THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. 15 BpE7i-SPORTS OF SPRING interesting Gossip Anent Next Wednes day's ' Big Arenio Battle. AFFAIRS OF THE BASE BALL WORLD flio Wonron of the Jills Summer Cnrd5 Dail Taken lit * Ten In Hand , And No"r Notnl iintl Mlicel- lancnun StulT. Next Wednesday ovenlnif , March 2 , ono of 10 most notable Hstio events of latter years ill tnko place before the Olympic club of ow Orleans , botwceu 1'etcr Mabor , the ish champion , and Bob Fltzslmmons , the iniiuoror of Jnclt Detnpsoy , and the middle- clfiht champion of tbo world. The men nro to contend with flvo-ounco oven to a decision , nnd the winner will ro- ivo as n reward for hit valor f'J.OOO , the ser to coin solnco In the short end of the JIBO $1,000. The Interest in the match is running very ipli , nnd here In Omnlin , where neither man is been scon , hut both extensively rood ) out , it : s about , the ono tbomo ID sporting rules. While the Ncodhnm-Ryan fight , . Kich comes oil before the Metropolitan club jflio same city , tomorrow night , Is another otablo contest , it does not create a tenth of 10 Interest and speculation of that between 10 two foreigners. The opinion of Omahnns , and thorc are a umber of good Judges here , is largely In ivor of Mabcr , and the Diamond offers at- active long odds. Peter Mabor la 23 years old. Ho will omli not over 170 pounds when ho meets iho ustrallan , and it Is a certainty that his lyslcal condition at that time will bo excel- nt , for Madden Is n good trainer. In the alter of height and reach Fltz will have an "vantage. Mabor stands R feet 11 } inches his stockings mid is built much alter the ylo of Slavin , with a narrower chest than at pugilist. Ho Is a good natured and do- Jedly witty follow , but ho says very little. liout fighting ho rarely utters a word. Although Peter has been talked nnd writ- i about recently oven moro than men who lid head nnd shoulders above him in. 1m- rtnncolntho llstto world , but compara- 'elv llttlo is known of him by tlio sporting bile , and notwithstanding1 that hts per- rnmncos In this country have been highly editable , he is yet largely an unknown antlty. Still there are gentlemen in ana out Now Yoru who have expressed a wlll- gness to match him ngalnst the premier ; htor of the age , the champion of all iiinplons mid'all countries , the incompara- c John TJ. The tnan who disparages Sulll- in puglllsUcally is on Idiot and there is 'obably ' not moro than ono man in 100,000 ho believes that Maher would make any- ing like a worthy opponent for him. If Pitz whips Peter next Wednesday night i is a deaa duck and will disappear as rap- ly as ho came in. On the other hand if ho Ha out the lanky Australian with any- lrK llko expedition his stock will take such i altitudiuous move that ho will bo tbo Idol the short-haired for many a moon to come. it7simmons is virtually a heavy-weight id nhould bo barred from all middle-weight intosts. \Vhon I saw htm in Minneapolis last July o looked big and strong enough to fight any an nnd , in comparison , Jim Hall resembled stripling college student , and looked llko a Urk for his machine made countryman. tut yet the betting at the ring slao that ght would have been in Hall's favor. In 1SS8 Mabor entered an amateur compotl- on fiivon by Tony Sago of Dublin. Jack ullivnn , who was recognized as the amateur ilddloweight of the country , was Manor's rst opponent. It took Peter eight minutes ) finish him. An hour later Martin O'Hara , six footer , wont , against Mahor. Ono round vnn enough for him. Ho made a claim to the pferco that Peter nad U hammer in his right llovo. By this time Mabor had gained qulto , I local reputation and efforts were made to mug about a mooting between , him and a rofesslonul named 'Jim O'Dohorty. ' They ought six rounds in Dublin and the pollco topped the ootit , but not before O'Doherty i'as practically a beaten man. Peter ( lion ntcred a tournament in London and beat area men in the preliminaries. In the finals Job Hair mot him. They sparred three ounds and Hair was given the decision. ilahor had a decided advantage and In the udgment of many spectators it was a clear mso of robbery. Tony Kago Immodlatly lasted a forfeit and offered to hot $500 against 100 that Maher couid knock Hair out in broo rounds. This offer was not accepted. \lf Bowman of London challenged Wahcr early In 18S9 , and they Touyht in Dublin for $250 a side. Sowman was knocked , out in the sixth round , and this victory gave Maher some lending as a pugilist , for Bowman was con- tderod a good second-class man. When Uus Lambert went to England Charley Mitchell .ook hold of him and backed him for $500 igainst the Dublin ooxor. Lambert weighed icarly 200 pounds and WAS the favorite in the jotting when they faced each other at the Pelican clue , February 7 last year , tvlaher xioic about flvo seconds to slzo up his man. Chen bo sailed In viciously and knocked Lambert down four times in rapid succession. Tbo last blow effectually settled the Cuna- Qlaa. Tbo light lasted iffty-oight seconds. Maher now sought a match with Pritchard , but iho latter declined to fight again with ttny man above his own weight. In October last Tony Sago sent Maher to this country to try for the world's championship. After ho Defeated a number of Inferior men his mnna- or , Billy Madden , succeeded In raising a j.UUU forfeit to match him against Sullivan or double that amount. Jinny Adams , the looktunkcr , Warren Lewis , Gus Tuthill , ) ave Holland and Madden all flguro in the orfcit. They are all sportsmen and each bo- ovci that Peter is a second Sullivan , Ho as thus far shown himself to bo a bard liter , a fairly good ring tactician and pos- Dsicd of moro than average cleverness. 'Bubbles" ' Davis , Jim Daly , Jack Lynch , 'oo Godfrey. "Sailor" Brown , Jack Smith .nd Jack Fnilon were all beaten by Maher in hovt ordor. His per for man co In Madison iqunro Garden knocking out two mon in lass ban two minutes was a feat which would ave boon considered wonderful oven John L. himself accomplished. It. took Potcr Jackson three rounds whip "Sailor" Brown , ono of thorn. With Hyau ana Noodham it is orgcly a question of endurance , as their ormur meeting tvai only decided on this Dint. Neodbam was in poor condition then , nd bis hands , a badly bunched sot of oapotis at any timo. were incapable of with standing the sovoru punching process Meod- tituu would bavo been compelled to put them through to have won. Tomorrow night. .housh , Danny will ba in elegant 11 g , if all wports are true , and at bo is ono of the usycrrst ring mechanic * in the profosh , I 0011 for him to win. Ryan's former victory over Nuodbaui , however , will presumably plvo him the call , If no't n shade the best of Jt , for it is a rare thine , I have noticed , al- lUiough It has occurred time and time again , ifor the conquered to conquer. But Noedham 1. ( has a prorless nut on his shoulders , and it la . ito tm I pin my faith. ' ' " "Tlio followinR U the now sohoaulo of welcbts oy which all championship battles ben af tor must bo fought ; Bantam-weight class limit , 105 pound * ; feather-weight class limit. US pounds ; special-weight class limit , 125 pouuus ; llght-wolght class limit , 185 pounds ; middle-weight class limit , 155 faouuus ; spccial-wolght class limit , 105 bounds , uud all over 1G5 pounds boavy- Swo Fuglllstl. Nr.w VOHK , Feb. 28. To tbo Sportln jr EdItor - Itor of THE BKK : Among the numerous big men during tbo forties who itwat tboughl .would or might succeed Count and Bondlgo , pot tlio least of these as a pugilist was 'Nobby" ClarUe , who was born in 1822 , a fine stroppluK young fellow about Jim Cor- belt's slzo. If height , weight end science were all that was required , "Nobby , " who bad them all , was a JlUoly man for tbo cham pion. Ho boat Bob Gaunt , Big Ben's younger Brother , and otbero with case. Nothing was Vnown about bis pluck , as tboso men were unable to test bis merits. In January , 1S10. iie foatfht Torn Puddock and tbo account of iill staled that ClarUo , who was a model ipfcyrametry , had a noticoaolosuporlontvin /eniith ana reach over the round and ruddy jKeddltch man , who , however , not only ' seemed undltmayod , but lost no time in jparrlne but rattled in right and left "Nobby" stopped bun neatly and let cro his Sou at the head. Paddock bored in and Clarke ( tripped him and throw him a back , Wl. l Paddock finding thatClarke wu hU super- or at outfighting dashed Into close quartets and nopporod "Nobby" on the ribs every round , nnd although "Nobby" raaritea him severely nnd drew the claret and made his cheek look IIKO a scored beef steak , Pnddock would not bo denied , but caught "Nobby" sounding thwacks on the ribs In return for Clarko's fnvon. Although the claret was streaming from half a dozen cuts on Tom's dial ho seemed as full of dash and vigor M at the beginning. Nobby , on thoothor hand , began to light shy and ended the rounds by gottinif down. In the forty-second round ih cro was great wrangling and confusion , Paddock standing in the middle of tbo ting protesting and cblllnc ; on Nobby to cotno on , which ho did after a mlnuta or two of dis putation. Paddock went at him viciously nnd Nobby slipped down. It was announced that Clarke "would light no moro , " Paddock again "oratatlng : " the roforco banded over the watch to a friend , called "time , " and de clared Paddock to bo the winner. "Tho Tip- ton , " who was ono of ( Jlarko's seconds , created some amusement by bis denuncia tion of the "Nobby One's" cowardice , and was with dlfUcully prevented from striking the man ho had Just been seconding ; politely addressing him as a "robber , " "cur , " "thief , " etc. , ana wound up by de claring that he'd bo d d if bo would pay uny hots on such n rank . Ho had , however , to do so , and the stakes wont ] to Paddock , as of right they wcro duo. The editor of Boll's Life in the remark * said that "tho winner was a young , strontr. game , country lighter , with a low points , and the loser , Clarke , was his superior in every thing but a courageous heart. " Nobby after wards beat Jordan , the Welsh champion , In twenty-throo minutes , and tackled Paddock a second time the following year (1817) ( ) , and was again beaten in forty-eight minutes. Paddock , although the most punished , won by sheer courage , hardihood and determina tion. Paddock's father was a small farmer and Tom grow up a sturdy rustic. His com plexion was of an unusually florid hue , re sembling a winter apple or root beer. His prolllo was something lllto John Brlnut's ; tb.3 latter , although a peaceful Quaker , had a decidedly pugnacious aspect. Ho had a strongly marked Jaw , mouth and chin , nnd his short , bull uecU and broad , square about - dors gave him n formidable appearance. Caunt and Bcndlgo had been squabbling on paper over since tholr light in 1SI5 , and Ben declined to meat him aunln unless it was nearer London and farther away from Not tingham nnd the Nottingham rough : . Early In 1850 tbo public wore startled by Paddock challenging old Bondigo to light for the championsnlp. Paddock stated ho was not particular where , but would light him in the center of Nottingham If ho liked. Bondlgo from his fame was the favorite in the bet ting at two to ono. But ho was then getting Into years (39) ( ) . If Pad dock could have restrained bis tam per ho would have won that battle. There were forty-nlno rounds altogether , lasting ona hour , nearly all in favor of pad dock ; his youth andjdclcrmination proved too much for his aged opponent , who was forced to gut down , though ho finally succeeded iu winning by a foul blow. "Tho reporter said Bendlgo quickly round ho bad caught a Tarter - tor nnd not a yokel , as ho expected. ' " Pad dock bounced off bis socond's'kneo and went nt him llko a ferocious tiger every round ; to wards the last the ofilcial account of the mill stated "that Boudigo camoup looking as cun ning as an old fox and twice as dangerous ; " ho was trying to bring his man down to his weight , but found him a tough Job , although Bendy planted some rum ones on burly Tom's nose , ho could not stall him off. That was Bondigo's last fight. Ho bad been in the ting oft and on for nearly twenty years. Ho saw that his day bad gene by and was wise enough to retire in timo. Although unedu cated nnd quito illiterate , ho was ready- witted and extremely eccentric in his ways. He was very quarrelsome in his cups and wns often lanued iu Nottingham jail for breaking the peace. When ho had reached threescore ho saw tbo error of his ways and became a local proacher. His death was caused by an accident' ' when nearly threa score and ten. For a triplet ho was an exceedingly muscular ono , and must have had an iron constitution. Ho was ono of the hardest bitters in his t'.mo. A monument was placed over his grave in Nottingham cemetery lastyoar. T. C. K. Tlt-Tnttlo of the King. DuntiQUE , la. , Fob. 25. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Bits : Uavo been intending to ( drop you a linotbcso ten days past , but somehow or other never got at It. Your St. Paul and Minneapolis friends all want to bo remembered to you. I fight Paddy Cummings - mings of St. Paul in the opera house hero Saturday evening1 , ten rounds for a 100- purgo. Ho is a hard man and I think I have a fight on my hands. I fought , him a draw la St. Paul a year ago In eight rounds. My object m writing mainly , however , is to tell you that any match made with Jack 'Wilkes for mo goes. The Dubuquors are dead stuck on Con Doyle , und will probably give mo a light with him if the match fails. DICK MOOUE. N , la. , Fob. 23. The Sporting KditorolTiiE UEE : 1 have just returned from the east. I ECO by a clipping from TUB BUG In the Pittsburg Dispatch that I am about to bo matched with either Jack Wilkes of St. Louis or Dick Moore of St. Paul. But it is a cistako. Just now It is Impossible for mete to make any arrangements with cither party , as I am about to sign articles with Jack Davis of Kclthsburg , 111. , to light to a finish. S50U a siJo and a purse of $600. Will probably sign to day. If this match is not made , then I am prepared to make a match with Jack Wilkes for 1500 a side and reasonable purse. Hiuur McCox. CHADHON. Nob. Feb. 23. To the Sporting Editor of THE BEE : Please correct the re port that I am to fight Billy O'Dounoll at Sioux City , March 5. They are using my name all along the line , and it is dead wrong. However , If they will arrange it I will fight O'Donuell and let him weigh whatever bo likes , and bet anywhere from $100 to $500 that 1 defeat him. DASNV DALY. Th o Streator , 111. , Press says the reason Eddie Mojor did not meet Danny Daly in tholr much talked of match was on ac count of sickness , but tbo fact Is that Brother Billy did not want any of the Chadron boy's ga mo. Danny Is now out with nn offer to forfeit $100 or knock out or stop both Ilolly- wo od and Welch In ton rounds in ono ring nn * > on the same night. On Thursday night las' ' ' Daly knocked out Joe Hand , tbo Hot Springs' champion Iu ninerounds. . Jack Davis has opened up a now boxing school near the corner of Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue , and already has quito a largo class of young business mon. Davis is probably one of the most oft ! clout teachers of the manly art ot self dofencoiu the west. Colonel William H. Liaobargor and Major M. S. Barlow of tbo Bluffs left for Now Or leans last evening to take m the Maher- Fltzslmmons and Kyan-Ncedham lights Monday and Wednesday evenings next. Tbo Kyan-Necdham fight comes off Monday night and tbe Mahor-Fltzslmmons Wednes day night. _ NEW Yonrc. Fob. 24. To tbe Sporting Editor of THE BEB : To tboso who take an Interest In the construction of the human frame , Jem. Ward , who was champion of England from 1825 to 1833 , and Bob. Fltzsim- mons make an Interesting contrast. The lat ter has a short neck , and shoulders so cxccs- slvoly square that bo might wear bis sus penders without being crossed. Ward , who was throe Inches shorter than Fltz , nnd whoso fighting weight was 175 pounds , had a Email head and a bull neck , then his shoulders sloped gradually down , Under his arm pits bis body again sloped down V sbapo to bis waist , below tbo waistband be ncaln bulged out to bis strong loins and wide hips , thick muscular thighs , sturdy calves and rather small feet and hands. Ills arms were per fect models with every muscle beautifully developed. Bob's bands and wrists are much larger than Ward's wore , and bis arms longer , although much smaller above the elbows. For a man of bis size Fitz has a wall ribbed carcass ; it Is below tbe waist , particularly his legs , wbero ho KBVCS weight , I see by TUB BEU ho IB trying to tram up. Ward weighed 210 pounds In his clothes un trained , and was said to bavo once reached 22-1 pounds. Ho was one of tboso round , deep-chested men who prove much heavier I the scales than they look. Nat Laugbam gained weight during bis training when bo fought Caunt , but bo bad been ill. Rod Bob's tlguro reminds ono of O'Balavvm's on a Btnoller scale. _ T. C. C. lloir lluncrolt Mmmgoil Milwaukee. Tbo whole story of Frank Bancroft' * brlaf and tempestuous career as an nblo extra manager at Milwaukee baa finally boon revealed - vealod , soya Ron Mulford. The association contracted with Mr. Bancroft not tbo Cin cinnati club at Pondleloa and be went with the other assets from tbe East End to Mil- waukoo. Tbo tint day ba was tbero Harry Jlllotto said ho could sell tickets and the next bo told him bo could help him sell them. "I suppose It I stay xvlth you long enough I can lock up the ground * , can't II" ho askod. "What do you rnoanl" demanded the man who lins slnco been Invited to take a walk out of the presidency. "Just this , " responded Bancroft , "Vou'vo ; ot n manager hero. You don't need mo. I was forced upon you. I'll toll you what I'll lo. My contract keeps mo here six weeks ongor. I'll accept the cosh for four and tnko my release. " President Gillette accepted and when the final parting carne "Bannlo" cot $100 cash nnd a chock for the balance. ' ' 1 wish you'd sort o' held that chock buck and not put it In for a week or so , " continued the MHwau- kcoan. Manager Bancroft eave hts thoughts free rein onrouto to Chicago and wbon ho stum bled in on President Hart ho casually ob served , "By the way , Jim , will you cash this chock of Milwaukee's ! " "Certainly , " responded that worthy , and the bit of paper was swapped for legal ton- dor. Relating the incident , Mr. Bancroft said : "I know that with that fight on Mil waukee would never show iho win to fcathor to Chicago , and rather than have the paper go to protest Colonel Gillette would tiavosold his shirt. " Good men have glvon bad paper cro this , but no ono has over shoved any ot it upon the new business manager of the Cincinnati club. King Illmcr's lip's anil Downs. Ban Johnson of the Cincinnati Commercial- Gazette writes Interestingly in the Sporting Llfu of otio of the most popular players whoever over figured in the Western association : Elmer Smith is once moro In fast company and I , for ono , sincerely hope that ho will ba able to keep up with the procession , Elinor has scored the biggest success nnd has proved the greatest failure of any player in the profession today. Ho joined the Cincin nati club toward the close of the season of ' 80. Ho was an unknown quantity at that time nnd early the following year when Colonel Aaron Stern took the club , ho seriously - ously thought of releasing him for the reason that bo had six pitchers on his pay roll and Elmer WAS the most unpromising one of the lot. Tony Mullano was the club's mainstay up to the time ho How the track and jumped the team. Smith was unable to display what merit , if any , there wns In him , but with Toby gene Manager Sclimelz was forced to shove him in the box. The lleds loll on the eastern trip securely anchored in sixth placo. When they returned homo three weeks later they were In second place , and were close upon the heels of the champion St. Louis Brown" ! . Out of the thirteen" games played the Heels won cloven , and Elmer pitched in ton of the vic torious names. Ho was the here of the hour , and n band of music , together with about 500 cranks , celebrated hU return' to tbo Qucon city. Prosperity wns too much for the great pitcher , and ho proceeded to glorify himself. The St , Louis Browns were the Reds' oppo nents. It was a Suudav game , and over 10,000 people flooded the grrounds. "King" Elmer wns in the points , but ho had lost all his cun ning and skill , and what n .slaughter it was. Elmer had a season off in 'SS , for bo proved a miserable failure , and lost game after game. It resulted in his release , and the year fol lowing ho drifted to Kansas City und won the peunant for the Cowboys. Ho foil down again last year and failed lo win a gama he pitched. In the Kansas City club ho was af forded an opportunity to play un outllold po sition when ho wns not omplopod in the box , and ho soon developed into one of thu hard est hitters in the Western league. He is a first class llelder , thrower , good base runner , and there is no reason that 1 can asmii for his not Illling acceptably an outliold position with the Pittshurg club should ho prove u failure as a pitcher. This is bis season , how ever , to pitch winning ball , and should ho rival any of nls past records the Pirates will bo dangerous focmcn in next season's tight * The First Hatch of Players , President Jlmmv Williams of the Western league has submitted the following list of players signed to the players committee , which has approved the contracts : Pitchers Vlckory , Griffith , Fcrrten , Eitel- jorg1 , Dowald , Frank Cunningham , Cassiati , Bishop , Artnur Clai-kaon R.uL. . Hart , ' " ' Wadsworth , Vlnlng , 'Madden , 'McWbb , Pours , Payne , Swartzol , Sullivan and John Sowders. Catchers Qulnn , Berger , Lake , Baldwin , Darling , Bowman , Ivory , Newman , b't-go , fatockwell. First Basemen Farrar , Fields , Campion , Billy O'Brien , MuQuirk , Motz , Carney , Brecklnrldgo. Second Basemen Smith , Ward , Nichol son , Eagle , Hattleld. Third Basemen Alvord , Carpenter , La- roquo , Uoat , Mayer , O'Rourke. Fielders Bcccnor. Friel. Gilks , Gcttinger , Lotcher , Farmer , Poltz , Polhomus , Ho.-ne- ver. ver.Tho committee rejected Jersey. Bakoley , Bastlan , Marr , Phillips and others for djink- ing and other laults. Bv the above It will bo seen that the West ern U in a fair way to secure many of tbo players who la t season stood way up in Iho American n-isoclation circles. The intention of the committee as evinced above , to cot rid of lushers nnd Insubordinates will bo wel come news to all honorable patrons of the game. In the Western association the ono glaring drawback , has always besn a lack of of team system , duo to Incompetent manage ment. But this season , under the now order of things , so much devolves upon the man ager , tnat an entirely nowstandard of morals Is confidently expected. It will bo skillful management that wins In the long run Jn this circuit this year , nnd managers might as well prepare themselves for the ordeal. The Summcr'H Trotting Program. At the meeting of the Tekamah Driving association , the following program of races was decided upon for Juno 15 , IU and 17. > First day , 8-minute class , 3 In 5 , $300 ; 2:33 : trot , 3 In 5 , S250 ; % mile and rn- peat , running , 8100. bccond day , 2- year-old trot , 3 In 3 , S'iOO ; free for all pace , 3 In 5 , $ MO ; 3-year-old trot , 3 In 5 , 5200 ; 1 mile novelty , $25 at every quarter , $100. Third day , 2:45 : trot , 3 In 5 , $ ' > 50 ; free for all trot. J.'JOO ; one mlle und repeat , running , SiOO , Tbo Lyons Driving Park association will give a mooting over its famous kilo-shape Hack on Juno 22 , 2 : ) and 21 , and September ( ! , 7 , f , 0 and 10. At the Juno meeting the fol lowing purses will bo given : Wednesday , Juno 22nd , trotting , 2:55 : class , pursofilOO ; running , five-eight dash , 2 year olds , purse $150 ; trotting , 2:20 : class , purse &KX ) ; ruanlne , one-half mlle boats , purse $200. Thursday , Juno 23rd , trotting , 3:40 : class , purse $ I00 ! ; running , thrco-fourtu mile dash , purse 8200 ; pacing1 , free for all , purse MOO ; running , throo-fourtb milo heats , purse $300. Friday , Juno 24th , trotting , 2- yoar-olds. purao $200 ; running , mlle dash , purse $200 ; trolling , free for all , purse $400 ; running , mlle heals , purse $300. The Silver City Driving Park association will hold their summer meeting July 4 and 5 , entries to close may 18. The program : First day. July 4 , No. 1 , 3:00 : class , trotting , purse $400 ; No. 2,2:35 : class , trolling , purse $40(1 ( ; No. 3. 2:25 : class , trolling , purao $400 ; No. 4 , running race , half mlle dashpurse$75 ; second day , July 5 , No. fi , colt race , two-year- old colt race , for green colts , best two In tbrco , mlle beats , trolling , purse $200 ; No. 0 , mixed race , trotting and pacing , for county horses elliflbio to 8:50 : class , purse $200 ; No. 7. 7:30 : class , trotting' purse $400 ; No. 8. 2:50 : class , trotting , purso$4X ( ) ; No. 9 , Ireo-for-all class , trotting , pu o $400 ; No. 10 , running raco. tbroo-quartor mlle dash , $100 , Dad und UU l.ltllo I'on- OSWEOO , N. V. , Fob. 22. To the Bportlnir EJilor of TIIK BKB Friend Sandy ; What is the base ball outlook In Omaha have you organized yotl Would llko to hoar from you us to the state ot affairs In your baillwicir. What have the deserters done bavo any of them caught on with any of tbo city leagues yell The days of bluff ore over with tbo ball player. Once ho was a dandv , but you know what bo is today , a big full blown rosette I I am in tbo best possible condition was never fatter in my life. The rest I hnvo bad since tbo trouble In Omaha has done ina more good than the money I would bavo earned In tbo same time. President Williams ot Columbus , sent mo a circular to fill out. I did so , but have received no reply ; begin to think I am counted out. if I play in the Western league again I would prefer Omaha , but did not say so to Williams , but think my terms were too high anyway. Anything yoii can do for mo will be kindly appreciated. Let mo bear from you anvwoy. W. H. CLAUK. "DAD. " The Word with the Dark On. Through tbo Ohio State Journal President \\llllami of tbo Western league seeks to ease tbe anxiety of hundreds of base ball players who are plying him with vp$6s < loiters cf nqulry by th& following nm'fUfoHo : First Wo do not pay an AdVance money ; o anybody. * ' " * Second Our salary llmltrjs'2,000 | per an- mm of club of twelve mcn\'an average of M,00i ) per man. Ol nourso 'Homo will get loss. But It ought to boi'trinln enough to anybody lhat wo cannot ijlt&tfl to pay any $1,000 , $1,800 and $2,000 salaiUis , Third All players applying for positions in our league should give reasonable figures if they want tholr propoilt q 'to bo consid ered. Wo cannot and will- , not oxcecd our limit. Fourth Wo want bnly trjfsraass mon nnd nil amateurs and fobscuro mlfror league players ors will save postage by notjapplying. llow the lllg Tt'iiiiiR lund. According to Clarence Dow , ti well known mown base ball statistician , iho teams In the big league stand thus In balling and fielding : TKAM IlATTINO AVKItAlK3. The Spurting l.iroSiiy * ThU. The Wcjtern league Is organized upon now lines and It should bo given a fair opportunity to test the merit or tlomorlt _ of the Sporting Life Millennium plan theories. On paper it looks llko on unqualified success , but only time can toll iho story. Lot the big league keep Its hands off Iho Infant and glvo It n chance * .o gro\v and prosper. If It succeed ! tfioro may bo In fact , surely will bo good points worthy of adoption by the big loaguo. If It falls the league will bavo nothing with which to reproach itself , cither as regards the Western league or the other minor league * which are being reorganized on similar , lines to the progressive Western longuo. _ At the IHI | > Ki'iini'ls. C. P. Ilubbard , the well known proprietor of the Loup IConnoh at Broken Bow. made thu snorting editor a cull on Wednesday last , but unfortunately for the .1. p. ho was at liutr.n nursing iho grip nnd Glr.irit Oriswold , Jr. Mr. HubbarU has Just purobasud the Im ported Irish setter bitch Stella IV. , uy Beaconstloltl out of Alma , bred by Captain Ecclcs , Dublin , Ireland , imported bv Oeorgo 11. Covert , Chicago. Stella was broil on the 20th to Champion Dick Swlvcllor , champion Irhb setter of America. Mr. II. also added to his kennels recently txvo other mntrnltlccnt dosjs , Irish sellers , of the Champion Electrlo stoclt. _ The Kennel Oluli'i Olllrlnl Hotter. OMVIIA , Fob. 2C. To Iho Sporting Editor ot Tim Ben : At a meeting of the Omaha Kounol club held February 23 , n board of directors for the ensuing year was elected as follows : John T. Evans , president : J. C. Morrison , vice president. ; W. F. Cadogan , scurntnrv ; C. W. Waterman , treasurer ; K. L. Manton , W. E. Nnson , .l % H. Short , tl. B. Kennedy , Charles Frenzor Tim Cul > l > lu of tlio.Ajuuitour. The state lo.igup will bo 3 suvjiess. Beatrice Is tbo bjst dnxw incj , town In the state. , , . n0 Patterson ( colored ) Is a faj-orito in Fre ' ' mont. j „ { W. A. Loelnvootl played sbort for Norfolk In 'SO. l\ \ ? , , Shanahon , as usual , will play short for the Nonpareils. ti"n' Sam MoAulIilo is the surest hitter in the Nonpareil team. { IV-1 Buck Adams , outfielder , , may1 , malto terms with Beatr'co. ' i " > u . Plattsmouth has her eycs o Sara Patter son for manairer. i i ' .i Billie Bulger Is' n gobd shbrP" stop and can bo addressed at Akron , Colo. t „ i Dan Llnahan would ma'k'e a good umpire for the proposed state" leiigue. Leo Pond Is wintering in West Liberty , la. Ho is a line second baseman. Jerry E-Jincer is getting out some now stuff to use on the coaching lines. Jellcn is n promising younc pitcher and may pitch for some minor league this season. llousworth will probably manage the Lin coln team. This will insure the Capital City llrs t class ball. There are no less than four mana-rors after George Taylor , but ho will probably sign with Beatrice1. W. A. Hourke. Omaha's old third baseman , will probably hold the reins over the Grand Island aggregation. Kid Stonoy. si-cond baseman of last year's Hot Sprinpb team , is ouo of the bosl men on ground balls In tliL business. Sam Patterson thinks ho can put in n win ner for Plctsmoulb. Ho may not bo misla- lien but poino people think FO ! First Baseman Melrose is raanaircr of a well known Farnam street turklsh bath es tablishment nnd is in line shape. Snyder has the making of a good twlrlor as ho has good curves anil plenty of speed. H will bo found with the Cranou this season Mlko Shannhon is getting ttio Nonpareils In shape at tholr uymuaslunv on South Thir teenth street. They will open up the ball In March with a strong picked nine. * S. O. Coirmn will get the Fremont team tou'other early and play exhibition games With the Omaha amateur teams. Fremont Interesls will b < j well taken care of by Conmn. Bcatrlco will make no mistake in elvjng H. GatowooU the manngemont of her team. Ha has all the requirements of a good manager and is well posted on minor leuguo players , besides being a great hustler , lie would land Beatrice on the lop ot Iho heap If anybody could. G. W. Caslone Is In correspondence wilh part of Iho famous Cuban Giiinls of Now York , nnu with part of thu Lincoln Giants ho could put In a team second tonono. Kearney , Norfolk , or some other good town would do well to secure Mr. Custom,1 , as ho U well up iu the business. Some good man could got Hastings In line and do well up thorn. Hastings is a II rst class ball town , but her former managnr , Hohor , can't taxo hold as his crowing busi ness will not pcrmll. Torn Morrlssov , first baseman of last year's Sioux City team , or Billy La Van of Los Angeles , would make n gooa man for the work. Good , hard rustling Is bourinsr fruit. The following cities will bo represented nt the Capital hotel March 1 at Lincoln to organize the Elate league : Beatrice , Fremont , Grand Island , Norfolk , PlaUnmoutb , Lincoln and possibly Hastings and Kearney. Mr. Hous- worth of Lincoln Is corresponding wllh iho different dulogatos'of the ultlos named and all are very enthusiastic qVpr.'tbo ' prospecl of a league. , ,1 Mlscollanroii * l < orulr portfi , Messrs. Claflin nnd HileV''Rhvo ' returned from a lisbiiiftoxprdltlon t6 QjQar Lake , near Lyons. They caught a big creel of pickerel. Mallard ducks , probably sfiQ outh of hero , have begun to cnmo Into the market. Gcoso bavo bcon Hying over In lar numbers and all the shooters nro gettlnjrtfovor ( bad. E. D , Fulford has sent an advance agent to Chicago to take a poop at thq. shooting parks there before accepting un p the numerous challenges addressed to tiiiu u If ho mukos a match with Kleliiraau Frank Parinoleo will go over to aeo the race. , , Questions anil Aintw * r , AnAl'AHOE , Tub. 19. To llbMnprtlng Hdltor ol TIIK HKK : I'luiiao tlculdd tu ) ! following In the fcportinic roluinnof iiuxtHniuiiry. Inafour- Immluil gaiao of hUh-llvn A aim I ) bavo 45 , U nnd 1) M. A 1)1 ) els 1 1 anil gets thu dual. A leads tlionuoof trumps and IIOIH ono live with It. Then A loads low , to which I ) pliiVK u live , which la talcun by H qulok. to A unit 11 umko 12 , 0 and I ) uiuliu Jucic und game , Wlio wins the vine ? Commercial Hotel , Ans. Same old horse ctioitnut. C and D win. BOIITII OuAtM. Nob. Fob. l-To { " the Sport- Inx Editor of TIIK HEK : Tu dro dn u hot will you plci : Q bliu : In yonr Bunday gporlltu col umns of your valuable paper thu HMO und height of Mr. Do Wolf llopneiWhuiit ; . An . fl feet 'J. About U ! ) . IUii : OAK. In. . IVb. lB--To tha Bportlnsj Kdttorof TIIK HBK ; I'leiuo lut me know In next umlayS HKK If J. U. IllckoU ( Wild Hill ! waa thu iinlvl.ost nnd most accurate pistol shot In lilsilny. or wns Ills record buatun by uny hliot. Am , Ho iva a line shot ; that was all. CimioKKi * , la. . Knb. KJ.--TQ tno Sporting Editor of TIIK HKK : 1'luiibo unnwer thu follow ing question Iu Tim SUNDAY lieu ; From which HOME INDUSTRIES. By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. Ifyo cannot find what you wan/ , communicate with the manufacturers as to whc. dealers handle their goods. AWNING AND TENTS. OMAHA AWNING AND TENT CO. , Flne < , linmmocki , oil nnl riibhorclothtni * . Send for cntnloKOO. HI I Fur mm. FRED KRUG BRfcW- OMAHA BREWING ING CO. , ASSOCIATION Our liotlloil cnblnot boor aunrnntooil to oiiml outdo - dellTi'roii to any part do brnmli , Vienna of city. lixport bottlon boor 10U7 Jnckson Street ilellroroil in r 03OXKS. OMAHA BOX FACTORY J. L. WILKIE ' boTOi , mulling Nnlloil and Davotnllod I'npor IIOJIK. I'npncltr & .UUH 1'or luhoi nnd wojillnx cnki ) liny. Kiwi Onrahn. Tol. 113 boxo . 1' . O. box Sii. 1S11-SISL J. J , WILKINSON , 1'apcr , Clanr nnd Tacking 1)0X01. 1110 DoUKlai-Tcl 730 BOIL.KUS. | 1JUIL.DKUS. WILSON & DRAKE. JNO. P. THOMAS I'ontraclorof brick , slono Tubular fltioi , oil nnd \nllklnli miisimrr nnd mill walortiinKi , breooli- ' mf'n. tnillilliu. Btnvornnd lu' , nhout Iron work litownlk brio * 1 * . O. box 10th auJ Plarca. 13OOTS&SII013SI B1UC 1C. C. J. SCHMIDT , WESTERN STEAM BRICK YARDS ! ' . Gent's rino Hoots and Shoes. All kind * or brick * . Vltli , t II. & . M. It U. J. r.Tliumm S13South 13th rroprletor. CARRIAGES. WM. PFEIFFER. THE O3TERHOJDT. K'f'r Una carriages nnd Spring Wniton Mf . Co , HtiCRlos. Cnro In p.ilntltitf. Incorporated. trimming nnil roptlrlng. Itcpalrlnz on short no 2sW Lenvonworlli. tice. Carrlnio inlntlni ; . 11 SO CnsJ. Tel lil > 7. W. R. DRUM- MONO & . CO. Cnrrloco hillilon. Hose nnd patrol irieons specialty. 18th opp. Court Homo. COFFKE , ETC. | COPPER. CONSOLIDATED HONACK & . KAESSNER COFFcE CO. , Copper work of nil klndi. Importers nnd Jobbon , 14 Ilnrnoy. RCt3. 10th. will a ball lly tlio farthest w tli the sntno ciluitlty : of powder , shot from a thirty-Inch rllli ? or u rovolvor--G , W. Slpo. Ans. A nllo. AVOCA. In. . l oh.22. To thoSportlns Editor of TUB HEB : will you kindly toll niu Iiy ro- tnni tnill.lf In pro irosslvo high flvo , tlio liond tables play iiRamc of .VJ points , or If : iny ntim- lierof point * iiolo-teeodlitit ft. ' . Is culled same ? Itsoomhizly wtiuld consume ho much tlino to piny tho.VJ points that prozren would not bo very iuurkecl.--Mr5.A..U. ! | l. Aus. The host or hastes1 ? can very prop erty dccido iho number of points to conslf- tut'e thq garao. It must not necessarily bofiJ. OMAHA , ro24. . To tno SportlnR Editor of Tur. Ilir. : : I'lo'iso * tvo In Siindiy' : llr.K the dif ferent "pokpr" hands lit the order they come. ' . . and obllso'-H. The har.ds at poker may be numbered as follow * : ( I ) It contains no piir. straight or sequence , nnd Is not worth drawing to for any reason ; sometimes called a "kilter. " (2) ( ) It contains an neo. and may bo worth draw ing to for that reason. ( U ) It contains a "bobtail" flush or straight , i. o. , four cards of the snmo suit , or a four sequence of differ ent Giilts. (3) ( ) It contains ono pair. ( . " > ) It contains two pairs. ( t > ) It contains thivo of n Idnd. (7) ( ) It contains a straight. (8) ( ) It contains a Hush. (0) ( ) It contains a full. CIU ) It contains fours. (11) ( ) It contains a straight flush. OMAHA. I'ebr El To tlio Sportln ; Editor of TIIK HKK : 'lo accldo a bet pluu'-o ansuor In Sumlny's Brut A. null U are ulavln : U it ml 1) hljih live. A bets C that A and 11 will win the no.\t panic. I ) refuses to ulay. : iylns that It panio Is not pluyed tluit A. will lose , and A claims that the name not bolng played ho can not lose. Snbscrllor. Ans. The bctrton'r go. OHAIIA , Neb. , I'ol ) , 2i. : To the Sporting Edi tor of Tur. ItK'i : : To dcc'do a water please an swer In noxlSiinday'K HKK : Is the prohibition law of Iowa a constitutional law or btatu- tory , and oblige a constant reader ? II. A. ! ' . Ans. Statutory. OOTilRNimno. Neb. , lob. 20. To the Sporting Editor of Tun HKK : 1'luiso state in TIIK SUN DAY HKK what brewing company iiiuiiufne- tnrPE the most bcor In the Unltou Status and employ * tlio most men , and oblige a constant ronilpr ? M T. Ans. Anne'user-Busch. OMAHA. I'ob. 24. To tlio Sporting Editor of Tin : HUB : Will yon kindly auvSo mo throiisn the coin nuis of Tin ; SUNDAY HKK who la the proprietor of lloyd's now opera house , whol her .lanuM K. Uoyd or a Btouk company , and If the latter , who owns thu majority ot Urn Block ? Jack. Ans. J. E. Boyd , solo proprietor , OAK , Nub. . I'ol ) . SI. To the Sporting Editor ofTllBltKn : Would llko to know \vhUih Is most iibud by kport.snicn , the Schnlt/o or Woo.l powder ; also how much Is used for an or- dlniiry load of either ? Answer In SUNKAV HSK. OIIAHI.BS M. Finiiui : . Ans. Sohultzo. Mcasuro your charge of SchuHzo powder as you do black powder. I'ropor load as follows : For 10 gmuo ; guns , rs. to 4 dra. , for very heavy guns up to for 12 cuacoguns 2 > j drs. to drs , , for very heavy guns up to 3 > f drs. ; tor 111 gu'ago guns , 2j.f dfa. to % dds , , for very heavy guns up to a dra. ; for 20 guago suns , 2 drs , to 2M drs. , for very heavy . ? ua up to ! ) drs. Hchuftzo powder Is stronger tnan the ordinary American black powders nnd therefore loss of It .should bo uscJ , I'Ai-ir.i.ioN , Nob. . Kuli. SSTo the Sporting Eqllnrnf TIIK IlKK ! I''oasn answer thu follow ing In Till ! Bu.'DAV llEK : In a ' 'M irnttliu stake rji' . nomln.ithm to bo made July 1 , race to bo trotted In Huptombor. If a hoi so has a rocoril of 2:45at : lint tlmo ut his nomination , and should Imvurlt to2t)5 : ) before thla - race comes olT , could ho start In this race ? I claim he ran--I. W. lloadlo. Ans. You ore correct. Vonllouten's Cocoa The standard [ of the world. The I.nchy HiirniiKlioo. Wnshlnpton Stivv : ' 'Do yoz ro member the tulle about Bol na uu' suporatltiona the other ovonin' , Airs. Flnnnujrnn'i" ' "Ol do. IIuvo yoz thricd the horseshoe shoo yluV" "I'alx , fin' wo hivvo , nn' It worrukcd to wnnat. It luuln't liln up two hours bo- foru it fell on Miclmol anil brolco opnu liis lioad. Now nil ho 1ms to do la to lie in bed nn' dhrcw "Is money from tlio lodpo. " _ Dr. Culliinuro.oyo nnd oar , Boo building Tlio Colorado U'a.Y. ' Texas SlftlngB"So : poor Bill Stubs Is dead , " said a inunou the train the other day. day."Yea , I understand so. Where did it happen ? " "In Colorado. " "Did you learn any of the partlcu- IrvraV" "Nothing , except that ho died n natural dcnth. " "la that BO ? Why , I 'was told ho was knocked down on the street and had Iho lifo boatun out of him. " "Well , that's vhut they call a natural death in Colorado now. " Dr. Cullitnoro , coullattoMo. Pao.Ily. U. T. FKI.IX rjOUHAUD'S OHIEXTAIi CUKA.M. D UU JIAGlCAh IlliAUlFlUU. ltomovc * Tnn. > lea , Moth Patch. 03. itart.i anil bk In il0ne ) , andcvory blom- lili on beauty , anditotli's detec- tlon , It IIIM Btood the lost of 40 yean , and U 00 harmless wij tasto. to bj snro It la proparly made. Ai-ropt no cmm orfolt oralnill ininnio , I > r. I A , fn > ir nld to nlndjrof the haul ton ( a pntlont ) : As you ladles will uiethem 1 recommend ' t ream'a * the leaH lurniful of all the bkln preparations " For ailuby all UrUKSliti and K.-incv Condi lioilera la tlio United btaten , Caniidaj and Huropc FltKDT.lIOI'KINS.l'rop'r.STOrcatJoDOsSt. , K. V. Baby's oh col : Is lllto a peach , Is it Mndasio Ruppert's bloaoh ? No ! but baby's mama's oheelc Volumes to Its praise clotli bpoak ! Cull forMmp. liupport'9 hook , "Hnvr to bo Iloantl- fal" of.Mrs. .1. Uansun.IilO S. loth Bt. , Omaha , Nob. A or.NUINi : MICUOHK ICILnBKIl KIDD'S OKIU1 KUADICATOlt I nrotnll ilaio.ii3i booinio ttkllli tlio microbe or KOrm I'ut ret'illoj In $ ! . * ! .mil t : > szas , the Inttt-r 1 v i.Mlliim. Sent anywhora pre paid on roculptof prlcoorO. O. I ) . Woliiiu a tfuir- nnleo tocure. The public trilJ nn1 Jobbori i-ii > - pllecl by thn Klni cr Druu Oonip\ny , O niiri ; C. A Molchor , llownnlMoyornnd K. I' , bjykor.i , Hoiitti Umaha : A. 1) . Kostorand II. J. KM I. Oojnll Ilium I have positive remedy f or 111 * almroillseosa ; hylts oaethousandaof CAI9I of tha worst kind And of long rtnnJra ; liaroxtn \ rurnd. Indori ] so stronR l my faith in Us cllc.ivjr ) , that I mil B3ndTV/oiOTTL ! 3 muK , with a VAT.UAUI.IC TUHATltC ! ontlmillwasotDnnrsuf- furor who will ECU J mo their Kxrcsfaud 1 * . O. ftdjrcti. T. A. Slocum. .tf. . . 183 1'ctirl Nt. . K. V. loDuo'3 Porlodloal Pills. The Krunch ruinudy a--H illroctly upoa the eenoratlvoorRiinsanil curu < Hiipprosalon of the monsiM. tier three for JS. and b mallod. Hhould not bo utudiliirlii prj.'irinuy. Jobbon , drngglslgaildlhonubllo supplied by Qoodmaa Urur ( Jo. . N , M , RUDDY , THE DULY PRACTICAL OP1ICIAN 2li ! South 1Mb St. , rtirniunHt. Tlloator. EYES TESTJBD FREE Ulasses Kltto 1 lo ro-nody all ilofeuls of eye- 8lKht. rileol sjiui'tuulos of Kuar.intood iU-illty | JIiuul ii | > . KoHiHJoll Spajtul.n mil Kyo3l.i , $ and OurulUt'i ! pru > oriptluni for KlasHCH ( Illoil correctly bamo day us rojolvoil BTiriOIAL HUMAN EYE3 HDNORnHEA , QLECT AND LOCURERHEA CURED In 2das by tbo I'rench Itomcily , vntklcd , The King It dissolved against an 1 In abaorbud Into the Inllauioil rartH. Will lofiinl ininoIt it does not ture. of causes btilcturo. Uoatloman , hcruU.i r llublo nrtlrla. Alpt'-ka- or "for * % by mat ! prop.ild. Scow. I.unii ioOmaha INTEREST raiDOHDEPOSITS ATOMfWA-LOflNSTRUSTCQl 5E.CDR. CAPITALS IOO.OOO.OO DIRCCTORSIA UWYMAN-E.W.NASH. JHHIttARD-CUy-COAIITON-C.B.LftKE. J.O.BFtOVVM-7MOS-L.KIMaALL. Dr , BAILEY TLo Leading . I u Dentist Third Vlos ; Pjxton Blos't clo/u'ijl J 8 > , 10'i ! niul r.inn n Sti A full tut of tenth oa rn'ibor for li. I'jrfuHtlt Toulli wliliout platji or runuralilo : UrlU ) > ' &ri , jott tlio tlilna for liuur or pabllo n atiarf , unit ilroi lown. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All ( lllliiKi at roiiona'jto ratal , all wor'i rirr4ntl Cut tUlt out fur a guMe. H1NTKUS , 1IOOKHIND13US.KT OMAHA PRINTINGCO POKROK ZAPADU Pucco ors to Onioln Hop , Print. Co. Colored PRINTIN3 CD. | Inboli n specialty. Hank . mippllos , blnkt , etc , lUtli nd SISl ,13th. REED JOB PRINTIN | CO. , 1CTC P. J. QUEALEY PAGE SOAP CO. , SOAP CO.I Mfg. Union go p. Mfe. rclebrnted Inumlrl H5Ulckor7 and lolled sonp . Ocualil | W 11 ITU 1.10 A U.I CARTER WHITE LEAD COl Corrortcr nnd rrln.lon ! | Blrlctlf tniro wbltJ loml. Knst Umnlin. YKAS'l- . GERMAN YEAST CO. OM4HACOMPRESSEC Oormnn Vonit ,1e n Ha rcimi'ol opcr.illonl packngo.Mndo la Ouinha Intliplrni'W fiii'iorj. Hit Illclmnlxnri. Ollluo1J \ \ : 1111 Ilnrnoy 32il St. Tel. I78J. DH , , J. E THE SPECIALSST , Is unsuriKissod In tlio trotniciit of all cass of I PKIVATK DISEASSS , an I all illRorlnril anil dobllltlcsnf yoiitb nnd inunhond. ITyoars'l cxpcrloni'o. Illn rusourcos anil fuellltloH nrul pi'.iutic illy iinlliiiUod. Tlio Doctor Is rucom-l inondod by tlio pre' , anil undorso'l In the I strongest torjns by thn poop o for f.ilr troat-1 incut anil hoiiunt iirofcsslonal ailvlfc. The I most powerful romodlo1) known M mnlurni R-leneu for the sucoesiftil trjiitmoat of Iho | GONORRHOEA Immediate relief. A com plete cure without the lojj ot an hour's time | from huilucM. CfLEET Ono of the must complete and sueI I cefHul treatments tor iloet ami all annoying I ( llhehiirLO * yi't Unown to the rnoiHr.i ! prufos- Blon. The results nro truly wonderful. Thu most stubborn aiuluhronlu cases where tha dlhitlmtvo bail oxlstud for entirely con * trolled Ina remark'ibly short time. STIUtOTUJlE-Greatest known romoily for I the treatment/of hlrluture. without p.iln , < "it- ilny , or dilating , A most roinarKalilu ruincily. SYPHILIS No treatment for tlni torrlblo blood ( IH3.iso has ever l ) on moro micuumfiil , or hail bli-oirur enilornomunts. In thu lUlit of mo'Jeru solom'U tills < llseiso : Is positively curable anil every trace of the poison entirely lomovoJ from the blood. I'll a euro K complotu and permanent , IjOSr MANHOOD , anil ambition , nervousness - * ness , timidity , do pen lensy nirl all hllthtlii ( elTecls of early vice. Hellef obtalupd at nco. The woalCKrowstrons. und the despondent bo- coniouliiicifnl an I hapi.y. SKIN DISEASES , mil nil ilhoisesot ; tlio blood , llvor , UldnnyH ruidb laddiii1 uru tioated Riiecessfuily with the greatest Known romeillo * for these tl so swes. Write for circulars and riiioHtlon list free. JJISEA3E8 OV THE BTOMAOU - Dr. McUrow'd troiittiiont for disorders ot tha Htoinneh , lins tin ) uiniu.illUod-omlorduiiiont of tlnmu who have been oureil , OIIKCS Unit hail biilTereil for years und nimble to Wuitic or KIT without Incruahlnj tholr mliiory , entirely cured , The rome lies are phi.intit ami pil- atabln to tlio most ilelluatohtomauli. lllli and I'arnam rlfi. , Umiiha , Nob. Kntr.inco oa either snoot. BSTor I08T or FAI1INO MANHOOD , WiG.r.erulanJUEHVOUBDEIULITY , lYrTH ) HI I ! Weaknc of Body Bnd Wind , EJTecUl BUUldiUIMlofErrorioTEiceiiei in Older Younjr. kb.liu.1. ul > l > atMlllllll full , llr.loml. Ilo la fulirr * > > 4 blrmrlH'nl'tiK.I JlllKtf nil'KUIIIIIIAkB * I'ikTHullHtUt iliiolulrlr unl lll K Illllli : TIIKATHKlt t llrprllK In a d./ , ! Im < r > tlr/rr < iEitum lit iiilUrrl ( ou lrli . llrllrllJtm. - _ JURE , , YOURSELF ! r Ask your PruggUt for - , W bottle ot Ills . Tltepnto i Py non-jiuttonuut rumudy for nil 1 debilitating ivcuknc s peculiar I lo uonicn. It curti In a few I days without the aid or \ publicity ot ft doctor. I'll * VnMrntl American Curt. Uniiufacturcd by n l Tbft ET M Chemical to. * CINCINNATI , O. O. a. . r.0