THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FEBRUARY 20 , 1892. GIFS' ' YIFWS flSIIVFR Jt UlljJ > i ) Un ull.Jm His Iowa Democratic Brethren Favor Him for His Oonscivatism , V/HAT / HE WOULD DO AS PRESIDENT tVlilln n Vrca Coliingc Mrnfltiro Might Ito. col * Illn .Slgnnliirn If I'rrsontrd , lie IM Not Incllnoil to Urge It * 1'iwmKc. WASHIXOTOX Buunxu OF TIIR BEE , 1 r I3 PnuiiTi'.nsTi ! STIIKRT , > WASIIINOTO.V , D. (1. , Fob , 25. ) noproiontativo Butler of West Union , In. , "Was nsltoU for his Ideas on the chances of the Iowa rota in thd Chicago convention , and aid that In his opinion Governor Boles Is the flrat , second , third and fourth choice of the Jown men and that the Iowa delegates will tick to him. Mr. Butler said that what the people of Iowa want Is n man in the whlto house who will bo conservative on the silver question , not a silver extremist , but ono who ivlll slen a free colnago bill if ont to him. Bach a man ho thinks Is Boles. Wtillo ha Tvould not got on the stops of the whlto house and ohout for everybody to vote for Jrco silver , ho would , Mr. Butler said , quickly plgn n free silver bill If ho had the oppor tunity to do so as president , mid gladly , too. May ( Irani I'm UFA to Mormon * . The Department of Jintlco Is still Investi gating tlio power ot thu president to grant eoneral amnesty In Utah under the act of 1832. Kx-Sollcllor General Tnft Is making n thorough Inquiry Into precedents and the MatuUs mid will repot t the result of his research to the attorney general when tbo work Is done. Both Provident Harrison and the attorney general nro nnxlous If possible to grant the prayer of the petitioners and would doubtless even strain a point to do so. Senator Pnddock's amendment to tbo act of 188'J is k prudential measure In case the de partment decides that thu general pardoning of thn president cannot bo extended to Include cludo the removal ot political disabilities. Will Not Cliuiigo tlio Locution. Iii the matter of the controversy uvlslne from the proposition to remove the locntion of the poUofllca ut Hastings , Senator Pad dock has made a personal request of the do purtmoni that no action whatever a hull bo tukcn looking to such a chance until all the parties In interest cnu bo heard. From the case as understood both the senator and the department are disinclined to consider the proposition for the change. Certainly neil ; lug whutover will bo done about It unless there is an overwhelming demand on the part of the natrons of the olllco and n con trolling business necessity , etc. MUculIiinofMia , Senator PnJdonk has hit upon a plan of bdjustmont of iho Otoo land sale controversy Which thu general land olllco has accepted and rncommondod in writing to the public lands committee of the senate. Ho offnrcd In thosonato today nnnmondraont formulated In accordance with this recommendation. Ho feels very conildent of securing the passage of the bills and thinks it will satisfy all the parties in interest. In any event it is the very host that can bo done. Ho will Imme diately give. Representative Bryan a copy of the same for Introduction In the houso. Senator Paddock today presented n peti tion from the old soldiers of Broken Bow protesting of the return by this govern ment of tbo Mexican , British and confeder ate flags captured in battle. Ho also pre sented a cotillon lu favor of the Paddock food bill from Nebraska. Mr * . Paddock and son , Frank , left today for the hot springs of Virginia for the bene fit of her health , wl'ich has been very much impaired this winter. J. B. Reynolds , the special agent at tbo Cheyenne agency , South Dakota , has been relieved on account nf illness. A South Dakotun will bo appointed upon the recom mendation of Senator Pettlgrow. Dr. Knull of Walertown , president of the South Da- kola.Stato Board of Health , has been ap pointed phvsiclan at the Cheyenne agency , "Vlco Dr. Daniels , who is transferred to Montana. Senator Mandorson has recommended the establishment of a pension examining board nt Grceloy Center , Orccley county , to bo composed of Drs. G. P. Bowen and L. J. Sloan of Grooloy and Dr. A. D. Cameron of Spauldlng. The senator has received a num ber or petitions from Grand Army of tbo Republic posts In Nebraska protesting against the adoption of a Bland free silver bill. Tlioro tiavo been a largo number of . petitions and letters received from Nebraska against the Outhwalto army promotion , bill. Rev. J. G. Tate , n well known public speaker at Shelton , NOD. , will bo hero to morrow. Representative Payne of Now Yorlc will draw the minority report against Bryan's free binding twine bill. Miss Wilson , daughter of the senator of that name from Iowa , was a prominent II euro today at the tea given by Mrs. Charles ( J. Dulin. John Quinoy Adams and wlfo of Spencer , la. , nro in the city visiting the family of Judge Smith. An amendment has been added by tbo sen ate to tbo Indian appropriation bill appropri ating $2,000 for the completion of the exami nation of tbo settlers on the Crow Crcok res ervation in South Daicotn , the investigation of which is now being carried on by Special Acont Pease. Representative Picklor has Interviewed several members of the Indian committee of the house and they have prom ised to stand by the agrccmbnt when the bill comes back to that bodv. Congressman Perkins ol Iowa toilav pre sented a petition from Hartley post No. 45 Grand Army ot the Republic , signed by Jlfty-'jno members of that body , In which they protest against the free colnago o : Bilver. A. M. Boadoll and wlfo of Mitchell , S. D. are in the city and were shown the sights o the capital by Congressman Picklcr today. H. Guyor of Kooknlc , In. , is at the Johnson Senator and Mrs. Wurrun and Senator and Mrs. Cnrcv of Wyoming have invitations out for a tea for Monday , February 20 , from 4 to 7 at the Arlington. K. O. Blake was today appointed postmas ter at tiutto , Boyd county , Neb , , vlco J. C. Gormloy , resigned , and J. S. DavU at Chickoring , Marshall county , la. , vlco K. T. Mills , resigned ; also the folio wine postmas ters in South Dakota : Moe , Lincoln county , H. P. Hanson , resigned ; Roscoe , Edmunds county , S. J. Campbell , vlco W. H , Campbell , resigned ; Walsbtowu , YanlUon county , \V. \ AValpolo , vlco J. McKciUihy , died , I. .1. Stone , president of the First National bank of Sioux City , is hero for a few days. Mr. Stone disclaims any Interest In the pro posed wagon brldgo across tho.Mlssouri , and nays it vyould bo 111 advised to grant a char ter tnr such a bridge nt this tlmo , ana that It would bo batter to get through with the lirlduu now In construction , and that no con- etderablo number of .tho people of Sioux City who have boon beard from bavo snowu any absorbing desire for the passage of the bill advocated by Oxi-ard , Plerco und others. Representative Dolllvcr of Iowa today In troduced bills for the relief of D. W. Bout- well , Solomon Lusk , Matthew S. Prlost and Jtllchaol Dltltnger of lo\ui. U S. Horwood of Lincoln Is hero on law business. Representative Bryan has lust returned from Alabama. Ho says ho will now sod wbut bo can do with the Manderson Omaha puhlla building bill. The fact thai the np- proprlatloD U for * tWO,0K ) almost appals the "houso economist- " The houto committee on Indian affairs held a second hearing today on the Ute removal bill. Herbert Wolsb of Philadelphia was the principal ipoaker. Ho opposed the measure on the groundi that tbo Indian progress towards civilization would bo retarded by re moval to Utah and because the lands to which It was proposed to change were en titled for the purpose. Delegate Cain said that later ho would nsk to bu beam on the measure and would oppose it unless the set tlers wera to ha paid for tto lauds taken. Isidore Morris of Salt Lake U In tbo city. In the case of Alexander Schlocel's appli cation to make a second timber culture , entry la the Nellghland district , Assistant Secre tary Chandler today reversed the decision of tbo commissioner' which rejected the applica tion and directed that the application be al lowed. Ho also directed In the case of ICd- . win R. Easton , ex par IP , from the North Plane district , whoso leuvo of obsonoo was revoked by tbo commissioner , that be shall bo allowed to submit bis proof and If itsbows that ho has complied with tbo law his entry ilioulil pass to patent Heufllrined the Um ber ojlturo decision In the case of exparto John W. Brill , from the Valentino district , holding the entry for cancellation. Ho adds that the claimant can still comply with Iho law bv planting the requisitenumbcruf trees nnd submitting hU proof within the tlmo re quired by law. P. S. H. \Vpstrrn 3. C. , Fob.35. iSpoclal Tele gram toT.n : Bnn.J Tno following list of pensions granted Is reported by TUB BEB and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original .Incob Byors , .fohn M. Osborno , Albnrtf. . Corey , Anron Craft , CoydlnoTa > lor , Jacob fc1. Dlolil , Cliarlos C. Bennett , James O. , John \V. Tyson , David W. Smith , Francis M. Kousb. Davla Ucror , James P. Ilnmlln , Asbury S. Uroon , Jonntlinn H. Cilno , William F. Keller , Samuel M. Cbnninnn , John Fish , Halvor W. Cole , HubDnrd I'olk , Alex N , Burd , Hobort Aimers , Jobn Jolnsson , William J , Elltngs- worth , John At. Wilson , Clirhtonhor Wodo- King , Henry E. Colburn < Hugh McLaughlln , Albert Hurtilmtn. Augustus F. CHcso , O. Adcrton , Miles J. Burns , Oren Brooks , Joe Hoover , William Campbell. Additional Chnclos Uutcblns , Chnrlos Pago. Hclssuo Israel J. Stcole. Original widows , etc. Eliza J. Arnout , Sarab E , Poaram. Iowa : Original George W. Hobblus , Stephen S. Arnold , Allen StacUhouio , John McLnughUn , Peter Miller. Cyrus W. Hider , Chnrlos H , Ilannon , William E. Conklln , John H. Hubert. James \V , Ulloy. Samuel lusters , Zadok Bcamor , Lcandor Downing , Vlbort A. Judson , Uoswoll 1C. Handull , 5lophon Point , Allen O. Hey , William A. Jock , Davis Thomas , Joseph Wend , David . Kurtz , Wesley Taylor , John Hluohurt , Jrlff Swlnnoy , Nathaniel Towniond , Oliver legers , William W. Frecln , Beverly searchy , William Winch , Patrick Morand , Sphralm F. Shaffer , Joseph Flowers , John Smith , Isaac U. Jordan , Andrew Icslor , Sever Johnson , Frank Hesse , 3yrus Llchty , Emanuel Husbuian , joorgo A. Ilelntzolmnn , John H. Hammer , ncob W. Koffor. Z. W. Hunt , Hiram U foutz , Theodore liocKmann , iionjamln F. cnklns , John Llvermoro , Ooorgo W. Olle , Uuorso W. King , Elijah Oanco , Nicholas Wntklns , Milton Hill , Itonry Wullaca , Samuel - uol M. Elliott , Newton A. Hill , Erostus A. land , John Divan. Hichard Barlow , Henry I. VVrlghl , Klttel S. Anderson , Benjamin S. Woodward , Leslie Hilt , Henry Hull , Hobort fomnn , George W. Durt , Ancll W. Chase , lonry B. Barnes , Jacob B. Conn , Prod K. 'ullus , Thomas Cell , William Edwards , jr. , Alexander B. Campbell. Calvin Hobson , Olphmston Kent , James C. Hull , Thomas E. Juthrlo , McOray C. Adams , Dodrlck Duyo , 3dwnrd B. Cook , Jubcz Hubbard. Addl- tonal Michael Murphy , William Ooldltt. _ ncrcnso-Jooph F. Penn , John Aten , James Gllns , Squire C. Fisher , Nathan Bonnott. toissuo William (1. Hnndbach , John C. Tuttle , Honrv Ebort , Original widows , otc. Mary A. Quail , Emilio Gaw , Martha J. Stark. _ Gosslor's Mnglo Headache Wafers cure. ,11 headaches In 20 minutes. At all druggists Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. BKE bldjj VERY FULL OF PLANS. loal ICstato Owners Hnvo Many Schemes on Foot nt rrc'rteiit. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Heal Estate Owners association yester day afternoon tno question of securing the ocatlon of Doano college for this city was discussed. The college is to bo removed rom Crete because that town is too small uid there are Insufllciont accommodations. President Boggs stated that Omaha could secure the institution if the citizens exor cised any energy in the matter. A letter from the secretary of the Ne braska binding twlno factory at Fremont was road , showing the number of factories in the country. Congressman Bryan's binder twine bill then came In for attention , and the association declared strongly In favor of Nebraska industries. Messrs. Boggs , Tay lor , Catners and Dumont were appointed n committee to look into the matter and sea what was needed to encourage the growth of hemp In this state , the location of numerous small factories and the establishment hereof of a big cordage plant to utilize the product. The committee on manufactures asked for more tlmo to look up the tar.bark question. Mr. Benson said that tbo Davidgo company , the largest tanning concern in the country , had looked into tbo feasibility of establishing a plant in Omaha nnd had declared against it because of the dlfllculty of obtaining tan- bark. H was stated that several such concerns - corns wore willing to come horc if tanbark could be secured. A. F. Fullrlodo oddrossod the meeting on behalf of the farmers in the interest of n sugar beet factory. Ho said that n rojpon- siblo company was ready to take all the beets raised this year and guarantee the erection of a factorr next year If a certain acreage of beets could bo guaranteed by the farmers. Ho thought that this was the proper solution of the question as to what should bo done with outlying city property , and wanted n meeting of the owners of acreage property called to discuss the matter. Messrs. Gath ers , Balcombo and Boggs were appointed a committee to arrange for such a meeting. I. U. Branharo , editor Christian Index , Atlanta , Ga. , writes : "I have used Brady- orotmo with unfailing , prompt , decided relief.11 BECOMING VIOLENT. Omnhu llodtllo * rrnimrlni ; t < > Take to the Warpath Thin Stiminor. There wns a meeting of the famous Twenty-eight club Wednesday night nt the Mlilard hotel. A great effort is being made by ox-Mayor Broatch and his friends to ro- crult something Ilka an effective brigade of followers for tha coming campaign. The Twonty-olgnt club was Increased last spring and summer to nearly ! ! 00 , but seeing that they had cast their nets Into c barren stream more than half of the mom borshlp deserted. But the lenders nro again boating tbo tom-tomwlth great onorgv nnO some of the discouraged ones are slipping back in to cam p. It U rumored that Walt Sooloy has been giving the Twonty-elghton a good deal of at- tontlon lately and the club Is about to como to the front with 1111 widor-iomnnt of Tom Majors for republican candidate for gov ernor. A politician who used to DO n member ol the Twenty-eight club said yesterday : "I wns Invited to attend the meeting of the Twonty-oightors last night at tbo Millurd but I ilia nnt go. I think this is a very pool tlmo to begin a factional tlcbt among ropub llciins in Omaha , and tbat Is all thnt this Twenty-olgbt club can possibly accomplish/ ' Van Houtoa's CJjjji Bait , ail go3i far thest. " OAPTtTBED OABZA'S DIARY. Ciiptuln llourko linn it L'lomi Ilrimh with til Mexican llumllt. Mrs. Cnptaln Bourke has received a letter from her' husband toiling of a lively brush bo and a follow captain had with Gurza , the Mexican bandit and two members of his band , The letter was dated at Gar/a'a ranch. Captain Bourke and Captain Cbaso , with a small dotatchmont of troops , were out locat ing a new post , north of Fort Rlnggold when they met Garza. The two captains ran across Garza und two of his men and gave chose. The revolutionists lied and made their escape , but were so closely pressed that Garza dropped his Ivory-han dled revolver , bis spurs , saddle and llnnlly his personal diary. Tnese were taken by Captain Bourke who holds them as trophies of his chuso. Captain Bourke states that Garza's diary U ; u remarkable affair filled with fulsome praise of fiarza's ' greatness. Dr. Blrnoy.noso nnil tnroit. BHH bid ; * Itnilrouil Notes und rornoimU , A party of Hock Island ofllcmU making a tour of Inspection was In Iho city yesterday , It consisted of W. I. Allen of Chicago , luslsUni funeral manager ; O. Dunlap of Topeka , general superintendent ; H. F.Royca of Chicago , general superintendent ; C. F. Drew of Chicago , cur accountant ; W. H. Stlllwoll of Itorton , Kan. , dlvUlon superin tendent ; John Glviu of Oes Moluos , division superintendent ; ( ioorco Wilson of Chicago , general master mechanic. W. F. Votll , city ticket ojront of the B. & M. , has gone south to visit Galveslon and other Texas cltloi , and will return by way of Now Orleans. The Etuhora station In Clay county known as Eldon has been renamed Eldorado and not ICldora. FOUND THE AFFAIRS MIXED Adjutant Qonoral Vifqimin Mnkoa an Inter esting Boport. INTERESTS OF THE STATE UNGUARDED Jilt Armngompiits .Mndr to Iliivotlin IVilrrnl UoirrmiiiHit Itrfuml tin1 .Money \ . ' \ - liniilnl liy Nebraska During the ItCCIMlt Illlllllll ClIlllp.llKII * LIS-COI.V , Nob. , Fob. M. ( Special to Tun BKB. ] Today Adjutant General \'lf < ] unln sent the following communication to the gov ernor : STATE OK NBIIHARKA , ADJUTANT OKSKIUI.'S OFKICE , Lt.xcot.v , Nob. . Fob.'JU. Hon. Jnmcs E. Boyd , Governor of Nebraska : Sir In compliance with your Instructions Iam enauled. after n careful examination of the financial condition of this department , to re port as follows : Indian Campaign The legislature appro priated for the expenses Incurred during the campaign of IStU nnd Istll the sum of $ : tT'JOO , which amount , br the records of thin odlco , has been fully paid out. Up to the Mil day of May , IS'Jl ' , tno day I relinquished the onico to the Thayer administration , I had disbursed some SI-.ODO , nnd had good reasons to hope that ttio amount appropriated would bo largely sulllclont. The remainder was all paid bv my successor. Every bill scut to this olllco on account of the Indian campaign wus submitted oy mo to the Mili tary board In accordance with law. This board made sovoml timely reductions , nnd some bills were altogether rejected. This money is to bo reimbursed to the state by the federal government , nnd steps should hnva been taken by the Thayer administration to secure the return or that sum ; but us I Unit all the Oiiginal vouchers still" iti this olllco , I must como to the conclusion that no stops at all have boon taken to secure from thu gov ernment at Washington the money that has been expended by the stato. This delay , or neglect , may bo fatal , so far as securing the money at this session of congress , und I re spectfully ask of yoarcxcolloncy Instructions In the promises. Support of the Militia Tno legislature also appropriated _ ! , " ) , OUU for the support of the militia during the years 18UI nnd IS'.IJ. It wus not much , but enough if carefully handled. It wns not handled that way. Up to May 5 , 18'Jl ' , the dny on which I re linquished the olllco ot adjutant general , I had not touched ono cent of this money , and the fund was turned over intact to Iho Tbayor administration. During the nine months that It lasted the whole amount tins been nearly expended , thus leaving to your administration for the year 1SU ! virtually nothing in the treasury. U was not only my ntention , but It was my dntv , to expend jus't one-half the amount appropriated , dur ing the year 1891 , and the other lialf during 1SSU. The administra tion of General Thayer , in utter violation of the law and its Intents , expended ° n ulna months what the legislature said huuld bo expended In twenty-four months. Of course U was a mistake on the part of Gonernl Thoyer to soloot fortno encampment of the Nebraska National Guards Iho time and place where the Grand Army of the Re public of this state mot in reunion. The oasons why that tlmo and- place were se- ected , ns well as the reasons why they should not have been , are apparent and need not bo recited. In" short , my predecessor has drawn from ; ho treasury tno sum of ? . > 3.478.7 < 1 , thus eavlng 51,021.21 to the credit of the militia fund. Ho tins moreover handed over to mo a check torSJ.fia.M ) . rnonoy In bank , making 11 total of $ I , 35.ii : , when in reality there should remain to the credit of the Nebraska National Guards the sum of ? 1-,5U , ) for the year IB'JJ. The money urawn from this fund vas on six different vouchers , to wit : Voucher No. TO. 0 for { 1,741 M 'or iirinory rent $ I,3.1'J ' r : i > 'or various bills iU.'OJ So lar .13 the armory rent portion of tha rouchor Is concerned , there Is not one soli- , ary- receipt attached to establish the facts. So far as the second Hum various bills is concerned , several bills nro submitted aggre gating & 02.03. Some of these nro receipted , others are not. Ono of these bills to the amount of S27 is for blank cartridge used at celebration at McCook , for which there as not the least provision of law. Voucher 03,411) is for $ lU.8li7.'J5t for pay rolls and commutation of rations at C.imp Snorinan , Gr.ind Island. No pay-rolls are attached to this voucher , but I have found them in the ofllco. Strange to say , not ono of these pay-rolls nro signed either by General - oral Thayer or General Cole , as provided by section : ) . " > , of chapter 5' , ! , of the . - > tatutOi. Not only this , but n c.iroful compilation of nil the amounts paid under this voucher , givo-s a grand total of $ llill.84 ( ! , whilst the voucher is for SlU.SHT.'ii , thus leaving the sum of SI,175.41 altogether unaccounted for. Voucher No. 03,4)0 ) fori2..4r , Is forsupport of the Nebraska National guard us pur bills attached. As in voucher No. 70,03' ) , some of these bills nro receipted nnd soma nre not. A State Journal bill for Wl.'Jj U not receipted. Among iho bills is oao for $23.75 reading ai follows : Cor.U.Miil'8 , O. , Juno 17 , 1801 A. V. Coli > , Lincoln , llmuhtof M. 0. Lilly & ( Jo. , manufacturers and Importers : UloiibU $ 15 00 Pair punts 775 Total $ vJ 75 DenrSIr Above you liaru Invoice of goods fui-wiirilud this day by us. M. C.'o This bill was paid by chock No. 'U)7. ) on lilo lioro. Section 'II of chapter M. of the gun- oral statutes , provides that each commis sioned ofllcor shall provide himself with n uniform. I cannot llnd out who this uniform was for , but General Cole , under the direc tions of General Thayer , paid for it out of iho state funds. Another funny bill among the lee is nno for $15 to ono Ely Cole for llvo days labor nt $ ; } par dav ; It is not receipted. Voucher No. OUio forfiVOi.flO I'or the support of the Nobr.tsita Na- lloiuil gu-inU Armory rent , I.1UJ.DJ The lirst item is for drill days to several companies , and has tlio pay rolls all properly signed attachod. The second , Item , armory rout , has no receipts or anything else at tached to establish tlio fact * . Voucher No. C9.2S1 for fJ.S3l.05 , to-wlt : linllroad transportation $ l.i09.3t Monthly rolls 4 OIB.UJ Sundry accounts , 1,705.74 I um unable to verify this voucher so far as it relates to sundries. There mo no pay rolls receipted , or anything else to establish the Indebtedness. The railroad and drill Hems , however , I sunnUo to bo correct. Voucher 03,417 , for * IUO , for freight , cartage - ago , cto. , nt Camp .Sherman , but not a xlnglo paper , bill , receipt or anything attached to establish thu correct amount of the indebted ness nor its payment. And this U the his tory of the lx vouchers ns rolntod on tnoir fnco. Section 20 of the chapter on militia says : ' That the military board shall audit all claims and accounts of n military charac ter against the statj , and no contract on behalf - half of thU state shall bo valid as against the Kioto until the same shall bo approved bj the ooiird. ' In direct violation , these bills were paid regardless of .statute ? or anything elso. Dollcionuy Fund The legislature further appropriated $3,000 to pay thu nrroawduo the militia previous to the 1st of January , Ib'Jl ' , and In my estimation this should have proved largnly sufllclcnt. Only one voucher wns drawn against this fund , to-wit ; Voucher No. 00,304 for * 7.n'0 , for support of the Nebraska National /uards out of thu dofll- clency fund. Many bills have been paid out nf this fund that wera not arrears at ail , nnd consequently In direct violation of law ; moreover , they were not pussod upon by thu military board. There being no receipts or anythlue else attached to this voucher. I hnvo thu records nlono to Judge from. Thir teen hundiod dollars have been pala out to this and that man for things which , if they were duo at all , became duo after thu 1st of January , 1801 , and one nf the bills pah ! bad been rejected by the Mili tary Board in Feoruary , Ib'Jl. ' Ono of the bills paid is notoriously out ot place , and amounts to IMU.5J : it wa * p < Ud to onoS. D. Chiids & Co. in payment for the commomor- attvo medals given to thn No braika Na tional guards on account of ttu Indian cam paign , To charge this amount against any fund fur the support of iho militia is virtually to make every member of the Nobrasicu fia- tionul guards pay for bis modal , It is not only In violation of all law since tlu < lugls latiire made no provision for tbo contingency but It is also In violation of these proprie ties which forbid to make a man pay for a favor of recog iiitlou like this. The invest ! turo of this modal wnji fiaio ( ! by your excel lency upon my stierfftUion In general orJor No. H , under date of JnrUnry 17 , 1891 , when I told vou that tbo nodlls would cost In the vicinity of $590 ; you nskcd mo : "But who Is going to piy for th ) l" I nnswcred : "I desire you my one-halfpf it nnd 1 will raise the rest among our mutual Irlends" nnd you acceded. 1 Inlormod'Obncrnl Colby of this , niut If I tnlsUknnot , ( Jdlonols Bills nnd Brntt. This wns the proper 1 ( ay to do it , nnd the only way. Tharo is yet In tbo treasury to the credit of thn ( tcllclcncy funilltbosum of $ ( HO. Since I have commenced Ibis report I have ro cfclvtd n tetter fronl thtrtatptaln commnndlnp company "B. " SecoMI 'regiment ' , Nebraska , National guards , in which ho says that as yet his men have not \ > ecn paid for the en campment. If this Is correct It will add some $400 to the $1,175.41 unaccounted for in voucher No. 03,440. Conclusion : The system of bookkeeping in this ofllec Is .somowliat. beyond my com prehension and might puzzle oven skillful ox- ports. The llguros ns given nbovo nro , however - over , authentic , us they nro secured from the vouchers themselves on fllo In thn auditor's ofllco. I regret exceedingly that tn the line of duty I am compelled to mnko such n poor showing for tha mnnnsomont of the militia under the Thayer administration. I will at an early dote submit some plan which will onnblo your administration to comply with the statutes as regards the militia , regardless of what may hnvo been done whllo you were retired from the olllco to which you worootcctod. 1 nlso report that not. a single order , sillier general or special , has been posted on the books since you loft the olllco , ns provided for by law. I nm , gov ernor , your obedient servant , ViuToii VirqtiAtN , Adjutant General , riimims Troy t'ntnlly Iiijurril. Thomas 1'roy , a lad of in ycaw , fatally Injured by being thrown from his horse nbout 7 o'clock this ovonlnp. The victim nnd a companion had boon racing their horses alone I ? stroat , nnd were going nt a furious gait. As they roactiod the corner of Fif teenth and l > , i'roy's horse stumbled , throwIng - Ing the boy to thu pavement and in Its plunges , slipped and fell on him. When the boy was picked up and carried homo ho wns unconscious and is still living In n stupor. Tno attending physician state ? that there is little hope for his life , ns both leg * were broken and serious Internal Injury's were sustained. The boy live * with his parents nt laio ! stroit. I'rom Dlitrlot Court. Jtidgu Tlbb2tt3 Is finishing up the $5OaO libel case broucht by U. S. Lltllollold , editor of the Laborer , u weekly paper , ngnlnst the Evening Call. F. L. Lcigntou , the man who wrote tbo eomtnunicnilon on which the suit is based , occupied the stand the grnator part of the day , and testified that Llttlellold was oxpslled from the local assembly of the Knights of Labor , but on an appeal to the hlghor court was reinstated , nnd that during the pendency of the appeal this communlca- tlon'wivs written and published. Ho based his assertion Hint Llttlelleld had been sub sidized bv the Business Men's association on information obtained from Omaha knights , nnd also stated that J. A. ICilroy. a BurlliiR- tea local attorney , hud stated that ho had written a number of editorials for the Laborer. Prances E. Wadsworlh relates a tale of cruel treatment , on the part , ot Imr husband. William H. , and asks for a divorce. Judgu Flold is trying a case whore Jesse Wlnogardner soaks'to" recover from W. T. Sawyer , G. E. Burtis and A. A. Cummings thu value of sonrj laud , ho claims they de frauded him out of by taking udvantage of the weak condition of his mind. Walter Clark and Henry Smith , the two Now York crooks who. have prove.l to bo members of the groar , Tammany , were re leased on ? J,000 bail each today. They are charged on four counts ymh grand larceuy. Tired ot Living Alone. Paul Colson , the unjverjlty student who wa > , the heroine ot an elopement a few weeks since , in which Miss'Nollio ' Blowott of Fremont - mont , where Paul alsoToslun ) , was the other party nt Interest , left .yesterday . afternoon for Fromont. After consulting with his parents hi loft for Chicago , where he will moot his young wife.-i'Mw. Colson has evi dently tlro'l of the separation , and also aban doned horstuuies in ilia Boston conservatory to take up the dutio of n loving , faithful wife. , ' OdiU nnil KniU. John Johnson , a well known sneak thief , was arrested today' ' for robbing .lames Canny , a fellow prisoner at the county jail. Canny is held for trial at district court , and when Johnson was released today after serving out his sentence ho coolly walked oil with Canny's coat and vest. A pnllliou is hoing circulated asking the sanitary trustees , who are engaged in the worn of relocating Salt creek , to cut Iho now channel as far west of First .street as possible- better the anltary condition und brine morn available ground into tnu city. Chief Dingoi received n telegram t'odny from L-iramio , SVyo. , to arrest n MM. Qiioon who wus wanted lhero for embezzle ment. Ten sinutos before the train arrived another telogrnni was received to not arrest , htr. and the woman stepooJ from the train without mainstaii- . Thirteen curs freighted with mntnriul for the Rock Island's southwest extensions ) assud throtiirh the city today.l Charles F. Hammond , the fellow now serv- ng n life sentence in tl-.o penitentiary for laving criminally 'assaulted ' his lit-yoar-old daughter , has had a bill of exceptions proj j ) , irod , and will appeal to the supreme court. The Lincoln Turnvoreln hold n very on- oyablo masquerade ball nt Bohnnan's hall tonight. Several now features were intro- lucod , which attracted mi immense crowd. Sam Small , a Fremont burglnr , wns arought to the penitentiary vosterday after noon by Shoilff Millikcn of Dodge county. Carlson , the chap who was so badlv done IP in n row in a dive on the bottoms Tuesday nsht , was removed to his homo at 001 Norm . Mfteenth street today. Ho will probably re cover in a short time. His skull is not Irau- turod as was at tiiMt thought , but hu had a very close call. .t. Noiir.ilgln ( 'nrml In riftuon MlnutiM. Mr. J.S. Sturtovant , editor of the Waupaca [ Wis. ) Post , says : "LastnlgnlCh.imoorlain'.H ' .Un Balm cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen mnutu-i. ; Wo would not bo without it. " u'J cant boltlu. > for sale by druggists. TO STRIKE FOR MORE WAGES First Trouble Among the Workmen on the World's ' Fair Grounds , OTHER NEWS ABOUT THE EXPOSITION Ki1lrimiU Alton ! to Adopt n Itnlc Ilici ClitirKi * ' nit KKRI Ittild Work l > ol the tliuriillu 1'lck. pockets' Adunrl illiin , CIIICAOO HtmiMU OP Titr. HRK , I Ciiunno , Ii.t. , fob. S5. J All the stnflnmkore employed nt tlio World's fnlr prouniU mot in secret saiMon last nlput and decided to domiuid mi Incronsa of ti cents an hour. About 300 inoti attended the mcotlnn. Tuoy no tilled the contractor * toil ay of tliolr demand , and unless n now scnlo of wngoi 1st nt once issued they threaten to go out on a strllto tmmodtntoly. The con * tractors have mi noun cod lu tidvnnco that they will * ot grant the Incroaso. This Is the llr t trouble that any of the contractors nt the World's ' fnlr hnvo experienced with laborers , Among the notnblo attractions from Win- cousin to bo soon ut the talr will bo n brown stone monolith 100 toot high , exclusive of huso , which will increase the height to 117 reel. This gigantic monument will bo donated by I'Vcilorlrx 1'rentico. 1C. 1 ] , Conger , United States minister nt Klo Janeiro , writes that n bill has been passed by the Brazilian congress and approved by the vlco president appropriating JlilW.OOO for the purpose of making a Hrazlilnti exhibit at thu fair. The commlsslonow have not yet been appointed. Itulilni ; tlio Pricemi KKK < < l-.2g shippers both east and west are very much excited over the ordur which the Cen tral TriUlte association contemplates Issuing regulating the manner In whtr-u that popular and toothsoma fruit shall bo transported. The cases In which the cues are shipped are inadu of very light , well seasoned dry wood. The Central Tranio association is considering the feasibility of an effort to have all oge cases miulo of heavier material , according to a spoclllud standard. Eggs are now charged for as socoml-chus freight and it is proposed to assess them as ilrst-clans unless packed in cases as proscribed. If this rule Is carried into effect it will Increase the weight of each case nbout ton pounds , or IT percent , mailing a corresponding increase in the freight charges , which will coino out of the consumer. There are 50,1)00,000 ) dozen rggs received annually In Chtc.igo , rrollclcnt Jincnllo TlilrvoH. Mickey Ward ran up to Mrs. DurUony in btoau daylight nt Harrison and Halstod streets , throw his nrms around her waist and criud for protection from "somo big boys who wanted to kick him. " While stio was svtnpn- ttn/.liiK with littlu "Mlckoy" ho had deftly slipped his hand into her "pocket and stole $ lsl > . Mickey belongs to an organization known us tbo Juvenile Association of Pick pockets , which holds up people In broad day- llyht and at the point of revolvers compels them to Hind over their valuables. Workingmcn going home from a hard day's work nro the particular prey of these young highwaymen , and little children on their way to school have oeon relieved of their spend- lug money. Mickey is under arrest. Oiiili mill KniU. A bachelor former named Schooner , In Clinton county , was beaten into insensibility by two ompioyo-i named Schmidt. The Schmidts then ran to two neighboring farmers that were on bad terms with Schoo ner and told thoni that ho tried to kill them whilu they slept. When the farmers returned with the rr.on Schooner had regained consciousness. Ho was then forced to walK two miles to n justlco to answer to thorharro of attempted mur der. Ho was kept , moving by sharp sticks which were stuolc Into his legs urn ! body. When ho ic.ichoU the justice ho was almost de.xd. His recovery is doubtful. The Schmidts have disappeared. Two weeks ago a wealthy Kendall county fnnnor named Jnmes Smith , about 00 years old , married Liz/io Kreidlor , a girl of 18. Noiv ho Is In search of his recreant bride , sue having disappeared with about $300 of his money mid n note for WOO given by another Kendall county farmer. Tuo United States district attorney has nlllchuly decided that there is no law against tno sending of comic valentines tnroueh thu mails. The question came up In the case of Mrs. Minnie Cherry , a widow , who rocoivca a missive beating n highly colored picture of an old woman with ringlets and a long nose which was alleged to bo always prying into everybody's ' afliilrs. Charles Smith nno his wife Julia , both of whom have passed the three score milestone , have just completed the journey between Chicago and Boston in 11 wagon. The trip has taken them thrco months. A receiver will probably bo appointed for tlio American Fraternal Circle ot Baltimore , for failure to pay a sick bonotlt of $7"i at Alton. Congress will bo nskod to make $4.000,000 appropriation for n now federal building hero. It is the intention , if authorized by congress , to bell ' , ho urosont site , which is estimated to bo worth $5,000,000 , , and build on the lake front. Wi'htnrn People In Chicago. The following western people uro In the city : At tbo Grand I'acillo Mrs. A , 13. Smith , Omaha. At the Leland f. W. Mueller , Davenport , lu. ; Morris Mayer , Xorfolic. At the Klcholieu-Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Hob- crtson , Kearney. At the I'almor Pnul Colson , Frnmont ; Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haynes. Rapid Cltv , S I ) . : Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoivell. Cedar The Sham and the Real , Every good thing has its imitators , every genuine article its counterfeits. The Ammonia and Alum Baking Powders sold over the counters are no more like Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder , than the paste is like the real diamond , or a iijj counterfeit js like one of the old master's genuine paintings. When'recdy and merciless manufacturers claim their J ) ri ) adultcratcd'innd ' harmful baking powders are as good as Dr. Price's , tl jj' know they are not telling the truth. These people knftlv they are destroying the stomachs and the com- p"vion ] ofiithc consumer.- ) , and there are many grocers recommending - * mending stteh powders over their counters knowing same IJ-ljH to be injurious and worthless simply to make a large profit j uV Dr. Price , a concicntiouf ! physician , has spent j > . lifetime in pcrfcctuig and popuUming his Cream Baking Powder , the only 'Pure Cream Tartar Powder now to be obtained. * Multitudes of imitators all ever the -land have sprung up , not to imitate the purity of Price's Crcim ; Baking Powder , but'to see how chc.ip they could make their counterfeits and hoodwink the public , Some use Ammonia and others Alum , but all these shams cry in chorus , "Buy this , its just as good us Dr. Price's and much cheaper. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the standard for purity and perfection the world over , and is beyond comparison O i Dr. Price stands for Pure Food and a foe to all shams , llnpids , Nob. : George IJ. 1'rovost , Burl E. [ .Inohnn , Dubuque , In. At the Auditorium George B. Douglnt , Mr. nnd MM. W. W. Douglas , Codur Hsplds , la. ; P. W. Coroott , Omaha. F. A. iWlLL WAIT Fo"n TESTIMONY. Ornnd , lnroM Will Tnkn n Itrst unit AVntcli for l > rvrl < iimciiU. | Ever slnco the convening of the February , crm ot court the grand jurors hnvo boon lolding dally sessions for iho purpose of in vestigating the commission of crimes. That they hnvo discovered some things Is host evi denced by the number of Indictments thnt they hnvo returned. When this grand jury will adjourn no per son can tell , but It Is almost certain thnt the members of the body will soon enjoy a voca tion. Although It hn.s not been made public , It Is n fnct thnt during iho next fuw duys the ? rnnd Jury will npponr before Judge Davli with another batch of Indictments , nt which tlmo the foreman will Inform tlio court that there nro n number of things on thu string thnt need attention. Thl.s fore man will In form the court lhatlionml his fellow workers go upon the plan thut "everything comes to Him who waits. " The reason for the adjournment Is this ; Any number ol witnesses huvo testified In Lhu municipal and Board of Education cases , lull each wilrioss who hut been called has testified to what ho has hoard. Where there is such n Inrgo amount of smoke Iha grand jurors think there ought to be some llro , nnd adopting the theory tn iho case of tholr In vestigations U'ey have concluded that 'If they adjourn for two or three weeks they can run down Iho rumors and sccuro some cvl- donca that will warrant the rotiirn of Indict ments aitulnst suspected parties. A South Oiimlni Suit , The suit of Henry Laufenborgand George Clarkn ninlnst the city of Soutb Omaha Is on trial before Judge Ferguson. The plaintiff * alloRO that they are tha owners of n lot situ ated on N street , Some time ago when the changn of the grade of the street was ordered their property was placed far nbovo the street lino. For this reason they feel that they nro entitled to recover fi'i.OOJ dninacos. District Court Notei. The United States National bank has sued F. G. Hamor nnd sooka to recover on a ? lUOO ! , promissory that Is long psst duo. Al Ward , who was Indicted by the grand jury as having been ono of the parties who lllmllammod Sam Snyderthe pawnbrokerwas released on ball yesterday. The ball bond in the sum of § 1,500 was signed by Jacoo Arnold , In criminal court the case of the state against Neil Cochrun is on trial. The do- londant Is charged with having met n Swede , Andrew Larson , in South Omaha , who wa * induced to visit Syndicate park , where ho was robbed of f4. > and a watch. In the district court John A. Wakofleld has brought suit to recover the sum of 1,37-1.01 from Richards & Co. , the contractors who failed in business some six months ngo. The pciition states that tbo debt was incurred by the purchase of lumber and material by the defendants. Olllrlnl Clmngcu. Mr. Udo Brachvogol , for several years the successful manager of the Gcrmanla Lifo In surance company for the state of Nebraska with headquarters In Omaha , has boon promoted meted oy his company to the position of inspector specter of agencies , with residence and office in Chicago. Mr. William Cohn of the Now York , the general inspector of the company , arrived today in this city to appoint a successor of Mr. Brachvogcl. As soon ns this Is done Mr. Brachvogcl will rcsumo tbo duties of bis now position. Closing Up the Komi Mouses. The saloons in the two-mile limit closed up yesterday to await developments. These who could stand it have tendered the $ oi)0 ) license money , and they do not want another case on their hands until the money is either aocoptod or rejected. Vosterday .lergcn Thompson nnd H. L. Wool- dridge , saloonkeepers on Iho two-mile strip , each paid in f.'iOO for the privilege of soiling i-stoxicants during the remainder of the year. Up to date five of the Indicted saloon men have settled. Wuiit flutter .llotor horvlcc. A petition to tha city council , headed by the members of the Clifton Hill In.provo- mont club , is Doing circulated among the patrons of the Walnut hill motor Una. The petitioners ask for a stx-minulo service , open cars in the summer , a luxury which they have never enjoyed , nnd transfers at all in tersections. The club expects to have 3,000 signers. For Norvoua Prostration. Ncrv. oas and PJij-nleal L > ol > mty. Vital Uxbaustlon , Insomnia 1'nln In ' ItloIlack.OoId HamlsorFoct./ ll rt Circulation. IIIuo Lines under tha Kyos , I'llniilcs ' nnd all otlicrrt'crvouio ; llloocl Dl3oaboa In tilth or BCZ. They nialco now healthy blood rostorethonerv- the . Pnkt Errors , mould V\ \X t < nl" . ' ni , h or VC onio " ' DB.IIUIIU'8 TonlolMHm U" Uf HMt r. COrcnts a vial. For ale br lrujr- el l , orient liy mull , SAFE , CERTAIN , SPEEDY. " ilOBlB'S MEDICINE CO. , RA.N FJtANCIHCOiir CHICAGO. l-'Oll SALn IN OMAHA. NEU. , Ill" ICulm & Co. . Co.r IStli & nmiclni SU. J A Fuller ft Co. , Cor. 14th A. r > oiiil.isSU. A. 1) . Foster a Co. , Council IllufT * . In. GONORRHEA , ULEET AND LDCURERHEA CURED InSdnysln- Kreioh : Itemedy. entitled , The KliiK It dissolves uyalnxt an 1 U absorbed Into thu lullamml parts Will rufnnl money If It doas not euro , or causes .stricture. Oontloinan , hurt ) la a roltublo article. % ! ii.u-kaije or U for f j. by innll prepaid. Snow , Luna & CoOmaha. Have you ever tried Newspaper Advertising to build up a broken fortune ? 2. Do you know anything about ad vertising as a wise method to in crease your business ? 3. Do you know many prosperous business men who do not adver tise ? If you have any notion of ad vertising you ought certainly to lest our advertising knowledge , by asking us a few questions , before deciding where to advertise. ALDEN FAXON , Newspaper Advertising Agents , 66 A 60 W. Third SI , CINCINNATI , OHIO. Nasal Catarrli. nflllctwl from infancy with Cntnrrh.nml for ten ycnre with eruptions on my faco. I wns attended by the best pliyslclmn , nnd u rtl a nntnburof IJlood remctllcs with no permanent relief. - LIFE JWS A BURDEN - My lifo bcciitno n burden to me , for my cnso wiw ticclnrcd inciirnblc. I enw 8. S. S. advertised , nnd took eight bottles tles , which cured mo entirely , nnd 1 feel like n now person. Mlsa Josti : 0vu.v , Onto. IS CAUSED BY A COLD nlilrh nottloi In nml InlUmoi tlio olr tuboi lo.Klln o thn ] ung , U 1 tin botilniiliin of Bronchial Consumption And If neglected Icmli tolliMOhoaM vrtyu'Willlr. X nhiirp. mot.illlo rotiKli ncooinpanloi It. Tnkoltla timeniul jou can cortnlnljr euro II vllli SCIIEMCK'S PULR30W SVSlUP , U'hicli \Vllhont an Lqiutl Tor BRONCHITIS nnil for all illsotsc ] lomllnc up lu niul Incliullnu Cnnnumptlon. lr ) , St'lirnck'H Notr Hook on Dlscnsoso HID litinur-i , lji\or anil Hloiiiiu'li , slionhl ho in CUM * ; linme. Sent fret' . Dr. .1.11. Scliunck & Siin.riiH.ulolpUla. Vi\ DR. MILES' IF YOU bate oao of tin follonlng NCW CURE 11KAKT SYMPTOMS , _ ron THI _ _ LOOK OUT I HEART. blc remedy fur Pal- tiilition of Heart , I'am in Side , Asth ma , Short Ilieath , FluUering.Dropsy , Oppression , Wind Inhiom.icli , IrreR- uUr 1'ulse , ChokIng - Ing ; Sensation in 'lliroat , Uncnsy Sensation in Chut , Smothering Spells , Dreaming , Night mare , .tc. Get Dr. Miles' book , 'New and Startling Facts' FREE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. DU. MILES MEDIOAL CO. , Ellcliart , Ind. Tor nalu by Iviilin ft Co. , 1'ith nnd DOCTOR will stop a Cough in ono night. ; chcclr a Cold in a day , and CUBE ! Consumption if talian in time. ! IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : DseltProojily.j A 5 cent ; bottle may ; save their ; lives. Asic ; your drutr-i gist for ft.- ' y 11 Tastes Good. : PURE PINK PILLS. : Dr. Acker's English Pills- CUItB CONSTIPATION. Stnnll , plramtnt , n fiivurlto nlth the ladlei. W. II. IIOOICEU & CO , M West llroudwiy , N. Y. ; For silo : by Kuhn & Co. , ana Sherman & McConnell , Omaha. AMUSKMENTS. New f A SOCtAIj ThBatre.1. EVKNT. . . Seventeenth ana Harney Streets , Thursday , I'ridi ? ? nd Saturday Feb. 25 , 20 and 27 Saturday Matlnco. MR. AND MBS. SIDNEY DREW And tliolrciwn anpurborAiinlzatlon In tholr Now Vork Hnores-i THAT GIRL FROM MEXICO I'luuudcd by Sidney Ornndy's Charming I'lay , In one nut , IN HONOR BOUND. Hiilo ouensVo lne- > diy luornlns at reiilur prices. FARN'AMST poi > u , THEATRE i , K3. Une Wcuk ConiniaiKlnKSiindar Mntlnoa Koli. 2J. JOSEPH J , DOWLING AND SADIE HASSQN , I'roscntlni ; two lilu pnnliiciloiH Si.ntlnjr Matlnci und Nlullt , Jlonclny , Tnoailny WoUnuiility Mull. nouanil Nlclit. NOBODY'S CLAIM. Tliurnilnr , frltliif silunlny Mnllni'o anil Nljht. THE RED SPIDER. A WKEIC Theater | . OP li'UN. Hevoiitcontli und Hiirnoy strooUi. WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY , FEB. 28. MATINEE ! WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. > The \Vnrlit Hunowncd HMNLON BROTHERS Grand I'.ilry Bpoutaculnr FANTASMA HEW TRICKSI NEW SPECIALTIES ! NEW MUSIC ! NEW SCZNERYI A play to plo.istr tliu hull us und olilldrun' \ \ HIIY alicuU upon Saturday murnliiK ut ruKiilai St. Theater . I'HIOHS _ 3 Nights Commencing Thursday. Feb. S6tl Matlnoo Saturday. Oth Successful SJIISDX of Kiuhur'a Mmlca Comedy , A COLD DAY. Great Dancer , CABIOTTA. The National Pageant 1 J.Ivlni. Moving , .Hp oi ; 1dm. Hltulru , Combining the Dram.i , Upsr.i unJ Table i.ix. I'OH TIIK Wom'n's Ohrl&tan ! Association. Thu development of the United States o Amerlun roprmonted In U Grout Iliw- tor.'ojl Tableaux ! To bo holil In tlio GEAND OPBRAHOUfB , OMAH M''Kll , UHth Hint Vttli , MHU'i. Tricon Ueiorrixl ic-ili , II nnd 7So. Matinee Vt\ \ . 2T nt 2 p. ni. HuiurYOil > uati , 750 anil SOc. .OJurtlMi ! lirllllaiit I'dutti ! Calcium lUhlil MiiiK , Allmd'j I'lillharm into Onrcheilr * . I'or forimnfOcoiiiQioiicontil I ; 15 p. m.tlo ua nt 10W. : E D K'N MU s"m HI. WooU of nib. 11 The Rooster Orchestri. ,1 A Xl MM/ : . lOc Admits to "All JOe