Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wall Street in the Midst of the Annual
Congestion of Speculation.
How n < Vnl Up or tloun SomM Hold AcniM
the Atliuitlr ttliiTiN tinMjtliluU
Iliiliuicc of Tr.nlp ItUe 111
C'hlciiKO ( Inn.
NKW YOIIK , Pub. -Special [ Telegram
lo TUB Hnc. | Tnn rnnrkot hns got , Us spring
cblll. It nearly Always gets ono nbotit thli
tlnio. In robrtury wo begin our spring expert -
port of gold , find In the autumn wo Import.
her-ulnrly for years our exports liavo started
\n \ February and as regularly tbo stoeit mar
ket has boon chilled by It. Ilr.lf n million of
gold was cngnccd by toother half million
Saturday. Immediately tboro was a sagRlng
of prices. Tlio bull order of the traders was
chccUcd. They sold stocks for botli accounts ,
nnil Saturday , after tbo banK statement ap
peared showing an Increase of $10,000,000
In tbo loans ( duo to trade movements
nna customary In Kobruary ) and n decrease
In the surplus reserve of $2,000,000 , there
was moro selling of stocks and the market
closed rather \vcalt.
It m y weaken moro on Monday or tbo
next day , but tdo big houses ore not likely to
nllow a serious break to occur. They can
liandlo this mnrkot because It Is still narrow
nnd professional. The coal deal. which made
transaction * of over 1,000,000 shares a day ,
was strictly professional.
Not Siiln to lie On.
The general public had llttlo part In It , and
\vhllu ttioro Is nothing In sight to cause sell-
in any considerable volume by the public , the
great bull houses can take care of things
with but little trouble. There nro no blocks
of stock hanging over the market BO largo us
" , n bo threatening.
To carry out the purposes of the coal com
blnatlon majority of Lnchnwnnn < v stock
must bo held permanently. To the same end
amajoiltvof Reading must bo held. ThU
must liavo been calculated when the deal was
orlglnnlly planned. It Is safe to calculate
that the stock Is p lid for and laid away in
the ationi ; boxes of the great capitalists.
The Heating minority of thn stock is
small compared with the forces
nvailablo for handling it. But it
docs not follow because the market c.m beheld
held in easy control that the big capitalists
and leading- operators nro going to stall
another bull movement rl < ht away. On tbo
contrary , they may think this is a good tlmo
to lot things dtlft back a little ; for the last
part of February and the month of March Is
usually a bad tlmo to bull stocks. It is the
ctormlcst season of the year , when the
danger from storms , Hoods , violent change *
of toinper.ituro and widespread injury Is the
Oiitt Cent In n Hundred.
Then , too , thoio U the gold exports. The
difference in th"1 price of a dollar bill which
makes the dilToiencc between the Importing
goods mid exporting gold , B 1 pur cent. Onu
cent on a" dollar Is enough under normal con
ditions. That is to say if a man imvin ?
a debt to pay In London llndb
that to buy a bill of oxclinnga
on that plnco will cest him $1.01
ho can moro prnlUably send gold and does so.
If , on the contrary , the man In London llnds
that n bill on Now York is 101 cents , lie sends
gold instead. When a bill on London costs
4SU cants per 1 gold can bo sent moro profit
ably , and in ttio sprine of the year the do-
mnnds of the tr.ulo generally dosoud it thero.
In fact gold can bo and is sent out before -
fore thoIb'J mark is i cached , as
is the case now. In the fall
the ca'O being roveisod , the London man
paying his Now York debts sends goldrathor
than buv his Now Yoik bills at ISO cents ,
but the New York man who mov liavo to re
mit to London at that tlmo can buy his bills
nt 134. cents. When , therefore , exchange Is
489 cents wo oxpoit , nnil when at IS I cents
wo import.
"Itiilunco of Trade" Fiction * .
But oven this 1 percent may bo shaded , so
fine have the dealers in exchange bruught
their calculations. At the market rate of ex
change now , it does not appear tlioro is any
prollt in sending out gold , nut It nearly al
ways hnnpens that the first transactions are
"special,1 and it will bo remembered how a
prominent treasury ofllclal lust spring sot out
to sternly discountenance "special" transac
tions ns bclntr obnoxious to public morality. ,
But , now , where is our "balance of trade ( '
Where h the 81C > V > 00UOO that Europe owes
us at , this moment , according to the statistics ?
Ono Philadelphia paper recently suggested
that wo demand thomonoy bo returned forth
with , ns we need no foreign entanglements.
Sonio ono facetiously addud that the
new navy might bo employed to make
the demand. Anyway hero wo are , with a
statistical balance of $155,500,000 of gold
owing us. Wo are selling our foreign bal
ances in gold Just tbo same as before , and
Just as if these statistics did not show tbo
foreigners that they ought to bo sending
millions of gold to us instead of our sending
tome to them.
Whllo the market is getting to Its custo
mary spring gold chill , It is also a llttlo dis
turbed by the silver men , nnd perhaps thnro
may bo some disposition to wait and see Just
uow far those people are to bo allowed to go.
This Is another reason why the market as n
whole may bo dull and possibly lower oxcupt
for specialties.
Chicago flas Kiting.
Some stocks have been exceptionally
strong the last week. Woswrn Union has.
and it is interred that at next month's mootIng -
Ing the dividend will bo increased. Chicago
Gas has been largely bought by Chicago
houses. It is officially announced that a
syndicate of filemU of the company have
purchased the Economic concern , and also
the natural gas proportion In Indiana and
Chicago will liavo fuel gas sup
plied at low cost wbon pro
jected plans nro perfected. It is an
instructive lesson in speculation that the
pcoplo who aio such persistent boars on Chicago
cage Gas stoclc when in the tittles have
lately boon the lurgnst buyers of lint twenty-
flvo to thirty points' higher , Thoio wore
men hero wno were bollovers in the property
nnd largo holders of its shares , but tliov
could do noiblnc singly against the Chicago
boar clique. Therefore they tnado a llttlo
combination nnd put their Interests unre
servedly into the hands of Mr. Kcono. As
BOOH ns that was douo the
Chlcugo clique were already boaton.
All the llttlo market tricks that they could
play wore nofljiug against the skill of a man
that Wall street acknowledges hns uovor had
bis superior in handling properties on the
stock oxchungo. His skill is really u sort of
Intuitive genius. Ho never was beaten ex
cept when ho boat himself , and that was
when ho utterly overworked himself , Ho
took clmrgo of Chicago Uui stock and the
prollU of the oporatlon aggregate about $ . '
250,000 , A largo port of this was con
tributed by the Chicago boars , who now
BOO the property they condemned
In n dineront light. Nor did
our Mr. Keene niuko a moro
brilliant campaign than when ho took that
discredited stock in the rt files and carried it
up easily and safely to a figure more ncarlv
corresponding to the dividends it payi.
Itlclimniul Teimlnnl Next.
The next big thing to bo dona In the mar-
lot is the floating of tbo Richmond Terminal
securities , and tbo chances are that It will bo
successfully dono. It is In tbo main a re
funding operation , and If holders of the ox-
UtliiK securities sco such a plan is good tboy
may accept It for want of a Hotter one , if for
no other reason ,
Erie securities may bo good for a rlsew hon
the market is in the right shape. The earn
ings of the property are Increasing with a
itoady growth.
There Wai n Oooit lU'iimml fur OUcouut
Diiflntr the rant Week.
LONDON , Feb. 31. Tboro was a good do-
in and for discount during the past week at
} i Per cent for three months and 2 | { per
cent for shorter. Hovenuo payments continuo -
tinuo to transfer largo balances end the
money market continues active. Tax pay
ments deposited durlnu the week reached n
total of nearly 3,000,000. Thi withdrawal
of gold for tbo continent amounted to 4.410-
000. On the Stock exchange business during
tbo first half of the week was
active , nnd afterwards lessoned
owing to bad weather. interrup
tions of cable communications , the 'renewal
of ndverso rumors In connection with the
Murlcttn RetUomcmt and dealings duo to
death of John Snaw , who was nn outslda
American railway recruits nt first prom
ised to tnMnlnln their revival , nnd buying
was brisk early in the week , variations for
the \M'ck In prices of American railway *
securities Include ; Decreases Not them
1'neillo 'I'j per cent ; lrlo ordlmtrv ,
Ji per cent : Norfolk & West
ern nnd Now York. Ontarln iSsVoit -
er"i ? f per cent each ; Now York , I'onnsvlvn-
nla & Ohio first moitgngo. ' j per cant : 1'onn
srlvnnla , 1\ per coot. Incro.iies wabnsh
debentures , \ \ nor cent : Union 1'uclflc
shares , Walmsh preferred , af per cent each !
Atchhon , Denver & Rio Grande profcrroi ,
Lake Shore , Mexican Central nnd Ohio &
Mississippi , 'j per vent each. In foreign
goiornmcnts , Spanish bonds foil I1 , , per cent ,
owing to illness of Queen Kagcnt Christiana.
Argentine bonds rotol'4 ' per cent ; on no-
count of reduction of Buenos Avros gold oro-
iniiiin advanced to1 ! ! ; , per cent ; Biwlllans
advanced 1 per cont. while Chilians doclmod
1 per cent. _
Minium Murkrt lc > \li > tv.
IlAvwt , t'eb 21. Only n im\H business
was done In sugar this week. Holders were
too high for buyer * . The sales made wcro
for the most pirt of n speculative character.
Quotations were :
MOUSSES .Sumu Regular to good polarisa
tion , tJil'40)2.Hp : ' ( ) ! : muscovada , fair to good
refining , 85 = to ! K ) = polarisation , $2 ! ITW
U.fiO cold per quintal ; centrifugal , IU = to 08 =
polarisation , In hogsheads , bags and boxes ,
$ J.OSl < f ( : i 12i , j cold per quintal. Stocks in
warehouses nt Havana and Mnntnnas , 139,000
bags , Tliil hogsheads ; receipts fiom the 1st to
10th instant , IG.'I.OOO bags , 2 ( ' , ( ! hogshead" ; ex
ports for the same petlod , ! )0,000 ) bags , of
which ; i,00i ) to the United Stales.
B vcos $9.60 gold per cwt.
Bum it Superior American , $30.00 gold
per quintal.
Fiouit American , $7.25 gold per bbl.
.HUMID Hiir--tS.UO : : ; gold ptr quintal.
II IMS American sugar cured , $1J.5'J ! rold
per quintal for northern ; $1 , OD for southern.
LVHD In kegs , $8.50 gold per quintal : in
tins , SU.OO.
Loviinii Nominal ; sbooks nnd boous ,
f J.OO.
Hi : IN * Whlto navy , $ "i 00 gold per quintal.
Cm\HMi : Ton veto if 19.50 gold pur quintal.
FnnoitTS Dull.
E\ < MIANOEVoak ; Spanish gold , t . 10@
On tint IIi'iHn Kiiiirsp. , Fob. 'Jl. On the bourse during
the hut week business was light , but pi ices
showed n tendency to firmness , except in the
case of Spanish securities , which were Hat nt
decline of ' per cont. Banks and
industrials were In better demand. The final
quotations include the following : 1'russiati
4s , 100 BO ; Mexican Os , 8J.TO ; Dutch bank ,
1CO.TO ; Bochumor , 11 ; liapanor , 130 ; Rou
bles , 201.40 ; short exchange on London ,
20tO : > ; long exchange on London , 20.28.
1'rivato discount. lf nor cent. The ofllcial
details of the subscription for tbo now itn
porlal loan show numerous applications by
smaller invostois. The general rate of al
lotments is lived nt 1 1 per cont. Subscrip
tions to 5,000 marks nro accepted in full.
On th rr.iMlifort llnurqc.
FitVNMoiir , FJU. 21. During the past
week business on the bourse was fnrly ac
tive and prices were llrm. Today's closing
quotations ( unndlcial ) Include tbo following ;
Hungarian gold ronto , OJ.70 ; Italian , 89.40 ;
, l ortugunsc , 00.00 : Stmnish , 01.10 ; Austrian
credit , 201 ; short exchange on London , 20.40 ;
private discount , 2' ' .
Wheat Will ( Julto Hulliiiiil ( irncriilly T. er
Cmcxno. Ill , Fob. 20. The wheat market
was dull and gentrally lower to lay. Tole-
crapblc cotntiHiiilcat'on seriously Inter
fered with , nnd trades were loft largely to
their own devices. li id weather "In Great
Britain played havoc with the wires similar
totliosj full In this country , nnd the Hoard of
Trade did not receive Its Lhornool markets
until late In the ( lav , though some private
dlsp itches H ild the marl'ot was ( inlet and un
changed , while others quoted prices easier.
The boird's London unu'io noted no change in
values there , but Liverpool , whluh was ro-
cohod , was Id lower. Domestic markets were
nil lower. Crop news was somewhat confllct-
IIIR , manv private dlsoalchcs lielnj very dis
couraging. On the contrary , the rurmurs"
Itovlew had a summary of the situation ,
which was unexpectedly favorable , .ind the
\\u.itt\LT reports Indicated that the danger
from the picdlulcd cold wave was past.
The committee of the hoird which was sent
to Washington to oppose the anti-option bill
returned this morning nnd Its luombeis uere
Inclined to the opinion that the bill would bo
urobubly passed bv the house. Tills doubtless
nad somothliiK to do with the weakness which
Iirovallcd dm Inij most of the session. On the
whole the prices were disinclined to deal
hu ivlly on ullhor Rldo and tl i rciult was an
unusually small business. The fluctuations
were confined to it nariow range. CHuluhv
was a Hood tmyi'r of wheat nt the start and
ftrossuiin also bought fiooly , 1'ardrldgo was
believed lo bo coloring sumo wheat on all the
weak spots , but did not nialto much reduction
In his lino. The Now Yorker * wore
perhaps the best buycis for the
ilrsl hour nnd picked up a gen 1
dual. Tno Bell I iv. ' . was not urgent , still
this was about all to bo had that was wanted.
The lonas lot go of a good deal anil there
was homo short tiles. The expert movo'nont
was not very oucouiasslnff. Now YiirKhavlnx
cleared but 100.0-30 Im. and other points hardly
any , Itr.idstront'a loported the tlo iranees of
whe it and flour from lioth coasts last wcuk nt
4.041,000 bu. asalnst aitl,000 ( bu. the week pre
Aftoi the noon hour Micro was some show of
NtreiiKth for u time , but late cables quoted
I'nrls lower nnd Itorlln.lii murks oil nnd Ant
werp was a shndo higher. This checked the
advancu and prices rccoded asuln. May
opcneil at from Wjo to KIHo acalnst. OI'Jo ' lit
the close yostord ly , sold UD to from lUVo to
( lie. declined tou.l ? c. ndvunced to'JIc , receded
toUJ ic , reacted toOi'ic , wuakuncd and closed
steady at tU'iu. '
Corn was quiet and easy , the receipts were
liberal and them was rather free boillnir by
loius , with but llttlo domund. The dullness
In trade , with the weakness In wl.oat nnd pro-
\lsions. cnnscd corrcspondlnK weakness In
corn. May > io lower and ( IiiutimtC'd nil
dur within a niiiKoiif 'ic , and closed ? o lower
than yesterday at il' c.
Oats weroijnlet and weak and show a loss
of > &c.
Hoi products were dull and easy , simply because -
cause tr.ulo was dull nnd the other pits woak.
Thu receipts of live hojs at the yards were
Kinallor than uvpouted , and prices there were
firm , I'ork oloard with n loss of 7Vioontho
active options , with lard and ribs showing In-
alf nllluaiit i hniiKOs.
Kstlmatod rcenlpts for Monday : Wheat , 170
CIITB ; corn , U.IO cars ; o its , dll oars ; liogstO.OOJ. .
The leading futures ranged UH follows :
jkitTici ru , Hluil , i.ow. c'l.iim. .
WlIfAT-tJO 2
1-clmmrr . , , 10' ' I 01W
Cons .No. y
relirunry. , , 40W
March $ 40.1 ?
Muy 4IH
OATH No. ; -
lebrunry , , . , J9 3D 29
aiM IK 3DSIM 8li !
rubnmrv. , , , 11 (16 ( 11 Si 11 IT' 'd '
May. . „ . . . U 87H 11 W 11 fcl ) 6'd
February , , . a (7k CI47W 6
Mar. . . f , ,
Hnoiir uins-
Kobruary. I 10 1 W 587H & E7Ui
May. . . f. . HU ) U Oi
Oaah quotations were us follows :
COH. > rirmi No. 2,40 > 4o : No. : i yellow , iKo ,
VI.UUH rirnit pntBnts4.a'Ja4.Vii ( spring p it-
oots , H.IiOdil 5i : bakers , l-Uoauw.
WHEAT No. 2 snrlni ; wheat. OOiSo : No. 3
sprliiK wheat , Wo : No. 2 rod , HlJie ,
OATH No. 2,20 020 0 ! lx 2 white. OHiO-'llo ;
PI o. U Y , u I te , 2ivftjac.
OIIIHE-UiichnnzcUi full oroam clioddnrs ,
ll > i < i5U'toj Huts , ll'iiMliie ! Young Americas ,
\K6Ua. \
llinr.s Upchanged ,
TAI.I.OW UnchuiiBod.
UvK-No. 2. 87JSO.
llAHi.fci-No. 2 , WJoi No. 3 , 4' . > ® 570 ! No. 4 ,
f , o b. , 43&tCc ,
1'i.Ax HKED No. 1,1)7 ) * iii0le.
TIMOTHY HIED I'rlmo , 11.2031.27.
I'OIIK Moss uork , per bbl , ( u ft7 i lord ,
per cwt. , fOlfti ; short ribs sldoi ( looiei.
f-l-Bili : dry Batted shoulder * ( buiedm ) > a
fx'JS ; short clo-ir Hides ( boxed ) . M''i
WnisKy-Illstlllerii' llnlshod gooJ * , pcrsul.
riuOAiis Out , lonf , unchuiiKCd ,
ICccolpts uud shipments today were as fol
lows :
On . . the . . . Produce oxchuneo today the buttoi
Wa9 unoimnljiHj | fau0y creamerv ,
lluo wutteru , .va Go ; ordinary , 21(3 (
Tic ! snio"fpd d.ilrr , 2 > fl1lc : iir.llnnry , 16iilsc
KBKS ifi'i iic. _
NBW VOIIK , Kob ut fixun HcDClpK. 2.V12. )
export * , : iiCO bbls : HIT"
Cons Mi'u * Yrllow uoitcrn , JJ
WilRAT Kecolpts. IH75) ) bu. ! oxpoi t , IOP.-
Oi' > liu.i ilrs , l"0,000 bu. of futures ! fJ.'M )
bu.ntspot. Spnl nmrUot < lullNo ; y roJ , II ul\
Ctl n.s In nlcvatnri f I OJ'i'iM ' Id ! Jl.Hlrt
I. li)1 , No , 1 northern , tl.irj. No I hird , il.U'i ' :
No. : ' . northern , $1.01 : oi.tlons oisy on
prixatc'iclllnir , rilllcd 'i'BSi1 ' ! iNn. a ruil. IV
rnaiy , I'.iH. ' closlne nt $ l.w , ; March. JLOT'oW
f.07'4. ' I'losinz at llO"v May , Jl.iiS , cot iltt nl
* l.oi | .III tic. tl irJ'nWl.iM. cloilni ; ut tl.Mi .lulv.
fluidtKxPi.cliMliigat J 1.00V : Atiiiut. " " ( .
clotlni at W c.
lit -Dull anil uneliansi'd ! weMirn. S1c < 8.
s\.m. \
llAtu.r.t I nll and nca'J ! MllwnnKua , O JST'e.
IIAIII.KV MII.T Vtilut ; ' "in.i.ii country
made. SV.
CoiiN-Suol dull , stonily ; No 8 , ftHV In
elevator ! J1W , Oe allnit ; unur.idvd mixed ,
47J45"ilV1o ) ; No. : j , | tliis , > te ! steamer in xud ,
4S > iari'ic. ( Uilloiitvuio | tjulct and fire sell-
Inn , and some months lower ' c. others un-
elinnicil ; I'olnuary. 4S\oi March. W'tu ' , i los-
liiiJ , O ui May , 4j'if. ' I'linlnx , 4I'iu ) ' ; July ,
HAV 1'alrly stead v ; .lilpnlni. JJ.ftO ; good to
eliol''c. } i.r < 0.
lloi"i Dull , no ik ; state cotntnon tit choice ,
Mid AH Haw. nulvl and linn ; fair rellnhu ,
( | iiU't and ituady ,
I'KriKii.vtnt-liiillnnd siundy ; crude In bir-
ri-K Parker's , t'in ; In bulk. * iu : ; Unltud
closed at 01 , o for Marjli
UIITION SI.KII uii.-Qnlnt ; oiiido , SVc ; yol-
low. 'J'tc. '
TALLOW Dull ; cltyrfi fur n ickA es ) . 4 l-ICc.
KOSIN Qnloi nnd stuuly ; sir lined common
to L-ood. H : iiM.'l. " , .
Ttiiti'RNTivn llUhortind iiitnt | : i8l.HSo. !
KnciM-Qtilct and \\cukt nustern , luc ; m-
colits. | T.fl * ii.iokaRos.
IliDKH-ln lethe , steady.
route ( julol and steady ; moss , JD.'oSIO.I.'ii
extra prliiio. flOOJ.
Cur MUVT4 I'lrmt plcUled bolllus , $0"0 :
pickled shoulder * , fVOu : nleltlo hams S-J.OJ :
inldd lns. dull ; shoulders. { ( i.TJ.
MUD ( jittat and stuady ; western stoini
? 18i' ' { ! options , no snlos : robruuiv , sj. u ,
Mnv. nic. : Jiily7.
llurriin Dull. fair. sti-idy : western dilij ,
lOrj.-'le ; westpin cro uncry ! ! l.Mi ; { u us torn
factory , HHtilo ; Klein , : i © I''L' .
rnuisi : I'lrin actlxu ; piirtsldms. RJilR'ti ' ! .
I'm IKON Qulot ; Aniuiloan. ir > .7uffll".K > .
UoiM'Kit-Dulf. llrm ; Irku. ? ! 0.70.
LKAD cjulot , llrm ; dimiodtlr , Jl " " >
Tiv IimctUu , lltni ; straits. Jll.70(310 ( " > ;
Plitcsdiill , _
Omaha I'rndiiw .Maikots ,
1'nuiTS California rlversido or.inzcs , S..S'i ®
2. co ; U'uslln'tOM ] na\iils. f.iriWiil.7rn Oallfoinlu
tancorliK'i , $ .HH pel boTlorlda : oranaos ,
brltthls , M.UO : russets. $ j OOQ3.7A ; Kloilcla tan-
Rorlnos. } I. > I4,00 , half boxes ; western apples ,
cholco , J2.00CfJ5J per bbl. , fancy st-ind inlKht
br IDC moro ! Now York apples. $ . ' .7V(1H ( 00 ; fancy
loiiions. SlUOffll-ri : ohnlro stories. 9 1I'ii I 7.5 :
ur ipoi , oor bbl . MUVSOOO ; bananas , ei.ited.
t : Mil ' > ! cranberrlps. Jl-S-a'-OO.
VKinrAiil.r.s California c.ibbavc. ' "i'iiJ c
per Ib. In L-iatus ; homeurown lotluco , l > c per
( [ m. : potitccs , dull ; California e.iulllloiver ,
- . ' . . ' ! ® ' . iVjj onions , SOcffitl 01 per bu. ! Nobrusku
hand picked beans , $ ! . ' > © ' . ' u i ; inoiiliiiii. JI.MWj )
1.7" > : colary. y > ® 40c ! sweet potatoes , } . " ' 52)05J. )
I'r.ouit Uinaha Mllllni ; uomii uiy'n Uollince
I'alent. $ i.W ; Invlnclblo Pntpiit , J.Mtl ! l.ono
btarSiiucrlatlvc.SJ.SJ ; bnowllaku , SI 9J ; Pancv
Family. Jl.hO : H. K. tlllmiin's Ould Modiil , $ J .V. :
bnow Whlto. $2 UO ; Snowllako. } JU ) ; loWRradc ,
$1 Mj Queen of the I'antrv , t..Wi.
Hints Mo 1 Rrei'ii salted hides , 4U4'ic :
No. U Krcon suited hliloj. : i01'4c ; .No. I tureen
silted hides , 'JTi to JO Ihs. . 4'4rOI'u ' : No. U uri-cn
saltol hldui. S'i to 4 I Ibs. .ta'l'io ! No \oal 1
calf. H to 15 Ibs . Go : No S xoal c ilf , 8 to 15 Ibs. ,
4c ; Nolilry Hint hldis , 78c ! No. 2 dry ( lint
hides. fi'iO ! No t dry s iltud hides , 'iflfiu Tal-
low.o 1 , ; U4jT4c ( ! tallow. No. J. ,1'ic : irmaso ,
wnlto A , 43lV'cs crease , whlto H , IHS l'i'c ;
pro ise. yellow. .It1 ! Krcinu. dark , 2'c ' ! old but-
tur. 'W/ic ; beeswax , iirlinu. IQc ; 10114)1 ) tallow.
1'oiJLTiiv t'hlokens scarce , Rood stock lOc ,
fancy niiKhtbrliiB lie ; Kce- , ducks anlliti-
keys. IfKI'-V.
inTrn The best country roll Is selling to
the retail trade In a small way at SifD-'le ' ;
ahlpplni : stock , Ibl7c.
Kcins Ounoiallr selllns to the retail trade
ntlSo : slilpncia bldtlliiKonly I4u.
h t. I.nuls.Uarkott.
ST. Louis. Mo. Kob. 2J I'l/JUll-Slow and
unchanged : family. $ J. < M- ! " > ! choice , $ J.J )
< SJ4Jj fancy. J.lfiOl.ri ! intents , SI 4iwJJl.Cri
WHEAT Strons for cash ; No. 2 rod. 04'e :
options were dull till near the finish when
there was a sin , ill llurrv. but prices closed Te
billow ycsttrcla > ; May closed at U5jo ; July ,
Coiiv Woik nnd llttlo done. Sellers at the
close at ' lelow yesterday ; No. 2 cash , Jfi c ;
Mntoh , Jfili ® . ) 3ac : May. Mo.
OAT' . Uash lower at : io'tJlo ! options nom
inal : May olio red at.ll'ic.
Uric Largely hUlier ; No 2 casli pold atSoc.
ItAHLKr Dull ; Himplo lots Nebraska , 5Jc ;
Milwaukee , Sic ; Minnesota. flTc.fl
HAY Dull ; timothy , $9 MffJKl.OO.
filluA.v Quiet ; 7ic.
UlTTiBit Unchanged ; creamery , 21S27o ;
dairy. J5a2'c.
nod9 Easier at 15' e.
KLAX tRU Firm nt ! t'.o.
Couv MiAL-Vory flrm at U.10.
WIIIBKV Steady at 81.14
IIIO.N Ooiro.v Tirs
PROVISIONS rirm but dull.
l'oliK-ll.7r > for new ; JU.2J for old.
LAIID-M , J03oa.\ ,
DIIY Sti.T MEATS I.ooio lots shoulders.
$1 CO : loii''s and ribs. $ * > t)0 | shorts , tfi.10
HACO.N Shoulders. JVM ; lones and ribs.
Jfi-Watt-.V ) : shorts , ? 30JS : h-ims , JDOOaiO.50.
KEUEil'TB-Klnur , 40.UOI Ibs ; wheat , 3S 010
bn ; corn , 2 > l,000bu. ; oats , 3..OOJbu. ) ! tryo , l.OOJ
bu. ; barley , 'JS o 0 bu.
Hiui'MKNrs riour. 5OX ) Ibs ! wheat , 1\0n
bu. ! corn , 201.0JO bu. ! outs. 17,000 bu. ; rye ,
] ,000 bu. ; barley. dOJO bu.
Omaha ( iiiiln Alarkct.
Prices based on dollvorv at Mlsslsslpnl river
points. Nebraska Inspajtlon , and tan days'
shinrnent. unless othcrvvlsci st itol. Cash grain
calls for shli > uont within flvoa.iva
WiinAT No. S spilng. 8.10 bid ; No. 3 sprint ; ,
77o blil.
Kvn-No. 2.600 bid.
OATNo 3 white. : ilo hid : No 3 while. Z0\o \
bid ; No. 2 mixed. ItOc bid ; No 3 colored , Ma
CoilN No. : i or bettor. 30 days , : | jje bid , 37o
naked ; March , 'M\a \ bid : whlto , .IS1 Je bid.
Amorr ' the Hales were : S5OJONo. , .1 or better
corn , Toledo lerms , Tobruary and March.
aU' c ! 30,000 No. 3 or hotter , p t.
IIOAUI ) OK lIlAni : NOTES. Clark of Albion was looking over the
No session of the bo ird will bo hold on Mon
day. which Is a lOKal holiday.
P. J. Murphy of Ilozors was among the vis
itors at the board of ImlldlnK.
Minneapolis \Vliuat 'Market ,
MINNKAPOMH , Minn , Fob. 20. No. ! wheat
wax strong but dull oxcopion the bulges wbon
the buylni ; wns active. Th' ) cold wa\o that
was huadod for wheat Htitos HUH vanished
but It still nllocts this market. Mav wheat
oueued at 8S'o ' an 1 wont to SS'io. Then for
nnarly two hours It hold steady and dull at
MJiftNi'ii ! and about noon struo * H9c. Unto
this tlmo the tcndenoy hns been upward , but
when HU'jo was strnok enough long wheat
was brought out to put the market ImcK to
8sio. ( It wont up again to B'Jo and closed at
tH0. } L'.ish market waa active nnd No. 1
northern sold ahoio May , most of It going at
ti'l'iu. ' ' Itocolplsof who it horoflll ears and at
Duluth and West Huppi lor 7J earn. ( Jlosn : No.
1 northern. Fobrimrv. H'J , yesterday , 87J4o ;
Mav opoulng RS'ic , hmhest Kje. lowest M'A' ' : .
closed < ! Jo , yosterdav HJlJo. On track , No 1
hind. S'io ) ( ; No. 1 northern , 88iu ! : No. V north
ern , Die. _
KuiiHim City Markets.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. 1'ob. 2) . WIIKAT
leather dull ; No S. hard , 81 ; No. S led. 823810.
Ooii.s btron ? early but weakened later : No.
3 whlto. ffli'io.
OATS Very slow ; No. 2 mixed , Me.
II AY rirm but unchanged.
FLAX bEED MY\i. \ on the baHls , of pure.
linns WuaK , at ISO
KVK Strong ; No. 3 , 80o.
llllAN Firm : sucked , We.
ItECKii'TH Wheat , 7,003 bu , ; corn , 1,003 bu.j
oatH. none.
bliii-MRNTd Wheat , 20,003 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu ;
oats , nono. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cufleo Mnrkut ,
NEW VOIIK , 1'ob. 'JO. Options opened steady
nnd unchnngud to 10 points up nnd ole od
steady at fium 15 points do n to 25 points up ;
sales. ' . ' .OJ' ) pounds , Including : rebruary , 814.ui ;
March , tl 1.85 : April. IIJ.UU : Mnv. ; June ,
112 05 ; July , JI'-.V ) ; Koiitcmbor , < IJ.3i ; Outnbur ,
112. u ; Dccombor , Jl..OJi spot Hlo , firm , No. 7 ,
tirangrr * A\Vakrr nn ItrpditH of I'rubahlo
A < t rrn < i J.cKlslatlou -Ncbnisku. .
New VOIIK , 1'ob. 20. The stock market today
vrnsijuloi aud dull nnd narrower than for any
day during the last two wcuku , while display
ing n decidedly weak tone under pressure to
Hull for both sides of the account , London
was aBollur to HOIIIO extent , but the opening
wamiulot and fairly utoidy , gnnoral.y at In-
sliuHleaiil changes from last nlnlit's llgiirea
oltliur way , but ( ; iilea-xo ( ! as was up I percent.
Keallzatlniia In It. liowetor. forced tin
prlios olT rapidly In tbu early iloallir.-s , and
the opening gain was noon lost , ourryjiu the
rest of tliu list with it. Other changes , except
In Lake \'TIH \ \Vestern , whlth was thu Btmnx
point of thu list throughout the session , rUlug
i pur vent , \ > ere for small fractions only. Thu
coal Blocks were % ory iiulut but flrm toBtronr.
but thu graiiKOrs ylcldHd to attack beeanso of
thi ) reports of probablu ud > ersu luslslatlon in
ftonraaka , liurlliigton sold ux-rlghu nnd vx-
dlvldund uiul opening olTS'i per uont retired
n\tr 1 per cunt from Its oponlnic II mire , with
Uouk Island In close atti'iidanee. I'rk'eshaltu'i
toward the end of thu Urat hour , but the Issue
of the coming statement waa the
algnal for n moru vigorous assault on the list
and Union 1'aclUo and the eran-'ers hi ueiienil
were tnncln the sueclal puluuof atluck in con-
iiuutlouwlth Chlcufo ( Jus. All ivtlrua ua-
ti-rlnl.y lo ( ho ln l , ( u minutes nnd the
l.i'l Ilnulv c oio.l .10mo and we ik at about
HID laM iitlccuut Uioll iv I'hu Ilii ii ehime : .
lionpvcr. uru JcturrMry iricllona' ' lo M. but
Union I'ncihV nnil liocx Kliind tire ich down
d percent With lljifllnJton eiiil ( | to about
I ho 1.1 mo nnd Jorsej.I' 1 percent.
( lovcrnmcnl liiiuiu luxe IIDOII dull nnd
Muiclv Maloli inds h INO'oen no locM-tl
'I ho follow nt urntfto closing nil il ttiiwi for
Ihe lcidln.t stocks On Iliu JSow YorK Muck ox-
ch mgo to 1IV.
Altlilton . . . . ) itll do prcU'rrtM . . . . lil i
A d.mis Knrcsi . . . Un V V ( VntMl .HIS
Altoil T \ \ . .11 N V Llil .V HI 1. I'.i'i '
no tmifvrriMl \il \ , do prpfcrrol 7J
, I1 > Ohio Mississippi 3Hn
It 0 II A. S . Wn do preferred Si
Cnnndn I'xrl'h' Jiv. Ontario & Ut'Mcrn . 0
tUSt Urn ton Iniprorcino t i'
( Vntril IMc-lle , . "bS iri'-on .Nav . . . . tH
Clips A Ohio. . M'tlOmnn Train IS'i
ilo lut iirofcrred I.I . I'nolllc Mnll 17'f '
do 2nd pref"rrcd 4i' < 'l' ' II A B l
ridr mo.V Alton. .14 ; ,1'ltt.lmrif , IM )
c' ii , v y . . > IDI'i i'lillnina 1'alntc M.VI
' , . * .c .v si i , .VI
I'cl ' ItniMon. III 'Uncle '
lcl. 1 > . A W K lit pfd 7(1 (
I ) A It Cl I'M
Krs I rflmicM . ' < i 7' ' ( itt ) proforrnl. . .
do 1ft | iri > forreil 4 SI I' . . Mln , .t Min IU
do 'Jnd prpfcrred IS'O HI I'iiul AOmslM . IH
llrlo 31 I do prsferriMl tr.
do preferred T < " ( Ion n Con I A Iron . 4U <
KortWnyiii ) 151 Toxiu 1'nrlllc . . . . . to < <
Chi A KnU III . . ( . ' 4 To I AO Con phi .
I locking V.lll'y . .U' , Union 1'.111 tic . . . 411
H n i ; s i\prcss : . . . 41U
Illliiolx Central IIVIVaii | Ii St U \ I1 U
St. I'nal.V Illllntli 41 do prnferrril . . . .
Knnini li'i WolU r.irno Ux
SV ( , Wi'storn t'lilon . .
do pmrorroil ; i'liAui Cotliin till . .
InkoStioro . . . IMt foloriiln Coal . . .
loill < tlHcA N-i h
Loulsvlllo .V M A Ird i Mllvi.r
.Memphis A C'lnr Ontiirhi 41
Mlcliu in Central
Mil L S \ Wile UJ' do preferred , . 2J
ilo preferred IJS'j.MiUro ' ti
Minn x 1. U . M' < Iliihtor 41
do froferrcd I1) ) | < Illuti A W I' Tor , . . lfi ,
Mlnxoiirl I'nillla
MuMlu A Ohio. , .M Uri'iit .Niirthcrn pfd Ul
( ij iHllCMk-O ( ill5 . , , . 81) )
N .1 Cent Ml ileid'lriiit SO
Ixorfiilk , V Won pi ISumr 'hint . , .
> ortliern lUrlUc l ) S li A. U N
do iirofiirrcd DIMlllLTB
V I' . Pcmvr.u ! lilt U II W . . . . . 7U
The totil s Uos of Htock * to lay were Hl".hS.1
ihsircs , Incliiilliix : Atchlson. 0,401 : ( hlciiKo
( ill" , 2S.1II ; llcl.iwailicitt.tium ! tt West-
rrn , 4iDO : : Krlo. MH | IliuUIni ! V illov. 2..11) ) :
l.oillsvlllo A. Ninh\lllo.l,1.1i North A HUM I
oin. 4..1W : Northoin P.tclllc picfoirod. ( ) ' ) H :
.Now iti7l'ind : , wo : Uoidlii' , ' . . ' 1,1)0 ) : St I'linl
11.721 : Union 1'aclllc , 4,111 : Wostuin Union.
4,4')0. , ' )
I'lniinvlnl Umli'\\ .
Ninv YOIIK. Kuh. 20. The Post niyss The
Ploel ; inurKul toilny w IM such u oim to
liot'xpoeti-il nl tlmuml of n wocU of ili-ellnliu
prlcm nnil clliiiliilshlnit xolinnu of Inislnohs.
i-Diii UK ns It did. huforu a iloublo holldny Thu
dispositions to re.ih/o n m.irKcil us
j uslcrJuy mill the provnllliu aontlmeiit of the
slruol , Inlun nf thu new moiemunl of nolil
otlln.inl , tu otlieilth thn liluh prices which
n coil iln sroup of stoeKj liuu boon nusheil
to , was liu.iiNii , 'I ho tiKin.i't .14 a whole was
rouullon ny. ntiil .is u rnlu IIITKO fr.tctlniinl
losses .ire Ibe lesnllof thu day's oper.itluns.
Nou York Mmipy It irkot.
NKW Yoitit , Pol ) . 2J Mositv os OAti-Ensy
with no hrini , closed olTurod til S per cent ,
I'lltMllliltUANTIMi I'AfBI 'l Si's purouilt.
STBIK.ISCI E\oiiA.siB-Stoiiv ( nl tl 81 foi
sixty dnys.
quot itlons on bonds :
HAU hliA-Ktt 4 11-ird.
MONKV 2"2' , pel cent.
K-itoof discount ) n the ODCII mnrKot for both
long and uliort bills , 2'tW258 P r cont.
I'lnaiirlil NotiM.
NKW _ OIILEVNB , lia. , I'ob. 20. Clo.irlnga ,
HAI.TIMOIIE , Mil . Tub. 23-Clonrlnps , JJ.60'-
84Jj balnnccs. $ . ' 51,018 : rale , C > @ ! per cent.
KANSAS CITY , Jlo , 1'ob , : u IUnl < cltMilnRs.
l.tU3U'J : ) : Uils week , J3flll,301 ( ; loday's cash
balnncps , $ J04OJ7.
I'liir-AiiUMMiiA , Pa. Fob. -Clonrlnzs , $11-
044,0.17 : balances , ti005,07 > < . Olonrlnns for Ihe
weok. $ " 7,218,193 ; balances. $ ll,371..i2l. Money.
ai ; per cont.
NEW VOIIK. Fob , 20 The exports of specie
from the port of Now York lasl utok
amounted to041Gl7 , of which 1,100.200 wiis
gold and J.W5.4I7 silver. The Imnorls of spuolo
amonntPd toJ,1.12,9U , of which $47J,2JS w.ib gold
and $70,071 hlhoi.
CIIIOAOO , 111. Pel ) . 2) ) . Money onsy al 4'Jr. '
per cenl for c ill loans and V ] A per tent on
time. Now Yor'c ovch.uiRO wo.ik t 50o dis
count. Hank clo irlnss , JI4.187.0SS for the day
and if')1" ) ! : UMh > 7 for the cok. hiorlhii o\clruiKo
stonily and uncnuiiRod al$4.1'i for sl\ly-d.iy
bills und $4 85 > l.i for slghl .Iraf l .
Denver .Milling Modes.
nESVEli , Cole . Pob. 2) The followlns list , Is
tlinoloslDiqnotutloiisoii the Mln In , ' esen.iniro
today. H lies 20,800.
and Mfiady I'lli r .
OMAIK , 1'ob. LM.-"IeenlitH ! | for the week
15,004 o.itllo , IUltil'MIH \ und 2,771 hhuop ,
iiKiilnst lAa H call lot il,2.i.1oiia | \ \ and IlliCS sheep
last week , nnd U'l777 o.ittle , ill,017 ho s and
2.777 sheep tlio eomiMiondln , ' woeU Init ,
DurliiK the oariy'purl of the week , owln to
the iinnsually heavy irecolpts , the tomionev of
prices wnsilo\ui\vard , und liy Thuredav , Iho
low duy of Iho wucKk ! decline of from I5e to
2.1o had licen reull/fpttjoii all cr.idcs of bent
htccrB. On butchtrr'slock llio ili'cllno HJO
pol so great. I vpa.stocl < ers mid freileis
partook of the. , ' wcikni' n and
were slow s.ilo nt 'lower prices. Towurd
the latter part of the week , houotci ,
with only moderate receipts und a s.i''ht Im
provement In the Kliliipln ) . ' demand u reliction been the rokiil | > Timl pail ul least of the
early decline haa oceu rojiilned , In luus
while Ihorohaa natiir.illv been some fluelu-
allint prices h.ivo In the main aavanccd und
lire fully lOc higher than lasl hatnrdiiy.
ShlppliiK onion * date been foi ROOIJ
hos of all wolu'lits and llil'i fact Is mainly n.-
Kionslllo | for the stronalh In the market as
imcKcrs continue very be irMiimd Htubbornly
ilKhttho uiU.incoal ovoiy turn In the ro.iil.
bin-on irceliits liii\obcon i.ulier IlinlloJ unii
the donmnd cinitliiues actl\u unit slron ,
The week closes with n modornle run. n
lilt lo short of last Haturdny. but the week's
rccclplsbhow an liicieiibo of over 2,5K ) head
compared with last ucek. There were no
cuttiu hero that could bo called choice or
prime , but plenty of very decent htnll , mnoi-
fchlpporsdld nery llht .
but Iho local dem.ind u , is fair and tlio
tone of ihoinarUotKllxhtly lmpro\ , Medium
nnil lieivy oaltlit did nolbhow any material
advance , but on the hundy llpht cuttle there
AV.IS un active competition from feeders und
pr.ces weio uoeordnalv stronger. Oool liyht
1,1-00 - to 1.2UIb Ktceri sold from M.U ) to H.r > .
Hood IflSJlo l,41J-b. | ttteei-s went ut KJW ) to
IJM. Il naun fairly uctlvo market and a
good and eurly clearanie wns offectpd.
llutchcrbtull continues In uctUo dcmninl
nl steady to stroiu prl at. Offerings of COHH
uud mUea stoclc weru uoloveily liberal and
with u moderntnsltlpplnp nnil fnlr locnl dr-
man t tr.ulo was actlxo an 1 rcieltt ) < nnlck v
ch inert ! owners , "alos of cows were laruciy
at from } JO ) to JJOi. with choice < tnlT u < i hlsh
iisj.l.2.1 nnd canncM 111 low naSI.V.l. Hull * ,
oxen nnd stnps were firm nt from li.fiQtof.1,7.1 ;
M-al i'il\c , stpndy ut from $ IOJ tuMld
I hero wiis an uctlvo undo In tlio Mocker
nnd fiTdi-r line , lioih ynrl tr.ilois nnd out-
il.teis tiikliiR hold frrolvnt uoodstroiupilee < .
moillv at fiom JiKl to J.I2.V ttepio4cntiluo :
llocis Thu uin unH llliloxcii ; foi aSitnr-
du > , nearly aOJO shorl of lust buunl.iv. the
wi-uU's loeolpts slionliiK u doeieiso of fully
5.WO head computed x'lth Init wueli or the
tlilnl wcclt of 1'ubrinirv All bin era
\vuio complulnliu of the poorer qiiul It v o ( the
ullorliiKS altlionuh llicio were pientv ofciy
peed lines here
Conditions \\cro faxornb'o for an idv.inco.
l..istern markets ncro stron ei , theie wns an
iictlM * shttlnn | ) doinand for sooil ho sofull
woiqhm iiml the .iiuiiiy none too liberal.
The ii nrltQl opened strong to .V higher on
nbont uvcrv thine , thoath.inco Uclni ; ureulest
on thu best hu ivy and lumber
wuuhl hogs while common hogs sold
rnlhor une\on'v. The hesl ht'.ivy
hops sold al from t4 ul to $4 < > . common ho.ivy
and ml\ud p.ieKcis al from < 4 > 'i tufl 01. I.lpht.
llphl mixed and butcher welcht ho s sold .ill
Ihu way finin J4 57'4 to $170. Altoitulhur II
was ruthui an aulhu mnrKot iinil the liens
woio clunio.l In Rooil sni oii , thu bulk or the
hos sulllnp nt fiom Jl Ml toi.d\ ui.ilnsl al
from Jl ? fi to4ii5 I'llduv , the axeruo prHies
nildbulnp * l.d4. ncilnst f4.i )5 ) , 1'iid.iy nnd
'a I ist .Xiltiid ly. Uepresent itlvo s ilcs :
SlihtpRcrolpls were liberal , consislln/'of
four iloublo clocks of tvcslc'rns iwo sliiRlcs of
c.'olorudo owes und a Hlnulo of n'ill\ "ethers ,
p.frlly lambs .mil good ononeh lobiln ? > . 15.
The uestein uethers bioiiKht $1 10 and tbo
Colorado uupsfl.U ) . The miiiket wns nrtUo
and Htionjf.HiotatlotiK ( : I'.ili to Kood n itl\i > s
nl fiom $4.2.1 to W ai. westerns at from Jl 00 lo
J521 , common and stoekeis al from ? i11 to
* )75KOOl ) to choice , foity lo nlnoly jiouiul
lambs al from $1.10 toifiOJ. Kcpicscnl.itlvo
s ties :
No. Av. I'r.
105 Color.ido PWCH 1,1 $100
50 westcin wothors 'li ft 10
17.1cslcin wethois iu \ 10
I'H ! western wcthors < ) J 5 10
51 natives , ml\od 103 5 oD '
Iteii'lpls nnd IIU | > > sltlon of Sfop'c.
OlllcUl rcLolpt8.tiid disposition of stojk as
shown by the hojlts of the Union btook V.ird- .
company for the twcniy-foiii ho'jrs , ending al
5 o'clock p in. robiuary 20 , 18. ) . ' .
CliliMi.-o 1,1 MI Mock llnrkct.
CiiiCAiio , 111. , I'ob , 20. [ Special Tolo ram
to TUB lli'.E. I ' 1 lioro was only ix linndfnl of
c.ittlo In the yards today , nn considerable
niimboi ImvliiL' been lef I ovei from yoslurday
and the frcnh airlvals BC.ncoly ro.ichod IuiO
he , id. IfotvnMir there uns enonnh lo meet ,
thoiloinand and riiduy'H ( | not itlona were no
moro than HiiBtalned. Sales were on a basis of
fron tl .5 loMW foi Infoilnr to extra COWH
and holford , } l.5) ) to t-l 71 for bull * , * J 2.1 to f I HI
for SIOI.UCIH and fi'udurs. * JUO lo JV.15 for
dressed beef and MilppliiK BtporH , IJS.i to 11.25
for TOYIIH cuttle and I.'OJ to $ (1.21 ( forcaUus.
The hoj miiKot opaned strong ul yester
day's udMiiiou. It wns onsloi toward the
close , as Ima frcqnonily bcon thu case of late ,
bill did not dculino to an appreciable oxtunt ,
The licst heavy horts sold around 5o and there
were snips of cholco ll.trht weights al Jf on.
ThooloslnuiiiiolalloiiH woio from $1,40 U > I50) ) ,
for pool to cholco bo ivy and medium nnd fiom
ai/iU to f 1 UJ foi IlKhl.
. ' -ales of sheep wuio ofTected at I'llduy's
pi Ices , thonxh the tone of thn m.irUot was less
buoyant. I-amlis wcro wanted nt full prices.
fjnoltillons wcro fiom tl V ) to $ .171 for poor to
choice sheep und fiom $1uOloOi5 for lumljs ,
( 'nllH xvniu salable at fiom t..fil to MM.
Itocu plH were ; I'.ittle , 1 , OJ ; ho u , 11,0)0 ;
slucu. I.51X ) .
The r.venlnx.'oiirn ' il reports : OArri < B-lla >
cclptH , l.njil ; bhliinenl ) , I.UOO ; niHiKot stoa.lyi
oath us. H5 ® I.I5 ; ntockcrs. $1,751 .10) ) ; cows ,
f 1 Mft2.70
lloiiH Itocelpts , 11.000 ; Milpmonts. 11.003 ; mar
ket Heady lo higher ; loiik'h and ciimmon ,
* II04 ! > I d ) ; mixed ami paokuix , JI.'iK'ifl.M' , ;
prime heavy and bulchera' vreL'hth , ! 4.'i. ' ? i
i/il ; II. hi , Jl.fl3ai.tW.
HllPRl' Jtccelpis , 2.00) ; shipments , 1,00) ) ;
m.irket fcteudy to a hhado hluher : ewes , ? I..ri ( .
400 ; mixed , * l llVTol ' ) ) : uothen , $ .1u0 17j ;
\ve-tuins , fj.K UVi4i : lames J15oStU.7 > .
K-IIH.IH C'lly I.Ue Moitk MarUut ,
KANbAH ( Hrr. Mo , Pub. 20. OATTM : He-
celjils , l.HJJ , bliliiiucnts , IOU. hirers were
uctUo and Htn.uly to lUo hlgliiTi IOHH
and fci'dnrh about fteudy. Dressed Uncf
and shipping hteers notd at fi.M&tM :
und liolfois , tl . " , ) & ) . 10 ; stocKers and
HOCK liauilptk. 5 , 00 , shipments , L'.IOJ ; the
market was nritMi and uoin-r illv flu higher ;
all m ados. Wftoail.l ; bulk , tl.5iiTW.10 ,
SlIKKl' KixelpH. i'.au ; Hhlpments , JOO ;
the iiiar.iLl wuij ( jnlct und unchanged.
The ( iciiulno lingui icil C'arUb.ul Sprudfl
Is nn uUuratlvu tun ] eliininutivo lumotly ,
which dissolves toniiuious bllo , nlliivh ir-
rltut Ion , and rcmovus obstruction by ( lid-
ing niituraund not by Budclcn nnA oxeos-
BIVO li'rltutloii , ns most curtharttus do.
Obtain the g ° nuin < > iiuportod nrtlclu
MaoflfaetoFors' ' Jollors1 Director ? / ]
H i } liniiiinneks , oil nit
rulibor i lotldiK . > inl for
mtnUi ii ! ) fill Pnrnim.
Importers ami inmafio-
tnrer .
Hour > * nrk llurlnp ) uiul
'I nine
KOI DoiU-o itrpot. lllc'rles iiM on moiilhlr
foniir pnrnicnti
nut prlooi lVI7'j ( ' I'ntn im t , Oniali v.
IIOI llowirlS'ro'U
Fnl or ) corner lllh nnd Diulrn MrMt <
\ clou to ciili b , n-il nro
\Vr irn nKInz ) prUo ijon
. . . . . . . .
, , n oil
n ( | la , f mmi wiiidi neri
ui'jlotvllli mcrohxnU
\Vhnlt nlp Maniifn-t'i'rt
llootn , i-hd'M ,
unit fell iwmls AjjL'nl < fur llmtiin llnti-
bor Vina Co.Wi \ 1101
nil-1 t i r stM nnil 11(111liirn ( > tri"l
C.AL , CUKE , tilC. ,
Unnl IMI I nft nul me
curlier Ihth mil lnu ) lx <
.MnmifiiLturer ) of ( Inl- Miimifnitarort nail
vinlrn.l ; Iron Cornier
\\lndnw rips , mi't llo \\liulj < nlo Clothier4 ,
nkvllKht" , ( tj- 11 IU anil
\lli \ DoilKOSt. 11011 lumpy ntroot
D i
lrj ttood" , notion" far- Drv uniitti.nottoni uonti
nNhliii ; ituu M farnUliliiK
Cor lllh nnilHownrlit * .
Corner 11th nnd llownrl
KIcLtru Djrnnmoi. 1-imiii Wire nnd Kloctrlctil Slip
pllo4ur All KlmK
1IU llunurd utrext , Uiuihn.
UliiHtriitud citnlu ao
1C14 Capitol Avenue.
Successors 10 c' A Iteolio
\ Co ,
tiriccnndllthst' Omnlii
Cent ' furnishing uodi , TION CO.
rlothlni ? md notion *
Oonts furnlihln nl4
< ] lvous u trltilVu3Lnd ' : < )
ni'tV eelotiritcd llrnnd
rumples evpruja pro- "llmkililn1 O ornl It ,
pidd punts , tililrN. ( Dits etc.
1111 llnrncy. Oiinh i.
1201-lM'i.Ionei itr ot , 10th and llnrncy , Onmhi ,
Omnht , Neb
JI5 Iln ird of Irndo
TruVor In crnlii , provl-
flomnlHHIocks l'rlity
wires to N. V. , ChluiKO
and bt Loali
W. A. L. GIBBON & , CO. , BED. OBERNE & , CO. ,
, cup * , traw KIHI I Iluror < nt III lot. wol ,
duvos and ailtt.'iif . , tillon nn I fan
l.'th nnd I
CO. , Iliilldari' lnrlTin
nor lOtli .ind.lncktuniitn Juc'iinlui c l i
Omnlii HOI Donl.n St.
RUSSELL SAGE , the well-known
financier , writes s
" 506 Fll'TII AVENUK ,
Ni\v YOHIC CITY , Dec. 20 , iSgo.
'For the last twenty years I have been
using ALLCOCK'S Pouous PLASTHHS. Tliey have
repeatedly cured me of rheumatic pains , and pains
in my side and back , and , whenever I have a cold ,
one on my chest and one on my back speedily
relieve me. My family are never without them. "
/Uek-Xl U-cxJi/ct .
_ ALv
* " :
Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by
misrepresentation. Abk for ALLCOCK'S , and let no
solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute.
< ! UU
/ ; . / ; fil t\tHKi , tlr rKI .l I , omit.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tha nmlnent pu < lulls' In norrnui , chronic , prUulo. blool , iklnnnd urinurr dlioex § A rtvulnr mil
reulstt ml criidimtu In nittiicliio , HI dlpiomai unit i triinrnti n iluiw. Ji still tro.ilIntr nllh tlio Kronen luoceil
miiirrli.sptriualurrliuuu. iniinliaol.svmlnal ncnirioju. nlwhi ( ones , \ uiie \ or i/ptilli' . > lrlcluro. out
orrln.enilcet . , iirlciiiloilu ( No inurriirr unel. New troutmiiiil fur Ion or rUul iiuwir. I' rtlei uukble to
vtill wo IIIHJ lie trintv I at liomu lijr corronpondcncr , Moll'lnc or InitrumuntJ ont Inmll . or oiprf i >
cun-ly I'-ickeJ , mi n. r in liidl iitn conlrnls orifiidur. Dnii ii.crtoiinl Hittrvlaw prcfurrod. Cnnsultatloa
free I orrujpjndnii Vo stiictlr iiri'iiln."llooK ( Sljulerios of Ufu ) lout ffQO. oniuj liuuri Vit. in. lo u p ,
i lUu , in.toiim nUlumpfur rtply.
National Bank.
Cnpllnl 7777. $100 , i J
Surplus , , . , , ( ! I1OJ
OiUcuniind DlrocloriHenry \V. Vatoi , ; , ruildon' :
H U. I'll ililiu. vlw projIJent CX H Maurlcj W. v.
Moric , Julia H. Colllni , J , .V , U , I'ulrltk. lA
, Oi > liiur ,
Conifer 12lh and Faruam BU.
WruiiRlit nnd cn t Iro-i
ork , rnnlnoi ,
brii work , Konornl
\\hilc ( .ilo Iliiiordcn1or | <
IOJI I'nrnnm t ,
„ ,
llnrdwood hiinl or , woo 1
cnrpt'i * nnd MI n nut liniorlol Vmcrlpinl'orl
tlourhiir. inn I ri-iii-nt , Mllwniikuii
Iirdrnillc iriiH-iit nni
fllhnnd Dongltr , Valuer whlto lln-o ,
Millinernotlom.oloRln '
tli- , l'lnnn . ornnn , nrtlitjl
miterhli , rlo.
11(5-118 ( S ICth tt. O.im1in 1.M 1 Doiixhu tteot ,
I'nckora of rry lor , Il l ) ? , KUh nnd Colo'
nnd Colorjr. 3iiSjiuli : Utli St
( t-SI.juonwdrlli St. Dnvld Culo1 major.
ttptlnod nnd hihrlcUInu
elli , nttn KTUIS ? , etc.
Dcnlnre In countrr jirod- I'rudur-K , friilti of all
urn , fruits , voiiatntilai ,
clc. kinds , oysters ,
nl Slroot. 13th nnd Hnrncy Slrcctv
lluttcr , ctiooio ,
Butler , CURS nnd poultry
poultry und RAIIIO.
I40D fnrnamit i 13th HlrooL
on M c r n li n n t ,
Iliitlcr clicoje ouzi.voj- 1'ruducu , llutlcr , Kilt' ,
ctutiloi , frulU , poultrj Clico > o nnd I'oultrr.
l.'th nnd llovritril Hit.
nnd tnuio Uiniihi.
Spochiltlcs luiltjr out Si'iiil it > DMT KKKS , Ilu >
choo c poultrjr , cto. No lor , I'oultrr. tlnmo ,
15 S llti Uof in Nit llldca , ICtc.
Lank 1TOI J I.oivemvorilt St.
Cnrrr n full itock of WrnpplriK P ipar , nil klndi
printing , wrapplnv nnd of twlii"s , cto
writing paper , curd pa- Has ilnwnrdau
pur , ota To I 17 U
Stoves repairs of all kin Ji WORKS ,
CuukH nnd HoatorJ Stove rppulri and wntc *
nltnchnionlH fur 11117 kind
forsile of ntooiu ido
W7S nth StrMt iwr i
Mitniifnctureri of Ki h. Toyi , dulla , nib u mi ,
fnnor . liouiofur-
doors , blind * nnd
mouldlnvs llrnncli of- nl'hlii touli , chllil *
dco , 12th nnd Izard Wn ren'v
Itoonill ICxclmnno llulldI I > Oin , 11) and 01 Ei >
llull.llliK bouth cutuJ lilllill-l ? .
Umtiliiv bouth Oiirilnu
. . ,