hutbaxvay U.
Next came the informal ballot for city en
gineer , which resulted as follows : G. II
Richmond. 84 : T. A. Clark , 11 ; F. Stimson ,
4r L. P. Jtidson. B : L. L. Etnyre , 2. Et-
nyro's nnmo was withdrawn , nnd on the
formal ballot Hichmond turned up with 42
votes and was declared the nominee. Clark
receiving 8 votes , Judsou Band btlmson 1.
On the informal ballot for assessor , W. D.
Hardin received forty-two votes and J. M.
Shea cloven. On tbo formal ballot Hardin
received forty-six to bhea's seven , and was
declared tbo nominee.
A. U , Paris was nominated for suporin-
toadont of markets bs acclamation.
The convention then adjourned and the
delegates went their wav. Tiio ward coin-
mltteomon held n meeting immediately after
adjournment to maUcarrnngumonts for \\orli
at the polls on election day.
IncreosltiK tu ) > Capital Stock.
An amendment to tlio articles of iucoipor.i-
tion of tbo Standard Oil company was illed
In the county recorder's ofilco yesterday ,
by which "tho capital stock of the
organization is increased from $ GUUOU
to $1,000,000 , with tbo condition
that it Is to bo paid up before April 1 , I'J'J'J. of II. L. Tevis , W. H. Tllford , H.
H. Kofoy , John I ) . Archbold , Benjamin
Hrewstor , Henry M. Flagler , O. B. .Tannings ,
William Uockofcllor und John D. Uockofellor.
Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
ull the latest styles and nowcbt
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Walnut block and Wyoming eoal ,
fresh inlnod. reeolvoddailj Thatcher.
10 Main.
uou >
Democrats Anxious to Know If It Is Aiulla-
lilu liir Ciirront Kxpi'iiHcx.
D. C. , Fob. 21) ) . At the in
stance ol Representative Uocliery of Mis
souri the houdo to jay adopted a resolution
directing the commlttoo on Judiciary to in
qulro nnd report 10 the house as to tbo right
of tbo secretary of the treasury to use tbo
J100,000,000 of gold reserve for current ox-
pondlluros ,
In regard to the resolution Mr , Dockery
said : "I asked the housa to adopt tbo resolu
tion for the reason that tbero scorns to ba
some doubt upon tbo question , especially
emphasized by an Interview with the secre
tary himself , published in this city , In which
bo in quoted as saving : "As to tbo $100,000 , .
000 of gold reserve , It Is hold azatn&t tbo
$350,000,000 of national bunk no to , to make
tbo credit of tbo government Imprugnaole ,
for no ono would bo able to got togothot
enough greenbacks tb toke all the gold out o
the treasury , and therefore do not take any ,
but those notes outstanding arc legal tender ,
and the government can and would use this
gola reserve If It needs to , In a pinch. It
should , therefore , appear in tbo debt state
ment as available cnsb.
' In addition 10 this alleged opinion of the
secretary , as quoted , Aollug Secretary of
the Treasury Hon. O. L. Spauldlng , in hU
testimony before the ways nnd ( nouns com
mittee on the 23d of January last , lusistod
that thu $100,000,000 of gold reserve was
available for tno expenses of the cavern
in cut , und iu reply to speclllo questions
from members of tbo committee he
stated that tbo secretary of the treaa
ury also , bo understood , holds the
opinion that tbo ? 1 00,000 , 000 of gold
reserve Is available for tbo expenses of tbo
government , Inasmuch as tbero is nn btaiuto
against It. 'I understand tbo hundred rail
Lllons,1 continued Mr. Spauldlng , In reply to
/i / question of Mr. Tumor , 'was nrst separated
in lhS5 from the btutoments In the treasury
and you asked tbo ciuouion if tbo & 100JOOOOt (
could bo used for uy other purpose. I uu
dot-stand that tto secretary so Holds that bo
ti&s tbo Uiscrotion. '
"The acting sooietary further asserted In
ompnutlo terms that bo concurred in tha
& "Now at this time , pending the examination
tion by the Judiciary committee , " conclude !
Mr. Dockcry , "I don't euro to express uu ;
opinion on the question further than to su ;
that some of lue most euilucut lluauclcrs o
rtOROvernmont wholly disagree with the
low that this fund can bo used for current
xpenscs. "
The question upon which Mr. Docltery do-
mnnds n formal decision from the judiciary
ommlltco is held by the democrats to bo of
ho utmost Importance not only to the appro-
irlalloti.s committee , of whlrh Mr.
Jockcry is a niombor , but also to the house
s a whole in the ruining discussion of
ho rovcnuo reform bills toportcd
> y the ways nnd moans committee. If the
cold rc.iorvn should bo bold not to bo tivnllu-
) lo for current expenditures It slmplv inoani ,
horsay. that the Fifty-second congress had
100,000,000 less to draw upon In the matter
of appropriations than tins generally been
indcrstood to bo available. The democrats
ay that their dcclurntlons will then bo
nstlllcd that the country I * confronted by a
dollclt In the public treasury ns tbo result of
bo lavish appropriations of the Fifty-llrst
congress , nnd that Mr. Ilolnmn and his col-
cacues of the nppropnatlons com-
nlttcc must ucunnud economy along the
inc. The tariff reformers , too , argue
hat all the protection of tbo Mclvlnloy hill
ins been aulj to accomplish has been to
nvo the public treasury from tbo verge of
jankruptcy , nnd point in contrast to the
i cncrous surplus that existed In the treasury
it the close of tbo Cleveland administration
s compared with the depleted condition that
.boy Insist must bo pro'onted nt the close of
ho Ilanlson administration ,
( 'nnlU'mn I Inn * .
WSIIIMITOV , I ) . C. , Fob. 20. The .senate
n executive session today confirmed the fol-
oulng nominations of poitmastcrs ;
Ar'nan ns--J. U. Uiouso , Lonolie. Call-
ornla Mrs. Lizlo M. Caldors. Willow , llll-
ois-C. E. Thorpe , Lltcbllold ; 1 ? . B. 11 mil
ord Pontluc ; T. Wilson , Lebanon , Iowa
ionn Gldlcy , Malvorn , Pennsylvania II.
' . Moulthor , Connnutvlilo. Kanaus Joseph
Vorsham , Henrlotta.
Tin : r/.v/o.v r.tvirtc.
Cut llntm uu Strnnmhlp rickets N no I'.uiso
lor Complaint.
Cmcvoo , 111. , Feb. -Chulrninn ) Smith of
the Trnnsmlssourl association has just de
cided n cnso in which the Union P.aeitic agent
ntTrinldnJ , ( loto. , was charged with ticketing
n party of Italians to Turin , Italy , In' Now
York and the Fiench line of steamers nt n cut
rnto of ? ! ) per passenger below the regular
tnrlrr. The chairman decides ibot Ihoro Is
no provision in tbo. association agreement
under which such a case can bo touched.
Steamship tickets , ho declares are sold by
ho agents of all roads in his tcintory on n
otmnlsslon as well ns by brokers , bankers
and other pconlu. They consequently remit
a part or ull their commissions lo thn passen
ger ugent in order to secure u pirty , thus
naklng it appear that , the rules have been re
duced. No good results , he thinks , would bo
ncured by requiring HID railroad agents to
refrain from discounting their commissions.
The oRlclnl statement of tbo Chicago , Mil-
vnuUco & St. Paul road for the month of
unniiry shows that tbo ross eurnlngs wore
; 'J'J4VJ17 ( , an Increase IH compared with the
same month last year of $172,711.
I'ho oxponsns amounted to $1,711 , ! ) ' . ) ) ,
m meroaso of Ml4,1 I'M , nnd the net
earnings were Si7l,5'U ! ) , , an increoio
of ? ll'iiKi. ) ( ) ( For the seven mo iths ending
Innuary III , tbo gross earnings weic Sl'.i7.l- )
) .V. , an increase ns compared with tno corro-
spondlng period of the previous year of
' .J.S'll.TO. Espouses and luxes were S12-
SlCi.riHI , an incronso of $1'J4I,72' ' > , and the net
earnings were $7,7H,4'JI , an increase of
Ml Hi * * llt'iiiuiicr *
SritiNnnni.n , 111 , Feb. 2 ! ) . Jndqo Allen
n the United States district court today
sustained the domurrcr to the Indictments
igainst Milton Wright , froicht agent
of the Wabash railway , and J. M. B. Kchlor
of St. Louis , doing business under the natno
of Kehlor Bros. , for violation of the inter
state commerce act by cutting rates on ship
ments of flour from East St. LouU to Mon
treal , Canada.
In announcing his decision , llie court said :
There was no contention lathe argument
on behalf of the demurrer that the power of
congress over interstate oomrrsirco is limited ,
but it was assorted that when congress at
tempts to rogutato international co.nmurco its
power is limited by tbo equal power of Ibo
foreign countrv with which international
truftlc is carried on. According lo Iho indict
ment there were moio miles of haul in
Canada than in this country. Tbo legisla
tion of tao United States' is territorial
und it is diflloult to imagine a
power to execute or enforce obcdlonco
to a municipal law outsldo the circle iu which
that law operate i. The logical consequence
of territorial principle is that a nation can
only punish off&nses within the limits of its
own territory , and this rule conllnlng penal
Justice to the temtory in which the ortenso
was committed has been rigidlv adhered to
in the United States and in tbo British dom
inion. "
ALL nuw ix
Itov , King f llm ( ' .iriilml , IMjn Ills Annual
Visit to .N'cu Orlriins.
New OUI.I.VNS , La. , Feb. 211. This even
ing bib majesty. Hex , king of the carnival ,
entered his beloved capital amid the
most oslentutious display. The recap
tion was conducted on a most elabo
rate scale , thoroughly in keeping with
the dignity of bis oxaltcd personage. As
boon as the llotilla was .sighted every vessel
In the harbor blow itb whistli-s , while the
booming of cannon ( Including Ibo monster
pieces of tbe Austrian vessel Aurot.i ; and
tbo blust of trumpets contributed to tbo
rousing though discordant welcome.
His majesty was aboard the roval yacht
Galvcslon. High Munger , duke of
the royal yacht , in command ; 11:111101 ! us
escorts were hU majesty's cutter Forwnid ,
Admiral Smith ; tbn steam launch BIJou ,
Cuptaln ICIrulioftsky and other vessels ot
the llotilla. The parade was then formed at
the head of Canal street in the following
order :
Manntrd DeUcliiiiiiiit of Household Guards.
I'lutoon of Household Uu irds , Mounted.
I'lr.-a lioviil HrlKiulos.
Uniform ItunK Kiilphtu nf I vtlihis.
UnlCoim Hunk Knights nf Honor.
lIlsGr.iro. Jo epb A bbnkespoare. Unko of the
Orescent ( . 'Ity , Coiiiiiianaliu tlio
Koj.-il Citadel.
Mounted o coit nt cliovallors.
Mounted dutuelitnnnt of the only-third
Ilund of -eventv-thhd Mununolukos.
Itoyal division In eh tree of Ills gr.ielona
majesty Ilex und Indies of the Hori'lo. ; , !
Itoyal xuaids
Marines fiom tlio ruyal yiidit.
His majesty's ' conno 1 In euir ages.
The procession then moved tbiough the
principal streets lo Ihe royal citadel , whcro
his majesty was presented with the koys. of
his favorite capital , and the line of march
concluded ut the Hotel Koyal , whcro an in
formal reception and lovou wore held ,
wl.lcn all Ibo royal buojocts attended. His
majesty wus nt tiled in a most gorgeous and
expensive costume , reprcsontlnu a Turlilsb
pasha , and was borne through tbo streets In
a brilliantly decorated palanquin carried on
the shoulders of four sturdy Turks.
I'roti'iiH mill Ills Cii'u' .
Proteus and bis crow tonight appeared on
the streets H u pageant remarkable for its
beauty of design and brilliancy of olToct.
The changeful deity In bis months of slum
ber has had a dream of the veyotablo king
dom and for the pic isuro of his host of ardent
uoi-dhtpcrs has repioduced it In u most
artlstlo pageant In tbo following order :
Car No. 1 Proteus seated on a white lllv In
the midst of a Held of dulsoi ; No. 2 The
elves of the cactus ; No. 3 Strawberry
sprites ; No. 4 Lllv ; No. 5 Green peas' ;
No ( ! Sunllowor ; No , 7 Watermelons" ; No.
8 Ferns ; No. 0 Hoses ; No. HI Familiar
vegetables , cabbages , turnips , radishes , and
carrots ; No. 11 Thlstluj ; No , 12 boa
plants ; No. 13 1'ond lilies ; No. 14-Chor-
rien ; No. 15 Corn ; No. 10 Acorns ; No. 17
1'unsics ; No. IS Fungi or mushrooms.
MOltK ir.lKA/U/.S t'OU VlllLI ,
Money Will lit ) , \ | ' | ' > | > rlale < ! to Huy Several
NovYs i'ln Kmmitly ( joiuplfli'd ,
ItVipi/i luhtcil IK ) : by JMVU dunlin lle/mtlt , ]
VAi.i-Aiuiso , Chili ( via Ualvpston , Tox. ) ,
Fob. 20. [ Hy Mexican Cable < o the New
York Herald Special to Tun BEI : . ! The
actual condition of attain relative to the
purchase by Chill of warsblpi from Orqal
Hritaln Is tnut tbii countir has option until
Juno for tbo MIUIO. One of tbo ships
In question is In Arinilrong'a ' yard
and Ibo other , nn annprud t > blp , Is in
Lund's at Blrkonbcad. It was built for thu
1'ortuguosu but \vus not takon. It Is proba-
ole tbui money will be asked from tbo Cull-
Ian congress to buy the shlptef It Is the in
tcntion tohavolhoCntllnn veMiM * , EirnKiirU ,
nsmerald.iand the Pondotl 01' ' Lynch , with
thol'into , If she arrives In tlrrte , start on n
cruise In April. They will vutol'oru and
Mexico and will bo absent llvd months ,
In regard to the rlmrgcs Itgnmst Consul
McCrcerv nnd Lieutenant Hllrlow , what I
have c.iblori you Is public nows. ' Data relat
ing to Consul McCroery's alleged transaction
In exchange -obtaining news from Minister
Kcnn nnd using the snma for Ills own advantage
vantage- have all been forwarded by
mnll lor publication In the United
Statej. The cilminal court is still
investigating the llnrlow affair. Ono of the
tolecraph employes testified that , otio of the
senders of dlanatchoa IticUKIod llnrlow
nnd McCreorv. Dr Triiinotill has also
mailed n statement that Coniul MtCrcery
gave the news to various pintles relating lethe
the landing at Cluintoros bnv for which Ad
miral Brown bus boon blamed.
( Iimlf main InclliK'il to right.
fi/Mttll.'O.'Jji/.Aiinf / ' / * Uurhn 1/riiur/i.l / /
S\v Su.vADati ( vvi Ualveston , Tox. ) ,
Feb. 'J' ' ) . | n.v Mexican Cable to the
Now York Herald-Spatial to Tut. Ilr.n.J-
I'bo political horizon U i-ory linrk. War
clouds nro hovcrlnc on the frontier ; ( Juuto-
n.ihi teen's bout upon Invading San Sal
1 bo annlvnrsnrv of the Inauguration of
. 'resident Ezata will be cclcbratul tomorrow.
Scnor Kncterio Kunno , ono ol Salvador's
wealthiest citl/ons , Is dead. He was worth
millions ,
A < 1ITATIN < ! At.l.lANCi : MIJUIimH.
'orre * in inn n ( 'oiigrpgutcit ut Slum City
for HII | IIPS I.
titorx Cm , in. , Fob. ' , ' 0. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BRK.I The tnugnatos of the
s'orth western Farmers alliance nro beginning
: o gather hero for a three days' mooting. It
s In this ( the Eleventh Iowa congressional
llstrlct ) that , the tuttle began n few months
ipo between tlio Iowa Farmers and the South
ern alliance or mdustilal union. The latter
; rlcd to capture the Iowa farmers nnd make
.hem the tool ol the so-culled independent
iirvriy. The Iowa alliance , which does not
ongaeo In politics , in.nto a strenuous light
and defeated tbo political agitators.
This mcutinir is intended to ui\o the south
ern nlUnnco agitation nn impetus not only i'i
loilbwcstorn loua but also in ndjucont parts
of Dakota and Nebraska AlonoVuideil ,
' .OLturor of Hie National Farmers i illnnciIs
liero. Ho declares that the inuonendunt
party la not lo'lng ground , but gaining in
; ho western states , p.u tlcularly In Nebraska.
In rcolv to questions about tbo Nil-
ional Cordage cotnpmy , ho docl.irod that
t is cntlrclv dlstlniit from the National
Joion company , but udmits that ho knows
" "
that many "of "the olllesrs und stockholder *
are Identical in both companies. Ono of tbe
chiot feature In the meeting will bo tbo or
ganisation of co oncrallvo stores , In tnls part
of the stnte. George G. Croso.vbo has
charpo of the work for tbe National alllunco ,
s already hero. Tuo meeting begins to'oor-
ItallroaiN ICoaii ) lo
Siot'\Cnv , Iu. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele-
ram Ui Tnu Bii.JJames : : V. Mnbo"oy
today resigned us trafllc miiniiger of tbo
Plou.x City & Northern railroad and will be
come commissioner of an association of the
packers ot 'the Miisouri river cities , who
moposo to IOIIPW the light for bettor
rates before the Interstate Commerce
com mission. They seek to 10 verso
the ruling In tbo Sullt c.vscf Kites from
Missouri river points to ChltMgo on live ani
mals and their diossed piodnct 1110 the satno.
Mi-souri river packers claim that they have
lust business since tbo rates went Into effect.
The appointment of Jud e "McDIll to tbe
Interstate Commerce commission encour-
L's them to aoelt a rehearlii ! ? . Falling in
this they will seek congressional action.
lm\i TViiiiii'i'UH'oT.illicrs.
DisMois-E : . la , Feb. 20.- [ Special Tele
gram lo THE B tv ] The annuu meeting of
the State Temperance iUlnuco ( , wil } open in
this city tomorrow evenlu , ? . A"d will cor.7
tii.uo in session till Thursday evening. Dis
tinguished speaker1 : , including Dr. D. P.
Duncan , 1'iofessor Cornwall , Uoprosentutive
Chase , Dr. Etnorv Miller , llov. Frank Evans ,
Presidents Ayleswortb and Stelson and oth-
o will address the meetings.
ItiMir.irKitlilo lou.i I'lcalt.
n\NViu.K , la. , Fub. 20. Mrs. X. Houeh-
lon is the mother of a most remarkable
fioak. Sbn has given birth to twin girls
with their bodies grown solidly together ,
face to face , utjd possessing four well devel
oped bauds ur.d feet. The monstrosity is
npnaiently well nnd hourly.
Wimllall of u St. l.oillh MUM.
Citnsiox , Iu. , Feb. SO. ( Special Tolecram
to TUB BKI. . | Edwurd Mulligan , connected
with the St. Louu Hspublic , arrives tonight
with evidence almost Indisputable that ho Is
n sou of Thomas G. Mullnran.thoiich recluse
who recently died hero. Ho brings with
him Attorney B. D. Ktiboen of St. Louis'
The evidence is in tbo form of deeds and
II ILL IHtil'Jl.tltdi : Til ! } .M/i.SStf.Vfi/'ft.S.
lljillt'il Mitu : KxpiDst Company I'
to l'llit | tliu llrotliorlnioil ,
CivciNXvn , O. , Fob 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIT.Orders ) came Irom the
east to the United States Express company's
office hero to open the fight on the brother
hood by dUchargine several messengers to
morrow mornlnir. Among tho&o who will bo
ruliovod are Hicnurd Temple and J. E. Cain ,
on the Monon ruu to Chic.igo.
AVII1 Adopt > < K.itON.
TOITKKan. . , Fob. 20. George IJ. Peck ,
geiictal attorney of the banta Ft , who wont
to Now Yoric for the purpose of conferring
with President Man vol in ropnrd to the late
.schedule promnlgnted by the ICansns State
Board of Uailroad ( yomrnissionors conccrnini ;
sugar and flfib class freight , wired to the com
mission ibis morning that the Sauta Fo
would comply \\lthtboorderand put tbo
now achedulo into effect March 1.
j\7irs \ or'jiriiti > ir.
IlllllU'Ktll * .
An U3ieunient has been roacbn I by whlcli
I'lanuu and the United hluto- > nil ! enter Intoa
cumineicl il trealy.
A II' ( ) ut Mil svllle , tbu county aeat of Car-
loll lounty. Yir.iini.1 , Is s.ilil to huvu do-
half the ton n. Mnrrlll IIIH announced
himself a uindldato for the ropiibllciin noinl-
nalloafor govoinor of
S. W. Vandirvurt of tho'l'wuuty-slMb Jncll
i-l'il ' dlslrlutuf ICunstis has uonvuned con it ut
ArkH on for the imrpoau.o/.Hying / Iho Dunn
minder ease.
Tli i en children , Urpba uud | oo Hti.idor und
Hey Slinnso'i , lost their llvi-sln alUu which
destroyed the residence of John Simpson of
f'oultleViinli. \ . l1'1
h uu .McUljr uo , a desilftiMlu character nf
Wllllaiiisburtr. ICy. . shot Si ml kllloil Dopntv
hherlll .SadiUerat thai pl.wiUoduy. The inurS
derer csuuped.
Tlirca dlsliiiet nhucKs of vdurlliiiiiil | < o were
felt utThe Dulles , Ore. TJio vibrations were
north and xuuth und lustuil.four seconds. No
hcrlons d.iiniiiiu U roportctl.
An o-uilosloii of a Ktatluirul-r boiler occurred
ai Iho haMinnuli , l''lorldii'i-AVentoni railroad
round lionso t feaviinnab ; Uo. , Mlllns four
men i uu wonndliiK inuny otlieix.
The aoo Etill m liters nttlio World's fair
groundb , who strnoK lust yeq | ( for an Increase
of A runts hour tliulr/iyiies , roinniuil t
y\ir \ n / , ] ? o
work , un iiKieumenl liiivln-.Jieen rcui'hol on
thu basis of un advance of 14 eentb pur Hour. .
U IB probable thai In the ydiulna fining Iho
iiuiunllnu of ninety ilays In'jiosecl upon cutllu
Koine Into Ontario fiom Muntnnn terrllory
will he upiilled liiontlln entiirln Drltlsli ( 'ol-
iiniblu fiom Washington and Oregon loirltor-
The Northern I'.iullli railroad ofllue at
Cr'iokmon , Minn. , bns beuu roll bed of u f" > 0
lixiiicss piK'Uiue. Mmplelon falls on S. H
DcMiton , nlirlit operator in thu lelu/raph olllce
who ban dls'iiifu | ri'U , und Is thought to have
been tno thlnf ,
A sale nl anullon of nil tbo pubru land out
side < it lie pernanunt goxernintint reborvu-
lion at Hot r < pilir.'s , Arl : . , liuslieon onleroJ by
thuKoverninunt to taku plaeu April 10. und ft
Is utiraoniu mneli attention In various purls
of the country.
The I'i' ( "as company's suld nf Us
valuable CninuliUij In t'liliM''ii to tlio Uhluauo
Uas trust lius ( icon Htt.ielied by roKolntlon
adopted Iu the city coiiuell w tliout u dUi-ent-
lnvolb , fulfil.tins tbn frauchlsu on the
groundNut fraud.
Warren Hpilnitur. u wealth citizen of
Cblfuuo. IIUH buun liidleli'd by thu gr ind jury
on H uhnrsu of maiislaii.liter , on thu ground
of erlmlnal eaMliih3iii' s whlob led to an ox-
iiloilon In ubuitniyof lioliers In one of hu
Uj which llvo pi < opla loit tuelr
; Do you ktiowilint n llttlo Cougli
In n clrmuoroim thing ?
| Will Stop ( v Cough at any tlmo
and Cure tbo worst Cold in
; twelve hours. A 85 Cent bottle
I may savoy on $100 in Doctor's
! blllc-iaay BK.VO your life. ASIC
GOOI > .
Dr. Acker's English Pilla
Bmnlt , vton nnt u frtvorltollh the IndlrR.
' W. II. IIOOKEH .t CO , 4 IV , it Urooilway , K. Y.
For silo by Ktihn & Co. , nnilShoriiinn
MoConnoll , Omahiu
> lilcli etllo ( 111 nml Intlani" ! the nlr tuboj levlln
( i Ilin I tines It Is til.1 bculiinliu of
Bronchial Consumption
Anil If nojlrcteil lentil tothntONcasc vcryn > coi1ll >
\ Mlnirp , iiiulnlllo round necompiiloi It Tiiku II lu
Inicnnil > ou cun certainly euro It with
Which U Without an Kqnnl for
nml for nil diseases loidhiK up to and Including
Consumption ,
Hr. SchcnckN Now Honk on Diseases o
he Lungs , Liter ami Stomach , blioiild bo
n oery homo , Sent free.
Dr. ,1.11. Schcuck & Soi l'lillululiihia , 1'n
k n
In paper boxes ; enough for < wo large pies.
Always read ) ; easily prepared.
and only Complete and Satisfactory
Condensed Mince Meat in the Market. j
; Cheap Substitutes and Crude Imitations
J nro offered with tlio nim to profit by the
J popularity of tlio New England.
J Do not be deceived but nlwaj 3 Insist on
tbe New England Brand. The best madu.
reading this that
rou THE
IB the only reliable euro for the tlrccl fccllns pecu
liar to women Biifferlnu with weak .icurts , pain In
Bide , ehouhliT unil arm , weak at > ' hungry
Irrrcnlar pulse , fainting , sinoth my. Tliousando
testify to their permanent euro ULEQANT liooi :
FliEfi ATllntlGGISTS.
DR MILES MEDICAL CO , Elkhart , Ind.
Korsaluby ICnhn .t Oo. , 13th und
One Minute Remedy
I'or ull ulfectlonsof the
Throat , Lungs and Bronchi il Tuto
Tor fcalo by nrugnlsta.
A now an.l Complnto Truntmcnt , conelntlru Pi
Fupposltorles , Ointment In Capsules , ulna In llox
and I'llUi a I'onltlvu Cure for Hxlernal , Interim !
llllnil or Hleeilliu Itchlii'i , Chronic , llecent or
llorcilllnry I'llcs. 'llils Itemcdy ha * nuvur boon
known to full. H per box , il ford ; uont by mill.
\Vliy KUlfor from ihis turilblo discus ) wlion a writ
ten ( jiinranti'O Is panltlvoly k'lvon wltli IS box 09 , or
rotunilthu mom'If not curj.l Semi itniip lur
frea Haiuplo ( iimranteo IHIIIU.I lijr Kuh. , A Co. ,
Dnifflsta , bolu Auonu , corner lUli nnd I'ouitlii :
oreuta. Onmlm. Nub.
MKNT , n upoclliofor HyWrl > , Illizliiun , 1'lti , Null
ralKla , llonil.icho , Norvoui 1'roitratlon causail by nl
rohul or lubitcco , WnkufiilnaK , Mental Doproolon ,
Boftonlnu nf the Drain , aiutlnjt Inisnlty , mUery ,
di'CHy , death , I'mnuturo Olil Axe , llarrjimou. l.'Jii '
of 1'owDr In ulthur oi , Iniputency , I.ojcorrlioja ai I
all FvmMo Wualcncaioi , Inroluutiry l/imoi , Spjr-
iiiatorrhuonoaumU by ori'r-CKortlun of tlio briln
Belf. Liii ) , orcr-ln lultrunoi. A tnun'.h'i troatnnrit
II , I ! for l" > , by mall Wo ( timrxnleo > lx bnxai U
curu K.ioii orJar fori ! boini , with II will sonJ wrlt-
Itn Kiinrintoo to rpfnml If not ctiroJ. GunrnnUiai
ludiudnnly by A Scanner , liriunht. role n.'onti , d
II. cor Kali and K.inmio.iti , Ooialia. NuU.
Bnfrcrlnzln inlnd.tioitr nnd puree frnm DHIINK-
KNNEh-Hur DU'bOMANlAcun bo mroly. mifely
nnd apeeillly curcil by tlio wonderful uvir epocll ! "
No matter whether tlio person t n moderato or
"m-rloJlcal" drinker or u ' total wreck , " CIU-O-
ItlUOUI.H rtolroyxill m > i > clllo < ircruvluK
fur alcoholic IliuiilituU without liarm or lit-
conunlonco. and asiurca ttio patient now Ufa and
liapplnvat. littliiK tu > lele It con bo iilven by a
frtenrt In tea , ciitfuo. lemonade , beer , liquors , or
toodwltliout tbo i > allunt'f knowledire , orli can betaken
taken br the patient In the aiuo llquld , wllb a
cuurnnU'O of nbuniute Bucreas and n ruillciil cure
111 cltlior caw. Iluniln lof ciiren Imvo bt'onnmiio
with In Illlnnli alono. l'rl
wltliln reacli of ull , only B , CIII.II(1UOUI.1
can l > e h id of our mirnU or cnt pnilpuld by
u > . I'nmp'iloln ' furnlilifd freo. All rorrunnondenco
conlldontlal. AI A It KIIICM KM HIA 1. Ctt. . Hole
rroprictoieforttio U , H. , 8M Dearborn bl. , C
KlihD & CM. , ri , r 15th & DouRlai KU.
J .A. Fnllrr & Cn , Cor. 14lh ft Douelaibtt.
A. I ) . Focter fc Co , Council llludc. U-
Ktfiiincr .
At Havre UascoL'tio , fiom Nuw York.
At Now York Persian Monarch , from
At Loudpo Sighted , Nevada from Now
York ; Philadelphia and Boston , from -Now
York ; MIclilKan , from Boston ; Ohio , from
Baltimore ; Manitoba , from Philadelphia.
G. A. SoiioaiUaak , Proprietor , Offluas 021 Bronriway , Ooa'-\3l
Bluffs nnd 1321 Pnrtiatn St. , O.Tij\hn. Dye , clotxn nnd roflnlsli goods
of overydo3crlption. Packages paoolvod nt cUhor offloo of nt tha
Works , CotA.VO. . A nnd 28th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlco list.
Morchntita who liavo shop worn or soiled fabrics of any character can hava
hem rc'dyod and llnlahdil equal to now.
id most approved nKiohiiio'yntost ; tit losi oojt th.ui yea ever pxl I
[ foil SAI.R At a haiRuIn , 13-arro fruit nml
L L'aiden fai m adjoining city limits : iool
dwelling. K. II. aiioifo.
\ Vii \ \ trade house und lot for team ; will
i l\o loir tlmeuii balance. Call at 013 S.
Gtb htrcot.
[ 71AU\i.S. g irJon Ian Is. boilsos , lols an 1
L business blocks for a ilo or rout D.xy A
Hess , i9 1'oarl struut , Uouiull lllulTj.
N1OU Itr.NT Over 10) ) dnclTlnis of ovpry ilo-
A. scrlptlon at piloos varvlni ? from $1 to J100
uir month , locate I In all purls of the city. C.
II. Shuafe. MJ llroadvuty.
[ 7Um KXCIIANan-Clonn stock of Kcnornl
JL' n ureliiiiidlsc. Invoice about JI.W ) . ' . for real
state and snnmcasli. VA K. Mayne.OlU llroad-
\ny , Council llliill's.
1 li.1 acics of land u short distance b. i ; . of
Council ItliilFs and the II. anil I ) Institute at
So per ucic. A snap. Also Rood 103-acro farm
icar .Missouri Valley at J'.r ' > per acre. POSBUM-
slon K ! > UII at once Ifsol'l. i'lno farms and
cardans of ull slzoj. Johnston > V Van I'atton ,
Council Illulls.
\VANTni ) A compolent clrl to dn Kcnornl
IT hoii5e\orl ; . Imiulro at d'JO 1st avcnvic.
UrANTUI-A competent lady booUkuepcr ,
one of J. II. .Smith's Omalri UooUKeepeis
irefenud.Vacps , $ IU per week. Address Ira
lolmbon , Ileo oHli'o. Council HlulTs.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y. as represented
on this man.
Tim _
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
JStuios Indian torvi'lc. 1'lno liUUo
Ai-ency , South Uuliotu. I'obrnury lllh. Ib'tt
Denied proposals , pndnrsoil "I'roposiila for
1'lotd Seeds"111(1 ndnreused to the nnd-r-
.Ijrnca ut I'lno KIdjio Aeunoy , South Dakota ,
ill bu rucu vod ut this : tancy iinlll 1 o'clock
p. in. of March 7th , ISO ? , for filinlshlni ; und
ilcllvi'rintf at Itnshvlllc. Nobr.isku : : jH.i ( 0
pounds seed oat' , 4" > ,000 pounds seed whout ,
IG..7X1 ponnils seed corn. 4" > , UOO pounds sue < l
polntocs , I.OUO ponndb seed Ciurinun inlllot.
.iw pounds timothy .seed , i.03 pounds hluuKrasa
sued. Snid bo Us to ho srown In the soctlon of
country coniisiiiou to the pinco nf dollvorv.
lilddeiH will lie rcqtuicd to stute Mioclllo.illy
In their bids thu proposed prlco of ouch urtlcla
littered for doll very under u contract. The
ilithtUresorveil to reject any or ull bids , or
iinv p.irtof uny hid. It deemed for iho bout In
terest of Ihoservlco. CJortlflod ChocKs. Kucli
b d ninat bo ud by a curtlHcd check
ordnift upon aonin Unltoil Stilton Deoo-iltory
nr Solvent Nutlonul Uinl Iu thu vicinity of
thu lea.dcnuo of tlio bidder , inadn piyublo to
thuoricr of the CoininlbS oner of In Af
fairs , for : it live per cent of the unionnt
of the proposal , which check ordraft will lie
forfeited to the United States In casu uny bid
der or bidders receiving nn award shall full
10 promptly oxi-cuto u contr tot with jjond and
ftillk'k'iit. burltlos , otherwise to lie returned to
thu bidder. Bids by c ish In lion
of a cerlltled check will not bo considered Kor
fnrthor Inforniatlim uiip'y to OAl'PAIN
OCOUOi : It. HOY IWOW.V , U. S A. , Aetlns
11 S. Indian Agent. IMl-IJ-l-m.
Sealed piopos ils ulll 1 o recehed by the nn-
di'rstenca until 1 : : w o'clock ] i. in , , .March lllh ,
I 'J. ' , for KradliiR Itancioft struul. fiom llh
street to "Ulh Mrcet , und Lake strcut. from
I nil -jtiec't lo Jruhhtrcot , In the city of Oninlin ,
In .iccoidnnco with plunsand specillcalloiison
Illn In tlieolllco of the lioaid of pub Ic works.
Ilids to bo inadtton printed bliviiks fuinlNhoil
br thu lioai J , nnd to bo accompanied by a cer
tified heck Iu the sum of f.VHJ , payable to the
oitv of Oiniiha , as an ovldrnco of t'ood fslth.
The board roiet VCB tne rljrht to award the
contr.iet for the slroola together or for ouch
ono soperaloly , lo reject uny or all bids nnd to
p > IluK1IAUS | > nlt
Ohulrinun Hoard ot 1'nbllo Works.
Omaha , February ' 'Jrd ISir. . l l-.MMl-a
Ori'Kon Short I.Inci & Utah Northern Kiill
uy Coiiipiiny Stncldioldiirit' AIft > llnf | ,
Notice Is hereby ulven that tbo unniial
nicotine of the stockholder ! ) of the Oroxon
bhoit MHO & Utah Northern Hallway com
pany , for tbn election of directors and such
other hns'iiess ' as may loyally come before the
mootlni : , will bu held at room No. 41 , Iloopor
llnlldliiL' , Salt Iiiiko City , Utah Territory ,
upon Wedncbday , the IGtb duy of March. 1HJ- ,
at 10 o'clock a. iu
Stock transfer booKs will close upon tlio
-9th day of i'obrnury , und loopcn upon tbo
17th duy of Murcli. AI.EXANIIKH MIM.AII ,
IIOSTON. Muss. , Kob. 3 , 16'Ji riOd ' . 'JIM
rropiiHiils for ISoiiiU ,
Sonled bids will hu received ut the olllco nf
the Uity Treasurer , Oniuhii , Nub. , up to 1'J
o'clock March 10th , l ff' , fur thu purchase of
I175.0UO.UOS ) year ITi per rent Olty Hall Honda.
The prlnclpil and Inteioat , are payable ut
Koiintzo llron. , Now York. Interest payable
Homt-annniilly , Cuch bid must H tate tbo
prlco and the unionnt of bonds nought fur nnd
mnstlnclndo Intoiost up to ditto of dullvorv.
Issued under authority of Charter of niet-
rmioliun oiles | anil ( JrdlnincoJIO uuprovoJ
.liinniiry Wltli , 18UB. The right Is rcboived lo
reject uny or all bids.
UENuy . .
FlUdSHM Olty Treasurer.
for rrlntliifr.
Pealed bids will bo received at this odlco up
to 1 o'clock p. m. , Murcli Hlb , IbUV , for Ilin
printing unil blnilliiK of iho annual leports of
Ihe city olllcer * Speulfluatlou'i nu tile In thin
ofllco , und blank bids will be furnished on ap
The rlitht U reserved by Iho elty council to
reject uny or nil bids as In their judgement
will best serve Ihe Interests of the city ,
RUi.r.M . TIU'.O , OI-bKN , Coiuinrollor.
Notlco U boroi/ given thnt tbo rounlur
uniuiul muetlni ; of the stockholders of thu
bout lil'lu tie Land com puny will beheld ut tbo
ofllcfl of said company , la Lincoln , Neb.on tbo
llrst Wednesday In llarch.lbW.bolni : the second
duy ot thu month.
Ily order of the Hoard ot Directors.
H. O. I'llil.urs , HooreUry.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Kob. : * . 16'Ji. ' -
LeDuc's Periodical Pills.
Tbo Trench remedy aois directly upon the
( oaoratlvaorifan ? mid euro jtnipprosilnn of Iho
meuBes. l.'or three for I ) , and eaii hi ) mailed.
Bhould iiotbousoddurlnifproinanoy. Jobhers ,
drnggUUancl thu yubllo mupllod by
Urui : Co. , Omabu
Host facilities , apparatus and Uomedlos
for successful t reatmont of nvory form
of disease reiilrln ( | t medical or
snr0leal troatment.
50 beds for patients bo ltd und attendance.
Itest acLOiuodations In the west.
Wrlto for circulars on deformities and
braces trusses , club foot , eurvatiires of sulnu ,
lilies , tumor' * , cancer , catarrh , tiionchltis , lu-
luilailou , electricity , paralysis , epilepsy , Sid
ney , h'adder. eve , oar , skin and blood nnd all
ul opurallons.
Women I KKio : havel itelv added a lylnx-
n depavtniont for noiiien dui hit : conllneiiient ,
strictly private. ) Only llBllablo Medical In
stitute multtng a Specialty of
All Itlood Diseases successfully treated.
Mynhliltle Pnlson removed fiom tlio system
Utliont mercury. Now itustorullvo Treat-
nent for Loss of VITAL I'OWKU. 1'orsonsnn-
iblo to visit us mav ho treated at home by
oirosuon ence. All communications conll-
lenllul. MeJIclncs or Instruments sent by
nail oro\iress ] , securely jiacked , no murks to
nrtlcato eontentsor sender. Onu pcrsonul In
terview preferred. Call nnd consult u orsoiid
ilsioiy of your case , ando IH send In plain
nrupnur , our
IU MEN I'llEE : Upon 1'rlvate ,
, spccjlul or Nervous Dis
eases , Impotcncy. Sphllls. . Gleet and Varlco-
cclc , with qiiosllon list-
Appliances for Deronnilics and Trusses.
Only manufactory Intbo Wcstof inFOIl3l-
ITAl l'i.IlAUt.ti , TJtUnSJ.b , KLKVlltlO
ll.l TfKlttlCS . ! . % / > JI a.1 'IU.
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Cornell Bluffs.
1'en minutes' ildo from center ot c muhn. on
Omaha and Council Illuffa electric motor line.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , well-appointed , thor
oughly well-kept , $3 u day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
All klmlsnf Drolnit and Oleunln : done In the
lildicHtbtyloiittlio nrl. Kadoil and ulilnnd
fabrics made to look us Rood as MOW. Hod
foalhoiH cleaned by sloam In lirst-cla < n man
ner Work piompllydono and delivered Inull
parts of vho country. Scud for price llbt ,
0. A. MA01IAN , - - I'llOl'HIIiTOIl.
1011 Hioadwuy. Near Nortliwouora Oopob
Of Council 1I1U35.
( surplus und I'rolits , . . , .
Not Capital Bill Surplus . $ O,00tf
Dlrcctori-J. I ) , r.dinundion. H. li BbiiKart , KO , ,
( ilcn.on , B. 15. Hart. I , A. Miller , J , V Illaciimin
unit Cbnrlee It. Ilnnnan. bank-
IIIK btibinois. Karxoil onpltal and surpliliot
uny bHtik In Southwestern Iowa.
l/t N. Main , Council Bluffs ,
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fund-ill Director null Undertaker.
811 Broadway , Council Uluffs.
Talopuouu JJJ.