THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , , FEBRUARY 21 , 1892-STXTEEN PAGES. > VKHT7i KMKNTS KOIl TIlKSK COLUMNS will t > < tftkcn until 11 aa p. m. . for Iho evening rind until 8 SO t > . m. , for the morning or Similar cdl- All artvprtlnornenlii In tlicim column * 15 rents a line first Insertion , iinil 10 cents n line thereafter , or 12 per line per month. No ndverllsemfnt taken for lets I linn 26 cent * for the firm Insertion. Ternnca n Inrdvoncp , Count about 7 words to Ihellne. Ini tial' , figures , symbols , etc. . cnch count ns n word. All advertisements muit run consecutively. Advcr- tUcrd , by requesting a numbered check , cnn have their letters addressed to n numbered letter In cnro ofTHKIIKK. Answer * fo nrtrttCMCtl "Ml to deliv ered on presentation of thp check. B ItA.Mll omCKS ADVKHTISlNimm TirKSE eolunini will be taken on the above condition * t the following bmdnps * hou p . who arn author- In d to tnkp special notices at the same rates asian Lr had at the main rifllrc ! South Umnlia llrnnch OHIco No. 2023 N Mrcct Lister Mock , Jolin W. Hell , pharmaclit , Ittli and Mason street * , H. II , Knrnsworth , pharniKclnt. 21)5 ) Cumlng street. \V .1. Hughe * . pharniBCl t.l524 N. ICth street. C E. yatlcrlleld , pharmacist , I7IS Loavcnworth treet. Hughe * ' pharmacy. 24th and Karnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. IlATIvSUc n line first llmo and lOonllnn there- alter. No advertisement taken for ley * thin 25c. ' - AN'i'iiiirsrTijATioN AS fnAcriiVii IN telegraph school ! * yearn experience In tplu- Kraplilng , Address O , 29 , Ilco. 474-at * LA D V IIOOK Kur.PKii. K.NPKHIKNCKD AND reliable , wllli references friini present employer , will bo disengaged shortly , desires situation. Address - dress O ! , lU'Bolllco. NJ721' , COI.OHKD MAN COOK , 17 YHAItS KXPE- Mlcncu. Ouod rolcroncm. Call nt KIT N 12th st. M4-23' A-LAI'IK8 , ATTENTION ! TUB KDLTA- tlunnl llurcau ( if Industry for Lnillca opens to morrow. Kebrunry 22 , In loom 21.1. Douglas block , 8. I- ; , corner IKth and Dodge , opposite llnydcn's. Persons - sons nuntlne help nf nny clans call mm to satlsfnc- torlly siipiilleil , Hotels , rc'tnurunls or private families provided. Telephone 1130. MUJ222' A-HITUATION AH ASSISTANT IIOOKKKKPKH or In ( looltlcc work. Salary no object. Address O 52 , lice. C07-3I' A-POSITION IIV AN KXPKIIIKNCKD LADY AMcnuBruplicr. Ilctt of references. Adrtrcs * O M , lleo. WJ SI' - WANTKD. LIGHT BUT OP HOOKS TO KEEP AWANTKD. fur prutlnic. Heel of rlly reference. O 51 , llec ulllce. VIB 21 A-SITUATION WA.VI'ED IIY A KlHbT-CLASS roachnian. I understand my business thor oughly , and I enti bring tirst-class references from my hint position. Address , O 43 , Itco. 5H1-21' WANTED--MALE HELP. HATES I5c a line tlrst tlmo and lOc n linn there after. No advertisement taken for less than Me. Tn-WANTElT SALESMEN ON SALAHY OU COM JOiiilnslon to hundlo the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. 'Hie greatest selling novelty ever produced ; crasen Ink ihurnuitly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; SM ) to Mil per cent protlt ; one agent's snlcs amounted to (1,20 In six days , another 132 In l o hours. Wo want ono general agent In each state nnd territory. Kor terms and full par ticulars uddiCBS Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , LuCrossc , Win. , X 16. 721 II-CITY CAN VASBEIIS.SALAHY PAID WEEKLY. -I'Slnger Sewing machine olllce. 1510 Douglas st. uai nuB BWANTKI ) . KIUST-CLASS MACHINIST. Davis A Cuwglll. 75 B-POHTUAIT AHTISTS WANTKD TO G1VK our electric light prints n trial. KxccMor Portrait trait Co. , Ware block , Onmha. MM4 MIS' T > -WANTED-CYL1NDEH I'HESS KEEDEll. iJCarpentur Paper Co. , 1122 Howard street. MIC4 f > WANTKDfiOO TEAMS AND MK.V ALSO CON- J'trnctorB for Hock Island railroad work In Indian Teirltory. Addrc 3 McCormlck Ilros. , Mlnco , I. T. M 470 24' l-BALESMEN WANTED , HOOM 17 , WAHK Ill.K J 482 S , B-WANTED-FIltST CLASS SALESMAN FOH Oniahn ngcncy. Sell to merchants of nil classes. Addrofs W. A. Coon , I. I * A T. building. le. ! Molnes. Give references. M4'.i. > 25' B-WANTED , SIX GOOD MACHINISTS ; one blacksmith. Apply Pnxton .V Ylerllng Iron works. 5J3 21 B-WANTED , FIUST CLASS JOH IMUNTKIl , none other need niply. | Send spuclmen of work , references nnd salary. Weasel-Stevens Ptg. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. M520 21 B-TKAVKI.INI ; SALESMEN TO SELL HAKINU powder to the retail grocery trade. Men ac quainted with dltTcrent sections of the country. A good side line , also good opportunity for clerks or any llvu mcnuhu want to go on the road ; ex perience not absolutely necessary. Wo mean busi ness. To the right men liberal contract will bo made and steady work given : wo pay not less than 17500 month salary and expenses or 20 percent commission. Address , with stamp , U. S. Chemical Works , 8.0 and 842 Van lluren direct , Chicago. 111. M5I5 21' -SALESMEN WANTKI ) , TO BKLL OUIl gooilH by sample to the wholesale and retail trade. Liberal salary and expense ; paid. Perma nent position. Money advanced tor wages , adver tising , etc. For full particulars am ) reference ad dress Centennial Manufacturing Co. , Chicago , III. M514 21' -WANTED , 4 F1HST CLASS MEN TO SELL patent chairs and wrlngcm on salary. American Wringer Co. , Idrj Howard street. S34-21' -WANTED MEN WIlyAHK ALUKADY TIIAV- pllng salesmen to sell n full line of paints , white tends , colors nnd painters' supplies on commission. K llnmmar Paint Co. , St. Luuls.'Mo. 58.1 21' -WE MAKE A LIHKUALOFFKHTO THAVKL- Ing and local salesmen In every state who call on retail grocers. Gluten Entire Flour and Wheat Co. . 1 5 l.aku St. . Chicago , 111. 532 21' -SALESMEN TO SELL HY SAMPLE OUH money order system to retail merchants. (200.00 pur niontn In It for live salesmen. Experience not ui'ccssary. Address Merchants Money Order Co. , L'lnclnnutl. Ohio , 531 21' iT-WANTED , A COMPETENT PAINT SALKS IJninn who ban an established tradu In Kansas , lllsAiurland Nebraska , Address the Stearns Paint ilfg. Co. , Davenport , la. M51I023 I : WANTKD , MACHINIS'IS TO KKKP AWAY 'from Indianapolis , Ind. , ns there Is a strlko there. J. J. Lamb , ( i. K. Hoard. Jli'/'l' 1SALKSMKN FOH A IIAUDWAHB SPK- -I'clnlty t-oniethlug new and sells readily to house hold , Address W. A. LUKUII , room 3 , Hiishninn black , MMli 23' A HOY , 17 OU 18 YKAHS OLD , FOH OKFlCE. Call Monday morning , U o'clock , room 22. Doug- Ian 1)leek. 5U3 21 -WANTKD , AN KNEHOKTIG MAN WITH $250 capital to take an Interest In the manufacture of an article that iliidx ready italu In every city. For further Information cull on or address Engineer , Karbach block , cor15th nnd Douglas streets , Oiunha , Nvb , & 0i21 * n-HAl.KK.MKN. KVKHYWI1KHK KOIl OUIl 8U- -1'pprlur white enameled letters and door plnloi. Humpies iibsuliioly frco. Send stamp. Hullufon- tnlne Mfg Co.Cincinnati. St2 21' -WANTKI ) , 2 GOOD MEN TO TIIAVKL ON commh-slon In Nebraska , lonn nnd Minnesota , for a huge eastern stove manufacturer. Address U. A. , lock box II , Cameron , Mo. 67U-21' II-IOU MI'l"U U. U. WOU1C , INDIAN TEH. -1JI20 to K nth and tionrd. Frco puss. Ship llonday in .uy. White's Labor Agency , ll'j N. H'.th U. M8IO 2J' -WANTKI ) AGENTS TO 1NTHOIIUCK THK best selling household artlclo on the market ; tltf commissions. Jl. H. Tyler A Co.Muncle. Ind , 652 31' " | > -WANTKD HKGISTKHKD PIIAHMAC1ST ; I/must speak German. Vtatoagn , experlenco , sal ary. IM'nJ references. Address o 65. Ilco. MHJ5-25' I-AITIVK : MAN WITH HUSINKSS AIIILITY J'for inanugers salary , (1,800 nnd comm , liefer- vnccs and f3UHI cash required. W , K llolloway , bt. LouU , Mo. IJ2H 21' B-ENEUGKT10 MAN TO MANAGE IIUANCH otllce ; salary. 1100 per mo , and Interest In busi ness. Hofcrences and (500 cash. 1)0X401 ) , St. Louis , Mo. C-.7 21 * B-WANTKD ABMAHT .MAN TO HKPHKSKNT us ; llbnrnl terms to tbo right party ; no samples. United States MorehandUd Co. , S4 bchool t. . Hot- Ion , Muss. 57U 21' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ltATES-15a a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o BALAiTv GUAHANTKKD TO ANY lady who will do writing for moat home. Ad dress In own handwriting with addressed and tamped envelope. Miss Kilna U bmjthe , South llend , lud. , proprietor of the famous Gloria Water , MUUOK25' _ _ C S-COMPKTB.NT GIHL KOIl GBNISHAL HOUSE. work , lixii ) Sheryiaii avenue. MWl _ _ C-41001) G1IIL KOIl GKNKIUL HOU8KWOUK. Apply at J. A. Johnson , 28W Capital ave. 417 C-I.ADV AOKNTH KOH TUB MATTIIKW8' Patent Ehouhtcr llrace. The greatest success. Operates directly on tbo tips of the shoulders. Bend stamp for circulars. H. K. Motthuw , 2S Mon- ton street , Grand llapldn , Mich. M > 6 3I * _ CWANTED. . OOOD GIHI. KOIl GKNUHAI , housework la family of threo. Mrs. Newcoinb , t08 Karnam st , 4V9 21' _ p-KIVKOIHLS AS APPHKNTICKS TO I.KAHN v tbe rutllnery trade. Must bring reference , J. J , CWANTED , GOOD GIHL KOH UBNEUAL bouteworkj small family. 2114 Maple. 60S ) p-LADIKB. I WILL PAY I.AD1KH A BALAHY OK VVI10 per week to work for me In their locality at home ; light work ! good pay for part tluie : write , with stamp , Mri.U , H. Karrlngluu , 1)0 v 702 , Cb | . cage , III. M5I831' _ C-QIHL KOIl GENKUALIIOU8EWOHK : BMAI.L family , 1MI Park avenue. _ M6J7 W GOOD STOUT OIHI. WANTKD KOH OEN- C eral houitnork. U1IH No. 1Mb , flat D. C -WANTKD , GIHL KOIl GENEIIAL 1IOUSK- workt must be good cook ) German preferred ; Iwo Ip family. 27aJ Hunard U Mi _ rt-GlHL WANTED KOIl GKNKHAL HOUSE- VVnork la small f ouilly at i33 Nurlb SJlU st. ( ! > > ] WANTED-FEMALE HELP. Contlnwil. p-WANTKD. COMPETENT ( IIHI , KOH (1KN- V 'crnl housework. 3GOit Popplcton ave. 543 C-LAIIir.S , DOOUItnoilK AT YOfll 1IOMKS ) ea y and Intetcttlng ; day or evening ; nooxoer- Icncp , no canvaMlngs good pay. Address wllh stamp , l'o tnn Aquarelle Art Co. , 43 Winter street , llotlon , Mas.i. M5M MM pAN FNTKLLIGKNT LADY ( NOTTOO YOUNG ) v/posuctspd of the qualltlcatloDs of n saleslady , wanted nt once ; need not bo experienced , but must conin n wcrk on trial ; speedy Incrrarc If suitable. Call after 10 Monday. W. T. Marshall , 13 Crdghton block , upstairs. 575-21 * 0 WANTKD , AV INTELLIGENT LADY OK plcaant addrev to hnrullo rapidly icllluc arti cle. Must depoi-lt I30.0T ) and Blvo security for money collected , t'prmaiicnt employment ! salary t'X.VO per month. Address O 41 , Ilco otllco. Ml 31 * -TWENTV-KIVE GIHLH FOH ALL KINDS OK situation * . Educational Ilurean of Industry fur Ijidlcs , room 213 , Douglas block , S. K , corner liith and / . 22' f1-WANTKD , nilll , KOH SMALL KAM1I.V. Kn- v/qultii atai2 ! Woolworth avenue. MCI2 -GIHL WANTED KOH (1KNKUAL ( IIOIISK- work , 1323 N. 32d St. 643-21' -AMKHICAN AND GEHMAN EMPI.OVjfKNT agent , NK , corner IGth ami Dodi'c st , , wants lots of good girls. 5lii-2l' p-WANTKD AlUltl , KOIl ( IK.MKUAL HOUSE- V- work for n family of two nt 1025 S. 30th are. MC2I-28' CGIHL KOH GKNKHAL HOUSI'.WOUK : GOOD V-/wngc * . Apply nt 2iiH ! Dccatur street. M.5 23 / ( -LADIES HVGE1A WHO HAVK TO KAHN V- > their living ean make It easier by selling our Electro-Magnetco Cursots than anything el'o. Kur terms apply to Western Corset Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 5bO 21' FOR RENT-HOUSES. HATEd-I.V n line nrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than ' . ' . ' * . . . . . .15 : HEfcT UBS 'Ideiicu Hats In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 142 lleo bldg . 72.1 D-11)11 ) HKNT , HOUSE 10 HOOMS. ALL MOD- cm Improvement * , WO per month ; 52d nud Far- num. Poxlcr L. Tliomaa 724 D-NKW ( i-HOOM COTTAGKS. MODKHN 1M- provoiucnts , "Stanford Circle. " Apply O. S. Klgutter. room 4. N. Y. l.lfo Diilhllng. 735 1 -li-HO.M ItOUSI27TI1 : AND DAVKNPOHT. } all convi-nlences , I25.UU per muntli , F. K. llnr- Itntkcr block. 7211 -LAIKDJ LIST. OEO. J. 1'AUU ItWJ FAHNAM 1)LAIKDJ D-'J-HOO.M HOUSE. MOIIB1IN 1MPHOVEMENTS , (183 N. 251h avo. H , Knllsh. tailor. 211 N. ICth. 727 -KLAT8 WITH AND WITHOUT STEAM hc-nl , buildings , stores , dwellings nnd cuttnges In all pnttH uf the city. Kclkcnney .t Co. , Contl- nental block. M llil-21 D - HBNT , TUB 10-HOn-M HOUSK 2107 Douglas st. InrtulroSKuU , 1102 Douglas tt. 1134 D -0-llOO.M 110USK , HOI S. 1UT1I ST. ; ALL CON- venlcnccs. C. S KlKuttcr , 4 N. Y. l.lfo bulldlm ; . D-NKW 1IOUSHS , 10 HOOMS AND 8 ItOOMS , ALL conveniences , bust locality. Hrcnnnn & Co. , 217 Karback block. 451-23 -HOUSKS , COTTAU1W. UOOMS , till N. 17th * t. 475-IU17 * -FOHUKNT.lO-ltOOM FLAT IN CBNTBll OF city , all conveniences. F. K. Darling , Darker block. _ -T1IHKK FIVK HOO.M HOU8KS. 10S-10 ! ) SOUTH . Stli street , corner Dodiie. 8. Will paper for Kood tcnnnlB. Illnitwalt Uros. , llarlicr block. MM4 2f _ -KOIl HKNT 9-llOOM 1IOUSK , THOICK LOCA lion , 20th and Howard. Kiiqulro 503 So. 20th street. M6I3 rj' " D TOll HKNT. BKYKN-HOO.M COTTAflK. CITY water. K nnd clsti'rn. 24U1 DodKO St. , f2J per month. .M. J. Kcnnard..iU' ) New York Life bulldlnic 510 KOIl HKNT. COTTACK.I ! HOOMS , HATH , HOT nnd cold water. Inr t- store room , fttntlonnry rnmje , curtalni , need cellar. MU.OU pur month. I.V.M blicrnmn urenuu. Call at room 27 , Merchants hotel. D-THHKK-HOOM ED HOUSK KOIl HENT , (7.00. No. 2212 Su. llth , No. 113 Uuncroft street.M5l M5l > : l 2T' -KOH HKNT , NEW MODKHN ( i-HOOM HOUSE , bathroom and all conveniences : location , 517 N. IMh street , between California and Casposses - Finn given March 1. Apply to owner nt roum 5Utl , Klrst National bank building. 55031 I-V-TWO VBIIV DESIUAULK KOUIl HOOM .1 modern llatn , steam heat Ono six room , ono live room cottage. Tel. 1.7JO. MSS'J FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. HATES-lfx ! n line Hrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. Eu ( sKI > STEAM l5ATED KHONl' room for gentleman Ifcir Lcavcnworth street bath , etc. 603 2J * 17-KOH HKNT , NICELY KUIINISHKD , SKCONI ) -IJstory bnck room , nultable for single gcutlonmn , without bonrd , 122 S , 25th street. 255 P-ELKOANTLY KUHNISHEO HOOMS FOKGKN- J-itleiucn only ; all modern luiproveuient . 140"J Douglas st. 170M7' E KUIINISHKD UOOMS , 2103 DOUGLAS ST. M 410 22' E A VKHV HANDSOMK SUITE OK HOOMS KOIl rent at the Merrlam , 35th and Dodge. MI15-21 * E-DESIUAULK UOOMS , rUHNISHED OH UN- furnished. The Krcnier , llli North 25th street. M4KI 25' E-N1CKLY KUHNISHED HOOM WITH ALCOYE , bath and all modern conveniences. 2o73 Harney street. M5I2 22 * -HOOM WELL HEATED , ALL MODKItN 1M- proveuicnts , good location. 630 North loth. M031 2J * 17-KUHN1SHED HOOMS ; MODEHN. 211 N. 18TII -IJstrcet. HI2-21' E-TWO KUHNISHKD KHONT HOOMS AT 1012 Harney utreol. M5iS ; 27 * 1KOH HKNT , STKAM HEATKD KUHN1SIIED Juroouis. U02 So. 13th street , MtilU 27 E-10U HKNT. ONK NICELY KUHNIBHED ruum , with gns and bath , Terms reasonable. 1138 N. IJth street. KM w FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 17-LAHGE SOUTH KHONT UOOMS , SINGLE OH Jensulto , with board Reference. 2214 Karnain street. JI492 25' iJ'-ELI-KSANTLY KUIINISIIKD HOOMS , SINGLE or en suite ; all modern conveniences ; Urst-class board. 318 South Slith street. M 0 1A SUITE OK HOOMS WITH OH WITHOUT 1-board , BISSo.lllth st. 8W 21' I7--HOOMS AND UOAHD , 113 8. 25TH. St. 421-IHI5' F-PLEASANT HOOM WITH IIOAllI ) , 201S DOUG- las , 1J3 2-10 -NICELY KUUNISHED HOOM WITH IIOAUD for man nnd wlfo or two ladles , private family ; K week each ; modern conveniences. 515 N. 2Jrd t , 630 17-KUH.MSHED HOOMS AND IIOAKD. 1314 J- Capitol avenue. t',04-5' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HATES 15o a line first tlmo and lOo nllno thorcaf , tcr , No advortlsument taken for less than 25c. --HOOM 8. AN Y N UMH K U FlioM 1 "TO V IN Hats , for liuusokcenlug. 1'rlcos away down. G , K. Hutu , 311 Paxton block. i ; | K28 G-4 UNKUUNISHKD HOOMS BUITA1ILK TOIl housekeeping. 1702 Webster street. Ml80 -3 HOOMS , WITH CLOSETS , KOIl IIOIISK keeping. (10. 2U2J Howard. JW72I' -5 UNKUHNISIIED HOOMS , 6.14 B. 17th St. bo twcon Jackson aud Leavunworth. 3'.m-2I' -KOUIl UNKUHNISIIED HOOMS. SU1TA11LK for light housekeeping : board within half n bluck , 2642 Capitol avenue ; (10. S7I-2I * ou GOOD HOOMS , UNKUHNISHBD , KOIl housekeeping , also two biueuient rooms , 25'W Douijlas struct , M5-523' BOARDINQ. HATKS I5on line nrst time and 10o a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. J PULLMAN HoFs'ErisioTiioilGK.TdllTiOOD board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo- atton It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 M 10' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFIOE3. IIATK3 1SC a line tlrst time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 2Jc , J KOIl HKNT , T-KOIl HKNT. T1IK 4 8TOHV IIHICK HUILDINO. -l 10 Karnam street The building lias a fire proof cement basement , complete team beating Hxtures , ateron all tbe floors , go , etc. Apply at tbuonico of thelluo. iua 1-KOIl HKNT , STOHB. Itai HOWAIID. i. 704 'I A KINK UX.'ATION FOll A GHOCEUY STOHB .1 Caih trade. Address N 11 , llee. MU73 M5' ' FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. 11ATES---150 a line tlrst time and lOo Una there after. Noi adyertlhenient taken fur less than 25& J UA11DKN KAHMB TO HKNT , T. MUUIIAY. C07 _ J'-lfO ACHES OK GOOD LAND UN1MP11OVED. a mile * weal of Omaha , to lease for a term of a years. Call or address The Odoll Investment Co. , 103 Pearl street. CwuncllUlutls , I . MUU2JI T-100 ACllKB.'nOTClHNSON * WKAD. 1524 u Dougla * . 637 n T-KOIl HENT. ONK. OK THE IlKflT 1MPUOVBD ! / " " ! 'n ' Washington county , Neb. A. Caitetter , Ulalr , Neb. JFOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. Continual. IKOIl HBNT , 500 ACHKS K1NKLY 1MPIIOVKD " .1 mile * from South Omaha. A. S. Hltchlc , r.lfi Paxton block. tff > 31 * HATKS ISc n line first time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than ' . ' . ' < . K-KOUU tlNKUHNisillCD JUUOMS. Wl COT Inge , inodctn c-onvrnlcncrt , central location or n far good car line , by couple wllh no children Address U.ll , life. _ MI3fi-3l' K -KUHNISHKD UOOM WMTH IIOAUD WANTKI ) near Hanscom park. Address O 10. Her. Her.M511 51' K-TO HKNT. III'.MINOTON "TVPKWHITKIIJ worktlKht , llpnnnn&Co. Ml ? j K -TWO NICKLY TDllMHtlBO HOO.M8 KOIl brother anil ulster , contrMlr located ; refer- cnccs. Addrcss O 41 , lice. tftl-21' W ANTKliTo"itnNT MOPKUATK SIXKI ) cottane. miidern conveniences. Vicinity Hans- com park preferred. Address O8I , lice.lWi31 * K LADV WlSIIKsllUAKI ) WITH I.AMY WISH- Inn cnmpnny nlehts. Can do llpht work orenro for children , Adilrr-ss O , Hoc. f.iO-31 * RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS--15c n line first tlma nnil lOu n line .there after. No advertisement taken f Jr less than 'U : . -liKNTA I < A l KNCY ! II A N K tKKi : i IT. O. ( iarvln * Co. , SU8 Sheoly Mock. 7W TO 1NSUUK QUICK UKNTl.NH , LIST WITH the Hxcluslvo llcntnt AKCIICT. I'arrottc , Douglas b I ock. _ J1S _ - LIST TOtm 11OIISKS WITH TI1K HATI2 CITY LLIST Itcntnl AKCticy. Itoom K , I'rcutcr block , 458 m 1C' _ STOHAGE. ATis-I5cn : line first tlmo and locnllno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 'iJc. OTdlOTrcillTAl'li house In the city. Williams A Cress , 1214 Hartley. WANTED TO BUY. HATK3 ICon line llrst time and 10o n line there after. No ndvcrtlscnicnt tnken for less than 2JO. T , SOLD , I Wells , 1111 Knrnamst 731 XT-CASH PAID KOIl 11HV COWS. KS. JESTEH , 1 > "J49 N Kill aye. 42.1-23' \T WANTKD TO 111 ! Y , 0 TO 8 HOOM HOUSE , TO 1 > move onto vacant lot. Address O 45 , Ilco otllce. M'J ' TVT KSTAHL1SIIKD HOOM1NG AND IIOAUDING 1 > house. Mutt bu n unrgnln and not exceed $ ttuO. Answer Monday. 1' . O. llox 752. Oil 21 - \ JSECOND HAND ONK HOUSE WAGON CAPA- 1 > bloorcarrylng2OiX ) pounds of coal wanted fur cash. Apply by letter , O fill , care Umaliii HCP. FOR SALE FURNITURE. _ UATBS ISe n line Hrst tlmo und lOa a lliu there after. No advertisement taken for less than t5o ! 0 JOI2 Woolworth ave. , city. J177-S1 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETO. IIATES ] 5c a Una flrst time and lOc a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lesn than 25c. T" i-STALUOX ( TlCNTLKi STYLISH , Sl'KKDY and well bred , for sale or trade for wild pralrlo land In Iowa or Nebraska. Address M ut. llei > . MK15-.M3' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ant company for sale or exchdiiKo for city prop erty or Kood farms. Address C. K. Mlllor. : cjt ! lice bulldliiK. Q KINK UPHIOIIT PIANO , STASDAHD MARK , i ! ed only n fuw luoutlis , nt a sacrlllcu. Wfl Cnld- well st. 483 Q -PIANO , LESS THAN HALF I'ltICK : NO reasonable oiler refused. 520 N. liltta. M520 22' -ONE NEW UPHIGI1T PIANO. 817 S IfiTIl ST. Q M5M-4 * TEN DOLLAH8 IS KULL I'AYMKNT KOIl Q n nice level building lot lying between Omaha nnd now Kurt Omaha. Hero Is a chance to be per fectly Independent of landlords and own n home- all for (10.00. Knclose postage for plat ann full In formation. Sale now In progress. C. P Ucnjamln , sole agent , No. 1600 Dodge street. 6.VJ-21 * -KOIl SALE , SECOND-HAND SAFETY HICY- QKOIl clcs cheat ) If sold at once. 2501 Hamilton struct. HO.V21' Q-FOH SALK CHEAP , AMKH1CAN LIGHT Hamblcr safety bicycle , nearly new. 17 Hoard of Trade. M507 22' MISCELLANEOUS. ( -HAMILTON IIUOS. , CAHPENTKHS AND Lbullders. All kinds jobbing. 414 go.lSth. Tel. 1170 1D3M7' E CLAIMS KOIl SALAUIES.SEUVKIKS.WAGKS. etc. , ngalnst corporntlomi or Individuals , bought and advanced on. W. It. DavisH 20 Continental blk 3UII-M12 TJ THK KEKLEY INSTITUTE AT O'NEILL -IVXcbrttsko. authorized by Dr. Leslie K. Kceloy of lvlglit. Illinois , will bo ready to receive patients February 22ud , 18112. Parties desirous of being cured of thu liquor , tobacco or opium hublt should ad dress as above. Full Information cheerfully given. HIU-31' IT-PEHSONAL. tilt. X. STONE , M.D. , IS A DOC- -iktor. If yon have throat or lung trouble of any kind use IIH | bronchial wafers. 25o a box at drug gists. Speclnl ratu to preachers , teachers , vocal ists. Kor Sample * scud lOc to Stone lied. Co. . Chicago - cage , HI. Mil9 21 * 1 > WANTED , USE OK HOHSK KOIl KKEP1NG JXand rent small'express wagon and harness. Add , P. O. Uox 40.1. M528 21 * -W-DO YOU OWN ANY OF THIS GHEAT American continent ? You arc no doubt n citizen and voter. Now to be a full tledgcd cltUen yuu should own propeaty and become a freeholder. Yon can never get a start for less tlian JIO. Visit the flO lot sale nt 1501) ) llodgo street. $10 Is full pay ment for a nice building lot between Omaha and new Kort Omaha. Solid 2c postage for plat nud In formation. C. P. Ucnjamln , solo agent , 150U Dodge street , W72I' CLAIRVOYANTS. UATES-l.V nllno llrst tlmo and lOc n Una there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. SAHHINAll revelations , Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Legravo , dead triinco clairvoyant , astruluglst , palmist and life reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mnr- rlago with thu onu you love ; tells where you will succeed nnd In what business bpst adapted fur ; has tbe celebrated Egyptian breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Inilnenccs ; cures tits. Inteinperanco and nil private complaints with massagu , baths and alcohol treatment. Send H , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive accurate llto'hurl ; cents In stamps for circular ; glvn Initials uf ono you will marry ; also photos of same , Olllco 1007 honth Hth street , llrst door ; hourt , 'J a. m to 0 p. m. Come one , como all. and bu convinced of this wonderful oracle , MW2 Ml * S-MHB. NANNIE Y. WAHHKN , CLAIKVOYANT , reliable business medium , tilth 11D N. lUth. _ 732 S-MADAMK KHITX , 2.TJO CUMINGS STHEET , clairvoyant and franco medium ; Independent voices ; tells past nnd future. 571 K24' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. _ _ HATKS 15o a line ttrst tlmo und lOo B line there after. No advertisement tnkou for less than 25c. T mul baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist , .Mrs. PostUHIXiS,15th , Wlthuull blk 733 _ fP-MADAMK MM ITU. 1121 DOUGLAS STHHKT. * roum 7,3d floor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. rp-MASSAGK , ( ilQ S. I3T1I STHEKT , 21) KLOOH. -L OI'J M20' PERSONALS. HATKS-150 n line first tlmo and lOu a line thorn- niter , No advertisement taken for lesa than 2io ' M uiAMWlSa 'KMON VAS llA VK nulls by calling at nfflce : ( i , K. Krnnktyn. H. A. llnynes , K. IS. llamlla , II. U. Schiiltz , Harry Hrown. ( W-21' U AT ONCE , COHHESPONDKNTS IN KVEHY town west uf HID Mississippi fur u leading dra matic paper. Address , nlth Huain , Webtern Ura- matlcNoKs , Salt Lake , Utah , 45 ] 21' PEHSONAL ! voiiu DESTINY KOHKTOLD with pen picture of future husband or wile , ac cording to uktrolouy. Heuil date of birth and 20o to Astrologer L , llox 117 , Kansas City , Mo , 681 21' MUSIC , ART AND LANQUAOK. HATK8-l5ca line first lima and lOc n llnu there- alter , Nu advertisement token for less Ih n25c. V-IIEKOII IK 111 U Vl NO A PI A NO K.AM 1-N K. TI IK > nowscaluKimbull piano. A , Ho pe,1513 Douglas. _ 731 \T n. V , GEI.LKNIIECK. II A N.I O TKACIIKIl , > wllhllospo.or 3314 N , 15th street , 3rd lloor. _ U43 V-t'OH SALK , CHEAP KOIl CAfilf , A KINK upright piano , nearly new und standard manu facture. Address O 3.1 , Ilco otllce. 484 MONEYTO LOAN REAL ESTATE. HATE8-15callnatlrst thno and lOo a Una tliero after. No aavurtliiemaiit taken for lass than 25o \\r UllU H AlVESTATKLOANS.sVj UEKlVLli'G J * _ 420 "lir.-UKAL KSTATH LOANS , 0 TO 7 PEIl ClINTj ii no additional charges for commission or attor ney's feus. W , U. Melklc , First National bank blrtn. . 743 _ \V7--COATK8.Hill KAHNAM KA8TE UN MONEY. ' ' _ 7M \\r-lXJAN8 , W.M.HAHHIS , H. W.KHKNXKIl Ill.K. ' ' 710 \ \ IoIJANU. . CITY PHOPKHTV. K. NKH. AND I Io wa furii'i.a. . F. Ittugur , 1519 Faruutu. MONEY TO LOANHREAL \\T-LOANS OS HKAWaU TATK AND COLLAT- ' teral notes and mortgages .bought , Heed A Selby , Ml Hoard of Trad * , 743 TV" fl PKH CKNT KIU ! T MOHTGAGE LOANS , I > Hlchard 0. Pntter. omiMI I'nrnam si. 74\ | y LOAN. , O. ( ) . W LXACB , .112 I1HOWN Ill.K. W ANTHONY LOAN ANDTItriTfcO. . S19 N'TY ? Life , lend at low rale * for choice security on Nebraska ur Iowa farrdsor Omaha city pro A\r-APPLY TO .l. . IAIVKTT Hill I'll money ; only first cln's/ security , ? JU S. I3lh.raa ' raa \\r MoNiv : TO LOA"N 'ON"MPHOVKD ( CITY ' prupcrtv , low rates , A , C , I'rost , Douglas bl'k. KB \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON UKS'U OU SHOUT 11 time In sums of f.W ) to (10,000. Mutual Investment Compaii } . 877 \y-ciiAS. w. 3is OMAHA NAT. HK. hid it. City mortgages. Lowest rates. , Money on hand , M8I7 " \\r-tKNTIIALI.OAN A. THUSI'CO. 11BH HLD'll. V TjiO \\r-HKALESTATE LOANS. PAUL , 1MU KAHNAM ' * o2J t73 \\r-LOANS ON IMPHOVED AND UNIMl'llOVKD ' city properly , (1,000 andupwarils.i ! to8 per cent. No delays. W. Knrnnm Smith , V Co. , I5lh & llnrnpy. \\r--2l ) MOUTGAGKS. MOOUK , A. 401 1IEK 111.11(1. > 7Jj \\r-WlLL LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OK > ' security : strictly conlhlcutlal. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. MSI MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATES 15c n line llrst time and ! 0c a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. - V If eo do not fall to Kut our rates ticfuro borrow - row I ( i. Wpmako loans , without removal or publicity , on fnrnlluro , pianos , hortcs. WOKOIIS , etc. , nt the low est possible late. Tlicro Is no unnecessary dclny. liut Jon cot the nuiiipy on tlir > snmo ilny yon n k for It. \V will carry the loan as lonit us you desire , Hiving jrnii the privilege of payhiK It In full or In part at nnj- time to null your convenience , nnil nny part pali ! reduces the cust of carrying tlia lonti In proportion to tlie nmoiint palit. Our onicea nrc centrally located and are so ar- r.iimeO Hint partlcscnllbii ; on us cnn bo waited on quickly nnd courteously. It will be to your advantage to scans befuro so- curlni ; a loan. Oniahn Mortgage Lonn Co. . Itonni II , CrelEliton Illock. litll tit. , south of I'nttolllce. X-MONEY TO LOAN IIV II. f. MASTEHS ON household goods , plunus , organs , hurscs. mules , wagons , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Time arranged to suit thu borrower. Payments of any amount can bo mode at any tlmo , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the bcnellts of the partial pay ment plan , " Call and see mo when you want n loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone 1(521 ( nud your business cnn bp. transacted at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. 11. K. Masters , U. 4 Wlthnell blk , 15th and Harney. 747 X HOH'T PH1TC1IAHD , H. 3 , W1THNELL Ill.K. 743 X-MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS IIOND3 and city warrants bought. Itoom ( O..Knroach blk X MONKYON KL'IINITUHK. HOHSKS.T' 1 ANo Keystone MtBO. Co. , room 2Ui , Sheely block. X WIIKN YOU WANTACIIATTICLI.OAN SKH W. It. DnvlB. room 10. Continental block. 8'.ll V-CIIATTKL LOANS * IIBNKDI'JT A WHAY. fi4 ! JM'nxton block. Wo loan our own money , charge no commission ; It wilt pity you to consult us. M 810-M2 _ _ MONEY LOANED ON FUHNITUUE , ItOltSliS , wacons , pianos , etc * , ' .Fred Terry , r 4W , Haiiivc. 204 _ _ X MONKV TO LOAN.ItQ. no. ! O DAYS ON FUHNI- lure , live stock , etc. Dull Urcun , removed to lloom 8 and ! ' . Darker Blk ' IBS BTJSINESS'OHAIJCES. UATBS lie n llnu tlift ; tlmo nnd lOo n line thorn after. No advertisement taken for ICBS tbuu 25o . . YFULLY EQUlPPSD tANNINO FACTOHY IN very best part of Nebraska ; capacity 25.UJO to 30,000 cans per duy ; has made money last three years ; boat of reasons forholllng. Address M 2J.Ueo. 043 F2ti y KOIl SALK , IIOTRU SHKPHKHI ) HOUSE , AT J-Ansley , Custer county. Neb. Tw'u-story frntuo bulldlnir. about 24x103 , with good barn ; 10 nlccplni ; rooms ; betel well Apply to Dr. .1. S. Thomas , Wood Hlver , Neb. MMO Mil' \r-HOTBL FUltNISHKD IN CO. SKAT TOWN J- for sale or rent. Address ( iurfluld Co. link ) : , liurwell. Neb. 2 ; > li 22' Y-KOK SALK. HOTKL. KUIINISHHD , 17 HOOMS. doing n uooil business ; terms cnsy ; location best. Address llox MU , Chndron Neb. MLBI .MS' y KOIl SALE-SALOON , DOING A COOD HfHl- Iness : peed n-aion tilven ror eclllnir. Address Lockbox b3. ! West Point , Nvb. .MiSJ V PAl'KIHNB AND PAINTING TAKKN KOIl J. rent of 5-room cottages. Call at room 207 , Omaha National bank. 420 ' - ' ! ' Y FOH SALB , A FIltST CLASS OPKNINK KOIl n uinn with anmall capital ti Invest In n stock of Koncral merchandise ; well established business ; Bood prollts. Address box 713 , Omaha , Neb. 457 m 16' V ULACKSM1T1I SHOP. S10I.L OU HKNT. AD- 1 droas O 20 , Ilco. 441) ) 21' Y FOH SALE , fi.aOCO STOCK OF GENEUAL merchandise for cash or part on tlmo tit rlnht party Trade und custom established and second to none. Uood reasons for sclllnu. Location the best. Fine opening to make money. Addrej-sJ. H. Mitchell , manager , Sidney , Neb. M4UU2.I' V WANTKI ) A 1 HLACKSMITH TO LOCATK X In llertlia , Hurt county , Neb. Great Induce ments. Address F. Jaxer , Hurlha , Neb , M402 21' -FOH SALE , ONK ( III AIIl I1A1U1ICK SHOP and confectionary combined. K. M. t-cott , Tliigloy. In. 47221 * _ \r-KOIl SALE. AN 1CK HtlSINKSS. ON A GOOD JpaylnK basis ; bent of reason for iselllnK ! require about M.QQO capital. Address O 31 , lice. 48124 * WANTED. A MAN WITH A CAPITAL OK tl.UOO to fti.OOO , to Invest In a profitable , well established manufacturliiK business In Omaha city. Address O 82 , care Ilco olllco. 4bG 21 * V 11UV THK COMMi .CIAL , THE LKADINQ 1 hotel of llroken How , Neb. No land In trade. 834 _ KOIl SALE , MKAT MAHKKT , HKST IN TDK city , attractive fountain In room ; good brick bulldlnit , rent reasonable. Address D. ti. liinlniiii , Kearney , Neb. 4S5 24 -KOIl 8A1.K KI.KVATOH AND LU.MHEH yard cheap. For terms , etc. , address Uox ' . ) , Lin- weed , Neb. M4'J4 it ) * Y-FOIl SALK-GHHAT HAIIG AIN ON ACCOUNT of sickness ; Inlll sell best rooming house In Chlcnuo , centrally located , 140 beds , can prove It clears from fSO to t'.U pur week. Kor particulars address Win. I ) . Cook , til and tj WMadUon street , Chicago. 111. MMI-gtf' AND ICE HUS1NESS. HUTCIIINSON J-A Wead , 1521 Douiilns. M7 23 _ V-DHUG STOCK FOH SALK. LOCATED IN THK X best and most prosperous section of central Nebraska. Will Involva from t'l.MI to M.XX ( ) . Mock fresh. The tlnottnpcnlni ; lor a German druucDU Parties ineanliiK business will Und It. to their Interest to Invcstlitate , Address 0 , 4ti Ilcfl. S45-'U -WANTKD. A PHOPOS1TION TO LOCATrTA manufacturing iilant that will employ between 200 and 'Mi men. Heath Hall Joint company , : WJ Ululio bld'g , MlnnoapolH , Minn. Miiig 21' _ V A SMALL STOCK OK SHOES AND STOUK -L fixtures for sale ; 'must bo caih ; good location and good reason forJ'fcoHliui. ' Mm. o. C. Thomas. 2413 N street , South Omaha , Neb. M &U5-2.J * Y-KOll 8ALK. MILl.rNKHY BTOHK : ESTAH- llshed trade ; Kood liitutlon. Address O47 , thu Hoe. fjj3 6G7 'I * _ _ SELL OH-'aUADB ' KOIl LAND UNI.N- cumbered milk ilatrr dolni ; thu principle busi ness of the city. Address box 20U , Grand Island. C2021' _ _ _ \ ' WANTKD MAN'/IO TAKK THK MANAGK- 1 nu'iit of pernianL ntlbrancli for established Chi- cuun ho-isc. Will p'aV , all expenses and 1125 per month salary ; iil uj Drrccntauu on all business donu. Must Invent about tl'xxi In stock of goods to bo curried , and iiiustKlvu entire uttentlon to busl- nous. Krunk McKlnin ' tyU3 Homo lusuranco Hldtf. , Chlcaxo , 111 , 478-21' It ATKS-l. > c a line Ilr < t'-Uno ( and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25e. y vKiuTiKS i ii A lift ? osml A piuji'Klm-Ton fJ\Mt \ Aiiiiules proiierly or fruit rauch In t3o , ( 'all- fornla. David Jamlesuu , llco bulldln/ . 70J y-CUSTKIl COUNTY KAIIMB < IMPHOVKD ) FTm ' strictly modern 7 or 8 roomed hounu In good res idence part of Omaha ; will assume. lloxf.U. Lin coln. .11215 _ V-KOIl THADK , A STOCK OK GICNKIIAL Mlill- /Jchnmllio fur lands uud cash , Addreis H. W , Watkln A Co. . Krunk flirt , Iml UI7- % ! ' _ STOcFoKIHSNKHALM'D'SK WtTli y-CLKA.N : A/tako real fttat .V money. Uox 1M5 , Frankfort. Ind , _ . _ 74'J y-HUNDHKDHKAD OKH01ISKS AND LAND /-J | eobtcra Nebraska for u stuck of dry guotlt , clotlihu. boots and > hu , hats and cap i. Address box IOIV Nebraska City , Nub. 215 MIO * y-IKYOUHAVKAGOODUPUKJUT PIANO TO /Jtradu for lot W. block 1 , Armour Place , South 4)uiahu ; clear uf all Incuiubranco. Adilrots N H , Ileoomct ) . M33-I y-WILL THADK UUGtilKSOIl A NO 1 YOUNIl AJpacluii humu for a Kood uiulo team. Address O HI , lice. ava-21 _ V/-NKW8PAPKH PLANT. Oil JMPHOVKKD /Jbuiluos property In a Nebraska town , wanted , In excb uic for tint ) house and tun ucrc In su burbs uf Omaha. Alex. Moore , 401 Use Uldt.ilWO ilWO Jl FOR EXCHANGE. y-WK HAVK HOTII CITY PHOPKHTY AND 'A'ood land for otchanjtp. What have you to oflcr ? Western Exchange CO. , Columbuj , Nth M4CI8I * _ _ -110-FOOT SltlllTLY HUILDINO SPOT BAST ' ot Sncrr-d llparl ncadomy. for ground for gar dening , llult-hlnson .V Wead , 15 4 Douglas. M7 23 r/- FINK NEHHASIvA KAHM , Itfl ACUKS , AND f.,000 cash for good stock of hardware. Alex Moore. 401 lleo luillilltiir. MffO 22 / I'AHMS 23 MIUtsT'ROM OMAHA. ICO OH .13. ) rJurtet , forOmahn property. Alex Mooro. 401 lice hnlldlUK. MW ( 22 > / " I'lXlMBNT ' OF AHOl'T tH VS AN OMAlTI ' attorney for ochnngoi "III take clear vacant lots or equity In desirable residence propctty ; will hear Investigation. Address , U. V. Argnbrlght , Shubert , Neb. MliSi 27 fFOH EXCHANGi : . MY HEStDENCE IN NE- 'Jiiiahn City , clear , for clear western land , or mer chandise. ( I. V. ArsabrlKht , J-hubi-tt , Neb. MM3 37 y-l(6T.LISIlKLblMlMILI ( , IN NOHTH DAKOTA. ' -ln good town ; mill lca od 140.000 ; H05 acres clear land In Wisconsin ; stock of dry gooiH for clear lands ; 1HKI acres cUnr Texas land , t7tOO.OJi two eight-room houses nnd sump cash for good resi dence or vacant lots , nntlh pnrti section In Hoono county , Nebta'ka , H4.UUU ! IUu acres In Kurnas county , Nebraska. M.7UOI Improved ll In Holt county. MAW ; 40 acres clear land In Clayton county , Iowa , 11,000. Send for pnitlculars. Will trade for miPiirumhcrcd clt > property , ticorgo J. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trade. Ms Jl' y-FAH.M LAND AND OMAHA LOTS TO TtlADI ! ' -Tor merchandise , llnidwnto prcfcrcd. Address Oakland , Neb. . llo 343. til 21' y-FOIt THADK. KQL'ITV IN WKSTKHN NK. / - braskn nnd ens-tern Colorado lands. All near railroad. Address U..I. Ylntun , HlK Springs. Douel Co. . Neb. 67J 21' y TO KXCIlANdM , C40 ACHES TEXAS LAND f-tttit hardware or furlilttiru stock , AildroM P.U2 North 2Uh nvenue. Omaha. MOI3 22 * V FOH TltADE. NEW FUHNITL'HK FOll A "good ork horse. Now furniture to trade torn guild milch cow. ( i. H. Moore , Kith and California streets. 647-21 * y-STOCK3 OP ( IKNEUAL MKIICHAND1SK TO ' -'pM'hange for good rent estate nnd cash. Alex Moore , 401 lice building. MtlOO 22 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HATES-I5c n line llrtt tlmo nnd lOo n line theru- nlu-r. No advertisement taken for less thi\u ; 5c. \ LllllUilirS C1101CK , . ' ,0 LOTS , HAIU1A1NS , * l > ! 421 NK. CUIINISH WTII AND HICKOHY , Mxl.VJ .feet ; a bni-naln for u few days only. F. K. Dar ling. I'arker ' block. 751 t i.muonrs CHOICE , M LOTS , HAIUAINS ! A C2I21 _ l OH SALE-S-KCOHNEIt 17T11 , DOUCAS. M X J lb i , Scottagc-N stablu tor Ii horses , can bo divided Into fl lots. Inqulronl promises , 84722' ALHIUUHT'S I. HOICK , HO LOTS , U A IK ! A INS. U24 31 SALK , 1IOMKS , ANY I'HICE. tIM. $1,250 UP ; - * - easy terms ; take clear property as llrst payment. U. ( i. Wallace , Drown block , lUth and Douglas. 750 _ _ LIIUIGHT'S CHOICE , W LOTS , HAUGAlNS. - ti242t 17011 SALK AT A HAHGA1N , LOT 15 , HLOCK 4 , JW. . 1 * . Selby'o first addition to South Omaha. Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire ( i. H. Tzschuck , Omaha lice. iIS.1 ALHHIGIIT'S CHOICE , W LOTS , HAIKSA1NS. U24 21 ij"01l SALE. NEHUASKA KAHM LANDS. G , G. Wnllacc,312 Urcinn block , ltth ; und Douglas. 750 LllllIGHT'S C1101CK , W LOTS , UA1UJA1NS. b'4 21 M ODElt.N 10 HOOM HOUSE , GOOD LOCATION ; ; no trade ; cash bargain. Address O 24. Ili'e. Ml 40 MIC * LllllIGHT'S CHOICE , Ml LOTS , HA HO A INd. C24 21 17OH SALK , A TWO STOHY 1IIIICK HANK X building , with basement , vaults , safe , furni ture and llxtures ; can control good business ; town of two thousand people ; live railroads ; good coun try ; large roller mtllK ; throe elevatori ; good rea son for present corporation quitting business. Ad dress T. Lewis , Piuuhtent , Superior , Nob. MI55 21 ! ' LHUIUHT'B CHOICE , 50 LOTS , HAIKJAIXS. r.24 31 I ( ! HAUGA1N TN ACHK PHOPEHTY FOH sale , ten acred of excellent garden land , tno miles from city limits , adjoining railroad MniKm , lcvi-1 driveway all the wuy out ; slnglo lots In this \ Iclully liave sold for ! 300 each ; will take t-MXKI for Iho ten acres. Address ( Inner O35 , lleo ottlce.tOS21' tOS-21' A LHUIGHT'S CHOICE , M LOTS , HAHGA1NS. 24 21 JOll SALE. 2J-ACHK FHt'lT KAHM AND GAH- den iidjulnlng Nevada , Mo. , n city of 10.000. Healthiest cllniHle on enrlh. Men rarclcn laud In the wen. Unexcelled lor fruit. Centrally located ; curly miuket north , late market t-oulh. Splendid transportation facilities. Will bpll cheap or tiadu for merchandise. Address U N. Kennedy. Nevada , Mo. MMil-31' A LHUIGHT'H CHOICE , 50 IOTb , IIAIIOAIXS. U24 21 COUNKlt IN PLAINYIKW JI.OOO. East front 7-room housi ? , 75-foot lot , paved street , tightly , near Haiiscom Park , (4,500. Ilutchlnmn > t Wciid , 1524 Douglas. 537 22 LH1HGHTS CUOIC'KTM LOTS , HAHGAlNB. 521-21 i1OllSALK-400 ACHE KAHM IN HLUK U1YEH JL valley , Thayer county , 10 inlle west of Hebron. One of the very beet tarniN In the county ; good huiiKC. barn , grnnnrles , cribs , etc. . nnd an abundance ol trult , timber nud running water. Also for sale or exchange for good lands or city property , a brick purk packing house and tlxturcs In Hebron , Tliayer county , near H. & M. depot. Kor particulars In quire of any leal estate agent In Hebron. 535 A LUHIGIIT'S CHOICE , ! LOTS , HAHGA1NS. 1524-31 AHGA1N TEN ACHES NBAIl HELT LINE railway , West Omaha. Illcks , 305 N. V. Life building. 033 21 A .IIUIGHT'S CHOICE , M LOTS , HAHGA1NS. (124-21 IIOMKKOHflO.WE AHB GOING TO SELL A few more lots In Omaha's latest addition , lying between Omaha and new l-'ort Omaha for ten dol- larB a lot. This nddltlun Is good , < t property. No swamp ur net laud , but every lut guaranteed a nlco level building lot , tree Horn mortgage or In- cumbrunco. Warranty ( Iced , abstract and plat given with each lot Mild. SIO 1.4 full payment fur a lut. Hefeience given. Call In , Investigate , and get names of purchasers und parties now living on this addition , ur Incloto l'c postage fur maps , platsetc. . Chus. P. Ucnjnniln , Solu Agent , 1500 Dodgu St. \ LHUUiHT'S CHOICE , 50 LOTS , HAHUA1NS. A 024-21 I HAVE W. Si SW. ! < SEC. 3 AM ) W. ! $ NW. M SKC. -10. twp. 31 , N It. Mi , 111 Sioux county. Nebraska , joining Harrison , county t-cut uf suld county , hull- able to he. platted us an addition to mild city. Also B , H oSW. U tec. 8 , Twp , 112 , S. H. 18. Coiumnnclio county , KIIIIB.IH , which Is alto suitable to be plaited ns nn addition to Coldwnter , county eul ot Cum- uiunche county , uud ! uuw partly rurroumlcd by nddltloim. Kncli piece Is partly Impioved , lajo nicely fur building purposes. Will tell cheap , Give good title. Address J , W. Lambert , Grand In land , Neb. M02 < 24 * A1 LllllIGHT'S CHOICE , 50 LOTS , IIA'IGALNR. . - ' SALE Oil TltADE. I GO ACHES CHOICE I.-'OH half mile from Orchard , Neb. Address George W. Couiad , Sn > ller , Nob. 570 21 * A LHUUiHT'S : CHOICE , 60 LOTS , 1IAHGAINS. 021 21 170IITV ACHES IN EAST OMAHA , C1IKAIAT JL (400 per acre ; cnn niter If suld quick only (250 per icre. illcks , ; H)5 N , Y. l.lfo llldg , U23 21 A LIIHIGIIT'S ; CHOICE , U ) LOI'S.-IIAUOAINS. 034 31 I/OH SALK ! IIIDS WILL HE HKCEIVED Ul' TO J. ' Kt'li , 25 for lots 2 nnd 3 , In block 2 , IAIWO'S ad dition to Omaha. This Is beautiful property , hluh , fiminiiiiullng n tlnu view uf the city : has il-rooni cottage und barn , tliiushudu trees , homo cherries , blackberries , currants , grapevine * , etc. Also lut 21 , block U , In rtteclu & Wood's addition to Kant Omaha. This a very desirable lut In Ibis rapidly gronlng addition , lias u 4 room cuttugu , MibBtun- tjally built , und other Improveinents , und Is 1 block iriini electric motor Him. Cause of selling , III health , compelling the owner to remove ruuth. Illds received un thu bu l ol half cash , balance ur- rungpj to suit purchaser. ' 1 Itle to above Is perfect. Abstracts f urnitbcd. Addrcm O 31' ' , lieu olllce. olllce.563VI' A LUHIGHT'S CHOICE , M ) LOTS , IIA1KJAIN& . /V ( ! 2J2I IJAUGAINS IN ACHE PHOPKHTV CLOSB TO -I'Oiuuba : Five aero near city , splendid tract (2,800 Ten acrescloso to licit Llnu railway K&OO Ten acres , We > t Omaha , elegant tract , only 25 mlnulct' drive from puMullicu end 'M mln- uli' ' rhlo to South Omulm. . . eye Twenty-llvu ncre , Wctt Omahn , elegant gar den tract , only. , . , , , 7500 forty acrot. Went Omulm , neur Hell rail way , only I-2.VJ per acre , 10.000 Eighty ucit-f , only live miles from the post- onice , n splendid bargain nl (276 per acre. . . . 23,000 Parties i-alllng at my olllco will be thown prop- fily ul any lime. George N. Illcks , Hoom 505 New Vurk l.lfo Hulldlng , LIIUIGHT'S CHOICE , 'M IXTS , llAlKiAINK , U2I21 SOME OF THE CHOICEST KAIIMS IN NE- braiika , Kuiuas and Mo. fur sslu or trade. Ad- drf is hlduuy Sapp , ally , at law , Wallace , Neb.5ii 5ii 21' A LHIIIGHT'S C1101CK , 50 LOTS , UAHGAI.SH.U3I21 1 , 011 bALE , UIJHT COUNTY KAHM LAND. 1M. X proved or unimproved , in t-attern Nub. Hurgaln for next 10 days , Huuttberger & Cleuieuls , Lyons , Neb. MliU-23 BAltGAIN , VOltTY ACHBS CLOSE TO CITY ; plendld garden tract : If old quick only ( ! 5U pur acre. Ulcki , 9U5 N. V. Lift ) Hid * . isa fl FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. * ' \ LHHKIHT'S CHOICEJO LOTS. HAHGAINS , V 1,31 , 31 Volt SALE-BIGHT HOOM MOI > KUN llorK ! J pavdl street , near muter line ; will trade for clear city lots. Addrc. O.V ) , lice. Ml 31' T H7fiGYiTvs Fn(5icK , M LOTS , ft A imAINS. A | ( S42j _ OlO- TEN DOLhAHS IS Kl' PAVMKN17KOlTi jnlce level bulldlnit lot In Omaha's latest addi tion ( I ) Ing between Onnihn and new r < nt Omaha ) . Warranty deed , abstract nnd lithographed ulnt glvpn lth each lot sold. Here Is jour chnnco to be Indpppiidcnt of landlord : " , liecume n property tmner and own your honip. all for (10. The time in.iy come when yon would be very glr.d of this op portunity. A depot ( on U. A M. railway tills npdltlun ) , church and school house are contctn plated Improvements for spring , Nltio families now living on tills land. Kor a short time yon enn buy these lot * fordUiwch for en Hi oren monthly pay ments , K'nchi'elc poMago fur plats and full Information mation , MMu commences tomorrow nnd will continue one month. Charles P Ucnlnmln. solo ngcnt , 1W , I lodge street. rV > 32l' A LllHIGlirs CHOICtt , W LOTS. HAIKlAlNS. Jl- C2I 31 ELEGANT NEW AND MODKHN HIMLT 11(11 SKS > Jfor iinloiienr llnujcom park , Call nnd KCP the new ono nt No. i2-J8 ! Popplt'lun avenue , npw eight room homn Just being com plotted. One of llio most Mihttantlal nnd convenient homes for the sire ever erected In Omaha , to be llnMicil In ( lid Colonial style , hand some bath room , porcelain lined bath tub. station ery marble nnshstnnd , elegant mnntol. tlrst-clars f splendid brick collars , Can glvo pohscsilun about March I , Price(7UW. Poppelton avenue has been ordered pnied thlo coming spring nnd the contract let to Hugh Mur phy for the paving of this block. Thu parking , soddlnc and trees lo be ilono early In the spring , will make this ono of the prettle l residence places lathe city. Tin Motor Line runs within oiic-linlf block. The locution and neighborhood ale nil that can bodctlrcd. Gco. N. Illcks , 305 N. V. Lite.f.7J f.7J . 31 A LiiHiHT'scnoic'o ( ! : : LOTS , HAWSAINS. J\- (34 ( 21 VOIl SALE OH K.\CHANi ( ; : , TOWN LOTS IN I Pcndcr , Neb. , county seal Address Poklninsler , Pender , Neb. M5'.M ' 22' t LHUIGllT'S CHOICE , 50 I.OVS , 1IAUGA1NS. J\ . 131 21 MASQUERADE COSTUMES , ETC. HATES I.VB line llrst tlmo nnd lOnnllnp tlipra- alter. No ndvortlsonumt taken ( or lesi than 2jc. L A mw AH5NT rnducustuinus at HI S k'.th. Golden Eagle store. MANUFA CTURINQ JEWELERS. IIATES15o n line llrst tlmo nnd I0o a line there after. No advertisement take.i tor leas than 25o PAH ) KOIl OLD GOLD ? CAUSON * , room W Darker block. Omihn. : 751 CUTLERY GRINDINO. HATKS Ifie n line tlrst time nnd lOe a llnu thereof tcr. No advcillpcmcnt taken for loF than 25c. S icNT > S'oTm snssl ) ground to Uhderland A Co. . IOC. M. 14th st. 753 LOST. HATES-15c a Una first tlruo und lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2oc. OST ) old. gray ; followed little girl from IIS ) S : ilst ot. tu Park uvo school. Hcturn to A. I ) . Hudson , Has S3st ! st. nnd rceelvo reward , K > 7 IOST OH STOLEN AHOUT KEllllUAHY 8 , 1MJ , Ja tin box cuntnlnlng with other valuable papers n mortgage note of (1.000 , endorsed by and due C. A , Hnbbard who hereby declares It vuld to nego tiate. A suitable reward If duly returned to No. 2015 North ! iSth avenue will bu aliened and no ques tions asked. M4UI 21' OST , POCKET CASE OK SUIIG1CAI. INSTHU- mcnts , leather covered rubber case. Dr. Townp , Hoom 22 , Continental block. M437 21' LOST , UOX CONTAINING TWO GOLD CLASS pins , between Itaymond's und High M-linol. Ad dress Clarke , ZffiW Cats st. -M587 22- 1JEWAHD-LOST , WHITE I'OODI.K PUP , ilK - Jvtiirn to 3220 1'opplclon avenue und receive re ward. (528 ( 21 HAIR GOODS. HATKS l.'io a line tlrst time nnd lOc n line there- alter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. T AllGBST STOCK IN ENTIHE WEM'i THKAT- -lyrical wigs and beards a specialty.Mgs , banua switches , hair chains , etc , ncnd lor catalogue Mall orders solicited. Davlcs , HI S. 15th St. , Omaha. 753 riMIK 1DKAL I.ADIirS' HAIll DHKSSINO PAH- -l lure , switches , bungs , wigs , tuupces , Jewelry und hair ornaments hi stock ; wigs to order , special at tention Riven to mall orders , 20'JS. 15th M.iil : lloor. M5'.I4 .M20- PAWN BROKERS. HATES 15cn line llrst time nnd Idea llnu t lie re- after. No advertisement taken far less than 2Jo. 1 > EN K. MAUTI , HE.MOVED TO 107 S. 1'iTII ST. 13 U71 MB' SNYDEU'S LOAN OPKICB , 1510 DODGE ST. 77U-KKI' MOHLE , OKKICK 151IW KAHNAM ST. TAKEN UP. HATES 15c a line llrst Unit ! and lOu a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25a 'TAKEN UP , ( illAV HOUSE , A11OUT 0 YKAHS 1 old with halter on. S. E. corner 15th and.lack- BOii t.trec-1. MU 21' RfllLWRYTIMEGRRD Leaves illUULlNliTON & MO. UIYi < : it. | Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sis.M ! " > ' . ! - leaves I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th iindMarcy Sts. | Omaha. U.30 p ml . , I'aclllc Express . | 11.3j a m doing t1 JTicAl jo. It. i . 5Ti "A ITP Ja i From lia-t. Union Depot Illth A Mnrcy SlH. | East. 1000 n m Atlantic Express . I li.VO p m 4 05 p in Vcstlbtilu Exiiress . 1.10 p m (5.10 ( p m . .Night I'.xpress . | ! UO a m Going CHICAGO , U. I , & PAI'IKIC. From West. Union Depot loth nnd.Marcy Sts. | West , 1.20 ] > ml . Denver Limited . | 'l.40 p m 7.05 p ni | . Denver Exprets . . | 7.30 n m Leaves ICHICAGO , MIU A rlTrT'AULI Arrive Omiilial U. P.-dnpyt and Marcy i-ts. I Oimiln R.20 p ml . . . . Chicago Express . | ! U' > a m l.OU p ni ] . . .Chicago xprcss. . , . , , . . , | 5.i. p m eaves \ rilOUTtiri'Tii PAI'lKlR pTrrTvuT Omalial Ilupul. IQlh and .Marcy SU. I llmulil 7.20 anil . Sioux City I'atsunger . , , llti2lp m 6.35 p m | . . . . SI. I'au I Express . 1 10.00 H m l.oares I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. | ArilvL' Omahal Depot. 15th and Wfbstpr sts. I Omaha 5.45 p m ) M , Paul Limited | ' .i.2.i n in lObOH ml , . . .Kansas City Day Express. . . ! 52) p m IQ.Ijp ml , . .Kansas cltv Night Epran. . , | IJ.2J am ' U-aves I Transfer ! L'nlon Depot. Council llluffs jTraiufa J.W a ml. . . . ' . , Chicago KxpressT. . ? , , . . | MO p m lOUIpml . Chicago Express . I t'.Z'i a m 7.05 p m | . . Crcstuu Ixical . , . | 7.15 a in UMAHA&ST. UHIld. ( Arrives Union Depot. Council llluffs. ITrqiislcr J.40 * j wil | iKil1I QuliCanoj ] Hall 'J-Ji-H-H. ' ' Leaves I gioUX'CITV \ TAl'i Kl ll" ( "ArrlToi" Transfer I Union Impot. Council IlluaV iTrainter 7.15 a mbloux | City Accoiuiuodatluii..ll ( > .OU p m 6.50 p ml . . . . . . . .SUi'uul Exjirtss. . . il.40 a in leaves jCliTC'AGoXTTolTl'inVES'rEHNI A rrl ve ( Transfurl I'ulon Depot , Council IllurJu. | Tranifer REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MKGKATH , > ? < V VISM 8rif5 P OUVU NK XOTl/hVG IS BETTER than the bcslit \ is what you pay for , and expect to have. Take railways , for instance ; the best line to Chicago and the East is the Burlington Route ; it lias the best sleeping cars , the best reclining chair cars , the best dining cars , the best road-bed , and the metropolitan system of checking baggage direct from one's residence or hotel , which was inaugurated three years ago , is the bcsL Every thing in connection with the Burlington Route is of the bcstt than which not/tin ? can be belter. Trains leave the Union Depot , Omaha , at 9:50 : a.m. , 4:30 : p.m. ( The Vestibuled Flyer ) and 9:20 : p.m. ( The Omaha and Chicago Limited ) , and run through solid. City ticket office i 2 23 Far nam St.V. . F. Vaill , Agent. Telephone 250. PIUM'OSALH I'OU MIl.C'll t'OWH AND JL liullB. IHipurtmoMlnf Iho Iinrrlor , Ollli'u uflmlliin All.-ilr * . \Viinhliuloii. It. ( ' . , | . 'ob- ruiiiy I , If.i. . tfoalod | iroosul | ; . Inilursud "l'roiosiiH | : for Cowsor Hulls" IIIK thiu'iisu may Iv ) ; ind uddrcssiMl to tliu coiiuinsiiloiiurof In- illuii uirili : . Wiisliliinton , 1) . ( V , will In' ro- colvcil until I nVIiwk p. in. . Saturilny , Murcli r . INI' , fnp furnishing mill ilollvcius nt I'lno Itlil 'o. Ho < ; oliil ( , Clii'yt'min HIvi'r. Crow Orculc nnil Lower llrulo nuunoles Sinilli Dakota , Stiiillii : ( Itoek imuncy , Ninlli llalcntii , .Sanleo and 1'onrii HK > 'iirle.M , .Nrlir.iMMi , ! hmilicuu auciicr. South lltikutn uiul the Crow : iK noy , Mniitniiiu uboul. 11.11 0 inlk-li rev , s null 400 liulls. Itt'Kiilnr lilunliB for I > KH | uro not ru- iinrc'il | , Hclicdulus ( wlilcli will bo ninth ) it jinrt of llio proiiosnlsi showing Iho nunibur of citt- flu rcijulred itt tno various nztmclc * . coiull- tlnn * > to bo observed by lilildurn , tlniu and pltico of dullvury , tvrtns of eoutract and pav- innnt , mid nil othur neoo sury InstriietiuuB , will be furnished uiioii : iipliuiit.on | : to Iho In dian olllco at WiishliiKlon , the oo niiilssarlca of subal toiice. II , 8. A. , at ChioaRo , St. I'aul , Omnhi ; , Nobraslcii , nnd Chcveinie , Wyoniltiir , to thu iiubllshors of tlio Stock Ciro.vurs' .lour * nnl of Miles Ulty. Montnna. and The .louriml of Helena , Moutaiin. und the several Inillau u'.onts. Tlii > rlKht Is reserved to rojeet nuy or all bids , or ntiy part of nny b.d. If deemed for the best Interests of the Koveriiiiirnt ; ill HO , thu further rlitht In niaklnx thu awards to tn- croaseoi-dliuinlsh to auv uxiunt the tiiiinbcr of nnlinals called for In thu .schedules ; also to reiiitro | a delivery of twchty-llvo per cent. inoroor less , than the ainoiiulspuullled In nny contract. CCItTlKIHI ) CHECKS. Kucli bid must bo accompanied by n certified chcuU ofdr.ift on seine Un'tcd ' Status dunos- Itory for nt least llvo per cent of the amount of the bid , tuiulu iiayame to tl.u order of tbo conimlssloiifr of Indian affairs , whli'li eheuk onlraft will bo forfeited to thu United Stales lu ease any bidder receiving an award t-htill fall toiirompt'y ' oxeciito a contract with KOOU anil sulllclunt sureties : otliorw'su ' to I o re turned to the bl.ldor. T. .1. MOltfiAN , Com missioner. KlUd-JllM Pit JI'OSA I.S MK ) KIRI.I ) SKI- SI i(04 ( Indian Survclt * . Pine Kldco Ateney , South Dakota. February lltli. IWU. Se.'iloil proposa.s. endorsed "Proposals for 1'lulil Seeds"mil udurunacd to tno under- sliinod ut Pluo Ultimo Accney , South Dakota , will bu toco veil : it this agency until 1 o'clock p. in. of March 7th. IK'X' , for furnishing nnd delivering nt Knshvlllo , Nubrnska : : ! S.i ( ) < 0 pounds sued outs , 4."i,000 pounds seed wheat. Hi.WO poiinilB .seed corn , 4' > , i )0 ) pounds sued potatoes , i.oco pounds seed German inlllut. 'Ml pounds timothy scud , -'OJ ' poundis hluoKrasa heed. Suld HO Us to ho crown In thu section of country coriuxmni to the plaeo of delivery , lllddurs will ho required tostnlo spuclllcalfy In tholr bids thu proposed prieo of ouch article Dll'urcd for delivery under u contract. The lUht K reserved to reject any or nit bids , or Hiiy part of uny hid , If deemed for Iho best In- toretitof thoservleo. Curtlflu.l Chocks. ICaeh bid must ho accompan'cd by a curtllled checker or draft upon somu UnlloJ Status Deuosllory or Sol vent. National Hank In the vicinity ot the resldcnuoof the hhlder. inndo payable to thuor.lurof the Coinnilss onur of Indian Af fair * , for nt least live pur cent of thu amount of Iho proposal , which check ordraft will bo fiirfuiled to the United States In casu nny bUl- dur or bidders rooulvhr. an award bhall fall to promptly cxi'cuton contract with jood und siifllclent surltles , otherwise to ba returned to thu bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In lieu of : i certified check will not boconsldured , Kor further Information apply to UAPTAIN OKOHOB L. UOV HIlOWN , U. S A. , Autltie U. S. Indian Agent. r-ll-l'--t-m. PROPOSALS FOR BONDS. Sealeil bids will be received by the treasurer of the school district of Omaha , Neb , , nt his olllco In said city up to 1''o'clock noon of the ' 'st day of March. IH'J. ' , for the ptirchasuof $110.0(10.00 ( of thu ivKlHturod bonds of the said hchool district now on hand. Saul bonds hulug of thu vnlitu of $1,000.00 eueh. No proposals for lusa than par value of the bonds together with iiui-rited Intoruat thereon to March aist , IB:1 ! ) , will 1) ) conuldured. Said bonds nro tinted Junuary 1st , 18'X' ' . and payablex'O years nftur their dntu , and bear m- turoit nt the rnto of fl pur cent , pur annum pay- nblo suml-aiiiiiially. Principal und Interest payable at ICotinUo Ilros. , New Vorlf. Halil bonds will bu sold In iiiiaiitltlof of ono bond or moro lo nny onu bhhier an the board may deem most advantageous for It. Thu Hoard of Education rusurvuN Ihu rl bt to reject nny nnd all bids. bids.HK.N'UV IIOM.N. flSdial Troasurnr of Hoard of Education. Oregon Short .Line & Ululi Norlhern Hull vrny Company Slciclliolilci-H' .McetliiK. Notice IB horubv Klvun that the animal mcetliiL' of the Ntockholdurs of the Oregon hhott Llnu & Utah Northern Railway com pany , for the election of directors and such other business .is may loyally como boforotho inectlni' , will bu hold'ut room No. 41 , lloopor Iliilldln' . ' , Suit Liiku I'lty , Utah Torrltory , upon Wednesday , the 10th duy of .March. IbiJJ , at 10 o'clock n , in. Slock transfer books wilt close upon the Clilh day of February , nnd reopen upon the 17th day of March. ALUXANIIKU MM.I.AII , Secretary. HOSTON , Mass. , 1'ob. II. IE9 . Klfid .UtM J'rupiiHulH lor llnndN , Honied hlds will ho received at the olllco of thu Ulty Troauurer. Omaha , Nub. , up to 12 o'clock March lUth , 1M'- ' , for thu purchase elf f 17S.O'U.iO ) ( aj year ft per cent City Hall liomli. The prinelp.'il and Inleiest are pnyublu at Kount7p IlroH. , Nnw Vorlc. Interest payahlu fiomi-nnnually. ICncb bid must a tate the price am ) the amount of bonds soupht for und tnnst Include Inluiust up todatoof delivery. Issued under authority of Chaitor of mot- ropolltun dtlou and Oriilirince "JIU upprovod Juiiuary 'Will. 1 X' . The rlsht U reserved to reject any or n , . hid , . IIBNKy , , OMjNf FlidiTlM Ulty Troakiiror. Notlrtt to H The nnnuul muotliiK of stockholdem of The lieu I'liblMiInK compiiny will bu hold nt their olllee , corner of 17th nnd Kurnnmstrcoto , on Monday , March 7. liir. ' , at 4 o'clock p.m. I'or the election of oIllcerH and directors und hiich ether business IIB may r-omo up forcoit * * blderatlon. ( JKO. It , T/sciircit , I'l'ldlUt Hecrutary. r/--KK HAI.IC OU KXCIIAM1K , 1U ) ACIIK8 Abcnullful tract clo u to Umulmi fan ullvr for itu.UXJ ; fl.'i.UOO raili nncl luorivmiu linlunru ; yooil land or Imiiroted vrouvHr. lllcki. 006 N , V. building , TUB SHORTEST LINK TO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leava Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent. C , C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent ,