Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    5SSE AT )
Eonaor Bmitli Oivoi Kearons Why Iowa
Should Adopt the Pending Measure.
rrnlilhltlnn rimmplom Argno for Thrlr
Hlitoiif llir Oiic tlon nnil Present 1111
ArrnjofStittlitlrs IK-Hack
Up Tliclr Tulk.
rol , In. , Tob. IS. Tha llcenio-
prohibltlon debute wai resumed in the seriate
nt 11 o'clock thn morning. Senator Smith
began the argument on the Schmidt bill.
Smith said if tlio bill bccamo a luw It would
not establish n saloon in every town because
the regulations were looslrlct.and wherever
the sentiment was oppo cd to such Institu
tions no licento would be Issued. Taking up
iho question of constitutionality ho said
the question hud been decided in
other smtes fnvorablo lo locil option
nnd lie was confident no constllullomd pro
vision would bo violated by the enactment of
tbo proposed bill. Concerning the resubmls-
slon ot the constitutional amendment , ho
Bind such n question shoulB have no place in
the fuudainuntullaw of the stale nnd there
fore bo was not in favor of incorporating n
provision which would bo likely to bo sot
usldo nt uny time. Ho announced Ihnt ho
would not veto for any such proposition.
Senator Smith closed hero nnd Senator
Lewis began speaking.
Senator Lewis look up Iho Schmidl bill In
dolall and spoke ngalnst Us provisions , uftor
which ho presented an array of statistics on
educational , Industrial nnd criminal mat
ters , and claimed they proved Unit
Iowa under prohibition had been
moro prosperous ihnn under license.
He finished shortly uftor 12 o'clock and the
senate adjourned till tomorrow.
It is snitled that the republican senators
will vote-solidly against the Schmidt bill , but
ll Is rutnorod hero that after that thov will
vote as they ploaso. It is dialed lhat Iho re
publican senatorial caucus voted lf > lo 4
against giving option to citioi und IT to 2
against giving It to counties , nnd it la
rumored thai Senators Gutch nnd llrower
voted lor both propositions. What two other
senators lavorcd "opllon for cilies is not
stated. It is now evident that the semitu
will tiot vole on thu Schmidt bill this week
nnd probably not until next Wednesday.
This delay Is agreed to by mutual consent of
the factious.
A largo number of petitions were presented
lavoring a free employment bureau , the passage -
sago of the ami-option bill , for the AUHlru-
llun ballot law nnd cottages for the soldiers'
Hills were presented to provide for the
erection of soldiers' monuments ; lo compel
savings banks lo bo under state supervision ;
to better protect railway employes ; to pro
vide for the appointment of n meal inspector ;
lo compel roglstrallon of pedigrees of live
A bill was passed by the house tnls mornIng -
Ing amending iho present law so that non
resident aliens or corporations can secure
title to a half interest in manufacturing or
packing plants in the stale.
A resolution that llnal adjournment bo
.March IT was discussed and laid on the table.
The bill passed providing for the condom-
nalion of private property in cities organized
under special charters where said action
was necessary for the construction of sowers.
Sc-vcriil Cnrrull rciiplu IttM-lurit Tlmt They
Iliiyu Itucn .Swindled ! > > Him ,
CAUHOU , la. , Fob. 18. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK BEI.I This city is excited over the
sudden disappearance of O. A. Kentner ,
unlil yesterday president of the Citizens
Stale bank. It bits been known privately
for toimi time that his ultuirs .wero in bad
slurpe , tutunnttors did not roach the public
until ycVtorday , whetfthb sale of his Interest
lo A. VV. Patterson xvns announced.
Ills' dealings with a number of parties who have each lost several thousand
dollars as the result of his sharp practice ,
then spread like wildfire. G.V , Walters
of the First National banlt loses between
RJ.OOO and * 5 , < ) OU of money loaned ; E. W.
Llbb.vs n farmer , IE stuck for about $ iH)0 ! ( ) for
fat catllo , anil John McCarthy of Jefferson
and Frank' llnidloyof Audubon are said to
bo heavy losers , the result of Koutners cuttlo
deals. Most of Ihoso cattle were sold at
South Omaha last evening.
louring arrest Kentner picked up his per
sonal effects und skipped in company with
his wife. The bunk is not. materially af
fected by bis nllegod.crookedness.
. Last week" ho invested about Sii.lWO in com-
I ] morcial paper nt Ogden , U. T. , In the riumo
1 of n brother-in-law.
uo has been ono of the leading business
men of Carroll for fifteen years und his down
fall Is much com men ted on by Ins friends
and enemies.
Will Xllt AiVl'Ct ColMtUMIT.S.
ns , la. , Fob. IS. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tin : UKU.J E. It. Crowoll , manager
of the Cedar1 Kaplds oatmeal factory , one of
the Inrgcst In the country , was seen today
in regard lo tbo article in the Chicago papers
of Wodnesdny , which declared that the oat
meal trust bad to sell its product at loss than
cost and lhat disaster seemed to threaten it ,
Mr. Crowell sul.l . that while competition
was very sharp at Ibis lime and Iho prlco of
oatmeal Is very low yet it is not trno Hint
they have been selling their products for less
than cost. The company held its meeting In
Akron. O. , u few days npo nnd the reports
HUbmlttcd Indicated that it was In a prosper
ous condition financially and otherwise ,
Everybody seemed pleased with the results
of tlio year. The depression ho said is not
duo to nny trust or combmilion but to over
production nlono.
" \Vo are not. " said Mr. Crnwell , "a trust
or combine because wo do not attempt to reg
ulate the prices of the other mills in the
country.Vo eovcrn our own , of course.Vo
nro nn Incorporated company under the laws
of lowu and have a legal existence. Even if
the mills do increase the price of their pro
duct it cannot possibly nffeot the consumer.
\Vholusnlors sell oatmeal to the retailer * at
* l or 9-1.25 per barrel und tney retail It ntr >
cents per pound or six pounds f or .i.'i con Is ,
There are ISO pounds lo the barrel so llio
retailer realizes f'J ' , or n profit of 100 percent.
If the mills elevate the price of oatmeal It
will come out cf the big profits ot the retailer
no matter what the Increase is.
InipiU'tiiiit lutvii Drrlnlon ,
Dr.sMoiNKP , In. , Fob. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB niE.J The Hydo-Hopowoll
case Involving civil rights of colored icon
was solt'lod by on instructed verdict for the
defendant , Uopowell. The court hold that
Hopowell had u right to refuse to serve
Ilydolnhli roitaurnnt and that the fact of
the latter being a colored man did not enter
into tnc case , In other words , that the
restaurant , business Is n private ono like a
grocery or dry goods store and differs from
an inn and a proprietor may elect to soil or
not to anyone who crosses Ids door , Judge
Conrad stated Ihnt lIojHiwoll nad tbo right to
refuse lo serve even iho court Itself If It
appeared In Itn personal capacity and lhat
no ono , either while or colored , nad uny
right * which entitles them to tbo right to
buy if the teller did not cheese to sell.
Killed \VliIln lliuilliiRr Cual ,
HOONK , In. , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram to
MIIK HER. ] This afternoon n 111-year-old son
of W. S. Sargent , while hauling coal at
Marshall's mine , was run over by a wngon
containing II.WX ) pounds of coal and Instantly
Killed ,
Iiiwit V , M. C. A. Convention.
IOWA CITV , In. , Neb. 18. The twenty-sue-
end annual convention of tbo Iowa Young
Men's ChrUiiun association began today
wllh 300 delegates present.
Hull itiit : Owner * ( vnimilly A kfd lo
1'ull Tor Onmliu ,
The Heal Estate Owners ussociatlon held a
mooting yestordav afternoon , nnd many mat
ters worn discussed.
rpreyldeat Hsee > has prepared n circular ,
which will be aout to all realty owners
Withlo few dayt , xettint ; forth ( ha
owucrf. They ara culled up
to nsslstnnd sutlport Iho nssoclation by their
attendance nnd tlnanclnl asidstnnce.
A few members of the association have
bcou assiduously at work for the past nine
month's It ! loratitm oOdJnduclpR liow " indus
tries to como lo Umnhn , nnd now , In the Ian-
gunire of Mr. Boggs , others nro wanted to
help the nsKoclntlon carry out Us plat.s.
The following resolution was then offered ,
but no notion was taken upon Itt
Unsolved , Tlmt n iniwilul roinnilttco of flvo
bo npiKiinte'i ' on vliiutor nmondnieni ! ) . whoso
duty it slmll be to receive und hiwr IIIRPC-S-
tioni from monikers of this utsiicliitloti und
others , ai to wbat innendinenlH should bo
niadn In the prptrnt charter. In the Interust *
of the tavpn.rer.i and real valuta owners of the
city , fitch < ' < iii.mlttru stmll present such pro-
pm < - < ! amendments from limn to tlmo to this
board for consideration , rind for such full ( Its-
( Mission us miiy bo ducldud upon ntn rtfjiilur
( ir special nieutlngot thu stocUboldnrsof the
KPnl l.'slnto Owners association.
I.lnnti'iiiiiit Arrnsinllli Kxrrntos Siiino Very
iTrtly Work In tlio lllllliinl Jtitlrh.
At the billiard tournametit yostorduy after
noon ihero was anolber good crowd , and
much enthusiasm was evinced in the strug
gles of the two knights of iho cue , Lluionnnt
Arr.isnuth and Charfos Hayes. The lieuten
ant was In excellent form and his playing
was n great contrast from that of the evenIng -
Ing boforo. His 'round-the-lnblo shots in
getting the erratic spheres togolhcr , and his
subsequent "nursing" were much enjoyed and
elicited much applause. Mr. Hayes , on Iho
contrary , is not in good form , bolng n sufferer
from rheumatism In his slroko nrm , which
mlllintcs exceedingly against his play. The
score yesterday was I00 ! for the lieutenant
against 2i0 ? for Iho Lincoln representative ,
made ns follows :
Arrnsinlth-l. U , I. I. 0. 3 , t. 4. : > . 11 , 0. 0 , 21 , 0 , 0 ,
i , t'-1 , : i. 4,0 , u. n. i , 1:1 : , i. P , o. u. i. 4 , u , u. 1:1 : , u. - ' . t ,
0 , I. I , I. 2. I. 2r > . I , 1) , I , 4. 0. II. 2. ii , 9 , 4. 1. 0.11. 0 ,
ii. a. i , D , 2. ; . i , 4,1.1 , u , o , is , 2,1:1,3. : u. 2 , t2:1 : , u ,
" . " > , : > , u , -io. : )
Itnst run , 25. Average , fl.75.
Hayes- . 1 , 0 , 2 , I , 12 , I. I. I. r > . 1. 1 , P. ! l. 4.1. 0. 2 ,
a. i. n , n , : i , i. a. _ . 10.2. a , i. u. a , 4. o , o , a. 2. a. o. i ,
T , o , n. ( i , u , u , o , i , i. p , i , o , o. o. t , o , i , n. t. o , 2 , iv.
T , it , a. 4 , n. u. s. i , a , 2 , y. - ' , u. o , o , 7 , i , it , : > , 0-2011.
Heal rim , IS. Average , 2 , . " ) .
The contest last night was between Kon-
nislon nnd rrasinlth , end Iho uvorago wns
111-10. The referee nnd marker was Henry
Solbert. Tne score was as follows :
AnrruRinlth ( i , 0 , 1 , 7i f , , ( i , 0. 0. 0 , 4. 0 , II , 0,1) , 21 ,
8 , 4 , 0 , 1. 11 , U. 7. 2 , I , 0 , 0 , I , a. 4. 7. 0 , 0. I. 0 , 7. 4 , II.
o , . o. o. o. s , 4 , n , a , s , R , o. o. n. 7. o , to. i. ' . 7.2. o , i ,
4.1) ) , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2. 0. II , 2 , I , 4. ( I. 2 , 2. 1 , I. U. U , 2 , 4 , U , D , U ,
2. , o , 4. o , n , i. o , ' . ' . i. u , i. a. t--j ; .
Host , run , 24. Avvr.ixv. a.0. "
IvonnIston-0. 0. 1 , 2 , I , I. 0. II , 3 , P. 7. 0.4. 2 , . II ,
1 , i. i , 12. ii. a. ii , 4 , i , 2. n , P , a , ii. a. a , in. o. o , i , at ,
0. in , u , a , a. a.i. t , . i. : \ u , i. : > . o. < > . n. n. 4 , i. 2,2 , i ,
2 , s , o , o. 2 , i ; , o. i , 2 , o. i , a. o , o , 2 , o. o. o. a , o , 4 , u. o ,
1 , o , s. i. P , \ o. a. ' 2. i , i , u. . ' . u. i , 4-aoo. run , 'If. Avoniei * , a.W.
Itr.siillH ill ( ilonccstcr.
Gt.oLTr.hTnn , N. J. , Feb. IS. Weather
clear , track fast :
I'lrst race , thlrteon-slxtoiMilhsof anillo , soll-
Inz. I'linlii ( Iho favorite ) won ; Arizona second
end ; l.nnra : , t'.ilrd. KinAlli : , I'll-rrliii - ,
I'atrncbs. Lady M. Lukowcod und .Media
drawn. Tlmo : 1'v : ! ( !
Second race , tlvo-ulghths of a mile , solllir ; ,
n iildons : Stiungfullow won ; Vlrslnieoond ;
l.lttlo Dan third. Ivnter and Kdlson drawn ;
Montreal ( the favorite ) ran unplaced. Time ;
Tblrcl ryc'n , ouo : m < l onu-elKhth mile , soll-
Ina : 'Kd. MeUinnls ( the favnrltu ) won ; John
Jay S. second ; liulUtnn thlnl. Time : i.OI.
I'onr'.h neu. sovon-t'lghths of u mile , hiindl-
eap : Alconqiilti won : I'llnii second : Ilell-
sarlns ( thu favorite ) third. Time : t : ' )1' ) .
I'lfth race , llve-ei hlhs of u mile , selling :
Ouiird ( the favorite ) won ; UlacUmrn second :
Uneertainty Ihlrd. Time : 1:04. :
Sixth raue. nlno-slMeuntlis of a mile , selling :
C'ornella won ; ( icnevlovc ( the favorltu ) sec-
ot.d : Cloverdiilo third ; Dll-lgo and I'rutondur
drawn. Time : 5S.
K at ( luttiMiinTjf.
N. J. , Fob. IS. The track
was In excellent condition today :
I'lrst race , live and one-half furlum1' : I'er-
alto won , Turk second , Kiamheau third , Time :
lll : > H.
t-econii race , six and one-half furlongs :
Marie I.ovell won. Innovation second , Urunlto
third. Time : 1:2:114. : :
Third nice , four fnrlon.s : Miind I' fllly
won , .MI'- , lies- , second , Koilora third. Time :
50 (
Vunith race , seven furlongs : Tiisso won.
MoKonvorsecoiid. IMukct mini. Time : lil'f : :
1'lftli race , ono mlln and a furlong : Jou
Conrtnov won. Jay 1' . Duo second. Virile
third. 'J'tiue : 1:44. :
< i < llt : Ut Xt'AV OrllMlls.
Nuw OIII.RA.VS , La. , Feb. 18. Today's races
were run in cool , cloudy weather over a fust
track and to a largo attendance.
rirst nice , selllii- , live fiirlonus : Hilly O
won. llumiin sueond , Ituu wlng third. Time :
Second race , handicap , flvo furlongs : Cllvo-
awny won by two lunsttis , I 'ox second. Warren
Uiland third. Time : f.ui.
Tlilrd race. Mullfir. . six und ono-hiilf fur-
IOIIKS : Asliuy won , Itlg Man second , Climax I
third. Tlmo : I ; - ' - ' .
Fourth rnee. handicap , one mile and twenty
yards : Marmiuluku won by three lengths ,
American Lady eeond. C'nstout third. Tlmo :
Tip * lur Tiiduy.
Those horses are generally considered very
likely chuncos for today :
1. Character llenllcx.
' ! . Wii'itier Klunilionn.
a. O. W. Cook-hllver Mint.
4. Once Again Sanardo.
5. lii ( irlppu Itrown Uharllo.
U. l.o t Star .Majestic.
( il.Ol'OF.STKIl.
1. fssunuona 1'llly Question.
2. GIIIIII I'prour Coll.
: i Little Addle Topmast.
4. Lutlon-ICblls.
r > . Kofendant Kniinii .1.
( j. 1'r. Charmlnu Annie Ii.
U'unt * Ills Wife Uncle.
William Kimo of Dos Moluos is worrying
over the loss of his wife.
In n lutler lo Chief Senvoy Mr. Iviino states
lhat his wife , who h only 1 years old , loft a
sick baby at homo and eloped with another
man. The marrineo was rather n misfit
from iho start , us ICimo is over -10 years of
ugo. He asks the police to try to locate Iho
woman and arrest and hold her until bo can
reach here. The police are looking for the
riCToitv nut rni : n.
IllljiiM-tilli ! Suit Derided In Ilin Coinpiui v'
I'avor ill ( 'oliiiiilnis.
COI.I-.MIIL-S , Nob. , Fob , 18. [ Special Tele
gram to' Tin : llii.J : : About r > o'clock lust
night the damage case of Guy Barninn
against thn Chicago , liurlinglon Ar Qulnoy
was placed In the hands of the Jury , who ro-
lurnod a verdict of no cnuso for iietioii , afior
huvlng bcou oul about fifteen minutes.
Plaintiff claimed damages in the amount of
nbout f'J.10ll by reason of defendant's rail
road brldgo across iho Pintle river bolng im
perfectly coiiHtructod , causing a gorge to
form in the river nnd to overflow plaiiitifT's
farm , resulting In the durance claimed , This
case was tried in the district court , nbout
one year uco , when the Jurv found
for tbo plaintiff , but ttio vordlot wa sol aside
by the Judge on the ground lhat the bridge
wa.s not proved to be Improperly constructed.
Had the verdict been 'for the plaintiff
doubtless several other suits of the nutno na-
lure would have been instituted by parties
who have suffered from inoovertlow.
IIM Olit Hunk Itohliery.
Wis. , Feb. 18. Haker'a Ihird
trial for the Hurley bunk robbery Ii now on
in earnest and bill ) .state and defense are
exerting every effort possible. The wit
nesses examined today wore \ \ . H. Avery ,
the Culcaeo lock expert and Lou Thuyor , tha
female dutoctlvo. Avory's testimony went
to bhow how Impossible ll was for n man not
knowing tbo combination of iho vault , lo
opor. it. The testimony of Lou Thayer , who
was linker's mistress , had a savor of sensa
tionalism to it , although her momorv had
failed her Mondorfully since the two ' previ
ous trials ami many poiuU of her testimony
heretofore strong appeared to have modified
considerably. The defense made a motion to
bnvn tne Jury taken to Hurley to view the
scene of ihe robbery. The motion wn taken
under udvliament.
> i i
Onu Mlimto.
OnomlnuVp time oftoti m&ko > a greit dif
furence a'ono minute remedy for bronoUltii
choking up of tha throat , lungs , etc. , fo
oursu U a blowing. Cubeb Cou h Cure U
tuch a remedy. For Jala by nil druggliU.
Cubeb pouch Cure-Onamlnnte.
riltruu und 1'utfiiU.
Every American carries In his blood a
strain of Inventiveness. When ho sees labor
wasted h begins to puYida out plans for sav
ing It. Whin ha strike * n lujronioui ma
chine hti ets to c&lculalinp hoiy it mny be
Unproved. f w Yontcwn have yona through
life without devising .some kind of inronllon ,
although In most cases the device mnv have
gene no furthar than the mind of thu in
The patent ofllco .nt Washington ts the out
growth of this national quality , It U such n
monument of multifarious. IM cautty ns is
nol to bo matched In Iho world. Its stores
of plans nnd mode s nro heaped up so lav
ishly bv the Irrepressible genius of the na
tion that the whole establishment might bo
burned to the cround every live yours , nnd
each now building would bo overflowing In
time for the next tiro.
Plainly , It can bo no light thing to keep nil
this mass of business in order. "As dry ns a
patent onico report" lins become n proverb.
llut those reports , extending Ihrough hun
dreds of bulk v volumes , contain tlio facts by
whoso light every now application for n
pAtent must bo decided. The person who
exnocts to bo of nny assistance In facilitating
Iho progress of n new lacn loWnrd govern
ment recognition must know how to thread
their dusty byways und uncover nil the old
ideas to which the now comer may boar n
family resemblance.
The Inventor can hardly over do this.
Even if ho happens to bu u resident of Wash'
Ingion his familiarity with thn details of
patent ofllco procedure ! s cot likely to bo
nuftlclont to enable him to accomplish any-
thliiB fet himself , nnd if ho lives ntn distance
of course ho can do nothing. An attorney is
always required.
But nol oven Iho pensioners have sufforo-
moro from thn operations ot unscrupulous at
torneys ihnn ihe Invonlors. The nvorago in
vonlor is poor , nnd not accustomed to Iho
technicalities of law or business , He
wnulft n patent , and ho takes that
term nt Its fuco vuluo. To him n patent
Is a patent , neither more nor loss. Ho
reads the advertisement of u plausible agent
who promise ! ) to got patents In quick lime nt
low rates , payable only In case of success.
Ho sends on his application nnd In duo time
is gladdened bv the receipt of nn Impressive
document , cnrUhcd with gilt seals end blue
ribbons and announcing tticlf lo bo n patent.
Anil so it ts , bjt when the owner uuuor-
Inkcs to put hh invention on the
market ho finds that ho has nothing
to sell. The attorney hns saved him
self trouble by putting In n claim covering
only some ouo trivial point nnd the patent
granted on that point Is worthless as n pro
tection to the essential features of the Inven
tion. An honest uud capable attorney would
have made hK claim us broad as possible ; ho
would have argued every point with the
examiners , nnd when ho finally obtained a
patent it would have boon ns valuable as the
merits of the Invention would permit.
TIIK Bui : Bureau of Claims Is not afraid of
trouble. Contrary to its custom In laud ,
Indian depredation and pension cases it does
not luke patent cases on continent fees , and
no other reputable patent attorneys do.
When nn application is intruslod to It , It
gives thosubjeotcaroful nud intulllvontstiuly ,
nnd then files an itemized claim covering
ns many points as can possibly bo
found in the Invention , It argues ns many
of iheso ns may bo denied und in the end it.
secures a patent comprehensive enough to
hold Us own in Iho courts and in Ihe money
If any inventor should bo Inclined to ques
tion the importaucelof broad claims In applying - -
ing for patents , tie may prolltnbly consider
the methods by which Alo'xundnr Graham
Boll 1ms boon raised within the prwt , llfteon
years from poverty tpn place , In the llnnticlal
world alongside of Jay ( Jould and Russell
The organization of the now court of law
claims nt Denver last month and the aii"
nouncomont that the. court will bold ilsfliia
session In that city on tlio 17th of November
tlvo prornUo thutUD louif-voiji lilies in Ih
western territories and state will soon bo in
nfairwav to settlement. Tho. disputed lilies
under the Moxicin nnd Spanish irrants liavo
proved especially iroublosomo In Arizona und
Now Mexico. They nave-delayed settlement
ana investment in some of thu fairest lands
of the southwest , nnd nave proved annoying
in the districts farther to the north. Aftar
much agitation and complaint congress was
induced at Iho hut sosston tojprovida a court
for Iho consideration of this business , and It
vlll soon bet-in to work.
The organization of Ibis court- gives THE
Br.i : JJuiiKAuor Ci.AiMs.a.chnncu lo.extoud Its
usefulness. It will tuko claims under this
law nnd prosecute thorn for persons who do
not know whom to eugugo for lha service.
The business entrusted .to the bureau at
Washington Is being' prosoouVHl witn energy.
The Indian depreciations patehj , land
mining and other claims heforo Ihe courts
nnd departments are being pu.ihed ns rapidly
as possible , with uo delays on accUnt or the
largo amount of business which " Jius been sent
to Iho bureau. The luriro "amount of .claims
Intrusted to its carols a sUmdlnir proof of the
esteem andjcontldencu in which Tin : Bni : is
held by Iho public which ilserves. It U like
wise n demonstration , if olio w.i's roquirod.of
the deed of such an organization
The revelations in regard tfr tne Loomis
agency whicti have bodnpublished "recently
go oven further in the same dlfgction. When
n mnn sought for by the . .polledfor' nearly a
your on a can set
up us a claim ugont , Hood Iho western coun
try with circulars nud' receive assignments
for several milllou dollar's worth of claims ,
it appears Hint Ihorc is litllo protection for
tbo claimant whosonds to an nnkjio.wn ropro
sontativo. The men who assigned theic claim
lo Loomis would huva had small chauco of
their seeing nny of their niqilby if that
scnnmer had boon given tfmpto. collcct their
claims. When such ri.sks.aro run. und mon
who are. not ableto go to Washington and
know no ono there must biro their attorneys
at haphazard , the need for a bureau - lo pro
tect tno people und do their work at reason
able rates is apparent.
The approval with which TUB BEK enterprise -
priso Is received by Journalists and public
men is as gratifying as tbo response of the
Tliu Hurt'itii IndorKi'il.
has received testimony of Its good work from
botti sides with which It deals. The govern
ment officials have unknowledgod. UK value in
ns'isting me government , und tui ; claimants
have testified to the jusllco which it has se
cured tor those it has had occasion to repre
sent.Soimtor PadVc'f of Nobrrsslcn , whoso long
service in congress entitles him to spume with
the woiuht of experience , now comes for
ward to testify to thoolliclcucy of the bureau
nnd thu value of its work. In a recent latter
to Iho manager of tha enterprise ho .says :
Inn. 1. John NYcUUcrbnrn , Ksi ] , , AlunuKor
Cviiiiilner liuroau. WushlniMon , l > . C..My
Dear Sir : It affords me very great pleasure ,
upon your request , to testify in the olllcloney
of the Iluruau of Claims , of which yon are. Ihn
lieud In Washington , and whosu object , us I
understand It , Is. llirouu'li thn co-opur.tllon of
thruuof tlio lirie ; t nuwHpnpura of the conn-
trv. tospcnre for eliilinanlH promnt attention
to their Interest.- , und protection from exorbi
tant charges ,
Thn fact Unit men of the character , anility
and Mm numl responsibility of the editors of
tint Hun Ki-ivncisco Kxumlner , OMAHA HKK uud
Si. I'.uil I'ionui'i I'ress are at tlni head of this
human , should ho In tthulf snlllclent guaranty
to liuliiroo the enloriirlse und recommend It
fnvoribly lo all posslhtu patrons , An experi
ence of iininy years In Washington lius taught
inn thul wehtorn nunutora.und representatives
espuclally. aru iivorwhelmcd liy uppllcutlons
from worthy pensioners und possessors of
meritorious claims uaalnst the iruvurmiiunt ,
for their assistance In forwarding Interests
eonimltl'id ' lo attorneys ami olalin iiguntb.who
apparuntly nug'iict ' thu Interest of their oll-
untH ufler Ihu first application.
Thu complete organisation of your bureau ,
Iho experience of yourself as prtvulu nucrutu-
rv to Soimtor Ilunrsl. und Ihu able attorneys
whom you huvu associated with yon In your
i-iitei'iilse | , itium lo me to guarantee thn
promptest attention und the most olllolont
pro eiiillon ! of Kuch matters na may ho com
mitted to your ohnrgo.
1 have no hesitation therefore In Indorsing
jour Jmroau , hellevlnir that It will very mate
rially assist ninny wo lhy nnd poor applicants
for pensions nnd prosecutors of honest islalms
before tht > government In leuurltii : their just
1 need not add that I shall bo pioiuad to co-
oneruti ) with you utiiiiy lime to thu full e.\-
timt tif my nullity. Very Irulv yoiiri.
( Slgnudi _ A. 8. 1'APPOCK ,
Mine. Drevy' * Illnrss. ' *
I'AIIIU , Fob , 17.--Now | York Herald Cable
Special to TUB DMmc. ] . Orovy , widow
of tbo late president , ban boon dangerously
111 from purulent pneumonia. An operation
wus yesterday successfully performed on her
und she Is now convalescent. She Is 7f > years
of ago. , , . .
There was much excitement last uvonlug
in the Quartlor dos dalles , near the Henild's
editorial oftlco , over a nupposod'Hro iq a
well known church , St. Eustaclxv.DriQIof
the blstorla landmarks . of 1'uris.
Donsa clouds of smoke were soon Issuing
from the building , but the tlremen on their
arrival found thu tire ciiudnod to thd guard
room of Los Gardes Kopubllcnines In the
bftBcnutnt of the church , which wn rapidly
oxtinf ul h 'l before any iiorious jlutiBKa [ WB
Detailed Information Concerning Laws and
A -
Thn I'uctlllles Arliirileil I'litcut Applicants
by Thr lire Hiirruii I'riiinpt SorUce
Hiul Adrqimti' I'rolc'rtlon Im-
pnrtnnt Instruellon * .
To the inventor the all-important question
presents itself : "How can I secure n
potent ! " and to this Tin : BEK UfiniAV offers
the following cxplnnnttoii :
Inventors as 11 class ara not familiar with
the laws uiulor which the loiters patent are
granted , the forms nna prnctloo In the
pntont onico at Washington , nntl the
technical methods of preparing specifications
ana claims so ns to properly protect Iholr in
ventions ngnlnst In frlnporn , yet thevnluoof
the patent nnd oven Its vnllillty depend
largely upon the careful mid export pro-
parnllon of the caso. Speclllcalions must bo
drawn to fully disclose iho Invention , to ills-
llngulsh between what Is now nud what Is
old. The employment of counsel skilled In
pntont law is therefore usually n proicqui-
site to the proper prosecution ot n case and u
grant of a valuable patent.
Mimy Inventors suffer the loss ot benefits
that should bo derived from valuable Invon-
llons owing to insnlllciont protootion by
patents procured through Incompotcnt or
carcloss ngcnts.
For \Vlmt ( iriinlnl ,
Under the laws of the U niled States loiters
ters patent uro granted to any person who
bus Invented or discovered miy new and use
ful nrt machine , manufacture or composition
of mutter , or nus invented uny now or useful
Improvement thereon.
Turin of I'litrnt.
A patent Is granted for seventeen years.
during which lime Iho owner has solo nnd
exclusive right to make , use nnd sell the
patented invention.
How to Proceed.
For economic reasons , before malting ai >
plication to thu patent olllco for a patent , llio
novelty anil patentability of the invention
.should bu ascertained , bouauso , If the inven
tion is not now or not patentablc , uu unneces
sary expense Is iticiirrotl by tiling an ap
plication on which n patent can never bo
The llrst thing to bo done is to find out
whether or not the invention Is now and
For ndvlco on this point it is necessary to
solid to Tim BKI : Bureau n rough or complete
sketch or n photograph of tlio invention , to-
golhur with a brief description Ihcrcof , set
tine forth the object of the improvements ,
the arrangement of the parts and the au -
vantages attained. While a tnndel is very
seldom necessary , yet it Is often of great as
sistance. Tho'latter can by mauo of nny
cheap material , mul will bo ruturneu if a re
quest , is fhnt effect.
Upon receipt 'oT ' the data mentioned sufll-
ciont to ennlJlV 'tho Invention lo bo under
stood , our counsel will at oncooxamiuo there
into , and will .ad.viso without cbursro what , is
the bes > t eoursn $0 pursue , nnd will express
nn opinion , from , their knowledge of the nrts
nnd patents already granted , as to the pat
entability of tlio invention.
% iV lul Search.
In ' Is conncclum it is recommended that
Iho best and safest course is to have n special
search made in , , the patent ofllco to ascertain
whether or not' ftfa invention hits boon here
tofore patented. The advantage of such u
search is tliatruf no anticipating patent
is discovered , } the application can bo
liled with a rpAtcc degree of certainty ,
wbnrras if yio invention is foUnU to bo old
all ftirtber expense Is avoided. Tlio cost of
u search of ttilfc nhtnro ismid , with the
reporeof , thei result jtbereot- the Inventor
will bo furnished wKh ' coglos.of such patents ,
if uny. us embrace tils'idous. _ Itis much bettor
tor to havo'this search 'nnad'u in the outset
before incurring any expense whstovor re
garding the application for patent.
If ills found tbut the Invention is now ana
patentablo the client is advised to proceed
with the tiling of an application for patent ,
nnd will then bo requested to remit $15 to
cover the first government fee and . * : ; in pay
ment of cost of drawing , when ones | neces
sary. As soon as possible uftor tbo
receipt of this remittance the speci
fication of tie invention will bo
carefully prepared and forwarded to
the inventor , together with forms for appli
cation for patent ready for execution. Upon
return of the latter the case will bo promptly
tiled in the patent ofllco , and notice will bn
sent when action is bad thereon , and also of
thu nature of such action.
Time ltfitlrril. (
The examining corps of the patent olllco Is
composed of thirty-two divisions , among
which the applications uro divided according
to the official classification. The condition
of the work in thesb various divisions varies
from ono to live months in arrears. Hence
no specific time can bo stated for the pend
ency of all coses. After an application for
patent is granted six months are allowed In
which to pay the llnal government fee , iJ. (
About three weeks after the payment of this
lluul fco the patent will issue and bo mailed
to the inventor.
Tlio Ilnreuii ( 'luirKcx.
Consistent with the spirit in which this
Bureau was formed' , it is proposed to do the
work ns near'lho actual cost us will protect
the business from loss. Although counsel
are retained at heavy uxpenso to the Bureau ,
yet it is thn wish to charge in ordinary cases
only the minimum fee ot s2. > . However , in
cases requiring extra care , time and labor ,
the fee will ho proportionately Increased ,
but clients will always bo advised 1n nd-
vance should tuich increase of fro bo found
A patent for a daslgn is granted to any
person who has invtmtod , or produced nnv
now and original design for the printing of
woolen , silk , cotton or .other fabrics ; any
now nnd original impression , ornament , pattern -
torn , print or picture to DO prinlo'l , painted ,
cast or otherwise placed on or worked Into
any article of manufacture ; or any now ,
useful and original shape or configuration of
any article of manufacture , the same not
having been known or used by others before
his Invention or production thereof , or
patented or described In any printed publica
tion. Patents for designs are granted for
the term of three and one-halt years , the
government feu being $10 ; or for seven years ,
the fco Doing ? lii ; lor for fourteen years , the
fee being $3U. Tun/charge / of the liuroau in
such cases is usuldly & . " > .
A pntont can3 btf' reissued whenever the
same Is inopertitWtf or invalid by reason of a
defective or lusftftlc'Ient specification , or by
reason of the pulUnioo claiming more than
he had a right tbvtu'lm as now , provided tno
error has risen By "accident , mistake or inad
vertence , or without fraudulnnt intent. The
government fooTbty' relisuo Is | l0 ! , The
cost of draivlng'few , and the Iturcau chargu
is usually $35. fr6nt care must tie exercised
in rolssulni ; n patent , because very often what
little validity tlfertf may bo In a defective
patent is entirel 'lost by procuring a roUsuo
which is totnlly'InvYSIid. '
d ( 'linos ,
Tboro aru in tuojpatent olllco a great many
cases which stand mojoctod , but which should
bo allowed , Tbis condition of the case maybe
bo due either toBiifouipotenoy on the part ol
the attorney employed or his Inability , because -
cause ot rosldonco'olHowhero than in Wash
ington , to make the examiner see the Inven
tion in Its true light ; aim then , again , as
often occurs , eases ara rejected on Improper
or insuflicient grounds. When HO requested
wo will have our counsel axaminu Into uny
such case free of oh urge , and advise ns to the
prospects for success by furtner prosecution.
The client will alia bo then informed ot the
prohublo cost of completion.
Dy means of n caveat an inventor secures
record evidence regarding his invention for
the purpose of enabling him to complete or
further experiment therewith. The life of a
caveat U ouo year ; and it may bo renewed at
the end of that Unit ) . The government fee is
110 and the bureau charge U f 10.
Triiilo Murk * .
A trade mark ii a fauclful or arbitrary do.
ric * or symbol u cii to dlitlupulih the good *
of a particular manufacture. The owner of
every trade mark is entitled to resistor the
same , no" matter how long it has boon in uio.
The life of tne certificate of registration Is
thirty years and may bo renewed for n like
period , Tho' government fee , payable on
tiling each application for registration of
trade mark , is MJ. The Bureau's charge
Is $0. > .
Tjihrls ,
Labels of Ml kinds , designed to bo attached
to manufuclnrnd articles or to bottles , boxes ,
etc. , containing them , have heretofore been
received for registration at the patent olllco
nnd a certificate Issued accordingly. Under
n very recent decision of the supreme court
of Iho United States it Is hold that there Is
no Authority in law for granting certlllcnt.s
of registration of labels which simply desig
nate or describe iho nrllclos to which thuy
arc attached , nnd which have no value scpa"-
rntod Iherofrom. A label to bo entitled to
registration must have by Itself some value
ns a composition , at least ns serving some
purpose other than us a more designation
or advertisement. Many now holding cor
llllcntc.s of registration of labels uro totally
without any protection whatever , Many regis
tered lubels comprise subject matter regislcr-
ablous trade marks , Whoreyor this Is so , or
where by n slight change it can bo nmdo to
come within the ptlrvlow of the jaws govern
ing trade marks , registration should bo
soui'lit under this head. The government
fco In a label caao is fO , nnd the Bureau
charge is $ „ ' , " > .
citt bo had for boo ! ; * , maps , engravings ,
photographs , paintings , pictures , etc. The
total cost thereof Is about $41 , including nil
fce.H. When the author or publisher of a
book whhes to copyright lliosuino ho should ,
before publication , send us n copy of the tttio
page , or inform us ns to what the snmo con
tains.Vo will then ptocura the necessary
ptotcctlon. Within ten days nftcr publica
tion two copies of Iho besl edition should bo
forwardtd loin or direct to iho librarian of
congress. Failure to do this renders the
copyright void , and n penalty of ? . ' . " ) is In
An Interference is u Judicial proceeding lii-
slllutcd under the direction of the commis
sioner of patents to enable him to determine
the question of priority of invention between
rival claimants. Tin : Brji : UtiiEAf , recog
nizing the fact that extraordinary care and
skill are requisite on the part of nn attorney
In churjo ot u case In Interference , has : t Its
command counsel prepared to conduct such
proceedings from the very inception down tea
a llnal determination of the merits of the
cause. Testimony will also bo taken under
our direction In any part of the United
Slates. U'hilo no siH'cillc sum can bo set
down n . applicable to all Iniurforonco cases
alike , yet the charge will always bo as run
sonahlo as possible.
The question whether or not ono patent
Infringes another Is the vcrv soul of nil
pntijiit litigation. The questions Involved
uro many , and of the most intricate nature.
U is always a matter of such great i mport-
aiico that no ono should over claim that an
other is'lnfrlimtin ? on his rights , or , likewise.
no attention Should bo paid lo the claims of
infringetmust by others , until the questions
involved nro carefully passed upon by reli-
aolo counsel. For such services the charges
are always fair nnd reasonable.
InrolKii Patents.
In addition to" the Bureau's facilities for
attending to the Interests of us inventor-
patrons before tbo United States patent olllco
nnd courts , it is. also onablcd to procure
patents for inventions in all countries of Iho
world. In many of the foreign countries ,
notably Canada , England and Ciormunv ,
patents for inventions previously patented In
this country are looked upon with great
favor and inventors are there very frequuntlj
morO'likoly to realize profits from their in
ventions than they are oven in this country.
The cost of foreign patents varies with differ
ent cases , but us a general rule the expense
of procuring patents , covrrinir all chnrgos , is
aoout as follows :
Canudiinf.'iO ; England , $00 ; Ucrmunv , $ ' . ( ) ;
France , fc > ,1 ; Spain , J'JO ' ; Helgium , fti'J. ' Ad
ditional information regarding tbo cost , etc. ,
in any foreign country will ho furnished by
letter on application.
Important Warning.
- It , seuins. remarkable that in this enlight
ened ug.o U becomes the duty of ov rv reli
able und-trustwortny attorney in patent mat
ters to advise his clients lo buwaro of the
many sharks who set out with tbe apparent
inlqntiou . of defrauding iiuvntors immedi
ately nfter the issue of Uioir patents. When
a patent appears In the Patent Ollltnal Ga
zette patentees are beset with innumerable
offers , solicitations , requests , etc. , some prn
tending to want to purchase their patents ,
while others offer to lake an interest , therein
under promise of procuring foreign pa'cnts
The sole object 61 these people is to obtain
money from inventors , and they never umico
the islijjhtosl enueuvor to carry out their
groundless 'and worthless promises.
Ono o.f the schemes often resorted -to by
these sharks ,1s to in vltu patentees to join a
fictitious association , under the pretext that
tfy puymjr tht5 membership fee iho patented
itivenUon.wUl bo widely published in n paper
which does not exist , and that a salesmnn
Will travel over Iho country until the sale ol
the patent is effected , and this , U is needless
to add ; Is never accomplished.
TIi'o chaigcs made by TIIK UKIJ BuiiKtu OP
CLAIMS for services in patent cases and those
of an analogous nature have been fixed at
ttio lowest possible rain consistent wilh Iho
degree of skill and talent wo tiavo to employ
in tbo prosecution of these cases. Some
attorneys might profess to secure pat
ents at somewhat lower rales than ours , but
wo insist that iho work cannot ho done prop
erly for less than wo charge. It Is ono thing
to procure a patent , but it is quite another to
obtain one which will embrace all the claims
which tfa state of iho urt will permit. Tnls
latlor requires n bigli degree of skill , long
experience , technical knowledge nnd special
qualifications , whicti must bo apparent to
every Intelligent Inventor. It Is our constant
aim lo procure n paliuit which will Include
every claim to which an inventor is entitled
and also one that will stand a lust In courts ,
as far as ll is possible lo do .so. Inventors
who once intrust n rase lo the Bureau's care
realize the force of UIQ.SO remarks.
As horcinboforo mentioned , models arc *
not required in Iho patent olllco except in in
tricate or complicated cases. Hut at thu
same lime , when nn Invention can bo bctlur
axplulnod by n model It is well to send the
same to us , A model .should always bo of a
si/.u not larger than one square foot , nnd In
sending the snmo by express the charges
shonlu bo prepaid.
Any information not herein contained will
b > ) cheerfully furnished upon application ,
free of charge.
Address Ilnu flimAr oi' CI.UMH ,
Kooin IKO Uii : : IHdg. , Umulm , Nob.
JlllS l . H.i/.l/A.
Tin : VKK OriiRAu OF CI.VIMI , In dealing
wllh the claims arising under the Indian
depredations act , has boon successful in pro
tecting a largo number of subscribers and
others from extortion and loss , I'Yom com
plaints that have coniu to it. hotvovor , It ap
pears that manv of the claimants do not un
durstund their position under the ant. At a
time when there appeared lo bo lltllo chance
that congress would take up iho claims or
make any appropriallon lo pay thorn , they
slgnodcontracta with iho Washington agents ,
promising from one-quarter to ono-half the
amount lo tbo agent in case the money should
bo collected , in view of this extortion eon-
greis inserted n provision In the net annul-
inp nil contracts and limiting the agent's
commission to 15 or 20 per cent.
The claimants ail probably understand that
the agent's commission has been limited ny
the luw , out many of them , according to their
own stalomqnts , dn not understand that they
are free as they please about employing
the ageit ) thuy hud tint chosen. Tuny eon
sluort bat , .they are still bound to employ the
a'gbnfwlth'whoin they signed the exorbitant
contracts whether they are satisfied wllh
him or n oti
'It ' was iho Intention of congress to protect
them at all points and they wore left on iho
paisaga of the apt free to do us they pluasud
und employ whom they pleased , Section U of
the act itatod : "That nil sales , transformer
assignments of any such claims heretofore or
hereafter made , except such at have occurred
In Iho due administration of docodenta' es
lute * , and all-contracts heretofore made for
fees and allowances to claimant * ' attorneys
nreherpuy diwlarod void ,
There could bu no mistake about the monn-
Ingot ( tili. Ail claimants bad to make now
contracts 'with ugents afier the panuge of
the net , and tney were at liberty to employ
any ono they pleased , If they were pleased
wilh the zutil and new of their ft Ml a ent
thev miKhl'ijin&ka their now ixjn tract with
him , If ey wura dlsiatlaivi they ml
clifiu tf uy otner Bfi'iH tbuV thay pluaittd.
[ rnoM rF.sTnitPAT's sncrtxn
Magnificent Business Blocks with Their
Stocks of Goods Destroyed.
l''lrninrti llrlvrn from Their Work liy tlm
I'lerre Unit Tlio llnslnem Vortlnn of tlio
City Threatened \vltli Destrnetloii
Inelilriits of thn fire.
Nr.w OIII.KAN.S , La. , Feb. 19. Two mil
lions of money wont up In smoke last night
by the destruction of the largest retail dry
goods o.itul'Hshmonts In the city. The pala
tial stores of A. Schwartz it Soni , Amos
Uutikol , S. O. Krooitor , gloves , millinery nnd
fancy goods ; Phillip Worlcn , pianos nnd
musical Instruments ; Krnus Bros , , fancy
goods nnd notions ; W. T. Clouvorlus , retail
drugs ; John McCIoskoy , confectioner ;
James M. Hoffman , worsteds and fancy
goods : L. Vlple , gloves nnd perfumery , and
Wcongor's council hall are In ruins ; in fact
the walls of all these buildings have fallen.
The scene of lire was on Canal street , Ihe
principal thoroughfare of the city , at the
point where it is intersected by Bourbon.
Schwartz's establishment , a commanding
structure and but recently completed , occu
pied the corner of Canal and Bourbon strcols.
It wns u four-story struct uro und man surd
rojf of brick , stone nnd Iron.
DNrovi'ri'il the I'lro.
At 10 tin o'clock a waiter in Morea's
restaurant on the oppaslto of Canal
street perceived a small tongue of
lluiuo licking Its way along Ihn cornlco
of Iho roof of tt.o Schxvurtz building and
hastened to glvo the ulnrin. The department
responded promptly , but experienced great
difficulty in gutting to work and iho whole
odlllc was ablaze before n stream could bo
brought to bear upon it. The llamcs
spread backward to Krnus Bros , establish
ment and across Bourbon street to
Cleiiveritts' drug store simultaneously , and
tlio department found Itself in u moment
powerless to cope with tbo destroyer.
A general alarm and a repoatoil general
alarm was sent in nud Ihu suburban engines
were pressed Into servico.
Crush I-'ullnivril Truth ,
Backward iho fire spread to Hoffmann's ;
to the left it attacked U'orloitis , and crash
followed upon crash as tlio falling roofs
overburdened the lloors beneath , already
heavily laden wllh stocks of merchandise ,
and each cave way ii turn until the Interior
fixtures of the stores and their contents were
piled in n blazing beau on iho ground
floor and stripped of all support , the walls of
the building toppled nnd foil ai.d the \Vorluiu
building quickly followed suit. The build-
lugs on the river side of Bourbon slront
crashed In soon after , nnd a full half square
of the most valuable property in Iho city \\.is
a smoking muss of ruins.
A breczo arose to fan the llamos and they
atlacked Ihoir prey with renewed vigor.
I'nurliiKVutiiron ( lit * I-'liime * .
OD the opposite side of Bourbon street
Clotivorius' building was first to collapse and
carried with It the wulh of Kunkul's estab
lishment. McCloskoy's ' confectionery store
wns u mass of seething Iliimo and Ivreogor's
building was also oiirning fiercely. Thu
Nickel Plate shoe s > toro intervened to save
the main entrance to T. S. Homos1 Immense
establishment on Canul street und a portion
of tbo stcro wgs but slightly damaged.
The Bourbon street entrance to Holmes ,
however , fared worso. The massive plate
glius window- } and weatbol * doors were shut
tered to atoms and the moro inllammublo
portions of the stock thus exposed catigbt
lire in u moment. Long ere this Iho depart
ment was fairly nt wori ; and tons of wuler
wore bolnu poured upon the burning material
and Iho flames showed tno first symptoms of
.Xasfiiiury IVitlislunds tin * Tr-.t.
On Canal street east of Bourbon , they met
an impassable barrier in tlio massive build
ings which adjaln U'orlein's , und Iliougli tbc
roof of all thoslorcs comprising the row were
more thun once ullro , the flumes could make
no progress ngalnst the sturdy masonry.
The now Cosmopolitan hotel and the adjoin
ing structures which front on Hoynl hi reel
Just off Canal , and run back into the center
of the block , caught tire in the runr and It
required thu utmost efforts on thn part of
firemen to suvo them. The promptness with
which the various eluctrle. currents running
Ihrough Iho heart of the eitv were shut oft
prevented fatalities , and the onlv accident
noted is iho injury to n lircmau caused to-
dying debris.
Losses and ln iiraure.
The Sch wnrl/ sleek , valued at over ? riOOODO ,
was insured for $ itiO.O h ) , and the building for
Juri.OOO , considerably below its value. The
Holmes stock wus fn'sure.d for ? , " > 0l)00 ( ) and
was worth nearly twice ns much , but the
damage to it Is not thought to Da very great.
Clcuvcrlus carried ? suiii ( ) ami the others
were Insured hi proportion. Most of the
Dtiilding ! . were newly erected , The Individ
ual losses are as follows : A. Schwartz & Son ,
loss SSOiJ.OilO , insurance ) $ Uhi,0 ( > [ ) ; Benevo
lent nud 1'rotei'llvo Order of Klks , lous
$ IUOU ( ) , insurance none ; W. T. Cli-'uvcrins ,
loss $ .Sllt)0. ) covered by insurance ; Wengpr'H
Ciapien , $ rilD ( ( ) , insured : I ) . 11. Holmes ,
$ jr > ,0i)0 ) , insured SO.OJD ; Mmo. Goddard , loss
sliglil. insurance SIO.OUQ : Mine , ( iodln , loss
1.000 , insurance full ; .1. M. Hoffmann , loss
$17.1100 , insurance full : John Curry , loss
jl,50l. ( insured ; S. ( ! . ( irecor. loss S iOtlil. ) ( In
surcd ; John McC'loil < flU.OOO. Insured ;
Kraus Bros. , loss flti.UOi ) , partly insured ;
Phillip Worlnln , loss $ T5KI' ( ' ) ' Insured.
Thu buildings destroyed collectively ire es
tlmnted to he worth fully & ! . " > ( i.0'ji ' ) , while
rmuiy other buildings were inidly damaged us
well as their contents and not liieluued In the
above e. thinned loss , '
The actual loss by lire Is estimated nt
SI.IOO.OUU , with nn insurnnco 'of ST.Vi.OOO.
The general opinion is that thu lira was
cauhcd by an electric light wlro.
cii.i.\n.\it ins tn'ttr.v.
Old Sol'ii lli'iiuty .Marks Ituciiii ; All Over'
UN run- .
WASIIIMITOX , ! ) . ( . ' . , Feu. -Observations
at the naval observatory today , made by
Prof. ICdgar lirisby , show that tbe twenty
live largo spots hitherto observed ou the aim ,
which covered u tipnco equal to ono-slxtunnlh
of the sun's surface , or un arna of 1 10,1X10
miles long nnd 100,00 ! ) wide , has by .somo
great catacllsmlc operation boon broken into
about twenty smaller spots. In audition to
this , spots have appeared which nro sltunU-d
n vast distance from Ihu original spot and
are evidently totally Independent from It.
In the llniiNu of Ciniiiniiiis.
LONDON , Feb. IJVrln. the Hmwo of Com
mons Mr. John Isolan , number of North
Galway , moved the second reading of thn
bill lo enlarge Irish laborers' allutinents nnd
lo ompowcr local authorities lo piircbuso laud
for Ihn erection of laborers' houses. In mak
ing Um motion , Mr , Nolan said. the bill would
cnubla tlio laborers to Improve their position ,
as they hud douo In the colonies and the
United Slates ,
Mr. Balfour opposed Mr. Nolan's motion.
IIo said the bill would tnko the inouov pro
vidcd by his own ( Mr. Bulfonr't. ) Irish land
purchase act for the creation of small hold.
ingb In ordnr to purchase cottages n very
litlle cheaper Umn thuy could otherwise bu
obtained. Mr , Balfotir donjud that his land
act was a failure , and declared that It was
yet too soon to judt-o of its operation.
Mr. Koxton said ho did not son why a small
portion of the land .act funds should not bu
a i ! voted to the pre ent scheme.
Mr. John KwimonO , member for Waterford
City , demanded the application of the cloture ,
but the speaker refused to cloi'i ' the debate.
-pulillriHPi. .
Nuw OIII.KANS , La. , Feb. 17 , The War
mouth republican convontloii today , after
adopting u platform and rosolutlonn endorsIng -
Ing Harrison us a preildonllnl candidate ,
made thu fdllowlni ; nomlnaiiouH : I'orttov
ernor. John fl. lireux of Point Coupe ; lleu-
tonaut vuvernor , Jainen U , Weeks of Ouch-
lla : nttornoy RCnornl , .fames M , ICdwnrds of
Avovollcs ; auditor , Siophon II , ( lay of
Iberia : treasurer , Colonel James Low Is of
Now Orleans ; secretary of state , John B.
Starr of New Orleans ; superintendent of
education , Kdwnrd W. Barnett of Hapldos.
The iwo nominees from Now Orleans nro
the only colored mon ou Iho Uckct. /
.Stuck ul the l.uckuwiimm \ \ III Un I urn-nurd
t'niler n NYir .MiiimRriiirnt ,
Nnw YOIIK , Fob. 17.--Thero was n rumor
in railroad circles today Unit It l.s the purpose
of the directors of the Delaware , Lneku-
wann.i & Western railroad to lncron o the
stock of the road. Tl.o dollntto shape that
the report took wns that the stock would bo
doubled nnd that of 7 per cent , 11) ) 4
per cent Interest , would bo paid on it.
It Is well known that there have been ro-
ccntly largo sales of Luchuwanna .stock , and
it i.s asserted that important changes uro
Imminent in the control nnd management of
the road. It , is uiso assorted that the price
paid for this stock by the recent buyers was
such that small profit could bo expected In
Iho transaction by reason of nn advance.
Some other method of realizing n profit , so It
is s.tld. must have been In view. Tills , ac
cording to report , wns by moans of Increased
Samuel bloane , president of the road , said
that , ho knew nothing dcllnlte regarding the
mutter. Thotu' ' jcct had not. been brought
up yet ntn meeting of the directors , but It
mlgiit bo at u future meeting. George F
Baker said ho did not pluco any confidence In
the report. .
Sinnn l.ltitly Correspondence ,
Ciiinnn , III. , Fob. 17--Slnco iho demand
wns made upon iho Canadian Pucllio nnd
Grand Trunk roads by the Chlcago-St , Pnul
lines lo restore their ICimipoun Immigrant
tariffs to the basis of ngrecd differentials , ns
between Now York anil St , Luwronci ) ports ,
a lively correspondence has been going on be
tween Chairman Finloy uud the passenger
representatives of tlio roads In question.
This correspondence has resulted In Iho dc-
turmln.ilton to hold another conference on
the subject , the Canadian Pactllc giving ns-
sur.uiccs thai there would bu mi dllllcultv
about advancing thu rules via the See OP tbo
basis desired , provided thu See line should
bo invited to attend tco eonturcue.a Thu See
bus boon invited to attend the meeting , nnd
It ts believed that the rates will be promptly
The story from Wall street nbnut Iho pros
pective consolidation of the Union Pacific ,
thu Chicago & Northwestern , the St Paul ,
this Northern I'ucitlc , the Omaha und Iho
Atchlbnn roads is regarded hero as one of the
most absurd rumors that has been clivulntod
in yours. All the officials hero connected
with thu lines in question stnt that Ihu story
ih utterly baseless.
Discussing the lic.Hlliig Deal.
IliKiiiMiiriu. , Pa , Pub. -Governor Pal-
ttsonSecretary Harrty and Attorney General
Hun.scl had n conference last night. II Is un
derstood that the Heading deal wns up for
discussion nnd iho matter has been plnu.'d
in the hands of thu attorney generul , not
thul ho will bring suit lo prevent the con
summation of the dealbill lo prepare reasons
for snowing .hat the stale cannot interfere
In the matter.
This statement will bo given out for pub
lication In tbo course of lime , nud the news
paper correspondents have been watting In
Iho untc-ctmmbcr of the executive depart
ment ull day iu ovpactancy. Privuto Secre
tary Tale professed not to know the charac
ter of thn statement which ho will , in du t
tiniH , give out for publication , and ovorybod
else In authority , professed profound ignor
nil co. _
Criind Isliinil Division Triinlili's.
ST. Jossci'ii , Mo. , Fob. 17. General Man
ager Robinson of the Grand Island road rtJ-
turned today with Superintendent O'Noll
from conference w'th ' the Union Pacific
people at Omuhu with regard to the demands
of the employes. IIo said ho had determined
to rotuso thii demands of the men nnd tnku
ihe chances of u tie-up. Tha trainmen will
meet tomorrow , and u strike is expected.
Simtlu'i'M I'urlHc l irtiliiKH.
Svx Fit INI' . . < < ( , Cal , Feb. 17.The stulo-
mont of earnings of Iho Smilnorn Pnciflo for
1.VJ1 gives i ho gross ( irnings us Kiiir ) > ( lK ( > ( ) ;
operating expenses , f.llllil.00 ( ) not earnings ,
SIIV-SO.OOO , or $ i , < > suOJO , moro than In the
previous year.
Canadian I'arlllr Hurtling * .
MoxiitK.u. , P. ( , > . , Fob. 17. Tlio onrnlna.s
of the Canadian Pacific railway for the wcolc
ending February H were $ ° ! .M , < IOU , as nguinst
$ lilX ! ( ) ! > for the .sumo period last year ; uu in
croasonf jS'JlUOO.
lti.U. Kftl-.ITK .1//.V.
Thi-y Mt-i-t Ml NiislivllliTIMIII. . , mill IVrfi'rt
: i Niitliiinil ( ) -MMl/illiM : ) .
NASHVII.I.I : , Teun. , Fob. 17. The National
Heal lOstute congress opened hero todav under
auspicious circumstances. Between 500 und \ ;
lift ) delegates are In .ittendanco. Tt will last
Ihruo days. The sessions are Held In the ball
c t the house of representative * , which is
handsomely decorated.
Temporary Chairman M. B. Pitcher of
Nashville called thu convention to order nt 1U
o'clock mis morning.
After Prayer by George Hunt of St
Louis , governor Buchanan win introduced
und delivered un address of welcome.
Mayor George B , Gul'd ' , in liuhnlf of the
municipality , also extended cordial greetings
to the eon tress.
fioorco II. Armisiend , secretary ot' the
Nashville Commercial club , welcomed thu
delegates in behalf of Iho business men of
In behalf of the visitors J. C. Bnrtholoff of
MilwuiiKce delivered un address of response ,
After the nppointmcnt of thoiisunl commit
tce.s Ihu convention adjourned 1111 70 : ! to-
Thu visitors spent the afternoon nt the
famous Bullo Mnailo stock farm , where they
wore Hospitably received by Gcnoral W II
Jackson , Iho owner. All parts of the union
nro represented by delegates und tno fooling
Is general that iho congress will perfect , an
ore im I/at ion which will bo of inestimable
advantage to thu buslnos.s Interests of Ihu
country ,
At the evening session n constitution was
adopted. The numu chosen is the National
Heal Kstato association. . Tlio membership
fou wns placed ul fil a your.
The committee having the matter in chnrgo
will report , in favor of I ) . M , Weil of Milwaukee -
waukoo for president , M. W. K'lino ol Nashville
villo , secretary , and Guorgu II. Balluy of
Buffalo , treasuiur.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
, ! I'ltcheio' iiil : i'liilmiienl.
The Llllo Pitchers of the Davenport schoo
will celebrate Washington's birthday on thu
afternoon of Friday , February 1' ' , I V. , with
the following progruin. Alt friend * uud nc
qiiulntanec.sof the Little Pilchcn > nru cordl
ally invited to bo present :
Mury Hubert , loll cull und ni'cii.'lui'y'n nv
I'helnn Hliirloy , nrcsldeiit. uddrost , "Thu
Ui > WeCuliibriite. "
"Aiiiiirlon , " sonir , wiiolo school.
Miiudn I'eturnim , loading , "How llolxny
Mudu Ihu King , "
Wusiloy WIHUIIIIIII , lininnruuH iL'cltnt'on. "My
Wife , Kidiirnh Drown1
l.eonoru lledunduhll. rccltallnn. "lie I'nrxot
HUTorifH. "
.Muiy und l.ntnor.v i : bcrt , plunu duet , sii-
fiiuilon from "Jlurllm. "
Nulllu ( 'orhulU ( mlrlotlu clurado , " ( > uc.i *
.My Name ! "
1'etor Andoison "D.inne.brng , The Danlsli | " '
Rlundiird. " ,
Iliirthu Iviopp , iioem , "I'll' ) Mower ot
Uhoity. "
llurmup s'hunnon , school pnper. "Tho I.itllo
( 'aiiti'eii. " -
"Miixlc on the WUVIM , " HOIIZ , whole iolu'Ol
Aldun Itlloy. patriotic recitation , ' The IMin :
thu I'.inltfninls iJhueied. "
May Tllfuny , ruadlng. "A I'lu.-Ky HehoiC
Ma'am. "
John Uosznihiick. pali'ltitlc retlluiiuil , "Thu
Helioul Hoy's llallol. '
I'rl'lu Duiiinicr. pluno recllatlun , "J.ii C'liut
clinnii. "
Clara Stoln , patliollu reellitlon"Ilttlu Jou , '
I'Mlth Ij/iBll / , "Tho Alplinliut fur the ll.iven-
jiort Hny "
l.uwls hholes. liiiinordus leeltntlon , "J.lltlti
Juvob Si r.'uihs. "
IItllu Pitchers , new KOIIB ; miisle. Miss
1'uiiny Arnold.
l.l/vlc Uthoriu ; , ioiupo ! > ltltii , "A lleruliiis nf
liinent Kgliert. patriotic riieltittlun ,
Uu Iliitok-Cyvd Itubul. "
" ( inard the I'luji. " tony , whole chul.
HiilialiKiwis ( Hholui , ulllrmiitlvc ; K
Cumpixill , nvXHtlrni "KuMilvii'l , That the
Aiuiirlvaii iiiwlo u u rjohlcr bird thun thu
Thrnki. | vlni { turkey. '
MllUm Hall , KPKKC-II. "Tho I'ntlmr of Ills
Country. "
I mCorlHtt. : . coiiiposlllon' "I'uutr.r , im Him
U luirntd ! ) ut floint' , "
Mlnnh ) t'rafl. puem. "llrlur llo > . "
ivu : Iliiinlluiii , "Critic's Itepurt. "
.Mln ( iunnttc , prcijontation uf ur/o ( w | h