Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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I dhtml by Carrier to any partof tlio City
T , ri'ttnM-sJ . . llus'ncnOfllco
} NRht | juor ; ,
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Hinds Lumber Co. , coal.
I tail's chattel loans. 204 Sapp block.
The Lnaloi Aid society of the I'.pworth
Mctbodm church will give nn oyster supper
' uvunlnu' l-'obru-
tit Sliubcrl's Itall Tuesday ,
L. Fletcher was in the city yesterday ar
ranging for tbo presentation of Hanlon
Ilros. ' "Fantaima" at the opera house Iou -
rnnry 21 unil 'Ji.
Tim republicans of the Second vvnrd Will
meet at 7''iO tomorrow evening at Uio olllco
of Dr. W. I * Uapoll In the Mnrcus olonu , for
Uio purpose of organizing ,
The O-wcoks-old daimbtor nf Mr , and Mrs.
C. II. lloron died yesterday morning ut the
fnrnlly residence near Uroaccnt City , of eon-
goillon ol the lungs. The funeral will occur
todaj .
Messrs. Van Arnnm and Carty of this clly
took part In tlio performance at the opera
house lust Frlduy nighl , Introducing a speoi-
nlty In Uio sbapo of n horizontal bar per-
The funeral of the late. I. H. MUKSOII will
tnlia place this afternoon nt .2:30 : o'cloult in
the Trinity Moihodlst cluirch. The services
will bo conducted by Hov. II , H. Uattun , as
sisted by Kov. .loslah Flsit ,
Fred Plntit and II. C. Cnrlcton , the two
fellows who uticmptuJ to enter the resi
dences of W. W. Uhnpmnn and Mrs. Arl < -
wrlght , the ether night , were given thirty
days In the county Jail yesterday ou a charge
of viiBr.incy.
A reception will bo given on Thursday
nftcinoon , Fobrimrv ur > , from I until li
o'clock , by Miss Stewart. lit "Tho Onblcs , "
assisted by Mrs. Charloi Test Stewart and
Miss Eleanor Stewart , for the benefit of St.
Paul's guild.
The Savors receivership raso was ncaln
the leading feature of .suporior court y otter -
dav. At itu ) close of the session an adjourn-
innnt was taken until Tuesday , tlioro bolng
no court tomorrow on account of It being n
legal holiday.
The monthly sociable of Harmony chapter ,
No. 'JO , Order of the Eistcrn Star , will beheld
held next Friday evening at the residence of
Mr. M. Dunuotto ' , Fourth street. Visiting
members of'tho order cordially welcome.
By order of the W. M.
A llttlo sister of ICtidlo Jones , who is con
fined In the county Jail awaiting the action
of the grand jury , on the cbargo of robbing
Fred Lamb's cigar store , is trying to secure
bail for him In order that ho may not have to
Ho in lull until his case Is disposed of. The
bonu required Is ? .V)0. )
Harry Hamilton's case came up for a hear
ing yesterday morning in police court , but
neither sldo appeared to bo ready for trial.
It was finally dcoldcd by the court to post
pone the noarlnc of the habeas corpus pro
ceedings until next Tuesday. There Is but
little doubt that the requisition pipers will
bo secured In the meantime , HO that the bottom
tom will fall out of the habeas corpus cuso.
Dan Khocles was brouchtup in police court
yesterday morning on u charge of stealing
fTC from Leonard Johnson. The prosecuting
witness was present , but when the robbery
teen place he was In such a befuddled c-ondi-
tlon that ho could not say whether lihodos
was the guilty pnrtv or not. Khodcs was
accordingly acquitted of this charge , but was
lined Sl.j.70 for drukonnoss. Ills honor was
treated to a tongue lashing from n colored
woman who claims lo bo Mrs. Hbodcs , for
allowing the saloons to run and then lining
Biich Innocents as her husband whou they
drank a tow drops too much.
.1. .1. .MAUKATII & CO ,
Great Cut I'rlro Shoo Siilu This Wcrk
ItOlltH All till ) DlrlCOIIIlt hlllCH ,
Wo huvo the best ladies' shoes over
sold for $3.00 on sale this week ut $2.00.
Big cutin men's shoes. $3.00 shoos for
Elepniit cloth top patent leather shoos ,
equal to anything you ever got for $0.00.
for only 8-1.00.
A whole show window full of gents'
flno shoos for $12.00.
70 pairs of G. W. Ludlovv & Co. 's
ladies' line cloth top , hand-made , patent
leutlior tips , regular price $0.00 , this
week 81.25.
All of our ladies' $2.50 flno kid button
shoes to pc at $1.50.
All our $3.00 for $2.00.
120 pairs of worklngmon's $1.50 will
close out at $1.00 per pair.
J. J. MAUKATII & Co. ,
533 Broadway ,
, I'Alt.tlllt.ll'JIS.
James Bagutn loaves this ovonmg for Clil-
Ooorgo Kiicllo has returned from a wcstoni
business trip.
W. O. Wirt loft last ovoninu for Deuvor ,
\vlioro bo will spend a couple or inontlis on
Mr. S. 1C. Hewitt of Lexington , Nob. , is in
tbc city , the guest of his cousin , Mr. ( jcorgo
W. Hewitt.
Miss Eiiitu Floyd , who 1ms biion visiting
Miss Olu Ogden , returned Friday to bur
Homo In Lincoln.
Howard F. llattenliauor of this city has
been appointed local consul at Council Blulls
for the Longuo of American Wheelman.
N. W. Taylor , formerly manager of the
Grand hotel , Is in the city. Ho is now man
aging the outing housu of the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy at Chariton. His daughter ,
Miss Mubol , Is attending school ut Knoxville -
villo , III.
Judge W. T. Smith nnd his reporter , B. O.
Drulngton , hnvo returned from Sidney ,
where the former has boon holding a session
of the district court. They leave this week
for Cilonwood , whore a now term commences
Two apprentice nuraos wanted nt the
W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
Oth uvonuo
HurprlHu Party.
Last Tuesday evening a uleasnnt curpris
was given at H F.'Kohror's residence on
Vine street , In honor of Miss Dlrdio Holn-
boclc. These participating mut nt the resi
dence of Miss Mary Thomas , on Mynstcr
street , nnd after being raasquod resumed tbo
Jo'irnoy to the Hohrcr mansion , wboro n
general good time was had. After the first
danca tboy unmasqucd , and then for thollrst
tlmo Miss Hoiuuock know whom her friends
woro. The ovoulng was pleasantly
passed in dancing and card playing
and as the hour of 1'J tolled the refreshments
were otvcd. A beautiful silver spoon was
presented Miss Holubook by Charles A.
Atkins In behalf of those present , Miss
Holiiboek responded , Mist Follows ren
dered bovoral fine piano solos and Mr.
Fornckos followed with a line vocal selec
tion , Thu last dance of tbo eveninir was tneu
railed , uftor which the guests dispersed.
Tbo following were present : Mi&gos Arm-
itrong. Nettie Armstrong , Casaldr , David-
ion , Kills , Follows , Holnbock. Lister , Ho la re r ,
Phomus , Vau Urunt , West , Westnor ; Messrs.
Armour , Armstrong. Atkins , lirysou , Uuorr ,
Kills , Hanthorn , McNItt , O. Hanly , i'erflolu ,
Pope , Tomploton ,
Tl > I.nit Wi'ok of Clirup Shorn.
This is the lust week of Sargent's 20-
duy slaughter shoo salo. It positively
ends Saturday night.
Children' * Party ,
Mlis Lutlo Lynohard entertained a num
ber of her friends last Friday uftorooon and
evening at her homo , 183 Benton btroot , ' * ho
time was passed pleasantly la games and
amusements , of various kinds. Tlio follow
ing were present ; Laura Holslor , Ethel
Watson. Lilian Williams , Addle Bcccroft ,
Katlo Kotterlng , Minn Uutlodgo , Nina Kut-
ledge , Winnie Marshall , Vera Marshall ,
Fanmo Hryant , Beltlo liryant , Daisy Covalt
and Uraco Heialcr.
K IL Shoafo nas eastern tuoaoy on
band for real catato loans.
Burglar Joe MoDcrraoU Will Not Bo
Tnken to Denver.
Nothing Hut It ( 'niilrflolrin Will ( 'mulct
Him of ( hi' .Murder of tliii Colorado
Ofllrrr Ills llfcuril Is Hud
l.itviil N ' i Notes.
A telegram was received at the pollco
headquarters yesterday \\ltti rotrard to .loo
McDermott , the Boston store burglar who
was supposed lo bo wanted in Denver for the
killing of n policeman by the nntno ot Phil-
lips. The telegram v.ia signed by the Den
ver chlnf of police , and stated that unless
McDermott had inaclo a confession bo
might as well bu discharged , as their
ovlucnco ag.itust bun was not complete
and they wore afraid they could not make a
caso. Omaha detectives wore at the
county Jail yesterday morning , and held u con
vcrsatlou with McDormott. They snoxvod
him a tin typo which was unmistakably his ,
and which was accompanied by n card odor-
Ing n reward of ? l,2uU for his arrest. Ho
admitted that the plcturo was his and that
the reword had boon offered for his arrest ,
but said that ho had already been arrested
once lor the crlmo and boon ordered released
by the Denver oftlclals , as they had decided
ttmt ho could not bo convicted , and had with
drawn the offer of reward. Officers Lunch
and Wells , who undo tboarrost , had had visIons -
Ions of cnnninauna suppow dancing before
their ayes over Mneo they hoard that a ni
ward had been offered , mid were thus doomed
to disappointment , along with their numerous
friends who hiul counted ou sharing tlu sup
pers with them.
Ulark and MoD.'rmott wora both Identified
bv the Omutm ofllccr.i as being tough cus
tomers , Clark is thought to boa brother of
trio notorious "Dluk" Wilson , who Is wanted
for being implicated In the Ulondalc express
rohberv , and there Is certainly a very strong
resemblance between him nnd the photo
graph of Wilson which was sent out by the
bt. Louis authorities after the robbery.
McDermott has already confessed that ho
robbed the Boston store nnd admits that the
pollco have a clear caio against him. It is
probable that both this men will enter a plea
of guilty when tholr cases oru called for trial.
Of tinllostnn Moro'H Orout Illght liny
White ( luculs Sulc.
Monday will bo tlio lust dav of the
tfreat white good * sale nt the Boston
Store , Council HliilTs. The ladies who
have not availed thcnibolvos of the op
portunity to got these bargains should
do so tomorrow.
The recent break in the tuarl < ot of nil
kinds of cotton goods cumo to tin in good
beuhon , when btouks were low , and gave
us an opportunity to buy now merchan
dise nt lower prices.
Wo place on sale the following' lots at
loss than the former cost price :
Lot 1 A good bi/e urouhot quilt , will
compare with 7rC ) goods , bale price fide.
Lot 2 A heavy full si/c crochet
spread , told always /or ! )0c ) , during sale
Lot Z Tlio beht bargain of nil
BATES'DAMASK quilt , ( not crochet )
Bold from Maine to California for $1.125
and $1.50 , our price iSc ) each.
Lot ! Our bobt duality crochet and
heavy Mur.iellles , 10-4 size , bold for $1.75
and $2.00 ; we will put on bdlo nl 81.39
Wo are anxious that all our patrons
should got homo of the bargains in bed
spreads , und in order to make them last
wo allow only two to a customer.
Wo have received the largest impor
tation from St. Oaul , Switzerland , over
shown in Council Bluffs , in every imaginable -
inablo width , quality and design. Among
the most admired is the hemstitch , open
work design , and immciiho assortment of
the now solid and blind work effects ,
which has a very line appearance , in
medium and narrow width goods. A full
line of every price from Ic to $1.10.
Wo call special attention to a low of
the loading numbers at oo , 7c , lOc , 12c { ,
15c , 20c , 2oc , 33c. Wo don't show only a
few nattorns , but have them displavcd by
the hundreds , and have a full line of
insertions to match all designs.
i'Mno narrow otlgos from Ic to 20c ; medium -
dium width from 5c to 33c. Skirting
width , wo never had such an assortment.
Don't miss seeing this lino. Every
width and quality represented from the
narrow edge to the 18-inch skirt milling.
All our gooda are of fine work , and
embroidery of the finest quality of
NAINSOOK and CAMBRIC , which wo
call Bueclal attention to , as there in
inoro deception in the cloth than in the
work , as most pcoplo look at the work
and judge their value accordingly.
Look at special bargains marked 25c ,
30c , 3lo ) , 4oc , 50e , 5Sc , in hcmstich and
embroidered , both in cambric and Swiss.
Ladies' embroidered llouticings in all
qualities. Examine now domi llouncing
in Swiss embroidered , also in cronni
mulls embroidered in colors.
Fothoringham , Whitolaw & Co. .
Loaders and promoters of low prices ,
Cuflh and Ono 1'rico ,
Council Bluffs , la.
N. B. Packages delivered to any part
of the city during this sale the same as
usual. Store closes nt ( > p , ir. except
Mondays and Saturdays.
Vlirill MllHlU.
Prof. T. W. Davis , teach or of volco
nnd note roudlng. Lessons private.
Call or aduross at Grand hotel , Council
Kt , Aiidruw'N Siiflnl.
The members of St. Andrew's society hold
ouo of their always enjoyable socials last
Wednesday evening at their hall on Pearl
stroot. The entertainment was opened with
services by Chaplain Dr. O , W. Cordon ,
after which u lengthy but Interesting literary
and musical program was iirosonlod , It In
cluded Instrumental niusia by Miss Jessie
Shaw , songs by Mi's. Henry Stonhcuson. Miss
Funnlo Patterson , Mrs. J.V. . Tomploton ,
the Misses Kief nnd Messrs , John l.ardmur ,
W. S. McMlckon , James Macrae , A. C , Gra-
Imm and Joseph Urahutn , nnd recitations by
Miss Fanulo Patterson , Miss Joslo Kief and
Messri. O , W. Gordon nnd W. H. Stewart.
During the program a brief Intermission was
had , In which the "liltin ? danoo" was in
dulged In. At the close ot the program the
floor was cleared and dancing occupied tbo
rest nf the tlma until the early morning
hours. _
Swnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple
Jnrvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , boat
Dra Woodburydontistsnoxt to Grand
hotel ; flno work u specially. Tola M5.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John.
ston & Van Patten , Everett block.
Hit ) Jurymen ,
Judge Tbornoll found It necessary to warm
the Jackets of the members of the petit Jury
yesterday , Tbo case of Decro , Wells & Co.
against Aultmou & Miller was on trial ,
as it has been for over a week. When court
adjourned hU honor stated that thens would
bo no court on Monday , and ho thought It
advisable to call their atteutlon to tbo In
structions which had been given at
the opening of the cuso with reference to
their behavior toward outsiders , especially in
view of the reports that badiboon brought to
htm by some of the officers of thecourt. The
ftubttanco ot thete reports was that the men
bad bceu OQ * lu la couvcnatiouvltli cer
tain parties who were Interested more or less
directly In the case on the merits of the ovl-
denco. This had lo bo stopped nt once
nnd ho gave them n number ot bits of ndvlco
o guide them In getting rid of troublesome
fellows who might bo Inclined to forcothtlr
opinions upon them. His remarks created
somothlng of a sensation among the bystand
ers , as well as among the Jurymen , and al
though no names were mentioned some sly
remarks were drooped hero nnd there that
showed that quilo a number had been
watching the maneuver ! of ono or
two Individuals who have been greatly In
terested In the progress of the caso. Among
these who have attended the trial Is n mem
ber of the pollco force , who has bion sitting
where ho could got a commanding view of
the whole situation day after day. Just
what this moans Is harl to say , but the ques
tion has been frequently nskod. although
never satisfactorily nnsworod , which sldo Is
paying this ofllcer to see that none of the
jurymen are tampered with ,
Tim ring ol Our Country.
Just now it goes up ovorywnoro. Not
only government buildings'but churches ,
school house ! ) , and oven barns lloat it to
the wind , Wo , too , would like to show
our patriotism if wo could only buy a
Hag with other people's money. Our
profits nro too Biur.ll the way 'wo sell
just now to afford any extras. But if
you want to play thu "Star Spangled
Bannor" in a way tomakoyou feel like
a good American eltl/ongot a Ilnrdman
of n Harrington piano at the Muollcr
Piano and Organ Co. , 10.1 Main street ,
Council Blulls.
Walnut block and Wjomlng conl ,
fresh ininod , received daih Thatohor ,
10 Main.
i Tens ,
Mrs. L. W. HOJS entertained her friends
last celt nt two kenslnijton teas , ono being
ctvcn Wednesday nftcrnon and the other
Thursday. The time was pnssud pleasantly
In the ways that , are dearest to fuminlnb
hearts. The follnwiiiL' Is a list of those who
wcro entertained on Wednesday :
Mesdames W , H. M. Pjsoy , Thonns
Onicor , .1. T. Baldwin , Kountzu. J. T. Stew
art , H nialne , H. Everett , S. Fiirnsworth.
McDowell , M. K. Smith. Bibblngton , H.V. .
Hart , M. K. Davenport , II B. Sackutt , More-
duh nnd Dr. Dor.Uo of Oumlm ; George
Phplps , L. W. Tullovs , James Hoard , E , U.
Smith , I. N. Miller , t. U. Hill , U. D. Wullc ,
L. Ualdwln , J. .1. Ilrown , .1 P. Evans. D. n.
Clarke , K Osborno , Dr. Hall. VV. W. Wal
lace , D. McCruo , E. C. Uulliird , G. W. Lln-
WooJhury , Patter on , Crawford and Misses
Bowman and Wcinch.
The following were entertained on Thurs
day : Mosuames C. II. Plnnov. J. E R McGee -
Gee , A. T. El well , J. N. 'Baldwin. Dr.
Hanchett. W. O. Wlrt , S. P. McConnell , E.
E. Hurt , H. C. Cory , .loci Stewart , S.
Smith , H. L Shepherd , II. F. Evans. H. J.
Chambers , W. H. Mauror. H. W. Tilton , J.
E. Hurltnosi. J. B. Atkins , Stoddiird , J C.
worth , Daily , Strode , Tucker , W. I. Smith ,
W. Sherman , Nichols , G. Kuollnc , O. Kee-
line , llavcrstoctf. Hnrmer , E. Ho.iirland ,
Voswlnlclc , King , Test , ICoy , Suulro , Crofts ,
Montgomery. Charles Stewart , D. MuCrao ,
Jr. ; Charles Wood bury , J. ! Klmball , G. H.
Champ , W. J. Davenport , M. F. Uohror and
jliss S. Smith , Bowman and Weirich.
Crockwell has an exact duplicate of the
elegant carriage presented to Baby
Ruth Cleveland , also a beautiful , pure
ivory white carriage.
Rcitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , Ima
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wo have our own vinoyai-Js in C.vlifo-
Din. Jarvis Wino comuvay , CD BIuITi
Y. M. < 3. A. C'onvpiitliiii.
The mombora of the local brunch of the
Young Men's Christian association are con
siderably interested in the state convention
which meets In Iowa City next Thursday.
Secretary Hose will attend from this city ,
and there will probably be a number of
ether delegates from Council Bluffs. An ef
fort will bo made to have the next state con
vention hold hcr . The people of Iowa City
have thrown open their homas to the dele
gates and there will bo no want of accommo
dations , although the onlcrtalrment ofKM )
young men will no doubt tax thelrhospltaUty
to Its utmost. The presiding olllcer of th'o
convention will bo W. E. Blake of Burling
ton , who was ut one time a candidate fora
position on the supreme bench of Iowa.
The state committee reports that rtvo now
associations have been organised during the
past year acd ! 5G7 conversions. The total
receipts have been t5.Ob5.tJ8 and the dis
bursements W.OHU ) , ' ) . This is the first year
in the history of the stnto organization when
there has been a balunco loft in the treasurv
after all bills were paid , and the credit of
this is due to the careful management and
unremitting zeal of Secretary Magco und hi- ,
Ho ! lortliiOliirilKiriixI
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 , for
round trip. Tickets on sale Fob. 22 tn
28. For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticlcot agent K. C. , St. J. & C. B.
Jarvis wild blackberrv is the boat
.Mlsx Crolls iiiti-rtulii8. :
A pleasant party was glvou Friday even
ing by Miss Winnie Crofts ut her homo on
South Sixth street In honor ot Mr , Don S.
Culver of West Superior , Wls. The bouse
was brilliantly lighted and decorated with
ferns , calla lilies and smilax. The early
part of the evening was given up to a
musical program which included choice
vocal selections by the Misses Mamo Oliver
and Ola Ogden and Messrs. W. A. DcrricK
and C , H. Ogden. Mrs. C. B. Jones played line instrumental solos which were
also warmly received. At the close of the
musical part of the entertainment refresh-
moots were served , after which the festivi
ties were continued until midnight. The fol
lowing is a partial list of those
who were present : Misses Sutor , Fitch ,
Dora Grass , Ola Ogdou , Anna Mergcn , Belle
Sn.vdor , Mamo Oliver , Mavmo " Stephenson ,
Kittle Buscholl , Spoonor , "Carrie Spoonor.
Ida Lutz and Anna Oborholt/.or ; Messrs ,
Hay Bixbv , C. H. Ogden , Walter Spoonor
W. A. Derrick. E. P. Fitch , Wulluco dhop-
herd , D. S. Culver. C. M. Oberholtzor nnd
U. Hlco ; Messrs. and Mesdames C , B. Jones ,
P. U. Davis , J. P. Davis , E. A. Hoagland ,
C. O. Fitch , E. S. Allen and F. T. Truo.
Tlio I.iiHt Wt'nli of Clirnp Nhora.
This IB the last week of Sargont'B 20-
day slaughter shoo sale. It positively
ends Saturday night.
Dr. A. E. Dorwcmt , veterinary sur
geon. Hospital , [ 45 Fourth street.
Telephone 205.
Illrthdny r rty <
Miss Ethel West entertained a party of
her young friends Saturday afternoon at the
home of hnr parents , Dr. and Mrs. S. H.
West , on Washington avenue , in honor ot her
seventh birthday. At 5 o'clock refreshments
were served in the dining room , which wai
llnoly decorated with roses , pinks , white hya
cinths and .valentines. The guests were as
follows : Misses May Crafts , Ethel Sprague ,
Kdua Wllkms , Gome and GertisSlyter , Mlg-
non Maynard , Maud McKesson , Ethel Cook ,
Nellie and Floy Wlud , Emma Burke , Carrie
Kohrer , Nina Meyers , Nellie Foote , Grace
Crockwoll. Masters James Pyles , Alfred
Slytor , George Maltby , Uhonning Fonner ,
Kaymoud Sprague and Evert Wind.
Baby carriage week nt Grockwoll'a.
Special and elognnt display.
t'uril 1'urty.
A pleasant card party was entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Patterson last Wednes
day evening at their home on Fourth avenue.
The evening was devoted to playing high ftve ,
prizes being awarded to W. C. Estcp and
Mrs. J. N. Cagady. Among these who were
present were the following ; Messrs. and
Meidamos W. C. Estep , J. B. Atklus , S. S.
Keller , 11. H. Field , Benton , C. It. Haunan ,
WUllam Hardln , J. T. Oliver , Carlluo , 0.11.
Lucas , XatShephonl , .1 , N" CTssady , Misses
Agooi Blanchard ana Adtllo Sherman , Mrs.
Hose Patterson , Mrs. J. DlfckUy , Mrs. T. A.
Cavin , i
rirth Wuril Cltltcns ll < nii < s Uiii'stlons of
Interest toThiit | , vvnlltr.
The membcra of the Fifth Ward Taxpay
ers' club wcro In Erlllng's green house and
: helr glorv last night A U&von of the mom-
acrs wore lo attendance nnd were called to
order by President Kj'ncr. ' '
John J , Jenkins , chalrunu :6f the commit *
leo appointed to look up hnd report the
names of tun tnx shlrkcrs'stated ( ' that It was
bis honest opinion that the tax shirking was
more the fault of the assessor than the prop
erty owners. Ho advocated a law providing
for the election of u city assessor with n fair
President Kynor regretted very li.uch that
the committee was not ready to report. Ho
was positive that many of the wealthy resi
dents of the city h'ld oscarod taxation for
yoais. The committee was continued nnd
given another week within which to report ,
The president went a little farther nnd told
Chairman Jenkins ot tno committee that ho
should expect htm to report the names of all
tax siilrKPffl.
S. LocKnoi1 said thit TUB Btcr. bad advo
cated thu raising of the assessment In tbo
city. Mr , Looknorwas with Tun BKI : , but
ho did not , thlms it could b ? successfully ac
complished thU year.
The Fifth ward assessor was Instructed to
assess all corporation nroporty located In the
FittK If tin could not tlud out what corpor
ations owned the property ho was instructed
to repair to their business ofllces , no matter
In what wards the olllccs were located.
Mr , Jonklns understood Hint County At-
toriicv Miihiinoy held n different opinion , but
that the public hnd an unqualified rlirht to
challenge the opinion ,
Assessor Franklin stated that ho xvas
e'rcti'd ' upon the issue that ho would assess
nil of the property In the Fifth word. lie
proposed lo do his duty nnd bn governed by
the law on assessments. Iliulld not propose
to sit around thu saloons , but would visit
every piece of property in tlie ward. Ho
stated that bo bad" not undo the law. but
would try and r-arry out all of Its provisions.
They instructed Assessor Franklin to go
to all of the oflicos of the corporations hav
ing plants in the Fifth ward und there leave
assessment b'anlts ' ,
Mr. U''dmiin believed that Governor Hoyd
would call an extra session of thu logisliuun. ,
nnd h" also thought that ho should sui'gost
In his call for the same changes In the Omaha
cltv charter. Believing that Governor Boyd
would do that sumo thing , ho moved that the
rlnirmnn appoint a committee of three to
confer upon proposed charter amendments.
r < nrr on Shliilio.tril.
VOIIK , Fob.0. . The Liverpool ,
Brazil and Hivor Platte company's ' steamer
Dillon arrived hero today from Santos , which
she loft January ! ) . She is detained at quar
antine. Captain Barton rcporth that yellow
fever wn discovered among the crew
shortly after tlio ship cleared the Brazilian
coast. At one tune twelve men wcro down
with the disease. On January 28 Henry
Phillips , u llreman , died nnd on February 'J
Isaac Williams , a sailor , succumbed.
Harrison Iliis'u ' Cold.
W MiixnTox , D.C. , Feb-.iL'O. The president
is sullering from an obstinate cold and has
been compelled to decliuo u number of In
vitations for next wco.c.
"In thu summer of 1890 , a sore np-
poured on my fucc sityilur to u Cauccr.
I tried various rcinediua/but found no
until I took 'Swift's ' Spcciflc ,
which cured me entirely * I used 0 bottles.
W. F. STB\uy.- > . Alexander City , Ala. "
Wo Imvchad a large number of cascsx
Skin Cancer rcpcrlcd ctlrcd by thu use \
of S. S. S. It is vcgfctulilts. builds up I
thu general health , ami forces out the I
poison Send foi book on Ilia Blood. /
SWIFT Smu'ic Co AUuuty , Ga/
a ! my
: IT mil GaJ3E A GOLD
! A 85 cent Bottle may save you
$100 in Doctor's bills-may save
; your lire. Ask your Druggist
pune pNK PILLS.
Dr. Acker's English Pills
Rmall , pl ii itnt. u Tavorllo with tlio Indtcil.
! W , II. IlOOKEIl K CO , ID West nroadwajr. N , Y.j
! . . . . . s.tii. . .t.iii.r
For sale by Kuhn & Co. , and Shcrmnn
McConnell , Omnlm.
An Ideal Comptoxlon Soap.
For Halo l > r ftlinmcrnil Vnn'orOoodiiJcixVranrlf
nnnlile tn procure this Wonilernil Noun norm Si *
ccu < In Btarapj unil roeelyn cake t ) } ' return mall.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
HPF.rtAE.-BbanrtrvnniWWnUi ( the popular
Pocletj WnltilnentKIlEB o nnvono Bundlujf ui
thruo wrappon of Sbamlon IeU Boap ,
KltAIlCATUU IJuro nllUor6a i booiuie It kill *
tbu uilcrolio or K rm 1'ut up am ! rclnlledlnl ) , Ouad
15 iioi , tliu latter 1 ! KallurtttK tient. anywhere pru-
paid onrucolptof prlcoor UO. , 1) . Welnno a liimr-
antuo tucuro Tliopublla trvla and labbori tup-
piled by tbn Ktniler Druir , ( ) ompnnr. Omatia ; C. A
Melclior , llow&nl Meyer nnd K. I' . Beykora , Boulh
Uuiuha ; A. l > , t'oiter uud 1I. < U : Klllt. Uounoll lllutr
_ 1 1 ) _
An n rill nan uo locating' Certain aililltloiuil
water hydrants In thu olty of Onmlm.
lie It ordained by tliocHy uounull of tlio olty
( ifUiiiuhu :
Buotlon 1. That the American Water Works
Company lie unil the sumo Is hereby ordered
to iilncii uddltlonnl water hydrants In the city
of Omaha , us follows :
Onu ut the corner of 31st avenue and Doug
las street.
Ono ut the corner of 3Ut avenue and Capitol
liven in1 ,
Sections. That this ordinance shall tnlio
effect and ho In force from and after Its passage -
ago ,
1-uesed February mh ,
I'reslileiit City Council.
Approved February .7th..5teuiEMls . : .
Mayor ,
Niitlce to htofkliolilcru ,
Tlio annual meeting of stockholders of
Tim Hen I'ublUhliijj company will Lo hold at
their oflleo , corner of ITth nnd I'arnum streets ,
nil Monday , Mureli" . ItVi. at 4 o'clock p. in.
Kor tlio election of o Ulcers and directors uod
such otliurlu ) luck an may uomo up f or cou-
ilileratloiu UKO. II. Tzsouucic ,
Anonllnance toamenilo'tlom 1.11,4.5,0nml
Hot ordinance Mo , 210,11 anil al o to repeal
vcclloiKli. 10 and II of sild tinllnanco ,
Ho Itorda noa uy the city council of the city
of Oniiilm !
Sect on I. That section 1 of iild orillmno
> o. 840) ) bo and the same Is hereby amutiued
so : ii to road nt follows :
Section I , There sinill bo In the miy-
orinllli'o ono clerk who shall receive n sal
ary of { OJ.OJ nor month.
Seet on'J , 'Ilint section apf - < alil ortllnnnco
Nn. HOO lie niul t Itu s.HMO licroby Is aincniled sea
a toro.'ul ns followi :
Si > etloni. : Thuro shall bo In the olty clerk' *
offl oonodcpilty 1ui liall rooreolvo aoimtv
ot il.l'i.uiipor inntith , ono journal c.oik wlio
snill : lecclvc n a ilary of } > l t PIT tnontli , ouo
record c ! crk who shall receive a salary of
fn.ooTier n ontli , and ono .tcno rnplu'r who
shall n > cclveii salary of JT.i DO per month ,
Scctlonn. Thai lection 4 of nlil ( inlinatieo
Nu. i'lWi Im unit the saino hureliy Is iinif ndcd sean
an In read as follows ; .
Sectlnn 4. There sliull lie lu tliii city troas-
urcr's olllco ono deputy und c.islilur whiisliall
receive n salary of flM.OO nor innntli , ono as ,
slstant deputy anil uaslili-r who shall receive
a salary of ilil.lX ) per tnontli. ( int < i-hli-f book-
keoiitr who slinil receive u R ilnry of ! IS. " > . ii per
luontli. onu booKkeeper who shall n < oot\u a
sjilnry if } | UOO per nioiith , < mn I oiiUkorper
nlioslKill rei-rlM' a sal at y uf tlCO.PO pt-r inontli.
oiu > ta\ clerk who sh'ill reeiilve n salary of
KUiO per inuiitli , ono iirillininco c'ork who
shall rcculvu as ilary of JJMll per mouth and
ono clerk who shall icvoivo a salary of K.'i.OJ
rer month ,
Section 4. That section ilof said ordinance
No V400 liound thosiiiiu : IshJiuby aincnilod seas
as to read as fol ows ;
Si-i'llnn A. Tl.oni shall bo In tlio city rn-
Clneer'sonice ono Held I'lislnci-r whosh ill re-
uil.e u Hilaiy nf * r'M l per month , onti field
onslneer who sh ill reeolvo a su nry of JUW.UJ
per immlli , onu Held I'lulneer who shull to-
eclxu a s.ilnry of W.tH ) per nuiiith , one ilr.ifts-
mini at a sului v ot JU.wi : par month , one clerk
who ahull recohe a salary of tlllM" ) per
inuiitli. one eonipiitcr who shull reeel\u u - alary
ary of thl , IU per moiith , one nsslstiint I'oin
initur wlmsliiill iceuhe n saint y of $ " > 0t ) per
inuiitli. ono lovolrr who shall roeoUo asalnry
of f"\iK ) per miintb , ono todmaii who shall ru-
echo a salary of $ is.w per inontli , two tollmen
wliuhhall tui'clvii a siiaty of { ifl.Wi per month
oaeli , nnd onu iiMiiati whit-hall icuoivu a xil-
arvof * .Vi.wi Di-r nuinth Tliu eliv oiiiflneor
.ill . ulstibu anthoilred to eiiin oy tluro t > lti-
hoi-ses nd unjoin , for actual UMI of
whleli , lie shall bo niuliorlrod toullinv nut ex-
rdliiK I'.inpr-r inontli u.icli.
( ecloii' ! sect on 'lof salil ordlnanpo
Nn L'l U he und the same Is neruny amended so
us to roail us follow * :
Seeil n II. There shall he In the depirtment
of the ItHiieetiifof b , one cierK uho
'tall ' iccoho a suliiiy of till' , tl per innntli
feet on ! . Tlioii'snall lie lu tin1 streetconi-
.nlo.sinner'h di'puitiueiil not exceeding four
forotnen nt a H ilarv offi , " > ) lior day for each
day actually iMi.'iucil In tlie service ot the
city ; sixty luborors at not oxiM-rillna the r.ito
of tJ.IW Dei duv tor each dav of svrvlto
actuully rontloid , and ten teams at the rate of
$ t3i per day fur each day of service actually
beet Inn T. That section II of ordinance No.
Slto buanil tliusaino Imieby Is amended so as
to u < ail as follows :
i-eetlon 14. Tim heiiils of the different do-
p.utineiitsspeclHo I In this ordinance may by
I'Oiieimi.Mii H'MilnUon of the mtivor and c ty
eoiinell omul'iv temporarily In tholr olllcosor
dopaitmenls such nddltlonal bookkconots ,
elorks , insiculor | , foremen or servants , ut the
Hume rates llxt'd Insiild oidlnnnco for similar
employees , foi such period of time as may bo
riithorl/ed by huch resolution , not exceeding
sixty dnys.
bcctlonb. That said sections I.'I , 4 , n. 9 and
14. as originally exist.n , and also sections n ,
111 and Ilof said ord mince No. " 401 , be and the
HI urn mo hereby repealed.
Section ! i. This oidlnanco shull take effect
and ho In force from and after Its pas ! > .i u.
I'assuJ 1 ubuiary Kith. IttU.
Citv I'lerlf.
i : . P DAVIS.
President of City Council ,
Approved Kcbriiiiiy ITth , Is'.L' ' .
UIO.OK : : i1. IIKMIS ,
ORDINANCE NO. 20l > 0.
An ordinance to rooal ) ) Special Ordlnanro N'o.
IVIi ami lo provide fur the ic-lovy of the
hpcclaltix to cover the cost of chutiReof
Krailo of Douslas stieet from loth itreet to
Jnth htieet.
Wluiuas It has boon decided by the coittt
that ( lie special tax and assessment upon eer-
taln lota and leal estate In the city of Omaha
to cox or the cost , of cbanu'o of ( { r.ido of Doiiulas
street from Ifith tared to aith street heieto-
foio lovlecl Is Invalid by teason of failure to
Klvea sulllclent notice of the meeting of thu
Inlaid of equalization and for other iciisuris ,
und Whereas. It Is dcelrod to proocrly equalize
the cost of said chinso of crado anil make a
vulld and proper levy of taxes upon the lots
and loal cbtate si > eclally > lionolitted by reason
of saldcb.insi'of urade : therefore ,
Itn it ordained bj' tbo city council of the city
of Omaha
Section 1 Th it Special Ordinance No. 1500 ,
entitled "An ordinance levying a .special tax
and assessment on certain lots and real estate
In the city of Omaha ta cover tlio cost of
change of urado of Douglas street from IGth
street to'Oth street , " be and the sumo Ib here
by repealed.
Section y. Thai t ho cost of said crado bo ro-
a stored und levied at such tlmo and In such
manner us may hereafter bo determined by
resolution ,
Section : i. That this ordinance shall take
ofTcct and bo In force from and uftor Its pas-
1'usscd February 10th , 1ST. .
Cltv Clerk.
E. I' . DAVIS ,
President Olty Council ,
Approved February ITU , . , . *
Mayor ,
An ordinance oiderliiK the Kiadlng of Han-
croft sticot from 17th street to 20th struct ,
mid directing the hoard of pnliliu works to
take tlio necessary stops to canso said work
to Do done :
Ho It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. V'horcas permanent crudes huvo
been established iiu'in , and appraisers have
been duly apuolntod hy law , to apfirulsu tlio
dainiiKes'cuused hy the grading of lluncroft
fctruot from tuveiitc'Mith st. to Twont'cth st.
and made their report to the city council ,
whlcli has formally adopted tlio satno ; und ,
ivjiurouH , property owner * * . representing more
than threo-llfthaof the property ahiittlnK on
biilil portions of the street above specified ,
have petitioned tlio oily council to have said
street ( 'railed to tlio present established
Urudo. without charxo to the city ,
and that the cost bo made payii-
lilo In ten equal Installments , thoieforo
IVincroft stieet from r < ovoiitcoiilli street to
Twentieth btreot bo and horohy Is ordered
Braded to the present established Brado.
Section" That thohoird of public works tin
and hurohy Is directed to take thu necessary
btnps to cause said work to bo done.
Section 'I. That this ordinance uhall take
olfout und ho In force from and after Its pass-
I'assod I'obur.iry Ifllli , 189 .
Oltv Olerk.
E. I1 , DAVIS.
President City Council ,
Aiiniovcd February 18th , IS' ' ) . ' .
IS.Mayor. .
ORDINANCE NO. 2)01. ! )
An nrdln.uicu ordering tlio grading nf I.alic
street from 4.'nd street to 4Uh street , und
directing the board of public works to take
thu ncbcss.iry steps to cause said work to bo
donu !
He It ordained by thu city council of tlio city
of Omaha :
Section I , WherciiH , permanent grade * have
been establlHhed upon , and uppraisorH liuro
ucrndtily appointed by law , to aiipralfio the
'lamugescauhed by the grading of 1/ako street
from4'nd Atroet to 1Mb street , nnd made their
report to the city counull , which has formally
udopled the same ; and , wlioreaa. propel tv
owners , roprobcntlng more than throo-llfthx
of the property abutting on said portions of
thOBtroet above specified , have potltloned I he
ally council to have said stioot pr.ided to the
present established grade , without charge to
thucliy , and that the cost bo made payable In
ten tiual | Installments , therefore , Lake street
from 4Jnd street to 45th street bo und Hereby Is
ordered graded lo the present established
Sections. That the bourd of pnbllo works
hound litTOhy Is direct ndiot'iKo thu necessary
Elena to canso suid woi k to bo done.
ricctlon ; ) . This ordinance shall tnko erreut
and bo In force from and after Its passage.
February .Oth , , . .
President City Council ,
Approved February " " '
'j/na / IMIWUB ,
Mayor ,
An orillnanco nuthoiUIng the payment to the
A very I'lunter Company of J''O.OO on account
of an error in the payment of tax In such
Whereas , the cltv comptroller and the coin-
in I tteo on lluanco have reported that a mis
take has boon mudo in thu payment of u tax
by the Avery 1'laiitor Company In tlie sum of
{ Jo 00 In excess of the correct amount , there-
Ho llordalnod by the city council of the city
of rimahui
Section 1 , That the sum of fj,00 ) bo and
licroby Is appropriated out of thu general fund
Ju favor of the A very I'luntor Coniiiany.liiset-
tlumcnt of thu oitcoss of JJJ.UU paid by xald
Avcry Planter Com puny over the correct
amount duo from them ,
Section a. Tint this ordinance ohnll take
olTcot and buln force from und after Its pas-
February ICth , I99J.
City Clerk.
n. i > . DAVIS ,
I'resldeut City Council ,
Approved February 17th , le'jz
QEO. 1 ( . 1JEMIS.
iluyor ,
G. A. SchoDdsack , Proprietor , O.Tlcos 021 Broadwny , Oounjl
Bluffsnnd 1321 FarrmmSt. , O.iij\hn. Dye , clonn nnd roflnlsh good *
of ovorydoacrlptlon. Paok-ngoa recslvort nt olthop office or nt tlu
Works , Cor. Avo. A nnd 20tli St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlca list.
Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any chimictor can have
them redvod and finished equal to now.
nd most approved machineryntost at losa coil than yo.i ever pil.l
An ordlnanc'eorduiliitf thuisradlng of ulluy In
truck I.H.
Ho Itoidiilnod by tlioclty connull of the olty
of Oninlm :
Sectlnn I. Thiittlionttoy In block I'.lllnthn
city of Oinnlia bo anil hereby Is unlercd
giadrtl totlio i'stalilHlii. | < il rado tlioicof , the
ciullir : ; of said ullev to lie done under Iliedl-
rei'llmi ot the olty ciuliiL'or und wltliniit i-nst
to tlu > city of Onialia or to thu prupeity owners
In * > 'ild lilouk.
See. U' . That this or.llnanco shall take ulToct
and bo In force from and after Its IUSMIL'O.
I'.w > ed Pobruaiy lUih. l 'i.1.
rily t Icrlj.
I'roslilcntulty I'ounoll ,
Approved 1'oburary ITth. IS' ) ' . ' .
unouuK i' , m\us. :
bulls. Dunartmoiit of tin1 Interior , Olllco
oflndlan AllaireVniililiijton. . 1) . O. , Tub-
rnaiy 1 , 1MIJ. Sealed piupoiuls , InduiTil
"I'roposnls for C'owsur Hulls" ( us the cas > u inivy
be ) and uddrcssod to thu coinmlsslonuruf In
dian affairs , Wiishliuton , D. C' . , will bi > ro-
eelved until 1 o'clock p. in , , Saturday , Match
5. It)1 ' ) , for furnlsliliiR and delivering at I'lnu
Kldgo. Itoscbml , Clioyennu Klver , Crow Creek
nnd Lower Untie a vneles , South Dakota ,
Standing Hock tiKcncy , North Dakota , Santco
nnd I'onca ngi'nzlcs , Nelir.isKa. I landreau
IIKUIIBV. South Dakota and the Oiow agency ,
Montana , about 11,0 0 milch eo\\s nnd 4UU
hulls. KcKiilnr lilnnks for bids are not re
quired. Schedules ( which 111 bo made tt part
of the proposals ) showing thu number of cat-
tie required at tno various nieiiclus , condi
tions to bo ohser\od by bidders , time anil
plnco of delivery , terms of contract anil pav-
ment. and all other necessary Instructions ,
will bo furnished upon application to thu In
dian olllco at Washington , tin ) eo mnSsarles
of subsistence. IT , S , A , , at Chicago , M , Paul.
Omaha. Nebraska , and Cheyenne , Wyoinlnir , J
to thu imhllshor&nf tlio Stock Uro\cis' JourI I
mil of , Sllles City , Mont ina. and the .louiiial j
of Helena. Montana , und thu suroial Iniilan
auents. Thu rlKbt is reserved to rejeet any
or all bids , or any pait of any hid. If doomed
for the best Interests of tlio government ; also.
the further right In making the wards to In
crease or diminish to unv e.\ tent the number
of animals called for In the schedules ; l o to
ieiiire | ! u delivery of twonty-lho per cent.
more or less , than the amount specified In any
Each bid must bo accompanied by u certified
cheek or draft on some United States depos
itory for at least live nor cunt of thu amount
of tbo bid , Hindu ii.iyahlo to tl.c onler nf thu
commissioner of Indian alfali- . which cheek
ordr.ift will bo forfeited to the United States
In casu any bidder locolvlns un award shall
fall topromptlj- execute a coiitiact with good
nnd snlllclent surutles : othorwlso to 1 1 > ro-
tuinod to the blUdur. T. J. M01 ! AN , Uoin-
mlsslonur. KlUd''ltM
-L Slates Indian borvelu. Pine Kld.'o
Acuncy , South Dakota. Kcbruary llth , IHB2 ,
Sealed proposals , endorsed "I'roiiosals for
Klold Feeds" and addressed to the unde
signed ut I'lno Kldgo Ageney , South Dakota ,
will bo leee veil at this agency until 1 o'clock
p. in. of March 7th , INI' ' , for furnishing and
delivering nt Hnshvlllo , Nebraska : ',0
pounds seed oats , 4\OJU pounds seed wheat ,
lii.'M ) pounds seed corn , 4. > , UOU pounds seed
potatoes , 1.000 pounds seed Cierman millet.
'MO pounds timothy seed , " ( U pounds Iduegrass
becd. Said su db to he urown In the suet Ion of
country conuguou to tbu place nf delivery.
llldders will bo required to stiito bDccllloally
In tholr bids thu ] > reposed prleo of uacli article
olTcred for delivery under u contract. The
light Is i eserved to reject any or ah bids , or
nnv partof uny bid , If duomud for thu best In-
torcst nf the service. Cortlflcd Cheeks. Kauh
bid must bo aeeompan.ed by a cuttlfled check
ordraft upon some United States Ueoosltory
or Solvent National Itank In the vicinity of
the lesldencoof the bidder , made payalile to
the order of tlie Commlss oner nf Indian Af
fairs , ( oral least live par cunt of the amount
of the proposal , which checlv ordraft will bo
forfeited to thu United Status In case any bid
der ( ir bidders receiving an award shall fall
to promptly oxncuto a contract with good and
siifllclenthurltlcs , otherwise to bo returned to
thu bidder. Illds accompanli d by cash In lien
of a certified cheek will not boconsldoiod. Kor
further Information apply to OA.ITAIN
aiCOHOK h. KOV 11UOWN , U.S. A. ,
U , S. Indian Agent. K-ll-12-t-in.
BIDS will bo received by the State Hoard of
Printing ut the olllco of the secretary of
Btato on or buforu'J o'clock p. m. March L' , lWi- ,
for printing and binding In cloth ono thou
sand ( l.CUO ) copies of volume IV of thu Trans
actions and Reports of the Nebraska State
Historical Society , 10 bo delivered complete
at thu olllco of the secretary ot the society In
the State University building , Lincoln. To
contain 'MO pages , more or less. The slzo of
page , weight and quality of paper , Htylo and
quality nf blndln1. . style of lettering on cover
nnd In all respects the work to bo the same an
the .sample to bo Been In tlio olllco of the sec
retary of state.
Work to bn completed within sixty days
from the awarding of the contract.
Kuch proposal must bo accompanied by a
bond In the sum of & > OO.OU.
Kluht reserved tn reject any and all bids by
the State Printing Hoard. JOHN O , AI.I.KN ,
Dated Fob'v 17 , 18U2. Secretary of htatu.
for llondu ,
Healed bids will bo received at the otTlco of
the Olty Treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , up to 1U
o'clock March 10th , Ib'/.1 , for the purchase of
$175.1X10.00 1J ! year fl per cent City Hull Honda.
The principal and Interest are payable nt
Kountzo Ilros. , Now York. Intercut payable
gomi-anituiilly. Kach bid must B late thu
price and the amount of bonds sought for nnd
must Include Intoiest up tn date of delivery ,
Iflsuod under authority of Ohartor nf met
ropolitan clUes and Ordinance ' "JIO approved
Jiinuary aoth , 1892. The right Is reserved to
unNuy „
F12d27tM Olty Troasurur.
HtocklioldiT'H Al
Notice Is heron/ given that the regular
annual meeting of the stockholders nf the
South 1'latte Land company 111 bo held at thu
ofllco of said eompiiuy , In Lincoln , Neb. , on thu
first Wodnusday In March , I8ti ! , being thubecond
day of the month.
liy order of the Hoard of Dlroctors.
1L O. Pim.Mi-s , BecroUry.
LINCOLN , Nob. . Kub. ' . ' . IB'J. . VM aJtM
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leaye
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fiiueml Director and Undertaker.
811 Broadway , Council Blulls ,
Tuluutiona S.i V.
S A 1,1' At a baiKiiln , l"-acre fruit and
uuriU'ii farm adjoining ; city limits ; itood
duelling 1' II. SlH-ufu. .
IfUm KKS'T-A'.Teliut storo. 411 llnuilnny
* oHiitMl hy Mrs .l.inu llililw.n : Apply to
IJroivoT. I'hclpsat postolllco.
\\7 trulr house und lot for li-am ; will
i-l\e Ion ; ; tlnioon halauoo. Uall at M ) S.
nth street.
171 ARMS , ) i ir.len Ian Is , hous.n. hits uirl
Jhtislnvss hloiiid for silo or rnnU D.iy Ss
Hobs. , .0 I'o.irl slrcut , Uunnoll lllnlN
OITNi'lTTinVnTS hinT'l
money on ' for
loans.V. . A. Wood .V Co. . KO Main street ,
Ij'UIC IlKN r liver UK ) ( Tnollltii ; * < it ovtirv iln-
scilptlon at prlci's varying from f I lo J.dO
iioi month , located In all parts of the city , Ii
11. Shu if c. MO llro.idway.
"IJ1OU SAMS Pour coed lUinrlnu mills Cull
-L ? take somu Rood bind as n.irt p.iy. Johns
ton .V Vnii Patten , Council Illulf s. la.
FOR IM\T : riirm with orvlintd. a mllus
finni Ogdcti house , Council ItluIVs l
at-O.l st
Of Cnuiull
Uupll stOcV
tin pins nnd 1'rollts
Nut Capital nn I Surplus. $ VH
Dtri'Ctorii-.I I ) 1:111111111111011 : , 1C. I , Hmxiirt I" u
r.h'nvm , K n llnrt. I A. Miller , J V IliiiLiiinnii ,
ntitl Clmrlct * K llnnnati
Council Bluffs , lown.
Now , modern , woll-npnointod , thor
oughly wall-leapt , $15 n day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
14N. . Main , Council Bluffs.