THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AY , FEBRUARY 23 , 1802 , i 1 SEARCHING THE RECORDS "Washington Officeholders Claiming Resi dence in Nebraska , on the Carpet , THEY MUST EXPLAIN * THEIR TITLES tiring Mailo to 1 J.ial Iliitr ( ; mijrr < i inin : llrj-nn 1 Try- In t ; to DitlniiRn tint Intrri'tli of III.Stnto. WASIIIXOTOV Btmr.ui or TitK Bur , J 513 FOUIITEIINTII BlItKRT , V WASHINGTON , IX O. , Fob. ai I Mr. .Tohn Hydo. chlof of the division of Agricultural statistics nnd of the census . onice , president of the Nebraska Republican club , organist ! hero abouttho 1st of Janu ary , ha * boon rounding up the Nobrnskans ' nnd those claiming to bo of Nebraska In the oxccutlvo departments hero. Three or four weeks slnco ho furnished Scnntor Paddock lists embracing the names of clerks nnd other employes nt that tlmo In the departments nnd , ntilio suggestion o' Senator Paddock , bo commenced nt once the work ot discovery ns to tholr actual residence , town nnd county In Nebraska , if they Imve nny , and , if not , to ascertain how it happens that they have T-KpoifM appointment nnd been chanted to the state. mi. nydo has nlrcndy learned n good deal ns to the personnel of the fore ? hero and will BOOH eniirelv complete his work. Senator Mnndorson htis also recently called upon tlio heads of departments for Informa tion on the same line which will f Jlly supple ment the work of Mr. Hyde. CiiinpletliiK till ) I.Ut. Scnntor Paddook also ttomo tlmo Mnco called upon the Civil Service commission fern n liht of nipolntmcnts ] already made and charged to Nebraska under the operations of the civil service laws. This lust was pub lished In TIIK Bute. Ho hat also In answer to a further request received from the com- luKslor. the list of cllclblcs for future ap pointments , and this list has also been pub lished In Tnr. BIJII. In nddltlon to all this Interesting Informa tion lie recently called upon the postmaster pencrul for a list ot nil the postmaster * In Kuhrnsltn with the data of tholr appoint ments and by whom appointed , so that In a very fmv days ho will bo able to glvo his constituents through THE HUB. orun Inquiry , full Information ns to each of these officers , lie nays Micro are a number of men and women sthl In olllco who wcro appointed when ho nnd Senator Hitchcock were hero together fifteen ycais upo who have boon re tained , aim In some cases advanced on ac count of their good character and abilities. Thcro nro some , however , wholly unknown to him , who hnvo probably been charged to the state without warrant , Indeed some Im portant cnscs of this kind have already boon discovered. Tnirlnir Dcnvu u Nrlimslca Industry. The appoarnnco of Bryan's bill placing binding twine upon the free list In the house this week will draw forth n lively lire of facts and statistics from Nebraska , whcro the manufacture of binding twice from American homo haa already boon established noon a firm basis , t have boon shown to- rlny a private letter written by a prominent citizen of Nebraska to Senator Mandcrson concerning this frco binding twinobill. . Among other things the writer of this latter says : " 1 had heretofore supposed that a ropro- ecututivo from nny state was sent to congress for the purpose of securing legislation that would bo of benefit to the Industries of the state of which he was a representative. It seems that Congressman Br.vnn of Nebraska takes a different view , and that hn makes it bis mission to tear down for his own political aggrandizement these Industries which are of benefit to the very ones whoso li.tcrosU ho claims to have at heart. " This letter encloses some information ns to the successful operation of the Nebraska Binder Twine company already established nt Fremont. This company has proved that liemp can bo grown successfully In the. Plutto valley and that binder twtno made from that hemp is oven better than pure tnnnilln , stronger after thu knot Is tied and Is entirely Insect proof , while crickets spoc- latlv cut tnanllla and sisal some seasons VCIT badly. 'J no company grow nnd hod grown about Fremont in ISSSiiTOncres of hemp , in IBS' ) 700 ncres , both seasons soiling the cleaned llbro to eastern manufacturers. In 5890 the com pany got over 2,000 acres at Fremont. North and Godfreys. Ono company has put in n Ret of the latest Imnrovetl twine ma- culuory , nnd mndo that crop into binder time , selling lower to the farmers of Ne braska III an they ever bought good twine. In 16U1 the company had in cultlvatiou over J2.000 acres of hemp from which It is working nn exceedingly good ar- tlclo of binder twlno which will GCil at a reasonable price , no matter how bigh ether makers of twlno mav bo sold. One method of handling , and machinery for cleaning hemp , which save n largo part of the expense by the old methods , Insures ability to supply the best quality of hemp twlno , nt a prlco much lower than would bo possible except by the old hand methods of liaiidllng nnd cleaning. The company makes 2,600 to 4,000 pounds of twinu per day , and employ steadily sixty hands , and when pull Ing cioji about us many more. I'nlilln lliillillngs fur Small Towns. Within the next ton days Senator Paddock believes thnt the bill providing for a federal building in all cities nnd towns whore the postofllce receipts aggregate $ .1,000 a year , \v 111 bo passed by the senate. Thu bill con templates the expenditure of about $20,000.- 000 within the next four or live years , or ns BOOH ns situs can bo purchased nnd buildings constructed in places entitled 10 thorn under the provisions of the bill. Consldcraolo Diixlctv is manifested In tbo soante as to what the house will do with the measure when it Is by that body rocolvcd. The bouse commltteo on poatofllccs nnd post- roads reported favoiably n hill similar to this under a domocratla organisation , but In view of the pledges made by the majority of tbo present house against tiDpronrlatlons not Accessary for the maintenance of government business , a doubt exists whether the bill will rccch u fnvornblo nctlon. It Is suggested by friends of the mojsuro that the citizens of cities which will DO entitled to buildings under tbo provisions of this measure should take some step to strengthen It before the houso. Petition : ) nnd letters to Individual members of the house will have the dosircd . elect. Ml < ' < iiin | oiis , U- U. F. ICompstor of Oinqha is at the Metro polltnn , Mrs. Hop > -csoiitntlvo Bryan received with \ Mrs.Vllllnm M. Springer at 4011 B street , , oullioast , this afternoon. P. S. U. i HOUXn AltOUT US. 4 N'oliruxku. 4i i The Transcript Is the new uamo of Stem's republican paper. Prohibitionists of Custor county will bold D mass convention at Broken Bow Thursday. The now editors have changed tbo name of the Crawford Clipper and it is now known as tbo'lrlbuno. A largo number of railroad mon are mov ing their families to Stromsburg because that city bus boon made u division station. It is quite probable that lu the near future a mill nnd elevator company will bo formtd lu Sidney which will unite wltb the Sldnoy Milling company aud build a 50,000 bushel capacity olovator. R. A. Batty , chairman of the Fifth con gressional dutrlct aemocratlocommltteo , has called u mooting of tbo committee for March 1 nt Hastings to fix tbo tlmo and place for holding tbo district convention. While & 00 people were la the ball at Miller - ler a largo lump was overturned on tbo stage nnd the burning oil spread rapidly , Ono man Jumped through tbo window , but euergetlo utTorts kept the rest from a punlo und the JJro was extinguished. Whllo William Schulz , n cook In o restau rant at Fremont , was getting ready an order for customers ho suddenly dropped lifeless In the kitchen from some heart affection. Ha Las at times complained of being tn pain , but nothing serious was thought of It. Charles Murray and Miss Cloin Smith of platumouth bavo disappeared and it U bo- Moved tboy have eloped. Murray eloped with tats * May Martin two Tears ago and married her , but two raonlbi.iiEO shu loft him und bo began suit for dlvorcu. lioforo any action iv i taUeu by the court , boworor , Murray fled witb Miss Smlth.whoftt onotirao worked for his father , who is n well to-do farmer just ouLildo of Plattsmouth. The fourth annual meeting of tbo secretar ies of the Young Men's Christian associa tions of Nebraska will convene at Crete Wednesday evening nnd clnso Friday evenIng - Ing , wltn sessions intervening. All the sec retaries In the stnto , oosldos many other workers , nro expected to bo present. The ofllco of the Tocmusoh Republican has boon the resort of n gang of hoodlums who climbed over the transom or picked the lock nnd mndo themselves nt homo. Now the transom linn boon nailed down nnd the editor announces that If anybody picks the lock ho will have thorn arrested on burglary. An artificial lake two mlles long nnd n half inllo wide , will bo constructed nt Indlanola , and ns thcro nro crovcs ou Its banks , n line pleasure resort will bo formed. A JML',000 brick block will go up In the spring , nnd sov- nrnl other ovldcncon of prosperity nro an nounced , Indlntiolau a lively llttlo town that glvos promise ol much activity In the near futuro. limn. Llnwood Is to have a farmers' elevator it $1,000 worth of stock can bo sold. An industrial school has boon started by charitable young ladles of Dnbuquc. Rock Vnlloy young mon nro building a neat .steam yacht to nnvlgato the Kock river. Dmilnp proposes to put In nn electric light plant , the dvnnmos to bo operated by water power. A partially petrified human skeleton was dug out of n sand bank nt Storm Luke the ether day. Fort ' Indicates Dodge's Improvement record cates thnt lll ! , ( > y > was expended lu new buildings during IS'.lt. The talk about the Illegality of O'Brien " county's $10KH ! ( > debt and the "possibility of repudiation Is being rovlvcd , Clinton proposes to nnnox tbo village of Chancy , nnd would oven consent to tnko Lyons under Its municipal wing. Theodora W. Pnrvln of Iowa Cit7 was married at dnti Luis PotosI , Mox. , to Sonor- ItnJosottnn , daughter ot General Manuel Sanchez Rivera. The Dos Molnos city council is trying to force the gas company to furnish cheap gas , aud the mayor has been enjoined from sign ing the ordinance. The Jury disagreed In tbo case of J. S. nnd W. J. Maughlm against the Sioux City road nt Onawn. The suit was for $4,1100 for dam ages caused during last spring's floods by water backed up by the company's grade. The owners of the now opera house nt Dubuque complain that tholr enterprise Is being injured because the Congregational church Is rented for lectures and ether en tertainments that would otherwise go to the opera house. Down in the east part of the stnto , where nearly nil the rivers formerly afforded excellent - lent fishing , a vigorous movement Is on foot to secure a law that will adequately protect the fish and prevent promiscuous slaughter by seines. A bill modeled after tbo Minnesota seta and Wisconsin laws will bo Introduced. Dr. Blrnoy.nosoimd tnroat. I3Ei : bldfj TllKl' IMtt'Slin Z'llli GHOST. Uhlrngo Kepnrters Kxposo an Alleged Med ium After u Hunt l'lj-ht. Cmc.uio Buitiuu OP Tun BBB , I Ouioioo , Ii.u , Fob. 2J. f Throe reporters exposed a "spook sea nce" last night. They captured Harry Arclior , on alleged materializing med ium , nt 329 Washington boulevard , while ho was In the act of Impersonating n fonialo shade called "Altco. " Ono reporter grabbed the entrancing white-robed form , throw it violently to the ground , aud then bold on. A lively light , free for all and nobody barred , occupied tbo next two minutes , but the journalistic exponents of the manly art , aided by Detec tives John Klllott and Thomas McClam , proved the winners and Archer and his con federate , Wlllio Cole , were given a rldo In a patrol wagon to the Dosolalnes street sta lion. They wore lockoa up , two warrants having bean sworn out against each by u re porter , charging them with obtaining money under falsa pretenses and giving a public en tertainment without having a city license. Observed U'nHliliiRtou'K lllrtlnliiy. Today was observed as n holiday In this city in "honor of Washington's birthday , ex changes , batiks nnd business houses bolng closed , as wore nlso the government and municipal olHcos. Appropriate exorcises were bold at schools nnd churches , and the First regiment of Illinois National cuard had a parade. Illinois Democrats lor War. Illinois democrats generally favored nn early state convention , so the democratic stnto central committee todny decided to bold the state convention nt Snrinclield , April 2" , n week prior to the date fixed upon b ? the republicans. These who advocate an early convention argue that the democrats should lead oIT. Nothing would suit Cook county bettor , as nil arrangements have boon perfected for tbo election of delegates to the state convention a week from Friday. It would not bo surprising if the Cook county convention gave Palmer's boom a boost. Be tween now nud then , unless General Palmer's friends overestimate their strength , ono or two county conventions will declare for him , and should Cook county swell the throng the Illinois delegation would not bo subjected to the importunings of eastern candidates. There are evidences , however , that Colonel Morrison is not idle and that ho desires the delegation for him self or some man to bo designated by him. tor a week or more bis missionaries have been at work , but it is said they have not mane much progress. When seen , Senator Vilas , who Is In the city with the congressional delegation. 10- fused to go into a discussion of projidaatinl possibilities. "You know , " said ho , "how many contingencies may affect the outcome. I bavo uo hesitation , however , In saying thnt I am for Grover Cleveland. .No , I had not beard that Hill had captured nil but ten votes In the Now York state convention. The thing thnt surprises mo Is bow those ton got away. Perfection of 11 machine would not allow such n mishap. " G'lili'nuo'a Idle Army. It Is estimated that there are now 30,000 Idle men in the city. The Trade nud Labor assembly has adopted resolutions requesting Mayor Wnshbiirno and the city council to rescind contracts for the removal of garbage from the alloys and dirt from tbo streets in as much , ns they bavo not boon complied witb. With those contracts annulled the mayor Is nskod to employ the largo number of mon now necking work to do the work : and also to clean the streets. It was also urged thnt the men bo paid at least the amount thnt may bo hereafter rcaulred to keep thorn as criminals or pan porn. Odds nnd Kiuls. Paul G. Loader , a young Englishman , blow out his brains near tbo Montrose boulevard bridge because a young lady named Adclondo Oxloy refused to marry him. Of tbo flO.OOO required for the Fritz Router monument $354 ! ! has already boon raised. Among tlio contributors Is Platts- doiituchoveroin of Omaha. Air Ship Pennlngton has discovered u now cas which ho thinks will solve the aortal navigation problem. Ho claims that he took a buzzard and clipping both wings of the first joint , tlod a string around Its nook nnd hung It up for eight day. By putting a paper cap on each wing ho got ono oublu foot of gas , Ho is now looking UP the properties of this and as soon as ho discovers It bo will raako a ship fly , so bo soya. Jack Baker , a Chicago middleweight , knocked out Charles Volght , a local celebrity lu three bard rounds last nlgiit , We torn 1'uuplo lu Chicago , The following western people ore jn the city ; At the Grand Pacific J. II. Rhcomborgv J. M. Atkinson , E. J. LevI , Dubuque , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. B , Curtis. J. W. MoDanlol , Cedar Rapids , la. ; * D. T. hedges , Sioux City. la. ; John M. Tburstoa. G. M. Illtcb- noc. : . J , J. Johnson , W. H , Wyinan , Omaha : K. J. MoLaughlln. Clinton , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Prouty. Dos Molnuj , la. At tbo Palmar .Tamos Ktntr , Clinton , la. ; L. S. Bullard , Pierre , S. D. : J. M. McDonald , Dubuque , la. ; Mr. and Mpi. Thomas Cochrano. W. C. Davis , Lincoln : P. F , Connor , Burlington. la. ; Goorga F. Carr , Rapid C.ity , S. D , ; Thomas Bronnun , Council BlutTs ; Mr. ana Mra. Ueoriro A. Joslyn , Omulia ; Josopb barbaetio , Fulrbury , Nob. ; C , Kirk , DCS Moines , la. At tbo Auditorium John B. Ilanlov , Omaha ; Mr. ana Mrs. U. H. Eighmoy , 'MUs Klchmoy. Dubuque , la. General J , C , Cuwiu passed through the city today on bis way to New York , wheru be oxpooU to be absent about ton days.F.A. F.A. NO SOLUTION IN SIGHT YET President Oarnol Cannot Answer the Ques tion of the Political World. MUCH WIRE PULLI.VG IS IN PROGRESS Intriguing niul CniintrrpliittltiRnii All Sltle < Jinny Itunuir * lint No flint * M. Itllml Illtr * Up M. ( 'mutant .Mny ll Ciillrit In. M bu Jnmci flnnlm I'AMIS , Fob. S3. [ Now York Herald Cable- Special to THE Br.i.J Wo nro still without n ministry. M , Caruot will not come to any decision till tomorrow. M. Itlbot seems to have abandoned all hope of accepting the premiership. It would not Interest you much to hear the details of the potty Intriguing , ( luarrols , plots and counterplots mixed up In this crisis. If the cholco of n now pone depended oil the Issue , there could not bo more wlro pulling. Yet there Is nothing one would think so very enviable In the position of a French cabinet minister , exposed nt any moment to upset. According to the latest rumor , a Constnns cabinet Is proonblo. Yesterday the cry was "anyone rather than Constnas. " This fact will servo to show you In what a mud dle things nro In hero just nt present. JACQURS ST. VA1US1AN CHATTI3U. Mliililor Held Will Not tin Homo Soon About tlio Deacon * . tCnpyi IgMfil IS ) : liy James donlnn Jlcmi'lt.1 PAIIIS , Fob. 2.J. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BIB. | An unex pected Incident In the Froncb cabinet crisis Is that Minister Whltolnw Hold , who in tended .sailing for Now York on Saturday next , Is obliged to postpone his departure since the legation business pending cannot bo closed until the now ministry assumes ofllco. Whltoiaw Hold told the correspond ent of the Herald that It would bo some weeks before ho could cot away. French popular sentiment upon the Cannes tragedy Is characterized by a conversation the Herald had with the conclorgo at 2 Kuo Mnrbouof , where Parker Deacon's residence was for n year. "Oh pauvro Madame Deacon. " said the concierge , "otalt cllo gontllto monsieur , otalt un ours. Aboillo otnit charmantgarcon. Wo never know to nmko of Monslour Dea con. Ho kicked Aboillo out one ovciilne. Ho kicked many other friends out of the house. Abolllu was vary small and Deacon very strong nnd ought to have not shot Aboillo. A duel would have boon all right , but this Is butchery. Poor madame and her chllrtronl" ' 'rof. Wells , professor of current history at Union college , who loft Now York with his wife and daughter in Juno , gave nn outline - line of bis trip to a correspondent. Norway and Swcdon were first studied. They tbcn wont through Finland to Petersburg , which was reached during the night. At Cron- itndt they showed great ontnuslasm on en tering the port , and ran up the stars nnd stripes. The party , which numbered illty- eight Americans , received n warm welcome. They then wont to Warsaw , Vienna , Italy nud Grooco. visiting Marathon's Hold. After wards to Turkey. Algiers , Armenia , Cairo , and then up the Nile , tbo most memorable part of tbo pilgrimage. Prof , Wells is con vinced tnat English occupation bus benefited Egypt , which ho expects will become a winter - tor sanatarium for Europe and America. Northern Africa , Spain and South Franco brought the trip to a closo. Prof. Wells re turns a month honco. A serious accident occurred last night ( Monday ) on the Northern railway three miles from Pans. A passenger train van into a coeds train. The driver of the former was killed and the tlronmn seriously injured. The engine was overturned. Fourteen pas sengers were more or less severely injured , and twenty others bruised. The fault lay with the driver , who expiates it with bis life. life.Thoro There has been no official celebration of Washington's birthday today In Paris , though the legation and consular ofllcos wcro closed. The American Art association hold a banquet for 109 , and speeches were made by A. A. Anderson , Harry Pooro of Phila delphia , Partridge of Boston. L. E. Faborof Pmladolphin , ICoyslor and others. Apropos of the Cannes tragedy , Francis Mnynard , editor of Figaro , In a loader in Tuosoay's ' issue attacked article cccxxlv of the code , declaring a husband who kills his wife or her paramour , surprised in flugranto delicto , oxcuiablo. Mnyftnrd says divorce should do away with this idea. Marquise do I3rntonll , daughter of the late Commodore Garntes of the Now York Yacht club , gave birth to a son today. Mother and child ore doing well. WILL Americans la 1'nrln Dcclilo on ( Jiving Minis ter Itelil n Send Oil' . ICnj/i/r/oMwl / liuJame * Gonlin Jlcnnell. \ PAIIIS , Fob. 23. [ Now Yorlc Herald Cable Special to TUB Bin : . ] In accordance with the Invitation which nppoarod in the Herald this morning , a largely attended mooting of Americans in Paris assembled nt the ollleos of Drexel , Harjos & Co. this afternoon for the purpose of deciding as to how best to give expression of the sentiment of Americans of cstoom for Minister White- law Held , on the occasion of his departure from Paris. Among those present were Consul General Klnir , who presided ; N. H. Hnrjos , E. E. Winslow , .1. Meredith - dith Head , H. C. Young , Henry Moslor , ElbridcoT. Gerry , Jr. , George H. Morgan , F. E. Foster , Henry C. Half , Philip's Kv- lander , .T. C. Vane , Julius A. Stewart. J. H. Housom , Commodore A. Stewart , Dr. Thomas Evans , McC. Hosovolt , Henry Hagnie , George S. Ilurmatu , General E. D. Winslow , H. D. Hadcllffo and Dr. E. A. Crane. After a brlof exchange of views it was do- elded to tender Minister Whltoiaw Kola a public banquet , at which an address setting lorth the oitoom of American ! in Paris for him personally and their recognition of his valued and distinguished services as the minister of their country should bo pre sented. After appointing a commltteo con sisting of J. Hayes , General J. Meredith itcld , Uom. Sollgmaer , Genera ! Adam E. King and Vnnbergon II. Huyulo to carry out Us intentions , the meeting adjourned. itt'jJamn llm\l > i H ; ' . { ' , . ) Fob. t3. ! fNow York Herald Cable-Special to Tun BFK. ] i'ho North German steamer Kaiser Wllholra II. from Antwerp to Australia , is grounded In the river Scboldto. JSvory effort is being made to float her. She Is tno largest ship In the North German Lloyd's ' fleet. A sensation was caused today by the an nouncement that Nothamb , state minister and one of the lenders of the clerical con servative party , bud resigned the chairman ship of the conservative association and espoused radical Ideas on the suffrage ques tion. This will greatly favor the radical solution. AOI/X/l O.M.1WJ. I'atrlotlu , You Hut. The IGOtu anniversary of the birth of Washington was nowhere celebrated more enthusiastically than at the now brick school house at TUlriy-tbird and J streets In tbo Fourth ward. A long time ago tbo pupils beeau to save their nickels and pennies la order that when tbo birthday of tbo great patriot came acnln tbo stars and stripes might Host over their scnool. The purchase of a few yards of bunting might not mean tnuch to Jay Gould or the South Omaha Board of Kduuallon , but to those small chil dren it represented tbo sacrifice of their usual allowance of sweetmeats for many days. But they did It , and when the band- 1.01110. Hag was raised over the school tiou a yesterday afternoon no hearts In Nebraska were nrou Jor than the children who knew their hard named pennies had purctmtoil it. Their pa routs were proud too and uhethor , they were prouder of the children or of thu flui : they could not tell. The Board of Eilu- . cation and a largo representation of itio Grand Army of the Republic and Sous of , Veterans were ah > a priueut and cheered as heartily us the children. I Prof. Munro cu Hod tbo incctlut' to ordo , nnd presented the the Board of Kilu cation with a brief MMcment or the efforts by whkh the chlldron'fidd procured It , Mr. Funston . ncceptW lt In bohnlf of the board. made Kor , Hobert Llvlngstono jtoU and McDouenl of the Sons of Veterans , with Isano Brnyton , wnro appointed n connJttco ) | to lu.lst the Ha ? . This ceremony was pprformod with great onthuMasln , nnd nftot1 all had joined In singIng - Ing "America" tbo audlc'iico was dismissed. A brilliant flashing of sabrot , black nnd gold uniforms nnd fittr women In orenlng costumes glittered untior thu electric lights In Blum's hall last night. It was the second nnnual ball of Lify dlvNlon , No. S , Uniform Hnnit , Knights of Pythias , and. Incidentally , ono nf tbo most successful social events of the winter. Junt before 0 o'clock the knights entered the hall In double fllo nnd for half an hour entertained nn appreciative audience by n series ot dlfllcult drill evolutions. The man ner In which they performed tholr part would have donoorcdlt to any military organization , nnd they wcro npntnudod to the cchn. Major nnd Mrs. Sackottlcd the grand maroh.whlch was participated in by fully UK ) couples , many of whom were from Omnhn. Sir Knight A. L. holt was mister of coro- monles nnd was u sstcd ! by the following committees : Arrangement ! ) Sir Knlphts T. B. Hatcher , W. B Cheek. .1. S. Walters , J. W. Klpo ana F. Dcl&uhnoldor. Reception Sir Knights W. G. Sloane , T. tt. Hntchor , J. D. Hoijinsan , A. L > . Sutton , W. Catlin nnd J. I ) . Loo. Floor Sir Knights W. H. Chock , J. S. Walters , T. C. Marsh nnd O. D. Burt. Iteihicecl lli Qimriititlnu Limit * . A tolof rnm was received from Wnslilngton by W. E. Skinner of the Union Stock Yards company yesterday , announcing the suc cess of tlio effort to obtain n modification of the quarantine restrictions on Texas cattlo. A committee from the Toxns Live Stock association , hcndod by A. P. Bush , jr. , waited upon Secretary Itusk and obtained a modlflcntton of the quarantine Hue , which is substantially the same as was nsliod for. The chance Is of considerable importance to the South Omaha vnrds , as It gives them access to a largo proz- ini ! area from which they were excluded heretofore. in u Itiirn. A barn at Twenty-sixth nnd E streets belonging - longing to John Condon was on to rod by burglars Sunday night. The thlovos got a sat of double harness belonging to J. W. Slpo , nnd ten bushels of oats. The barn has been broken into several times during the winter , presumably by the same persons. Curd of Tlmiild. Wo wish to express our appreciation of the kindness nnd sympathy which hnvo boon shown us during our bereavement , nnd es pecially tnat of the Grand Army of the Ho- publlo and Sons of Veteran' * . MllS. WAllN-nU L. WlM.IAMS AND RtMILT. Notes About tlio City. Ed Johnson Is at homo again after a two weeks' abscnca. * Ell H. Doud is out again after a brlof acquaintance with the grip. L. P. Southworth and L. F. Stockwell of Shelton , Nob. , were lu tow.l yesterday. The city council mot last nliht and ad journed until Monday nfght of next week. Misses Myra and Edna Goring of Platts- mouth are visiting the family of Dr. SIggins. The revival meetings at the Methodist church will continue1 during the present WOOIC. I i' t- W. R. Ilothell , pro'sidont of the bank of Sterling , Nob. , was looking over the yards yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Juljus'Holsor of Twontv- sixth and P streets' ara receiving congratula tions on the birth of d girl. Mr. and Mrs. Wul'or ( Emmons of Omaha spcut Sunday In t9wn. They were tba guests of Mr. and Mrs1 p. II. Sobotkor. John Owens , chiot cleric to Manager Babcock - cock of the * stockyards , has sufficiently re covered from his illness to bo rc aiovod to his homo in Iowa. The Ladies Aid sociotv of the Christian church will give u social Tuesday night at the residence of Rev. Boles at Twenty-third and K streets. Mrs. Rosa Martin , who has boon the guott of Mrs. John Reed and other relatives in this city for several months , returned to her homo in Portland , Ore. , yesterday. Frank L. Erion , who has boon spending a two weeks' vacation with relatives m Iowa , has returned and was at his desk in tbo office of the Cudahy company yesterday. The wrestling match between Floyd Harsbman of Avoca and Frank Loaboy of Wisner. Nob. , will occur nt Blum's hall Fri day night. The match is for $259 a side and the championship of the state. Mra. O. G. Fullerton of Waterloo , la. , Is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Klrkpatrlck. Mrs. Fullerton addressed the Epworth lctguo at the First Methodist ctiursh last evening on tbo subject of "Lib erty. " J. W. Edgorton , Snmuol P. Brlgiara , M. G. Zoibo and b. D. Rynonrson are in St. Louis as delegates to the Industrial conven tion. Mr. Edgcrton reprosonta the Farmers alliance and the other ROntlomon are dele gates from South Omaha citizens alliance No. 11. The occupants of G. L. Sweeny's confec tionery store on N street were startled by the report of a revolver at the rear of the store last night and a bullet which crashed tnrough thu roar wall and flattened itself ugainst the front window. The bullet had a downward tendency , nnd must have boon fired from the roof of a shod In the roar. No traca could bo found of the person who fired the shot , and whether it was an accident or not is not known. I.Ik ( irlppo SiicvcKHCully Treated. "I have just rocovoroa from a second attack of the grip this year , " sitys Mr. James O. Jones , publisher of tlio Loader , Mexia , Tex. "In the latter case I used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy , nnd I think with con siderable success , only being in bed a little over two days against ton days tor the first attack. Tbo second attack I am satisfied would have boon equally us bad as the first but for the use of this remedy , as I bad to go to bed in about six hours after being Struck' with it , while in tbo first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'dowu.1 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. Bui ! bldj ? SItl ) WITH TIIK NICIITS. Visit Chlriifro and View ( ho YVorlil'N 1'nli * OriiiiniU , CIIKIAOO , III. , Fob vji } The visiting con gressmen and diplomats spent the greater part of tbo day at Jhckson park Inspecting the \vorld's fair buildings , and the result is that tonight nine outof every ton represen tatives and somUOiiJexpress tholr willing ness to vote for an1 appropriation for the World's Columbian pqsilion. As thu visi tor * , however , oulv comprise about 1UO of the members of the Fifty-second congress , the results of today'.s alghf boolug and explana tions Ly no moans indluuios tbo success of coming appropriation ! bills. Tbo trip to tbo fair rounc's was under tbo direction of the tramtptfnation committee of the local dlioctory , "iv There was naturally , a , great deal of curl- oslty regarding tbo pcaarcssof the fair Lulld- ingB , ana the lommitUumon , as well as sev eral World's fair oRlulals who WIT" rattored through the tram , wpro , k p * busy answer ing qijostloni. The ctipt over World1 fair " matters was purflvf" vMtlroiv confined to oxrlanut'ons of WJrlt , anl n m inents on thu scope or a j. i t an loan or SIJacoBsOil cures FROMPTLY appropriation on tlio pirt of conercss being religiously excluded. It tins boon nut-red ihnt the visitors should bo loft entirely frco to form tholr own conclusions , ontl nothing wn * done to cither tmtnpor the true oxerctso of their Individual vlows or to secure nny pledge of SUD- t > ort , The fcnturo tvblcli Un < i boon steadily ndhcrod to during tno congrosilonnl visit n Rronlly npproclntcil by the visitors. This ovcnlnir , however , tlio Commorcinl club's lianquot to the vNltnr * nt the Grand 1'rtclflc offered oniiortnnlt.v for seine of tlio visitors to glvo nn expression of th Ir vlows concarnlng the World's fair niul kindred matters. President T.V. . Hnrvoy presided , nmt delivered the opening nddross. On his right win Kotmtor 1'nlnier niul on hi * loft Simon McPherson , president of thonntlonnl cointmsslor. ; T. W. Pnlinor snt next to Mr. McPnonon nnd Franklin MnoVonRh sal next to Senator Pnliucr. "Our Country nnd the Intluonco of the World's Fair , " win the subject of opening spuccli by Air. MacYoavh. Spooehe wcro also tnndo by Snnntors Palmer nnd Vila * , CoiiRraosmon Cnruth of ICcntuclcy , Uoblnson of Tonnossce , nnd ninny others. The funeral o ( Mr. Willliun Dwyer will tnko jiluco WednesdayFebruary 121 , nt I ) a. in. from St. Coeolm's eliureh , In- sti'iul of todny. Dr. Culllmofo , oculist , . llao building NOT OKOKOE MEN. Current Topics TiilkiTH Who Dmi't Ho- IU"1O III Silicic TlIJT. The Current Tonlo club discussed the Henry Ooorgo single tnx theory last night. The question was stilted In thcso words : "Would It bo ndvisnhlo to ralso all public revenue By a single tnx upon lanu. Irre spective of Improvements resulting from laborl" Mr. 1.1. B. Hugglus wns the leader on the nfllrmtuivo. Ho asked Mr. A. J , Points , who had given the subject considerable study , to open the discussion by stating the principles of the Henry Georfio theory of slnglo tax. Mr. Points took up and followed nn Imaginary plonoer going out to upon up a homj until tno neighborhood whcro thu sot- tier locMcd had become a city , lly the sldo of this farm where the plonoer located lay a tract of land owned bv n capitalist who per mitted the Innd to remain unoccupied until the city had crown up around It. Ills land grow Into a fortune without Im having done a solitary lick toward making It more vnlii- ablo. Now Henry ( Jeorgo claims that this Is unjust and that thoio who cnmo to the community to Improve the land should have the use of it. These who improve their land by hnrrt work kept Increasing tholr taxes all the whllo , but this speculator could simply stand Idly by and sco other people make a fortune for nun bv the increasing value of his land. Mr. Points thought there was a ' great deal in the Henry ( Jeo'rgo theory that ought to chnllcugo tbo attention of carotul students. Mr. J. A. Powers took up the argument for the negative. Ho hold that the Hcnrv Ocorgo tnoory was very largely moonshine. It would ploasu people- who wuntod some thing for nothing , who toiled not nnd whenever never spun anything out Impractical theo ries. It was a croat scheme to nmko a machine of the government with the foolish Idea that a government could create some thing or make something Independent of tbo people who compose it. Mr. Agon made a brlot address In the afllrmatlvo , in which bo made some very strong points. Prof. Lewis , of the high school , talked for ton minutes in favor of the negative. Ho said ho road Henry George's book , "Progress and Poverty , " with a creat deal of admira tion the first time. The second time he be gan to suspect that all was not right and the third tlmo ho road it ho began to see the absurdities of the theory. Ho had road It many ttmos and had no hesltcucy In saying that the theory was based on moonshine nnd was utterly im practicable. Mr. W. D. Beckott argued for the nfllnna- tivo sldo. Ho made a number of very good hits and was applauded. Dr. Durvea summed up the argument nnd said that ho had , line Prof. Lewis , been con vinced that the theory prosentoa by Henry George was a very flimsy and impractical one. Ho was of the opinion that a man would hnvo hard wont formulatlnc a statute that would embrace the George theory of taxation. Dr. Durvea said ho thought it would take a life time for a government to got ready to collect its taxes by such a scheme. Mr. Doyle presented the Current Topics for the week and succeeded in presenting nn intensely paper. Ho mentioned nearly everything that had happened during the past week , all the way from the Blnitio letter to the beginning o'f work upon the busomont of the now postoftlco building. The club will debate the same question next monday night. Mr. W. i ) . Beckott will take the affirmative and Prof. Lewis tbo neg ative. Father HlgKu'H Kiitnrtnlnmrnt. The scries of stereopticon entertainments given by Uov. Patnor Klggo nt Creighton college are xvortby of much larger audiences than those actually In attendance. Yesterday nftcrnocn Father Illggo gave a matinee for the benefit of children. The hall was fairly well lilled and everybody was delighted. The many splendid pictures of Italy and Homo were presented in a very entertaining manner. Father Hlggo explained tbo scones as they came upon the cunvuss , making the entertainment both Instructive and pleasing. Tlio re wilt bo another matinee this afternoon at I ! o'cloclc. The hall la which the enter tainment is given is on the third floor of the college building. KiiKliiiiil'a I'lpr Storm O\er. LONDON , Fob. 22. The weather throughout the United Kingdom has moderated. Telo- grnphio communication , wbicn had been more or less interrupted since the storm over n weolt ngo , is now being restored. Duting the storm a largo number of vessels of all descriptions were wrecked and strnmloJ , hut their crews In almost every instance weru rescued. .Mm. Illitlnu Dtnli'H honin Itcport * . DBAWVOod , S. D , , Fob. 23. Mrs. Blalnn has loft for Hot Springs on her way to Sioux Falls. Aftorafow days rest hero she will leave for the south whcro she will rest for a couple of months. She denies the report of her intended marriage to Dr. Bull of Now York ; also her a'dvent upon the stacro. Muy Ilnvu Ills \Vllo Arn-atnil. PAWS. Fob , 23. Mr. Deacon Is inclined to huvo his wife nrrottod in consequence of a statement tliut has boon made slnco the tragedy. ! " WOnTH A GUINEA A BOX. " PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE , Disordered Liver , etc. Ilicy ACT LIKE MAGIC on the Vital Organs , restoring long-lost Complexion , bringing back the Keen ciljeornpi ! tteand | arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the irholo phjslcal cnersjr of tlic human frame. Tbew facts are admitted by thousands , In all classes of society. Largest Bale In the world. Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. New Vorlc Depot , 365 Canal St. itinit , Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , SCIENTIFIC PrUCTUAL AND OPTICIANS OJH K AHNAM AND , HrXTBKNTIJ 8T8. i-iillil ( iolit rp-rtacliis or Kyu ( ilune. I ruin H up. Tina Sli-rl e'liecliiciCM or Kjre ( ilu ci from II up. Kjvt Ttnteil Krot ) tif bklllod U | > tlcUiii. l'JtKbCUII'nU.N8 KII.I.EU THE I33IPERO115S HAREM. " 130 thifortmintfK Hold Cnpllio In the IMInro nt 1'rUln. " The "TVilnroof Enrth'a Hcixiso" li whcro the Knipross ot Chlnn holiU tier nnirt niul nilcs over tlio lmi > orlnl linroin , Mhoso only Rllniiwo of the ontsldo world H hnt they din sco In the IntiKTlnl llo or-fjanlcn. Tlio present yoiinR cinpcror , In mldltlon to his MIVIMI lawful concubines. 1ms nlrendy no Io i9 tlmn ono lntniltv < l niul thirty others In hia haroni. H. O'Shon'a nrliplo , In the Itlits- tntted Ainrriciin. 5llcll U the life of tlio inmt highly fnvoml of Chlnoso women prNonora 1thlu the palnco nlla they eke out nn oxlstciico in renl nlnrorV. American women know no sin very but Uint which do- pomU on thennolvos. .Soinotiini's they nro overworked. " ruiMlown , " wwik nnd nlllng then U the tlmo to turn to the right medicine , Tlio ono who tnkca Dr. 1'lerwj'a Knvorito 1'nwrlptlon oninnciimtt herself from her wonkiuvsa mid liowines n stinmgcr ntul n hap pier woman moro tlmn thnt n henlthy ono. Kor nil the wmktinura nnil niliiicnts jiccnllar to womniiliood , " Fnvorlto Prescription " ! < n ixwltlvo rvmcily. Ami l > ocnuso it'ancrrf < n't i-omcily , It's mndo n f/unwnfmf / one. If It fnlU t lioncllt or cm J , in nny cnw , you got your mouoy bock. Can you nsk moro t Harper's Magazine March 1892. The World of Ohttnco. A Novel. Part First. By Win. Donn Howoll's. The Onpltnllst of the Northwost. . By .Tulinn Ralph. Dorothy. A Story. By Constmicu Fonimoro Wool- son. Ilhtstrntod by C. S. Uoinlinrt. London of Qoorgo Second. By Walter Bosiuit. With tllustriitlona by K. A. Abbey , V. V. Uu Mend uiul W. U. Kitlur. AlfonsD XII XIIProcla'mid King of Spnln. A Now Chapter of My Memoirs. By Mr. Do Blowitz. From the Blaok Forest To the Black Sea Part Second. Boultnoy Blgolow. lllus- trutod by AlfrcdPnraons& RD. Miller. "Amor.'oa fop the Americana" By Edward Anthony Bradford. Our Gray Squlrrols. A Study. By Ernest Ingorsoll. Illus trated by J. Carter Beard. Johnnie Rawson and Chunlcy Fotors A Story. By William McLonnan. Illus- tratea by C. S. Roinlmrt. The Rival Mlnstrols. A Poem. By James G. Burnett. Personal Rominosoonsoa cf Nathan alHawthorno. Third Paper. By Horatio BridgeU.S.N "Talking By Julian Ralph. Illustrated by Fred eric Remington. Business. Full Patro Illustration. Drawn by Geo- Du Maurior. Editorial Departments. Editor's Easy Chair. George William Curtis , Editor's Study. Win. Dean Howolls Editor's Drawer Clias. Dudley Warner. Literary Notes. I/uironco Ilutton. Subscription Price $4 a yoir. HARPER & BROTHERS , Publishers , Now York City. nit K. C. WKSTB NRKVH AND HUA1.N TllKAT- M1INT , n | ) uclllctor llratorlu , lU7.lrie.u ) , Fill , Noil- rulKla , Ilumlnrbo , Norroun I'roslrnlloii c.iiuud by nl- cohol or tobacco , WnkttfulnoJif. Mcntnl Doproislon , SoftunliiK n ( the llrnln. cauiliu liH'inlty , nilsorr , decay , iloatli , 1'rcnmturo Olrt Axe , Harr nnms , l.ojl of Power In ulthcrjioY , linpotoacy , Leucorrhoea unJ nil Fumalo Wonknos oi , InvoliintKrjr Ixjjfei , Boar- cnntorrliooaciuiKiii by orcr-oxortluii of the br.Un BclfnbiiHL , ovor-lnitulono3. A munlli'i * troiitniaiit fl.lifor J.1 , br mall. W < i ( iiiaranloo lx boiei to euro. Kuoh order for i boTtis , wltli $ will HOMI ! writ ten iinar.intoe to rpfund If not curotl. Uimmntoai lH iiul only br A. Sclirolur , DiiKKlit. iiolo luonts , H. . cor. liltli and Karnnnints. , Oninliii. Xub. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion S ( uiinil KnnojrOnndnnenlnni.orlf llnnhln to prncuro till * Wonderful Hniiii xcnd lift cent * In stamps nml rccolvo n cake br return mall. JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. NPECTAT.-SlmnrtnnHnDs WnHz ( the jiopulnt Soclotj WnltOBent KHKi : tn nnvono ucndlutf uf three wrupjicra of Bliumlon Dulls Soap. No iv. Certain Iteiuriljr. Lost. IIIK rimuotur return * . IwllUui'l ' ( n uluilfrcutouny ) audcrcr , a ITIX Kcrli'tluu to enlarge email , weal : rnrt * iiuJ certain euro for Lost llllI > ol < < ll.T. . J. U. aUUMl' ; . Dili a AILIuli HI'- " GLUCK > Eve , Ear , Nose , Throat ' SPECIALIST. Glasses udjiiHtud to till visual defeats. Uataiih uiii'uussfnlly truiilnd. Room 18. Barker Block , ISlli and I'.irnain IVTAMHnnn HK < TUKKII. UIOMKHV UlAiNrlUUJJ ptKK A victim of youth- fu I luipruilonoo. cunning I'rnmnluri ) Ducnjr , Norroun Debility , l < o > t Mnuhooil. An , tmUnx Irloil In rain uverr known roine IT. linn ilUruvoruil it iliupla nieaiiH of ruir-curu , wlilc1) ho will auiul ( itjnludk KlIICKto lili lollow sunoreri Alilre J. C , MASON , Ilor 3I7U. Now York Cltr. nnniT | lllll | I D boil ami uiilr onpjuloi prorll > a4 br * * * * * * * * * " ri'Kiilnr pliyjliluns for lliu euro of QonurrliiB and liclmruei frou.llio urinorj ortfanii vcrol CB C InS dnyi. II.W per bur , .All druvvlit FOUND AT LAST After YOA-S of Unsuooossful Ss.iroh for a Cure , Martin Anderson Gats Uoltoffrom the Chlu933 Doctor -A Voluntary Tjatl inontal. OMAHA , Neb. . Jan. 18 , 1892. To whom It Mny Coiicorn : This Is to cortlfv tbiil I have boon n constant sttlToror for many years with ciiturrli , asthma niul bronchial alToe- lions of the throat , and tried all the Dalont modlcinoa niul retnotllos I over * heard ot , but with no success. 1 ticatod with doctors in various parts of the country , but none ot them could do ma any good further than KlvlnjT mo short temporary relief. I sultered niulit uml day. ami con tin nod to grow worse not withstanding nil the medicine 1 had taken. I had almost trivun up inv case as hopeless when I was inforunm by a friend ot Dr. C. Ceo ! Wo , the Chinese doctor , and advised to go and see him in the hope ot KuUiiif , ' rollut nt least , it not a permanent euro for my trouble. I was slow In mtikitiir tip my mind to maku such a radical chan o in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese decor - or would hrinrf mo , hut 1 Himlly cou- ludcd to tfivo htm n trl il. so I c.xHod nt his olllco with that intention. 1 found thn doctor a clover , entertaining ( joiitlo- man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and It took only a vary short tlmo to convince mo that ho wns the party I was so long In search of. lie told mo my case was curable , und that ho could cure mo , ami prepared mo n sooclal troatmoiit to suit my condition , and in two weeks 1 was to much hotter that I had the fullest confidence in the doctor'fl ability and committed my ciibo to hla treatment. 1 continued tn grow better rapidly and am now entirely woll. I ewe my cure to Dr. C Goo Wo , nnd am not ashamed to admit it. I atlvinn nil who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. and they will ho cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAIITIN L. AM > IU&ON , 121 Gaining St. , Omaha , Nob. i u. c. CSKK wo , ItORiilaruradnateut Uhlnrsu tnodlrlno. olelife years' study , ton yo'irs' ] > rnM : Irn. Tronts snow cessfully nil diseases known to sulTurftii ; bit' inanity. HuotH , plant * nnil herbs nature'sromodlos" his iniidlultius the world Ills witness ; 1,000 ( ov timonla's. C'all and too lilin , Consult.itloa froo. Has also constantly on hand romed'os for the following diseases ready prepared : Asthma , Catarrh , UhtMimntlsm , Indlgi-sllnn , Lost Miinhooil , Kiunalo Wuiikiuss. Sick Ho'id- nchu , lllnod 1'nrlflnr , and Kldn y and Mver. I'rlcu , ono dollar per bottle or six for five del lars. These nhn onnnot cull , enclose S-cont stamp for iuostIon ) list and full p-irllculan. Cllicu , Cor. lOthnnd California Bts. . Oir.ah , Sore Throat Lameness Sore Ey < Soren Cat Br Piles Female Complaints" Rheumatism AND ALL Sold only In our own Lot'lcs. All druggists. POND'S EXTRACT CO.y65lliAve.H.Y. The Most EffscvlhToiisii LA GRIPPE Don's ' AliikfF Elii , Till" iircpnrntlon Htrlkoi at iho ont of tlio ovll hr rostiirliu qulcklr unu utroi'tunlly lliu milrttl/j functions ot thu ( It'bllltiuod uyiluiii. Sold } > u All Oru < ilnl.i. | E. KOUCJiaitA Nc OO. , Aiontsf.irU ; , 12U , iiH fctUO Not-Ill Willuini SU N. V. AMUSISMISNTS. I > ol'UI'AU ( W l' "KH I JOHN L , HULLIVAN I TmilKhi und I DUNCAN B , I he \Vcwnosd.y I World's ciiiitniplon ' NlKlit. I HARRISON Wrdnusday Matlnoo , SUOOEIHS , BRODERICK AGRA. mDisN Musmiii. WoiiU of I'ub. ISA The Rooster Orchestra 1M A ailH N .t.Mt lOc Admits to All lOc The National Pageant . Movlnif , Hioiil | < lni'i KliiRln/ , lilni ; thu Uruimi , Ojiurti mid Tubiuittix , 1'OB TIIK Womon's Christian Aesoolatlon. The development of Ilia United Btutim ot Amurlcix roprt-Kcntod In II Croat lliu- T To l > u linlit la tlio GRAND OPERA HCUEB , OMAHA > / : / / . xntit IIIKI titth , iHUf. I'rlces ItmervuU oul , il unit lie. Matlneo l"l'b , 2T tip. lu , IIOjiTVt'il vaU , 7Sc nuct 'Mo , SOJartltUl llillllautinoctil Cultluui Iliilitsl Muilr , Albert' . I'lillliurmnulo Oorilimlr * . 1'cr-