THE OMAHA 'SUNDAY ' BEE PRRT ONE. PRGE8 1-8 , TWENTY-FIRST. YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , Fl l UARY 21 , 1892-SIXrl110KN PAGES. ll 2-17. Awful Punishment Motctl Out to a Negro Eavisbcr by nn Arkansas Mob. HANGING THOUGHT TOO GOOD FOR HIM Death by Fire Insisted on by the Mob of Infuriated Citizens. ? /,0UND BY IRON BANDS TO AN OLD STUMP His Victim Applies the Torch That Sends Him to a Fiery Fato. FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES HE SLOWLY ROASTS Fearful Agony of tlio Victim Horrible HlglitR lit the Kxccutlon All Ilia Townupcnplo Join in the Work of Hcvcngc. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 20. A special to the Republic from Toxarkann , Ark. , nays : Ed Coy , tbo nocro brute who on last Saturday committed n fiendish assault on the person of Mrs. Henry Jewell , a respectnblo farmer's wife , with n 5-month's-old child at her breast , at her homo thrco miles southeast ot this city , this afternoon answered for his nw'ful crime by a horrible death by fire. In tbo presence of 0,000 people , ho was burned nt the stake. When Mr. Jewell left homo on Saturday last after dinner to como to town for the transaction of notna necessary business ho left Ins young wife with her cooing babe in her arms In the best of health nnd spirits , little dreaming when ho kissed her good-byo of the terrible fate that awaited her during his absence. Shortly after the hu baad's departure n negro appeared at the door and asked the whereabouts of Mr. Jewell , and the unsus pecting woman informed him that ho had gone to town. The negro gave his name ns Davis and said that ho bad some hogs to sell to Mr. Jowoll. CaniinlsHloii of the Crime. A considerable conversation wns held be tween them and the woman thus bad a good opportunity , while not under excitement , to note tto general personal appearance of the negro. After the noero had cone Mrs. Jew- nil concluded to visit n neighbor half a'inilo distant and went out to lock the door , when the ncirro , who was in hiding , sprang from his place of concealment , seized her by the throat and after a deiperato struggle suc- coodcd in accomplishing his diabolical pur pose. Ho then dragged the fainting woman into the barn , where ho kept her for about an hour , assaulting her repeatedly. Finally , when ho was making ready to go , he took up the gun which ho carried , nnd finally yield ing to her pleadings , left her and disap peared in the woods. When the husband returned borne bo lost no titno In giving the alarm , and in a short time scores of men were scouring the country In all directions , and during the night two negroes answering the general description given by Mrs. Jewell were jailed bore , but whan taken before her she pronounced thorn bath Innocent and they were discharged. The search continued without nny relaxa tion , and soon It was positively learned that the name of the guilty negro was Ed Coy nnd that he had gene north toward Little River county , Arkansas. Several posses at once went in rurjult In that * direction , and have beau on his trail over since. th.iiiKcd ! CoitM : With Another .Jfegro. On Thursday , n negro answering the general oral description of Coy was arrested nnd brought bore over the Toxarknna & Fort Smith railway , nnd at first it was believed bo was the guilty party. After a close scrutiny of Iris features , however , Mrs. Jew ell pronounced him not the man , although the hat and suit of clothes ho were looked exactly like these of her assailant. Tbo prisoner explained this by saying that ho and Coy had ueon together on Sunday and Monday , and at the latter's request thoy'had swapped clothes , Coy saying that ofilcors were after him for some minor offoAso. Thursday afternoon bloodhounds were telegraphed for and they arrived Thursday night from Hot Springs. On Friday morn ing tbo dogs were taken out to tbo vicinity wbcro the negro was known to bo , but efforts to use them were greatly * retarded by a heavy rainfall on Thursday night and Fri day. Last night prospects for the ncgroo's capture began to look gloomy , indeed , It being announced that In all probability ho bad gotten out of the country , as the trail bad been entirely lost. Located the HntUlicr. This morning , however , at an early hour , n message came to town Irom W. B. Scott , a farmer living fifteen miles north of town , saying Coy was nt the bouso of Ed Givens , n negro living near him , and asking for men to como out and arrest him. An armed posse went Immediately , but before their arrival the negro started down the road toward town , and was intercepted by Scotland his friends nnd hold until the posse arrived. It also appears that a posse headed oy Noah Sanderson , which bad boon out all week , had again struck the trail this morning , and tboy too came upon the sceuo shortly after the arrest. About fifty mounted guards attended tlm prisoner to town , arriving there about U o'clock. Coy was Immediately placed under heavy escorts and taken before hlii victim , who unhesitatingly pronounced him the man. Ho was at once rushed back to town and conducted to n room where n heavy guard , both Inside and out , was placed over him , It was resolved that no action should bo taken until all tbo parties ube were out should ro- lurn , The last of these came in about 2 o'clock , When a contultatlon.was held In the room by the leaders , who decided upon hanging as the mode- and Broad street as the place of death. IllH rait ) Deelded On. Coy was accordingly led out and marched for the place of execution. Arriving there , torno ono throw a rope , but the 1,000 .present ten tup a shout of "Burn him. " Someone at this juncture fired a Win chester and the excitement became inde scribable. Finally the crowd forced the inon who bold the negro to move north ou State Line nvouuo. When near the post- ofllco someone who bud hold of the rope , which in the meantime bad been placed about the prisoner , attempted to mount a telegraph polo with it. He was uncere moniously soUod by tbo foot by a horseman uud dragged to tha ground. "Hum him ! " "Burn him ! " wont unajratn and again , and It was clearly to be seen that dunth by 11 ro nlono would appease the wrath of tbo surging multitude. At this Juncture Charles M. Uejvos , a li Ing citizen , mounted nn elevation and be sought the crowd that If they were determ ined to burn the wretch for the sake of thi'lr wives and children to take him outside the city. city.This This appeal bad the desired effect nnd the cry wns turned to "Out of town with blml" "Burn him ! " "Burn him I" The route to the suburbs wns then taken , and when Just over the Iron Mountain rail way track In front of a low , level opening a holt was made. A slnglo stump , about ten foot high , seasoned nnd strong , stood nlono In bo center of this spot , nnd thlthor the negro wns dragged. Another man who favored hanging began climbing thu stump , but twenty leveled shot guns mndo him descend In a Jiffy. Ills Victim Applied the Torch. Without moro ado the negro was then made secure to the stump with iron fasten ings and koroscno was poured llborally over him. him.A A shout wont up , "Lot his victim apply the match ; " "Lot Mrs. Jewell sot tno flro. " In response to the call Mrs. Jowoll emerged from the crowd and her nppoaranco was ereetod with ehcors which almost shook the ground. Palo but determined and supported on cither side by n man , relatives , the little woman walked to the place of execution , where her assailants stood pinioned , struck n parlor match and applied It to the wretch In two plncon and stopped away. In a fnw moments the doomed man was n sheet of flame , writhing nnd rroatnug In bis hornblo agony. Death resulted In nbout fif teen minutes , The crowd which actually witnessed the burning could not have bean less than -1,000 and was probably 0,000. Miilntnlncd Ills Innncnnro. About twenty minutes before Coy WAS led out to execution the Republic correspondent was accorded nn Interview with him. The ccgro said ho believed that ho was going to bo put to death , bat was innocent of the crime. His denial was , however , given in such a manner as carried conviction of guilt with It. While the event Is confessedly a horrible nffalr , it is justified by a largo majority of the pcoplo of this section on the ground that a desperate disease requires an heroic remedy , and that hanging has not as great a horror for tbo average negro as death by fire. tixcur.xuirs SOTES. ruinous Nebraska Ciiso finally on the Supreme premo Court Docket. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 20. [ Special to Tun BKII.J After wending a somewhat tortuous way through the courts from an ordinary plobia'n justice ofllco , through the moro pre tentious district tribunal , the now famous case of the stnto against Saundcrs has reached the patrician bench of last resort and wns Hied with the clerk of the supreme court this af ternoon. Saundcrs was fined ? tUO and costs for selling liquor on the day of n special elec tion. His attorneys. In their petition filed today , nmlvo the point that when the legisla ture granted n charter to the city of Lincoln , In which the control of saloons was placed In the hands of nn excise board , the general statutes of the state were sot aside. J. Sterling Morton was today appointed a delegate to the transmlssissipoi congress , which meets at New Orleans on the 'M inst. inst.W. W. C. Edgar nnd C. McC. Reeve both of Minneapolis were today appointed commis sioners for Nebraska In charge of the state's donation to the Russian sufferers. The Fidelity Trust company of Lincoln wns Incorporated today with a capital of ? 10,000. The West Side Improvement company , with a capital of $200.000 , ' was incorporated today. It will establish an'd maintain a nor mal university. The Western Normal collects was Incor porated this afternoon. This is the Institu tion which Prof. Croan of Shcuandoah has been endeavoring to establish somewhere In tbo west for so many months. A. S. Williams secured a temporary injunc tion this morning rcstr inlnp the officers of the Lancaster County Agricultural society from removing the county fair from this city to Hickman. The suit Is the outgrowth of the recent factional fight In the society. Any ono who pays up his dollar and signs the constitution can become a member , und at the annual meeting a party of Hickmanites swooped down upon and captured all the of fices and now propose to move the fair to that town. The petition for in junction sots forth that the officers have no right , or authority to move the fair , that tbo facilities at Hickman are inadequate and meagre , nnd that to remove it would cause the county to lose the state aid. The hearing will bo had next Saturday , Mattie Woods , a colored courtesan , con victed of stabbing Seth Bolen in the nocit , was given two and u half years In the peni tentiary. Charles Knlsor , convicted of rob bing a drunken man , wns sent up for eighteen months. Mary A. Sharp was civon a divorce from her husband , Sylvester B. Sharp , a wealthy dirt dealer , on the grounds of extreme cruelty. Tbo count of votes In the contest between Waitc and Uauer for the district court clerk ship was finished todiy. The entire county was rocnnvnsscd , and the result showed 1S5 majority for Baker , tno contcstce. Tbo con testant , Win to , gained but sixteen votes on the recount and the pleasure of finding out that bo was really defeated will cost him In the neighborhood of $1,000. Goorco Miller and Martin Smith , two sncaic thieves , were sent up for thirty days this morning for "pinching" several dry goods stores of dross goods , Louise Llndsoy , a pretty llttlo girl of 18 , was arrested this afternoon in a beastly state of intoxication. She bad visited several wine rooms In company with a younp follow named Frank S i.ith , and ho was about to lead her to a hack when a policeman came along and took both to the station. P. W. Hampton , city editor of the Call , canned the arrest today of Policeman Lister on the charge of assault and battery. Hamp ton has boon roasting the o nicer for alleged oppression of prisoners , and when the news , paper man called at tbo station last evening to find out tbo number of the officer's star , an oxcltlnc colloquy ensued , which ended by the forcible ejection of Hamilton , Lutor was released for trial Monday , Burglars ontoroa tbo grocery store of \Villtani Hotnlinir , H 5 O street , last nlht by the window route and got away with about &Ti In cash and some groceries. Jay Burrows and J. M. Thompson are the corporators of tbo Reform Press associa tion , which filed articles today. Tbo busi ness Is gcnfral advertising and the furnish ing and transmission of news In plates or otherwise. Marlon W. Smith is engaged today in at tempting to prove to the satisfaction of Judge Field Hint her guardian , Juboz C. Crookcr , ha * been handling her estate to his own per. sonal benefit and applying its Income to his own uses , besides which she charges that ho baa made himself personally disagreeable by his actions whenever she called at hi' ofilce. A Cernuin Clnh In Koiinttn I'lure. The DoutRcho Soscndo Kroiso club and a few of their friends were charmingly enter tained by MUs Armbrustor Monday evening nttho residence of Mr. J. p. Hay , Kountzo place. The guests indulged in hiph five until u Into hour , when an elegant lunch was served. Those present wore ; Mlsios Bauman , Fawcntt , May Fawcott , slaughter , Hamllu , Polglaro , Weller. McLuIn , MoCuno , Gussle Baunmo , Holiday , Freeman , Mooru , Hughes , Lehmor , Benton and Bay , Messrs. Mullen , Colby , Peters , McCunu , Stran ? , Vlcker * , ( ilfford. Fawcott , Bauman , Fisher , Parma- lee , Oady , Wright , Boss , Peyton , Tate and Davenport. Bon Jensen spent the watches nf tbo night an Interested sprutatorof a crowd of Tartars' Turks and Roman Catholics who lose up and bt round hU arm chair till suurUo. BOTH WOFUL WOMEN Mrs. Maybrick anil Mrs , Osborno Still Before the English Public , CHANCES FOR THE FORMER'S ' FREEDOM IIo3te of Prientls Assisting Her Lawyers to Secure a Now Trial or Pardon , SOME NEW LIGHT THROWN ON HER CASE Why the Correspondent Thinks She Poisoned Her Late Husband. MRS. OSBORNE WILL STAND HER TRIAL I'rospcrtH That She Will Ho Sciitonrcil tent nt l.eiist Klglitccu MontliV IinprU- oninciit Prliieo ( leer o Will Jlo H Duke HereiiUcT. ICopyr/oMcil / iS3Itn Jitmtt . M Il LONDON' . Fob. 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim Br.n.J Mrs. May- brick has no lack of friends hero and her American nationality scorns to add to their persistence. They nro of the loud mouth typo , of course , for If of any other variety they would not attract attention. They began their outcry the moment the verdict was returned , and delucod the press with opinions nnd complaints. The lottow were so numerous , so constant and so cleverly worded that so hard-hearted n person as the homo secretary was moved to qunsh the verdict and change the sentence of death to imprisonment for llfo. The first bout was ivou by Mrs. Maybrlck's friends and having plenty of time at their command they began , o work methodically. The woman exercises n great fascination Dver the majority of people who have como n contact with her. This Is particularly noticeable In Mr. MacDougal , the London county councilor. Ho is a fanatic in the opinion of co'isorvatlvo people , not only In ho Maybrick case but in most matters. Ho s ono of the most thoroughly disliked men in London , for ho attacks musio balls and other existing institutions which on the whole nro .veil conducted. His friends , however , cull him a "reformer" nnd say it is tbo late of nil reformers to bo called "fanatics. " Her I.nvyer Thinks Her Innocent. Mrs. MnybncK's case was in the bands of Messrs. Lumly & Lumly , ono of the best Irms of solicitors in London. 1 mot the head of the lirm this morning nnd ho said : I thoroughly behove in the Innocence of Mrs. Mnybriclc ; otherwise I would nofbavo .aken tbo caso. I have boon working stoad- ly and methodically for a long tlmo In her behalf , and thora is moro than ono commit- .00 with the same object in vlinv. The com mittees do not nil agree. Wo have nothing to do with their quarrels. We take nil the evi dence they and anybody else can lvo us. The source Is of no consequence so long as .bo matter is relevant. 1 go to Liverpool .oday to secure now testimony. I have had detectives at work for a long line , and bavo gathered much material. Wo may bo nbio to move next week , but this depends upon the opinion of counsel. Wo have the best counsel In the market , among , bom Sir Charles Russell and Mr. Poland. i\ll the evidence nt the trial , the speeches of counsel and tbo char go of the Judge wo have printed. Upon this counsel will pass before we make a move. Our object Is to se cure a now trial or a pardon. I have dug up wo cases of precedents , but these were never acted upon , so , In one souse , this will 'orm a precedent. " Meanwhile , Mrs. Maybrick Is taking on flesh in her prison , and in spite of tbo pa thetic letters of the Baroness do Hoques , her mother , is not looking at all 111. What the Correspondent Thinks. I followed the Maybrick case very closely. I went to tun trial unbiased and listened to all tbo evidence. I was not satisfied of her guilt when the judge charged the Jury , nnd I had a doubt when the Jury said "guilty. " A few days afterwards I had an Interview with the Baroness do Roquos. She , however , as far as words and manner were concerned , was confidant of her daughter's innocence. I wrote down a number of questions and asked the baroness if sbo would secure answers - > swors from Mrs. Maybrlok. She said "yes. " and took the questions to the woman who had been condemned to death , I saw heron her return from the cell , The wo questions which would have satisfied : no of Mrs. Maybrlck's Innocence were not answered , and they had been built with much care. They had not been answered , but the remainder wero. The baroness could clvo no reason , and I then believed Mrs. Maybrick guilty , nnd such is my belief today. ' Moreover , I do not bellovo that the efforts of her friends and aJnnrors , well backed by powerful lawyers , can obtain her freedom. Interest in tbo case was revived this week by the action of Comptroller Spolrs of the Mutual Reserve Fund association , Ho paid $10,000 on a policy on the life of Mr. May- brick Into court. Mr. Cleaver claimed it in behalf of Mrs. Maybrick , and a ? assignee Mr , Cleaver Is going to carry the caao into tbo House of Lords , neainst the decision of the court of appeals. The executors of James Maybrick also claimed it , and Sir Richard Webster , attorney general , claimed It for the crown , and so tbo association washed Its bands of the wbolo affair by paying the monay into court. The association bad al ready paid a policy ot $15,000. IMiiy ( let Kluhteeii Moulin , Mrs. Osborno's trial takes plnco in the .week bepinmntr March 7. She Is still In tbo Infirmary In Holloway Jail. She Is boslegod by all sorts of visitors , mostly women a nd crunks , several of whom Insist they stole Mrs , Harproavos' diamonds , and .hat Mrs. Osboino is Innocent. Captain Osborno dally visits his wife and brings delicacies and cheers her up. Mrs. Hargreavos also remains in town and calls frequently nt Holloway jail on tbo woman who so cruelly wronged bar in tbo public mind. Tbo fact that Kir Charles Htissoll Is en gaged to defend hnr leads to tbo belief that Captain Osborno intends that his wife shall stand trial. The consensus pf opinion among lawyers is that Mio will get eighteen months' imprisonment which will probably bo spent in the Infirmary. Will llo n Duke , Tou , Prince Georgu is to bo called duke of Kent. Tbo tltlo is to bo transferred by the queen , who holds by right tbo succession. The oftlciul announcement , however , is not to bo made until the queen sends out the usual birthday honors in May , which consist gen erally of elevations to the pooragoof patriotic brewers and railway managers uud the con ferring of C. II.'s on soldleri and sailors. Prlnco Ucorgo Is guttering severely from Insomnia , notwithstanding , the efforts of his physicians to disgnlso'ttio'fnct. lleiuly for Another 1'nll. I had n long chat witli Mr. Foxhall ICoono today , Juit as ho was Brighton. Ho looks first rate , but n trillo thin. His Irish "cropper" kept him In BqjJ twelve days , nnd naturally ho lost some flesh , The accident hai loft no visible marks. Ho lost one tooth nnd Jlind the nerve of so damaged that ho had the tooth removed and will have tbiTgap filled by a porcelain work of art. So far as appaarancos go his loss of the tooth Is of no consequence , M Mr. Kcono docs not show his tooth when ho talks , only When ho lauRhs , and generally limits himself ton smile. He says ho fuels all light. Ho rode for several hours' today. Ho is In love with Ireland as a hunting country , and bas boUKht twenty-two br.oou marcs and several hunters nil tbo latter Irish , which are the best hunters in the world , as Englishmen well know. Mr. ICoone may bo ox'pcctod homo shortly. Ho will bo nt Ltvorpqol hoxt week to see the Waterloo cup won and loit , il ciisniirr ( { IIQ UUCP. The postponement Of the cup race was n disappointment to thousands , particularly to the followers of Colonel North. The draws suited him to perfection and In splto of nu merous good entries the odds against Fullerton - ton nro only 3 to h Saturday having passed , a now draw is necessary and all bets are do- clarcdoff. 'llils Is unfortunate for Colonel North , ns n now draw Is not likely to bo ns satisfactory to him ns the first. All good sportsmen , however , hope thatFullorton will wli. the cup nnd thus finish a glorious career by accomplishing n foot never performed be fore the winning of the Waterloo cup four consecutive tlmcsi Racing has also suffered from the weather , which has been unusually severe this week , with llttlo nppoaranco of n change- for the bettor. Early this morning London bad a dense fog , which disappeared as suddenly as It came. Thcro Is plenty of Ice , but it is spoiled for skating purposes by frequent falls of SDOW and occasional thaws. Will Itnr rilKillsN. At last London is to have a club after the style of the Manhattan 'and Now York Athlotlo clubs , to bo oaUod the "Sport nnd Athletio Club , Limited. " The chief object Is the encouragement of sports , though pro fessional boxing will find no plnco in the club's programs. The committee includes the dukes of Portland , 'Hamilton nnd Montrose - rose , Lords Lonsdalo , Londcsborrough , Fitz- hardine , do Clifford ami Gosford. Inventor Sims , of the Sims-Edison tcrpedo , is booked to sail to Now York next Wednes day , Ho Is called ] ; heap ( because ot illness in his family. The stria ! of the torpsdo at Portsmouth this weokjv.s very satisfactory to the foreign attache , and a probable sale will bo effected to Russia and Get many. Mr. Edwin M. Fox ; attgrnoy for the Edison company , goes to Russia next week. The first secretary , of the legation , Mr. Henry Whlto , received numerous congratu lations this weok. < Khis now title. The London Times said that among these in the diplomatic fr.lllory .of , the House of Commons Thursday night listening to Mr.'Balfour's introduction of bfs Ir&h bpmo rule measure was "Sir II. White , Tlrst secretary of the American legation. " jSacha mistake may mean a bead lujbo bhskot , as the Times Is very particular on such points and Mr. White is too \\cll hijoiyii an American to make such * an error allowable on any ground ) . Tiilklnp of the Iinllmi. ' Indian Commissioner Morgan has taken the trouble to try to satisfy Mr. Labouehoro that there is no corruption in the conduct of Indian affairs. Mr. Labouchcra does not seem to think that Commissioner Morgan has made out a good case , though ho fs will ing to admit that Mr. ' Morgan may not have got any of tbo "swajr. " But it it curious how ultra-patriotic Americans bond tbo knee to the English , whllothoy t } n ordinary people - plo who are civil to the Anglo-Saxon. London paupers are slowly growinc loss numerous. In tbo fifth week of January , 18S9 , there were 10l.SsO indoor and outdoor paupers In London ; in 1890 thorn were 103- 033 ; in 1891 there wore 100,577 , , and in 189J there were 09,303 < Mr. J. U. Sibbald , the iron manufacturer of Now York , has been-serlously ill _ at tbo Savoy with pneumonia contracted in the isle ofVight. . Ho is now recovering and will go to Eastbourne to recuperate. Lord Alllngon , the aged nobleman who married Miss Lchliih the other day , and whoso wonderful gifts to the brldo were the talk of the day , ban n'pt 1iad a happy honey moon. His old enemy , tbo gout , attacked him the day after the marriage , and ho is still laid up with the inulndy. I'ccullur TcIejpSipU Chargca. Mr. Hcnnikcr HcsApri , tbp parliamentary postal reformer , -ihowlng up the very funny methods pursuod'by the postal author- ties in making arbitrary and ridiculous rul- ngs. If you telegraph the words "Now- castlo-on-Tyno , " they ohnrco ono word ; if ' "St. LconnrdSrOn-tuo-Soa , " three words. 'Dovoro" ' is ono word ; "Dovoro gardens" three ; "upstairs" one ; "downstairs" two. But tbo height of red tape appears In this order just Issued : ' 'You may , nt the ordi nary circular or book past rate.send to your coal dealer the following message : 'Send ono ton coal. ' If you su'y 'Pleaso Bond1 you roust puy a penny extra , because it's a lot- tor.1' ' The authorities are evidently not in clined to encourilca politeness. Americans who havo'boon obliged to travel everywhere in whiter will bo glad to know that the dreadful' railway foot warmers nro about to bo dona 'a\VA.v \ with. Ono of the lines running between Lonaon'and Liverpool has just put In a s sfcni of steam pipes , and also , much to the.astonishment and wonder of Englishmen , oloptrlc lights on its trains. The papers praisqiita company for Us ro- rnarkablo ontflrpri ejbut tbo time bus not como tor any railroad | n England to bo en terprising enough'nqt. , a lock the passougor " * in the carriages. ) J * " Secretary Tlllot cu.of the Victory Yacht club tolls 1119 bis clu i is most anxious to bo challenged by Auiijticans for a race In English waters ( or. iio America's cup. Ho thinks English yoabp have a much hotter chance to winin , bjoiup waters , ou account of familiarity with tbb course and p 1st ex perience has boea.a'splondld teacher , giving thorn hope of' bsulln'tf.tholr next American opponent , ' MrTillaUon'thinks now , that Mr. Burgcas la dead , American yachtsmen will not buvo thq Banjo walkover as hereto fore. * j M nil ? in Our i-rctlyhnlni rli. The muelcal. society organized by some of tbo music loving young ladles of Kountzo Place , mot nt the residence of J. W , Fawcett Thursday evening. A delightful program was lUtonod to , uhich consisted of vocal and Instrumental solos and duels by various members of the club. These present were ; Mesdames Koch , Benedict and CrandulU Mlnses Armbrmter , Collett. MoCaguo. Lydhv MoCusuo , Free man , Holilday , Saughtar | , McLaln , Nellie McLaln , MqAnsland , Polglaco , Van Court , Bay , Gullck , ) V'odo , Uossio Wedge , Fawcott and Mary FaWfott , A lean year lemon party i to bo given by Miss Helena Llpp to Iho dub In t ivo weeks IS CROWING WEAKER Opposition to the Qer.nau Sectarian Edu cation Bill Palling Off IT WILL BE FORCED UPON THE PEOPLE In Order to Retain His Plnco Herr Miquel Will Dense His Opposition. VON CAPRIVI WILL BE TAKEN TO TASK His Departure Prom Constitutional Usages Gives Qravo Offense , SAXON ARMY OFFICIALS IN TROUBLE Kiuppriir William IH KxprrtPil In Mulio Some. Important Miituiiicnt * Highlit nf Suceesslon In the DiiL'liy or Uriini- Nrus I''roiu tlio 1'atlii'rlaml. ii/Xcw rm/r / Atnoetatal IV . BBIIUN , Fob. 20. The government has gained a distinct advantage In the division in the ranks of opposition to the Prussian sec tarian education bill. The national liberals , headed by Herr von Bcnnlngson , maintain the policy of union with the frelsinnlgo party against the measure ns n whole. Another section supports Herr Miquol , minister of finance , In his endeavors to arrange a compromise with the advocates of the bill. Herr von Bonnlngson's enemies assert that ho is actuated by a feel ing of animosity toward the cabinet bocausp he did not receive a ministerial post which ho had long coveted , and In relation to which many promises had boon made to him. Herr Miquol , it Is sold , will surrender his prlnci pies In order to retain his position ns finance minister. Ho has now for n long tlmo been the champion of the compromise movement , and thcro can bo no doubt that ho will change his course of trying to avoid an open and ab solute rupture. However , as Chancellor von Caprivl and Count von Xodlitz , the minister of public worship , bis colleagues , have shown no disposition to alter the measure so ns to make possible Its acceptance by the country , It Is dlfllcult to see where there is any chance to apply the principle of compromise. 1'rostiitccl It Only us a I'ormiillty. The hostility of the situation is ncgra- vatcd by revelations made by the Allege- melno X.eltuug , to the effect that Count v'on Zedlltr , acting under orders from Emperor William through Chancellor Ca- privi , only submitted the bill to the minis ters as a formality when it was completed. The measure had boon fully elaborated be fore Count von Zodlltz placed It before the minority. Ho was simply used by the _ emperor - peror ns an open clinnnol for the Introduction of the bill in the Landtag. The question qf this departure from con stitutional usages will bo brought before the Landtag and unless Chancellor von Cunrlvi can explain it , it Will shako the power at the ompovor to retain him as chancellor. During the tlmo when Prince Bismarck's power was most absolute the ministry preserved the right of being nu courant on all legislative projects. New Immigration Iturn. The bill regulating emigration from Ger many , about to bo Introduced in the Reichs tag , enacts that anybody wishing to leave the country shall Inform the police as to his destination. The authorities will for a month before allowing a person to emigrate make public his declaration as to his proposed destination and the agents will not bo al lowed to forward emigrants except In ac cordance with a written contract open to the authorities. No parsons between the ages of IS and 25 years ( the period cover ing liability to military service ) , will bo allowed to enter into a contract to emigrate. Contracts will not bo allowed In the case of diseased and maimed persons or ethers v/no will not bo permitted to on tor as Immigrants the countries tu which they wish to go. The payments made must cover the ex penses of the entire Journey to the port of destination of the emigrant. A cents will bo responsible ( or any losses which emigrants may Incur in consequence of delays in trans portation. All steamers used for the convey ance of emigrants must bo oxamlnod as to their equipment and sanitary condition , livery vessel sailing between the trans oceanic ports and having room for twonty- ilvo passengers other than these carried In the cabin will bo treated as un emigrant ship. Imperial inspectors will bo appointed at Hamburg , Bremen , Stettin and other ports. : * > er.teil to Suy Something Important. Tbo previous spoocbos of the emperor at the opening of the Diet at Brondcrburg have led to the expectation of the country of im portant utterances by his majesty on the 3-Hh mat. mat.Horr Herr Horrfurth , Prussian minister of the interior , states that the dlsoaso of the luil- noys from which ho It suffering Is becoming aggravated and will probably compel his resignation of bis position. It Is surmised , however , that this is simply an excuse brought forward on account of tbo education ulll. ulll.It It Is rumored that the duke of Cumberland has assented to the proposition to reopen the negotiations looking to tbo surrender of his rights In Hanover. These negotiations arc based on proposals made by Herr Loxton , land director of Hanover , thatttlQ duke of Cumberland shall obtain the rights of suc cession In .tho duchy of Bruuswlcu with the control of the Ouelph fund. Queen Victoria and the prlnco of Wales are urclng the dnlio of Cumberland to accopt. The emperor is ulso earnestly urging this arrangement ol the matter , ns the last chance of a bottle- montDoforo the Ouelph fund is swallowed by oho Prussian state. I.ondoji stuck Murket. [ Copi/rtoMfd ISfflbuJumc * Gimlnn llamrtl. ' ] LONDON' , Fob. 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BBL'.I The stock market has boon Idle and uninteresting all day. Business has boon roducud to a mini , mum. American raits were generally Hat , the Now York market having been adversely Influenced last night by orders given for tbo shipment of gold to Kuropo. Homo rates wore duo weak , Foreign stocks closed fairly steady , as the Paris bourse was bolter. In homo rails Brighton deferred rose one-half of 1 per cent and Southeastern deferred ono eighth of 1 per cent , whllo Metro politan deferred and Hhofllold deferred fell ' 4 per cent and Caledonian issues and North British deferred , ' ( , per cont. Money was strong , The demand was at'J f to a per cont. Applications ere made at the bank , where UK per cent wa charged for ten-day loans. Mho stringency wai caused by tbo London and Westminster bank handing over a largo sum to the Bank of Uiiglaud on ao- count of the Now South Wales govern nt , . , The discount rnto was firm. Threo-mihlli bank bills were quoted nt2 > t per cent , to bo shipped from Now York to Uur < i today amounts to . 120,000. mttni ) : > i'M iu : SNOW. : iiRlanil KxperleiieliiK Setrro Slornifi Cold Weuther. Loxnox , Fob. 20. Snow slurms prevailed ast night throughout the United Kingdom. n London two Inches of snow fell , and this nornlng the city wns enveloped fog. The weather remains cold. The upper reaches ol the Thames nro frozen. In North Wales 10,0'JOquarryinon ' hove been thrown out of work by the snow that has fallen to a great depth In that part of the country. A dispatch from Dublin states that telegraph vires nnd poles nro down in all directions hrough holand , nnd that railway tralllc Is i ntcrrupicd by tno heavy drifts with which ho lines are incumborod. The snow storm continues In the mountains nnd moors of tliu north of England and trnf- lo on the various railway lines traversing hnt country is seriously impeded. Dispatches say that the roads In the Lis- ownld district , Kerry , nro also badly do- aycd by huge drifts of snow. Much anxiety is felt regarding * the safety of several farmers who loft the markets bound for their homes yesterday nnd of whom nothing has boon hoard. THAT i Protests Agnlnst Its Cnimiminntlnn 1'llcd \\ltli the ( ioxernor ol IVnnsj l\uiilu. HAIIUISIIUIIO , Pn , , Fob. 20. Governor Pat- tlson today made public two letters ho has ccelved , uno from Auditor Cassatt of the ? onnsylvaula road , nnd the other from Maser - or Workman Powdorly of the Knights of Labor , protesting against the Headlnir. Lo- hlgh Valley and Jersey Central deal. Cas- satt's letter plves an array of facts which bo considers are sufllcicut to prove the llepallty of the deal , nnd Pow- derly protests ns n citizen of this state nnd demands that the constitution bo upheld. The letters were referred by Gov- ; rnor Paulson to the attorney ecucral with nstructlons to ( take such action as will en force the constitution of the stnto and bring all who violated It within its control. In Mr. Cassatt's letter above referred to , after giving figures on the details of Iho big combine , ho says : "I call your attention to : ho fact that It is practically admitted that the power to llx the price of anthracite coal in Philadelphia nnd olscwharo will rest on ono man , althoueh the hope Is certainly nxpressed that'.his power will bo oterclscd in a bcncficlcnt way. I have thought It rhjht to collect together nnd submit to you the acovo facts which arc oil derived from public sourcci , equally accessible , to you , ibat you may have the situation clearly before - fore you andniuy lane punh action ns you deem proper and right if the consolidation of these competing lines under ono control with the avowed purpose of removing competition and of securing the power to ropulato the production and ilx the prlco of anthracite coal should scorn to you to bo con trary to public policy or to bo in violation of that provision of the constitution which pro hibits any transportation company from ao quiring in any way the control of u cornpot- ngllno. " OrncB or WE.MHEII BUREIU , ) OAUIU , Fob. 20. \ While cloudy , unsettled wonthor continues east of the Missouri river nnd in tbo Interior of the country , it has cleared off warmer in the west and tbo prospect is for n warm spell In advance of n storm entering the upper Missouri volley. This will probnbU bo followed by another cold biiap during the week. Temperature has generally risen but most notably in the Kooky mountain regions. For'Eastern Missouri and Omaha and Vicinity Fair , warmer wenthor during Sun- dav : warmer on Mondav ; southerly winds. WASHINGTON- . C. , Fob. 20.-For Mon tana Fair ; slightly warmer ; soutn winds ; increasing cloudiness and probably light rains or snow generally. For Nebraska. North nnd South Dakota Slightly warmer ; south winds nod generally fuir weather Sunday ; fair Monday. For Indian Territory , Oklahoma and Kan sas Slightly warmer and fair , and probably fair Monday. For Colorado Fair woatnor ; southerly winds ; probably fair Monday. For Iowa Generally fair ; variable winds ; probablv fair Monday. For Missouri Generally fair ; north winds : probably fair Monday , xis : AVHITJS : ANOTIIIK Ho UrK 'f Now Vorlt DrinocnitH to bo Urouil nnd riiHltlix In Their Ilcniiiicl.itlon. Bi.NOiiAMi'TON' , N. Y. , Fob. 20. Kx-LIou- tcnant Governor Jones has written a latter In regard to the anti-Hill movement , in which he says : ' 'The ' effort which starts forth with such enthusiasm and vigor as a remonstrance will bo the result of still fur ther degradation to the party if its action is to bo limited to n protest. If wo are but to 'criovo nnd eroan' and then full meekly into line , wo but strengthen the chains that bind us. Our denunciation should bo made broadly nnd in the interests of pure democ racy , and wo but weaken our efforts if wo allow them to bo construed as bolnc for the advancement of the political fortunes nf anyone ono man , no matter how deserving ho may bo In his own merits , or In contrast with David B. Hill. ItlHfllOH 1'OHtlll A ( I'll lr . WAMIIXUTOX , 'U. C. . Fob. 20. A confer ence with the postmasters of sixty-five of the largo cities of tno country , which has been arranged for the Oth of March , Is re ceived , It Is said , with much favor by the postmasters addressed. The following are some of tbo questions whjch have boon sug gested for discussion : "The consolidation of third and fourth class matter ( printed matter mid merchan dise ) Into ono class at the lowest existing rale of postage , 1 cent for two ounces ; Insur- inc against loss by the government of par ties sending registered matter ; the improve ment and oxtonslon'of the special delivery system ; the advisability of establishing a branch of the dead letter ofllco on the I'aclflo slope. " t Itnllrouil Men' * Troul > len , Ai.nt'QUKii'iui : , N. M , . Fob. 20 , A commit tee from hero , representing the employes of the Atchlson , Topeka & S nta Fo njid At- lunlio it I'aelllo nnd St , Louis it S' , Fran cisco railroads Is in conference wit . ' 'jo gen eral management of these rompam * ! n Chicago cage , protesting against the requirements that employes give bond in a nuamtuoo com- panv that they will faithfully fulfill their duties , etc. It Is intlmntod hero , that the employes of the tianta Fo system will Insist upoa the withdrawal of these inqulromonts , " " "V - , Ky. , Fob. ; 20 , Near ElUabotu- town last night Ueorgo KurU , aged H , stabbed to donth John L. Gooru , a imm of 20 years. Kurtz anil his older brother , Con , had bought some candy and started to dl vide it. Gooro begun teasing George Kunz and pulling his noso. Con bald ho would sooner bo knoclad down than have his nose nulled , Gooro knocked him down. A light followed In which Gooro was killed. Ailumimn Will Nuu Wood Ml ( I. Lir [ .K HOCK , Ark. , Feb. 20.- The attojnoy general will file a suit in tbo Pufakuki chan cery court on Monday against tfK' bondsmou of ox-SUto Treasurer W. R , Woodruff. The claim will bo based upon the findings of tbo state examining board , and will allege an additional shortage of 11)5,000. ) ITS ROUT IS AVERTED hl four's Irish Bill Saves the Gladstoninu jp5 Army from Despondent Dissolution. HAS GIVEN THEM SOMETHING JO FIGHT Without This Measure the Grand Old Man's Followers Were All but Lost. TWO MEN BOUND TO AVENGE PARNELL John .Redmond and Timothy Harrington Will Have Vengeance from Gladstone. IRISH FACTIONS ARE ALMOST AGREED United In righting tlio Ministry mill Nearly On Speaking Terms The llallonr I'liin Will I'lrilso I'.iiKland Very Welt as u Compromise. [ CoifiMr | ) / < l JKttbi/Jitme. * ( Jonlan llcnnttt , ] LONDON , Fob. S.U [ Now Yorit Herald Cable Special to Tan Ilr.n. ] Tlio now Irish local government bill has nut thoGladstonlana in good spirits. Hitherto everything has boon going wrong with thorn. This session there Is no nttnek upon the government foi ? Its Egyptian polioy , no demands Tor the Ira- tticOlato dissolution of parllnmcut , mid no show of fight In nny quarter. Tlio "grand old man's" army wns thoroughly dlscour aged , but now they they huvotho min istry In n tight plnco. The local government bill Is a mockery , they sny , of the Irish hopes. It Is not so cer tain that It is to bo regarded In that light by the English people. Probably It gives them as much as they arc willing to concede. Anyway It is protnaluro to count upon the Oofcnt of the government by this measure. Apart from that It is bacomlng fatally evident that the general position of tlio Uladstoniaiis on homo rule Is rotten 10 lit foundation. Their only hone of success at the next general election is to hoop" their country In Ignorance of nvcry detail of the now schomo. Once rovcal that plan and oitlnr the English or the Irish will kick against it , for it cannot possibly satisfy both , actions. Ills Spirit Miii-chliiR On. Mr. Parnoll's followers , led by Mr. John Redmond , decline to play the pimo without seeing the cards. They insist on asking for 'ull information. Messrs. Sexton and O'Brlon of the other whip of the Irish party arc prepared to bring in Mr. Gladstone on nny terms , and are confident that they can put the screws on him afterwards. Mr. Redmond absolutely refuses to glva him a blank check , and hols backed up by all the Parnollitos. They ascrlbo Mr. Parnoll's death "td Mr. Glads'tonc s hounding him down , and in their hearts will never forgive him. This Is ono of the secret Itoys to homo rule mysteries which must never bo forgot- tsn. John Rodmoud Is a formidable antac- ; . ouist , and a , far bettor speaker than Mr. , Pnrnclt wns. lie Is young , daring , plucky and resolute , and the Ilouso of Commons listens to him with great attention. Fidelity to the memory , policy and ideas of Mr. Pur- neil scorns to bo his sole aim. The next ablest mac among the true Parnollitos Is 7\rlr. \ T , Harrington. I.UIiiK Tor Vcnccanco. Between them they will keep the lamp burningbuforo the hero's shrine , and it maybe bo , oven nvenco his death. They have not closed the account with Mr. Gladstone yot. Ho struck savr.coly at Mr. Pnrnell in his famous loiter which caused the revolt In the Irish party. A similar blow may bo In prep aration for himself. At present and for a moment both sections of the Irish ara united against the ministry , and they are almost on speaking terms. Together they hope to turn Lord Salisbury out. In my opinion they will bo disap pointed , for the government bill represents fairly the views of the most moderate men. Of course , It dee ° > not go far enough for the homo rulers , but the bulk of the nation are not prepared to broalt up the im perial parliament , and nothing short of that will satisfy the nationalists. The govern ment measure will therefore bo irogardcd by the people generally ns a fair compromise. Sickness and death still cast a gloom over the house. Four moro members have gona already this year. It is moat dlfllcult for the government to keep a majority in the house nine hours every day on account of so many being half brouon down In hoaltu. Mr. Dai- four begins at a bad time , but thus far ha has done well. A MiiMiir.u OF PAUI.HMUST. Alti : J < 'tlt U3T.11IA , Delegates to tlio St. l.onls Imliin- Irlnl Contention Iteml.v for HiixIncHH , Kosc.Niiiiiiur , Mo. , Fob. 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BBK.J Tbo Nebraska delegation to the Industrial conference at St. Louis la on route via the Wnbasb to nccuro the na tional convention of the people's independent party for Omnbn , located as f > ho is in the po litical center of the voting strength of the party. The claims of Omaha will bo para mount , in a political sense , to the dcslrus of other claimants. Omaha comes with a * T > 0,000 guaranteed bond to pay the expenses of the convention. This brings the whola stnto of Nobrtoliu behind her to ask for the convention. Iowa. Nubiaslm , Kansas and the two Dakotas ore strictly "In It" if the convention cornea to Omnha. Irrespective of politics Omaha sends down un earnest and representative committee of her potential citizens to bring the convention to the great city of the agricultural gardoti of the west. Among the loading ropresontntlvfl citizens nro the following : C. 11. Van \V > ck , .Ne . braska City ; J , H. Udonlnstor , Lexington ; Alfred Fawlnicr , Otnahu , editor Omahu Tpscm ; Fred Jewell , Plntto Center ; O. Clom Heaver , Omaha , J. II. Powers , Cornell ; J. M. Thompson , editor Farmers Alliance , Lin- t'oln ; 'T C. ICoUoy and A. H. Hlgolow , sec- fatnry and treasurer of tlio stnto association Knights of Labor , Omaha ; , . ) . M. Uovlno. ( 'olfuxV. : . A , Hwlck , Platte Center ; W. A. Pointer , Uooao. editor St. Paul Phonograph ; J. A. Clafton , St. Paul ; O. II. McGraw , Albion ; WN. . Nason , Omaha ; GcorKO II. Hoggs. Omana ; 0. H. Karons , Sarpv co.unty and W. P. Hilton , Nnnco county. This com mittee , covering the wbolo area of tlio state , have hired a special troin and aio going down , to yell Immediately for Omaha. 1 < / A Aliitlnwi l.niH'lieon , Miss Minnie lUtnlln of Kountzo Place en tertained about thirty of her young lady friends at 1 o'clock luncheon Friday. Tha house was beautifully decorated with palms and cut flowers. The afternoon was spent in playing high-five , Miss Grace Polplaco winning the head prize , u beautiful souvenir spoon. Among these present were : Miss Fawcott , May Fawcott , Miss McLaln , Nolllo mcLaln , King , Buo King , Campion , Nolllo Campion , Wollor , Slaughter , Poliriace , IJa.v. Van Court , Cotter , Ambrose , M-iAuslnud , Ilonton , Luhmur , Madco Luhmcr , Wllcax and Miles of Lincoln ; MUs Llvingly of Uontrlco , Hnmlllou. McDuulels and Colo.