THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : Fill DAY , KMH1UTARY 19 , 189J. i i'iMMiii i wi\ violin * PI ? \ vn Al'TLR ' ALLlidLD MiMASKANS Mantlerson Will See Tint His Stata is Properly Represented. \ CMJSE OF THE PRESENT TROUBLE JVdi'rnl nnirrliiildi'M nt Washington Nut CnrriTtly Itcconli'il in to Thrlr Iti-sl- ilriKi' KIni ; ( li-lsthn Umnliii I'lxtiif- III o Siiprrilriirlnri. Cuntrart. WlSUINOTOV HUllltMt OP TUB BRB , ) "il.'l FouitrnnvTii SmnBT , > WistnxrtTov , D. C. . Fob. IS. ) Senator Mandonon has addressed n letter to the head of each executive ) do- liarlmont hero , of which there are eight , requesting a complete list of Iho flntsitlcd and unolassllloil appointees therein employed. Senator Mandcrson says 'do has reason to believe that in all Iho do- pa'tincnts there nro tnon and women em ployed who were appointed through civil tervlcc laws nnd outside of It who are cred ited to Iho stnto of Nebraska , yet never re- ( tided therein , and have long slnca lost their Nebraska residence. ' I Intend , " said Senator Mundorson to TinBn : correspondent today , "to tnstltuio n thorough investigation of that subject , nnd those \vtio should not shall not bo credited to our stato. The ofllcos which Nebraska is untitled to must bo Illlou by Nebruslmns lh fiii-t ' It will bo recalled by Br.i : readers that this subject was investigated recently by iho Iowa Republican association Imro with a view to purging iho records of the depart ment and the Civil Service commission of all who nro charged to Iowa but uro not resi dents uf that stale , and the results showed that a very largo per cent of these employed in tbo executive departments hero who am churned to Nebraska Imvo no right to claim n rtsldrnca in tlmt state. It is assorted that over liiilf of the alleged Iowa ofllcolioldara hero have no real claim to rosl. ilenco in Iowa. If thn records respect ing iDlcoholdors for Nebraska are not corrected It will not bo the fault of Senator Mandcrson , Ktni ; lietH the rostolllec Contraet. Late this afternoon Secretary Foster ap proved the award of the contract for the gen Bral superstructure of the Omaha public Imlldlng 10 O. J. King of Omaha for Iho sum of llllir ) , to bo completed on or before An. gust ill ) next. The worlc Includes the trench PXC.IV alien , concrete nnd stone foundations. stone masonry , cut slono nnd brick work ol Iho b.isemont area walls , etc. , omitting con. Blruetivo iron work. It l bJlievod that the Phrenlx Iron work' ot Philadelphia will gat the award for Ibi Iron wnrl : , Ihey being aboul ? 'Jl0 lower lhaii Pnxton i : Vlorling of Omaha. It Is public gossip In the olllco of thu supervising archi tect of the treasury that ttio Philadelphia linn know thu figures of the Omaha bidders before lillng tholr bid. The Omaha bidder ? u re understood to bo very indignant. Senator I'liddoek's Measures. Senator Paddock has his pure food bill laid before Iho senulo every day ufler the morning hour , and it is thus held as Ibc regular order , going ever each day as Ihe unfinished business. The Dubols election cnso liuliig a privileged ijuosllon lakes prof- nonce , but when disposed of , as It will be In two or three days more , the pure food bill will have the right of way uninterruptedly nndaill bo soon passed. Senator Paddock today presented Ihe poll- lion of Iho state boot sugar convention ol Nebraska praying the appropriation of f.10- 00(1 ( be made for thu establishment of a sugni bchool at Lincoln , lie also presented a peti tion of the Boaru of Trade of Tampa , Fla. , praving thai an appropriation bo made tot maintaining the special fast railway service betuiH'ii Now York anil Florida. Ho Introduced a bill for the relief ot Eunice M Binwn , molhor of Mrs. John Neshill ol North Plalto , also a bill for the apoolntmoul of a corps of superintendents of construclioi and repairs of public buildings under lh < direction of Iho secretariat the treasury also petitions of E. A. Brown and others 01 Ncbinika Citv and S. C. Smith , George W , Murphvnnd J. E. Hayes of Beatrice , (5. S. Alexander and others of Syracuse , the peti tions of Charles E. Casey nnd others of Paw nee Citv nraylne for the passaco of the bil providing fo'r n redassillcatlon of Iho rail way mall scrvlco an. ) nn increase in tin unlades of the railway polal clerks. Senator Paddock has introduced in the Honato iho polillon of twonly-nno member ; of the Woman's Christian Temperance unioi : of Inuian , Holt county , praying that no ex hibltion or exposition for which appropria lions uro made by coucress , shall bo open 01 Sunday in connection with the World's fir. . Ho also presented the memorial of thoOmahi Board of Trade romonsirallng ngainsl thi passairo of the bill dclinlng "futures" one onMons known as the Washburn bill. Hi also presented Iho pctilion of Iho Slali Grange of Nebraska nnd Patrons of Hus bandry praying for the prompt passage o the pending Paddock pure food bill to pro tect pcoplo ngainst tlio adullnralion of fooi and drugs. Today Assistanl Secretary Chandler ever r.iled iho decision below in iho case of An dnnv J. Preston , transforeoof John Marshall Irani Iho Wnlortown , S. D. , ofllco. Thi commissioner t.f Iho general land ollco re fused Preston a hearing upon this pelliloi to have iho llual proof of Marshall placed 01 i ocoiil and n hearing is now ordered by th local ofllcors. nnd when the testimony takoi ul the hearing is filed Iho commissioner wil lendjudiculo the case. Mr. Robert Oborfcldor of Sidney , who hai been lu Iho oasl for some weeks , called a Tin : BKI ; bureau this morning and loft fo Philadelphia. Ho returns to Now York thi week and goes to Nebraska ton days hence Mr Oborfoldor Is organizing n grain clovaio co ii | any for Nebraska. Sunnier Potligrow loday reported from Hi rommillooon public landsand Indian affairs bills approprlallng $ . ' > U,0)0 ( ) each for Inului Rchoels ut Rapid City and Pierre , S , D. , am f.'O.OOl ) to pay for the surveying and murklni of the boundary line between South Dakoli aud Nebraska west ot tbo Missouri river Ho wns Instructed by the commlttcomon li report the bills in Iho form of amendment to rogujar appropriation bills so that the ; will ho sure of speedy final consideration. Chairman Merrill of the senate commlltc on finance has sent u teller at the u benulor Webster asHing for all the informn lion obtainable in the aftlco of the director o the mint which could boar upon the suhjcc of ostublishinir a branch mint at Omaha , Senator Mandcrson has written to Seen tii-j Noble calling intention to Iho bill Introduced ducod by him regarding the nonpayment n taxes on lauds taken by Indians in several ; In Thurston county. Ho invites iho scum lary to makosuch .suggeslloiis upon the bil us may occur to him. 1 1 W. Yatoa and wlfo of Omaha leave till dlv loday for Iho east , I C. Barnor was today appointed postmns tor nt Luella , Sheridan county , vice L. M Keller , leslgncd , Roprcseniatlve Dolllvor ol Iowa today In tioduced a bill to remove Iho charge of" do tcrtlon from the military record of Kb bo Sumiiiir. Senator Allison has Introduced In the sen ate u duplicate of the Uolllver bill roservlni to I ho. state ol Iowa for dralnlngo purposes . prmd In Greene county In that stnto. Mr * , H. A. Perkins lolt for Sioux City dl rd"t Ibis evening. Dr. A. B. Slorcu of Aim , U. , Is in the city Or Stored Is an applicant for nppolntmen "H examining surgeon in tbo pension ofllce. Senator Wilson of lowasayi he will not g to Chicago with the congressional party tc morrow , Ho goes homo next week on in : portaut business and during bis visit ho wil proh-iblv complete arrangements for iho oc fii'lon of ttio now military building at Fait tli'ld , Among Ihe Chicago party tomorrow wil bo six and possibly seven Iowa members c concrosi. Governor Hull will bo of th party. Ho will proceed to Ids homo to b ROHI a week or ion day * when the ether Mart back. Messrs , Hayes , Hamilton , Bui ler , Soorly and Uourmun have all slgmllo tholr Intoatlou of going on tbo trip , whll Mr White has not yet made up his min whether ho will go or not. None of the N tiaalta iiutojmim intend going to Chicago. P. S , II. , D. C. , I-'ob. 18. [ Special Teh gram to TUB BKB.JTao following list o pensiom granted u ranorteu by Tus Bu Bint ICxamlticr Bureau of Cl.ilnii ; NebrasUa : OriylualMUIaiu U. Burin John M , Jones. Plc ont L Uubottoro , Wil liam Spear , James Moadvlllc , Gcorgo W Graham , U cargo D. Dress , J T Beach , John Korman , Marion M. Konlleld , Jerome B. Di-nn , David M. Case , W. Novlno Me- Candllsh , Alex Ruosticglo , Juslln Holllsler , Washington Robb. James A. Duncan , Thomis S. Clark , Wheeler C. Wlcits. Kans- ford Wllcox , William Walts. .lospor Totton , Lemuel Robinson , James Mlltltnore , Wilson Rovtiolds , Alex P. Div , Andrew Grinith , William C. Scott , Patrick fr dy , Charles H. Humphrey , T. C. Hennlnghoff. Albert l-ol- lowd. August Strauss , D. B. Stevenson. Ad- dillonal-Wllliam Murphy. D. B. Uhodos. Original , widows , otc.Maria lllloy , Mary M. Wise. Iowa : Original -Samuel Woodhouso , Launcclot Oliver , Mosoi MrCroa , Jiitnoi C. Asuron , Myron K. Mondnr , John M. Jackson , Joseph R. Lnrimor. James Ruth , William McCanna. , inmos A , Darnalt , James Warren , Matthew Custcr , William P. Hiintoon , George S. StlcKiioy , William J. Bollnuui , John Banks , Andrew J. Mlnloy , Francis McDermott , Nlcliolas Hutchliison. James S. Anglo , Thomas Nichols , John Ditrroll , James L. Crawford , Thomis J , Mvors , Welcome Mowtoy , William Mover , Wlltlard C. Alns worth , Jacob Carr , Georeo Colton , Groog Hosier , Abram J. Dunwlddle , Hour ; S Gra ham , Dearborn Taylor , Redding M. Garrison risen , Joseph M. Williams , Israel Kint- 7le , John Jutland. David Hobllt , David M. Inman , William L. Lucille , Gcoriro H. Lyman , John II. vVildman , Danlol W. Knappcn , Samuel Burkotl , Kilns C. Uumincn , Christopher Carrolhcrs , de ceased ; James L. Malthows. Additional- James S. Cook Increase George O. Harri son. Reissue -Aladlsnn M. Walaon , do- ceased. Original widows , otc. Parnlthn Davis , mother ; Fatinlo A. Waldcn. South Dakota : Orlclnal William W. Flnloy , Henry Allen. William H. Burdiclc , Stephen Cook , John Carpenter , Charles Car penter , Randolph Addiimton , Joseph Klsom , John Thomas Hallon , Gcorgo M. Shingle , W'lllnm H. Thayer , Ailnn Woolsoy. Orig inal widows , otc Harriet Fiuloy. BOARD OF HEALTH. Routine. Mutter * Occupy tint Attention ol the Mcinlier-1. At n meotlin ! of Iho Board of Health held yesterday afternoon Dr. Seiners was In structed to ascertain iho location of all low lots which contain stagnant walcr. Citizen ; ot Iho Sovenlh ward complained of Iho unsanitary - sanitary condition of thu west end dairies- The board decided to look Into Iho matter nl on co. Inspector W. H. Pottit asked for an allowance anco of J in par month for car fare. The request - quest was filed. W. H. OUon was named as dumpmastor at the Davenport street dump. It was decided to allow Commissioner Somors fM per mouth for olllco rent. Five thousand copies of ttio Board of Health rules were ordered printed , Jl.OOO to bo in English , 1,000 lo bo in Bohemian and 1,1X10 in German. A copy will bo sent to every pro fessional nnd business man in tbo city. The board passed n rosolulion calling the special attention of physicians lo socllon I ! of Iho Board of Health rules , which relates to the reporting of nil conlngious diseases. Afler a timely warning all physicians nog- looting lo report cases of contagious diseases will bo proseculod. Mavor Bcmls , Dr. Somcrs and Chief Soavov were named us a committee to confer with the city attorney nnd the counly com missioners to Induce Iho county ouloials tc sland their share of Iho expense in caring for emergency cases. Dr. Sotnori said ihat moro than half of the cases ho has tared foi so far rightfully belong to the county. A meeting will bo hold at I ! p. to. Tuesday for the purpoio of examining applicants foi the position of sanitary inspector. Two new inspectors will probably oo appointed. fiitvo Him u Cliiirin. Mr. E. E. Clark of CedarUaplds , la. , gram ) chief of iho Order of Railway Conduclors , was HO years old yesterday , and Ihe members of Iho Union Piicillc grievance committee colourated the event by presenting him will : a Knight Templar watch charm. The conductors were gathered in the pnrloi nt the Dellono about I o'clock and Mr. Clarh was called in "on business. " Conductor It. H , Crawford of Fort Worth , Tex. , n cealal , whole-souled man , by the way , stopped for ward nnd made a short but appropriate speech , presenting the jewel as a tangible ov Ideuco of the committee's esteem for it. chief. For once the nnnid chief was taken by surprise , but ho is a ready speaker anil acknowledged the gift In a neat and feeling speech. The charm is an elegant maltose cross tnadt of solid cold , sot with diamonds nnd bnailnp Ihe Knight Templar ambloma. It is ni sei i bed on the back with Mr. Clark's name and address , the da o nnd the name ot In ; commandory , Apollo 20. Mr. Clark was for tnorly a Union Pacillc conductor oul of Oeden , and ho has given thu committee valuable service in revising its schedule , ai assistance which the members thoroughly appreciate. Alining Military Men. Captain Ciowdor , judge advocate of the Department of the Platte , has gone to Si Louis on a seven d&vs' leave of absence. A general court martial has boon called ti mootat Fort D. A.Russell nt 10 o'clock Tues day February 23. Following Is Ihe dotai for Iho courl Caplain Lyslcr M. O'Brien ' , Sovunlconll Infantry ; Captain Charles I ) . Greono. Seven icoiith infantry ; Captain William P , Itngers Seventeenth Infantry : Captain James M Burns , Sovontooulh infantry ; First Lieutenant ant Charles St. J. Chubb , . Seventeenth In fanto i First Lieutenant Edgar W. Howe Seventeenth Infantry ; 1-irst Lloutennu Edward I. Grumloy , Seventeenth infnutiy Second Lieutenant Jamoa L. Druion , Seventeenth toonth infantry ; Second Lieutenant Lucluc L. Durfeo , Seventeenth Infantry ; Soeom Lieutenant William R.Dashicll , Sevuntoontl Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Francis H Schoeffol , Seventeenth infantry ; Secont Lieutenant Joseph L. Donovan , Seventeen ! ! Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Benjamin F Hardaway.Soventcenlh Infaniry ; Lioulonan James D. Nlckurson , Seventeenth infantry judge advocate. South Still ) ( Mtl/ens Up In Arint. Citizens in the southern part of the city ar thoroughly aroused on the question of asoull sldo park , and under the auspices of tin South Side Citi/ens' association Imvo callui a mass meeting nt the now Metz hall 01 South Thirteoth .street , on Friday ovonlnt ; February 10 , at S o'clock , and have issiioi about''OO special invitations to property owners ors and city ofllcials. Tbo purooso of the meeting Is to protos against the location or purchase of a par ! slto in Ihat part ot the city in opposition ti the wishes ot Ibc great majority of people residing siding or owning properly In that locality As these rosidonls nnd property owners an not interfering or objouling lo park land : proposed lo bo purchased In oilier pans o the city they deem It unfair for cltl/oiis hav Ing no property InteroHls whatever on tin south sldo lo dictum or In any manner con trol or influence the location of parks on tin south side , especially when Iho amount o money sot nsldo by tlio park commissioner ! for that purpose Is only a small fraction o ttio whclo amount voted by the entire city fo park purposes , Sut'dlxh Itellnl Fluniieen. The ladles of the Ladles' Swedish Hello society of this city desire to make iho follow Ing statement of reculpls and expenditure from their last social entertainment at Wash Ington hall. January 'J ; Receipts , tiokols * . ' 0fl r Income from Hie supper 4' . ' ( V Expenses , IM ! V Not total tiSO S This sum U In the hands of ttio treasurer Mrs , Judge Gustavo Amlerion , subject I the order of the society , In thU connection li ladles also wish 01 behalf of the poor to express their thanks l the public In general for its liberal supper and especially to thn amateurs of the Hvi > Nova order wbo , through their untiring ol forts , mudo the evening a Kroat success. For the Swedish Ladies' Uoliof society , " " - M. HINUSTKUT , Sec. Work for .N'tiiiuht. Au unsuccessful attempt was made Wen dosday night to blow the safe at the Plat oyster bouse , ! il9 SouthTcnli ! street. The cracUsmen climbed through the trar oin over thu tear door , Onu hole was Jrillo in lh safe door , but It was not properly Ic calod nud the burglars tried it again , bu bmku tholr drill and gave up the attempt. cUa about the store was disturbed HOW IT MAY BE APPLIED Jniaha Merchants Oan Secure Milling-in- Transit Rates. EXPLANATION FROM THE UNION PACIFIC \rriitiKi-nifiitt Now In ViiRim liy XVlilrli NcliruskiiN Mi'trnpntis l I'l.irril nil it Ilitils ullh KuiiHim City mill Other UI\IT Timn * . LIMOIA , Nob. , Fob. 13-Spoclnl | to Tun IUi : : . i 'llio Union Paclno claims tlmt It already has In operation milling In transit rates nnd that ns far as It Is concerned Omaha U on the saino footing with Kansas City , St. .Joseph tint ) ether \vosteru polnu now enjoying tlio privileges demanded by the uriiln men of Omnlm. The ofilcors of thill company assert that all tlio shippers have to Jo in onlor to tnko advantage of the mllllnp In transit concessions Is to bill their shipments to Onmlia nt thu proportion of the throuch rate allowed the Union P.tclllc in tno division with the eastern connoctlons anu then at any tlmo within six months forwarding - warding the pr.iln to Its ilestltmtlon on the balance of thu through rate accruing oast. General Tranie Manager Mullen , In u letter to ttio members of the Stuto Hoard of Trans portation , explains the pDsltlon or the Union Pacillc nt length. In the course of his loiter he suvs : "Wo are somewhat nt n loss to unilor taiul what Is desired by the grain men who have solicited your assistance in tills matter of mining In transit rates.Vo have under stood Omaha to bn on the satno basis in tills respect us Kansas Citv , St. Joseph unit our other o.istorn terminals 10 far as the Union Pacillc and Us connections are coticornoil. \Vhilo the methods of arriving at the result vary from those in effect ut Kansas City , the resnli is the snino by either method. Our ar rangements at Kansas City uro covered by circular G. F. O , No. 1 ! ) " , herewith. At Omaha and Council Blutfs the sumo result Is obtained nr billing to Omaha or Council IllitlTs destined to some point cast nt the proportion of the through ' rate allowed us in'divisions by our eastern connections and forwnrdlnp grain ntanytimo within six months to destination on balance of through rate accruing oast. The arrange ment at Omaha Is not covered by any formal circular notice but is open and available by all using our lines. In such arrangements , our line terminating at the Missouri river , wo nro dependent upon the co-operation of our caslorn connections , who have long ob jected to the arrangement nnd tried on sov- ural occasions to broalc the same up. " Important Opinion I'llrd. Attorney General Hastings late this after noon rendered an opinion In u case of Import ance to every motnber of the tnedlrnl profes sion In Nebraska. It Is embodied in the fol lowing letter : LINCOLNNub. . , IVb. K r. H I.ouquest , M. 1) . . Haynrl. Neb : Dear Sir Yoiircoiiimo.nliMi- tlon of I'ubmiiry l.i liasbncii I Ills day icicolved I note your request for tliu opinion of tills of- lieu on the qnustloii as tohethcr or not a physloliin. duly registered nnilor chapter 4 : . ' , consolidated statutes of 1831. with Ills rcrtlll- uato properly tiled In thu county wherein ho ti'sldes. can pinctiuo mudlclmi In an adjoining county withtiHt first Illin j a eertllie.ito of tog- Utratlon in that county. Keplylne to vnn. I bug leave tu suy sect on IR87 , paRO 7.JS , of sulil ntatute , provides for the tiling with thuhtato Hoard of Health euitaln atlliJavlts nnd the diploma of thu nurson desir ing a c-ortlflcuto. i-vetlon , ISH of tlui simo says that If , upon Investigation of salddlploma and iillid.ivlts , the nnpII'Miit nlmll bo found to ho entitled to prtctluo Uie hoird.h.ill . IbMio its certificate under stating such f.u-l. The lUiplkMiil , before prautluln , must tile the uertltluato or a copy of the same In tin * olllce of the county oler.c In thu county In which liu or shu resides , or In \ \ liluh lie or slio Intendto priictlt'o. It Is then the duty of the county cluruto Illo the certllie.ito and then recotd It In u book kupt for that purpose. Section .till huts forth that any person who shall Imvo obtained u certificate provided by this act and shall I'-nunu to another county sjiall , heforu onturliu upon the piacticti of his profession In such other county , e.iuso salil certificate to he filed and rucoidcd In the olllce of the county ulot k of thu county to which ho Iris lumoxi'd. I am of thu opinion the Intention of the IcKlslntiiru was . the physician should file IMS ccitiUuato anil have It recorded In the utlleu of the eoiintv clerk of Ihn county in \\liluhho has his olllcu. urrcMldo * . If this Is done , and pioperly dono. my judgment Is the roilliuniL'iitsof | the law have ueon mot. The physician tiuviin ; done this Is entitled to pr.ietleo In any county within the iale nliete ho m.iy have a professional c.ill. If , lumover. liu should change Ills olllcu or rosUlonee to anothur county , lie would ot necessity comply at ( the nrurisloiiH of suction .ijtil above mentioned. I remain. limunu IT. HASTINCO , Attorney < Ainliltlmi * Tor Village HonorH. The residents of tlio extreme southern part of Jefferson county to the number of several hundred uro petitioning thu olllccrs of tlio B. & Al. to glvo them a depot and thus raise thorn to the dignity of a live village. Thov have already inivdo a protoutious start and tuivo nliamlot which they call Thompson. In the United States Postal Uuido the place is known as BucKloy. Last OctoOcr the resi dents in that immediate vicinity petitioned General Manager Iloldreco to establish a depot or ut least a platform and a Hag station for their Oonollt , alleging that tuny had no railroad depot nearer than four miles. Mr. Holdrogo replied that ho could see no neces sity for a station nt the place indicated on the map. Now the matter has been reform ! to the State Hoard of Transportation and that body will invostU-alo. If a depot is doomed deslraolo , ono will bo ordered. The place is on the line of the H. & M. railroad near the crossing of the llock Island , and if given half a chnnco may in tlmo grow Into a pretentious village. Want Tlii'li Depot ICeopeneil. John McConnell and llfty-thrce ether citi zens of Lincoln county Imvo petitioned the Stale Hoard of Transportation to order the H. & M. to reopen its depot at the little town of Somerset in tnat county. The depot was at ono tlmo maintained , but last year , when grain shipments were few and far between , It was closed by the railroad company In tlio interest of economy. The petitioners allege that the action of tno railroad company in Keening the depot closed is working a detri ment to the business Interests of the pooplu in that vicinity. Another Ofllelal i\eeiitlon. : Governor iioyd's oflicial nxo foil but once toduv , and the victim was .lamoi U. Hlair , n motnbor of the State Fish commission. Air. Hlalr was appointed last May by Governor Thayer to succeed H. 1C. It. Kennedy , who had boon appointed by Governor Boyd. Today the povernor rettorod to Mr. Kennedy the honors and emoluments of olllco that had been so unceremoniously taken from him last May. ( ioKidp at tint St.ite lIoiiHi' . Senator KoonU of ttio Hoard of Transpor lotion secretaries Is nt Columbus attending the stale Grand Army of the Republic en campment , Tlio supreme court has adjourned until next Tuesday. State Treasurer Hill Is mentioned as apos- siblo candidate for the olllco of department commander of the Nebraska Grand Army at the Kepulillo. Auditor Benton resumed hU duties at bla desk this morning after a Hying trip tc Texas. Governor Boyd today affixed his glgimtura to 111 teen notarial cotnmUsions , Notarial commission ! ! wuro today United tc Alfred Arcmann , M , S. Lindaoy anil J , S , Cooley , all of Orauhd. lluil H Narrow Kaesipr. C. E. Yates , the well known superintend , out of telegraph for thu I ! . & M , , hud a vorr narrow escape from sorlous Injury today , Accompanied by his wlfo ho wan driving In a carriage ucrosb Tenth street. An approach' nig electric motor struck hU carriage with full force and In an Instant converted It into a pile of Kindling wood. Both the occupants were thrown to the ground , hut beyond a few bruises escaped unhurt. Cloning Up the. Ural * . C. II. Thompson , right ot wav agent fet the Houk Jsl.ii'.d , returned to Topuka thin Mtornoon. having nearly completed his worli In this city As a result of his visit to Ian. coin nearly 1140,000 has been paid out to resident dent property owners for lots along the pro posed right of way through thu city. The hit of property owner * who have dlspoteu of lots to the Uork Island Is as follows : J. II , Mc.Murtry et al , tract of land at Eighteenth and H , fSO.lXX ) ; Jttmas A , Kil- burn , four lots lu Kllburn't addition , tlOUO ; J. T. Beach and t'oator , lota lu iloacti' ' * ub division , 5JI.003 ; David I 'onlor , four lots In Beach's subdivision. $1 , r > o. Andrew Krk- som , oua lot , sumo addition , fs.Vi , Leonard Bowers , ono lot , sam O.M , Peter Campbell , ono lot , sumo , SOuii ; iloiin Peters , one lot , same , f ! 0i ) ; Randolph Berlzet , onu lot In Teeter * ' addition , SJ.utl.1s Katlmrino Crow , ono Inl , sain" , ( } , iCiU.lames \ Toolors , llvo lots. $ .ltHJ ) ; Charles M. Little , four Ion In Locust subdivision , S..tKHl ; John Koano , tlirco lots In Anti'lopJ mltlltlon , $ iH , " > n. Mr. Thompson will ruiurn to Lincoln next week to clnso up unijnhhcd business. It h expected that truck laving will commence early In March. N'hth'inif ' dellnito cat : yet bo stated in regard to the proposed union passenger dopot. , ITiiiu DUtrli't Ciini-l. .Ttldgo Field Is ciiRagod In hearing the case of George Cook against Isaac Jotin on. The parlies were formerly in the grocery business here nnd Cook seeks a readjustment of their dissolution , claiming tbit.lohnson , who had charge of the books , took advantage of his Insldo knowledeo of the buMnoss nnd of Cook's iihyslcnlly weak condition and un loaded on him nt several thousand dollars moro than his Interest was worth. Abigail Rothschild ask * fora divorce from her , John RV. . , nnd a slluo of his SID.iWJ ostale. Cruelty and desertion are the causes alleged. .lames A. Balioy a ks the ciurt to clvo him ? 10 , ( > ( ) J for his broken arm and dcrancod ner vous condition , consenuont upon nctrllgonco on the nart of the Lincoln Rapid Transit company's employe. * in running a steam motor past tils loam when their only alterna tive was to jump over a bank or climb on top of u building. They did Iho former nnd dam aged him to the uxlont named , I.M\v.ird Reynolds was given fr.M by ncon- sldcralo Jurv for the ravishing of his feelings and the damage to his reputation caused by Constable Jotin Brotuownr mistaking him for u burglar and locking him up ever night. Admitted thn Itulli.U. In thoclorksh p contest this morning. luJgo Lansing admitted the ballots Baker's" attor neys sought to have excluded , but on tlio proviso vise that if nnv great discrepancy occurred between the number of ballots lound in the box mill thu number recorded on the poll book. they should bo immediately thrown out of court. The precincts , ono from thu Sixth ward and two from the Fifth , were counted. Walte gained ono vote in one and lost the satno number In another , while Baker gained llvo In the last one counted. This reduces \N alto's not gain to nine , to overcome a majority of HI. Kettle * I rolll the Alliance. Mr. .lay Burrows has retired from the editorship ol the Farmer , Alliance , a weekly newspaper pjblishcd in this cily in the interests ol the Independent party. Ho will be succeeded by C. 11. Pirtle , who was chief clerk of the house of representatives at the last meeting of the stnto logislaluro and who is also tlio present secretary of the Independent state contra ! committee. Mr. Burrows elves as his reasons for selling his interest ( n the newspaper the long continued illness of his wife. Mr. Pirtlo assumes edi torial control at once. OdiU nnd Knits , Lincoln is to have another normal univer sity , the second ono secured In two months. Prof. W. M. Croati , hue of Shennndouh , la. , will bo the movlnir spirit in this one , which will bo located southwest of the city , in Zlemor's addition. Tom Carr , Iho saloonkeeper who had < n eye knocked out In n tight In his p'aco Mon day night , is In a critical condition from the effects of inllammalloii , and It is feared that it will result fatally. Fred Manchester and I'M Scott , two youths of tender years , wore arrested touay for siealmg a lot of brass from llio Lincoln Gas company. It. U Lawis , manager1 of Bndslrcot's Lin coln agonoy , has been transferred to Peoria , 111. , and will bo succeeded by P. J. ISriekson , late in charge of the tfurlington ofllco. The Lincoln Board -Trade has appointed the following delegates to the tr.iiismissls- sippi congress to be held In New Orleans February 2 : | . ( i : C. 12. Shaw , .1. B. Wright , F.V. . Browp , W. M. , J. .1. Gillilan. A telegram received' in the city from Now Orleans today glvosi the information that Joseph Grainger and Mark \Voods , two young business mon'of Lincoln , were in the Hotel Victor that bunted lust night , but both escaped with nothing but their night clothes. At their mooting yesterday afternoon the state board of mauagers added some Ji.OLlO to ttie premium list. In Ihe speed ring purses amounting to $ ; i'jr > U tire "bung up , while the county exhibits will bo enabled to win seventeen iiromluin > raniring from * 250 down to $ 'IU. lu the sugar beet department tlio acgregato of pri/cs is * ? : , ranging from $ " > U to f 1 , ai.d eighteen in nil. Cbarloy .lo-.ios , u young colored man , was hired to assist in moving Miss Nellie Hil yor's effects this morning , but ho misunder stood his instructions and moved off with her watch to a saloon , whore ho put It up for u good tiiuo. He will repent for thirty days lu the county jail. Neu Washington , I'eiui , , 1'eoplit are not slo-v about taklnir hold ot a noi- thing , if the article has merit. A few months ago David livers of that place bought l..s tirst stock of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ho has sold It all and ordered moro. Hosays : "It has given the best of satisfaction. 1 have warranted every bottle , and have not had ono coma back , " 51) ) cent anu $1 bottles for sale by druggists. I'lineriil or i\-rolieenriii : If Incliey. The funeral of Patrick Hinchoy tool : place at SIO ; ! o'clock ' yostoiday morning from St. Patrick's church , corner of Fourteenth and Castollar streets , and was attended by miny of the patrolmen , who were for y oars associ ated with the decoascd as a mcniDor of the police donartmont. 'Iho deceased wai ono of the oliios * policemen In the city , and after eleven years continuous service was retired last .Tune with a number of otliois. During the last few years of his connec tion witn the police department , Mr. Hinchey was assigned to sanitary duty with Ofllcor William White , and except on special occasions was kept busy serving health notices nnd prosecuting partlet wno por- sl tcd in maintaining public nuisances. The remains of the veteran olllcor were intorrea St. Mary's' in comotory. Dr. Blrnoy euros Riittirrh , Bun bldjj ( .rand .lury Work. The grand jury began work upon a bacli numborcasi'lyesterday. The morning session was devoted to learning something about what course the Board of Kducatlon pursued In letting ttio contracts for digging wells nl the school houses In the outlying districts. . Secretary Connnyor and "Scottv , " the well digger , wuro the principal witnesses whc furnished the desired Information. The Howcscalos , tun otu yscato with pro. tooted bearings. No f hock rods. Catalogue of Bordun & hnllockCo. , Chicago , 111. I'liion Dcpclf Conference , A confnroneo wa hold yesterday af tor- noon ut the Mtllnrd liotol botwoot : tlio commlltco of Iho Real ICstnti Owners association mid nlllclaU ol ttio Union Pacific" " and Burlington rail ways , The subject ilildor discussion was the union dopot. The rtsult could not be uscer tallied , | j i _ , A hnti'lsomo com'ilbxiou ( is one of the greatest charms n woman can possess , Poz zoni'.s complexion powrtcr gives it , No UUUiiii Vet. The effort on thop t'of ilia city council to secure proposals for'lhb ' sale of park land ! at a cheaper rate thail-tho bids rccoivod bj the park commUslotltSt docs not apponr tc. bring in a vorr prompt response from land owners. Thus fur not u single bid has boon received by the secretary of the park board , Mrs. Winslow's Sootuiu ? Syrup for clil dren teething , rods the child and comfort : the mother. .Tio abe ttio. 0 Kx-iotrrm > rmt mutant 111 , Ex-Governor Alvlu Saundem has boec seriously 111 for two v iks with la grippe. Ho U Having a prol .pcd and serious battli with tbo troublesome disease , and yester day it was dinicult to say whether the ox. . governor or the disease apponrca to havi the upper hand. lu.lltau I- , < loi- . Roy John Plpal will bo Installed P.J pntoi of the Bohemian Brethren Presbytorlai churut ) Saturday evening. All of the Presbyterian tnltiUtfars of tin city will tuko part in tbo sorviuos. Van Houton's Cocoa -I' uro , solunlo econ omlcai. LIVE STOCK BREEDERS TALK They Declare that Lump Jnw is Neither In fectious or Contagious. NEBRASKANS VIEW IT IN THIS WAY s Itegiiriled Uniieri'H iiiv , Adjournment of III" An- tinill Sc | oii nf ttie A < ncl itliin Oilier Ni'lirnskn Nent. BuvTiitcn , Nob. , Fob. H. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : line , i The Nebraska Improved Slock Brooder * ' association began today's session with an election of'OM , roaultlng as follows : President , Hon. 13. Flltov ; vice presidents , W. G. WnltmoM ot Valley , ( I. C. Dawson of Kndleott , U. Dlbbloof Beatrice and C. II. Soarlo of Udgorton ; secretary and treasurer , H , S. Rood of Lincoln. T. U. Wostrnw of Uubuquo and .1. I. Boyer of Denver were elected as honorary members ot the association. An expcrlenco meeting on lump Jaw took up the balance of the forenoon session nnd threatened to consume Iho day. It was led offbvDr F. T. Billings , Who succeeded In transferring the reront light over this ques tion In Illinois to this mooting. The Depart ment of Agriculture ut Washington would have felt small had it boon present. The in spection law promulgated by the department covering the question of lump jaw was de clared a nulsanco mid a hardship. Hillings ami his conferees assorting that lump Jaw Is not infoctlous or contagious or injurious to the meat. The closing business session was hold this afternoon. "Tho Cr.ttlo Outlook" was ttio subject ol a papur bv Hon. 1Q. Fllloy , and 'Our Live Stock Interests and Our Asso elation. " by S. C. Bassott of Gibbon. Fre mont was selected as tlio place of holding Iho next meeting. A legislative committee was elected ns follows : ,1. B. Dinsmoro , Button ; Chancellor CnnUold of the State university ; , T. V. Wolfe , Lincoln ; W. G. U betmoro , Vnllov , nnd S. C. Bassett , Gib bon. The mooting closed with a bamiuol at the Paddock hotel tonight. Kearney Itcpiilillciiiis Coiillilent. KIMIMY : : , Nob. , Feb. 18. ( "Special Tolo- gramtoTiu : Bin : . ] The Republican league of Kearney mot and organl/ed this evening with n membership of00. . Regrets were road from Hon. Brad Slaughter and J. W. Lansing , president of Iho slate league , Mr , Slaughter said in his letter : "I am In favor of holding the stale delegate convention in Kearney. " The constitution and by-laws prescribed by the national league were adopted. The ofllcors of the organization nro : Norris Brown , president ; John Wilson and W. A. Downing , HrU and second vice presidents ; C. A. Collard , secretary ; Low Robertson , treasurer ; executive committee , J. L. Keck , J. T. O'Brien , It. D. Smith , It. M. Riinkin nnd Or. H. S. Boll. Thn Repub lican league of Kearney starts out with pros- pcrls of being tlio banner otgani/.alion of Iho state outside of Omaha nnd Lincoln. Siirprlnrd I In' Cimnellmcn. Git\NI > ISLAND , Neb. , Fob. 13. [ Special to Tim Bun. ] The police department gnvo the city council a pleasant surprise last night. Since the last meeting of the council line oak desks have boon put in the chamber for each olllcor nnd it has boon neatly papered and carpeted. For funds to defray the expense the police men will give a ball March 17 , which prem ises to be largely alteudod. The members of the council are delighted with the present. Tufts & Holt..s popular normal music course was yesterday introduced in the city schools , under tno direction of Mrs. II. C. Munson , a professtonnl vocal teacher. A small dv.'olllncr , the property of Grant Lines , was completely destroyed by tire last night. It was unoccupied and situated on the outsiclns of the city. Loss. $700 ; insur ance , ? . " > OU. The origin is unknown. Cnrtlunil Mason * Or .ml/e. CoiiTi.iM ) , Nob. , Fob. IS. [ Special Tolo- irram to Tin : Bii : . ] A chapter of the Ensl- ern Star was organised hero this oveninc by Rov. P. A. Guild , erand secretary , and W. N. Nason , grand patron. There were thirty- two names upon the petition for the dispen sation , all of whom were prrtsout. The work was enthusiastically entcted upon , and every Indication points to n prosperous and useful oriranir.ation. Tno principal ofllcors ot the now chaplor nro : A. B. McNicklo , worlhy patron ; Mrs. Kiln A. Kurtz , worthy malronMrs. ; Cynthia L. Casad.associate mat ron ; Mts. Mary L. Trekell , secretary ; Mrs. Kutb Gtiosor , treasuior. After the complete work of organisation was through the mem bers did Justice to nn elegant repast served in the Masonic hall. llnliiiniliill l.iidlex intertiiln. : WKSI- POINT , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special to Tim BnE. | The Bohemian ladles of this cily gave a calico ball Wednesday evening , Thn ladles had tastefully decorated the hall with pictures and ilacs. At tbo entrance was an arch made of evergreen boughs. As the couples ontoicd a beautiful bouquet was pinned on ouch genllomun. The music \viis furnished by I'rohasku's Bohemian band of Omaha , About eighty-five couple were present. About midnight the ladies gave a supper. About : iJU : ! the dance broke up. Attorney Wolll' Aeinltted. | MIVIIKN , Nob. , Fob IS.-Special [ to Tin- Bii : . ] J. N. Wolff , counly attorney , was last niiht discharged at n preliminary hearing - ing bofnro Jnsoph Pinkham , justice of tbo peace. They made out a very slim circum stantial case , which Wolff very easily over throw. Tore UlK Arm Oil' Wu.ncii , Neb. , Feb. lb. ( Special Tele gram to MIIK IJr.K. ] Samuel Randolph , a former living llvo tulles southwest of hero , got his right arm caught In a corn sheller and torn off close to the shoulder. There Is slight chanca for his recovery. Siiltou < ietK HII Institute. SUTTOV , Nob. , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HUE. ] A Garten gold euro innltulo for Iho cure of Iho liquor nnd opium habits has boon osiublislied at Sutton wilhDr. hi , V. Clark In charge. "The l.lltlo Muierlek. " Time has loft Its tell-tale traces upon Miss Magglo Mitchell , but she continues to piny girlish roles with the nuivous animation which has long been ono of her character istics , She appeared ut tlio Boyd last eve ning In her new play , "Tho Litilo Maver lok , " The play tells a pretty lavii story nnd per mits Miss Mitchell to exhibit her customarv transformation from a tough , uncouth girl to a lady-IUo young woman. As May Perry she is an orphan whom Petur Bunker , a Texas cattle king , rosauos from the poorhouse calls ' 'Thu Little May- house , and no tier - orick. " Lord Kenwood seeks her out In America , supposing her Instead of himself to bo the rightful owner of Kenwood manor. Ol STRONGEST HOMEGE UNCWITHOUTTM 6.'A LAPEL. 3Yitre an 1M E/A * lulM , rnrh at ill coil , the wit l" > u can bun. Q/A llukrrli llt'nl of All , & 'A Krlni Toil rcnksi IIQJI tu S'A MnVer. A HotV1' Ulanki u sold by uildi-idtra. A nKNI/INKMIL'llUUKKUJiKlIlt KlllU'd'oKIIU KUAIV'ATOIl | iirt nll ilo o iti bentuia It kllli llio microbe urueriu rut upmiil rutnllurt In H , I , thtf 1 ) tnllniu. Hunt nujtrlioru \ > ra- pild yn rccolpKif 1'tkviorC ' O. 1)Yoliiu > t Kiiar- niuuotocur'o. Tao puullo Ir.iJu nn < l lu'jbiti un- ullfltl tijr tb Kloi ur DriiK r < iini | vny , Ooiahi ; I ) . A MJIchor. llu r , | Mvrcrnnil K. P. .Hirkora. Konth Ooiaba ; A I ) . fmieruiU 11. J. Klltt. Cuunll Ilium course she shocks her litiRllMi cousins , but slin and Lord Kenwood full In lovo. ThouMinl niiMtnilcntnmllnK follows. The lord Is ordered to Join hit rositripnt for a camiihtsn in tlio Soudan without ayltic cood- byu , and hU latter of explanation is withheld bv a vil'aln. ' A 'vlll in IConwood' * favor \ < \ found , nnd May I'orov rotttrnH to America with the belief that Mm had boon Imely do- sortcd. Two years at school work wonder * In her tnantiors. Kenwood , who had been wnumiod and kept in a hoMiltnl , tliiih her out In America nnd all ends hapillv. | The plot n lined out with n Kionch'iian soon ltK an American heliv s to marry , a fnlr American in love with utlo * , Iho Texas cattle UtnR , an Iiish ton.itit , two mothers nnd n coitplo of servants. There is no perccptlblo ctianco lit Miss Mitchell's nctiti ) ! from hur manner and mannerisms of ten year * tieo , btitRhohasa hold on public Interest that shows llttlo aDiiloincnt. Her support Is reasonahlv K ° od and the play Is thoroughly wholesome , besides - sides nppca'lliiR to natlvo prulo. . \rlrt-Tliomnn rnncrrl. Ttio Ariel-Thomas combination gave a very enjoynuloconceit last might In tlio concert hall of the YoiltiK Men's C'hrlstian nssoola- tton biiildlnp. Ttio singing of thn ladv qunr- tctto was very iiielodlous and sweat as the ripplitiRof n mountain stream. Whllonono ot tholr voices arc rein.tritniilo In any Par ticular , thov blciid most hnrnioitiously and the articulation and intonation of the moro dcllcatu D.issapes In Iho several selections thny rondcroil .wero qiiltnhovond criticism. Miss l-'ox mill Miss Hold did fairly well Insole solo sliming nnd Mr. 1'iu-lt , in addition to some very clover work as nccoiiipinlst , plavcd I'auor's fantasia , " ! . . ; , " In OMtilslto | shape. The humorous end of the combination , ren- resented by Mr. .lohn Thorn is , was a ijro.H success. In both sons nnd rocltitlon Mr. Tliomas Is n prottv fair show of hliusolf. Ho was recalled acaln and iie.dn. The audience was larpo nnd ovorvbodv seemed lo bo thor oughly pleased with iho entertainment , I'j./r.soA.i/ n : inn ii'//s. N.V. . Wells of Schuylor Is at the Millard. .1. O. Hamilton of Norfolic Is at the Millard. .1. C. sVnlto of Lincoln U stopping at tlio Murray. K.V. . Kisk of Grand Island Is stopping at the Murray. M. K. Harrington of O'Nolll , Nob. , Is at the Murray. T.V. . I'OWOM of Chadron is stopping nt the Millard. R O. Osborn of Halo , Nob. , Is registered at the Arcado. A. T. Dutton of 1'otorsbure , Nob. , is stop ping at thu Arcado. II. H. Robinson of Ivlmb.ill , Nob. , is regis tered at tlio 1'axton. C.V. . Uovd of Gothenburg , Nob. , Is a guast nt the 1'axton. Mrs. Dulllold of Hhenandoah , la. , Is rogis- tcred at tiio Murray. J. I-1. ICcndnll. n stock man of Suporlor , Nob. , Is nt the Arcade. Frank Mcllnrtnoy of Nobraslta City Is reg istered nt the Paxton. I'lcrson D. Smith of St. Kdwards , Nob. , Is stopping at the i'axtoti. J. M. Kdmiston and U.V. . ( Jerwig are registered nt the 1'axton. John L. Weber and wlfo of Fremont were at the Dollono yesterday. .1. H. Latbrop and wlfo of Kearney are registered at the Millard. .1. S. Walters and F. F. Ilenson of No- bruska City nt the Arcado. John McHrlde. mavor nnd county clerk of O'Neill , Nob. , Is at the Arcado. James B. Canlan and H. Coddlngton of Kearney are domiciled nt the Millard. O. G. Stobbins of vVntortown , S. D. , was among tbo arrivals yesterday at the Paxton. Phil C. Brayton of the Cold Day com pany has hU thermometer with him"at the Paxton. Georco F. Knight and Thomas M tlcn- ning of Pluttsmouth were among Iho arrivals yesterday at tlio Uellono. Mr. .1. I1. Daley and his niece. Miss Uoso MoAdatn , are in Chicago , called there by the serious illness of Mrs. McAilnm , a sister of Mr. Daley. Mr. Joseph P. Kcogh , rcpivsonting the Chllds-Uroxol ho no for union printers at Colorado Sprinirs , is in the city. The liome is nearing completion and will bo dedicated in May. Mr. Kcnch is Interested In the unb licatiou of a book telling the story of the homo. Mr. W. A. Locrnn of Louisville , ICy. , is in tlio city. Mr. Logan recently visited the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln in Washing ton county , Kentucky , with a view to pur chasing the loir houco in which the martyred president was born. IIo was ono day too late , it having boon sold to a World's lair ex hibitor for $1,000. It was a very rough lee cabin , with ordinary spilt boards for n roof , nnd was owned bv an old darker. Alleged OjiIiiloiiH < > r KurmiM'4. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Feb. 18. In answer to n telegram bent to the farmers ever the north west by the Minneapolis chamber of commerce morco , replies have been received showing ' an almost'unanimous hontimont against the anti-option bill before congress. Dr. Olrnoy.nosuiind tnroiu BKI : 1TEARS AGO. I was for tome time troubled \vftii an obstlntito BASH or HUMOR , tlmt Rjirwul over my face nnd breast. I con- biilted physicians , nud tibctl iniitiy icinc- dica without n cure. At tlicMiggeslitm of : i fi it-mi I used 8wift'n Specific , which completely cured me. This was two years asro , nnd 1 luivcliad 110 return of the trouble bleE. . II WIM.S. ClieMfilleld , Vn. S. S. S. tht'Fult-M. . nnd best remedy for all troubles of the IMond mid Skin. It cures by rt'inovlng tlio cause , nnd nt thu sui no tiiui ) btilUh up thu general health. Scud forour Tri-nllse , mailed frio. SWIFT Bl'KCIFlO CO , Atlanta , da. lilt. n. 0 WIMTH NKItVK ANn IIIIAINTItHAT- MKNTaipocmofnr llj.narli , lili/lnuti. KU < . Nini- THluIn , Iloiidnchii , NurrntM I'roitrallon cnumvl liy nl- I'oliol or luhnci'ii , Wiikofnliim , . Mental IViirmil in rioflunlns ! of the llniln. .niniliu tininlty. mlsurr. rtpcay , iloilli , I'rimiHturn Old A/o , llarrmimn * , I.OH ufroTurliinltlinrHuv IllUHitniiry , Lnnrorrlioo'v nut nil IVnmlo WiMkiuniui , Invnliiiilary l.imm , Siur iimliirrlKiaiciiiitul by orer-orartlon f tin lir.ila Bi'ir-iliiiHi' . ovur-lnililUiiiioj. A 'iiun'li'n Uflu'.unm' II , I ! fur l'i , liy mall Wu liunr iitiia nix li-nei In run1 Knell imlpr tir < * . brtto , irltliTi wilt iuni | * rt\t \ ton KUnr tntoo to rufiiiiil If tint c'lrnl. fiiuirnut'Ui ' Innuuil only by A .Sclirntor , Hr'U'Kltt i-olu n onti , ri. K. cor li.lliuiiJ I'.iriiiiunU , Onuvlri. Noli. CURB A nuw mill I'omiilctQ Tri-ntnumt , rnnHltllnu of guin lturli , lilnliiiunl In ( 'a ; > 5iilii , nl > In llax nnill'IIU ; u I'lmlllTU turo for i\turnal : , llili'riml Illliul or Illuuilliu Iti'liliU' . I'hrnnlu , Itwunt or HcTi'ilHiiry rit' ! 'I'hli Ilimioitr lim iuiv < < r tiuuu kniinn 10 tall fl pur hex U furii : nt \ < i mull Why miiTi'r from ihu lurrihle illkeniK whnn a writ ten Kiinr.inlri ) In | in lttvuljr irlviui MllliA liuxoi , to refund Ihu inoiinr If not cnro'l Hun I Ktniiin fur fri'O hninplo CuurinU'ta Uiuul tty Kuhii , V I'o lHK. Kulo KKUIIU , corunr iJtli in > l ( > inulii. ; Neb THE SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this ma. Steam Heated Electric Lighted , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha tlaily at 6:20 : p. m , , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oflicci : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha , F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOIN , Pass. Agent. _ , _ . _ S ; Put It off , niul i ? ' "L--- " " -C _ nolbing can save - " " - - .ii. yon. rtntiflnU- rn In Ilinc , Dr. 1'icrco's Uoldon Mollrnt Diwvvprylll ccr- tnltily euro , U iiuivt HI done through thn Monl nnil tlio "IMsmvpry" Is the nuKt ixitrnt Moixl. clcnu'wr , Mivi tliivstorvr , iiiul lli-vh Imilder tlmt' < kiiomi to incillcnl si'lruco. The scrof ulous alfci'tlon of the liing tlmt'i calletl t'omumptloii , niul cvorv form of Scrofula nud Mcxxl talut-i , nil yield t ; it. TorViilc Lungs , SplttlliR of llkxxl , Hronchltl * , A th- Ilia , nnd nil fcvoiv , litiKoriuj ; iMUclii , it's nn iincitinlnl | remedy. It's the onlji ono that's ( /mini nlml If It dix-sn't lionctU or i'ttri , In every coio , you have your money Kick. Can anything else , nt nny prliv , U ) ivnlly as cheap ) You iay only for valno reoeivcil Somothitif ; rlv. that ixiys the dealer lict- tor , may IM > olTereil ns " jiwt ns pwxl 1'er. Imps it'is , for Aim , lint It can't ito , for ( /on. IS CAUSED BY A COLD Wlllrll l'ttlO < til 1111(1 ( 111 HllltM til1 ,1tf tl1T > (34 IPllltl to the lun U H th * lu'jlnniru nf Bronchial Consumption Ami If luvli'ctol li sil < tu tint ilNo.niivtyr A xlmrp , im'liilllu rouiili nei "Miiwnloi It 1'ilknlt lu time unit 3011 onn cortuliily I'liro It ulih SCHEMCK'S 3flf&S ! \Vlili-li Is Wltlniiit an Kqunl Tor BRONCHITIS niul for all tllnM ui loitllnK up to run ! int'liMlini ; lr ) , Si'lii'iirlv'H Von Ilinik on Iho LIIIII- * , l.hcr niul Kliuiiiicli , sltdiilil ho ill OHM1) llOIIIC. Sfllt TlVC. Hr-IJI. Srlicnck \ Son.I'lilluIcliililiul'ft " 14 YEARS NERVINE , " RnysA F. Stnrte IVnn fun , N Y. " 10 vis. of Sick Headache ( urotl by TWO llotlli'8 , " Hmcllno Flint , OtttiWA , Ohio. Norvlno l tlio quick irmcily for HIi'i'iileBennoD , Norvoiw Prostration , Epllnpsy , ht. Vlliis' Dunce , Opium llalilt. > ioruniB lr | M > pain , IlTdtorla , ConviilHiouB , Ni > unvlilH ; , 1'nralynin , etc , ThoiiBnniln ( "Hllfy. Trial Ilottlu , oli'L'nnt Hook Free fit druggists. Miles JleJIculOo KlkhurtInL Kor-inlo liy ICnhn & Co. , 1'ilh iind Douglas . , , . . , * * .i.-itiuii iii iiiiiui A I mil in tlio HackTola HnniMor.cct ] Hail Circulation lllilu Lines ' unilor tin' I' - ' - nmlnilotlui. . . . . . . . . . . . lllood Ili ) pn e4 In oltli chicu But or soi. They malto fereis fiom ncirliealth > hln xl . liorniiRoiiicnt re3tort'lli Nui. of the Scrvi > . ouj Syston. linpitro lllooil 01 nnd b r I n a i ' 'nst ' Krroi fliimlrt riiti nu-lnLi llli.llOllll'H Hush hi-olth or < < 'loiilo 1MIU , Ihe r ft > lnl. rule Inr Driiir slnti1 , nrpctit ! > J mall. SAFE , CERTAIN , SPEEBY. stomps iiiiCDK'iM. : co. , roii svi.i : is OMAHA. siu : , uv Jitihn .Vtn. , Cn.r 15th & Duu luSM J A rullor &lo. . Cor. 14lli.t DouuloaSts. A. U Fobtcr A Co , Council IllulK In. , , . . . IMF III r .dSMJTMM KZHWDBOM CUBEB BQUSH CURE IS A One Minute Remedy I'or all affections of the Throat , Lungs anil llronchlil fubis nXCKPTCONSUMPTION 12D A.NIJ GO GLINTS. Tor Sulo liy Dru Klsls. lUroc S'lKlitt ami Mitiinlny Mutlnuo , Thursday , Feb. 18th. Aii'orlcu ' t KarorlU' , thu Inlinltiililu liiiui'illrnlin , Maggie In : i now iilnr. rltti'ii nxpn'mlj for her. by C T. I > , V/.I.V , unlltliMl , The Little Maverick , tuiKROiiiont of Mil. Cll.\b AliUOTT l'rlL ! K nn uitiinl. SI 'Phpjlloi1 ' | l > ol > I'r'A" OU lllUltl/l / I'liic-i- : , Every Night This Week. 'I m toru iJl in A.AKCDN H. WOOUIIUlALx In tlu' ' Now KiiKlmuluniL'tl / UNCLE BCIBAM. support M by n ntr'tnc cmnpatty liulii'llntf MH.H TUUIA < jltls\YOM ) MattncH utiinliiy BOYD'S Scciifi-y" - TH TWRE. f Sprrial I'liroKoll Aipuar.ince | In this I' tj of Ml SARAH BBKNIIARD1 ruder the lUriwlton of Messrs , llciuy l _ Abt > u ) < ind Miinrli'D CJriiu , l'i"su LA TOSCA. Drnii'ii In I'l SEATS IN ORCHESTRA $3,00 FIRST FIVE ROWS IN CIRCLE . - 3.00 LAST FIVE ROWS IN CinCU 2.50 FIRST FOUR ROWS IN BALCONY. . . 2,00 LAST FIVE ROWS IN BALCOKY 2.00 HEAR BALCONY 1.50 LOWER BOXES 25.00 BALCONY BOXES 15.00 ° .50 nlu upcilf lit IIu'clocfc 'i'liurmlftx lil'i ' fll I ) I 1'01'UI.AK JOHN S Woild'n rii.v.ip'on Toll , -'I , | HARRIEOII HuncHy Mutluei' , BuiuliiT NUIit. Miiuilnr NlKlit , la lluiu-nu II. llnrrlxiu'i .Hi , ( ' 5 fnl Cmiivlr Druum 110SKST IIKARFS anil WILLING HANDS. Tutml'iy Matluno , Wiiiliiumlnr NlKliI , Tliclr l/jtu t ( Inml oucinm , BROPERICK AGRA. K D bl N M U S 15 M Till ! ( JUKIIN OK DANUCIId , MF < S. MIL.L.IE PRICE DOW. AjiiitMirs nt II , I , 8 , J ) niul 10 o'clock. Krldur lmlle ' otivinlrd r , ilognnt imnn of Mr , 1 > < > W | irt enleil tu Ilia Udlui. lOc Admits to All tOo