Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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    , J I
\Tho Whole Country is Pointing to the West
, AS an Example of Prosperity.
Tlio Jobbing Tr.ido Shown n llnmltnme
( Jain Over Thli Time n Yrir ARO
' .oral Itrtnll Trndo Slow hut
1'rospcctK ( loud Tor Spring.
A great deal Is being heard In business cir-
fcle-s just nt present regarding the outlook for
the coming spring nnd summer trado. In
fact , the present is al most lost sight of In the
general deslro to penetrate the trndu secrets
of future months. There nppcars , however ,
to bo very llttlo difference of opinion ns to
what tho"future will bring forth , nnd busi
ness mon from Now York to San LVancisco
Boom to bo thoroughly imbued with a feeling
of confidence. There is ono locality , how
ever , which doss not share in this fooling
nnd that embraces the cotton states , \vhero
the low prlcoof the staple crop gives llttlo
promise of n prosperous trado.
The trade joutnnls of the country , which
juro supposed to voice the sentiments of the
business men , are unanimous in declaring
that the present condition and the future
outlook nro very flattering In the west.
A recent issuoot the Clothier ana Fur
nisher expresses luolf In terms : "Wo
probably lay ourselves open to the charge ot
optimism hy stating as our opinion that the
trade this spring will be excellent , both In
the clothing , furnishing and hat trades , do-
splto the demoralization prevalent In the
cotton market. Whilst there is no doubt
that n terrific shrinkage in the value of the
staple of tbo couth will cause n great
deal of Inconvenience , not to say hardships ,
among the poorer pcoplo hero , still thu mer
chants in the southern cities have In the past
four or live years gradually learnt a lesson
of conservatism , both In their purchases
ud their extension ot crodits. The result
baa been that both , merchants and farmers
nro In a bolter condition today to withstand
loss than they have boon at any tlmo since
bcforo the war. Merchants In good financial
standing in the south huvlnir the manage
ment of llttlo or big stores must
prepare themselves with n fair amount
of stock to meet posslblu de
mands made upon them during the coining
season. Unquestionably these merchants
who nro not In good ilnancial standing will
probably bo forced to ttio wall , but im't it
better forall concerned that the weaker ones
should have their weakness made apparent
now than later ) To offset any possible als-
crapency which muy arise in the southern
trade we have tbo most bountiful crops In
the west : tnlto , for I ! stance , tbo state of
Kansas , from which 90 per cent of the complaints - '
plaints of dull times have boon baa in the
past. Prom interviews with many sales
men who have Just traversed that
state in tbo Interest of spring orders , nil reports - .
ports agree that a vast business has been
done In that state thus far , reaching almost
the total amount that has been done in pro-
eedlair seasons , and so it is nil through the
west. The conditions all seem favorable for
a good pprinir season , and wholoiala mer
chants and manufacturers do their cus
tomers nnd themselves n wrong and nn in-
ju&tico in forecasting glooray nnd co.sslmUtiu
views as to the probable- outcome of tbo
spring season of IS'J- . "
The condition ! , prevailing in Omaha are
much the same 0.1 have characterized trade
for some ironies past. The jobbers have
plenty to do and nru generally very well sit-
istled with the present demand for goods ana
with the volume of business transacted dur
ing the past few months. Country merchants
are not only buying freely , but they are
generally mooting their obligations with
-reasonable promptness. As compared with
4 year ugo there has been a heavy Increase
In the amount of business transacted. Job
bers estimate this increase all tbo way'from
25 to 40 percent.
TUe retail trade of the smaller Nebraska
cities and towns is generally reported
as very satisfactory. The farmers ,
as a rule have realized enough
from the snlo of farm produce
to put them in easy circumstances and the
'retail trade is receiving the benefit. In
Umabn the movement of goods in u retail
way is not all that could be desired , and
while from some quarters came reports of
Improved conditions , from others carne posi
tive complaints of dull times.
It is most too early In the season , howavor ,
to look for any great improvement m the re-
tall trade in Omaha. The coming of warmer
weather with the Increased demand foi- labor
for carrying on the various building opera
tions now under contemplation , together
with the increased demand for help in
the various lines of manufacture , must
cause an Improvement m the retail trade.
Thu Produce Markets.
The interest in the produce market has
centered very largely on eggs , which have
been falling quite rapidly in price for some
' .o time. The docllno has been due nppar-
.ty ! to the Increased receipts nnd the drop
.a prices at eastern points , which have boon
taking the suiplus from this market.
Poultry has boon in light supply
for some time and the mo met ,
has bcoa correspondingly bleh. Good
dressed chickens uavo boon for
Bomo days bringing the bes
prices of the season. Goose and ducks have
not been very plenty for a long tlmo und have
also commanded very satisfactory prices.
lititier has not shown any very decided
change , the market averaging about steady.
The Grain Market.
While the want of a milling in transit rate
prevents the building up of an elevator -
vator and storage business ut this
polut It does not prevent the
buying nnd selling of largo quantities of
grain on this market.
The daily call is not so well attended as it
Bbould bo , but the amount of grain which
changes nnnds In the Board of Trade build
ing runs all the way from 100,000 to 200,000
bushels per day.
Omnlm'i Week Closes with a Fair ( Supply
ami Hlnaily I'rlces.
OMAHA , Teh. 20. Receipts for the week
15,1X14 cattle , aura lions and 2.771 sheep ,
against 13.3SH cattle. 3I/.M5 hogs nnd .I.IMS sheen
last week , und 12.H77 cattle , 34.017 hogs and
2.777 sheep the corresponding wool ! last year.
During the onrly p irt of the week , owing to
tlm unusually heavy receipts , the tendency of
prices was downward , and by Thursday , thu
low day of the week , a decline of from 15o to
I'So had been realized on nil Rradca of beet
Btoord. On butcher slock the decline WUH
not so great , Krun stockora and feeders
partook of the general weakness nnd
were slow sale at lower prices. Toward
the latter part of the weak , however ,
with only moderate receipts und usIUht Im
provement In the shipping demand n reaction
luisbeen the result und part , at least of the
early decline has been regained. In IIOJJE
while there has naturally been some fluctu
ating prices huvu In the itiuln advanced und
nro fully lOc higher than last Hiiturluy.
Hhlpplng orders have boon liberal for good
boss of all woluhts and thin fact Is mainly ru-
hponstPlo for the strength In the market as
packers continue very bearish and stubbornly
light the advance ut every turn In the road ,
( iheeu receipts have been rather limited and
the demand continues uollvo and stron ,
The week oloso * with a moderate run. u
llttlo short of last tiaturduy , but the week's
receipts show an Ineieaso of over " ,50 ; head
compared with last wook. There were no
cnttlu hero that could bn culled choice or
prime , but plenty of very decent stiiir. never
theless. HilnnorB did a very light business ,
but the local demand was fair und the general
tone of the market slightly Improved. Medium
and heavy outtle did not show any material
udvunco , but on the handy light cattle then
wus an aotlvo competition from feeders und
prices wcro accordingly stronger. HooJ light
1,000 to 1.203-lb. ulcers sold from fJ/Jj to li.45
( iood 1.150to 1,450-lb , steers went ut (350 U
13.hi. It win a fairly active market uud r
good and early clearance was effected.
Dutoher stuff continues In active demand
at steady to stroiiji prices , Offerlnesof cowt
und mixed stock wore not overly liberal anc
with u moderate shipping nud fair local do
maud trade was aotlvo and recoluts quickly
changed owners , tales of cows were largely
ut from (2.00 to (2.93. with eho'co ' stun as hlsli
a t3. ' < tt and oaunors ns low us II.-3. Hulls
oxen and BURS were llrm at from * 1.50 to H.7J
veal calves , stendy HI from H.OJ to KUO.
There wus an aotlvo trade In the stockoi
and feeder line , both yard traders nnd out-
skiers taking hold freely ut good strong price *
mostly at from 12.80 to tt.23. Itoprosontutm
talcs ;
NO.A.V. I'r. Na Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
a. , hey ts 75 8.,1137 U 40 a.1375 tl&O
18. . 750 310 3 , U70 3 40 19. , 1233 3RS
117 , U7I 3 80 14..1177 3 40 24,1150 atl'J
13 , KU5 3 M 4.,1073 3 4 17. , 1350 3PO
8.1041 3 30 13..1W1 3 4S 17..12i4 3 GO
10. 1075 3 W - 3 45 7. . 1368 300
4 45
II 41
1 , . 010 12.1 1 . 7CO 2 03 2 OCT. 201
7. . ( HI 1 37'S ' 2. HIM 203 2 . 8S.1 2 M
0 803 15) 13 . OU 210 fi..H34 2 K >
n. . 7M ic ) B . HO ) i ! 10 ir. . . our sns
a. . n 10) 7 KII 210 u..i : M 270
3 , . 770 165 1 7.1) ) 22.1 3).1011 ) 270
1. . KM 17.1 1 1170 230 14'.1111 27.1
3. (00 ( 171 2. 070 233 B..107I 27.1
1 OW 17.1 12.001 230 (1..1U.V1 ( 2M
2. WM 17.1 fi .1114 23.1 18 .lOSI 203
1..1010 17.1 1.1. 032 240 10..1030 203
1. IOJO I 7.1 13 . OIC 240 21..1071 203
1..I RJ 17.1 .10.11 251 C..130S 30) )
0.1177 175 1. HIM 2AO 27. . 001 30.1
2 , mi 17.1 5. . nan 25) in..torn ai. %
5 1002 11-0 fl. . 10.15 250 27. IOfi.1 31,1
S tiWO V-'OJ 12.1041 200 10..1129 il IB
1..10.10 203 II. . 0-12 (50 ( : 321
S 041 200 1. IHO 2(5.1 ( 8..10J2 33J
17. . 762 2 00 3 , . 740 2 155
1. (100 ( 253 I. . 060 303 1..1523 370
1. . G.M 253 1..I08) 3 00
CAt.vm ,
3. . UO 400 2. . 13.1 500 1. . 103 500
I . 110 4 7.1 4. . 2J.1 600 1. . 133 5 tO
1. . 210 4 70
1.1440 150 1..14IO 211 n..Ulfi 263
1..1130 18.1 2..10.M 215 1..12HO 2(13
1..I3W 1 UJ 1..120) ) 223 1. . 1.170 27.1
1 010 203 1..1G33 221 S .l.Vll 275
2 16.M a 05 1 1I4U 221 2 , . 1509 285
1 .I2JO 211 1..11.10 23) 2..1250 300
1..15IO 2 15 1..I110 2 53
2. . 570 200 3..122,1 315 1..20SO 375
1. . 80.1 2 35
] . . BID 253 3. . 7(11 ( 3 CO 5. . PP8 320
2. . f > 8) 201 ] . . h70 300 5. . H'J2 ' 323
2. . 7M 275 1. . Slfl 300 5. . O.-O II25
40. . Cll ! 28' ) 3..1110 310 1 , . HIO 325
12. . ( id 26.1 10. KI4 31,1 0. . 033 321
10. . C01 200 II. 8.4 315 31. . 807 325
1. . N)3 ) 20) 7 , . 74' ' . 320 1. . 1150 32,1
4. . 7il5 200 3. O.'O 320 20. . bOO 325
HixiS The run was light oven fornS.itur-
day , nearly 3.0.M short of last Saturday. Uio
week's iccclpts showing u doorcase of fully
5.UUO head compared vrlth last week or the
third week of 1'obrnury last All buyers
were complaining ot tlio poorer quality of the
olTorhiKS nlthuutrh there were picnty of very
good linss here.
Conditions were favorub'.o for nn advance.
Eastern markets uoro stronger , there wu an
active shipping demand for cooil hogs ot all
weights ami the stiuuiy was none too liberal.
The market opened strong to 5a higher on
about everything , the advance being greatest
on thu bc- l heavy und ImU'hor
weight hogs while common hogs sold
rather unevenly. The best heavy
hogs sold at from f4.6.1 to Jl.Va , common heavy
and mixed naeUer-t at from M..15 tof4.0" > . Ijlght ,
light mixed and butcher weight hogs sold all
the wuy from J457Ji to 14.70. Altogether It
was rather an active market und the pens
were cleared In good season , the bulk of the
liois selling ut from M.liO to $ against at
from Jl.f'5 to $ I.IV1 I'rldav , the uverune prices
paid being 31.1)4. ) against } liiO > ; Friday and
8J.51M last Saturday. Kepresout.itlvo sulo- ! :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
50 219 440 $4 51 81. . . .20.1 10U tl 05
08 . . .201 24) 4 55 77 242 16) ) 4(15 (
01 207 200 4 Mi ! l' S 18 1W ) 4 G5
09 1U ! ) 43 4 574 ! 72 SU1 3f.O 405
50 327 403 457(4 ( < " > ' > 287 8) ) 4(15
77 . . . . 219 4 00 ( i'i 246 80 4 115
(1 ( UiS 4 (10 6(1 ( 313 ICO 461
.53 2J1 80 4 03 5'3 2- ! ) 40 465
73..240 200 4 00 61 278 80 461
(53. ( . . . ' 40 28) 4 M ) 07 S3) ) 8'J 461
21 . . . .24(1 ( & 0 4 6) f8 28 120 465
8J 203 2jfl 4 0 67 243 240 I l.r
Kl 2(21 ( 2 0 4 03 81 227 40 163
)4 W > 4 200 4 60 71 278 120 465
< r .24U 10) 160 Kl 210 40 465
2 183 460 83 . . .224 465
M SiB 120 400 70 241 465
OS 21.1 120 40' ' ) 71) 224 160 4 07'/
77 2.12 40 401 08 211) ) M ) 4 67'i
62 2:8 : SI1J 4(0 ( ffi 203 M ) 467V5
54 241 83 460 68 246 163 4 67'/4
50 243 16' ' ) 4 00 62 . . .2.17 40 46714
( VS. . . .240 160 4 dO 57. . .2h7 4 ( i4 !
7.1 IKi 123 40) 63 2U ! ) 120 470
05 . . . . 2.W 200 400 7J 2(11 ( to 47)
0.1 217 80 4 ( US ! 48 317 470
49 Strt ICO 4 62'i ' 28 3.0 4 70
OS 23(1 ( 10) 2i2j ! t'J . . . .300 83 473
11.9 317 240 46-1 1 3 1 ! > 8 40 470
! Mi..2J9 4(11 51 . . . .3.V1 83 470
78 24J 10) 4 Oi 61 . . . .207 8) 470
C,9 . . . .187 4) 401 Kl 1)70 ) 120 475
58 277 120 465 68 . . .259 U'O 475
1 360 4 OU 3 213 440
1 21.0 325 1 3'JO 40 445
1 420 4 21
Sunup Receipts wcro liberal , consisting of
fourdoub.udouKs of westerns , two blnglcs of
Colorado o\ves and a single of native wethers ,
partly lambs und good enough to bring S3.35.
The western wnthers biotisht $5.10 and the
Colorado owes tl.KU. Thu market was active
and strong. Quotations : 1'alr to good natives
ut from 11.25 to if.1.3) . westerns at from $1.00 to
JVJ. > . common and Mockers ut from $2.53 to
$3.75 , gooJ to choice , forty to ninety pound
lambs ut from $4.JO to $6.00. iieprebentutlve
sales :
No. Av. Pr.
1U5 Colorado ewes 73 Jl 60
50 western wethers 91 5 10
175 western wethers OJ 5 10
1UG western wethers OJ 5 10
81 natives , mi.\ed 109 5 a5
Itocolpts nd UlHpiulMiin of Stock.
Olllclal rauoluts und disposition of stock as
shown by the books ot the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenly-fourhours , ending ut
5 o'clock p. in. February 20 , IB' ' ) . ' .
Chicago l.tvu Mock ntnrliet.
CIUCAOO , III. , Fob , 20. [ Special Telegram
toTnK BEE.I There was only a handful of
cuttle in the yards today , no considerable
number huvliiir been left over from yesterday
nnd thu fresh arrivals scarcely reached lUjO
he nil. However there wus enough to moot
the demand und Friday's quotations wore no
more than sustained , bales were on a basis ot
fronl..o ; toifUM for Inferior to extra cows
and heifers. 8I.5J to U7.1 for bullH , $ . > .2.1 to $ .1.85
for stockers und feeders. tIM to $1.35 for
dressed beef und hhlpplng steers , J'.il to $4.25
for Texas cuttle und $ ! M to tti.21 for calves.
The ho.nrirket opened strong ut yester
day's udvuiico. It was easier toward the
close , us hus frequently been the case ot lute ,
DII t did not decline to an appreciable extent ,
Thu best heavy bert hold aiound 5o und there
wore sales of choice light weights ut S ) TO.
The closing quotations wore from (4.40 to $5.09 ,
for poor to choice heavy and medium and from
l.w : to HU3 for light.
Hales of sheep woie ulfectod at Friday's
prices , though tlio tonu of the market was less
buoyant. Lambs were wanted at full prices.
Quotations wern from fl.50 to 81.75 for poor to
eholco sheep and from $5,00 to (0.75 for lambs ,
dulls wore salable ut from $2.53 to $ .1.511.
ItecelptR wcro ; Cattle , l..OO ; hogs , 11.030 ;
sheep. 1,500.
The Evening Journal reports : OATTLE Uo-
celpts , t.OJO ; shlpiiiuutH , 1,000 ; market steady ;
natives. $3.5 ® ! . 15 ; muckers. $1,75Q 3.00 ; cows ,
1.M > 32.70.
llotis Receipts. 11,000 ; Blilpments.Il.OOO ; mar
ket steady to higher ; rough und common ,
J4.)0IUJ ! mixed und puckers , II.7iri64.H5 ;
prime heavy und butchers' weights , 14.90 ®
5.0.1 ; light , $ ! .05U4.0J.
SllCEl' Hecoip's , 2,00) ) ; shipments , 1,003 ;
market steady to a shade higher ; owe * , t'J..TiIfl
4.00 ; mixed , # l.anil,03 ! ; wethers , { 5.uOi(5.75 ;
wesiorns , IXiaiiiMM : lambs fi:5jfoii.75. :
Kiuu.m City l.lvn Stuck .Murkat.
ceipts. 1,800 ; shipments , 100. Hteers wore
uctlvo und Htcudy to lUu higher : cows
and feeders about Ktcady , Dressed beef
and shlpplnz steers sold at * ! .MQjl.5r > :
cows und heifers , tl.55,40 ! ; stockers and
tenders , * -.75iji ( ; 5' .
liooi Usi-elpts , 5/00 ; shipments , 2,400 : the
market was active und generally 5u higher ;
all grades. Ki 5031.03 ; hulk , II.W35.50 ,
8IIBBIKocolpts , 2,200 ; bhlpintmts , UOO ;
the mariiot was quiet uud unchanged.
Our Hotter Halves Say
they could not keep bouso without Cham
berlain's Cough liomedy , especially ( or thu
children , in a case a few rooks since ut the
home of a neighbor the attending physician
bad given up a case of what bo palled dropsy.
Mother happening In , told the parents that
In nor mind It wus n case of lung foyer and
'advised the use ot this cough syrup , which
they did. Result , the child is well and the
parents happy. ( Jhamoerlaln's modlclnos
are used In more than half the homes tu
Leeds. Sims Broi , Leeds , la. This
remedy U not intended for lung fever , bul
for colds , la grippe , croup and whooping
cough. It will loosen a cold , relieve the
lungs , and prevent tbo cold from resulting
in lung favor. 50 cent and tl.W bottles foi
sale by druggists.
Ilullillni ; IVrillltH.
The following pormlts were Issued yesterday
day by the superintendent of buildings :
A. I' . Tukoy , ono-btory frame cottage ,
Forty-Urst und Grunt fctreets t l.OOi
Milton Uogurs. repairs on building ,
Twelfth and llurney streets. 1,00
Two m'nor permits , . , , , , . . . . . , . , . IN
Total . 'fiusi
Wheat Wai Quito Dull and Generally Lawor
Privnto Dup-Uchcn Wcro llconr < tlti | ? lint
the rarmrrV Uovlow 1'rpillotcd All
D.ingcr from the Cold \Vavo I'nsncd
Stocks mill llondi.
CiucAoo , III. , Fob. 50.-Tho wheat market
\viis dull mid gontrally lower toJay. Tolo-
Rraphlo communication was sorloinly Inter
fered with , nnd trades wore left largely to
their own dovlcoi. It id weather In Great
Britain playe.l havoo with the wires , simitar
tothona fell In this country , and the Hoard of
Trade did no't receive Its Liverpool markets
until Into In the day , though seine private
dispatches said the market wnsuutct and un
changed , while nthcM quoted prices easier.
The board's London eali''o noted rio ohungo In
values there , but Liverpool , whloh was re
ceived , was Id lower. Domestic markets were
ill lower. Crop news was somewhat conflict-
Ins , many private dlsmatches being very dls-
couruslng. On the contrary , the Farmers'
Hovlow had a summary ot the situation ,
which was unoxpoctcdly favorable , and the
weather reports Indicated that the Uanxur
from the predicted cold wave was past.
The committee nt the ho ird which was sent
to Waslilnzton to oppose the anti-option bill
returned this morning and Its members wcro
Incline I to the opinion that thn hill would bo
probably passe. ) by thn houso. This doubtless
Had something to do with the weakness which
prevailed during most ot thu session. On thu
whole thu prices were disinclined to-deal
heavily on ollhcr sldo and tlm result was an
unusually small business. The lluctuatlons
were conllnod to u narrow range. Cudahv
was n good buyer of wheat at the start nnd
llrnssoati also bouiht ? freely , 1'ardrldgo was
bollovcd to bo covorln ? sumo wheat on all thu
weak spots , but did not make uinoh reduction
In his line. The Now Yorkers were
perhaps the bust buyers for the
tlrst hour and picked up u gooU
deal. The selling was not urgent , mill
this was about all to bo had that was wanted.
The loniiH let go of a good dnal and there
was ' oino short sales. The export movement
was not very oncouraglnz. Now York having
cloareil but lx,030 ( ; hu. and other points hardly
any Uradstroct's reported the clearances of
wheat and Hour from both coasts lust week at
4.041.000 bu. against 11,041,000 bu. the week pre
After the noon hour there was some show of
strength for n time , but late cables quoted
Paris lower and llorllniH : marks olT and Ant
werp was a shade higher. This cheeked the
advance and prices receded azuln. May
opened nt from fUiU ? to IHlSo nzalnst. Olijo at
the close yestcrd ly , sold up to from DJ ? c to
Me , declined t U3c. advanced to ( lie , rncoded
oiU\e ) , reacted to W c , weakened and closed
tcady at 0.1 JSc.
Corn was quiet mid easy , the receipts wore
Iberal nnd there was rather frcn selllnz by
OIIKS. with but llttlo demand. The dullness
n tr.ule , with the weakness In wheat and pro-
Asians , cnusril corresponding weakness In
orn. May was ! 4c lower anu fluctuated nil
luv wlt'iln a range of Me , and closed ? io lower
.ban yesterday at 4iyc.
Oats were quiet and weak nnd show a loss
f 'Sc.
Iloz products wcro dull and easy , simply bo-
aiiso tr.ido wus dull and the other pits woik.
'he receipts of live hos at the yards were
mailer titan expected , and prices there wore
rm. Pork closed with a loss of ? ! { eontho
alive options , with lard and ribs Ghowlng in-
lcnlteuit ! : changes.
Kstimatod receipts for Monday : Wheat , 170
: irs ; corn. O ) cars ; oats , Uii : cars ; lioirs.4J,00'J.
TlieleailliiK futures ranged as follows :
A11TICI.E9. num. i.ou.
February. . . .
Mny .
CoilN No. 2-
Kobrunry. . . 101
March . 40-M 40) ,
May . HH 41ft
OATS No. t
February. . . . M M 29 29
May . .11 M 81M
Fcbrunry. . . . 11 MK 11 (15 ( 11 55
May . 11 87H u IK ) 11 bO
LA ni )
Fobrunry. . . .
May .
SHOHT llins
February. . . . f. ifl 500 587K
May . C UJ 005 n
dish qnottttlons were us follows :
CORN Firm ; No. 2 , 40)4e ) : No. H. yellow , 80.
FLOUB Firm ; patents , f4.aiKB4.55 ; spring pat
ents , Jl.30@l.5 > : bakers , fl.40iW.CO.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat. UOlio ; No. 3
sprint ? wheat , R" > c : No. 2 red. ! Hic. !
OATS-NO. 2. ai iSO > ici No. 2'wtilte , aon.11e ;
r < o. II w'.ilte.juc. ! ) : . ,
OIIEESK UuchanEcd ; full cream Cheddars ,
; flats , HUffllllic ; Youas Americas ,
HIKES UnchutiKcd.
TALT.OW Unuhungod.
RvE-No. 2. 87'/4o.
BAIILEV-NO. ' . ' , SOc ; No. 3 , 4257c ; No. 4 ,
f. o. b. , 4040c.
FLAX SEED No. 3. f)7'i@09c. )
TIIIOTIIY SBEII I'rlino , M.2031.27.
1'oiiK Mess pork , per bbl. , S11.A7K ; lard ,
per cwt , Wi.4i'/i ; short ribs sides ( loose ) .
JA87 ! } : dry salted nhoulddrs ( hexed ) , IS.VO ®
5.2. > ; short clear Hides ( boxed ) , KI.S.X
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
HuoAus Cut , loaf , unchanged.
Itccelpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
Flour , barrels. . . . 22.0iX ) 2.1,000
Wheat , bushels. . & 2.IXK ) OO.UUO
Corn , bimUolg. . . . . 2W.UOO I2U.OOO
Ontn , t/Dsliols 231.000 171,000
llje. butbols 7.UOU 0,000
llarloy , buahela. 78.0UU 80.1X10
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market wus unchanged ; fancy crcuinerv ,
2r71/4a ; line western. 2025o ; ordinary , 21 ®
l4c ! ; selected dairy , 2i@2ac : ordinary ,
Eggs , 10V4l7c. _
Nc\v York
NE YyoIlK. Fob. 20. Kbouit Receipts , 25,320
pkgs : exports , U.iWJ hbls. ; 14.477 sacks ; dull ;
sales ,
Cons MUAI , Yellow western. $2.75110 ,
WHEAT Receipts. 15J.75J bu , ; exports , 100-
025 bn. ; sales , 1'JO.OUO bu. of futures ; fiO.OUO
tU. of spot. Spot market dullNo. ; 2 reJ , ll.UTJi
© In elevator ; U1.0Uil.lO ! ailoat ; tl.oOiA
1.10J ! No. 1 northern , JI.WJ ; No. 1 hard , 81.1015 :
No. 2. northern , ? 1.0.I34' ; oiitlons easy on
private selling , rallied ' / ® ? ; No. 2 red. Feb
ruary , tl.VH , closlnir at tl.DHH ; March , I1.07JJ ®
1.07M , olosin * at $1.07i ? ; May , JI.U5 , oloslng at
11.05 ; June. fl.Oi ai.OI , closing at $ luj ; ; July ,
tI.OIKItl.U07i , closing at ei.OOJi ; AiiRUst , OOUc ,
oloslnx nt l ! ic' ' .
KVE Dull und unchanged ; western , 89c ®
Hxni.KV Dull and weak ; Milwaukee , 697oo.
HAUI.KV MALT yulut ; Uunudu country
made , fe5o.
OOHN-Hpot dull , stondy ; No. 2 , 49 ? ffll87ic In
elevator ; 4U' ® ' .Oo afloat ; ungraded mixed ,
47 ® 5 < nic ; No. 3. 4K38.ic ! ; steamer mixed ,
48li4Uc ( , Options were quiet und free sell
ing , und some months lower He. others 1111-
ehnm.'cd ; Fobruury , 437iu ; March , 4UeC ! , clos
ing , 4U'io ; May , 4Uiic , closing , loyu ; July
4Uc.Hxv Fairly steady ; shipping. 8J. 50 ; good to
choice. ' .50.
Ilors Dull , weak ; state common to choice
soassiicj raolllo coast. llXitSSo.
SUOAII Kaw. quiet and llrmj fair refining
quiet and-stoiidy ,
1'BTiuit.KUM Hull and steady ) crude In bar
rels , I'urltor'a , to.hOj la bulk. fJ.30 ; Unltoc
closed utilise for March.
Oo-rr N SEED OIL Quloti crude , 25Uoj yol
low , 2io. !
TALI.OW Dull ; city (12 ( for packages ) . 4 1-lOc
llosiN Quiet and steady ; strained commoi
to Rood , ll.ixnol.ri ; .
Tuni'K.NTlNK lll.'hcrnnd quiet : 2833iic.
KOOH Quiet und weak ; western , lee ; re
colpts , 7.5' > 5 paokuxes.
IlliiEH In.ietlve. steady.
1'OliK Quiet and steady ; mess , J9.75S10.15
oxtta prime , * 10.00.
OUT MEATS Firm ; pickled bellies , fa.'ifl
plcklud bhoulilcrs , i\ojt pickle hums , 8'J.OJ
mHUl.lnys. dull ; shoulders. (0.7U ,
LAUD Quiet and steady ; western stem
$ t.ti.i ; options , no sales ; Fobruury , IrU'JU
Muy. J1UJ ; July , 7U77.i'8.
IlUTrmt Dull , fair , steady ; western dairy
lUiiiyo ; western ore.imcry 21'Jui westen
factory. Itxa'-Jo ; Klein , Dwaitfe.
( JiiKKSK Firm , aotlvo ; part sUlms. ( VfilOJc. )
i'io IKON Quiet ; American. Sl.7X517,73. .
Ooi'i'Eli Dull , linn ; lko , 110.70.
LEAii-QuIet , linn ; domestic , $1.25.
Ti.s Inucllvu , Urm ; btrulti , } U . ? 019.75
I'lates dull. _
Omaha 1'roiluvo .Market * .
, FHUITS California riverside oranzcs , 12.25 ®
2f5 ! ; Wiislilir-'ton navels. JJ..y rw.7. " > : Oullfornlu
tanverlni-s , } : t.0j pur box : Florida orunco *
hrlk'hts , tl.00rusbuts , I2.002.7fl ; Florida tai < -
gorliiOb. t.J. ; , . CC4.00 , half boxes ; western apples
choice , ( J.UU2.5J per bbl. , fanny stand might
br.ntfinoro : New York upples , $ i75'l.OO ; fancy
lemon * , f5.U3X25 ; choice fctorles , tl.50l.75
urupns , per hbl. , tS.ltX U.OO ; bananas , crated
t..OJ < Qj2.50 ; cranberries. $ L5j7.ou.
VtdKTAMi.E-i California cabbage , SSiWUo
per Ib , In orates : home Krowu lettuce , 4o per
iloz. : potatcuu , dull ; California cauliflower
( . ' .V52.50 ; nnloiiB , 60e41I.OO per bu. : Nobraski
hand picked beans , tl.l)0&2.0ij ) medium , tl.50 ®
1.75 ; celery. U5IOo : sweet potatoes , R25O2.U
KI.OUII Omaha Milling company' * Hellauco
I'ntont. t'.W : Invlnclblo J'atent , tl.V ) ; Lone
HturSuperlatlve.tJ.25 ; HnowllaUe. 11.60 ; Kanov
Family. * I.W : R F. Ollmun'ii Gold Medal , I2.5-
Know White , ii i Bnowflako , (2.UJ : low grade
lt.txi ) Queen of the I'untry. 1240.
HIDES-NO. 1 green salted hidoi , 4U4Vc {
Na S erceu salted hmcj , B3Vio ; AO. 1 grueu
, to 40H > s. . 4Uftl1ri : Nn. 2 srccn
altol hlitos. 2 to 4 1 Ibn l'ia ' ; No. I veal
alf. 8 to I.MIw. , Ocl .No. 2wl < uilf , to 15 Ills. .
c : Nol dry flint hldts. 7StSb : Ntx Srtry nint
ildcs. .vaooi No. t dry saltvl hides , nnc ? . Tnl-
ow. > o. 1 , : i'4iii4c ; tnllntr. > s'n. s , it'ioi eroaso ,
Ttilto A , 4 1'ici ' crease , while 11 , : i'.1Vci
rc.iso , yellow , : ic : grouse , ilnrw. S'lC ! old but-
er. 2(124o ! ! hcoswax , prlmailGfl ; lounh tallow.
' ' ' '
l'otitTnv t'hlckcnssciirco , gooil stock lOe ,
nncy miitht bring llo ; RCC < O , ducks and tur-
oys , IKBI.'c. „ .
Ihirrr.ii The host country rbll Is ollln7 to
lie retail trade In a atnatl way nt 2ja.'lc :
hlpplnir stock , ll(317c. . , . . .
KIKIS nenciallv iclllng to the retail trade
i shippers bidding onl.r140 . ,
St. I.ouls jrknts.
ST. I-ouis. Mo. . Fob. 2J. Fioun-31ow and
nuhnnscds family , HnoaL25 | choice , KJ/J )
4tt.4a : ; faimv. fi.b&a : . " 5 ! intents , } l.4 ai. > .
WHEAT Stronz for cash ; No. 2 red , 44c ! :
options wcro dull till near the finish when
liero was a small tlurrv. but prices closed To
lolow yesterday ; May closed at 0r > ? o ; July ,
OOltN W oik and llttlo done. Sutlers nt the
lose tit Ho below yesterday ! No. 3 cash , : ! Gjc ? |
lurch , : :0'i : Hio ; May. 'Mo.
OKT < Oush lower at : ) ! } ® ' ) ; options nom-
nul ; May o ire red nt.ll'u1.
HVK 1/arKolv hUlier : No. 3cnsh i > old nt85o.
ItAnr.EV Hull : sample lots Nebraska , 5Jo ;
illlvraukoe , .Vic ; Minnesota , r > 7c.t
v llAV-Inill ! timothy. W.5013.00.
IIHAN Quiet ; Tie.
IltrrtKii UnchanKodi creamery , Sl2io ;
dairy. 15ai25o.
Kotis Kaslcr nt tSVJc.
FiJAx < Kr.n-Flrm at irc.
O.mN MKAt-Verv linn at 13.10.
WiiisKV-Stoudy at 11.14.
tnoN OorroN Tics } 1.20i.2.V
I'liovisioNS Firm tint dull.
I'oitK SII.75 for now ; $11.25 for old.
iAun-a.3iw < u.\
Iiuv SALT MK\TS booio lots shoulders.
l.nn ; loins nnd ribs. JVOls "horts , < UU.
HAH > N Shoulders , $5,50 ; lonas and ribs.
o.50itr..r.i : shorts , $4GH { : hams , $3.0)310.50.
HECKiPTS-Flonr , 40'WJ Ibs. ; whent , 38,000
) U. ; corn , ffil.ooobu. ! oats , 3J.Ooobu. : iryo , l.OOJ
in , : barley. 2H.O o bu ,
Hiui'AtnNTS Flour. fi.O'X ) Ibs. ; wheat , 15,000
u. ; corn , 2) ) 1,0 JO bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. ; rye ,
, UOO bu. ; hurley , 3.0JO bu.
Omnhn Craln .Mnrkot.
Prices based on delivery at Mlsslsslpol rlvor
points , Nebraska Inspection , and ton duyV
hipmcnt. unless otherwise ) state : ! . Cash gr.iln
alls for ship nont within II ro days
WHEAT-- . 3 spring. Klo hid ; No. 3 spring ,
7o bid.
UVENo. . 2. 60o bid.
OAT.No. . 2 whlto , 3lo bid ; No. 3 white , 29io !
ild ; No. 2ml.xoJ , 3'Jo ' bid ; No. 3 colored , Uoo
Conx No. 3 or bettor , 3D days , : i(54o ( ! bid , : )7o )
skcil ; March , : i01ie 1)1(1 ) ( : whlto. 381io bid.
Among the sales wore ! 21,0.10 No. a or bettor
nrn , Toledo terms , Fobrunry and March.
O.'ic : 30,000 No. 3 or better , p. t.
11OA11D OF TIlAOi : NOTES. Clark ot Albion was looking over thu
No session of the bo'trd will bo hold on Mon-
uy , whloh Is n legal holiday.
1 * . J. Murphy of Rogers was among the vis-
tors at the Hoard of Trade building.
MlnncapollH Whciit 'Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. Fob. 20. No. 2 wheat
was stronu but dull except on the bulges when
he Inlying was active , Th < 3 cold wave that
vus headed for wheat states nas vanished
but It still a fleets this market. May wheat
onencd ut 83io ! antl wont to SSJic. Then for
icarlv two hours It held steady and dull at
8SisSi'e and about noon struc : B9c. Up to
hla time the tendency has been upward , but
vlien 80 > io wus struck enough Ions wheat
T S brought out to put the market back to
WJio. It went up again to'Sno and closed nt
iaiie. Uiisli market Wiia uollvo and No. 1
northern sold above May , most of It gotni ; at
OMc. Hecotpts of , hero 1111 cars and at
Juluth and West Superior 73'curs. Closn : No.
northern. Fohruiiry. 875i 'yestordav , 87Mc :
Muy opening 88Hc , hurnost'fiUc. lowest bSJic ,
closed 834e. ! yesterday 8'JWoii On tr.iok , No. 1
mrd. b954c ; No. 1 northern , & 8Ko ; No. 2 norUi-
crn , 0. > o. _ r , ,
Ilnluth Whctil M'urkct.
DuLUTir. Minn. , Fob.1''SO. . The opening
was lower to lay , belnu VSo'olT on May. There
wus , however , n sUchtistronKthonlng up of
urlces during the morning Cession. The do-
nand for cash wheat to f arrive was good ,
Lurgo lots of llftcon to tlilrty cur loads sold
around 88io ! for No. 1 northern. May was dull
with llttlo demand early1. ' 'I ho Increase In
stock hero for the present wonk , 300,000 to U70-
100 bushels. The close wim att c olT all around
'rom yesterday , except for hlxhor grades of
oush , which wcro ? 4.o off. ,1'ollowlug , are the
closing prlcns : No. 1 Imra.citsh. B7'ic ; Fobru-
iry , 8B o ; Muy , 9Uc : No. .J-ftprthern cash.86Hc ;
May , Ol'/5c : No 2 northern1 , ' cash , 7IHJc ; No. a ,
74c ; r jectedKi2c ( ; on truck ! No. 1 haixl , 89Jic ;
No. 1 northern , Safic. f ' "
l unsHS City * A iirkots.
KANSAS Oirv. Mo. . Fob. 2J. WHEAT
Rather dull ; No 2. hurd. file : No. 2 led. 823810.
OOHN Strou ? oarlv hut weakened tutor : No.
2 white. : i8 c.
OATS Very slow ; No. 2 mixed , ! 10e.
HAV Firm but unchanged.
FLAX SUED SOVic. on the bals of purs.
Eons Weak , nt I5e.
RYE Strong ; No. ' . ' . 80o.
HtlAN Firm ! sacked , Q5c.
RECBIPTS Wheat , 7,000 bu. ; corn , 1,003 bu. ;
oats. none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu ;
outs , none. _
MILWAUKEE , WIs. . Fob. S-X WHEAT Quiet :
May , 00c ; No. 2 spring , U.'o ; No. 1 northern ,
CoiiN Qulet ; No. 3 , 37H'J7ic.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 31iic : No. 3
white , 3030Kc.
HAULEV Qulot ; No. 2 , 54c : sample , 3910ic.
R VE-Steady ; No. I , 87c.
Coltoo Market.
NEW YOUK. Fob. 20. Options opened steady
and unchungcd to 10 points up and closed
steady at from 15 points down to 25 points up ;
sulC3.2ii2. > pounds , Including : February , J14.UU ;
March. (13.85 : April. UOO : May. 812.08 ; June ,
(13 05 ; July , $12.50 : Soutomber , J12.35 : October ,
$12. 0 ; December , $12.03 ; spot Rio. Urm , No. 7 ,
$14.7J14.87'/s. _
Cincinnati Markets.
CINCINNATI , O. , Fob. 20. WHEAT Strong ;
No. 2 rod. USo.
COHN Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 40le. (
OATS In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , 3233c.
Toledo ( iraln Market.
TOLEDO. O. , Fob. 20. WHEAT Easier ; No.
2 cash and Fobruury 974c. !
CoilN Dull : No. 2. custi , 41'/.e.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2. cash and May , 33o.
TrnderH' Talk ,
CHICAGO. Ill , Fob. 20. Connselman & Day
toCockroll Ilros. : Wheat ruled quiet , open
ing and closing lie lower with ono rally to
yesterday's latest figures. Foreign mantels
were quoted Irregular , but on the whole had
lost their snap , and private cables brought
some nulling orders from the continent. Lute
Hritlsh markets were reported steady
to Urm on severe weather , and New
York houses were moderate buyers
to replace wheat sold yesterday.
Crop advices from the southwest continue
complaints concerning the condition of winter -
tor wheat nnd bring some tmylna orders. The
llutoh hill uKRltutliiii Is still causing holders
to.swll on rallies , und deters many who would
ho buyers fiom Investing , L'orn and oats
were dull und UU u lower on liberal receipts ,
following the tone of ycsterdny. I'rovislons
were nonlocto.l and sagged silently on small
sales by packers. Wo think the product a
purchase for a quick turn.
CHICAGO. 111. , Fob. 2J. F. G , Logan & Co to
J. S. Sands Commission company ; Tno erratic
und nervous wheat market of yostorduy , with
smaller range of lluctuntlonu , was duplicated
toduy. Steady prlvato.-ind lower public ca
bles an ono hand and fuircjoarances und tak
ings from the soaboanl. mh several cargoes
repotted chartered to lit this point to go
forward at the opening of navigation , were
tlio Influences. Operation were largely local.
The week closes on thoAfllolo rather satisfac
tory to holders , while butlovera In the Idea
that sup ily nnd doruaud. will show later In
the season on the Amynqtin surplus whloh
Europe will not noc/I / .are ei/iuratulat-
Ing themselves that there hus not been a run
away market. Wo Mill1 feel that wheat
should bnupht on wollKJOlaces , Corn was
easy until liberal recounts and largos esti
mates for Monday and oiu'.own ud vices from
Iowa und .Nohraska woropt free marketing ,
I'rovislons hold dull uguiuiind lower , closing
ut nearly bottom nrlco < The ostlmutu ot
nogs for next week Is 145,003 and for Monday
24.1100. V I
CuifAOO , III , Feb. 2' . Klinnott. Hopkins &
Oo. to H. A. McWhortor : There hus been llttlo
motive In today's marlrccr Wlri'f east wore ,
down on account ot the storm und no Liver
pool cables were rocolfcrtf Continental ad
vices were generally ouaH'i < 'but nut materially
HO und en the wholo/uuTforelBii situation
seems to have experienced u radical chuuico
for 'hu better. Receipts ut primary markets
for the week have largely exceeded these ol
thn previous week nnd It U not expected there
will bo more than u small decrease In the In
visible supply ,
Com and o.ns generally easier , but with
good buyiug on soft spots. The loinfs don't
like to see so much oornon the way from the
west , but oxpoutnu jxieolpis drop materially-
after furni work hogliiS. l'rovlson : are weuk
and drooping , The "estlmivte by tha Depart
ment of Acrloultiiro that there are ubout
10,70.iOO ( moro ho s ti | thecouiucy than u year
use bus hud u temporary weakening olfuct ,
Weaker on ItVporln of I'rolmblo
Ailvnrse I.t' lalatloii In Kcliruaku ,
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 20. The stock marKo ted ay
was quiet and dull and narrower than for any
day during the last two weeks , while display
ing a decidedly wonk tone under pressure to
bell fur both sides of the uccount. Londoi
was a seller to homo extent , but the opeuii g
wasqulot and fairly steady , general.y ut lu-
plinincnnt chances from last nlzht's tljures
'Ithor ' wuy. but Chicago Oas'wus up 1 percent.
( oulltallons In It. however , forced Its
irlcos off rapidly In thueiirly donllnu , nnd
ho opening culn wus soon lost , ourrym ? the
rest of the list with it , Other changes , except
n Lake Kro & Western , which was the strong
mint of the list throughout the session , rising
percent , were tor small fractions only. The
'oal ' stocks were very quiet but linn to stronr ,
nit the granaors vloldmi to attack because ot
ho reports of probable mlvrrso laalslntlon In
Nonrn.ska. llurllneton soid ex-rluhts nnd ex-
llvhlend unu opening off 2'j per cent retired
iver l per rent from Its opening fUnro , with
tock Island In close attendance , i'rlcos halted
ownrd tlm end of the llrst hour , but the Issue
of the coming -statement was the
signal for a mure vigorous assault on the list
nnd Union I'ticlflonnd the crairjors In ceneral
were mudo the special pulutsnf iittnck In con-
icetlon with Chicago Uus. All retired ma-
urlnlly In the last few minutes nnd the mir-
tet finally closed aetlvo und weak nt about
he last prices of the day The final chnneos.
lowover , uru generally frnctlonnt losses , but
Inlon Piielllo nnd ROCK Island are each down
| S percent with IHirllnston equal to about
ho same nnd Jersey Contra ! 1 percent.
Government bonds have been dull and
steady. State bonds have boon notlcctcd ,
The following nro the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today
The total sales of stocks today were 107.885
shares. Including ; Atclilson , 9,465 ; Ghlcugo
Gas , 28.111 ; Delaware , Luckawanna & West
ern , 4,300 ; Erie. 8,813 ; Hocking V'llloy. ' . ' ,500 ;
Louisville & Nashville , 3,52,1 : North Ameri
can. 4.500 ; Northern I'uclHc preferred. 0.105 :
S'nw Kiizlund , 6.4C9 ; licadlng. 21,500 ; St. 1'aul
10,725 ; Union 1'aclllc , 4,413 ; Western Union ,
Financial Hevlcxv.
NEW YOIIK. Fob. 20. The Post says : The
itocK market today wan such a ono us was to
) o expected at the end bf a week ofUocllnliiK
prices und diminishing volume of business ,
coiiilnt ; us It did , before n double holiday. Thu
dispositions to realize was IIP marked us
yesterday und the prevailing sentiment of the
street , In view of the new movement of cold
outward , tosothor with the high prices which
a certain iroup of stocks have been pushed
to , wus bearish. The market ns a whole was
reactionary , and as n rule largo fractional
osses urc the result of the day's operations.
New York Jlonoy Al'trkot.
NHW Vonu. I-'eb. 2J. MO.VBV o.v OAM , Kasy
with no loans , closed offered at'- per cent.
I'm MR MKIICANTILI : I'AI-EII 'l OHi per cent.
STEIU.INO EXCHANGE Steady at W.85 for
sixty days.
The closing quotations on bonds :
U.S.4sreR M. K. AT. Uon. is. . . 4UH
U. S. 48 COUP 110(4 ( Mutual Union Cs 10S
U.S. 4) ) < s rcu 100 N. J. CL Int. Cert U2U
1'acltlc us of Til ,103 Nortli. Pacific lets. . . .11 ( 4
I.a. stamperHs 81 North l > acllloX ruls. . .IHi %
Tenn. now sot ( Is. . . ,10li Norlhweatern Con , .1.17
Tcnn. new set 5s. . . . , ,101 North. Doticnt. 5s . .lUft i
Tenn. now sot 3s . . . 71 St. I. . A I. M. ( ien. 5s. b5
CanudaSo,2nd3. . . . St. U AS. F. Ucn.M..IOUU
Con. I'acltlclsts st.raul Consols . I2'.i
Den. A U. t ) . lats. . . . , St. I' . , a Al'ac.lsts.,117
Don. Alt. O. 4s Cex. I' . I * G. Tr. Ilcts 82
Dcn.AH. G.Westlsti Tex. 1 > . U. G. Tr. Ilcts 31
KrleZnds Union 1'iiclflo Ists. .
MJC.AT.Uen. Us. . . Wo t Shore
T.oiidiin Stock .Market.
James Gordon litmtett. ' ]
fob. 20. The following were the
London stock quotations closing at 4 p. in :
Consols , money 0 > ? American .
do , accounts KH St. Paul common. . .
N. V. , I' . AO Ists , . . 8T Now Vork Central.
Can. Paclflo 61 t'onnsylvunla .
Krle : H ,
Krlo2nda IW < Mex. Ccn. now 4.1. . .
Illinois Central 1US 1
lUu Slt.VKU 411-IGd.
MONEV 2'J2j ' ; per cent.
, Itatn of discount In tbo open market for both
long and short bills.M'JK per rent.
Flnuiiclil Nutes.
NEW OHLUA.NS , La. , Fob. 20. Clearings ,
liAr/mionE , Md. , Fob. 23 , OlearlnRS , $3,89'- '
843 ; balances. $ :55,018 ; rule , 5 ® ) per cent.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. 20. Hunk clearings.
SI.39S,09J ; this week , $3,610,301 ; today's cash
balances , $ J04,627.
I'lllLABELVlltA , PH. , Fob. 20. Olonrlnss , $13.-
044,037 ; balances. t8.0t.1.07i' ) . Olearinss for the
week. 7,218.198 ; balances. $11,371,321. Money.
IlJi percent.
NEW I'oitK. Fob , 20. The exports of specie
from the port of Now York last week
amounted to$2.0l.1,0j7 , of which 1,100,2(10 ( was
gold and 1395,437 silver. The Imports of bpoolo
amounted to $552.91) ) , of which § 473,238 wus gold
and$7l > , G75 silver.
CHICAGO , III. . Feb. 23. Money easy at 4'/S5
percent for call loans and 530 per cent on
time. New York exchange \\e.ik ut 50u dis
count. Hank clearings , $ l4. . " > 87.0i3 for the duy
and $95.325,907 for the week. Merlins o.\clmn o
steady nnd uncnanuod atl.61 for sixty-day
bills und $4.b8U for sight drafts.
Denver Minlni ; Stocks.
DENVEII , Cola. Fob. 2) . The following list Is
thnoloslngqiiotiitlomon the Mining exonango
today. Sales 20,803.
AllcRlmny 5. Gold nock ft
Amity 2 Ironclad 13
Argonaut. 1(1 ( John J 9
Dallarat 20 Justice 18
IlatiKkok-Corn II. . . . t > \ < l.eavcnworth 7
Hates-Hunter fi5 iliiKton 41
Illu Indian 1U Llttlo Itulo , . . . . 30
Highlit 4 May Mnzeppn , , 88
llrownlow 4 Mornlnic Glim 40
Calliope 15 Ore 275
ClKuilla J a I'arlc Consolidated , . 8
Century 8 I'ay lloclc 4
Cluy County 28 1'iitosl H
CRSll II 1'uzzlcr 2
Diamond II O I'nul ( iold 10
Denver ( ins and Oil 71- Itl.ilto CU
Kiamoiia 45 IliinnlnK lrfdo 2U
( iettjriUurif SJ Wlmlo 6
Uolden Treasure. . . . RO autlon , . S3
lloHton Htock Market.
UOSTON. Mass. . Fob , 2J. The following were
the closing prices on stocks on the Iloston
stock market today :
Now York Mining Quotation * .
NKW yoiiK. Foh. 20 The following are the
closing inlnliu stooK quotations ;
AdamtCon , , , , , 121 Horn Hllver. , . , J'O
Aspen 200 Iron Silver 12)
Heist & llclclier : s > Mexican 105
Cliollar 1.U Onlilr 2UO
Con. Cain , i Vn 425 I'iriMouUi , , . , 175
Deadnrood , . , , . l'J5 S-avouo , 115
Kurukaton W > Sierra Nevada 1U !
( ioiiiux , curry 18U ytandard l\tt \
Halo A Norcron , , , , ZUJ Unlua Con I4U
Ilomestuko 12UO
A Itomarlialilo Ouru of Jtliriimutlsm.
Messrs. Gage and Sherman of Alexander ,
Tex. , write us regarding a remarkable cure
of rheumatism tnero , as follows ; "Tho wife
of Mr. U'llUuin I'rultt , the poitmuster hero ,
has boon bed-ridden with rheumatism for
several years , She could got nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her a battle of Cham
berlain's 1'aln Balm and she was completely
cured by its uso. We rotor any ono to her to
verity this statement. Fifty cent bottles fur
sale by druggists.
Mr. I'nddock Consumes a llooil DealofTlielr
Time In Talk Iliulncua Trammeled.
The question of finances was the feature
of tbo county commissioners' meeting belt
yesterday nftorroon.
Mr , Paddock , a member ot tbo board , who
not long1 ago was appointed by ex-County
Clflrk O'Mally , ox-County Treasurer Snyder
nnd ex-County Judge Shield * , took it upon
ilmsolf to try and prove that theto was
tlonty of monov In thn general fund , Ho
also arraigned TUR 11 n : for publishing the
statement that only th sum of $ ll)7Ti.Ul ) was
available. To bncit up his statement ho had
n paper which showed thu following.
On hand from the 8. " > per cent of the
1RH ! low . . .1 I.M.\OI
Pran forred from the poor farm tuirJl. V3.MI.iH
'ransforrod Irom sundry other funds , \20'.S1
Collected from oilier sources than the
levy since January 7 , IVJ1 . . , 4,0 40
Total In fund M
In addition to this ho said $10,000 could ho
transferred from the brldga fund nnd b.v
practicing economy the countv could run
along until the 189.1 levy wns available.
Judge Slonberc replied to Mr. Paddock.
Ilo was glad to know that this gentleman
hnd found sucb n largo amount of money ,
out notwithstanding nil of that. , the state
ment published In Tin : Br.u was true nnd not
misleading. The Item In THIS HF.B showed
tbo true condition of the general fund nnd
Mr. Paddock's statement proved It , Hoenrd-
Ing the faar > 01..l3 that Mr. Paddock wanted
to transfer from the poor farm fund ho said
the board had no right to touch that money.
The fund was for n specific purpose , sot
nsldo for that purpose by resolution , nnd
could not bo legally transferred to the general -
oral fund. The proposed $5,1203.81 was in the
same condition and was not available.
Mr. Berlin questioned the right ot the pro
posed $10,000 of bridge fund monov. There
wcro enough or nearly enough contracts on
hand to exhaust the bridge fund before the
ISiKJ levy could bocotna available.
The paper presented by Mr. Paddock was
placed on 11 lo , but the clerk was not author
ized to draw warrants against the amount
that ho hnd found , *
The committee on charity recommended
that Anna Oworack bo furnished transporta
tion to ICingllsher , Old. The commiUco
thought that would bo tlio cheapest way tu
get rid of the woman , ns she would , If shn
remained in Douglas county , continue to uu
nn object of chnrlty. The coU of tbo trims-
portntton would bo about $15 , or nt least so
the commlttoo roportcd.
Mr. Pnddoclt opposed giving the transpor
tation. Ho had not prepared himself to sun-
port the report. Mr. Paddock , who trails
up the committee on charity , had tiotlooltcd
into the uuso to an ottnnt that would Justify
him In favoring the expenditure.
Judge Stonberg stated that ho had mndo
an investigation ot thu caso. The woman
was receiving 500 pounds of coal per month
and SI worth of groceries per wook. She had
relations at Kingfisher who could und would
take care of her. It , was iv case ot humanity
and If Douglas county took ns good euro of
Its money nnd exercised as good judgment as
the committee proposed to do in this case ,
the tnxpavcrs would Hnd. no fault.
Mr. Paddock made another speech , In
which uo stated that ho bad some Impres
Mr. Berlin remarked that Mr. Pnddockhad
no right to stuto impressions. What the
board wanted was facts.
Mr. Paddock informed Mr. Berlin that ho
did not want any back talk , after which ho
talked again.
The report was amended , and the woman
will bo sent away if any railroad company
will furnish a half faro ticket.
The bid of tbo Omaha Ice company to fur
nish sixty tons of ice at the poor farm nt
$1.50 per ton wns accepted.
Corliss & Johnson got the contract for fur
nishing milk nt the poor farm during the
year 1802V Their hid was 13 cents per gallon.
Thu county clerk was instructed to re-
advertise for'blrts for groceries for the poor
farm. The old bids , so the committee said ,
wcro not on specifications that were uni
Dr. Wllcox presented n Dill of $7. > for bolding -
ing a post mortem upon the body of Oscar
Judge Stonberg moved that the bill bo
reduced to $15.
Mr. Paddock nskod for nn explanation.
Judge Stonborg tried to explain , but before
ho had proceeded far Mr. Paddock inter
rupted lor the purpose of making u speech
upon surgical operations. Ho said the board
established the price of $ ' 3ri for holding post
"Not by a d d sight , " responded Mr.
'You are wrong , Mnjor Paddock , " spoke
the chairman.
Mr. Paddock wanted to make another
speech nnd ho aid.Did not you allow $ -5
last year ! " ho asked.
"In only a few Instances1 answered Chairman
man Tiin'me.
This gave Mr. Paddock a cbanco to talk
again , and ho did. lie declared that hu was
correct and that the board had allowed $ . ' 5
for holding post mortems.
Mr. Berlin stated that McManlgal and
Coulter had won their cases In the district
court , but It was simply because the county
attorney bad not notified tbo board when the
cases wore called for trial.
The ? 25 bill of Dr. Wllcox was allowed ,
Messrs. Berlin nnd Stonborc voting "No. "
"Now you have established a precedent by
which in tbo future doctors will got $ .25 for
oacb post mortem examination , " declared
Mr. Berlin.
Mr. Pudaock declared that sucb was not
the caso.
Judge Stenberg tried to do a little reform
work but ho was shut out by Mr. Pudaock.
Tbo judge moved that in tno future all
post moriems bo hold by the county physi
' No , no , no , that won't do , " cried Mr.
"You nro out of order , judge , " said the
The commlttoo on court housu and Jail re
ported that the Omaha Printing company
was the lowest bidder for blank books ,
blanks , stationery and lithographing , thai
the Hoes Printing company wns the lowest
blddor for miscellaneous articles and sup
The Omaha Printing company protested
against any portion of the contract being
given to the Keos Printing company. TUo
communication stated that tbo bid of the
Hoes company wus not complete and that it
wus not in accordance with the specifica
The report of the committee was adopted.
The matter was referred to the county
attorney , to decide upon the boundary line of
East Omaha.
John Halnoy asttcd to bo appointed janitor
of the court houso. Hofeired to the coiutnlt-
tee on court house and jail.
A resolution Instructing the county clerk
to invite bids for ten days for tbo county
advertising and publishing the delinquent
tax list was adopted.
Mr , Berlin said the resolution was a copy
of ono put into the hands ot tbo commltten
some three weeks ago. The commlttoo would
not report , and for that reason ho foil called
upon to Introduce the now resolution ,
Judge Stnnborg remarked that it looked to
him as though the committee- Intended to put
the matter to sleep. The members of the
committee might Intend all right , but bo could
iiotunderstaad their action.
fNBTIlUMENTS placed ou rooord February
-L U , Ib' ) . ' !
Elizabeth Hewitt und husband to J II
Hpctmunn lots 11 und 13 , blook U , lled-
ford place . , . t 6000
Omaha Investment company to E 1 >
Kv ins lotft. Uvun's add . . . 1,50U
W II Uiind M Uatuphonson toJ It Hun
ter , lot 7(1 ( , I'lUrmonnt plaeo . 2.000
0 J I.oomU to Ell/ahetli Hamilton , lot
10 block 8. H E Itogci's aud . 0,000
Maxwell Hamilton and wife 10 U II llurr ,
lot 13 , block 3 , Summit pluco . 10,000
J \V Urllllth , tostntor , lo Itenson Juck-
son. lot 6 , block 5 , linker place . 425
North Sldo HulldliiK usaojlutlon to J U
Novln , lot I.I. block 1. UuJluk park . 2'JOO
Eir.'cmo O'Neill to Hleharil Heannell ,
lots 10 to 1(1 ( , block 2 , O'Neill's subdlv. , 1
llalthas Jutter and wlfo to A W and E J
Dlckorsnn. lot 14 , blook H , Jotter's add
to Houth Omnhu , . , , . . , . . , , . . . HOO
E A llenson to E 11 ( 'hupmiin , lot ' . ' ' . ' ,
hlouk I , lot ? , block 2. iota 0 and IP ,
block 3 , lot 3 , block 4 , lots 8. UO , 31 and
M1 , block ( l , lots U and 31 , blocx 0 , lots 4 ,
31 to3l , blocl' 12 , HrhKK' plaeo. , . , , . , , . . 22,015
! ' K liulley and wife to F E llulloy. part
lott 114 11 ml 115 , Nelbon'y ailil. , . , , . 1
E li Chapman und wlfu to E A Hum-
inond. lotst * . 28 to 3 1. D.ucktl , lots 4. 31
to 3 ' , blouk 12 , lots 8 , 30 , 31 and 32. block
fi. lotsl ) , in. 15 to IB. hlouu3 , lot 22 , block
1. lot 7. block . ' , lot 3. block 4 , Urdus'
uluee , lot 3 , block 1W1 , und lot 3 , mock
78 , Omuhu. , . , . , . , , . , , , 0,45)
J n Hpetmnnn ct al to.I II Spcthmann ,
nndiv ! i lot 15 , block 18 , Huiibcom Plaeo 1
0 E Ituy to A J f holier , lots 1415 , 10 ,
block 12 , Kitchen .t Wuiiith'ssubdl v. . . . 1
M I' ' Dunlup und wlfo to U J Loomla , lot
10. blook d. S E Kosor's add . . . ; . . . 6,000
W U AhmiiiiKoii ot ul toBopuloAhmun-
son , lot .5 , blook 3 , West Hltln „ , . . . . . . 1
K It and I'aullnu O'h.ipmiin'to I.oulillux.
br. lots 15 und It ) , blouk 7 , Keud'a 1st
fcdd , , , , . . , , . . . , , , , * . , , . , , . , ! ! * . r , . , 601
Q ( W I'oynton. special muster , to Mllei
& Thonipmn , w M ? fee tot B 148 feet ,
lot 11 , ulock I , 1'urk pluco . , .
Total amount of transfers. . , , . t 01 ,
After Submitting to Many Annoyances
Metes Locke Kills His Torsccutor ,
Siippovil to lime Itpcu Drnil , tlio Itrntn ! (
turn ! ) to I'liigilo Ills former
mill Meet * With n Deserted
Nnojno , Mo. , Fob. 20. At Snglnnw , ft
own noixr hero , Thomas Wanton wiis shot
ntul killed b.v Moses Locke , who surrendered ,
niut Is now In jail , Some yours niro Kmrrm
Jobbs , a prott.v country clrl , married
\Vliiilou at this nlnra and moved to Denver ,
Jolo. , where after a Hfo of nilsory caused by
Wlmlon'a brut nilty , she was compolloil to ro-
tutn to her parents wlthbor only child.
Later , seclnn In n Denver paper nn account
of ttio death of Thomas Wbnlon , shoncccptcil
, ho nltciilloiis of Moses Loeko nnd ninrrlod
ilni. Wtmlcn , who was not Uond , learned of
tbo marriage anil traced tlio coupto to SagU
mw , where they had sottlod. Ho then pro *
rosed to Locke to lot him nlono for $100.
LiOcKo Is poor nnd offered to compromise for ?
; H)0. ) Wlmlen refused and continued to anno/
the family by letters.
Yesterday afternoon Whnlcn approached
Locko's houso. The latter ordered him nway ,
nil \Vluilcn refused to go , nnd rnado u niovd
to draw n revolverwhen Locke seized ashot-
; un nnd shot him dead , the chnrgo oven drlv *
ng silver dollars In Wbulon'3 pocket ln\o his
bourn o. < t.ur.i.
Alioiil tlio N Street Vludurtt.
The Idea of n vlnduct nt N street Is rnpluty
Brewing in favor and there nro fo'v , sf any (
who deny that It is llttlo less than n nocov
illy. As the subject Is discussed people nro
becoming convinced that tlio coat to property
owners will bo slight compared to the bcno *
Ills that will nccrno. City Engineer King- ,
who is also the engineer of the Union Stock
Yards companv , Is ucrhups bolter qualified
than nnyouu else to oppress nn opinion In IhO
" 1 do not bollcvo it will coil the city ono
cent outside of the damages resulting to
property owners , and these will not ho nearly
us much as seine people scorn to imagine,1'
sntd Mr. King yostorduy. "Tho viaduct
reed not bo longer than liOQ ! fcot , and us the
Union Pneillo company Is rosponsihlu for the ;
vluduct nnd 800 fcot of approaches It wilft
throw the en tire cost on tlio railroad ,
"Now , In regard to durances to property
owners. The street Is titty-tour feet wldfl
betwen the curb * . The viaduct would bo
thirty-two feet wide , which is the some
width as the L street viaduct. Tnat would ,
louvo eleven fcot nn each sldo fora driveway
besides the sidewalk. Now , I fall to sea
whoroany excessive damages would comoin ,
and as the approaches would bo short
the amount of damages would be u very
moderate figure. The property owners on
lower N street should romorabor that If the
vlodubt is not built Uio bulk of tranio la
bounu to go over L street as soon as the Ex-
chaimn crossing Is closed. That would ba
almost ns damaging to them nnd they wnula
have no redress in the wav of dnnngoi. Tbfl
stock yards company is willing to nave n via *
duct there and they nro moro deeply inter- "
ostcd than nnv ono else.
Dc.ith nf lUuJor Williams.
The many friends of Mnjor Warner L *
Williams , nvell lno.\u resident of this city ,
wcro pained to hour of his death , which oc
curred at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. The
major was well advanced in years , but bis
death was entirely unexpected till nn acute
attack of asthma caused his death in a few
Major Williams was born in Batavln. N.
Y. , March 21) ) , 183T. Ho served In the ITirsi
Michigan infantry all through the war ,
where ho received well deserved promotion.
Ho was wounded at Sblloh nnd curried the
bullet during the roma'udor ' of bis llfo. Ho
leaves three children , two sons , uud n daugh
ter who is now Mrs. Epos ( Jory of this cltv.
The funeral will bo held at the First Presby
terian church at ! ) o'clock this afternoon.
Kpocrt Livingston post , Grand Army of the
Republic , of which the deceased was a mem
ber , will attend in a body.
Knit of the TiiR-of-Wiir. " >
The carpenters won first plnco nnd tha
lion's stmre of the gate receipts in the tug-
of-war which has been in progress at Blum's
hall during the past throe days. A match la
now being arranged between the carpenters
and the Swedes , who have defeated all
comers. The null botwocn these teams would
bo well worth seeing. The following is the
standing of the teams in the tournnmvnl :
Wuii. Lost.
Carpenters ; t a
Americans 1 ! 1
c-wlft&Co 1 1
Mule Pity's U a
Notes About thu City.
J. M. Wilbur oPBoutrico is In the city.
Oscar HigRlns is visiting his family at
David City , Nob.
George L. Dare has taken a permit to orocl
u residence to cost § ' 2,100.
Hon. John McMilloa left last night for
Persia , la. , where his wife is ill. Mrs. Mc-
Mlllon Is inuca improved and her friends
have hopes of her recovery.
Mr1 and Mrs. J. P. Evcrs and Mr. ana
Mrs. O. L. Holmes will give a tea party at
the residence of the former , Nineteenth and
M streets , Thursday from 4 to 11 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuuston celebrated
their golden wedding at their residence ,
Thirty-aecond and J streets , Friday evening.
A largo company of their friends were
William Uoiloy was nrrcstod yesterday for
obtaining money under false pretenses.
Frank Crawford Is the complainant. Ho
nays that Heiloy forced him to sign u checlc
for $3.50 while ho was Intoxicated ,
Neuralgia Curml In rifteau Minutes ,
Mr. J. S. Sturtovant , cdltor.of the Wuupnca
( Wis. ) Post , says : "LastnlgbtCharnucrlain'a
JJuin Uulm cured my wife of neuralgia of the
face and tooth In liftoon minutes. Wo would
not be without It. " o'O cent bottloi for ala
by druggists.
Goethe states that ho ono dny saw the
exact counterpart of himself coming towards
tur , Oinuliu , Nubrimku , February "Uth ,
18.-2. " -culed proposals. In trlpl cato , Mihlect !
to thu usual conditions. will bu reeulvod at
this nfllao until 12 in , , central standard time ,
Monday , Murth "I , ifW , nt which tlmo ana
Cliicn they will bo opened In the pn-Hcncaof
Iddors , foreoiiitruullnic u mimpln : IIOUHO , u
wiiter syMloin and it soworujfo system nt 1'ort
Oibok Nebraska , Kopuratii proposals innstlic
Hindu fur llu pump hunsu unu uuuh Byatoni.
The invftriimunt ; reserves the rljht to reject
any or all proposals. IMans nnd Hpu-llltmtlouii
uan bu i > cun. and circulars containing In
structions to bidders. ahd blank forum of pro
posals oLtiilnud on application to llilsolllco.
Envelopes containing proposals xhonld ha
plainly unrked 'Troposuls for lus Uio case.
may ha ] unit iiddrossrd to the undersigned.
OHAIIUWI'MIU.MI'HKKV.O ' , plain and An.
slhlant Quartermaster. U. ri. A.
BIDS will ho received by thu Htato Hoard of
I'rlnllnK at the oflleo of the secret r.v of
state nn or bcforo'J o'clock p. in , March , IbW ,
for prlntinu and binding In olotli one thou
sand ( l.tOJ ) t'oplosof volutuo IV or thu Trans *
actions and Hi'ports of tliu Nebraska Htutd
Historical Socluty , to ho dollrored corn pic teat
at the ofllcu o ( the secretary ot the hooluty la
tbo Htute UnlvorHlty blinding , f.liu-oln. To
contain uoo puses , moro or | C H , Tlio Hlze of
pave , wok-lit and iiunllty of paper , ntvlo and
nnallty of hlndlnz. style of letlorlnu on cove *
and in nil respects the work to hu the Hume as
tlio aiunplo to lioseon In tlio olllco of the soot
retury of Btuto. , . \
\VorK to hn oomplotod within sixty day !
from the awarding of the contract. ,
Kitch proposal must ho ueeoinpanled by 4
bond In the mm of t.m.00.
Jtlght rcKorved to rujeot any and all btui b
the Stuto 1'rlntlni : Itourcl. Juil.NU. AI.LEN ,
] ) atea 1'eb'y 17. IBO'J. Hoorutary t tate.
Ntovkholiler'i AloolliiL" , 7
Notice U liorot/ given that the regulaf
annual meeting of the itoekholduM of tha
Houthl'luttefjand company will huhuld at tli
ollk'o of said company. In Lincoln. thf
tlrstWodnuiday In March.lBW. being thu uecouv 1 1
day of thi ) month. ,1 ,
lly order of the Hoard of Dlroetora. 'I
It. U. 1'jiii.Lii'B , Hocrijt..ry.
LINCOLN , Neb. , l-'eb. : . Id'Ji t < Md Will