THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PflRT TWO , . PflGES 9-1B. TWENTY-MUST YEAR OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 28 , 1892-S1XTEKN PAGES. NUMHKU 25K Wash Dress Goods. Now styles in Bedford cords , light or dark ground , lOc yard. Scotch homespun , a now fabric just in , at 12ic yard. Delta cloth , also now this Benson , 15o yard. Double width printed honriotta , beau- tlful stylcs , only lOc ynrd. Llama cloth , 32 inches wldo , only lOo ynrd. ! ! G-lnch wide sultlnij , wool olTects , 15c ynrd. 40-inoh wldo Armmlnlc zephyr 15o yd. 32-inch wldo printed zouhyrino , lOc ynrd. 2000 pieces of dress glnghnm and zephyr gingham ntSc , Gjc , 7ic , 81c , lOc , 12Jc , 15c. 17c , ISc , lOc , 20o nnd 25c ynra. Special bargain in 112-inch imported zephyr gingham in satin stripes , lace wont nnd fancy weaves , sold all around this city ut 35c , 40c and 50c , our price only 25c a yard. A big bargain. Largest atoclc of plain black sateen in Omaha at lOc , 12Jc.l5c , 17c , lUc , 20c , 25c , HOc. 35c , 37ioand'40c vard. Pine novelties in imported sateens , patterns controlled by Ilaycion Bros , for Omaha. They uro beauties. At 45o ynrd. 32-inch wldo printed sterling serge 80-inch wide Armenian serge 5cyard. 3-4 llannclotto suiting 5c yard. Amoskong tcasle cloth , Bannockburn ( suiting , chudaah cloth , &c. , lOo yard. These are bargains worth considering. 2000 mill remnants of light printed entccn at 5e yard , worth 15c. 2000 remnants of India linon. 5c yard. 2000 remnants of best India linen , worth 26c yard , to bo sold at lOc yard. Shirting prints , 2cyard. } Coclicco twilled serges , Cc yard. Cotton China , Cc yard. Tndlgo blue calico , 6c yard. Arnold B indigo blue , lOo yard. Colored Dress Goods. Wo have received during the week largo invoices of spring dross goods in nil the latest novelties. Our line of Scotch tweeds , bcdford cords , in plain nnd fancy weaves , diagonal Btripo camel's hair , fancy stripe suiting , lancy dots all wool chevrons , is the largest in the city , nnd our prices the very lowest. 42-inch Scotch tweed , ' very line , SI. Go. CO-inch English twcc'd , mottled , $1.38. j , 48-inch English tweed , plain , 9Sc. 42-inch camel's hair , stripes , $1.23. 42-inch diagonal stripes , 81.19. 40-inch all wool novelty stripes , G5c. 88-inch all wool novelty mixtures , 55c. 40-inch spring styles in plaids , CO styles to solcet from , 680. 30-inch herring bono stripes , 33c. 30-inch plain Henriettas , 25c. 34-inch English cashmcro , 15c. 28-inch gray dobicgo , 12jc. Borne Senators Whose Savings Are Sunk in Mineral-Bearing Earth , TALK WITH SPECULATIVE LEGISLATORS "Carp" Tells or Senatorial Investments In tlio ( itild Regions of North Carolina Kx- Suimtor Tuber , Ills Mineral und Matrimonial Ventures. t G. 0 irpenter.l WASHINGTON , Fob. 20. [ Special Corre spondence of Till : BCE.J The now gold and liver mines which arc being developed in Colorado are creating considerable interest at Washington. A largo u umber of the senators are interested in ono way or another in mining , and tbero are a baker's dozen ol them who have unanclal ventures out on gold or silver teas. Senator Sawyer U still working bis gold mines near Washington. Those are about lUteon miles up tbo Potomac , where the senator owns about 400 acres of land and where ho has a llttla stamp mill , which runs along pounding the quartz to plocos , but which , up to the present wilting , lias not made a fortune for Its owner. Some largo nuggets have been found and seine of the quartz Is very rich and for a tnno the AVcrago of the stamp mill was $33 a ton. On the whole , however , I understand that ttio mine has not paid and it U a repetition of the old story of southern mines. I Inter viewed Thoaias Edison last summer on the mines of North Carolina and ho told mo that every farm in the state seemed to have a qold mine , but that nouo of these mines were valuable enough to pay for tha working. Ho said tbo slaves hud duii for their masters all of the gold out of the south and that the most of It lay in pockets rather than In largo volne. Still , a number of tbo senator * are 'investing in North Carolina ralnos , and Sena tor Spooiior aud tbo late Senator Hearst bad , what they considered , a very valuable load. Spoonor had a number of largo nuegots of tbo purest of pure gold which ho Kept on his library table aud showed to bis brother sena tors whoa they visited him. There were enouch of tbcso nuggets to have tilled a quart measure , and they were of all shapes and of different size ? . Senator Plumb hud some Interests In the south , but ha owned some very valuable mines In Colorado nnd ho was , I think , Interested In tbo Llttlo Pitts- burg and other nunas at Leadvlllo , A Chut ulth Senator Teller. I chattoa with Senator Teller last nlgbt bout the Colorado mines. Ho says a great deal of line gold-bearing rock Is being gotten out at Cripple Creole under the shadow of Plko's Peak aud that this promises to bo ono of the great gold camps of tbo future. Pco plo uro corning in from everywhere to pros pect and speculate aud two railroads lm\o boon surveyed which will open up the region. As it now is , it is only eighteen mlios from tbo railroad and there will not bo much trou- bio In connecting it with the rest of the world. Senator Teller says that the now sil ver mluos which have been opened up at Ci'eedo , Col. , are of wonderful richness and that the indications are that this locality may become a second Loadvillo. It Is hero that Bouator Wolcott ana his brother Henry have a mine wl'lch they bought last fall In con- uectlou wllu two other partloa for $100,000. Black Dress Goods SPECIAL PRICES FOR MONDAY. Wo hnvo just received 60 pieces of finenrimircs in now serpentine weaves , very pretty and stylifih for spring dresses , vhloh wo shall have on sale Monday at 23c ; worth COc. GO pieces of very line quality French BcrRcs , absolutely worth 80c , will go on this sale at 55o. Malard's very best quality silk warp honrioltn 48 inches wide , will go at 81.25 ; worth $1.03. Lupin's very best quality thlbot cloths in the finest satin finish , at 03c , worth $1.30c ; those coeds are a finei weave and superior in many respects to the very best hcnriotta cloths , nnd every lady wishing1 to purchase a fine dress should sco them. Fine French cnshmores in double warus are among1 the best known fab rics to wear , and wo have thorn on sale Monday nt 76c. No other house could possibly sell the same goods for less than 31. Imported cashmere , SSc. worth 55c. Imported cashmorc , 33c , worth 50c , Imported cashmere , 2oc , worth 40c. A peed cashmere at 12je , worth 20c. Bedford cords , 2 Jc , worth 43e. Linen Department. 51-inch red bordered cream damask , 20c yard. SS.inch half bleached Gorman damask , 45c. 45c.72inch 72-inch bleached damask , 59c yard. 82-inch bleached German damask , SI. 50. 64-inch turkey red damnsk , 15c yard. 68-inch Scotch turkey red damask , 60o yard. Fine cloths in rad and white , red nnd green , cardinal and fancy bordois in great variety. Blenched or unbleached cotton twilled crash nt 3c } yard. Stevens' unbloaehed all linen crash 5c and 8u ynrd. Gorman twilled crash , all linen and bleached at that , lOc and 12c } yard. Glass toweling , Oc , Sc , lOo and 12jo yard. A full line of napkins. Largest line of white bed spreads in the west. Dress Trimming Dept FEATHER TRIMMINGS. Extra fine French fcathor trimmings , in nil colors , regular 50c article , for 25c per yard. . Silk cords , in all colors , at 5c per yard Special value in silk dross trimming nt 5c , lOe , 15e , 19c , 25c , 33e , up to $2 per yard. They paid ? 30,000 cash and were to pay the remaining 70,000 by tbo first of next Juno. Tholr mliio had paid from the start and they hud gotten enough out of It by the middle of January to pay the $100,000 for which it was soldlo them , and all that they cctnow is pure profit. The mine has turned out thousands of dollars a day , and during the month of January it turned out moro than $07,000. The mine cost Senator \ \ olcott a cash payment of only $7,500 , and if it lasts it will make him rich. This will , however , not bo the llrst time ho has made money in mines. Ho medo , it Is said , boiwccn $100,000 und $ .200,000 out of a < mo ho bought in Loadvillp , and his brother aud himself are said to bo among the shrewdest of investors and speculators , Uuvo Mollatt of Drnvor'd 1,039 and Gain , Senator Teller says that Dave Moffatt , the Denver millionaire , has largo interests ut Crccdo nnd that be is making a big thing out of tbo mine at Leadvlllo lor which ho paid (70,000 shortly bcforo the bank robber bull dozed him 'out of that $20,000 with dynamite , und that this * mine , instead of being a poor investment , hits been an excellent ono. Moffatt , It Is said , considered it worth noth ing for some time nnd bis Irlonds pitied him and condoled with him about his bud pur chase. You will remember how the robber drew a pistol on Moffatt in his private room , and with this in ono bund nnd a bottle of some kind of liquid In the other which ho said was nltro-giycerino , threatened to blow Moffntt and the bank up unless ho would wrlto out him a check on the bank for { w'0,000 and got him the money on it. Moffatt looked Into the shining barrel of the re volver. Ho glanced with terror ai the curiously shaped bottle of curiously colored IIuld , and , seeing that there was nothing at his hand with which ho could defend him self , ho wrote the chock and accompanied by tha man with the dungoious uottlu in bis hand bo walked to the cashier's desk und handed over tlio check tn the cash ier , saying1 in a low voice"This man is robbing me. " The cashier , however , thought ho was referring to t > omo new mine hu bad bought , nnd Ills mind wont atthotlmo to this $70,000 mliio which was then thought to have turned out badly and ho handed the money over tn Moffatt. MolTatt cavu it to the man and ho rubtiod from the bank , and though MolTutt raised a hue and cry ho was abiu to escape. * Ho threw off his coat in doing so , and In it the bottle was found , and the supposed nltro-glvcurluo turned out to bo swcot oil. Tbls thief was never discovered , but tnu $70,000 mine speculation which prom ised so poorlyand which indirectly aided the villain , has slued paid several times as much as Moffatt's loss by him , j\-Sfiiator : Tuber unit Ills Mexican Milieu. Ex-Senator Tabor of Colorado was in Washington a few days ago , and during bis stay hero ho said that ho wus going to muko a big fortune out of his Mexican mines , his suits concerning which have Just boun sot- tied in his favor , These uro old mines which are bolucr roworltod , und Tabor paid , I am told , $ .K,000 for his intorcbt in them , and bo contracted at tbo same time to put up stump mills und to build such machinery us would onublo them to go in at the sldo of tbo moun tain und gut right at the vein of ere In that way. Tabor put up bis stamp mills , nnd whllo tba minors were digging thuir way into the sldo of the hill.ho ucpan to work over the refuse ere which had been cast nilao us not valuable enough to pay for shipping or re duction. Ho found that tbo output was very largo uud ho wanted to keep on working his mill on this refuse rather than bother about the other part of the mint. * , und I think It was upon this ucllon thut liouns sued ser bruiich of contract. Colorado inun toll mo thai Tabor is a very shrewd mining ipcou * lutor , and that ho Is a careful business man. Ho is said to bo richer now than ever un-i though ho continually loses fortunes , ho keeps oo making them. His opera house which was thought to uo such an cxtravu- panco has turned out to bo tbo most profit- ublo Investment and il pays u big interest-on tbo hundreds of thousands of dollars which ho put Into it. Ho nas other valuable real citato In Denver and his mines are to bo found in nearly every part of Colorado. Ho jumped from poverty to being a mllliouatro In leas than a month and U is en id ho made tia.OOJout of the Little I'lltsburg in less Special in Silks. Monday you can buy n good gros grain black silk for 81 , fully worth $1.25. A good faille Francais for $1.10 , fully worth $1.25 and $1.35. A good warranted nil silk black royal nrinuro for $1,25 nnd $1.35. fully worth $1.50. Brocaded cream pongees now , for $1 , cheap at $1.25. Chinas with polka dots , worth 81or 8Sc. 8Sc.Chinas Chinas in now shndos , plain , for Mon day 45c. A few plocos of surahs in plaids and stripes loft , at the low price of G5c. Good silk velvets at $1 , worth $1.25. Muslins and Sheetings Wo are overloaded on muslin and propose to reduce stoclc 'at once. Shrewd nnd economical housekeepers will take advantage of these prices and lay in their supply for the season. 4 different brands of bleached muslin go at 5o yard. Cabot bleached GJc. Langdon 70 , Lonsdalo and Fruit of the Loom all go at 7jc yard. Farwoll half bleached , 7jc. Dwight Anchor half bleached , 81c yard. Rockdalo fine cambric , 12 yards for $1. Lakoview half blenched , G5c yard Now York mills and Wamsutta , lOc vard. * Pride of West , lie. We cairy all the leading brands , also brown muslins , pillow casing nnd double width sheeting. No matter what the cost , stock is going to bo re duced at once. Art Department. SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED THIS WEEK. 150 solid comfort silk head rests , for this week only , 25e , was 49c. For something ole ant in head rests , see our 39c , 40c , 7oc , S7e ones ; tholr shape and patterns are entirely new. 500 stamped linen splashers , drawn thread nud fringed , at 12ic ; regular price2oc. 25 dozen stamped linen dresser scarfs , with fringe , only 19c ; worth 35c. Do not forgot to see the finest em broidery silk in the country for So per dozen spools : worth IQc. SuO painted throws , with silk fringe , for this week only , 25c oacji. 200 dozen fringed doylies to close , at Go. Go.Tho The above gives but a limited idea of the numerous bargains to bo obtained in this department. than four months. Ho raado a big thing out of Iho Matchless mine , made a fortune from the Chrysolite out of which ho sold at tbo right time , and ho has kept ahead of the game during his losing and making from that time lo I his. Matrimony and the Millionaire. Senator Tabor might have had a fair repu tation as a business man and as a practical millionaire bad ho kept out of politics. But ho lost his head when ho made his million in less than a month , and nothing but a spick- span now wlfo and n famous position would satisfy him. The story of his divorce from the woman with whom ho had lived and worked all his life , of tils marriage in a justice - tico of lliu ponce's ofllco in St. Louis to a di vorced woman and the jolto which bo perpe trated upon President Arthur and Washing ton society when ho Brought this woman to Washington and here married her , as It was supposed far tbo llrst time , would make ono of tbo most Interesting plays that could bo bated on American history. For thirty days Tabor was in the senate. I don't know bow many thousana dollars his life here cost him. His wedding dinner at Willard's hotel was a most gorgeous ono , and tbo day after the wedding ho sent out cards bound in silver , and then came out in that corgoous coaoh which was the laughing stock of Washing ton. Mrs. Tnbor , No. 3 , was very protty. She was as plump as u milkmaid and hoi- dark liquid eyes were full of lire. I saw her In the scnato'gallory regal in diamonds look ing down ut her now husband senator , who wus trotting aboul among his brother sena tors with a big morocco bound autograph album , gottlntr Iheir signatures for his par lor table in his mansion in Denver , and I eaw her Inter on in a box in Tabor's opera house with two very pretty little children beside her , and I noted that she bad grown a little more fleshy aud that she wus losing much of her ooauty. And what has become of tbo 11 rat Mrs. Tnborl Made n Million on tlio Divorce , Any Donvnr man can toll you , and not a few of them will suy that she got the best of the bargain after nil , in tbo suit for alimony which she entered against Tuber 3bo was granted with her dlvorco something like fJOO.OOO worth of Denver real ostnto. This wus deeded over to her and with the growth of tbo city it has so increased In value thut she is now worth more than ? l,000U.Kt. Slio is a woman of high ctmractpr and she impresses you as being ulnd , intelligent und mothoily. 1 saw her on tlio streets of Denver several years ago. She has a high forehead , dark brown hair , black eyes and sbo looks Ilka a lady. She moves about in the host society of Den ver uud she is wrapped up in her son , who is a bright , Intelligent young man. I do not Know that Senator Tnuor aud she over meet together , but if they do , he roust blush for his notion toward her. Ho married her in Maine , you know , when ho was a young man , and Iho U\o crossed the plains lozothcr before - fore the days of the railroad. When they established their little store in ono of tlio mining camps , she took In washing to keep Iho wolf from the door , and the little board ing house which they ran was kept by her and thu&toro Irom which the ijrub u'talilne wus donu was kept Blocked with goods through Mrs. Tabor's earnings , Sbo was in or. ) than Tuber , it Is lulr to say , the author of his fortune * , ami It would have uoen less than fair if Taoorhad given her tbo half of his millions at the time hu got his divorce. Hud ho never had anything to do with Mrs. Dee or divorce , and had brought Mr * . Tabor , No. 1 , hero lo Washington , blio would not bavo disgraced him , and I doubt not that if ho hud stuck to her ho would bo a richer man today than bo 1s. As It is , she is said to bo a good business woman and she under stands how to lake care of ana iucrca&o her fortuun. 1 understand that Tabor is rrazy to cet back to the senate and this recalls lav story of his first ulrcilan , and botv ho , furnished all tbo money , and Tom ilovven who was elected ut thti same time got the long term and gavu him the short 0:10. : Uowen has often been represented as baing u very rich man. The truth Is ho has never been worth a million dollars and though bo has had n hundred thousand or so once or so twice , uis Monday Notions. Wo have nbout flOO gross block cut jot nnd vegetable ivory buttons , henutl- ful pnttorns , round and lint , worth from ICc to 25c per dozen , 2 dozen on a card ; for this sale only lOo per card. Whalebone strips for this sale only 17c per strip. Barhour's linen thread for this sale only 2c per spool. Nickel plated , single handles , hnir curlers for this sale only 5i ! each. Knitting cotton , 0 balls for 25c. Fine Mncramo cord for this sale only Sc per ball , regular price Oc. lOc qualitv aoamloss stockinet dress shields for this sale only 5c. And hundreds of other bargains. Stationery. 1,000 boxes flr.opapotoriesfor this sale only to bo sod } nt Oo per box. 1,000 pounds fine Irish linen note paper for this sale only nt 23c per pound. 500 pounds flnocommercial note paper for this sale only 1'Je per pound. 60 gross Falcon pans for this sale only Sc per dozon. 500 decks steamboat No. 0 playing cards for this sale only He. 10 gross penholders for this sale only 2c ouch. 25 pro's fine lead pencils , rubber tip ped , for tins sale only 12e per dozen. Furniture Dept. Bedsteads$1.95 , any size , worth $2.50. Bedsteads $2 , any si/o , worth $2.85. Bedsteads $2.75 , worth $3.60. Bedsteads $3.25 , worth $4. Bedsteads 83.85 , worth $4.50. Bedsteads $4.50 , ivorth S5.25. Bedsteads $5.50 , worth $0.25. Those are good beds , all of them , and inadoof hnrd wood , The beds from $3.25 up are oak. Springs and mattresses at the same low prices , which enables us * to do a rushing business. ? Bed room suits ( maple , 10th century finish , $10.50. S-pibco suits , $14.50 and $15.50. Ohovnl suit , $10. Other suits at $18.50 and $19.00.Oak faults at $23,327 , $29 , $30 and $35. , Wo carry just as good furniture as any furniture h'ouso in town , but our prices are lowor. Bed lounges at $3.60 , $10.60 , $12.50 , $13 and $15. Al\ \ have woven wire springs. Con tor tables nt 81.25 , $1.50 , $1.95 , $2.25 , $2.85 , $3. $4,35 , SO , up to $11. All first class goods , Bookcases in great variety. Fine line of , oak extension tables , lat est styles , any price ? you wish. Wo undersell thorn all on chairs and rockers. have never been represented by seven fig ures. Ha is a man who always puts tbo bo it aide outward and his sanguine" heart would make alO,000 mtno worth 51,000,000 and his b'ustcring ' swagger would make everyone bo- hove ho was right. Itlchost Man In Colorado. I hoard a curious story of cx-Sonator Bowcn yesterday. Ho lives , you know , at Del Nona and bo has one or two good mines which have been noted for their pockets rather than for valuable quartz veins. The trouble with buch'mlnos ' is you can never toll when they arc going to play out. Sometimes - times you strilio it yery rich and it seems us though you wcro going to niuico a fortune in a month , but before the weoic is out your pocket may bo exhausted. Bnwcn had struck some voryvalunbta linds of this kind. Ho bad made about 00,000 and with his honoful heart bo supposed tbo profits would steadily continue and his visions were these of Monte Chrlsfo pr of Aladdin when ho first tried the lamp. Ho took his $ . ' 00,000 and came to New York to show the brokers of Iho eflote cast Low to do business , and while hero in the , city bo made ono or two { successful turns arid was happier and moro hopeful lhan ever. It was during Ibis time at the Gllsoy bousp : ono evening it must have been after dinner that ho mot an ad miring Colorado follow citizen who during the conversation asked Mr. Bowcn as to who was the richest man in Colorado. Bowcn , so the Flory gooj , orqvv himself up to his full six feet und putting ono hand In bis vast nnd waving tbo oihoi snld impressively , "My friend , you sco before you the richest man in Colorado , and In all probability the man who will eventually bo the richest man in tha whole world. " A short time after that Son- utor BOWOU'R luclt lurnod. Ho found the offotn cast a little sharper than ho had sup posed It to bo nnd with a dropping otl of his income from hU mines ho discovered thai his total assets were up of mineral possi bilities us .vet practically undiscovered in the wilds of Colorado. ' Ha' has since , 1 am told , owned othur mine } , und ho sold ono u short time ago which brought him In the neighbor hood of $ ? 00OuO. Ho has investments in the new mining fields and when he was hero in Washington a tow'days ago his friends say ho was moro songulnq than over. He is a shrewd business man and has unlimited fullh in hltusulf and .Colorado. KIiiK p DllnliiK Kings , Speaking of mlnfnB kings , tbo greatest of thorn has been sputujlni ; Ibo past week at Washington. Ho JuM lived quietly ntCham- uoi'lm's und has not tried to posous a social figure nnr as ono of the little great men who hang about congrcttsjand the whlto houso. This man is John W ; Mackay , who now at tbo ago of 57 ( s us'active physically nnd in tellectually us when-n boy of 17 in 1S5J ho sailed uround Capo Horn to try bis fortune In California , llahudb remarkable series of ups und downs aid | lie bud made bovoral for- iiucs and lost thmn te/oro ho was U0' yoirs old. At about this tmo | , in connection \vltli Fair , Flood nud IJ'Brk'n bo struck the Dig Bonanza and slncu then bo has been ono of the great mllliopi ires of tbo world. There are few inlncj ( n ( ht > world which paid sea largo un amount i a to Bbort a time ns Iho Do- nania mines. In foilryear * the Consolidated Virginia , In whlc ijlr. M.ickav was ono of ihc purtner.4 , paiitthy QIC alv'idonds , uggro- gating moro tual tl OOO.OOO , nud the Califor nia , another bf Jus nines , paid nt this baino HtiiO moro thun : ilOJJOuo , , Komi ) time ago Maclcav said to u friend that ho tok $15u- dO'J.OOU oul of a blnglo holu In Virginia Oily , anu no ooa but bin soir'inows ( just how much ho has mudu out of mining. He ha invested his money nud ho tas kept his millions mov ing. One of the greatest cable companies of the world U largely dun to his pluck , brainb and business tact and the story of bib Invest ments and his enterprise * ivoulifllll columns. Ho Is a man of line culture , u lover of paint ings aud thoroughly simple aud unoslanlu- .lious.ln all his .ways ; , Tom Ocllltrco | Cot Ilia Itooin , . Speaking ot Mackay. reminds mo of a new story 1 hoard of Tom OcbULrco not long ngo. Ochiltree hut been for jciiT connected with Mackuy us ono of his agents , aud at tha time Iho following Incident occurred ha was In London trying to pluca noma bonds of a rail road which Macltay baa hi Texas. Judge Jewelry Department. Special sale on silverware. Rogers' AA tea spoons , 85c per sot. Rogers' AA table suoons , $1.05 per sot. Heavy silver plated ( on whlto metal ) tea spoons 05o per sot. Heavy silver plated butter knives ( on whlto motnl ) , lOc. Heavy silver plated sugar shells ( on whlto metal ) , 19c. Rogers' knives or forks , $1.25 per sotChildren's Children's knife , fork nnd spoon sot 15c. 15c.14kt 14-kt solid gold wedding rings , $1.25. Gold Illlod Ulgin , Springfield or Wai- thnrn watches , $8.75 up. Solid gold shirt studs with Alaska diamond sots , COc. Best rolled plated patent lover cult buttons , 25c. First-class watch and clock repairing nt half jowolors' prices. All work guaranteed. Drug Dept. Wright's Snrsaparilla , 59c. Primloy's Snrsnpnrllln , OOe. Hosteller's bitters , 75c. Hartcr's Iron Tonic , 75e. Dr. Bano's Rheumatic Cure , 75c. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup , 0c. Hood's Sarsaparilln , 75c. Fig Syrup , Urge size , 29c. Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry , 2c. ! ) Liobig's Beef , Iron nnd Wine , 43c. Beef Extract , 33c. Allcock's Porous Plaster , 2 for 23c. Indian S.igwn , 75e. Gutieura Resolvent , 75e. Shandon Bolls Soap , 49c per box. Parker's Hnir Balsam , 40c. Mollin's Food , large , G5c. Nestles Food , 40c. Ammonia , largo bottle lOc. Vaseline , plain , Sc per bottlo. Harness Dept. Wo invite special attention to some of the bargains in the harness line this week. Wo are receiving new goods daily and nro now prepared lo furnish our customers wbh anything in harnesser or strap work nnJ guarantee salisfnc- tion. All goods made to ordor. Wo have a full line of saddlesbridlcswhips , curry combs , brushes , etc. An extra value in a farm harness , S22. S22.A A light double harness , $20. A single hnrnobs , $5. A good stoclc saddle , stool fork , ono of the best make , $14. Buggy cushions. l)5e. ) Harness oil , per quart20o. . A full assortment ofhamo straps , breast btraps , pole straps , halters , etc , Normllo- the Unltod States district court of St. Louis tells mo Iho story. Normllo and Ochiltreo crossed Iho ocean together and when the ship arrived nt Quoonstown they telegraphed - graphed to the four or five principal hotels In London asking thorn to reserve rooms for thorn and to answer at Liverpool. At Liver pool they found that ovcryono of these hotels was full. It was the last of Mav , tbn time when London is most crowded , and they found \\hen they arrived in London that accommodations could bo gotten nowbcro. They went to the Langham , but found every room taitcn nnd they were in despair. Uomg into the wino-ioom they sat down , had a urnndy and soda together and discussed tbo situation. Both were terribly blue nnd for a time snld nothing. "At last , " said Judtro Noi mile , ' ! was surprised to sco Ocuiltroo Jump to his feet : His complexion been mo redder than his hair , his swagger was over- pmvorlni ! nnd bo cocked that loft eye tt his us ho looked at mo and in a vindictive and excited tone said : "Normilo. why don't you got us a room ? Blank it , why don't you got us a room ! Why don't ' you tell thorn who 1 am ? Go and say that Tom Ochiltroo is hero and they will glvo usa room. ' " 'I loouod nt Tom's red face and I Ihought ho was crazy. Ho sat down and ordered an other brandy and sodn. * Whllo wo were drinking this I concluded ihcro might bo something in bis scheme. Ho bad letters fiom President Arthur and I Ihought I cculd Impose on Iho Ignorance of Iho cleric. At Ibo clo'so of Iho glass I wenl out to the ofllco and waiting till there was no ono nt the Htilo door in Iho grallng , I stopped up and beg ging the pardon of the manager asked him if I could bavo a word wlta him. Ho replied 'certainly , ' and asked mo to como in. I wont in and putting an indignant look on my face , I sutd : " 'Sir , I have Just passed through the wino- room of your hotel. You pretend to bo an American hotel and you bavo the patronage of Americans. But I saw in that wine-room a sight that surprised mo. I saw there ono of the greatest of America's military heroes , ono o ( the bravest and noblest of our great generals , sitting alone and neglected without Ills supper und ho told me ho had boon refused - fused a room hi your hotel. 1 refer to Gen orul Ochiltreo. ' " 'General Ochiltreo ? ' sold the man , 'Gen eral Ochiltreo i 1 never henrd of any ( Jon- oral Ochiltree. ' " 'What , never hoard of General Ochiltreo ? ' snld I. 'Havo you never heard of General Tom Ocbtltroel The close ftlond of Presi dent Arthur ? Ho Is ono of our most noted social figures and ha is ono of the greatest generals wo have over bad , Never heard of General Ocbtltrco ? Why , man , have vou never read what your poet laureate , Mr , Tennyson , says about him in that poem In whluh ho speaks of our great men ? Vou must remember the lines : Grant nnd Ieo , tireut CHilltico. Mighty ministers of Mars. " 'Yos , yes,1 said the man , 'I remember It. Where is hoi I don't sco bow It could bavo happened , but I'll toll you how wo will fix it. There is a younc married couple from the country who hnvo just cone up into ono of our best rooms. 1 can tell thorn that the room was given to them by mistake and I can let you have It , Tuuo mo in and Introduce mo to the General und I will make it pleas- nut for him. ' "Well , " concluded Normllo. "they bundled tbo brldo und groom out of that room und put Oohiltrco in it and I not Ochiltroo to lot ma have u nlucu on a cot ns a friend of his. Wo received the best of treatment during our stay nud the Langhnm hotel man shows Tom's autograph among these of ins mojt distinguished guests. " FIUXK G. I'lorltli anil Dlxio Flyer Sleepers Nashville to Jnckbonylllo , Fin. , without ohango , ever Nashville , Chattanooga & SU Louig railway , via Chattanooga. Atlanta , Macon. Berths onungod through from St. Louis ever the Lookout Mountain route. Apply to or address J , U. Hull- iner , western passenger agent , 00 La- Clcdo building , SU Louis. House Furnishing Goods. GLASS , CIIINAWARR , OUOOKERY , LIGHT AND HKAW HARDWARE UliPARTMHNT. Tomorrow the biggest drive in hntoh- ots it has ever boon your good fortune to behold. A solid cast stool hatchet , war ranted , that soils forl every where , to morrow 23c. Willie wash brushes. lOo each. Also a flno line of knlsomlning brushes. The Western Wash Machine , $3 50. Peerless ringer , regular prlco $5.50 , our price $2.15. Wooden bowls , 3c each. Wash boards , 9c each. Dinner sots , $7.03 , worth $25. Copper bottom wash boilers , 69c. Milk and butter crocks , So per gallon. Gups and saucers , 33e per sot. Dinner plates 15c per set. Folding ironing tables 95e each. Clothes baskets , SOc. Clothes hampers , SOc. Madame Strootor Hat irons , 3 Irons , 1 hniullo nnd stand , 90c. Solid copper tea kettles , $1.15 , regu lar price $2.50. Scrub brushes , 5c each. All colors fatu-y sheaf piper , 21 shoots 5c. 5c.Metal Metal top syrup pitchers , Sc. 3 ring clothes bars , 59c. Butter. Very , best country butter nt20o.por pound , ' made by the best farmers in Ne braska. Creamery 21 c , 23c and 25c , made at Dodge , Nebraska. Remember wo handle none but first- class butter , and at lowest prices. GREATEST FRUTT SALE ON RECORD. Just received , a carload of fancy Cali fornia oranges , the best that over came to this market. They will sell for 4u , 7e and 12c per dozen. Remember these oranges are first class. Fancy dates Cc per pound. Mixed nuts 2 pounds for25c. Trunks and Valises , Wo have enlarged this department , and addeda , fine line of first class bags , nnd trunks. Wo can save you money on first class goods. Wo can also sell you cheap goods. j Pictures. Elegant line nt half regular price. Call and look them over. KEM CAUGHT IN A STREET CAR Scene on a Chicago Motor Between a Lady and the Congressman. CURRENT CHAT FROM THE GARDEN CITY How ( iovcrmir rifcr round Honor In Ills Own Country Margaret Mutlior'H How 1'lny Wlnit Woman's Invuntlio Jllnd May Ituu To. CHICAGO , 111. , Feb. 27. [ Special to Tun BBC. ] You wouldn't think that a follow would follow nls murderer up two ( lights of stairs in order to bo throttled conspicuously and lltmg oft a parapet , and yet ttiut Is what a fellow has been doing every night this week nnd several afternoons. Margaret Mather has been trying a now play on us. It is said lo bo an adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel auont the hunchback of Nolru Damo. It Is made up of several stubbing nITrays , n vicious dwarf , a iloudish monk , a persecuted fcraulo whoso honor is In u constant statu of hysterical defense , u pretty good ballot , n melancholy and n lot of big words. Virtue triumphs. The mmious of Satan fall upon each other nnd are mutually wiped , dashed , slugged and butchered oil the face of the oartb. Ttio persecuted female Is ut the last Instant liberated from u tomb in which she had been imprisoned nnd nil but suffocated , nnd tumbled rapturously Into the arms of her heroic lover , who has Just nrrlved from the hospital , where ho has been since the time ho was stabbed. It makes you tlilnl : of tuoso old books ot the vlutaga of the fifties where the heroine , confined In the dungeon keep , is ntiuoyod night after night by the pissago of cold , clammy , mysterious hands across her shiver ing laco. Miss Mnthor deserves n bolter play. play.rifi'r'H rifi'r'H Attack on Our Institutions , Governor Flfcr has secured considerable attention recently by an impetuous attack upon American institutions , whoso downfall ho confidently predicts. The governor possesses - sossos much natural eloquence , a rather emotional - tional temperament and what U especially uniortutinto with that temperament , a tend- nnoy to dyupcpsla. Yet ha has a sincere Imtrcd of shams and mi abhorrence of the vulgar display nnd the brutal power nnd In solence of wealth , and his words of denuncia tion of his country ut tlio mooting of tno farmers in Jnliot wcro not without a basis of coolness nnd calculation. Ho Is a southerner by birth a native of Virginia. His early manhood , however , was spuut in Ohio and there lie Imbibed the piiuciplcs which led him into the union army and loft him a steadfast republican at tlio close of the war. liut ho retains much of tno southern spirit. Ills btylo of oratory is fervid nnd impas sioned , nnd ho bus u great deal of the cluv * airy and hospitality which are the boast de servedly of the pcoplo of tbo south , Stanton was his birthplace. Ho has visited it once and that slucu bo has boon governor of Illinois. U Is worth any man's ttmo to listen to his account of this expedition. Ho had always thought that tie would not return to the old sconoj until ho could do so with soma prestige of succois achieve ! und honor won , Like most wnnd- crors he wished torspurn tooxhlblt ut home. After his election as governor ho was ready , und toward thucnd of n pleasure trip with hu wife ho urranzod that thov should visit Stnnlou. At Washington ho had mentioned this Intention and the enterprising correspondent pendent had picked up tbo news and telegraphed - graphed It broadcast. Tins was not known to tbo governor , however , and bis ajtoalsh- mcnt and perplexity wcro great when , ut u point on the road some hours' Journey from his destination , ha received a telegram from u Htaiitou man whoso irntno ho had never hoard , asking "How long will you stay In Stantoni" The governor was at UNI in clined to unsu or ttio question as Impertin ently as bo conceived 1' lo uavo bocti put. Great Meat Sal e. Dried salt pork OJc pound. j I Sugar cured breakfast bacon , 7lc per | pound. I Boneless rump corn beef SJo per pound. | Sugar cured No. I hams , Olc,101o antli | 12 } per pound. Sugar cured California hntns SJo pop pound. , Dried beef 7jc , lOc , 12Jo per pound. I Boneless 1mm So per pound. f Bologna sausage5o per pound. Liver s'Uisaco 5o per pound. Frankforts 7jc per pound. Head choose 5e per pound. i Brick cheese lee per pound. Cream chccso lee porpound. . Swiss cheese loo. Best Holland herring in kegs OSo. Domestic herring In ko-rs , 75c , | Best capo cod itsh 12jc. Si-pound brick cod fish lee each. | | S'tlmon lOe per pound. Whlto llsh lOc per po.uid. Mackerel 12Jc per pound. Ten-pound pall Norwegian sardines 75c per pail. Dried Fruit. Great sale of California , domestic and * j iroportod dried fruit. M California loose muscatel rnlsins , 2jc , ' ) 3c , 4Jc , 5o nnd lc ! pjr pound , California raisins , eurod apricots , 7c. Evaporated peaches , 73c , C tlifo.'nta pltto 1 plums. Oo. California pitted cherries , 12Jc. Blackberries , 4c. Raspberries , 17jc. California raisin eurod pruuus , 7jo. Now Turkisli prunes , 5o. Dates , 5c. Now evaporated apples , very nice. Go. Tea and Coffee Dept. Low prices continue to ho our motto. Monday we sell a choice green Japan tea for 19o. Sun dried Japan , 19j , 2x5 , nnd 333. Basket llrcd , 35o and 40c. Formosa Oolong , oOe , OOo and 70c. . Gunpowder , 3Sc , 4Sc and 5Se. Fresh colTcos rccaivod dully from ronstor. Rio colToo. 20c , 22c and 25c. Golden Rio , 25c ; choice 2So. Guatamala ; ! 0o aud ! Uo. Combination Javi , 27ie. Old Governniont Java and Moalia 33lo Baby Carriages. Wo have the stock. Largest line in 'i the eity to pick from. All prices from , $1.05 up to $23. . After ho had cooled down a bit ho was for 1 refusing to answer it nil , but ho llnnlly con- , eluded that the signature to the telegram ! might bo that of some former ncqualntancaj whom ho had forgotten nnd replied politely ' ' nnd spscillcally. Honored la Ills Own Country. , When the train bearing tbo governor and } his wife reached Stanton the entlro t citizenship was assembled nl the dopot. j Flags ripped In the brec/o and the local band ! was ripping inu&Io out of brass. Placards of 1 , "Welcome to Fifnr , Governor of Illinois , but u Citl/on of Virginia" adorned conspicuous ? places. The instant the governor ullglitod somebody grasped his hand nnd bepm a speech of welcome. Applause turned every period into an exclamation point. The governor - ornor responded as well as anv man could have done whoso feet had been hoisted so far ' from' terra llrmn , nnd then ho nnd tils trav eling companions wcro hustled into a car- Hugo which lud a vast procession to the court i1 houso. There moro speeches of welcome. J- were made nnd the governor Improved upon his previous response. The festivities con- tlnuod through tlio evening , and next morn-1 ing n commlttco awaited Iho governor's pleasure after breakfast nt his hotel , und a half score of women rant their carriage * to bo nt Mrs. Filer's disposal through tno day. Mrs. Flfer Is an exceedingly modest and un- allcctcd woman , and her power to rldo In moro than ono carriage at oneo is limited. As i a consequence she rutnatiiod nt the hotel . I while the fashlonatilo turnouts ware driven . I back and forth until nightfall. During the j week which the governor spent ut Stnnton ho made moro spoochc.s than hu has made I In uny other month of his life , I and ho frankly Hays that if I they had boon correctly ropoitcd they would J have ruined bis chances of republican nuo- , I cess forever , for tbo hospitality of Virginia ' ami the splritof Virginia aroused nnd Imbued him ho thoroughly that to hnvo boon born In that state seemed a greater honor than to bo I a prominent citizen of the nation or the gov- arnor of Illinois. It is not Improbable that Hbould ho over becotna u shaJo moro diseour- ngcd regarding the political future of the . , United States than no was the other day whin making his remarkable speech at Joltot , ho will leave the north and , with all fi his bridges burned behind him , tipond tha rcmninderof hN life in the moro congenial atmosphere of his natlvo state. Wouiuii 114 un Iiivuntor. The women's branch of the World's fair Is progressing as rapidly as anv friend of the fair or of the women could wish , Among the thousands of beautiful , unique , Uboful anil remarkable articles which have boon offered forexhlultlon in the various departments nra soiiio which prepossess ono rather comically. Ono woman wishoi to show n parlor tohogj j gan Blldo which bho has Invented , Another desires to exploit a patent crib , ' which not only rocks automatically , but has a bottle attachment and an oil steve to keep the mill : tit the requited temperature. Over llfty applications have boon madu for stalls for the sale of cosmetics nnd nearly as many for btulh for the retailing of gum and pop corn. Congressman Kom , who has been bora with the viiitlnK congressmen , hr.d an amus ing adventure In n MadUon street car , Tbo car was full and at a certain corner a woman got In who , owing to the amplitude of her proportions , hail uomo dllllculty in crowding , i through the door. Bha llnnlly stationed herI I pelf right In front of the Nebraska congressI I , man. Ho got up. ,1 "Sit down , " said the woman impressively : j "sit right down. Don't trouble yourself , t t bog of you , I can just as wall stand myself , i "Hut , " expostulated tbo Hon. Kom , "but , madum " J Khu broke In upon him , ' "I insist upon your sitting down , " she exclaimed - claimed hoarsely , "I have icon too much of j this thing of women driving moa out of tholr t seats , f don't believe in it. If you ' j Mr. Kom had become doporuto. Tbo con- . duclor was nowhere In sight , "Madam , " ho cried , "for ( Jod's snlto will , you get out of the vrayi I didn't olfer you { my seat. Wo uuvo Just passed my corner I und f want to gut out , " Then tboomon sat down , Fnuu NIB ,