1 'IHK OMAHA DAILY HUH : KlUUAT , FKHKUAKY U ) . 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. corxc IL BLUFFS. OFMCI' : - NO. 12 PHAHL STRUCT. I'olhunl ' liy Cnrrlor to any part of tlio City IIV. . TII/roN , - MANAOnil. lliis'nc Office. No 41 11 IT I'ltnvrs J s 11111 I' ' ° M * { MtRht rdiior No 'U Mi\TW.\ , N , Y. Plumbing Co. C ouncll Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. C mil's chattel loans. 201 Snpp block , Mr ? . II. II Kiold will ontcrtntn n party of friends ntliltfh llvo tomorrow ovoiilng. A marnnRO llccnfco wni l uoil yostonlny tnOrrcn Lamb and Anna Covalt , both of tills city Tuo district court Is still occupied with the trial of the cnio of Deere , Wells < k Co. ngnlnit Attltman ft Miller. The younir ladies xocloty of the Uathollo chinch Kivo it concert In thu Hughes hall this evening. Admission S5 cents. Ueffulnr mooting of Harmony chapter No. 2.1 Order of Enstcrn Star nl Masonic temple lonlKlit. Visiting members cordially Invited , The Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal so ciety have raised a flag on the church tower mid have decorated the altar and pulpit with llttRS. | s In Council Bluffs at 'iO'J Broadway yostcr- \ S day afternoon Mr , Uon V. LOUR and Miss Holliii Clark wore united In marriugo , Kuv. O \V. Crofts ofllclHtlng. At the Coti'roijriUonrU ( parsonage yester day afternoon Mr. William Dolun and Miss ' Nc'tlio Uuckly of Otnnhix were joined In mar riage by Kov. U. W. Crofts. Special convocation of Kxcolslor lodge Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons this evening. Work In the llrst degree. All members roiiuostcd to nttenil. Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson entertained a party of friends last evening at their rest- denco on Fourth avenue. Iltgh llvo was the principal amusement , and an Interesting tlmo was had. St. Altmn's lodge No. 17 Knlchts of Pythias will celebrate the twonty-mnth anniversary of the order on Saturday ovonltip at their nail over 10'J Main and UK ! Pearl streets. All knights mill their ladles cordially Invited. A mortgage was tiled with the county re corder yesterday hv the Broadway Methodist church of this city to the Provident Loan and Trust company of Philadelphia for $17 , WK ) , covering the church property at the head of Hroadway. Interesting meetings are being hold every evening nt the Union Christian Mission , 'JUS Droadway , under the management of Rov. Henry Uolotig. The room Is tilled to its ut- inoat capacity each evening , and a great deal of enthusiasm Is manifested. The case of Freeze against uurbanlc & Ulaser wason trial all nay yesterday In the superior court. Too arguments of the attorneys were commenced a short time be fore the hour of adjournment and the case will probably bo submitted this morning. The registration books will bo open In the various wards for the registration of voters on the Saturday piuccdlng the election. Those who are out of the city on that day or who falloJ to take out their final naturaliza tion papers will have uu opportunity tororis- tcr on election day , Mrs. _ Nathalie Pollard will appear in the Masonic temple this evening In tier great impersonation of the character of Princess Mul Qul , the only celebrated and educated Chinese lady In tlio world. Elegant native costumes and beautiful pictures will bo In troduced. A rich and novel trnat U promised. The funcralof Mrs. Mary HU/onhouso took pIncK.iostcril.iy afternoon from the family residence , Hev. ( . .5.V. . Snyder olllciat'.ug. Thu members of Kobcliah dogrou , Indopond- cntlOrder of Odd Follows , attended In a body and teen cnargeof the exorcises at the grave , lining their own ritual , with Mrs. D. H. Wit- tor as chaplain. The members of the city council have in- struutod A. C. Schmoolc to draw up working plans for tbe rjinodolling of the city halland the prospect Is now that ho will bo awarded the job of superintending the roualrs when they are made. Aldermen Pace , Smith and Drown are In favor of adopting the plans drawn up by Architect Boll , as they were ordered and will have to bo paid for by the city any way , but the other members are un derstood to bo In favor of Schmook's plans so far as they have been ptosentod. A definite decision will be arrived at at the mooting of the council next Tuesday evening. Clillilrcii'rtVrek lit Snrgcnt'H. Great cut in boy ' misses' and chil ( Iron's shoos. All boys' $3 flno shoos now $2.25. All boys' $2.f 0 line shoes now $2. All boyi' $2 fine shoos now $1.50. All boys' $1.50 line shoos now 81.10. Misses' shoes , including cloth tops , patent tips , etc. , all spring heels , ut these prices : All mlsbes' S.'UO patent tips now $2 , All inibscs' $2.50 patent tip shoes now $2.00. All misses' $2.25 patent tips , now $1.7o. All misses' $1.76 patent tips , now $1.25. All misses' $1,50 patent tins , now $1.10. MEN'S DRESS SHOES. Men's $7 patent leather dress shoos , now $5. Mon's ? G patent leather dress shoes , now $ -1. Mon's $5 patent leather dress shoos , now $3.50 , Edwin C. Burt'H $5 mid $0 slices now $11. Como nnil got my prices , I always have and alwnys will while in business , eoll you good solid poods for loss money thiin any shoo house in the city. member you cannot toll the value. There uro a proat many cheap shoos cold at a good prico. This is u cheap bulo of peed shoos. I am in it. SARGENT. The old Phillips shoo store. M , T. Hohman of Sohuylor , Nob. , is in the city , Gilbert n. Pr.iy of Dos Molnos wa-i nt the Grand hotel yesterday. Attorney Sinioral of Omaha was in the city on legal business yesterday , II. M. Dotshor , n prominent merchant el Holdrego , Nob. , was in iho city yesterday , Leopold Pock , president , and Fred \V. Lobi > , ccncial secretary , of the Hardmai Piano company , wora in the city yesterday looking after the business In which they uro rcncorned hero with Mr , Mueller , Judge Ambler of Cleveland has for several year * boon gathering material for a portrait- autograph gallery , which gives promise uf gaining fame as an interesting and valuable historical gathering. U is not the work of an autograph ( lend , but is a collection of au tograph letters and manuscripts , together with portrait * and photographs of co'obrltics ' Yesterday Hov. Mr. Crofts of thU city , who Is gaining more than local reputation as the poet preacher , rocolvcd an urgent request to accept a plaoo in this collection. The Princess Mul Qul , the Ohinoso iiuly , at the Masonlu temple thin oven lug. Elegant native costume and boauti ( ul pictures. Admission 2o cents. A charming view of China nnd the Chineso. Wit and beauty combined Ii the Princess Mui Qui. Masonic temple tonifhu _ A Iluro C'lmiirr. Dry goods ut cost or less. Wo wll Jiscontimio business in this citv , Fob W , and will tnalco go no nil marie dowi prlco on all good a in the store. Sale bo eliiB Saturday morning and will con Flnuo ton Utiys. Wo mean what wo say Call and bo convinced , Onon ovorv night till 0 o'clock. C. C. Cully , 328 Broadway. Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. C. A. hospital , corner Othstroot and 5th uvonuo Roller , the tailor , 310 Hroadway , ha ull the latest styles and newest goods. Bat ibfaction guuruutcod. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Two Children Meet Death Suddenly in Indian Greek. THEY BROKE THROUGH THE ICE mult KlilgKlinry unil rr.itik t'niih Urownril \ \ hiltTliclr Iliii-rlflril ri iniiiiilmi | Mind lijiinilVltnrsnrilTlirlr l > r | n-ratii for Mir. Ono of tlio saddest tiff mrs that has occurred In this city for a lone tlmo took plnco yester day afternoon in the eastern txirt of the city , Frank Klngsbury , the 0-year-old son of M. A. Klngsbury , who lives near the corner of First and 1'lorca streets , and Frnnk Cook , a boy about ttio same ago , the son of William Cook , who drives an oil wagon fet the firm of Ii , O. Knotts & Co. , with another boy named StQL'omun , were plavlng along the bank of Indian crook , near Ocl e's browory. They became somewhat careless and attempted to cross the crock on the Ice , which was very thin. It gave wav with thorn and the Kings- bury and Cook bovs were both plunged Into tbo water. Stagoman was a little behind them anil as soon as ho sow the predicament his comrades weru In , turned bac'f. The water was about llvo feed deep at that point , and as the two bovs sunk nnd rose three times the HtOo fellow who stood on the bank wntchod them , too frightened to know Just what was happening or whut to do. Ilo managed to call for help , however , and his cries attracted the attention of o man who was passing. Ho ciino to the cdgo of Iho bank and looked down Into the water , but Instead of plunging In after the bovs ho ran off down the street calling lor help. J. M. CoUtor at last appealed upon the scene armed with a grapnllng hook , anil at last the Cook boy was landed upon the bank. It was fully ton minutes after the accident occurred before ho was rescued , nnd llfo was oxtlnct. Kov. .1. ( J. Lemon , who happened to bo pass ing , picked up the llttlo form nnd carried It to Iho homo of Clans Thompson , across the street , wbilo Collier wont back after the other boy. Ho too was soon found anil car ried to the same place , whore several physi cians were .summoned In great , haste. For fully two hours the doctors worked with tho'little fellows , using all possible moans to resuscitate them , rolling and rub bing them , and applying electric battoilea , but without avail. " It was evident that they bad been under wutor until life was oxtlnct , and at last the physicians abamlonod their efforts. Whtlo the attempts at resuscitation were going on the relatives of Iho two boys stood by looking on and their grief was almost uncontrolablo. Mrs. Kiuirsbury stayed at homo hoping against hope until at last she was Informed that the physicians could do nothing more. She then gave way to her feelings , and when at last the body of her llttlo son was brought to the house her heartbroken - broken nebs nnd moans ucro terrible to hoar. It was feared last tilgbl that grlof would drive her insane. Both of iho bovs attended school nt the Pierce sttcet building and were unusually bright. Their families are well known all over the city and their rolativfs have a host of friends who will sympathize with thorn In tholr terrible boreavuinent. Arrangements Imvo not yet been completed for the funeral. AVIIITIcnoDr ) .SAM : In I'ull hwlnir. The white goods stile at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , lias boon n marked success. Since the tale opened Saturday morning last it is roitlly sur prising the quantity of poods that hnvo been gold ; the store has been crowded duy after day with anxious buyers. When one thinks u moment it is really no wonder , as tlio Boston Store never do anything by halves , novcr advertise anything1 but what they really have , and that in quantities. Below is a partial list of what they have to offer in towels , linens , sheets , pillow cases and sheet- in ge. I.INKNS AND TOAVKLS. 54 and 50 inch all linen hleachod Dam asks that sold for 4Se , 50c , 5Sc , in ono lot at : ic. ! ) All linen Damask table linens , special , at 23c a yard. G8 inch heavy unbleached Damnsk ( only ono pattern ) sold for 75e , sale price 59c a yard. 72 inch unbleached all linen Damask , sold for 85c , at 0 ic a yard. Two patterns of our unbleached linen , napkins to match , reduced to 77c. GO inch Damask , plain or with red border , former price 5Sc and COc , for52ic a yard. See special values in unbleached Dam asks , marked 470 , 50 dozen heavy Turkish towels ( fast colors ) sold for 2-3e , at lOe each. 200 do/.en line Damask towel J , ever 35 different styles , border , hand drawn and knotted fringe at 2oe each. Examine our IIUCKTOWELSatS2.00 a do/.on. SII13KTS AND I'lM-OW CASKS. All ready made for use. See the low prices mostly made out of Fruit of the Loom muslin. Pillow cases , ready made , 12Jc , 15e , 17c , 20o , 22c. Shoots , ready made , G5c , 0c ! ) , 75c , 85c , Better grades in embroidered and hem stitched goods. NKW I'HICK LIST ON SHKUTIMQS. Bleached 12 inch Oo , 12jc. 45 inch 12Jc. 15c , ICc. 50 Inch 14c , lUc. G-4 17c , 20c , 7-4 20c. 8-4 20c , 22Jc. ! M20c , 22e. 25c. 104 2oc , 28c , 80c. Most of thcBO goods are In standard grade cottons , Htich as Atlantic , Im perial , Lockwood , Popperoll , Bostons and White Ro'o. BOSTON STORE , Fothcringhiun , Whitolaw&Co. , Loaders and promoters of low prices , Cash and Ono Price , Council Bluffs. la. N. B. Packages delivered to any part of the city during this sale the same as usual. Store closes at 0 p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , next to Grand hotel ; fine work a specialty. Tolo. 145. Ills .Mind. Sheriff Ilazen returned yesterday from EU doro , where ho went to take Fred Finch to the reform school. While ho was uway ho learned some news with reference to Julius Fisher , who will bo romotnburod as the man who delivered himself up to Ilazon about u month ago , stating that ho had stolen a draft for MO from a man in Cirundy Center three rears ago and that it had preyed upon his mind until ho had determined to yield hlmielf up to trial and stand the consequence ! in order to satisfy bis outraeed conscience. Shot-ill Brown of Urundy county was nolltioJ , and Fisher was taken back to stand trial. Either pen ! tentiur.v llfo lost UK charms as It drew nearer , or also Gruiuly countv Jail faro wus not up to tbo standard of Pottawaltamlo county , for he had only been confined there a s lioi t tlmo when he cut a bole in the side of the jail and bored bis way out. Ho has dis appeared completely , not a traca ever having been found of him after ho left the prison. Sheriff Brown was considerably chagrined at the fellow's change of heart , as ho thought he was such an cxcoodluk'ly pious man that ho gave him a good many liberties not ul- lowud to tbe other prisoners , Money to loan. Lowest rates. John ston & van Piitton , Everett block. I'nttal Clerk' * Mfdiil , M. J. Moore , postal clerk on the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs ralhvuy , has won a gold medal from tbe government for making tbe beit record la bi ! division. Out of 13.097 cards handled by htm only six xvoro wrong. The average per cout was tf.tW. Nearly thirty ono cards were handled par minute. The record Is a roo.nrknblo one , and many friends rejoice with him In having won so worthy recognition. \Vny of Trnn irc < > r . * Cotisldornblo additional ovtdenca was no- cured yesterday against Hurry Hamilton , the confidence man who played a rural Ne braskan for a ? IO sucker Tuesday. An Omaha barber named Hanson w.is In the city yesterday morning and Identltled Ham Iltun as the man who was In his place in the afternoon In company with his victim. Hamilton was arrcstod ho offered Deputy \larsbal Fowler $ JO to go invav and report .U headquarters that ho had boon unable to llnd him. This offer was rejected , nnd ho made nn offer of $ i3 , which was treated In the same way. Yesterday u woman with whom ho has been llvlnc , went to the marshal's oftlco and offered to pay the victim his flO which ho claimed to have lost If ha would go back homo and lot the case against Hamilton drop , She was told to go b.iclt tiomo and mind her own affairs. Hamilton s still in jnll. An Omaha detective was In Lho city yesterday aftcrnoou ana loft a war rant for his arrest on the chnrgo of forgery , lo bo used In case any habeas corpus pro ceedings were commenced to got him out , Hamilton still refuses to go back to Omaha without n requisition , as ho says there Is always n chance for the authorities to fall of their expectations. An ii : rrtrlc VTomlcr. When Benjamin Franklin caught cold jy Hying his Itito during n thunder storm on Sunday , little did ho imagine the pos sibilities to which would bo nut the sub tle electric lluld ho succeeded in con- looting to the oarlh. Even to tills day , when so much practical use is made of .t , many of its possibilities are only Iroatnetl of. To most people electricity is still n largo interrogation point. Wo itnow it drives machinery but how ? Those who would llko to witness the 'act and study the how are invited to call at the progressive BIJK job printing ofllco of Pryor Bros , at 12 Pearl street ind sop the first electric motor 'or driving machinery that has boon sot up in the city. The presses anil ma- jhinory in this oftlco are now all driven L > y xn olcctric motor , iho power being tarnished by the Omaha & Council [ Huffs Railway and Btidgo company. When , several years ago , Pryor's Bnn job olllco put in the llrst water motor in the city , considerable surprise was ex pressed that so small a piece of mechan ism should bo able to dovoloo so much | ) ewer , but the olcctric motor causes still more astonishment. Those inter ested in seolng a really line machine lire invited to call at Pryors Bros. ' Bnu job olllco and see the little wonder. 13. H. Sheafo has eastern money on hand for real estate loans. Jarvis wild blackberry is the boat. Iln ! for the .Murdl Grns ! At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 , for round trip. Tickets on sale Feb. 22 to 28 , For particulars call on O. M. Brown , tiekot agent K. C. , St. .1. & C. B. Vocal MiiHlc. Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice and note rending. Lessons private. Call or address at Grand hotel , Council Blufts. IliirKlnr Hound ( Her. Joe McDermott , who robbed the Boston tore Sunday nleht , was brought before Judge Mc'Joo yesterday mortiincr in police court for a. hearing. Ho waived examination and was bound ever to the grand Jury , his bond being llxcd at $ . " > 00. Ho was unable to furnish the bond and was taken tothocounty Jail. His companion , Frank Clark , was stub born and demanded a hearing. His case was continued until this morning. Walnut block and Wjoming coal , fresh mined , received daily Thatcher , 10 Main. Wo have our own vineyards in Califor nia. Jarvis Wino comoiny , Co. Bluffs Swanson Music Co. , Masonic temple Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best IiiHtltutu of .Mining ICiiK BU.TIMOIIE , Md. , Teb. 17.Tho American Institute of Mining Engineers elected ofllcors tonight , and the following were chosen : President , John DIrkcnbino , Philadelphia : vice presidents , to servo two years , Thomas M. Brown , Boston ; Da\idT. Day , Washing ton , D. C. ; John Stanton , New York City. Managers , to serve tbrco years , II. L. Hollis , Chicago ; G.V. . Goaz , Milwaukee , Wls. : Charles KlrchotT , Now York City. Treas urer , Theodore D. Sand , Philadelphia ; secre tary , H. Newman , Now York City. JUDGE THUBMAN AT HOME. Tlie SimpleI.ifu Led by the Vencrublu Ohio Statesman. Now nearly eighty years of ago , with u mind as vigorous as nt any former period in life , whether on the bench erin in the councils of the nation , Judge Allen G. Thin-man is the same genial , warm-hoarted and companionable man ho was before his body was wrenched and his logs weakened by acute and por- slbtont rheumatic pains , writes a Colum bus correspondent of the Now York Times Ilo lives quietly nnd spends mobt of his time in the library , a largo up-stairs room that ho calls his ' "don , " and into which ho says ho allures the unsuspecting caller and newspaper mon with a view of keeping up with the times in the current news of the day. The time has gene by when any news paper writer will tnko advantage of Mr. Thurman. All fully recognize the fact that his wishes should ho respected , and unless the judge is very well acquainted with his caller ho seldom expresses him self upon political matters , as lie does not wish to bo quoted. Mr. Thurman seldom loaves Ills house aim walk3 but little. Ho spends his time wholly with callers and books , being a great reader. Ilo enjoys little visits from his old friends and neigh bors , and in referring to certain Inci dents enjoys hearing and tolling a good story. The calls from old political asso ciates are keenly relished , and 1 o often refers to them with evident pleasure. The doatli of his llf J'B companion n , few months ago was a terrible blow to Judge Thurman , and ho fools the loss inorfl and more as the days glide by. Ho misses her presence in a thousand ways , She was always about and near him , cheering him up and relieving him of the aching pulnstliat at times seemed to pull and wrench at every rnusclo and nerve in his bo.ly. lie speaks of her in the most loving and gentle manner , while the tours he cannot and would not suppress 111 ! his eyes. lie occupies his homo the same as when Mrs. Thurman was alive , the hquso of his BOM , Allen W. Tlnirman , and his own being connected , The judge takes his meals with his children and grundohil- dron , and his comforts are looked after by them , ' ' 'OI late Mr. Thurman has suffered se verely from neuralgia in the head , but otherwise his general health is good , other than that ho is novoi- free from rhouinatio pains In the legt > and knee joints. It is with great dilllcultv that ho walks at all. and lu < says that his legs are of practically no account except to ache continually. Ho is much stouter than formerly , and , as a gcncrAl thing , his appetite is good , but ho oats spar ingly. Mr. Thurman tajs that ho in tends to break the bad habit of reading all night and sleeping the' iuo4 of the day , but he is alraid HIM ho lt . getting lee old to make any radical change in the custom of a lifetime. Tiirv \ np ii'/Tf ivr liiiiTiiPtT 1IIM ARE Jtlm ( ( IN WIIIiAT 1 . ' To Mnny Times Millionaires 1'ifltl ' the Specu lative Markets Extremely Seductive. 3U ROCKAFELLER , MACKEY AND NORTH * . . , Trio < il CnrsiiM'Vlio Iliixi * Taken to tlin \Vhcal I'll in u rtai-7"tii liixi t Tlii-ip siirpliM U.i li"r < > r Quirk CiiH'no , 111 , , Fob. 17. [ Special Telegram tn Tm : flr.r.J At Irregular Intervals during the last two or three years the wheat mar kets have boon disturbed by secret manipu lation on a gigantic scale. In uach Instance iho manipulation stopped as quickly and as mysteriously as it began , nnd In each instance "scnln" taken from a great was Iho speculative capital engaged In thu grain trade. At least $10,000,000 In money has boon taken out of the Chicago and Now York wheat markets since 18S8 , and passed to the credit of the manipulative combination or person. The pool Is again In the market. The linger of suspicion has bean pointedly directed towards P. U. Armour of this city and his brother , H. O. Armour of Now York , u& the principals. Hut It does not follow that P. U. nnd II. O. Armour would not run a deal for somebody else If there was an assurance of 71,000,000 , in commissions In tt , with unlimited capital back of the enterprise , .llm ICecno was also mentioned ns ono of the men In iho deal , nnd It Is not so certain that John Mackoy is uol ono of the partners in the clln.no. KinpliiyliiK Thi-lr Sutplm. Through the friendly ofllces of a mutual friend , John D. itocknfollcr , the dictator of the Standard Ull millions , together with Colonel James T. North , "tho WO.000,000 nltrnto king , " nnd the brightest of the "big bonniua" millionaires , were several years ago brought to see how their surplus and otherwise idln funds might be employed to advantage. The manipulation of the grain markets of Now York and Chicago would DO to them the merest child's ' play. A great wheat pool was formed and has boon doing business for the last four or five months. Up to the turn of the new year the tltnnlo combine played for a decline , but since then it seems to have bean shaping its course tn the other direction. Millions of Ituslu-ls of Wind. The actual open speculative short interest or "wind" sales in the Chicago market is approximately 50,000,000 bushels , which amount must bought In upon the open mar-kot , because It cannot bo pe delivered in substance. The speculative short inter est , as described In the contradistinction to the sales against possessed property deliver able In emergency upon contract in Chicago. is "wind" wheat. It hasi no existence ; It will never have any existence. In addition to the r > 0,009t > 00 bushels purely speculative short interest m Chicago , tbcro are similar open Interests for nosslbly an equal amount in the comumod mancets of St. Louis , Toledo , Now York and Liverpool. Has the World In It * With whom has this enormous rolumo of speculative property , the big pool has the wheat contract. It is agents have been buyIng - Ing all the wheat the bears' hdvo dared to sell for future cl oh very In all tbo great public markets of tbo world. Should tno crop prospects turn out poorly and the farmers from thauoauso or because of a belief that congress Is going to legislate wheat to J1.B5 a bushel shut down on de liveries , as they are already reported to DO doing in Indiana , Ohio , Illinois and Missouri , or should the old world get ready for our moderate reserves In sight. The chqno may conclude to put on the screws nnd not 25 per cent of the wheat sold for May delivery in the several speculative markets could bo delivered. J/i'AJC'.I.V XJSH'S. Concessions Will Nut bo Grunted the T.onigl- Hiiu Lottery Huclproclty Iniprolmlilc. CITY OP Mexico , Feb. 17. A. H. Curtis , the World's fair commissioner , is visiting the various government ofllcials and Is receiving much encouragement. All the railroads have offered to co-operate. On Sunday next a monster demonstration will be hold In favor of the re-election of President Diaz. Foreigners , merchants , railroad mon and others will taUo part. There is no truth in the report that the Mexican government will grant a concession to the Louisiana lottery. Ono of the most prominent personages in Mexico said recently that reciprocity with the United States was improuablo. When asked his reason for this belief , ho replied that the negotiations had been suspended since tbo end of December on account of difllcultlos in regard to tbe questions of cereals. It seems that the United States matiu attempts to sccuro exception from the duties or at least a consider able reduction on American wheat , corn and flour. The McKinley law , however , offers Mexico no Important concession , an only three articles outer the United States free sugar , which is not exported from Mexico ice ; coffe , which Is salable advantageously in Europe , and hides , which nro able to support a duty. It may safely bo bald that Mexico will not increase tbo concession made to the United States. The general public feeling is opposed to special commercial treaties , and there Is uow considerable opposition because part of the American press has boon attack- lag Mexico , ills claimed , unjustly. JUJKII : utrxxwn J.KTTKK , ruthor I'hcliin of St. I.ouU ( iltt-H Hln Opin ion ot the Dominion ! . ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob , 17. Kov. D. S. Pholan , editor of the \Vatchmun , a Catbolio Journal , raid to an Associated Press repre sentative , relative to the Uunno loiter : "Tho clergy is opposed to the discussion by laymen of temporal power , or education In an ofltcial Catholic body , for tbo reason that these utteroucoi would beituken as the ofll- clnl voice nf the church. That should bo confined to those high enough In the church to speak nn matters of impolicy. Kveryono in the Catholic church has , the freedom of In dividual opinion , but nn.puo has u right to say whether tbo pope spquld bo restored to temporal power. That ( R fpr the pope to say , and when said It Is tboduty of the clergy to work for It. L , "Members of the clenr.yiaro cautious aa a rule on matters of churcU policy. Hut many of the layman , free from , ; uiy embarrassing responsibilities , such ns-Judgo Dunne unci Leach Montgomery , who wns assistant attor ney yonurul unacr ClovcJuud , for instance , do insist that the state hti . jio more right to establish schools ; that lhey come wholly under the church , YoifVrlll remember that Judge Dumio was removed ! from the terri torial judgeshlp of Arizona by President Cinint on account of thuso cxtrcmo views , "This letter has rroatod some sensation , but It Is of the cheap kind and It looks mnca like the letter was sent to Homo to convoy to tbo Vatican the impression that because tbo discussion of temporal power and education 1s objected to by tbe archbishops , the hierarchy of .this country opposes temporal power. It also affords a moans to attack the liberal education views of Arch- biihop Ireland , woo is now In Home. It opens the way to rocitu the Instances where ho turned tbo parochial school ut Farlbault over to the state. " Stcumur Arrltuli , At Southampton Larn , from New York , At Philadelphia India , from Liverpool , At New York Sprco , from Bremen j Mar sala , from Humburg. I'riro ul Hit WlTe' * Honor. IH'iii.iNiTO.v , IB. , Fob. 17. W. A. Port- lock , convicted of tbo murder of James An- drus , told u btrango story today. Ha snyit some time before the murder ho became financially embarrassed and hl wife bor rowed for him tome money from Andrui. Iho day before the murder she confessed that the prlco she paid was her vlrtuo. Portlock sav * ho joothPd hor. Then everything raJod from Ills sight and hoonlv rocovoredeonscioninost when ho was taken to the hoMiltal after the murder and attempted sulcido. Ho claims to know nothing of the tragedy nnd that ho must have been Insane at the linio. Portlork was taken to prison toJay to serve an eight years' sentence. i.v ii.ir.s. r ( Jitlok Tlnni In WhlHi I.IIIK ! I'litPiit WIIH MTiirril , WsmxnTox , 1) . C. , Fob. ir.-fSpcclal Telegram to TUB Uin.-Tho : | Washington onicoof Tun HEB nnd lOxamlnor lluronu of Claims today procured from the comm'.s- ' mUslonor of the general land ofllco a patent to the north half , northeast quarter , southwest - west quarter , northeast quarter mm northwest quarter , southeast quarter , section ton. township llftv-eleht north , range eighteen west , fourth princpal meri dian , Minnesota , containing 1(10 ( acres of land , situated In St. Louis county , Minnesota. 'Iho tlnnl receipt In this case was iccelvcd by the Washington ofllco of I'm : Ilni : and Ux nnilnor Bureau of Claims from Messrs. Kronen and Markus of Uuluth. Minn. , on December ill. last. The land was ontciod January „ ' and the imtcnt was Issued Fob runry 10. This phenomenally rapid wnrl < In securing n patent shows the exceptional facilities of the Hurcau In prosecuting and expediting claims successfully. Special at- tcntlon is given to procuring land patents by skilled land attorneys. Close attention Is given every case at the land ofllco and the CASCS nro pushed ahead by noraonal solicita tion nnd nrgimionts. Information and ad vice is glen freo. If you want n patent to your land write Immediately to Tnr DKU and Lxnmlner Ilureau ot Claims , Omaha. .VIWA of r/.sr/K/i.ir. lloinrHllr. The National Duller and Cheese association is In session at MailKon , Wls. Telegraph operators nn the I.ako Shorn rail road will ask for an Invrunso In waces. A ( lie at Now Orleans destroyed hulldlnsrs and property iiRgrojaliiiK in worth S-.Ouo.ooo. Tim leu gorge In the rlvnr at Parker , Pa. , Is still Intuet and gra\u apprehension Is full In that village. Anso Whltsott and Jesse \Vllllams Imvo been arresti'd at LouisvilleKy. . , for making cuiuiteifell dollars. Memphis. Tonti. . Is Infested 1 > v a cans of flrobtips.lthln the past week numerous II res have occurred there. The proceedings In the Johnson habeas corpus cnse , at Memphis , Tenn. , have boon postponed until next Ikfnnday. Kr.istiis Wymun uddrossed thu Ituslness Men's club ut Wnoiisockot , K. I. , on the bone- litof rcclpioelty with Canudu LoiilBlanii's warring democratic factions are ondcuvoriiiK to mulco homo kind of an agreement whereby harmony In the party will be restored. W. J. Sullivan , a trusty convict. In attempt ing to cscapu from the C'unyon City , Colo. , penitentiary , \ > ns shot nnd fatally wounded by a guard. The Urnnd Army of the Itppnbllo oiu-atnp- inent at .Minneapolis , Minn. , passed resolu tions denouncing the New York S nil's , attack on General Alser. Ciintiiln Oault and four < -a-XMiaii of the soal- Inc schooner Oscar and Uattlr. were drowned at Nc-itncca , Oro. , today , while attempting to hind In a small boat. Clilof.of Pollcu UOOIRIllaskcU of Tnriy- towo. > i. Y , , shot and killed James llunnon. another resident of the plate. The niun hud bi'cn enemies for years. Kluh placer diggings aio reported to ha\e been discovered near Ouray. Co o. Twonty- llvu cents to this pin mid liudiock Ditching , is wt.at they claim for the new llnd. Governor Campbell and other prominent Ohio democrats Imvo piomlsi'd to in.iUo the delegates fiaiu Unit state to the riilcago con vention holld forux-Prc&ldiMit Olovoland. The datu of the railing of the steamer In- dlan-i. from Philadelphia , with a ciarjio of supplies for the starving Itusslans has been changed from Tobrnary Oto ) Pobrnary " 2. In the Curtis trial at San franclsco'tho do- frnso announced iinlto iinuxpeotedly that they rcstod tholr c-iso. The piosecnllon has boon clvon until today to prupiro testimony In rebuttal. The sixth indictment nirnliist Edward M. Hold. < > r tliu defunct , firm of Field , Mnclluy , wolchcrs & Co , lias linen Hied by the Now iurk ? raml Jury. The Indictment charges forgery In tlio second degree. An Italian at Carbon , Pa. , who was a passen ger nn the fever ship Masiulla has died of typhus fever , anil as ho mlnclod fipely with other residents of tlio vlllazu thu people there fc.ir an epidemic of the scourge. A telegram fiom Knoxvlllo , Tomi , says : The Mines of the Tonnes , co Mlnlnz company nt Hr.cfivlllo will tie worked hereafter on tlio co-operative plan. The miners nrcHlloued to take Htock mid huxo already taken $ U > , UOO. .luineb Slmuson , who has bt-on accused of bolus a defaulter and bavins loft Dallas , lo\ . , under suspicious circumstances , has been Interviewed at Hot .springs. Ark. Ilo denies the story nnd says ho will return to Dallas ana face his nccusurs. I nn-l | ; " > .1. Bcott & Co. . wholesale grocers at Mon treal , have assigned. Liabilities , fCO.OOO. Thotvar and rzarlim of Itnssla will visit their son. the grand duke , Ueorco , who Is ill In the Crimea. PIvomeiiHt Llllo lost their lives IP tin at tempt to rescue a person .supposed to be In : i bnrnlric bnlldln/ . Members of u German colony In Knsila. to oscnpu military duty will emigrate on masse to the United States. The Ilrltlsh bark Carovur has been wrecked off the Irish coast , and nil on board are sup posed to have pi'rlshed. The snonfall In the Alps has been unprecc- deiitedly hoavy.nnd many vlllti'-'eson the Aus trian side of the mountains uro seriously tnroatoned , Mrs. Chlnpclln , the largest woman In tlio world , died recently near Winnipeg. At the time of her death she was 43yeiirs old , six feet high and welehod 75U pounds. Illat-k small pox and typhus fever has broUon out In thu lamlno districts of Itusslo and relief societies huvo sent physicians und inedlelnu to the Infected provinces. Joaehalm I.olowel , ton of the distinguished I'ollsh patriot , 1ms been in rested at Dnm- bnwa , Poland , by Russian polli'e , and sent into exile In Siberia. Cause for his arrest Is un known. Hoports of cruelty and persecution coino from ( ho German colony In east Africa , anil that tin- natives goaded to desperation have , In many places , revolted against iho whites. Tbo reports will be niudo thu subject of an In quiry by the Gorman 11 st of letleri ronnlnlrv uncnlloil for In tlio poit- oniro for the week ending Fclirunry 18 , 1893 , Nota rnrtlot eiilllnif for ttioio lottori will plomo , ny"Ailvortle ( ! , " Hiring tlio ilnta at tlio hovl of tlio lltt.nmi Inqulro for snnuut the Imllui' dullvury win dow. Tuarold mlslnkoi hira your mM nililrenoJ tn your etrL'utuml number. I-HT. A. Allen IIun Alllnun ra Altcmlcrfer It un H J Amlcrion 1' AlierJ JJ. lliililnJG Hakor T llnkor W A llantln K llnrtun I ) llnsler 1 > llarth.'tt J ltarm > I ! llarbur 11 K Hcnrlll. IlctkettJ W llcimo K Ili-iiton 15 II HiTunian J HI-BHUII W It llcpiner U 11 Illlliiiiin It llhinchanlJ II llloron 1 * Illai'k 11 liurili-n A IIUHlerJ Ilrrvdt-n II I1 IlronntcrT Ilrlnk ( i llrmifch I ! llrniUliuu F M Hunter J Duller Wl > llurnutt A I ) Iluruer I ) llullcr I C HuslifoidJ llrukenbrjr A O. U Campbell I' Curnill It Carlxun A I ) ClulMntT K I I'hnrv M Olmiu-r H A I'brlbly Dl > Cliamliuri M ClnrlilJ Clark .M M Clark M J ( "uclirun O Coo 0 O Conk M Tuuklvy M Cooler J M MV I'uukr inr \V t'lumor 111'J Cruinu J S J w U. Duultnn J ItuvU J Dli'kcy J 11 Diamond I ) I , llonulioo II Dnuulaa CO Dunmui J A IJoildU C Duriuy J J Diipunl uir 15. KrlckHtmMA KrlaJ 15.K. DO K. W \V 1C r'urtli't lur Krt'VburK A O. ( iauulinn CH Darner II llcntrV M lilynu W liunlon , ! U lioudulu W ( lordon W ( Inuidllc-ld J lirotB J U Urncc K I. 11. llaikiima W Hall I. IleirrlB J Harinan H Ilarrli II HulmK II Hirer h llunler (1 ( IIulferiunD V Hiinry H J Ilermau K Mill II IlUtt K i : llouium J U Ho IT in nil A 11 IlUllBUIll U lliirlv/ H > tlnt K 1. Itaara OII 1.J. J. JanietilH ) Jroicn J Jenneii 0 Joluifou.j M Jwbntun A Jubuiun K Johnson I.J Jplumon J Joliuson J JubiiaOti K W Jolinion U K. Kattca 1 * T Kurtcliiier I'M TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. Schoodsack , Proprietor , OITI333 021 Broadway , Ooaiul Bluffsnnd 1321 FarnamSl. , Omnlin. Dye , clotin nnd raflnlsli goods of evorydescription. Packages rocolvod nt olthor offioo or ut tUo Works , Cor. A.VO. A nnd 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlco 1UU Moruhauts who Imvo shop-worn or soiled fabrios of any charaulor can havt them rotlyoil mill Hniahod cntml to now. UUn'FKATHEKS UHNOVATHD AND CLKANKD HV STHAM , with the nd most approved niachinoi-yatost at loss uojt than yea ovii p u I bit > -j 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. M MrnJ Woodward J1I y. Talcs C W Zenknur K A I suite * inn 0 II hullltun M K K'L' 'L' . Terrlll mm K t , Torbun mr * r A 'I'nwkhberry mrs Tenth mm II Tonillii un lurnll'lhuiupbun A 'IbrnthurH Tracy A AV. \V. Wall K \\atsunll WiitKmrsM WnircnN Webster mr N Wbltnuy nim M A WbllliiKll Whllemuro f. K Wluuler mmU II Whlltumoro.lVlirclfrOll Wlikumhaitip K WlllHUii mrs 0 Wlllion K Wllllaini M Wooilk 11 N Wooil I ) M WuoitwnrtbmmM TIIIIIII AMI rntniTii cr.Ass > u'iriit J Huffman II Ilriuu ITALIAN IBTTKItH filur Vlto l-urrmlo Kltr Joe Uallntln Cuiico blKr AiiKelo Illaclulo fOUKlON 1'OSTAl , CAltlia. OllartrU UlblTI I.ASKOlfS. 317 W 27 Are , Irtn. IH'iil Del ; Ilclrol Ilioi , Omabn RuHur 1'lpe Co : Trintcfn lirnru KpUc I'll. Kdltor Dolly Joutnil , llul Wludiulll llrancli Home ; MaKlo Veant I'ut lleliuont Irt Cantil ami Water I'uHC'rl'ot JlcKInn , .Veail A White. Novell ) Co.4i Weklein Tub Co ; J II Idler A Co ; liuten , v Him ; linker \ llobert- iuuj ( iuyglui & DuilKi Ads \ Colll. T , U CLAllKUON. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ _ _ _ - -j IJ1OK SAIiK At a bntciiln , 1'J-ucrn fruit nnd 1 minlun ftirm adjoining city limits ; uuoil K , II. Slu-afo. Foil ItnST-Vaeant store , 411 lluuiluay owned by Mr * Janii Italdw.ii. Apply to Oeorjo T. 1'helps at postollloo. " \ \rANTnD 'I'o buy two ho , ivy work .horsea V > Cull at ( JI5 S. fith .struct. nM'I ) < tr.olo house und lot for team ; will che luiu tliuooii balance. Cull at tlfi S. fith street I71AUMS. p.ir.len InniU. hoiisas. lots and - * - business blo.-ks for silo or ronU U.iy ft llcss. i.0 I'onrl strunt. Uonnoll lllulTi. / 1OUNoflj liLl'KKS 7mnoy im ii.iii < ! lor Vy loans.V. . A. Wood , V Co . fi'iO Main street. WAXTBD In n jinvilu family atiout Murch I , n lrl for Honor il housework. Must ho a KOO cook and laundiess Uooil wages will bo pild to a eompotcnt slrl. Ad- . dresii , jilvliiL' r eronces , Itov I'-M Council Hhilla. 1/1 ( flFl 11 .NT OvoFi ( Mdw ollln-so fever y do- Jt ; scrlptlon tit pilees varying from } l toJUKJ month , loeated m all parts of iho uity. R I.Shi'-ife. .VJtt llniadwiiy. OR SAM : Pour Rood llonrlni : nillls Cm taKe some uood I. mil as nurt pav. Johns- ton VHII I'atti'ii , Couiiull lllnlTs , la. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , wall-npnoiiitud , tlior oughly well-kept , $ .5 u day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffa. 1AL STOCK $ ! 50oaJ SURPuUS AND PROFITS 70,003 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $223,001 DiKKCTons I. A. Mlllor. If. O. Olovioti , II f . HlniL-nrt , R K. II irt , J , U Kdmiliidson. Uliarlus 11. Uannruu Transact Kunur.il u inking DmU ness. L'lr/ostu.qiltil and surplus of tiny li.inc lu Southwusturn lowi INTEREST ON TIM DEPO3-FS W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EUBALMER 14 N. Main , Council Bluffs. Chas. Lunkley , Fiim-riil IMroctoianil IJiiilcrtiikcr. I ; ill Hroadway , Council Toli-iibonu III'J. at any time wi DOCTOR S ENGLISH REMEDY ! IT WILL CURE A COLD 1 IN TWELVE HOURS ; \ A 86 cent Dottle may save you : $100 in Doctor's bills-may eavoj your llfo. AsU your Druggist. for it. IT TASTES GOOD. : . Dr. Acker's English Fills ! OIIUK IIIMOUNNKSS. I fimnlt , plfHvnnt , u rnvorlletllb Ibo ludlra. I W. II. HOOK Kit A CO , Wet liroaitway , N. V.I For bnlo by ICuhn it Co. , nnil .Shot-matt & MuConnoll , Omnlia. Lo Duo's Porlodloal PlllTT | The French romoily acti iliructly upon tha ( onurutlveorKuiiinniloiiru4Hiiiiirosilunufth ! muni.es. t.'or throu for 13 , and cuti bit mailed. i tiliouhl nolha nsud ilurln < pru jiianuy. Jubhari. I drngzlutynul the publlo Rupulloil by Uoudmac ' Dtut Co , , Umabi 'l i ) ' ltru.our for Camrru l ihu L a t , Uulcut to U > o , anil Clit pu t. Bold br druitgUti or > ont by mail , Uic. K. T. Hoieltlno , Warreu , ! ' > .