8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBHITA11Y 2 , " ) , 1892. CRIMES OF A BLACK VILLAIN After Committing ft Series of Bobberies Ho Orirninnlly Assaults a Wliito Woman. THEY WILL BURN HIM AT THE STAKE i ; rltrd Cltlrrns In VAorr I'lirditlt of tlio Wrotcli-StrnnRo Cnndiiut of Ills I.ust Victim' * HiiKlinnil V I.lst of Dmpcrnto Deeds , if * Sr.nu.tA , Mo. , Feb. 24. "Burn him nt the jtako. Toxarknna treatment is none too good for him I" That Is the punishment which the pcoplo of Scdalla domain ! shall ho moled out to n nesro outlaw who last nlfiht startled the town with n series of extraordinary crimes. Within two hours ho committed n criminal assault , two highway robberies and bur glaries , and for these crimes the people do- rnand ho slmll bo ulirnud nt the stake , and If ho Is caught while the fever of oxcltotnent is still at Its height the citizens will enforce their demand. About 10 o'clock last ovcnlui ; a negro , his face concealed behind n white mask , entered the house of Mrs. Mary Moore , n widow aged 05 years , choked her almost Into uncon- tciousnoss , stolen few valuables and es caped. . A little later bo hold un P. H. Buckley and Miss Mattle Gilkcr. whom Buckley was ac companying to her homo. When abreast of the couple the negro ordered them to hold up their hands. Miss Oilkor Hod In ono direc tion while Bucxloy Hod in another. The nocro pursued the woman , throw ono arm around her nock and with the butt end of his revolver struck her on the head , foiling her to the ground. Buckley recovered himself and ran to his companion's assistance. Other pedestrians appeared at that moment and the negro escaped. Ills Crowning Act of Vllhilny. A half an hour later the desperado com mitted the crownlntr act of his night's vil lainy. It was U o'clockvhon Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Taj lor started homo from the house of H. C. Clark , the superintendent of the Missouri Pacillo railway , where they had bcon attending an entertainment. On Broad way , in front of the residence of O. A. Crandall , they were confronted by the negro highwayman , who hold a dirk In ono baud nnd a revolver In the other. "Hold up your hands 1" commanded the highwayman. Mr. Taylor obeyed the injunction , and the thief wont through his pockets , securing about ? 15 in gold nnd stiver coin , Mrs. Taylor , while her husband was being searched , slipped a diamond ring from her hnnd nnd throw It over Mr. Crnndall's fence into the yard and hid n diamond breastpin m tbo waist of her dress. She had no sooner accomplished the concealment of the ring when James Hartshorn passed along the street and the footpad stepped aside to allow the pedestrian to pass. Hartshorn IOOK in thesituation at u glance. Ho made no remarks , but turned down an other stioot , and bastonincr down town gave the 11 rat alarm of the robbery. After securing all the booty ho could ilnd In Mr. Taylor's possession , the hlgnwayman turned his attention to Mrs. Taylor and took ' a pair of diamond earrincs from'her cars. Hound Her Husband Hand unit root. While the robber was busy searching Mrs. Taylor her husband took advantage of the opportunity and closely scanned him , so that idcntlilcallon will bo an easy matter. Having secured all the valuables of his victims ho stopped behind them , and with drawn revolver marched them to a lonely spot in the vicinity of the old railway hospi tal. There bo toolc from his pocket a rope , and with it bound Mr. Tavlor band and foot , and soizinc tbo trembling wife led her away. Within hearing of Mr. Taylor a desperate struggle took place between Mrs. Tavlor and the negro. The brute's strength made him master , and having accomplished bis puruoso ' ho brought Mrs. Tu.vlor back to tbo p'laco where her husband was bound. The negro then cut with his dirk tbo cords that hold the husband captive , and with oaths commanded tbo couple to go to tbolr homo. They immediately compiled. Upon arriving , Dr. Evans was summoned to attend Mrs. Taylor. She Is not dangerously injured. In the meantime young Hartshorn baa given tbo alarm , but the police were unable to ilnd any trace of the desperado. The search has been kept up all day , but uo clew has been obtained. A mass mcotlng was bold nt the opera bouse this morning und f 1,500 wassuDacrlbud as a reward for the capture of the negro. Tbe whole country 'round about is aroused , as it has not bcon in years. Should the negro bo captured no mercy will bo shown him. There Is no talk of haugincr. The crv Is : "Burn him at tbostako ! A little of Toxar- kana is needed hero. " T.u ( iilppo Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year , " siiys Air. James O. Jones , publisher of the Leader. Moxla , Tox. "In the latter case.I used Chamber lain's Cough Homody , and I think with con- Biderable success , only being In bed a little over two days against ten days for the ilrst attack. The second attack I am satislled would have boon equally as bad ns tbo first but for the use of this remedy , as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck1 with it , whllo in the ilrst case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down.1" 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. Cullimoro , outilist , UBO building : ftoimi u.a.ur.1. Itetniycd Through n Woman. John Larson , alias James Gray , Is a pris oner at the city jail , where ho is bold as a fugitive from justice. Larsen Is said to bo a crook of considerable distinction on his native heath , but like many others before him bis infatuation for a woman led to his undoing and betrayed him into the clutches of the law. Larson's latest escapade was nt Stroms- burg , Neb. , where ho bas bcon employed on a farm during the winter. Ho conceived a violent passion for the pretty daughter of his employer , and this was the beginning ot his present trouble. Ho was not just the sort of n son-in-law the old farmer wanted , so tbo latter dismissed him without a character. Larson told the young lady tbat ho was going to South Omaha and bogged her to writoto him here , addressing the letter to James Uray. Ho waited long enough before leaving tilrouisburg , however , to brcuk Into the farm house and appropriate what valuables vvoro in sight. Then the young woman thought of tbo address bo bad glvon her and u letter was addressed to James Uray , South Omaha. X arsen blindly confident In the loyalty of his inamorata , called for tbo letter yesterday. But , unfortunately for him , another letter bad coma to the South Omaha authorities at the same tlmo asking thorn to arrest the man who should call for a loiter addressed to James Gray. When Larson called for the letter Postmaster Glasgow promptly called In Onieor Montague , who ulacod Larson under arrest. Ho will bo held until the authorities at tStroinsburg can bo hoard from. Hurt Ity llunuvviiy Te.iin , G. C , Buck , tbo commission merchant at Twenty-fourth und L streets , bad a narrow escape rom serious Injury yesterday morning. Hi > team wat bitched to an iron weight in front of his store , when a runaway team caino llylug down Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Duck's oorsos started to loin In the chase , wbilo ho attempted to bold them by the bits. The hltcblng strap with thu weight attached was tangled around his log and the team broke away , dragging him under tbolr heels to N street before they wore stopped. His right arm and leg vvoro eovorcly brulioU by tbo hoofs of the borsos , but ho was fortunate enough to escape any moro serious injury , Kocil of llondi. It is about time for the city council to jnako a moro unless It wishes to incur tbo expense of calling a special bond election to veto bonds for paving tbo intersections of N tr ct from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth and L street from Twentieth to Twenty-seventh. Petition * vvoro received borne time ago Irom property owners calling for tbo paving of these streets , and a thirty days' notice is re quired the council will hava to take action pretty teen if the bor.d election U bold Ht tbo same time ns the general city election , which occurs April 5 , The amount of the bonds re quired to pava the Intersections will bo about ta : , ooo , Nntrs About tlin City. Captain J. K. tlart is on tbo sick list. Dr. Berry Is the proud parent of n girl , James C. Dawson of Ottumwa , la. , Is in ho city. The Young People's Social club will gtvo tholr usual ball this evening. The Board of Education will hold n special ncotin , * some evening this week. Local ICnlghts of Pythias nro agitating the project of building a Pythian tomplo. The structure contemplated will cost about sW.UUO and bo the property of a stock com- miiy. Mr. find Mrs. J. P. Evors nnd Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Holmes will entertain nt tea this evening. Miss Dnrcns Johnson loft last night for n .wo months' ' visit with relatives at Baiter City , Ore. Peter Hanson and Kcl Brosnlhnn ot this city are drawn ns petit Jurors for the next term of court. Misses Uertio McCullough , Kthlocn Uhodcs and Coo E. Cress nro visiting friends in Pawnee City , Nob. John Scranck contributed $5 GO towards running tbo city government yesterday tor llsturbtng the pence. Miss Gertrude Bartholomew of Valparaiso ind Mrs. F. L. COOK of Tukamah nro visit- ng Mrs. J. F. Cornish , Manager Unbcock of the stockyards Is dally receiving letters from Toxaa cattle raisers expressing their gratification nt the determined effort that is being made to ob tain justice for them in the matter of Texas rates. They will ship tholr eattlo to South Omaha If the rates are equalized. Dr. Joseph Bausoman and Dr. Francis Qnusoman of Leaven worth , Kan , , are n the city in the Interest ! of the slty bospltal which they propnso to estab- Ish hero if they mout with suftlclont encour agement. Some of the members of the Board of Trade are ot the opinion that that organi zation will take some action to aid the enter prise. Emll llagorman became boisterous \vhllo drinking in A. B. Thompson's saloon on rwcDty-slxth street last night and Thomo- son caino out from behind the bar and told aim to make loss nolso. Hagorman struck him with a boor glass , cutting n deep gash over the loft eyo. Oftlcor McMahon was called in and conducted Hagorraan to the city jail. WE.llllKK l-'OltlX.l&T. OFFICE or WEATHER BURBAO , 1 OMAHA , Fob. 24. | Halny weather prevails in the upper Mis- slsslpppi valley and lake regions , while over the entire western country the weather has clourod oft nicely with somewhat of a fall In tomperaturo. The barometer Is highest in the middle liocky Mountain region. No decidedly cold weather is looked for in connection with .his clear up. Temperature is again rising in the extreme northwest. It is raining at Chicago nnd St. Louis. For Eastern Nebraska and Omaha and Vicinity Fair weather ; stationary tomoora- turo during Thursday ; probably growing warmer again on Friday. \V.\SHISIITOX. D. C. , Fob. 24 For Arkansas Cooler ; north winds and clear ; cooler and fair Friday , amounting almost to a moderate cold wave. For Missouri- Northwest winds ; clearing Thursdav ; colder In southeast portion ; warmer in western portion ; clear Thursday night and Friday. For Indian Territory nnd Oklahoma- Clear , variable winds , shifting to warmer ; clear Friday. For Kansas Clear weather ; variable winds ; slightly warmer In tbo southeast poition. For Nobra ka , North and South Dakota- Clear weather and slightly warmer and fair Friday. For Colorado Slightly warmer , fair weather ; fair Friday. VXKSOX.IL T. Winter of Lincoln is nt the Merchants. F. H. Downs of Ponder is at the Millard. J. T. Harrison of Bromtiotd is at the Mil- lard. lard.D. D. W. Crane of North Platte is at the Mil- lard. lard.Dr. Dr. Ira E. Atkinson of Fremont is at tbo Paxton. H. S. Manville of Tildon is a guest at Iho Paxton. I. E. Doty of David City is stopping at tbo Pjxton. George Lehman of Columbus is at the Murray. Charles Allen of Aurora is a guest at tbo Millard. L. J. Gilles ol Hastings Is stopping nt the Millard. Miss Clato Lonwood of Sidney is at the Millard. t > . C. Birchard of Davenport , la. , is at the Dellonc. Will M. Robinson of Portland is at the Dollono. H. N. Wulf of Ainsworth is nt the Mer chants. C. E. Forbes of St. Paul is at the Mor- chants. A. E. Lnngdon of Paplllion is at the Mer chants. H. II. flutchlns of Coleridge is at the Mer- olmnU. W. E. Moore of Doniphan Is at the Mor el , mils. A. S. McKay of Friend is stopping at the Merchants. D. M. Platte of Ued Cloud is registered at the Paxton. H. C. Holloway of Alllanco is a guest at the Millard. E. P. Gaurroau of Trumbull is registered at the Millard. E. S. McDonald ot Bayard is registered at the Merchants. W. C. Wullbrandt of Exeter Is registered nt the .Merchants. C. Jones and S. C. Burbyln of Seward are at thu Merchants. G. M. Lambcrtson of Lincoln was til the Murray last ovenmi : , J , E. Freomun , an Aspen , Colo. , mlno owner , Is nt the Murray , Charles E. Baker and A. W. Bradt of Beatrice are at the Merchants , Ike llu bait and John M. Tanner of Blair were at the Murray last evening. H , W. Dunlap , a banker from Halglor , Neb , , is dtopplng ut the Hotel Brunswick. J. H. Young , MUs ( Jroco Young nnd Miss Afton Young of Suit Luke are guests at the Millard. Homo Miller ot Norfolk , until recently one of the proprlctorx of thu Puxton , is a guest at that hostelry. Elmer Frank's condition is still precarious. With other troubles ho is now threatened with typhoid fovor. Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. ' Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake nnd Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. No other biking powder does such world GIVEN A GREAT CONCESSION Union Pacific Trainmen Gain Their Point on the Overtime Matter. WILL BE PAID AS THE ENGINEERS ARE Aflrr Duo Consldrriitlun the .Mnimgcinrnt of thn Itimil Decides That tlio Uctitnnil < ) l tlio Men Wan ilimt mill bhall Ho Allowed. The Union I'ncltlo conductors nnil brnho- mon hnvo won a substantial victory. Their r.roiosltlon for computing ovortlmo bos boon accepted , The two grievance committees , each rop- rcsoutcd by four members nnil a , grand of ficer , bnd another conference yesterday afternoon with Assistant Ucnoral Manager Dickinson. It lasted for tbroo hours , but half of tbat tlmo was consumed by consulta tions between Mr. Dickinson and General Manager Clark. As a result of this meeting the Union Pa- clflo bas agreed to grant the demand that overtime bo computed by the rules that gov ern in the , cano of engineers nnu firemen. Tuts was the main point at Issue , and It Is now bollovod that all differences will bo set tled amlcablv. A creat many grievances of minor Importance , many of thorn nlToctliig only slnglo districts and some only single runs , remain to bo adjusted , but there prom ises to bo no great cllniculty In reaching an agreement on thoso. They will bo taken up at another conference this morning , What the Mon Hn\o Unlncil. Mr. Dickinson estimated that the change lu tbe manner of computing overtime would increase the operating expenses well on to $100,000 a year. The employes assort that that Is an outsldo figure bused on past ox- noricnco , and they thin * the company will also reduce It considerably by moving trains with more regularity and dispatch. General Manager Clark Is quoted as sayIng - Ing that tie could bettor afford to grant the concession than lot the conductors and brakemen - men go borne dissatisfied , because It might lead to carelessness lu their handling of trains. The point gained by tbo tralnmon may bo best explained by an Illustration. Suppose a division 150 miles long and a train scheduled to cover it In eight hours. In the case of tbo engineer n margin of thirty minutes Is al lowed for delays , but If tbo train Is on the run beyond the olght hours and a balf ho begins to draw ovortlmo. In the case of the trainmen ton miles are used as the equivalent of an hour's time , and they nro not allowed over time until the truin has bcon out fifteen hours. The engineers and firemen secured their favorable rules live years a o , and the trainmen have been complaining of the In justice over since. Neuralgia Cured In rirtron Minutes , Mr. J. S. Sturtevant , editor of the Waupaoa ( Wis. ) Post , says : "LastniRhtCbamoorlnin's ) Jaln Balm cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen minutes.Wo would not bo without It. " oO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Holjoke News NotoH. HOI.YOKI : , Colo. , Feb. 24. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The Sons of Veterans are making preparations to install the ofllcers of Gettys burg catnp at this place on next Thursday ovonlnpr. Hon. E. E. Armour of Sterling will bo present to address the camp during the Installation services. The Ancient , Proo and Accepted Masons local ledge nro making extensive piopara- tions to hold their first ball at tbo Burling ton house Friday evening of this wooir. Mr. A. B. Laforr.io , Boston , Mass. , says : I ordered and distributed one dozen largo bottles tles Bradycrotlno among my friends aflllctpd with hoaducho , and In every case It has af forded almost Instantaneous rencf. Murilcroil nnil 1'laceil on the Trnclc , GALLUP , N. M. , Fob. 24. A brakeman on the Atlantic & Paciflo railroad was found dead on the track under bis caboose last night. Tno train bad just started when bo was discovered , and hud slightly bruised him. It is thought that ho was murdered and then placed on the track. His money and watch wore gono. Van tioutou's Cocoa Tbo original , most soluble. Licenses. The following marriage licenses wore Is sued by .fudge Eller yesterday ; Name and A'ddress. Ago. I Charles Brown , Omaha . , . 'M | Mary A. bholloy , Omaha . U , ! i Frank Brown , Omaha . 21 1 May Bolen , Omaha . 10 I Ernst Bonlco , Omaha . 27 ] Henrietta Uudzuwauk. Omaha . . . -J j Wlllard Slmw. Oniiilm . SO | Christine Anderson , Omaha . ID Impaired digestion repaired by Boocbam's PilU. Some of Broken Bow's citizens are blush ing with shame because certain other citi zens of the place gathered to see a dog fight on tbo public streets. Onn of tbo "blushers" describes the event as "a scone which would disgrace a mining camp. " "Well I Well I" That's ' the way you feel after one or two of Doctor Pierco's Pleasant Pellets have done their work. You feel well , instead vof bilioub nnd con- N& htinated ; your sick headache , dizzi ness nnd indigestion are gono. It's done mildly nnd cosily , too. You don't have to feel worse before you feel better. That is the trouble with the huge , old-fa&hioncd pill. These nro small , sugar-tioatod , easiest to take. Ono little Pellet's ft laxative , three to four are cathartic. They logulato and cleanse the liver , stomach ach mid bowels quickly , but thoioughly. They're the cheapest pill , sold by druggists , because you only my for the uooil you got. got.They're guaranteed to give Nitisfactlon , ovsry time , or your money Is returned. That's tbo peculiar plan nil Dr. Pioico's medicines are sold on. "Value received , or no pay , " you can't got these terms with uuy other medicines , ut on v price. C'uti you iiik more ? ORDINANCE NO. 2t)04. ) An ordinance approving and enacting the riilub and rognlutionsof the lljard of Health presented to Iho city t'ounull and giving lo mild rules and regulations the force and of fset of ordinances. Holt ordalno : ! by the elly council of the city of Oniahu : Petition 1. That thu following rules anil reg ulations pri'Mintcd to thu city council by the Hoard > f llei.lth of thn city Onmluvbu and the same ate hereby approved and enacted thu same toha\e the force and cffoot of ordinan ces of said city : Kulo i , Thu Board of Health , as created nnd organised under IMu oh irtur of this city , shall uxiueisoa cultural sujiui vision over the health of the ulty , and shall huvu full power to taKu nil measures necessary to promote the health and cleanliness thereof , to abate nuisances of uvuiy desciliitlon on publlo and prlvutupinp- erty ; to pun out the Introduction wthln | thu city of malignant , contagious and Infeetlona dlbottbcs , and to remove , ijuarantluo or other wise dispose of any person or persons at tacked or having any such disease nnd to adopt In reference to any btich person or per sons any rules leKnlatlons , restrictions or incasuros that may. by thuboaid to deemed necess try or advisable. Jtulo'J. It shall be the duty of said Honrd of Health , whenever , In Its judgment , theolty Is alllletud or threatened with an epidemic , con- tnxlous or Infectious disease , to Usuuor eauso to bo Issued , such ordois regulations and In- itruotlous as may In their judgment bo deemed effecth o for the provontlon , removal or limiting of such disease , which orders , rt'K- ulatlons and Instructions shall to published In full lu at least tno of the dally papers , and for such period of tlmo us the Hoard of Health shall determine , Huch orders regulations and Instructions to ba and remain In full force and offout until by Mild board revoked. Itulu U. Whenever it shall appear to the mayor or commissioner of health that uny person has been att.icl.od with uny contagious or Infectious dUcase , the mayor or commis sioner of health slintltoait o finch porsontobo Immediately removal to such place nsmiy by the bosrd ho designated : and If such person refuse to ho so romovwl , or if his or her eon- ill t Ion Is such that muh removal would be at tended with < lunKei\tlhen the timynr or com * mlmlonorof hc.ilttu shall Immediately take such monsures nsmnv ho deemed advisable to proven ! the spread of the contagion or in * fe-tlon. nnd to cauao.nny such person or the promls s where hnonalio may bo to bo quar antined , and to ptovont the Ingress or OBIOSS of nnv person orpurxons they may dcslio to said premises. Kulo 4 Any pcrnniiulTcriiR from any such Infectious or uonUjtlnus dlso-iso , who shall willfully expose himself In any street public plncoor fonvuynnco ; or ny uorsoit having care , clmrgo or control ot nny such person In the nlty , nr vvlthln tliteo miles thereof , whn shill permit such oxoosuru ; nnd nny person who shall letor routHo nny other person or permit any other person to use or occupy anv IIDIISO , room or part ot honso In which nny person has bcon confined bv reason of any such disease , without having such house or room completely disinfected to the satisfac tion of ihn commissioner nf heiHh , hill on convictionbu lined us provided In thlsordl- nanco. \Vhonoveranvporsononany railroad train com.UK into Utnilm shall show symp toms Indicating an attack of fliniill pox or other contagious disease , or vvhenovor any sueh fasts shall come to the know Icdifo of the conduotoror the person In chargu of any such train , as shall lead him to suppose that any person on his train Is attacked with smallpov , or is Infected with thu disease. It shall bo his duty , before ho shall have reached a point within llY. mllej ot the city limits , to tu'.o- graph such fact to thomavoror commlsslanur of health , and whenever It shall bu Impossible to send snub telegram , said conductor , or per son havliu mich train In charge , and having n person on board HO suspected by him of hav ing the smallpox or other contagious or Infec tious dlseiisc. shall detain sueh person on the train on reaching Omaha until ho shall have notified the mayor or commissioner of hoatlh , or some officer of the health department thereof of such fast , and until a reasonable tlmo shall have elapsed after such notice for no health department of the city to take charge of such person. * KulnO. It shall bu the duly of onch nnd every practising physician In the cltv to re port In writing to the commissioner of health , the dentil of tiny of his patients who shall have died In said city , of contagious or Infec tious disease , within twonty-fourhonrs there after , nnd to stntu In Mich report the specific name and typo of such disease. Rule 7. The Boaid of Health shall have the power to appoint or confer upon the oonimls- ulonorof health power to appoint any and all necessary aid or iisslstanco In c irrvlng In to effect nny rule adopted by the Hoard of Health or ordinance of the city or law of the state. In relation to Infectious or contagious diseases , or the sanitary condition of the city. Itulu 8. No nersoii or uursoiis shall molest , hinder , Interfere with or In anv inuiinor pro- veuts.ild commissioner of health or an Indi vidual engaged In thu health department of thu elty from performing nny duty Imposed upon him or made by any law of the city or any rule of thu Hoard of Health. UiilutL Whenoxer nny uhyslclan or other person In this cltv shall know or h.ivo reason to know of , or suspect the existence of any case of cholera , vellow fever , small uox. varl- olold , scarlet fuvcr , dlpthcrla or other conta gious orlnfectloiiH disc iso within the corpor ate limits of the olty of Umiiha.or within three mliesof btich corporate limits , he shall Imme diately notify thu commissioner of health In wrltlncof the same , together with Us local Ion and the name ot the person. . If known , nflllc- tcd wlthsuch disease. And Immediately up on such notice the health commissioner shall causu apl.ieaul with the name of the dlsc-ise to ho duly placed upon such honso , which placaid shall not bo removed except by o rdor of the heaJth commissioner ; and no child , minor or person from uny honso whom uny person or persons are sick or airected with any of the diseases abo\o mentioned shall attend any public. irlvato ) orsoetarl in school In the city of Omah.i until tun days fiom the re- coveiy or death of saldslck peisonor persons , an.l until said house has been propurly fumi gated and disinfected and a certificate of the fact clon to thu health commissioner ! and In case of death from any snub contagious dis eases , the room used by the slult puison or pur- sons and those rooms connected therewith , and tlio contents of said rooms shall bo thor oughly disinfected , cleaned and f nmlg ited , and such other precautions taken us the health commissioner may direct. The ru- malnsof any person dylns of any contagious diseases shall bu disinfected by helm ; wrapped thoroughly In cloths baturatud with l > I-chioi- Idoof merouiy solution bcfoio belug placed in ao.isltct. Uulo 10. It shall bo unlawful for any physi cian or other uorson to move or cause to be moved a known or suspected cnsu of cholera , yellow fevur. small-pox , vurlololil , scarlet fever , diphtheria or sniy contagious or Infec tious disease , from one building to another , within thu corporatg limits of the city of Omaha or within three miles thereof , without previous consent of the commissioner of noaltli Kulo II. It shall bo unlawful for any porspn * or persons to remove any clothing or other property that may Imvo been exposed to In fection from any contagions disease from the house , building or other premises where so ex posed , without the previous written consent of thu commissioner of health authorizing such lemoval. Kulo 12. Every keener , proprietor , manager , owner , lessee or occupant of anv Lioardliu house , tenement hoiihU. or lodging house , and every mn-Ueeper and hotel keeper , shall im mediately rcoort In writing to the commis sioner ut health any known or suspected case of cholera , yoliow fever , smallpov. vnrlolold or other contagious or infectious dlsoasu In any of the aforesaid house ; . Inns or hotels , to gether with thu name , If known , of the por.-on having or attacked by any such disease. Kulo 1J. The commissioners manuKois , prlnulpils and other proper head ollleer * of each and every public or private Institution In the elty of Omahasnall Immediately report In wrltliu to the commissioner of ho ilth every case jf uholcia. yullow fovcr , t > mnllpovarlo - lold , scarlet fcvor , diphtheria or other conta gious 01 Infections dlscaso known or suspected at nny suuh Institution over which ho or they may na\o contiol. HuleU. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to retain or expose , or allow to bu retained or exposed , the dead body of uny human hclng to the peril or Injury to the life 01 health of any person within thu city or within three miles theieof. HvimoriioiiiA. Itulo 1.r > . That every animal which Is mad or has thu hydrophobia , or shows symptoms thereof , shall , by the persons owning thu same , or hnv Ing thu possession , char.ro or con trol theieof. bo Immediately killed : and every animal that has been exposed toBucli disease shall bn at once con lined In somu secure place for such length of tlmo as to snow that such exposure has riot ulv on such animal said dls oasu , and so us to avoid all daiiKor to life or health. And the dead body of any animal that died of aiich disease shall bo ut omo , by such person , burled not less than three feet under ground , at home place not within one thous and feet of uny residence. VACCINATION. liulolG. It shall bo thoduty of the Health Commissioner to keep on bund a supply of bovlno virus and to omloavor to have till per sons , in the vicinity of nny locality whuro uny person IIIIH been attacked with smallpov. or whole thu disease Is apprehended piomptly vuolnatod , Kulo 17. The Hoard of Health may take such measures as they may , from time to time , deem necessary lo prevent thu spro id of smallpox , by uanlng an ordur icrinlrlng all persons In thu city or any puit theieof , need ing vaccination , to bu vaccinated within sueh tlmo us It shall prccilho : provided , It shall bu thn duty of the commissioner of health to vac cinate all whosh ill apply to htm for that pur pose without charge , and shall glvo cut tillcates of vaccination to children who havu been vac cinated by him , and who may luqulru such cer- tllluutus for admission to nil schools , KnlelH. Hvury person boln : , ' thu parent or guardian , or hav IIIL- the care , custody or con trol of any mlnoi or other Individual , shall , to the uxtunt of thu moans , power and authoi- Ity of such parent. Kiiardlun orothur pcisou , that could properly bo used or uxerted for that purposecausa and proctiroaiich mlnoroi Individual to bo promptly , fro.jueutly and elTuutniilly vaccliuiinU. that thu said mfnoror Individual shall nuutjjko or bu liable to taku thu smallpox , Uulo Hi. That no .parent , master or uusto- dlan of any child or minor , having the author ity to prevent , Bhallipermlt nny snen child or minor to bu nnneuexsarlly exposed or noed- lesslv to expose any. other person in the tak ing of thu smallpox or the Infection of any contagious disease. DHAT11S. KuleSO. Any phynlclan , midwife or profes sional advisor who lias attended any person at his or her last Illness , or has been profes sionally present at the iloalh of biicli pi-roon , shall make an I preserve a register of each death , stating thu person's name , ace , color , box. nativity , occupation , and whether mar ried or single , pnivJons loHldenee , and also fcpeolfy thu date nml'hotir ' , the place and street and number ( If nomboicd ) , ut which thu donth occurred , and the cause of such death , ami when nnd wheroiUiu disease was contract ed , If known. IlETOHTS. DuloSI. And Itflhall bo thoduty ot every person mentioned In the last boollon to present to the department of health within thlrtv-slx hours after thu suld death a cony of suuh reg ister signed by such person , which slmll there fore bu placed on lilo with said department. COHO.XKlt. Rule 22. The roionor shall make tothocom- rnlsslonui of health within twenty-four houis ot each and eveiy Incjiiest hold In said city , a written statement stilting when and where and upon whoso bodv biicli Inquest was held , and the cause , date and place of death of such person. Kulo2a No undertaker , agent of any rail road or other person shall receive for trans portation or carry out of this city any dead body , nor shall uny superintendent , owner , sexton or employe of uny cemetery , Brave- yaul , cemetery association or company re colvo uny such dead body for burial or permit thu same to be burled within any cemetery or place for thu burial of thu dead without thu presentation ut thu tlmo the body 1s presented for shipment or Interment , of a permit signed by the commissioneruf health , which permit slmll bo returned to the of Ucu of thu Hoard of Health within Iho days of the dutu of suld shipment or Interment , ulth the date nnd place of sild shipment or Interment plainly Indorsed thereon tin I signed by the person so receiving thu body. Rule 01. No dead body shall bo taken from the city for Interment or shall bo Intoreil within thoclty until the statement required by the forogoitu Bi-ctlons slmll have been Illeil vvJtli thu commissioner of health , nnd the per mit of s'lld commissioner of he lit h first ob tained for such icmoval or Interment Itl.lltSTIlTtn.V. . lliilo'ax Hvory physician or mldnlfo pract ising his or her profession In Hits elly Is n . - to register his name , place of ruiltleneo and of fife , and every oh ingu In the location of his ofilco or residence. In a book to bo kupi fin that purpose In the of ( Ice f the Hoard ot Health. SCHOOLS. Uulo 2(1 ( That no master or tcacher.or mana ger of or In nny school , publlo or private , or of or In uny SumHy school or gymnasium , nor the of llcers or managers thereof , nor officers or mana-ers nor persons having chat o of uny plaee of publlo worship , or shall sn far omit or neglect any duty or roiooniihtu earo or precaution - caution respecting the s ifotv or health of any scholar , pupil or attendant , or respecting tin ) temperature , ventltitlon or cleanliness or strength ot any church , ball of worship , school house , school room or place of practice oro\orcl c , or relative to anything nppurto- nmt : thcteto , us that by reason of such HOK- Icot or omission the health of any person shall sulfororlncur uuy avoidable peril or dutrl- ment. Kulu27. No master or toieheror manager ot or In any suliool , publlo or private , shall cause , permit or allow thu s-imi ) to any per tion or apat Uncut , or room to bo overcrowded orlnudequnti ) , faulty orlnsufllcent In resjicet to ventilation or cleanliness. Kulo23. o prlnclp ilof any school , and no principal or teacher of any private school , sectarian or other school , shall admit to any such school any child or minor who slmll not havu been vacillated within sovCn years nnxt proceeding the admission or application for admission to nny miuh school of any snob child or minor ; nor shall nny such principal or teacher retain or permit to attend In any such school uny child or mtnorwho Khali not nave been vaccinated within seven ye us next proceeding the attendance of such child. KuloSt ) . The evidence of uch vaccination to bo presented to any such principal or tuachor us Is mentioned In the proceeding section shall bo a curtllluatn signed by thu commis sioner of health or any physician duly licensed under the laws of the slate of Ne braska. KulolH ) . The commissioner of health Is here by empowered to vlsltoi causu to bo visited any and all and cause to bo made nn examin ation of the chlldion and mlnois In attend ance In the pub Ic and private schools In thu cltv us often ns ho may deum necessary to s0- cuiu compliance with thu provisions hereof. FOOD. KnloHI. It shall bo unlawful for any person or persons , Hrm or corporation In the city of niiiuliu , to keep for sulo or to olfor or expose fors'ilooito soil any unsound , atalu , putrid , or dlsoascd moat. 1Mb or fowl. Kulol/J , H shall he unlawful for anv person or persons , II rm or corporation to keep for sale orolTuror expose for sale any dlso ised fruit or vegetable whatever , or to sell uny stale or unsound vegot-iblo or fruit of nny kind or de scription , or any unwholesome , watered or adulterated mlllc , In all cases arising under thu provis'ons of this ordlninco. If the milk shall ho shown , upon analysis , to contain moro than feS per cent of water , or to contain lo = s than 12 per cent ot milk solids , S3 percent of which milk solids shall bo tats.lt shill bu deemed for the purpose of this ordinance , to ho adulterated. Uulo : u Hvurv butcher , crocor and milk doiler. tholf iigents. servants and employes. shall allow the commissioner ot health and olllcorsof tl.o department freely and fully to inspect their eattlo and milk , moat and fish and vcRotablcs hold and offered for sale , and shall answer all reasonable questions asked by such persons relative lo the condition thereof and ot the places where such articles maybe. Killu.'M. No adulterated or deleterious cof fees , tuas , or other preparations from which drinks are made , shall bo bought , sold , hold ; or oflored for b lie. Itulor : . No e'llf , pig or lamb , nor the meat thereof shall bu bought , hold or ottered for salu us food in s ild city which at the date when killed ( being a calf ) was less than four weeks old , or ( being apU ) vvas < when killed less than II vo weeks old , or ( being a lamb ) was vvhun Killed loss than eight weeks old. Nor shall any meagre , slcklv or unwholesome fish , blr.l or fowl or game be bought , held , sold orolfoiod for sale us such food In the city of Omaha. KulellO. No meat , or dead animal shall betaken taken to any publlcor private market for sulo until the same shall h-ive fully cooled , and all blood shall have ceased dilppliig throfrom , after Its killing , nor until thu entrails , head. hoi ns or feet have been lomovcd ; nor shall gut fat , nor any unwholesome or olTcnslvu m ittur or thing lu brought toor near any such miit- ket. ket.KuloilT. KuloilT. No person being the manager or keeper of any saloon , boarding house or lodg ing house , or being employed us clerk , servam t or agent thereat , shall therein or tlieraat offer , or have for food or drink , or to bo eaten or drank , any provisions deleterious or un wholesome or poisonous substunco. nor allow anything therein to be done or to occur preju dicial to health. Mlt.K. Kulo 39. No person shall have at any place whore milk , butter or cheese is kept for sale. nor at uny place sell or deliver or olfer. or Imvo for sale or keep for uso. nor shall any person bring or solid to said clty.any imvv hole- some , or wateiod , oradnlter ited milk , or milk known us ' swill milk , " or milk from cows or other animals that for thu most part have bcon kept In stables or that havu been fed on swill , or milk Horn slek or diseased eowo or other animals , or any btitturor eheesu made from any such milk , or nny unwholesome but ter or cheese. KuloOT. It shall ho unlawful for any person , Hrm or corporation to soil or uiiuso to bo sold , or Keen for sale , any milk ut any grocery or store or other public nlrice , or to peddlu or sull fiom any wagons or other vehicles In the city of Omaha without first having obtained a per mit from thn board of health for each wagoner or vihlclusodilven or used or for each store or place at which milk Is so kept or sold or offered for sale , which permit shall state thu name of thu applicant , the street and number where such milk Is to bo sold , or If peddled , tlu > kind of wa on to bo used : tlio particular location of thu dairy and thu name and resi dence of thu Doison owning the dairy at winch such milk Is obtained. Kulo 4 ) . Kald permit shall bo for the period of one year , and thu applicant sh ill pay to the treasurer as a feu therefor , thu sum ot $10 per annum , nnd such license shall not bo transfer able or unthorlrc tlio legal license to soil milk at liny other place than the onu named in the permit. Nothing In this section shall apply or have refeienco to hotels , boarding houses or restaurants , where milk Is sold or used upon the promises , or to persons selling milk at their private residence , where not moro than two cows ale owned or kept. Kulo 41. All persons to whom permit may bu granted shall post and keep thu same In a con spicuous place In the room or place , or wason or vehicle for which It was granted , and all persons permitted to peddle or soil milk from a wagon shall forthwith causu the name of the per n It and thu number of his permit to bo plainly printed In lottuis and llguius. at luast two nnd one-half Inches in luiuth , In a con spicuous place on tne outside of each side of thu vehicle , and shall Keep thu same plain and distinct at all times when used during thu continuance of his permit. Knlu-12. It shall bo the duty of all poisons hav-In- milk for sale to furnish any officer of the health department of thu city , upon ap plication , with a sample of his milk so offered for Hale , not lesi than three ounces In quan tity , for thu purpose of analysis and the In spection of the health department. Itnlu4l. All mire milk shall bu deemed to contain 12 percent of milk solids , 25 per cunt , orone-quurter of which milk sold shall bu fats , and uny hotel , boarding house or res taurant furnishing milk to their boarders , guests or customers or uny of them , contain ing a less quantity of milk solids than Is huiu- In prescribed or a greater quantity of water thanbK percent , shall caused to bo posted and kept In a conspleloiis place In thu dining room vvhuiuaiioh milk Is fin nlslied fur use , a caid with thn woids "watered milk" plainly printed thereon In largo letters not less than threu Inches In luinth , so that thu sumu may bo plainly read from all narts of the room , Kulo 4 1. It shall bo unlawful for uny person , firm or corporation lo sull uny skimmed or uatored milk , or milk containing less than ! J pur cent of fats or less than 1. per cent of milk solids without Infoiinliig thu purchaser thereof pi lor to thu pmch'iso ' that thes.ime Is skimmed , vvutuiod or ndulloiuted milk. OAllllAdi : . Kulo 41. In order to piolect the health of the Inhabitants of thu city , all iMihagu must bo removed to such pliieu as the Board of Health may fiom tlmo 10 tlmo dlioct , The Hoiiid of Health shall havu powei to prescribe such rules aslt n ay deem pioper , not consistent with the character and ordinance of the city , to covern the manner < ind time for the col lection nnd icmoval of such garbage. Kulo 4IL Thu word garbage as used heroin Is Intended to mei n all lefuse , animal or vege table matter. All earls or vehicles u ed for the collection of garbage within the olty shall bo constructed as In this oidlnaiao provided , nnd shall have the wuids "uuibiigu curt" plainly printed tlieion In letters not h ss than ( our ( J ) Inches In size. All such vehicles shall bnclcaned every night when In uso. Kulo 47 , Kory cart or vuhlclu used to trans port manure , garbage , swill , olful. ashes , eln- dursorother loose material In or through the streotsor alleys of this elty , shall bu fitted with a uood und substantial water tight box thurvon , thu sides ot which shall not bu less than twenty-four Inches hlh and construc ted of best hurd pine one and one-half Inches In thickness , tongucd and crovud so that no portion of such munuro or other loose mater ial hall scattered or thrown Into the streets and all earUorothor vehicles used for hauling garbage , swill or other utfontltu sub stances shall have the box thereon securuly unclosed with sulllclont covering orsoulosulv rtttod us to prevent thooscapo of any of the contents" or ollluvla therefrom. Nothing In this section shall hosotonstrued us to prevent private persons from hauling their own ma nure , ashes or Kurhugu with thulr own tuums In accordance with the terms of this resula- Kulo 49. Housekeepers and others may do- pojltewill , slop and other garbage- aultublu water II lit vessels , closolv covered , to l-o provldud at tholrown expense , uijil the side ofthfallov. sdjacent to llm alley , but no ashes orehombcr lye , or nnythliiK eit.o except garbage within thu meaning of this ordinance shall he deposited In such vesiols. The city fienviumeror garbage contractors and no onu else ( when o deposited ) shall remove sueh curb-ice dally from all holtls and boarding houses , and from all other nousu not less limit twice a week In summer and once a week In the winter. W.I'OStTS. Kulo 4" . No per cin shall deposit on any si reel , r. . Hey or public plaee In the limits of the elty , or upon anv paved street heieaftercon- ( ill ueted , any dirt , bilck or other nnterl.il In such miintior us to obsti net the fieu flow of wnter along -my ditch or gutter. Hulor.j. That no person. Hrm or corporation , their agents , servants or contractors shall iisonnv mmittto , olful. pii-r. ) r.us , uarlmue. or street sncoplnzs nr anlmiil or vegetable iimttoi whatever In flllliu up nny rxe.ivutlon , hole or swaleluimn any lot or lots , or u e anv such material fut the purpose of tulslng the grade of uny lot or lots In thoclty of Omaha , or use any material uxcopt nirih , ashes or cinders for any ot said purposes. . Uiiloiit. No per on or poisons , film or cor poral Ion shall thiow , pluieot deposit. 01 cause lo bu thttnvn. plaoi-d 01 deposited any dung , carrion , dend animal , oftal , garbage or any putrid oroffonslvosntstunuu , or the oonlent-i of any privy nr cell pool upon thu margin or bunks or Into the watots of nny lake reser voir , creek or bond In the elty of Omaha , or Into nny slri'am llowliu Into any of the same. Nor shall anv ( lung , cairlon , dend unlmul , oll'al , or any putild or ollonslvo substance or thu contents of uny pi Ivy or icss pool bo thrown , placed or deposited upon uny street , ulley , public in prlvutu ground , thu natural diafnuau of tbo How of the surface waters of winch In Into uny river , crook reservoir , hike orothor body of water within thu limits of tvild elty except us the Board of Health may dlicctor permit. ANIVIAL < < . Kulo 62 No person shall kc-op or retain , or allow or rmplnv to bu kept or telained , In any place within the limits of the elly any horse , uss , or colt having the dlsuu'u known us the glunduis or farcy , and all such animals found within thu city limits or within three Ul ) miles thereof shall bo Immediately destioyed bv order ef thoclty voter nurlnn. Kulo 5,1. No cattle shall be kept In anv place of which the water , ventilation and food are not sulllclen t and wholesome for thn preser vation ot their health , sifu condition und whotcsomoncss of food , livery owner , ngont , lessee , tenant or occupant of uny stall , table or apartment In which any horse , cow or other animal may bu kept , or any place In which any manure , or solid or liquid disehaigu or excrement may collect or accumulate , shall at nil times keep or causu to ho kept such stall , stable or apartments nml the drainage. yar.ls and appurtenances thuieof In u cleanly , healthful nndvholesomu condition , and no ollcuplve smell shall bo allowed to escape therefrom , and thu sumo shall ho dlslnteulud In accordance with Instructions from the de- pal tment of health. NOTICE. Kulo ! > 4 , In order to thu , carrying out of these regulations It shall bo the duty of the commissioner of liealth to serve a notice. In writing , upon the owner occupant or agent of anv lot , building or piumlses In or upon which any nuisance may bu found , or who maybe the owner orcuubO of any such nuisance , re- qulrlnt : them to abate the nuisance In thu manner proscribed In these regulations. Kulo Vi. Such notice may bo given or served by nny olllccr who may bu directed or deputed to give or make the same ; and If suuh ownur , occupant or agtmt shall neglect 01 refuse to comply with thu requirements of such order within the time specified , they shall bu sub ject to a line of not less than live dollars , nor more than fifty dollars for every suuh viola tion , and It shall bo the duty of the sild olll ccr to proceed ut once , upon the expiration of thu time speclllod In said notice , to cause snch nuisance to bo abated ; nnd provided , fnrlhui , that whenever the owner , occupant or agent of premises In or upon which nny nuisance may bo found , Is unknown or cannot bo found , thu suld commissioner shall proum 1 to aha ti the same without notice : and In either easu the expense of such abatement , sh ill lu col lected from thu poison 01 poisons who may havocro it'd , continued und sulloicd such nuisance to exist. Kulo 50. The commissioner of health shall cause all nuisances to he abated with reason able promptness and for tin1 purpose of cany- Ing out thu lequliumunts of these teguliitlonb he shall he permlttu I at all times to enter In the day time uny house , store , stable or other building und to cu < se the lloors to bu raised If ho shall deem It necessary in ordur to a thor ough examination. Knle 57. Whenever any nulsinco shall bo found on uny of the picmlscb or elsewhere within thu city eontiary to the piovKlons , teims or requirements of this otdltmnco. It is hereby made the special auty of the commis sioner of health to proceed In the manner pi o- vldedfor und pointed out by thu law und or dinances of thu city , und the regulations of thn board of health to cause the abatement or re moval of thu same. Kulo. "A Any unclean , leaking , foul , defect ive or filthy drain , ditch , tank or gutter , or any leaking or broken slop , gaibugu or man ure box or lecoptncluof llkn character , wnui- evur or whenuvur found within the limits of thu elty of Omaha , shall ho deemed a nui sance. Uulo 5" ) . All vegetable waste , litter , gurb- ugn. filth or refuse of any natuic. kind or dc- scilpllon whatsoever , found In or upon uny private ullev , yard or area within the limits of thuelty of Om ilia , cx'copt us Is so deposited undur the provisions ot this oidlnuncc , shall bj deemed a nuisance. KulufiO. Whenevoi nny collar , basement , or pai t thereof , 01 any housa or buldlng within tlio llmltsof the city of Omaha , shall be found to bo damn or moist by reason of leaking or defective hydr nits , water plpefr , scwei pipes , clstorns or wells , uutteis , drains , rain spouts , or seepage from the surrounding oiilh , < from a deposit of anv kind or nature , or fiom nny cause whatever , shall become do tilmontnl to health , the samu shall bu deemeJ u nui sance. Kulo 01. Whenever any stable , stall , shed or apirtmcnt.or any yard or uppurtcnnnco there of In wjiluh any horse , cow or swine , or nnv animal shall ho Kept , or any other place within thu llmltsof thu city of Omaha , In which man ure and liquid dlsclmiKCs of suuh animals shall collect , and accumulate , nnd which stable , stall , shed or apartment , shall not be kept In a cleanly and wholesome condition , M ) that no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom , the same shall bo deemeil a nuisance ; provided , that nothing in this sec tion slmll uu construed to Include maniiie de posits updn any private properly for the pur pose of cultivating thu same. Kulelj' , Whenever there shall bo found In or upon uny lot or piece of mound within the llm ts of the city of Omaha any dh t gathered In cleinlng yardri , vvnstu fiom mills or facto ries. or any I.IKS , damaged merchandise , wot. broken or leaking barrels , casks or boxes , or any inatoilals which am ollunslve , or tend by decay to becemo putrid or lender thu atmos- phuru Impure or unwholesome the same shall be deemed u nuisance. Kulo ( , I ) Thu business or any other part thoieof , or uny of them , of hone crushing. bone bolllii ! . ' , bone rendering , bonu burning , fat boiling , fat lenduilng , fat drying , gut cleaning , or thn making of glue , or the manu facturing of furlHUIng material of any kind 01 description from any do.u'l anlmiil or p irt thereof , or any bnllhrofollal , swill , fat or grease of any description , which shall bo done or carried on In an ollonslve , unclean ordefoc- tlvo manner. In any building , yr-rd or lot of ground within tliu limits of tlio city of Omaha , shall be duiiaied u nuisance. KnlufiJ , It shall lie unlawful to elect any stock yards , slaughter houses , pig duns , so ip , coal oil 01 vlliol fuctoiles within thu llmltsof thu oity of Omaha without permission fiom the olty council after udvlco from the board of health , and whoever does so erect uny stock yuid , slaughterhouse , pig pen , soap , coal oil 01 vltiol factory within such limits , shall bu lined ns provided In this ordinance. Kiiluil" ) . Any lot or piece of ground within the limits of thi ) city of Omaha on which thoru Is a pond of unwholesome. Impure or ollcnslvo water shall bn deemed a nuisance. Kulitiii ! . Any well or clsiuin on any prop erty within the limits of thu city of umana , whenever a uhumlcul analysis or other proper test or the locution of thu sumu shows that the water of said well or els'em Is of un Imnuie or unwliolusoino nature , shall bo deemed a nui sance. Killed" . Kvcry owner , agent , tenant , occu pant , lessor , lessee or other person In posses sion of any promises or any part thereof upon which Is located a well containing Impiiioor unwholesome w.ilei must abandon the use of thu same , nnd must cause the same lo bo filled up with earth or such other material us may bo designated by the commissioner of health , Kulelj. llveiy tenement house , boirdlng house , lodging house , or any building used for such puiposcs , or any part thereof within the llmltiuftliu elty , slmll bu leased , Inlor tented to bn occupied by uny person 01 poisons In which todvvDll or loduo , nnd which lonement house , boaiUIni ; hoiiie. lodging house or build ing , or any part thoiuof , Is not snlllulunlly lighted 01 ventilated nnd ptovlded with water und kept In a cleanly und sanltai y condition , of which , or any part thereof , thu stiengih ventilation or sewerage Is In uny manner , bliupuor form dungoioua , Insnllleient , or pin- Judicial to life orhuillh. or which shall nut bo provided with adequate and properly con structed privies or witter closets shall he douinod u nuisance. Kulo CO. Whenever from any distillery , hrbwury , tannery , hide house , pork house , laundry , llsh honbo , MIUP factory , or uny yuid , dwelling , stoiu or factory , or any yard or un- olojiiro of nny kli'd whatsoever , within Iho limits of thu olty of Omaha , there Is dis charged Into or on any street , alley , avenue , sidewalk , gutter or any vacant lot , any filthy or offensive water , swill or liquid , or watte or refuse of any kind which Is ollonsl\u or which Is liable to becumo so , shall be deemed u nui sance , * Kulu TO. Hvcr v browoiy , distillery , tiuiimiy livery stable or bain , or any factory , pltco or premises , which Is 01 shall become noisome , foul or olVenslve , shall bu doomed a nuisance. Kuli)71. Any wiapnliu paper , waste paper. hand bills , old clothes , boot * , shoos , h.inds , tin canu , dead ruU , broken dishes , 01 combustible material,01 any rubbish wh itovcr thiuwn into or upon any btiect. alloy , slduweik , gutter 01 public ditch or pubilu lot , shall bu deemed a nuisance , Kulo 7. . livery other act or thliu , doiio 01 made , permitted or allowed , or continued on uuy property , publlo or ntlvutu , by any Pcuon or corporation , tholr agents orsorvnnto. dotrt mental to health or to thu dumaan or liijur * of anv of the Inlmliltntits of this city , nnd not horelnboforo specified , shnll bu dceinu.l u nul nance. llulu ri No person shall ovpoco , convor fl/ 7 plnco.iirlndiiio any other person n to do , In any stiopior public plnen any snbstnnco mil- ' ' mnl or ilium to the Dtojuilico of the mibllol bo iItli , 1 Hull ) 74. Nobiilldlnz , vehicle , structure. re-1 loptuolu or thlntf. used or to ho used tor nny inmnMo whatever. lmll ho used , nmiiii. kept , maintained or operated In Ihu cltv. If thu use , K"Ciltig. | maintaining or operation of the same slmll bo Ihu occasion of nnv nuisance , or dan- p'touHOi detrimental to publlo health. ljuli)7\ ) .No diseased or sloUlj horse , eattlo , Nwlno , shiop , ( log , or othnr iiiilmal , nor any that niav have Icon ovpinoil to nny ilNnnso thill Isooiilnglous iiinonit such animals "hall IHJ til-nit sht Into the city of Omaha. Itnlo7l. ( .No person shall sulm or bathe In nny crook , Inkn , resorvoli or o'hci stmint or hoilvof vvalor nltlnn the limits of thurlty of Omtth i , in In any manner befoul nny of s.UiI hodliHof vvMot or thu streams llowliu Into the MIHII | > . f KuloTT. I'.very nuUnnco In th ! ordinance mentioned , doclnrod or dcllneil , Is heiohy pro hibited , nnd the same shall be nh.ited cither by lining updraining , cleaning , purifying or rcinov Inn thesiimo. as the O'isu m.n lie. Hu oS. In order to bolter uitiry out the pro visions of this otdlnnnoo , Itclmll bo Iho iluty of the commissioner of honlth niidnuoh other ollk'cn as i lay be dliected by him to seireu initlco In trilling upon the uu nor. occupant 01 ! ngcnt of nny lot , building or pioinlKos In oc upon vvhloh uny nulsutipi ) may lo found , or upon him vvlmmny bo thnovvnor or cnilsu ot any such iiiilsnncu loiitllilng him to nbnto thosntmi In Mich mnniiurns the ofllcorM'rvlug such notice shall , tinder the dlii'i-tlnn of the rmnmlsslimvr of health ptosoiiloi prnvldid , t lint II slmll not bunecossirv In nny e.nufor. iinr nfllcor to specify In his notlcu Iho manner v In nliloli any nuisance sh ill bu abntod , miles' * It Rliull bo doomed advisable HO to do ; nnd If such owner , occupalil or ngoiit Khali iieslect or lofusu to comply with tlio ronuliuni'iiu of suuh notice , within the llmo herein siioclllud , he shall , upon conviction thcruof , be lined RB hereinafter provided. Itulu 71) ) It slmll hi ) ( ho duly of the commls- stonoi of health and such oihernfllccrs as niav be nppolnto.1 by thu Ilimrd of llonllh from tlmn to tlmu to nscuit.iln anil CIIIM : < all nuis ances doeliued to lie ucli In this ordinance , tube abated , and onoh-ind all of s'lld nfllcurs shall unilei Iho supervision of the commis sioner of health have authoillv In tin ) day time to outer any slnichmiw. stnhlu or nny building , In older lo make a thorough uxntn- in.itlon of thu ccllnis. vaults , sinks nnil drains ; to inter upon nil lots orgtnnnils. and to cause all stagnant wiitmsto be drained off ! awl pools , sinks , vaults , din'iis ' , holes or low around , to lo cleansed , III oil uporothornlso pin Inod , and so cause nil uoloiiio substance ! to be abated or removed n ptovliled by the laws and ordinance' of thoclty. . . HuloSJ. Wlii-n nocess.uy to constinct oc s pools on prlvutu grounds , the sumo xhnll , when pructlcablo. bo located In the rear of the lutson the llnoof the ulloy ; nnd no eesbpuol shall be loiMted or conslriiuled on any lot or lots noaiur lo the p trillion 01 side jlnodlvld- Ingtho sumo from udlolnlng pioperty man Is f-pecilled In thu suction lulutlng to the con struction of pnv los. KnleSI. Thoconlonts of any prlvv1. prlvy- vnult , prlvyboHlnU or cesspool within the llmltsof thu city of Urnilia , shall not bu re moved thorufiom , nor shall thus tine be tian - IHiitod tliiough any sliiot , alley or public place within the city , except thioiiKh or by means of : ilr tight vessels or i pparitiM np- proved by the health department , which shnll preserve such contents from slcht m oxposnio during such process of removal or tianspoita- tlon ; and Ilial such reinovnl shall not take platu u\cupt bulvvuun the hours of 10 o'clock p. m. nnd 5 o'clock a. in. ne\l following. I'ltivv VAUI.TS. Kulo W. Tvory dwulllng , losidonco. store , tenement housomil factory , within the ully of Omaha , shall bu fuinHicn with a suitable Iirlvy , and water olosot and tes-pool. but no in ivy , or pi Ivies , vault 01 ciaipool , shall hoiuaftur he constiucteu within thu city of Omaha wlllionta permit foi that purpose Ilrst olif.lned from thu iloparlmvnt of hoallh. / Uulo H.I. That nvury poison who shall butho , ownoi , lus-ou or Keeper or m.unm'or of nny tenement house , bo.iidlng house , lodging lionsormnniifnetoi v , shall piovhlo , orcauso to bu provided , for the nccoiiiinoiliitlon thoieof , nnd for tin- use of llu tonents.loiUurs , hn.irduism workui- , therein , ndoiii.ite ] pi I v lea or water closet- , and the s.ime shall bee ad- oiiiiluly | vontilatuil , and shall al all times hd kept In such cleanly and wholesome condition as not to bo offensive or daniroioiis or dotrl- mental to health. And no oHen-he smell or gnssus fiom 01 through anv outlet orsevvoi or through nny such privy 01 w itoi olostt shnll bu allowed bv any puiMin nfoiesaid to i \lst In Kiich hou-eor .my part theieof , or In any other house orlmlldlng KuluM , All privy vaultsmil cus-pools con- strnuied , used or mainlaine I wlihln said elty , shall bu const i ue ted of vvull burned br'ck ' or stonu , laid In nnd co itrd with 11 tout ) iiunllty of cement anil shall bu watur tight. All privy vaults heie.iftci'conBti ui'led slmll bu six tout In dupth und uo inoiu. Us sides and bottoms shall bu at le ist olelit inches thick , or In lieu of bilck In the bottom It may havu ono flag stone of Ihu sl/c of the vault laid In cement. Kulo a\ Any pcis'n who shill eonstiuct , miilnlnliior use 01 unnsu or puimlt to hocon- stincled. malnlalned or used , nny privy vailli 01 cess pool , not Lonstructed In compliance with thu piocsedlng section , shnll , upon con viction , be lined ns hereinafter pmvidod. KuluNi No privy vault shall bo built nr maliit'ilnad within tun feet of the llnu of any strcetorof the partv Hue of tin- adjacent lot or lots or of thu dooi 01 window of any house , or of any well ; piovldud , however , that any privy vault may bo unlitit unv place in thu lo.ir of any lot ton feet liom thu lo.ir llnuof said lot ( limiting upon any publle alley ; pro vided , houever. thai said v am t shall not bo noaiur to nny stiuot , dooi , window or well than Is provided in this section. No pi' vault ur co-spool , shall boconiDlnlod. norsl It bo vovurod until the same Ins been In spected by an oflieur of thu health depart ment r.nd has bcon found to eoriospond with tlio terms nnd urovlslons of this oidlnance. and thu rules nnd regulation i of thu Hoard ot llonllh. Kulu 87. It shall bu un law fill for the owner , ten int. sub-tenant , occupant. lesor , lessee or other person In possession , to maintain , Keep , pel mil or sullei to u\Nl any pi Ivy. pi Ivy vault , cess-pool , vvalei closet 01 anv other leceptaclohatsoovor ot human ovoioirtunt upon any piomltus w thin thceltv of Onmhn of which he or she ! ) thoownoi , audit , ten nut , sub-tenant , lussor , lessen or oieup ml , wlileli Is in a foul , full , Illlhy. silnkln/ . insecure , lunklng or defective condition , or emitting smells 01 oilois proludlulal to heallli.or In tiny other slateor condition which Is detiimefiial to public health. liuloeH. .No privy , vault or ocss-pool shall beconstrnclcil without nduiiialn | piovUlons for the ellectual and proiiur ventilations nnd claiming Ihuruof ; nor shall nny piivv vault 01 oesi-pool ho construeled having n pipe con necting with the ; nterli/r of nny iionse or building unless so art in'-'od as to prevent thu admission of mis Intoansli lioin-uor InilliliiiK , Kulo Mi. Whenever Iho mo of anv privy vault or coss-pool Is dlbconnpcleil , biioli privy vntilt oroiios-Dool must lie uloanul lo thu hot- torn nnd filled up with t-aithm olhoi sulUblo malorlal ; such illllng or olhui mateiliil used must bu under the supervision of thu commis sioner uf health or an olllici of t be oopai tinent of health. Itulu UO. AH privy vaults , coss-pools must he cleaned whenever thu rontenls thereof slmll bu with n Iwo and one-half feet of the top 01 hiirfiion of Iho ground , Itulu \\huiieveriliucoiituiilh ) of any pi Ivy vnull or cess-pool shall be roinovod 01 a no'.lcu or ordei shall ho Issued by the health depart ment for that purpose llio conic nts of MICI ) pi Ivy vault , shall bo cleaned lo I no hot torn , Kulo'.c' . NoperHon hhall throw Intoordn- posll In any vault , sink , privy or cehs-pool , any offal , nshcs , muiit , lUli , KIIIlingo or nny olhor substance vvhalover , oxoopl that uf of which nny such place Is Ihu nppiiipniito re ceptacle. Knleiu. That all putrid or ofToiiNlvo matter and all night soil an I Hie contents of sinks , prlvlos , vaults , cess-pools nnd nil obnoxious H u us ta n cos In said olty shall , bofoio tholr re moval nr otposnic. budls nfeclul nnd render ed linilfenshu by Ihu person who lemovtaor is about loiemovu thu name. Killed ) . The board of health shnll doNlgnnto thu dimming ground upon which shall bn dumped the contents of all vaults , pi Ivleu and cch3-uools , nnd U sh ill bu unlawful for any person or persona endured In eluiinlnc vaullf , jii I vies ori ess-pools loduinp hiich oonlontH on any olhi'i place or places In thuolty of Omaha or within three miles theieof. HJYYKK. KuloO" ) . No person shall In II.o elly deposit or tliiown Into any newer , so win Inlet or privy vault , which has a soviet-connection , nny aru- ulu whatever that may cause said unvVir to choKu up or otherwise eieato n nuisance , roi.iui : , Itulu Da It shall bn thu duty at tbo police olllcer-i to observe thu sanltaiy condition of their districts , and to IOPOII. tluoujdi thulr chief to llu coiiiniitfsliinor of health piomptly nny nuisance or aemimnlatoJ lllih found In any portion of Hie city. 1'INAI.TV. Kulo'17. An person who viol lies , dlsoboys , mult ? , neglects or infuses lo comply with or resists these regulations , or wlin loftueN or iiu/luols to ohuy nnv of thu mien , outers , niuclamatlonsor bin tury lu tilatlonx of the lionid of health , commlu ionei of huallh or mayor or who omits , neg oets or lofutow in ( oniply with or who ruilsts anv olllo < isoror- dors or Hpeclal rufjnlntions of n Id board ol health , coinmlfcslonur f ho.ilth nr mayor. slmll.iiponconvlutlim.hu lined In n sum not lesithmf . nor more than ilUO ; and tvcry ( imUslun. n'Kloct or eiiutluu iiico ol Ihu thlnu commanded or piohlblled by Ihlb oidlnunca ror tvveiily-fonr houisblmll oonstilulo a i'i | ninlo anif dlatliiclolfeni > e and hhall bu lined us Iiiuthereaho-i. s. Hecl'on ' - ' Tint this ordinance hhall tiilf * cllo lufT&ln forcu fiom and uflcr its pu V hilKO. r.isscd 1'obruury ICth , In'iV , JJIIN GIIOVKH , Olty t'lurk , Ii I' IIA Vlf. I'reftldeutC'lty Uouncll , Approved February 17th , l 'Ji ' or.o. i' . HI-MIA Mayor ,