THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES. iSPEOlHL NOTICES. . I / * 1)VK11T1F1MKI : T8 FOIl TIIKSK COLUMNS M 1/Vwlll trtnkrn until U:80p. : m. , for Itio evening , . < nd until 8:30 : p. m , , for tlio morning or Sunday cell- 'I ' Ion. I All BclTOrllfcmentK In them columns 15 rents n. , jlno tiiH tnicrllon , find 10 crntu h line thereafter , or f IZfcrllnp per month , No nittettlsrmcnt taken for I ittx I linn 26 tents for Ilia ( Irtt Insertion. Tcrnucn n Count ntioiil ? word * to tliollnc , inl- lnl > , flpnrp. , of mhol , rtc , , each count ni n word. Mladrcrtltcmcntsmutt run consecutively. Advcr- Lli ( > r , ) > T requesting a numbered check , cun have i lirlr letter * addressed to n numbered letter In euro jf TiiKIIKK , Answers no nddrcrtcd will bo dcllv i'red on presentation of the check , l - - - - - - - I : HIIANCII omctsADVKUTISINO : KOHTHKSK Ucolumn * win bo lakcn on tlio nnovo condition ] it the follonlnitunslneM houses , who nta author- ted to InVo rprtlal notices at the same , rates n can jp lind nt tlio main ofllcal Sotilli Unmhn Urnncli Office-No. 2G23 N street .IMer hlock. ( John W. Hell , pharmacist , 11th and Mnson streets , i B. II , Knrnsttoith , phflrmaclst. 511.1 fuming street. t W..I. lltmhen , phatinnclst.iUI N. Ifith Mrcpt. t C. K. Ballcrtlcld , pharmacist , 1719 Loavonworth itreel. \ Utilities' pharmacy , 51th and Knrnnm. SITUATIONS WANTED. jlATKS-lfc n line first time and lOonllno there- after. No advertisement taken for leu than Zje. lA - SITUATION WANTK1) IIY A 1 CLOTIIINfl Vmati ! good references. Address Iloi Ml , Ilusl- ngs , Neb. 7IC 1 ( A WANTKI ) , SITUATION IN MANIC AS HOOK- V-Vkeeper or assistant caiihlcr ! had some oxpcrl- ' nee , Lest of reference. K. L. Argabrlght , Shubort , : Vcu , 771)I ) " -SITUATION IIY A llKfllSTKUKI ) I'lIAHMA- clsl , 6 roam experience ! lompcralo hahltsj A 1 Mofcrcncrs. Address ! II , Hoc. M84I-28' WANTED-MALE HELP. IATK9 lf > c n line first tlmo and lOc n line there- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less tlmnSSc. ' ' . ONBALAII Jmlrslon tohanillo the new patent chemical Ink t'taslng pencil. 'Ihe grcalcsl selling novelty over , 'itoducidi ' crates Ink ihorougly In tno seconds ; no ibrnilon of paper ; SCO to H ) per cent prollti ono < E ( > nt's rales amounted to tlSO In six days , another ' ln two hours. Wo want ono general ogcntln inch stale nnd territory. Kor ti-rms nnd full par- Iculnrs address Monroe Kroner Mfg. Co. , Lacrosse , Vis. . X I'll. 7sI JlO-ClTVCANVAS'BKIIH.SALAllVI'AlllWKKKLY. ' p Hewing machlnu olllco. IMC Douulan st. } cuim ; n- WANTKI ) . K1HST-CLAS3 MACHINIST. ) L > UavlsWANTKI 75 JI-1'OHTUAIT AUTISTS WANTKII TO OIVK 14Jour electric Unlit print" a trial. KxceMor I'or- ( mil Co.Vnro lilock , Omnha. .MU3I Ml3' p WAXTKI ) , MACIIIN1STH TO KKKI' AWAY ,1-Trom Imll.inapolls , Ind. . ns thcro Is n strlko hero. J. J. l.ninl ) , U. K. Hoard. M593& * ST WANTKD AN KNUHUKTIO MAN IN ANEW : linn of soliciting. Call or address N. Y. 1.1 fo , lldg. room ; l. MUX17' 'f > - WANTKI ) . TWO GOOD 1ILACKSM1THS MUST iJbeo good reliable men and workmen , capable of jolng all kind * general joh work nnd understand ( low work well , Emit giilggs , O'Neill , Neb. I t.74 29 * * * ( ) - ( ! UAHNlCSSMAKIillS WANTKI ) AT PALLS lUcily , Nob. ( Two who can run a 5 'Tierson mn- , hlno , ' ) ey Henry Case. 700-1 ift-WANTKI ) AT ONCK , 25 HAHNK8SMAKKHS t > on light aud heavy harness. To good men will > , ! lvo steady employment the year around. The \onnnlz inddlcry Co. , tit. 1'aul , Minn. C99-1 I > WANTKI ) , A MAN TO 11I11VK ANI ) TAKE Pcnro of horse. Apply 13WJ Knrnnm street. j M774 23 - ) TO 8KLI. OUIl goods by inmplo lo llio wholesale nnd rclnll rade. Liberal salary and expenses paid. 1'criua- icnt position. Money advanced for wages , adver tising , etc. Kor full particulars and reference ad- } , rcBS Centennial MfL' . Co. , Chliingo. 111. M7B5-28 * 'V > WANTED. I'Al'Ull HANGK'l TO DO WOHK iDnnd take part pay In rent , ( 'no year's rout guar- { nlccd. (1. K Units , 311 I'uxloii block. 7"o- < U-WANTKI ) , HKLIAHLH YOUNU MAN KOH onico work ; musl furnish good references nnd .jX ( ) cash capital ; salary flix ) per month nnd Inter- > t In the business. Address K. W. Warner , lies 8,13-88' ,1011108 , la. Jn-WANTKl ) , A YOUNO BIIOKMAKKU W1TU .Ulools. Address box 2U1 , lied Cloud , Neb. k B38"28 'J ' > WANTKD , A YOUNO MAN IN DIIAI'KUY DK- U/pnrlmcnt , Apply before 10 a. m. Monday. B. A. [ Tchard. BIT 23 ' | ) -KNTLKMAN ( WANTKI ) IMMKDIATHLY 'Jjfor ' npcriniincnt position : must have experience ( r adaptability as salesman ; riS.UU weekly salary. JPply W. T. Jlnrshnll , 1)12 ) Crclghton block , Tuesday 78'J ' 23 * [ fterlO- TJ-OANVASSKI13 WANTKI ) TO SOLICIT Oil- IJders for our portraits. Kxcclslor 1'ortralt Co. , , Vnro block , Onmhn. M33I M13 * i - OU LAD1K9 , ON 8ALAIIY OH commission , to take orders for "Shcpps' 1'hoto- graphs of the World- " Agents are making from j25 to tUl per week. Call and ceo sample or address Uvcrlnghouso & Co. , 437 Chamber of Commerce , imahn. 701 2j -12 GOOD CANVASSKIIS WANTKD. Wl N. Y. . -'Life. ' J. 11. Jerome. > 17ill 5 * 0-WANTED. TllAVKLINO SALESMAN. CAN I IJnmki ) $50 per week. Trade spcclnlllcs. Tabor , | ] T9 Monroe slrcct , Chicago. 811 23 * I 'n WANTKI ) , MOIIK I1U8TLKIIS. 15OUO HAT- I Ulllng windows of Chicago schools quieted by the I've Anil-rattler. Are you In It ? Largo sales. Large Jroflts. Kiclnslvo territory. Sample net 25c. W. H. j'yo , 11M Taylor street , Chicago. 813 23' OFFER AGENTS lilt MONKY , IN KX- llJ-WE _ . . . _ . . . % safes sell nt .inclusive territory. Our now patent 'Ixlit In city or country. Now agents ttret In Held actually cettlnurich. . Ona agent In one day Ijlenrecl fStUll. Bo can you. Catalogue free. Al- "nosafe Co , SOJ , SH Llark street , CincinnatiO. " -WANTKI ) , L1VK AdKNTS TO SKLL Till ! bent door runt out llg money to hustlers. I ipply to ( illchcr Btcel Hut Co. , 101 Canul St. , Clevo- [ and.Ohio. 810 2b * - ' . . KVKHYWHUllK KOll OUIl superior white enameled letters nnd cloorplatcs. llamplos absolutely free , bend stamp , llellcfon- | sine Mfg. Co. . Cincinnati. Ea-23 * - ) OUAHUATK I'lIYSICIAN IN AD R-WANTKI peclallst's olllco In Chicago , to merit I onslderatlen , niustbu cxpcrlriiccd nml competent , lltnto references and salary demanded. J 47 , care 1 .ord & , Tlioiuas , Chicago , III. 831 aa - ) , UK01BTKIIK.I ) 1'IIAHMACIST. State age , amount eiperlcnco and where and sal- ] ry. Ulvo reference. Acfdresa M , care Illako , | lruco&Co. 833 28' WANTKI ) . KXI'KllIKNCKl ) PANTS AND B overall maker to work In factory. Apply to M. | C. Umltli & Co. corner llth and Howard Btrcels.S' . S' J 23 * J-WANTKD. GOOD IHIKAD AND CAKE > baker. 1118 South 13th street. 798 23 * > -SALKBMKN TO BULL IIY SAMl'LH OUIl Jinone- order systcra to retail merchants. I XJ.OJ [ month lu It for salcsiuon : experience , not ncccH- lary. Address Jlerclmnt'o Money Order Co. . Cln- tlnnull , O. 7i)3-23 ) J-WANTKl ) . MANAGKtl KOll DllANCH OKKICH .Jin this city , llmlncas In connection with World' * lair. ffMlcBklisecurlir required. Liberal arrange- Inents , Must furnish bank reference ! . D. C. Holey , | S8 Dearborn street. Chicago , 111. tOJ 23' , TKNGINKKHS AND KIIIKMKN , TO i-nocuiiu -'llceiiBcs , should get n copy of "btupheiison'i Il lustrated 1'ractlcnl Tctil , " conlalns latest oxamlnn- lions ; by mull , fl.lX ) ; agents nanted. Waller ( i. | ( raft , publisher. 70 LaSallo bt. , Chicago. Blip 23 * \j\VANTKD AOKNTS TO 1NTIIODUCK THIS iJbcst selling household article on the iiiarkei : \i\ll \ \ couiuiUslous. M , 11. Tyler & Co. , Muncle , luU. | J-\VANTKI ) . A GOOD DIIKHB COOKS BALKS- llmuiii must be competent and experienced ! give IvfereuccB. Addrcts 1' . O. liox WJ , Lincoln , Neb. J-WANTKD , KXPKUIKNCKD SALKSMAN IN Jwnsh ilroas goods department. The Hoiton [ store , Omaha. 872 23 > AGKNTS WANTKD-I1CIO 1'KH MONTH AND . Jexpenscs. Bend UI cents for sample and our pro- lulumof | jcSterling ullver teatpuous. U. S. Nov illy Co. . ClilcatiO , III. W 2a -SAUCbMKN WANTED. S1DK LINK COI.UM- bU paper Iwclxht ( look * like (20U In Void ) , Ink- kland slump und match boxes , same style ; hcuvy B > k jiUteI sellers'Bamplu , II. World's * alr tsouv- ) iulrooiu | > iuiyChlcago , 6U42i * | > -WANTtil > , K.XPK1I1KNCKD GO11UON I'ltlfsb Ifeeder , lloom U. N. Y. Llfo Uldg. M87I 29 * T-WANTKl ) . AN ACT1VK PAIITY WHO CAN lnv < * t * l.tiUO or (4.0UUlu n Incori-ornteU company iotng wliolesalo and luiuiufucturlng buslnetk , to lakoau ottUvt posllloo uod U-coino actively en- Luuud. Don't jiiiswer unloas can 4'lrn the bc-tt of tolurcuxw luito ublllty luleurlly , etc. Address P . Uco. Mtx',3 , I HELP. 41'KS-lic a Jlno 'first time ami lOo a line there tiler. No jvOertliomcut uUtcu for less than 25o 7ii KoiV anNKjiAL nousKwonk7 . A. Jjahuson , 2DOK Capital aye. 417 1-LADIK8. 1)0 OUIl WOHK AT YOUll Vesiy and iDlermtlusi day orevculuu ; bpnce , no couro'iinif ! good parAddrou with laiup , Ilotton Aqaircllo Art Co. , 43 Winter tireol , plosion , Muss. M5bS AJb * . - WANTKD AUIllf , KOlt GKN'KIIAI. JHOIJ5 > > work for a family ot two at IW5 & Sink * vo. WANTKI ) . OOOD COOK AND LAUNDIlKSt 75J OIUL FOIt UBNKHAL HOUSKWOItK , ceruinn , Jaae or lloheuiUo preferred , sun Kar- | mm street UT72 t9 * V WANTKD. A GIHI. roil OKNKUAI , IIOUSK- Arork at Jiai Harney trnol. MM. 1) . U. Wheeler , MI73 n-WANTEl ) , A QOOI ) KIIIST ( JlltU 1NOU1I1B Jul 5IU B. d st , 7tli-J GOOll OIUL KOll GKNKIIAL 110USBWOUK , -'family ol two , 11M BoulU 32d slreet. 78J t * h-COMPhT .NTGIItl. tXJIt UBNEHAL HOUSE- , /wurk. 'WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ConHiitird. P -LADIKS KAHN MONKV WHITING KOll MK | V > pnd addressed stamped pnvplopo to Krancls L , Hale , South llcnd , Ind. , tor particulars. 818-28 * I 1-LAD1K3 WHO IIAVn TO KAHN TIIP.III l.tV- V/'lngrnn make llpaslcrby selling our Hygpln Klcc- tro-Mafrnclto Corspts than anything else. Kor terras apply lo Western Corset Co , , til , Louis , Mo , 805 23 * C-WANTKD , FIVK KXPKItlKNCKl ) BALKS- ladles ; alto live cxpprlpnrpd Irlmmprs In millin ery department. The lloHon store , Omaha. . B72 23 p-AN AMKUICAN ( IIIU. VOIl HOU8KWOHK. VvOood wages for a competent perron , 618 So , 20th il. K.3-23. - \ : ' . IHL WANTKII KOU1IOUSK- work In small family , Apply at2C25 Charles si. S492S * FOR RENT-HOUSES. HATKd lie a line Hrst tlmo and lOc a linn thpro- after. No advprtlscment taken for less than 2 , * > c. i\-3 X/ldcnce flnts In city. Mead Idv'l Co , , 442 Ilco bids 11-KOH IlKNT , IIOUSK 10 1IOOMS , ALL MOD- Jvern llnprovemptits , ( JO per month ; 82d and Kar- nnm. L'cxler L. Thomas 721 I-k-l'-HOOM IIOUSK. 57TH AND DAVUNl'OIlT , J.'all conveniences , IM.IW per mouth. K. K , Dar ling , Ilarkcr block. 720 IIOUMK. MODKItNlMPIlOVKMKNTd , . 25th avc. 11. Knllsli , tailor. 211 N. Kill. 727 -1IOUSKS , COTTAOK3. KOOMS , UI4 N. 17th st , 47ml7' _ TJ-KOIl HUNT. SKVKN-ItOOM COTTAOK , CITY" Jl-'watcr , gasand clstprn , 2101 Dodge St. , 2S per month. M. J. Kcnnnrd , IV9 Now York Life building 640 I _ _ TJ-KOll IlKNT , COTTA(1K,6 HOOM8. MATH. HOT -l-'nncl cold water , largo Moro room , Stationary range , cuftalns , good cellar , f.10.00 per month , 1523 bhermnn avenue. Call at room 27 , Merchants hotel. Mt'.U _ _ _ r\-TWO VKIIY IIS1HA11IK : KOUIl ItOOM -L/modorn flats , steam heat , Ono six room , ono live room cottago. Tel. 1.71U. 81Uboutu22d street. D ITWO 10-HOOM HOUSK8 , MODKltN CONVKN Icnccs I , at 140 nnd (15. Inquire at oUI N. 22d st. D-KOll IlKNT , STKAM IIKATKI ) FLATS IN llio P. K. Her block , corner IVth and Jackson streets. They have nil conveniences and are In good repair , Call at Her & Co's. , HIS limner street. MTU -KOll IlKNT , KHAMK IIOUSK. NO. H S 111TII slrcot. In good repair , llcnt f I5.0U per mouth , Call at Hert ( Vs. , 1112 Harney strcel. M7I5 I-V-C-HOOM COTTAHB. HOT AND COLD WATKIl , JL/balh , cloret. furnace , beautiful lawn and shade. Apply nl N , K. cor. 22nd and Miami. 720 24 * -KOlt IlKNT , 4-HOOM PLAT , KHONT 1GTII AND Hickory. 720-2 * D I-U IIOOM PLAT , 2105 LKAVKNWOUTIt ST. 757iu2J D--KOH 11KNT.A KOtlUTKK.V IIOOM IIOUSK AND furnlturo for snlu , full of roomers ami boarders , location , best. Address ! it. Ilee. 75123 * -KOll HUNT 10-IIOOM HOL'SH , ALl , SIOOnilN Improvements , on 22nd between St. Mary's nve- nuo and Howard street. Inquire at 12U7 Karnam street. M7I.'J i."J _ -KOll IlKNT , OOOD SIX IIOOM IIOUSK , N1SAU business center , RO. The O , F , Davis Co. . 1505 Karnam sU 780 29 -10-IIOOM , ALL MOIIEHN UOUSE &M B. 2ST1I street. 8 room house , 1117 Howard * _ ll-room house. SOU S. 18th st , 1) ) room house , COO I'lcrco st. 0 room house , 821 S. lOtu st. A largo list ot other houses , H. H. Olark & Co. , 1218 Harnoy st. 782 _ -7-HOOM COTTAGK , 27TII , KAST VIIONT. 1 mile from 1 * . O.nll mod. Imp. , (25. " room cottage , .Till i-oward , now , pretty. (15. 6-room house , 25th near Kt. Mary's nve. , (1'J. VIdcllty Trust Co. , K. cntranco li. Y. Life. 734 MM _ -200 HOUSES. FLATS AND COTTAOKS , J7 TO $ :15. : Call ortclephouollwU. K. C. Carvlii i.Co. , 203 Shccly block. 81U-23 -MODKUN IIOUSKS , f35 TO S75 , DKSIHAULY located. Call or telephone ) 1GJU. IS , C. Carvln 4Co.SC8fchcely block. 819-28 -KOll HUNT Oil SALK , KUHNISHKD COTtage - tago , modern Improvements , 10 minutes walk from postolllco. Address 1' . O. lock box 311. 83023 * -NKW 11I1ICK TIOUBK. 2708 KAIINAM , { TO ; also brick houses 2702 nnd 2704 Karnam , (75 each , Warren M. Rogers , Iu2l-132.1 Knrnnm. 801 2j -KOll IlKNT. NKW MODKHN C-UOOM 11OUSL" , batli room and all convenience ; location , 517 N. 18th street , between California and Cass ; posses sion given March 1. Apply to owner at room 6XI ( , First National bank building. 853 23 FOB BENT FURNISHED KOOM3. 11ATKS-- a line first tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. -ELKaANTtSfl ? tlctuon only ; all modern Improvements. 1WJ Douglas st. 170M7 * _ 17 FOIl IlENT , NICELY VUHNIS1IKD , SliCON'D J- story backroom , suitable Tor single gentleman , without board , 122 S , 25th street. 255 TI-Sl'LKNDID KHONT IIOOM , FltONTINO LAWN , -LJiclth all modern conveniences , N. W. cor. Viitu and Douglcsttt. 7J1-28 -KOll HUNT , ONK LAIIQK KIIONT Oil TWO bock furnished cr unfurnished rooms , In the best location In Omaha. Address ! 19 , L'ee. 8CU -FOIl KKNT KUIINISHKDOU UNKUIIN19HKD rooms ; all modern conveiilauccs , 2123 Harnpy. aibiiiai * _ --KUHN1S1IKD 1IOOMS IN 1'UIVATIS FAMILY , 119 So. 25th street. 8KI 28 * _ -KOll KKNT NICF.LY rUUNISHKD ItOOM ; zcntlumeu only ; all conveniences. 23U1 Douglas street. 8CS 2tl -KUIINISHKI ) ItOOM , flKNTLKMKN ( li.OO , with breakfast (10.50. 2 pleasant ! i brtHcmimt rooms , light housekeeping , Sii.uu unfurnished. IIIU Cieorgln nvenuo. 820-23 E-DlSIUAirK KUUN1SUKI ) HOOMS , 2427 Dndgo street. References. Mittf5 * FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. -KLI5GANTLY KUUN1S1115I ) 1IOOMS , BINULU or en suite ; nil modern conveniences ; Urt > t-clnis board. 1118 tiouth2Gth street. M2bO Ii nOOMS ANJJ UOAItD. 113 B ! 25TI1. St. 421-m5 ! * -NICELY KUllNiailKI ) IIOOM WITH IIOAIID for man nnd nlfo or two ladles , private family ; t week each ; modem conveniences , 515 N. 2Jrd st. 17-KU11NISIIKI ) ROOMS AND IIOAIID. tl X' Capitol avenue. IX1I-5 * -KHONT IIOOM WITH ALCOVH , ALSO IIOOM unfurnished If desired. 212 Bo. 25tlrst. C7I T7-SU1TK OK KIIONT , ANIJ ONK SIDE UNKOIl I1 nlfhcd If desired. 2017 Harney. MC83 2b * -Ol , 1IOO.M - with board , Steam heat. 1721 Davenport st. 7U2-1 * KUHNISHKD ItOOMS WITH UOAUD. UKKKII- once , 2214 Karnam st. 778 4t ITi-FUUNIMIlCD 110OMS WITH IIOAIID. 1717 JL' Chicago Bt. MS74 .V TfKOll IlKNT. WITH JIOAUD. A KUIINISIHSD JL' front room sultublo for two. 20 W Callfornlu st. M7ir. ft * " ' FOR BENT-TJNFURinSHED "ROOMS' HATES 15o a line llrat tlmo nnd lOu a line thereat. ter. No advertisement takun for less than ' . ' 5c. G-UOO.MB. ANY NUMIIKIt KIIOM 1 TO 4 , IN rials , for housekeeping. Prices away down , (1 , K. Hulls , all Paxlon block. ( JIM K23 KOll IlKNT. IIOOM KOll TA1LOH OH Slol GibKOll shop. ICth and Howard , M740 2l > * G 3 IIOOMS WITH CI.OSUTS KOll IIOUSK keeping. 110. Wit llowunl. 76UM" G -8KVBN UNKUIINIHIIKI ) IIOOMS KOll MAN und wife's board. Address P II , lieu. b'J'J ' 23 * BOAHDI1JG. HATKS iron line first lime unrt lOe nllno Ihero- after. Nil lulvertltement taken for lent than 'J.V. H i' UM Au ) usKisio i o KIK KO uo board , nicer rooms , ronveuleiiceii , rule * uml lo- alien It cannot be excelled. Mr > , Hum , iiroiirlvlor Ml M 10 * FOH KENT-STOKE 3 ANX > 'o'lil.FIOEr HATKS-lio 11 Hue lint time uiul lllou line there- niter. No uUvi'rlUonioul tuken for leu tliun JSo. 1U8 1 I-l'ini HUNT. TIIK 4-STO11V 1IIIICK IIUllJIINlf. JVlii Kurnani dreet The bulltllni : him n llio proof cement bntviucnt. complete Meani hei.tlnn ilxiurun , water on all thu tloorn. Kan , eta Applr at the olllco of the Ilee. _ [ _ Kin 1-KOH IIE.NT , bTUHK , IU2I HOWAIIK. . _ Ml r KOlt UKNT.TIIU I.AIIOKKTAMHIKSThTOllK bulltllni ; In llio tlnurlnhlnK town of Ht. ICUwonl , lloone rouiity. Neb. tlruiid opeulnt : fur u general uiereliunilUe tturu ; rent low , Aihlren A , I ) . White , real ebtnte nfeney , M , KtlnanlVeb. . 7M U 1 OKK1CI3 KOll IlKNT. Dili : A I1. L'tJE OK THI.U- J phone. CalliiO 1'aitun block. txAl'S * 1-KOll 11DNT , UKKICKri , VKIIY DKSlltAllI.U , luiEluoren tulto , lu DougliiB block. Unqulra J , II. l-anotte , rooui W. tITliTfi ItENT-MISOELLANEOUS. _ J-UAJIDKN KA11MS TO UKXT. T. MuTlllAV , U1T _ _ _ _ UiC.V-'K VAHDd KOlt HUNT. T. .MUItltAV. J WM _ T-KOIl IlKNT , NO. I 1IKMIKIITON 1'Vl'R. u writer , iW i raoutlilr. Mlm UeWllt , tare of ( X II. llavenaA " "j A1IUT i."J KOll U. ' "T. KXTKNHIVK l'ltKMItJKt > , II KT , J zW U. , voi ut r < uf lluwuro ana buuth itttb itiet-t , coiuullillik'a UOIBJJl il bM.einenl. Jl'Plly Wliul- Ivr , Keiup A C V , tf X. > ' . Ulv tlUg. i7W ! l WANTED-TO KENT. JIATKS 15c n line flr t tlmo nnd tOe ft Una there- nflcr. No ftdTtrtltenicnt tnkon for less than Me. KWANTK "fo IlKNT HV Al'ltll. l l A twelve or fourteen room house , ullh barn nml rnoilcrn ronvonleiues , to n icooit tenant nho will lOdKn one1 or two jr.iM. Mu. l hocnut of Silh , north ( if llnrney. we t of 20th anil notitli of CHIB Mrccts , Aildre.'K with price , etc. , I * . O. box KH. _ tS'-ES * - WAlrn nni igm'Tnioost KOH HINOI.K penllcnmn ; piltnlo fnmllf preferred : nonlh boardcn. 1'rlcc not over 115. Aililrc s 1' IS. lleo. hourp , four rooms or more ! no children. Ad- drenl'lO , lice. 8JO _ KWANTKI ) , TWO Oil TI1IIKK IIOOMS ! MOD- cm ; onn . for Ilaht honsekreplnn. AuMrctsl'21 , lice. 673 S3 RENTAL AOENOIES. ItATKH-lEc n line rn tlmo nnd 10 , ! n line there- nftcr , ho advertisement taken for lo than 8ia. -lKNTAI , i AtlKNCv lANK R C. Cnrvln , V Co. , 738 Micclr block. 7W 1 TO INSL'Ill ; QUICK HKNTINIl , MST WllTT JJtho ExclUBlvo Ilentnl Ancncr , 1'nrrotte , Uouulas Mock. S\m \ _ STORAGE. HATKSI5en tine first lime nml ! UoaIln9 thcrcnf- tcr. No nilvcrtlsemcnt taken for leas than 25c. - . CI1KAPK8T AND 1IKST 8TOIIAGK M-OLDK8T. city. Williams A Cross , 1211 Ilnrnoy. 7K ! ) WANTED-TO BUY. UATK9-ISca > llnotlrsl tlmo and lee a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 250. -WllNlTUHK IIOUGUTSOLD , STOIIKO Wells , 1111 Knrnnm st 731 WANTKI ) TO nUY.O TO8 IIOOM IIOUSK. TO move onlo vacant lot. Address O 45 , Ilco olllcc , MaT \T HKCONtMIANOKUIlNlTUUKllOUGHT.SOl.t ) - 1nnd exchanged ! highest prices paid for second hand goods. Iloston Kurnlluro Co. , C03 N , IlUli st , ( M Mil * TVT WANTKI ) , PAlll OK SCAI.KS , 1,0 TO I.WO 1 > pounds capaclly. Address O US. lleo. 7J5 N-WANTKI ) , TO BUY A LUMIIKIt YAIII ) Oil bank , nr good opening to start one. Address lock bo.vlU3,1'oncn , Neb. 721' ! ' WANTKI ) , TO HOY , A GOOD KNI1INK AND boiler ; capacity not less Ihan 6'J ' or 111 horse power. Address. IUM Douglas sln-ot. M7.I2 S8 WANTKI ) . BKCONDHANl ) 5-KOOT APIION lop desk. 4l51'n.\lonblolk. 750 23' AT WANTKD--A GOOD PHAKTON. WILLOIVK -L. good buMniHS wagon and some cash In exchange. Address PIT , lice. M 8W- & * FOR SALE FUKNITURE. HATKS 15c n line lirtl tlmo and lOe a line there- nftcr. No advertisement lakcn for lesi than 25c. 5i r furniture , eta , or will rent piano. IBI'5 Chicago st. 74I1-23 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. UATKS-lSeo line first time nnd lOoallnc thprcaf- tcr. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. 8TYHS11 , and well bred , for sale or trade for wild prairie land In Iowa or Nebraska. Address M CO , lice. M905-M3 * _ iKOIl SALK , OOOD WOHK HOHSK. (25,00 Furny's bam , 25lh and Cnnimlnjj si. K. S. Jester. 730 S * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS-lSc n line first tlmo nnd lOa a Una there after. No advertisement taken for leas than 25o , N AN IMPOHT- Cunt company for s.ilc or exchange for city prop erty or gooil farms. Address C. K. Miller. : iOt ; Ilco building. M l VJ _ Q"-KINK UPUIGHT PIANO , STANDAIll ) MAKIS , used only u few months , at a sacrifice. 2332 Cnld- well st. 4SJ -ONK NKW UPUIGHT PIANO. 817 S IfiTIl ST. QQ -KOIl 8AL15 , I1AND3OMK PAllllOT : GOOD Q ! talker ; very tamo. 119 N , 15th st. , room 1.MfKKO MfKKO * Q-KOll BALK. A KAIKUANKS * COLK HA.V.1O and case with music and rack for ( JJ. Addrces ! 3 lleo. M742 2h * -KOlt HALK , TWO UILL1AIID AND TWO POOL tables , with cues , balls. racki > ; good order ; $75 each. DufT Urjcn , Darker block. M34U Q-KOUSAL13 , A LOT OKOLD SASH ; JUST THK thing for bar-is and hot bcdi , for 25c nnd up ward ; also Jersey stoc'i , nt S. U. Movcnson's car penter shop , IStti and Lcavenworth. Tel. 1515. 848 28 * -KOll 8ALK-ONK SKASON TICKKT WITH IN- slructlons to Natatorlum'for $2U.OO. Address P 8. lice. 823 28 * -FHESIl JKIISKY COW CHKAP ; KIND AND a ecnllc. Kor 3 days address P' ' , Uce. 832S3 * aQ. - A KIIIST CLASS TICKKT TO KUIIOPH Q.- ihoap. : John Croft , 1225 S. ICth st , M842-2U * MISCELLANEOUS. - I1HOS. . CAHPKNTKIIS AND R-HAMILTON kinds Jobbing. 414 Ko.ieiu. Tel. 1170 HMM7 * p CLAIMS KOll BALAIUKS.SKHYlCKS.WAGliS. J Xelc. , against corporations or Individual , bought and advanced on. W , Davis,1120 Continental blk 13 CANADIAN KMPLOYMUNT OKKIOK. : il -IXlMli , mule und fciuulu help ; orders by ! promptly attended to Reference : Omuhn Natlonu bank. 'lei. 884. 7U2-M-25 -PKIISONAL ; STOP COUGHINC : $1.00(1.1)0 ) UK- 11 * -ard for of throat or liuii : tiouble , last [ tunes cxccpted , which cannot hu relieved by n proper use of Dr. X. Stone's llrouchlal wnler.i , 2. ' > c n box , at druggists. Kor enmplo no ml lue to Mono Sled. Co. , Chicago , 111 , M7iai8 ! * KHIIK AIIVHMITISING. HAMI'LK COPY WITH f rco advertising certificate IDc. The Middleman , Chicago. HI. SJ'J 83 * 1 J YOU CAN 1)11 ) V A NICK HUlI.DINli LOT LYING -IVbetwcon ( imaha nnd new l-'urt llninlia for exactly - actly (1U.UJ this week , at I.VHi Pudge St. 8JI "S' CLAIBVOYANT3. - KXTHAOHDlTjAllY. WONDKHKUL S-AKUIVAL revelutlons. ChullenieB the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Li'gruve , dead Iraueu chilrvuyaut. nstrologlst , palmist and llio render ; tells join- life from the cradle to grave ; unites the bcpnraled ; ran&en mar- rlugu wllh the one you love ; tells where > ou will succeed end In what liuuliiess liest riduplcd for has 1 he celebrated Ccyptlan breastplate tor luck anil to dotroy bad Influences : cures tits. Intemperance and nil private complaints with massage , baths and alcohol treatuienl. bend tl , lock of hair , name and date of tilrth nnd receive accurate llio chart ; 2 ccutH In stamps for circular ; give Initials of one you will marry : nlso photos of same , Olllco 1U07 trouth 1 llh street , tlrnl floor ; hourrU a. m to U p. ni. Come one. come all. und bu convinced of this wonderful oinclo. J1K2 Ml * S MH8. NAXNIU V. WAIlllUN , CLA1HVOYANT , reliable business medium , tilth HU N. IMIi. 7i3 ! S-MADAME KHITEU'O ' CUM ING BTHKKT , clairvoyant nnd Irnnca medium ; ludcpcnilont voices ; tells patt und future , 7'illlil' -MINIHICA1)KH ) AND 1IUSINKSS MKDIUM S acknuivlcdxcd by press nnd puhllo to bo the bent forecaster In the world , lius n sultu of parloru at thu Pullinun house. This medium hnau trans- milter of thought , with U your lllu Is like nn open boolc. H enables the loieeimler to kco the I'lid nt thu brtflunlng. Also hits the wundurful mngle mir ror , In It you can Kt'u jinir liitnrn linsliniid , wife , enemies or frleml . Ill's flee. ) All myhterles made rlcur ; caller grained u private Interview ; you will meet no strnugerii. Allow no old iiruju * dice to keep you away. Letters conlnlnlng H.UJ will leci'lve iiromnt iitli'iillon. Has the Kgyptlan niiiu- let lo unltu llin sepniilleil , rcMoro lost allectlun nnd bring back the absent or estranged OHO. 1 have hefoio uiul can again change nn unhappy couple to n happy one by leinovlug the skeleton ol the family cloaul , and showing you the mischief maker In the maglo mirror , N. II. While 1 ilo nut claim to ncrompii.h intrudes nur Uhlonltili and challenge the world , btlll 1 pushes * tlio tilt and have the Instruments I claim uml n call will sulilce. P. H. lleniemlier the place , Pulliiinu hoiue , IDUvlHIU lloilcu street , between Mill and Kill. Private parlors , C-li , l.iulleb only..V815 .V815 ? J lAT'iS-15c : n line first time uud lUo a line there- uller , No adverllcemeut taken for less than 25c -I mal l > alhs. > cnlp uiul hair treatment , manlcuro unil clilropoiHbl\irB. l'OktbliH ! .I&th , Wlthnellblk 73J rr MAIIAMI < ; SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS KTIIUKT , Jroom 7.Utloor. : Alcoholtulphui- tea bitthn , MM4 m ! _ T -MASSAOK , IUO 1J. 1STI1 BTIlii'.T : , 21) KLOOII. lilllMau * rp-MAIAMHLA HUH. MArtFAGK. 4111 ripUTII -Ll.Mh iitroct , 3rd Hour , Hal 4 , nMljtunt. IlATKS-lSoa llni tint tlm ) an I ID ? a line there after. No nlreriUu-iMiii t it ) i for Ion thiin Vie UJOHKI'll LKONIIA ItliT , MOTHKII IS AT Till : Hotel Dellone. l.lllle. MHI-24 * IT-fKltBONAU VOI'll DKSTINV KOHKTOI.I ) t > Kith pen plrtureot future huihuiul or wile , ne- curdlutto n > truluiry. Senil date of birth mill Via lo AblruloKer , U Uux 117 , Kama * City , Mo , sr.'lii' -THK KOU.O\VINtJ I'KllKONa ( 'AN llK ulU bf cullliikf at iilllccl 0,1 * . Anili-rnon. J , 1) , An.tin , t ; . U. I-III , I'nrl Jl.onon. llarr/ ire : n. bU i8 " WANTKI ) , I'AlllV WHO ASKBI ) VAI.UlToV corner lot 8 , bl < M.-k 1 . Wllcox adLltlun to cr.ll at our unite. Amen llcnl IMaie aEuncjr , il'i 28 , AltT ANU LANQUAOE. llATKS-ISc a lliie Urn time and lUc n Hue Iheru- ntter. Ku nrtverllicnu'iit taken for lo tlmn I.So. uviis A "I > ANO new tvuleKluiuall plunu. A ll ( till \r- " ' ' KLI.KS KtK UANJO IKACHKIt. i i wliu Uoii e.or MSX l iu klrocu VU MUSIC , ARU AKD LANGUAGE. - A KINK ' nprlRht planornt > rlr non and Blandard manu- facliirc. Aihlros M , Ilco onico. _ ISI V-I.OOK AT DAIlOAtN IN 1MANOS AND Oil- canB taken In exchnnc" for Vooo .V Son tilnnon ! 1 llnllcll A Ciinirttfn , grand . . . . . . . . . JIOO.0.1 1 Knahp , Kquarc. . Vt.l\ . l.' I Marthall A Wemlnll , fqunro . , . , i.VlW 1 llorneoVnlcri > , .ijqunrc . . . . . . . . . ll.VOO t Storr , V { 'anii. | qu > rn. . . . . . . . . . . . I2MX ) I llllllnc , fiinnrc. rtciirlr ncir . 1G.MJO 1 Hnlictt A lnvl ) , KllhVo | . 1(0.00 1 I'elonbct orcnn.\.jui. . . . . , . Hi. 00 1 New Knuland orii n.r. . . . . > . . 5.1.00 Will lie told on cuij jmyincnts or rcnleil and rent allowed on imrrhatn riflcc. Max Mejer & DIOJL'o. , Itith and Knrnam tin. 7M29 _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY TO P "RE AL E3TATET iTATK8-15eallnA'flrilttlmo nniT7oa ri line there nflcr. No nilvcrtl orucnitakon for IOM tlmn 2.1o \\r-IXJA.N3 , O. JJ. WAl. Aia : . 812 11IIOW.S III.K. * ' ' 74.4. \\r-ANTHONV LOAN ANDTHUST TO. , 313 N. V. ' I.lfo , lend at loir rate * for cliolro fccurlljr on Nohrnikn or Iowa farmsor Omaha city propertr. 733 _ W Al'l'I.Y TO J. I , JXVKTT KOll CI113A1' ; moneri only first clang security , KOS. 13th. TIT MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKI ) CITY ' properly , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas bl'k. fia W MONKY TO LOAN ON LONG OH SHOUT vi time In sums ot IIIOO to SIO.OOJ. Mutunl Investment Cotupan ) , E77 \\r-CIIA8. W. HAINKY. 315 OMAHA NAT. UK. ii bldg. City mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hand. M8I7 -U5NTHAL LOAN A THU3TCO. HKK 11LIVO. 730 W-LOANS ON IMPKOVKU AND UNIMPHOVKI ) city properly , t > 3XM ( ami uutrnrds.O to 8 per cent , No delays. W. Knrnnm Smith & Co. , I5th & Harney. -HKAL KSTATK LOANS , 0 TO 7 PKH CKNT ; no nddlllonnl chargoi for commission or allor- ney's'fccs. W. 1) . Molklo , Klrst National bank bid * . 713 W-COATKS.ICII KAtl.VAM UASTKHN MONKY. 733 -LOANS , W.M.1IAKIU8 , U. 2JKHKN/KH 11LIC. 740 \\r-LOAN9 , CITY PIIOPKHTV , K. NKI1. AND W. i i lown farms. K. K. lllnger. 1511) ) Knrnnm. jMMt 4 _ W-LOANS ON UKAL KSTAT1 ! AND COLIMT- tcral noles nnd mnrlgauoi bought , Heed it Bclby , 331 Hoard of Trade. 74:1 : \\r-UHL , HKALKSTATiiOANS,31J , 111113 HI.D'G JJ [ 420 _ \V---ri PKH CKNT rillST MOHTGAGK 1.OANS , I' lllchnrd t' . PultcrBou , 1511 Karnani st. 745 \V-W1LL LOAN MONKY OX ANY KIND OK ' security : strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. Jl.sSl \v r-SCIIOOLIONDS ) WANTHD. It. ( J. IMCTHK9. vT Wpst Point. Neb. UI4 n * \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'KOVKI ) OMAHA < > property : building loans n specialty , llrennnn A Co , , Knrbuch block. M703 M2I \ \ rMONKY AT l.OWKST HATKS , R K. Wllj- > > llams , First National Hank building. M733 \V-(300.UO TO LOAN ON UNIMl'llOVKD CITY property. Call at 317 N. Y. I.lfo building. _ 7M \V-OMAHA HAVINOS IIANIC MAKK.S LOANS ' on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans mndo In small or large sum and for short or long tlmo No commission I' charged , nnd the loans nro not rold In the east , but can always bo found nt the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets 7i > \V' LOAN ON IMIMtOYKD Oil VACANT IMIOI'- ' erty ; any amount. A. K , lllley , room 40 , Dar ker block , MbU2 1 * \\T-1MUVATE MONKY. KIIIST AND SECOND ' mortgnRo loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 Ilco building M7SS HATKS 15c n llnb llrst time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. X-DO YOU WANT MONKVf If so do not fall to got our rates befora bor rowing. * We make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , nt the low est possible rate. * < There U no unnecessary delay , hut you get the money on tlio same day you ask for It. Wo will carry'the Iban an lonji as yon desire , giving you the privilege of paying It In full or In part nt nny time to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the'cost ' of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our orllces nro cqntrally located nnd are so or- ranged that pnrtloscalMng on us can bo waited on quickly nnd courteously. It will bo to your advantage to see us befora securing - curing a loan. * , Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . ti lloom II , Crelghton Block. 15th St. . south of Postolllco. Ml.ltlMil .MONKY TO LOAN IIY II. f. MASTKHS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , ai the lowest , posilblo rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmii arranged to milt the borrower. Payments of nny amount can bo made nt nny time , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the bcnollls of the partial pay ment plan. Call and sec mo when you want a loan , or If morn convenient , call telephone 1U2I and your business can bn trans.icted at home. ? , toney always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates : business , U. K. Musters. H. 4 Wlthnell blk , 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. 747 X HOll'T PlllTCHAHU , K. a , WTllA'KLL HLK. 748 X MONKY ON KU11N1TUHK , HOIISIW.'plANOS. Keystone .Mtgo. Co. , room 203 , tfliecly block , M483 X W1IKN YOU WANT A CHAT 1'KL LOAN PKK W. K. Davis , room so. Continental block. Nil -CI1ATT1SL LOANS. IIKNKDI'JT .V WHAY. (114 ( Paxlon block. Wo lean our own money , chnrgu no commission : It will pay you to consult ns. .M 8ffi-M2 ) M ON ICY LOANKI ) ON KUIIN1TUHH , HOIISKS , wagons , pianos , clc. Fred Terry , r 4JJ , Hamu-a 204 MONKY TO LOA-N , SO. 00. W DAYS ON KUHNI- ture. live stock , etc. Hull Ciroou , removed to lloom H and'.i. Marker blk 183 .MONKY LOANKI ) ON L1KK INStillANCK policies. Srnddi'Fcrlpllun. W. K. Uolileu''l ? .S. Hlh si. , Onmli.l. .Neb. 85123' BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS IJc n Una tlm lima and lOj a llnethora after. No ndvcrtUsmoul taken for less than 25s yCTpoii s"Al um7LTKmiN7sTiKD ? if Itoosii , ' J-doing a good business ; terms easy ; location bent. Aildrets ilox.Mj.i , Chadron Neb. M'.SI MS * KOH SALK-SALOO.V , DOING A GOOD IlUSI- ness ; coed ro.vion given ror selling. Address I.ockbox blX We t Point , Neb. MllSJ Y KOll HALIC , A PlltlsTLAS3 OPK.VINt ! KOH n man with u small capital 11 Invest In a stock of general m relmmllsoi well e.itnbllslied business ; good profits. Address boic 713 , Omaha , Nob. 4i7 m 1C' V UV TUB COMMKHCIAL. TIII7 LKADINQ X hotel ot llroken How , Neb. .No land In trade.Ml Ml V-KOIl' SAJ.K-KLKVATOH AND LUMI1KH i yard cheap. Kor lorius , clc. , nildrcsi Kot U , Lin- Koud , Neb. M4'.l | 'J' V OASI1 PAID KOll KNIIOWJIUNT POL1C1KS J In nid Hue companies. Send duicrlptlon A. 1C. Iliouklcsby , box Ml , llnitford , Conu. UI5 13 * V-- ! ' < "i iKNr. : ; AiiftT ) MAHCII i. THK now. J. nrd hotel , corner llowmcl mid Ullli streets ; con- talna about M rooms , which are furnished com plete. A good opportunity to the right party. Kor particulars call at Her A Co's. , 111. Harnoy Mrtot. M7U | Y-illKATOPKNlN ( ! KOll A IIHY GOODS KTOP.K Inn thriving Ohio town of I'.UJO. Kor partleu- lam nddressj , T. Lynch , 221 Monroe street. Tlflln , O. MWl-ai * -PAHTNKIlJIWANTKI ) IN THK MANUKAO- turu of lulck. ] l/U'lncs-i already establlsluil. capacity of I'lunt-ia.u per day. 2 banks of clay , l.'i ncres clay In all , building mid paving , W-liornu power boiler. 6.'i-lor u power engine , Ohio brick murhliiuand spreuns.-nml all other tools necessary fur n clnKHtylriC'.olnbllidit'd 5 years undhavii the trade n I ci-iu/iil . cbrai-ka ; nlllcoll half or all. Kor further pnrfe.ular.s [ Inquire of P , A. ( Stewart , lluitlngs , Adaiiu'Co-.Nei ) . 7'JO u \rrrou ; MALIinAi ; , ( : > KOH CASH , IIAKKIU * J outtlt I'ou'pleuvlu-llvo town , doing good bust- ness. AdtlrCM K-1S , IU'0. .M7JI02' \ -KOH jALi ! , VA ( L'p INTKIIKHT IN WI'.LL Kti- .1 tubll > lit'diMnaliubu > lnerB ; ehm > n Invotllgallon luvllcd ; rclereiirt-u. Addiuim I'T. Ilee. 815 ' 'ij * UV HTOUK IN A TuWN of WJ. tiuoi ) trade. Invoice n.200.00. A good rhunco lor tomu uimj r , u. llox 5U , ( ieneva , Neb. i Mbil-2-J * _ _ \r KIltHT-CLASS OI'KNlNt ; KOH IlKI'DIIUCAN X nenpor. | . Aitdrpm 1' 13 , lU'e. b24 23 V- : - , ) | ALL OK IIAHDWAUK hTOCK. J. diiod trade. KI > ( > Iftcallon. \ . cheup runt , and good ruuioiK for felllltW Addri'BH Loik Hex Vtt , Lincoln , Nub. , ' .OJ O. htrrcV. ' .Mb5l U V KOH HAM : , -A - CLKAN UIOCK OK CKN- J. eml inurcliaiidlse , linciltu (10.UJU to ( T..UW us cU lied. Olden bnslnem tlriu In city , Welli'stuli- lihliL-n und pujlnx trudu , tiood JTIIKIII for retiring. A tplenuld chunojlor uny nun iletlilng to engngu lu narciiiitllo builiicm. Address l-'uid & l'ciU : , Mronisburtr.Nub. .Mtfil C * " " " " Vwu HA\'K"I'IIK UKSTOI'KNINJ KOU A""N"O X I doctor In Ni-brn Un. Addros I * lUTcaio Ihu lieu MiJJ I * _ * 'OR EXLTHANGET HATKS- lieu line first tlmo and lOo a line there- niter. No bdv ril > uuiciil lakrn lor loss thau 'I'M. rVKIIY DKSIHAllLK.OMAIIA I'ilbl'KIlTY Kli > /Jl.oi > n olc property nr fruit rmich In bo , Cull- iornln. l < uvld JamlMon , Iluj bulUmi. 7iu Z-'LBA N b'i'ol ioK tllNLIlA L luku tv-ul ejimo \ uocpjr. Hot'M , FOR EXCHANGE. Coiillntirtl. 7-IKYOUHAVKAaOODUI'IUOIlT 1'IANO TO / Irado for lot 40 , block 1 , Armour 1'laco , South Omaha ; clc&r of all tncumbranco. Address N 48 , lice onicc. M233 . - . - - - - COUNTY KAllMS ( IMPHOVKD ) KOH 'Jstr.lctly modern 7 or 8 roomed Irbuso In good res idence part of Omahn ) will assume. Ilox29l , Lin coln. M2I5 y-IltJNlWKDlIKAt ) OK HOHSKS AND LAND /Jin pastern Nebraska for a stock of dry Roods , clothing , hoots and shoes , hats and capj. Address box 101 % Nebraska Clly , web. 25i MIO * r/-VOn TIIAIIK , ONK Oil TWO ACUKS CLKAli Jin Newport for liouso nnd lot. Ilrcnnan A Co. , Karbach block. MGS3-1 y- A noAiN , A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON AJshop for sale or trade with rt residence ; will seller or trndo for good farming land , Taupe llros. , Vor- don , Neb. _ r'Qtt \ SAI.KOUTItADB , IOT. S-SSTOUY I1IIICK fJtittVt , with urocerr htiKlness. nil clear , IIO.WW ! rent" $100 n month for clear farm , Owners addressee N 17 , Dee olUeo. 7U9 28 y-ouit ) n\v LIST OK IMIOIMSUTV vent \ - /Jchnnpo Is ] u tout. fond for It. Western Kx- cliango Co. , Columbus , Nob. M8flS - . , 1'LKNTY OK Kill ) IT / > KOoil cardcn , nleo shade ticcs , for Improved farm. Address 1' . 12 , lloe. FOn SALE-nEAL ESTATE HATKS IRe a line first tlmo and I ( to n line there after. No advertisement taken for less tlmn'Jlc. VOll BAI. ACUH i'litl' ) llTY KOH Aml : " . l. Ins. ( ! oed loeatloiil low prlceij easy terms WrlKht & l.iisbury , liith and HonarJ. .MTKltB K. COUNKU 21ITU AND IllCKOUV , Wxl.'O feet : a bargain for a few days only. K , K , liar- ling , llarker block. iSI I tOtt HAl.U-S-K COIINICIl ITTII , DOHOAS. IBS , ,1 cottaecN stable for 0 bo divided Intoftlots. Inqulroalproml scs. _ 817 2U' ifOIl SAI.K. NKIIIIASKA KAUM LANDS. (1. 0. Wallace , 312 Drown block , llitk uiul Douglas , . _ 7W MODKIIN ID ItOOM IIOUSK. ( IOOD LOCATION ; no trndo ; cash bargain. Address O24 , Hop. _ _ M < 40 MI6 _ I foil SAMC , 11OMICS. ANY I'HICK. f7.V > , * IM tll'T ensy terms ; tnku clear property as llrst payment. U , U , Wallace , llrown block , llilli and Douglas. 7M _ ifOUSAI.n-400 A GUI ! KAUM IN 11I.UM UIVKIl valley. Tlmyor county , 10 miles wr > il of Hulirun. Ono of the very best farms In the county ; Rood house , barn , granaries , cribs , etc. , and n ntiiindnnro of fruit , tlmlior and runnlim wnti-r. Alsn for snlo or cxt'lmiiKi ! for good Inmls or pity property , n brick pork packing houxa and fixtures In Hebron , Thaycr county , near II. * .M. ileiiot. Kor particular ! In- qiilro of any real chlntc ngcnt In Hebron. f'3'i ii'iisAii-sorTC)7 : IIOOM : : " , f i.voo.o , ) TO f2.SW.OU , JlftlUO cosh , HO.OU per mo. 1 IIOIIKO to rent uHMCuinlnuat. , fID.UO pir mo , K. ti. .Mlrroll' < 5l21'atrlcknve. CT ) ' _ FOIt SALK AT A IIA110AIN , I.OV 15. HIX.1CK 4 , W. Ij. Selby's llrst addition to South Oniahn. r > m ll pnyiucnt down , Imlancn monthly If deslrod. liigtilru < ! . H. itsrliiickOiiialmIpu , : tS.I KOUNTZi : PLAC'K. I1AHGA1NS , NINI-MIOO.M house on YVIrt , Sil.Mli ) ; f IHJ ) cash. Klegant homo on I'lnkney , (6.500 ( ; IUU cash , balance KI5.00 per month ; other tine homes-would ; eonsliler some trade. .1. J. Gibson. Crelghton block. .MTOM85' V.D-ACHK IMI'llOYKD KAHM VI MILKS KIIOM -i-Omahn , running water and timber. l& per acre Co-operntlvo Land and Lol Co. , 205 N , 101U el. . 7(0 ( ! 8 _ ( frlO 11UY ONK KOll YOUll 11OY. f MKAN A 4plol In Omalm'a latest addition. Ten dollars Is full payment for n eholco building lot free from mortgage. Abstract and plat given with each lot sold. There lotnnru better than got eminent bonds at llio price. Itlch men of the country made their money out of real estate. All had utsomo tlmo to make an Investment. I doubt H any hail nil oppor tunity to begin for less than SIO. Ten dollar lots may fool you nil eonio of these days. Strange things have hiippeneil lu Oiiiahn dirt. Lightning has slrr.ek where wholly unexpected. History may repeat Itself. Visit the rnlo nt 1505 Dodge street this week or Inclose 2c postage for plat and full In formation , c. P. Itotijuinln , agent , 15UU Dodge st. b25 2S 1 011 SALK.WI'.LL IMPHOVKD KAUM , 1(10 ( 1ncrcs. . 8 miles from Omaha , at SSU per acre. Omaha Heal Kstulo nnd Trust company. H 4. lice building. JltOJ 1 OH SALK , KLKGANT DOU11LK 1IOU8K , WITH large grounds , on one of the finest residence streets ; nil modern Improvements , largu barn , shade trees , etc. : will rent for fl.tuu per annum ; can sell ut n low figure uiul take n portion of pur chase price In good laud. Geo. N. Hicks , uU5 N. Y. Life bldg. 87523 EAST KIIONT. LOWB AVKNUK , PULL LOT , ON grade , between Davenport und Dodge , only S1.7UU.UU. KVJ.U1 buys a lot three miles from post- on ! ce. north part of town , 1 block from motor. Kor exchange , good lot , central , for house , both clear of lucuuibraiiccs. Stringer , 2',0 N , Y. Life. 810 23 * 170H SALK. OWNKIl KOHCKI ) TO SKLL WITHIN J..5 days 4.1x127 feet at 2519 llrlstfll street. JMOO will buy It. J. 11. Johnson , 812 N. Y. Life. J18I5 5 17AKMS AND LOTS KOll SALK CHEAP. OH I-trade for small block of merchandise. K. H 822 North liilh st. 817 SS If OK SALK , KLKKANT MODKIIN I1UILT IIOUSK , I near llanscom park ; all latest conveniences will be completed nnd ready toroccupancy about March 15. You are Invited to call and see It Kicks. Agt. , : WJ S. Y. Life. 87523 BALK. HKHK IS A 1IAHGA1N : FJIl 7-rnom house nnd barn , 2 full lols , ono a cor ner. Ill Walnut 11111,2 feet above grade , beautiful yard , only : . ! j09 ; fMO cash down ; discount fur all cash. II. G. Clark & Co. , 1218 Harney at. 782 4 ' . IIUY AIIO LOT. 15ft ) DODGK STHKKT. NO $ lluyaflOlot , 1501 ! Dodge St. tlO. lluy a tlO lot , 15011 Dodge. 827-23 * IIO.MK KOH flu. WK AUK GOING TO SKLL A r < ! \v more lots In Omaha's latent addition , lying between Omaha and new Kort Omaha for ton ilol- laiBiilot. 'I his addition Is good , Ione t property. Nu swninp or wet hind , hut ovcrv lot guaranteed n nlco level building lot. free from mortgage or In- cumbranco. Warranty deed , abstract and plat given with each lot cold. $10 Is full payment for n lot. llcfnrence given. Call lu , Investigate , nml get names of purchaser : * and purlieu now living on this addition , or Inclosn 2c postage for maps , plati , 'lie. Chas. P. llcnjnmln , Sole Agent , 150U Uodgu St.62ii 62ii 2S 10-ilOOM MODE11N IIOUSK AND LOT , S2.700. AD- dress 1'2. lieu. 813-28 * AIICH KIIIST I WILL PUT ON THK MAIIKKT nnd offer for sale the cheapest aero property ever offered In Omaha , consisting of RUncres o ; ele gant l"nd Jn-t west ol the city limits. This land Is splendidly located to receive Ihu benefit of Omaha's futurngrowth. It I i > nly25 minutes drive from the postolllco nnd 15 mlmitoi drlvo from South Omnlm. The now parks , boulevard * nml fair groundsill Went Omaha will innko tlicso acres very valuable. This hind will bo hold In tlvo nnd ten nero tiacls nt (275 to f290 per acru. Jiut think of It , live ucro < , eiioiigh land forii nlco homu and to suppeort your family , only (1,450 ; ( I'M nisli. KtM each year for live years. Thin heals rent In ; : . The phanco of n lifetime , 10 acres , only tifl'jo. Why ten acres will clvo you a beautiful homo , sup port your family , and If properly taken oaru of lu fruit or vpgctnhlo gaidcnlng. will pay ciich year more than the salary of the bent paid mcchanlo In Omaha. You can work In town , be Independent of street cars , drlvu In and out , f urnlKii your children pleasant mm prolltntjlu emponient ! light at homo. Put the boys nt work In the garden ; t > et the girls taking care of the small fruit and the poultry , nnd while you uradolni ; thin the city Is growing stead , lly nnd the first tiling you know your ten acres will divide Into 50 nlco lots , that will bring from ( .100.00 to ( lOO.tM each .Mint think of It. Suppose you pay (2.K50.UO for ten licrex , plat It Into M lots ami get (350.1)0 per lot or n total of ( I7.MXI-OJ. Your (2.K50.OJ back und a profit of ( I4C50.00 hosldas. In them any Other Investment that can neat IhlsV IB there any rUk In biijlng ten acres for P.MUU ) < Is there my rlfck In having n pleasant home ? Is them liny risk In having land enough to fur nish employment to your children und keep them hiippy and contented ? U thcro nny risk In being Independent and having leu acres of eholco luml lo fall back on If you should lese your position nnd bo thrown out of employment ? Is there any risk In sccurlnga piece of property Hint by the tlmo your clilldrrnnro grown up will ho worth n small lorlnno and render you Independent nnd com.ort- able In your old age ? There are only ten of iheno tracts. Talk It over with your family and neigh bors and cull und let us Dhow you the property. Carriages will bo ready lo lake parties out to co Hie properly ot 2 p. m , each day , Mrst c-'jmo llrsl tervcd. ( , 'eorgo N. Hicks , KB New York Life Ilnllrtliik- . Olllco open evenings , H7S 28 HAIIC GOODS. HATKS l.'ic a line first tlmo nnd lUc n line there- alter. No iidvortUcuiunt laken for Ui Ihan 2io. AUGUST STOCK IN KNTIHK WI T : TIIKAT- L rlcal nlzs and ticnrJs n specialty. WIKi. bnnjs Bwltchee. hair clialns , elo , send tar catalogue Mall order * solicited. DuvlOJ , HI S. 15th Bt. , OmaMa. _ rPHK 1DICAL LADII-8' HAIR DltKHHINll PAH- .1-lorn. cwllches , bangs , wigs , I on pees. Jewelry ami hair ornaments In stock ; wigs to order , special at- tuition given lo mall order * . Ittl H. 15th st , . : iil Hour. M.V.I | 31W PAW1I DUOKER3. UATHS-ir-cii line llrst tlmo nml 100 H line thcro- nllur , Ku riilycrtUeiiient inltun for le _ than jijo. BX"K""iiAltTI , imMOVKl ) TO 1U7 B. l.Vl'll ST. U71 Mti O HNVDlSll'S LOAN OKKICH , ilO 1)O ( IK _ KT. MUI1LK , OKKlt'U I5IIM KAIINAM bT. FOUND. IIATKS-lio nllno llrst time nnd 10o a line there after. Ko udvertlnamoiit taken for Ion than 'IJo , corner of I'jih und Cumin * . Call at 1WI Cum ' MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. T AIIIESiOK.S'n.KMKNC'AN IlKNT MA8OUK- Xvraducoituiueiallli tillllh. Goldua Kaulu ttora. MANUFACTURIN JEWELEU8. TlASU I-AlI ) KOlt OI.l ) ( itI.I ) . OAH80N & L/Iunki , rooiuSO Darker hlock , ( Juiahu. Til OUTLERYQRININO. ; rNivoiiii sfssonsiiAZOHsiirrt' , , TO IIH > iiu ; Jud lo UuilcrUnd A Co. , 11W S , 1IIU Bt. 1U STRAYED. nATES-IJo n Una first tlmo nnd lOo n line ther - nftcr. No advertisement lakrn for lens than Mo. OTflAVKi ) , " llA\"V'ONY WITH I.OM1 MANU Oand tall , loft hind foot whltoi return to Itnpu A Moore , cast end ( J street viaduct , South Omnlm M844 l-a NOTHING IS J3ETTER than the bcstit \ is what you pay for , and expect to have , Take railways , for instance ; the best line to Chicago and the East is the Burlington Route ; it has the best sleeping cars , the best reclining chair cars , the best dining cars , the best road-bed , and the metropolitan system of checking baggage direct from one's residence or hotel , which was inaugurated three years ago , is the best. Every thing in connection with the Burlington Route is of the best , than which nothing can be better. Trains leave the.Union Depot , Omaha , 319:50 : a.m. , 4:30 : p.m ( The Vestibuled Flyer ) and 9:20 : p.m. ( The Omaha and Chicago Limited ) , and run through solid. City ticket office 1223 Far- nam St. , W. F. Vaill , Agent. Telephone 250. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IBESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 1G071 Ffinnm Street , Omaha , Neb. RR1LWRYT1MEGHRD Leaves | UUHLINiTON MO. lUVttU. | Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omnlm. ! > , : < 0 a ml..Kansas City Day ICrpross. . . . I t > ,5S p in 11.45 p in IK , O. Night Kxp via U. I' . Trnna I 0.40 n m 1.20 p ml Denver Llmltod < : i.40 p m 7.05 p m | Denver Dxprcss > 7.30 n m Leaves CHICAliO , Mil * . & ST. PAUL Arrive Omaha U. 1' . depot and Marcy Sts. Omaha p ni v.Chlcngo Kxprcss 11.35 a , m 1.00 p in Chicago Kxprosa .V4 > p m Leaves I dlOUX CITY & PACIKIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. lUlh and Marcy Sta. I Omaha 7'JU n nil SluuxClty Passenger llOVUp m 5.115 p m | St. Paul Kxpress ; ll)0a ) in Loaves I SIOUX CITY It PACIFIC , { Arrives Omahal Depot. 16th and Webster sts. I Omaha 5.45 p m | St. I'mil Llmltod 19.25 a m Loaves ICHICAdO Jc NOIITHWKSTHIIN [ Arrives Omaha | U. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts. | Omaha 4.10 p m | . St. IjQuls Cannon Hall 112.35 p in TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y > as represented on this man. Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Ofiice : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. PROPOSAI-S FOB BONDS. Foaled bids will bo ioolvi > ( l by ilia treasurer -of tlio sehool district of Oiiiuhu , Nob. , at Ills ottluuln said city tip to 11 o'clock noon of tlio L'lbt day of March , 18'X' ' , fur tlio puruliasuof If UU.OOO.OO of tlio bonds of the said seluiol district now on liuiul. Bulil bonds bulns of tlio value of ( I.OOO.Oll.eucli. No proposals for loss tlmn par value of tlio bonds tojiotlier ultli uucruud Interest tliurcou toMitrcli''Ut , IS'J- ' , will bo considered. Bald bonds arc dated .Ttuumry 1st. 1692 , nnd puynblo 'U years itftur tbolr duto , and bear 111- toro t at tliuraluofO per cunt per annum nuy- ublu Henil-annnally. 1'i'lnelpul and lntorcit payublo at KonnUo llros. . Now Vorlf. Buld bonds will bu eold in ( juuntuloiof OHO bond or nioro to any onu bldaur us tlio board may doom most ad vantiiKt'oim for It. The Hoard of Education rcaorvun ( bo right to reject any und all b.d- . . ri8d5t ! Treasurer ot Hoard of Kdncutlon. i Dissolution of 1'iirtnoriililli. From Ibis duto I Imvo cenkud lo bo a inoiii bur of tliollrm of Kopp. Drlubits A ; Co. . of Oiniilia , Nob. , und beniieuk for tlio remaining iioinliLTs my coed will. . A. 0. Droibus und Jacob Kopp will coutlni o to do niiidnesj IIH bufoto und will pay all dubts and colluta nil oiitstandliiK-accouul ! ) . Oniulm , NUb.rUbrury , O. l. Undorslunod will contlnuo todotlio nets under the numo ol l PROPOSALS POH MII.OH cows ANMV i . ' ! ' * i'oi'ijrtnioiitor llio Interior , onipd oflmllnn Affairs , Wnnlilnmnn. 1) . O. . Kcli * r f > - ' ' - Scaled , .fonosxK . , Tntlorsctl "rropoali for Cows or Hulls' ( ns tlio OM < may IIP ) and ndilrcMod to tha commisslonorot In dian tilTalfs. Wnslilnitton , I ) . U , will h , / t'olvf'l ' I'i'tll ' ' I o'clock p. m. , riatltrday. MntcM Bj1 ' .1. t'\r \ furnlMiltiu anil dollvorlim nt I'ltm lllilRo. Hnsobnd , Clioycnno Hlvor , Crow CrrcK ni'il ' I/OWIT llrttlu iiKunclc" , Sottlli Dakotn , MnndliiR Hock HE on oy , North Dnkotn , Snntcn nnd I'onoa iiKmizlcH , NpbrnaUn , l-'ltndroati : nzoiioy , South Dakota and the ( 'row nzoncv Moiitana. ntjoitt ll.oo jullch cows niid Vw bulls. lICRtilnr lilaiiks for bids nro not tc- ( liiirpil. Sehcdulcs ( whloii will bo mndo u i.nrt of the proposals ) showlnir. the nitinlicr of ont- t ornitilroil nl llio various aconclcs conill- tlons to bo observed by bltltlurn. tlmo nnd lilncoof dullvcry. tcrmiof contract and | mv- " 'ci'ln1" ' ' ' nil other itccpiiary Initrnettofiii , will boi furnlshrd upon appllcallon to the In- , . , . , dlnnolllcont ! v vu ib Washington , the I'irilllllSHliriPS of subsistence. U. S. A , , nt OliloiiRo , St , I'nul. Omnhn. rjobrnska , unil riicyonno , Wyomlnit , 10 J"0lVbllsllu"of ! lhoSlool < tlrti ors' .lour- nul of Miles Oily. Mont inn. ntiil tlio .Initrtiul of llolotin. Montiiua , und the suvorul Inrtlnu " " "its. 'llioright Is reserved to reject nnv ir nil bids , or nny iinrtnf nny bid. It deemed ; < > r the nest Interests of tlio government ; Mao , HID further right In making the awards to In- croasn or diminish to nnv extent the number ini.'i ! ' M:1".01'forl" : ' 'lio schodulci ! ttlsoto roqulio UniivcrV of twenty-live per cont. morooMess , tin , , , { lie nmotlnlspoelllcil In tiny Knelt bid must , bo ncooj.Min'nJo'i'i by n certified cheek ortlrnfton some Uioi , Sfttcs ilotiin' Itory for nt least IIvo per comVf tlio nnio tit of the blil. tmttlo tmyniilo to tl.u Vt or of' ' t n commissioner of Indian tilTitlr . . * wuMi | | u > nir or drnfl will bo furfullod to tlio Unites st itpi In case nny bidder receiving nn uwarii | , , , | fall lopromptly execute n contract with Bni nnd snniolont sureties : olhorwlso to lo M. turned to the bludor. T. J. MOUOAN. Coti. . inlsaluncr. i/jo tu'lt M v pUOl'OSA I.S FOR FIKM ) SKBnS-ONl'l'tifi -L bttto\ : Indian s-orvclo. 1'lno ItltUi Aceticy , South Dakota. February llth , ISir.1. Scaled proposals , uiuloraotl "Proposals foi Mold Seeds'1 itiil addressed to tno under- sinned nt 1'lno Uldjo Agency. South Dukotn , will buinco'voil atlhlsnjioncy until 1 o'clock | i. in. of March Tth , IMU , for furnishing nmt ilollvorlntt tit Hnshvlllo.obrasliii : M.OO pounds seed oat' . 41,000 pouniN sued wheat , llf ! > UU lioiinilB seed corn , 41,000 pounds need potatoes , I.IMO poitnils seed Corinnn nilliot. MO pounds timothy socil , ' . 'OJ pounds blucira seed. Snld so ( Is to ho crown In the seel Ion ot country eontumm tothopniro of dollvurv. Illddors will ba required to state speclllivtlly In thnlr bills the proposed prlco of each urtlelti j/ / olfurcd forOullvury under u comraut. Tlio jI'M ) i Uhl Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids , or I'M nny parlor uny bid , If doomed for the best In- torostof thoscrvlco. Covtlllo.l Ohocks. Knelt 11 bid must bo iiccompan'cd by n cert tiled cheek ordruft upon sontu Unlle.rSMite-t Denosltory or Solvent National Dunk In the vicinity of m the rcsldoncoot llio bidder , intiiln payublo to the or lor of llioConinilss oner of In Han Af fairs , for ut least llvo pur cent of tlio timount of the proposal , whloh check or draft will bo forfellcd to the United Htatcs In cnso uny bid der or bidders tecolvlnt ; tin award shall fall to promptly o.xi'outo u contract with Rood and BUlllcIcntsurltlos , othonvi o to bu rottirned to the bidder , lllds aceompanlcd by cash In Him of a certlllcd check will not bo considered. For further Information apply to CAPTAIN ( IKOUUK 1. . HOY HltOW.Y , U. S. A. , Actlns U. . . ' . ' . a. Inillan Apont. I'-ll-r.-t-iH. BIDS will bo received by the State Hoard of. Printing at the olllco ot the .secretary oC state on or beforoa o'clock p. m. March ' - ' , ! ! ' . ' - , for iirlntlnc nnd binding In cloth ono Iboti- sanu ( HOO ) copies of volutno IV of the Trins- ncllons nnd Kcports of the Nobrnskn St.ito Historical Society , to bo delivered complelo nt the olllco of the secretary ot the society In the State University building , Lincoln. To contain 'MO pases , moro or loss. The Hlzo of pazc. weight and quality of paper , style and' ' quality of hlndln ? . style ot loitering on cover nnd In all respects the work to bo the hume us the sample to bo scon In the olllco of the sou- rotary of state. Work to bo completed within sixty days from the nwatdlnK of the contract , Ki'.ch propos-tl must bo accompanied by a bond In tlio sum of J.VJO.OU. Klsht reserved to rojcot any and all bias by tlio State I'rlntlni : Hoard. .Ions U. AI.I.KM , Dated 1'ob'v 1" , ISO ! Secretary of state. F20-tl 101 Orrfon Sluirt Line & Utuli Northern Hull . .wiijConiiKiny Stockholders' Mi'otllifj. Notice Is hereby ulvon that the luinunl mcctlnz of Iho stockholdorA of the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Hallway com pany , for the ejection of directors and such other business .is may loyally como before thu mcctl ! ] : , will bo held ut room No. 41 , lloupor litilldlntr. Salt Luke City , Utah Territory , upon Wednesday , the Itlth duy of March , 1SJ/ , at 10 o'clock n. m. Stock transfer books will oloso upon the 20th day of I'obruary. and reopen upon lu 17lh day of March. ALKXA.NDUU Mtt.i.Aii , Secrctarr , UOSTOX. Mass. . Feb. A 169Z TlOd VUIM. lvroposuls for Honda. Sealed bids will bo received at the olllco of tlio City Treasurer. Omahu. Nob. , up to 18 o'clock Mnreli lOih , ISO' ' , for the pttrchuso ot 8175.01)0.00 2) year. " , per cent City Hall llonds. The principal and Interest are payublo at Konntzu llros. , Now York. Interest pnyubla sumi-annually. Each bid must a tale DID prlco and the amount of bonds sought for nnuT must Include Intorcst up'to dale of delivery , Issued under authority of dinner of met ropolitan cklcs and Ordinance "DID approve I Jiintiary IlOth , 18112. The right Is reserved to rojcetanyorullblds. no F12d2TtM City Treasurer. To Whom It Muy Concern. The partnership hcfotoforo oxlstliiR bntwcen .Tno. McDonald nnd David Onilvy. under tlm linn iitiino and style of MoDonald & OallvyK doliiK business In the city of Omnlm as ArchI-\ teutand Superintendents , Is tblsday dissolved \ andhus bee.ii dUsnlvod KIICO the 1st day of May. 1SJL Mr. .Tno. McDonald , assumes the i i\ \ I labilities of said tlrm , and Is also entitled to receive all accounts und debts duo tbo Into partnership. ,1NO. AloIJNAT < D. Uinnliu. Fob. 2Ind 1892. DAVID OGILVY. Stockholder 'Moitliiff. Notlco Is heronclvou that the rcKttlur iinnuul tneotlns of the stockholders of the Soul hl'latte Land company will beheld at the olllco of said company. In l/lneoln. Neb.on tlm first Wednesday In MarchItf'j bolntf the bccond day ot the month. lly order of the Hoard of Directors. H. O. I''j , Sccratrj-y. LINCOLNNeb. . . Kol > . 2. J8UJ. VM : i M Notlco to Stooliliolilcra. The annual meeting of stockholders of The Hen Publishing Company will bo hold at thclroflice , cornerof 17th and Fnrniimstreets , on Monday , March' . 1HIat 4 o'clock p.m. For the election of ofllccrs anil directors and Mich other business as may como up for con sideration. Ciro. H. T/.SCIIUUIC. F ldlUt Secretary. : KI.VITV A INSTRUMENTS placed on s7 , IbOit WAIUIANTY IJEKD.1. Alliriclit I.iuid niul I.ot coinpiuiy to A. R Iliitchlnsoii , lot II , block. M. Al- lirlsiit'tf choice , lot II , Ijluclc . ' ' , Burton's Biilxllv , lot 1' ' , lilock 1. lot III , block (1 ( , lots 10 nnd U. liloolc H , lots < J nml II , block I ) , lots 10. 15 nml in , block in. In snlxllvof blocw. ! : AlbrUhl'n cbolco. . * 3O 1C II llrynnt und liiiNbiinil In Klornnca Pmltli. lot 40. bloL'l ; I , W L .Solbys , rirat uililltlon toSoillh Oiiiiilin , . 100 Ji .1 ller qulSt and wlfo to Axol llolgrun , lot-4. blocl < 4. llawtlmrno . " , John Loronzunil wlfo to C'lirlstliin Don- licr , lotA4and8 , lilocUa. Klltliorn . RK ) Mrs Ann Sinitli toC'iithcrlno Hinlth , lot 18 , block 15. Hiinsconi jiliico . 3&M , Wusturn Invcsttnuiit comimiiy to K J . Duvli's. lotH , block ? . AlbrlKlit'suiiiu-x 030/ Itimtioipii Kiillor to .1 H und O II LlvliiK - . / ton , lot 1. block 7 , 1'litrlclc's ticcoud mi- , dlllo . CT J l > Mullriiilar to Oliiirlus Connor , loto , Millundur plnco . 59 W K S Dnndy , Jr. r.ntl wlfo to I riu 1'eotn wIlilumlH wso ' 'i-IA-IO . P. CO C U Klnu' mill wlfo to l.owls Klne. nndl- v Id odi of lot 5 , block : i , Hush d Hho'- L byViidil to Son Hi Uniitlin . UK ) , LowlB K'lnc nnd wlfo to Wllll-im Klni ; , o 1fctitnf aunio . 1 William Klnu I" Luwls Ivlnt' , w I'D feet or Hiiniu . I J \V ( Jlsli iiml wlfo to 0 A AuUwllli , n VJ , foul of lot S4JJ Mlliitrd.VC'8 mill . J.OOO Mnry Hlloy und lina'jund lo J T Miiriili v. lo' O , lilouk-io. I'liilnvloiv iidd. . . . . . . . . . . .030 ' Wiillor Wills to W llinvoll , lot 7 , Wlllii' sub . Ji5" ° QUirCU.MU DUKDS. O II Curtis end linnhunil to A Oallaslior. , lotil : , blooic 11 , Orchard IIIU. . . . . . * Alfred Mllliinl , Irustec , lo H J llowoll , lot 11 , block U. Wiiliiut IIIU. . . . . . . . . . . .A 1 Ol'llyrno ct ul to ElUuboth Davis , 2 acres lu no cor ii 035-15-11 ! , , . . . . . . Total , Our Ilolter llulvr * S y tnoy could not Uoop liouso wlUjput Cham Uerlaln's CougU Homody , cspcclullv for the cnilUron. In n caio u few weeks slnco ut the homo of o nolRlibor tUo ultondtn ! , ' nliyslolati bad glvon up a case of what ho culled < lrop y. Mother happonlnu lu , told tlio iiaronts that In nor mint ! It win n case of lung ftwor nna aavlsod the use of tnls couch syrut ) . which they did. Hosult , tlio child U well nnd tno r parouts huppy. cjliamcorlaln'n medicine * nro u od In raoro than half tbo nouurtxln ; > r ' Leods.-Slms Urof. LooU * . In. 'JfKs remedy U not Intended for luns fovpr , buX for colds , luerlppe , croup and whooplnjc cough. It will boson a cold , rollovo the { lungs nnd prevent tuo cold from rwultlPtf iu l5nt'fovor. 60 cent and $1.03 bottler for ale by