Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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.0 Dansant to Bo Inaugurated in Swell
Circles This Week.
JtJcnutirnl Itcccptlnn nt tlio Onrrlion Mr.
aurt Sim. Wymnn Kntcrtnlii
Wclli Known I'roplo
Tnlkcil About.
Just a suggestion to Introduce tbo cbronlclo
Of n busy week socially 1 Bornhardt comes
tomorrow night to Hoyd's ' ; tbo largest and
most fashionable nudlcnco ever assembled In
any opera hotiso In tills city Is
assured. Would it not bo well
it the ladles"would leave their hats nt homo
Or talco them off In tlio ladlos' reception room
In charge of nu attache of the house , so
that an unobstructed view .of the stage may
bohadl It may bo Impossible for some ladles
to do this , but these who do will bavn the
pleasant consciousness ot bovine contributed
materially to the enjoyment of thoio who
nay bo behind them in the house.
Tlio Duiiminl nt tlio UnrrUnn.
Society may oxuuaa rudeness , may oven
pardon rjoorlshncss if there nro thousands
lack of It , but It Will never forglvo an Illy
proportioned function , whether It bo a din-
per , tea , Kensington or recaption , for the
"open sfcsamo" to the hearts of axvoll people
1I * the perfect entertainment , well considered
nnd tactfully managed.
If Mrs. Frank Wheaten , wlfo of the coin-
i tnandant of Fort Omaha , bad no ether claims
' 'lor social distinction , her charming manner
I of entertaining would bo quite sufllcicnt to
' win bor a place in the social world uo matter
\vhoru the orders of the army micht call tbo
general In the time of duty. Dut In addition
'V < r to a most charming hostess Mrs. Wheaten
"I-V can trace the family tree back to old colonial
t days nnd then boycnd , so that all the require-
> - * jnonts of social distinction nre bors.
In Hooping with bor recognized plnco In
exclusive army circles tbo reception xvhlch
she tendered Colonel and Mra. J. B. Panto
nnd Miss Nightingale Thursday from U to T
tit the commandant's residence in the garri
son was as graceful nnd as pretty ns the most
exacting "butterfly of pleasure" could possi
bly dojiro.
Tbo house is largo and very comfortable ,
tor Undo Sam Is generous to bis aides
engaged In the preservation of peace. It is
< - very reminiscent of un old colonial mansion ,
Wide hallways , nlry rooms and grand stair
cases giving it for all the world n bygone
atmosphere that Is restful In those days of
conglomerate archltccturo that passes cur
rent for Queen Anne , Italian , Renaissance ,
et cotora. On this occasion it was made ad
ditionally attractive bv stands of arms , Innu
merable crossed swords , each with a his
tory of some prominent engagement
end campaign , while innumerable Hags
yrcro draped over doors , on tbo
fildos of the walls , in niches and everywhere
tliat a national banner might hang. Myriad
pandlcs and prettily shaded lamps added to
the plcturosquouoss of the scone , which , with
> ytho gay uniforms of the oftlcors nnd brilliant
costumes" the women made n never to bo
ibrgotton picture. Mrs. Whenton was not
content with tbo delightful surroundings ,
bowovor , but added n number of now fea
tures that gave the housp the appearance of
n Fashing Thursday. General nnd Mrs.
\Vhcaton , Colonel and Mrs. Purko and Miss
Nlghtincalo , In whoso honor the reception
% vas given , received in the drawing room to
tbo loft of the wide hallway.
Mrs. Wheaten was tocomlngly and very
elegantly attired in a black uioiro gown , low
cut bodlco , finished with point d'aloiicou. '
.Mrs. Parlio were a Froncby toilette of green
jnolro , handsome black lace overdress , with
trimmings of cut Jet. Diamonds.
'Miss ' Nightingale's brunette beauty was
keen to great advantnga in a lovely combina
tion of , ashes of roses and pink In a soft
clinging slllc witb a love knot of pink ribbon
Jn her blue-black tresses.
In tbo dining room chocolate was served at
fc prettily arranged table presided over by
Mrs. Mallory , Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Webster ,
' Rownod vcrv prettily in the costumes of a
forcigii country , Mrs. Webster being dressed
lu blue with long wbito apron , a long leer-
chief , which belonged to her grandmother ,
crossed m front , and natty cap. Mrs. Mai-
lory were brocaded silk with tbo Inevitable ,
j Kerchief , apron aud cap , her resemblance to
the famous picture "Tho Chocolate Girl"
I being many times remarked. Mrs. Piper
was in pink silk , apron and cap. Across the
hallway thn general's study was converted
tnto a bower of bounty , an immense rubber
tpoo in ono corner Riving au air ot tbo Orient
I/to tbo room. Around the room candles were
placed , making a frieze of liftht. In the
outb corner bouillon was sorvcJ , while in
the north r.offco and wafers were dispensed.
I Jlandsomo rugs were displayed whllo swords
\ nd side arms bung on the walls , giving a
martial appearance to the place , a veritable
( "donjon keep.1' Dressed in the stately cotiti-
' nental style of Wattoau train and powdered
hair were Mrs. Pickering nnd Mrs. Van
Llew , Mrs. PicKeringworo wbito nnd green
brocade ever awhlto sllic petticoat. Mrs.
van Liow wore bandsomo blue brocade ever
cream satin petticoat. The powdered hair
And black patches wore romaruably becoming
' to these ladles , who served bouillon , crackers
find almonds.
r "Oh , Isles of Greece , " came unbidden to
the tongue in tbo presence of Mr * . James
Ullo and Mrs. Wicks , who presided at the
poffco table , gowned In simple Grecian robes
Of pure whlto with silver bands across the
row. They were truly "daughters of tbo
gods and most divinely fair. "
In the small hallway loading from tlio
perth entrance a tout was pitched covered
Hh pink , tbo interior made inviting by
largo tlssuo Mowers and myriad lights , and
bore raspberry ice wus served by Misses
Elizabeth. Waring and Fannie ilalllday , us
Ji'roucli peasant maids , in short blue petti
coats , white aprons , caps and kerchiefs and
becoming black bodices. From Grocco to
{ Tapan is n long distance to make by land and
pater , but it was but a stop on Thursday at
Xlri. W boston's reception , for tbo music
foom was converted into a real Japanese
Itpartraont , with Bayly colored lanterns and
flags , whllo under an immense umbrella
tbroo dark-oyod bourls brewed tea and
lervod caUo. All the plctura needed to raako
, It real was tbo presence of a JinrlsKl and
, driver on tbo outsldo. It would have delighted -
, ' * , . { lighted tbo heart of Lafcadlo Hoarn could he
'T \ toavo peeped Into this corner on a winter day ,
> VMrs. . Spencer a Yum Yum , Mrs. Uomnsoy
* * \6s Pittl Sing and Mrs. Wilkln as Peen Boo ,
i \jere simply perfect , Tholr robes were
I. " genuine Japanese , tholr dark hair combed In
> ' 4 crlbntal fashion and their almond shaped
yes would huvo captivated all the Naukl-
iioo's and Ko ICo's had they been present.
T Tbo Second infantry band played through
out the hours of the reception , dancing being
indulged in after 5 o'clock. The following
Vero the promenade and dance programs :
Huroh Chinese. . . . . . . , , . , .1'arlow
Overture I < e Dladoine linrtman
election Opera Nonna , llolllnj
long Flower. ,
'otpourrl O' Fair , O' 1'ond Dove , ,
, ; tichluppozroll
lolootlon I'Iratcsof i'unzunuo , , Sullivan
one UoatliorItose , . . , „ . . . .Lungo
ledley bpllnters. Uolllnson
ancors PuulJoiica. . , , , . . , Toliuul
VulUos LnHeronltu. . . , , D'Arcy juxour
oliottlscho Darkey's Druuiu , , , hanging
'olka Kllibon ( Vooal ) , Illunu
aucerb U , B. Army. . . . , , , , , . , . , Toljunl
Vulttos HuntluKO Ourbln
'olku Swt'Othourta and Wirus. , Capltnul
ohottlsclio Uanclugon tholiurgi > , . . L'lirUtla
ittncurs Mikado. , . , Sullivan
Vnlttes DuiiEhtcr of Lava , llonnott
( llumc , tiweot Homo ,
Among the guests were Dlsuop and Mrs.
bowman , Mr , und Mrs. Woller , Mr. and
ilrs. McKenna , General und Mrs. ilrooko ,
yOlonel and Mrs. Hood , Captain and Mr * .
) igood , the MUsca Osgood , Mrs. Dan
iVbcoler , Mr. and Mra. Percy Ford , Mrs ,
led I ok , Air , ana Mrs. J , K , Cuamhor * , Mr ,
kud Mrs. Babcock , Mr , and Mr& . Whltmoro ,
I Madame I'owell , Mr. und Mrs. Powell , Mrs.
| Dorps , Mrs , Lewis Iteed , Miss Balcombo ,
\ , ll s Chamber * , MUs Kawles , Miss McCiol-
/ and , Miss Dundy , Miss lioyd , Mrs. Kwlng ,
/ > lltfOs Woolwortb , Mrs. Tburston. Mrs.
/ XTlpatrlok , Miss Mary Brown of Meade ,
Mr * . Hoth , Mr. and Mrs. Valll. Mw. Shorl-
lan , Dr. and Mr * . Cbuflos bmth | , Mrt. Hou-
lam , Mr. nnd Mrs. Truutt , Mr. Charles W li
on , Captain aud Mrs. Waring , Captain
Jlark , l-loutenunt ana Mru. WHgUt , Dr. nnd
tlrs. Halldiy , Mr. MoDougal , Mr. Ileth ,
wilt. Ilugbc * . Mr. McCaguo , Mr. K. C ,
Bnydor , Mr. White , Mr. Barker. Mr. and Mrs.
"base. Ml * * J'earl Keynold * , Pcoria , III. :
Worth , CaBlalo Miller , Captain Ullo
Japtaln Sarcen , Captain Kenzlo , Captain
Jempsoy , Dr. Spencer , Captain Kollar , Cap-
talnTurnor.JLloutonant Van Llow , PIcKorlng ,
Wilson , Piper , Hlnos , Bookmlllor , Marquet ,
\Vbltman , Powell , Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Car :
tor , Mrs. Newt Barkalow , Mrs. O. J. Oroen ,
Colonel Chase , Miss Buttorlleld , Judjro
Dundy , Mrs. Will Hodlck , Miss Itoeco , Mrs.
Wells , Mrs. Dr. Sprague , Mrs. Ross.
T.piip Yi-nr I'nrly.
The Young Ladles' club , ono of the many
social organizations ot the city , gave , on
Tuesday evening , at the hotel Dellono , n
thoroughly successful leap yoarpartv , which
will bo pleasantly remembered for a long
Imo to co mo. The entire management ot the
function was In charge of the ladies nnd the
delightful evening testified to the ability of
the promoters lu arranging for such an
Whlto the decorations were not elaborate ,
they were exceedingly pretty , roses nnd
smllax adding color to the scene nnd much of
the success of the occasion is duo Miss Mag
gie Swift , Mugglo Hlloy und Uoso Bradv ,
who successfully planned nnd carried out nil
the pleasant details of the nITalr. They wcro
also assisted by nn nblc reception committee
Mlssos Brady , Kocstors , Swift nnd Dwyer ,
whllo the floor committee , whoso aim was to
hnvo Ino "wall llowors" Mlisos Hlloy ,
Mullen , Lowery , MoManon , Paul and Shan
non were indofatleablo workers In the
cause of "woman1 * prerogative" In this year
of 1S92.
MUs Maggie Swift looked extremely well
In n heliotrope chlnn silk nnd blade lace on-
Miss Kato Koostors were n pretty gown of
whlto silk mull and lace nud she carried
wblto roses.
MUs Maggie Hlloy was charming In black
loco , tan gloves nnd slippers with yellow
Miss Clcnrv was becomingly nttirod In a
beautiful whlto cntnn silk with loco overdress -
dross ,
MUs Rose Brady were n striking costume
of light brilllantino , blue velvet und rosos.
Miss D. tlogarty was daintily attired in
black lace and natural ( lowers.
Miss Myra Crane was ottractlvo In black
silk aad pink rosos. .
Miss L. Dwyer looked well In a pretty
blue cashmere and red lacy , red glove * und
Miss Mary Shannon was becomingly
gowned In a cioaui cushmoro and lace , on
Miss Mary Hognn was very p retty inn
red cown , rod gloves nnd slippers.
Miss Maud Paul trracod a pretty frock of
black lace nnd were tnn gloves.
Miss McAvoy appeared In a gown of steel
blue cashmere and old lace ontralnc , rosos.
Miss Bacdens were a novel and striking
costume of black lace nud yellow cbiiton , yel
low rosos.
Miss Ilolan , black lace , red chiffon , rod
Miss A. Shannon graced a dainty costume
of whlto mull trlmmod with baby ribbon ,
white slippers.
Miss N. Ncstlobush were a gown of rod
silk and black lace , white roses. *
Miss Alice Lowery looked fetching In n
pretty tan gown with pink silk trimmings.
Miss Ryan were n block cloth , dross with
yellow silk bodice , yellow roses.
Miss A. Kennedy was prettily cowned in
tan and brown silk , wbito rosos.
Miss Keagcan were pretty wino silk , and
velvet , cream rosos.
Miss Maggie Tugcnrt was very sweet in
white cashmere and silk lace , white rosos.
Miss McMalion were n gray costume with
black trimmings , whlto cloves und slippers.
Miss McCroary was bsuutifullv gowned In
grav cloth , tan gloves and slippers.
MUs Ncstlobush , heliotrope china silk.
Miss Bronnan woro-old rnso silk nnd laco.
MUs Weiner looked well In n black gown
with rod chiffon trimmings , red roses.
Miss Golden appealed in n black cloth costume
tumo with rod gloves and slippers , red rosos.
Miss Barry wore n wino frock with whlto
silk trimmings.
MissL. Kocstors looked very swcot In a
light blue silk and luco costume.
Miss M. Koestors , wbito cashmcro and
lace , pink gloves.
Among those present worn : Misses RUoy ,
Mullen , Hoolan , Brady. Dwyer , Weiner ,
Lowr.v , McMahon , Paul , Shannon , Brady ,
Golden , Swift , Koestew , MoAvoy. Kostors ,
McCreary , Ryan , Baodons , Crane , Shannon ,
Kostors , Hegorty , O'Neal , Tagjrarr , Nestle-
busb.'Brcnuan , Roonoy , Nostlobash , Reagan ,
Koogb , Kennedy , Hotjan , Malone and Barry.
Messrs , McGInnis. Mullen , Dugdale , Clivo ,
Stvift , Golden , Dugdale , Swift , Greene ,
Brady , Langdon , Koostors , McCreary , Ryan ,
Biackwell , Roonoy , Shannon , Bell , Dally ,
O'Neal , Reagan , McCormactr , Hayes , Morrissey -
rissoy , Kirk , Coffee , Swifter , Cosgravo ,
Greene , Cloary , McMahon , Rlloy , Hussio ,
Baxter , McCarthy and Lontz.
The High Suhuot Soclul.
Ono of tbo most enjoyable events of the
past week was the second soclul , a leap year
party given by Iho trraduatlng class of ' 02
to its many friends and the Alumni associa
tion. At 8 :30 : the following musical program
wus rendered :
1'lnnosolo Miss Jasslo Towno
j Mandolin fcolo . Mr. Arthur Carter
1 1'Iauo accompaniment . Miss Towno
Selection . Mule Quintette of ' 02
I'luno solo . Miss Alary Swaiibon
After tbo musical program qn Italian or
chestra furnished the music for the danclr.g ,
six numbers being danced , and then dainty
refreshments were served. Dancing was
again resumed and the physical laboratory
was turned into a drawing room , whore vari
ous social games , were played. Former
classes were represented by Mr. Chuiles El-
gutter of ' 70 , who is president of the alumni ;
Mr. William Strang , 'iff ; Messrs. Ernest
W.vmlllor and Otto Bauman of ' 00 , and Ar
thur Cooley and Charles llolgron of ' 01. The
presence of most of tbo touchers added
greatly to the occasion. These present Of
the class of ' 93 wcro Misses KIttIo Law
rence , McCandllsh , McKoil , McLaiti , New
man , Margaret Moore , Oborfoldor , liuttlo
Osgood , Emma Osgood , Packard , Potora ,
Rood , Robertson , Cora Swnnson , Skinner ,
Smlloy , Helen Smith , Spotmunn , Strang ,
Swan , Mary Swansea , Simon , Vandorfort ,
\Vatts , Wallace , Larson , ilohnxlon , Huntoon ,
Oraco Hughes , -Myrtle Hughes , Hager ,
Harpstor. Hammond , Hooy , Gilbert , Gosnoy ,
Dauritz , Mabel Colby , Chamberlain , Bulln-
boiroor , Mary Buck , Brunncr , Towne ,
Bridge , Ax ford , Bonnlttaud Alvison ; Messrs.
Louis Edwards , William Bartlett , Scott
Brown , Henry Clarke , WIrt Thompson.
Frank Dotweilor , Arthur Carter , Alfred
Peterson , Charles Morrison , Lulhov Lolsen-
ring and Bonulo Ginsberg ,
High Klv Again.
Mrs. Dlxon Lewis assisted by her sisters ,
the Mlssos Hortonco aud Mubol Smith , en-
tortalncd a party of their' frlonds , at the
homo of the former , on South Tenth street.
Monday evening. High ilvo was the princi
pal feature of 'tho avonlng ; twelve cames
bolnir played. The ladles' first prize was
carried off by Mrs. A , % Stewart , Dr. Will
Townsend winning the gentleman' * . The
rooms wore tastefully decorated with smllax :
and petted forns. Punch was served
throughout the evening In a coiy retreat
opening from the back parlor. At 11 o'clock
a dainty lunch was served , after wblcb the
floors were cleared and dancing was In
dulged in until a late hour.
Among those present were : Mlssos Mabel
Richards , Doollttlo , Wyman , Butler ,
Woatherly , MoJen , Cummlngs , Smith
Roonoy. Messrs. Holler , Borthwlck , God
frey. Talmago , Column. Grlltlths , Townseml ,
Haste , Grlfilths , Cunningham , Buckingham ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dunmlro , Mr , and Mrs ,
A. T. Stowurt , Mrs. Gibbon , Mr , and Mrs.
Warren Schaaf and Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar.
Mr , unit ? Jr . Ill-own Kntortulii.
Mr. and Mrs Ed. N. Brown gave a very
delightful card party , progressive high ilvo
at their homelu Idylwlld , Thursday evening
Tbo house was prettily decorated , and of tor
tbo conclusion of tbo game , delicious re
freshments were served. First priios were
awarded to Miss Maggie Punck and Mr.
Wood , whllo the consolation prizes fell to
Mr * . Wolly and Dr. Benson.
There were present Dr. ana Mrs. S. R
Pdtton , Dr. and Mr * . Benson. Mr. and Mrs.
G , R. UathDon , Mr. and Mrs. Wolly. Mr.
and Mr * . C. G. Hunt , Mr , and Mrs. C. W.
Allen , Mr. and Mrs. A. F , Yates , Misses
Pancir , Faharty , Mr. Jnllus Kin toad , Miss
Rosa Alloii , Messrs. Shaw , Brown , Woods
and Master Cbarloy Hunt. Mrs. Brown was
assisted by Mra , E. E. Benjamin aud Mist
Minnie Saundor * .
An liteuluir uitli C'nriU ,
Mill draco Williams on Friday evening
gave a delightful high five party at the res I
donee of her parents , Mr , aud Mrs. Williams ,
on Sherman avenue , in honor of Miss Adle
Simmons , a charming bruuetto of Lincoln
who Is visiting In the city. The first part of
ho evening was taken up by n musical pro-
rrrvm consisting of piano solos by Mlssos
: ) alsv Jligplns , Adlo Simmons and Grace
Williams. The striking feature ot tbls was
tbo part taken by Miss Simmons. She
plnyod a piano solo with n whistling accom
paniment , which could bo excelled by none
n sweet melody. A series of games was
Lhott played to sco who bad nerve to bid
fourteen nnd then mono It. It resulted In
Miss Simmons receiving the Indies' prlzo , n
tiandsomo hand-palntod cup and saucer , nnd
Mr. Miller tbo gentleman's prbo , n pack of
celluloid cards with n hand-painted cover.
Lunch was then nerved.
After lunch dancing was Indulged in to a
Into boor. Mr. and Mrs. Williams loft noth
ing und ono to fill the hearts ot the guests of
the fair young hostess and bor friends to
overflowing with pleasure ,
These present were : Mlssos Maud
Krull , Daisy Hlgclns , Kitty Ogburn , Ina
Kennedy , Adlo Simmons , Blanche Elllng-
wood , Kato Kllndt , E. Rosonbury and Mrs.
K. J. Uoo. Messrs. Dlxon , Lodwicit , Hanoy ,
Urn nor , Martin , MuonUfcrlng , lllgglns and
Tim Itllilmn Cotillon.
Mr. Charles Wilson was the leader of the
ribbon cotillon Monday evening nt the Paxton -
ton and hU thorough knowledge of tbo re
quirements of the position , which Is nn envl-
nblo cno to say the least , contributed greatly
to tbo pleasure of the evening. Under his
leadership six direct nnd eight Indirect llg-
uros were danced , the favors being confined
to ribbons , which were exceedingly pretty
nnd nicely gotten up.
There was llttlo nttompt at floral decora
tion , although plants were distributed about
the cafe of the i'axton , tbo room used for the
occasion. The orchestra was entirely bidden
from the guests by n portiere , the band oc
cupying the small hallway on the south sldo
of the pretty apartment , which was beauti
fully Illuminated for the occasion. And tbls
seclusion of the orchestra was ono of the
ploasantost features of thu cotillon , much
commented upon by these who danced and
these who looked on. A punch bowl also on
the south nldo came in for pleanut notice ,
for It proved n very Inviting shrlno before
the evening bad materially lengthened.
Mrs. Yost , Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick , Mrs. J.
J. Brown and Mrs. Popploton , as patronesses
ot the cotillon , received the guests und gave
general supervision to the progress ot the
There were eight direct anil si : : Indirect
figures danced , Mr. Wilson having boon com
pelled to curtail the program owing to the
late hour when dancing began. Among the
popular indirect ilguros danced were the
Maypole , the Umbrella , small Japanese um
brellas being Riven for favors , the sash Ilg-
uru , men on the inside of a circle ,
the ladles throwing ever their heads sashes
and thus favoring tholr partners ; the basket
llguro was particularly prottv , ns was thn
"grand right nnd loft , " which gave endless
enjoyment. *
Miss blolla Hamilton were u beautiful
ct\fo au lalt silk with plaitlngs of the satno
pretty shade.
Miss Yost , whoso gowns are always well
chosen , were u pretty Nile green gauze over-
silk , nn effective color suited to ono of tbo
favorites In our social circles.
Miss English , whoso gentleness nnd fine
intellectual face have won pleasant recogni
tion in the bauto monde , was frowned very
daintily In pink crepe.
Miss Nash were u handsome outro mcro
robe of blue ombroldorcd silk effectively
trimmed In velvet.
Miss Laura Uongland looked veiy charm
ing In a costume of wblto brocaded silk and
raousselino do sole , white Howers.
Miss Humbleton , whoso first season has
been so successful and thoroughly pleasant ,
were n simple gown of white "dotted Swiss
trimmed oftcctlvclv with ribbons.
Miss Orchard were a handsome creation o !
tbo French modibto's , a rich rose crepe , with
pretty trimmings , shoos to match.
Miss Doano appeared in u rich costume of
pink crepe aud carried a handsome bouquet
of rosos.
Miss Mary Popploton were a becoming
frock of blue moussollno do solo trimmoa
with silver passementerie.
Miss Thodo Balch were a strlpod gauze ,
plainly but becomingly mado. V"
Miss Gcrtrudo Chambers , ono of tha pret
tiest of the younger sot , wore , n quiet gown
of gray silk with lace'trimmings.
Miss Chandler , tall and line looking'with
a grace that commands Immediate attention ,
were a pretty yellow China silk with rufllos
to relieve its straight lines.
Miss Reese , another nrotty and winning
voung woman , looked particularly well in
white silk.
Miss Rowlos were whlto silk , another very
attractlvo and very pretty gown.
Miss Hughes , who is Just recovering from
un nttaoli of the grip , were u pretty whlto
silk nnd chiffon , pink roses.
Miss Hall , who has not been sonn as much
in society ns a season or two ago , but who is
nevertheless a favorite in society circles ,
graced a wbito silk , docolloto and en truino.
Miss Mamln Moore were yellow silk
trimmed with ribbons.
Miss Wndlclgh were a , hnndsomo dross of
whlto silk and rod gauze , corals in her hair.
Miss Maud Wudleiph appeared in u pretty
figured gauzo.
Miss McKenna , red silk and moussclllno do
The men present were : Messrs. Hall ,
Hamilton , Wilson , John Patrick , W. Farnam
Smith , Colonel Sharp , Paxton , Caldwell
Hamilton , Will Wyman , Saunders , Garnoou ,
BalclriJco , Baxter , Jordan , Seth Drake ,
McCaguo , A. Kountzo , Coles , Abe Rood ,
Tlio Wymiiu llrruptiou ,
The event of nhlofest importance In the
swell circles of thn beau monde wus tbo ro-
coptlon tendered Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Wyrcan by Mr , and Mrs. A. U. Wyman ,
Wednesday ovonlnp , at the residence of the
latter on South Tiiirty-llrst strcot.
The decorations were excccdlngly laborato
and beautiful , vellou- and white daffodils ,
roses and nyacintbos filled the air with
iragrance while tropical plants up stairs and
down stairs embellished thn very attractive
scene , aided materially by tbo mellow rays
from shaded lights. The mantel in tbo draw-
incr room was completely burled In ildwors ,
daffodils predominating , although I'thoro
were roses in profusion to lend a more'subtle
charm to the picture. The library off tbo
drawing room was also made additionally
attractive by tbo presenceof llowora in bowls
and Jardinieres whllo In tbo dining
room across the hall , a hand
somely decorated table with the
richest of cut glass quito divided the
honors with the good things that were on it.
Above stairs was the punchbowl embedded
in ( lowers and presided over by two well-
Known society favorites who held out In
ducements to "drink deep and of ton" of tbo
"modern nectar of the goi s" as ono fair
woman called tbo contents of tbls famous
bowl ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Wymnii. Mr. > nndMr _ .
W. H. Wyman nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoagland.
rocolvcd In the drawing room , assisted
throughout tbo apartments by Misses Hodg-
land , Laufa Hoaglaud , Miss Wyman , Miss
Brown anir Miss Yost.
Mrs. A. U. Wyman were a handsome gown
of heavy black silk beautifully trltmnod with
yellow ostrich feather * and Jot.
Mrs. W. H. Wyman graced a lovely costume
tumo of blactt molro antique and chiffon.
Mrs , Hoagland vyoro an Imported gO\vu of
flowered silk with rich lace trimming.
Miss Wyman , a sweet and pretty youug
woman , were a Njlo green silk and chiffon.
Miss Hoagland were a proity and becom
ing frock of black embroidered chiffon 07or
pmu.Miss Laura Hoacland were n light blue
crepe trimmed with rod roses and chiffon.
Miss Brown looked very captivating in
whtto silk with gold girdle.
Miss Yost were a ( lowered silk with em
broidered chiffon ,
Mrs. ' 1 nursion were an old rosa gown with
crupo llsso and irrluscent trlmmlnp.
Mrs , Tom Orr , a pretty yellow crepe , ao-
colloto and entraino.
Mrs. Will Hamilton was uttlred in a lovely
light blue silk with Valenciennes laco.
Miss Menle Hamblotou , ono of tbo season's
debutantes and a very Interesting girl , were
a pink crepe trimmed wltn strlpod crops.
Mi * " Monio Woolworth looked partlou-
laily well in a pink crepe , decollete.
Miss English , light blue ere no , a bandsomo
pearl necklace ( iaded. to tbo effectiveness of
the costumo.
Miss Ktolla Hamilton , a handsome pink
Miss Waalelgh were au effective gown of
light blue coutrlllo trlmmod with chiffon ;
JaoQuirnonot rosos.
Mis * Maud Wodlolcli , sbrltnn pink cou-
Ullo trlmmod with light green chiffon ,
Mrs. John P. Newman , a handuoino black
ellk. trimmed with wblto lace.
There were several pleasing- feature * Intro
duced which ought to bo more generally fol
lowed at largo reception * , the nnnouncomonl
of tba name * of the euosti by cither butler
or otbor sorvnnt bolng garVcularly | com-
nondablc , for In a general VW)111" ) 'tis ' ox
cocdlngly hard to recall thcyntyjics of fcuosK
os | > ocially wbon tbo guostgA yyt only card
acquaintances. The scrvlopoJjKorrosbments ,
too , was n pleasing ( lopnrtumy tbo pontlomon
waiting upon tbo ladles , ) | ip0'stlfTuess nnd
formality which is usuallv .mondnnt upon
the nouting ot guasts bclncijim avoided.
Mrs. Wyman is a grncloj jtiostess. She
possesses tbo faculty , sd rju-o In many
women , of making her guosUj/ool perfectly
onrapport with their surrouWlfigs , und this ,
coupled with a well-stored wbjui , places Iho
hostess of Wednesday ovonjFjtfJii the front
rank of Omaha's ' ,
entertainers , , , ;
After 11 o'clock the youyggr sot danced to
the muslo of linns Alborl'sjorujjcstra.
Among the largo number of'Jtuost.s present
woroi Mr. nnd Mrs. Modajr Ir. and Mrs.
Chase. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Popploton , Mr )
nnd Mrs. Patterson , Mr. and Mrs. McCaguo ,
Mr. and Mrs. Carrier , Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Squlrcr. Dr. and Mrs.
Smith , Mr. and Mrs. llawloy , Judtto nnd
Mrs. Wakoloy , Mr. and Mrs. Williams , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Lee , Dr. and Mrs. Hanchott , Dr.
and Mrs. Towno , Mr. and Mrs. Woller ,
Bishop and Mrs. Nownian , Mr. and Mrs , A ,
Meyer , Judge nnd Mrs. Thurston , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Parrlsh , Mr. and Mrs , Minor , Miss
Wndloigh. Miss Pauline WaulclgbMUs Me-
Coguo , Miss Lyula McCnsue , MUs Nnsh ,
MUs McCornlck , Miss Woolworth , MUs
Hamilton , Miss Enalisb , Miss Hmnbloton ,
Miss Moore , Miss Hawlov. Miss Syuionds.
Mr. Joseph Barker , Mr. Nash , Mr. Augus
tus Kountro , Mr. Curtlss Turner , Mr.
Charles Barton , Mr. Wllsori , Mr. Frank
Hamilton , Mr. Caldwell Hamilton , Mr. Sny-
cler , Mr , Will Car tan. Mr. Charles Suun-
dors , Mr. Barlow , Mr. Wilbur , Mr. Robin
son , Air. David Cartnn.
Dor Drutxchn Club Danrn.
I would bo hard to imagine a more thor
oughly enjoyable dancing party und banquet
than that given by the Gorman club Thurs
day evening at tholr club rooms , Eighteenth
and Harnoy streets. These annual balls of
the German club are mile-stonos In the lives
of the members , tholr wives and lady frlonds ;
thov arc looked forward to With the liveliest
anticipation , for they are universally pleas
ant nnd charming , Heretofore the' annual
banquets of the club have been preceded
by n bnl masque or fancy dross party , but
this year tbo committee having the function
In yhargo decided to change the entertain
ment to n simple dancing party , nnd the .suc
cess ot ( he evening proved the wisdom of the
pcntlomon who nrrangod tbo nITalr , Messrs.
Fred Motz , jr. , Julius Peycko and Arthur
Sixteen numbers were danced , the guests
present sitting dawn to refreshments nt 11 : UJ
Tno costumes of tbo ladles were particu
larly handsome , nnd the scene from the bal
cony was an Inspiring 0110 Indeed.
Mrs. Fred MeU were n lovely- costume of
utmntilly Inco over mauve satin , red roses
and diamonds.
Mrs. Henry Meyer were a handsomn black
lace gown ever bluclt silk , doml traino.
Miss Tony Tzschuck , a very bright young
woman , was gowned prettily in wbito crepe
simply mado.
Miss Bertha Meyer , ono of tbo prottlcst of
Omaha's frauloins" were a pretty gown of
Dresden blue with chiffon ttimmlng.
Miss Pundt were ono ot tbo handsomest
costumes soon on the floor , aciclbluobrocado
with real guipure Inro.
Mrs. C-ir. Bucnicstcr graced a pretty gown
of black IIKO ever black silk , marcchnol uiel
roses. ' ' ' > '
Miss Gussio Strathmann- . ) were a lemon
colored crepe with daisies , ' about the neck ,
the gown trimmed with ribbojis of the samu
sbado as the dross. , . .If
Mrs. Molckcn was in red crop.o with a vest
of white silk. > JJCi
Mrs. Strath man n were brdvvn silk with
beaded passementerie. ti * za
Mrs. Dr. Grnssnian , whtf wa'lways n well
dressed woman , appeared 1uwfawn colored
silk with pearl passomciitorld.iv ,
Mrs. Fred Mum. , jr. , woreA handsome costume
tumo of irridcscant'rod withjioiinntilly lace
overdress ; rod roses. > islsJojc.
Mrs. Henry Pundt lool < Gd on < fram the bal
cony and enjoyed the occasion : She woto a
heavy black slllc and-vloiiJls/
, Mrs : Sutpben woro.aVprfHtpullKhfc' brown
silk nnd wbito hyacinths ,
t Miss Ulrich , heliotrope oro-pqIt with-chiffon
Irimmlne.'t cioil ? "
Miss Hornborger , whitoisiltt-with Spanish
lace overdress , swansdown trimming , whlto
slippers. ' i t
Mrs. ttaapke , black iace.itriramcd. with jet
passementerie. '
Mrs. Eyfertb were a heavy black silk and
Mrs. L. A. Fowler appeared In a , beautiful
gown of white crepe with duchesso lace , decollate -
collate and entraino. ,
The following were present : Mr. and
Mrs. John Bauman , Dr. and Mrs. Grossman ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ulricb , Mr.nnd , Mrs. Herman
Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. Sogelke , Mr. and Mrs.
Lund , Mr. nnd Mrs. Pomy , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Aaron Colin , Mr. and Mrs. Burmostor , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Charles Metz , Mr. and Mrs. Pundt ,
Mr. und Mrs. Sutphen , Mr. and Mrs.
Uygor , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metz , jr. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Huhn , Mr. and Mrs.
Gunther , Mr. and Mrs. Auiiust Specbt ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kiplliigor , Mr. nnd Mrs. Up-
onotor , Mr. and Mrs. Fred-Metz , sr. , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Max Bocht , Mr. nnd Mrs. KennedyMr.
aud Mrs. Mulcben , Mr. and Mrs. Raapko ,
Mr. and Mrs. Houry Meyer , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jobst , Mr. and Mrs. Kyfortb , Mr. and Mrs.
Fowler , Misses Pundt , Buumann , Gusslo
Baumaun , Ulricb , Pomy , Anna Pomy. Lund ,
Tzschuck , Meyer , Shathroann , ( Brandt ,
Mulscbner , Messrs- George Belrnrod , Lund ,
Pundt , Arthur Motz , Arthur Smith , John
Brandt , Oscar Goodman , Jobst , Drcxol , Hu-
berman , Bye Smith , Knnuss , Burmostor ,
Horbertz , Poycke , Sel'gsobtii '
Miss Maud Stonoy , assisted by MUs So-
phlo IWborts , gave progresslvuhigh ilvo on
Friday evening , In honor of-Miss McWhln-
nio of Lincoln. Six tables were plnyod aud
tbo contest was sharpand close. Miss So
phia Roberts ca'ptured the > ladioi prize a
handsome satin-lined basket Milled with bon
bons. Mr. George W , Roberts was tbo lucky
gentleman , nnd for his success rocolvod a
beautiful plush box containing cards and
counters. During the evening tbo guests
were treated to some very cholco selections
In music-rboth vocal'and Instrumental. An
elaborate lunch was served at 11 : % ) . after
which the guests Indulged In dancing tiil un
early hour.
, These who were present were : Miss
EmraaMoWbinnle ot Lincoln , Miss Halrley ,
Miss Mamie Garde , MUs Kenney , Miss May
Brokaw , Miss Firman , Miss Camp , MUs B ,
Camp , MUs Rllov , Miss A. j.Ulley , Messrs.
Collenlno , J. Cully , Tracy , Hurley , Cburlcs
Hlgglus , Ed Roberts , Oputdaht , Culver ,
George Roberts , Will Erlckson , Camp Mu-
pougal and Hairy Nason of Council Bluffs.
A Dnlnty Jtecoptlnn ,
In honor of Miss Pauline Jucobsonpt Cno ,
Pa. , Mr. and Mra. Herman.Cotm of. No
400 South'Twenty-fifth iwotfjttb arranged a
pleasant informal rocop ionijjj { 'her friends
Thursday ovonlutr , Tbo eiky homo was-
prettily decorated for thoicfofslon anO under
Hid soft glow of tinted shd ug , the reception
rooms wnro exceptionally. , ractlvo. High
live afforded tbo inorrv paj-ia-rJIversion until
a Into hour , wbon tbo favorstuxAro'dlstrlbuted
to the fortunate contestants ! Jfi'lin rofrosh-
knonts wcro bcrvcd mdst dalbtily in courses.
Among tboso present 'wtirVitla Mtsson Pol
lack , Rothschild , HanV-/ni'mtiu" / ] ( . Ilcllor ,
Rinds , Kopf , Adler , 3flwcls. Mandol ,
Strauss , SclilesliiL'or , ilo&Wy' Lq'wensteln ,
St. Joseph , Mo , ; Prugor , I oiiuntrolos , Cal , ;
Roscnstook. Chicago ; SoiwvlilU , Baltimore' ,
Messrs. Delchos , TrauormanfiLaugstadtor | ( ,
/under , Rnsn , Sollciohn , Mviybr , Goldsmith.
" -
Brandels , Hoyn ,
ivuutn ; lor lii , .
Miss Mainlo Hamlm b liincueon on Friday.
Mrs. G. B. Lnko a Kensington on Tlurs-
day ,
Mrs. Cuminc a tbo dansaht on Wednes
day , i
Mrs. George B. Lake a Kensington on
Mr * . W. J. Broatch o roooptlon Saturday
at U o'clock. ' ,
"Bachelors,1" dance ut Fort Omuba Tuas-
day ovenlnp.
Mr. Will Konnig will entertain at dinner
Monday evening.
, Mrs. Purvis will ba at bomo Thursday af
ternoon , February U5 , from 3 to 0.
Mr. nnd Mrs. McJay bavo Issued Invita
tions for oirds ThuiaJay o'venlng ,
Mrs. Jam03 Hawley of Dixou , 111. ' . Is vlslt-
ng her daugbtor , Mr * . Clinton N. Powell.
Mrs. Marsh will bo at homo to hur ft lends
Thursday , February ! , from U until 0. Cor-
tier Elghtb und Pine atroeu.
Kev. and Mr * . J. P. D. Lloyd will glvo a
reception to all members nnd friends of the
Jliurch'of the Good Shepherd at tholr house ,
2314 North Nineteenth Mrect , on Thursday ,
the Seth Inst. , from S to 10 p. m.
Minor Mention ,
Mrs. Koenlg ontortulnod a tow frlonds
Tuesday ovontntt.
Mrs. Kllpatrlck coutomplatos a trip to bt.
Louis next wook.
Mr. Will Koonlg will entertain at dinner
Monday evening.
Miss Delia Chrysler of Sioux City is visit
ing Miss Stnndish.
Miss McCornlok nnd MM. McCaskoll loft
for Salt Lnko o * Friday.
Mis : llnmblotonreturns to tier homo at
Minneapolis Thursday next.
Mr. and Mrs. 1C. B. Hooves have returned
from a week's visit to Denver.
Miss Chandler will spend the Lenten sea
son with her father at Kcnoshn.
Landlord Rood of the Dollono rclurnod
yesterday from n visit nt Dubuquo.
Mrs. and Datin Lamllor loft yesterday for
Chicago , to bo gene it month or more.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Rowley nnd daughter
loft yesterday for Southern California.
Mrs. F. It , Morris of Buffalo , N. V. , Is the
guest of Mr. C. F. Huntzlngor of the Hotel
Miss Jcnnlo McClelland will go to Sioux
City on Wednesday to bo tbo gucsuof Miss
Miss Al. Woolworth went to Sioux City
yestordav to visit Miss Muud Woolworth.
Mrs. David and bor granddaughter , Miss
Pearl Reynolds of jPaorln , 111. , tire the guests
of Captain nnd Mrs , Kaltar nt Fort Omaha. ,
Miss Anna ILirgls. who has been the guest
ot Miss Doauo and Miss Emily Wnlcoloy fora
month past , loft for her homo in Louisvlllo ,
Ky. , on Friday.
Mrs , it , K. Allen and Mrs. W. B. KlllltiKS-
worth nnd child loft Thursday ever tbo Bu-
lingtoii for a short visit with their father at
Mt. Pleasant , la.
Horatio L. Sou aril , jr. . of the Missouri Pa-
ciilu local frolght ofllco , loft for Texas on
Tuesday last to visit his cousin , Hon. W. A.
Squires , of Henrietta , Tex.
Miss Km in n MoWhtnnlo , who has been
visiting her fnond Miss Roberts , during tbo
past few weeks , rotuinod to her homo in
Llucoln on Saturday evening.
Miss Wndloigh und Miss Maud Wndloigh
who have boon thopuests of Mrs. Frank Col-
polyer lor the past two weeks loft for their
homo In Clinton , la. , on Thursday.
Mine. Randall will deliver n lecture before
the indies of tbo Cloofnn , March 5 , nt 'JItO : p.
m. , in Knights of Pythias hallPaxton block.
Subject of the lecture , "Tho Fiench Novel of
Today. "
The Union Pacific council No. 10CO. Royal
Arcanum , will give u musical and dancing
partv Tbursdny evening , February 25 , at tue
now Metropolitan hull on Harnoy nnd Twen
ty-second streets.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. C. Gushing , Mr. Tom
Gushing , Miss Lucille Gushing nnd baby
Irene , will leave for an extended vUlt to the
Paclllo coast today. They contemplate re
turning about April 1.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M , Carter and Mr. nnd
Mrs. D. D. Cooley departed Friday for n trip
to Houston , Tex. During the absence of Mi * ,
and Mrs. Cnrtor , Mr. and Mrs. Newton
Barkalow will be at homo at the former's
residence on Farnam strcot.
Tlio Quality Hill High Five club was
entertained Thursday evening by Mrs ,
Howard B. Smith. These present were
Misses Mnblo Pnitt Moore , ISiollio Moore ,
Smith , Downs , Carloitn Downs , Carrotto
nnd Pickering , and Messrs. Adair , Frank
Adalr , Whlto , McDougal , Jordan , Diet/ ,
George Ed George.
Miss i est , Aiiss Nasli , Aliss Brown , MNs
Chandler , Miss Popplelon , Miss Sherwood ,
Miss Doano , Miss Waltolov , Mr. C. K. Bar
ton , Mr. H. W. Patrick , Mr. John Patrick.
Mr. Hall , Mr. Augustus KountJo , Mr. Eurl
Gannett , Mr. Ed Sherwood nnd Hon. H. S.
Berlin , chaperoned by Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick
nnd Mrs. Yost , will go to Kearney on a
special car Tuesday to attend a aance , re
turning Wednesday. >
Airs. Guv Burton on Tuesday cntoitainod
n small number of friends at a very enjoy
able luncheon. The puost'of honor was Airs.
George W.aUnco.of Salt .Lake. . An elaborate
luncheon ; was..soryed JFrim a lablo erabol-
lishedt with .rod .roses.- The ijuosts were
Airs. Wnllaco , Mrs. William Wallace , Airs.
Yost , Airs. Carter , Mrs. Pritchott , , Mrs.
Alorsman , Mrs. Williams , Mrs. Patrick.
Airs. Barker , Mrs. Richardson , Airs. Nosh.
At the last meeting ot tbo Clio Dramatic
society it was decided to annul the old con
stitution and by-laws , form a new sot nnd
discard the name "Clio" for that of tuo
"Dramntic Section of the Metropolitan
Club. " The officers elected were : Julius
Aloyor , president ; MUs Polnck , vice presi
dent ; Miss Mattie Polack , secretary ; Cnarlos
hlguttor , treasurer. The members of this
society possess a rnoro than ordinary dra
matic talent , and expect to render soon u
pleasing drama in the handsome hall of the
Metropolitan club rooms.
Mra. J. O. Phlllippi gave a beautifully ap-
pointoa luncheon yesterday at 1 o'clock. The
decorations were nil in tlio national colors ot
Moxlco throughout. The menu cards were
feather picture * from the land of Diar , ob
tained wbito the hostess visited that country
recently. Each ono contained the name of
the guest , nnd was decorated likewise
with the Mexican colors. Tbo guests
were : Alosuamos Tiilloys , Orcutt , Arthur ,
Miller , Osbornoof ' Council Bluffs , Yates ,
Tuompso'n , Brown , Wright of Lincoln ,
nnd McLauphlln , Gordon , Godfrey , Fogen-
baum of Omaha.
The F. L. S. club mot at Miss Blanche
Bay's Tuesday evening. Topic of tbo even
ing was a debate. Resolved , "lhat the dls-
qovoror vyas'oi more benefit to tbo human
race than the inventor. " It was decided by
Iho judges In favor ot the negative. Both
aides tool : a llvolv Interest in the debate.
Tboso present were : J. E. Bates , presi-
deuti.MissBlanchoVau Court , Miss Blanche
Bav , Miss Fanny Bates , Aliss Blanche
Boudluot. Mr , Wylio Jonoj , Air. Jack
Fowior , Mr. B. McCaguo , Air. WilborJack-
son.AIr. Curl Ochlltrco , Air. Froa Schnoldor ,
Mr/Will Webber , Air. Roy Boudlnot , Mr.
Art Cooley , Air Charles Van Court' , Aliss
Armbruster. ( Adjourned to meet nt Miss
Boudluot'siii. two weeks.
lA.tborouebly 'dolljriufui Kensington
given by Miss Hamilton Wednesday after
noon , when the guests of honor were Miss
Hnmbleton and Aliss English. Aliss Alary
Popploton , Aliss Crolgbton und Miss
English , all sang In their usual
charming manner. These present wcro :
MUs Turner , Aliss Kennedy. Miss Yost ,
Miss Kawlo.a , MUs Chambers , Miss Lomlst ,
Miss Wallace , Miss Chandler , Aliss Mury
Popploton , Miss Shorwond , Miss AIcKonnu ,
Miss Crolghton , Miss Baboock , Miss Charity
Bubcock , Miss Moore , Aliss Batch , Aliss
Theodora Bnlrb , Alias McClelland , Miss
Huguu * . Aliss Wadlelgh , Miss Brown. Miss
Sharp , MUs < Dunil.v , Miss Jessie Millard ,
Miss , WqolwocUi , Miss i'aullno Wadloigh.
Mr. Und Mra. Pritchett at their lovely
hnmo delightfully entertained about 11 fly-two
guest * at a card party Thursday evening In
hortorof Mr. and Alrs < Goorgo" Wallace. Mrs.
Yost was awarded two prUcs , the bead,1 a
dainty set of boons on soclul life , and a
pretty chamois and silk case for
spoons for the proa test number of
games won during the ovoning. General
Cowln was equally us fortunate , being Mra.
Yost's partner at the head table throughout
the ovonlnir , and boc.imo possessor of
Carlylb's "Hero Worship1' and "Saitorlto.
warms , " handsotrolv bound , nnd u ullvor
hat marltav , Mrs. Clement Chase took the
second prl/d , n 'silver ahd class atomizer ;
Mrs. McConl a silvorpln bolder , Mrs. Barker
and Mrs , Saundenf won respectively a cuso
for silver nnd pretty ddltion of "Tho Ono
Hess Shay. "
All's. Ezra Millard save onoof the dainllesf ,
pink teas over given in Omaha Friday after
noon from li until D. In tbo drawing room ,
where Mrs. Millard and MM. McCjndisu re
ceived the many guests , wai a vorltablo
bower of flower * , as xvoro ni | tno rooms. Tno
mantels were banked with the palest pink
azaleas , -vlih a background of fcrtis ; tlo
chandeliers \\ero shaded with pitiK
shades and gracefully festooned with
smllax. The table in the suppop
room had for its centerpiece a high ntandl g
case overflowing with la Franco roiex , wlnlo
over the ontlro board delicate maiden hair
fornc wcro scattered : bunche * of roses fus-
tooned the corners , pink candles and sbadoi
shed tholr rosy radiance. Mrs , GIfford. Miss
Alillurd , MUs Anna Millard , Aim. Morris ,
Airs , Kllpatrick , Miss Hoagland , Mtfs Ildoi
Millard , Airs. Alfred Allllord and Aliss Mo-
Canulsh assisted throughout tbo rooms.
A very charming dinner wa pi n Tner-
day at ( I o'olrck by Mr. uhd Mrs. J , u. Pbi'-
llp'pl lo Bishop and Mrt. Neunan. Tim
t bio wai porrout In | U UM > Intnoats , and
the h < rv oo excillfnt , Tlo uuc ' " o ;
Ho- , and Mr . W , K , B-ins M , and MM ,
J. H. McJiimell , Mr. and Mrs CK Woller
Mr. and Mra. Tbo i as F. Go J tray , Air. aud
Mrs. A. T , Roolor , Mr. nnd : ur < t. W. ( J. Tom-
Ploton , Air. nnd Airs. It. D. Hills , Miss Scd
Mr . John B. Sheldon. 801 North So'on-
tconth street , gnvo n delightful luncheon nnd
card parly Wednesday evening In honor of
Mrs. T. B. Ferguson of SU Joo. These
present were : Mr. and Airs. I. O. Rhoados ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Connor , Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Shank , Air. nnd Mrs , William Gygor ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wilbur , Aliss AI. J. Tru-
land , Mrs. T. B. Ferguson.
A number of oharutlng young ladles mot
together nnd gave n most interesting lenp
year party Thursday nt the residence of Air.
Tntrgors , 2001 Spencer street. The guests
present wore : Agnes Coin , Do Etta Hop
kins , Aliss Orovor , Aland Duncan , Miss
Rogers , Miss Wnlkor , Miss Tagger , Miss V.
Walker , Aliss Ponder , Miss Unwell , Mr.
Kuhn , Mr. Watson. Air. Tagger , Air. Reid ,
Air. Meyer , Mr. Blanchnrd , Mr. JncUsou ,
Mr. Llpenlot , Mr. Hill , Mr. Connut.
Tlio Leap Yonr High Five club mot Tuesday -
day evening at tbo rcsldcnco of Mis * Bnlloy ,
North Nineteenth street. Tbo regular pro
gram was changed , dancing being the ordnr
or the evening , nnd n jolly good tlmo w.\s en
joyed by nil. These present wcro : Allssos
Bnuman , Allon. Gincoinlnl , Cnrrlo Glno-
ominl. Hnlloy , Llvosov , Rich , Nettle Rich.
Gussio Bauman , Collott. Haskcll , nml
Messrs. Bench , Llvesov , Bnrratt , Knouso ,
Mathews , Ross , Mlllor , Bnlloy , Brown ,
Myers nnd Woodward.
Miss Alnraio Gardo gave a very pleasant
"Small nnd Early" on Tuesday ovenlng In
honor of Aliss AloSVhlnnlo of Lincoln. Pro
gressive hlcli Ilvo was the feature ot the
ovoning. These present were Miss Emma
AloWhlnnlo of Lincoln , Misses Stonoy , Rob
erts , Uroknw , Pnntor. Eponolcr , Selma
Eponotor , Golda Cornish , Rev. L Johnson ,
Aiossrs. McLean , Stonov , Erlckson , Ed Rob
erts , George W. Roberts. Charles Hlgglns ,
Cully and H. Mason of Council Bluffs.
Mr. nnd Airs. George H. La video of Clifton
Hill entertained n number oWrlends at high
ilvo Thursday evening nt tholr residence on
Grant street. Prizes were awarded Mrs.
Youncfolut and Airs. Penney nnd Alossrs.
Youngfcldt and Truax. There were present
Alcssr.s. nnd Alosdnmos Hull'KiddorCarsoii ,
Trunx , Crnno , Dnvis , Youngfoldt , McCov ,
Cadwoll , Millar , Froom. Hnyward , Rush ,
Penney , Mrs. Sownrd , Miss Sawnrd. Aliss
Pfclffor , Mr. Sowurd , Mr. Anderson , Walter
The Social Hour club mot with Mr. nnd
Mrs. AI. Jones nt their residence. Twentieth
and Burl streets. After the usual game tbo
members wcro Invited to n delicious lunch.
The Indies' prize , nn imported Chlnn cup and
saucer , was won oy Airs. C. II. Paul , and the
gentlemen's , u box of ( Ino cigars , was won
bv Mr. C.V. . Lyons. These present were
Mr. nnd Airs. A. Traynor , Air. nnd Airs. ,1.
N. Phillips , Mr. nnd Mrs. B. F. AInste'rs ,
Mr. ntd Alra. C. W. Lyon , Dr. and Airs. C.
H. Pnul , Mr. and Airs. R. E. Allen nnd Alw.
W. B. Killings-north of Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Tobblnsworc agreeably
surprised lost Wednesday by the "Jolly Six
teen , " of which they nro members , in honor
ot tholr recant marrlngo. Thov wore
presented by the club with a beautiful card
tablo. Speeches were made , cards were
played , and altogether ovor.vbody spoilt n
very pleasant ovoning. These present were :
Allssos Flora Grocurth , Tracv , John ,
Clara .Tahn , Lena Tcbblns , Julia \Vuothrli-b ,
Emma Wuothrlch , Alamio Ilartoll , Alessrs.
Tusch , Alax Reicbcnborg , Olattert , Hem-
raoyor , Floschor , Wuothrlch , Myor.
On Friday evening the Ladles Helping
Hand society of the Kount/o Memorial
Lutheran church cnvo a reception and socia
ble at the residence of Mr. F. Drexel on
South Tenth street. A short program was
rendered consisting of u piano solo bv Miss
Mlnnla Brown , vocal solo bv Mrs. John
Drotcl nnd Miss Francis Itoodor , vocal duet
by Mra. Drexel nnd Miss Roodor. The
Omaha quartette , Alessrs. Marshall , Tavlor ,
McEwing and Kauffnmn , rendered two se
lections. Refreshments were served nnd the
affair wus a social and financial success.
The rumor tbat Miss May Clark , a former
resident of Omaha , but now of Chicago , Is
supporting Air. Crauo in "Money , " is Incor
rect. Aliss Clark is still reading under tlio
management of Mr. H. B. Honey , and ox-
poets to remain with him n. year longer. The
young lady plavs In amateur performances
at clubs , etc. , but that Is the ox.tout of her
dramatic work , although it is evident that
Aliss Clark would succeed on the stage should
she dcc'.do upon tbo dramatic profession ns
borllfo work , for she has undoubted ability.
But many of thn younc lady's friends are op
posed to the stage nnd would feel disap
pointed were nbo to join tbo ranks of-tho
A very enjoyable surprise party was given
in honor of 'Aliss Angiu Bovroat Mr. and
Mrs. Genrgo A. Joslyn's lesidenco Wednes
day. The party took with them nn
orchestra of six pieces , programs and
refreshments. Duiing the overling eigh
teen numbers were danced nnd there
was Just enough thcro to till up the
delightful dancing bull. Among these pres
ent were Air. and Airs. Van Court , Air. mm
Mrs. Wheeler , Mr. and Mrs. . Joslyn , Air. and
Airs. Cinlfj ; Allsscs Bailey , Iiaskoll , Ban-
man , Gusslo Bauman. Bvrm > , Llvoinv , Hlg
Kin , Boy co. Rich , N. Rich , Collet r , Fronch-
Warner and Bishop ; Messrs. Goodman ,
Kounse , Strong , Smith , Black , Alyors ,
Brown , Gruningor , Godfrey , Bariott/Pnl-
matier. Woodward , McCounoll , Ton Eyck
and Miller.
Air. nnd Airs. Charles J. Caswell enter
tained very ploisnntly nt their homo ut UOIl
Pacific Bticot , Friday ovoning. The occasion
was the anniversary of tboir wedding , which
fact was a surprise to the guests until Mrs.
Caswell appeared attired in her wedding
gown of twelve yonrs ago. After receiving
the congratulations and good wishes of tholr
friends they all retired to tlio dlnlncr room
whore an decant repast was served. Cards
and music were the order of the ovcnine.
These Invited wore : Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F.
Brcckcnridgo , Miss Biockonridgo nnd JSIlss
Ella Brockonridgc. Air. 'oral Mrs. . W. F. Doo-
little , Mr. and Mrs. J. M , Richards , Dr. nnd
Airs. L , A. Alerrlam , Mrs. E. A. Carter of
Crcsco , la. , Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L.
Aletzol , Air. imd.AIrs. Frederick A. Dawes ,
Mr. and Airs. Goorpo B. Mlllor of Council
Blgffs. Air. and Airs. H. , A. Arnpld , Mr , And
Airs. Ralph W. Breckortudgo andTiir. and
Airs. S. Al. Bond.
Tlio llrft A 111 uiid.
A newspaper is In great mcasuro represen
tative of the city and territory in which It Is
published. Tbo value of a representative
newspaper to any community is strlKlngly
shown by a private letter from Colonel Fiod
Grant , American minister nt Vienna. Under
( into of January ! )1 , the colonel among ether
thing says : "TimOMun BUB which comes
to mo regularly Is a paper which I and nil
members of the legation road with greatest
pleasure. How the Allssourl vulloy must
hnvo incicasod in prosperity nnd population
since I was there to support such a great und
ublo newspaper ns Tin : BUB , " etc.
Dr. BIrnoy euros Oiitarrn. UKI2 lldsr )
The finest Vanilla comes
from Mexico ; the beans aie
from / to f ) indies long. .The
production is not largo and
they are consequently held
at a very high price. This
high price induces the mak
ers of fhvoring extracts to
substitute the rank , bitter ,
poisonous tonka or snuff
bean. The Price flavoring
Jvxtract Company annually
consume in the manufacture
of Dr. Trice's Extract of Va
nilla , more of the finest qual
ity of Mexican Vanilla Bean
than any other maker of fla
voring extract in the world ,
and it is by their use that
Dr , Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extractof Vanilla secures
its rare excellence.
Three pairs made to orclef
at the price of one in other
tailor shops.
Bettor styles and qualities
than are to be found else
where , mostly sample lengths
cut off for window drapery or
for branch stores.
They go now at novel prices ,
5 , $6 , $7 and $8 easily worth
Dressy "men order two and
three pair little more thaw
the price of one.
Spring or winter'weights.
2O9 S. 15th St.
Shooly Blok , 15 h and Howard S to
Under the direct manage-
ment.of Dr. Houston , the dis
coverer of the cure , assisted by
an able corps of physicians.
Elegant quarters and thorough
treatment. Come in and see
us or write.
KnAimATOH--iuroi ; all il3 u 1101 UPOIIMO It kllli
tliu nilcroliu or norm , I'ut npn.iil ivUlluil In < ! , ilirtl
( J fini , the Inner 1i 1 Millimi. Hunt nnfirliera pro-
pulil on receipt of prim or li O I ) . Wclmi ) < i nur-
anU-u limiro. Tlmimljllo irulo mi I Jub'jjri AJII >
pllol lijr tlio KliM'nr ' llnu ( ' < iii | riir. O iiA'itt ; ( ! . A
Molcliur. HoniirclMaj'ornnd K , I * . Hjykura. i-nutti
Uiualu ! A , I ) . rostoriinJ II , J. UlUi , Cmmjll lllulM
I)1L K. \VKdrH NKItVK AM ) Jilt UN TJ1IC V I1.
J1KNT. iiHpoUUurur Hfjiorli , Illiiiiion , fill. NJII. ,
rxlitla , llonlai'hu , Nurrci it I'CJitr itlo icunul 0/il-
( oiiol or tuition > , WaUufulti'jii , Muntcit Djjrutfliu ,
hurionliu rif I'm Drain , inuiliu limnKy , mltur/ ,
drciyd 4'li , I'rd'iiuUirjOl 1 A < a , H.irrjn-ijH , Iiiii
of I'ditur lit tilthur tax , linputtiiicy , Id.icurr in ] i * 11
nil I'mnalu Woikiiaaio'i InvnliintHrI.OKJI , Su > r
iimturrtmear iuu I \ > j o/or-oiurlluu nt ilu lirilii
Holf.ibu i.iivu.-lii'liiU-'iio ' ) . AMimMi'i irtutuirit
U.llfur lii liy mill , W Umrniin * l b'lieiti
iuri > . Knnli uMor furil Uoxui , wltliji will neil wrH-
Ic-n Kiiar.iiitco 11 ri'fimJ It not on nil. Ijuirtntui
Ixmiuil iinlr lit A , SUiroter , DriK'.Mil nlu iijo-lU , .S.
K.cur , U'lli a"K.inmm ! ti. , Omilm .S'j'j.
CAPITAL'.S 100.000.00
cured In 'J < l yj by the I'run n Itummly onUt-
Jtd tlio KING , Jtillss'ilvut nvitliiut nnl U all.
torboil Intutliu liillutiiod puds , Will rofiuU
mono/ Kit duoi nut euro , nr i'iu o ulrlctura
floiitloiiHMi. lioro Is n rnllablo iirtlolo. II a
paoka o.or2 furil per mill uropjiu riiio * .
t.UIMl | V ( ' < >
Bcftcrin fron.
tlio c.iuctl ot
_ _ joutli.'ul error *
inrlrilrcar , wsittni woakiiru , k t i.imiliucxl , ulo ,
I \ < W kt-ui nvalualjlo trxatlM ) l alnli cuutalQlat
tu'.liiarllfUlan tot cure , I'llUlt of cliarwo.
A rylcii Ilil niujlcal worlc i yUciuUI Ui i r d liy orfcry
nin win U irrni'ii nnl ilo illlluU il.iltlnsu ,
Irot. V. C. i'OtVliIiltt Atoudua Couo *