Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    ft TITti OiAlAItA DAILY 1WE2 FRIDAY , L'EimUARY 19
Finns for a Now Lot of City Hall In
terior Decorations.
lluny Day In the Court * Clill " ' rlm-
liinl Cn * - * on Trial Nntliiiml
Other l-iicnt
The council commlttco on public property
incl buildings U wrestling with the proposi
tion of Contractor John F. Coots to run In n
bill on the now city hall amounting to $19,3-10. ,
This proposition provides for doing n
lot of fancy work upon the rotunda
of the building , Wlion the contract
was lot Mr. Coots bid provided for
the completion of the building , including the
rotunda , which was to have un Iron and mnr-
blo stair case loading from the main to the
ton floor. The contract provided for Iron
railing nnd ornaments llnlshed in dead broti/o ,
with ornaments nt nil of the landings , 'ino
plans , designs anil tno drawing' suited tnn
Ideas of the councilman at that time and up
to this data the work has progressed in ao-
contanco with the terms of the contract.
At the last oouncll meeting Mr. Coots
handed In a now sot of plans for the finish
ing of the rotunda. They nro elaborate and
show a host of scroll work with small
collars , pilhirs nnd posts set nt Intervals
along the stair cnso. The plans contemplate
a complete chance In the original plans and
MI extra cost of $18,341 ! .
Members of the commlttco have not yet
Jocidod upon a report , but state that they
will do so before the next mooting.
IN Til 12 C'OtlltTS.
dill neil Criminal t'liirs lEcccUIng the At
tention Ot , > OllKCHIIIIll iJllflfH.
The Judges of the district court were In
their respective rooir.s yesterday , ; whore
they devoted many hours to listening to the
woosof people who had hired lawyers , and
engaged in the occupation of going to law.
Judge Scott , spent the day m listening to
evidence in the Uynti it Walsh caso.ln which
a score or more of crodltors are trying to es
tablish the priority of the many lions noon
and against the J37,000 judgment fiat Uyun
& Walsh hold against Douglas county.
floforo Judge Doano and a Jury , Charles
Schartoro was trying to provo that ho was
cntitUd to $3,000 of the gooilu and chat
tels of Pulor Alllohor. Moth of the
men reside at Buuth Um.itm and
on August" , 18'JO , they engaged in a fist
light. Hchurtoro got the worst of the engage
ment , and now thlncs ho should nuvo a
money Judgment.
The case at the state against Fiank E.
Kltchcl was called in criminal court before
Judge Davis and continued in order to enable
the defendant to socuio depositions of wit
nesses who reside in Now Jorsoy. The crime
with which Kltchel is charged , and to which
ho pleaded not guilty , Is this : Last Novem
ber ho was n boarder at the Casey hotel. On
the eleventh day of that month ho reported
to Oliver C. Campbell , the proprietor , that he
was short of funds anil was about to draw a
draft on a rich relative who always staked
him. Drafts to the amount of $1,900 were
drawn through the Omaha National bank
mid endorsed by Campbell , who subse
quently had to pay the amount , as
Iho rich relative refused to recognize the
order to pay.
In the case of the state against John Tully ,
a poor farm employe , charged and found
culltyof being the father of Christina Elan-
sen's child , Judge Davis ordoroa that Tully
chould contribute each month the sum of $10
lo tuo support of the Infant. That there
might bo no foolishness a bond In the sum of
fl,000 was demanded from Tully. The at
torney for the defendant moved for 11 now
trial , claiming that , the ovldonco did not jus
tify the verdict of guilty. The motion was
overruled and the defendant remanded to Jail
Until the bond is furmshod.
Viola Movers has brought nil action for di
vorce , and in her petition she alleges that
nor husb.iiid , Nathan Meyors , to whom she
Was woditeil on December 11 , 18S , is a com
mon drunkard. Not only this , but she avers
that ho has abandoned her and now rosidob
In the wilds of Utuh.
A Judgment was returned in Judco ICoy-
Bor's court today in the case of Dornard
Huron & Co. against the First National bank
of Omaha. The suit grow out of the failure
of O. H. M&elc & Co. , cigar dealers , which
occurred February 2 , lS9d. At that time the
bank took possession of the stock of goods of
Mack & Co , alleging that inonoy had boon
advanced. Uaron & Co. brought suit for
damages and recovered a judgment of 5
Henry Fordvko and Charles Ulair are on
trial in the criminal court today charged
with the crime of burclary. Tno informa
tion In the case states that on January 8 they
entered the warehouse of Platt & Co. and
carried awav $ M worth of personal property.
Charles C. Spottswood has brought a suit
In the district court whereby ho hopes to
recover suiliciont money to repair an injured
reputation ana 101110 lacerated feelings. In
his petition he avers , , in a purple type
written text , that on January 5
ho was sued in justice court" by
Frank J. Homgo , who secured n juugmont
for $78.45 and costs. Then ho avers that on
January ! ! 0 , during the caily morning , Dan
I' . Dally , without any authority other than
that dictated by liamge , searched bis private
ttpartmonts ot tno 1'axton hotel for the pur
pose of Undine property with which to
latisfy the Judgment. A short tlmo after
Iho search Spottswood avers that ho
Walked lute the hotel rotunda , valise In hand ,
Ivhon ho was assuultod and beaten by
Dailoy who took the satchel from plaintlit
and with Lloyd Jones proceeded to examine
Its contents , which consisted of private pa-
porn nnd lotU-rs from filonds nnd relatives.
Uamgo , ho charges , full knowledRO of the
assault and was the chief conspirator. On
account of all of this , Mr. Spottswood would
have the three men pay him the neat liltlo
um of $10,000 , coin of the realm. His ren-
tons for asitlng are that on account ot the
assault which was made upon him In the
prcsonco of the guests , managers and em
ploy us of the hotel , and by the taking away
and Inspection of the private papers ho was
put In Ulbt'racti and Ignominy , to soy nothing
of the damage to his good name , reputation
and ntaiidlng.
Work I'n'puratiiry In Itx I'ntM-iiliitlon ( 'oiii-
incnerd nl tint PITS * dull ItooniH.
The "Landing of the I'llprlms" was rehearsed
hoarsed for the second tlmo at the 1'ross club
rooms in Tin : HUB building Wednesday
evening. Those who are to partici
pate in the historical pageant , to
bo presented nt Iho Grand Opera
houao the latter part of this month
under the auspices of the Women's Christian
Kssociallon , gathered again and the
preparatory work is over and all parts
ro well under w.iy. Thojo who will p rtlo
Ipato hi "Tho Landing of the Pilgrims" In
the second scone of this historical dramu nro :
Oovurnor Carver Mr. W. II. Alexander
Mrs Oanur Mis. r. C'olpet/or
Soloist , .Mr. TJ I'liiinoll
I'lllirlmsMisses HuskIluntoon , E. Knoile ,
l.illtliaturiiutn. . U. Wutmiimn. Julia
Nfiwcumb , Mitrisnret C'ojlf , Allco I'arkrr ,
llu ; | Aluxamloi. draco linilsiin , AliJiul
I'rutt : Messrs , llinost Murrlek , Pn-ilur
leu Morrlolf , Natlmit P. ( innos.
lluah Joplln , Will Ulark. Wotr , Ksson , , l !
H. Kolby ,
rations Mm. Wurrnn Swltzlor , Mis. 0. N.
Artists unlto In calling this for soior , effect
and posing , the quaintest of all the pictures
pf the papount.
The great stone building was a fitting shel
ter for the pilgrim fathers an J inottiorn on
men a night , but not any of that Immortal
band llvod long enough to enjoy In Plymouth
colony such comfort as mot the gaze last
ovoiilug. When all delinquent * had arrived
all aroso. With uplifted hands the old gray
halroil magistrate returned thanks for the
lafo arrival of the voyagers. Standing upon
Plymouth rock , 1m towers above the seventy *
four men nnd twenty-eight women and chil
dren members of that baud. Porob'rlno
VVhlto. born on board the Mayflower , was
carefully mined by the two ladles in chaige ,
even though the baby last evenlnir was only
a cloak with a handkerchief tlod
around to divide the head from
the body , cxtomporl/cd for the
occaMon as was thu baby by Its fond mother
in "vo olden time. " Urothers and mulds
were In attendance upon the party gathered
together aud looked on through the door
ways. Patrons of the tableaux said "how
ovcly , " ns the women loaned upon the
strong arms of tholr husbnnds , and children
icopcd from behind their fathnrs and
noUiers to got n hotter vlow of the one ,
inor , lonorod man who had como to welcome
.horn. Ho knelt before Governor Carver
and the ilttlo fatnllr group with outstretched
hands. Women fainted , children cried , men
with stout hearts drew their swords to ulay
this curiously painted human being. At a
word from the lady , Mrs. Cora
Scott Pond Pope , who was
posing them , the picture vanished.
Upon Its presentation at the opera house the
eng Puritan and short Kvungolmo cloaks
will bo worn by the women , close fitting
ioods , korchlefs , whlto cans and long white
iprons. The men will bo attired In loose ,
Lmgcy pantt which end Just below the knees ,
whlto hose , low shoes and bucldos , coats
with capos nnd wldo nmmcd hats. They
will have n growth of beard which has not
soon n comb or scissors for many weeks.
The voyngo of the dauntless Puritans lasted
slxty-throo days nine weeks upon the ocean ;
but that old Puritan valor nnd a deilro for
religious liberty carried them through It all.
In the company were Mlles Stnndlsh , that
stern old warrior , his wlfo Hose and 1'rlscllla
nnd John Alien. Hose Stnndish died the
first winter In Plymouth -and it was
not many months bfcforo events took
place which have boon Immortalized
by Longfellow us "Tho Courtship of Mlles
Standlsh. " This iceno will follow In this
evening's uropram. It was rehearsed last
evening also. The emancipation proclama
tion and the colonial scenes woio also ro-
hearsed. This evening at the Press club
rooms , those who will participate In the
court scene ot Queen Isabella will moot
Wednesday , and the members of the Omaha
guards will bo drilled In the military
tableaux nt tholr armorv Monday evening in
"Tho departure of the Nebraska volunteers
to the front in 15(11. ( " Great Interest Is
uonig manifested by those who nro to partic
ipate , and Iho Indications are that the enter
tainment will bo ti success. Hoservud beat
sale opens Saturday a I ) o'clock.
Does Protection Protect ?
Certainly , in ono instance , It doos. Hood's '
Sarsaparllla Is the protection against
the dangers of impure blood , nnd It will euro
or prevent till diseases of thk class. It has
well won Us name of the boat blood ourltlor
by Its many remarkable cures.
The highest pralso has boon won by Hood's
Pills for tholr onsy yet eniciont action. Sold
by all druggists. "Price i5 ! conti per box.
Dr. Cullimoro , ouulist. LJoo building
Mmlstur.s Alrr.uly Arranging u I'rognim Tor
the Mcrt Int ; In May.
The local committee on arrangements for
the Methodist general conforencohas secured
the Coliseum for Sunday afternoon services.
These Sunday nfturnon meetings will bo
for the general public. On the first Sunday
of the conference the subject of the mooting
nt the Coliseum will bo "American Patriot
ism. " Distinguished speakers from among
the delegates to the conference and the Pan-
Uopubllc congress will address the audience
The second Sunday uftornoon meeting will
discuss the American university. The third
Sunday will bo devoted to the discussion of
the American Sabbath. Editor Slliott Sheppard -
pard of the Now York Mail ana Express will
bo present to discuss the question of Sabbath
observance. The fourth Sunday will bo
given to the discussion of missions and the
fifth to the Epivorth league.
Mr. Sttnvo of the Cincinnati publishing
ho iso of Cranston & Stowo , publishers and
editors of the Central Christian Advocate , is
in the city making nrrnneamonts for thu pub
lication of a daily paper during thn confer
_ _
Only a headache cure. The only headache
euro , but the Infallible headache euro is
A discnso , treated as such nnd perma
nently cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Homo treatment. Harmless a. nd
oileotunl. Hcfer by permission to Bur
lington Iluwkcye. Send Uo btiunp for
pamphlet. Sliokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , In.
Chlc'l ( iritlit Inspector Thompson.
An office door on the fifth floor of the
Board of Trade building bears this Inscrip
tion : "Stato grain inspection , ft. P. Thomp
son , chief Inspector. " Hanging on the walls
inside is a neatly framed commission , bear
ing the signature of Governor Boyd
with the seal of the great state of Nebraska
attached announcing to all comers
that Mr. Thompson has boon rnado chief in
Mr. Thompson received his commission
Wednesday und took possession of the olllco
yesterday. The grain men on the board
were highly elated over the change for two
reasons. They have wanted a practical grain
man in the position of chief inspector and not
n politician and they feel that Governor
Boyd has ostnolishod a precedent. In the
second place they were in favor
of Mr. Thompson on the ground that ho was
fully competent and was deserving of promo
tion tor his work vvhilo tlrst assistant inspec
tor. They have every confidence In the now
chief , and are free to say that they believe
the department will bo conducted on business
Mr. Thompson came here only last fall
from St. Louis , and his friends feel highly
cratilled that a now corner to the state and
without political prostlgo could ha promoted
to such a responsible position.
A Koiimrkiihto Cure < iC Khmimatlsiii.
Messrs. Gage ana Sherman of Alexander.
Tox. , write us regarding a remarkable euro
of rheumatism there , as follows : "Tho wife
of Mr. William Prnitt , the postmaster here ,
has been bed-riddon with rheumatism for
several years. She could got nothing to do
her any good. Wo sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was completely
cured by its use. U o refer any ono to her to
verify this statement. Fifty cent bottles for
sale by druggists. ( 'om rut Inn at St. l.nulH , Mi > .
For this convention tlio Mit-bouri Pa-
cillo will bell round-trip tickets at ono
fnro. Tickets will bu on bale from Fob-
nmry SJO to 121 , good to return until
March 10. Also on account of
Mnrdi Grits at Now Orleans
will soil tickets ut very low rates from
Pobrunry 1'U to 28 , limited for return
pabsugo lo and including March -8. For
further information call at the com
pany's olhc'cs , n-o. corner liith anil
Farnam nnd depot , at ifitli and Webster
btroots. THOMAS F. ( ! ooritiY : ,
J. O. PIIIU.HM , P. & T. A.
A. ( J. F. iV P. A.
Itnllrimil .Null's mill 1'rrsoiiuU ,
The Missouri Pacific gave the DoWolf
Hopper opera company n special train of four
cars for Kaiibiis City.
Thu railroad ofllcluls figure that there will
ho 00,000 pieces of baggngt ) to handle in three
days during tha Knight Templar conclave in
Denver , and it is proposed to erect u special
baggage room adjoining the union depot.
L. E , Soibions , traveling agent of the
Motion route Is In the citv and is oven hap.
pier than usual his road 1 about to
put l00,000 into extensive irnprovomons.
Tlioso will Include now dining car ? , sloe !
raiU , locomotives , cars , and oulaiccii term !
Cousin , Jlu en , la. , Aug. S , 18JO. Dr. J.
It. Moora : I feel it not only a privilege but
a duty to say a good word 'or your catarrh
euro. After doctoring with sovorul of the
best bpechillsts of the country without relief.
1 was ativlsed to try your catarrh euro , and
am pleased to say 1 um entirely curod.
Yours trulv. W. A. BTIIOVU ,
Traveling asont Fairbanks Scale Co.
For sale bv nil druggists.
The following marriage llcotmes were is
sued by Judge I'ller yesterday ;
Name and Address , ARO ,
j Valentino h'ofelk , Omaha , , . . .21
I Miiry .lutikowitu , Omaha. , ; . . , SI
William Dceruon , Omaha. . . . , IV
Ularu feverln , tiarpy County , 20
If out or order use Bcocham's Pills.
Oiiiiilui School ItuntU ,
Secretary Coaoyer of the Hoard of Educa
tion wont to .Lincoln yesterday to bring back
the school bonds recently voted and now
registered in the auditor's oQlco. „ The
tkuiouut of the bonds h
Experimental Results Point th'e Way to
Agricultural Wealth.
Tempting Iiidiicciiii'iitB Oll'crrd' I'
hp rimniTH by the riictiirl
Ilmv Ocrninny 1'ostcrft thn
Cinxo , Cal. , fob. 5 , 1802. To the Editor
of Tin ; HII : ; : I have boon much interested In
reading the articles that hnvo boon sent mo
hero from Norfolk , appearing In the Omaha
papers , relative to the Increased Interest
manifested In the boot sugar industry and
the probability of an extension of the same
In Nebraska , and the erection of a factory
at or near Onuihn , behoving as 1
do that It will more rapidly
develop our state nnd benellt
our farmers , than any other Industry that
could bo brought there , meaning M It does ,
an Increased emigration , a more ready
market for our real estates , higher grrulo of
farming and n market at our own door for
the products of our farms , Independent of
speculative Influences , for as the crop Is con
tracted for at n specified price before It is
planted. The only rUk attending it is that
of the season , and I know of no product of
the farmers affording less risk than the sugar
beet. It bolng universally admitted to have
fewer enemies nnd withstand drouth or con
tinued wet seasons , bolter than our other
crops. It is also an acknowledged fact that
where produced on proper soil by intolllcont
farmers under favorable conditions , it will
pay the producer very much moro than ho
can roallro from other crops , leaving his farm
In a most excellent condition , to say nothing
of the fact that It Is loss wearing ou tbo soil.
The price paid in Nebraska under the con
tract that \\o nro now offering , tnkinc every
thing into consideration , is timber than any
where else in the world. In Utah the price
of granulated sugar is f > ? ic , plus 1
cent paiJ by the territory and 3
cents from the United States govern
ment ; or , In other words , the manufacturer
receives about 0 cents per pound for his
sugar ns against 4.j } cents plus I ) cents from
the United Slates government or 0 > 4 cents
In Nebraska , and % cents being the prlco of
granulated sugar in California , while the
price paid for beets in Nebraska under our
nrosent contract , will probably average
higher than that of oithorUttih or California.
In Franco and Germany the difference is , if
anything , still greater , for before a plow is
put into the ground , $10 per acre hai to bo
expended for fertilizers , and it costs fS to $10
for plowing , owing to the heavy clav soil , so
that the farmer has ? 50 per aero oxxpeuded
before ho puts a seed in the ground.
Wo have offered for the coming year two
distinct and separate contract1 ! , the option of
which to bo t-xcrciscd by the farmers at the
time of making same , offering at tbo satno
time to the producer the privilege of having
his boots analyzed by nny competent chem
ist who shall have free access to our labora
tory and use of our polariscops.
Contract No. 1 gives to the producer ? 4
per ton straight for any and all boots cen-
tnlumg not less than 1 per cent saccahrlno
matter with purity co-efllcient of 80.
The other , a scale" contract , which is an
Incentive to the farmer to give his crop the
very best of care , and under a favorable sea
son ho ought to got n very rich boot pro
vided ho plants on eood soil. Three dollars
per ton for beets containing 13 per cent and
less than 13 per cent with purity co-cfllcient
of 80 ; fc.riO ) per ton for beets containing 13 per
cent and less than 11 per cent with purity
co edlcient of SO ; $ t per ton for boots contain
ing 14 per cent and less than 15 per cent with
purity co efficient of 80 ; $4.50 per ton for beets
containing 13 per cent and loss than 10 per
cent with purity co-eflicicnt of SO ; $5 per ton
for beets containing 10 per cent and less than
17 per cent with purity co-efficient of SO ; ? 5.50
porton for boots containing 17 per cant and
less than 18 per cent with purity coefficient
of SO ; i < 5 par ton for beets containing 18 per
cent and loss than 11) ) per cent with purity
co cillcient of 80 ; $0.50 per ton for boots con
taining : ip per cent and less than -0 per cent
with Durity co-efllclont of SO ; ? 7 per ton for
beets containing SO per cent nnd loss than Ul
per com with purity co-efllcicnt of 80 , etc. ,
With tno improved machinery for the cul
tivation of the sugar beet , together with the
experience thus far attained , the profits from
beet culture during the year seem to mo to
depend solely upon the coming season.
Carrying out tbo suggestion made In an
article appearing in your paper of January
.iO , it would bo a vary sensibla thing for
farmers throughout the entire state of Ne
braska , to put in sjnall patches of boots as an
experiment and our company will very cheer
fully send to any farmer applying for same ,
printed instructions as how to grow the crop ,
character of soil to bo selected , together
with list of the most improved implements
adapted to beet culture now in the market ,
and whora said beets are raised in car load
lots ( providing satisfactory railroad rates
can bo obtained arid the boot came up to
lUj per cent snccabrine matter with purity
co-efilcient of 80) ) we would contract to take
thorn ut either Norfolk or Grand Island.
On my return to Norfolk last of next week ,
1 will see that such instructions are put into
print ready to send to any applicant , and it
will afford mo much pleasure to do anything
that will aid or further this industry in our
Four thousand acres of sugar ooots are bo-
inir planted hero now , and some of them al-
reauy up. In a few instances fifty tons to
the aero were produced last j-ear. Of course
this was exceptional , but it clearly demonstrates
stratos the possibilities as to yield.
At Norfolk last year wo hod some farmers
who sent us In as high is twontv-bovon tons
to tha acre , anil I believe Giar.d Island bad a
similar experience. Considering It was a
very unfavorable yonr , the spring baing late
with an exceptionally cold summer , the re
sults were very gratifying where boots were
planted In good soil and properly attended to.
Glvo us 6110 good season and it is my belief
that boot culture will bo ono of tbo most
profitable , as well as tbo most popular crops ,
grown in Nebraska , and 119 a natural result ,
beet sugar factories will follow. Very truly
youts , ,1. U. HAMILTON" ,
Secretary Norfolk Hoot Sugar Co.
Thu CiM-innii SIIKIIIllcrt Industry.
When the sugar bounty clause in the Mc-
ICiuloy tariff law was proposed the demo
crats dared it was n great fraud and had
no lasting parallel. They furthermore said
it would huvo the effect of wiping out the
German bounty , Tlmo has again disproved
the prediction of the democrats. Nebraska's '
boot sugar development has attracted the at
tention of the Government and instead of
abolishing Its bounty it has Increased It , as
the following , from United States Consul
Warner , at Cologne , shows :
A new imperial law regarding the taxation
of Migar was issued last May , which will go
into effect on August 1 , Ib'JJ.
The now lav/ does away with the so celled
material or weight tax on tbo raw beets and
raises the consumption tax from 12 marks
I'J'i cents ] to IS marks per 100 kllograniH , not ,
of propaiod sugar , The Import uuty on hard
and "Jluid" sugar of all classes is paced | at
'Hi murKS per 100 kilograms. Foreign sugar
Imported uncor olllcial control for further
manufacture by the sugar tactorios will pay
only the consumption tax of 18 marks pr 100
kilograms. .
Under the new law a bounty is granted on
export sugar for u certain number cf years ,
namely , from August 1 , IblW , to July ill , JbDT > ,
that is , sugar that has been prepared during .
that period , ns follows , on every 100 kilo
grams for export , provided that amount in
any case in not loss ttian 500 kilograms ,
ll'ivr sugar containing nt IPIXM
IK ) per rent of sttxiUYiind refined tnitnr
under lit per cent and not loss than IU
per cent of fiURHr . , . 1.25
S. SiiRftr ciitirt7 iinil incur In Imrd ,
whlto loaves. In hUioks bars , cubes , or
which hns been ntit'lo Mini ! In the
presence of the lotenno olllclals , so-
called crystals andnlthcr hnrd , white ,
cut sugar In Cryatnl' ' form , conMlnltiz
at least 1KHS per cunt of sugar . 2.00
Class : i All other Imrtl HiiRar. also nil
dry fchltosiiRHr ( containing not over
1 PIT cent of water ) In crystal , crumb.
or Malto form of at loatt ! H per cent ot
sugar , Insofar nit he same does not
come under class 2 . , . l.CA
From the 1st of August , 18U3 , to the 31st of
July , 1807 , ills ns follows ou every 100 kilo
grams for export :
Unilcrolassi .
tlnderolnsql ! . > 1.T5
L'nilcrclass3 . 1.40
The material tax Is paid by Iho factories on
the weight of the beets worKOd , The con
sumption tax Is paid on the prepared sugar
when it loaves the factories or the govern
ment storehouses. Sugar that Is exported Is
frco from the consumption tax and the lax
on boots , tha latter being returned to the
manufacturers. This repayment of the
material tax to the manufacturers may bo
called a bounty or export , premium. If the
rqbato on export sugar corresponded exactly
to the amount of the malarial tax on the
boots , all the sugar exported would simply
bo frco from any tax. liut the proportion of
thii weight of the boats to that of tha weight
of the sugar fixed by Iho government for tha
bounty on export sugar does not In reality
correspond , It having boon reckoned that it
took 10. ( ! ' , ! double centners ( ono double cent
ner equal 100 kilograms ) of boots to produce
ono double centner of sugar. The
material tax nn IO.G'3 double centners
of boots is 8.50 marks. Accordingly ,
the 8.50 marks nro returned to the manufac
turer , on the ground that ho had paid 8.50
murks material tax on the beels that wore
reckoned necessary to produce 1 double
centner of sugar. Now , wall equipped fac
tories require only 7.85 to 7.03 double cent
ners of beets ( which was the average last
yoir ) , Instead of Hi3 ) ( double centners , to
produce 1 double contuor of sugar. For this
amount of boots thn manufacturers did not
pay 8.50 mams material tux , but)0 ( ! ! ) marks.
The manufacturers receive bacit , therefore ,
on the sugar exported not only Iho material
tax , but an uddltlot , of U " 0 marks In cash
from the government on every double cont-
nor of sugar exported. This surplus paid by
the state to Ihe manufacturers Is nothing
moro than an export premium or bounty
presented to the manufacturers by the
In the year 1SS9 90 the state received nom
inally S1S71 1,283 material tux on 8,52 ,035
tons of beets worked and paid back on sugar
exported 81 1,741,000 , so that , after deducting
$747,0:20 : for the cost of administration ,
thoto remained for the stale only
1U.,000 ! from the total amount of the
Inxes collected on beots. However , If wo
take the total amount of raw sugar exported
during the yonr lbSU-90 , which was 403,831
tons , nnd multiply it by 13.20 marks , which
the government had to pay in addition to the
rebate on this amount of sugar , wo Ilnd that
the manufacturers were made a nrosent by
the government in Uio shune of nn export
premium of a tnflo over $ ,500,000 on this
amount of raw sugar exported.
1 am informed by a largo manufacturer
that there is no special book required to bo
kept , but that the books kept by tbo factories
are at the disposal of the tax officials.
Outlluttur lisiUi-x Say
they could not keep house without Cham
berlain's Cough Komody , especially for the
children. In a case a few weeks slnco at thu
homo of a neighbor the attending physician
had given up n case of what ho called dropsy.
Mother happening in , told the parents that
In nor mind It was a case of lung1 fever and
advised the use of this cough syrup , which
they did. Result , the child is well and the
parents happy. Chamcorlaiu's medicines
are used in moro than half tbo homo ? In
Leeds. Sims Bro ; , Leeds , In. This
remedy is not intendoa for lung fever , but
for colds , la grippe , croup nnd whooping
cough. It will iooson a cold , relieve the
lungs , nnd prevent the cold from resulting
in luny fevor. SOicout ana $1.00. bottles for
sale by druggists.
Maggie Mitchell will bo the attraction at
Boya's thoaler for throoulghts and Saturday
mat'noe , in her latest success , "The
Little Maverick , " a play that has
been written especially for her by C. T.
Dazoy. "Tho Little MaverlcU" is an Ameri
can comedy drama that tolls the story of a
little girl who has bcon adoptsd by a rough
Texas ranchman.
Never in the history of the Farnam Street
theater has the demand for seats been us
great ns for the engagement of the world's
champion , John L. Sullivan , and the favorite
actor , Duncan 13. Harrison , which will open
at this theater Sunday afternoon , February
21 , in their successful comedy-drama , "Hon
est Hearts and Willing Hands. " Tuesday ,
Wednesday matinee and night , they will
produce for the flrst tlmo here their latest
success , "Broderick Agra. " The famous
Champion Quartette is with the company and
will be hoard in tholr songs , glees , otc. " Mr.
Jack Ashton , the celebrated pugilist , will
spar three rounds with the great John L. at
every performance.
Mme. barah Bornhnrdt needs no Introduc
tion to the playgoers bore or olsowboro. Her
exquisite ad , her wondrous Intensity and
force nnd her subtle magnetism have boon
understood aud appreciated by all who have
seen her , and fully believed in Py those who
have not. For several years Omaha play
goers have looked forward with delight to
the tlmo when she would bo soon horo.
Though il goes without saying that Sarah
Bornhardt's ' engagement In this city will bean
an unqualified success financially nnd artis
tically , no small risk has bcon incurred in
bringing so costly nn attraction so far out of
the train of great cities , commonly known
ns the regular circuit. For his cntorprlso in
securing such a dramatic luxury for his pa
trons Manager Boyd U entitled to the hearty
thanks of the theater goers of Omaha. Ho
served seat sale commenced this morning.
I.H < ! ilipo | .SiicccsKfully Trent oil.
"I have Just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this year , " SRJ'S Air. James
O. Jones , publisher of the Lender , Moxia ,
Tox. "In the latlcr case I used Chamber
lain's ' Cough Remedy , and I Ihlnk with con
sidcrable success , only being In bed n Ilttlo
ever two days against Ion days for the lirst
attack. The second attack I am srtlsflod
would have boon onu.illy an bad ns the ilrst
but for the use of this remedy , ns I had to go
to bed in about six hours after being 'struck1
with it , whllo in the first case I was able \o
attend to business about two days before
galling 'down , ' " 50 cent Dottles for sale by
l < ii cmt rn Captured ,
Gust Anderson and John Peterson are in
Jail on a charge of larceny. Tbo complainant
Is Christ Anderson. According to the latlor's
story the two prisoners mot him at the corner
of Sixteenth nnd DAvenport streets yostor-
duy afternoon nrd tried to borrow a quarter ,
Anderson refused to'iccedo and u sculllo en
sued , during which the prisoners trlud to
steal his watch , but were caught in tha act ,
A description was glvon to the police and tbo
arrests followed shortly afterwards. All the
parties interested are Swede teamsters ,
Will I'll Jill Is l.lri-nsi' .
Fred Koch , another Indicted ealoonkeopnr
upon tbo two-mile strip , 1ms concluded that
it is not wise to become ontanglcd In the
mushes of the criminal courts ,
Yesterday Koch deposited $500 with
County Treasurer Iroy and at once made ap
plication for n county license to conduct a
public drinking place.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
Need of the Viaduct Over the Tracks on
N Street Set Forth ,
( liitrriuir Mojit Dccliloi 1 hat the 1'rosrrlhcil
Territory In T - in .Muy Ho Mnilu Snmllt-r
USD of the Union 1'iii'IHo
TrnfUi L'lisi'ttlcil.
The ijuostlon of n viaduct across the Union
Pacillo tracks at N street has boon brought
up iovoral times nnd ngitittod with some energy -
orgy for n while , only to be dropped as ndcad
Issue. Influences tire now at work which
promise to produce some decisive notion in
the matter this spring. That a viaduct at
that point is necessary to the public safely Is
conceded , and with the exception of a few
business firms on lower N sircot public sen
timent is decidedly In favor of It. All trnlllo
between the stockyards nnd Hammond's
packing house and the city Is compelled to
pass over this crossing. A continual stream
of pedestrians and vehicles Is passing over n
network of tracks over which strings of
frolght cars nro bolng switched.
That some ono Is not killed every day Is a
sources of wonder to nny ono who takes pains
to watch Iho crowds of pi'oplo that pour ever
the crossing nt certain hours of the day.
Two nearly ftilal accidents htiro occurred
there this week and some ot the largest prop
erty owners in the city have decided that a
determined effort shall bo made to obtain a
viaduct. Manager fiabcock of the stock
yards is also emphatically In favor of n via
duct. Action has been delayed because the
stock yards expected that the city would
eventually take the mutter up ana thus save
the stock yards soinn expenditure , while the
city odlciuls procrastinated having similar
expectations in regard to ttio stock
yards. It was stated last night upon
reliable authority that the stock yards
company intended to close the crossing In the
interests of public safety before long , This
would loavono passage nearer than Q street
and would bo a serious Inrouvcnionco to till
persons who have business across the
That a viaduct would bo any conslderablo
expense to either the city or the stock yards
Is disputed by some who are In favor of the
project. The Union Pacific compnnyaucorU-
Ing to section 115 of chapter in of tbo general
laws of IbS ! ) Is nccoun table for the cost of con
struction nnd repairs on the viaduct nnd
800 fact of approaches. It is claimed that tbo
length of tho'nccossary approaches would not
oxccod this llguro by any great distance ami
the city's proportion of the expense would bo
comparatively slight. Competent engineers
have stated that u suitable viaduct can be
constructed ut a total cost of not more than
& ) ! > ,000. The matter will bo brought before
the city council and some action demanded.
Itillsinf ; th Cut tic Oii.irtintliip.
General Traveling Agent W. E. Skinner of
the Union Stock Yards returned from Lin
coln yesterday morning , where ho
hold a conference with Governor
Boyd In regard to the quaran
tine on Toxns cattle. The Texas cat
tie raisers have contended that the present
quarantine line Included a considerable ter
ritory where n case of Texas fever was never
known. The matter was brought to the at
tention of Sociotary of Agriculture Husk ,
who promised to extend the quar
antine line if the consent ot all states inter
ested should bo obtained. This was ac
complished except in the case of Nebraska.
At recent meetings of Texas cattle owners
held in Panhandle and Colorado , Tox. , Mr.
Skinner was authorized to present the matter -
tor to thu governor of Nebraska aud obtain
his consent to the proposed measure.
The facts were presented to thn governor
by Mr. Skinner yesterday , and the
former dictated a letter to Secretary
Husk nnnrovini ? the extension of the quaran
tine line as recommended. This will un
doubtedly result in the removal of n part of
the quarantine restrictions but will not add
to the danger of infection. The stockyards
company nnd packers ore interested in the
measure , as it will give access to an addi
tional stock raising area in Texas embracing
thirty counties in the northein and western
parts of the state , from which it is expected
South Omaha will handle most of the ship
Not Vrt Si-ItIril.
Manager Dabcock and Engineer King of
the Union Stockyards company were in
Omaha yesterday in consultation with Vice
President Clark of the Union Pacific railroad
atjd others relative to the crossing of the 11.
& M. nnd Missouri Pacific railroads upon the
Union Pacillo tracks. Under this arrange
ment both roads will run through this city on
the Union Pacific from Gilmore and connect
with their own tracks north of the L street
This arrangement would greatly expedite
the handling of slock at the yards. As it is
the transfer of a train of stock from the U , &
M. to tbo stockyards tracks blocks the tracks
for upwards of half an hour. Under the pro
posed arrangement nine trains could bo
handled at onco. It was expected that the
whole matter would bo satisfactorily settled
yesterday , but an unexpected hitch made it
necessary to postpone dccisivo action to a fu
ture date.
Notes Ahuiit tinCity. .
Al Powers was in from Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. VV. A. Terry , who has boon visiting in
An Ideal Complexion Soap.
ForBalolijrnliriruBBn'I Kanoyflmxli Dealers , or If
unable to procure tlil Wiimli-rfnl HOMII fend Sent /
ent > In stumps it ml receive n cnko by return mall.
JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago ,
HI'Eni.lI.-Slmnilnn llolH Wnltr Olio impulnr
Pnclcts WHltim ) > nt I'ltlli : to unynno nomlliiu us
three wrappers ot Klmn'lon ' Hells Son p.
/ A t ,1 Jtl.l * lll'.lt INHII.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
/"M\/l A U A COK 1'AIINAM AM )
U1VI AM A , tJl.NTKnNTH hr
Pollit diilil bM'etiu.'les | or 1C ye ( ; iiis e from 13 up
HUD .SK'ul Spc'iinole or Kve ( lln f fromil iiu
if ) t' Ti'ttoU tic'u bynkllleil Dj.tlcliina .
tvocii/.wrs I'liHi-cit
The Leading V. ]
Third Floor , I'axton Bloalr.
elefliu'ii 10S'S. Mllli aii I runiiini Sh.
Afulltetof teotU on rub\ior \ for f5. I'urfuot tic
Teeth vwllbout ulntot or r : uo\nt > la UrUvo work
Junt thotlilnit for lngor < or pulillo spaakofj , nafjr
sonau'.u r.itci , M > work ivirrji ; il
SttMerine Trom
tlio ulecli nl
_ _ _ _ - joutliful t'nnri
Wlr < locfti wastlnif wcaVwBS. lout manhood , do.
1 will M-iul ttraluahlo trmlis ( walvili coutulnlng
full mrttcrulan fur home cunIIIKK of cb ruc.
AriiluinlM niuitluil work : ihould i < t > rend liyi'tcry
innn'lii > U ui'rvoiu anil drlilllUiU'il. Adilriu ,
I'rof , I' . C. I'O 'Lli tt MoodllB. C'VUU *
town , hits returned to her homo nl Fairmont ,
I. C. Rogers of Ord was in the city yester
.1. L. Honton of Ucatrlco Is the guest of
friends In town.
L. II. Dav of Westboro , Mo. , was looking
ever the stock yards yesterday.
Upchurch Iodg6 No. 3 , Dogrco of Honor ,
will moot Saturday evening to transact Im
portant business ,
Miss OiSrtrudo Hrtrtholomow of Lincoln Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cornish of
013 North Twenty-second street.
Alpha lodge No. 44 , independent Order of
Odd Follows , will givn n literary and musical
entertainment nt Masonic ball this evening.
Citizens alliance No 11 hns fleeted tlio fol
lowing delegates to the Industrial confer
ence to bo hold In St. Louis February U2. S.
U. Uyncarson , M. U. tferbo and Samual P.
Jninos 1' Mnhonoy 1ms boon nppolntcd city
jailor by Mnyor Sloano nnd enters upon bis
duties toduv. Mr. Mnlioncr was chief of
Vollco under Mavor Slonno for n long tlmo
nnd mftJo nn enviable record.
A ronimltteo of tlio Woman's Uohof Corps
lias visited the destitute family of James
Horn and supplied tholr Immcilliitu noccssi
ties. The oruatiUntlcm requests that nny
stmllnr cases bo reported to it ,
The YotniR People's ' Society of Christian
Endeavor gave a social at tno 1'rosbytorlaii
church , Twuntv-flflh and J strcots , Inat even
ing. The Inclemency of the weather pre
vented n largo attendance , but those present
passed a pleasant evening1. Vocnl musfb bv
Alissos .loan Mullen nnd Kinnia Wood coii-
trlbutod to the enjoyment of the evening.
The Young People's Social club gave ono
of tbolr enjoyable parties at ICnlt < hU of
Pythias hall lost evening. There were about
twenty couples present , who enjoyed a delightful -
lightful evening. The committees were :
Hocoptlon J. S. Acltorly , II. M. Christie , II ,
S. McDoucal , A. C. Cooper and K. 13. Pat
ten. Floor Fred Coc.ltroll , Frank Sliplco
and W. U. Lnughlln.
U * . II. I.OIIK'N KHtntr.
W. A. Saunders , administrator of tlio
estate of Iho Inlo William 11. Long , clerk of
the police court , yesterday tiled his Html
report In the olllco of the probate J ml ire.
The report shows that the doco.iscd loft
property of Iho value of f'J.OS'J , 17 and that
after paying nil claims u balance ot SI,741,97 ,
besides n gold watch remains to bo turned
ever to the rightful heirs , whenever they es
tablish Ihe necessary proofs.
Nature tells us that we should
get all possible enjoyment
out of our food aud experi
ence tells us that by the use
of Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring
voring- Extracts \vc can im
prove its flavor , and more
than that , stir.tip the languid
palate to gratefully receive
that which is intended to
keep our body and brain in
a healthy condition. We do
not wonder that Dr. Price's
Extracts of Vanilla , Lemon ,
etc. , should become the favor
ite flavorings when a small
quantity to any table delica
cy so improves its taste
Who Shall Wear the
Shall It bo he who founds cities , builds rail
roads , develops new countries , amasses a co
lossal fortune In the monuy centers and fills a
position of honor In the councils of the nation ?
Or shall It be those uho devote their time , their
energy , their talents , their very lives to the
welfare of Biillerlng huuiaulty ? Shall It be
such men as
Drs. Betts & Belts
who , In their philanthropic endeavor to bring
health and happlnrss to thu nllllctcil , liavo at
the same tlmo uon famu and fortune for them
selves , as veil as that still greater reward ,
the gratitude nf the nuny thoiis.uuU they have
restored to health ? Let the answer come from
those liappj people themselves.
Jn every cass of
They effect speedy and permanent cures.
Bend -1 cents for handsomely Illustrated 120
page book. _
Consultation free. Call upon or address
vvlthbtamp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
119 South llth S t. . N. K. Corner HUi
and Douglas SlB ,
Omaha , Heb.
'IIn-only pcrfoa Vnvlnnl
nml Hc'Unl S ) rlujro | u
tlio iv.irlcl
Is Iho only nyrliiiio f\vr
Imentccl by which vn-
Vlinil Ill.leUlniu .an Lo
uiliiiiiililcriMl without
leaking nml < illliiK the
elutlimn or iii'co-Bllat-
liiK tliuUBitof n te cl.
nml which can olio to
mcil for rectal
Inject- (
U nil ) tlinruiiKhl ) cleiin
Hiu ueek of HID vtnmu
unit t'nllriiiulnu. . lijr
( . .in in luly illitemlln , !
fin. nliu : ull illsclinu'cn
out wild Ilia II'jlil liil
Ilio liulti
Price $3. \
AJ.OE & I'r.Nl'OI , ] ) CO , , ,
ue-jtt to I1. C' ' , Oniab.i , Neb.
A Written Guarantee to
Our MHO Is J'crniuncut nml notn putchlnup. . Onici
( toil nvon JOI\M o Imvo nnver teen n KtmnlonJ
flncc Ilr ilpfcrlblnucino fnllr wa ran you bjr
mull , unit wpnlvothiMii'iio Mron * Riinrniitrn Incur *
orrpfiinilnllnionpr Ttinto who prefer to rome liora
( ( irtrriitinorit rnniln omul wo nlll jiny nillremrt fnr
lidtli wny mul lintot bllli while. | , ere If wo tnll In curd
Wol'hnllpnitP lliu WotM for c o Hint mir MAOIQ
HUMKDY jvlll not euro. Write for imrticu RM nml
KCttltupTMonPO. Inimr pfpn yoiK | iriutk nltli
this MA01C HKMKIIV It tils lieon inmt Ollllrult U )
otprcrinptlio t > rejihlle , > n in I ml MIMIIPI viocltld.
lint nnilpr our MroiiR ittinnrito" tli < iii nnd arc Irylnrf
llnn.l U'lngourolVo iinnrnntpo to mro or refiinl
rvorj ilollnr. nnit us wo liivn n rppiiutm i I > | ir ute
ntaonnntirlnl tin"klruorsSQOM It la | > prrcrtiv tnle to
nllwlm will try UiotrcalHicnU ttorc < t"forou tmvo
lici'ii luiltlnirup nn I p.ijliu out your mmi-iv fonlltlot
crit treatment' , nml iilthmtxh yen nn > mil let riinvl
no one lm | > nlil tmek your monpy Wo wi i nn itucly
dirnyo.1. OMilironlP , ileep oatn.l cv < - imel InSJ
to in dny . lnvp < tljnto nnnnrinl tnn Iliu , our
ri'i'iilatlt.n n litislni'M mon. Write it * fur uanun nml
iiitilris ! < iis of tlio o no him. niri'd wlio lri\p glvc $
I'frinl'Miiti In refer In thorn. ltco ! < you < .ui ) po > u
nuotoilo this. If your ymptom nrv ro tliroMl
tmicnuspHlelipitn niontli , rheiinmtnin in li no < mm
joint" , Irilr fnlllniioiit , orii | > tlon < i on nny pnrt of thi )
liiMti , fe.'llnz of ki'iicrul ilcpro lon , pslns in hcml or
lxini > \ouliave no tlnip to wn < lp ' 1 hcno who ara
ron tnntly Inklnjt mere iry n iI poU h sin. il I ilUcoil
tlniip It. t'oiiMiuit n o of tlipv ilni ) ! will curi'ly tiring
fere. mi.1 vittliiK uliirs In the en I. Don t ful tOMritH
Allp < irrt > snntil nio 'mil o lot In plain i > ntolo | > tt
Wolnvilo tlu-mii't rlulil ltmi tli tl ii iin.l will do nil
in our pimor lo nl 1 joit In it AiMriw
OOOK REMEDY 0. , - Ounh ,
tifiuo fora case of I.OIT or I'UMSII
noon , Oi'iimiil or Nmvors UKIIII.IIV uunk-
npssof uody ornilml.
Ilio oliooUof i > nor or t \ -
ccsses'nuldnr ' voting Hint wocatinot > ttnl. Wo
piiarintoiM'Vory onsn orri fiitnl o\i ry dollar.
1 Ivy tljtvslrliil troiilinont SI , lull < M.
1'niceptlli o beiiollts ro ill/i-il In three ( lays' ' ,
lly until , soeiiroly picKoil from obsot vatloti.
Cook HEMUIIV ro. . UMUINrn
iTMVTT . "XT i *
MARIR ' 'IA1VI'I : : I.ATOll.afo mill
HIMUIU eVtlaln to 11 ilay or inotivy ri'fiiiuloil.
lly mall f ! . SoiMire y ii-alc 1 from oliM-rTii-
ton. t'HOlt. IIKJIKH \ t'tt. , Uimilm , Neb
6oiifrrir'fili'ntini I I < iriiri'rir > (
I'ltrnl In 2 ilavs by the I'ri-n h Kpnuvly entit
led the KINO It illviDlvea iiitnlt-it and Is ab-
torloil Inlothu Inllaiiiod p.itls. Will nifiinj
monuy Iflt iloos not cure , or cau'i-s stricture
( lUtitUitnon , liuro Is a rotl.iblu artlcli1. $ j
Viackaiji ! , or 1 ! for tl pur tn.ill propaUl AK'Uor-
mIcI : .V l.unil , Unialia.
hANUAl.\\onl ) CAISI LIEnro tin
DOCUTA lioit nml miluiimilui pruarltiait br
nr plmn l.iin tor tlu > ciiru of
( ioii' ' nml l-clmtpjs fr mi tlio urln uy c rtonJ !
v treit rn > lnoil.i ) il > U KM to\ . All ilrniilpt ;
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
\vho use it as a beverage.
Is the bst for all purposes , bo-
c uise it is positively pure anc" " ma-
turo. Ic is oxco3dlnirly plca'ivnt to
the taste and has a delicious bou-
N. B. It dooan't bum nor scald
the throat or stem ich llko inferior
whiskays. It is recommended by
the beat physicians.
Sold onty at high class hotuls ,
drusr and liquor stores.
IAfjhi.MANj ) & CO. , rillOAHO.
F.'impli-s etui lie hud ul tilt ) Mlll.-uil Hntol , ut
Thompson's , tit .1. A. Tut hill's , tit .1 A Wood
A. Co. Hotel Uellonu , .Moynlliin'.s : , The Diamond
mend ,
National Bank.
Ollicorsniiil Director ? -Ilonry W Vntoi proilrtont !
H C Cusliliu , vliM piuililPiit C. S M .irlcu W. V. .
.Morse , John H. L'olllm , J N 11. I'.Uiluk I.owU tf , X.
Iti'Otl , I'jishu'r. x
Corner 12th and Farnam
5ECDR. l671JS < rUGLA55T5. ] [ ]
J.d.fmoWN-TrlOS-L.KIMBALL1- .
D3E& . J. E.
In inisiiinusiod In tht1 tretmunt of ill I'HMGO.
PRIVATE DISJ3ASIJS , mid-ill ( Uminlori
iind ( li'blllth'HOf youth iiml iniiiiliooil ITyeur * '
( xii'tiuni | o Ills iissoniL'iis iinil fuellitliis urO
priu tlr illy unlimited The Hooter IH leeoiA-
iiiuinleil by HID nress. and enilnisi ) I n the
ntriin.'i'Kl till .1 . h by Hie jieui | < i ful ful trent-
nielli lui'l ' iuleu Tha
most pnuerfnl reineilles l.nown lo nioiliiril
K-leneo for thu bifunstful IrtiitliiiiMit of tha
follnwiiudheuHiH :
GONOHHHOEAliiii.niilliilit inllef A coinr ,
Iilolcrtiin without tlin luv , of an ln > u s tlnift *
fio'ti bu looss.
QI.EHT-One of tin- must euniu , | li' null ( mo-
cessnl tre.alinents fur m-li'i't nnd nli mioylrif |
illsehiir os yet l > iioi\n lo iliu incill a profcu- *
blotl. Tlui remillH um tr'lly wnmli ifil' ' The
ino l Htiil'nri ' ) iinileliioiili' I'nst.s . vi.eid thu
dlselinivii hud cvlsu-il f ir JILIIStii > ic < y cou *
trolled Iniironiaik'ililv 'iliort ' llnii-
STRICTUHK ( liiiiiu-t luiiitt-i iin.i-ily for
the lieiitniL'iit uf slili tiiiu. u-lthiuii pun , i-ut.
tin. , 01 dilullnc A iniiji roniiiiblili u.ineily ,
BVJ'IIILIS-No tii'.il il for Hi" tiurllilu
blood ills libO IIIIF mi'r lieiin 1110:11 : Hin-eebsfnl.
or h id blioiiiter i > Hdor i'im'it > . In tint linht
Of InO'leil ' ! hUll'IU 0 ( Ills lllsi IIX is | ; OSlllVlly ]
eniiililf ii ml t'vory I rue.'of the poison out truly
immivu'l ' ftotii Iho bluiid. J lie unri , .s eon.jilet
unit iitirinatii'iil.
LOST MANHOOD , und ambition ncirrotio
ness tlmlillly. ilusuoii len'-y .nil ml lill hllnt {
illiH'ts 'if "inly vlco Hi lief olit.ilneil il
ThH'.il > n > ralron , ' mill Hit. U'i ( ii nif
coinu Qhecrf'il 'in'l ' li.H'l \
SKIN DISEASES , , , n I ull dUitatni of tbo
bit oil , llv r , | | | < I > H iimlii l.iihloi tint irnutiiil
hileeessfully llh Hie n'n > .itfit KnotUI IC-meillM
for tliohH dUoasos. \
\ \ ille for i li < Mil.r < - nml ( | > iohlion lUt fito.
Millnn'M li'titmoit fir illKouli'iH of th
iti.'iiui h , li.isthu in.iji ililled enili.iseincinl ol
Ilinv vtliuhuto I'toit cniiil t'iiM'i * that IjHil
MiiKreU fur jcmi mill inoiu < or I.Ar
\\iil nit ini-ro.iMi , Hair n.lsery entire. ] ?
ctii'iil Tin idnuilli i are pluas.iiil mnl pal-
ntu'ile ' to Iho must ilrlloatestomnoh lUrt
in.l I tiihuiu ? lu , Omaha , > b , LntiuncttOi )
ulthur btitut.