THE OMATIA DAILY BEE : FKBftUAKY 1892- 7THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Cell * tied ly Carrier to any part of the City II. VT. T1I/TON , - MANAGER. lliia'nc Office .No 41 vr .J * * M.S NRht , 1lor ; , | NeB , \ ? K , Y. Plumbing Co ! [ 1 Council Illuffs Lumber Co. , coal. L Crnli's chattel loans. 204 Sapp blooR. I The funeral of Mrs. Gloason will occur nt I 2 p. m. today at St. Xavlcr's church. I llio trial of loses on the criminal calendar w will bo commenced In the district court a 1 wiok from tomorrow. 2 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. " . Spora wore- tendered n surprMo p.irty Trlday ovonlng at tholr HF home on Dcnton stroat , f Arthlldren's ' party was entortnlned last I Thuridav afternoon a the rcsldcnco of lJ. . I Bay on Sixth a\cnuo , i Mr. nnd Mrs. Uoorgo Ross colobratad the I twenty-seventh anniversary of thulr marI - I rlnpa yesterday at their homo at the Grand I hotel. I MarriaRO licenses were Issued yoitordav to I jWrnos Allison and Lena Schroder , both of f xTort Otnalin , andtol'otorMcOulroof Omaha L/ ana Alary Helen Uolrno of Avocn. | All members of General O. M. Dodeo I camp , Sons of Veterans , are ordered to moet I at the Grand Army of the Republic hall this L afternoon al'J.'UO p. m. By order of the com- i mnncicr. [ The marriage of Miss Daisy Fleming , I daughter of Hov. U. M. Fleming of this I city , to Charles V , Slrldor , is announced to f tuko place Thursday. March 10 , In Chicago , I at the rcsldenco oi bar sitter , Mrs. M. F. I Robo. [ The members of Mrs. P. II. Sheridan tent , I No. 2 , Daughters of Veterans , nro requested I to meet at Grand Army of thu Hepuullc ball L nlU p. m. today to attend the funeral of the I late Dr. Shelley. By order of Lillie E. IJavis , I president. I The case ortJeore , Wells & Co. against 4 Aulttnan. Mtllor & , Co. , which has boon drag- P gltig Us slow length along In tlio district W court tor the last ton days , was submitted to I the Jury yesterday morning. After bolng I out hours it verdict was rendered in I favor of the plaintiff In the sum of W,5'jO , and I the case was dismissed as to the defendant , I U. P. McKesson. I K. A. Jolloy , who rlalmcd to bo advance I agent for a theatrical troupe , was given a I bearing lu police court yesterday morning on I tbo cnargo of vagrancy nnd was discharged. I A second Information was at 01100 filed | charging him with disturbing the pnaco by | forcing hlk way behind the scenes of the I opera house , and ho will bo triad on this I charge tomorrow morning. I P. C. Hanson complained yesterday to Jus I tico Hammer that ho had boon robbed dur- I in it thu night of ? 2T > by a man named James [ Sorensen , with whom ho had been occupying i a room at a boarding house at the corner of I Muln street and Willow avenue. Ho swore f out an Information charging Sorcnton [ ' with larceny , nnd tbo arrest was made [ yesterday morning. Sorensun will have a t hearing Tuesday , and in tbo meantime- is . in Jail , tiolng unable to furniih bail. Bl Bernlo Orcnnnn , Clyde drown , Ed Fnr- R x. roll , Harry Brown , John Bronnnn and Dick * i Morgan , six small boys who claimed to be r from Sioux City , were found sleeping In the sand lioubo at the Northwestern round house Friday night , and were brought before Judge McUeo vostcrdav morning for a trial on the churgu of vagrancy. They were con victed ana scntoncod to spend seven days In the city jail on ono square meal a day with bread and water for the other two meals. . wilh thu stipulation that they bo given a , tioso bath before they should have anything to oat. | The Model Clothing company , which has i been doing business for the past year in the [ New Sitpp block , closed out tbo big stock ' they have carried and yesterday shipped I their fixtures and other property to L/.uv- 1 rcnce , Kan. , where they will open a largo es- . tabllshmcnt. Mr. Jacob Goldstein , who has , been the resident member of tbo firm and > manager of the business In this city , 1 leaves for the soutn today. Ihoro has been a good deal of genuine rngrot expressed among business men and nil others since it has boon known that the firm intended to quit business , and as a con- requcnco Mr. Goldstein will carry with him the best wishes und the sincere good will that ho has so Justly earned bv his business and social conduct In Council Bluffs. Wuilo they rcgiOt that ho is going they express the bop'o and belief that ho will return hero and resume business before ho acquires a year's experience of Kansas prohibition. f LooU ut the lota In Madison Square. ! An nuro in ouch lot ; C pur cent oil for r thirty days. DAt&HESS. Jtirvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best I'KRSOXAl , I'.llt.KIJtAl'll/l. J. G.Woodward has roiuruo'l from an east ern trip. Charles Whitman Is seriously ill at his homo , ai2 North Twelfth street. T. A. Cavlu Is homo after a 11 vo weeks' business trip In the central part of the state. The Misses May and Dorothy Watts of Neola have boon visiting friend3 lu the city during the past wuok. Mts. Priest of Dos Molnos and her daugh ter , MUs Jessie , are visiting Mrs. B. S. Tcr- wllligcr , on Fifth avenue. Church Aiinoiliicumnnts. Broadway Methodist Services at the Hughes block. At 10:80 : a. in. preaching by Hov. J. G. Lemon. The sorvlco at 7:30 : p. m. will bo in charge of the Ep worth league. Sabbath school l'J m. First Presbytorlan Preaching by the pas- j M tor , Hov. Stoimen Phelps , inornlnp and ovon- H ing. Sabbath school 12 m. Young people's | meeting G10 : ! p. m. H Trinity Methodist Hov. G. W. Roderick 1 of Missouri Valley , will preach the annual H missionary sermon In the morning. Huvlval H services in tbo evening. Class mooting 0:31) : ) B u. m. Sunday school 12 m. Epworth league _ H 7 p. m. H Bethany Baptist Ilogular services morn- H Ing and ovontng. At the close ot the even M Ing service the ordinance of baptism will be B administered to a number who bavo bean H converted during the revival inootlnga. H St. John's English Lutheran Preaching B by the pastor , Hov. G. W. Snyder , nt 11 a , m. und : 'M p. m. In the Young Men's Chris H tlan association chapel. Sunday school at H 0:45 : a.m. Young people's mooting 045 ; P. in. V Overtoil's Mls&lon Hollnoss mooting , 10:3C : Ba. . in. tiospol meeting , 7iO : ! p. m. C. A , 1 Ovonon , pastor. H YoungMon's Chrlitlan Association Mcu'f H mooting at 4 o'clock , led by C. F. Mouigorn- H err. Heading room open at 3 p , m. H Coiigrcgational Preaching in the morning M by tbo pastor. Subject , "Being Filled With M the Spirit. " There will bo no evening sorV' H Ire. Young People's Society of Christian H Endeavor at 0:110. : H Second Presbyterian Harmony and Lo H pan btrcots. S. Alexander , pastor , Preach H ing at 10 ; ! ) a. m. and 7:30 : p. ra. Sunday H school , : t p m , H Christian Science Services 10:30 a. m. a H Western Iowa college rooms on Broadway H Subject : "Squaring tbo Circle. " H Union Christian Mission , i $ Broadway- H Mission Sunday school at i ) o'clock. Thi H evening meeting will bo bold in Hughci B hall and will bo conducted by Evangelist C B L. Springer of Taylor , la. Eastern money to loan on real ostuti \ > y R II. Shoufo , Broadway and Itlaln. 1 IA-UP lenr BurprUo l > arl- . F. L. Ellis and H. E. O'Hanloy were ton doredaiosp year surprise party by a number bor of young laoios and gentlemen las Wednesday cvoning at their rosldonco , 74 ; Washincton avenue , Thoxe who bai clunnod the surprise catno dUgulsod a heroes and heroines of Mother Gooso'i melodies , and all ot the costumes were baud / eorno us well as amusing , The evening wa / spent in playing high five and dancing. Th T following Is a list of those present ; Mlsso Ella Luster , Casady , Davlson , West , Elln Thomas , Van Brunt , Fellows of Creston Messrs. Atkins , Booth. BaUer. Boyson , Me Kultt , Uanthorne O'Hanloy ' , Ellis. I Walnut block and Wyoming coal fresh mined , rocolveddally TUatch or JOMalu. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS First Baptist Church Mcmbara Hnvo An other Lively Discussion. HOT SHOT GIVEN AND RECEIVED I'uMnr Hull Ktplnlncit III * vilp | of the Coin Inn l.rngtliyAililiPiifi , Iltilat tlio Con clusion of tlio Uoli.ite Ho Voted Out. It rained last night , porslitontly nnd btoad- lly , but the cold w.ito. did not deter the members of the First BnplUt church from coming out and Joining oagcrly In the fray that ta being w.iged botwoou the two deadly factions In the church , ono of which is tryIng - Ing to dismiss the pastor , Rov. L * . A. Hall , nnd the other to retain und sustain him. They mot last night for the purpose of fight ing It out to a llnlsh. The weapons were tongues and ballots. There were plenty of both and they were mod. All the members were present , with enough outsiders to oc cupy all the room loft. By agreement Mr. A. W. Clark of Omaha was selected as a moderator or chairman. Ho was an hour late In getting Into town , and it was 8:1)0 : before ho called thu mooting to order. When ho did so ho briefly stated tbo case and road a prepared program which ho found on the pulpit. Ho made -a concil iatory talk , advising all members to think nnd pray earnestly before they took nny ac tion in the mooting. Before the trouble com mented ouo member from each faction deliv ered a uraycr anilnikod for ospcolnl blosslugs on his sldo. The factions were arranged with the most pronounced opponents of each party occupying sections as far removed as possible from each ohor nnd the more neu ral ones tilling the center section. Ono of .ho members la his preliminary skirmish or prayer suggested to the Lord that there was such u thlug as strixlng hands In wickedness and Intimated that the other sldo were ocucd iu such an ombraco. IH'lmto U'ns Mmltcd. By agreement the debate was limited to a statement from oacb side , the pastor to have tbo opcnlnc and closlntr speech and to repre sent his side unless some member friendly to him cboso to take up part of his tlino. At the conclusion of this the vote was to bo taken. W. B. Sbllllngton and William Blood were appointed tellers , and before the speeches commenced printed slips bearing the ques tion "Shall the present uastoral relations bo continued ! " were scattered through the con vocation. Hov. Mr. Hall commcncod tbo business by an aasy conversational talk , and when ho was Just beginning to get Interested in the subject of tbo church dissensions ho was called to order by ono of the members , who labored under the misapprehension that ho only had five minutes to make the opening speech. Ho appealed to the congregation to decide whether this wai to be a business mooting of earnest mon and women or a 11 1- tlo countr.r school debating society. The congregation dco tied that it was n red hot business moating , and ho was given leave to use as much tlino as no required , ana for the next thirty minutes ho pouted volleys Into the ranks of the onotny that tnudo thorn win co. His words were so hot that they smoKod. The church , hn said , had not followed htm ilvo minutes since ho became its pastor ; ho hadn't had tbo united help of the members for ono second. Ho wanted to know if the opposition thought it woulu help the church to dismiss him. Thou ho reminded thorn what they had done ? . Out of over $1,900 the opposing faction represented Just $178. Then ho culled their attention to the fact that they had called him to tbo church unanimously. "If God called mo with your unanlraoos con sent and approbation you had better bo care ful what you do ; that is , if yoo think you bavo any acquaintance with God. I see mem bers hero tonight whose volco I have never board in prayer. Isn't that singular ) The trouble Is , you never pray. It isn't a change of minister you want , bulachangoof hoart. " Teen ho wont ever all the old trouble , the trouble the church had had with other pas tors. "You bald God called Uav. Mr. Thick- stun , but you soon thought God wus mis taken , and after ho and his noble \vito bad built this splendid church you tbrow him out , and that man and his broken wlfo are suffering in this cilv today from the hard ships they endured. You tire equally unani mous in your belief that God had called Huv. Mr. Lemon , but it wasn't lone until you found that God had made another big blunder and you bounced him Lemen. not God , and today ho Is prosperous and doing a great work In your mldit in spite of your malice. I have done the best I could , and proacbod to you tno host .sermons I could whllo trying to hold you off. " Thought It Wan Chronic. Ho then read a number of letters bearing on tbo subject from friends and enemies , ono of a scurlllous character from a member who signed himself "Tom Egglostono , " advising the pastor to skip out and co to buying bay for a living. Ho also road from the church records , sbov\ing that this dissatisfaction with the pastor was chronic. Hb characterized It ns a disease in the church , \\hicti had broken out at regular Intervals for the past ten or tlf torn years. It was a bad thing , bethought , to keep pulling up a tree every few mouths to see what tbo roots wore doing. Tbo pastor then took bis seat and Mr. Evans , ono of tliu opposing members , pre sented the sldo of tbo opposition. Ho ad mitted that they bud not supported the pus- tor , and asked , "How could wo ? " with a harsh Inlloctlon. Ho said the record of the pastor was bad , vary bad , and covered wrcciied churches from Gloucester , Mass. , to Mason City , Iu. Ho said ho was a disturber and denouncer of mom- bora. A man's record ought not to count against him if ho has changed it , but Hall has not changed It sluco coming here. Ho had made false roprosentatlous llttlo short of falsehoods. The church didn't know his record wbcn bo came here , out they soon found It out and bad been trying , for the saving of the church , to got him to quietiy lor.vo. This formed about the bulk of the charges and Mr. Hall made a somewhat sensational rejoinder. Ho ala be was sur prised. Ho expected to be charged with murder or at least with having three or foui wives , like some of the deacon i of the church. This ended the speechmaklng. ana tbo last part of tbo availing was occupied in ballot ing and disputing. The principal tbomo ol discussion was as to whether the four mem- burs who were excluded recently and then taken back Into the church three days later by a vote ot the faction which opposed Hall , should bo allowed to voto. A standing vote was taken , and the result of It was that the four members wore allowed to vote , the majority being twenty in their favor. The result of tbo final vote was that the pastoral relations were declared severed by a vote ol 75 to 57. The G , M. Doilgo camp , Sons of Vet- onuiH , will give a ball in G , A. R. bull on the evening of March 7. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Wo have our own vinoynrds in Callfor nin. Jury IB Wino corau.vny , Co. BluITu The only original Ruth Cleveland baby coach In the city it ) in the shov windows of Meyer's furniture house Heubo's old stand , and there are more baby carriages in slouk than lu ull otho places in the city. ltn High 1'lvo. On Saturday evening Mrs. J. H. ICInU en toitaluod a progressive high five party at he home , 80J Third aveauo. A novel idea a originated by the hostess la the score cards which wore of rod and black cardboard litho the form of hearts , diamonds , clubs am spades , on which was painted in wnlto th number of tbo couploj playing at the differ out tables , the tables being decorated wi tl heart * , diamonds , clubs and spado. Tb same Idea was carried nut in the refresh ments , the ice cream being served in th same form. At 11 o'clock tbo prizes were awarded Miss Paschel gaining tbo lady's prize , nluih fancy woric bolder , nnd Theodore Las kowsklo tbo gentleman's prize , a ptm wipe in leaf form , outlined In gold with a spray c forget-me-nots painted on the outer lea , The prliej uoro both palatod by the who li a very talented artist. Twelve o'clock came all too noon for the guosf , who departed reluctantly , fooling that they had boon very fortunate in enjoying the hospital * Uv otto charming a hoitoss. Ihoro wnro present Mlsi Gernor , Miss Paicbel , MM. Shepard , Mis * Fllcitlngor , the Misses Kprnotor , Omaha ; the Misses Bang , Messrs. Phillip , Henry nnd Charles Paschel , Dr. llazon , Theodora Laskowsklo , Shepard , Hady and Bonnet , He-suit of tlio Drmncrntlc Caucuses In tlie Vurlnim AViird * . The democrats hold tholr preliminary caucuses last evening to olcct delegates to the city convention which Is to bo held to morrow , ' and in sptto of the wet weather thora was a good attendance In every ward. Democratic enthusiasm rose to a great holpht everywhere , nnd In n number of the words &ome of the voters narrowly escaped phys ical violence ut the hands of their oppouoi'ts. From outside appearances A. U. Graham scorns to have captured a largo sbnro of the delegations , and unless something Is done to sldotracK his followers before tomorrow afternoon ho may pretty safjly bo counted on to como In at the death. In the First ward C. M. Maynnrd was ap- polntod chairman und Fred Gelso received the nomination for alderman. The delega tion , which Is unanimously in favor of Gr.i- Imm , Is m follows ; J , R. MoPhorson , I ) . N. Graves , M. Goodwin , L. C. Buslcy , Soron Thompson , Ed. Stockort , Fred Klatror. K. B. Anderson , Benjamin Hngg , Wallace McFad- don and P. E. boonccr. H. W. Binder acted ns chairman in the Second ward and T. E , C.isady secretary. The contest ever the nomination for alder man was very spirited , the candidates being James Sagutn and Dr. F. P. Bellinger. It finally resulted In the nomination of Saguln by a vote of 120 to 87. The following delegates were appointed : W. II. Knopher , A. T. Whtttlcsoy. Gus Lawon , U. V. Phil- ps , John II. Mlthen , D. M. West , Emll .churz , William Allstraud. S. J. Kodda.Jolm > lcDonnld , Joslah Danfortu , The delegation is said to bo solid for Gra- am for mayor , W. N. Whittlosey for nud- tor , and Major G. H. Richmond for surveyor , lUton tuo.other baud It is qulotlv blntod hat some ono Is going to bo greatly dlsap- lolntcd when the Html vote is cast. In the Third. J. H. Dlottioa was elected ihalrman and P. J. MucBrlda secretary. A trnlght Graham delegation was elected by vote of I'M to 87 , composed ns follows : W. . .IcMickon , William Maloney , C. Gregory , George Blaxsim. Ed Brltton , L. C. Larson , " . M. Hunter and J. U. Dietrich. E. E. Ayloswnrth was appointed chairman n the Fourth ward and Dr. Donald Maorao , .r. , secretary. A march was stolen on Mac rae's supporters hero , by a motion that the 'clcgates ba olccted by acclamation and that 10 man should bo allowed to pltica lu nom- nation moro than ono Individual. As a gon- ral thing tbo first man nominated was loctod , and although the followers ot Macao - ao wore considerably in the loai * the lack of rganlzatlon was easily taken advantage of ly the opponents of Macruo , who ran in a elogation which is claimed to bo for Gra- am oy a majority of 5 to 3. The following , ro the delegated ; .f , J. Shoa , J. B. Allans , ? . Trimble , G. A. Hoblnson , W. E. Atchi- on , T. B. Lacov , U. D. Amy , U. F. Haltou- auor. W. W. Cones was appointed chairman lu ho Fifth ward , and J. N. Bowman socro- , ary. Thnro were two tickets In the Held , mo of which was solid for S. B. Wadsworth 'or muvor , whllo the other was equally di- idocl between Macrae and Graham. Five olored mon made a great roar at being shut ut , of the caucus for being too late and fully iftocn minutes was occupied in wrangling ver the question whether they should bellowed llowed to voto. It was finally decided .gainst . thorn , and the count was made bv , ho tellers , W. D. Hardin and W. C. Morris. VI the bottom of tbo hat was found eight Ickcts , neatly packed together , which Har- Hn claimed had evidently bceu put there by ome member of the Wadsworth faction. Ho omanded that they be thrown out bodily. A bird man who bad assisted the tellers In re- iclvlnc the ballots claimed that ho had felt f every ticket as it was passed in , and that .ho hat could not possibly have been stuffed. VIorrls accordingly protested against the ballots being thrown .out. At this Juncture the Ilvo colored men who ad not been allowed to vote came to the ur.'aco once moro and demanded tnat thev 10 allowed to exercise tholr rights as Amorl- an citizens. A naif hour was spent in dis- lussmg this point , and bedlam reigned su premo. At lost it was decided to leave the matter to M. Callahan , who , as ho himself aid , "bad boon township clerk for sixteen .rears and knew how these things were dono. " Ho decided that the votes should bo counted , to the great dispust of tbo oppo nents of Wadsworth. for tbo eight ballots urnod the scale in his favor. The following .s . a list of the delegates : W. C. Morris , Ben Austin , F. DIncrlo , William Grogau , S. Fos ter , C. Sheror , James Nolan , J. W. Bell. In tbo Sixth a very quiet caucus was held. P. D. Burke was chairman and W. B. Fisher secretary. Three tickets were In the field , two of which were claimed to bo In favor of Graham and the third was for Macrae. Ono of Graham's tickets , was elected , receiving eighty-six ballots , whllo Graham's second ticket was considerably cut up , the different delegates receiving anywhere from twenty- ono to forty-two votes. Macrae's ticket re ceived twenty-two votes. The names of tbo successful candidates are as follows : P. D. Burke , J. C. Hanson , R , T. Munfort , C. C. Graves , William Mercer nnd Henry Payno. I'ninklln .Square. Whore is it ? Take the Broadway carte to Grove street , then go southeast on Franklin avenue , "pavod , " until you see our signs. The lots nro in size 100 by 300 fuot ; good shade trees ; the finest lots in the city. Ten per cent oil on all sales made during the next ton days. DAY & HKSS. Solo Agents. Ilopultllcnn City Convention. The republicans of Council Bluffs will moot In delegate convention in tbo south room , of the county court house in Council Bluffs on Friday , March 4 , nt 2 o'clock p. m. , to plaoo m nomination candidates for the various city oflices to be voted for at the en suing election March 7 , 18'Ji. and two mem bers of the school board. Tno primaries for the selection of delegates to this convention will be held ou Tuesday ovoointr , March 1 , at 7:30 : o'clock at the following named places : First Ward At the room on upper Broad way opposite Benton street , known as the Palton room , and select six delegates and nominate a candidate for ward alderman. Second Ward At the city building , and select eight delegates and nominate n candi date for ward alderman. Third" Ward At room ever 415 Broadway , and select eight delegates. Fourth Ward -At the county court house , and select six delegates. Fifth Ward At Squires' atoro building on Twenty-first street between Fifth and Sixth avenues , and select eight delegates and nom inate a candidate for ward alderman. Sixth Ward At Shubert blook , ! iU3 : West Broadway , and select four delegates. WILLIAM AitNi > , Chairman , Roller , the tailor , 810 Broudwny , has ull the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bwnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Counrll Illulls May Got It. Tbo state convention of the Young Men's Christian association which took place last week at Iowa City was attendee by U30 dele gates , representing nearly all the associa tions In tbo state , and nearly 100 others who were present. Tbo meetings were vorv In teresting. Tbo question of the location of the next atato convention was referred to Ibo state executive committee , and will be decided probably within a weak , It ls under stood that a majority of the members of the committee favor holding the convention lu Council Bluffs. _ Jurvis wild blackberry U the best Money to loan. Lowest rates. John * ston At Van Patten , Everett blook. I'utrheil Up u Truce. The difllculUos between Mrs , Nathalie Pollard and A. Z. Bowen , her advance agent , came to an end , for the present at least , yes terday morning , when Bowen was brought before Justice Cones for a hearing on the charge of having embezzled $110 of Mrs , Pol lard's ' money. They two had boon closeted togothT for fully throe hours bolero the trial , in the oQlco of Mrs. Pollard's attorney , What passed between them is not Knowc . . definitely , but tbo result o ; , tlie Interflow wn.s that when arraigned , before the Justice , Bowen nmdo a full roll-notion of the statements which were attributed to him in the World-Herald about a moalli ngo In an interview In which ho was represented as making some \cry serious f ejections on MM. Pollard's character. Hn stntotl that ho had never given anyone connected with that paper nny authority to publish such on Inter view , and had nnvor made any statements calculated to Injure Mrs. Pollard. After this retraction had bi > on made Mtu/ Pollard de clined to press the suit any f ruth or , and It was dismissed , although nothlntr has been atrrooil as to the money which Bowcn was alleged to have misappropriated. An nftl- davit was drawn up and signed by Bowen and Is now In the bonds of Mrs. Pollard's attorney to no used In n libel suit which she intends to commence against the World- Herald. _ IT WAS A .SOCIAL SUCCI'.SS. Young Mm KntrrtMii Their I.iuly 1'rlciuls ut lliijnl Arrniiuni Hull , Friday evening occurred the party given by the young men of the city to their lady frlonds. The Uoyal Arcanum hall under went a transformation scone during the afternoon , being chanced from an ordinary society hall into n brilliantly lighted and ele gantly decorated reception room. The colling was handsomely draped with festoons of over- croon hung from the chandeliers to the cor ners of the room , wbllo ferns nnd potted plants were scaltorod here nnd there. The platform upon which was stationed the Fort Omaha orchestra , was also bankoJ lu llow- crs. In the reception room stood a booth where pjnch and lemonade were served by colored waiters. At 11 o'clock a halt was called and elegant refreshments were served , nf torn bleb the dancing was resumed , It boinga couple of hours after midnight bolero - lore the progiam of twenty nun\bors was completed and the party broke up. The gowns worn by the Indies \\oro boau- tlful , many of the ladles appearing In full evening dross. The party was a very suc cessful affair from lirat to last , and the .suc cess was largely eluo to the efforts of the committee , which was as follows : Recep tion , Ashby F. Neal , W. L. Murpliy , Harry Davis , E. S. McCrary ; Introduction , R. P. Robinson. E. B. Crandall , F. F. Chamberlain - lain , Willla-n Martin ; lloor , M. H. Smith , E. Q. Smith , Julius Laut'o , O. J. Martin. The following Is a list of those present : Ml&srs Kittle Opdon , Bella Snjdcr , Lou Smith , Mao Bryant , Cora Grct/er , A , Tyson , Eva Nason , Cnrrio Wells , Nettle Wells , Nolllo ICollor. Sadie Davis , Belle Fletcher , Emma Filbert , Bride Paulson , Sable Amy , Addio Sherman , Zula Llpc , Nulllo Huidln , Altco Bonham , Rota Miller , May Scolo * . Nellie Hcpford , Nolllo Armstrong , Besslo Dobbins of Creston , Minnie Ouren , Dorothv Watts of Ncola , Corn Nason , Minnie Mcrkcl , Hart , Patricia D.irraugh , Winnie Mclntyro , Sadlo Mudno , Viola Duncan , D. Andcrion , Callahan , French , Helen Shepard , Grace Martin , Lulu Haruncss , Edna Snyder , Laura Meyers , Lena Fonda , Daisy Ulggins of Omaha. Messrs. W. R. King , \V. C. Jackson , Ashbv F. Neal , W. M. White , F. E. Dobbins , Will A. Colclougb , Earlo D. Kotnpton , Mark H. Smith , P. Robinson , W. L. Murphy , Rulla Coffuon , O. J. Martin , F. L. Ellis. J. C. Lnngo , Wallace , H. H.irpcr , E. G. Smith , Frank Woscott , G. M. Duncan , A. .1. Cooley , E. B. Crandall , J. R. Bono/B.-'N. Bolnnnnn. William Maok of Omaha , Chirlos A. Illgglns of Omaha , Harrv Stacy , C. ' K. Stoddard , J. S. Grazer , jr. . L. B. Stewart , H. Nason , Movers , H. P. Barrett. Harry P. Davis , E. S. McCrary. Court Coffoon. W. F. Martin , Herbert Brown , O. N. Hcpford , G. S. M.iyne , N. H. Copclnnd of Omaha , Cgrruy A. Rood , R. G. Wilcox , C. A. Case. ; I1. J. Lund of Omaha , W. C. Webber , r Dan Hatrtaon of Omaha , G. W. Hoston of Omaha. Dr. A. E. Derwont , veterinary surgeon. Hospital 45 Fourth street. Tel. 293. Now C iii | > 1 iiHlltutc-d. The Royal Neighbors 6f America have recently organized a second camp In this city , which is starting out under very favora ble circumstances. A membership of about fifty has already boon socilrod and there are a number of others who will bo initiated into the mystoricj of the order at the next meet ing. At the opening nicotinetbo ritualistic work , which was written by Mss ! Lilian Huff of this city , was exemplified oy a corps composed of members from this city and Omaha and was witnessed bv a largo num ber ot Modem Woodmen of America , of which this order is the ladies' auxiliary. The following Is u list of the officers of the ledge : Ordulo , Mrs. Emma LJ. Bolknap' vice oraclp , Mrs. J. R. Uarrotuors ; chancellor , Mrs. N. J Swansou ; recorder , Miss Clara Wright ; receiver , MrV. . M. Frederick ; marshal , Mrs. H. J. Bu blitz ; past oracle , Mrs. E. E. Adams. The lodge starts out with very flattering prospects. Subordinate camps are now or ganized In Illinois , Iowa and Nobtaska , and the order is conslantly growing. Tuo follow ing Is a partial list of the mombars of the now camp : Mesdaracs and Messrs. J. J. Stewart , J. R. Bell , E. E. Adams , N. J. Swanson , J. R. Carrothers , Ed. E. Bolknap , W. M. Freder ick , P. J. Honncsy , Ed. E. Wright , C. W. Atwood , H. J. Bubllu , S. H. Filbert. W. G. Gunn , G. W. Grow , T. E. Wolcott. S. C. Goodo. Mesdames C. G. Saunders , O. P. McKesson , E. Motta . Misses Lillian Huff and Clara Wrixht. Messrs. L. C. Huff , W , C. , A. B. Crane , W. A. Joseph , Dr. C. C. Hazcn , A. W. Slack , W. A. Goohring and Frank Woatherbeo. Drs. Woodburydontlst9noxt to Grand hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele. Ho. Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. C. A. hospital , corner Uth street and Cth avenue _ Dnith of Dr. Shelley. Dr. B. Y. Shelley died at 10 o'clock Friday night at the Kiel bouse , azed OS years. Ho was born April 20 , 18'2.'I , at Quakortown , Bucks county. Pa. , and graduated from the Jeffernon My d leal colloco , Philadelphia , In 1810. After practicing awhile In Philadel phia hecame to this city iu 1850 , and re mained hero until 18W ( , when ho entered the volunteer ranks and served as surgeon In the Fifth Iowa cavalry until the close of tbo war. Since the war ho has practiced in Nlobrara , Nob. , in Pennsylvania and Council Bluffs , making the latter place his head quarters during the last live winters. He received the degree of master Mason In Charity Lodco No. 144 at Lowlsburg , Pa. , May 'J-J , 1850 , A. L. , 5,850. Ho leaves ono child , Miss Laura Kholloy of this city , who attended him during his last Illness. The funeral will take place this afternoon at ! ) o'clock In the parlors of the Idol house and. will bo under the auspices nf Abe Lincoln Sost , Grand Army of the Republic , aud the uns and Daughters of Vutdrans. < yftl m llano Hull XotcH. NRW YOIIK , Fob. 27 , TtiO ) club owners of the National league unlbaome of the less fortunate owners of the malier leagues are already arriving in thoooUy to attend the annual spring convention / the league to beheld held at tbo Fifth avcnucjiotel next WCK. Sovcral informal conforonpoa were bold tonight. The most impbnant work to bo dona is the adoption or'playlng schedules for Ibo season. Tuo scMdulo will como up for adoption on Tuesday or Wednesday. BOSTONMass. . . Fob ! ' 27. Hugh Duffy signed with tbo Boston X.Qaguo club todav for the season of IbUJ. .1 „ PiiiLAiiBLi-uiA , Pa. , F.b.7. Third Base man Mulvov signed wltn'Hhltadelphlu today. The players will start forJFJorlda on Sunday night , f To SAX Fiii.scisto , Cal. , Fob. 27. The Union Iron and Forgo company was incorporated here today by Irving M. Scott and a numuer of well known capitalist * , with a capital stock of tJUO,000. ( ) , The company proposes to manufacture and deal In guns , urinor plates , shell forging * anu castings of every description of stool and other motaU , - The senate committee on postoftlcca nnd- postroadi gave a hearing last weeK to citi zens of Now York and Brooklyn , who are asking for the expediting of the mall service in these two cities , Au electric or pneumatic system was generally advocated. There is now bofoio the senate a bill authorizing the postmaster general to appoint a commission to Investigate aud report tbo best plan for Increasing - creasing the postal facilities and appropriat ing * 1,000,000 for a triul of the system rctora- mondcd. _ It IB said that three-quarters of the entire manufacturing capital of iho United States , or 1(1,000,000,01)0. Is directly or Indirectly based upon patents , NEARLY IIIUSD BILLY GIBBS Brutal Strangling of a Former Onnha Man In a Wrestling Match , DENNlS GALLAGHER SMUTS OFF HIS WIND Tlio Spectator * Drummed tlio Act In Mint Vigorous .Milliner Tlio Victim llo- iniilns UiHMitucUm * Tor n Long Time , but Is Itrsuncltatcit. BiiAiiponn , Pa. , Fob. 27. At the Wagner opera house last night Billy Glbbs , who is known as the Kansas Demon , but was for merly a hackman at Omaha , aud Dentils Gallagher of Buffalo engaged In a wrestling match that came near cndlnc in a tragedy. The match was best two In thrco falls , Gracco-Roman style , strangle hold not barred. The mon were In prime condition nnd the first bout ended the contest. The strugolo lasted twenty minutes with honors oven. Gibbs got a strangle Hold on Gallagher , but the Buffalo man , by the ox- orctso of wonderful strength , broke the hold. In the subsequent olTort to obtain n fall , Gallagher got his man by tno nock and triad to place his shouluors upon the p.irpet. Glbbs got partly out of the bad position ho was In aud then Gallagher clutched him about the neck for n handhold. With the llorconcss of an Evan Lowls ho squawed Glbbs' wludplpo until the latter , with eyes protruding nnd black In the face , made u guttural sound like the stifled roaring of a bull. Ho was strangling. "Don't murder him , " "Foul , " "Let go of him , " and other exclamations came from the hornllod spectators. Billy Baker , Glbbs' second , attempted to rescue his man from Gallagher's clutches , but Referee Atherton held him back. Gal lagher continued his choking until Glbbs became - came unconscious and lay upon the door In a nearly lifeless condition. Ho was carried to his homo by two men , and after , vorkiug ever him fora long time , the wrestler was revived. The match was awarded to Gal lagher , although ho did not throw his man. The strangling of Glbbs was the most brutal spectacle that has over boon witnessed on u staga In this city. > XOTKS. Two railroad cars are now being completed In California which were made from the trunk of ono tree. The Toledo & Ohio Central management confidently expects during the year 1MU to Increase its shipments over of 1SH ! by 30 per cout. The Southern Pacific bridge ever the Pccos river is to bo completed about Maroh 1. This structure Is 323 feet above the stream and 2,180 foot in length. Minneapolis business mon are ralsinc a bonus for another railroad line to connect the twin cities , nnd the ro.ul will probably ho built , before tbo June political conven tion. tion.The The Midland ralhvav in England has now running between St. Pancrns and Bradford trial trains fitted with nhot water apparatus , supplied from the cngiao , for boating the carriages. A bill recently introduced in the Ohio leg islature provides for tbc appointment of : in examiner of railrnad telegraphers to see that none but competent persons nro employed as operators. Eoony is said to bo so abundant in some parts of the state of Tnm.iullpas , Mexico , that it is used ns firewood by the people , and tbo Monterey & Mexican Gulf railway uses it for fuel. A recent pamphlet on the railways of Lon don stales that there tire 250 railway stations within a six-milo radius of St. Paul's cathe dral , aud 3'Jl within a twelve-mile radius of the same center. Tbo passenger department of the Malno Central Is bringing the attractions of Maine scenery to the attention of western pcoplo bv furnishing camera clubs with negatives of mountain aud coast views in the pine tree stato. The statement of the Philadelphia Ac Reading - ing Rollof association for January shows .2,401 cases for relief , including twenty-two death claims. The total sick und accident disable ments and death claims amounted to $17- 722.00. Tbo Now York Central & Hudson River Railroad company has signed a contract for 33,500 steel ties , which are to bo laid on four trac'Ks running out of Now York. Steel rails of 100-pouuds section will bo used for this purpose. During 1S01 the gross earnings of the Southern Pacific were $ ! iU,440SS5 , exceeding those of IS'.K ) bv $ ; , " 'J15,751. The operating ex onsps worn $3l,10),7iKI ) , Just 53,000 moro than the preceding year. This makes thn amount of the not earnings $10,285,480 , or $ V 088,085 moro than In IS'.H ' ) . For Ibn first seven months of IS'.ll tbo pas senger traffic on the Hungarian railroads was ono-fourtu greater than In 1890 , and tbo pas senger earnings nine and a half per cent greater , Indicating that the chief'increase was in the local travel. This porlod covered the second year of the zouo tariff. Mayor WusbouriiO of Chicago has sent to the common council a message upon the gen eral subject of grade crossings of railways nnd tbo need nf rapid transit , and bas been authorized to appoint three exports , who shall study the subject and report upon the best method ot olcvatine the roads. Tbo Missouri Pacific and the city council of Leavcnwortb , Kan. , have settled their lone standing differences und the railroad will build In the spring a line now freight depot to replace the old passenger station in return for a grant to the now bridge aim terminal company crossing ever the Missouri Pacific tracks. V-shaped contrivances , to bo placed ou the front of ongmoii of fast express trains , are tbo latest scheme to get more speed by over coming much of tlio natural resistance of the air to the front of the locomotlvo , says tha English Mochanlo. The plow extends from a tow inches above tbo truck to the top ot the smokestack , tbo sharp edge , nf course , in front. "Shoveling fog" is a common oxpros blon among railroad men , but plowing wind Is a now thing lu railroad agriculture. According to recent advices rocolvnd at the Bureau of American Republics tbo trans continental Journey from Buunos Ayres to Valparaiso can bo maao in 7(1 ( nours at a cost not oxct'cdtng00 paper , whllo the Journey by steamer via the btralts of Magellan ocim- ples about 12 davs and costs $ JOU passage money. The railway being now completed to the localities where tunnelling begins , the trip through the mountains from iho ends of tbo approaching lines can bo made In S or 10 hours. KLKCTKIV.t f M.I 'fl'lHlH. Now York demands lower telephone rate : . Electricity last year took 28,081 horses out of street rar sorviuo in this country. During a thunder storm In Malno , .says a recant paragraph , tbo skin of a boy who was struck by lightning turned to a dark purple , and ban remained so ever since. What Is believed to be tbo hlehest oloctrlo central station in the world is located at Pontreslna in the Swiss Alps , the altitude bulni ; 0,000 feet above the sea level. TboCauadlan superintendent of telegraphs advocates placing tbo telegraph lines of that country under thu control of the postolllco department , as they are in England , The Edison Electric Light and Power company of San Francisco bun plans com pleted for iho largest electric light plant of any kind In tbo world , entirely Incandescent lights , to bo erected in that city. The clootric fan has recently boon applied to a now use ; four of these electrical devices being placed In the turret of tbo monitor Miaiilonomah. Tboy are -jot to cool the gunners , but nro Intended to blow the amoko from the guns. It Is stated that after the Central and South American Telouranh company , tbo pronont owners of a cable from Galveston to Valparaiso , has effected the tracafor ot tuo Trausandine Telegraph atrenoy , cablegrams can bo transmitted from Europe to Buenos Ayres in thirty minutes. Artur Curtis' Cute , SAN FIUNCISCO , Cal. , Fob. 27. Actor M. B , Curtis were a gloomy look when bo took tils seat today in Judge Trout's court. Ills ease was on the calendar , for the purpose ol having It sot for trial , on the charge of mur dering Policeman Grant. The contrast bo- twcon his present demeanor and the manner In which ha doporlol himself during the trial up to tha tlino the Jury reported they stood ton to two for conviction , wns very marked. On request of W.V. . Footo , his counsel , a continuance was granted until , Saturday next , R PEGUL1RR ' INSTRUMENT. This Instrument U used by tbo fortune teller nun Ht the I'nllman lloit o. U was gotten up expressly for this peculiarly plfted noram. In addition to this u nrn lc mlrrot will lie in willed you ran sou your future husband , wife , unoiiiles or friends , ( Us freu ) . Letters containing H will rncolvo prompt tiltcnl Ion. fuller cr.iiitiut si prlwuo Intel view. X 11. Develiiulng , Instiuclintr und furntOi- Int outfits to these who wIMi lobecomn to.ich- er < In this UuciiltSilcncn : Hint tlioy limy bum- lit themselves mid olliets the \\lsdum of the uge , u leadln : feature ot my nork. I * . S. Remember the place , PUJULkMAN HOUSE , 1'rlvntc purlor-tC nnd I ) at heml of stuiro , ( Infljciit tlilsunt us It will not appear ugaln I.adlos only. _ _ _ _ _ _ STATEMENT OP Tiic POM Mutual Life Insurance Co , l-'iDin Organization In IS47 to Dec. 31 , 1MII. 1)1 ) ! . To premiums . 1.4'.fl.U .l 73 To interest profit on slocks , etc . . . 12.1W.IOJ 4 ! ! TolntureUiicoriluil , etc . IM.OKS .13 To IncrciiM ) In value of storks , ute. iV.v'JSi 'U To not deterred und unrcportud premiums. . . . . , . BTMM n < I 0.1 CIS. llyiloath clnlniH r . tl2.IWI.173 in Hv matured endowments . 1..HUIi liyumitiltliB . , 2iMMD lly surplus premiums returned policy holders . P.\H ) ! | S3 lly sin rendered und lapsed policies 3 , H,75i .0 llytaxos . . . . . . . UJO.WKI U ! lly commissions , agency nxpitnscs , lent , hiiluiies , etc . fll2 < Un.i 88 llalnnco of iissets , Jan. 1st , IB'JJ. . . . lK..Vil.iss : .10 ASSETS. O ty lonn . railronil und watnr bonds bunk HtocKs oto . J 4,0-'flSJO 78 -MoitKiiposiind ground runts , first lions . tvKrt.N > 9 H Premium notes , loins on collut- , . . . oral , policy loan" , oto . > lt.l > .l8l 44 C'.isli In b ink , trust companies und on bund . : i7a.407 57 Keulostitc , liotno olllec. etc . ir > l.04Mi All other secuiltlMS . . W.I.U.H 73 LIAIMTI39. Net reserve at4 percent . tT'.O O.IEO 00 Death claims lupoitcd butuwult- In. proof . . . . . U.V-0. 00 General surplus on4 pcrcentbiisl" , Including returns to members . . _ _ not yet due. etc . 2in.T7ti .10 The "PKNN MU 1'UAI. " prevents a plain , In telligible contract , non-fotfoil-idle for "Ko- sono" vami' , with Justly liberal piovlsmns us to residence und trod. . , , , , , , It olulms una MilliibIe SKCIJHIT\ . lowest co-.t und un unsurpassed rccoid. uxiTnn STATES 01 ? AMEKICJA. STATE OK NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDIT m I'um.K Ai COUNTS LINCOLN , I'obruury I. 18'tt ' H Is hereby cortlflotl the iVmi Mutual I.lfo liiftiir.nicn Conininy of I'lilladolphla , In thn stutu ot IVimsylvanlii. d is ( Hod ut this olllco the appointment of lluiuy A. Lyman as tholr law fill nzent ut Um in i. In tlio county of Dmittlns. In the stuto of .Nclirask-i. Now therefore , tlio ubovo numed airciit Is herobv uiithorl/ed to transact tbo business of Insurance us iiBcnt of sild compuiiy In tdU fctuto until tbo Hist d-iy of Junu.inr A. I ) , ls'i.1 , unless booncr ro\okcd , stib'.ect ' , houover , to ull tbo restrictions und lliullatlonsof the luw. I further eeitlfy sild company bus comulled with nil the roqulioinrnts of the luw rcRUlutlng such Insurance comp nUs In this In testimony win-roof I have hereunto sot my bund and the seal of the auditor of public accounts itie day und yo-ir first adnvo written. T. If. HLN TON , Auditor of Public Accounts. II. A. BAUCOCIC , Deputy. [ SKAD 1 ALREADY NOMINATED AND SURE TO WIN. For President , The Royal Ilnrdiiiiin Piano For Vice President , ThflDlLHamogtonPiano You cnn bavo money by buying ono of these pianos , und hot your bottom dollnr on rtio pnind , good qualities of thrfso Instrumonti. They huvo bocn tried , hnvo the oofet of records , und will do what is promised. There are no spoilt * to bo divided with ngontB und traveling mon , Kut ollicos nro out of the question. Hut if you doeldo for one of these piunos for yourself , you will never re gret having thrown your vote awuy. For Durtloulars , see or uddrcsa ler Pinno and Organ Co. , V 103 MAIN Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council llluIU. Uapltil stoo' < 91/5O.OOO / buiplim and Profits 80,000 Net am ) Surplus .8XtOOOO Ulreclom-J. II. KdmunUion , 1C. U hhuk-art , K. U ( llunmin , K. K. Hurt , I , A. Millar , J. V. Illnchmon , anil Cliurlui It. lUnniin. TruiiBuctRDnorul bunk- IIIK dtiHiiiess. Largest capital und surplus ol uny bunk In Southwestern lowu. NT BREST ON TIME DEPOSITS SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. SAMv At a bartcaln , 12 > ucro fruit nm FOH curden farm adjoining city limits ! good dwelling. K. II. Hlioafo. FOH KENT V.ioant Btore. Jll Uro.idway ownuil by Mrs. Janu llatnwin. Apply to Uuor o T , 1'bulps ut postolllce. 1,1 , tr d oho use u ud lot for team ; will WI vlvotoiig limoon balance. Call at 015 a Cth street. FAKSIM , gurden lands , houses , lots unJ builnesi blocks for s.ile or ronU Day & 11053,19 I'uarl troot , ( Jonnoil HlulT. . XilOlt UiNT Over 103 dnelllius of every do- burlptlou ut prlcoM vutylnx from V > to tiuo pur month , louatud In ull jmilu of ihu ulty , K , II. Hliotfe. 60u llroadwuy. _ . Competent girl. Iniiulro at 810 nh uvo. ITtOK EXOHANUK C'luan Block of general X' niurchiiiidlbu , ln\olo < i about 11. WO , ( or real estate und some ciibh. Kd K. Muyne , bill llroud- wuy , L'ouncll 111ulfii. 1CJ ucruu of land a short distance H. n. of ( 'onncll lIlnlTs and the 1) . mid I ) . Instltutout K' & per aero. A biup. Also good IDO-ueru farm nn.r MUsnurl Vulluy at < . ' 5iicr ncro. 1'ousus- slon | ! lvtm at onou If hold. Pine fiirnm und Kurdensof all tlzci , Johnston li Van i'ullun , Uouucll UlulfM. HER SINGLE THOUGHT Wns to Find RollofVhloh Wao Ao comp'.ishoil Through the Sit 11 of Drs. Copolmul , Shopird & Mansfield. Mrs. Mnry Newton Tolls of Hir DJ plorublo Condition and Re covery. Mrs. Mary Newton,3SUI North ? tli nvtiuio , vlio'-o ImslMituI U foronriit nt I'axloa A vlerl- UK * , SIIVR : "I had hnadnchus vrhloh Jiad ovHlril for two Tlu-y voro vrrv"oxcro nt tlim < , but \ota constant , sonrroly a liny finssrd uttlimife n ucli RUflVrlng , Snni-Umos imlm were sharp mil Nhootlnz. and soi-iutlmes of lu-ivy. Mull , character They were nt t lines In front of my tend , through the eyes , soiiiutlnivs itiuickut ny head , rnnnlnn Mown the nocU , ThN c uiHt'd stckiipssof the stomach and Krciitly nllcctcd ny uplift IU- , causing also a hciivy pnln iintl listrcssln thnstunincli ; wasalsti\nry nervous nnd restless. .My ejos were also airoutoil , acli * ttffiluy iiii'l nlglit , und so weak Unit I could tot mad or do any work requiring thn special iseot the u\u sU'nt. My tdioatVIIH ninny * dry und badly ulcer ated , and nt limes f could not xpeuk. It flus u iso sore , nnd up on tuMntr u fllubt told It I'anvul iiiiln. I nUn huil u liariipsing coiiKd und iialn in my cliest and tlniuiKh my hull's. At llinos nlEO thorn \\iis rlngliu In my cnrtt und tny nose \MIS uhui.Miincil . up onuslng much an- lOyan ? All of these symyp- ; touts completely dlsun- " poured iindoi tlio treat * nit-lit of Drs. cVpuliuul , bhepurd \ Muusflcld , nnd toduy 1 tun feolltiK Mil : ! MAUV NE\\TON. fcolliiR perfectly well , liuvdift no hundnche. nor puln ot my kind. My throut und mmi are en red ; tbo iliiKlng In tlui ours Is mine , ulna tin ) coiiRli mill puln In my chest , The nonmi-j tamlltlnn bus iilso left inn mid I urn comfort- nble. und onjoyltitr oxcnllont hu.ilth. Tim treatment 1 bavo rouuho.lof Drs. Copo- anil , Shop ird & Muiisllelcl. which has made IblH ruinurUablo ubanco , bns lioon mild , picas- int und voiy .skillfully applied. I commend these physicians toalllnnuud of modlcul help. Mr. Thomas N Olurk. of 4(119 ( Douglas street. Hays : "I would not tuUe ONI : TiiouiUNn noi.t.Ans for the benefits I Imvu received fiom Dn. Copeland , Sliup.ird & Mansfield. Mil. THOMAS N. Cr.MtK. Iain llfty-nlno yours old und Irul bonn to think I w.ib not Ion ; ; for this world for I WUH MOItK DKAU THAN AMVK. liavlnt bull'jiod turrlblo piln for the last twenty-six year" . My IIDSO wufl always stopped up flrnt ono hide then the ntbur ; 'lull , he. ivy ho.idiiuho just over the eyes nnd In thohaolc p irlof thohuud , lourlni : noises In tbo o irs , which soomo.l to nuvoreeiiso. "I was constantly hawking and splttlnz , try ing to ralso tbo mucus that continually dropped from tbo to thn throut In thu moinlii upon urlsliu I would bo as tired UH when I went to bed ; after outing I would experience u penso of fullness or bloat ing In tbo stomach , whluh added consMornblo buffering to my mw lonit llHt of symptoms , A Hl'.VEllIC COUdll wus one. of the worit of my symptoms , and sharp , shooting pulns In timeliest extending bai'k to ihu shoulder blades. This wus my condition when t c-Uled upon Drs. Cope In mi. Shcimril & JSnunllold They K'a % o mo u thorough scientific und systematic coursuof tieutniont which was ple.isant and. I must iictmlt. very effective , for I am now fee. Ing like a new man. 1 cannnt nay too niilch In prilso of Drs. Copeland , Shepard & Mansfield for what they have done for mo. Mr. Cl.irk resides , ns stated alxne , at 4019 Douglas street , where he can bo seen und will readily verify bis statement. BOTH CLASS PRESIDENTS. AColiii-lileneu In tlio Nolulilo CrtMlentUls of tlio 1'lijslcllinn ot thu Coiivliinil InutUuti' . Dr. W. 11. was president of lilbcluif nt Ilollovue llospltul Medical Uollotso , Now Yon ; , where ho graduated , the tnnst fainout Institution ot Its kind In tbo touiitry. 1116 dlpUnmi bears tlio written endorsement of the authorities of Now York , of of prominent medical collo'oi In I'cniisyl * vnnla. Dr. O. 8. fliopurd wns president of his chiRs nt Hush .Medical Colin'c. Chloa.o , wb'ch ' IK acknowledged to bo Ihu leading hi nt tut on of ts kind In tbo west. Dr. Miopard'a thorough hospital exporlumo und special study In the diseases of the eye , car , nose and throat , place him union : . ' the loading special * ISIH In tbo west. Dr. T. II. Munslleld's creden tials urn no hiss iibnndunt und nmiuullfled. lie also Is formally Indorsed by the secretaries of vurlous county and Htato medical societies. BOOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building Cor. 17th ami Fiirimm Sis. , Oiiiu'.ii , Neb. W. n. COl'KLAND , M. D. .C. Suiii'Aiii ) , M. I ) . T. H. MANSWHMJ , M. D. Consulting I'hyalolarn. Bpodnlto ? ; Oitarrli und all dUo.sai oC tba Eye , E ir. Throat un I l.nniis. Nurvous Ilia- raBcs , Bkln Diseases , Uliroulo Ulso isos. Oflloo Hours U toll n. m. , 'J to 5 p. in. , 7 to 9 p , 10. bunday IU u. in Ui 4 p in. troubles und kindred dlnoasoi treated Hticcessfully by mull. Bond 4o In stamps for nuontlon rlrculnra. Adilrusi all letters to Oopolund Mndleal Iiulltuto , Now York I.Ifo liulluln. . Omabu , Nob. $5 A MONTH. OATARHH AND KINDUED niHBASK8 THHATKl ) AT THE U MKOIt MIlAThOK W A MON I'll UNTII , APKIL 10TII MEDI- U1NKH KUItNIBHKn LECTURED SUBJECT : AND Hon , Henru Watterson KUItur of tlie Loulivlllo CourlcrrJouruul. FRIDAY EVENING , M\RCI \ ! 4 , - - AT 0 F. M. - - DOHANY'S ' TIIK.ITEII , COCNT1L BLUFFS , IA. ADMISSION 6O CENIS. TIcKcl holders eau aocuro resurvod seats at r.lllh' I'liiirnmvy , without uxtru charge. Udiiimonclni : Monday , I'ol ) . ' ) . Tickets fo < nulu ut I'uoIUo UOUHO CUur atoro aud Muoru A llowuiau'n.