Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 12

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    SUNDAY , FEimUAUY 28 1892-RIXTKEN PA015S. 11
No Especially Interesting Features Bo-
Tolopcd in Local Business Oirclca.
Tito Accumulation of Iillo Cnpttnt In tlio
Hunk * nt financial Centers Attracts
tlio Attention of lii lncM Men
Alotcmcnt of Urnln Abroad.
Vfo especially Interesting features have
boon dovclopod In local circle * of trade nnd
11 onnco. Tlio Jobbing business ot tbo past
week wai up to expectations nnd to that extent -
tent , at least , fully satisfactory.
TLo accumulation of money In the banks nt
tbo great financial centers of the country h
attracting consltlorablo ntlontlon from busi
ness men. The Journal of Finance romarlts
that the deposits of the Banks still continue
to Increase nnd now far overreach any limit
previously attained. It Is an abnormal con
dition. With a largo surplus In many of tbo
banks which can bo employed to Increase the
aggregate of their loans , with the original
capital representing millions of dollars , It is
n fact worthy of attention that , notwith
standing the efforts of the past few weeks ,
the deposit ! of the banks lor exceed tbo
amounts of money which have taken the
form of loans.
Changes In financial conditions are always
auddon , As In the affairs ot men , nt times
the darkest day precedes the brightest ; but
n condition such ns this must bo a forerunner
cither of n future encouragement or an indi
cation that something is present m the finan
cial horizon that suggests alarm.
The mussing of capital tnny not bo in the
least significant of alarm. It unquestionably
represents in part an Incrcaso In collections
nmdo more easy by reason of the prosperity
nt the year that has passed. It mny bo
awaiting the opening of a now industrial
movement. If this is the case , Uiuu the
wheels of Industry , once put in motion , will
receive an accelerated imputus from the lulo
capital seeking the opportunity of useful
In the opinion of the American Banker were
ro approaching one of tlio most critical
periods of our monetary year , und Comp
troller Lncoy's statistics ot tbo bunking de
posits and reserves , \vltli the movements of
the loans , capital and surplus , In response to
the wants of business , will bo watched with
npoclnl Interest , especially in the reserve
cities and the chief financial centers. The
anticipated Increase of tbo clearings In tbo
west and throughout the banking system of
the whole country Ifl gratifying. The total
for the first half of February throughout the
United States aggregates about $2GtW,000,000 ,
gainst $ . ' , HyOOU,000 in 18'Jl. ' The New
York clearings are $ lni5,000,000 , against
11,105,000,000 , nnd those of Chicago 5150,01)0- , )
000. against $130,000,000 Inst year.
The improvement Is irregularly but widely
diffused , with some brightening aspects in
tbo south and clsowboro. The rumors of
gold exportation nnd tbo recent sensitive
fluctuations in foreign exchange nro attract
ing u closer attention , both hero and abroad ,
to the present nnd prospective movements of
our exports. Opinions differ as to tbo prob-
nblo demand In foreign markets for our
brcadstuffa. The government report , Just
issued , of tbo crops iu Great Britain Is much
discussed. It gives loss support to the pre
vailing estimates and theories than was an
ticipated. The estimate given of the wheat
crop is. 82,127,1503 bushels , against 73.354,484
In 1890. The oat crop is stated at 112,330.201
bushels , against the aggregate of 120,188,040
last year , und the barlov crop nt 7J,129,09. >
bushels , as compared with 73,033,801 in 161)0. )
At present , of course , the heavy balance of
trade in our favor Is augmenting , both from
tbo Influx of European capital Into our indus
trial Investments and railroad bonds nnd
other corporate securities , and also from tbo
active shipments of our cereal crops. The
agurogato so far this month surpasses ex
pectation. The receipts of grain ut Chicago
were 5,035,291 bushels for the ill-it two
weeks of F'obruary , neainst 4,075,809 In 1891
and 4,203,509 in 1890. At Milwaukee -the
fortnight's report was 1,003,723 bushels ,
against 549,020 in 1891 , 025,775 in 1890 and
074,135 in 1839. Tbp general movement ot
our cereal and other exports is expected to
surpass that bt last month. The value of the
principal exports for January is given In the
rovlsod statement of the treasury at 577,145-
7721n.l89.2. against SOl.549,583 In 1891 , Tnoro
was a dcclino in cotton from 35,033,339 iu
1891 to $ -8,732,223 In 189.5. Provisions In
creased from $13,480,433 to $15,019,043. ' nnd
breadstuffs from $9,718,550 to $30,147,281.
From all the ports of the United States the
total January Incrcaso In our exports ot
breadstuffs is reported at $20,428,095 , as
compared with the same montb lost year.
For those und other reasons there has
arisen no perturbation whatever in the loan
market of late from any anxieties as to a
euddon demand for gold for shipment to
Europe. Moreover , there are not a few of
our loading authorities who contend , first ,
that , In the Improbable event of an export of
$10,000,000 of goliivo could boar the tempo
rary loss with case from our surplus re
serves ; and , secondly , that tbo speedy re
turn of the metal would bo certain in the
present state of the balance trade , wbilo the
movements of our credit in Europe would bo
greatly accelerated and improved , so that the
exported gold would bo virtually. In n very
Important sense , an efllclont adjunct to our
cash reserves , oven while transferred for a
time to the great European center of our
banking and credit system.
Week Closes With 1'riren Htcmly-to Higher
on All Oracles.
OMAHA , Fob. 27. Hocolpts for the week
13.UI4 cattle , -8,01'J hess and 8,077 slice p. against
1X934 cuttle , WU6J hos and -.771 sheep lusl
week and 10.GCS cattle. 31,043 hogs and 2BO
cheep for the fourth wceic of February last
\Vhllo there bus been very little life to the
general cattle market ull week prices liavo
not declined u ereat deal , probably for the
reason that It would be simply stealing to got
cattle any lower than they have been selling
The shipping and export demitnd 1ms
boon somewhat limited , but It baa
nerved to sustain prlcoi of good heavy
oattlo while a itood feeder demand has kept
lleht cattle values from going to smash. Me
din in weight steers , that Is Bteora weighing
from 1150 toiaouibs. . especially If not ( at , 1mve
Buffered a decline uf lUu talSe. Ilutelier stool
has sold fairly null all week , but the lltiera
proportion of common cows und mixed stock
received has had u tendency to depresi values
for the last two or three days , the deullno
biilnu lie to'-'Joon all hut the bust cows am
heifers. Htoclcers und feeders have hold their
own satisfactorily , the demand bein very
good and the supply nut boliu excessive. In
IIOZB prices hnvo heid up tnlorahlv wnll null
1'rlday ami butnrday , the week closing will
prices 60 to lOo loner than u week ugo
ur just about whoio they were twt
\ weeks ago. Tliu slump In provisions , ilbora
receipts and partial shutting olT of Milpplni ;
urdcis nro mainly responsible for this break
hliccp receipts contlnuu too light to milt buy
ers , und prices are fully us strong nominally
us a week ago.
The wuek closes with n very liberal run for
Huttirday. Itccoipts for the week uru nearly
B.WW short of Uit wuok , but I'.EXiO more thui
for the 8uno week u your ago. Offerings In-
eluded a liberal sprinkling ot prolty good
beeves , but as usual the greater part of the
kiipply conslbtod of common , light nnd un
finished ulcers. There was u moderate
ihlpplnu demand mid desirable ulcers
of good weight and finish sold strong
Drcbsed beet buyers , however , wore nut op
purenlly In nuud of vury many cuttle itm
WITH consequently more or lew Inutiriruiit
tipi'Clally on common or Inferior stuff
mid prices tended lower. Denier * In feeders
us usual , took quite n few ot the Ugh
wuuncd-iip cattle ut prices they would no
bring for beef. Uood 1,120 to 1,4UU Ib. beeves
told from W.W ) to tl.iS ! ; fair to good 000 to 1.8UO
Ib. steers from M'JU to About every
thing decent cnaugcd bands before the close
liutchcrs' and Gunners' stock constituted i
good share ot the receipts und as the domain
was no better than luuul , If us iood ; , price
were rather lower except on Eome o
the better grades of cows und hulfers thu
( .old earlier ut pretty close to steady prices
Unod U > choice stock sold from 12.0i to * 133
fair to good cows from tJ.10 toiiOJ. or lOo t (
I5o lower than I'rlday. Inferior und canning
Block sold from tl.KS to IJ.OU. lluslnesi wu
low throughout and thn close found a few
bunches still In first bauds. Hulls were steady
to we.ik ut from II.UO to U10. Veal calve
btcudy at from N.OJ to &UO ; common uui
lame calves from 11.75 to MIS.
Nothing now developed In the stocker and
feeder trade. IhibliiCiS wus not overly lively
but prices wore iiuotably steady. Kepresouta
live sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1..100JWOO 20..1IGO Kl 3J 4..1303K165
1.1003 aoj u.,1059 ilia ji..isio aoo
3..1100 300 4..11CO 340 31. , 1100 a 60
o , . aw a-jo to..ioxi ; a o 8..usi uco
1.751 U SO IU , 1177 a 10 V0..1IU7 3C5
J'.10(50 SCO JO..1173 it tO Ii8..1412 375
2. . DM 3M 27 1171 340 „ _ . _ „
0. . 08.1 3M 10 1159 345 1..14M 300
101.1133 3'W 27..K03 3W 71..1169 3HO
21. . 031 3 M 7 .KKK ) 350 W ) . iMI : 400
40.1110 3at 1..1380 350 17. . 1433 425
0. . 301 3 ID
2. , 80 1 23 . Oti : 210 6 , . 1050 203
n. . 8or i 23 is. , KH 2 10 4. .1000 zm
B , , BOO 1 25 2.V. 070 2 10 0. . Kit 2CO
1 , 823 1 M 23. . 017 210 0.1017 200
I. . 810 140 23. . ( TO 210 10..10M 2 CO
0. C21 1M 1..1270 215 20. . Oil 2G3
1. . 800 ICO 2..1MV ) 215 12. . 1002 2 fi3
35. . OJ'J 1 HO 3..10K1 223 4.10 ? ) 2 < V
6. . 812 1 C.1 1..I2TO 2 2J 23. .1017 2li (
3. . UK 1 05 7. . MO B30 4. .1123 275
7. . 7KI 170 1.121 223 1..1020 75
J. . 010 1 7J : i..ll2fl 223 1 , . C70 2 71
8. . 915 175 0. . OOJ 223 10. . 035 280
0. . tC > 9 173 3. . 770 223 13. . 057 2 83
1. . 71W 173 2. . 1010 223 10. . 1024 200
2. . 075 200 0. . 001 ( 23 10. .1027 20)
1..1IOO 203 2. .1215 223 23. . BS ! ) 200
2. . 8'K ) 200 1. . 8 0 2 a * . 20. . 1218 203
2. . 013 200 13. , WO 243 3. . OUfl 300
1..1020 200 7. . 1074 243 2J..12I2 300
2.K > I5 ! ! 00 10. . KI3 243 10 101U 300
0. . OHS 200 8. . 1029 2 W ) 0..1001 310
0. . 027 200 18. . 1C ) 250 21. .1059 333
1 , . 710 2 00 8. .1075 2 M
1. . 310 175 1. . IS } ! l CO 2 , . 233 475
2. . 2,10 175 ] . . 3.10 300 II. . IM li 00
1. . 303 210 14. . 377 315 1. . 110 fillO
I. . 300 253 1. . 230 4 Oil 1. . 140 fi 00
2. . 310 283 4. . 175 400 3. . 187 COO
2. . 205 2 (5 ] . , 170 4 M 1. . 1MJ 503
1. . 400 3 00 1. . 150 4 73
2. . CC5 100 1..10JO 223 1.1100 24t
1..1300 203 4. .1015 223 1..128) ) 2 ! > 0
1..1370 210 1..1333 2 : 1..1000 250
1. . 17(10 ( 310 1..15SO 2 33 1 .1000 2 M
1..1270 210 1..14UO 2C : 1 , . 11183 2113
1..1B50 213 1..1220 2 ill 2. . 1370 275
1..18UO 213 1..1233 240 1. . 1.170 280
2. . 1410 215 1..1C90 240 1..1840 300
1..1400 223 1. . 10110 241 1..15UO 300
1..1010 223 4 , .1453 245 4. .1720 310
B. . 610 15) 10. . 1031 203 2. . 009 3 S3
& . . OiO 2 20
1. . OSO 250 0. . 601 205 10. . 7S3 315
] . . & 'JO 250 1. . 71 0 300 18. . 114(1 ( 320
1. . i:00 : 2C3 5. . 055 300 24..11U7 323
1. . 400 203 B. . GIO 3 C.1 10. . lilt 323
0. . 723 280 8. . 811 310 4..11-J2 3I-5
2. . GO. ) 283 11. . 893 315 4. . 035 353
1 cow and calf . .12 CO
1 cow anil calf . 3) ) 00
1 cow nnd calf . , . . . 2800
1 cow nnd cair . 'M 03
1 cow nnd calf . 20 10
1 springer . 1800
1 springer . 2000
Ispilngur . 23 01) )
lions Receipts wore M cars , rather n lib
eral run for Saturday. The Kcncinl quality
of the oirorlngs wiis nrotty much us U has
been till woeU , only fair , the supnly being
mailo up lamely of light und light mixed hogs.
Tlio weakness In provisions und the wo.ik
close to Friday's hoi ; market botli pointed to
a. lower nun ket and every one wiis prepirod
for It. Kastern advices nero bearish , mid re
ceipts being liberal , the feollng In general was
woak. There \\asa fulr .shipping demand for
light nnd medium weight hogs and fresh meat
buyers also minted these grudcn. 1'rlcos ruled
about So lower than Friday , sales being mostly
at from $1.50 to M.G5. Heavy and mUcd pack
ers Hold slowly at prices from So to lOo lower
than I'rlday , from 14. M to $4.03. bhlppiiig
orders tor thcso grades wore light , but pack
ers bought freely ut the decline. Trading
wiis luriuly at from $1.30 to fl.U ) . against $1.00
to $4. 3 Friday. The avoraao of price ? pild
was ! 4.SO , ngnlnst $ ! . ) , ' , Kriday nnd 81.01 last
Hutuiday. lleprcsoutatlM ) sales :
No. Av. Slu 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
6 . 300 1208140 Gl . 245 40 $4 M
6 . 4.22 80 440 67 . : IG1 SO 455
7 . 4113 120 440 60 . 2i.I K'O 453
7 . 301 40 440 77 . 189 12) 463
7 . 2i 4 40 85 . 108 bO 455
12 . 3(39 ( 40 440 G'J ' . . .270 120 455
3 . 200 4 40 f > 3 . 232 80 453
5 . 334 40 445. liO . 31J 60 453
02 . 2G3 103 445 70 . 241 83 453
27. .241 80 443 C4 . 281 200 4 33
58 . 213 140 < 45 48 . 4J5 SO 4 B7J4
50 . 3211 240 450 48 . 397 457(5 (
48 . MS 400 453 09 . 213 80 4 57 M
G. . 249 80 450 ISO . 28(1 ( 120 46714
01 . 109 3:0 : 459 39 . 210 45715
78 . 247 80 450 C5 . 260 1GO 4 57W
57 . 277 243 450 IU . 239 45714
43. . . . 27J 120 450 82 . 208 201 4 57 14
7fl . 231 120 453 79 . 203 103 400
84 . 2.17 2M3 450 CO . 227 400
58 . 2I.8 200 450 70. . . .254 241 4 CO
51. . . .353 2SO 450 113 . 305 SO 4 bO
M . 350 4 60 71 . 21J 83 40)
71 . 205 1GO 450 100 . 107 60 4 C9
59 . 312 120 453 70 . . . .2.13 240 400
57 . 240 40 4 50 72 . 191 4 00
55 . . . .270 120 450 64 . 289 160 400
7 . 2GO 200-450 70 . 240 40 460
CO . 257 243 453 CO . 211 40 4 CO
85 . 203 200 4 50 G8 . 213 120 4 C )
70 . 2W liO 453 IU . 270 80 463
07 . 241 200 4 50 70. . . . 231 K ) 460
CO . 242 80 4 52J4 64 . 210 40314
5 . 233 43 45214 8.1 . 210 100 4 C214
57. . . . 333 200 45214 80 . 2 < U 200 4 GJ',4
GJ . 258 45314 OJ . 237 80 40314
44 . : i57 280 45214 77 . 207 403J4
CO . . . .253 100 4 5214 70 . 105 46314
6.1 . . . . 26.1 100 45214 77 . 179 16214
67 . 240 40 4 KWt 70 . 210 83 4 C24 !
7U . ' . ' 2 ! ) 100 4 63J4 77 . 213 40 405
01 . 88 120 45314 6' ) . 233 80 4 ( > 5
01 . 220 110 4 5ii ) 00 . 207 4 63
K ) . 279 320 4 55 77 . 220 60 40' .
50 . 289 8) 453 77 . 215 465
61 . 407 120 455 71 . 205 463
59 . 330 40 455 67 . 20S 10) 4 63
i-ias AMD nouon.
1 . 270 40) 2 . 490 425
1 . . . . .283 4 00 8 . 201 200 525
SIIUEU No sheep were received and every
thing received un to date has been disposed
of. The dom.ind for desirable muttons con
tinues active with prices llrni , 1'alr to good
natives from 84.25 to $3.4J , westerns from $1.00
to t5.25 , coriimon und stock sheep from $3.5) ) to
$1.75. good to choice lambs wolghliu from 40 to
W Ihs. from JI.23 to W.OO.
Receipts anil Disposition of Stoolt.
Olllclal roeolnts i nd disposition of stoolc ns
shown by the books ot the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hOMru , ending ut
5 o'clock p , m. February 27 , 1893.
Chlciico I.lvo ntoclc Market.
GniOAtlo , III. , Fob. ST. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HKK.I The Evening Journal reports ;
OATTLK Koeolpts , MM ; shipments , 1,500 ;
uuirkot steady nt yesterday's quotations.
llous Itccelpts , la.OOO ; shipments. 10.000 ;
pmrl.ot slow and lOo lower ; roiiKb , W.UtM.M ;
mixed , SI.'jWtH.M ; prime heavy and butchers
\volithts , ! M.754.80 ; ll'-'ht , il. < 0 < 24.7.\
HIIKKI > Jtocul | > t , 7.00) ; shipments , 80) ;
market steady ; ewes. $ .I.5. < 2).4U ) ; mixed , IIWWJ
4.1)0 ) : wethers , K 00&J.75 ; westerns , (4. 834&J.1U ;
lambs ,
Knnjiii City Mvn Stock Market.
KANSAH OITV. Mo , fob. 27. OATTI.B Re
ceipts. iOJ2 ! ; shipments. I.U02 ; the market was
nil let nnd steady. Hales ; Diesica beef nnd
shipping stceis , JUKXiMIM ; cows and heifers ,
tUoiw.'JO : tttookcrs nnd feeders , ( l.SOfiia.Vk
HOGS Uecolpts , O/i'l ; shipments , 3,11" ; the
market was dull nndsteady to 103 lower than
yesterday's close ; extreme rauno , (2.7K3l.bJJ
bulk , SlAvai..Y ) .
SllBKl' Hocolpti. 1,52' ' ; shipments , HI ; the
receipts were mostly billed to puckers ; trading
was light and steady. Hales today : t
Omnil Juror * Freaent N'cnr rindliiKs Will
Tuk u I'ortnlKht'B Ituuoes.
The crand Jury appeared before Judge
Davis again yesterday. This time the members
of tbo body , through their foreman , Gustavo
Anderson , presented nine indictments , which
wore turned over to the court.
The foreman furnished the information
that bo and his associates had additional
matters under consideration , after wbloh tbo
gentlemen retired to their rooruv ,
Tbo Jury In Judge Doauo's court bos de
cldod what a man should recover if ho gets
drunk , goes Into a saloon for the purpose of
raising a row and gets the worst of the
John Kelley bad an idea that bo could
clean out Balthar Jotter's saloon at Ninth
and Jackson streets. Ho engaged in a tight
and was beaten into Insensibility. Then ho
sued the ualoonlst , alleging damages
In tbo sum of 110,000. The case
was tried , nnd the Jury returned a verdict
finding for the defendant
' Judge Doano decided the long fought
divorce case of Casslo Small against
Joseph Smalt The property was the bone
of contention , and in addition thereto certain
witnesses swore to misconduct , upon the part
of tbo plaintiff. Tbo court ruled that the
evidence was for the purpose of Injuring the
plaintiff's character. Tbo property , valued
at f 1,000 , will bo sold and tbo proceeds turned
Into court.
Lula Green seeks a divorce from her hus
band , Albert , to whom she was married on
Noyouiber 10 , 1SS5. She alleges desertlou.
There Was a Very Decided Break in Wheat
Yesterday ,
Long ! Seemed to IVcl Uncertain of Their
Ground M lilln tlio Hears Appeared 1'nU
of Courage nnil Confidence
Stocks nnd llomls.
CntCAdO , III , . Tob. 27. The wheat market
had a very decided broaic today. Trade
opened extremely dull , nnd for a time prices
hold quite steady , close to the closing figures
of yesterday , lliittho low grades all grow
weak nnd when a few items ot bearish news
were collected the bulls were stamped and
prices dropped. Cables were somewhat con-
lllctltiKsome private advices qnotlngdiillncss
nnd lower prices , while others said the market
was holding Its own. The regular Hoard of
Trade cable was steady nnd firm. The gen
eral business , however , was very dull nnd
the trade seemed hesitating and cautions
with timidity the most notable character
istic. I-onjs seem to feel uncertain of their
ground , while tliobears seemed full of cour
age nnd confidence. With tlio trade In this
condition It did not require much In the way
of boar news mil much iiggrcsslvoncss on the
part ot fiollrrs to put the longs In n panic. The
fact that Liverpool was no lower after our
market of yesterday nave the friends of
wheat Rome courage ut the start , the opening
being 02o to 03Ue against Ul4c ! at thocioso yes
It hold within those figures for an hour or
more. Then this failure ot the expected cold
wave to develop any dangerous low tem
perature in the winter country began
to have u bearish effect. Next It begun
to i bo talked around that the visible
supply would show an Incrciuo of
MKMIW to GOHvtj ) Im. ; llradstrpet's reported the
exports from both coists for the week at
3.377uo ) bu. against,0)U ) bu. last week.
Then followed u rumor that Uiissla was to
abrogate the expott prohibition ulcneo und
another Unit the Knsslnn crop ot hist year
had been found to bu luigcly In excess of other
estimates. Improbable as tlio Itimlan rumors
were , they had an Instant cll'uctoii'i market
that was already weak nnd them was a rush
on the p.irt of longs to get rid of their hold
ings und short sellers were niju.illy anxious to
got out their linos. The continued heavy re
ceipts In the northwest weru also ii drag on
thu market. Weakness was the feature of thu
market till the close , which was at IKj'ic , thu
lowest figure of tlio day and''o Lolow the top
Corn was nulot but weak , owlnz partly to
the dullness of trade and partly tothobicnk
In wheat. The shipping demand was slacker
than usual and thote was very little specula
tive buying. Holders ghowcd some discour
agement tmd u good many Mild freely. The
market opened JSolilglier ut43Ue In sympathy
with the early firmness In wheat , and Im
proved ! 4c more , but It sold off to 41'io and
closed at 43c.
Outs were more nctlvo. but lower nnd weak.
The liquidation of several large lines which
commenced yesterday was continued today.
Ilclmholz was u liberal seller , offering 10J.COO
bu. blocks. The close shows u loss ot He.
1'ork had n sharp break nnd showed n loss of
23c at thu close , \\onknos3lnllve hogs
and the break In wore partly responsi
ble for this but a sudden raid by a prominent
speculator In the latter p.irt of the session
allied In the depression. There wore one or
two little rallies but they were feeble. Lard
and ribs were iess ulTectod nnd show only
Immaterial declines.
Knlmatcd receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
230 cars ; corn , 25Jcars ; oats , 189 cars ; hogs ,
The loading futures ranged as follows :
February. . . SO t 88 i 83
February. . , 41 4C
March 41
4141M 42
CUTS No. 3
February. . . 20 w 58H IS-M
Hay , TOl
MESS 1'oiiK-
Fobruary. . . 11 25 1I27W 11 05H H 05
Blay , 11 W 1162 1127 II SO
February. . . C 40 645H 0 40
May II 55 860 0 52
BIIOHT llins-
Fcbruary. . . & 77W t BO 675
May 6 DO BBS 687
Cash quotations wore as follows :
Ftouu Stead v. unchanzcd ; patents , $4.30(3 (
4.55 ; spring patents , $4.30l.55 ; bakers , 8.UOi2 >
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , 880 ; No. 3
spring wheat , U3c : No. 2 rod , S'Jc. t
OATS No. 2 , 28'ics No. 2 white , 30Jio ;
rio. 3 white. 204c. !
Kvn-No. 2 , 8414e.
I1AIILKV No. 2 , SMJSSc ; No. 3 , 38a52 ; No. 4. 32
TIMOTHY SEKO Prime. $1.23.
Panic Moss pork , per bbl. , $11.03 ; lard ,
er cwt. 10.40 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
i.73m3'i.7. ) ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
f4.7.V&3.50 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , Jfl.'iV.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
HUOAIIS Cut leif , 53J c ; granulated , 4Uc ;
stiindurd A , 4Jic.
Receipts und shipments today wore as fol
lows :
Flour , barrel * . . , 10,030
Wheat , buoliols. 45.0UO 4J.OUO
Corn , biiBhelt ) . . , < 200.0UO 110,000
Oats , Lu9hcl9. . . . 2I4.00U J 10,000
Ityo , buiholH 120.UUU ijfi.000
Uarluy. UuBlielB. filOOU 67.000
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market wiis sto ulv ; f.moy creamorv , 27ffl'81Jij ;
line western. 23t&.7ej soleoted dulrys , 2i2jo ;
ordinary. 182lc. Eggs. lOaiUJic.
flOiiKKSK Firm ; full cream Cheddars and
nts , IliJI-e ( ; Young Americas , U13o.
HIDES Unchanged.
TALLOW Unchanged.
Now York Markets.
NEW YORK. Feb. 27. Fioun Receipts. 23.013
pkga : exports , 8,810 bbls , 30.63J sacUs ; market
dull and heavy : sales , 10.450 bbls.
CoitN MKAb Dull and steady ; yellonr west
ern. W.75O3. 10.
WHEAT Receipts. 123.030 bu. : exports , 110-
893 bu. ; sales , 1)35,000 ) bu. of futures ; IKI.OUO
bu. of spot. Spot market Irroznlar , weak
and quiet ; No. v roil , } LOH4' I.Oi ! In store
und elevator ; JI.i.71il.US ? ; ; tl.070l.UDU
f. o. I ) . ; No. 3 recMl.UU ; ungraded red , b-'ljcifl
{ ( .OO ; No. 1 northern. tl.u5'itti.0ii ) ; No. 1
hard , ll.U7JiCil.077i ; No. 2 northern , JI.OIH.
Options advanced ijc to ? io on llrmer cables
and reported cold wiivo west , declined Uo to
fie on longs , unloading on weaker Ohluugo ad
vices , closed weak ut Jio under yesterday.
No. 2 red. February. $1.01 ; March. .
1.04 ? , closing at 8I.OI15 : April , * I.OJfil.047i ,
closing at $1.01 ? , ' ; May , I1.U2 3-liai.j33s. ( (
closing at (1.02't ; June , * l,01Jl.01i ! , clos
ing ut tl.Ulii ; July , OUiic , olojlng at U9o.
Ilvr. Klrm , quiet ; vostorn. Q < tW' in.
UAitr.r.Y Dull ; Milwaukee , US70o.
llAitt.EY MALT Quiet ; Canada country
made , Wo.
CoitN Itecolpts. 112.375 ton. ; exports , 79.068
bu , ; sales , 7)5oiK ) bu. futures ; 153.HOO bu. spot.
Hpot llrmor , moderately active ; No. 2. 49'io ' m
elevator ; aJJie nlloat ; ungraded mixed ,
Me ; No. 3 , 43HQ 'J ' ! e ; steamer mixed ,
I'.iJic. Options iinuhnngod to ! o up , dull.
closing steady ; I'obriiaiy , 4Ho ! ) ; March , 49'i ©
40ic. ? closing at 4'lUc ; April , 49 U-lO'oiftoc.
closing nt 4'J'io ; May , 40 ® 4'0ic ! , closing at
49je ; July. 48 . closlns at 4S ° , c.
OATS KocolDts , 4J/3ou bu. ; exports , 2,933 bu. ;
sales , hO.OOO bu. futures : W.uwj bu. spot ; spot
lull and weaker : options , dull and easier ;
February. 30o ! : March. 3illic ; May. : i7c ; No.
2 white , March , 3SUe ; May , No. 2 white , 3SVio ;
mixed western , 3.wi7ic ( } ; white western , 37 ®
HAY Quiet nnd flrm ; shipping , $3.59 ; good
to choice , $10.00.
6UQAH Raw , quiet and steady ; fnlrroflnlng ,
3o ; centrlfuzalii , 00 test , 3 lll-JJo ; refined , dull
and steady ,
MOLASSES foreign , dull ; 60 test , 12 > 4'o Now
Orleans , dull and steady ; common tn fancy ,
RICK Falrlv actlvo and steady ; domestic ,
fair to extra , l4QUc ! ! ; Japan new , 5 > 43 < je.
1'KTiiOLKUM Hull and bteadv : orii'leln bar-
rulH , 1'arkor's , t3.70 ; crude. Parker's , In hulk ,
8.1.20 ; roll no I Now York , Ktt4j ; I'hlladolphlii
nnd Iltiltlmoro , W.3va . 0 ; I'hlladulphla nnd
Baltimore In bulk , < M.B3&J.DO.
COTTON Hnit : > OIL Dull and steady ; crude ,
23' < o : yellow. 20 ® . ' o.
TALLOW Steady ; elty ( f2.00 for packages ) ,
f 1.11-10 ; rosing , Inactive and t , toady ; attained ,
common to good. ll/Jil&l. ; ! . ' } } ,
TuitfENTiMS Firm and quiet nt 42 > , ( < a43a.
Keas Quiet and weak ; western , IUl@17o :
rreolpts , (1,481 pncKacos.
lIiuKS Modernto demand and steady ; wet
salto I New Orleans t-eloctod , 6u ; Texas so-
lectcd , la to CO Ibs. , Vfoc ,
1'UliK Inactive ; llrni ; moss , t9.73310.57j
extra prime , JlO.Ott '
OUT MEATS Dull nnd steady ; pickled bel
lies , O'iGOlic ' : pleklod Blioiiiders , So ; jnoklcd
hams. He ; middles dull ; short clu ir , K1..U.
IMIIII Lower and dull ; western steam op
tion sales , 2.500 tloiecs ; March , W.71 ; May , JO.H3
< it .Wl closing. M.8I.
liUTTKU Jlodorato demand ; steady ; western
dairy , | MK23o ; wcHtern creamery. 2l,01u ;
western factory , IC lu ; Klgln. WMtOo. !
CHBESE Fair demand und strong ) part
aUlms , raioiiei full skims. 4K < $5c.
l'io IitON Quiet and easy ; American , KI3.73
Covi-cii-Qulat nnd wrak ; Jeke , I10.CO ®
10. C5.
I.KAi > Dull and flnn ; domestic. fl.20Itl.25.
TIM Quiet and easy ; strait * . llO.O.
Oniuliu I'roduru .Market.
FnuiTS California rherbldo oranges , $ J.Qva
S.U3 ; Waihlncton navels , UW.iil'J.70 : Dallfornla
tangerines. M.OD pnr box ; riorldn ,
brlghts. UiO ; russets. $1COA ! 73 ! I'lorlda t'Ui-
pcrlncs. $ , ,5 ' ( i4.0' , hntf hotus ; western apples ,
choice. * 3.0JQi'.50 per Jibl. . fnnor lnni1 might
Irlng more ; Now York pplo , 2.53.i.00fiiiiey ;
lemons , 150 W3.23 ; chVilto lemons , * 1.50 < 84.73 !
grapes , per bb ! . . HlOQUOJ : hananas , orated ,
( . ' .oo3.Mt cranberries , O 507.00.
VEOETAHLES Callfornm cnbb.igo , 2'o per
Ib. In cr.itcs ; homo grown lettuce , 4V ) per
dnz. ; potatoes , dtillt ( 'nllforn'n ' caullilowcr.
12.00 ! onions. } ® ) " 0 pcrbu. ; Nebraska hand
picked bc.tns , ll.tioO'Aw ; iiicdlnm. l.50l.75 ;
celery , : r > ® loc ! sweet potatoes. $2,2T-.10.
FLOUH Omaha Mlmiiif company's Reliance
Patent , f 150 ; InvlnolbUi Patent. 13.40 1 I.ono
PtarSnpprlatlvo , $3.20) ) JShbwnaKo , I.S5 ; Knncy
Family. II.7S ! S. P. Oilman's Ooli ! Medal. 3.V ) ;
Snow White. 2.2.3 ! Simntlnko. $3.00 ! low grade ,
$1.01 ; Qucon of the Pantry. $ . ' .CO.
HtDEi-Na 1 green fealted hides. 4U < 3 < ' { c ;
No. 2 preen s.iltcd hlilev < il-'llic ! No. 1 green
salted hides , 23 to 4) Ibs. , 4'i l'ici No.3 green
suited hides. 23 to 40 Ills , WVHc ! No 1 veal
calf. S to 15 Ibs . Co : No , 2 ; veal C iff , S r3 ! Ihs. .
4c : No. Idry Ilinthlflos. 7So : No. 2 , try Hint
hides. 5fic ; No. Idrjuuiltod hides. BfflOe. Tal
low. No. 1 , 3'ile ; tallow , No. 3 , 31401 grease ,
white A , 4c ! grease , white It , lUJ l'lc ; urei o ,
vollow , ; ict gronsr1 , dark , 2'4c ' : nld butter , 2ift
24o ! : beeswax , prime ; iocs rough tallow , I MW20.
I'out/riiv Chickens so.irco. good stock , lOo ;
gccso , ducks nnd turkeys , llfftiu'c.
HAY Market flat , $ l.xx00 per Inn.
HUTTEH Choice country roll , 19iJ31o ; lower
gr.ules. 17ii',8o. (
Kona General market about 13e. butsomo
round lots wonlat U"jc.
Omnhn drain .Murker ,
Prices based on delivery nt Mississippi river
points , Nebraska Impojlioii , and ton days'
shipment , unless otherwise stuto : ! . Cash grain
calls for ship uunt within II vo days
WHEAT NO. 2 spring , Sou bid ; No. 3 sprlnci
77e bid.
Uvn-No. 2. 85o bldt No. 3 , 77o bid.
OATS No. 2 white , ilJo ) ! bid , 3lo nskel ; No. 3
white , 20a bid ; No. 2 mixed , 29o bid ; No. 3
mixed , 24SC bid.
COIIN No. 3 or bettor. 30 days' shipment ,
CGKi'S No. 3 white , ! l7iu ! bid. ,
Amonz lliosalos were ; Kl cars No , 3orbot-
torcorn. Toledo terms , 3) ) day ; ) . itO'io : 20 cnrs
No. 3 or better , Omitlm torius. 30 days , 30ic ! ;
100 cars sample wheat , 67c , nt the river.
OoorRO Hrown of Iilnco'n was on the market.
Mr. Nnlson of Peterson ft Co. , Osccoln , Neb. .
was In looking over thn market.
J. L. Wright , representing R. Cloary Com
mission company of St , I.ouls , was nmiiug the
Kansas City M' rkot1.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. . Fob. 27. rr.onu
In fair demand , firm nnd unclmimcd : | ) .U-
onts. J..M ; extra fancy. J3.V05t3.33 ; fancy ,
J3.OVa2.l5 ; choice. fl.WKiS'iOO.
WIIBAT Nothing ( loins : no sates.
COIIN N'othlns doing ; no sales.
OATS Nothing clolnt ; no sales.
RYK-i-teiuly ; Jo. 2. 81c.
II'I.AX SIID : : 8'e.
IIIUN Steady ntC3c.
HAY Steady and unchanged ; timothy. $ ' .50
nor Ion : fancy pralliu , $0.00 ; good to choice ,
inos Moderate supply : steady at 13'o.
llUTTini-Hcarco and udvanulng ; creamery ,
22V8u : roll. I4a30p.
.OIIKKSI : UnclmuEcd ; Youns Americas. lOe ;
Kansas , ' ® 9o
RECEIITS Wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats. none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 23.50J bu. ; corn , 2,100
bu ; outs , 2,000 bu.
Cotton Market.
NEW OHLKANS. I.a. . Feb. 27. Cotton quiet :
mid , O'/Jc ; low mid , 5'ic : good ordinary , fljje :
net receipts , 4.831 ; gross , 4.833 ; exports to
( iroat llrltaln , 1I.7SO ; coistwlsc , 7,814 ; sales ,
3.VOO : stocks. 420,871. The future business of
the Now Orleans Cotton Exchange , will bo-
Biispondcd .March 1. Murdl Oras being illegal
holiday , and the general exchange room will
bo closed at 12 o'clock on that day.
London Wool Imports.
LONDON. Fob. 27. The Imports of wool
during the past week were as follows : From
Now bouth wains , 4.SOO bales ; fiom Ireland ,
1.8GS : from Victoria , 0,48) ) : from South Aus
tralia. .1,129 ; from New /oalaiul , U.391 ; from
Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 3,591) ; from
Persia , 1.8D4 , and vitrlolis places , 752.
CollciiMarket. .
NEW YonK. Fob. 27. Options opened barely
steady 1) ) to 20 points down : closed steady 5 to
I'O points down : n.Ues. I4.5JO b.i'zs , Including
March. $ RO.V313.73 : April. $13.2JI32 > ; May.
$ ! 2..8- ! > ® 13.0-ii Juno1. $ l.COl3.0July ; , 813.55 ;
September , 812.35 ; Doeoiubor. $12,03. Spot Rio ,
dull , nominal ; No. 7. $15.00.
rlvorKx .
JJl > Ul | f UUL J4TJ.III ftUli *
LiVEuroor. Fob. 27iViiEAT Steady : de
mand poor ; holders .olTor moderately ; No. 1
Oallfornl i. 8sSa m par.contal ; No. - red win-
tor. 7s llKts ! id. . ,
COIIN Steady ; domard ) poor.
Cinelninitl Markets.
CINCINNATI ; O. , | Fob. 27. WHEAT Easier ;
No. S re.l. OOiio.
CoitN-Sto.idy ; No. 2WI\ed 4IMo.
OATS Easier ; No. liilxeilJOH3CfO. : ! .
- - - - -
WDISKV Steady i
Toledo Uraln"Markct.
TOLEDO. O. , Feb. 27. WHEAT I/owcr : No.
2 , cash. DVo. $
COIIN Steady ; cash , 40c.
OATS -Quiet , cash , Me.
Foreign Oil Market.
ANTWEIIP , Fob. 27. PETIIOLEU.M Iflf paid and
sellers. _
Traders' Talk.
OitiCAao , 111 , Fob. 27. Counsolman fc Day
to Oockroll Ilros. : The speculative markets
were actlvo today and a largo volume of busi
ness was done for a Saturday. Wheat opened
Uc higher , bce.uiso curly cables wore not so
weak as expected , but owing to larger receipts
at piimary points and lighter clearances from
the seaboard holders becaii.o discouraged on
prospects of n largo Increase In the visible sup
ply und the iniirket declined 2o under ho , ivy
liquidation. The steady tone of cables
almost totally dlsregaulod and closing prices
w cro at about the bottom tor the day. Corn
and oats were easier , but not weak nnd there
appeared to bu liberal resting orders to buy at
limits sllzhtly below current quotations. Pro
visions declined udder frco selling of long
pork for country account. This may continue
fora day or two longer , hut wo advisa against
taking tbo short Hide of the market until It
has hud u material advance.
CHICAGO , III. . Feb. 27. Kennott , Hopkins *
Co. to S. A. MeWhortcr : For several days for
eign advices on wheat h.ivo indicated an
apathetic demand In that quarter. Our exports
have fallen oir and receipts at primary mar
kets hive Increased. Thu crop outlook hero
and abroad has Improved nnd an curly spring
with tbo ground In prime condition for plantIng -
Ing has seemed assured. The result Iris
been u decided reaction In prices und BOo
prophets uro again out In full force.
Continued liquidation by longs has depressed
oats , and the falling on" In exports of corn his
hud n bearish effect. It Is not expected that
thny will sell oir much mure ut piostmt , and
outrhtto bo a purchase on tlio decline. In pro
visions loius have let go rather freely. The
product cannot bo manufuetuiod without loss
at present prices of hogs , but It suuius to be
the fashion to Hell everything just now , and
provisions go with the rest. Lard und ribs
acted In sympathy with pork.
I'limnclul MOIIM.
NEW OIILEANS , L i. , Fob. 27. Clearings , $ | , .
IIALTIMOUE , Md. . Feb. 27. Rank clearings
today , t2,52d,3lo ; balances , K350,4Ul ; rate , U per
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Fob. 27. New York ex
change selling at par. Clearings , $ G U,108 ; bal
ances , 83W.B98.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. 27. The bank oloar-
Inga to.luv were 11.333,43) ) , and for the week
ending February 27 were .000,2oa
ROSTOV , Mass. , Fob , 27. Clearing house
baliinci's , $ I,47.4U ; rate , Gli per cunt ; cull
loans , 3l per cent ; time , 4ii per cent.
Nr.wYoiiK. Feb. 27. Ilnn'c olonrlngs today ,
$119.8IH.'iufl ; bul-incos. $3,5.11,551 , Fur the week ,
clearings. WII.U31.1HI ; balances , 8o"jisi. ; ] ; :
PHILADELPHIA , PH. , Fob. 27. R ink oloarlnzs
tocluv , $11,1)80.467 ) ; balances , $1 , 873,1)70.
Ings for the wuuk ending today were $ ? ) ,1U3-
4JI ; balances , $ I,417 & ) . Money , 'Jli percent.
CHICAGO , III. , Fub. 27. Money easy at
0 percent. Rank vsluurfnirn for thu day. if 13,410-
14s ; lor the week. > ( llv.,71. | . Now York ex
change , U per cunt .Miscount. Merlins ex-
chanuu , $ to * mty-duy bills and $ l.bS
for sight drafts. ' ;
NB\V YOHK , Fob. I'f.-Tho exports of specie
last week umouiiteit- I/3.V.I.03I ) . otUMch
$3,503.420 was irold nnd J.IWJ.WO Hllver. Tim
Impoi ta of Hiieelu during the wcoc was (5 10,510 ,
of which fl'07,517 , wa i In b'old and $3,073 In
ROSTOV , Wans. , , Ko ) ) , 27. Clearings today ,
$ l3b3U , ' < > l 3 ; balances , SIHtfi2i ; montiy , WiWi
per cent. Kxi'hnrizg' on New Vork. 15tsi7o
discount ; for the wetik , eluarliiKS , $74.870.23) ) ;
b.ilanccs. li.751.4M ; fur fame time lust year ,
cleurinis , 72,5a.,71il balances , $ J,1.4,570.
tir. Louis , Mo i Bob. 27. Rank clearings ,
MMV.V3 ; balances , tW.llH ) . ( Jleurlnga this
weuk. t2J,542ti57 ! balances. 3.393,08 ? . Clu.irlngs
last week , (2M34.UU ( ; balances , $2,9ll.5'oj.
Clearings for thu corresponding week last , $17,838,400 ; Tj'fliificos , $ lj3l.330. ( Money ,
txB7 pur cunt ; oxchiiuo on New York , 3/c nre-
miuiu. y
Tliouch Comldoniblo Htrmigth Wan Uavcl.
oped the Main I.lst WIIH Dull.
NEW YOHK. 1'eb. 27r-Tho stock market In
tli9 main was strong today but ropialned very
du'l for the malirlUt. There wore only four
actucs , b't. Pan ) , , Heading , Delaware &
Hudson and Denver & Rio Or undo preferred ,
whoso combined operations wore over one-
half of the total business transacted.
The EtreiiKth In the. last hour was
it ) so the foutuie of the nrirket.
although coalers wore In close eyinputhy.
The gruimert. thoiuli very dull , were Ktrong.
Delaware & lludbon scoicd a romurkiiblo
gain , ilslns froui 113 to 134 , und closed ut the
top figure , while Rio Uraude preferred , which
\vu bought by Interest ! which have beou
liuylnz the stock for n loni time , broke from
40'ii ' to53'J. ' cloilnz af the best price , Jersey
Central responded to the strength In llnd on
liy rlslnit ugnln nlovo 140 , and Lnckti-
wanna nnd Heading wore not so strong.
Humors In regard to .ho rcorgnnlratlou eont
Richmond ft west Point preferred up 1 per
cent und affected the bonds favorably , hut the
fltocks wore vcrv null with the rest of tbo
market. The general list opened Irregular ,
bu.t slight chDiigcs from the figures of yester
day and a slowlmt Btcady Improvement in
curred up to the time of the publication ot the
bank statement , which showed n heavy loss In
specie and tliOMirpliB reserve though Its In-
llucnco was momentary. The ploso was active
nnd strong at the best prices of the day. The
llnul changes am very sniAll fractional gains ,
hut Delaware & Hudson Is up 7',4 per cent ;
Denver A : Rio ( Irande , 3V per cent : Jersey
Central , li ! percent , and Laokawuuna 1 per
( ! eminent bonds , quiet and dull , State
bonds , nothing doing.
The following nro the closinj quotations for
the leading stocks on the Now Yor. < Stock exchange -
change toil a v
Atclilson . . {
Aclnms Ktpross . US N. Y. Chi. ft St. li . . . 18
Alton , T.ll . . . . 33J < do preferred. 74
Mo preferred , . . . . .120 Ohio MldftlMlppI 2-N
American iiiroji. : | . ,117 do iircfcrreil , , 8 >
II. 0.11.X N 4il Oaliirloft Wc tcrn , . V > H
Cnnndn t'nrlllc , . . . . ' . ' ) Ore/on Iniprovcmo t Z"
Cannitn Southern . . . CilH Oroaon Nnv W
Central 1'nclllc 104 Oregon Trans 1 ! > 8l
Olios , V Ohio. . . , ? iJ I'n.-lllo Mall 37
no lit prercrroil. . . r > l f. D.fti : w < 4
iloSntl iiroforrod. . , 42 I'lttnburu I Ml
Clilrnito.V Altun Ull I'ullinnn 1'alnco l"
C. . II. A. y . HUH llciullnii Wl
a. u , o.&su i. . Itockltland K ) <
Del. llud'on . , . ( St. 1 , . ft S.K.I t ptJ 810
Del. U A\V . St , Taut 7SM
1) . All.U. pfil . rte prnferretl. ln > X
KintTcnnosue . 7' < St. IV. Mln. ft Man..IU
( to 1st iiruTorrcd. . ; 41) ) St. I'aulftOmah.a , . . . I'M
do Snd pretcrroil. . ilo praforroil 1H
Krlo . . . Tcnu. Coal ft Iron. . . 4.V {
ilo preferred . TBXRS Tnclllo 10 *
KortWnjrno . Tol. &O. Ccu. pfil. . . . HI
Chi. AKast 111 . Union 1'nclllo 4IW
llockhm Valley. . . „ U. S. Kxpresi 44
HouatonAToxas. . . , 3U Wnlmsh , Ht. U& 1' . . ! <
Illinois Co rural . 10 ( Ui preferred " '
HI. I1. .Utulutli . 10H WcllaKnrBO Kx 141
Ivniunn XlVxns . ITj ( Western Union 87J1
Ijiko Krlo.V West. . . 21:4 : Am. Cotton Oil tl <
ilo prutorroJ . ; i > u Colorado Uoal : > ' 4
ImkoSlioro . Ut'i Hu'iiD'tako 11
l.otilivllle.V Snsh. . . 7.1)i ) ( Iron Silver I2J
Loulivlllo A N. A . . . Ontario 42 ,
.Meiiinlils.VCIiar . gulcksllvcr Mb
MIchlKAn UontrnI. . . . IW du prefurred 20
MM. 1. S. , V W . l Hutro A
ilo preferred . 12S llnlwcr 40
Minn , , 'cht. I , . 8 Ulcli. AS' . I'.Ter. . . . l"rt
ilo tirufcrrcil. . . ISJf \Vl con ln Central . 18
MlMtiiirl 1'nclllo . ( irenl Northeru | ifil..1V'i
.Mobllo XOhlo . ; > u Cldcairo tlas t
NashtllluClmtt . unn. . U-iil Trust I' ' H
N. J. Central . uoi uuar Trust M
Norfolk ft Wo t | iM. 4.1 Southern 1'aclllc. . . . ' '
Nortlioru I'ucltlc. . . . 21) O. S. 1. . ft U. N VIS !
do prcfurruil . , . 1.71 MMl. . & W OT , .
U. I' . , Denver AU. . . . tll < * ilo proforreil . . , OSH
Norlhncsterii . Dial. . 4t {
do prolorreil . . . IU
bid. t nskeil.
The total s.xlos of stoelts today were 141.819
shares , Including : Atclilson , : : .otO ; Chicago
Uas , 8.0 ( ! ! Delaware & Hudson , IMVW ; Kile.
3,15 } ; Now Jersey Central , 3.H3I ; Now r.ngl'ind.
5ico : ; Kouding , ; r3,500 ; Richmond ft West
Point , 2,310 ; St , Paul. 13,01' .
rin.inclul Itu\lu\r.
NEW YOHK. Fob. 27. The Post eayss The
statement of bunU averages today was pretty
much what hud been expected. Thu return
flow of money to the Interior Is obviously fore
shadowed In tbo decrease ot funds.
In fact , without gold experts , and
oven without loss through subtrons-
ury opeiutlons , the statement would
have shown decreased reserve. Prob
ably this movement will continue and nobody
need be nlurinoJ at Its continuance. The
cii'irirous glut of Idle n.oney In the Now i ork
bunks diirlni the lust tun months hi'.s been no
propitious sign. It slmpiy reflected stagna
tion. Kvents have proven that this surplus
money Is not needed an 1 cannot bo used hero :
therefore , the sooner it Is sent whore It Is
needed the better.
New York 31nnay Miirkot.
NEwYouic , I'ob. 37. Moxsvo.x CALL Easy
with nolo.uis ; closed offered at 2 percent ,
PUI.MK MKIICANTII.I : PAi'Ert 4@ " > percent.
STRIIMNO EXCIIANQE Quiet but nteany at
IM.S'i'i for sixty day bills and $1.80 for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
U.S.4irei ! Mutual Union us..IUbH
U. S 43 COIlp N.O.'i Int. Cert 1I1W
U.S. 4 s rex .IIW .North , I'aclllo Inl&.ll8
U. S. 44 } coup . .10'J North I'.tclllc 2ml8..114 ! ( !
I'nclilciisof'U" ) . . . . . . 81 Northwestern Con . .1I17H
North. Ucbent. 6a.lU7
Tenn. new net ( n. ! ! in St. I. , ft I. M. ( ion. f > 5. H5' <
Tenn. now not 53. . . ' St. I , . A , S. K. Uon.M..107H
Tonn , new eel Ha. . . ! 1 H'II st.l'aulCousolti. . . ,12'i
ColimlnSo.l'niH. . . . .Itli St. I' . , t ) . Al'af.lnts.,117
Ccn. 1'aclllc Uls. . . , . .1173C Tor. 1 > . IG. . Tr. Hcts 8IU )
Don. ill. ( J. 4a . . SOH To i. l > . H. (1 Tr. Ilcts 31M
KrloSmls ' Un'onl'aclltoUtii. . . 18
M. K. .VT.Uen.Bs. , . . BO'l WcJtMioro 104
M. K. AT. Gcn.fis. . . 43Hi It. U. W. Ists 78
l.nudiin Stock 'Murkot.
Kob. 27.--The followlaT wore the
London stock quotations closing at 3 p. in :
Consols. roonoy. . . % ll-lii .Maxlc.m Onlm.iry. .
adoaccount % llti St. 1'nnl com .
N. Y. , 1' . ftO Ists. . . ! ' < New York Contrul. .
Cun. I'aUHo VM Pennsylvania . . .
Crlo 3 ? ' Itcurtlng . 30) $
Krloinds 1VOJ4 Mexican Central 49.
Illinois Central IU ? > i
HAH SILVER 417-lfid.
MONEV 214 per cent.
Ruto of discount In the open market for
both short und thrc ( months bills , 2J < percent.
DoHton Stock Murltot.
ROSTON. Mass. . Fob. 27. The fnllowlnz wore
tbo closing prices on stocks on the Hoston
stock market toJuy :
Atclilson ft TopeKu. I'Ki * .iu
llontuu ft Albany. . . Franklin 12
lloiton ft Matnu , . . .
C H.ftQ 10J Occeola S7
Fltchburit UK bl. } Sitnta To Copper . . l1
ribit ft I'ora M. pfd. t > 0 Tanmruclc .
I * U , ft Ft. S. ? 04 W llOHtun hand Co 0 > i
Mass. Central Hm Illuvo I.nncl Co. ID
M ox. Con. com Went Knd I.und Co. 18M
N. V. & . N. Knicland. Hell Telephone. . . . 20J
Old Colony 17U I.Timson btoroS .
Itutland Lorn. pfd. . i > ) Water I'ovtor .
\Vl3. Con.coin 13 Cont. Mill .
\VI . Con coin. pfd. i , N. K
Alluuur II ft H. Cop
Atlantic Houston &T
Huston ft Montana.
Denver .Mining blocks.
DENVEH. Cola. fob. 27. The following list Is
thnolosln qiiotitlonaon the Mlnln ? oxcnango
today. 8 ties 41,000.
AlleKliany U Ironclad 12
Amity 1 > ; John J 1
Argonaut 15 Ountlco 104
Hallarat 15 Lcavennorlh S
Uanitkot-Cor.-klt. . . . U Loxlnitton 41
llatcs-lluntor GO I.lltle Itula 40
IIlK Inillau 10 May Ma uppa B'i
I'lufcU 4M Murnlng ( Jllm 43
Ilrownlow : iV Uro 4JO
Calliope 11 I'ark Consolidated. . 0
Claudia J 2 t'ny Hock &i
Century * 1'otinl i
Clay County 23 1'nzr.ler 2
Cash 8 Hood National 70
nilimoriil II 4 Illalto ju
Denver ( las anil Ull 8 lUmnliiK Lode 40
Kmnioiis i'J Wlialo 3
( iottysbur 31 Sulton 2.1
( iolUcn Treasure. , . . M I'.iulGold 8
Gold Hock 41
Hun FrancUcu JMInlng OiKitatloim.
BAN FUAXCISCO. Oal. . fob. 27. The ofllclnl
closing niiotatlons for inlnlni ; stocks today
ere us follows ;
Alta . 93 Nnvajo 6
llulwor . to Opldr 2B5
llcst&llolchar . . . . 210 I'otosl 125
llodluConsollilated. Havana llu
Cun. I 'no . flcrra Nevadan \
Consolldnteil C A. V. 4IA Union Con 140
Crown 1'ulnt . ' . < " > Utah 25
Kiirokn Con. . . . . \'M \ Yellow Jacket 70
( Jould ft Curry . U ) Coi 15
Hiiloft r urcroitt. . . . Ilia N , Q DO
Mexican . 170 n. r. as
Menu . 75 N. 11. I . - . 25
Nfliv York 51111111 ? OnnUtloiu.
NEW Yoitic. Fob. 27. The following are the
closingmliiln ; steaK quotations :
Adams Con , , , , 12i Horn Sliver. . . . , , , . . 870
licet ft llulchur , , . , , 215 Iron Silver. , 12
Dciidnoud IU ) Mexican I'M
Chollnr Ill ) Untarlu . . , . , , , 4IUO
Con. fill-ft Va 4'i > Uphlr , 'Ml
KurckuCun 175 riavaKO IUU
( Jouhl ft Curry 1J Hlerru Nevada 126
Halo ft Norcross , , , , 14 Union Cun U'J
lluuiotaku 10UU
Shining SlRin Tint 1'olnt tlio Wny to
Ilriivcn unit Ilnpjiliu-jiH.
The First Society of Progressive Spiritu
alists meets every Sunday In Marathon hull ,
corner Twenty-fifth avenue and Cumlng
street Pdychromotrlo reading given at the
close of the mooting. All arj cordially in-
First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth nnd
Daveiiportstreots Uev. U. H. Watson of New
York will supply the palplt morning and oven-
liiK. Services lUiBUa. in. nndTiiiOn.m. Sunday
schooU at IU in , and U n. m. Prayer meet
ings Wednesday and Friday evenings at
7 : U.
St. John's church , corner Twonly-slxtU
and Franklin straets Huv. J. O. Ferris , ro5-
tor. Qulnquugesima Sunday. Holy eucbarlst
at 8 a. in. Sunday school 04o ; a. u. Morning
prayer , litany and sermon at 11 a.m. Con-
Urination class at 3 p.m. Evening prayer and
sermon at 7:110 : p.m. Ash Wednesday
service ; Morumg prayer , lltany.holy oucbar-
1st and sermon. 10:30 : a.m. Friduy oveulng's
service aud address , 7:30. :
Westminster Presbytoi Ian church , Twenty-
ninth and Mason streets. The pas tor.liov. John
Gordon , U.D. , will preach at U:3U ) : a. in. on
"Saving Faith , " nna at 7BO : p.m. subject ;
"Coma Into tbo Ark. " Sunday school ut
12:15. : Mooting of Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor at 0:45 : p.m. There
will bo special services during tbo coming
week every evening ctcept Saltirdfiy , nt 7 ; ! . " >
p.m. Hcv. Asn Loan ) , U.D. , wilt prench. A
rordlnl Invitation Is given to nil to attend
thcso meetings.
Cynthlu Christian church , 4313 Nicholas
street Joseph Shields , pastor. Preaching nt
lOtrtOn. m. nnd 7:30 : p. in , Sunday school nt
li ! m. Young People's Society of Christian
; Cndctxvor at 11:4 : , " . Morning subject : " .Icstis
ind Ills 1/mguago to Herod , " Uvonlng sub-
cct : "JndifToronco , anil the End. " All
seats nro frco.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church , corner
Twonty-llrstnndHlnnoy. W.IC.Honns , pastor.
Pfoachlng 10:33 : n. tn. nr.il7JO ; p.m. Sub-
iccts : Morning , "A Sermon for
the Times ; " ovontng , " Following
Christ. " Sunday school nt 12 in.
J. T. Uobln-on , superintendent. Younc poo-
plo'.s mootiiii ; at 0:30. : Seats froo. Every
body inikiio welcome.
All Saints' ' churchTwontv-slxth nnd How
ard strooU T. J. Mackny , rector. Morning
service , II n.m. Evening service , 7:30 : p.m.
Subjects of sermons : "What Is the Use of
Keeping Lent I" "Is Christianity IJoeenorat-
Ing. " The public welcome.
First Pitttbylorinn church , corner Seven
teenth and Dodge streets Regular services
with preachiiitf by tlio pastor , Kov.V. . J.
Hurslia , U.I ) . , nt 1U:3J a.m. nnd
70 : p.m. Morning sermon by HUhop
Nowmiiu , Snhbutli school nt noon. > oinig
People's Society of Christian Endeavor mooting -
ing nt tlli : ! ) p. in. All nro welcome.
First Methodist liulsoopil church , Twen
tieth nnd Utvonport streets , 11 jv. P. S.
Merrill , D. D. , pastor. Sprinon 10:3J. :
"Guilty Sllonco ; " 7:30 : , "Day nnd Night ot
Life. " Sibbath school at 2:30. : Fine sing
ing. All welcome.
ICountzo Memorial English and Lutheran
church , corner Sixteenth nnd Harney Kov.
A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services 10:39 : n. m.
nnd 7:39 : p. tn. conduced by the pastor. Sun
day school nt noon. Young Pconlo's " Society
ot Christian Endeavor ntU:30 : p" . in. , led by
Mr. Allen Koch , subject : "A Good Man in
Trouble Why I" Everybody cordially In.
vltod to those services and receive n Chris
tian welcome.
People's church , on Eighteenth nnd
California. Preaching by the pas
tor , Kev. Charles W. Suvidgo , Sabbath
nt 10:30 : n. m. nnd 7:3 : J u. m. Subject in
the mornlnc , "Holy Fire.1' Subject In the
evening , "God's Police Ulllcer. " Seats free ,
nnd nil nro welcome. Sabbath kchool ut
! i:3a : p. in.
First Christian church , corner Capitol
nvemio and Twentieth street Kov. T. K.
Cniniblot , p.istor. Preaching at 10:30 : a.m.
nnd 7:45 : p.m. Sundav school nt li ! m. Young
People' . * Society of Christian Endeavor at
(1:15 ( : p. in. Subject of morning sermon :
"Paul n Debtor. " Subject of evening
sermon : "A Character Study of .lerumlnh. "
All scats nro free nnd all nro welcome. Bap
tism nt the close of evening service.
Clrnnt Street Christian church , T.nko
street , between Twenty-fifth mid Twontv-
slxth , Sunday school at 3:30 : p.m. E. F.
Pickering , supbrlntondent.
St. Mnrlt's Evangelical Lutheran church ,
corner Twenty-first and BurdoUo streets
Kov. J. G. Grlfllth , pastor. Preaching
at 10:30 : a.m. Sunday school nt 1'J m.
Catechetical class nt . ' 1:30 : p. m. Young
people's services nt 0:30 : , mid preaching at
7:30 : p. in. So. ts froo. Drop In nnd see us ,
.Imm.uiucl liaptlst church , North Twenty-
fourth and Blnnoy streets Kov.F. W. Foster.
Kcgular services on Sunday. The pastor
will hnvofor his morning thcmo : "Secrets of
Christian Growth nnd Happiness. " Evening
theme : ' -Hurry , " being the last In the
of " Talks. " '
course "Timely Young people's
mooting nti:45. ( : Seats free , nnd a cordial
wolcomn extended to all who will come.
The Swedish Baptist Mission , northwest
corner of Hamilton and Thirtieth streets.
Kegulnr meetings every Sunday at 10.30
n.m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 13.
Wednesday nt 8 p. m.
Unitarian church , Seventeenth nnd Cass
streets Kov. Lloyd Skinner of Lincoln will
preach In the morning. Subject , "Tno
lloallty of Kollplon. "
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth und Pierce streets
Kev. Alfred Hodgotts , D.D. , pastor.
Class meetings , 10 a. m. and 0:30 : p. m.
Preaching , 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. tn.
Evening subject , "Tho Morals of the
Theater. " Sunday school at 3 p. m. Every
body equally welcome.
Southwestern Lutheran church , Twenty-
sixth street , between Woolworth and Pop-
pleton avenues. The pastor , Kov. Luther
M. Kuhns , will conduct divine services at
11 n. m. nnd at 7:30 : p. in. , and preach on
"Your Father" nnd "Tno Gospel of Christ. "
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor at 0:45 : p. m.
Hillside Congregational church , cor
ner Thirtieth and Ohio streets , A.
H. Koss , pastor Morning service , 10 :30. Sor-
inon topic , "Law of Growth. " Sunday
school at noon. Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor , 0:15 p. m. Vespers ,
7:30 p. ra.
Clifton Hill Gospel Mission Sunday school
every Sunday nt 3 p. in. Gospel service
every Sunday at 4 p. in. Subject at 4 p. m. ,
bible reading , "Tbo Lovingkindness of tbo
Lord. " You and your fnonds earnestly in
At thoContral Untied Presbyterian hurcch ,
Seventeenth street , between Cnpitol avenue
Und Dodge Kov. John Williamson , D.D. ,
pastor. Preaching tomorrow at 10:30 : a. m.
Subject , "Tho Saolmh Its Perpetuity. "
And at 7:30 : p. m. . subject. "Tho Christian
Keligiun as it Affects This Life. " Koceptlon
of members at morning service. Sabbath
school at 12 m. , and young people's meeting
nt 0:30 : p. m. Everybody welcome.
Trinity Cathedral , Eighteenth nnd Capitol
avenue Very Kov. C. II. Gardner , dean.
Holy communion 8 n. ra. Sunday school 10
a , m. Morning prayer , litany and sermon at
11 a. in. Evening prayer and sermon at
7:30 : p. m.
Plymouth Congregational church , corner
Twenty-ninth and Spencer streets , ICotint/.o
Place Kov. A. K. Thaln , D.D. , pastor. Mor
ning service. 10:30 : : Anthem , chorus choir ;
offertory , "Ono Sweo'.Iy Solemn Thought , "
B. F. Duncan. Sunday school at 12 m. , W.
H. Russell superintendent. Young Poopfo's
Society of Christian Endeavor mooting , 7.
Evoninc service , special , 7:45 : : Anthem ,
chorus choir ; offertory , Plymouth quartette ;
solo , Mr. Thomas.
Unlversallst church , corner Nineteenth
and Lathrop streets , ICountzo Place. Preach
ing morning and evening at usual hours by
Kev. Mary Goruld Andrews. Sunday school
at 1'J ' m.
Both-Edcn Baptist church , Park avenue1 ]
near Leavonworth. Rev. E. N. Harris pas-
tor. Preaching nt 10:45 : a. in. nnd 7tO : ! p.m.
Subject , morning , "Abiding in Christ , "
Subject , evening , ' 'Saving Not Saved. "
Sunday school ut 12:15 : p. m. Sittings all
free and strangers especially welcomed.
Free Church of S. Matthias ( Episcopal ) ]
South Tenth street and Wnrtulngton Plaoo ,
Kov. Alexander W. Macnab , rector. Quln-
iiuageslina Sunday Celebration of tno
holy communion , 7 a. in. ; Sunday school
and blblo class , 10 a. m. ; full morning.
service , litany and sermon , 11 a. ro. ; holy
baptism , 3 p. in. Evensong nnd sermon ,
7:30 : p , m. Asti Wednesday Celebration of
the holy communion at 7 a. m. , morning
pray fir und litany , 11 n. in. ; evening prayer
and sermon , 7:30 : p , m. Thursday mornlnc
urayor nil ) o'clock ; special evening service ,
8 o'clock , under the auspices of the | St.
Andrew's ' Brotherhood , with address onj the
subject of "Abstinence. " Friday morning
pravor at 0 o'clock ; mooting of tbo Woman's
auxiliary at 2 p , m. ; evening service 7:30 :
p. m. Saturday morning prayer nt U
o'clock ; meeting of tbo Industrial school ,
2:30 : p. m.
Kov. J. M. Wilson continues his fort
nightly sermons on "Eminent Men in the
History of tno Church. " On Sunday night.
subject , ' Charlemagne and tbo Temporal
Power of the Papacy. "
Services will bo held in Castollar Street
Presbyterian church every night next week ,
corner Sixteenth and Cuatcllar streets. The
pastor , Uov. J. M. Wilson , will preach.
Cured In Fifteen Minutes ,
Mr. J. S , Sturtovont , editor of the Waupnca
( WIs. ) Post , says : "LastiiightCbamoerlaln's
Pain Balm cured my wlfo of neuralgia of the
face and tooth in fifteen minutes. Wo would
not bo without It. " o'J cent bottles for sale
by _ _
louu Itallroaili Itefuno to Itoinovo the
Ilrlilgo Toll IlUurlmiiiullon.
The railroads have naln snnbbed tbo Job-
bora of Omaha ; aud the latter are in a fight
ing mood.
The magnates of the Iowa lines held a
meeting In Chicago on Thursday , and It was
expected they would settle tbo con-
trovory over the fi-ccnt discrimi
nation against Omaha on shipments to Iowa
points , but they adjourned without taking
any definite action.
Mr. Charles F. Wellor of the Klchardson
Drug company , who is secretary of the
Omnha Commercial associitlon , say * the
Jobbers of that organization are ready to de
clare war if the railroads do not ronove tbo
discrimination by April 1. They propose to
oven the score with the railroads moot at
fault by divesting o\cry possible .round of
freight to some other lino. Mr. Wellor I *
contldont Unit the shippers can bring n pres
sure to boar that will force the offending
lines to accord thorn Justico. ilo Is very em
phatic In his declaration that the Jobbers
linvo exhausted their pntionco and will begin
n war ot rctillatlon if they do not got tbo u >
sired relief within thirty days.
lliirllnRton-Mlluitillirn Alliance ,
The B , & M. has just concluded n traftlo
arrangement with the Milwaukee that will
create some surprise In rnllroad circles. It
Is n through sleeping car service over Ihoso
Lwo roads between Chicago nnd Denver. A
Milwaukee car will leave Chicago nt night
and will bo transferred tn the B. & M. at
10:20 : In the morning. Kotiirnlng the cat1
will leave Denver at night nnu bo delivered
to the Milwaukee In Omaha nl 4:30 : the next
This nrrangamont U In the nature ot an
experiment , but It Is itiUnmted nt Htiilingtou
headquarters that the alliance may bo
strengthened and the through service In
creased. Itscopis to have boon nmdo to offset
the alllnnco between the North western nnit
the Union Paolllc. The Milwaukee claims
the same territory i\s the Northwestern nnil
Is not n competitor nt ninny points with the
Burlington. No move , apparently , has been"
mailo for nn Intorchiitico of freight , but In *
IcicMcd parties nro speculating on thai ns A
remote possibility.
Xotfs unit ruriiiiniils.
Uoorgo BuckliiRbnm , nn old Union Paclfla
conductor , has bajn appointed traveling pas
senger ngont to succeed Frank Prophet , pro
The city council committee has In prepara
tion an ordinance whleh will grant the rail
roads the use ot streets nnd alleys nt present
occupied by their sldo trades on condition
that tbo switching charges shall ho subject
to the city's ' regulation , and that other rail
roads shall bo allowed to use such tracks at
reasonable rates ,
The Omaha Hallway Employes' club will
hold Its nnnunl meeting Tuesday evening at
Central hull , 107 Soutn Fourteenth street ,
The club will elect olllcors for thu eiiiuluir
year. II. Knodell , formerly n Union Paclllu
switchman , has been appointed stuto organ
iser by the national hoard nnd is about to
begin the u ork of forming clubs nt all Im
portant railroad centers in Nebraska.
New AVniflilngtiiii , 1'c-nn. , Prnpln
are not slo'v about Inking bold ot n now
thing , if the article has merit. A few months
ago David livers of that place bought bis
first stoclt of Chamberlain's Cough Ketucdy.
Ho has sold It all ami ordeiod niora. Hosnys :
"It has given the best of satisfaction , I
have warranted every bottle , ami hnvo tioo
had ono rome back. " 00 cent nnd $1 bottles
for sale by druggists.
Ho Will Itrsicn Kntlicr Tliiin Create or la *
diilgn In Any J'ni'tloiml recline.
Hon. M. V. Gannon , president of the Irish
League of America , was seen yesterday by a
BBI : loportor with re Co re nro to the apparent
difference of opinion botwcon himself and
Secretary Sutton on account of which the
secretary has forwarded his resignation.
"It Is nothing but n mlsundorstandilig.not i
n difference ot opinion , I think , " said Mr.
Gannon. "I hnvu written Secretary Sutton
that rather than accept his resignation f.
would resign myself , and I have
authorized him to say to the execu
tive committee that my resignation ,
will bo submitted to the comintttoo at any
time that it Is desirable to have it. I will
have nothing to do with any factional quar
"This matter has begun over a very trivial
thing and If I have nmdo a inlstalto It has
been because I was hurried with work and
did not catch the snmo impression from the
Now York Sun editorial as Mr. Sutton did ,
perhaps. This editorial was sent to mo by
Treasurer Lyman ot Now York through Mr.
Sutton. It points out the danger to the homo ,
rule cause from the fact that many of tba
Irish members are poor men and if Parlia
ment should bo dissolved and a sudden elec
tion called , many ot them would bo un iblo to
deposit the statutoty costs demanded of all
who enter nn election contest iu Ireland !
Thcso costs vary from $1,500 for a borough. '
boat to $3,000 for u county.
"I was impressed with the force of th
suggestion on the part of the Now York Sun
to the effect that funds should bo contributed ,
by the supporter ? of the homo rule cause la !
America and upon that impulse I wrote and '
issued the letter which appeared Wednesday I
morning. 1 have no policy nsldo from tbob
of the cxecutivo comtnittco. I will engage
in no factional quarrels. The best years of
my life have been given iu n crcat dcgroo to
tbo Irish homo rule cause and this is no ttmo
for mo to have anything to do with fac
tional wrangles. I think that Secretary Sutton -
ton will understand the situation bettor
when ho reads the letter I sent him today.
So far as I arc concerned I would much
rather resign than to feel that there is the
least particle of dUcord botwcon any of thu
officers or members of the executive commit
tee and myself. I would very willingly hau&
In my resignation at nny moment. " '
J.ii < ! rlppo SucecuBlully Treated.
"I hnvo Just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this voar , " snys Mr. Jatnea
O. Jones , publisher of the Lender. Moxln ,
Tex. "In the latter case I used Chamber *
Iain's Cough Kcmody , nnd I think with con
siderable success , only being In bed a llttlo
over two days against ten days for the first
attack. The second nttncu I am satisfied
would have boon equally ns had as the first
but for the use of this remedy , ns I had to go
to bed In about six hours after being 'struck1
with it , wbilo in the first case I was able to
attend to business nbout two days before
getting 'down.1" 50 cent bottles for sale by
ItciinUltlon 1'iiparR Finally Honored for tli
Itcturn of u Smooth Hu Indler.
Mortlmor Fox ot San Francisco , who has
been boarding at tno Douclas county Jail at
government oxponbo for about four months ,
is now on the way homo accompanied by
Deputy United States Marshal Lyons and a
writ of requisition.
Mr. Fox has been the cause of a good deal
of litigation since he arrived in Omaha last
fall. Ho was arrested by the police as a
fugitive from justice und lodged In the county
Jail to await requisition papers from San
Francisco , whore Ho bad ntolea a loiter from
the'oxpross company.
The papers failed to work and Fox was
about to bo released. But the United Stales
marshal ! hud Fox arrested upon a charge of
tampering with the United States mails.
The county sheriff refused to surrender Fox
to the United States ir.uralml and Attorney
Baker had n writ Issued for his arrest. Matters -
tors were becoming rather interesting when
the sheriff finally became convinced that bo
had bettor not try to stand out against Uncle
Sam In the matter and Fox was surrendered
to the marshal , Ho was held in Jail to await
the arrival of the indictment whleh had
bean found against him in Sun Francisco.
When a certified copy of tbo indictment ar
rived a legal light took place in the United
States court over the sufllcicncy or insufll *
clcncy of the document with relation to pro *
curing requisition paper ? .
The attorney applied for a writ of habeas
corpus but never pushed the case after the
application bad been fllod ,
Judge Dund v said yesterday that ho believ r4
the writ would have boon issued U Fox's attorney - ,
tornoy had gone ahead with the case , but
having abandoned it to all appaarancos tbo
prisoner bad to bo eont back to San Fran
cisco ,
Fox Is a bright looking young man. Ho
formerly spent two years In the school of core
roction in California.
Deputy Marshal Lyons started for San
Francisco with the prisoner last night.
Marshal lirad D. Slaughter has also a Ion ; ,
trip before him. Ho bas gone to
Tucson , Ariz , , with Alonzo Bird , wanted hy ,
the federal authorities In the territory upon
a charge of soiling liquor to Indians. Air. '
Slaughter will visit his sister at Los Angeles ,
Cal. , before ho returns. Ho will bo gone two
or throe weeks.
A Itouiarkublo C'uro of Jtlieumatliu.
Messrs. Gage and Sherman of Alexander ,
Tex. , write us regarding a remarkable euro ,
of rheumatism there , as follows : "Tho wife/
of Mr. Willlum Priillt , the poatmastor here ,
has boon bed-ridden with rheumatism fop
several years. She could get nothing to da
her any good , Wo sold her n bottle of Cham-
berlum'a I'nlu Balm mid she was completely
cured by its uso. Wo rotor nny ono to her to
verify this etatemonl. Fifty cout bottles fov
tale by drug.Uts.