Till ? OMAHA DAILY I1UK : I'llDAY. ] FKBRUARY 19. 1892. SPEC1ML NOTICES. * A I\KUTI KMKMS Kll ) THKSK COLUMNS rf\ will ho taken until 11 SO p in for the evening iml in til 8 .50 p m , . fur tlio morning or Sunday Pill lion All Bdvpttlsomenl * . In 1hp < ! column * IS cent * ft Ine tlr H Insertion , nnd 10 cents n HIM- thereafter , or 2 per II" " par "ninth Nu advertisement taken ( or es limn ! i crnlx lur the ilrnt Inn ttlnn Trrms.ciisn nnl > ( iloiint about 7wnrrts to HIP line Inl Inls , Hum's symbols rte ench ronnl n * it word Ml urtvcrtlsemont * . must run ( im o < ntlvely Advor , by rcMiuistlnit a numbi red ihcck. rnn Imvn Isrrs letters addressed to n tiiiniticrcil lolliT In care Milt lur Animeis so nddtesscd will bo dellv * ri-d mi iitrscMitntlon of tlio check _ _ SIIIAM II -AOVKinlslNOI-OllTllKHK 'columns will l i taken on tins nbovo cornlllliinii et tlio following business house * who nro nulltor IK rt to I nk ii special notices nt tlio name rates as can DP linrt nt tlio mnln nniru ' Foiitli Omaha llrnnch Ofllco No SOW N Mrort LlsK r block Joint W licit plmrmaclst , llth and Mason streets. , 8 , II larnsworth , tdinrmacltt. 311 * . Cumin * elrcel w .1 Himhos , pharmacist , i l N Kth street C I" "attotllcld pharmacist , KtS I-cave-nworth Unities' pharmacy , Still and Knrnnm SITUATIONS WANTED. ISo n HUP first llininuil lOonllnn thprp nfler No advertisement taken fnrb3 than Kc. A TltKK CLAIM KOIt HAIiK OK IU ) ACIIKM At ) rfVlrcn box HI. lluwc'lls , Neb _ 471 IB' A -XX A NTH D , SITUATION AH THACHKIl IN vVtelmraph school ! 7 your * oxpcrlonco In telegraphing graphing AddrcssO. Hi , Hep 474 3T WANTED--MAI/E HELP. llATI'.S- > c n line llrsl llmo nnd lOo n linn thc.ro- nftcr Nu advertisement tnkcn fur less thnnZV : S TT XXANTKlJTHAliksMKN ON MALAIIV ( lit COXl r I7ii.slnn | to hnndlo thn new patent chemical Ink ' crnidm ; 11 mil 'Ilio greatest selling noveltycvor produced ; prrrcs Ink thormigl ) In two seconds , no Bhrns'on ' nf paper , 2UO tn Mil per lent profit , one Ultcnt a sales amounted In fiTOIn six days , anolber tUllntwn hours XXu want ono general nguitln enth Mate nnil terrllorj tor terms nnd full par ttiiilnrs addtcsa Monroe' Eraser Mfg. Co , Lal'roaso , ( Vis \ ' _ _ _ a. \ Ai H IIH.SALAHY PAIDXVlinKLV Hutting machlno olllre I MM Douglas nt irtl IM XVANTIiO. FlUb'l CLASS .MACHINIST nIn A , CuwKlU I " I ) XVASTPD. TIIAVKLINd HAt.KtMK.N 'IOMi.Jj : 4 "baHiiK powder to the retail grocer ) trniln XV'e k > ut our goods up III gtasn rollliia plim. fm montli enlnry unit uvponnc or cninmlH lon Wo irnnt invii wlio nro now ( in tlio rniul to cnrry nn n nldu lit f.uoil opportuhtty lor rlcrkn nnd otliprr * who Jtntit ti > ci't on tlic rcinil \\rllt ! for pnrtlunlnr , Piid tnnii | ClilciiKO HukliiK I'uwilor Co , 7I > 7 Vnn Biircn Ktrupt , llilriiKi ) III M.IKIO' f > POiniSAlT AltTISTVAMii : ) 'IO IMVK 4'our eliclile Unlit prlmsa trl.il Citcl'lor Per trnlMo XXnrcliloik Oninlin M 01 MI3 i > vM'iiTAN : I\PKUIINCKD : : DIIY HOODS ( 'salesman that cnn speak Uernian preferred , ( husl be nvood salesman and tint ntrald of wnrk plhi" need not apply A I reference required jtrom last employer Atitdy personally , If po lhle loT 1 Davles A Co , York Neb M4".5 HI * V > I'M-KiiiKNCHD SALI.SXIAN XVANIT.D IN Jl'meielmnt tailoring establishment Address OZI Leu r _ .XI4 It-Ill \XANTicD c\LiNDru PHI > -s i IIDKU : : arienlcr | Papci toZl \ \ llonnrd street MH1I * " " > XV VN1 LI > JO TliAMs" AND MIN ! Al SO CON ! 'tractors for Hoik Island railroad nork In Indian irrltory Addre i .Mclormlek llroi , Mlmo I T M47021 * ( Tj ( oitui. po.NDKM i : ToLiciriTii xxrru 4)miiniifiictiirer Hiiuents liuonnei tlon nlth whole ale stationer ) trade Male rights given Hiimiult { uli ( ii Akron , ( I 471 IS * J"j \N'I'ID. : . . iioxs AT 'un : OMAHA iio\ 'fattorj at Past Omaha 4 0 IS 3J AIr.8MKN WANTKD , UOOM 17 , XVAUH IILK t 482 27 * "IJ XX XN1 i.D1 1 HIST CI.X--S SALKSMAN Kll 4'Onnhn ii.oncy Sell to meribanti of all olni iii AihlruMi XX A loon , I L A'1 Inillilliif Dei Mulnen Blioieleiences Ml'i'i 'j * XX XNI'MD. A ( .OOD HA UNIISS MAKHIl ONII veir H work to tbo aultnble man H lkk ) .V smi , Crete S'e-li MtHS2l ) X PUACTIPAL MAN XVIT1I PAIll IIDUPA > tli > n and Kood Jiii'cment minted Slendy em ment and I oud pay If suitable Apply nt fiil ) Fluj ' block M4tti ! WANTED-FE1IALE HELP. JIA'I I'S l.e 11 line llrsl time nnd lOo a line theru after No advertliemi nt taken for lesi than'JT > o . . . . . * -N * ws - - - p- f. Ird ) ube llldo writing for ment home Ad Orl ' 4 In own handwriting with addressed nnd ataiuped envelope. Mlsa Kdna I. , hnijthe , outb Ik ml Ind . proprietor of thu famoim ( ilorla XVater j" ill > X ) I-'JJ * V l ( OMl'BIirNT ( ! IUL l-Olt CKNRUAL HOl'Si : * \ - nnik lU'iShe-rman avenue * _ * ' ! _ C 1 XVANTHD. A COMPKriCNT < 1IIIL lOIldl'.N eial housework "u i Poppleton rtve .I1J "I XX AN I'KD , (3IHL XT 11,18 XVKIIbTIJIl ST4IH 4IH 18 * C * XX AM'I.DCOMPLTKNT NTUSK I , MIL Oil woman Cull nt VJi7 Cnllfornlas ) _ M4li. r.ooi ) r.iitL i on ( ; INIIUL : ; uopsixx'ouK : Appbat.l A Johnson , .N/J Capital a\e 417 T XXANTI.D. A VOUN(5 fJIUL TO ASSIST IN - llithl second work 21108t Mary a\o 4II ! 18 * XVAN'IID , filllL tOH HLNKIIAL HOI bi : work 817 S I'.lth ' at 410 IS 1 XXANTIM ) , A GOOD COOK AT 2418 DODIli : ctri 11 M4J4 1 ! ) C-\x\M'ii ; > AN n\piuncNcio : XVOM XN10 cook nt llrst class boaidlin ; house ; liberal nnires to Hirht perfon ; referent es required Inquire iO > Bouth llth street , 5 to lip m .MIITl'i \ ( , IIIL 'io Abs sr xvrui uopsp.xxoiiK AND can of children Call at once 2110 H llth street Ml Ii M > WANTKD. A COMIii : TNT HIIII. Kill llilJsi : C- nork must bo good cook filS bu. VUth st IV , 19 " _ A AllDDLi : AGii : > XVOMAN TO TAKI ! < AltP. uf an limilld lady part of the time for a ncicnl Jiome AildressO.il llee M4'iO 19 * ADAoicx'is Km TIM : Ci I'ttent bhiinlder llruru 'Ilio Kri-ntent nuceens OperatiM directly on thu tlp uf tlio nliuulderi Benil-Innip lur ilrculnrH II i : Matthuwn J Mun you wtreet ( .land Itnphln , Mich M4V.I.H' FOB KENT-HOUSES. llA'l KA l.'n n line HrKt tlmo nnd lOc a linn theru after .No ad > ortli > oment taken for IciMthan 2ic lrx futo 'i , nis'FiViw l- ' lilenie tlatu In elt ) . .Mead Inv't Co , 41. lieu lililn _ ( III IIK.NT , IIOUSi : ID IIOOV.s ALL MOD PI Impnuenienta. S , > 0 per month , l.M and I ar l nin ln-xler L. 'ri ninni _ _ 7.'i * f-V M XV II IIOOX1 C01"I.Xs | , MODIlTlN ixf 4'iru\emeiita | , "Mnnfoid ( Irele " Appl ) C h lflKiille l rinini I , .N X I Ifu iiullillni : 7JA tiitooxi iiousi : . ' . ' 7rn AMI OXVIINPOIU" l nintenle'incH , ) J.HM per niuiith 1' K Dai Ittvrker tdoek _ _ 7 _ > i ! " LAIKli : LlbT ( .l.'O J IMU-L - , law 1 A UN AM U UOOM HOI MI. MODIilt.N I. .S 23lh avi ) II Kalhdi , tnllur. ! ! HN llth. T.7 fMA'lfc WITH AND XVI'IIIOUT KII..X.M .1-'hiill bulldliiKK , Ktorea , dnullbika and uilli\i.i \ III nil paria uf Ihocll ) Kelkenney \ to. . ( onil iienlal block M IM Jl lienD Kill UH.ST. 'I1IK 10 ItOoM MOlIhn 2107 DnuUun Inqulrub hull , llaj Dotmlus t D'.HiaOM I1OUSH , 1104 H lUl'll HTj ALLCO.N- ( unleneea O. S , KlKUtter , I N X Llfo bulldlni ; TII UOOM llOtl.SU I'AUTIA MJIINIbMKD , ALL Jvimnlcri lonvefllenrea. 111 8. 17th nt II ( j Jbiik.VCn KI3 Hjirnoy lit .M.ii I SU r-\ t % M W IIOl'fTH , 10 IIOOMh AND8 UOOXIsLL \ 4-'iiiiiM'nlenci's , beat lucallty llrunnan Jl Co. , i'17 ) { arhiuk Idock ( Mil HOtSKS , COTTAOIIS. ItOOMH , ( ill N"I7lh M 475ml ; * pii P IIOOST IIOIISi : , ALL .MODK1I.N IMI'IIUVK tL/im-ntaSJU'jCapitoln\o. Inquire btuart hhiara' lit t * IMh at (7J u > rCR ItENT-rUKNISHED ROOMS. * 15o a line first tlmo and liki a line theru No iidvertlaemeut taken for lena than 'Jio V1DU.MSIIKD , hTKAM I1KATKD HIONl -IviuoiiH lur uentlcmaii Ibl7 Leiivvnwortli street path , ele ( _ > TT-'lTTil "UKNT. MCKLV H'lt.NISHED , hKCOND J-Hury back room , tuiublo foralc.lu kout eman Villhtiiil board , IM H. iiMh atie'c-t. & HUM' , I'UKNISIIKD 1IOOM8 IS ! ! itrre't Ml.il U > KLI.OANT1A HJUNIBIIKD UOOMS t-OUOK.V lliMiuii oulyi nil modern ltu | > ro\e.uient . 1WJ Dobitlua t. 17UM7 * E"-1.LKHANTLY HlllMailKD HOO.MS A'l Ui 1 Dudnv ittnf t. Md.VVO * ILllNIBllKl ) A VintV IIANDi-OMKSt'll'KOr'llOOMSKOll Urtint lit the Mi-rrlum , Sith ami Dodto Mtl5 i\ \ * V'- . IILK lltXJMS , KLIIMSIIKD Oil UN - ifiiriili.icd | Jhu Krcnter , lit ! North Kith true ! . M4'.U it6 * _ _ FURNISHED 1106MS AND BOAROT" f j'-i'-LKABAVr ilOOMTvJTH UOAUD , JUIS DOUtJ- - l a , igj nn _ _ _ KLW1ANTLV H'llNlTllKD ftOOMS , BINHL1C or en lultut all modern cuntenlBuc | tint clan toarU. jlOBOiitli 2oth ttriet. r ilooM8 WITH Oil WITHOUT 818 bo. hub t. S''J Jl * AND UOAUD , IU B. Z5T1I , at , 4V I uiU * -If-LAWltt bOUTH I'llONT HOOMP , 8INOLK OH f. i-inulte , with butril llvfun-u . 2214 Karuaui ' < ! < M4 J Zi * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ItATKS 1 < c ullno first tlmn and I0o a linn thereat , te-r No drlvortlscmcnttftknn for less than 2.Xr. rjHWIM'tANY Vl'MllkirVMToM 1 TO 7 , IN VJflals , for housekeeping Price' * , rtwiiy down O V HuttOH Paxton block. CM l R 1100X18 St'lTAlILP KOIt ITOJWobMor street MIHU uooxis IN number to suit at W ) S 1,1th street room .1 J-s UOOM * xvnii CUHKT3 , i-oii nopsn keeping ! IO fni llownrd fJ7 It ) ' -.MINHMINISIIKIIIIOOM" , l.ll S. 17th fi. l > G.MINHMINISIIKIIIIOOM" tween Jackson nnd Leavenworth 'i-JI * BOAnDINO. IIATIW - I.V n line llrst titni * nnd I On n line then ) after No advertisement taken for lesi than S" > c o | 'riNMiANiiot'sinin DOIKIK. voitioon board nltcfroonu ronvcnlenens , rales ami lo lion It cannot bo excelled Mri Morn , proprietor aul XI 1U _ FOR IlENT--3TOnE3 jvND dFFIOE3. ItATKS ! . ' a line first tliun and lOo a line tliero after. No nilvertlsomcnt taken fer lesi than 2' > c HIS JACICSONl > TmKT : 728 1-KOIl UKNT. THK I STOIIY lllllt'K lltlll.lllXd , ' 91)1 ) l-arnsni street Ilio Inilldlnv has n tire proof cement basement , complete stenm heating llxturen. nnter on all the Hours , itas , etc Apoly at thn olllco oftholleo t'18 ' I-l-'Oll lll'.NT , blOIIK , IUH HUWAItlt. 701 1-A FINK LOCATION I Oil A OIIOCKIIX STOHK leash trade Addreii N II. Ileo M 7J Mi _ 7 TO itn.ST. KAIIM IN HAltl'Y (1) ( , fW > FOIt irfl I acres. C K Iliirrl-on , I2 N. Y Life. M4I7SU FOR UENT-MISCELLANEOUS. ItATKS-ISo n line llrst llmo nnd lOe n line there after No advertisement taken for le s than 25c. I-UAHDHN TAUMS TO HUM' T ML'ltUAV 1-1W Al'llKS Of HOOD I.AMI I MMI'IUIVKI ) . ' , ' miles west of Onnilni , to lea u for n term of "i years Call or nililris * The Odell ln\cstment Co , IUI I'earl street ( onncll lllulTs In M'.H.Jll- i ion HUNT , A tioon I'l.Aii : ion MAUKKT 'irnrilenlnit ' or dairy north of city limits Apply. \lH \ > I.OLiist 473 111 * WANTED TO RENT. ItA'ir.SI5c n llnetlrst time nnil lOe n line there- after. No ivdvi rlhunienl taken for lesi than ' . ' louu iTNUJUMsiiiii ) nooM" . on cor. K lane , ihodirn con\nlinrcs central lorallon or near poml car line , by couple nllh no ( lilldren Aildresi O 22 , Ileo MIJ > i21 A NICK SI ll'i : Ob 2 OH .1 UN KXVAMIIII finnlsheil rooms hi nice locullly Addre s ( ) 2S , lieu 47ii 1'J- HENTAL AQENCIES. UATP.S15u n line llrit time nnd lUo u line there nfler No ndvcrtMoinimt tnkun for le s th inif ' ItKM'Ali AI1KNI.Y , HANK IIKl KULM IS ! J11 C ( .nrvlu X Co , ! ( WMieely block ? "l I -10 INSLUI : QUICK UKN'l'lNd LIST XX 11II J-Jlho Inclusive llental Agency L'urrultu , Douglas block M.rtvi LIST ioTii not si's xvintTiii : ( .Air.tnv L Itental Agency Uoom 14 , 1'renzor bluik 45S iu 16 * STORAGE. UATis-16ca : line tlr t time and luo i Una thcreaf tor No advert 1st ment taken for less than 2 * > e eIT : ' ' iVlhoii o hi the cltj'XVUIbima'A Cross , 1311 Hiirnoy ! 7J ) WANTED TO BUY. HATlIS-lSc ii line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after No aiUertlsement taken for less tliauijo T'M'tx riiiB iiuut.u , boi/o aiotin _ HI I nrnam st _ _ _ _ _ _ 711 T-l'ASlT PAID l-Oll DIIY C'OXXb K S JHSTIIll , > till N til live 4i 1 22 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. HATliS PKJII line llrst time anil lOonllno therenf- ter No advertisement taken for less than 2.H.- I-bTALI.ION , GCNILK. 81'1'LIbll , M'KIIOV I and well bred , for sale or trade for wild pralrlo land In luwn or Nebrtska Addiess M Ui. Ileo Mnus-XIV 1) 1OU bALK. A ( .LNILi : PAMUA IIOHbl : , IU I years old , cheap Apply , Ibiil Ixicust t _ _ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q" i oiTsA'i.'k HIKA'P , MNiTsi/i AHSTiucTs Iteil XVIIIuwcuunty b 11 Smith , Indlanola Neb -A ( .OOD PA\IN ( . IbTOCK IN AN IMPOIl T ant company for sale or exchange for clt ) prop orU or KOod farms Addre'ss O L .Miller. .KHi lice bulldlnir Mil 1 20 - INI : upiurTTir PIANO , STASDAIID MAKI : , used unly a few inuiitlis , nt 11 sacrifice 2ijii Cald well st 451 MISCELLANEOUS. HA1 Us l.Va line lirst tlmo and lUe n line tliero after Nu adtertlaement taken fur luia than 2Jc TJ riAsTiiTnoN fiiios ( .xftpT.NTniis AND Jvijtillders All kinds Jobbing 414 fco Itth 'lei J17'l R-CLAIMS Kill SAIiAIUKS SKIlVIt l.S.XVAOr-- , ete UKiilnKt coriurntlonn | or bulh lilnii'x ' , hoiiKht nnil ailMineeitun XV It DinUU 21) Contlncntiii hlk JTI Xlli CLAIKVOYANTS. HATrs-l5c-iilno | llrst tlmo anil 10cn line tlio'o afler No uilverll efnent tiiKen for lehH tlnin 5o I\Ta : A : uDiNAHX. xxoNonu TT , revulathni ! ) ClialluiiKC's tin ) vorld Xlra Ir XI I.'knive , iluuil truncu chilr\nyant a truluKl t luilnilst mill life1 loniler , tells your llfo liuin thu ( rnillo to tirnxt ) , unite thu s-cimrntvil , ciin&et ninr rhiKu ulth thu ouu > ou love tellu when ) 3011 ulll iccieit and Invhnt huslne s Lutit nil iptutl fur , IIII -MltS NANNli : V WAKIIKN. tL VIII VOX A.NT , lnoBS nieillliin , tlfth I1U.N hth SMAD.XMM KIIITK , Ti.'J fUMIMJS HTUIIUr , < lain u ) nut nnil trmuD medium. Independent uiltiH tells | i it mid luture & 7IPJI * B ATHS.lSTC. It XT1' " I.V n line tlrst time nnd lUc .1 line there after .No iidvertlMJUient tuUen foi JOHS thiin y'le M > sAj uAxnii.Kr 1 mill biithn mnlp nnd luilr truiitment , niiinlciiia iindililrupeiilht , Mrs l'oa,31W4 ( * 15th XVItlinull lilk 'I1 MADAMK b.XIirll. ll.'l DOK.LXS SlItHKT , A room T.Jdllour. Alcoholnulphur ami ma liulhn , MiSI SI- PERSONAL , . U-\VII.LTIIH LADY WHO K\CllA.SiDbiAI. ( : : niiill nt MlllcT " . thu hnlr dreaner , plenbi ) return nno tnkcMi by iiilotuku and Ket he'r u\vn U75 MUSIC , AUT AND LANQUAOE. llATKs IS ! ft line llm tlmo and lUe n line theru niter. .No eltUumont tuken lor lens limn V.'c HUM eciileKlnibull plauu A llutpv.lliU DuuKlna V ( I P ( IKLLKNHKCK. 1IANJO TKACIII.U , Ttth llu pour lln N lrdh atrect tiid tluor \p-PAIN'UNi ( LKHhONH IIX KN IN O1LJT ATJli l nnlercolora Mrs. 'lliomaa , 10.11 Hoiith , llat kt 4i.l li ) ' _ -\r-KHl rl.XLK , CHIMP rOll CASH , A TINI ! i u | > rlKht piano , nonrly now and atandnrd mniiii fncturu Addreaa O..I , Ileo otllm 4 4 MONEY TO LOAN KEAI ESTATE. IIATI'.S l5.iiTllnanrst tlmo nll4 ICfl a Unit them iiftor No ailvortlioiuiint takun fur lens than Wo \\f - > > 4JJ \\f IIKAIi EbTATK LOANS , C TO T I'EU CKN'T , ii no additional cliurges for lomrulaalon or nllor nay a faun. XX' , It .Melkle , 1 Iral National bank bbU A\r (1 ( l'lll CIJST FllWr .MOIITOAK ( ! IXANtT ' 'lcl"'tl Pnlteraon , 1611 1 nrn m at. 7li VV-IXJANS o. u , xx'ALu'Aci ; , aw HUOXVN IILK 'i : H \\r-ANrilONV LOAN ANfiVlll'-Sl CoTaiS N V * il Llfo , lendut low ratca lor choice aeeiirlty on Nobrutku or loviu luruiaur Oumlmclly pruport ) 7J1) ) O LOAN ON IXJ.MI on aiioiir M tlmo In nm of HO ) to IIO.UW Mutual lilTe > tnunt Cuuimiu ) 77 \V-CIIAH. W IIA1NKY , JIOMAI IA NA f UK bldu City uiortifUKCi lreat rntva Money on bund , 1IC17 .N Jl TUUUrfO. II Kh HLDd \\r - KAJ , KaTA'i K LOANH. I'A UL , iau r.UN \ t ' ' _ _ _ _ _ j , ll'l ) TIIAD1J , K _ \\r-Ai-rLV 10 j. L uovwr i-ou niUAi1 il money ; uuljr flrit cli.it etcurlty , 2iU D. lilth , WO \V-MONKVTO I OAN ON IMl'KOVKD CITV Ii prui > erty , low rules , A. C Front , DougUj bl'k \V-IXJAK8.W.M.aAUia .U . O.KIIKN UII II JE I * * . 1IONEY TO LOAN-REALS ETATE. UIANX Ciry I'IIOI'KUT\.K. NKII AM ) W ona farnn , K K UliiKor IMS * rrvtnnin. rrvtnnin.IMJ IMJ M \ \ r-I.A.SSON HCAli RStTATT ! ANIl COt.tiAT- * ' tprnl nutp nnd tnnrtrtiuoa bought , Id'pd A iy , at Ikmnl of Trndo 741 \NIM NMI'ltOVIil ) city proportr , MOXJntidnpnnriK < Ho9per ci-nt , o ilclnyo. W 1-nrnnm Smith .V Co litli A llnrnpr \v - - ) MUIITOAOKS MOOIIK , A 401 1115K 111.1)0 755 ) \ \ TWU.l , UAN ) MONKV OH ANY KIND OK ' < M'curltjstrictly conllilcntlitl A 12 llArrK room I , Contlncntnl htock .M''l MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS. . IIATKS lie n line first time nnil I0o n linn llirro nfter. No lulvertlaoiiiOnt tnkcn for U'fls ttmn > o V-IK)1OUWAXT MONKYf jV | f so Oo not full to Kct our rules before nor rowlnc XX p nmko IOUIK , wllliont remnvnl or publicity , nn fnrnltiiro , ( ilnnos , liortvs nnwons etc , nt tlio Ion est | io KltilL rain There In no unncce iiry iliilny but you net tlio money on thn snmo iliy j-ou nik for It XVo will rnrry HIP lonn in lonu nn yon ilo lrn. Klvlnx you the prlvlleiinof jiayliiK It In full or In jmrl at nny tlino to suit your convenience anil any part piild reiliioos tlioco < t of carrying tlio loan In liroportlon to the nmniint pnlil Our otllcps are rontrally lucateil nnd nro * o nr rnnneil that pnrtloacnllliii ; on us can boTiiltvd on iiilcklr | anil courteously. U will liotii your nilvantngc to see us before so curliiK ft loan Omaha MorliraKo t ) nn Co lloom II , trelithton IIIorL. IJIli SU , south of IVistollIco MlodXIII Ar MONK10 LOAN 11V II r JIASriIHS ON \honspholtl KooiM , ( ilnnns , orxah * . lior us , luulos , nations etc , nt tlio lotvcst pOMlhht rate without pulillrlty , removal of property or chaimo of pus SLimlon. 'I line nrrnnueil to suit the borrower 1'n ) merits of nny nmount can bu tuiuln at any time reducing linth prliulnnl and Intercut , thus Rlvltm natrons nil the benefits of the pnrtlil pay ment plan tiill nnil see mo wlinn > ou want n lonn , or If more convenient , i all tulunhuno 1021 uiul your buslaesn cnn bo trnnsirtcil at lionte Stonpy nlwnson hnnil , no delay no publicity : lowest rates buslnoii cnnlldentlal , II P .Masters , It. \\ltbnell blk , nth nnil llarnoy. 74T _ V UOIIT IMinCllAltl ) , II.J , XVIlll.M-.l.b lll.K A- 743 X no LOAN ON oiiArrm s IIOXDS anil Llty warranti bouiiht lloom llU.Knriineh blk ON ruuMTiTiu : , noitsis : , IMANOS. Keystone Sltue Co , room 'Mi , ! < liecly block MIR ) V XVllKNU ( WANT A fllATI'lIL LOAN < KK - < V\ n | ) . .iroom1 | * lontlni ntal block SJ1 "V-CIIATTKI. LOANS , IIP.XIilll'T A XVIIAV ( ill Vi'nxton block \Ve > loan our own money , oliarno no uimml' < slon It will pay > ou to consult n MSIU.M3 r MONKV LOANI1DON H IINITUUH IIOIIM5-1 LWIIROU * , planon , etc rrod lorry , r III , llniugu. .Ml \r-XIONKX TO LOAN/ ) . HI I ) XYS ON Kl UNI 'Vtiiro , livestock , etc Hull dreen , removed to Uoom 8 nnd U Darker blk ISM BUSINESS CHANCES. HATis : lie a line first time and lUj a line then ) nfter No luUcrtliemcnt laken for lu s than 2oc L very bent p irt of Nebraik i ; e-lpielty 251101) ) to jt ) OOU tans per < la > , has made money last thieo years bestof reasons furselllcu Address M It llee V-IOUSALK , IIOThL , SHKI'UKHI ) llOUSi : , AT I Ansle ) , LiHtur county , Noli , 1'nu ntnry frame hiilldlni : . nboiit''lTlU ) with Kood barn , lit sleeping rnnm : hotel well fin uNl.ed Apply to Ir ) .1 b Thomas , XX'ooil Hlver , Neb MJiJ MS ) ' \ ' HOl'KL HJItMSHICI ) IN CO bKAT ' 1OXVN lor silo or rent. Address Ijartleld to Itnnk , lluruell Neb . V'.Mi 2i' V-tOllSALK , HOrHL. KIIKNI8I1KI ) , IT UOOMS. iloln a fuod business , terms LIIHJ , location bent Address llox Vi. IIntdron Neb Mtst MS * \r "KlKi STOCK AND I l.VI UlllJS l-oil HAH ! : i nil new . llnet In eolith DukiHu , Kran 1 opening for rlKht purt > , nrlto fur imrlliularf ) N'T , lice , Omaha MTO ) 19 * A7 ' 'OH 8.XI.K SALOON , DOING A HOOD 1IH3I Lness ; ttood reason clven ror eelllni ; Address l.ockbox all. XX'est 1'olnt , Neb .MM ) AT" I'AIMIIIINU AND PAINTING TAKKN I Till L rent of .Vrnnm cott.ik'i-s C.ill nt loom 2U7 , Omih i National liank I "I 'I * V tOU SALK , A 1 HIST CLASd OI'KMNO KOIt JLiiman with n small c-ipltnl 1 1 Invest In n ptotk of Keniral nu'Kliaudlsool \ establlsbed business , good prutlts Address box 7U , Omaha , Npb 457mlO' i1 , &ILL : oil 'UINT"'AD : dress O - ' ! . , Ileo 440 21 * V lO" bAl.i : , JiMXCO ! ) bTOCK Oh' ( iKNKItAL L merchandise for cnsh or part nn thm > to rlKht tmrty rlrnileitnd ( iiMom established and net-ond to none I , oed reasons fur bcllhif ; Location the best 1 Ino opening to make money. AUOressJ. II .MIUlioll , inniiniirr , Kidney , Nel > . i JlWJii ! " " V "WANTKD A 1 lYLACKaSUTH TO LOCATi : J In llcrtha Hurt county , Neb Rrent Induce ments Address F .litter , Ilcrtha , Neb , Mit > 2 Jl' Vho" SALi : I1OTI3LI OHNITLUlN HHbT- J- class locality. Dolnir 1:0011 liustness Kent reasonable XX 111 take clear himl as par't payment Otlke hoins , 2 , W to ti p m lloom 10 , Ulolni hotel Mil * ! 20 * v-i-ou SALK , oxi : niAiu IIAUIHUI' sjior -Land lonlectluuary combined. K. .XL Scott , 'UiiKlej In V-I * ' " SALl : AN ICK IIUhlNKSS , ON A ( jOOD J pn > bu basis , lu-wt of rvnson for ' ellfnii , reiiulru nboiiti I UUU capital AddressOJI Ileo 441 4 * ArXX AN 1 I'D , A .MAN \ A CAPITAL OP I tllUUto ii ! W , to Iniist In ii iirolltable , welj established manutiictuiliiK business In Omaha e\lf \ Address O Si care Ileo olllie 4SH 21 * -iiuv TIM : loxiMKitciAi. 'HUT I.UADIM ; hotel of llruken lion Neb No In mi In trade tradeSJI SJI V-FOUhALK. MKAT MAIIUKF , Illlbl' IN TUB J i ity , nttnictUe fountain In room , irood brlik building ; , rent rcattonnble Address I > b liiKhnm ICearnej.Neh jNt 21 V-KIH SAJ.KKLHVA'IOH AND I.L'MIIKIl J van ) cheap 1 or terms , ete. , address HOY ' .I. Lin \\noil Neb. i4J4 ! y. < * V-XVANTKO. A pnopObiTioN 'io LOCA-HV A J-manufactnrlni ; plant that will employ between 2UU nnd JHJ men Heath Itnll Joint compaii ) , .IUJ 'llubo bld'K , Xllnneapolls , Minn. .Ml'JS 21 * FOR EXCHANGE. HA'l I > _ i5c aline tlrst time and lOo n line there utter No advertisement taken for lens than . ' c rVKIIY nK IHAHLiVoMAliA PUOPKHTY I Ou 'JLos Angeles property or fnilt ranih ID bo Cull toinla Diivltl .lamlesun , Ileo Inillilln. 704 ly-tiJbTKiT tTu-N'n KATr orKti'iio\rii i - m \ : ) ) on / strlctl > modi in 7 or 8 roomed house In KOOI ! res Idem o part ufomiiha , will assume llux.MI Lin coin _ _ _ _ _ _ V.'I5 rHOH IIIADK , A STOCK OF ( .KMIHAL MISU /ViliMluIhe for lauds nnd cash Adiliojs It , XX' . \X'iitklis .V Co . Irankfort. ( nil IJ7 I * . " . ' * VLI. . AN bTOt K OlMIKNHItAl/M DliKT wlljl /Jtnko leal estate \ money liox . ' ; ii , 1'ruiikfoi l.Jlul , 74) ) / lU'NDItLDIlKAD OP HOHSnS AND LAND AJIneastern Nebraska fur u utock of ilry itoods clothliiK boots and shoes , hats ami capi , Aildrens box ion , Nebraska City , Neb 2H M10' TYOU \ \ HAVl : A ( lOODUPIlltillT PIANO 'IO / tniile fin lut Ii ! , hlock 1 , Armour Place , aonth Omaha ( lear of all Ineumbrance Aiblro E ) N 44 , llcooitlce MJ.U y-XVILL TIIAIIK IlL'lHilKSOIt A NO 1 XOUM , fJ [ > uL\im \ lioirtu for u lioud mule team Address O 111 , lice y-XVANTKD DIIY HOODS AND NOTIONS , XV1LL AJpny one third tush balamo Kuod clear real estate Write me whnt ) uil have ; conthlentlul Alex Mnure , 101 Ileo II Id e ifi In y-tOlt KM'HANHi : , f 1,100IO f 1,20) ) DIIY liOODS /Jninl notions to trade for clear land or stallion lloxVWI , Hhonandoah. Iowa 151 VO * y xvi : HAVK no'iii criY PIIOPKIUY AND /JKOUI ! hinil fur exchannn XYhat have you to olTer' ' XXestern lUclmnKO lo , Culuuibu . Nib M4ii72l FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HATK8- n line llrst lime and luo u line there nftur No advertisement taken for less than " \r K coiiNkit ii ANi icKov"wViM ) -Li .feet , a bargain fur u few day * only. tK. . Dar UllK Darker blutk. 7(1 I70II HALK. A TXX'O bTOUY 1I1I1CK HANK 1 biiliainn with basement , vaults , fo , furnl turn and tlitures , can control need busliussj town of two thousand people ; llvo railroads , nuoj coun try , luritu roller mllli , three ele valor J ; KOOI ! rea ton for present corporation iiiltlliiK | business Ad itressT UiwU , President , Superior , Neb. Ml&52t > > l.'Oll SALi : S KCOIIXKH 17Tli , IKUbAH Bl\tK 1 18H , 3collaji < fi , stablu for l > horseiicaa be divided InluMuU linpJlrout premises b72i * " orlTHUK'Kffl , CAUTIIAU'B , VKKV HHIIULY and u bargain nt fiUOOO , oai ) terma U , ( . . XX'al laio < JU llrown block 3,20 iToil MALH."NKi7llA iCA KAIoil LANDS. O. C ! L XX'alluco , Xll llrown block , I'jtL , and Duunl UM. . TJQ . . . . . . . ! I OIl WALK CIIKAP , KASV TKHMri. LOT IS 1 block 'fl , Omaha X lew ftulugiwuth ou I.uko at Addruaa , J .M Oualer , Council lllulla 41818 iolt SALKToll XxTl.L TliTlHVKoir KAItM PUP ( 1 erty , a good builneaa plain ioxlii fuel , with brlik building losllnu fl.ouo , a aplendld elto for nrat-claaa hotel ; tltuated on block udjolnlnir V I * depot on thu auuth , NUH water worka Iu ouurullun and eloctrlo llghta aoon , Addrcaa or call on Adoluh Dnorm , Scbuyler , Neb l"ll 1/011 8ALK. 11011128 , AN V PlllCK. $7iO. II.2H UPI -I aiy lernia , t ku clear prupertxtM llrst | .ajment ( j \\allaco \ , Urowu block , itll ) and Duuiilu * 7W MODKltN Itl HOOM UOUdK , ( JOOII J/CA.T10A ) uo ttaJui Cftih barvalu Addron O''l. line UI4UMI6 * FOR 3ALK IWi .L ESTATE. l Oll 8ALK AT A IIAIt)7AIN ) , 1OY IX. ItLOCK I , I XV I > Molliy's nrnt nminion til vontb Omaliit snmll payment down , Imlfinro monthly If desired Inquire ( I II Tmchnrk. OiiTTlia HOP .HI TjVlll rlALTToiFTHA'DK. .OJO . ACIllI llluiiJATKlJ -i land , Improved , fencedKOOI ! perpetual water rlKht XVtlto to Hot 43 , La Gwnite Laranilo county , XX yo M4M I'l * llATi:8--IV : ) n line nr t tlmo' and lOe n line there after .No nilvcrtl enietU tjkon for 1cm than J'H ) poST-ST ItKll.VAIlD IMH' . TIIHCK MONTHS iJnld Brny followe-d HUM Kiel from MWSSIst at In I'ark avn school. Iteliun to A. U Hudson. IIJ.I SSIslM and recclTO rewarfl . HIT 1 OST Oil hlOI.KN AllWl'T FKIIIIl'AUV S 1W. JJa tin box contalnlim wllh nlhor valnablo paper * a morlKnuo nntn of fl.WX ) , ondorscd by nnd duo U. A llnbtiard who hrreliy declares It void tn nevo tlate A miltnblo reward It duty returned to No aili North wth avenue nlll b allowed and no qnes lloni nuked .Mli'l ' 81 * "I (1ST , I'OCKKT OA9K OF SI IU1IOAI. INSTUf Ijinenl' leather eovcred rubber ca u Dr Towne' , Ituum M , Continental block MI37 51 * HAIR GOODS. UATKS-tfe a line tlrst time nnd lOonllnn them niter No adrertlscment taken for lesi than &c l wlm and beards a rpvclalt * XXlitt banm fewltihes , hair chains etc aend tor cataloittio Stall orders sollclte-d Davlo' , 111 S litti at. , Omaha pur. IDIAL : LAIIIKS' HAIII DIIKS-ONO PAH- I lors owllehoi , bamts wlijs toupees Jewelry nnd hair ornaments In stock : vrlits to order , cpccUl attention Klvun mall onion -WSlJthst , .Ird Hour , 4J.I VIS _ PAWN BROKERS. UATIJS ISo a line llrst llmo and lOe a line llwro alter No adU'HIsoment take-n for loss than tie ipc 1171 M6 C SNXDini'S IOAN 01 1 1CII , 1510 DODOI ! t > T n. 77u PIN' 1'IIKD , MOIILi : , OM'ICi : IMH4 tAUNAM sr iuIASQUUUAbK COSTUMES , ETc7 UATI'S 1'ie n line first tlmo and lee n line there ufter No lulMrtlsinnont taken for lest than A'K ; T AIliS ) : A.Ji.STLKMKN : CAN HKNI1 M Juradocostuinej nt 111 Slilth. lioldeii Kaxle store Hil mj MANUFA CTURING. JEWELEKS. flASH PAID KOll OLD ( .OLD lAlf-ON 11 inks , room a ) Marker block oumhn 7JI CUTLERY GRINDING. ot u snssoiis , HA/.OIIS , me TO UK to IJnilerlanil.Vl'o. IDil s Illh st 7W REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. JOS. P. MEGEAfll , nTS PAHNAM SIUEET. ( IMII A , M II ] RH1LWHYTJMEGHRD Liavcs ilUICACO HU HUN I' ) i Oiiinliii D'pot IQlliit .Xtnj-i \M p m . Chicago X'eVtlbiilo i'uO a m Chicago Impress .ISO p mi . . .Chicago lnirosi Ii50 j > m' ' Chicago A lilwii Local Lcavo < TTluTtLINin ON XIU ' illX'l7llT Afri7b Omaha | Depot 10th aiyr Mason Ms ' Oinnlin ] U lpi n nil Denver X'estlhuju Limited . 4 00 p | m . . . . Deadrtood. 1/xpross. . . 4 ( ) p m 710 p ml . .Denver Impress . . . ' . ) IX a m 710pm ! . . Denver K PCMSS VIM p m S.OO p m Lincoln Limited ( HtceptSun i II W a m 8 15 ni | Lincoln LOI ill ti.20 p m Loa\ui I K C.Sl * Ji.A. C II Om vhv | Depot lUth ami Maion Stt H 10 a ml .Knnsiu City Day Express 5..V * p in .Mi p in IK C Nlitbt Kxp HJ.-i U P.'Irani 1.4U a in ( .oliu I CI11CAOO. U I. .VPAllHl i I rum XX'eit Illnlon Depot IQlll nnil Xlarcybts I XX'eit Tltl | i ml DuiTier Limited 1 4 < ) p m 0im | | . De-liver iipre : s. 7 W nni l av 's ICIIIUAI.O .xfli ; A aT " 7'ATJLi Arrive Oiiialial U P depot and Xlnrcy ts _ I Om ilia f 20 p ml . ChlcuKO Express . . 'I ' ! * > u m 1 Oil p in | . . . . Chicago Kxpress _ R 1 1 p in Ixnvoit T"nIOUX CU'Y A PAl IMt i Xrrlves Omaha I Depot. lUlh and Marey sis I Iliiulii 7 J ) ami blouxLtty PasHoiiEor . . . . 10 iu p m 5 Ui p m | . . St. Paul Kxpress IQliQii m r aTes r TlIT\7ciTX ) .V PACIKR Arrives" Omaha ! Ditiot 1'ith and XXehsti'r sis Oui ih i p mi SI Paul Limited Loa\es irillCAliO .1 NOllIIIXVLI'l.KN Xirlvei OniiilulU P deiiot 10th and Xliro > Ms Omiilin | L.II1 ( At.O , lll'ltir.N Jk yi'l.NCX. Arrlvot Iransler ! bnlun Depot , Council Illnll llriinsfd " 'l W tt in l ( MikaKO j\irea : | < 5 4U | i "ni llHUim ) | . thhiiKo K\pres < ' . ' 'in in 7U.'i p ml . t reatun Liu il . ' 7 ! ' _ m l.e.ive . I iiMAHATsT Oll'W I Arrives TiJimfitrl Unhm Depot CuiijiUI HIiHTs I I'ranafur 4 4U ilii ) fat Louli C'anoirilail . l.'Ts p m I.ea\in I HIOUVCITX JL 1'AtlHC Anhei Trainforl Unlun Depot. Cumuli lllnlTi Tr.iii fnr 7 43 a mi iiloux t'lly Accomiiioilatloii IbUO P in 650 p ml . . . .Ht _ l'unlKTiri4i | ' W 4iuin _ _ ruave | ljna'AiO.V ( SoTtTllVVKSriTllN Arilvui" Triinafurl Union Depot. Council llliiif ilraiufur I ' 01 p m CultuKo Kxpreas ft Jl p m & l'i p nil Vestibule Limited | ' ' IU u iu lUliU p m . . , Kanturu Myer l.J ) p in HUU p inUK'i Snt ) All intlc Hull iKx Xlon ) 7 ! > a in 7.IU u in1 . I'l---oll ramuiiKur 10 W p in 13UOPOSA/.S HM KULI ) Hiils-J.\l : ( I'KD Jnt.ito.i Indian buivolu , I'lnu Itliku AKoney , South D.il.utu. Joljruury 1 Ih , Ih'r.1 ' i-ealeil iirnpos.ils , unmirsoil "I'tonusuN for I'leilil Sueila" HIII ! luliiH-aseil to thu unil r- hlKiieil at I'lnu UliUu Ajikinoy , South DuKotu , will bo loci ) xoil at thls < 4 nuy until I oVIouU p. in , of Mnruli Tlh , Ih'lt7 fni furiiHhliiir anil ilollxcrltiK ut Itnsbxlrlei , .Ni'lirasUii' W.tl u pouncU ht'i'il oats , 4\X ( ) iOiinU | ) ( sued wheat. llriua ) pnuiiilH seed coih , 4.\miU iiuiinili suoil tiotutuos. 1,0.10 iiuunds 4et > d ( ic'rinaii inlllul , , > 0 pounils timothy hoed 'JD ) imiiniU bliiunrass buuil , alll su ( Is to bo L"i own In HID suction of country conUk'iiim to tbb piia-o of ilelUoiy. llldilors will bo reiimrmhto gtntu HpaclHuitlly In tholr bids thu propostnl prlcu of uavb urllulo olTuri'U forelollxury uni ( r a conlrac't. The lUlit Urchorvuil to rejofct ( iny or nil bliU. or miy iiartof any bbl , If illtomuil for tlio he > , t In- tere < st of thusorvlcu CuHllluil ( JhuuKs Kucb bill tniiut bo auuoinp iiiVfl iy n cut tilled vliuul ; onlr.ift upon sninn Unltoil r-tatus Dunoaltory or holvent NutloniU liunk. lit the vli'lnity of thu roHliluncoof Ihu bUlilor. inuUo jmyablu lo thuor.'orof ' thu L'oninilssloaur of liull.in Af- fnln > , for at lo.isl llvu pur cunt of thu amount of thu propos tl , which clti'i-U 01 ilr.ift "ill bu furfelteil to thu Unlleil ht.iteIn casu any bhl- uuror blililoth loc'uhliu an award shall full to promptly oxuoute a eiintr.icl with yooil anil Hiilllelent aiirltltH. otbvrwUu to la rotiirncil to thu bidder. Itlds aceuiiiiiiinlcil by C.IHI | In lieu of it cerlllled uheck vtlll not boeomlileri d for fnrlhur liiforinatiiin jip y to OAIM'AIN DKOUOr. L HOY HIIUW.S , I' > A Acting U b. Indian A . ' > : uiil. r-ll-l-t-iu , I'ropiia.ilii fur IliiniU. &o lijl lilils Hill bo received ut tliu otlliiu of th L'ltv ' I'liniiiurcr , Oniuhu , Neb. , up to U o'clock March lUlh , ! < / ' . for thu jiuiohuBu of irr-UMM'Oi.'Jyuur.'ipuruuiitUlty ' Hull llotiiU. The nrlnclpil uiict Inture'ot urti payubhi at Kmiiitzu Ilros. , Now York. Inluruxi payable soiiii-aiinually Kach bid iniibt a tutu tint prlcu nnil thu amount of bomUboimhl for and must Inclmio Inturost up. todato of ilullxiirr. iBMiod under uuthurlty of ChurLcr of mcit- ropolllun elUc-3 ami ( Jriilninco 2i U uupruvud Jununry JOth , IMU. The right U rencriort to reject uuy or all bldi. HKNIIY IIOI.LN. C'lty Truakurer. INTI1E HIVES OF INDUSTRY Progressive Activity in the Workshops of tlio World. RECENT ADVANCE IN ELECTRICAL SCIENCE Tlir Sittttln 1'iiHcr rrrninitliiR All Drpnrl * incuts of Intlmtry < ! nm III In Other I.liir * An Iitlorrvtlti ) ; Sitttiiniiry oT lUi'iilt In l.iiboi'M I'lrlil , Mr. Kdlson's first invonllvo effort in the flold of warfuro iloos not promise to iiuuiguriito nn oru of pouco , because llghUtur would mean annihilation , says the Detroit Free i'rosa. His idea la to turn the hose on the unomy , a sugges tion which 1ms lone shown evidences of n o. Of rourso electricity is to play a purl , for the wizard studies nothing in which this subtle fluid is not a potent factor. Ho uould have a fort Illled with alternating' electrical lluld , the current of which is to ho turned upon the at- attacking enemy through powerful streams of water. The great inventor thinks that. through such a contrivance , electrocution - cution could ho made to wljio out the op posing army , or should such a humane suggestion prevail , the force of the cur rent could ho so reduced that the enemy would ho placed in a condition of in nocuous dcbuotude. Thou the holders of the fort could sally forth , disarm the unconscious foe , restoio them to con sciousness and inarch them In a pris oners of war. Twenty-llvo men. con tends Mr. JMison , equipped with this scionlillc engine of war , could defend a fort against a vast army , provided , of eouriu , they would coino within range of the lightning-charged streams An l.lrrtrlr Ciln li > Kr. It Is announced In Practical Klnc- triciti that a now ly invented electric carrlapo will s-oon bo exhibited on the streets of lloston. Mr. M D. Chaplin in the inventor of the motor , and Dr. Or.i7io Lu ; > o H the inventor of the storage cells which furnUh the newer. "Tho motor is of a closed-Hold typo , working at 1,000 resolutions per minute , with a potential of forty volts. I'pou a level grade a speed of from ten to IHtucn miles an hour can bo accomplihhed The htoor- mtr apparatus and brake attached to thc-iiimo aie ingenious and rcadilj operated by the person in charge of the vehicle. Uelying upou thobci auxiliary atlachilionts , Vho steejiest liills may bo climbed with impunity. The vehicle cannot i'o bankuaid unless bo directed. bhould the motor fail to act , a connec tion bieak or any accident of any kind occur , the carnage will stop ( and this iriespective of the brake ) . " Tlio stor age cells w-lll also furnish light and heat if required at a slightly increased run ning expense. They arc Uvo-thirdb lighter than any cells heretofore used , and do not iafi luge upon previous pat outs. _ _ 'J oluplionlc DrlllHions. Strange a It may seoin , there are auditor ) as well as optical delusions in telephony , says' Electricity. 1 3 very subscriber - s-cribor has t\vo or throe girls in his mind whom lie considers active anJ obi i trin g > He has absolutely no me < lns of kmnUug who they aio , but he thinks ho can toll tliom by their voices and trots ' irritable When tho'v ni o off duty. As an illustration , not long ago a to'ophono ' onicial had ica on to call on a pioimnent h\ibsorihor \ who devoted considerable time to dilating on the elliciency of his girl. Ho lauded her to JioiehtH delightful and had thought of recommending tier to a friend fora lucrative position. The case was reported to the manager , who , on inves tigation , found that the very knowing but well-uioaning gentleman was be witched by the general outness of the telephone oHice voice. The line being a particularly light one had no regular operator , and as a general rule no less than ten difluinnt girls handled the wiie in a day. lUt lie Knew "his girl' ' every time , which spoaka well for the vocal system in iihc for , training \oioos. A l.oil yl < h'Kl-ipli Lino. Kcaders of the dispatches from Santi ago ma ) bo interested to know that the words , "via Oaheston , " attached to tlio date , UOfignato the connection between the Not tli and South Ainoric.in telegrap hic s ) stems , embracing 8,000 miles of linns and cables. The Me.xiu.in Telegraph company's sbtoin begins at Cialveston , Tex. , from which point a cable is run to Vera , Criu , Mcx. , and thence to Coalzacoaleos. From there tin aerial line crosses the PitorusAi.s ton MI mi cows AM * hull ) , liun.irtniuiit nf tin- Interior , Ulllco iiriiiilluu Allnlr- . . \\iiililiixtiiii. I ) . U , 1'ul- iiiaiy I , b'U ' Soiled propo .ils , liuloi-nl "l'ioi | ) ) < iiN for Cows or Hulls" las tlio CUM ) IIIMJ 1 1 > ) .mil jiUlrrssdd to thn coininisiloiiDi uf In- illiin ull.iiis.Vasliln.MiM ) , I ) ( ' , \\lll be ro- colMMl until I nVIoelv p in. Saumlay , Mturli fi , Ih ) ' , fill fuinUliliiK nnil ( h'llMii iiur at I'lnu ll ! < lK < j lti ) ' ) ( , Clioyriiuo lihci ( 'run ( iout > nnil I.oui'i Iliulo avi'iirk's hoiitli Dakota , M inilliu ItooK auunoy , Ninth D.iKotn , > intco anil I'OIK'.I aisi'ii Mi's , Nrlir isK.i , I l.inilii'.ui imciicvoutli liiil.ot.i and tlio Ciov , ak'oncy , Mnntuna , about 11,01) ) milch cows nnd 400 lull It > . Idvul'ii lilunkM fin liicls nro nut ro- ijiiui'd , bcliudiiU nvhlolilll lu inailo a pait of Ilio pii iiosuNi sliowliu the nuinliui uf cattle - tlo rcijulrrd nt tlio v.irloiii auciiului , coiull tloiis tn | ) ( > nlfii'iviMi by lilililori , tlniottnil place of delivery , turnis of i'iintr.ii'1 and pav- iiii'Ml. nnd all oilier iiueestiny Instriic'tioiiH , will bo fmiiUliitd ilium apiil.L'at'iin ' lo tlio In dian ollli o \\icsliliuliin , Ilio co i inlssiti Ins of Hiihslstoneo. I , s A. , nt CliiuaKo , M I'aul. Oiiinliii , NobrabUu , mid CliotiMiuo , Wyuinlni,1 , to tin ) nnhllsliors of tlio Stock ( irovots' .loiir- nul of Mill's City , Montanu. and tlio .loiiinal of lloluini , Montana , unil Ilio M > \ oral InUlmi u'.onls. ' TlujrlKlit N reserved to reject any or all bids , or liny p nt of any bid , If doenii'd for tlio bul IntoieslH of tlio Kovi'imnunt : nlso. tlio further rlulit In iniildiu tlio auardsto In- rio ise or diminish to anvu\tent the niiinbor of milinaU ealtod for In tlin scbrdiilt's ; alsnto rt'iiiro | | u dollvtjiy of liu > nty-llvo ] ior conl. nioroorless , than the amcmnlMiiucllli'cl In any ( 'ontraut , CHHTII IKII ( IIK.KS. I'uch bill must , bu iiceoiiiiijiili'il by a ri'rtlflnd vboulc in draft on i > oino Un'led ' States di'i > os- Itnry for at lu.isl ll\o iiureent of Ihu amount of tin' bid , Hindi ) niyalilo lo tl o order nf tlio enniml4 ionur of Indian alTalis , whluh cheek or draft will Im forfoltod to Ilio t'njted Stairs In c'uso any bidder iccolvln an n md slutll fall tnilroniptly e\eeuto a coitiaet | with KOOI ! mid Hiilllclont siirotlfs ; olliiiru Isn to In r - turned to the lilUUei. 'I' J MUKUAN , I oin- inlbsloner ritld.'lt M J'OU ( JltAUI.Nd .Spiled nrposal4 | will lie recolvod by Ilio 1111- dorslunuu until lfJo'ulouU : u in. Match ttli , 1MJ ) for uridltiK Tlilrty-oUfitli avcnno from Half How ird street to I'anmin atreot. in tin ) city of ( inali i , in aiL'oruaiKo with pinna iinil Hpci'l Hunt ions on Ilio la tin * olllvo uf the Ixiiinl nf publlo orls. Kuuh inoposal to bn made on prlntod blanks furm hudi'iiy thu boaid mid to bo ui'oum- nunlod wltlnu Lortllloil fhuek In tint sum of i'liO , payable to the elty of Uniaha , at , un oyl- ( lunc.qo ( L'ood faith. ' 1 hn Ixi.inrri'fUi ves tbt ) rlihl tn I eject any or all blUH and to wuho iluf rts. 1' . W lllUKIIArpKlt. Chiilnmin Hoard otl'ubilo Worlii. Oniuhu. Neb. , I'obniury IT , Ih'rj. ' ( obrAurr ln-IJ-2S-S Or Kou > SJi irtTliii ? A ; Utah .Sort fit ru Kill \tiiy ( 'oniiiiii | > StiicklKililiiK1 'Mrrtlnn , Notko U hureUv K'lven tli.il the annil.il iiii'utlii' ' nf tlio htoekholdrri of the Orwm Shoit Mnu A. ( Huh Northern Kallway com- IIHII.V , fur thu u < oullnn of directors and sm.'h uUiur liuslnim A inuy lexalli coino beforolho iinwtlriK , will bo hum ut room M ) . 11 , Hooper llulldliu' , Hull J.dku City , I'tJli Territory upon \Vvilnubtjuy , tuo 10th duy of March IsJ. ' , nt IU o'clock a. in Stiwli tranafur booka will close ujiou thu Slitli day of Tobruury , uuil reopen iin | > ii thu ,17th ilU' ) V' ' Murpli , Al.f.xAMJEii Mil. nil , Socretary. , 1'ul ) , 3 , 1692. I'lM VJlM lathmut of Tohuantopct loSallna C'ruz , with test stations at .laltipati , Cnsa deles los Reyes Xarnbia and San ( "oronimo. At Salinn Cruz the Mexican Telegraph - graph cntn ] > nny'8 system connects with that of the Central and South American Telegraph company , who o cables from this point take their course as follows : To La Uborlrul ( San Salvador ) , to San Juan del Stir ( Nicaragua ) , to Pan ama , to Buenaventura ( United States of Colombia ) , to Stn. 1'lcnn , with a land Hue to Gunynqull ( I'cuador ) , to 1'nytii ( Peru ) , to Lima ( Peru ) , to Iqulquo ( Chill ) , to Vrilpnrnl o ( Chili ) . A Itclclnn street Motor. The now steam motor importt-d from llogluiu was recently tested on the street car lines of North Chicago with satis factory results. The motor consists of a covered car , without plntfoi ins , constructed entirely of stool , twelve feet long , eleven anil one-htilf loot high and s-o\on and one- half feet wide. Within it is the boiler , llrebox and the simple running sear. At each end are levers for starting and stopping , so that the car can ho run either forwards or back wauls at will. Nothing in its exterior appearance would indicate the fact that steam is the motive force. There is no sinoko , no exhaust steam nnd no pulling. Upon the roof is the condenser , which Is made of coils of copper ptpo. The escaping steam Is hero condensed and the water returned to the tank to bo used again. Coke is the fuel that will probably bo used , though coal is equally good. Like other motors , its running guar consists of four \vhoolo , but it diners from the rest in that the machinery is connected with each axle , so that each wheel is a traction \\heol. This , with Us other improved machincr ) , gives it bulllciont power to haul four loaded trailers at the rate of from llfteon lo twenty-live miles an hour with the greatest ease. I.OIIK Itliluiice IVIeplinlir , The telephone line between London and P.xri-i , which was opened to service last April , is a financial asell as an electrical success. According lo olllcial statistics just published , thoto wore ] , 'Ji'2 thrce-tninuto conversations in April , 1,401 in May. 1,70 ! ) in Juno , 1,1)8 ) in July , 2,27 iu August , 2M ! 1 in Sep tember , nnd iJ,72 ; ! in October. The in crease in the monthly total of messages in seven months' working is thushliown to bo considerably oxer 100 per ' 'out , a very satisfactory showing indeed. The total number of messages during the first sex en months' service xvas it,7.l ; ! ! , the leceipts being & 27.-17.S. into such favor bus the service grown that the o.x- istimr circuit is inadequate to the de mands made upon it and another will bo hi ought In use as s-oon as possible. "Millions III ( 'oriiir.itloiiM. | During the year 1801 there \\oro in corporated in the United States , accord ing to the records of the United States Corporation Bureau of Chicago , a total of 1 o,201 corporations , xvith an aggro- gat0 authori'/ed capitalization of nearly ? 0 , < WOOi0.000. The dltToiont elates of corporations are grouped as folloxvb : Anthori/ed Jiiiliistrlnliites. . Chicago haw a woman's baking coin- pnnv. The thinnest tissue paper is l-100th of an inch In thickness. Around Oldh.un , Hug. , tlioro are 101 cotton spinning nulls. It is po&siblo to draw platinum and silver into wire that is liner than the human hair. The United Stales has a capacity for producing about 15t50OOU ! , pounds of piper annually. The bttto : ot Pennsylvania hits in- uroascd its r.tilxxay mileage nearly 2/iOO , / miles during the past decade. California pioduccd enough xvino this season to alloxv a quart for every mini , woman and child in the United States. A bill lias boon presented in tlio United St ites senate for the giauting of per mission to build a railxx-ay in Alaska from Portage bay to Horendeoii , on the Bor ing bua. It is estimated that it xvould cost the people of Chicago $5,000,000 per year to rid their city of the smoke nuisance by using anlhtaeito instead of bitumi nous coal. In Ife'JO Australia had 2,182 miles of railxvay , all being owned and operated by the government except txvo private lilies xvhoso combined length xvus oightj-- ono miles. The cotton mills in the sou thorn stiiles in 1S)0 ! ) consumed < > 00,0ll ( ) bales , or ouo- fourth of the entire quantity worked up iu HUH country that year. This is a gain oxerKSSOof more than 100,000 bales. The city of Birmingham , England , is planning a noxv system of xvator supply , xvhich inxolxos an outlay of about iU.OUO,000 and the construction of nearly eighty ini'os ' of conduits , tunnels and pipes to tiring the xx'ater to the city. Sotno writer has figured that the an nual production of sawed lumber iu tiio United Stales xvould load a train of cars iM.UOO miloh long. Adding tlio tlmboi for railxvnyn , fencing , mining and ox- liort , the train vxould bo 7U,000 miles lonir. The repot t of the Census Bureau on the Mihject of mining shows that "tho uxorago oarniiigsof all pureons employed at the gold and silver mines during the year IhSil xvoro J7Uu year , xvhllo the average output per man amounted to $ J"iM a year. " TIIO Baldwin locomotive xvorks of 1'hilaJelphia , I'd , built ! ) I8 locomotives during 1SUI , of which 101 xvoro four- cylinder compound engines The total win 115 loss than the number built Iu 1RIO ! , and compribod 0 decapod engines (1(1 ( ( driving xvlieuls ) , 21 ! ) coiibolidittlon ( h driving xvheols112 ) ; ) xvith six drixlng wheels , iiii ( ( passenger and bvviiching en gines with four driving xvheols , and one rack ongino. More than IU.000,000 xvoro invested in noxv manufactories , or in the enlarge ment mid improvement of those already established , iu Maine last year , and the new and enlaiL'id | industries employ more than 1,000 hands , Ponobscot county has the most new industries , em ploying mnro than 000 opuialives , while Ihu liuge t investment of capital , $ ] , - ( KM/JUO , xvas in KumuiBRt county , the lo- citioii of the immense pulp in 111 of the Manufacturers' Investment company , in which o.x-Hocrctary Whitnuy und dtlior Now Vorkci'b are Interostou , Noxv Vorlt varnlshern gqt $3. Denver has an OIHco Workors' union. London has 18,000 newspaper women. ( Jreal Brltalli hita 217,000 union inino xxorkcrs , Tennessee ) will have a State Federa tion of Labor. bacrainento car and carriage painters Iiuv6 organj od. The State Board of Agriculture of In- dluim xvill ylvo orguni/od labor the prof- ureiico in the construction of iu now Noxv Yorlt llobroxv * xvill jinratlo on May 1 , for olght hours. Noxv York machine xx'ood workers won a strike ngnlint a cut in an hour. In Boston brlcklnjors'tipprontlco nio not full journovnion until they become or ago. Cignrninkors' union No. ! )0 ) of New- York lins&U.lSl. They send aid to ( Jer- imuix . Baltimore unions have introduced n , 1)111 in the. legislature making nlno hour * n day on city xvork. Typographical union No. K. of Now York , has decided that no member shall xvorK over llxo dajsa xxeok. This is to give unemployed men places. Uliod" Island Knights of Labor xvant tlio legislature to nmko llfty-four IIOIIM nxvcok's xvork in manufacturing , niorcnn- tile and inechanicnl COIICOIIIR. According to n Bxx'orn report in into b.r the minors of Indiana for the last your to the stale board , the iworago xx'ngos of the minors \vjis $18.02 per month. The typesetters' strike in liormtuiy has ended In complete failure. It cost the men nbont $200,000 and the publish ers about STfiO.OOO , nnti it brought for eign typesetters to Uoriiiany that now hold the place * . Division of labor has boon oarrloil down to the utmost ininutlip in tlio bricklayer's trade. Many bricklayers seldom xxork on anything sax-o soxvers , and the most skilful ke.xstonolavors con- line thoinsolx'i's excluslxoly to that pai-t of the xvork , and make no pretence of laying the side brick. Still other men do nothing but nmko the man-hole's , an uncommonly nice and dllllcull part of the xvork. If a man is Hot at any other than his regular tluHy lust : ho Unas him self at a marked disadvantage in com parison xvith men engaged in tholr specialty. _ Klectrir.il .lottln s , The Thomson-Huston Klectric coin- panics are planning to make a united exhibit at ait expense ot $300i'00. They xvant to occupy 20OOJ .squa.ro feet of space. Municipal lighting is taUlng a linn hold in Knglnnd.Volxorhnmptuii , Walanll and Theater have ouch decided to spend C20,000 for electric lighting The rapidity xxltli xxhich public appro. elation has followed the introduction of electric lighting in the southern states may bo accurately gauged by the money invested in it , which amounts to over $100,000,000. Progress is the constant cry In elec trical circles. No science has ndxnncod as rapidly in practical results as the science of electricity during the past decade. A careful estimate shoxvs that $700,000,000 is invested in electrical enterprises in this country. The barn of an electric street railxvay company tit Toledo xvns destroyed by lire , causing a , loss of $150,000 , no ! through being sot on lire by the eurrenl but bocnuso the company continued la use coal oil lamps to light the cars , in stead of lighting them by electricity. A nexv street sign has been oitented by a Noxv Yorker. It is to bo placed around olee'rie light poles , about 10 foot from the ground , and has four faces of colored class \\ith translucent letters. At night It is ill'iminated by an enam eled rellector placed behind each sign and receiving lignt fioin the electric. light above it. An electric apparatus for transmitting orders from the bridge to the engine room of nn ocean sloninor has been ac cepted by the United States navy. It is the invention of D. D. Watt of Sin Fran cisco. It consists of a device by which bignals from the bridge are transmitted to the engine room and indicited on a dial and are repeated biclc to the bridge by the engineer. This is accomplished by moans of a lover which insures the correct transmission and understanding of the ordor. A trollo3' decision , by the New York Railroad Commission , and relating to the Coney Island and Brooklyn t com panies , grants permission for a change of motive poxxer under the following conditions : The change m ly bo made from hor&es to the overhead single trol ley electric s.\slem \ , provided : (1) ( ) That the company shall put a guard wire over , tlio trollev wire to prevent contact with broken telegraph and telephone wires. (2) ( ) No car shall bo run with less than two men to operate il , and every car is to be equipped xvith guards in front of the wheels , coming xvithin txvo inches ot tlio track. _ _ Important Do tint lot Ivour ilriiKiist palm off on you nny now remedy for colils. Insist on Dr. Hull's COUKH syrup or you will uo Uls- appointed. " "Uuliold , tlio xxorl.l rests. " Hcadaclia ntitl neuralgia have boon ourod by rfalvatlon oil , thoKront utid Infallible pain rotncdy. I'rico , " . " ) cents. Mi-it rijinv Twenty-four hours' time ahead of all competition into Portland , Oregon , from Cliiciigo , Omaha or Sioux t'lty. The Union Pacific , the original Overland Hotito , is doing this every day. You can lay off one daj , anyxvhoro along the line , and go ( ishing and still get in as quick as the other mail. You can go btrnight through and make Portland one xvliole day ahead of all competitors See your nearest Union Pacific agent , or nddi4 is 10 L. LumiiK , Gonl. Pass. & Tkt. agent , Omaha. Neb. TIII : uixirv : MAUKKT. rjfSTKUMKNTS pUuoil on iceor.l 1'ubriury L l . Ihll.'i XVAHIUNTV DI.KII4 , Llnwooil I'.uU Liinil uonip my let I'nuicli .liis/liouliiU , lot 1 , block I ) , Liiiwoiid narU . , t iifl II XI Hall nnil hiiHbanil t < i M KMnllli , lot 7. Kcos plae'u IW.OOC ( i I'L.ib.iKb anil wifu to r K llarllii" , H 7) ) foul of n ins ( iiit ) , lot I. lilocU H , Om.ilni , anil lots " (1 ( anil 2 ? bloolc 8 , llriK H pi ten 18,01X1 r .1 t'b iinborl'iln ' lo A M Cliaiuborlaln , lot I , liloukil , ( Jlimilnuil plueu 1,100 Aumtst Koiiiit/n anil wlfoto II IMilluy ) , H HI feiit. lot X' , bloulc II. l''ur al Illll . . . 7iVj M II llur/ui to hatni > , lot.I. n inui . 1.8.10 C (1 Thomiison anil wlfi ) to I' II hli.im- Imuisli. HW IH-13-12 ft. Kid T U Sli.iiub.iilKli to < i U 11 nun , HIIIIIU . . . J C ll.irniinl anil vvlfu to / I1 lIuclKus , lot ( I. llool < 7. Lincoln iilaui ) 00) Clara William * and hiinbiinil to t'li'il King , lot II , blouk. ' , Houlli Oiuahii mill 1,000 QlIITCiaiM III'KDH U M Hall anil linahiiml to M H Hmllli , M xlllVi feel at point "Jl ffiit n of sw cor- IIOI. hO - -l'l-l. ! 1 mdinaiiil htriilllo(3 ( S Kogoi , lot 20 , bloulc 4V ) , ( Jraiidvlnw . . . -Total amount of tr.insfei-H , . . . . . . . . $ t,031 Ni'iir.ili ; ! i Onreil In I'llleen Mlnntcii. Mr. J S. Sturtov.int , editor of tlio Wuupacj ( V.'ls. ) I'oit , suys "LastiilnlitClmniuorlaln'.i ' I'.Un It.ilni cured i y xvlfo of nuurnlirin of thu fiii'o and tooth In llftoun tninutosVo would not bo ulthout It. " M cent battloi for salu N \TION.\I. OONX'KVTJON , ( II l.abur OrKiinl/iilliiii' * ( rui > | ilu' r. rty ) itt hi. l.uuU , For the alwivo conx'ontlon the Wabasli will soil Feb. 20th to tilth tioKots to St. Louis and return at half faro good returning until Match 10th. Itomoin- her the Cannon Ball Kxproaa with r ° * ullning chair cars free and Pull man sleeping curs leave Omaha 1:10 : , Council BlulTs > :40 : p in. , dally arrives at St. Louis 7.)0 ) next morning. For tickets and sleeping car aecominodations call at Wabash olllco leO Furnam street , and at Union dupot Council BlulTa , or write ( ! . N. Clayton , Norlhxvostorn paasonger ugeut , Omaha.