Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Bciltcrrdhy Carrier to nny part of the Cltr
j iv i . ri'linsr . . > .J UnVnensOfflco . . No Noa il )
NlKht , .tlltor .
.M/ATIl .Vt
N , Y. I'lumhlnpCo !
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 201 Sapp blocs ! ' .
The caio of Deere , Wells ft Co. nenlnst
Aultinnn , Mlllor ft Co. was again in district
court yesterday.
A marrlago license was Issued yesterday
to L.ivld A. Miller of Fort Calhoun and litla
llnsklns of Crcstcnt City.
Edward Hoiion and M. Dellslo were nr-
rcstod yeslorday nftornoon on n charge of
drunkenness nnd fast drivlnc.
Charles A. Llnsloy of Cheyenne and Mary
I'ayno of Uonvor. Colo. , were married yes
terday by Justice Swcuringcn ,
.1 , Joseph was arrcstoil last evening for
disturbing the peaco. Ho crnvo bonds tor his
appearance In pollco court this mornlnc.
A children's ' dnnclnc party will bo pivon
Saturday ovonlng in Chambers' dancing
RCU domy In the Royal Arcanum parlors.
/ \ Resolutions \ nf sympathy were pasted at
X the last mcotinq of the Hcbokah decree ledge
No. 8 , Independent Order of Odd Follows , on
the deatn of Mrs. Mary RltzcnhotT.
A recop'tlon will bo pivon this afternoon
from 4 until ( i o'clock by Miss Stownrt at
"Tho Oublos , " assisted by Mrs. Charles Test
Stewart nnd Miss Gleaner Stoivart , for tbo
benefit of St. Puul's culld.
A suit for a dlvorco was commenced In tbo
district court yesterday by William Foster
nKiiinst his wife. May Foster. Ho alleges
that they were married In 18SU at St. Joseph ,
Mo. , but that his wife deserted him In lo *
comber , 1887 , nt Creiton , la.
F. U. Potorion , charged with resisting n
couple of constables who attempted to levy
a writ of attachment upon his horse and
buggy , took a chaugo of venue yesterday
from Justice Cones' court to that of Justice
Hammer , nnd will have n hearing on March
11 atU o'clock.
A brnliomanon the Northwpstnrn road liv
ing at Hoono met with an accident yesterday
while coupling curs In the Union Pacific
yards. Ha got bis hana between the
bumpers nnd had bis thumb and forefinger
mashed so that it will probably have to bo
amputated. Ho was Inkon to his homo.
The following petitions were filed yester
day in the district court : B. M. Webstar
against Robert n. Armstrong , D. E. Eaton
ngains t W. B. Muck et al , F. C. Lougoo
ncalnst Emma M. Whitman et nl. Uhnrlos
Tnplov against Euueno Mottiiz ot nl , R ( J.
Lougoo against I. Hoover ol al , M. M. Wood
ward ngainst Addle Johnson ol al.
An Information was Hied in the superior
court yesterday charging Arctilo Campbell
with assault and oattnry upon Annie Tnttnn ,
his sister In-law , at whoso housb ho boards.
A family row occurred nt the house , near the
canning factory , and Campbell , It Is alleged ,
came out nt the top of the heap , inflicting a
number of blows on Mrs. Tattan.
The class of Mrs. Stcphonson In the Sun
day school of the First Baptist church has
been organized Into n club to help the worthy
poor of the city. An entertainment Is to bo
given a wct-k from tonight nt the church for
the purpose of raising funds to carry on the
chiirltnhlo work of the now club. An inter
esting program of musical and literary selec
tions Is being prepared for the occasion.
Joannottn Rico Walker , the Infant daughter
of Mr. aud Mrs. A. B. Walker , dlod yester
day morning afJiO : ! o'clock of membraneous
croup , aged 10 months , at tbo family resi
dence , 705 Sixth avenue. No funeral borv-
iccs will DO hold at the house , owing to tbo
serious illness of Mr ? . Walltcr and the recent
presence of diphtheria in the house , but
services will take place at Walnut lull ceino-
tory at 11 o'clock this morning.
Hawkeye lodge No. 00 , Order of the World ,
held an open initiation In Woodman hall lasl
evening and administered the obligations to
fourteen now members. After the public
work wns concluded tbo members ana their
frlonds who were prosout as guests were en
tertained In a pleasant social manner. The
principal feature of the entertainment was
clam cbowder , prepnrod under the super
vision ot Mr. C. H. Warren with "down
oast" trimmings. A royal peed time was en
joyed Dy all present , who heartily Joined in a
vote of thanks tendered Mr. Warren In rec
ognition of his skill as a clam cooker.
Mrs. M. R Wothorbee will ontortaln
the Roboknh social Thursday overling- .
Oysters and amusements. Everybody
K. IL Shoufo tins eastern money on
hand for real catuto loans.
The G. M. Dodge camp , Sons of Vot-
? rnns , will give n ball in G. A. R. hull
on the evening of March 7. A cordial
Invitation is extended to the public.
JUCOD Sims , who bas been confined to his
house for tbo past two or thrco days by a se
vere attack or slcltncsa. was considerably
bolter yesterday nud bo will bo out lu tno
course of u day or two.
Major George B. Hume of the adjutant
pcncrnl's dooartmcnt and Colonel U. V.
Mount of the Fifth regiment , Iowa National
guards , with headquarters at Slionandoah ,
have boon Inspecting tbe companies In this
oart of tbo sin. to and spent some time on
Tuesday In looking over what is loft of the
Dodge Llpht guards of this city with a view
to seeing what the prospects are of roorpun-
Izinp the company.
We have our own vinoytvrds in Callfor
nin. Jurvls Wino comuany , Co. UlulTa
Two apprentice nurses wanted nt the
W. O. A. hoapltnl , corner Uth street and
6th avenue _
Hamilton still Here.
The oaio of Harry Hamilton , charged with
playing a conQdonco game In Omaha , wai
brought up again In superior court yesterday
morning on habeas corpus proceedings. An
ofUor was present from Omaha , expecting
that the case would bo dismissed nnd that
Hamilton would bo Immediately turned over
to him. Hamilton's attorney , Colonel Dal-
loy , asked for a continuance , which was ob
jected to by County Attorney Organ , who
Insisted on trylni ; the case at onco. In order
that the Omaha authorities could take him
unck with them , and if they were not yet
ready the case should bo dismissed , as the
requisition papers hud boon secured and
nvcrythlng was In readiness for his trial.
Juilpo MuGco refused to dismiss the case.
however , and decided to continue It until
Friday morning , stating that Hamilton wus
entitled to a hearing on the \\rlt of tiabcac
lilt ! > y u Htniy Ilullut.
T.V. . Davis exhibited n neat little hole In
his overcoat yesterday which ho sold was
put there by a bullet from some unknown
party's gun Tuesday night , lie was passing
along North Klghth street , hotwoen Mynster
stioet and Broadway , about U o'clock , when
he board the report of a gun and an Instant
later ho heard something whlrz past him.
Ho bad never been shot at very many times
before , but somehow he had a suspicion that
there was a connection between that report
and tbo something that did the whizzing. He
consequently started up the street with sucb
celerity that grass could not have grown
under his feet oven if it had bton tbe season
for grass to grow. When ho arrived at his
room he found that the ball bad struck bis
overcoat on the left Upol and , owing prob
ably to the peculiar shape of the ball , bad
cut a bole in the cloth an eighth of an inch
wldo and about an Inch long.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John-
itou & van I'atton , Everett bloclc.
Walnut block and Wjornlng coal ,
fresh mined , received dally Thatcher ,
16 Main.
_ _ _
Uoitor , the tailor , 810 Droadway , hns
11 the latest styles nnd newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dra. Woodburydontistsnext to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele 145.
John T. Stewart's Franchise Oausas Much
Discussion Among the Citizens.
Wilt Light , Ilrnl iin'il l'o or liy
AVIrc Nothing Conrrnlrd hi tlin Con-
tnict-I.iirgr I'liintIIKlo l ! | > On
the I'livliliiK Homo Site.
The passage bv the rouncll Tuesday even
ing of llio ordinance granting John T.
Stcwnrt the privilege of building and main
taining an electrical plant for tba purpose of
furnishing light , power anil boat , \\M the
subject of a great deal of Interested dis
cussion yesterday. At first tboro was some
disposition to condemn tbo council for the
has to In passing the oidlnanco , but after Ibo
charter was examined there could bo no
reason found lor continuing the criticism.
Mr. Stewart was compelled to answer n
gtoat many questions during the day concerning -
corning the character and aim of the new
" 1 simply asked the privilege of the city
to do something , and that is all there Is to
It , " said he to TUB BKB. "Thoro was no oc
casion lor haste and there was no occasion
for delay. The privilege , ! asked was similar
to many others that have been granted by
the city , many to parties who have never
usort the rIRlits { conferred. The charter
granted mo is as plain and simple as the
English language cnn bo made , and contains
nothing ambiguous or concealed. Copies of
the charter were furnl < hod all members of
the council several days bcforo It
wan called up , and tbo broad , liberal
minded men In It realized all
.hero was In tbo situation. I simply
ivant the privilege of furnishing llht and
power in competition with othors. If I can
Furnish It cheaper thun It Is being furnished
now f will oxpcct to do some business. If I
can't then I'll quit. The only company fur
nishing power to small manufacturers Is the
water company. The location does not al
ways permit them to do so cheaply enough to
justify Its use. I Incorporated the right to
make and sell electrical machines and an
pllanccs for the reason that I bollovo there Is
an opening hero for such a plant. Elec
trical distribution of power M tbo
cheapest and best In the wotla and , in
my opinion , It Is the chief means
that will bo used In the future. There Is
only ono manufacturing plant for tbo pro
ductlon of such machinery in the west , utul
I can sea no reason why such a business
ihould not bo made to pay bore as this ma
chinery comus Into moro general uso. I am
convinced that It will or 1 should not have
asked for that clause of the charter. I have
room for a big plant where my old packing
houbo stood , and it is tint ut all Improbable
that I will use It for this mirposo. That Is
ono of the objects I have in view and the
erection of such a plant may bo one of the
ultimata results. "
Ewcnson Music Co. , Masonic temple
Jurvlswild blackberry Is the bosL
Xo News Yet from \V , II. 1'oiler End of a
MlalvitilliiK l.rttor.
Photographs and cards containing doscrlp-
ions of W. H. Foster , the Council Uluflu
and Omaha merchant , wore sent out to all the
nelguDorlng towns yesterday , but no Information
mation was received that would throw any
ight or. the mystery surrounding his disap
A letter was published by a morning paper
purporting to bo the tttatotnont of Mrs. Pos
ter , the wlfo of the missing man. the sub-
stuuco of the letter being that Foster
, vas away on business and that she
wished they nould glvo up bunting for
him. Instead of Mrs. Foster's signature ,
however , that of Joseph Butler , the hired
man who slept in tbo ereeuhouse , was ap
pended to it , and that fact tended to discredit
the statement contained in it. An investi
gation was made during the day , as the re
sult of which Butler admitted that the note
had been given him by u man named Alex
ander , who it unknown to the Foster family ,
and that Alexander had heard the statements
from four or live neighbor women who
clulmcd that they had their information
from Mrs. Foster. News coming , o
directly should bo reliable , but Will Foster ,
tbo son of tbo mitsing man , denies that his
mother over jrave utterance to any such sen
timents as these with which she Is credited ,
and oavs that Butler acted entirely without
authority In tbo matter.
It is the opinion of many that Butler wrote
tno letter in order to put a stop to the soarcb
that was going on for fear something would
bo found out that might reflect upon him.
Mrs. Foster Is almost prostrated over the
sad affair , and is now confined to her bed.
She has been in poor health for the past ten
yours , and at ono time her mind was so deranged -
ranged that it was feared she would become
hopelessly insane. Unless her present sus
pense Is brought to an end soon something
equally serious is feared.
Eastern inonoy to lonn on renl estate
by E. II. Slioivfo , Broadway and Main.
Buby carriage week ; xt Crockwoll's.
Spochil and elegant display.
Ju < lK < * mill Clerks.
The following is a list of the judges and
clerks that have Dccn selected by tbo council
for the coming election , on recommendation
of tbo republican and democratic city com
mittee :
First Ward Judges , K. J. Abbott , 13. S.
Barnottand J. M. Holiday clerks , C. C.
Bump and Bun Webor.
Second Ward Judges , C. S. liubbard. J.
P. Williams find John Million ; clerks , Ira
Grason and George . Kvan.
Third Ward-Judges , J. H. Ward , C. W.
Brown And W. S. McMIckar. ; clerks , For
rest Smith and L. Bnston.
Fourth Ward. First Precinct Judges , W.
C. DIckey , W. I * . Patterson , B. 8. Torwill-
Igur ; clurkn , J. H. Bcohoand Mnhlon Brown ;
Second prcblnct Judges , M , Detiroat
James Medlar. T. L. Smith ; clerks , Oliver
Anson and Gooreo Mcl'eak.
Fifth Ward-Judges , F. Vt. lfo t , George
Acker , O. Houscl ; dents , L. Burcbam and
M. Callahan.
Sixth Ward , First Product Judges , J. A.
MtiRsolwhlto , S. M. Wlntcrburn , M. W.
Dempster ; clerks , A. C. Hordln , Ira Benge.
Second precinct Judges J. n. Kerr and
Glaus Enters ; clurk , William Hill. ( One
Judge and ono clorit to bo selected. )
ClumUeil Her with a'hair. .
Archie Campbell was arrested lust ovouing
on an Information fllod In the superior court
charging him with committing an assault
and battery on bis sister-in-law. Mrs. Annlo
Tiutan , at whoso house ho hoards.
Some family dl til unity arose , and it Is
alleged that Canipell tried to settle
it by using a chair on Mrs. Tuttun. Instead
ol belterlnir matters it made them worse ,
and she immediately took steps toward hav
ing her ungallant relative brought to Justice.
At the marshal's oftlce wbllo lie was being
booked after his arrest ho manifested the
same disposition as when ha hud been argu
ing with hli ulstcr-in-luw , and Deputy Mar
shal Fowler had to administer a cboUIng to
Mm before ho would submit to being
rimoutli Omaha Orook Takes In the IVopla
of Crrlflilou.
Some two or three weeks ago a smooth ap
pearing , well dressed , middle need man , who
gave bit name as Albert Dufour , walked into
the Bank of Crelghton at Crelghtoa , Neb. ,
and entered into negotiations for a loan of
ftXXi on a crop of corn , Tbo bank people
were willing to accommodate Mr , Dufour
and did to. The cash was counted out and
transferred to Dufour's pockets la exchange
for a first mortgage on tbo crop. A day erse
so ago tbo bank discovered that the security
for the loan was worthless , ns
Dufour did not own the corn which ho
had mortgaged. The matter was placed In
the bauds of detective * and a description of
the sharper sent out all over this section of
tbo country.
Yesterday morning the Omaha police re
ceived n notice to bo on the lookout for the
man and Detectlvo Savage started out on a
hunt for him. At 3 o'clock In the afternoon
Dufour was behind the Mrs at the city Jail
nud ono line of the blotter here his mi mo
followed bv the charco of embezzlement.
An ofllcer from Crciahton was In the city
assisting In the hunt and started back at
once with his man.
Dufour Is well known to the Omaha police ,
as he has frequently run snap games In and
around the city for sotno years nast.
Hrlght Minds That .Mrot lit I.lnlngcr'fi
Adopt it New Name.
There was n largo amount of enthusiasm
distributed about tbo Llnlngor gallery last
evening , the occasion calling out the interest
being tbo annual election of ofllccrs of The
But previous to the over.t of the evening t >
dctormlnrd effort was mrulo to change the
name of Tbo Club to something moro dollulto
than the ono which has passed current for
thren years. Ono faction contended that the
organization had already taken a place in the
literary llfo of the city , una In keeping with
that prominence should have a dignlllcii pat
ronymic. Another faction , equally a * en
thusiastic , contended for the old name be
cause the name had grown to bo a household
\word with these who woio members and the
friends of the organization. And o the battle
was waged , but alter repeated ef
forts , through Chairman Snydcr , who
gave the deciding vote , the name was
changed to the Live Issue club , and as such
hereafter the association of men which meets
at the Llnlngor gallery fortnightly will bo
The election of oftlcers resulted as follows :
President , William F. Baxter ; first vlco
president , J. B. Shcchan ; second vice presi
dent. E. C. Snydcr ; third vlco president , C.
S. Elgutter : secretary-treasurer , John Wll
son Batttn ; executive committee , Dean C. H.
Gardner , cx-oniclo chairman ; F. L. Holler ,
A. F. Jonas , W. F. Baxter , J. B. Shcchan ,
John Wilson Ba'.llu , E. H. Scott , J. B. Ryan
and L. Knhnstamm ,
At the next meeting of tbo club Mr. Snyder -
der will read a paper upon ' 'Society , " not ns
ho sees It , possibly , but upon its uses and
In four wceus liev. Irving Baxter is to lead
the discussion upon "Isms , " and this prom
ises to bo one of the most interesting meetIngs -
Ings of the year.
A long paper was road upon "Men and
Women , " the essayist championing tbo cause
of tbo female sox.nnd then tbo club adjourned.
The Famous Waterloo Hull.
The duke and duchess of Richmond
nro living in a line hotel on the rue do
la Blunchissoro , which stood on its own
jrroundb and had a fruit and ilowor par
don extending to the city ramparts.
Their graces moved in all the society of
Brussels , and ontortaincd a great deal.
The duchess , who had issued 220 invita
tions for her bull , proposed to recall
them when she hoard that Napoleon'B
array WOB advancing. But the duke of
Wellington , to prevent alarm , requested
that the bull might take place. Never
theless , niudy English families were
frightened away from Brussels , and
post horses were kept harnessed in the
duke of Richmond's stable , in case had
news from the scene of the conflict
should mulco it advisable for his chil
dren to ho sent to Antwerp.
The majority of the people of Brus
sels were violent Bonnpartists and were
prepared toontortain Napoleon in
style should ho force the British army
to retreat and enter their city in
So it was that the duke of Wellington
and many of his ofllcors went to the ball
after the business of the day had been
attended to.
While the merry couples were flying
around , a dispatch from the front was
handed to Wellington. Ho asked the
duke of Richmond for n private loom
whore he might consult with some of
his generals who were present. The
duchess' dressing-room was the only
convenient room which was safe from
intrusion. Candles were hastily lit on
the dressing table , at which Wellington
sat with a map hoforo him , and having
explained certain points to his staff
they all rejoined the company , They
loft the house before 10 o'clock , and
succeeded in doing so without attracting
any attention.
Very few , if any , of the dancers
guessed how near at hand was the crisis
which was to decide the fate of Europe ,
ana it never entered into the heads of
the young girls that some of their
partners were dancing the "dance of
death. "
About midnight the general officers
were quietly warned and disappeared
from the room.
FU031 'ItOUXn AltOVT VS.
Two hundred people attended the banquet
given by tbo Masons of Harvard.
The Hartlngton Herald has boon sold to
EdllorSt. Glair ot the Bancroft Independ
Some wrotcb entered the school bouse at
Decatur and stole all the reads from the
J. D. Smith , formerly editor of the Dlxon
County Courier , dlod recently at Sanford ,
Fin. , of consumption.
The old settlers of Franklin county held a
reunion at Bloomlngton and . perfected
arrangements for organizing a permanent
A farmer named Eilenmoyer of Belmont
precinct , Otoo county , lost a team and wagon
as the result of the horses being scared by a
train and backing off a bridge.
The sixth annual session of tbo North
Nebraska Teachers association will bo hold
at Norfolk March UU andill , and April 1. An
interesting program bas boon prepared.
At a mask ball given at Newport the other
evening tbo most attractive costume in tbo
hall was that worn by Mrs. A. M. Love , who
represented THE OMAHA BKE. The dross was
n work of art. It not only represented the
name of tbo papar , but its editor also. It
was made of a combination of rose and water
colored tissue paper , Tbo entire suit bon
net , dress , tie , gloves , handkerchief , rucbing
and all was of paper and wa made In tbo
latest style. It was literally covered with
the most beautiful rosos. Down the back
WHS the beading of Tin ; BBB. The suit was
simply lovely and faroutshono every other In
the hall. _
Cedar Rapids wants a public park ,
Atlantic's packing house has closed down
William H. Doty , a farmer near Mapleton ,
was thrown from a horse and killed ,
Keoicuk claims to have more good horses
than almost any other city In the state.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cube of Cass coupty
celebrated the tifty-lifth anniversary of their
Bishop Perry Is writing a boon in re
sponse to criticisms of himself and tbo Epli-
copul church.
It 1s announced that a f 250 , 000 oftlco build
ing will bo erected In Duounuo this year by
E. M. Dickey.
Of the III ! ) patients admitted to I bo Clarlnda
insane hospital In two years 128 were from
farms and ilft.v-six were laborers.
The Hod Oak sanitarium is in trouble. The
controlling stockholder bas voted for a re
ceivership to sccuro a claim be holds for
saliry , and other stockholder * fear they will
bo frozen out.
Tbo young girl at Iron Hill , \vlio gave
Dlrth to a child which was accepted by a
good many people as of immaculate concep
tion aud declared to be a new Bavlor , bas
disappeared , messlab and all , and quiet
relcus again ,
Tim Mother , formerly editor of the Bloom-
Held Democrat , who has been reading clerk
of most of tbo domocratio Mate conventions
in lowa and two or three national con yen
lions , baa decided to come back to Iowa. Ho
has been In Honduras for a year , but a Hood
ruined his banana plantation and be will re
turn to this country. ,
The street car tin-up In Indianapolis con
Unties in force.
* * lM a 4)1 * l/V-V
News from Cripple Creek , Co1 a , U to the
effect that claim owners have been troubled
by lot Jnmnors , fllo ItiTniitfttten for-lblo
mssesslon of the tiroporly ot tliviformor
Tnlniaco's Ilronklyn taborniinlo hns been
old by the sheriff tixutlsfy a.uKjplmilcV Urn ,
Arguments In the Curtis innrdrr ciisn at San
ranclsco have closed , and the jury bus the
Or. William C. ttolmft * Ims , huf n appointed
ftilor secretary of the "rrsuy(6rlan ( Hoard of
lomo .Missions.
The people of Kiidora. Kaiv , uel ! ; to lynch
Walter Ulekcns , colored , for attempting to as
sault a white woman.
In the nntntiiator trial at MoadVlllo , 1'a. , the
ircsld'nz JudRo Instructed the'JtlVy to bring In
i verdict of acquittal. i >
MUslsilppt's house of rcpthftlittiitlvrs hns
passed a resolution making .Icir.Jtuvls1 blrth-
Iny u local holiday In that state.
The Wigwam at Chicago. l'iV Which the nn-
.lonnl doniocr itlu convention will bo hold , Is
to have a sontlnit capacity of 2tuoo.
The Hourd of Tr.ulo of Detroit , Mich. , hns
akcn stops to prevent donllnrs In puts and
calls. The Chicago board has taken the same
ictlon ,
Manv wltncs'es , export and otherwise , eivo
heir testimony bi'fnro the Now York court
rylng EilwnrdM , 1'lold , to prove the pris
oner's Insanity.
J , W. Collins , president of the California
National bank at San Diego. Cut. bus been
arrested foromborzlcnicnU The bank failed
i short time ago.
Km in a Williams , colored , ot Mobile. Ala , ,
killed Eleanor Richardson , colored. , Tlio
Rlrls had lonincd together for a niunhor ot
vcars. The Wllllnms girl was Ins.uio y jeal-
nls ot the other.
Kov. Dr. GcorRo T. Purvis of the Klrst
'rcsbytcrlan church of I'lttsbur ? . Pa , , has
received a call to the Princeton Thcotnalciil
emlnsry to till the chair of now testament
Itcraturo and cxeKcsls.
Utv Klcclrlclan Itarrott and 1'lro Chlof
'weenie ' of Ohlcaeoiire charged by ox-Miiyor
'rolgor of Uhlcngo with consplrlnx to dofmud
hat city out ot largo sums ot money In imik-
ni ? purchases of supplies.
The steamer Mujcstlo has completed the
lastest westward trip across the Atlantic nn
record , making the run , u distance of 2,805
nllcs In live days twenty hours and twonty-
wo minutes. She averaged 0.41 knots an
Frank Hunl of Ohio will be a candidate for
lolexalo at largo from that state to the na-
lonal democratic convention , lie states that
f elected ho will nominate Clovelan J for proa-
dent , and that ho has authority for saying
that the latter Is a candidate.
The coroner's jury which Investigated the
Hotel Itoyal II ro at Now YorK , finds that It
started from nn unknown cause.
The passengers who arrived on the steam-
tlilp Uubsla ut New Vork last \\eek. and who
invo been detained In quarantine , have been
A fire In Ilaltlmoro destroyed M0.030 worth
if property , l-'ranlt Miller , u flreman , was
badly hurt and a companion , Lewis TalCot ,
was killed ,
John Morlcy , liberal member of the English
1'arllament , dcnlen that there was any pre
concerted opposition to Halfonr's Irish local
government Dill.
( .iporgo U. 1'orklns was elected third vlco
prcslduntot the Now York Life and will have
: lmrso of the agency department. Charles
Whltnuvwas elected sccrotary.
Arthur Wilson , Jr. , son ot Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Wilson of Tranhycrof t , the scene of the
occurrence that led to the creat bucuarut
scandal , was married to Miss Alice Cecil Ac
nes Flliner. daughter ot I.aUy Kilmer and
eldest sister of Sir Uobort Murcus 1'llmor.
Ms tor letters remnlnlnc uncalled for Inthopoit
omco for llio week ending February IS , 1392.
Note 1'artlos calling for thoia Icttori wilt please
Bfty"Advortl80d , " giving the data at the bead ot the
Ijt.nncl Inquire fur siiuoat llio jadluj' delivery win
Toavold mlstikci h\vo your milt ndJrcnoJ to
jour street and number. . v ,
A. - .
Van Ness II J K
\V *
Walther II W Watroiis J 0'1 Wallace J
Walmlru B Wehla J F " ' " ' \VliHliiiui L
Whitney DM Wheeler P H B O
Wlthrow J WUhrowXJ Williams O
Wlllelle C Woudard F Wood north F
ipll hj Knrlitht II
iMilnprmrs.l K ( Innlnrr mr S5 flrhlon V
W ( Iruna M Otny K
irccn nirn M
Harris mrs M n Ilann ainr llnrdv K S
Ilnrlciin mrs A Kllnrrls L 11' ' "
Ilpartloy inm A llrnry mro K L _ . . . .
" ' > mr II t ! HpnnlT mrs FO Herman HIM J It
i n Illikd tarn It
lllckcy n Hill mm MJ
Inwnril S llopo II Ilnpppr A
Inlitis C A Hudson K HiiKhrs U
Inins nilM Iritis It
Innir * tnrs J Jnck < on R .Inmes mr <
Ipii'Cti T Jones B Johnton A S
Johnfton in r s.I A Jolmson K
{ nrfcr mrs M Keltic mm K Kelly M
{ pnney M Ktnu.l II Kloci | | > vr K
Krinisu M Kline II
I > .
Laird mm K 7. Lambert mm K Intta K 1J
Laurence. M L l.lrkO l.lnrt oy mrsT
l.lndcmrer 1 l.utulest li l.ucni A
Lyth S A
MacXIo D Mnlnir A K .Mrrll T 1) 0
Miller K Miller K Miners L
Monroe mr M P Mnnson C Mollltt K
Morrison > ! Murphy mrs T J Mvcrs tnrs It A
Mcllolh A MrCnmio M McCoy M
McClalmo mrs N MrlCathrcn mrs LMcCarty II
Mcfulloch ( P Mcfnlilcl O
McDonald M-S Mcllimh mrs.MK.McKcovcr .M
NnlKon mrsC J Nelson mrs II D Nicholson 13
Nulnml mrs U
O'llrlcn A O'Ncnll mrs J O'Neall mrs II
aimer H Parks mrs CH Pftjton mrs 1) 0
'ayton mrs' 1'orry mrn IIII Person O
'etcrson A-J Pctumon A'J Polcrnon K
clTson A Peterson (1 PllKrlm mrs It
'Ickardmm Pickering B I'lckerliiK K
owcrs C 1 < 1'rlco K-S
Qnlnn mm 1C 4
lansom M Hphl M Hire mrs R
llclinrds b UU-KCl I. llobbcrts H
tulir M Iluttcr Ij Hcgcrs A
I ) on mm M IjS.
fchroedtcr M-3 Scott J Slilltr mrs i :
hupp mm U Hltnson mm M binnrt mrs M
4ralthnirKA Smith mrs H M Sinltli mrs J B
Sorehson U Spencer K btunc O
Slraloy mm (1 W Stewart mm K Mlia-c M
Stevens M KiilUvnnJ HulliulT S Il-S
Sullivan mrs A SwlshcrA 1 BwllerJ
Swnn I ,
Thcller A Thompson mrs Thoiirptcjcr L
M 11 K
Utley mm M U.W.
Wallace mrs \Vadsworth mrs Walker O
.v. . . . . . . : K-Z Waru mm J K
WaMh mrs K Watson mrs K Wells mmCC
Whlto mm H White mrs M Wllletto mrs 1C
Wicks mm U Wlllnrd K I Wilson inrt M
Wilson inrs N Wllllnms K Williamson A
Worth I < Wood I
Young M Yocker mrs 1
F Fleldler W J Whllohouso Miss Ij I'hclps
W P llucll
M Stern
Clnrk. Iliitlcr & Co. , Warren , Ilrown & Co. , Kent A
Brady. Sever A Ncal , Kwlni ? A Hurt. Howard &
llnvlland. Western Union Manufacturing Co. ,
Umnha I.lthoKraphlne Co. , Krnnklln IJKlitnlng Hod
Co. , Kurcka 1'Ounclry Co. . Western TulillslilnK Co. ,
Umaba Pnbll hlnKro. 2. Miner ManuracturlnKCo. ,
Union Por'ralt Co. 2. bcandlnavlan Umploywcnt
Ottlcc , Corresponding Hccrotnry of Carpcnturs
Union , Nebraska Adv. , Donaldson Olass lllock.
Army , Sword A. Shield , Dlebold Hafo C i. . II. Mellon-
aid A. Co. , i : . Moroney A , Co. , Jones , Com.Mer. . . I .
P. Larson A Co. , ( J. A C. Mcrrlara A. Co. , Albcrs A
Co. , J. T. Hair A Co. , ( iatcs A Son.
T. S CI.AUKSOS , postmaster.
A Written Guarantee
Our euro Is permanent uncl not a pitching up. CHUI
cated seven years ago have never aeon n 87tnj > t ) n
since. By do'crlbln case fully wj ran yon by
mall , and wo give the sumo strong guarantee to cure
orrefund allrqpncy. These who prefer to come hero
for treatment can do sound wo will pay rallroaJ fare
both ways and hotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to euro
We ClmllotiKe tbo World for n case that our MAQIC
ItK.MEDY will not cure.Vrlto for partlcu'art anl
ectthocvldpnce. Inourfijven ye s' pr .3tlco wlt'i
tlils.MAQlC HKMKDV It has boon most dimcult 13
overcome the prejudices atnlnst so cilia t spsaia } )
Butundcr our strong guarnnteo thomm.lf ; uro trylni
Itand being cure J. Wo guarantee to euro or retail I
every dollar , an 1 as wo bavo a ropatalloa tj prjto a
also financial backing of I5KOX ) ) It Is pcrfestlv safe to
all who will try the treatment. Hcretofo-a you have
been puttlngupanl pnsing outrour inonoy fordlOor
ent treatments , and although you are not yet enrol
no ono has paid back your money. Wo will positively
cure you. Old chronic , deep so.ttod cases enrol In I )
to U3 days. Investigate our financial standing , our
reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names an J
addresses of those we have cured who have given
permission to refer to thorn. It costs you only post
age to do this. If your symptoiis nro sera throat ,
mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bnnos an 1
joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of tbj
body , feollug of general depression , pains In bead or
Denes. You have no Urns to waste. These who ard
constantly taking mercury ail potash shouH clltoon
tlnue it. Constant use of tbnao drugs will surely brln ?
sores and cntlng ulcers In the en J. Don't fall to write.
All correspondence sant sealed In plain envolopoi
We Invite tha most rigid Investigation nnd will do all
In our power to aid you In It. Address
COOK BEMED5T .0. , - Omiha , Nebraska.
S5OO for a case of LOST or FAIMNQ MAN
HOOD , Ocnnral or Nruvous DKinr.irv. weak
ness of body or mind , the cll'cctsof errors or ex
cesses In old or youiiRthatwocnnnotcuro. Wo
LMiuruntoe every cuso or refund every dollar.
Five dnys trial treatment SI , full course W5.
Perceptible benefits realized In thrco days.
Ily mull , securely packed from observation.
( TIHUIU Certain to a day or money refunded.
Ily mail t ; . Securely sealed from ousurva-
tlon. C'HOH aaalfYCrt.O > n&\n \ , Neb
One Minute Remedy
For all affections of the
Throat , Lungs and Broncntil Tubas
26 AND 6O OEiN
For tale by Druggists.
Thtre are lee p/A ' ! / ' , taeh at iti cott ,
the best you can bur/ .
C/A IliiUrr Is Ill-it of All.
6/A Rxtra Te t n nka next to fi/A Baker ,
orte Ulanki U Bold by alldealen.
5TrBAl3At a bargain , U-acre fruit and
L-arilen farm adjolnlni ; city llmlu ; good
dwelling. T. II. aiieafe.
OH KENT Vacant store. 414 llroudway
owned by Mm. Jnno llnlawiu. Apply to
tleorge T , I'liolps at postolllce.
V\7 ILL trade hoiibo nnd lot for tuam ; will
T > KUolonn tlmoon balance. Call ut 015 B.
Cth fctiuat.
T71AKMH. vardon laniU , housoi. lots uti-1
-L buvlncia blooks for sale or runt. Day &
Hess. a > I'oarl itruet , Uounoll lllulfj.
IjlOll UI'.NT Over 103 dwellings of every do-
! ' bcrlptlon at prices varying from Jl to (100
per month , located In all parts of the utty. K.
II. Shtafo , aoo liroadwuy.
OUNCIL lIUKrti ) money on hands for
loHiia. W. A. Wood h Co. , 531 .Main htreet.
FOK SAliK Koureootl llourlne mills. Dun
take bdino Kood Innd an uart pay. Johns
ton & Van 1'attvii , Council UIutTti , la.
G. A. Sohoodsnok , Pcoprtotor , Offiooa 021 Broadway , Oounsl
Bluffsand 1321 FnptiamSt. , Omaha. Dye , clonn and rafintsli goods
of every description. Packugos rocolvoa at olthor ol'fioo or nt the
Works , Cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlco Hat.
Merchants who 1mVG shop-worn or soiled fabrics o ( a y ohaniotor ciui hava
them rcilyod nntl llnishoil equal to now.
nd must approved ninchlnoryutosl : it losj uojt than you over pill
An Ideal Complexion Soap.
For lo hy nil Tints nnd Knney Oondti IlcMnrK.or If
nnablo to prooiiro this IVonilernil Hniii > pcinl SJ >
centn In stnnipa and recclvo n cnko by return mail.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
HPr.OIAI.-Flmndnn TlolM Wnltr ( the popular
Boclctj Wnlttl spnt Fitr.F. to nnyono ecndlng us
thrca wrappers of Suamlon nclls Sonp.
LoDuo'3 Porlodloal P1113.
The Krcnch remedy nets dlractly upon tha
tonorntlve organs and cures suppression of tha
tnunBcs. ( ' 'or three for JV ftiul can ho ntalloil
Should not be used durluiro | tnanoy. .lobbori
sts and tha public supylloiluy Uoodman
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Tarn ;
Steam Heated
Electric Lighted ,
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
i il\/l A U A COU FAJINAM AM )
Folld Gold Spectacles or Eye ( Masses from S3 up.
Hue Steel Spec-melon or KyeGlavnvH from ( I up.
Kycs Tented Kreo by fcklllcd Opticians.
fc'onlod proposals will he received by the un-
dorslunod until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. . March II.
IfiW. for the construction of pel inununt slde-
Mrulks , with brick or tllini ; , ordered luld by the
mnyor nnd elty council ilntllJnno I , 18'J2 , In
the city of Omiihu.
Much sidewalks to bo constructed nccnrdliiK
to plans and snoclllcutlons on file In the olllcc
of the Hourd of 1'iibllc U'orus.
I'.ach bid to specify n prlco per superficial
square foot for the sldewulli coinnlolu , mid to
be aeconiounled by n certified check In the
sum of WOO , pnynble to tlio city of Oinnha as
nn evidence or cued fultli. llldcler.s must fur
nish u sninulo ot brick or tlllne.
The board reserves the right toiuvurd ucon-
tract for the two kinds of malRrliil. together
or separately , to reject any or all bids uml to
wixlvo aofects. I' . W. IIIItKIIAU.SKU.
Cbnlrnuin of the Hoard of 1'nhllaYorks. .
Omaha , Nub. . Fob 23 , IK ) . ' . Ki5 21 MJ 4
Proposals lor ( ins nnil ICIectrlu
Sealed bids will be received at the ofllco of
the City Comptroller , Omaha , Nebraska , up
to l-'o'olock noon .March 1st. , 11-92 , for Combin
ation ens and electric light fixtures , In ac
cordance with tlio HiiecillcatloiiB on llio ut the
otllco ot U 1' . Helmlnrir , Architect , GOT lleo
Building. Illdu to lo urconipunlcd with tlio
sketches as thcieln specified. All bids must
bo accoiiiuunled by a certified check to the
amount of tl.UUO.RO wiilch will be forflctcd to
the city In cuso tin ) bidder should bo awarded
ttic irontr.iel , nnd fail to furnish u bond ac
ceptable to tlio Mayor und City Council In tlio
sum of twice the amount of contract price ,
such bond to bo signed by residents of
DouKlas county.
Tlio Council resoi ves the rlaht to accept or
reject any or all bids , us In their Judgement
will best sen o tlio Interests of the City. HliU
to bo aildrcs > cl ( , "Hid on due and Klcctrlc
' ' 'Jxturca for Oinaliu Oily Hull. "
T1IEO. OLHEN , Comptroller.
BIDS will bo received by the rHuta Hourd of
I'rlntlnK at the ofllco of the Kccrotarv of
sttitoon or before a o'clock p. in. MarchIW. . ' ,
forprlntlnu and lilndlni ; In clolii ono thou
sand (1,100) ( ) copies of volume IV of the Trans-
uctloiiH and itoports of the NobiuHku State
illslorlcal Society. 10 ba dallvciod complete
ut the olllcoof tboDocieturv of the Boeluty In
tbo Htutu Unlvurslty building , l.lncoli. To
contain HOO PH--OS , more or IOVH. Tlio ulzo of
paiio. wolRht and ( ( inilliy of paper , style and
ijunllty of blndln ? , style of lettering on cover
und In all respects the work to bu the bamo us
thoHuinplo to befi'uu In thuofllco of the sec
retary of titutu
\VorK to bn complciod within sixty days
from the uwardlnif of the contract.
Eiich propohiii must bo accompanied by u
bond In the sum of t.VJO.W.
JtlKht reserved to reject any and all bids by
thoStute Printing Hourd. JoiiNU , AI.LEN ,
Dated 1'eb'v 17 , 161 . Becrotarv of Stute.
Fouled proposals will bo received by the un-
dHrulcnud until I''Oo cloak p. in , March 4th ,
Iffti. for Kr'idlng Thirty-eighth avenue from
Half How ird street to I'urnuin street , in tlio
city of Omuhn , In accordnnco with pliinu
anu bpeclflontloiiBon file In the ufllco of the
board of publlo works.
Kach proposul to bo made on printed blanks
furnished by tha board , and to bo accom
panied with a ccrlltlud check In the sum of
r'.W , p yuble to tlio city of Omaha , as an evi
dence of irood faith ,
Tlio hoard rebcrvctrthorlahtto reject any or
all bids and to waive deffcta
Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Nob. , I'obruory 17 , IB'U. '
fubrnary 18-19-25-20
Stockholder' * Mci > tiiif | ,
Notice Is hereby nlvon that the rexnlar
annual meetlnir of the stoekholdcrti of the
fcoiuli I'lutte Lund company Mill bo held at the
ofllco of hald company. In Lincoln. Nuton the
first Wednesday In MarchtiWJlJclnB thu second
day of the month ,
liy order of llio Hoard of Directors.
U. O. I'nii.Liru , b'ocrctr.ry.
LINCOLN , Nub. , Fob. 2. isuj. TJd MtM
Council Bluffs , lovvn.
Now , modern , woll-appolntod , thor
oughly wall-kept , $3 a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Of Council llhlirs.
Canltil stoc'f . 91.10,000
Surplus uml 1'rutlts . NOOOO
NotCnnltnl anil Surplus. . . , ( IXHOOOO
Directors . I ) IMinumltnn , K. h. Hmcnrt , K. O
( ilennon , K K. Hurl , I. A. .Mlllor , J. V. Illnchmon ,
nnd Chnrlcs It. Iliuiniui. Transact Konurul biink-
IIIR business. I.iirKost capital and surplus of
nny hunk in Southwestern lowu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director uiul Undertaker.
311 Broadway , Council BluiTa.
14 N. Main , Council Bluffs.
Oregon Short I.lnu Si Utnli Northern Kali
nay Company Stockholder * ' JHeutlnc.
Notice Is horuby Klvon that the annual
nicotine of the stockholders of the Oregon
Short Line & Utah Northern U.iilway com
pany , for the election nf directors and such
other business as niuy legally come before the
iiiuotlntf , will ho hold ut room No. 41 , Hooper
Hulldlnz , Hull Luke Oily , Utah Territory ,
upon Wednesday , the 10th dity of March. 1WJ ,
ut 10 o'clock n. in.
Stnclt transfer books will close upon tbo
Mth day of Kobruury. and reopen upon the
17th day of March. ALGXANUKII .Mil.iAll ,
BOSTON , Mass. , Keb. 3.169i FICd ' .DIM
Leaves IllUHMNtM'O.N .V MO , UlVKIt I Arrives
Onintia. | Depot lUlh nnU Mnson bta. | Unifttia.