Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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1111 i < n ni iiTnnTi nxT iiti/inni on
\ Inside Tacts Regarding the Burlington
Rush In Wyoming ,
Cottons IJlTort of tlm Hilt piOrcllnr Tlm.
lirr Tlilnlng nnil Irrigation Itnll *
runil Iliislncs * In South Diikotn
Low tompornluro and florco wintry storms
tinvo no olTcct on the oxtonslon of the Bur
lington rend in northern Wyoming. The
grading nrrny of Ktlp.itrlck , Collins & Co. Is
now nt work between Uillotto and Buffalo
nnd proposes to complete thnt octlon bolero
spring elides Into summer. Tlirco thousand
toama nro employed nnd n tompernturo of 40
degrees below ? ere does not chuck the activ
ity on the crude.
A representative of Kllpatrlck , Collins &
Co. informed the writer recently thnt the
objective point of the extension Is Yellow-
eltno Natlonnl park. The distance to the
park bouiulnr.v trotn Buffalo Is Ilk ) miles , nnd
100 miles uro under contrnct to bo completed
nnd ready for trnlna by September 1. Much
of th'j route calls for heavy work , but the
contractors nro confident of completing the
work within the tlmo limit. The remaining
nlxty mlles to the park nro to bo covered dur-
Inir the fall and winter.
The remarkable ruh In the work of con
struction Is explained by the fact that the
.Burlington proposes to run excursion 'trnlns
Srom the World's fnlr to the pork In 1803 ,
tuid to that end nil energies mid means nro
pow directed.
The UufTnlo Echo reports thnt Chief I5n-
.tmocr Knsign of the Burlington Is tinder
orders to report at Buffalo as soon as sprint ;
opens nnd proceed with his corps to locnto
the most feasible route ncross the Big Horn
mountains. It says "three preliminary sur
veys huvo alrcndy boon nnulo of this route ,
two iti tlio Interests of tlio Burlington und
onu bv tlio representatives of the Midland
I'uclllc. It lends from Buffalo ncross to
1'nlnt Rook creek , tapping the richest farm
ing country of the lilt ? Ilorn basin , pone-
trutlng the llncst body of timber this side of
the coast states , touching the southern
bonnuary of the Yellowstone Park , travers
ing n Milomlld but unilovclopcd section of
Idaho , entering Washington at the southeast
cornnr and terminating nt ono of the no\v
seaports on Puget sound. Such a line would
nborton tha dtstnncoby mil between Chicago
nnd 'ho sound by three hundred miles nnd
place all transcontinental competitors in tlio
distant renr. "
Tin : Bun Informant gives tin. entirely
different version of the route nnd ho is in
position to know. Ho declares the Helena
extension Is not seriously thought of , that
the main objective point nt present Is Li title ,
Wont. As soon as the extension to the park
is completed the const ruction corps will push
on to the prcat mining camp of Montana.
TIe asserts the line has been surveyed to
lintlo , skirling tlio eastern boundary of the
park , tbonco northwest touching Virginia
city on the way to flutto.
It Is not likely the Burlington will bo per
mitted to enjoy n monopoly of this now
region. It is said the Northwestern is nro-
pnrlng to run a branch Into the Big Horn
basin from the vicinity of Casper.
The Important fact is that the vast region
of northern Wyoming , of which llttlo is
known , will soon open to settlement.nnd
development , swelling the productive wealth
of the west and correspondingly enlarging
the commercial importance of Omaha.
riolclor'x I mention Hill.
Representative Plcklor of South Dakota Is
conlldont his bill , introduced on last Satur
day , providing , with designated limits , for
tlio diversion of natural waters and their ap
propriations to beneficial uses , nnd for tlio
regulation thereof , would receiveearlv favor-
ublo consideration , ns it suotnod to meet with
general favor among members of ttio irriga
tion nnd arid lands committee. In brief , thu
bill provides thnt in nil thnt portion of coun
try lying west of the UTtli meridian of longi
tude wesl from Greenwich , England , nny
nnd nil waters , whether standing or running ,
nnd whether from surface or subiorrunean
sources , may bo diverted from nnturnl beds
nnd chnnnols nnd devoted to purposes of Ir
rigation. Thnt the privilege to divert nnd
use such waters for the purposes of irriga
tion shall Inhere In the actual apnroprlators
to such uses , without regard to the location
of nny such npproprintor with respect to
late , territorial or other civil boundaries ,
according to the order of appropriation of
tlio actual nnd continued use in point of tlmo ,
precedence in time giving precedence in
right ; n bonn lido attempt to secure and nso
n supply of water for Irrigation being con-
tddorcd an actunlappropriatlon thereof to the
extent of the bona lido and continued effort
to so appropriate it.
That llio right of prior appropriation of
water for Irrigation shall bo an appurtananco
to the Irrigation works by and through
which it shall have been acquired mid exor
cised ( subject to the rights of actual users
thereunder ) , and may ho sold nnd trans
ferred therewith for n valuable considera
tion , or pass by Inheritance ns nny other
property ; and each separate parcel of land
upon which water from nny Irrigation works
nhnll Imvo been used shall have precedent
right to such amount of water ns shall Imvo
been lawfully used thereupon from year to
ynnr , subject , however , to the precedent
right of over/ other such parcel of land as
tdmll have acquired an earlier rieht by uc-
tunl nnd continued use of water from such
Idaho's Court Hill.
A favorable report has boon made from
the house judiciary committee upon Repre
sentative Sweet's bill providing times and
places fo. " holding tornn of thoUnitod States
court in Idaho. In tbo report the committee
Ba.\s : "Court is now hold only at Boise City ,
the capital. The bill reported provides three
places in the district for holding court , and
gives each plaoo two terms u year. "
It in proposed to bold the lorms for * the
northern part of the state at Moscow , Latah
county. The accommodations are ample , and
the piano la connected by rail with the extreme -
tremo horthcrn ana southern portions of iho
Hlalu. It Is 500 miles from Moscow to Boise
City. Litigants in the United States court
from the northern part of ghoshono nnd
Konteiinl counties and from Idaho county nro
now obliged to travel from 000 to 700
inilos. The distance Is so great
thnt the poor man is unable to pro
tect his property rights because of bis in-
nullltv to iriiarnntoo iho expenses , while iho
pardons accused of potlv offenses , or seniors
charged with timber trespass or other of.
lonc''i connected wilh Iho public lands , are
utterly unable to maku the long journey and
bu subjected to the great expense nrlslng
.from the trial and thu incidents thereto.
The saint ? statement will apply to Blackfoot ,
although iho distance- : are not quite so grout.
Both Moscowand Black foot nro county scats ,
nnd each iilnce has a commodious court
house IP. which quarters can readily be ob
tained , "
Ktttict of tlm Ml\i-r llui-llno ,
Tno decline in Iho price of silver li having
n serious effect on the mining industry ol
Bulte , Mont. , and in several Idaho camps ,
Tbo ere of sonic Bulto mines now loaves n
cant margin over cost. In the Wood rivet
country the decline threatens lo close sev
eral mines. Heavy producers are consider
ing the advisability of ceasing lo ship out t
greater quantity of ere than that just abso
lutely necessary to moot the working ox
ponies. And again , should silver and load
continue lo decline In value this step will
only bo a forerunner of wnat must oveutu
ally follow , viz. : ttu complete cessation o I
silver and lead mining until these metals arc
again brought up to a fair standard price , ai
It is a well established fact that there li
scarcely any margin at Hie present figure , o :
certainly not sufllulout to pay a reasonable
Interest on the largo capital invested.
.Montana ( ivmi ,
Tlio rush to the sapphire grounds along th (
Missouri river , near Helena , still continues
Every day location notices are received nt tin
o31co of the county clerk. Just what stall
the lilies lo these various claims are laid It
Is bard lo toll. Some have been locatoi
probably two or three times. Not only is tin
ground on both sides of the river t alien up
but locations are made in tbo river channo ;
ao that no spot may bo overlooked in the re
tjlcm ot country embraced in the s nnhir
fields , called by some the Now Golcondn of
Montana. Location noiicos have been filed
on lIOncre9 ! ) , embracing several Islands in
the river. One location of 100 ncrcs also
claims 100 foot ot the river bed and channel.
The river for miles up nnd down Iho snp-
ptilro fields will bo a lively place tnls spring
nnd summer , nnd will present n scene not un-
Hko that witnessed in the palmy days of the
famous Alder Uulch , which poured a mighty
sironm of the yellow metal out to the world.
A dally four-horse singe now runs lo the
sapphire fields from Helena.
Orjsiinl/rtl Timber Thlnps.
According to the report of Special Agent
Do Lambart , limbor-stcaltn ? from Undo
Sam Is being conducted on n gigantic scale
and in the most unblushing manner nlong
ttio Manitoba border. Do Lambert declares
that the present depredations constitute n
system of vast proportions , In which Ihcrc
Is an organized combination of men and
capital controlling some lUty largo sawmills
and employing hundreds of hands. Ho also
reports that most of the depredators nro
Canadians , nnd Hint tha stealing has been go
ing on for years nnd lo n much greater ox-
lent tnan the government has ever until now
boon nwnro of. The Ualny Lake rlverwhlch
forms the boundary line for many miles be
tween tbo two countries , Is made the bnso of
operations. Timber Is cut In wholesale
quantities on this side of the line and rafted
lo Iho Canadian side , where It is manufac
tured Into lumber by Iho mills belonging to
the thieves.
In view of the fact that the special ofllcor
himself says that hero is the richest nnd
ripest field for fraud ho was over called to
investigate nnd his report fully substanti
ates this statement It behooves the United
States to take prompt nnd summary meas
ures to protect this portion of ' .ho publlo do
main from further spoliation.
South Dnkutn llnllriinds.
The annual report of the South Dakota
railroad ( commission has been Issued , The
total mileage In the state Juno 30 , 1391 , was
2,070 , of which 183 miles were laid during the
year. The loinl cost of building aud equip
ping was $78,313,0(11. ( On this Investment
the roads earned f 11 , 17,531 during Iho fiscal
year. Exclusive of deadhead 1,8f > ( ! , 'Jll pas
sengers were carried nnd 3ir > U,500 tons of
freight handled. In the service 3,107 persons
are omnloyed.
Tlio result of the commission's work shows
that up'to December 1 , 1501 , there was as
much wheat shipped out of the state ns the
entire output for 181)0 ) aggregated. It also
shows that nt that date the wheat still in
hands of the farmers was equal to the ontlro
yield of IS'.Hl , and that tno elevators nnd
warehouses throughout the state on Decem
ber 1 , 18'Jl , contained 7,800,000 bushels. These
last figures represent the capacity of the (100 (
grain warehouses of the siato , which were
lull to overflowing at the date mentioned , it
Is estimated by the commission , fixing their
calculations on the information contained in
this paragraph , lhat In round numbers , tbo
wboatoutput of South Dakota for 1891 was
fully -10,000,000 bushels. According to their
calculations there is 40 nor cent of thoyioldof
ISUlsiill in iho hands of the farmers.
Clmngu In Timber Claim rrorniliirc.
In the matter of government proceedings
ngaiust the alleged fraudulent Umber land
entries in Washington , Oregon and Cali
fornia the commissioner of the general Innd
ofllco , with the approval of the secretary of
the interior , has instituted u change in the
procedure , by which the parties claiming
tillo to theso'lands will hereafter bo required
o produce the original ontrymon nnd their
.vltncssos . at the local land oflicos for further
lamination with rofurenco to any contracts
) r arrangements which may hava been
made prior to entry for the conveyance
if the land to corporations or syndicates ,
.t appears from the records of the general
and oflico that lar ; < o tracts of valuable
linbor laud In different localities have been
entered on the same day by a largo number
if persons and Immediately thereafter trans-
erred by all the parties to syndicates. It is
low confidently asserted by these syndicates
that the government cannot prove that tbo
entries were originally made in their inter
est. This now order is made with a \ low of
implifyingtho procedure in such cnsos.
A ( irrut J'apitr.
The Irrigation Age for February is n su
perb number , both in contents , arraujroiiiont
nnd typographical appearance. As its name in-
Icates , tbo Ago is devoted to the interests of
mention in the west , a Hold as rich for
ournnlistio endeavor us for ngricultural do-
olopmont. The current , number is a com-
irohonsivo record of lust year's nrogress ,
: opiously illustrated , und contains n number
it special urtlclcs from the pens of irrigalion
'xports. ' The Aee is published by the
Smytho , Brltton & Pooro Co. at Salt Lake
A now depot is being built at Cedar Crook.
A mad dog which was chasing cattle was
kllloii by a former near Madison.
John llonoy , sr. , a pioneer settler of Clay
county , is dead at the ago of 79 years.
The Catholic ohurcb at UiJgeloy , Dodge
county , was entirely destroyed by lire.
The wife of Hon. L. W. Ullchrist died nt
, Vaboo Friday after n protracted illness.
II. L. Uanoo has retired from tno Greoloy
Vendor and has been succeeded by K. C.
It is reported that an English syndicate
ins offered to purchase the nursery o Peter
Younger at Geneva.
Over SOU guests attendad the reception
given by the Modern Woodmen lodge of
Harvard last week.
Peter Borlot Has retired from the presi-
donoy of the Bank of Tnlmago and has been
succeeded by J. II. Damme.
Father Locbleitnor of Valentine has ar
ranged to bring fifty families Irom the east
to settle In Cherry county.
Mrs. George Moslor , residing near Rising
City , died last week In Chicago from the ef
fects of n surgical operation.
The Tekamah Driving association has pre
pared a program of races for June 15 , 10 and
i , nnd will offer ever Ji.OJO In purses.
The Ohlovva elevators shipped during the
month of January 2U5l , bushels of wheat ,
1,801 bushels of oats nnd 03,530 bushels of
I. N , Harbaugh has resigned nls position
as county attorney of Dawos county and
George A. Ecklos has boon namoa us his suc
A prominent physician nnd a professional
gambler of South Sioux City indulged in a
shooting match , but fortunately no blood was
Clay county has an agricultural society , c
swine breeders' nssociallon , a poultry asso
ciation and n trotting , pacing and road borac
association ,
Mrs. Sawyer ot Pleasant Hill , whoso hus
band was drowned two yean ago while he
was intoxicated , has boon awarded # 1,500
damages against llio saloonkeepers who sold
the liquor ,
Scotia is to have a normal school and bust
ness college. Prof. W. II. Barrett of Iowa
will conduct the school. The citlzons ol
Scotia donated the old court bouso am :
grounds , 150 lots and subscribed for I5 (
scholarships. Articles of Incorporation were
adopted and live trustees elected. Thu school
will bo opened in March.
Tbo First Baptist ctiurch of Ashland ha ;
decided to exclude tbo dissenting members ,
who some months ago withdraw and or
ganized the Emmanuel Baptist church , from
fellowship with them. The struggle between
the two factions is now practically ended , as
tbo members of the Emmanuel church wll
probauly call an ex parto council for rocogiu
tlon In the state association of Baptis
Over 1,000 has boon subscribed to th
Marshalitowii public library fund ,
Leltsvlllo U organizing a company to pros
poet for natural gas , which is behoved tc
exist there.
It is proposed to hold a special election a
Webster City and vole bonds for a 810,001
school bouso.
Franklin township , Lee county , farmer :
have incorporated the People's Mutual Insurance -
suranco company.
The budget of the Board of Education es
timates that it will cost & > 0,000 to maintain
Dubuqua'a public schools this year.
DoiLCstlo Infelicity has led to a case o
throalened poisoning at Muscatiuo which ha
been brought to tbo attention of tlociiy mar
sbal for investigation.
A farmer who Is a strict church mombe
got inixca on dates and hauled a load of cor
into Aurella Sunday morning , A doze
almanacs were mailed to him.
Burglars entered the house of J. M. Kua
art at Oltuimva ana carried off tlio Ion
ranpo revolver kept as a protection ngalnst
burglars. They got very llltlo also.
Tbo owners ot the Uubuquo street rail
way system hnvo decided thnt the storage
battery olcctrlo system Is n falluio , nnd
hnvo let contracts lor putting in an overhead
wire system.
John F. Fagor disappeared from his homo
nl Burlington December Di5 , ana has not boon
board of since. The pollco nro searching for
Information ns to his whereabouts. Foul
play Is feared.
A man named Ferguson has boon arrested
In Ilardln county on the clmrifo of poisoning
the stock of his neighbor. Lockwood , nnd
mixing ground glass with the food. Twenty-
eight bend of cattle and two horses have
Mrs. , T. H , Robinson of Montlcollo nt-
tempted BUicUlo by shooting. She had boon
married but n short time when her husband
died nnd loft quite an ostnto. Trouble con
cerning tno soulomcnt of affairs Is said to bo
tno cause.
Willielm Schubbo drew tlSO from the bank
nt Davenport , intending lo buy a tloUot for
Germany. Ho fell In with bad companions
in n saloon nnd was robbed of the whole
amount. The pollco recovered most of his
money for him. -
A boy named Wtnognrdon was bitten by n
dog , supposedly mad , at Pocahonlns. Ho
failed rapidly and finally the Oskaloosainad-
stone was tried. It took fifteen applications
to satisfy his friends that the poison had
boon removed from the boy's system ,
A cable has been laid on the bottom of the
Mississippi between Davenport nnd Rook
Island , through which nil telephone comninl-
cntion will hereafter bo had. The cable does
ttwny with the induction thnt inndo other
methods of telephone connection ImpractU- !
. .ablo.Elijah
Elijah Hoffman , living a tow miles from
Red Oak , whllo returning homo frotp n neigh
bor's was ntinckod by eight wolves , t\vo of
which wore of the largo irrav specins. Mr.
Hoffman is an old man , but ho drew his
knife nnd slashed ono of the nnttnnls , after
whlcn the others gave up the chase.
A crazy nctlng swindler bm roped In a
largo number of Kookuk young men and
women with a "mllllonniro association. "
After Joining this secret order und Having
their initiation too they are never to wurk
ngoln , but will oo furnished with plenty of
money for necessities and amusement.
Ed Simoson of Boonosboro advertises ns
follows : The undersigned desires to nmrrv
a Swede girl wbo bns not been married and
who has domestic qualities lilting her for
llfo on a farm. Have 91,000 , ono hnlf section
of land , team. Am 'J. > ycarj of ao and am
single. Address within a month mill u half.
Building nnd loan associations nro Inking
root in Lnrnmlu.
Railroad activity in northern \Vyoming
stimulates all branches of industry ,
Considerable loss In sheep Is reported In
the vicinity of Aurora , owing to heavy
Tbo Soda lakes , near La > nnilo. nro noarlv
drained of surplus wntor and tbo work of
Inking out pure soda will soon begin.
The country In the vicinity of Casper has
hud but llttlo snow this winter. As a result
stock on the raugo * is In prime condition.
Mining interests in Gold Hill nnd around
Saratoga are looking up und u genuine boom
Is looked for with the opening of spring.
Having anchored a smnltor , Ctioyonno is
ow reaching out for iron blast furnaces ,
iiaving an unlimited supply of the raw mato-
ial in the state.
From a careful estimate made by a loading
arbon county sheepman ever 2,000,000
pounds of wool will bo shipped from Riwllns
, his year , and the value of tlio wool clip of
ho county will exceed g)00l'OD. : ) The sheep-
non do not owe ever ? SU,000.
.South Iliiloitn.
A sale of stnto school lands Is booked for
March 1M.
Sixty-dollar ere bus boon struck In the
Buxton mino.
The American Express company resists
, ho payment of taxes in the state.
The republican state convonllon is called
o meet at Chamberlain , March ) .
Mitchell has brightened up considerably
under the iotluencoof electric light.
Machinery for the Hnrnoy Peak tin mill
las arrived and is being put in place.
The Dead wood Central r.iilroid has boon
olanketaa with n mortgage for SJOO.DOO.
An extra session of the legislature hangs
flro. Governor Mollolte is still negotiating
ith members for per diem waivers.
Tbo oxtonslon of the Northern Pjclfln to
the Black Hills Is pi-jctieallv assured. Ar-
: angomonts have boon made for active work
.n the spring. _
A collection of Montana animals is bolng
inado for tbo World's fair.
An anti-treat society is the latest assault
on Butto's liquid industry.
Grout Falls has a school population of
2,240 , , gain of 430 In a year.
Clerks and salesmen of Great Falls have
organized a protective association.
A big strike of ? 03 ere is reported In the
Mountain View miuo , near Rlmlnlni. Other
properties adjoining are looking well.
A streak of bigh grade ere has boon found
In tbo Hock of Ages , on Cataract crook , a
couple of miles from Basin. The strike was
made at the depth of 140 foot , the ere run
ning nearly f200 n ton.
The assessors of Montana have completed
their tax list and show the real and personal
property of the state , as valued on the tax
duplicate , at ? 1 12 , 05,428. This moans that
the real value Is about tbreo times as much.
Montana assessors found 8U4 1,834 sheep , and
the state will bo Interested in Brer William
Springer's little bill on the sheep.
A. sowing machine ngont nt , Butte resorted
to a sharp trick to gain business. Ho cam-
pounded an alleged "watch oil , " which ho
gave to his sub-a outs with Instructions to
use on machines of nil makes except those of
tholr own company. The good housewives
of Butte soon complained thatthcirinachlncs
would not run after the oil was used on
them , nnd the crafty agent carao to their
rescue with a machine of bis own company ,
which ho uuarantoed. Ho sold n number of
machines before the trick was discovered.
lltnii ,
The Salt Lake public building bill which
passed the senate j.00,000. , .
The natural gas strikes provokes on over
flow of human gas In Salt Lake corners.
Oirclon has arranged liberal cash prizes for
a contest of bands to bo held Juno 15 and 10.
Providence iti a favored spot in Cache val
ley , It has not had a funeral since August
The lobbyist , that most Interesting and
versatile of Amorlcan produols , U almost ex
tinct in the empire of Utah.
A call has neon issued for a convention of
cattlemen nt Ogden , April 27-HO , to discuss
"transportation , brands , mavericks , fencing ,
water rights , range privileges , stock yards ,
broods and brooding of cattle and quaran
tine. " Tbo states and territories embraced
within thU call are Utah , Nevada , Idaho ,
Wyoming , California , Oroeon , Montana ,
Washington , Texas , Kansas , Colorado. Nortli
Dakota. Nebraska , Now Mexico , Indian Ter
ritory , Oklahoma and Arizona.
Keoloy wants $1,000 casb for the right tc
bichloride the Jae c.irrlum of the stalo.
Republicans hold a convonllon at Boise anc
organized the State Republican league.
Tbo Great Woitorn canal will Irrigate
73,000 acres of land. It laps the Snake rivet
ton miles above Idaho Falls.
It is assorted by tbo Ell of tbo Sovoi
Devils country that grouse killed In that see
tlon had their oraws llllod with nuggets ol
gold , many of which were at largo as grain :
of corn. The grouse wore so plentiful tor i
wt.ilo that loverat parlies made good wagoi
by killing thorn Just for the gold contained ii
their craws ,
Chohalis funding bonds sold at par ,
Whatcom will invest 1200,000 , in sewer
this year.
A colony of Norwegians has been plantci
at Nordland.
Tacoma councilman fixed up a neat salur ;
crab. The courts knocked them out.
Snohotnlsu taxpayers rejected the proposl
tlon to issue f i50,000 in bonds for roads am
bridges ,
President Hill of the Great Northern ha
completed a lour of Washington towns am
put in bis best licks for reduced right ot way
The state attorney general declares the at
tempt to attach aallcoof Washlneion t
Idaho is a political bluff. The bouudar ,
lines as they now exist uro correct.
Vaklma county claims to have moro Uai
under irrigation thrinjill Iho rest of Wnsh-
inglon put together. Tno cost 01 tbo irriga
tion worn already completed , under way and
to bo bciriin ntonce , l ? sHmatedntM)0.000.
Land thus reclaimed will aggregate 4.V5.000
ncros. And as vet but n beginning has been
inndo In this direction , vs the county contains
over 3,000,000 ncrcs.
Portland's tax roll for ISOJ xvlll not the
treasury $711,831.
Bird Waggoner , nn Orcgonian pioneer ,
dlod recently ngod 83.
A company bin boon orgnnlroa to build nu-
olhor opera bouso In Portland.
Work of conslructlon has been resumed on
Iho Oregon Pacific nt AJbany.
Portland's * ! per cotit' ' thirty-year bonds to
the amount of $100,000 sold nt n premium.
A cougar weighing 223 pounds was killed
In Briges valley by James Fordn , aged M ) .
A large number of imported song birds
were turned loose in n meadow near Beaver-
ton. They scorned delighted to regain tholr
freedom nnd at once rose high in the nir ,
singing gaily , nnd then inndo n wldo circle
and settled nlong n crook which runs through
the meadow. Two hunaroil will bo added to
Iholr number in n few weeks.
Even rattlesnakes live to n wonderful old
ugo In eastern Oregon's hoallbful climate.
The East Oroffoilan stntos that Mr. Durnoll
has the tall of n rntlk'simke In his possession
containing llfty-four rattles nnd n button. It
scorns tucrndlblo that n rnttlesnnko could at-
lain the age of M years , yet the rattles were
there to prove It and were seen by numerous
Oiillfnrnlii ,
A pollco station has boon planted In tbo
hour I of Chinatown , San Francisco.
Improvements to the amount of fl,000,000
i.s to uo made bv thu railroads at Sacruinonlo.
Wild hois nro very plentiful In the west
ern part of Nevada county , nnd furnish good
sport to the hunters. Ono of the nulmnis
killed recently weighed 200 pounds.
A S.icramonto genius has evolved n Uro
escape in tbo shape of n toboggan slide. It
is tin iron Iliimo circling round n post. The
surface Is smooth , so that the slide will not
gather n harvest of stool slltrcM.
Jacob Primer Lees , the foundoi- the city
of San Francisco nun''the pioneer of pion
eers of California , " dlod In n hospital in San
Francisco a few days njo. Hoiva 8' year.- ?
old. Ho built thu first house In San Fran-
clsco In I Sail , and killed deer and bear where
.some of tliat city's business strouts nro now.
IIu imido a groit of moiu'V during his
life , but lost it in his later years.
The oovoto bounty law , which was passed
lo help tco sheep inlsora. promises to cost
California duarlv , Ono hundred thousand
dollars hnvo been paid nut in nine months ns
20.000 scalps have been turned In and f."i pain
f or each scalp that hcertllled tons killed in the
county where it i ? pru.seutod. ICorn county
henils the list wl'h ' over 2,5'JJ ' coyotot slnln.
The next legislature will probably repeal Iho
law and compel each county to pay out its
own coyolo money.
l.u ( Irlppo SiuLHhill.v . TriMtril.
"I hnvo Just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this year , " s.iy * .Mr. James
O. Jones , noblishor of iho Leader. Mexla ,
Tex. "In the latter case 1 used Clmmber-
Inlti's Cough Remedy , nnd I think with con
siderable success , only being In bed u llttlo
ever two days against ten davs for the lirst
attack. The sucoijd nttncK I am satlslled
would have boon equally as bad as the first
but for the use of Ih'.s ' romodv , ns 1 had to go
to bed in about six hdUrs after being Struck'
with it , while In the llr t case 1 was nbloo
attend to business about two days before
getting'down , ' " 50 cent bottles for sale by
druggists. '
llrins lor tlm Army ( hmlp Alxiilt Olllrertt
mill KiillHtvil .Moil.
There nro only 1,103 vaiMiicios In the enlisted -
listed strength of the army ut the present
timo. This is nil the more gratifying in view
( if the excellence of the material which is
bsing secured by the ofllcors in charge of
A report from Valentino , Neb. , says that
the civilian physicians 'nt tint point have
lodged complaint with'tho secretary of war
that the Fort Ntobrura medical oflicora Imvo
destroyed tbotr ( the civilians' ) praetico and
in many instances taken patients to the post
hospital for treatment. The matter is bolus
investigated by the secrotnry.
There are now on llio thirty-nine applica
tions for the vacant brigadier couoralship.
The gossip of the Wur department is that
General Suhofiold favors General Carl In ,
Secretary Elklns favors General E. A. Carr ,
Seuulor Mondcrson is urging the claims of
General Frank Wheaten and Senator Hawley -
ley is pushing General Foraytho.
"Ordnance sergeants will hereafter bo assigned
signed to posts'by the chief of ordnance.
The iecrotnry of war has reported to the
senate tnat the militia force of the United
blnlos is 111,1)48 ) ofllcers and enlisted men.
The number of men in the country available
for military duty Is 8rj07'dS.
The Overman court martial came to an end
lust Thursday at Cleveland. Judge Sanders
nnd Colonel Gardiner iniulo eloquent pleas
for Iho accused ofllcor , nnd the Judge advo
cate , Captnlti Myrick , contented himself
with citing the law. Major Overman is now
in Washington , under the orders of the Wur
J'ort Sldnuy.
Andrew GUljipla , wai duoair id
roai company D , Twonty-llrst infantry , at
nrtDu Chosuo , U. T , , ro-onllsloJ for ojui-
nny B , sanu raimsnt , at O luhl , ana
oineu hero on February 12.
Private John Campbell , company B ,
Twouty-lirst infantry , returned on the 13th
inst. from u Uuoo months' furlough.
Albert B. Schollold and William T. Moore
vvho were enlisted by Lteutonnnt Stamper at
Hustings , Neb. , for company A of the
Twenty-llrst infantry joined hero on thu
Commissary Sergeant Otto \V. Helurlch ,
who was assigned to duty nt this post by
War department ordorj , arrived here last
Sergeant Frank F. Roonoy , company B ,
returned last Sunday from u three months'
furlough , which ho has been spending in
A warrant has Just been received bore from
the secretary of war , appointing Corporal
Julius Jenssn of company C sergeant major ,
Twentylirst infantry. Wo heartily con
gratulate Sergeant Major Jensen on his hand
some chevrons.
Private William S , bpraguo , comoany C.
was discharged from the bcrvico on tjio 10th
inst ,
There is much regret felt Uoro ever the
loss of Lieutenant Almon L. Parmortor ,
whoso promotion to a lirst lieutenancy in the
Fourteenth infantry has taken him from the
Twenty-first infantry.
General order tto. 1 , A. G. O. 1893. has
Just made Its appearance bore , and is of
great interest , showing as It does , that one
ot the thirty-six sharp shooters In the army
of tno United Slates JOT the target your of
1891 , whoso average pur cent firing with iho
rillo , was SO or over'B'.t.'ll ' being the highest
nindo in the army. Tbaipost has tbo honor of
having two , viz : Captain J , W. Duncan ,
Twenty-llrst lnfantvyi 80.71 , nnd Sergeant
James Shlrlock , coirM'Jny ' A , Twonty-llrst
infantry , with 60 , , , . „
Lieutenant Und Mrs , Brooke gave n most
delightful party at thW.Post bull on Thursday
ovoninp , Uio llth ln t' ' , in honor of Colonel
Horace Jewell and femilv. Tbo early part
of the evening was given over to the votar
ies of terpslchoro , after which catno pro
gressive high live , savin tables being in uso.
Tbo counters for wlnnprs were beautiful aud
unique , consisting ojj tiny bolls , crescents
and modallons ponJpiit to baby ribbons ol
all colors , The prizes were exquisite , among
tuom being an ImporCoil Japanese Hart Karl
sword , The fortunate winners wore ; First
prizes , Mrs. Jocelyn ana Lieutenant McAn
drew ; second prizos.Lleutenunt Morrow ani !
Mrs. Jewell , After cards came n delicious
repast , such as was to be expected from i
queenly hostess like Mrs. Brooke ,
J'ort I ) , , v < JtumclI.
Major Bacon , Seventh cavalry , was at thi
post last week for-tho purpose of invostlgat
ing the case of Corporal Martin Walsh
whoso discharge was recommended by tht
post commander for lending money to onllstot
men of the poit nt the rate of 20 per cent pe ;
month interest.
Lieutenant Dowdy left Ibo post las
\VednosdayforFuyettovlllo , Ark. , whore hi
is to report for duty March I as professor o
military science and tactics at tbo Arknnsai
Industrial university.
On account of tbo illness of his wife Lieu
tenant Mulr has asked that the order direct
Ing him to proceed at once to Fort Omaha b <
suspended thirty days ,
Sergeant Major VVlUon has just complete ;
a roster of noncommissioned ofllcors of the
regiment , ono of which will bo sent to each
scrgonnt major in the army.
Private William Done. Iroop E , Ninth
cavalry , rcporlcd from furlough at this point
without means to Join his station. Transpor
tation nnd subsistence lo Fort Robinson ,
Neb. , wore furnlsheJ him.
A board of ofllcers consisting of Lloutonaut
Colonel K. Brady , Seventeenth infantry ;
Major V , Hnvnrd , surgeon ; Captain C. S.
Roberts. Seventeenth infnnlry ; Cnptnln F.
V. Walter , assistant surgeon , nnd First
Lieutenant E. Cliynowith , Sovonlocnlh In-
fiuilry , lias been ordered to convene nt this
post Mnroh 1 , IS',12 ' , for and men
tal examination of appointees lo the United
States military academy.
Vort Hlli-yi
Mr. George Buford of St. Joseph , Mo. , is
vUllliicvlth Lleuttiunut J. V. Boll , adjutant ,
Seventh cavalry.
Miss Gcrtlo Wilson of Leaven worth is
vlslllng wilh Mrs. Caiitniu Henry Jackson.
Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Pierce left last
Wednesday for Wntorvllot arsenal.
Captain C. A. Vanillin , Seventh cavalry ,
was troubled with iho "grip" for n few days
but is now nblo lo oat his rations regularly ,
Sergeant Joseph Kansky was discharged
nnd ro-cnllstcd lu D Iroop , Seventh cavalry ,
February in.
Privnlo John Uolau , now on furlough , has
transferred from B troop to I troop , Seventh
cavalry. Jack has only nine montiis to serve
before retiring.
Farrier James Nolan , ' 1C troop , Seventh
cavalry , has. served his live years nnd will
try unolbor live with Captain E. A. GarllnK-
lon , commanding I troop.
The following pi emotions and appoint
ments hnvo boon made in C troop , Seventh
cavnlry : Corporal Frame Stevenson , to bo
seriruant , vice Newport discharged ; Prlvnto
Fred J. Russell , to bo corporal , vice Stevon-
s-ou promoted.
Private- Francis O'Donncll. A troop , wns
discharged , in consequence of expiration of
lurin , on Wednesday last.
General Forsytb , Major \Vhltosldc nnd
Cantnln Edgorly returned Monday from
The ollloers' Imp given Tuesday evening
was n brilliant ntTnlr.
Joseph Uisse , nftor n ten ynars' service in
E troop , was discharged Tuesday , February
Hi. Risse left , Wednesday for his homo in
Troop I , Seventh cavalry ( Captain E. A.
Garlinglon ) , can hold its own with most any
troop in the sorvlco. Vhero are nt present men In the troop who Have served
from ton to twonly-nlno years.
'i ho month of January was a very fair ono
for the canteen. Declared dividends for tbo
quarter ending December III , amounted to
0.'i. Tlio mess hall got fibS.2J , band $03 ,
hospital $1 1.27 , hospital corps company of in
struction $10. 17 , battery A , Second artillery ,
$ tli.77 ) ; battery T , Fourth artillery , j47.5S ! ;
b.ittor.v F , Second artillery , $11.71.
There are several line pieces of horao llesh
nl this post owned" mostly by ofllcors of the
Sofonlh cavalry. Lieutenant W. J. Nichol
son is the owner of a promising 'J-yoar-old
filly. Lieutenant E C. Bullock Is training a
2-your-old Alien Russell lilly that Is hard to
bent : Lieutenant J. C. Gresham's 2-year-old
Illly by Allen Russell is a beauty and bus
rummenccd to show her breeding. Lieuten
ant L. S. McCormlck has a colt that will
compare favorably with nny of the young-
stors. Posl master Hugh Bolin lakes great
indo In showing his bay Illly sired bv
Major C. S. Ilsloy loft Wednesday for
Dinaha where ho will report nt department
lieadquarlors before taking station at Fort
Lieutenant Sodgwick Rico is now in com
mand of E troop , Seventh cavnlry. Lieu
tenant Rico was transferred from the
Twenty-second infantry and joined the
Seventh cavalry June 10 , 18SO. Since that
time tie served constanlly with his regiment
and received fnvoraolo mention in general
orders for meritorious conduct and gallantry
In the battles with the bloux. Indians at
Wounded Knee creek and the mission at Pine
Rldgo. Lieutenant Rico Is worthy of the
honor and E troop is to bo congratulated.
The ladles of tbo garrison are determined
that nothing will hinder them from enjoying
lifo during the cold months. It is otio con-
linuul round of pleasure nnd to keep track of
ho separate events would take up all of one
man's lime in hunting up data. Last Satur
day the ladles of the po-t gnvo nn "at homo"
parlyi The whole force was out and from
what wo can learn the luno was cnjoy-
bly spent. Mrs. Pierce of the ordnance de-
art montgavo n farewell loa to her numerous
riunds at the post Thursday evening , Fob-
uary 4 , in the ball ot thu cavalry administra
tion building. The nlTuir was handsomely
managed. Progressive cuchro is still the
gnmn with the Indies nt the post , nnd on this
occasion it was heartily ind'ulged in. Mrs.
Gtfford of iho Second artillery was the hos
tess nt the "young ladies luncheon" given
Wudnosdav evening. Thuy were all there
and spent a very pleasant evening.
Chaplain D. li. Lowell has received a gov
ernment storeopnean and proposes to illus
trate biSiloctui-os hereafter. The scheme is
a new ono nnd will probably bo appreciated.
Chaplain Myles Moylan , Seventh cavalry ,
Is anxiously awaiting his promotion as major
in the Tenth cavalry. Ho bus commenced
packing his goods and will bo ready to leave
nt a moment's notice.
The followifig changes have tiikon plaeo
among the noncommissioned nfllcors nt tnls ,
post the past week : Sercoant NiolMcCun ,
Joseph Potts ana Henry H , Grave , troop C ,
Sixth cavalry , dlszhurgod by expiration ol
term of sorvlco. Corporals Frederick Pone
and William Servars , troop C , Sixth cav
alry , promoted sergeants und Privates
Wnthun Illmoro and Arnold Baker , snma
troop , appointed corpornlt. Corporal Henry
P. Cannon , company K , Eighth
infantry , discharged by expiration
of term of service and ro-enlisted
in same company. Corporal John Bantisto ,
company E , Eighth infantry , has been re
tired alter thirty years service and has taken
his departure foi California , Intending to nut
in the rest of his llfo In that hlu'bly favored
country. Private John Shuter has boon
transferred from troop C teD , Sixth cavnlry ,
and appointed a trumpeter in tbo last named
Company E , Eighth Infantry , gave a dance
to Coporal Baptisto on Friday night , which
was largely attended by the many friends of
the corporal , ull of whom wished him God
speed and good luck ou his leaving the ser
vice. Corporal Baptisio has spent the past
twenty years in the Fourth and Eighth in
fantry , on the frontiers , taking part In most
of the Indian troubles in which our llttlo
army has boon engaged during that tlmo.
Snow fell continuously from about 2 p. in. ,
the 10th , until about 2 a. in. , the 12tb , more
than a foot deep on the level being on the
ground when the storm ceased. It must bo
fathoms deep in tbo mountains between iho
post and the end of the railroad , nnd in con-
cquonco thereof the mail that before the
torni reached us occasionally has uuoul quit
Preparations are being made for starting
up the saw mill about eighteen miles from
the post. It is rumored that Troop il , Sixth
cavalry , will bo detailed to cut und saw lum
ber for the next month , but U Is doubtful II
they can reach the mill wbilo the snow is so
deep in the mountains.
Lieutenant * 0. P. Terrott , Eighth Infantry
is oxpactcd lo arrive at Ibo post on the 17th
nstnnl. Lieutenant Torrutt belongs to the
skeleton company 1C and will not Und much
of Ins company hero to do duty with , al
though this is Its station , on paper , Captn n
Thomas Wilbolm , Eighth infantry the only
O' perfect purity.
Lemon - of great strength.
Almond If Economy In tholrusa
Rose etc ? ] Flavor us delicately
Bnd dellclounly a the fresh fruit.
other mornbor of K Is on recmltinc service
Rt SU Paul , Minn.
Lieutenant Torrott Joins nftor n long nb-
cnce , having boon detailed on rccmltlnR
luty in September , IbsO , tor two voam , nnd
on the expiration of hi * detail Imvliifr applied
or ana obtained n loftvo of absence for four
The proposed wolf hunt that wn to liavo
ftken plnco last , week was unavoidably post-
lonod , llio weather being entirely too sovoto
or anything of the sort. There nro plenty
of wolves in thco pnrH to hunt nnu seine of
horn nro not foilr footed nnlinnls either ,
I'ort Nlolirnrii.
John Malady , formerly ot the Fifth cav
il ry , rcenllslcd nt Fort Logan , Colo. , for the
sixth cavalry nnd loft this post on February
S for Fort \Va9hako , boln i ? assigned to troop
11 , Sixth cavalry.
1'rivnto Joseph Hurnon , troop U , Sixth
cavalry , was ilUchnivctl on February T.Hor-
ben ban boon for n Ion ? time In tbo 1'
1'rlvato ? Mnnynn nnd Hamilton , troop A ,
nnd I'rlvnto Towson , troop F , Sixth civnlr.v.
yero discharged the sorvlco of the United
States , per expiration of term of service.
Fii-ht Lieutenant H. 1C. West , Sixth
cavalry , nnd Sergeant Harrigan , troop U ,
arrived nt this post on Iho mornlnuof Febru
ary U nnd will proceed to several towns in
ho states of lown nnd Nebraska opening
OKlmontnl recruiting stations.
Major Dallas Hache. modlcal director of
the Department of the Plntto , nrrlvod hero
o'i February 7 , inspected llio sanltarv ilopart-
nont of the you nnd loft for Omaha on
' 'obrunry II.
Llmitcnant Colonel Stnnton , pavmastor ,
arrived nt tbo post February 0 , paid the
roops ot this command on tho'7th , nnd loft
the Dost the same evening.
I'rlvnto Hdwarxl Hoyd , troop A , nnd Sur-
gcantVlllinniH. . Logon , troop 1C , were dis
charged from the service of the United
States per expiration of term of service ,
February 10. Both men had excellent dis
Captain Charlus porter , Klghth Infantry
laving returned to duty , Second Lieutenant
IS. T. Cole was relieved from duty with
company I ) .
I'orl M mil is
First Lieutenant Furrntut Sayor , who was
expected hero on the tfith , has boon granted
another month's leave.
In order to comply with recent general or
ders extra special duty moil nro now per-
ormlntr guard duty.
It keeps ono busy here Keeping trnck of
ho wealhor. It has been nil the wnv from
10- = below zero to 80 = " nbovo during tlio past
Prlvnto Wilson , H troop , Eighth cavalrv
; riod recently by court martial for running
his horse while on pass , was released Thurs
day bv telegraphic instructions from depart
ment headquarters.
Private Herbert Taylor , troop K , has been
discharged on surgeon's certillc.ito of disa
Prlvnto Max Franks , A troop , has boon
discharged by puroha c , ho having deposited
$100 for that purpose nt the tlmo of tlio
Chilian trouble.
Sergeant McNnmara , D troop , leaves us
on the U'Jd , having served the required num
ber of years to entitle him to an honorable
pleco of sheepskin.
Ofllcers' lycouin meetings are hold every
Monday evening nt the post hall. Captain
Hcnnisco's paper on "Cavnlry. regular and
irregular , " was one of the most Interesting
nnd Instructive that has boon produced slnco
the inaucnrailon of the series.
Great dlllli-ulty Is experienced by the con-
traclors in furnishing borsos for tlio Kighth
cavalry. Out of (173 ( horses examined only
thirty-two were nccoptod.
Xmtrulglu Cured In I'll torn Mlnilti-H.
Mr. J. S. Slurtovant , editor of the Waup.ica
( Wis. ) Post , says : "LastnlghtChamoerlalu's
Pain Halm cured my wlfo of neuralgia of the
face nnd tooth In liftoen niinntus. Wo would
not bo without It. " 51) ) cent bottles for sale
by druggists.
Ouril nl Tliunlis.
The ladles connected with tha Crocho wish
to thank In this public munncr the ladles nnd
gentlemen who kindly donated tholr llmo
and services in the very charming nnd suc
cessful play , entitled "A Uox of Monkeys , "
Wednesday evening , at Gcrnwnla ball.
Tlio ladies wish , also , to acknowledge the
kindness of Shivoricu it Co. , ] ) oway&Stone ,
the Morse Dry Gooiis company , and Mr. H.
M. Bliss , for suico fuL-nishliiss ; Mr. IJono-
hue , for lloriil decorations ; and Tin : Bui : , the
World-Herald nnd the Excalsmr. in giving
duo notice of tliu entertainment. They are
also'indobted to the business linns who gen
erously advertised in the program thereby
assisting materially in the proceeds o the
Mr. J. H. Esthlll , president Morning News
Co. . Savannah , G.i. says : A tnambar of my
family who has boon a martyr to neuralgic
headaches for twenty years , has found in
bradycrotino nn infallible remedy.
Full of trouble
the ordinary
pill. Trouble
when you take it ,
and trouble uhen
you've got it
down , rleiity of
unplonsnntncss ,
but mighty little
k With Doctor
' Picrco's Pleasant
W Pellets , there's no
trouble. They're made to prevent it. They're
the original little Liver Pills , tiny , sugarcoated -
coated nntl-iillious granules , purely vegeta
ble , perfectly harmless , the , cn&icst
nnd best to take. They cleanse nnd regulate
the whole system , in u natural nnd easy
way mildly nnd gently , Imt thoioughly
and effectively. Ono little Pellet for n lax
ative three for n cathartic. Sick Headache ,
Bilious Headache , Constipation , Indigestion ,
Bilious Attacka , nnd nil derangements of tlio
liver , btomnch nnd bowel ? nro prevented ,
relieved and cured.
They're the cheapest pill you can buy , for
they're guaranteed to give batibfnctlou , or
your money is returned.
You pay only for the value received.
Can you ask moral
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it a $ a beverage.
lathobJfit for all purposes , ba-
oauao ic is positively pure and m a-
turo. It is excoJdiiifirly pleasant to
the Uiato ana baa u dollolouj bou-
N , B , It doesn't burn nor soald
the throat or atcmaoh like inferior
whiskeys. It IB recommended by
tbo boat phyeloinns.
Bold only at high class hotola ,
drusr nnd liquor stores.
Sninplus can be hul at the Mlllaid llnlul. ut
Thumphon's , ut .1. A. Tullilll'H , at J. A , Wood
.tUo. . Hotel Uollonu , Muynlhiin'h , The Diamond
mend ,
Many People Hnvo It nnd Do Not Kuovvlt
How to Hecognizo the Symptaia * and How
to TrontTlioin.
Hundreds of | % oiIc have the ( lilppo who do
not know It. Not noco < srlly tlio llnnl stnRos.
but the first. s-tnses. They fool pains in the
head , and u had taste In the tnoiith , got ttro'l
nnd despondent , liuro chilly sensations , limb *
unit mnselos nclio. In some cases the so things
itro overlooked , In HUH THSOS | ioi haps they
are considered simply n slight cold. In nearly
ovciy cnso they Indlento thocoinliiRof tlrlnpo.
There Is lull ono thin ? to do when the to
symptoms npponr. nnd that Is to tiiKo promp
and vigorous iiioiisiirt-t , to fortify nntnrotii
ri'pol the enemy. A llttlo wull dlrootod effort
ntjusl the rlKht tlmo will nccnmpllsh very
intich nuiro limn tnborcd efforts afterwards.
Thorn Is hut ono Uiliu to lo done , nnd tluxt In
to use n pnto stimulant , something tlmt will
promptly : u lost nnd In no way Injure , some-
thine endorsed by scientists recommended by
physicians , nnd populnt because so ofllelpnt- >
Duffy's I'nro Malt \Vhlskey Twoyotrs IRO ,
nnd lust yoirhitn thollrlppo was rnuln.MliN
WHS thu standard remedy used , niiil i-i rnm
niendod by thu profession. It did tnoro la
prevent the Orlppo thin nil other known or
recommended roiniMllos. It preserved ninny
lieoplo In hoilth who would otlinrwlso IMVO
I wii urlnvoimly slok , piirlmps even > \orso. It
Is us cIllsliMil to.lny ns uvur. It should bu
hormi In mind tlrit other so called whlsklos
inny nut bo so tilllulont , nnd If uny denier ns-
sorts Hint snub whNklus luotho s.ime , distrust
him nt onro. There Is but ouu medicinal
whiskey , : ind licit Is DnlTy's I'uni Mull.
A noiv nnil Coinptrto Trcntmunt , conMatlnx ot
HuiMMiBlUirli'H , Ointment In CniiauUi * , iilsn In ttox
nnil I'lllni n I'osliiTn Cnra for Kutornnl. Interim ) ,
Illlnil or Mlcinllnit ttolilnit , Chronic , Uucmit or
lleroilltiiry l'lli : , Tills lloimvly Ims novur II MII
known to fnll. ft For } ) ! in'nl lif mill.
\Ylij miller from tills lortllib tllsunu when n writ *
lull niinrnnuni I * potltlvoly nlvon vrlllift ImxiM , la
roriuultlio moiitiT It tuu carat ) . Hotut ntiimii for
fn-o Sniuilu. | tiunrntituu Uiuuil h > - Kuliti , \ Co ,
lruiiKli > tiii Holu AKUIIU , earner 15lh iuil Douitlni
roou , Omnlin , Nob.
lo DVO'B IcrlccUcnl Ilia
Tlio Kroneli rumody tu'ls dlraclly upon the
Koueratlvo organs and enrol suppression of tlio
mouses. | 2or throu tor $ V anil bii nmllod.
Should not lie nsoI ihirlnijiirojiiixnoy. .lobliort ,
driiKKlHtsund Ilia publla suppllod by Uooiiinan
Uruic Uo , , Umalia
When It accompanies n recent cold : Take
cqtul parlscach of tincture of lilooJ-inot , sjnuu
ot ipecac anil squills , llnciuro of unl-inm of tnlu ,
aud D.ireuonc , and take of the coniiouud | hair a
ti-aspoonfut wlionevor the ciiiiKh 1 < sovoic.
* V win "Kmiw Thimeif , " JJm. llelln .t Itett * ' Hint-
traletlnciv lioolk of iw vauc * , ufurh Kill lie Kent
free tn any iidilre.ia un rcciip ! of iccntituixiy
Tliu book contains thousands of llcmgofln-
lurmitlun of even gru.itvr Imnorlnncu than llio
above , not Hie least of which Is llio muthoit of
dotei mluliiK wliou one U aflllctcdllli any
form ot
Nervous , Chronic or )
Private Diseases
'With rules for guarding against their attacks.
And , butler man nil this , II nltonU conclusive
nnil abundant piouf of thu gtral nblllty. lliu HK1II , tlm remarkably science ami tU/
vuluabln ex'juf'o'ico ' ' of
The most gifted specialists In America In tlif
careful treatment and successful euro of ,
Consullnilon free. Call upon , or address \\llh
Brsiins ir" ;
119 South 1-Hli St. . N. K CornerMth
nnd Douffhis StB.
Omaha , Nel3.
Hov toemh nnil Hnrnejr Btruoti ,
For the Engagement of
On Monday livening , Feb. 22.
The sale of gallnry tickets r > punn ut 10 o'clock
on Monday foionoon , Ladlux and ladlun will )
f-SL'oilH nrusnntlng iloltots for thu gallery , will
bu admitted at the main entrance , i'rleo of
gullor.v tickets.Wo each.
I'OI'UJ , Alt
World'o Champion ' I HARRISON
BiiiHluy Matlnoe , .Muhl , Munilnjr N IK 111 , hi
Duiu-nn II. llnrrlson'.i Hi.oi ) ful Cmuii.Iy Diuiuii
'I'uonlny Nluht. WoilnonUir Miitlnoo , Woilin ) diir
Nlliht , Tliulr I.utoit drum BIIC-TOII ,
Week of Full. 2J.
The Rooster Orchestra
l A atttH.v .1 vi *
lOc A7rmUs io AU lOc
The National Pageant
Living. Movln ? , Spoiiklnx , Slnslir. , D.imiliig.
Combing thu Druinn , Opuru and ' 1 uhiiuiiiv.
roit 'i i IK
Worn n's OhrJst an Assoolatloa.
The duvi'topmont nt llio United .Si a tea of
America ii > prusont d In II Qrtiat ( lib-
tor oj | T.ililoiuix !
To bu lield In the
/ ' /ill XOtlKIIKl ftltll , JSUV.
I'rleo llesc-tniil untitl nnd 76o Mnlliieo Kob ,
27 nl p. in Itcit-rruJ wil , 7iu uii'l ' . . 'c
; OJnrlliH ! llrlllluiit iBJ'til Calcium lUhu'
Muilr , .tltiort' * 1'hllh.irm inlo OjruUuilri. I'or.
fvruuuvo cumiujncoj ut 7.1,1 p m , cUjuj ut IU : JJ.