THE OMAHA DAILY HEEy ; jVIONDAY. VKKUUAKY 22 , 1892. THE DAILY BEE. Ii r.PiTott , MOKNING. TI HM9 or su IIHM D.illrllec ( without Sunday ) Ono Year ? R fO Unity nnil Mindny , . 1 t rtixMnnllH . . . J hmt Month * . > Minilnjr Hoc. Ono . . . . J 00 ( ilunlflv lice , OnoVoir . J " V , rclily lice. Ono , . . ' < * Oinnhn.ThpIlcoIJillliiliic. f-ontliOmnhn , corner N nnd 2filh Streets omicll llhiflX I'J I'onrl Htrcct. Glilcsi- Ofllce. Ill" I ImniLiT fit Commerco. JSewyork.llootnsl1 , Untidl.vrrlbtinollullilln ? Witshliiplon , 5111 Fourteenth StrooU COHUnsl'OXDENOn. All coinniimlcntlons rolsitlnZ to news mill editorial tnnttcr Miuutil bo nddrossod tc tlio 1 illtorlul Dt'ii.irtment. lU'SINESd MVTTEKS. All business loiters nn < ! rpinlttniiPM Mioiilil I end d rested tnTliollco Publlshlnc Company ; Ornnlm , Drafts , chocks nnd postolllce. orders to bo inndu pnynblo to tlio ordurot tlio com- imny. Ihc EEC Publishing Company .Jroprletor . rAVOHN STATEMENT OP OlUOUkATlON. t taliof ISobrasUu { , . County of Douglnft. I " Oco. II. Tr-sehucW. secretary of Tlio HER I iilillshlne lomiMtiy. does oloiiinly swear thiil the netuiil alretilntlon of TIIK OAII.V UBK fnrtlio ending rubruury SO , 1MB , wus us huiiiliir. I'oli. 14 Mondn'y. IVb. 1.1 ' . > * 'I iii-iilny. Koh. in . 24av ) Wednesdny.rub 17. . 1 , (1 ( Thnrxtlny , Polk 1H . S'.JIO I'rldiiy. Pph. 1'J . - ' fcutnrdny. l'ob. SO Avornpo Hworn to Icforo me nnd subscribed In tnv rrrenco thls'Jutli day of I'obrimry. A. I ) . 18K bAl. N. 1 * . TKIU Nolnrv I'uullc. A\rriiK < > Clrriiintliin lor Inniinry SI , ill ! I. WHAT has become ot the Omnha Prco Klndorffiirlon association and Ita com- jiendnblo enterprise ? THK ofTolo east la fust learning that when orators arc needed Nebraska is the boat place to send for eloquence. PIHNCI : Gr.ouoi : of Ktiglnnd sulTors from sleeplessness. The prlnco should nttond the sessions of the House of Lords regularly. Tun Sixteenth street wooden bridge must give- way to a. wide iron and stone Viiduct\vhothor : it gives way to a , loaded motor or otherwise. NKIWASKA munufacturors are en thusiastic over the Juno industrial exposition - position proposed by the Manufacturers' und Consumers' association. THK Uoal K-ttatu Owners association has the "promUo and potency" of a vast amount of good work for Oinaliu , if it shall bo properly bu'pportcd. OMAHA'S clearings 1mvo shot away ikyward again. The incronso for the pnst week as compared with the cor responding week of last year is18.1 per cent. Tun Iowa legislature proposes to vote 1220,000 for an exhibit at the World's fair. Iowa is setting an example which Nebraska should ondo.ivor to emulate to the extent of her resources and linancial ability. TIIK value of life insurance will bo vindicated along now lines if the contro versies ever the payment of the May- brick policies shall eventually result in the final release of Mrs. Maybrick from prison , n now trial and her ultimate ac * quittal. IlKNKY W. Ur.Aiu has announced him- Bolf as a candidate for president. The ox-senator from Now Hampshire should not force his follow citiv.ins to express an unbiased opinion concerning the fit ness of a crank for the presidency of tlio tlnitod Statca. NOTHING will bring democratic fac tions together BO promptly and com pletely as a possibility of defeat. The democrats of Louisiana have agreed upon a plan for settling the differences between McEnery and Foster so that oao or the other shall withdraw from the gubernatorial candidacy. AKTIH : a period of quietude , Jones that pays tlio freight has come out again with his rod lantern and is wav ing it across the track in front of the Hill engine. Tt is a picturesque posi tion , but by tonight the cow-catcher will again have tossed the ox-lieutenant gov ernor into the snmo old ditch. SOUTH OMAHA will bo the scone ol more than usual activity the coming season. The enlargement of the ca pacity of the stock yards and the addi tions to the Cudahy , Hammond and other packing houses will involve an expenditure- not loss than $750,000. The good corn crop gives promise ol larger receipts of hogs and cattle for the year. In fact everything points to n most prosperous for Omaha's most Important suburb. A nr.iiATi ; with an ocean between the disputants is not likely to bo olthoi interesting , profitable or conclusive. For this reason it is unwise for an Amor loan olllclal to attempt to respond ic newspaper attacks In Great Britain , The guns are fired at too long range. Indian Commissioner Morgan has dis covered the force of these conditions in hla attempt to convince Ilonry Labou' chore that the present Indian adtnlnls trillion is honest. It dons not Bull Mr. Lubouohoro to accept the commit * Blotter's view and the otTort U ohango his notions is futllo. Tiiniu : Is but one opinion rognrdlnt the action of the donate in passing tin resolution authorizing the president ti return to the Mexican govern inont the battle llagb captnrci during the war with Mexico , am that if that It was generous nnd timely The relations between the two repu'b lies are of the most friendly character and their mutual welfare makus it desirable able that everything bo done that cm contribute to the maintenance of friend Bhlp. The return of those trophies wll bo regarded by the Mexican govern inont and people as an assurance of tin cordial good will of llio United State * nnd will bring us as a nation far mor < credit than could possibly bo derive ) from their retention a * evidence o nutlumii valor. o. IIHAT , KST.ITH Today the Incense of patriotic song nnd panegyric will on volopo the memory of "tho father of his country. " From press nnd pulpit , platform and fireside , rise tributes to the immortal dcucls of George Washington. The priceless heritage ho loft to the oppressed of all \iids 1 commands our gratitude. War made him great , peace greater. Other hands , it Is true , helped to rear the foundation of liberty's temple. Other mighty minds planned and reared tlio superstructure * . Hut Washington's achievements overtops all , as Shasta towers above the surroundings , majestic and unapproachable , .TcHorion was the inspiration of the declaration ot Inde pendence ; Hamilton was the incar nation of the constitution ; Jackson beat back the invaders at Now Orleans , and Lincoln and Grant drove the knlfo to the heart of slavery nnd made union and freedom a reality ; Washington was the embodiment of strength and courage in war as well IIA tha anchor of safety in the no loss trying period suc ceeding the close ol the revolution. Daso indeed would bo our gfatltudo did wo not revere his memory , though wo fail in emulating- virtues and heed ing his precepts. Whence did his gonlus spring ? A majority of the saints in freedom's calendar rose from humble beginnings. The fathers in their youth enjoyed and profited by royal favors shown tholr ancestors. But In our time the mighty names in civil and military life are those of mon whoso beginnings wore of the humblest. Lincoln was jostled with poverty , yet by his own efforts , with the dim Ilickcr of candle Hcht , ho laid the foundation of an education that titled him for the grnvo responsibilities so grandly performed In manhood's years. Grant tanned hides by day and strug gled with the three Us by night. Gar- Hold plodded the tow path of tv canal and earned the wherewith to pay a college course. None of the great men in liberty's roll of honor had a training like that of Washington. As his achievements over shadowed all others , so his occupation in the ycard preceding the rove ution dilTored from that of his contempor aries and successors. There tire these who believe his success In war and peace hud Its foundation in his early environ ments. Measured by the experiences and triumphs of this atro , there arc sub stantial reasons for believing that ho who was "the first , the last , the best ; the Olnclnnalus of the wo t , " was well equipped for the fracas precipitated by King George. Washington was a real estate boomer ! Years before the boaom of war over spread the land , and while vet a loyal subject of the perfidious George , Wash ington busied himself unloading broad acrob on all comers. IIo was in the vortex of the boom then raging along the Ohio , and with characteristic fore sight had becurod a tr.u-t of elegant dimensions. His advertisement appears in the lirbt pupor printed in Baltimore , the Murylaml Journal und Jiulliiiiore Advertiser , August 20 , 177ii. In the copious phraseology of diplomacy , Washington Ulks of land and lots and plats. It is a curiosity , and was written by Washington at a time when such a thought tu > leading the continental army was farthest from his niiim. It can hardly fail to enthuse the boomers of today. The advertisement is as follows : MT. VUHNONIn Virginia , July 15 , 1773. The subscriber having obulnod patents for upwards of 20,000 acres of land on the Oblo and Great Kiuihuwa (10,00J ( of which are sit- uatcd on the bankn of the lirat mentioned river , between the mouths of the two Kan- hawas , and the ramulndor on the Great Kanhawn , or now liver , from the mouth , or nonr It , upwards , In ono conUnnod survey proposes to divide the same Into any sized tenements that may bo dusirod , nnU lease them upon mndor.ito torim , nllowlnt ; a rea sonable number of yoar.-i' rant free , provided , within the space of two .viMrn from next October thrco acres for every llfly contained in cnch lot , and proportlonably for a lessor quantity , Hhnll bo olcnrtid and fenced nnd tilled ; and that by or before the timu limited for the commcncotnout of the llrat rent , live acres for every 100 , and proporttomibly na ubovo , shall bo unclosed aim laid down 111 good grass for mondow , nnd , moreover , thnt at least llfty K ° oii fralt treoi for every Ilka quantity of land shall bo planted on the promises. Any person inclinable to aottlo on those Innils may bo moro fully informed of the terms by applying to the subscriber , near Aloxiiiulrla , or , in his absence , to Mr. Lund Washington ; and would do well lu communi cating their intentions bafora October 1 , next , la order that a suflluloat number of lots may bo laid uff to anuwer the demands. As these lands are among the lirst which have bean surveyed In the part of the coun try they lie In , It U almost n rod loss to prom ise that none can exceed thorn In luxuriance of soil or convonlonco of situation , all thoni lyhiK on the baulcs of cither of the Ohio 01 ICanhawa and abounding with line lish und wild fowls of various kinds , HO also In most excellent meadows , many of which ( by the bountiful hand of nature ) are , lu their pros- unt state , almost lit for the scytlio , From every part of these lands water rar- rlaRO Is now had to 1'ort ' Pitt by an oasj communication , and from Fort Pitt up UK Monongahola to Uodstono. Voisuls of con venlont burthen may and do passcontinuall.v from thoru by moans of Cheat river and otboi nuvlk'iibto branches of the MonoiiKahcln. It Is thouRhtthoportngotothoPotowmaoU may and wilt bo reduced within the compass of i few mlles , to the iraat ouso nnu convenience of the settlers In transporting the produce ol their lands to market. To which may hi added that as patents have now actually passed the seals for the several tracts horc offered to bo leased , settlers on thorn um.\ cultivate and enjoy the lauds In peace ant safety , notwithstanding the unsettled counsels sols respecting a now colony on the Ohio ; and us no light money Is to bo oald for these lands , am ) qultront of 3 shilling sterling i hundred , ilomnndablo some voars hence only it U highly presumable that they will alwavt bo hold upon a moro doslrablo footing thai whnro both of these uro laid on with n vorj heavy bund , And U may not bo amiss further to oh servo that If the scheme for ustabllbtilng i now government on the Ohio , In the mannoi talked of , should over bo effected these musi bo nmonff the most valuable lands In It , no only on account of the goodness of the soil and the. other advantages above enumerated tint from their contiguity to tbo mat of th government , which mot ot him probable wil bo llxed at the mouth of the Great Kuuhawn UUOUCIKV.biii.Sm ( > x. .1 iro/m/r O/W.J.VJZ.IT/O.V. As THK Biii has repeatedly remarks the Heal Ustato Owners association o Omaha U at iirn ant almut the only llv < orginl7.atlon ! dovotad to building up tlio general nntorlnl interests of the city. The Board of Trade if becoming n grain exchange. The Manufacturers associa tion ti dovetail to the tailoring of In dustrie1 ! already established. If wo are to ndvurltai the city , Invlto now indus tries , and in other ways bo banollto.l by n careful attention to matters In which nil our poonlo are interested , It will bo through this organization. It do an immense amount of valuable service If the people will assist its ollorti oy sub stantial encouragement. The membership of the association Is creditable and It Is mndo up of our very best business mon , Tlio olllcors cheer fully devote their tlitio nnd nllontion to Iho Interests of the organization with out remuneration. There Is no longer any necessity for devoting so much time to the scrutiny of the olllcial acts of the municipal r.nd county governments. A committee can glvo this branch of the work all the nttontlun requited. The association is therefore ready now to take up the subject of factories nnd other now industries with Iho same vigor it manifested in pursuing in quiries Into the expenditure of public funds. It has not boon negligent of this branch of the work hitherto. A great deal of time has been given to corre spondence and negotiations with eastern capitalists. The ono thing now needed to close profitable deals with eastern es tablishments is money , not for bonuses , but to pay cost of removal and other logltimalo expenses Incident to efforts In this direction. Now lot the citizens of Omaha rally to the asslstinco of the association and place in its hands sulll- ciont funds to onnblo its olllcors lo move forward in Iholr good work with that confidence which comes with a con sciousness of the substantial support of an enterprising community. 07'fcrOiV OF ronKiux HKSIDKXTS. The United States senate has adopted a resolution instructing the committee on foreign relations to report such pro visions of law as will empower tlio federal - oral courts to try cases of criminal olTersos against the subjects of foreign governments domiciled in Iho United States when involving the consideration of international questions. Tbo com mittee will also report such police and judicial process as will enable the gov ernment of the United Stated to use its constitutional power to dollno and pun ish crimes against treaty rightts con ferred upon foreigners. This resolution was callou out by that portion of the president's message which referred to the ' 'deplorable and dis creditable incident of the lynching at Now Orleans of cloven mon of Italian nativity. " It could not , of course , apply especially to that occurrence , for the reason that no law now passed by congress would bo retroactive so as to ' i each these concerned in the Now Orleans allair , but the design in view is to give to the subject of a foreign power with whoso government the United States has reciprocal treaty relations the same protection as is afforded to our own citizen ? , ffnd for this purpose it is proposed to give the courts of the United States jurisdiction in such c iscs , instead of leaving the matter lo Iho courts of the respective states. In his last annual message President Unrrison expressed the belief that it would bo entirely competent for con gress to make ottonses against the treaty rights of foreigners domiciled in the United States cognizable in the federal courts. As it is the federal olli- cors and courts have no power in such cases to intervene either for the protec tion of a foreign citizen or for the punishment of his slayers. "It seems tome mo to follow , " said the president , "in this stale of the law , that the ofllcors of the slate charged with police and judi cial powers in such cases must , in the consideration of international questions growing out of such incidents , bo re garded is such sense as federal agents as to make this government answornblo for their acts in cases whore it would bo answerable if the United States hud tibod its constitutional power to do fine and punish crimes against treaty rights. " The anomalous position of the federal government in this respect was very clearly brought out in connection with the Now Orleans incident , and there was a very general expression of opinion that there ought to bo legisla tion which would give the federal courts power to take notice of and punish offenses against treaty rights. Tlio con- lonlion of our government has been thai it can guarantee only such protection tc the subjects of foreign governments domiciled here as Is given to its own citizens , but it would seem to bo obviotu that In cases of offenses involving intm-- national questions the government oughl not to bo , ns it now is , helpless to pro tect these to whom it has accorded treaty rights. Tlio welfare of Ameri can citi/ons In forolgn lands , as well a ; jusllco to the bubjects of oilier govern' munts domiciled hero , may bo involved in the wise determination of the ques tion. TIIK 4V/ir roiiK The llrfit Important move In the pre liminary woik of the national coiile ? ! of 1802 will bo mndo todny. The moot ing of tlio Now York Hlato democratic convention to select delegates to the na tional convention , which will meet a ! Chicago in Juno , will command the at tention of politicians throughout the country. The holding of such a uoiiven tlon at this time of Ihu year is a radical innovation. It is without precedent ii the pollllcnl history of Now York , and , so far as appears , of all Iho other states , It furnishes striking evidence of the in- dlftoronco to usaga of the dominant fac tion in the politic * of Iho Kmpiro ulatc when It IIIIH an object to attain. AH already annotincod. the convcnlior will bo practically unanimous in favor o David Bonnotl Hill as the candidate o Iho democracy for president , Tin score or to of dulogates who do not lavoi him will cut nollguri ) whalovor In UK proceeding * , even if they dulormlno tc manifest opposition , Nor will any attun tlon bo paid to protests. ThocommitUx of lifly appointed to induce the st'ih contra ! rommiUuo to chnngo tlio dati for holding the convention , having falloi to acc'omplibh anything , it Is altogotho : curtain that it will al = o fail in its appea lo Ihu convention. .Still , it will bo OK innd to deliver the protest mil renew the request ) ( } l4 n later convention , and when this is dow ; it will take Us dopnrl- uro and the convention will do its tip- jiointed work1 , , .This moans that the del egation to ChUi go will bo for Hill , that the unit rule will bo adopted , and that Iho delegation will adhere to the poli tical fortunes of lllll so long as there ippcurs to bo any prospect of his being lomlnatcd. It is moro than probable that the second choice of the delegation will bo a wostoHt man who is not objec tionable to Hilt. Of course nn effort will bo mndo loprovont the delegation selected by today's convention from tak ing lls seal In Iho national body , but It is hardly possible Ihat this can succeed. Whatever may bo said about the policy of calling a mid-winter convention , or regarding the violation of usage and uroccdetil , there can bo no question that Lho convention at Albany today Is regu lar and , therefore , the national conven tion will bo bound to respect lls action. The situation simply IH that Mr. Cleveland - land has boon utterly routed In his own slalo , and has boon shown lo bo hardly an Important factor in the democratic politics of Now York. IIo cannot hope to rehabilitate himsolf. IIo Is still strong elsewhere , though not generally as strong as ho has boon , but if hiscnuso ishopolossin the stale Ihat la absolutely necessary to democratic success In the nutional contest it matters not Ihat ho is strong in other slates. The fact that Hill will have the Now York delegation does not , however , Insure him the nomi nation. It will give him a very great pull , undoubtedly , for It appears to dem onstrate that ho would bo moro likely than any other candidate to carry the Kmpiro state , but his weakness elsewhere - where will rccolvo duo consideration. Tlio action of the Albany convention to day will not render moro easy for the democratic party the settlement of the dilemma which confronts it. Tin : democrats in congress oppobcd to the free and unlimited coinage of silver tire making every possible effort to pre vent the party committing itself to that policy at tlio present session. Their latest step is a renewal of the effort to got a caucus expression on the subject , but whether they will bo moro success ful than before Is quobtionablo. Tt is evident that the free coinage men are determined to make the very best of their opportunity , and it has become steadily more apparent that the election of Mr. Crisp to the spoakcrship was a distinct victory for free coinage. How strong the feolipg is between the fac tions was shown iin the iiouso on Thurs day in the controversy between Mr. Bland , chairman of the committee on coinage , woiglils and measures and author of the free coinage bill , and Rop- resenlalivo Ilurter of Ohio. It will mnlco little difference , so far as Iho democracy is concerned , whether this issue is deferred' ' until the next session or not. Tlio country fully understands that the great majority of the party are in favor of fico and unlimited silver coinage. Tin : eonforonco of representatives of the peoplo'n party * at St. Louis today promises results that will be Interesting to men of both the old parties. The now movement in politics will bo largely represented and the indications are not favorable to complete harmony. There is a considerable element hostile to the proposition to put a national lickel in the field , and this will probably made itself hoard in vigorous terms. The general impression is , however , that the conference will result in a call for a national convention to nominate a presi dential ticket , and that the extreme ideas of the leaders in the now move ment will bo endorsed. In case it is de cided to call a national nominating con vention there is favorable promise that Omaha will have the privilege' en tertaining it. Tin : democratic factions in Louisiana have agieed upon a plan for the botllo- monl of their differences , and the pros- pec * , now is that the republicans will have to moot a united and harmonious democracy. The chief point of the agreement is that both tickets shall bo submitted to the primaries , the vniiiiinir one lo bo the regular ticket at the gen eral election and the otlior to bo with drawn. This will occasion a hot con ical , bul it will doubtless end in uniting the faclions and keeping Louisiana un der democratic control. Had the fac tions remained at war republican suc cess would have boon moro than proba ble , and it v/us this outlook , doubtless , that induced Iho two senators from Louisiana to go homo and talk for har mony. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MlI.LlNG-IN-TKANSIT riltOS WO UlUSt havo. .Tiiiuih anil HID Wlmlr. St. ftoilU Hlnlit-Demnciat , It becomes clearer every day that Cleveland - land Is the Jonah of the democratic party this year ; and it U equally as certain that Hill is the whalo. JUorky lto-il. ClftM\li \ Tlmet. It will take .WTJTfttoa to nominate ia the democratic convt/puon. / A solid sUto dolo- cutlon , oven if thu taUi Is Now Yonr , loaves Its possessor a long'wav from victory. " I" * Mllimcli'tl In I'uUn Idol * . tl M ncmotral ( icji ) . The Iowa republicans should niauo It a point to ropudlatjbl rohlbltlon at Urn earliest opportunity , und ititvouldn't bo u bad Idea for thqm to imikoiau opportunity Instead of waiting for it. ' ' * _ _ Tim 1/ilxVU Oiiiiililii.itlun. Tno Cloveandjmii ! 'utl us that tha south will ho bolid for Jljioir candidate. Woll. If Wattoraon shouUbtw nominated will not the south bo solid for him ) Then place Hill second end on tuo ticket and that will nmko New York solid also. Why not Wattonoa and Hill ! OlltllUV till' AlllllllTUIltH. The cardinal foatuies of Senator Paddock's bill uro thu punUbincnt cf harmful food adultointlnns and the requirements for proper labeling of food products. Iloth enter j vitally into the lives of the people , ft would bo within thn trutn to s.iy that no domustiu legislation of recent years U moro important 1 than the mnintonauuii of a pure s'.undaid for ! the people's food.Vlul the people want U not tlio taxation of harmless food products , but tno clieapjntiitf of all human foi d , nat ural or urtlllclul , nnu the maintenance uf n purity. FouJ udulier.uloui that detract from thu quality of thu natural food und uru sold under fnho pretenses U what Senator Pnd > dock's bill anna to prohibit. It U noteworthy that ninny ot the loading Males have tmsoJ laws similar la principle to Senator Paddock's bill , They have been uniformly successful. Hut the bill under discussion is necessarily of a much wider range and aims lo protect food consumers in every part of the union. It deserve ! to piss. A ( li ( l Thine li'f Hie Itrimlillrnin. i\Vtc r < ntt Ailviitltfr < dfw. ) . The bitter quarrel in thU state between Cleveland nnd lllll promises lo ttlvo the dent ocratlc nomination for nroUilont to the west or northwest , At all ovonti , Iho prospects of Now York , from a democratic point of vloxv , are not Rood , though tlovornor Viewer Is a probability. Hut in the event of the nomination of olthor Cleveland or lllll the present quarrel will bo continued Into the campaign , and Now York" with Its thlrty-su electoral votoi , will bo lost to tha democratic candidate. It Is by no moans certain that the nomination of Oovernor Flower would bo nblo to unite those quarreling factions , and In any event the prospects of the democratic candidate carrylnp Now York are less favorable thun Ihoy have been lor several years , Thnt Nrtirntkii Hummer. JVifti < Wj > Ma ftrcnnf. Nubrasica women are to supply the hammer with which Mrs. Potter will drive the last nail In the women's building at Chicago. It is In accord with poetic requirements that a woman should perform this tank ; anil If Mrs. Potter , who is a lady of excellent at- talnmonls , shall succeed In driving Iho nail In question , she will have uono a feat for the clor.v of womanhood , which will go far to vindicate It from thn sonselcs ? Jibes of wit lings of the press. If by any chance she should miss the objective nnil , and hit In stead the subjective tiny scales on the ends of her llnuors , an excellent application would ho old-fashioned tincture of arnica , the vir tues of which are familiar to nil housewives. In any case the ceremony ot driving the nnil will bo watched with a lively and sympa thetic ) Interest by many of her admiring co adjutors in the good work lu which she Is now engaged. rowK of THI : tT.tri : i-itix * . Lincoln Journal : The llosowaler Is de claring in his personal organ that it is "tlmo to cull a holt" in NnbrasUa political affairs. It Is , Kosoy , It is ) And tno paity will halt with emphasis before it allows the Omaha dictator to niamico its affairs. Fremont Tribune : Tom Majors may march to crimson dory und undying fame In n hick ory shirt , but the safest plnu would bo to wear underclothing of boiler Iron. A gteut many knives are concealed In the bootlegs of Nobraslta patriots mid n hickory shirt is not proof against thorn. Liberty Journal : Hosowator seems to bo starting out with the determination that ho will capture the state convpntion this year nnd nominate u man for governor to suit hlj own fancy. The republican party has had enough of Koscwalor and will sit down upon him. The rcople want Lieutenant Governor Majors for the next governor nnd ho will be the nominee of the republican state conven tion. Kosowntor is not for Majors and this Is the reason ho will have to take a back seat. seat.Nobraska Nebraska City News : Whether there Is an extra session of the legislature called or not , the News would ureo upon Governor Boyd to have the books of the state ofllecrs Irom Governor liutler down to the present time thoroughly investigated. It is duo the taxpayers of the state to show how the olllclals In the past nave managed the affairs In their ollleos. Governor IJo.vd is a practical business man and with the aid of experts ho ought to .show what has been done nnd toll how the millions of acres Imvu uocn disposed nnd how the millions of dollars raised by taxation have been spent. Let the books bo overhauled. Let in the light of day und let us sco how the Hues have managed nlfiut-ii. Exchange : Aggressive Journalism in Omaha still continues to ho interesting. Mr. Koscwator is stirred up by ihu repented as sertions that Omaha defeated L. D. Itiohnrds iu the last " gubernatorial campaign. "For months1 ho says , "a cotono of political ghost ditncors have designedly worked them selves into a frcnzv over the bo called bc- traynl ol Ulchards , " and ho continues , "for these flesh-pot patriots Omaha is the hot bed of nil political chicanery and treachery , nnu the focus of all Jobuery and corruption , wdllo Lincoln has alxvays boon loyal , honest and entirely unselfish In the appropriation nnd disbursement of state fundi. " There U a strong suspicion that the "Ilcsh-pot patriots" ro not as wldo of the mark as they might bo. Fremont Flalli TIIK OMUIV Dunlins become - come impatient at the continual howl at Omaha for the defeat of L. D. Richards nnd goes nt work by facts and llcuros to provo that It was notOmuha that defeated ulch ards for governor but too very counties from w Inch the majority of the bowlings originate , Thnt paper piovos that eastern Nebraska was far more loyal to Richards than western Nobraslta , notwithstanding the wall of the "political ghost dancorb" who make night hideous with their howls. The article closes as follows : 'Hut why should this perpetual uproar bo made about Richards i Why have the fanatical ghost dancers said nothing about the perlldv that dolcated Council , Dorsoy and Hat-Inn I Is It not about time to slop tins cry about Omnha being only for Omaha , In the fnco of the fact that Bryan ol Lincoln carried Uouclas county over Connell ) Is It not tlmo for the ghost dancers nnd howling dervishes to stop their insane ravings and lot the re publican party prepare for thu coming strug gle that will require harmonious and united action I" _ * COMINGIN MAY. 1,1st us Fur IIH KIIIIIVII ol Ili'li'Kiiton to the Mittluxllst l.'onrrrcnro. The following list of delegates to the Meth odist quadrennial confoicnco which meets In this city on the first of May next , will beef of Interest to a great many readers of THE BI-I ; . The list Is not as yet completed as the conferences will not all bo held until about the middle of April. The follou Ing are these who have boon chosen up to data. The rrsorvcs or alternates are not given hero , simply the delegates : Austin : Ministerial David Gay , presid ing older , u'orc Worth , Tex. Lny George K. Nels , railway ofllce , Fort Worth , Tex. Blue Kidgo : Ministerial Thomas W. Mntney. pastor , Ulcovllle , N. C. Lay- ' panics' U Reeil , dork United Stales court. Asheville , N. C. California : Ministerial Charles V. An thony , pastor , Ban , lo"i > . Gal. ) James N , Board , president Nnpa coilogo , Nnpa , Cal , ; William U. Gobor , pastor , Lo * Gates , Cul. ; John I ) . Hammond , aircnt Book depository , Han Fiunclsco , Cnl. Lay ICIy W. Plater , capitalist , Oakland , Cul. ; Chauticey Gullies , ban nor , llerkuloy , Cal. Central German : Ministerial Ilonry J. Lioblmrt , editor Sunday school anil tract publications , Cincinnati , O. ; Jacob Koth- weller , presiding older , Newport , Ky. ; John G , Schuel , pastor , Cincinnati , O , Lav Gotllob i1. Goldor , odllor , Plttsburg , Pa , ; Huns A. Scuroottor , Insurance utjcnt , Cin cinnati , U , Central Illinois : Ministerial Charles O , MoCulloch , presiding elder , Peorta , III , ; Thomas Uonoy , presiding elder , Pontluo , HI. ; Morrlck A. Head , presiding elder. Hock Iblund. III. ; Benjamin F , TiiHmun , presiding elder , KanUukco , 111. ; Jon-la G. Kvans , pres ident Hcdaing college , Abington , III. Luy Milton Hicks , manufacturer , Strcator , 111. ; Thomas J , Kobluson , banker , RocU Island , 111. Central New York : Ministerial Luke C. Queal , presiding elder , Auburn , N. Y. ; Ed mund M. MIIU , pjstor , Klmlra , N. Y. ; Kd- win J , Heiinuus , pastor , Klmlra. N , Y. : Uriah 6. Hcobe , presiding elder , Cu/onovla. N. Yj Marvin P. Ulukosleo , presiding older , Ithaca , N. Y. Lay ( ieorgu A. Gournsoy , banker , Canton , Pa. ; Andruw B. Blodgett , hiipurlntondcnt public- schools , Syracuse , N. Y. Cential Ohio : Ministerial Leroy A , Belt , prcbidliig older , Kenton , O. ; Kilns D. Whit- lock , pjalor , Delauaro , O ; Adam C. Barnes , prrslilliiL' elder , Caruv. O , ; Isaiah K. Heudcr- son , presiding elder , Kenton , O. Lav Wil liam Lawrence , lawynr , Bollufontaltio , 0. ; Alfiod G. Williams , merchant , Perrysburjr , Coulial Tennessee ; Mlnlst rial Joseph M. Curler , pislor , Tullnhoma , Tumi. Lay Charlus II. Muvnurd , merchant , Tullahoma , Ttiin. Chicago German : Ministerial CU.Ji > llcdlor , pastor , Oshkosn , Wis. ; Charles Iwert , pastor , \\atortown , Wls. Lay - Uustnvus Seofoltt. merchant , Milwaukee , Wls. ; Charles L. Onmor , manufacturer , Chi- en co. Cincinnati : MinisterialAdnn H. Leon- m-d , secretary Missionary society , Now York city ; Chnrlcs H. Pay no , secretary Board ol KdiiiMtlnn , N'ow York city ; John Pearson , i ; elder , Cincinnati , O. ; Thomas H. Pcarno , iwslor , Xcnln , O. Lny William W. Wilson , bank cashier , Urbann , O , ; .lumoi M. Gamble , manufacturer , Cincinnati , O. Colorado Ministerial Karl Cranston , n cnt Western Book concern , Cincinnati , O ; Nathaniel A , Chnmborlidn , pastor , Denver , Colo. : Samuel W Thornton , providing older , Denver , Colo. Lny John Kvans , cajiilallsl , Denver , Colo. ; lIorucoT. DoLong , reporter , Grand Junction , Colo. Columbia ; Ministerial -Georco M. Booth , presiding elder. , Wash ; Henry Hnsmus , presiding older , SpoKnnunsh. . LnyJames U. Snrcont , rancher , Spoknno , Wash , ; Hnrlln J. Cozlmprolessor , Wnlla Walla , Wash. Onxntn : MInlslorlnl-Clmrlos B. Clark , presiding older , Mitchell , S. D. ; Alva W. Adklnson , pastor , Albuquerque , N.M. Lav Henr.K. . . I'rntteacher , Vornillhon , S. D. ; Ldwnra T. Langlov , lawyer , Huron , B. I ) . Dos Molnes : Ministerial Kmoty Miller , pastor. Iiidmnoln , In. ; William H. Hooker , Presiding elder , Hhonnmloah , la. : John K. Horsxvcll , pastor , Bedford , In. ; William C. Martin , presiding elder , Charlton. la. ; Will I HID N. Itnuisay , presiding elder , Boone , In. Lay Leroy Si. Mann , reul estate , Dos Mol'ios , In , ; Leslie M , tiunw , lawyer , Uonl .son , la. Detroit : Mlnlstoilal-Lowls K. Flske , presiding elder , Albion colleiro , Albion.Mlch. ; Joseph F. Berry , editor lOpworth llorald , Chicago. III. ; William II. Shier , pmtor. Do- irolt , Mich. ; Arthur Kd wards , editor North western Christian Advocate , Chicago , 111. ; James S. Smart , presiding elder , Flint , Mich. ; Matthew C. Hawks , pastor , Bnv Citv. Mich. ; Jesse Kllpntrlck , pastor , Yale , Mich. Lay George W. Hoblnson , lumberman , Detroit , Mich. : Herbert A. For rest , law ) or , Saglnaw , Mich. East Ohio : Ministerial- William II , Uldor , prostdlmr elder , Akron , O. ; Uobort M. Freshwater , presiding older , Sclo , O. ; < .lolm H. ICcyes , pastor. Now Philadelphia , O. ; Jay S Youmans , presiding elder , Cleveland , O , ; John I. Wilson , prosldlnc older , Cambridge , O. ; Harvey Webb , pastor , Cleveland , O , Lny Lewis Miller , manufacturer , Akron , O. ; Silas J. Williams , manufacturer , Alli ance , O. linst Tennessee : Ministerial Daniel W. Hays , preslulng older , Cleveland , Tonn. Lay Kobort Howard , real estate , Chattanooga , Toun. hrlo : Ministerial Francis H. Bock , pre siding elder , Urookvlllo , PH. ; James T. Ed wards , principal Chamberlain institute , Randolph - dolph , N. \ . \ William P. Bignoll , prosldli.g older. Unndolph , N. Y. ; Alfred Wheeler , presiding elder , Erie , Pa. Lay Truman D. Collins , lumber , Nebraska , Pa. ; Gorton B. Chase , merchant , Greenville , Pa. Gcnosoo : Ministerial James E. Williams , presiding older. Buffalo , N. Y , ; Stanford Hunt , ngout Book Concern , Now York : John T. Cnnllold. presiding elder , Corning , N. Y. ; George C. Jones , pastor , Rochester , N. Y. ; Juntos E. Bills , presiding older , Rochester , N. Y. ; Samuel McGcrald , editor Buffalo Christian Advocate , Buffalo , N. Y. Lav Francis H. Hoot , merchant , Buffalo , N. Y. , Tames E. Briggs , lawyer , Rochester. N , Y Germany : Ministerial Ernst 11. Guh- hardt , presiding elder , Karlsruhe , Germany Lay Ernst Mann , manufacturer , Rodnlbcm , Germany. Holston : Ministerial John F. Spence , president U. S. Grant university , ICuoxvillo , fenn. ; Thomas C. Carter , ex-editor Meth odist Advocate , Chattanooga , Tonn. : Lay William A. Galbrnith , clerk , Nashville , Tenti. ; Andrew J. Bruner , dentist , Morris- town , Tonn. Idaho : Ministerial Harvey 1C. lilacs , professor Portland university , Portland , Oro. Lav Isaac it. Sanders , lawyer. Union , Ore. Illinois : Ministerial Stephen H. Whit- lock , pastor ' , Clinton , 111. ; William N. McEl- roy , p'residlnir elder , Springfield , Til. ; Chris , Gnleencr , pastor , Qulney. 111. ; William H. Musgrovo , pastor , Hushvillu , III. ; Marion W. Hverhart , presiding elder , Jacksonville , III. ; William H. Webster , superintendent Domestic missions , Danville , III ; William A. Smith , pastor , Bloominctou , III. Lav- Harvey C. DeMotto , superintendent Or phan's Homo , Normal , 111. ; Asaiih C. Van- ucrwiitor , merchant , Pana , 111. Indiana : Ministerial John A. Ward , pre siding older , Rockport , Ind. ; William R HaUtoad. pastor , liloominiUon , Iml. ; John H. Kolchnm , presiding elder , Indianapolis , Ind. Lay Nowland T. DoP.uiw , manufac turer , New Albany , Inu. : Jonathan B. Young , merchant , Petersburg , Ind. Iowa : Ministerial Charles L Stafford , president Iowa Weslovnn university , Mount Pleasant. la. ; Ira O. ICumblu , presiding el der , Osknloosn , In. ; Thomns . I. Myers , pre siding elder , Mount Pleasant , la. Lay llcmcrlny B. Williams , merchant , Centia- villo , la. ; Marcus Simpson , merchant , Bur lington , la. Italy : Ministerial William Burt. presid ing elder. Home , Italy. Lay Mando Lulgi , Postal department. Romn. Italy. Japan : Ministerial Julius Sopor , presid ing elder , Toklo , Japan. Lay Yaatiji Nlno- mlyn , merchant , Yokohama , Japan. Kontuckv : Ministerial Amen Boroing , presiding elder , Covlngton , Ky. ; Elman L. Shepard , presiding elder , Leitchtleld , Kv. Lay Amos Shlnklo , tmmccr , Covington , Ky. ; Jeremiah H. Jones , lumber , Wllllumsburg , Ky. Michigan : Ministerial James II. Potts , editor Michigan Christian Advocate , Detroit , Mich , ; Lovl Maf tor , presiding older , Kula- mnzoo , Mich , ; William L , Cog- shall , presiding elder , Grand Rapids , Mich. ; George S. HIekoy , presiding elder , Lansing , Mich. ; Daniel W. Parsons , presid ing elder , Hlg Rnplds , Mich. ; Alaishall W. Cullen , paitor , Jackson , Mlcli. ; Nicholas L. Bray , presiding elder , Coldwator , Mich. Lay Samuel Dickie , teacher , Albion , Mich. ; Ulrnin E. Staples , capitalist , White Hull , Mich. Minnesota : Ministerial James F. Chnffoo , presiding ol dor , Minneapolis , Mian , ; George H. Bridgoman , president Ilamllnoiinivorsity , Humllno , Minn. ; Ilonry C. Jennings , pastor , Rod Wing , Minn. ( William MolUnloy , presid ing elder , Ht. Paul , Minn. ; Coursen M. Heard , pastor , Minneapolis , Minn. Lav Hascul R. Brill , Judge district court , St. Paul , Minn. : Henry Beomor , insurance , Minneapolis , Minn. Montana : Ministerial Francis A. Hug- gin , pastor , Fish Creek , Mont. Lay John E. Richards , lieutenant governor , Butte Citv , Mont. Nebraska : Ministerial Charles F. Crolgh- ton , chancellor Wesleyan university , Univer sity Place , Nob. : Henry T , Davis , presiding older , Lincoln. Nub. ; DultoSIavlns , presid ing older , Yorif , Nob. Lay Burtlott L. Palno , physician , Lincoln , Nob. ; Archibald F. Coon , farmer , David City , Nob. Nortn Carolina : Ministerial Charles N. Oramlison , president Bennett collojro , Greensboro. N , C. Lay R. Baxter McRary , Piofessor , Lexington , N , C. North Dakota : Ministerial Jacob A , Hovis , presiding elder , Dovll's ' Lake , N. D. Lav Fniult J , Young , lawyer , Valley City , N. D. Nortn Gennnn : Ministerial John G. Bauer , presiding older , Minneapolis. Minn. Lay William F. Pinko , prof ossor , St. Paul college , bt. Paul , Minn. North Nebraska : Ministerial John B , Maxllcld , presiding older , Omnha , Nob. ; John W , Shank , edit or Nebraska Christian Advocate - cato , Omnha , Nob. Lav Andrew J. Ander son , merchant , Nellgh , Nub. , John Dale , real Oitato , OirahaNab. { North Ohio : Ministerial James W. Men- donhall. editor MethodUt Review , Now York ; John Mitchell , presiding older , Clove. land , O. ; William F. W hillock , professor , Delaware , O. ; Gurrnttson A. Hughes , pastor , Creston , O. Lav Martin M. Hester , farmer , 1'eru , O. ; John A. Gann , physician , Woos- tor , O. Northwest German : Ministerial Adolph Dulltz , prodding elder , Rodfleld , K. D. Lay- Henry A. HaUer , lumber. La Crosse , Wls Northwest Indiana : Ministerial John L. Smith , Huporanuated , Valparaiso , Iml. ; John H. Clsscl , pastor , La Porto , Ind. ; Hillary A. Gobln , dean DePauw unlyurilty , Green- castle , Ind. Lay \ \ Illmin M. Kendall , merchant , Plymouth , Ind , ; Oliver Gard , clerk circuit court , Frankfort. Ind. Northwest Iowa : Ministerial- George W. Prait. presiding elder. Sioux City , lu , ; WIN mot Whltlleld , chancellor Northwcit univer sity , Sioux City , la. ; George W. L. Brown , presiding older , Fort Dodge , Iu. Lay Cyrus C. Carpenter , postmaslor Fort Dodge , Iu. ; Huge-no Secor , banker. Forest City. la. Northwest Hwodlsh ; Ministerial Alfred Anderson , presiding elder , EvunMon , III , Lay John It. Liuderon , banker , Chicago ' II Norway : Ministerial Andres Olson , presiding elder , Krlsttniila , Norway. Lay- Martin Svondsen , merchant , Eldangor , Norway. Norwegian and Danish : Ministerial John H , Juhnsou , presiding elder , Chicago , 111. Lny Peter O. Magnuson , steam Intin dry , Evnnstoi , 111. Ohio.- - - J01" ! IV Tibbie- , pastor , Fultonhnni , O , John C. Arbucltle , pastor , X. uiesvilte , O. Jfiy Vnri"l Allormnn | , mcrchnnt , Ironton , u.j I'letcher C. Coultrap , superintendent public schools , Nelsoitvllle , O. Oregon : Ministerial-bmnuol P. WlUon , liresidlng eldur , Salem , Oro. ; Chnrlcs C btratton , president Paitlaml tinlvoroltv , Porllami , Oiv. Lny-Gcurgo W StnviV , meiehnnt , Portland , Ore. ; John O Booth , innrchiint , Grant's Piiss , Oro. PlltsburgMinlsiorlnl -ChnrlcsW Smith , editor Plttsbiirk ! Christum Aiivoeale , Pitts- burp , PH. ; Asburv L. Petty , pleading older , Beaver. Pa. ; Thomas II. Woodilng , prosld- lug older , Wllhlnsbun : , PH. ; Joseph W Miles , liresidlng elder , Pltlsmtrg , Pn. Lnv- Jnmes A. Lane , llmo keeper , Johnstown , 1'rt.nchael ; Harding , retired , Washington , Puget Sound : Ministerial Andrew J. Hanson , presiding elder , Portland , Ore. ; Ihomas J , Massey , imstor , WhatconiVash. . Lny David T. Uonny , cnt.ltntist , Seatlle , Wnsh. ; I'rodorlck S. Wllllnms , physlcirtii , PiivnllupVnsh , Rock Utvon Mlnistiirlnl-Frnnk M , Brls. tpl , pastor. Chicago , III. ; Lewis Curtis , pre siding elder , Chlcigo , 111 , ; Franklin A. llnr. presiding elder , P.nglewond , III , ; John M. Cnldweli , pastor , Chlea-jo , 111. ; llmirv B. Ridirniv-iy , president Gnrrett Biblical Insll- ttttp , Kvnnston , III. ; William 11. Burns , pro- Mdlng elder , Chle.igo , III. Lny-Wlltlntn Doorlng , manufacturer , Kvnnston , 111 , ; Ben * Jnmln F. Sheets , suponiuoiidcntlllliiois StntiT rorormntory , Pontinc , 111. St. Louis Gorman , Mliilsterlnl-Wllllnm Koenoke , pastor , Snn Jose , III. ; John L. J. 'lnnl' ' ' . Presiding elder , Burlington , In. ; Charles llolilel , niistor. Warronton , Mo. Lny uoorgo Cress , Hinnuracttiier , Wnrsnw , III. ; Hormnn M. Jucohy , murchunt , St. Loult , .Mo. Southeast Indiana ; Ministerial Joan P. 0. John , president DoPauw University , Gioencnsllo , lnd..lttim ; A. Sargent , pro s ding elder , Connorsvllle , Ind. ; Kuoch H. \\ooil , pastor , Franklin , Ind. Lay William Slovo" ' ) . merchant , Aurora , Ind. ; Wllllnm 1. bncdloy , Judge of couit , North Madison , Ind. Ind.Southern Southern California : Ministerial-Phluoai } ' , Hrcseo , presIJiug elder , Los Aimelos , Cnl. ; KawluV. . Caswell , presiding elder , bantn Barbara. Cnl. ; Wlnlield S. Matthew , vice president Univor.ittv of Soutliurn Call- ronila , Los Angeles , Cnl. . Lay Joseph 1C. MeComns , state senator , Poniouu , Cal , Perry M. Green , hanker , Pasadena , Cal. Southern Germany : Ministerial-Gotllob Uosdall. presiding elder , Waco , Tex. Lnv- Hcnry Wollman , builder , Now Orleans , La. Southern Illinois : Ministerial- Owen H. Chirk , presiding elder , Bollovlllo , ill. . Fran cis M. Van Tioeso , presiding elder , Snlom , 111. ; John D. Gllhum , pastor , Cciitralm , III. Lny Albert G. Jophsou , professor , Lebanon , III. ; Milton A. Smith , editor , Vienna , III. Sweden : Ministerial- Karl A. Jnnsson , editor , Stockholm , Sweden ; John I' . Larsson , paslor , Molnla , Sweden. Lnv Jacob T. Jacobsson , merchant , Stockholm , Sweden ; August Fllnk , onglnoor , Sandviken , Sweden Switzerland : Ministerial Hans J , Breiter. pastor , Basil , Switzerland. Lay Wilholm Itittur , professor , Zurich , Switzerland. Teniiosseo : Ministerial Crawford S.WI1 son , pastor , Murfoosboro , Tenn. Liv - Thomas W. Johnson , merchant , Nashville , Tenn. Upper Iowa : Mluisterlal-Jolm C. Mngee , pastor , Cedar Fnlls , Ia. ; Alpha J. Kvnott , secretary Board of Chutch Intension , Phlln dolphin , Pa. ; Thomas 1C. Fleming , presiding eldur , Davenport , In. ; Snmtiul W. lleald , pastor , Fayetto , Ia. ; Jamus H. Rheu , pastor , Msirshnlltown , la. Lay Henry Kijbeit , booltbindor. Unvenport , lu. ; Calvin Yoram , morchuni , Manchester , Ia. \VestGerman : Ministerial Charles Ott , pastor , St. Joseph , Mo. ; John G. Lcist , pas tor , Kansas City , Mo. Lny Samuel J. Kiln , schmldt , merchant , lllgginsville. Mo. ; Con rail Friclc , inerclinnt , Denver , Colo. West Nebraska : Ministerial Charles A. Mm tin , providing elder , Holdregc. Neb , Orlundo R.-Boobo , jxistor. Broken Bow , Nob. Lav Bvron L. Rohineon , telegrapher , North Pintle , Neb. ; John N. Urydon , lawyer , ICoar- ncv. Nob. West Virginia : MInlstciI.ilWilliam G RiholdufTer , pastor. Wheollng , W Va : Lorln L. Stowiirt , picsidlng older , Wllliamstown , W. Vu ; Calvin H. L-akin , presiding elder , Iluntinglon , W. Va. ; Lewis 11. Jordan , presiding siding elder , Bucltnnnon , W. Va. Lay Lewis A. Martin , Charleston , W. Va. ; Hnrlln P. McGregor , merchant , Wheeling , W. Va , West Wisconsin : Ministerial -Georgo W. Case , presiding older , bpurtn , Wis. ; Samuel S. Benedict , pastor. Now Lisbon , Wis. ; Mnn iilng B. Balch , presiding elder , Madison , Wis. Lay Peres .1. Lane , clerk of court , Vlroiiun , Wis. ; .Ininos Sponsluy , farmer , Mlnorn , Point , Wis. Wisconsin : MinUtorlnl- William P. Stowe , ngent Wehtorn Methodist Boolt Concern , Chicago , HI. ; John R. Ctoightoii , presiding elder , Mllwiiukec , Wls. ; Redman W. Bos worth , presiding elder , JancsvilloVN. , . . Charles W. Gallugher , president Lawrence \ unlveisity , Appleton , Wis. Liy- Robert \ AlcMUIaii , mnnufacturur , Oshkosh , Wls. ; Amherst Kcllog , booUKcepor , Milwaukee , Wls. Curd from ltd. Mr. Monri- . Qu\si > ISI.VND , Nob. , Fob. M.-To the Editor of Tin : BII : : : 1 do not wish to reply to the communication from Genoa in Ti n BKI : of February 1" , ns It , lilw so many such reports , is a tissue of mlsroprosontnlloiiH , but will ny in reference to R , K. Pierre , that "ho was permitted to withdraw from the ministry and membership of Iho Motho- odist church under grave chnrgoi" the sama in occlosiastieal law ns being ox- pclled. ) That since thnt withdrawal ho has never boon reslorcd to cither the ministry or membership of any church. Yet , ho know ing this , hns many times performed the mar riage ccrnmony und administered lu other ollleos of tlio ministry In known violation to all law and nil ecclesiastical custom. Since nil this has come to light thiough thu Investigations of Bishops Vinrnnt nnd Goodnt-11 und others , It becnmu my duty lo remove him from the pastornlo of the Genoa Methodist ICplscopal chuicb. Now the unaccountable - accountable thing Is Hint with nuch n state of facts brought lo light thu people of Genoa or any other well ordered people will think fora moment of dofondln ? , much less en couraging him , J , K. MOOIII : . uu.'iH or noon , . . Times : Uhlll Is Hiiiri'ilmt fioni , 'in oplduiulu of nieaslert. 1'eaoe lo her r.i.slii.'S. YonUnr'H Ktiitnsinnn : Kvery jiiilgii Hhould ha\o Hie cour.iKe of his convictions Atuhlson ( Jlohn : Having fun IsllUr buyliu catlUli ] ufteryon haveent the miiuloll there la not much left. OloaU ItovluMi Oliu.i DII you him how thu shape of tliU ROWII could bu linpnitoilV Miiiidn You might tut ; Home other girl to wear It Uhliiiio Trillium : "Yoiins H ! lilies I/HI / IIH rutlnir an arcenllii man " \ViUl \ till hu L'nts a little htiltur iinin with yon. nnd hu'll HtrlUe you IIH hu dom inn - for nn X. " New Ymk Herald : "I can Inline a man piuily aloiuly liy what hu wuurs. " you uunV Well , I wear a client | irilcclor ) , " "Uhl Then you uiu n imirrled mull " llliiKhainlon I.eadur : AH tin InuUince of nlmuit-iiilndncxs It Isnald Hint nn Owoin > man would hn\o been absent from liU own unil- ding If It hadn't been for the sheriff. " ! > co n ICaiiBHs mini In III * first dresa Hull , " oxvlaliuu tlu > Tnpnka l.uncu. " ( iazo on hlml 1'eabt youroyuH upon HIM tout onsuiuljlii. Ub- servo Fi'.s bunds hlx rustluKK. hoiuuliiMi liiindu1 bo iinUutnchablu so ohHtlnatoly lliurel lie Known thiim but no cannot nlucu them Ills tioiisorsnave 110 uo.'kut lit Ihu side , one log feiilH lonuur than the oilier , und IMH feut are in hN way. ThU U hlu Itrxt iippeuninco in a Bwullow-tiill , Kin mortal fruinu hu ne'er hufoiuhiith dooKi-d In u to.'iicry llko UiU. llpiin hlofacu hu wears u smllo-ii wun , up- puullni ; Hinllu uHinllu that Imdund und lliun fro/o todiiatli , und stuck flint who re It died , Look lU Ihat unilli ) . und lliun ( * woup. " riill'idulphla ' Tlimiai Tulldnuof alimn In llm Korld , tlni httld-huaduil man will always bo found ul thu front If hu has u fair show. _ _ _ _ hlmlra Oiuottej The moon U nbovo all human foUlim und ulwityi looks ifu-wii on Ivvur * . _ _ _ Milwaukee Journals llunrlnst othur penplo'i v liurdmn IH , to u coiihlderublu extent , HUu X \oluntarlly wuarlnK haiidculls. oil Ciiy Bllz/iird : It U well to no kind to iluiiib unliiiulH , hut u man IH ruiely juilllled In nby lo buy n ilog. Now Orlu.uiii I'loiyune : It will boon lie tlmu for ( 'liens puoplu to brliu out llielr board * preparatory foi auiiiiiiumuullk.