THE OMATIA DAJLY HUE : TUESDAY , FKH1UUUV 23 , 8PBOIBlLNpT10BS. _ ' _ AI.VKIlTfKMKNTS I'Oll'VlfKSK COI.fMNS Kill tin tnkrn until Udjp , tn. . tor tlio eroding mil until 8.8U p.m. , ( or the morning or Sumlnr ( " 'I' ' lion All nrtrprtlfptncnlii In lliffo column * 1.1 ffntf n ilnn ftrfl Insertion. nnd 10 rrnt * n line Ihortnftor , or 13 tier linn tier month. No mlxcrtlnomcnt tnkcn for Itf" tlinn t > tout * for lie llrnt Itmorllon. Tornn.enan In dilvnncp. Count nbwil 7 words to ( linlltic. Inl- tlftK flKtirm. rml > ol , i < tr .cntli cnitnt n n wonl. All mlvrrtlM'inpnlfi tmi l rimroiuerntlTolr. Ailrer- flM-rn , bjr ii > qur < * llnir n numbered diecle. rn Imro tliclr If ttM aildrc-Funl to numbered letter In cnre ofTiir inn Anntrcr * m niMren > e < 1 will bo clcllv- ciril on iitmmtitlon of tlincliroV. _ I uV KH'-KS AT\rKurriixTTbHTisK ; 'roltinins will be tnkon on tlio nlioro conditions M Hie following bnclnemi holme * , wlio nro ntitlior- Irirt to tnk > - fpcclnl millet- * fit tlio smo rates nscnn te ( mil nt tltcirmlnnlllec : hmith Omnlm llrnncli Ofllcc No. 2GM N etrcct I.lfter hlock. Jolilf W llpll , phnrmncM , IHh nnd Mmon ( treeu , t > II rnrn wortti , | ilmrmncl t , 3II.S C'nmlntf flrect. W..I. Iliinlipo , iiliimnncliit.r.jl N. ir.tli ftreot. r I : . Sntlurllcld , iilinrmacUt , 1719 Ixsavoiiorlli lrect. HimbeV ptifirmiicr. Sllb nnd Knrnnm. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. ItATKH- n line flrsl llmo nnrt lOonllnn llioro- nftcr. Nondrerlliienicnl tnken forte" limn ftic. " VWANTKD. SITUATION AS 'rKACHKii IN teleiirnph fchoolt 7 yearn oiperlcnco In tele- , graphing. ArtdremiO , 8V , llee. 474 23 * WANTKD , l.IOHT HKT OK HOOKS TO KKKP for pnMlrae. llott of clly reference. O &l. lleo olllco. MAN COOIC , 17 YKAI13 K.Vl'H- Mlenco , flood rolcroncci. Onlt nl 107 N ISlh si. MIZ3 * . A WANTKD , I'OHITION IIV IIIIKAD AND OAK15 - ' Jlbnkcr. ( Jllck. 15108. lOlli. 1113 23 A A VOUNIJ AMKUICAN WIDOW. WKI.I. KDU- rated and capable , wishes n position ns supervis ing honsekceperto widower wlln children or to sin- Klo k'untlpnian of Kooil stnnillntf. Country pre ferred , llesl of references Hlvrn. Address t' . K. C , , I'oslolllcoliox 2W7 , Denver , Colo. M6M 2.V WANTKDSITUATIO.V AS 8OI.IClTOil , COIi- icctor or clerk , lly mlildluBKeitiunn. li < fi > rpn > res. Atldri-ssOW , llee. JIBoSIZl * WANTED--MALE HELP. HATKS Ifo n line llr l llmo nml lOc a linn Ibeio- niter. No ndvertlBomcnl tnkcn for le than 25e. TO WANTKII. SAI.KSMKN ON SAIAHV Oil TOM J'nilBMon In linmllo Iho new pntent cltonilrnl Ink ernnlnK pencil. 'Ilia Krenlent nclllnt ! novellyovor liodmrdt orni > C ! < Ink thnrniiKly In two fcconils ; no nbrnnlonof pnper ; 2UU tu MU per cent prulll ; onn usont'fl snloft ninoiinleil lo ff',2U in MX dn > , nnolhor 17-Mn t n hours. Wu mint tiuo Ki'nornl ncentIn mill ulnla mid territory. For tnrtuB nnrt full pnr- til nlnrs mldruBa Monrou liriifcr .Mf . Co. , l.nCriiKse , WKX _ IJI 72I _ 1)CITV CANVAS-SI' IIH.HAI.AIIV I'AID WKKKI.V. J'Slinser Honing nincliltiu olllco. 131(1 ( DoitKliw nl. 1 > - WANT11D , K1IIST-CLASS MACHINIST. JjllavlsA. ( 'OBglll. C75 11-POHTUAlT J 'oureleclrle light prims n trial , Hxrelslor Pnr- trait Co , Wuru block , Omnlm Midi MIJ * > -WANTKD-OVMNDmi 1'UKSS I'KI'.DKII. 'Cnrpcntcr I'npor Co. . 1122 Hownnl nlrcct. M10I 1) WANTKDUK ) TI5AMS AND MKX ALSO CON- J'trnitorB for llock Ishind railroad work In Indian Territory. Address McCormlck llros. , Mlncn , I. T. MI7U2I * > - HALI'.SMKN WANTHD , ItOO.M 17 , WAIll ! 1II.K > 482 27 _ B - OhAtS aAl.KHMAN 1 Oil Omnlm Koncy Soil lo merdmnlH of nil cln o . Aililri-iin W A. Coon , I. L. A. T. biilhllni ! , Hot Mollies. O'lvo reli'iencen. Ml'.i.'i 2.V 1J WANTKD , A CO-MI'KTIS.vr I'AIN'I SA1.K3 -1'mini who hni nil unlnlillthod Irniln In Knnsnv Jlls'HillrJ unit Nelirnnku. Ailclrvai tliu Stearns 1'nlnt Mf , Co. , Davenport , IIL JIMIU2U l--WANTKI ) , JIACHINIS'IS 1O KKKI' AWAY I frimi Inillnnnpolln , 1ml. , nn there 1 n Mrlko thcri" , J. J. 1.1U1II ) , i. H. lloiiril. MMtti * -SAliSSIKN : FOH A 1IAKDWAH1C SI-K- J 'flnlly. SiimelhliiK new nnilsullitrctiillly lo lion e- bohl. Aihlrens W , A , l.OKiin , room 3 , lln-liniiui block. M.V.IiiiM' -WANTED HKOISTKHICD I'HAllMAl'lST : mnt t npenk norinnn , btntu nRe- , experience , nnl- nry. t-unil refcrence . Aildiens O65. llee. Mlll.V2f > ' 1A (1001) ( OPKNINC VOH A .MAN WITH A -iJlllllo money to Invenl ; will llml slemly employ- mi-lit. Cull on or nililreiH nt noon , or uftur li p. m. , S , K eornur'.lth nml llonnnl Kin. fitll 22 * 1 WA.NTHD.A (1OODDHY GOODS SAI.KSMAfJ , J > n wlui nniU'rutunils ilreriilnn wlnildun. AililresH with references , BlntliiK uipcrlunuo nml nulnry ox- peeled , I1 O. bin ? UI , Oiunlia. U17 2l Y > WANTKD-liKNUIlAh STATK ACKNT TO J'open liL'iulqunrlurH In noino iirlnclpnl city , n - MI mo control of our * nml nppolnt locnl nml Niili-iiKriiti In uvery city In tills ctntu : Knnrln In mil- Tcrhiil ilcmuml. nml puy n nol protllof Mlo 11)0 ) per cut. Thu Union Compnny , 741 llroiidvvny. New York. Ml 2.V T > -WANTIDAN : KNHIIOKTIO MAN IN A NKW J'llno of soliciting. Cull or lulJreas N. Y. Llfo lllilir. , loOmaJI. Mua 1VANTEI > . CANVAt-SIIHS TO SKCUUK VAI- J 'iinblu territory for the Aenio 1'lnless Clavln ; hie . Cnll or nihlruss "Invunlor , " ruom l > . Dillon IirnlltH. hotel , llth nml Mni > nn l8. Mlii2-2l ; * - YOUMJ MAN TO 1.KA11N IIOOKKHHI'I.NO In otllco. Ono thnl cull nso typowrltor preferred. ftOU pur week. Adilroes O63 , Deo. MG57-3I * | > WANTKD-SAMCSMAN TO TUAVKI. FOIl i-I-Jtho nliolosnio whisky Drill of J. llond & Co. . Decolors to Striuler & llond nnd formerly of Kotmhco , llond Co. Wo mnko n xpeclnlty of line euro KOoils. Addreni .Munniiur of J. liuml A Co , , lloaihll. LotliiKlon. Ky. MUM 2:1' : WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATICS Ifto n line Ilrnt llmo nnd lOc n line tliero lifter. No mlvcrllnamoiil tnkon for less limn > o "l-A lee ) A AlyuiHAVrKID TO ANV V lady ho will do writing for moat homo. Ad dress In own handwriting Tilth addressed and Flumped envelope. Miss Kilnn U hiuytlie , South Ifcud , Intl. , pioprlutor of the famous ( Jlorla Vater. /-1-COMI'KTKNT lilllli FOH ( JKNE11AL HOUSK V-'ivurk , MM Bheriiiau avenue. Mfel C - < JOD flini , FOIl Ol'.NKllAL lIOUSKWOItK Apply nl J. A. Johnnon , .tW Capllal avo. 417 C-WA STD ] : ; OOOD HUL FOH OKNKIIAI. housework ; amnll family. 2114 Maple. 'MJ -WANTKD , O1IIL FOH OKNHHAL HOUSi- : work ; nmsl bo good cook ; ( iormnn preferred ; two In family. 2720 Han nnl BU M5.I2 C - WANTKD , COMIMITKXT ( HllL FOIl ( JK.V- erul housiiwork. 2dOil Popplelon avo. 543 C-liADIKS. DOOIIH VVOIIK AT YOUIl HOMKS ; eimy nnd IntercftliiK ; diiy or evening : noczuer- lence. no rnnvn lnK : iiood pny. Adilrets wllli fftninp , Jlonton Aqunrullo Art Co. , 43 Winter direct , lIOAlon.Muss. Wlh5 SIS' ? 1-WANTK1 > . filllli FOH 8MAM. rAMH.Y. ICn- V.riiilro | ut.1112 Woolnorlli nrenuo. MOI2 C ! - WANTUD A ( Hill * FOIl ( ilCNKUAI , HOUM ? " Hoik font fnuilly of two ut 1U25 8. ! Kltli live. CI MU2I-28 * -I ilULroil CKNKIIAL HOUSKWOlli : : ( OOI ) WIKCS. Apply nt2ix > l Decatur street. MS23 a. ) 0-WANTKD , A WOMAN TO HKI.l' WITH reeond work , Mittlni ; nml nurnlni : In entiu of hlrki nem , WiiRes. f4.UU. llroniioll Hull bchnol for j oiing luOli'H , loth und Wllllnnu H. .MUJ1 2J -WANTKD. FHIST-CI.ASH. KXrKIHKNf'Kl ) trimmer nnd ilrMuner nt the lloiton Htorn mini- nory ilepurliuonl. liiuinlroof nmnniEor , S1B3.1 2.1 fHllir \ ( FOU OKNKIIAI , HOUSISWOKK : OAU , v 'In the mo mini ; , 2ill4 Hownrd , OIU ri * PiNiclc AMinuoAN nini , TO DO IIOUKICWOIIIC V'ln prlrulo fnmlly , iiinit bo n toed cook , fi'.t ) f. _ , . , . . . A . t. .l.Hfl .IB.I . 6J1 * 'l Wlh. cor. Miiry' * avo. O -WANTKD OIHL Foil GK.NK11AL IIOIISi- : vrork.'llj llnrnoyst. nu : t > FOR HENT-HOUSES. IIATKS ISo a line lint llmo and lOo a line there after. No udverlUement taken for less than ybu. ' JJiile'ii ice tlntii In city , ileinl Inv't Co. , 442 lleo LMu 72J _ TV-Foil IlKNT , HOUHU 1U IIOOMS , AM , SOD ! - 4 fern Impro oineiiu , f.u per monttii M4 und Fnr- num. Dolor UThonmi 724 i"k-NKW ii-uonu corr.vdKs , MODKHN iu. 4/provemonU , lanfurU Circle. " Apply ( X S. Hlnuller. room 4 , N Y. l.lfo uulldlin.- . 723 -tf-HOOM IIUU8E. 2ITII AND DAVKNPO11T , all onnveiilenc > , IJ5.W pur month. K , K. Dor- ling , Marker block. 73 ] -LA1UJK LIST , UKO. J. PAUU l )4 ) KAH.NAM MOr D-ll 11OO.M IIOUHi : . MODKHN UH'ltOVKMKNTt * . lisa N. litli nvo. It. KiilUh , tnllur. 211 N. IClh. 727 -t-Oll HKNT , TIIK 10IIOOM HO1ISK 2107 Douiilni ) > t. liiqulroUKuu , HIT. Douvlai t. D -V-HOOM HOUSKt 1104 S , 10TII ST. ; ALL CON- vcnloncea. C , S. Klgullcr , 4 N , Y , Life building. Maid D-NKW HOUSttS , 10 HOOMS AND H IIOOMH , A 1.1 cunvrulence > , bott locullty. llicnnaii & Co. , ll ; Kitrback block. I54-1 -HOUSES , COTTAUKS. HOOU8 , till N. Utli l 7i Uil7 > 1FOIl IlKNT. BKYKN-1IOOM COrrAOK , CITY J XBtcr , linn nnd cittern. 24UI DodKO t. . 121 per luontli. M. J , Kenimrd.WM New York l.lfo building 5tD D-FOH HKNT , Cirn'AlJK. a HOOMS. HATH. HOI mid cold water. Urge MOIH mom , Stationary rating curtalu * . ooj eollur , WO.U ) per month , li.3 bhi-rumn avvnuo. Call nl room T7 , Murcliautu hotel FOIl IlKNT , J7.00 Ko. K\-S \ So , llth , No , UU luncroft street. Maun * _ IV-iTWO VBUY DKS1HA1ILK KOUH HOOM Jl'uiooorn Hall , tenm heat One tlx room , ono llTt > room cottage. 'Jul. I.TJJ. Hit ) fcoutU Sti ulroel. D-TWO IU-HOO.M HOUSKS , MODKHN CONVKN leu ii , at IW end (4& . luiutr ( at 304 N , KM > t. Uttfl FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ' IIATKS ISo aline tlrsl llmo and lee a line thero- tier. No advertisement taken for loss than Zio. iT-'KiifisiTiiT ? ? : STK AM "UKATKD FHONT I 'room for gentleman 1817 Ixavcnworth flrret Imlh , elc. 803 iB _ _ _ lKOlt HKNT , N1CKLY KUHNISHKD , SKCOND I -ftory bnrk room , suitable for single fcntluninn , without board , IW S , 2f > th street , 2.U KIIONT HOOMS AT Ifl sircot. MOT 87' I.V FUIINI3HKD HOOMS FOIIOKN- „ 'llemcn only ) nil modern Improvement * . 1109 llotigla. t. I70.M7' l.i DKSIHAIII.K HOOMS , KKIINISHKD OH UN- I tturnlshcd. The frcnicr , 110 .North 2ilh street. M4U3 2J * Til-roil IlKNT , STKA.M 11KATKD KU1INIS1IKD .Ijrooms. ( KB So. HIM ft roc 1. MOIH77 ! , " > -FIIIINISIIKD HOOM WITH 11ATI1 , M MONTH IJllTO Knrnnni. _ } fCHOICi : HOOM8 WITH OH WITHOUT I Jbonrd. Satisfaction guaranteed , 210 N. ll'th ' si. MMM K * FURNISHED ROOMS ANDBOARD 1/-I.AMIK SOUTH KHOST HOO.MS , BINOt.K OR rpnsiilto , with board Itcfcronce. ZJII Karnam treot. Mm 25 * -l5LiIANTLV : KUIINIHIIKD UOOMB. BINdl.K Jor en ulto ; all modern conveniences ; first class board , SISboutli JClti street. M2M 1-UOOM3 AND UOAIII1 , 113 B. 2JT1I. St. -L 421-ml.V l ' ia-ItASANT 1100M WITH IIOAIID , 20H DOtlO- I'las. l l ZI * 17-NicKiv nniNiHiiKn nooxi WITH HOAIID 1 for man and wlfo or two ladles , prlvato famllyi f.'i week each ; modern conveniences. 415 N. 21 rd si. KUHNIHinil ) I1OO.M3 AND 11OAUD. 1.111 -L'Cnpltol nvunuo. W4-S IJ'-l'AUMJIl F1.00H. IdHlNlHHKD Oil UNFUll- lnl , with bonnl , 510. " , Doimlas. FOR RENT-UNFUKNISIIED ROOMS. HATKS 15cn line llrst tlmn nnd lOc a line thrronf. lor. No advurllsomcnl lakun for lens than 2Jc. G UOOMS. ANV NUM1IKH I'llOM 1 TO I. IN Hats , for liousckcoplni ; . Prices away down. (1. R Illltt. % 311 1'nxton bioclc. O.U I-'ZS G -I UNKUIl.MSIIP.D IIOOJIH 8UITA11LK FOIl housekeoplni , ! . 17W Webster street. 511 SO G-FOUIl (1OOD ( 1100M8 , UNKUHNIS1IUD , FOIl housekeeping also Iwo basemeul ronm * , 2.V3) ) DoiiKlui slreel , M6J52J * BOARDING. HATKS lie a line first tlmo ami lOc n line thcro- utter. No udverllsomenl Itikcn for less tlmn I''ic. i H I'UI.LMAN HuKno DouK , FouiOOD board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and H- iillon llvaunol bu excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 51 10" FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IlATltS ISc n linn llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tiikun for less than 23o. [ FOH HKNT , STOIli : , 1118 JACKSON STHKKT 723 1-KOIt HKNT. Tim ISTOllVllllinvllUILDINO , JUliJ rariiam alrecl The biilhltng has n llro proof ccmenl basement , complete steam healing tlxiures , ualer on all Iho lloors , uns , utc. Apply nl Iho olllco of the llee 1UH I -I'Oll IU5NT , bTOUE , Ii3l llOWAHD. I 701 r A FINK LOCATION FOIl AOKOCKHV STOIU3 1 Ciuh Irndo. Adilro-i N II. Dec. MD72 MS' FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATUS 15c n line tlrst time nnd lOc a linn there- after. No itdvertlsemonl Inkcn for less lluin 2JC. - OAUDKN KAHMS TO HKNT. T. MUllllAY. ,1OAUDKN , U17 -100 ACIIKS. HUTCH1NSON , t WHAD. 1S2I Douglas. M7 22 f-40 ACIIKS NKAIl MOTOH LINK , SMALT , ' house , well and slablo. Omaha Uoal Kstatu and Trust Co. , room 4 , lleo building. in' . ) 21 J 1I111CK YAUDS KOIl HKNT. T. MUllUAY.MC MC 52 WANTED TO KENT. IIATKS I5c a line IIrut tlmo nnd IDc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 'Xic. K 1 TO IlKNT. HKMINCTON TYPKWIHTKR work light. llcnuwn&Co. 611 2i K WANTKD THHKK OH FOUK FUHNISHKI ) rooms for housekeeping or a furnished houso. Address O 57 , lieu cilice. UU 24 * AGENCIES. HATKS--I5C n line llrst tlmo and lOc a line Ihero- nfter. No nilvertlsoment taken for loss tlmn - ' > a. ' HKNTAL ACillNCYs HANK UKFKHKNCKS JR C. Uarvlh & Co. , 2US Sheoly block. 7X ) L TO INSUKi : QUICK HKNT1NO , LIST WITH Iho Kichiulru llunlul Agency. Parrollo , Douglas block. M9U5 J-LISTVOUIIHOUSKS WITH-TIIK HATE CITY llcnlal Agency. Itoom 14 , FriMor block. 4.'iS m 1C * STORAGE. IIATKS ISc n line Ural llmo and luciillno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. Mi OLDEST. CHEAPEST AND 11KSTSTOHAOE hoiibu In the clly. Williams & Crust , 1214 Hartley. 7. J WANTED-TO BUY. HATK3 15c u line llrst llmo nnd lOo a line Ihcro- aflcr. No iidvorllaemcnt lakca for less llian 2. > c. -ruiiNiTUun nouui rrrbOLi ) , STQIIKD WjsUa. HI 1 rnrnaiii ut _ 731 J-CASII PAH ) roil DHY COWS. K. S. JKSTKH , 1)48 ) N giilh nvo. 4'J.i-M * _ J'WANTKD TO 11UY , 0 TO8 HOOJl HOUSK , TO uo\o onto vacant lot. Address O 15 , llco olllcc. KID -NT-SIK ONI ) HAND ONK HOHSK WAUON OAPAt 1 > bloof carrylng'.OOO pounds of coal vrantcd for cash. Apply by letter , OW , care Omaha Dee. "VT-SKrOND-H AND VUHNITUIIU IIOUOHT.BOLD A' and exchanged ; hlghcsl prices paid for second * baud goods , lloslon Furniture Co , 003 N , HUh st. WO M2I * N -WANTKD-TO HHV WATMn' ' MKTKII , H O\ \ ( llnrh , Address O 59. Hue , MOM-23 * FOR 3ALEFURNITURE. . HATKS-I.rH ) a line llrnl llmo nnl lOa a Una Ihero utter. No advcrtlvomen lukon for less than 5o 0 -FOJl KALK AT. A UAlUiAlN , 11KD HOOM FUJI- olluve , good as new , 'Inmilro 1103 S. 7th st.ran ran 24 0 IU riALK. COOK" , 1IKATKH 'AND OA60LINK nlovcs ; ulso bedruoiu'furntluru und lamps. 2iI12 Capitol iivo. i > il 21' _ _ -KUHNITUHK 'lF FOUHTBKN-KOOM HOUHK tilled wllh roomerH and boarders In a doslrablo locallly. AiIdruBi O ( U. lleo. MM _ > . ) FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO. IIATKS Ifo a linn ttrsl llmo anil ) Qo n line thereaf ter. Ku udverllmment taken for less than ' . ' . 'MI. ' ION. OIINTLK. and wall bred , for ( Bin or trade for wild prairie land In loviu or Nebraska. Addrotu M W. lice. M ! 5-M3' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Wnnt company for enlo or oichancu for city prop erty orKoud furma. Address C. K. Miller , : > l Hoe hulldlnir. MIUVJ f \ FINk UPlllfHlT PIANO. STANDAHD MAKK , Wused only a fuw montliu , al a sucrlllco. ltT ) ! Cald- null m. . 4S.I -ONK NKW UPIIIOHT PIANO. 817 S MTU ST. Q MM ! < QQ KOH BALK. A OO1) STANDAHD HKWINfl Q mncLIno ut bargain. Addroet 1IOXC45 , Oiunlm CI'J 21 -FOH SAIiK. A 4 HY S CAMKllA ( RCOYILLK Q nuke ) , In Kooil order , cheap. Apply 2itt.lune ) st B4Dft -KOIl SALK. HANDSOMK PAllltOT ; UOOD Q talker ; very inmo. IIV N , 1Mb St. , room 1.MCCII9' MCCI-I9' fFOH SALE. ONK KllKSIl JEIIREY COW , fiM ; Wono Jertey cow Kiting A tpiarls of milk. IVIS ; ono yearling Jomoy Ijolfor , f.X ) ; onn Jerney helfprralf (10. Tlio. uUuvo uro line stock and very cheap Apply or mldre V3W lAiavoiiHorlh t. ii H 21 * MISCELLANEOUS. T > - HAMILTON IIHOS. . OAHPKNTKH9 , AND IVtulldcrs. All kinds Jobbing , IUfeo.18th.Tol.HT3 1U8M7 * 1 > CLAIMS KOH SALAHIKS.SKHVICICS.WAdKS. J Vole. , atialnsl curporatlous or ludlvldualii , bough ) Biidndvuucndoi , II , Davl , lliU Coiitlncntul blk - CLAIRVOYANTS. S-rAHHIVAL UXTIIAOHDINAHY. WONDKHKUL ravulklloiK. Cbutlnnget Ibo world. Mr , lr. il. lA-gruvo , dead truncu clalrvoyBiit. aitrologlit , palmltl and llfo reader ; telli yuur llfo from ttio crnillo to nru > c : nnltea lhi eparatedi cjiu s uiar- rlugv nllh thoono you lovoi tclli wlicre > ou Hill § uccood and In what builnvi * bvsludaptod for ; has thu cvlcbriiieu Kxypllun brenitplote for luck and lo tledioy bad lntluence ; euro Ills. Intemperance aud all urlvMu complnluti with Bia ugu. jialLt nud alcohol trvalDient Send tl. lock of balr , jinmo and ilito of blrlh nnJ receive uccuralo Ufa charl ; 2ccnUln > Ump for clrculari sire InltUU of ono you will marry ; aUu pholut ( if ruo. otllco 1001 outU lltliitreol , rlr l flour ; hourrVa.m lo V p. m. Couuuuc , coma alt. and b uonvlnced of tlili w-oiidottill orncle. JAVSl Ml' S-Miis. NANNIE v , WAHHEN , CLAHIVOYANT , rclUblobu lne medium , tlfth 119N , ICth. 7n ; S-MAUAMU fltlTZ , tOO CUM1NOB STHKHT , clalrvoyaul and Iraaca luodluiu ; ludep ndeui voice * ; Ulu > put od futur * . Rlt'H * _ MA38AOE , PATI13 , ETC. _ ItATKS-ISc n line flril llmo nnrt lOc n line lliero- tier. No advertisement taken for lem thnn S.Vx -1 mill tilths , tenlpnmt linlr , mnnlriire nnJ chiropodist , Mrs. I'osl.JIOMS.lHh , Wlthnclljrik T ' MAIJAMK SMITH , im POW.I.AS STItfiKT , room TW Boor. Alcobol , sulphur nd ten bath * . J183I ml * rp-MASSAOK , Clo 8. ISTlt 8THKKT , m KUJOll. 1 CI9.M5U' llATKS-ISc n line llm tlmo nnd lOc n linn lliere- nfler. No nilferllnement tnkcn for loss than xto. HtiviMJ A PIANO > i cow scnleKlmbiill piano. A. llopo,1318 Doiiitlns. \T-fl. V. ( IKI.l.r.NllKCK , 11 AN JO TKACHKU , > with llospc.or ailitf N. IMIi street. 3rd Moor. _ _ _ _ PI3 _ "tr-WIl 8A1.M , rilKAl' KOIl CASH , A FINE ' nprlKhl plnno , nonrly nnw nnd standard manu facture. Address O ! M. llco ofllcci. 4S4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. UATKa-lKcatlnatlrst tlmo and lOe a linn there after. No adverllsomont taken for less tha w-1 YV-ANTHONV1XAN ANDTHUST CO. , 311 N. V. ' I.lfo , lend nl low rnles for cliolco icourlly on Nobrnskn or town fnrmsor Omaha city property. \\r APPLY TO J. LLOVKTT ixju CHKAP ' ' money ; only llrsl clns * security , 220 S. IStli , 990 \V MOSKY TO U > AN bs IMpTlOVEn CITY ' propotlr , low rules. A. U. Frosl , Douiilns hl'k. urn T\r MONKY TO LOAN ON I-ONO OH SHOUT ' I llmo In sums of Mini lo I10XM. ( MtilnnllnTestnient Compnii ) . V77 \\r-CHAS.W.llAlSltV , B15 OMAHA NAT. UK. 'I bldK. City iiiortKnKei. Lowest rntus. Monuy on hand. M3I7 \\r-LKNTUAI , LOAN A TIIU3T CO. 1I15K 1I.IV ! ( } . 730 \\r-UKAb ESTATE LOANS. I'AUL , 1C05 VAHNAM ojj-na * \ \ -LOANSON IMIMIOVKD AND UNIMl'UO.VrSD ' ' clly property , J1.0JO amiupwnrd .H to3 per. cpnt , No delays.V. . Fnrimm Smith & Co. , ISth & Uarhoy. \\r-UKAL KSTATH LOANH. a TO 7 J'Kll CUNT ; 'I no additional charges for commission or attor- noy'ti fees.V. . 1) . .Mclkia , first Natlunal bank bldK. \\r-COATKS , 1U1I rAUX.Ut KA9TEUN MOXKY. > > - 7.18 AV I/JANS , VV.M.IIAlllllS , 11. W.KKIi.S'X.iu ; Ul.IC ir-lXJANS. CITY 1'1101'KllTY. K. NKII.AND W. > lownfnrms. K , F. Htngor. 15JU Furnniu. \ \ -LOAN.S ON UHAL HHTATJ5 ANDtCOLLAT- " ' lernl notes nnd niortgaiiet bouuht , Heed Jt Belbjr , 331 Hoard of Troilo. ' 7IJ r -UHL , UlEAI.KSTATKLOANSau UISE IILD'O it * , n 420 WPHIl CUNT FI11ST MOnTGAOE"1.XAN3 ) , lllchard C. Patterson , Kill Knrnnm st' 715 ir-21) MOHTUAOKS. MOOU15 , A. 40L-UK1J 1II.DO. ' " ' . " . 73J \\r-WJLL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 't tecurlly ; strictly contldeullnl. , , A , . . .Harris , room 1 , Continental block. hi < - . MSSI Ww' SCHOOL ' 11ONDS WANTKD. It. C. * I'l Tiil3. : West I'olnt , Neb. , f -15 , Cl ' MONEY TO LOANM3HATTELS. IIATKS 15c n line first llmo nnd lOo n line lliero- nfter. No advertisement taken fdr less than 25c. X-DO YOU WANT MONKYf If. BO do not full to tret our rates bcforo bor rowing. Wo make loans , without romovdt or publicity , oh fnrnlluro , pianos , horses , wagons , ctb.'nttho low- esl possible ralo. Tlicro IB no unnecessary delay , but you uot the money on the sumo day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as long ns you denlro. giving you the privilege of paying It lu full or In part at any tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd any port paid reduces the cost pf carrying Iho loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our offices nro centrally localed and are no ar ranged that parlies calling on us can bo waited on quickly and courteously. U will be to your advnntaco to see us before si- curing a loan. Omaha Morlgago Loan Co. . Itoom 11 , Crolghton Hlock. . couth of I'ostolllco. ' X MONEY TO LOAN 11Y D. f. MASTKIIS ON household goods , pjunoa , organs , liornOB , mules , wagona. etc. , at the lowest possible rates wlthQil ) piibllclly , removal of property Or change of VOs- session. Time arranged to suit Iho borrower. i Paymonla of any amount can be mudo nt any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all tlio benellta of the partial pay ment plan. ' Call nnd see mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient , call lolephono 11121 and your business can bn transacted at home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. 11. K. Masters , It t Wlthnell blk , 15th nnd Harnoy. 717 X-HOU'T I'lllTCHAHD , 11. 3 , > VlXIlNULIj 1ILK. T48 „ V-SIONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS IJONDS -/Vund clly wnrnmts bounht. Uoom 402Knronch , blk C -MONKtON KUHN1TUHK..HOHSKS , 1'IAXOS , Keystone Mlgo. Co. , room 2U3 , Slipcly block. tT = - M480' V WHKN YOU WANT A CHATTEL. LOAN -'V\v. H. Davis , room SO. Conllncntal blocU. S'Jl X CHATTKL LOANS , IlKNKDIiJE A XfUA V. li4 | Paxlon block. Wo loan our own money , liargo no commission ; II will pay yaujlocpiumlt us. X MONEY LOANKD ON FlfllNlTUHK : UOH3K3 , wagons , pianos , oto. KrcO Terry , r /ltungD. ) ) . 204 X MONKY TO LOAN'SO. CO. W DAYS ON FI-'HNl- lure , llvo slock , etc. Dulf ( IrcOn , removed lo icooui 8 nnd U. Darker blk IBS BUSINESS CHANCES. UATKS 1io a line llrst'tlmo and lOc n line Ihero after. No advertisement taken.for.les * than 2io Y HHLYlirQUlPriE7AinNO ] ] ( ACT l7 vary best pan of Nobraskar'capaolly ifr.Otn lo 30,000 cans per day ; has made money , lajt lliroo yoara ; bvslof reuBonn foraolllng , Address M 21lleo. Kil KZB Y-FOIl SALK , HOTKU SHKPHEU ) > IlOU.Sl-i AT Ansloy , Ciislorcounly. Nob. TTO-slory ) irnmo building , aboul 2411W , Hllhgooil iia.rnil ; ) Bleonlng rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply to Dr. J , ti. ThouittD , Wood lllvcr , Neb. &UM ) MQ" V HOTEL FUHNISHKD IN CO , SKAT TOWN I for sulo or ic-nt. Address dartlotd Co. llnnk , llurwell. .Neb. - 25I , K * V KOIl SALE , HOTEL , FUUNISHIID , 17'VUOJI8 , .L doing a good bimlnesD ; tertn ensy ; locatlon bent. Aildrem ttax.Ka , Chadron Neb.iiiJllHI MS' ' ' ' Y-FOH 8AIK-SAI,00V , DOINti ( ) - ness : iood roa on nlven ror selllnj , ' . Aildieis Hockbox bl.t , Wesl I'olnl , Neb. . * , , M8 0 FOIl SALK , A Flllb'C CLASS OL'KNINJ ( FOIl ninnn with ntnnnll capital tInvett In'a stot'k of Kenernl uicrchumlUo ; well cutulillnhecl budnens ; uood prollls. Address box 7M , Omaliu , Y FOIl SALK. I5.WOXO STOCK OF OKNICHAL morchandlBo for cash or part on. Unit * torluhl parly Tradoiind oimlom i > lnljltiUel | und > ocund to none , ( iood reasons for solllnti. . Location Iho bent. FlnoopunlliK to make nionuy , Ailiircss ,1. II. Mitchell , malinger , Sidney , Neb , ' " ' -FOH SALK. AN ICK llUtjNK38i | QN. " > V (50OD paliiK basis ; bunt of reason for olllii | ( ; reuulro aboulf.l.otx ) capital. Address O 31 , Hoo.K MSI ' 'I' V-I1UY THE COMMKHCIAL , THKVLKADINH X hotel of Hrokon How , Nob. No land In Irmlo. ' ' B24 -FOH SALK. MEAT MAHKKT , IIKST rlly , ultrartlvo fountain In room ! good 'brick ' bulldluic , runt reasonable. Address I ) . S. lueliam , Kearney , Neb. 4M 1 | VWll SALK-KLKYATOll AND LUIHIKH 1 yard cheap , For terms , etc. , address lior 9. Lin- wood. Neb. ' Mlill yj * _ V * 'OH 8ALK-OHKAT HAIU1 AIN ON ACt'OUNT J. of sickness ; 1 will eell bcal'roomlntr housa In Clilcnuo ccutriilly locntccl , 14U bed * , can prove U tluars from HO lo f , < u per week. For particulars address Win. I ) . Cook , til and ( U WMudl.on .treat , tlilcnuo , 111. MMI-2ii -L AND'ICK IIUSINESS , HUTCHINSON A Wead , 1MI lounla . M7 Vt _ \rDHUCJ 8'1"OCIC FQH BALK. LOCATED IKTHE X beet and iiioal proiporout section of central Nebraska. Will Involou from IWOO to M.OOO. block frt'nh. The tlnuslopenlnu for a Ucrman Purlles muanluii business will tliul u lu tliolr Intercut lo'lnvenllKate. ' Addre i 0. 40 Iloo. YKOH HALICOH KXCHANCU , K I. lUeprlnlluK oulfllund paper at Llnuood.Nub. For particular ! ) uddrvst U.v. . Noble , Linn oed , Neb , BU PAID FOIl KNDOWMENT POLICIES 111 old line companies. Send UescrlpllOD A. K. HrookluDlry , box 2.U , Hartford , Conn. l4& ! M' V -WANTED , < ! KNTLKMAN OK M ANS AS I iiartnur.or to a alit Innewbutluess:4 lulllloni In ll.'f Hot M5. city. Wg _ ; FOK EXCHANGE. llATKS ISo u line rlrsl llmo and lOo a line lliero- uflcr. No > dTorllsenitiul taken for low ) tlian 'iJe. ' Lei A nitule * property or fruit ranch la bu. Cali fornia. Uavtd Jamleson , Hoa bulltfln ; . TAi y OU8TKtl LXUNTY FAHJtS IIMPllOVKD ) Foil ' - Blrtclly modern T or 8 roomed houia In good run- tduncepmrl of Oumh ; will aaiume Ioxj4 , Lin- colu. M815 _ y-KOIl TllADB , A STOCK OK OENKUAL MKK- Jchandlie fur land * and railt. Addru H. W , A ( 'o.Krunkforl. Ind I0I-VS3' Z-CLKAN STOCK OKUKNKHAL M'WUKi WILL Uko real > lto & luooey , llox 'fA , Fraukforl.liul. "T" FOR E3CCnANQE. y in'NDnKD HK A ? ) 'tuVKousics ' A"N Yi r"iAN / D ' Ineaslern Nebmska Vftut stock of dry Roods. clothing , boots and sliKMJ-ints and caps. Addrosi box 101 S. Nebraska Clly. Vi-b. 2V > MIO- r/-\V \ YOU HAVE A ( KKID.UPHKIHT PIANO TO I /Jtrarto for lot W , block. .1 Armour Plncf , South Omaha : clear of all InOMhbranco. Addro. s N t\ lleo olllco. ow MS13 / 110 FOOT BKIHTLVI iHllLDlNO SPOT * Jot Sacrcsl Heart aeatlenu'i for Kround for k'ar- dcnlng. llulchlnsun .VyWeail , l.5l Douglas. ' " " S.T7 Z3 r/-Jl'IHJMKNT OK AUi.lJtIT MO VS AN OMAHA / sttornoy for xclinil4l-r will take clear vacant lots or equity In deslralilOr-iTesldcnco property : nlll bear lnvp tliatlon. ! Address , U. V. Aritabrhihl , Shubcrl. Neb. * ' > ! & 27 y roll ixciiANiK. : ( AIY HKSIDKNCK IN'NK"- ' maha Clly , clear , for clear weslern land , or mer chandise. ( I. V Argftbrlitiit , Sliubcrt , Neb.M5.1127 M5.1127 y roil KXCHA.NdK. 210 ACHKS CHOICE VATr AJIcr land , well Improved , timber and running dream , In ticstcounly In state , nlnely tulles from Omaha , Waul Improved Omaha property. Address Otl , llco. MAM 31 * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HATKS ISc a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. NR. COHNKH 2DT1I AND H1CKOHY , SOrlM feel ; n bargain for n few daya only , K. K. Dar- ling. Harkcr block. 7S1 l0ll SALK-S-K COHNKH I7TH , DOHCAS. .L IS.1 * , ,1 collage * , stable for n horso.i.can bo dlvldcil Into 5 lots. Inqulra itl promises. 84722" 1OH SALK. NnilHASKA KA11M LANDS. ( I. 0. X Wallace , 81J Hrown block , loih nnd Dougl ns. 710 M ODK11N1UHOOM HOUHi : . HOOD UM'ATION : no Irado ; cash bargain. Address OZI , Hoc. M440.MIC * iWll _ 8ALK , A TWO STOItY UH1CK 1IANIC building , wllh basement , vaults , safe , furni ture and llxturcsi can control good business ; tonn of two Ihousiind people ; llvo railroads ; good coun try ; largo roller mills ; three elovalors ; good rea son for present corporation quitting business. Address - dross T. Luwls , President , Superior , Nub. M15. > W COHNKH IN PIiAlNVIKW f 1,000. ' Kast front 7-room house , 73-foot lot , paved street , nightly , near llanscom Park , (4,600. Illitchlnsoii A Wcad , U24 Douglas. M7 23 ifOll SALK , 11OMIC8. ANY PlllCK. ! 7SO , ri,2M UP ; easy terms ; take clear property as ttrst payment G. U. Wallace , Drown block , llith nnd Douitlas. 750 17OU SAL1 ! AT A 11A1U1A1N , LOT 15 , IILUCK I , - \v. 1 Belby'a IIrut adillllon lo Soutli Omaha. Hmall paynicnl down , balance monlhly If deal rod. Inqulra ( ) . 11. Ttschuck , Omaha lleo. .Ml l OK 8AL1S-400 ACUK KAKM IN 1II.UK HIYini J vnllojr , Tlmyorcounty. 10 miles nest of Hebron. One of the very best farms In the county ; good house , barn , granaries , crllis , etc. , nnd an abundance of fruit , timber and running ater. Also for sale or exchange for good haul it or city properly , n brick pork packing house nnd tlxliircs In llebroii , Thayer county , near 11. , v M. depot. For particulars In quire of any real estate agent In Hebron. t > K T HAVi : W K 9\V. W SKO. 3 AND W. > < XW. H SKC. J10 , iwp. 31 , N ll.Ui , In Slonx county. .Nebraska , joining Harrison , county senl of snld county , gull- able lo bo platted ns an addition to salil city. Also S. H S > V W bee. 8. Twp. 82 , S. U. Id. Commanclio county , Kansas , vrhlch Is also suitably to bo platted ns an nilrtltlon to Coldwater , county pent of Tom mancho county , am ) Is now partly surrounded by additions. Kach pleco Is partly Improved. IIIJH nicely for building purponoH. will Bell cheap , ( llvogood tlilo. AildrcsnJ. W. Lambert , Cnuid Is land , Neb. MiKJ 24' HAIR GOODS. UAT1IS ISe n line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advorttscmcql tnkon for less than 2 ! > o. LAU KSTSTOCK IN KNTllll ! WEhT ; TH13AT- rlcal wlcs and beards a , specially.Vlgs , bangs Bwltches , Imlr chains , eUi , send for catnlogito Mull orders solicited. lj-vlc , HI S. 11th si. , Omaha. rrilK IDKAL LADIKSv1IAHt ; DUKSSINO PAH- " 1lors , switches , bangs , vflgs , toupees , Jewelry and hnlr ornaments In Block rlgs lo order , special nl- leullon given lo mall ord rb. aj'J S. I6lh st , 3d lloor. MMU M20 * ( „ PAWN 11ATUS 15ca line flrst-.tlmo and lOoallno Ihero- after. No ad\crlUuiuen iakon for less than 2.r > o. BBN F. MAltTI , IIEMOV.KD TO 107 S. ISTH ST. VJ' 071 MO' SSXYUEU'S IXAN ( U'WCE , 1510 DOIHSK ST. 0 Ir * 770-V7J l UKIJ MOIILi : , OFFICK I51I FAll M ST. , 8-J - - t LOST. IIATKS ISo'a line ( Irstfttruii nnd'tOo "n line tlierd- ' 'nfter. NA arvortlso'irtl-Ji * nlt ii fordcaa UianMd. " - . ; . X"oSTl-S.i ' HHlt ? girl from II'.T rtaiat si. Fraukforl.liul."T" lo A. U. Hudson , 11 * ; S3lst st. andreceive roward. IU7 LOST , 4-IILADKD 1VOUY HANDLK POCKKT knlfo. For fonard'return lo 1217 Fnrnam.GJ5 MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. UATKS ISo a line llrst flmo and lOo a line thera- aflcr. No ndverllrtoment taken for leas than 250. LADIKSX(3KNTLKMKNCAN HKNT MASQUIC- radaconlumoi al 111 HICtli. Uoldun Kaglo storo. < Jt > 0-ni5 MANUFA CTUHINCr JEWELERS. IIATKS fie a line tlrst tlmo nnd 10c a 'Ifno there after. No advcrtlsoulunt taken for lots tlmn 23c PAH ) KoiV""OLD ( lOIYOY CARSON & , room 90 Darker block. Omaha. 7&4 CUTLERY GRINDING. S I5ca line Ural lima unit lOc a line thercaf tor. No ndvot'lHCuiciit " taken for lo than 'Jfic. OK'I-OIUHI to Uiiderliiiid.l.i.'o. . lOitI4tlt st. ' 7S1 ' THE SHORTEST 'LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this maa Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St.Omaha. . F.'A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. i.s rni : < in\iiNi. Sealed pioposiK : u 111 lie received by tlio un dersigned until I I'M o'clock p. in. , March llth , Ihn.1 , for trradliii ! Haiiuioft htrcul , from I'tli slrrut lo aith utrHet , und LM < o street , from l.'nd street to 431 IIH ! rout , In tlio olty of Onmha , In acooiduijco with pbmsand tipoullleutloiiHon Illo In the olllco of tfio lioaid of pull lo works. Illds to lie niadnnrlnled ) Ijlaiilcs fnrnlNhOil Iiv tie | hoaid , nnd ( , < > ' ) acconipanlcd liy a cor- 1 10 on herlilM the fciiiu of J.'iOO. puyahlu to tlio city of Omnlm , as nil evlucnco of uood faith. The hoard reserves ino right to awaid the contract for the stroqfti to.'ethor or for each ono hoporatoly , to rejoctr/iny or all blila and to waive defects , . " P.-W. HIIMvHAUbKll. Ohalrinan WUnat , \ Public Works. Omaha , Kolmiaty L'3rd Iti'X' ' . K IMI'J I'l'iijiomilu'llir llnniU , .Sealed bldH will bo reef ivoil at the olllco of the ( Jltv Treasurer , tmialiu. Nob. , up to U o'clock March Itllh , JrftVfor the pnrohuBe of * 175.00V-"oaJ. vear .1 per i'uutUlty Uall llonds. The prlni'lpal and Illioiosl are payable at Kountzo HroD. , Nnw VUrk. Inlorost payable seini-iviiiiiially , nuMb/cVild must a tatu thu price and the ainonnl of , bonds sonuht tor and innsl Include Interest Yip to date of dollverv. Issued under authority of Charter of mot- ropolltitn eltlen nun Utf lninco l"JIO approved January UOih , I80i. Tbk.rlglit Is reserved to reject any or all bids/3' ' t lOhllKNKY IIOI.LN , I'lSdiTtM -J | { Olty Treasure Mortmltio Knl.Ii O cirtatn lotdSod Mojurtlllcur.ii. Oroicoii Short Line & lltiih srorllxim Hull ay Couipiiny StorkliolilurH' lrntlni ; , Notice -lieroby ulvon llfut-tint iinnual meeting of , tlio. . u > e1iiolilora of thu ( JroKon Short Line & ITtali , NortKorn Kallway com pany , for the oipollonof illrcctors end such otlior business is may ( uxalljr comu before the iiuietliiu' , will bo hula ut room No , 41 , lloonor Ilulldlnir. Halt Liiko Cllv , Utah Territory , upon Wednesday , th6 JCih duy of JIuroli. ISx' , ul 10 o'clock n. m , ' Slock lr iisfer books will oloso upon tlio tUh day of February , nnd reopen upon Hie 17th day ot March. Af.HXANUKii MU.I.AII , Bccretary , HOSTOK , Mass. , Fob. a 1692 , TJOd .DIM Baffsrtnc from TO WEAK MEN youthful the effucU crron ot ) > arlr dcear. wollnK wealuou , lot * niuiliuoil , etc , 1 will ud n valuaMo tni&Ux ) ( M'ilmll containing fulli rtlculara for b : > mo cure , FIIEK of cli/vw. A plea'tlil medical wurk i iliuulil tj ) rv d by vrvry . maa who U nTvou4 ana. UelillllaUiU. AilJrosi. VroC. V. V , 1'OlVtIOl. Uoodui , Couiu REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATII , 1W7'J PAIINAM STKEKT , OMMIA. NKH RRlLWHYTiiE GRRD l nves jUlll'AUO III'IIMN 1 r. ) ( .t [ Arn j Oninhn I D.'pol IQtli tit \tai)3At _ . IJmVi\ _ 4.M ) p nil. . Chlcnio Vo llbulo 8 W "n m i n m Chicago t > . 11 n m 020 p m rhlratro H.Ypr < < " ll OJ p m CM ) p ml Clilrnio A IOWH Local , , , . . . S.15 n m IIUIU.INUI'O.N A. MO. jTATrTvoj Omalm , lpjiiH loth ami Mil o hits. | Omnlm. " " 1U.IJ n m . .Denver Vostlbufn Uniltoi I.IU p in 10.15 n m t > pni1wood 4 O'i p in 7.10 p m Denver It.M n 111 7.10 p m Denver Kxpo < M POO p m ! > .va p m .Lincoln Limited ( KtcoptSun. ) . 1l. : < u n m 8.15 m Lincoln JAiral IVJD p m K , .1. A u. n. Arrives Depot 10th nnd .Mmon gtl I Omili VW : a ml. . . .Kansas IMty Dar Kiprns. . . . A > M n m g.4i p mK. | C. Nlgnt Kip via U. r.Trnnsj (1.10 ( a m ( Jolnif I UIIIUAIIO. U. 1 , A PACIFIC. , Krom West. I Union DepollOthand.MarcySts. | West. I.2U p nil Denver Limited 111.40 p 7.0S p m | Mi'JHlnv < Jr. Hxpruss.1M \ n 7.20 ami Sioux City Pnssunuor 10 2i ) p in 6.35 p m | St. Paul i\press : 111 (10 ( n m Loaves I SIOUX CITV A PACIFIC , lArrlTos Omahftl Depot. IMIi nnil Webster sis. Oninhn 0.45 p ni | St. Paul Limited . I'.i.'ja a m\cs SHICAliO .V NOIITUWKSTKIIN Omaha U.lVilopiiU 10th mid Marcy Mts ( Kx. Sun'y ) Carroll Pnssciiuor. ChlcaKU Kxpruss Vestibule Limited ICastcrn I'lycr . . . . ( Uc. ; Sat ) Chlo. Pass. ( Kx. .Moo.I Loaves I OMAHA AMI' . LOUIS. Arrives OiiiahaU. | i * . ilcpot. 10th and Marey Sts. Omnlm 4.10 p m.Ht | Louis Cannon Hall | ! 2.'lji | in leaves I F. , 15. .V MO. VALLBY. lArrlvos Omaha I rH'pot , IMh and Webster Sis. Omaha O. , ST. I' . , M. A O. lArrlvot Omaha [ Dopol. IMIi nnd Webster Sts I Omaha Lnvoi I Missotnu PACIFIC. | Arrfvo < Oiuahal Dnpol I5lh and Websler Sis. I Omaha 10.MI 11 ml SU LouH Kxprcn * I tR ; : ) a m P.iO : pnij St. Loiiln Kxprcss. . . . . . . . | fi.10 p m Ij nvca. CHICAGO , U. I. & PACIFIC. Arrives Triinsfur Union Depot.Council Bluffs. Transrer n ; \a \ p m Nlglil Hx press P.'ll n in 10.VO U m , . . .i..Atlantic Kxprcss 655 p m 4.M p m Ventlbulo Limited 12. ; > U pm _ v. C. , ST. JOK , V C. 11. Arrives Trnnsferl nrilon Depot Council ilium. Transter 10UO n ml..Kansas City Day Kxprosa. . I : > 21 p m 10.15 p ml..Kansas 1'llv Nlghl Kxprosi K.2U a m Leaves IUIHCAGO , I1UIH/N & QUINCY , Arrives Transfer ] Union Depol , Council Illulta Trunafo Leaves I OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS. I Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council lllutTs Transfer l St. Louis Canon Hall [ 12.15 p in Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrives Transfer Union Depot. Council lllulTs. ( Transfer 7.45 a ml . .bloux City Accommodation , . 10 uu p m 5.SO p m ! 81. Paul Kxprsss 0.4D n m lC'U\Ci ! I UlltUAUOfe.NOKTllWKSTIUlNI Arrive * Transfer ) Union Depot. Council lllutra. Trunefor izfol p m . . . . . . . . Chicago Kxpreis Ti.tio p m 5.15 p m . . .Vcsllhulol.linltod ii.lU u m 10 00 p m Kiislcrn Fl > cr l.'W p m 8.UU p m ( Kx Sal ) Atlantlo Mall ( Kx Mon ) : n m 7.40 .a m Cr.rroll I' IU.OO p m PROPOSALS FOH MILOII COWS AND bulls. IJoiKirttnonl of tlio Inturlur , Olllco oflndlun AITulrs. WniililiiKton. I ) . U. , Kob- rnuiy ) , - lbTJ. ! Souled iirunonals , Indorsed "Proposals for Cows or Hulls , " ( as the euso may lip ) and addressed to the commibslonerof In dian alTnlrs , Washington , I ) . O. , will ho ro- colvcd until 1 o'clock p. in. , Saturday , Mnruh r > , IW'J. ' ' . for furnibhln mid dollvorlni ; at 1'lno Kldgo. liosoliiul , Cheyenne Hlver , Crow Crook nnd Lower Brule. agonulei. South Dakota , SlandliiR Hook iiRotioy , North Uukotn , Siintcu nnd 1'ouca apnn lub , Nuhruhlcu , I'lnnilroaii ' imoncv. South Dakota nnd tlio Grow a oncy , Montana , iibont , 11,0 0 milch cows nnd 4011 bulls. ItcRiiliir blanks for bids nro not ro- cmircil. Schedules ( uliloli will bu iiiuilo a part of tlio'pioposalsrshowliiK thu niiinbcr ot cattle - tlo rc"iulrc < l at tlio various agencies , condi tion1' tO.J ) observed by blddurx , tlmo and place of dollvory. tut ms of contract and pav- inunt. 'and all otlior iiecesiiu-y Instructions , will bo furnished upon triplication to thu ln- dllin olllco at Washington , tlio coinmlssnrlos of aiubal.slc'nco. U. S. A. , at Chicago , St. Paul , Omnlia , Nebraska , and dlieyonno , Wyoming , to tlmptihllshursof thoStock ( Jro.vors1 Jour- mil ot Allies Clly , Montana , and the .lournal of liulunii , Montanii , und the suvoral Intllan Scents. Tbo rlsht Is reserved to reject nny or all lildfl , or any part of uny bid , If doemud for the best Intorobt.s of the Kovernnuint ; also , the furlltur rl"ht In. making the awards lo In crease or diminish to anv extent the nuinbor of animals culled for In the schedules ; also to rcciulro iv delivery of twenty-five per cent. moro or , than the amoimispoclflud In any contractv1- CEI1TIC1GD CIIKCKS. Each Wid must 1)0 ) accompanied by a certified chock o'draft on emu United States dopos- Jtpry for'iit least flvo nur cent of the amount of tlio 1)1(1 , made payable to ll.o order of tlio commissioner of Indian affaire , which checker or draft will ha forfoltod to the United .Slates In case any lilddor receiving an award Khali fall lopromptlruxcuuto a contract with good and aulHclont sureties : otherwise to I o re turned lo tlio hlddor. T. J. MOUCAN. Com missioner. t'10 d'JIt Jl LS KOUK1KU. , linlliiti f-orvulo. I'lno _ _ AKOIVCV , Pontli nakbta. I'obruary lltli , ISiti Soiiled proposals , ontlorsod "I'raposulH for VI u Id .Seeds" 'ind addressed to tlio iindor- slunnd ut I'lnu Itldjjo Aironoy , Hontli D.iliOtn. will ho roao'vcd nt tliln ax'oncy until 1 o'uluok p. m.-of Murch 7th , 18 ! ) ; ' , for funilalilny nnd ( lullvorlnc ; at Ittislivlllc , NourasUu : : ! 8.LU ( pounds scud oats , 4\OiX ) iiiiiinilri scud wliont. llr ! > W pounds bucd oorii , Jl.lKK ) pnunclrt HOCI ! iiottitoos. l.oito pounds seed ( Jorinan inllliit , 'M > poiintls thnolliy .seed , VO ) Doiinds IjliiiiKrnss Need. , .Sail ! BU ( IB to lie urowii In tliu noullon of noun ; y conuxuoii to tlio pnu'o of ilollvory. Illildorh will ho rcinrMl | ( to slate Hpocllloiilly In tliolr ) | ( ! tlio proposoil prleo of uuch urtlolo olUicmLfor delivery under n eontriiot. The il lit Isrosorvod to rcjuut iiny or all llda. ) or nny purtof nny lild , If iloomud for the licxt In- torostof tlmsLTVlco , CVrtlUod Chocks , l uoh lild iniiBt Do auoonipiiulcii liy a cortlllcd choolc ( frurnft upon UOIIIK linlliiJ HlntoH Dunosltory iir olVctit National Hunk In the rlvlnily of thu rcslilnncuof the lilddor , made puyahlo to the onlor of the C'ominUs.onur of InUlan Af- falrs.'forutloaat llvo per vent of tlio amount of the propiisai , whlL-h ohrck ordraft will ho .forfollod to thu United States In case any lld- ) ( lororlilddar * rouolvlni ; an award ahull fall to promptly oxootito a uiintraol. with Rood and Biillloiont hiirltloi , othurwNo to ho rolnrnud to thu blddor. Illds aeuoinpiinlod by ( insli In lion of a ccrtlllou check will not ho consldorod. l''or further Inforinatlon apply lo CAPTAIN GEOHGH I , . HOV IlltOWN , U. H. A. , Acting U.S. Indian Agont. F-ll-18-t-rii. BIDH will ho received by the Stats Hoard of I'rlntltiK at theofllco of the becrututv of 8tatoon or hoforo o'olouk p. in. Muroh' ' , Ihl)1. , for prlntlnu and binding In clolh ono thou sand ( I/.00) ) copMos of volnnio IV of the Tr.ins- aisllons and Imports of tlio Nebraska Slate Historical So < joty-to | ho dollvorod complete nt the olllco of the sncrotitry ut the sooloty In the Htato University bulldlni ; . Lincoln. To contain UOO pages , moru or loss. The Uo of pnio ; , vvolsht und iinnllty of paper , style und cjuiillty of binding , style nf lottorlnc on cover and In all respects the work to bn the hiinin UH the sainplo to bo coon In the olllco of the bcc- rotary of stulo. Work to bn completed within sixty days from the awarding of the contract. Bach must bo accompanied by a bond In thu Hum'of J500.00. , Jtlirlit reserved lo rojcot any and all bios by the Htuto I'rlntlne Hoard. JOHN U. AM.KS , Uated rob'v 17 , Ibiri Bucrotarv of htatu , Stocklioldur'H Me Notice Is hernby glvon that the annual meeting of the iitouKholders of tlio Hotilhl'laUcLund company Will bo hold at thu olllco of said company , In Lincoln , Nob. , on the II rut Wednesday In March , IbW.boIni ; the second day of the month. lly order of the Hoard of Directors. It. O. I'liir.LU's , HocroUrv- . Nub. , rob. X. la'JJ. Fad li-ftM Notlco to rltuokholdors , Tlio annual inuetlnic of stockhotfleri of Tim lieu Publishing company will bu hold ut tlielr ollluo , cornorof 17th and Kurnaiuslreoti , on Monday , March T , U ! > 2. ut 4 o'olcxik p. m. Korlho election of ollloers and directors und such ( jtljer bualuo us may cotnu up. for con sideration. UEU. II. TZSUIIUCK , tiecrutury. 9 Bottles of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC % J relieved mo of n severe Dlood trouble. It lifts also caused my Imlr to grow out again , na it lnul been frilling out liy tlio lianil full. After Irying nmny pbyslelnna in vnln , I nm so lirtppy lo llntl n curn in S.S.S. 0. H. EI.HKUT , Gitlvcstou , Tex. S flllppfJ by forcing out perms of disease UMJUiLnml the poison ns well. It is entirely vegetable nnd harmless. I Treatise : on Illood nnd Skin mailed free. SWUTS SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Gx A Written Guaranlea of SYPHILIS CUHE EVERY CASE t MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent unit not n pitching up. C.KOI eatwl oovrn year * an > Imro never een n vmplom Flnco. Hy dc crll > lii cn o fiilly wo ran troit ) oubr mallami wculvothosamo stroiiff Riiaranteo tnrure orrefundallmonor. Thowwho prefer to eomolu-ro fortrratmcnt ranilo snnml wa will pay nillroail faro both ways and hotel bllU whllo here If wn fall to cure \Vo ChallpiiRO Iho WorKl for H ra o that our M AGIO UKMKDV TIIII not euro. Wrlto for particular * nn.t pet the evidence. In our > OVIMI yoin' pmcUCi ) wltli thlsMAOlCllKMUDV U has bonn ni' > M ilimonU to ovcrcomolho projudlcos nsalmt soeillol spcollloi Hut under our strong Ruarnntuo thou < 'tnvt < are tryliu Itancl liclndciirolVo Kunrantoo to euro orrofitnl every dollar , nnl as wohnvoa rcputatloi : to pr.tto a nlsoflnnnctnl backing of MB.OU U Ispcrfoctlv snfoto all who will try thotruntmonU llorotofu'oyou have been puttlimupniiil pntlnii out your numoy forillMor cut treatments , and nlthouiih you nro not yet enrol noono has paid back your money.Vo will positively euro run. Old chronic , deep soato.1 ea oi euroJ Inl ) to 00 day. Investigate our llnauclal stnnJIiu , our reputation t\5 business men.Vrltu us for iminos and addrei'CHof the o wo Imvo cured who Imvo lilven | i rmlsslon to refer to thorn * . Keosti you only poit- auoto ilo thl < . If your Sinptoins are aero tlirjit , mucous patches In month , rhoiiumtlsm In bonosnnl JointsImlr fiilllni ! out , eruption' on any part of Ilia body , foolhiE of Kcncrnldopro lou , pains In lii'.il or DOIICS. You have no tlrco to wnste , Tlunowhoarj coiKtantly tuklnu nioronry anJ polish shnul 1 tlliqon tlnuo It. Constant n o of Ihcso tlriiKS will Kiintly lirln ? sorps and entlng ulcers In the end. Don't fall to Wrltu. Allcorrosponlenra sent sonlo.l In plain enrolopui Wolnvllo themoxt rUI.I . Investluntlou nnd will do till In our power to nl 1 you In It. Addrosj COOK REMEDY lO. , - Omaln , Nebraska , MAGIG GUBE FOR ONLY. MEN nno for ti cusa of I.OXT or I'Att.iNd MAN- tiooi ) , Rannrnl or Nuiivoiis Dciiti.irv. nrssotuody orinlnil. tlio ulluutsntorrorsorox- cossealn olilor youiii ; Unit wo ciinnot cure. Wo eunrntitonovory rnio orrofiind ovury I'lvc diivstrlnl tri-attnoiit SI , full conrsn S5. Porooptllilo lionollts roullzod In tliroo Any * . lly mull , Boouroly | ) : iokoil from observation. COO 1C liKMEDV CO. , UMAIIA , Neil LADIES ONLY MARIP I'K-MAI.i : UiCUrATOK : , Snfo Iltltl IIIHUIU Certain to u tiny nr inonoy refunded. lly mall 8. ' . Soeuroly soali-il from olwurva- t on. CUOli UKMHUX ft > . , Omaliii , N eb HAVE YOU JSCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE ! flNover falls to Klvo Instant relief In the wont I jcascjl. nml rflWI. rurv where olhrrn " . " . . * ' ' ' ! ' ' I'HKK or llr Kl.u orlir"K" I. dFTM BR. R. 80HIFFM/VKK. SI. Ul.n , Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil is an easy food it is more than food , if you please ; but it is a food to bring back plumpness to those who have lost it. Do you know what It is to be plump ? Thinness is poverty , living from hand to mouth. To be plump is to have a little more than enough , a reserve. Do you want a reserve of health ? Let us send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING ; free. ScoTT&IloWNo.Chemlslsi3 > South sth A venue , New York- . druegfot keeps Scott's EmuUlou of cod-liver oil all druggist * everywhere do. fi. 34 \Vlion It accompanies a recent cold : Tnkf cn.iul purtaenclt odlnctiiroof blood-root , s > tup. of Ipecac and squills , tincture of uulwm of loin , nud p.irouonc , nnd take of tlio compound Imlftt leaspoonful whenever Iho couuli Is Bovero. J'Yom ' "Kwiw Tlilltclf , " Dm. Itett * < t Jlctte' tlllii- trated new book < > J 120 untie * , u'lucli trill he sent Tree ft any address on receipt of i cents to pay jwilage , The book contains Ilioii5mils ; of Items of In- form.itlon of cvou yrealer Importance tlmn Iho nbove , not Ilio lean of whlcli Is thoinolhod of determlnlui ; wlieu oue U nllllctctlllli any form ot Nervous , Chronic or Private Diseases With rules for gunnllng nualnsttlielr attacks. And , boiler tlmn nil UiN , it niturds conclusive } nud abundant proof ot llio utcal ability. tiu ! wonderful liklll , tlio remarkable BClenco and tlio valuable experlouce of DRS , BEHS & BETTS The most ulflod p claHsts Hi America In the careful treatment und mccessful euro of Consultation free. Call upon ' or address wllli 119 South Hth St. . N , K CornorWh nnd Dou lns Sta. Omalia , Nelj. SHETHOUailTHK MUST BE LONELY , Ho routiit York IHftVriMit In .At rroin 1 1 ( i inc. A young innii fro h from tlio country CIUHO to New York about a month IIRO to sock his fortuiio , sitya the Tribune. Ilo hml just 6UX ) in cunh loft when ho founil a boimllnu plnco ami lnul his trunk onrrlod tip to his hull hcdroom. HoIiiR frugal , ho deposited $ Ul of this In u MiviiiKs bank downtown. Tills bntili docs tx lai'jjo buslnefs unions poor IHJO- plo and its clerks nro not any too polite , probably because they are Imdtforod aij day lout * by Ignorant depositors who are afraid the cashier id uoinjj to run away if they don't come around ovcry day or two lo make sure that their money IB there yet. The younrr ninn soon discovered that Now York Is an expensive olty la Hvo in. Five dollars would have Inslod n lour ; tlmo for ordinary expenses in his nattvo village , but in Now York it molted away in his pocket Uko n snow ball. It reminded himof the Scotchman who had visited the caultnl of England to see Iho sights , and who on his return , in endeavoring to describe to his friends the great cost of living there , said : " 1 hadna boon in Lunntm flvo hours whan bang wont stixponcol" The young Vermonter , not having secured n situation , soon found It neces sary to draw from his little fund In banh. Ho got into position in the long line of depositors , and when his turn came nsked for 8152 In small bills. It was handed out to him , and as there were eo many people waiting behind him , ho' did not stop to count the money till ho got away from the toller's window. Ilo quickly saw that the man had made u mistake. Going up to the window again ho spoke over tlio honds of the others and told the clerk ho had made an error in counting out the hills. The toiler was angrv. Flushing and " glaring , ho shouted : "Can't you road ? See that sign Vuslomors must count tholr money before leaving the window , otherwise mistakes will not bo rootl- lied. ' " A little indignant at the toller's maii- nor , the young man began again : "lint Iho mistake - " "I make no mistakes , " blurted out. the anprv teller , intomipting the other. "Got out of the way you're delaying business. " "Hut you gave mo $1 too muohl" yelled the Yermontor , now thoroughly angry- "Oh , ah ! " gulped tlio toiler. "In that case , of conrbo Thank youl" and ho grabbed the returned bill. All eyes wore fastened upon the young man at once. As ho was going out a garrulous old woman , who bproatl an aroma ol gin all about her , said lo him : "Young man , ain't you mighty lonely in New York. " Walking advertisements. Every man , woman nnu child who has once tried Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup cannot say enough lu Its pralso. The wonderful euro by Salvation Oil of Mr. M. S. Cull ) , n clironlu rheumatic , 2i'J Cioorgo street , Baltimore , Ma. , hits awakened widespread interest. A rialn-spolti'li C'lilHornlii iJnilK * ' . A great many Ciiliforniiiiis , Bays the San Francisco' Chronicle , are in tlio habit of maintaining that most of the characters and incidents of Bret llarto'n stories have no other foundation tlmn the novelist's imagination , and his ac counts of the peculiar conduct of judges and other public charnctoru are all tot down as apocryphal in character. But there is a judge btill occupying the bench up in the northern part of the btato who exemplifies in himself the oddest of Ilarto's creations. Ho is , of course , a pioneer , find Itns seen all sorts of experiences , while his judgments from the bench are oharitctori/od by a wholesome justice and common sense that are indeed rofresiling. But lie is a queer genius for all that. lie was try ing a case during midsummer of Inbt year , and a number of Sun Franciscans were present in the court room. It was a hot day such a day of intense glaring heat as is only possible In n vulloy among the mountains , where the in- lluonco of the coast breo/.e cannot penetrate. It was a divorce ease nnd many ladies wore in attend ance. As the day wore on it grow hotter and hotter. The judge became more and moro uneasy and hitched around in ills boat uncomfortably. Ilo throw open hie duster and twitched al his collar several limes. Finally ho appeared to roach a desperate resolve. Clearing nis throat ho looked apologetically at the ladies and suid : "By . ladies , you'll Imvo to OXCUBO mo , b"ul I toll you what it is it's so infernally hot here that I'll Imvo to lake off this collar , " and miking Iho notion to the word he toro it olT. J.ato in Iho afternoon the lawyers became - came involved in a wrangle ever u motion , and the judge left his chair and began pacing baolc and forth across the platform. Finally lie stopped , fncod the disputants , and said : "By gentleman , I'm tired of your infernal wrangling , I'm 'going homo. " "Woll , butyour honor , won't ' you decide - cido Iho motion Unit 1 have been arguing1" ! said ono of the count-el. "Oh , to with your motion ! Thoro'll ho time enough for Hint in the morn ing ; Court's adjourned " and with Ills crook-handled cane on his arm nis honor mtido a bee line for the nearest "orrlga- tin'pluco. " XovViuliInKliin , PIUIII. , IVopIo nro not slo < v about laltliifr hold nt n n6\v tliiiif. . if the article has merit. A low monuii ngo David Hynrs of llmt place bought till llrst stoclc ot Clmmborlain'ti Cough Homed y. Ho has sold it all and ordered moro. HoBay.i : "it 1ms K'von ' tlio best of hiitlsfuollon , I Imvo war rented ovury bottle , and have not. Imd ono oomo back. " fiO com aim $1 boltlos for sale by Troulild wllli tln > .NIMV C'nliiH , The now silver dimes , quarters and half dollars nro causing no little incdn- vcnionco in bcvoral ways , says a Wash ington dlspitlch. II npnnars that in tlio milling , In order to subject the coin tons litllo wear on Iho face und back as pus- Bible , the edges were slightly raised , BO that they are. in fact , homowhut thicker than Iho old ones. Dunk tellers uro among these especially alTeclcd by the now Htylo of coins. It is doubtlosH gen erally known Unit in hanks there uro smiill boxes , each one divided into u number of parulloj spaces , und these 'in ' turn subdivided , HO that when silver coin IK placed in them , of whatever al/.o , the amount is known ut once , These llttlu compurtmontKnro mudo according to a fixed scale , but when the now coinage WUB put in the tray there wassomo mis- lako. In ouch of the spaces whcro $5 should fit , only $4.2.'i would go ; whoro2 in dimes should have gone , only $1,70 of them would go , und the halves were ono short. Thin might Boom u matter of minor Importance , but where Ihousundti of dollars uro counted In this way , and also by sizing Dp the stuck , it IB of no Blind ! conscniionco when thu time taken In this work Is to ho considered. An other source of trouble U that thodiujos , owing to ttio rivlbcd edges , will not fit the BleU in tiio opera-glass cnens at tached to the back of the elm Irs In theaters. _ I have boon occasionally troubled with coughs , nnd la each cano have used Drown's Bronchial troolios , which have never failed , end I must nay they are socondto nnno In tlio world. Felix A. May , cashier , St. Paul , Minn.