6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. 1'EB1UTAUY 0. 1892. DELAWARE 4 HUDSON WT IT' ' f n > vw a .Plat Week in Stocks Thuio I.AS an Esf.ltin * Olosa. QUOTATIONS ADVANCED RAPIDLY 1 ItrpnrU Tlmt .Ilin Control of tlio Company llnil 1'HMrd til Ilin I'lMirinylvnnln Ilin rtitrrjr ( lolil nml Silver llnlnncr * . NB\V YOHK , Tob. ta. ( Special Telegram to TUB UKK. ] After ii Mat week on Vho Block oichnngo , with operations confined in Ibo mnln to tbo abusingof eoliths bj the room traders , a IIUlo axcttomont was stirred np by thosundon mlvnnco of Dalawaro & Hudson. U requires llttlo buying or soUitm of this stock to move quo tall on. A sovornl points up or down , because there Is so llttlo itock nlloat , but on thU ocoulon the buying > f the stock was alvnucjJ by the report thai the control of the coniu.iay hud paned to the Pennsylvania It-iUroad uo'npany , thus maklnr a now combination against tbo loading combination. It was fur ther stated that tbo Delaware & LacUawamm directors wore to moot the Ponn- lylvnnln directors tomorrow. Uniclol denials that anything bus boon done of U contemplated tire plentiful , and oraphntlc , but the vnluo ot onicial denials i * well under- Hood In Wn'l ' stroot. The tnpa indicates that there Is something on foot ar.il that Is the surest test. Wlnit the .Mup Hliowx. A glance at Ibo map shows that , the 1'onn- tylvunla nnd the Delaware & Hudson systems , uro naturally conjolmid. The former runs un to Wlllccsbnrre , ajd the latter down. Tbo Uulawnro & Ilmlsoii sviem Is to the Pennsylvania lllto the bund with out- strotcbo.l Utipers at the end of the arm. There may be nothing hi this story. Another stock In grout dotnaid Is Denver preferred , roost largely hold abroad , but on account of the sudden development of the now mining camps , making extremely valua ble certain portions of tbo road heretofore of llttlo account , it la now actively called for In the market. The comini ; vcck wo ore promised tbo Issue of the Richmond Terminal reorganiza tion scheme. It will probably bo published March 1. There Is tt , urowltiK feeling that It will bo a success because , llrst , It Is most liberally - orally underwritten , and second , It is fair lo all Interests and there is no other to take If this Is rejected. Its acceptance cannot mnko the holders of the present securities worse off and the chances are In favor of making them n crcat deal bolter. Disinterested persons , well rjuullllcd to ] ud o on such matters , ex press tticrmolvos most favorably impressed by the plan. They say tt is both skillful and equitable , and on this account tUuy auticl- pata that it will bo successful. Worrying Over Oolcl mill Sillier. The street Is worrying Itself not a llttlo over , rold and silver. Over Iho former be- caubo It is belnc exported us customary at this time of year ; over the latter because it has fallen so law in price , and unless some- tiling can bo douo to support it , Vhroutcns to fall lower. Besides this , there isufuarlhal It will drive out gold audturn our standard of value. The question Is , what Is to be done to help sustain tbo price of silver ? It Is a possible thine that as Iho value of gold Is made , not by intrinsic qualities in the metal and there fore unlike wheat , which is valuable everywhere for food but by the common consent to consider it valuable , nnd where that consent does not exist among savages tt has less value than iron or copper , it is a possible thing that silver may also bo made morti valuable by consent , or convention , among tbo great commercial natlons'of tbo world. If all the great nations united in de claring thut so many ounces of silver should bo considered tnu equivalent of so many ounces of gold and should bo recolvod at the mints of each for coining Into money at the snmu ratio , Ibo price of tbo same as motnl could bo maintained at the ratio so established. But to bo thoroughly effective tbo consent must bo 'as wide us tbo use of illvcr is wldo. The international monetary convantion , which It < s prposod to bring about 1C possible , is a stop in a direction where a solution of the proolum may DC found If found at all , but the oxtromitiet nro itlll clamoring for Ihe free coinagu of silver , and thereby worrying Wall street and gen erally the business community of the- eastern part of tbo country. I'lllng ui > Silver. Meantime go on piling up a mountain Of silver In tbo United State treasury a.buU BO hugh that its growth alarms tbo com meruial world , and wo export our gold as usual. Tbo "balance" of trade arguments , nro nowhere. There is no "balance of trade,1' Bscortalnablo by any statistic * wo command. The ) * are the returns of merchandise exports nnd Imports , but nothing more. But see wbat reimportation of a few of our securtlcs will do in tbo way of of sottlug merchan dise exports , taking todays quotations for both securtios , and merchandise : Droxoi Morgan and Co. experts - ports say 2OJO , shares of Now York Central that offsets the exports of 250,001) ) bushels of wheat. Tbo house of I. S. Wouii- sers Import B.UOO Erie ; that offsets the export of about 6,000 bales of cotton. Hollgarton & Co. Import5,000 Heading ; that offsets the expert - port of about 325,000 bushels of corn , Such mounts of securities are Iho tnoro.it trillo in tbo 'transactions of tbo market. We have nothljig to sbpw when they po. The rate of exchange is the only true exhibition of the , 'bnlanco of trade. " At this tlmo It tells us that Europe has sold us enough of onr secur ities to offset the excess of merchandise ox. ports over imports , aad tbo balance will probably bo settled by the export this spring of from $15.000,000 to 520,000,000 ii gold. Ilnvuim Murlcut Itovlcw. HAVANA , Fob. " 3. Owing to unfavorable news from abroad the sugar market was qulot during the week and only a small business was transacted , The quotallons nro Hk follows : Molasses sugar , regular to good polarization , i.iU.f@il : ! : % gold per quintal ; Muscovada fair to good refining , 83 to W ) degrees polarization , $3.ilJ.4 : B : t centrifugal. 1)3 ) to ' .MI degrees t > olarizaton ! , V f.84.j ( < iM : > ! > % . Stocks in wari'bou-o at Ha vana and Matanzus , _ ! iS,0)0 ( ) bags anil 1,5'JO bogsheads. Hecelpts from February 11 to February 2102,000 bags and StW Hogsheads. Exports for tlio sumo period , ilft.itoo bags nut1 inn hogsheads , of which lilO.Mia and all the hogsheads wonttn the United States. BACON f'J.M ) gold per cwt. BUTTEII Superior American , 10.00 gold per quintal , FI.OUK American , * 7.25 gold per bbl. JKIIKED BBKIT 18.00 gold per quintal. HAMS American sugar oiired , tlii.50 cold per quintal for northern ; $17.00 for southern. LAUD In kegs , 13.75 gold per quintal ; in tins , $11.00. LmiiiKit Nominal , SIIOUKS Quiet , BRANS While navy , $ .1.00 gold per quintal. CIIBWIKO TOBACCO $10.50 gold per quintal. Hoers Qulot. FiiEiaiiTS Qulot. EXCIUNQK Qulot. SPANISH Oouva.4 On the TurU Itoiirar , PAUIS , Feb. 23. On tbo bourse during the week past business was at a standstill pond- lug the formation of the cabinet. Prices , bnwover , became firm toward the end of the wook. Throe per cent rentes advanced 17 centimes for the wcok. Credit Foucior lUf and Uio llutos 7- > J1bo proposal of the parliamentary committee having In ctiargo the bill renewing tbo privileges of tbo Bank of Franco to com pel tbo bank to allow Interest on depos its caused b drop in the bank shares. Com mercial Journals draw attention to tbo fact that u tteamer sailing from Havru last week for tbo West ludlas did not. carry a sinu-la ton of cargo for Havana. TnU ovid nco of u decline iu French export trade , It la pointed out , is In consequence of tbo differential duties on French Imports. On the llerllu llourne. nr.iti.ix , Fob. 23. Excessive dullness pre vailed on the DOUHO during1 the week past. ThU state of affairs , bowoverva * regarded as but slightly duo to the riots. Mining , in dustrial und bank securities were weaker but homo funds went firm. Tbo final quota tions of yesterday include : Vrussjau 4s , 100.85 ; Mexican Gs , 81.10 ; Deutsche bank , J01.EO ; Uochumere , 108 ; lUucrnen , 135 ; short exchange on London , 20..10 ; long ex change on London , 20. ' . > ! i < { ; private discount , 1) ) ) per cent. On I lip I'riniltriirl lloiirsr. I KASKroiiT , Feb. iS. ! The past week was n qiilot ono on the bourao hero. I'rlcc.s wcrd steady. Today'sunoHlclal quotations Include : Hungarian gold rentes , flJ.r > 'J ; 1'ortuyueso bonds , 40.80 ; Russian fours , ai.fi ! ) ; Spanish fours , 01.70 ; short oxchaugcon Lor.uonJ.in ! ; private discount , 3 per cent. After today there will bo no Sunday botirso till October III next , TIN ; .si'icui\Tivi : : MAUICKTS. Them Was n \ > rjDrclilcil llrcnk In Whcnt Yp trrilny. CIIICAHO , III. , fob. S ? . The \vhi-it market h.id n very dculdcd break today. Trade opened extremely dull , and for d tlmo prices hold qulto stonily , close to the closln : IIurea of yesterday , lint the low gradcx all grow wciik nnd hcn n few Itonn of bearUli IIOWB were collected the bulls veto stamped and price's dropped , Cables nore somewhat con- Itlctlng , some prlvnto alvlccs iiiotlnzdiillncs | and lower prices , ulillu others said the market wns holdltiK Its own , The regular Hoard of Trade cable was steaily and firm. Tlio general - oral business , however , was very dull and the trade Hccmrd hesitating and cautions with timidity the most notable character istic. l.onK9 seem to feel uncertain of their Kround , while thubears seemed full of oour- aijo and confidence. With Iho trade In this condition It did not ieiulro | much In tlio way of bear news md mncli HKXresstvcncss on tbo part of sellers to put the long * In a panic. The fact that Liverpool was no lower nflor our market of yesterday ciivo the ( rlcnds of wheat some couruze at tbo .start , the opening being 0-Jc tot , ' 4c against UlIJc at tliuclosoyes terday. It belli within these ( iKiiros for an hour or more. Then this failure of the expected cold wtivb to develop any dangerous low tem perature In the winter wheat country began lo have ti bearish iilTeut. Next It buitan to bo talked around that the visible supply would .show un Increase of W.-.uuo u > 60M.OJ hit : HradMreel's reported the exports from both coists for tlio week at : i.37iMWJ bu. ngulusl 4.0ID.OJU bit. last week. Then followed u rumor that Kusal.t was to nhroKuto the u.xport prohibition ultaso and another tlml the ItusHlan crop of last year had been found to bo largely In e.vuess of other estimates. Improbable as tlio lUisslun mnioi-s wore , they had an Instant oiTucton-i iimrUut that xvns already woalrand then1 was u rnsli on the part of lonE : to cct rid of their bold- IIIKX and short sellers wore equally anxious to sot out tholr linos. The continued heavy re ceipts In the northwest were uiso u drag on thu market. Weakness was tbo feature of the market till the close , which was at ! M.lc. the lowest II uro of the day und L'o I olow the top tirlee. Corn was quiet but weak , owlnu parllv to tlio dullness of trade and partly to the break lnwho.it. The shipping demand wns slacker than usual and there was very llttlo specula tive buying , Holders showed some discour agement and u uood many solil freely. Tlio market opened Jiu higher ut4-.Uf In syuiiiiithy with the early tlrmnoss In wheat , and Im proved 'Jo more , but It sold olT to 41.So and closed atJ.'c. Oatd were more nctlvu , but lower and weak. The liquidation of sever.il lurie Hues which commenced yesterday was continued today. Holmholz w.s a liberal seller , olJerlnj : 101iW ( ( bu. blocks. Tuc clo c xliows u loss of > ic. 1'ork had a. ! > harp brenU and showed u loss of 25u ut the close. Tlio weakness In live IIOKS nnd the break In wheat were partly rc pnnsl- bo ! for this but. a sudden raid br u prominent speculator In the latter part nf tlio session al.eilln the depression. There were ono or two little rallies but they were feublo. Lard nnd rib * WTO less alYected und slidw only Immatnrlnl declines. Kstlmated receipts for Monday : Wheat , .1) ) cars : corn , VVjcars ; oats. 18J cars ; bogs , The loadlnx futures ran-zod as follows : Cush qm t itlons were us follows : FliiiDH Stoudy. nncli.'iinert ; patents , t4.30ffl 4.55 ; spring putents , * l.ial.5r : > ; bnkers , . . WHEAT No. 2 surlny wheat. SScj No. 3 BprlnK wheat , Wc ! : No. 2 red , b2c. OATS-No. 2. 2Syc ; No. 2 wlilte. 305c ! ; So. 3 w'.ilte. 20ic. ! RVE No. 2 , 84140. llAHl.EV-No.2. 5059oi No. 3 , 383i52j Na 4 , 3J TIMOTHY SKEO Prime , 81.20. Poitic Mcis pork , per bbl. , Jll.Oo ; lard , per' cwt. . JO.10 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , f..72V\7.i ; dry sailed shoulders ( boxed ) , ! l.7ft&5.5i ! short oleur sides ( boxed ) . * S.2.\ WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. HuoAits Cut loaf , S54c ; Krunuluted , 4)4o ) ; stnndurd A , 4Jc. ! Itecolpts und shipments tod-iy were as fol lows : On the I'ro luce u.xchunzo to.luy the market wiia stoiily ; funcy croumory , 27i81/Jii line western. 25S.7o : soloeted dalrys , 2ja2ie ; ordlnnry , tsii''lc. KK S. 10Ultiic. ! 'ii I'Trm ' ; fiilT crc7im"eheldars and als. llCJl-c ; Voiin ? Americas , HIDES Unchtingcd. TALLOW Unohungcd. Now York .Markutt. NEW YORK , 1'ob. 27. KLomt Itccclpts , 23,043 pkgsi exports. 8.810 bbls. , : tO.B3J siiciis : market dull and heavy : sales. 10.450 bills. COIIN MK. L Dull und steady ; yellow west ern. Si75.i.1Ci. WIIBAT Ituculpts. izt.K 0 bu. : exports , 110- 603 tin. ; BalfH , 0.1.1,000 lit ) , of futures ; I'.M.U'jO bn. of spot. Spot market Irreistilar , wuuk and qnlot ; No. vi ro I , ll.Hl.'iuil.O.iii In store nnd oltvutori Jl.'ltl.Wfii allo.it : * I.U71.0UU f. o.b. j Nn. 3 rod , tl.O'.l j ungraded red , H ijcto Jl.ua-i : No. 1 northern. * l.i..ri'i 1.Mi ( ; No. l liArd , ll.lj7-li < ll.iJ7 ? ; ; No. „ > nurthrrn , SI.Ol-\ . Uptions advitncud 'ac to 3 o on llrmcr cables and runortoii cold wuvn west , declined 140 to fie on lon.-B. tinloudliiR on weaker Uhloiigo ad vices , closed weak at > c under yesterday. Na 2 rtil. Kclirnnry. tl.UI ? ; Mnreli. tlMV.fs 1.041.1. oiosmg ut Il.Olli : April. ! lurdl. ( ; ( < ii'i ' , eloalna ut ll.OI'i ; .Mny. tl.ii2C-lcii.ui'v ; closing tit Il.u2.'i ; .Tune , $ l.JI6I.Olj. ( ! ) clo's- ut tl.ulH ; .Inlv , OOlic. clojln ; ut Wu. live t'lrin , iiulut ; voHiorn. UTiUUiio. llAlil.r.v Dim ; Milwutikeo. l.s < 0 > 7 > ) a llAtti.BV MAi.T-CJiilol ; ( Jtumdu country made , H.IC. Cons UucolptN. lli.375 bu. ; exports , 70,088 bn. ; sales , 7l.1,0.iii bu. futures ; I.V..vlKl Uu. HIIOI. Snot Hrmur , modtiruttily uoilvo ; No. 2,40)40 ) in oiuvatori n.i' f nlloat ; ungraded mixed , 4hijj ( ( Me : No. 3 , 4(4 ! 4Uic ! ; steamer mixed , 4R-'iU ' > 40 c. Opt kins iincliangud to Uo up , dun , o.D.slii stonily ; 1'obruury. 4flIu } ; Maroli , 4Uitfn ) 4c. ! ) oloslni : ut 4U > 4i : ; ApHi , 40 iu-iiiiuc. | closing ut 40 0 ! May , 4l ! ? irt4 > l'c. closln ; ut 40ic ! July. 4s ? , , clo > lne at 4Hc. O TH-ltocuipts. 4tV-Vii ) hu. ; exports , 2.023 bu.j Halt's. 80.000 bn. futures : ; Yi.o.o Im. nput ; snut dull and wuukor : options , dull mid easier ; I'ubrunry. lH'iot Murvh. JW'Sc ! May. 37e : No , 2whllu. Miiruh , 3S ici May. No , 2 whlto , asiju ; mixed wastorn , : itw3iKc ; whlto wustein , 37jfi ( W4o ! IIAV Qulot and llrm ; shipping , 3.M ; good to flinlcf , JH',00 , SUOAII Itaw. iiuletunil htu.-idy ; fulrrolliilug , 3u ; uintrlfii.'ulH , IW tuit , 3 l3-'r.s rullncd , dull und steady , MOI.SKS I'ori'lzn. dull ; 61 test , I2io Now Orleuns , duil und steady ; common in funcy , . HICK I'ulr'.v active und steady : domustlc. fair to uxtru , 41iiH'its ' ; Japan nuw , . ' . 'iCM'aU. ' I'KTitnr.KUM Dull and sicndyt crii'lo In bar rels , Parker's , 11.70 : iTiiiii' . Parker's , In bulk. fl.20 ; rollnud Now York , * U.4) | I'hlltidolplilu and llaltlmoru. W.3vau.i3 ; riilluileltililii und Bultlmuro in bulk. ii.H.vi.i.lX : : ) . C'UTTON HKr.nUlL Dull and steady ! crude , 25o ! : yollaw. 2txa.ti'ic. ' TAi.L w-ttoiiiy : : city ( fiOd for puckmrcs ) , ll.ll-M : rosins. In net ho nnd stuudy ; strained , common tu Rood. Jl.'i'iif ' i.f."i. : Tuitl'KNTiKK KJrui mill unlct. ; it 4'llii64u. : . KiiiiH-Qulut mid weak ; wutturn , .uyiisl7o ! reoolpu , 0.48I paekacuH. IlllitH.-.Modur.itndomanil und steady ; wet sulto.l No\V Urlouns holeuted , tic ; Tux us se lected , M toCO lt > s.Wlec , rtillic liiactlro ; llrm ; mesa , fD.7JaiO.50 ; extni iirlmc. tlO.ua OUT MKATK Dull ana steady ; pickled bol- II os. (3U4Mlic ( : pickol | ihnuldcrH , do ; jncldeil hams , kc ; mlddlus dull ; sliurt clu ir , ttXiO. IiAitii Lower mid dull ; western stu m op tion sales , 2.500 tierces ; March , W.74J May. iditi WaKIl closlnz , W.8I. IlUTTKit Kindurutedumuud ; ( toady : western dairy , is < 2-li'j western croamory. 21ttOSici wostcrn luetory , | fiit io ; Klgln. UOWdlio. CIIKKSK I'nlr dcuiund oud etroiiKt part skims. fiOloiio ; full skims. 4iSJ5c ! , I'u ) luoN-gulet anil easy ; American , IIJ.75 0 1 7.75. Coi'i'Eit-Qnlet and wnaki Irko , UO.Coa lfl.fi.1. LEAD Dull and ilrm ; domcBtlo. ll.'JO(34.2i TlM-Qillut and uasyj btrults. * l'J.yj4ilU.M. Omuliu 1'roilnce Slurket. rituiTS California rlvvrsldo oratiKCS , 112514 2.35 ; Wishing touu.vol * , U50 < au.75i Callforola tiuiKcrinci , $103 pnr bo.it I'lnrlda < irnnnc . lirlplits. ti.t0 ; ; ; rmsots. f ' .aff.i75 : Hnrldii tnn- ' ( . ciriiie , SI.50U4.0 , hnlf bOxtMf western npplc.i. rholcp. iJ.O.W..Vpr'r ) bbl. . fancy t.ind mlpht I rlni ; more ! Ni'w York iipplo < , * . ' .i.Jj.l.t)0f ) : tiey lomiins , Ml' ' tt.V2i : vlinlcn lrnion . (4.50A4.75 : crnpos , iicr bit . . fA.ntiUI'Ol : li.ttiuti < s Jrntctl , tx'.uiu > .f > oi crantiorrlcs. t J.VK2/7.oti. / VKiKTAtii.i:8t'nltforntii : cabbage. 2'ic ' per IK In cr.-it ( . ' < ) ; liuino jjniwn lottn ; P , 45u per < lnz. ; lintutoes. dull ; Uallforn'n ciiilllrlowor. t2.00 : nnlono. .H-JI J ( HI pur bu. ; Nebraska hnnd plukrd buiius , SI.AW..trj ; moillii'ii , Jl..0'll.75j celery , : c > 0ioo ! swcn iiot.-iioi' " , UTE. . ' . KLouit Utniilitt Mllllns cnmpiiny's Kcllanco I'Hlcnt , I1M ; rtivlncltilo I'utont , 12.401 Lone SliirSuporlutlvc. Jivt ) ; s-'novvlliiKc' . t\M' \ V m-y Viimlly. 11.7.11 S. I' . ( llman'Mdold Mcdul. SIM ; enow Whlto. .2.V ynowllakc. .OJ : low jf ratio. ll.Oit Queen of the I'antry. t'M\ IIlDKS No I crci'ii salU'il hides. 4'4il1.ii" ( No. 2erren nulled hides , : CT. i'4c ' : No. I crccn salted hldci. 25to 4llbR. , 4'iHI'Sc : No.2ureon Bulled hides , 2.1 tn 4) ) Ibs , : } 3l4c : No. I veal calf , H to 15 Ibt. , GUI No. 2 vorxl c.iif , rt tl.1 Ibs. . 4o ; No. I dry ( lint hides. 7ftSa : No. 2 > lry Hint hides. MJGc ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 5Q.Ce. Tal low. No. I , 3'4SJ4c ' ; tallow. No. ' . ' , JlSc : grcus < > , whlto A. 4et ttrense , whlto II , ll'W-'l-Vo ' ! arenso , vellow , 3 ? ; isreust1. dttrk. 2ie : old imttrr. Sift ' . ! < ! bccswnx , urlme , t'jCiioiiKh tallow.ili'iWo. I'oui.Titv Chickens scnrci- . peed stock , lOo ; ( rouse , ducks nnd tnrknya. lira 2o. lUv Market flat , ILfilxBLOJ per ton. BUTTER choice country roll. IDil''lc ; lower grades. 17i.6o. ! Kens ( loncral mnrliRt nbout I3c , butsomo round lots wont ut r.Hiu. Ontnlia tlnlnMarket. . Prices based on dollverv at MUiUilpol river points , N lri ka liniiujtion , an. I ton duyV shipment , nn.oii ntliorwlso slutoJ. Cash grain calls for ship ncnt within live ilny.t WIIKAT--NO. s spring , SJo bid ; 'No. 3 spring , T7o bid. Ilvr.-No. 2. 81c bid ! No. 3 , 77o bid. OATS-NO. 3 wh to , 3lio ! bid , 3lo usko.l ; No. 3 while. lOo bid ; No. 2 mixed , 2ic ) bid ; No. 3. mixed , 84140 bid. CottN No. : i or better. 30 days' shipment , Ml',0 ! No. II white. : .7ieb.d. ! Aniuiri thosalci were ! Kl cars No , 3 or bet tor corn , Toledo tornm , 31 days. IW'i'oi 2) cars No. 3 or bettor , Unialm terms. 30 days , 301io ; 100 cars sample whuat , S''c , nt the river. I10AIID OF TRADE NOTES. Gyorgo Brown of Lincoln wis on the market , Mr. Nnlsun of I'ctorsnn & Co. , Osccoln , Nub. , wns In locking over the market. J. L. Wright , r.epresuntniK It. Cloary Com mission company of Ku Louis , was among the visitors. Kansas City KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. . Fob. 27. Kt.onit In fair demand , llrm nnd unchanged : pat ents , JJ.f.0 : extra fancy , t.V.t2.23) ) ) fancy , J2.OMW.15 ; choice. tl.tKxaioO. WittsAT Nntlilndoluj ; no sales. CORN Nothing doing ; no siles. : OATS-Nothlnz doln : ; no sales. live Steady ; No. 2. 81c. KLAX SUED 87o. BRAN ateady ut f > 5c. HAV ijtoady and unchanged ; timothy. 19.50 per ton : fancy prairie , t.lOJ ; ioud ; to choice , Jj.00\50. Enus Moderate supply ; utoudy at n4o. ! HUTTEH-Scarco und advancing ; creamery , 2Mi28o : roll. 143800. CHEESE Unchanged ; Younit Americas. lOo ; Kansas , 7JtOi ) . KECEIPTS Wheat , 24,003 bu. ; corn , none ; outs. none. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 25,503 bu. ; corn , 2,100 bu ; outs , 2,003 bu. _ Cotton Market. NEW-ORLEANS. La. . Feb. 27. Cotton qulot : mid. Otic ; low mid , 57ie ; good ordinary. .VJe ; net receipts. 4B5i : ; gross , 4.855 ; experts to Urent Britain. 11,780 ; co.iBtwIse , 7,8:4 : ; sales , 3.UOJ ; stocks. 430,871. Tbo future business of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange , will bo- suspcndcd March I. Mardl Oras belnc a legal holiday , und the gonorul exchange room will be closed at 12 o'clock on thut day. London Wool Imports. LONDON. Fob. 27. The Imports of wool during the past week were as follows : From Now South wales , 4.BOJ bales ; from Ireland , 1.868 ; from Victoria. 0.18 ? : ' * jm South Aus tralia , . ' 1,1:0 : from Now /.ealaud , 0.301 ; from Capo of Good Hope and Natal , 3,503 ; from Persia , 1.8J4 , and various places , 752. Cofleo Market. NEW YOHK. Feb. 27. Options opened barely steady 1 ) to 20 points down : closed steady .1 to 20 points down : silcs. : 14.5)0 bu ? < . Including March. ! ii.G53.75 : ! ; April. 13.2J3.25 ! ; May , $ ! 2l.8Vai2.fl.1 : Juno. < r..CO < 3l2.01 ; July , $12.55 ; SeDtoinbcr , 412.35 ; December. J12.05. Spot Ulo. dull , nominal ; No. 7. { 15.00. Liverpool Market * . LivBnroou Fob. 27. WHEAT Steady : de mand poor : holders offer moderately ; No. 1 California. 8s8s Id per cental ; No. 2 rod win- tor. 7s UHOaHs id. CORN Steady ; demand poor. Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI. O. , Fob. 27. WUEAT Easier : No. 2 roJ. OOlio. Cou.N-StOKdy : No. 2 mixed 414c. ! OATS Easier ; No. 2 mixed , WIUSKY Steady at $1.14. Toledo Uruln Markot. TOLEDO. O. , Feb. 27. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 , cash , OJ'.io. COHN Steady ; cash , 40o. OATS -Quiet , cash , ific. Foreign Oil Market. ANTWERP , Fob. 27. VETIIOI.EUM lOf paid and sellers. TruUors' Talk. OntCAao , III , Fob. 27. Coutisolnian & Day to Cockroll Bros. : The speculative markets were active today und u largo volume ot busi ness was done for a Sntur.lay. Wheat opened Uc higher , because- early cables were tint so weak us expected , but awing to larycrrecolpts utprlniurv points und llghlHrolourances from the seaboard holders becau.c discounted on prospects of u large Increase In the visible sup ply und the murkat declined 2o under heavy liquidation. The steady tone of cables was almost totally disregarded und closing prices wuro at about the bottom for the day. Corn and oats were ouster , but not weak und.thoro appeared to bo liberal resting orders to bur at limits slUhtly below current quotations. Pro visions declined udder free selling of long pork for country account Thlsmay continue for u dtiy or two longer , but wo advise ugulnst taking tbo short sldo of the market until It has hud a mitterlul advance. CHICAGO. 111Feb. . 27. Kcnnott , Hopkins & Co. to S. A. MoWuortcr : For several days for eign .udvlccs an wliont have indicated un apatheticdomund In thutquurtor. Ourexports have fallen oil' und receipts ut primary mar kets have Incroaicd. The crop outlook here nnd abroad bus Improved und un early spring with the ground In prime condition for plant- In has seemed assured. The result bus been a dce.iled reaction In prices und 80o prophets tire uzuln out in full force. Continued liquidation by longs hui depressed outs , und the falling off in exports of corn ling hud u bearish clTeet. It-Is not expected that they will sell oir inneh more ut present , and ought to bo a purchase on the decline. In pro visions Jonus have let go rather freely. The projuctcunnot bo manufactured without loss nt present prices of hogs , but It seems to bo the fashion to sell everything just now. and provisions go with the rest. Lard and ribs uctcd In sympathy with pork. Financial Note * . New ORLEANS , la. , Kob. 27. Clearings , II- IIAI.TIMOIIK , Mil. . Fob. 27. Dunk clearings today. < 2 , : > 2ti,3lu ; balances. J.'W,4'J1 ' ; rule , 6 per vent. MKMHIIB , Tenn. , Fob. 27 , Now York ox- chungo suiting at pur. ( Jlojrlngs , tJ2l08t ( ! bal ances , J3U7.BD8. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. 27. The bank clear ings to Jay were * l.U.Vi,4. > l. und for the week ending February 27 wore 3OUfl.2.IO. llOsTOS , Muss. , Feb. 27. Clearing house bulancos. fl,477,444 ; rate , O'i ' pur cent ; call lunns. vai percent ; time , 40 per tent. Nmv YOHK. Feb. 27. Hank olonrlngs today , tllfl.ttlrVMl ; balances. $3.531,531. Fur llio week , ttluurlas , iUJI.OJl.lBl ; bulunucs , ? -'u'Joits3. : I'IIII.AUUUMIIA , I'ii. , Fob. 27. llnttlc cleuflnKE today , tll.0hu.4b7 ; butances. JI.872.U7U , Cluur- Ings for thu week ending today xvore $ I1UIU2- 4il : ; bulancof , fl.447tl.Vj. Money , ajj percent. CIIICAOO , III , , Feb. 27 , Monov easy atHi ® U pereent. Hunk uluurlmiH for the du1111,410 , - Ubiturtlic week , Hir.21,71. . New York ox- chiingo , ( I per cunt dUconnt. rJturllng ox- eluiiue , Jl.tuii for sixty-day bills und 11. S3 farsight drafts. NKW YltK , fub. 27.-The exports of specie lust week umouuted to * i./j.O.'O. of which t2MXi.42 > i WHS gold and tfc.ti.tiOO ullver. Tim Imports of snoclo during the wee < wits 15'M.AIO , of which 1107,517 wus In gold und ( . ' .072 In silver , llosTO.v , Mass. , Fob. 27. Clearings today , ? iirUl12 : ; bulunccs. ( lt 7,42i ; money , IWn : pur cent. Kxi'hunUQ un Nuw York. l. > 617c illbi'-ouut ; for thu week , clearings , t74b7t > .2 l ; buliinci'u. ti.7M.4IM ; for ciimo time lust year , detritus , K2iVH,71 : balances , HisU.VU. Br. l.ouis. Mo. , I'eb. ' 27. Hank plourlngs , f.'l.yil , ' . ' . ! ' . ' ; bulunccs , tOHMtXJ. Clearings this Hook , f.i,54V.fs' > 7 ; bulitnccs , 2'JU.i.l.S7 ) , Clu.irlngs lust wcok , 127.1 litl.Gi'4 ' ; buliini-04 , fi.'Jll.bM. ( 'luurlngs for thu curicbpondlng week lust- year. * 17KM,4iiO ; balnnces , fl.Wl.'iiO. Muney. WC7 ; per cent ; I'xchungo on New Vork , 2 0 pie- mium. STOCKS AM ) liONlt * . Tliouglt Coimldnrublu tilrougtliVii > lloti-1. bpvil thu .Main I.UtVa Dull. Ntw YORK. Feb. 27 , Tim stocl ; mnrUct In thy main was strong today but remained very dull for thu main list. There wuro only four imtives , fit1'uiil , Heading , Delaware & llndson and Denver & Klo Grutido preferred , whoso combluca operations \ > eru uvur o no- half of the total business transacted. The btrciuth In the last hour wut , also the feature of thu market , although onalers were In close sympathy. The xrangvrs , though very dull , were mioug. Deluwuro .V lludbon scored n reinurkublo vain , rising from l i to 134 , and closed ut thu too fleurc , whllo Klo Grande preferred , which wiii biinght by lntet ts which huvo boon buying the olock fur u Mil ll < iio < hr.iko from 4.9't toM'j. oltnlni at Hiey'lioit ' price Jrrsoy ( Central rcspundcd to IMC MrenMli In HtiilHon by rising ii .iln ii'-om" ' , 140 , nnd l.ackn- wannn nml Head ngore ) not nt ntrong , Uiimor.s In regard to tlifvirforjunltution sent lilchtnnnd A West I'D ut iin-fcrri'd i p I per cent nnd nffuctrd tin- bands favorably , butthe sttifkc wcio very null 4(1(11 ( ( Iho rc t nf the market. The rcnrr.il .tj . nponod Irrocnlur , but sllzht clinil.-rp froiAtllo llgnres of ycstcr- d.iy und u siowbut uti.-ady Impruvcmenl iic- ftirrcd up tothullmouit ( > hn puniluntlnn of the bunk statement , whichshowed n heavy loss In spocln mid thosnrnliii reserve though Its in- Iliifin'O was mnmonfiry. The clo u wns nollvn and strong ut the bt'stiirV'I'R of tlio day. Thu fliiiil rlmnscs uro very Mlifllll fraut.'ontil cnlt.s. but Doluvrnrd V Hud-ton' 1 * up 714 per cent ; Denver & Klo Grande , .M per cunt ; , li > i > oy Central , I'B percent , nud Iucknwunnu 1 per cent , Government bmuR qu'ot nnd dull. State bondi. nnthlng doing. The following uro the closing tiuotnuoiu for the lending stocks on the New Vork Slock ex change toilav bid. Tlio total sales ot stocks today were 141.810 tbarcy , InelueilnR : Atchlson. v.010 : ClileiiKo Uus , 8.X5i ( ! Delaware & Huilson. 0,058 ; Eric , 3,45) ; Now .lersoy Contra ) , ILU2I ; Nnw England , 5.300 ; Uo.'idlnjj. : i2,500 ; Ulchinond St West Point , 2,210 ; St. Paul. 13,033. Flnanclnl Itovlcw. NEW YOHK. Feb. 27 , The 1'ost says : Tbo statement of tank averages today was pretty rimch whut had boon oxnccted. The return How of money to tbo Interior Is obviously foreshadowed - shadowed In tlio decrease of funds. In fact , wl.hout Rokt experts , and even without loss through snbtreas- ury opeiatlons , the statement would have shown decreased reserve. Prob ably this movement will continue nnd nobody need ho alurmoJ at Its continuance. Thu cnortr oiia pint of Idle money In the Now York hunks durlnic the last twit months hr.s been no propitious filxn. It slmpiy rnllucted stagna tion. Events have proven that this surplus money Is not needed anTcannolbo : used hero : therefore , the sooner It Is scut wlioro It Is needed tbo bettor. " Now York Money .Harkt. NEWYoitK , Fob. 27. AfciNisr ox OAtt < Easy with no loans ; olosod olTured ut2 par cent. I'uiMi ! MnnoANTiLE PAi-Bii 45 per cent. HTEHMNQ EiciiANUBr-Qniut but stoaay nt I4.85U for sixty day bills , and $1.83 tor de mand. Tuoclosing quotations on bonds : bid. I > on < lun Stock Market. LONDON , Feb. 27. Tbo following were tbo London stock quotations closing at 2 p. m : Console , money..VO ll-lti Moxloan Orrtlnnry. . V.l > ( i odoaccount UII-1C ( at. Paul com fcUVft N. Y.P. &O lits. . . SOW Now York Contral. . llll'i Vn. PECIHO mi ronnsylvanla U\ \ Erie SV-s Itcadlng 30 ] Krlo"nrts 1W Mexican Central 49. Illinois I'ontrnl 107 BAIl SlLVEIl 41 7-10d. MONET W per cent. Itute of discount In the open market for both short and throe months bills , 2 ? > per cent , Boston Stock Market. HOSTON. Mass. . Fob. 27. The following wore the oloaliiif prices on stocks on the Boston stock market today : Denver Mining .Stocks. DBSVEIU Colo. . Fob. 27. The following list Is trmulosliin.uotatlonson the Mluln ; exchange today. Sales 41,003. San Francisco Mining Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO. Oil. , fob. 27. The ofllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Ne\v Vork Mlnhli ; fjuotutloni , NEW YOHK. Fob. 37 > &Tha following are the closing milling stoqu'fjffiltatlons ! I.IVK HTUOffi M.V It KKTH. \V ick Clone * With HrUvuj Htrady to OiiAHA , I'olj. 27. ; UvVolnl8 for the week 1J.OI4 cuttle. 11 , ( UV hoH ; Uiiil K.077 hlieup , u-ulnst l.\0',4 cattle , tUIKl hoiHiitnd 2.771 bhcop < lust week und U'.dLH ' ouitle , Ul.inu hogs und 2hOI sheep for the fourth \ytuK of Fubruury lust year. Whllo there hue been very little life to the iienurul cuttl'i murkct.iUI wuuk prices have not ducllnuj u uruul deal , prububly for the reason ( hut It would bu simply stealing to uet eutt.lu any luwerthun they have been helllnn. The bhlpplnt : und export demand has been komewhut limlieil , but It h u served to nustujn price i of Kuoil heavy cittllu while a ooa feeiler demand has kept JlKhtciitlia values from Kolmt lo ainusli. .Me dium weight bleera. tlint U htoerii uulKhlim from Il.VI to ) : llii. . cspcolully if not fat , have MilTured u'duellne of IDf to I e. llutelier ntuok bus sold fairly wullull wuuk. but th llberul pioi > urllun ( if I'Oiiiu.on cows und niUeil utouk received IIHH hud a leiKa-m y tu dcpretit valiiCH for thu luht two or three duye , the decline liitlnx 15o to2Jo n u nil Imt the best cows und he feri > . Btouliors und fut-deru have hold their own ; itUficlnrlly : , thu ilemmid bcuii ; very irood and thu supply nut bu n : uxcviHtvu. In ho Hpnceihuvulio.il up tolurabiv wull until Frldity mid y'ltiitihiy. the week vluuliiK with prices Ao l It'll ' lower thar u week UKO , or just about whore tl.ey were two wct'kscga Tlienlnmp In provls'ons , llberul receipts and partial nhutt n utf of bhlpplix unlers are m.ilnly re.MiuntlijIe for thU break. rocoiuty vuuiluuu too lltfUt to mil buy ers , und prices nru fully in strong nominally n n week ruin. | Thc week I'lixcK with a > ory llbcMtl run for u Saturday. Receipts forttio week nrc nearly : iM3 short of lust week , but 2.5JO more th.i'u for the sumo week a yrar nio. ) iruMnxs In- cluUcd u llbor.il sprluk.lti of pretty uoutl IICOVCB. but IISUMIUI the Kro.ttor part ot the supply consisted of common , light nnd un finished stucrs. There vru u In ml era to shipping ilnnmnJ nnd do.ilrnblu steers nf Rood \\clKht nnd flnl h sold striinc. Dresicd beef buyers , however , were not up- parcntly In need of very tunny vittllo unit wcroi'otisi'iiuontly mure or less Inulllerent. tKpPclall.v on eonunon or Inferior slulT , nnd prices tended lower. Ioiiler ! < In feeders us usual , look < iullo a few of the llttht wiirinoil-iip cnltlu at prices they uouldnul brlua for boof. Hood I.I.X ) to I.IVU It ) , beovcs sold from Jl.tn to 14.2.1 : fair tu goo'l IW ) to 1,203 Ib. sti-crs from 13.20 to tl.Vi. About overy- thtiiR decent eiinnscil luinils bcfuro the C | NI < lliitchcrs'nnd ciinncr ? ' stock i < onstlttilctl a Kooil shine of the receipt ! ) und as tindemunil wus no hotter than IMIIH ! , If as rfood , prices were rather lower except on some of Iho bettor crudes of cows und heifers thut sold curlier at pretty closd to strady prices , Ouod to choice stock sold from S'l.ia to lUIli ; futrtOKood cows from * i.IO ! tol'idn. or lOc to I5o lower tlmn 1'rldny. Inferior nnd entitling stock Hold from 8i.2.to 200. lluslncss wns slow throiiuhont und thn elose fuuml a few buuehoH still In first handx. Hulls" woto ktundy to weak ut from II.IK ) lo M.H ) . Veal calves rttoudy at from ! lxj ( to } .v03 ; cominon und hine calves from 81.75 tctLin. Nothing mnv dcvolupcd In the stooker and feeder trade. lluslni"-s wits not ovnrly llvelv , but prices woteiiuotably steady. Uuprcscnta- tlvo sales : STEEWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. i..K'0) ' ) J.i oj 2J..HGU $ .1:15 : 4..iwtifu ; i.iooo uo ] H..1UVJ 4ir : > 21..1210 ; IM 3.100 : i03 4..MIX ) U 40 UI..UOO : iM o. . oos : i 20 K.tcru ) : i 40 28..H31 : tia n . 7M : i 10 ni.1177 : i 40 a ) . . 1107 : in.- . I2..iotio y 20 2ti..ii7a n 40 : w..ni2 : t7.- 2. . tOJ y 23 27..1174 340 ra..r..ri8 HOO fl. . usi ; i : in..IIRO : i is I..HM : im 101.1139 : i ; io 27..nni : i rfl 7I..1MO aui 21. . 021 sen 7 .two ; inj ) . .1:104 : 400 4G..IIKI a.'tt 1..I3SO 350 17..1423 4 S3 14. 1157 3 X > VEAHLlNnS. 10. . Udl 3 10 AND ri'IUNHit3. ; icow nnO cult . : i2 oo 1 cow und oiilf . 31 00 1 cow ana eulf. , . 2803 1 cow nnd calf. . 2i ! 01 Icow and calf . 20 00 1 springer . 180.1 1 springer . l 00 1 uptliiKur. . . , . > oo lloos llecolpts were Si ) curs , rather a III- oral run for Suturdtiy. The Konernl ittillty of tlie offerings was oretty innuli its It has been nil weoU , only fair , tlio tiupiily buliiR rnauo up largely of llvlit und lljrlit mixed lie s. The \Toiltncss In provisions nnd tlio wo k close to Friday's bos ; market both pointed tea a lower nmrlcot and ovorv one wns prepiru > l for It. Kustorn advices were beitrlsh , mid re ceipts bciliu liberal , the fcollnc In Kcuornl was weitK. Thorc wits u f.ilr shipping deinrtnd for lliilit and medium weight hogs and fresh meat buyers also wuntcd these grades. Trices ruled about 5c lower tlmn Friday , sales bolru mostly ui from S4.5J tn $4.65 Heavy unit mixed uiul- erssold slowly at prices from 'c lo lou lower than Krhlay , from $4.50 to 4.03. Shipping orders for these grudus were light , but , pack ers bonithl freely ut the deollno. Triidlng wuslar ely ut f rom J4..V ) to 8I.CO. aialnstil.tJ ! tulM.KFrldiir. J'ho average of prices pild was < 4.f > 0 , agnliist $ I.G27i Frldav- and $1.04 last uturduy. Kepre.seutatlvo sales : No. Av. tin. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 5 . 300 120(440 G4 . 245 40 $4 55 5 . 422 80 4 40 67 . Ml HO 455 7 . 4'I5 120 440 ! W. . . . 253 120 J 55 7 . 301 40 440 77 . 183 120 455 7 . 200 4 40 85 . HW 80 455 12 . 3'j'J ' 43 440 C'J . . . ( i 120 455 3 . W 440 05 252 811 4 R3 5 . 354 40 445 (10. ( . . . 313 80 4 .V > 02'OS 200 445 70 . 241 81 455 27. .241 80 445 04 . 281 200 455 58 . 215 140 445 43 . 4V5 8J 45715 58 . 323 240 450 48 . 307 457)5 ) 48 . 328 4'JO ' 4 S3 r,0 , . 211 80 45715 . ' . 240 80 450 O-'J . 2W1 120 4 57 Ul . 100 3:0 4 fiO 30 . 210 4B7i ! 78 . 247 81 450 C.5 . 203 IliO 4 57'i 57. , , . , 277 24'J 450 Cl . 250 4 57' 5 45. . . . 272 K'O 4 SO M..208 203 45714 70 . 251 120 450 70 . 201 10J 4 GO 84 . 237 2XH 450CO . 227 400 58 . 2Wi 200 4 SO -70. . . .254 24) 400 54 . 353 280 450 113 . 305 Ml 4 CO 51 . 350 4 50 71 . 213 83 401 71 . 205 100 450 IPO . 11)7 ) PO 4 03 55 . 312 120 453 70 23 240 460 57 . 240 40 450 72 . 101 - 400 55 . . . ,270 ISO 450 54 . 2S'.I 100 400 ,7 . 2(10 ( 200 450 7H . 240 40 400 GO . 257 243 453 (10 ( . 211 40 410 85 . 203 200 450 ( ! 3 . 245 120 40) ) 70 . 24'J , U'O 450 53 . 271 ! 80 41 ! ) U7 . 241 200 450 70 231 8J 4 KG CO . 242 80 45214 W . 210 4021 , 75 . 235 40 4 S215 83 . 210 ICO 4C2S5 57 33 > 200 45215 HJ . 2.1.1 203 4UJ15 ICi-.25H 4 52J-J , m . 237 Hi ) 4IVJi ! 44 . L57 ' . ' 83 45215 77 . 2J7 4112" ( HI . . . .258 KiO 45215 71) ) . UK 4IK' ' ' , ( SI . . .SKI 100 4 .VJli 77 . 170 1 tlvli 07. , . . . 24B W 45215 * 7. ) . 210 83 4 IH15 7H . 220 1(13 ( 45215 77. . . .213 40 4 (15 ( 01 . 83 120 4521' fiO . Iff ! 80 4M 01 . 220 IS ) 4 ftW IV21)7 \ ) 4 IB ( XI . 270 320 455 77. . . . 21 > 80 4 111 DO . 28 ! ) 8I'4S5 77.l'i : 401 M . 407 120 45.1 71 . su.1 40.1 50 . 320 40 455 07 . 20i Id ) 4 ii.1 I'KIH AND IIOUOII , 1 . 270 4 01 2. . . .400 425 1. . 280 4 00 H . 21)1 ) 203 523 SiiEEi1 No sheep were received and ovoiy- tlilnir received up to date lias been disposed of. Thodoiivmd for desirable imitloim con tinues : iotlvo with prices llrm , I'nlr to good natives from M.23 to H.4' ' . westerns from Jl.lK ) to (5. 2.1 , common und stock sheep from f2.5u to t .75. good looliolco lambs wolghliij from 40 to 0) ) Ibs. from II.2J to tfl.OO. mill l } | < jiu ltlui : of St-iolc. OniululrocnlptH bud flisimltlon of .slx > 3' < its shown by thu bo ; ) ! < of Mm Union Htouk VunU ooiiipauy for the twenty-four IIOMM , oniilni ut Do'cluou p. m. February 27 , la ! ) . ' . iMixui .iliiiket. OiliCAOo , 111. , Kub. 27. ISpJchtl Telesfr.ini Ui TIIK HKK. I The Ivvenint' Journal ruports : OATTLK HacelplH , ! M ; Hhlpmontf. . 1 , . ' > 00 ; mtirkot Bteiidyut ycsturduy'H iiiotatlons. | lluus ICecefpts , 1U.OM ; sniinnents. 10.00'J ; market blow una lOo lowur ; run li , ? 4.ir/3il.5'J ; mixed , H.r > lxm. < JU ; prlmo Heavy nnd uulchcrs wel Ills. JJ.7Vul.hU ; lluht , < I.JUJil.7\ SliBEl1 Kucuipu ; 7.101 * ; shlpmonls , SO ) ; murlict Ktemly ; uwes , W.5 < 0 > l.4'Ji uilxoil , 4.110 : wether * . { . .VOO&5.73vustonn : , I limbs , I5.5.QO.JO. _ City 1. 1 vn Stuck Mirkot. KANB4H CITV. Mo. , 1'ob. 27. OATn.E He- colpts. 2o.,2 ; ehlpmunts. 1,302 ; tlio murl.et was ijulut iiliii steady. Sulen ; Dressed Leef und khtupltiK stcori * . HMOtsl.'M ; cows und hclfcin , * I1.40U .20 ; stackers and leciler * . i'Siitf > : i.ro. lloa. Ueculpts. 0.2V3 ; t.hipments. J.II7 : the murkut wabuull undsluudy to juu hiwur Ihan esteriUiv's eloae ; exlreniu ranxu , S-.7. " > 1i 1.05 ; S ulk. ? 1.3V34.fa aiiBBiiteeolpfi. . l.V.1 ; blilpinunts. 111) ) thu receipt * were niostlv billed luiiaekvrn ; trudlni ; wus light una steady. Eulestoduy ; JI.VJ4il.a5. OMAHA aiHifactaim' ' J AWNINGS AND TtNTS. OMAHA TEMT-AWNIXO COMPANY , Hlu < . limumocki , nil irM rnbhpr oluthlnit. H.inil for cnlnUi/un. 11 n r irnsm. DEMIS OMAHA DAQ GO Importer * nml HMnuf , t" lnror . t'lonrHftckt , tliirlnpi nnj Twins. BICYCLES. A.H. PERIOD & GO M.O. DAXON , 1(01 DoiUj stroot. llc ) clu iold on monUilr Send for our citiloxug | i.iytneuti. nnd prices. Knrnamnt. , Omihi. BOOTS AND SH JliS. MORSE-ODE SHOE 00 , IIUJ Howard SlroH Fntnrr nnnur llth uriil txv.uln * olronli. \Vo At * nklnx clu.io prlcoi lo c.Mli brert , KM I nro BOlllui ; u el.tsi of uooJi willed U very ! e\blBnltli morornmU. CAL , COKE , c.10. , OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. , llnnt an t noft coal , 8.K. corner Kith and Douglat htrccto. CORNICE. | CLOTH N3. EAGLECORHICEWORKS GILMQRE&RUHL , .MannfnvturaM nf lial. Manufacturers nnd vnnlzcit Iron Cornice. \VlnJow caps , nu'Ullc \Vholoinlo ClollilcrJ , nkTllRht < , ctu. 1110 and 1112 UodxoeU llOJIInrnoy t oil. OMAHA CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CO. Electro Dynamo. * , I..imtl , Wire anil Klcctrlcal Sun- plloiof All Kinds. IH'J lloir.ir > l etruut , IJ.ti.llia. , WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , llllulliitcd cataloxu9 free. IfiH Cnpltol Avoniie. FURNITURE AND CARPET ? . BEEBE&RUNYAN FUR- NITUREQO. , Siiccej ori to c A. DCC'JO & Co. , Gr.iconnitl Hh iti.Onnlri GiNT'd " " FJFfNfSrtfNG"GOODS. BLOTCHXY & . COHEM , RnCIHSUN'tSTOKESCG li nt ' furnMilniino.li , ( Ir-nti1 fimilihln.j KOO > | < . clothlnc ami notlom. ' ' Clvcusn trial. Wo f-nd in'f'K celebrated Ur.nul nniuples e.xprois pro- "Hitck kln14 OeraIIM , paid. pant ! " , shirts , coitr etc. 1113 Haracy. Krsl GROCER.E5. D. M. STEELE & , C3. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , I201-I705 Jones alrjot , 10th anil Hartley , Onmht , Om.ihx , Xob. Neb. HAT , ETC. | HiD S , ETC. W.A.L.DIBBON&DQ. , DEO. OBERHE & CO. , " .ft . aMir' B Sto ! J..V r Kill riitlllnilicy. HARDWArtu. RECTOH & , WILIIELMY LOSECi.LINH ( , . CO. , lUri' ! n-I r in or. 10th nnd.l.ickionStj ; uis'i tn lei ti li. Uniatm. HOI UualiuSt. IRON WORKS. PAXTQH & , VICRLIND IR3N WJRXS , WrouKht nnJ rnst Inn tuilldlnii work , cniilnoi , t.rajn work , I'cnural HER A , CO , , R. R. GROTTE , l.lq.ior . Mfroiinntv 1I1J Harner Strol , Importer and ,1ob'f jf Wlnoi and LLmori. .Mi\Tnifnctiir'MK > nno.lr'i ) anil UN ' JOS Puma-it i\ . . l.'ntl . Indl.t llltl rj. rilccll tion nppllcitloi ! . I FRICK& HER3ERT. Whulesalo liquor 11 Mlori 1001 Ka LUrvfBEH. CHAS. R. LEE , JOHNA. WAXimtD , llnriltTooil lumber , woo.I carpets r.nd | i r4uot Jmpoftol. Amorlom t'orl flooring , lnii'1 ' remmt , Mllwa-jket lirilr.iulle rnnu < nt and fill nnd DonuUr , IJiilncy nl-- " MILLINERY. | MUSlCAuT C. A STQHEHIU , A. HOSPE , JR. , Mllllnrry , nntlon elonlts , Pianos , ormni , nrtlitV etc , mitorl il , etc. Itii-tlR S ICth it. Oamha IM.'I Doiiulni itrujt. OYSTbRS. A.EOQTHPACXINO CQ. PLATT&.CO. , PnCLors of oy.tcr , flsh Oy ter , Ftth an1 'a\arf \ nn I Celery , 3D Month Ufl St C08l.uavo.iwiirth BU David Cole , Mtntitr. OluS. CONSOLIDATED TANK LIME CO. , Itrttned nml lubrlcntlnit ollj , nxlo grcaia , eta. PRODUCE UUMM SSION. BRANCH & CO. , RIBBELL & SMITH , Dc&lcrKla country pro.l * Proiliiro , frnlti of all tup , irultj , vcKatubloi , etc. kinds , oystori , 1M7 llownr.l Street. Uth nnJ llarnoy atroeti. KIRSHBRAIIH&.BROS. , JAS. A. CLARK & CO. , Iluttcr , chooioBJgi , Iluttcr , tugt nnil poultry. . poultry and game. 14ft ) ( rnaiu st. COU South 13th Slroot RIDDELL&CO. , 0. PEQAU , Commission Merchant , nullor. chco 8. e i.TO < - 1'roduce. llultcr , Kxgi , frnfu. . - Chco-o and roaltry. ( tiililei , . poult.-y St . ISlli and Honurd ctul KAIIIO. Uaniha. MULLIN & MC IAIN , BINQHAM&SON. Fpprlnlttes. biiltjr atu. Send us your Kuai , Hut ' clicoHo. poultry , > toJ Ni > . tor , Poultry. OAino , H i. Ill i. Uof. Ul N.it. Hides , lite. lank. ITOI-3 l.oavouworlh St. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER 00. Wmpplni ; p per , u'.l klnilt Curry a full ( took of of tnlnPR , et3. prlntlnit , wr.ipplnit r.n-l 1103 IloirnrdsU wrlllnjr paper , card p.v- pur , oc. Tol. ITJ3. S'lOVE RtPA RS. JAMES HUGHES , (1MAHA ( STOVE REPAIR Stores repairs ofnlUIn ti WORKS , Cooks and floAluri HtoTR ropilrs and w. ter attachments for nuy kind for nala. of atovcmiile. nor ? . nth straat IJT Douglas. SASH. TOYS. M.A. DISBROW&CO. H. HARDY &CO. Manufacture of ( Tari , dolli. albumt , doon. nud fnnor good ) , house fur- nco..3tl . , SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK VAfiDJ CO. . LI.MirEO COMMISSON ALLEN ROOT CD. ' , GA5VIA-H fllDUDLIY. Huoniill auxu llall.l- Hoomi , H ) and ill Ux- Hull llni : South Omaha. South Safe and Effective. Brandreth's Pills arc the safest and most effective remedy for Indigestion , Irregularity of the Bowels , Con stipation , Biliousness , Headache , Dizziness , Malaria , or any disease arising from an impure state of the blood. They have been in use in this country for sixty years , and the thousands of unimpeachable testimonials from those who have used them , and their constantly increasing sale , is positive evidence that they perform all that is claimed for them. Brandreth's Pills arc purely vegetable , absolutely harmless , and safe to take at any time. Sold in every drug and medicine store , either plain or sugar coated. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th euilnoiit kno'lalli * . In norTnuf , cironr. prlrn'e. bluol , tklnnirl urtniirj il | nu. i'b A rcijulnr n ( ' ' ' ccei < KOU' ' . . free. ely Loiru picku.l. : > pundcnrd ttrlctlr prlT.nic. iluoic lMyui rlt uf Mlu ) i nt fi'ou. Unlcu Lwur Va. m. luU g. 10 , BuudurIUa. m.to JJm.acuUiump for rtplj. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S , DEPOSITORY1. . OMAHV , N.3 Cmriful. . . , Siiri > ! u * , . . .1111. _ , . > ( ) ) Oltlceriaiid Dlrectori-llonrr WVatei , urailitent ; U C. Cu'liliu , vlou | ir8 ldunt. U 8. AUurlco W. V Mor e , John H. 1'olllin , J , N. 11. Patrick. IxjwUi lived , t'luliur. lS IKON BA.NK , Corner lth an. 5 Fanun : Sti. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEpAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEN ? INTEREST PAIDONBEPOSITS ATOMM10MTRU5TCO. 5.E.CDn. IB CAPITAL : s 100.000.0 DIRrCTOnsA.tJVYMAH-C.W.NASH : , /HMILLAIID'CUC-C.DARTON-C.B.LAKE. / J.J.QFIOWN-TMOS-L.KIMBALL. Dr. GLUCK , Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat1 SPECIALIST , Glatsus iiiljnsloil lo all vluuul UtiicoU. ( Julurrli siiCL-enKfiilly i Room ( S , Darker iilock , 15th and Farnam