Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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    TTo Will Start the Week With Startling
D Cine * of Curtnln Scrim nt 8 7r 1'cr
Vnril 1 Cine * of Curtnln Tote *
nuil rlxttire * nt
I'A l-2c.
2-3 pieces of unbleached crash nt OJo
Tier yard.
10 pieces of turkey red tnblo cloth at
18c ! per yard.
10-Inch double fold novelty printed
serges 6Jc per yard.
Every article wo quote below wo will
guarantee tlio price to bo just one-half
what other people nsk you for the same
40-Inch double fold honrlottn , all now
ftprlng shades , just got them in Satur
day , at 12c { , regular value 2-3c.
Novelty suitings in10ltich goods nt
25c , you sco them displayed In other
] ) ooplo'a windows at SOc.
00 pieces of novelty- black fcoods in
stripes , plaids , figures , ovorshots , etc. ,
at from COc to OOc , worth up to $1.75 per
Wo will again throw on sale our 50
inch Henriettas , the very finest quality
manufactured , nobody ever sells them
for less than $1.25 , Our price will bo
80c per yard.
2o pieces of novelty Bnuclo striped
rnmolottes nt 50c. $1.CO Is what you
wllihavo ; to pay for them generally.
Besides the above wonderful bargains
wo will place on sale 100 do/.on genuine
Foster hook gloves at 76o per pair.
03 do/.on point do Jones lace | collars
11 worth SOc each , for Oc.
f 05 do/en corsets in odds nnd ends nt
15 BOc19c and 75c , worth from OOo to $1.4 ! ) .
75 pieces of elegant 27-Inch ombrold-
ory llouncing , most beautiful work , nnd
worth $ L25 per yard. They all go in ono
lot at H0c.
Wo nro almost giving the balance of
our cloaks and jackets away , in fact , wo
have had no loss than 1,200 or 1,500 pco-
plo attracted In our store by prices on
Saturday. Wo are selling elegant new-
markets and jackets at OOc which are
worth up to $15.00 each. Wo do not in
tend to carry any of these over until
next season. This is probably the great
est snap you will bo able to strike in the
course of a lifetime.
Ladles' and gent's winter underwear
go for a song. _ STONEiJILL'S.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
Madame Bonlin has purchased C. C.
Sherwood's millinery department , and
will show a full line of French patterns
after the 22d inst. , in the New York
Life building.
Tliu Morse Dry ( ionilH Co.
Monday wo shall open 5 cases of now
table linen , towels , napkins , crashes re
ceived through the Omaha custom house
Saturday. Bordered pattern table
cloths , $2.00 , worth Stt.OO ; at $2.25 worth
$3.50 and $2.60 worth $4.00.
Knotted frjngo towels 25c , worth 35e.
Knotted fringe towels .15c , worth 50c.
i blachcd napkins $1.85 , worth $2.00.
5 bleached napkins $1.08 , worth $2.50.
Double dnmahk na'ki's $2.50 , worth $4.
LINEN SETS , $7.00.
Table cloth 2 } ynrds , long do/.cn 5
napkins , all $7 , worth $10.
Newest styles double width , 25c , 35c.
- All wool mixtures , 50c , 05c , 75c.
Wo call particular attention to our
now FRENCH CHALLIES , the love
liest patterns and designs ever shown in
Omaha buy them now before they are
culled ovor.
. Wo have also for Monday
Now French cropons , new tweeds.
Now Cote do oh oval , now vigorouux.
Now French percales 12jc , satines 15c.
Delhi suitings ISc.Scotch ginghams 2oo
Our house furnishing department of
fers special bargains in dishes.
Full dinner sots $0.00 , $10.00 , $15.00 ,
worth most double.
French china dinner ( sots $18.00 , $21.00 ,
$20.50 , $2aOO , nil worth $10.00 to $20.00
Bultorick's patterns , Hall's Ba/ar
forms and Dr. Jaeger's underwear , hos
iery , &o.
New carpets , rugs , now in.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Tbo Gold Leaf Remedy company have
opened offices in 601 Now York Life
building1 , and will bo rondy to receive
patients on Tuesday morning , February
23. This company is composed of a num-
I' her of Omaha capitalists. William Co
if burn , Thomas Crnno , II. Baldrlgo are
among thopo interested.
guarantees to euro drunkenness , opium
und tobacco habits. The first ton
patients applying at the olllco before
Tuesday morning tit 9 o'clock will bo
cured free.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
nun Upright rhino ill u
Used only i ! months ; cheap for cash at
Molnberg's , 100 N. 10th street.
Road the Burlington Route's adv.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , Bao building
a R. Pattern dentist , Boo building.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Tliu Mimll ( iiilH.
On February 22 to 28 inclusive , the
Burlington route will sell tickets from
Omaha to Now Orleans , La. , and return
at rate of $31.05. Tickets good to return
until the 22d-of March may bo obtained
from W. F. Valll , city ticket agent , 1223
Furnnm street , Omaha.
llroiuo I'ront Kmcraou iMiino ,
Only at A. Homo's 1513 Douglas.
OMllllo Prlco-Dow. for whoso services
Saukott & Lawlcr cheerfully pay more
than the etilury of a bank president ,
this Is her last week. She presents the
dance of sunny Spain nt the Eden Musoo.
J. E. Dietriok.nrchltcct , 000 N. Y.Llfo.
CallCiirnlu ,
You have Been California frequently
mentioned in newspapers and magazincb *
Perhaps a friend has been tbero and
writes enthusiastic letters back homo
about the climate and the fruits. It
makes you anxious to sou the country
for Youi'folf.
The host time to go Is In the fall nnrt
winter. Then work hero Is least press
ing and California climate Is now pleas
ing. The way to go la via Santa Fo
route , on ono of that lino's popular , per
sonally conducted parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday evening , and leav
ing Kansas City every Sunday morning ,
.Special agents and porters in attend
ance. Pullman tourist sleepers arc
used , furnished with bedding , mat-
trosEos , tpllot articles , etc. BeconO
class tickets honored. Write to li L.
Palmer , .passenger agent Santa Fo
route , 1310 Faniam street , Oiuuhu , Neb.
Uavo Just Received Onr Second Shipment
of Lockstitch Underwear ,
AVIien We Quota Special 1'rlcen These
( load * Are Mniln liy the Ilrnl Mmiu-
ractiircm nnil They Are
The shapes of this line lockstitch un
derwear are perfect , and the lit , finish
aud workmanship are guaranteed.
60c , line muslin gowns with tucked
yoke ntid rufllo on neck and sleeves , SOc ,
worth 75c.
COc , finer quality of muslin , fine tucked ,
V shaped yoke , finished with ilno cam-
crlc rufllo , GOc , worth OOc.
fi8c , gowns with pulTod yoke , rufllo of
fine embroidery , and finished with neat
finishing braid , price OSc , worth $1.25.
30c , cambric corset covers , high and
low necks , and trimmed with embroid
ery , SOc , worth 45o.
45c , fine cambric corset covers , V-
shaped back and front , trimmed with
fine embroidery , 45c , worth 05c.
G5c , corset covers made of fine Lons-
Into cambric , trimmed with fine torchon
lace , low cut nook , 05c , worth 85c.
25c , drawers made of good quality of
muslin with three tucks , 25c , worth 40c.
45c , drawers nmdo of finer quality of
muslin , 11 vo tucks , and finished with fine
embroidery , 45c , worth OOc.
53c , line muslin drawers , made with
six fine tucks and cambric hemstitched
rufllo , 65c , worth 76c.
Also a great many other gowns , skirts ,
corset covers and drawers "at special
Wo have a few odd lots of staple
brands of corsets made by the best
manufacturers only white and drab ;
they range in price from 76o to $1.60 ;
ilso a lot of misscn , children's and
ladies' waists , all good shapes.
Wo will place them all on ono table
this week , choice 25c ,
Also all our fine corsets at special low
prices , Including C. P. corsets , P. D.
corsets , Royal Worcester corsets , Thom
son's glovolltting corsets. Dr. Warner's
corsets , Dr. Ball's corsets , Madam War
ren's corsets , Madam troy's corsets , Fer
ris'waists , etc. , etc.
Cor. Farnnm and 15th sts.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Subscription masquerade ball , Omaha
Turn voroln , Saturday , March 6 , Gor-
111 aniu hall. Tickets ( lady and gentle
man ) , $1.50 ; single tickets , $1.00 ; num
bers , 50c. For sale at Fruohoff's.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
A. D. Morsn's Special Siilo Tor the Coming
Wo place on sale a lurgo lot of our best
makes of men's , ladies' and miss shoos.
$5.00 for the "Garsido" best $7.00 but
ton shoo.
$5.00 for our best Philadelphia , $0.00
and $7,00 make.
$3.50 for our ladies hand turned , $5.00
regular prico.
$1,25 ladies' dongoia button shoo ,
worth $2.00.
Men's French Henry Ilorth's Paris
make only $5.00 , worth and told every
where for $10.00.
$5.00 men's French calf hand sowed
button , worth ROO.
$3.50 men's calf welt sowed Waukon-
phast boots , worth $5 00.
$3.00 for our boys' celebrated $4.00
calf button shoes.
Full line misses' best makes , cut ono-
thlrd in prico.
The above are broken in sizes , but wo
can fit most any foot from our largo
Best fitting shoos , highest grade of
workmanship , lowest prices for first-
class shoes.
14th and L'nrnam. A. D. MORSE.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
oiiK Now Se.ile StuytcBiint Pluuo
only nt Meinborg's , 100 N. 10th street.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
UryCooiln Buyers.
If you want to buy dry goods at whole
sale the great wholesale dry goods house
of Brlttain. Smith & Co. , St. Joseph ,
Mo. , are offering uncqualod inducements
this spring.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
JlucllnliiK Clnilr Cni-H.
On the F. E. & ; M. V. R. R between
Omaha and Superior , Omaha and Deadwood -
wood and intermediate points.
Ticket olfico 1401 Farnam st.
Depot olllco 15th and Wobstcr sts.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Take Union ruclllc No. r for Denver.
Because ( t is a solid vostibuled train
composed of Pullman Palnco sleepers ,
Pullman dining cars , free reclining
chair cars and modern day coaches.
Because it inalces fast time.
Because it loaves at 10:00 : a.m. , a con
venient time for starting.
You can got your tickets and make
your sleeping car reservations of
II. P. Dr.UKf , ,
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
The Custor Hello Corps , No. 82 , will
give a ball on Wednesday evening , Feb.
24 , nt the G. A. R. hall , on 16th street
between Dodge and Capitol avonuoj
Good music has boon angaged. Coino
and help a good causo.
Liquor Habit Cured 1'rec.
The Ensor Remedy Co. , ( incorporated )
having tin institute located nt South
Omaha , Neb , , makes the following prop
osition : The first ton persons report
ing at the institute , commencing Mon
day , February 22 , li { ! 2 , will bo curoa of
liquor , opium , morphine or tobacco habit
free of charge. Tlio institute is under
tlio personal supervision of Dr. T. II ,
Enfcor , a prominent physician and sur
geon who discovered the remedy after
months of study and research. It Is not
an experiment , A positive euro guar
anteed in every case. Note the follow
ing testimonial :
SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , Fob. 18 , 1802.
This certifies that wo are personally ac
quainted with Dr. T. II. Kiibor ; that wo
know him to Vo of good professional
standing in this community ; that wo
have perbonnllv witnessed his treatment
In three cases for dipsomania ( pillq'uor
habit ) ana that said treatment was en
tirely successful In every particular and
wo conscientiously rooomnienij him und
his euro to the publlu ,
E. L. SIUQINS , M. D. ,
E. L. EitN'HOUT , M. D.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , oeloetlo and
magnolia physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , disease * of women and children ,
HON. 10th atrcot. Telephone 1483.
Albright' * choico' 50 lots , bargains.
600 Pieces of Fiiio Silks from the Great
Townsend and Montann Auction ,
( Irnml Opening Tomorrow 322 1'lecen New
81J Irs Spring lre OoinlR Ktcry
Stjlo u Dcclilril Novelt3'Nc er
Keen Hcforc-All Itiirgnliu.
25 pieces of fine all inolro silk , 12 dif
ferent colors , nt 25o a yard , worth $1.
All the fancy colored all silk surahs
25c , regular 55o quality.
At 48c a yardcholco , 50 pieces of gros-
praln silks , fancy trimmed silks. 24-
inch china , Japanese and French silks ,
The greatest bargain in silks over of
fered In Omaha. Over 100 full bolts to
select from , such as Armuros. Failles ,
Saloon Rhndnmes , Voi y Rich Pcnu Do
Solo. .This lot also contains- about 15
pieces choice evening silks In plain and
fnnoy brocades. Your choice 09e and
8Sc a yard , worth up to $2.
Double fold Bedford cords Hie , all
* now shades.
88-inch English cashmorcs , every
color , lOc n , yard , worth 35c.
Extra line , fancy 42-Inch black hen-
rlottas 25c , worth 60c.
100 pieces fine now dress goods , the
very latest novelties in spring suitings
at 6Sc , worth 81.00 a yard.
Those of mill remnants of the finest
grades heavy silk plush in every known
shade at lOc , ISc , 2oc and 50c for an entire -
tire remnant. Thid is less than one-
fourth their actual value.
Wo have just received over 1,000
dozen now handkerchiefs , containing
nil the latest novelties. 60 dozen ele
gant colored border homstlchcd hand
kerchiefs 6c each.
100 dozen wide hemstitched , embroid
ery edge , drawn thread border handker
chiefs lOc , worth 25c.
Ladles' and gents' wide and fancy bor
der handkerchiefs worth up to 50c , goat
lOe. A superb lot of ladles' and gouts'
fine silk initial handkerchiefs , elegantly
embroidered , at 25c , worth 75c.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
Go where you will in the palatial
homes of the rich , in the counting room
of the merchant , in the workshop of the
mechanic , among the workingmen at
their noonday meal or at the sumptuous
luncheon of the banker the leading
topic of conversation is Millie Price-
Dow. "Have you seen her ? " She can't
bo with us always. This , her last week ,
she demonstrates her wonderful versa
tility by presenting the dance of sunny
Spain at the Eden Musee.
NATIONAL CONVENTION. or Orffiiiilzsitloiu ( Punnlo'ti I'nrly ) at
St. I.ouU.
For the afiovo convention the Wabash
will sell Fob. 20th to 24th tickets to St.
Louis and return at half faro good
returning until March 10th. Remem
ber the Cannon Ball Express with re
clining chair cars free and Pullman
sleeping cars leave Omaha 4:10 : , Council
Bluffs 4:10 : p. m. daily , arrives at St.
Louis 7:30 : next morning. For tickets
and slooping'car accommodations call at
Wabash office 1502 Farnam street , and
Union depot Council Bluffs , or write G.
N. Clayton , Northwestern pa&songer
agent , Omaha.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
The C. W. Hull Co. announces the
purchase of the stock , yard plant , good
will , etc. , of the business located at 20th
and Nicholas streets , formerly con
ducted by J. J. Johnson & Co. , and is
open for business at the old location.
The company will carry n line of coal ,
limo , cement , sewer pipe , etc. , as here
tofore. Patronage is solicited. Careful
and prompt attention guaranteed to
orders received by telephone or other
wise. Telephone No. 420. No down
town olllco.
At the atuHrc.
Manager Lawlor of the popular Eden
Musoo has secured ono of the host bills of
the season. Always looking for novelties , bo
has secured tbo greatest feature in that line
In tha rooster orchestra. This is composed
of seven barn yard fowls who ccrform on
stringed instruments , Keeping preclso time
to too beat of their leader , a majestic rod-
topped Sbsxnghal , Without doubt of nontra-
dlctlonabls Is tbo greatest act of , birds ever
presented in the world. In the Theater
Comiquo tbo famous Dan Mason , late of
Kelly & Mason's tigers , and bis colorlo of
stars will RIVO one of the most laughable
ana entertaining burlesques of tbo day. His
wife , Miss Mllllcont Page , ono of tbo leadIng -
Ing souurettes of the comedy world , will also
appear , together with a company of sketch
artlsta , minstrel men , burlesquors , comedi
ans and acrobats , making an unusually
strong attraction. Prof. Catulle , the famous
Parlsiono illusionist , willoxlilblt Kemp of the
womjors of bis art. Another Iaris novelty
appearing this woolt Is tbo Musical Masons ,
who play on all coaclovablo grotesque instru
ments imaginable. " On the whole the man
agement promises the best entertainment of
the season.
H '
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages ,
The Colclir.itmi "Wlu-olork" I'liiuoH
Only at Molnborg's,100 North 10th street.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
Dr. Neville has removed his office to
the Karbaeh blk. , 209 S , 16th. ,
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
ThoNowSu.ilu Klmli.ill I'liinn.
Only at A. Hoapo's , 1513 Douglas.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Money to loan on improved city prop
erty. A. C. Frost , Douglas block.
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
Quick Tlmu to tliu'Kost.
Under the schedule , which recently
wont Into effect on the Chicago & North
western Ry. , passengers can leave the
Union Pacific depot , Omaha , daily at
0:15 : p. in. and arrive at Chicago ut 11:50 :
o'clock the next morning
This arrangement reduces the time to
Chicago two hours , and also affords con
nection with all of the fast limited trains
for Iho east , and the journey to Now
York , Boston und other eastern cities
may now bo made In several hours
quicker than ever before.
In addition to this service the after
noon "fiver" via the Chicago & North-
wcfatorn Ry. loaves the U. P. depot daily
nt 6 p. ni. and arrives at Chicago at 8:15 :
the next morning.
Both of the above mentioned trains
are vostibulod throughout and are
equipped with Wagner and Pullman
sleepers , free reclining chair cars und
"Northwefatorn" dining cars.
Baggage checked from residence and
through sleeping car berths reserved.
City ollico , 1401 Furnatn street.
R. R Rm-HiK , General Ajtont.
G. RVit3T , C. P. & T. A.
Albright'H choice , 50 lots , bargains.
m n
Now ( loocU-HBtucIt nnil Colored Irri >
Just oponWthe finest line of French
ChnllicD. AIL now and exclusive de
signs. On shlh Monday morning.
.TiiittoponckLJTlio finest line of French
cashtnoros. JAll now shades and extra
value. On § nlo Monday morning.
Just opened a beautiful line of French
novelty sulUogv in crepe oITects some
thing entirely- DOW and novel , On sale
Monday morning.
Just opened n line of English cashmere -
more in black. , This is extraordinary
value and wall worth your attention.
On sale Monday morning.
Just opened "a now line of Priestley's
novelties in black crepons , diagonals ,
sdjrzag , satin stripes , otc. On sale Mon
day morninir.WHITE
Just arrived , the now great novelty
printed side band Persian lawn. All
the latest designs ana colorings. 42
inches wide , 30o per yard. Printed
domitlcs in blue , pink and black dots.
Just the thing for ladies' and children'
dresses ISc per yard. In connection
with the above wo will offer all our lee ,
20o lawns in plaids and lace stripes at
12jo per yard.
The above goods are all now and nro
remarkably cheap.
Mall orders filled promptly.
Just opened a full line of the now
Bedford cord , figured and silk stripes.
On sale Mon'day.
Just opened n magnificent line of
French batistes , and India moussolincs ,
newest colorings. On snlo Monday.
Just opened an elegant assortment of
French glngunms in chuckbtind novelty
stripes. On sale Monday.
Just opened n , beautiful line of pine
apple tissues of oxtraordlnnry value.
On sale Monday.
Just opened a , largo assortment of
homespun suitings , unexcelled for
beauty of finish. On sale Monday.
Special sale of muslin gowns Monday
Our fine cambric and muslin gowns
will go ut $1.05. They nro all olthor
trimmed with embroidered lace or hem
stitching , former price $2.25 , up to $3.25.
Ladies' fine cambric drawers with clus
ter of tucks and embroidered lace and
insertion to match , 98e per pair.
Albright's choice , 60 lots , bargains.
Or Interest to McrcliiintH.
At this time when dry goods mer
chants are purchasing their spring
stocks it becomes a paramount question
to ascertain the house they can deal
with to the best ndvnntugc. In today's
issue the attention of all such is called
to page 3 to the annual spring an
nouncement of Brittnin. Smith & Co. of
St. Joseph , Mo. This is ono of the
largest and most reliable wholesale
houses in this section , and buyers will
do well to bear them iu mind when
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
( rent Hnrgalim Iu 1'lunos thin Week
At Meinborg's , 109 North 10th street.
Sum met Meeting.
A special 'meeting is called of the
Samosot club for Tuesday evening , Feb
ruary 23. G. W. SHIELDS , President.
Albright's'choica ' , 50 lots , bargains.
MinnohahnCo\ineil No. 2 , Daughters
of Pocahontos , .will give their ball
tomorrow ovo. - i
Itcceptlon to Sclmrwciiicn.
The reception tendered Herr Xavor Scbar-
wenlra by his former pupils , Messrs. Cum-
mlngs and Jon < K > f the Omaha Conservatory
of Music , Wednesday evening , was a pleas
ant tribute to ono of tbo world's greatest
composers and musicians. During the hours
of the recaption , 0 to 12 , tbo handsome rooms
of the conservatory wore crowded with mu
sicians , music lovers an > l their friends , and
the pianist had abundant opportunity to
judge of the work being done in the west by
tbo pioneers of musical lifo and thought by
contact with those who were present on
Wednesday nvening. So different was it all
from what ScharwcnUa expected , so enthu
siastic did bo find tbo musicians bore , ana so
cultured the people , that the reception was
an oasis in the life of the particular guest of
tbo evening , who has so lately como to
MM. F.-W."Oray , Mrs. Evelyn Alien , Miss
Myrtle ( Cctcbum , Mr. Adolph Mayor , Mr.
E. M. Jones and Mr. J. G. Cummings re-
colvod the guests In the parlors of tbo con
servatory. Later tbo largo audience room
on the fifth floor was converted into a ball
room and the guest ? danced until midnight ,
delightful refreshments wnro served , the
gentlemen at the head of the institution ex
erting themselves to ma no tlio evening
nleasuraolo. In conversation with Herr
Bcbarwonka bo expressed himself as in
debted to the people of Omaha for their ap
preciation of his work and thought that our
city bad a great future , musically , before it.
Among tbo largo nuinocr of people present
during the ovcninRtnofollawingurorecalled :
Judge and Mrs , Strawn , Mrs. Fred. Gray ,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolnh Mayor , Mr. and Mrs.
Coo , Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Pratt , Mr. und Mrs.
Martin ICahn , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn ,
Mr. andiMrs. W. H. Marshall , Mr. and Mrs ,
Ucorgo W. LoorfiU , Mr. and Mrs. G , W.
Staaden , Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Heel , Mr. and
Mrs. Wbltmoro , Dr. and Mrs. lioriMuni , ' Mr.
and Mrs. Cutter , Mr. and Mrs , 'Yungfolt ,
Mr. und Mrs. L. T. X.undorland , Mr.
and Mrs. Mlnhan , MM. J. Ilcll ,
MrDarloiv , Misses Beaten , Martjn ,
Evans , Burns , Daisy lltgglns , Dntnoii ,
N. G. Lvnch , Margaret Cook , Margery
Uitcbio. Kothorlno Drake , Kllpatrlck , N. it.
Wood , Margaret Boulter , M. E. Amsdon ,
Louisa Holtory , Maocl Seward , Carrie Pratt ,
Oliver , Glasgow. Forroll McDcrmott , Hard
ing , Ward , ( Jrifliths , Stollard , Lulu Smith.
.Tho Messrs. Konnard. Thomas F. Boyd ,
Julius Mayor , Charles Elguttcr , Sig. Alberto
Adriatic , Slg. Augusto Fusco , MOSSM.
Thomas I'onuol , Herbert Cook , J. E. Aitch-
Isou. T. W. Dakln , Will Onicer , A. J. Moy-
ors , Max Lon * , Herr Joseph Gabm. Herr
Hans Albert , Mr. Borglum , Dr. Charles
Baotons , Messrs. Thomas Seward , Picuolcl ,
Brando , Uoeors , '
Moro-FuiniiUH Than 1'oluT.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jobnson entertained a
party of friobds in a charming manner at
their co/y rotidanco , 2SOQ Capitol avouue ,
Wednesday evening.
Seven games of high flvo were played ,
after which ; nn cxijuislto luncheon was
served ,
Tnoso presant were Mr. and Mrs. GcorgQ
B , Graham , Uraud Island , Nob. , Mr. and
Mrs , J. Tulbal ) Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Acker-
man , Mr. an (1C ( Mrs. Hun'.ington , Mr. and
Mrs , Houert iJMvcsuy , Mr. und Mrs. H. E.
Seaman , Mr. aiiU Mrs , J. C. Bloomer , Dr.
and Mrs. Neville , Mr. and Mrs. B. A. East
man , Mr. anil Mr3. K U. Straight , Mr. and
Airs. Elliott 1'JwuiK , Mr. aud MM. U. W. Ma-
Vickor , Mrs , XJaorpo Mills , MUcs Etbol
Straight , Grcca Brown , Bermo Johnson ,
Brown , Hamilton nnd Messrs , J , L. Llvosoy ,
Edwin LlvoseyV. . Masterman , C , Whlto
and T. 1' . Williams.
Central l'iirl < I'luiuurcg.
A very pleasant leap year party was held
at the residence of Mrs. Kogors , In Central
park , Tuesday evening. The principal eu-
joyinoaU of tbo evening were cards and
music. AJ unique feature of the occasion
was the contest among tbo young gentlemen
for the best pleco of poetry , Mr , Martin
PlotU winning first nrlzo a uox of ( lowers ,
the booby prlzo falling to Mr. ( Jussio I.lpo.
Those present were ; MUscs Ida Ham
mond. Nelllo Hodman. C'nrno Hobortson ,
Minnie Plotts , Edna Hobortson , Pearl Mc-
.Cumber lda Meyer , Cora loiter , Cora Thomp
son , Matilda Uarson , Anna ledman , Gertrude -
trudo Straight , Anna MacUrvgor , Messrs ,
Edward'Cox ' , James Ellis , Tom 1'lotts , Bert
Emorsoif , Shannon. Alex Mellon ,
Wlllard Kimbrough , Martin IMott * . William
Saunders , A. Meredith , Gusslo I.lpo , liread-
culirauor , William MfcvGregor ,
A Solid Oar Load of Mill Remnants of
Wliito Goods and Wnsh Goods
All New , fresh ( leniN Only Milt IteinimiitH
T\TII to fifteen Yiirils In Length \VI11
llo Sold nt n Otmrlci-
Tliclr Value.
Thousands of remnants. Imitation
silk nnd sllkalino , for draperies and
decorations , 2jc a yard.
2 cases line outing llnnnol remnants 5c
a , vard.
Remnants of French tennis cloths , lOo
a yard , worth 25o.
5,000 remnants of real French sateens
Oc ayavd , worth up to 35c. from 5 to 15
yards in a piece.
An elegant nunlity of India linen
remnants -lie a yard , worth lOc.
The finest quality and extra wide In
dia linen and Victoria linen Oc , worth
Homnnnls of the finest grades of
plaids , stripes and drawn thread nain
seeks , jnokoncts , pique nnd barred mus
lins at 7jc , Oc , lOc and 12Jc , wprth up to
SOc tv yard.
Fine lace striped , open worked nnd
tucked embroidery and drawn thread
border apron lawns at lOc a. yard , worth
An immense line of fine lace curtain
scrim 2o ! tv yard.
Elegant stamped splashes 5c each ,
worth 25c.
10 pieces extra q-jnlity , real Brussels
carpet , 50c , regular price $1.00.
2 cases remnants of good quality bed
ticking , 4jc a yard.
All linen huck towels , 18 by 31 inches ,
Oc each.
All the best quality cambric linings
2c a yard.
The finest grades English porcnlinos
for waist linings , all colors , lOc , regular
price 25c.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas streets.
Go where you will in the palatial
homes of the rich , in the counting room
of the merchant , in the workshop of the
mechanic , among the workingmcn at
their noonday meal or at the Sumptuous
luncheon of the banker the loading
topic of conversation is Millie Prlco-
" horV" She can't
Dow. "Have you scon
bo with us always. This , her last week ,
she demonstrates her wonderful versa
tility by prebonting the dance of sunny
Spain at the Eden Musco.
Merry Night at the .Metropolitan.
It was at the Metropolitan hall , and last
Thursday evening , the most charming of
leap year parties came off. Arrangements
were in the care , nnd "trouble they delighted
in , " of Misses O'Hourko , Liopsand Munchoff ,
and only superlatives were iu tbo minds ( and
on the lips of all who bad tbo privilege of
participating. )
Tbo patronesses of the event were Mesdames -
dames H. C. Cushing. John Scbcnlc , T. B.
Miniban , C. L. Whiting , H. 35. Coryoll ana
C. J. Stnytho. The dunce program included
no less tlian twenty-two numbers , and few
there were that missed ono of thorn. The
grand inarch was led by M-s. Charles
Crolgbton and Mr. J. A. Crelphton ,
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Corycll. Those present
were Misses LippstMunuhotT , O'llourlto , Mc-
Maban , Paul , Croightun , Leo , Urayuo , Coun
cil Bluffs ; McCroary , Mnlonc , May Malone ,
C. Crelgbton , McShano , Longproy , Burkloy ,
Burkbard , Is row no , Bauman , Loue ,
Flaghorty , Godscll , Mullan , Braddcon ,
Morse , Hayes , Koss , Hamilton , Eyro , Shur-
'inanMessrs. ' . J. A. Crolghton , Gushing ,
Burkloy , Hussev , Gcdsell , Murphy , John
Paul , 'Morso , Sherwood , Wallace , Stone ,
Drake , McCormieU , T. J. Mabonoy , McCoy ,
Pancogh , H. Hussoy. Smith , Hamilton ,
Brant , Ward , Hays , Gcsslngton , McConncll ,
Cooper , Glbuon , Darlinp.tou , Beaten , McMahon -
Mahon , Mullono , George Paul , Newman ,
O'Brien. Joyly , Creighton ; Messra. and Mesdames -
dames Schenk , Strawn , Laurie , Miniban ,
Smytho , Tooloy , Blose ; Mcsdamos , C.
Creighton , Munchoff , Wallace.
Lunch Iu Koiint/c ! I'lilce.
Miss Mamie Ilamlln of 18'JO Snonccr street1 ,
ICountzo Place , throw the door ? of her hand
some homo wide open on Friday for a 1
o'clock luncheon in honor of Miss Maud
Swingloy and Miss Clara Miles of Beatrice ,
Nob. , and Miss Fannie Wilcox of Lincoln ,
who have boon enjoying her hospitality for
tbo past week.
The bouse was profusely and handsomely
decorated , flowers , potted plants and smllax
occupying all the vacant space. The lunch
was dainty und elegant , and with hitrh-llvo
ana music the hour of departure seemed to
arrive too early.
The following guests were present : Miss
Swingloy and Miss Miles of Beatrice , Miss
Wilcox of Lincoln. Allsses McLaln , Fawcett ,
Mav Fawcett , Ncllio McLaln , Lohmor ,
Wedge , Williams , Bates , Maggie Lohmor ,
Fannie Wedgo. Cotter , King , Voncourt. Sue
King , Jennie King , Benton , Weller , McAus-
land , Campion , Thorp , Bay , Nellie Campion ,
Emma There , Amoroso , Jones , Polglaso ,
Slaughter , Fowler , nnd Mrs. Hamilton , MM ,
Carpoator and Mrs. McDaniels ,
A Pretty Cnnl Piirty.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis entertained a
largo number of their frlen'ds most delight
fully witn high dvo , on Friday ovcnlng ,
The score cards were pretty lloral sou
venirs , each of tbo tables representing a dif
ferent flower. First prizes were awarded to
tbo gentleman and lady winning the most
gamps , and seconds to these bidding and
making the most number of tbliteons. MUses
Bartlctt and Morton assisted the hostess In
distributing the favors Mrs. Sholes und
Mr. Drake received the first prize , and Mrs.
Mix and Mr. Baum the second.
Thuso present were Messrs. nnd Mcsdamcs
Drake , Baum , Bortlott , Branch , Shales ,
Wakolield , Clayton , Pratt , Kirdondall , Ames ,
Brady , llnymoud , Squires , Clark , Bo cho ,
Cudy , Wilbur , Jobnson , Hlllman , Hobluson
and'Koellno of Council liluffs and Mrs , Mix
of Aurora and Mrs. Hioltell , Misses Alex
ander , Imogono Alexander , Cor by of Chicago ,
Nolllo Corby , Perry and Cowan of St. Joseph ,
May Burlleu ; Messrs , Downs , Brown , Goodrich -
rich , Fosbonner , George and Hoss.
Her Twulltli lllrllnlay r
The homo of Mr. and MM. George W.
Lancaster , CIS North Twenty-third htroet ,
was tbo scene of happy confusion on Tuesday
from 4 until 7 o'clock , tbo occasslon being
the twelfth birthday of tholr daughter
N'Ulo , As varied woio the amusements as
tha ages of tbo llttlo men and maidens.
Dainty refreshments were served ut U ,
after which vocal aud Instrumental music-
made merry the tl mo until the guests do.
parted , wishing Miss Nettle many happy re
turns of the day.
There were pro ont ; Howona Hleglnson ,
Dannie Donisc , Edith Cooley , Jot Small-
wood , Elizabeth Cooley , Fred Higglnson ,
Clara Thompson , H. L. Davis , Adeluld
Whitney , Uobort Cusoadon , Mary Pottlo ,
Arthur Urotto , Blanche Ptxloy , Henry
Black , Ida 1'ixloy Frank McDonough , .losslo
Cutler , Gleon Curtis , Helen' Monroe. Wllllo
Bedford , Loulso Tukov , Wllllu Falconer ,
Julia Hlgglnson , Louis Hood. Etigonla Hen
ry , Phillip Hood , Cora Smith.
I'lnjIiiK III Kountzu J'lure.
The Kountza Plaoo High Flvo club was en
tertained last Friday evening by Mr , ana
Mrs. T. D. Mtnahun , The ladies' prize , a
beautiful lace handkerchief , was won by Mrs'
Lewis. The gentlemen's prize , a pocket
kulfo , was carried olT by Mr. Law do.
These present were : Dr. and Mrs. Crura-
mor , Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fowler , Judge ana
Airs. Bradley , Mr. and MM. E. V. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs , K. D. Van Court , Mr. and Mrs.
H. Lawrlo. Mr. and MM. O. L. Fisher , Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Gibson , Mr , and Mrs. Tooloy ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. bmytuo , Mr. T. J. Ma-
The next entertainment will bo hold at the
rosldenco of Mr. and Mr * . * 5. V. LowU , ll H
Wirt succt , Monday evening. March 1.
: NNtS < lX 11KO3. " -
1'rleen for Mniiilny.
W 5 place on sale Monday 50 pieces
figured china silk at the low price of 35u
Don't delay. Como onrly and got good
selections , only 35o yard.
2-5 pieces 10-inch French novelty droRs
goods on sale Monday at OOc .yard. All
the now spring shades.
Also n beautiful line of all wool oropo
cloths in staple and evening shades at
85e und upward , worth $1.25.
1 case stripe outing llannols , Monday
5c n yard.
1 bale 30-inch fine unbleached muslin ,
10 ynrds for $1.00.
100 pieces standard indigo blue prints ,
5c a yard.
20 pieces crinkle 7ephyr ginghams , a
very fine imported -now fabric at10c a
yard : look at them. >
Ladles' jersey ribbed 'Vosls lOc each.
Ladles' jersey ribbed lisle vests and
punts 25o each.
Children's fast black hose , till sb.cs ,
lOo n. pair.
Ladles' derby kid gloves reduced to
SI. 50.
Just arrived , -10 pieces now French till
wool chnlllcs. The patterns are simply
exquisite. Do not fail to see them at
100 0-1 chenille table covers Mon day
tit 83c each. They tire cheap.
150 dozen all linen towels , only -to
150 dozen all linen dtuntmk and huck
towels , size 18.x30 , only Oc each. Catch
25 pieces turkey red table damask ,
colors warranted , only 25c a yard.
15 pieces cream German damask , (10 (
inches wide , > same quality usually retails
tit 75c to 85c , our prico' for one week is
50o ! i yard.
10 pieces blenched satin damns ! ; , 72
Inches wide , at 76c and 80o a vard , worth
81.25 to $1.-I5.
Our carpets tire in patterns are grond ;
make your selections early , prices are
Great sale muslin underwear all next
week. Cull and see UP.
Millie Price-Dow , for whoso services
Sackett & Lawler cheerfully pay more
than the salary of a hank president.
this is her last wook. She presents thn
dnnco of sunny Spain at the Eden Museo
Social i\cntx : In .Smith Omaha.
The ladies of South Omaha gave a compll-
mcntnny ball to the Bachelors' club last
Tuesday ovcnlng. The bachelors had given
two parties , which were acknowledged suc
cesses , and the ladles aimed to repay their
social obligations and cclipso the efforts of
the bachelors at the same timo. Their suc
cess was Haltering in oaoh caso. Knights of
Pythias hall never looked moro Inviting , la
the midst of tbo evcnrrcons aud ( lowers
with which the dancing hall was festooned ,
"Welcome Bachelors , " was suspended in gilt
letters acioss the hall.
The bachelors entered in n body and preceded -
coded by Misses Huldab Lambert and Maude
Hayward marched around the hall and toolc
their station at the north end of tbo room.
The ladies , to the number of sixty , headed by
Mrs. B. F. Cnrpontor , entered from the cast
parlor and gave the most elaborate ! grand
march ever attempted . In South Omaha.
Mrs. Carpenter welcomed the bachelors
nnd Mr. S. P. Brigham , president
of the club , responded and presented
flowers. Dancing followed and refreshments
were served at midnight. Tno following
were present : Mr. and Mrs. B , F. Carpen
ter , MI : and Mrs. Charles Watts , Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel T. Murphy , Mr. and Mrs. Fred
M. Smith , Mr. and Mrs II. B. Monofeo , Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Gibson , Mr. and Mrs. D. Sul
livan , Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Plmiey , Mr. and
Mro. O. Stondard , Mr. and MM. A. V. Miller ,
Mr. and MM. H. E. Hoglo , Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Munshaw , Mr , and Mi's. J. C.Corloy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dunmiro. Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Holmes , Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Van
Duscn , Mr , and Mrs. C. A. Mclchor. Mr. and
Mrs. George Pronch , Mr. nnd MM. George
Kisor , Mr. and Mrs. John Doe , Mr. and Mrs.
James Bulla , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayward ,
Mr. and MM. W. Wilton , Mr. nnd Mrs. T.G.
Lauor. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cheek , Mr. anil
Mrs. J. F. Cornish , Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Saxo , Mr. nnd MM. William Cook , Mr. and
Mm. C. C. Stanloy.Mr. and Mrs. J. H.'Wicr ,
Mr. and MM. James Halo , Mr. and Mrs. A.
Abbott , Mr. and Mrs. A. Boathani , Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. John Evors ,
Mesdames W. A. Paul and F. B. Mumaucb ,
Missus Sarah B. Mocklcr , Julia llyno , Mau-
line Lauor , Colla Caress , Clara Davis , Ella
Tyler , Maggia riynn. Mary Soyltora , Maudu
Hayward , Huldnh Lambert , Florence and
Myra Palmer , Elsie Conant , Anna Adams ,
Jennie Kcllov. Lou Hunt , Lizzie Plorco and
MM. Carlin ; Messrs. H. Hall , J. C. Kino , P.
L. Monolean , F. Sparling. W. H. Kyno , 'A.
Cuddington , A. E. Brlgtmm , H. E. Togg , S.
P. Brighum , J. B. House , T. B. Flvnti , T. J.
O'Neill , J. B. Wntklns , A. H. Kelley , N.
Purinuw , J. W. Hastings , A. E. Anderson ,
L. B. Blanchnrd , J. Murphy , II. J. HIsor.
Charles Fields , A. L. Sutton , H. W. Caroy.
gave a raot enjoyable ball nt Knights of
I'ytbias hal' last Thursday night. The club
Is composed of the younger element of South
Omaha society , and their entertainments mo
the socinl events In the city. The
club was at its best Thrsday night and the
program nl dunces had to bo supplemented
with a number of extras beforetbo guests
were satisfied. Among these present were :
Misses Elliot , Sunloo , Lane , Tylco , Bennett ,
Mo. s , Carpenter , Hriggs , Adams , Cooper ,
Savage , Woodard , Hlchanlson , Arnold and
Walling ; and Messrs. Loughlln , Walker ,
ChristcoKelioyH. MoDougul. H. Broadwoll ,
U. Plerson. Dclmago , H. Carpenter , Hntchor ,
Berry F. MoDougal , Wilcox , C. Coopar , F.
GrtnithSupleoMlllor , Lako.CocKroll.Patton ,
May Hold , Pottongor , W. M. Cooper , Fowler ,
Fosby and Chamberlain.
Sir. nuil Mm. ( ioorgo Devcrell J.'ntortulii ,
The Walnut Hill society people were called
outlast Friday evening to enjoy the hospi
tality of Mr. nnd MM. Gooroo Doveroll of
4205 Cumlng street. High flvo was the fa-
vorllo pastime , and after enjoying the game
until a late hour a dainty luncheon was
served by the hostess , MM. K , F. Sortver
was the lucky winner of the ladles' prize , n
pretty china sugar and creamer. Mr. T , C ,
Havens won the gentlemen's Jlrst prl/o , a
handsome pluto , while Mrs. Dr. Smith aim
Dr. Cook captured the boobies.
The Invited guests were : Dr. and Mrs ,
Cook , Mr , and Mrs. Mulks , Mr. nnd Mrs. U.
R Hodgln , Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Soaver , Mr.
Van Buren. Miss Ethel Soaver. Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Gladden , Mr. and Mm. George
Tribblo , Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Folkor , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Havens , Mr , and Mrs. II , Montgomery ,
Mr. and Mrs. .leromo Coulter , Mr. nnd Mrs ,
Hutchmson , Mrs. James Fletcher , Mr.
George _ _ _ _ _
AVI II Consider the Letter.
All Douclas county members of the last
Nebraska legislature , both house and senate ,
are requested to meet at the Dollono hotel at
11 o'clock today to consider the circular letter
sent out by Governor Boyd regarding tiio
practicability of calling a special session of
the legislature. _
M.tituiin ,
A'littcMiifJlw Ilnetnr iuu uiultrtlils heutl.Jirtu
ttnt ; inthmMUtitnulUiietcinenti ,
WOM-ny.-inilJ.OCK-Murrloii , In OuldimT.
IJnl..Jiiiiuniy2l.lM > A by Jtov. Murcli , Oionr
John WollIU of UiiKlnnd und IJiunia Muy
ilulloclt , founurly o ( Uimiliu , No cards.
Trans-Mississippi Country's Deep
Tim Wlirnt Crop ol Hie Went lion ( < > Tinni <
luirt II to 1'nrelgn CotintrleA tlie'it
Jteitetlt * lor tlin Western
( irnln Itnlser.
VitASCOTo : , CVsb. 17,1S02. [ Special ;
Correspondence to I'm : BIR ] So much'
has been said concerning n deep water. *
harbor on the const of Texas , and its at- <
fondant beneficial results to all the grcnfi
Interests of the triuihinlsslsslppl coun
try , that there are but few business moit
in all this great section who have notj |
at least , a general Idea of the benoflta '
which such a harbor would assure to
them. The nvrajjo man , however , has ,
not privon tlt mtUtor that careful
tlimmht which errors Into details , nnil
ho is , therefore1 , ! St prepared to hoar ?
the stntomont mn-i thut Bitch a harbov
on the Toxns cotuu , Acop enough to lloat
vessels which usifully engage In th < j
gtnln trade with frffblgn countries , wouluS
have tavcd the 'farmers of the trans-
mlsslssippl at IGnsl $23,000,000 on the
shipment of tholr wheat crop alone in
The wheat crop of 1801 was 011,780,000
bushels , valued at $51:1,472,711. : of this
011,780,000 bushels the trnnsmibslsstppt
raised tit least two-thirds , or 400,000,000
bushels. At least : ! 50iOO,000 ( bushels of
the entlro crop was or will bo consumed !
at home , and the balance of 2(11,780,000 (
bushels exported to England and the
European conUnonti Of these millions
of bushels for export , 200,000,000 oC
thorn were or will bp shipped from the
country west of the Mississippi river
There being no porion the gulf const
ready to receive orfJtmdlo last ycar'a
crop , it was export Thi the Allantio
seaboard 505 miles further from the
grain fields than the gulf coast , Tlio
cost of transporting this wheat 505
miles is 12Jcenls per bushel , thus en
tailing a loss upon the farmers of this
great section of 425,500,000 or 12J cents
l > or bushel on 200,000,01)0 ) bushels of
All this vast sum ol money lost In
freight bills to the producer of wheat ,
bec.iuso there was no pqrt on the coabt ,
of Texas to handle his crop for exportl
Then imagine , if you ( fan , the loss in
freight bills to the farrijors on all the
products of this great country which are
booking an outlet to foreign shores ,
through the ports on the Atlantic > -ea-
bourel , pouring further riches into the
elTolo oust , and only cdming back to us
when wo exchange a mortgage foe
The average value per .bushel to the
farmer forolast year's wheat crop was
83.)3 ! ) cents. If the farmer of the trans
mlsslsslpnl had shipped through a pot c
on the gulf coast , it would have netted
him ! ) (5. ( ( > S cents per bushol.
Another loss Unit the western farmer
pockets is that occasioned by tlio grain
blockades , which occur annually on the
roads loading to the eastern seaports ,
and when the loss sometimes reaches $50
or $00 a car.
A now era , however , has dawned for
the western farmer. Ho need no longer
sustain this hoiivy losd. " Ills dav of
emancipation from the thraldom of the
cast is at hand. The long hoped for re
lief from heavy freight bills , grain
blockades and gram speculators , throuuh
a dec ] ) water harbor on" the gulf coast ,
has como at last. This deep water har
bor is hero at Vohisco , and it will bo
ready to receive and handle the wheat
crop of 1892.
Will the farmers and grain shippers
of the west embrace this opportunity
and utilize this port for which they
have been clamoring' so many years ,
now that they have it ? Would it not bo
folly to refuse to do so in the ftico of all
the facts and figures which nro or can
bo adduced to prove its value to the ag
ricultural and commercial interests of
the transmississippiV -x
Taking it for granted that the busines
judtrmont of the western farmer an < Tv
merchant is sound and that they never1
neglect an opportunity to furtheir their
financial Interests , Volasco is preparing
to handle as much of this year's crop of
cotton , grain , grain product , live stock
live stock product ns the limited tima
for preparation will allow. A 2-30,000
bushel elevator will bo ready for the
wheat , and a 500 barrel per day rollec
mill will probably bo ready to" receive
some of it. A cotton compress will ba
in active operation when the cotton Boa- *
son opens. A refrigerator packory is |
ono of the big institutions booked' foi'l
the near future. All tlioso things , with )
the now completed railroad connections , )
a now trunk Hue charlorcd and two )
moro great systems of road preparing ]
to build to UBimoans increased activity
and rapid growth for this , the only dcoi ]
water harbor on the Texas coast.
Volasco Is the only port on the Texas
coast where n vessel can lie ulongsldu
the elevator and load wheat in hulk ,
or alongside the refrigerator and
load refrigerated beef to a deptli
of eighteen feet and then sail out
to sea , and is therefore peculiarly Iho
harbor for grain and moat shipments.
At every other point on the Texas coast
only a portion of cargo of wheat can bo
loaded in bulk , when the vcs ol in
obliged to sail out over the bar to deep
A-ater and there finish the cargo from
barges with wheat In sacks. This IH ex
pensive and no aUvantago over the long
haul to the oast. The MUUO procebs in
loading must bo carried out in the cnso
of refrigerated beef , which is entirely
impracticable. Refrigerated moats
not bo loaded In that manner and
the cargo. *
Lot the western business man and.
fanner coddle thn above statements inj
their brains. Hotter still , come to Vc-i
lasco , make thorough investigation ntf )
to tholr truth , and they will boon dis
cover that rills port oilers to the great ]
west an advttntiigo In its rnco for I-OIIH
merclal supremacy which it hutihiUioi'iq
never enjoyed. O. W. C. (
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains. |
Few people aside from dry goods mo
chants know what a great wholesale dt
goods market St. Joseph , Mo. , is. Tl
leading house there is Brittnin , Kmlt
& Co. See their spring nnnouncomoi
in this issue , page 3.
Now I'litleui * I'lcl urn I'r.imn Mrnilcllni , ' .
A. IIospo will show you some noveltU
Albright's choice , 50 lots , bargains.
XJced in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard