Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Fremont Citizens Have a Terrible Experi
ence with an Unfortunate Man.
Mm Cluiovl Prom Thnlr Omens
nil Cotiiprllf-il til 1'lrn lor tlirlr Lives
Dually Surrounded niul Cap
tured liy Moll.
FIIKMONT , Nob. , Vcb. 10. jSpeclal Tola-
gram to TUB DKE.J A crazy man terrorized
the pcoplo on Main street in this city today.
Wilson , the young man who took morphine
Saturday night with svlcidal Intent , after
bolng carefully nursed back to llfo , loft his
room at his boarding house this forenoon and
lolzlng a pitchfork created n oriot reign of
terror on Main stroot. Ho wont Into several
business plncci and routed out the people ,
nnd with fork in band gnvo chase to pedes
trians. A mob finally surrounded Wilson
and captured him oaforo ho had Injured any
ouo. Ho notv languishes In jail.
Tire at Wiillncp.
WAI.MCI : , Nob. , Kob. 1P > . ( Spoclal to Tite
ORK. ] The barn of A. Sp'irgoon ' , a farmer ? ton tiillos northeast , was destroyed by
flro Friday night , Three hijnd of horses and
l\\0 head of cows wcro burned to death and
levoral others badly Itijtnud , The lira Is
RUpjKiscd to have originated from throwing
ashoa In the hogpon adjoining. Tliero was
no Insurance.
- ' l'lo ' .
Kcariu-j'H v 1'actory.
IVEAIINEV , Nob. , Fob. 10. [ Spoctal Tele-
iram to Tun HUB. ] The contract to build
; ho Kearney plow factory was lot this after
noon to W. T. ricott of this city. The build-
ngs will bo completed In sixty days.
Stork llroedcr.i In S ( . lon.
BBATIIICE , Nob. , Feb. 10-tbpoclal T lu-
grara to Tnn BBR. ] Uwiti ; to the delay in
the arrival of delegates , the formal opening
Df the annual mooting of the Improved Llvo
Stock Drcodors' association did not occur
until this ovanlng. Mayor L ° oag delivered
Iho address of welcome , which was re-
ponded to by President Frank Ullllngs.
Following tha formal reports of ofllcors and
the annual address of the president , a piper
prepared by J. Sterling Morton on "Ameri
can Agricultural 1'roduets In Europe , " was
read by Dr. Billings in the absoncn of Mr.
Moitnn , and provoked an nnlm < Ubd dls-
: usslon. Tomorrow's program contemplates
papers on tlio " 1'rotoctlon of Live Stock
Interests,11 by Charles H. W.ilkor ; "Exnurl-
montnl Stations , " by F. K. Brov'n : "The
Standard Hreil Trotter , " bv W. P. Mu-
Jroaty ; "Tho Draft Ilorso , " by F. W. U [ > -
ton ; "Sterility In Hreodlng Animals , " by
Dr. M U. Knowlos , nnd ' 'Agricultural Col
leges , " by F. S. Hillings.
Grip' * Work at York ,
YOIIK. Nob. , Fob. 10. [ Special to Tuc
BKE.J The grio is doing its work hero.
Several deaths have occurred and some arc
lying at the point of doatb now. Many cases
of a mild form are reported by the physicians.
New Water Works Company l-'ormocl.
NKHIUSKV CITV , Neb. , Fob. 10. [ Special
to TUB BHE. I Immedlatoly after the sale of
the Nebraska City Water and Light com
pany's plant yesterday a new company was
incorporated with a paid up capital block of
fclOO.UOO. The corporators are : Thomas
L. Watson , Bridgeport , Conn. ; E. Emory ,
Anderson , N. Y. ; William L. Downs , Birm
ingham , Conn. , and DoFovost 1' . Uolto. Wll-
llnni U ; Wilson , M. L. liny ward and H. N.
Showclt of this city. The capacity of the
plant'is.soou to bo increased.
lllcltiiiiin .Snfloi-B Iroiu I''lro. '
HICUMA > " , Neb tFeb. 10. Flro dos'troyca a
food store , moat market , Uaijiwaro
bor shop and confectionery "gUnd. The loss
will bo uptwcou $10,000 and $ iri,03U , with
llrfht Insurance. IComercllus & Co. and John
A'au Burgh , hardware , are the heaviest
losers. _
Columbus riri'lucn'-i DIIIHT.
COMJMIIUS , Nob. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tolo-
jram toTiiK Ben. ] The llroraon's nmsquor-
, aao ball held In this city tonight was a complete -
ploto success. The opura house was tilled
tvlth the meny rnakeri. The lire boys will
realize about $ M5 from tno ball.
Lurgrr Tlmn Ant Irlii.ilod. r-j
COI.UMIIUS , NeD. , Fob. Iti. [ Special Tula
gram to Tun Unn. ] Tliero are fully 400
delegates to the Grand Army ot the Hcpub-
M and' Women's Hellof Corps state encamp
ments in the city tonight and knowing ooos
' say they have not fair commenced to nrrivo.
The attendance promises to bo much larger
than was anticipated.
Visitors to tlu > Kltllnril Toiirimmunt l.'n-
tiil'tillni'il by Sinnii Kxpcrt I'lilylnjj.
The Hocoud game of the Mrunswick-Balko-
Onllonder billiard tournament was playoit in
room B of the Now York Life building yes-
torday.nftorp.oou , Churles Hayes of Lincoln
and Harry Sytnos of this city being the con
testants. Tb'tnttcnaanco was fair , and tboso
who wore there remained until the lust but
ton was reeled off n very closely and stubbornly -
, bornly , for ono slda being
abend and then the othor. This evening a
p'ocal ! Invitation Is extenUcd to the ladies ,
and'on extra effort will be mndo to got out
n lino' ciowd. All the big billiard tourna
ments in the eastern cities nro attended
largely-by ladles , and there Is no reason why
tno sumo condition of things should not prevail -
vail hero. Ladles generally , who have hud
the opportunity to onjov its beauties , are ex
ceedingly interested In tbo game , and are
quicker even to detect Its line point j and to
ward the same with their nppluuso than the
.ruOn. .
Tucra are several notable features con
nected with thu present tournament , the
llrst of which Is , thut the string being-used
la the ono on which many of the big cham
pionship games of the past 11 fIcon voar *
have , been played. In , November , ' 18S5 ,
Maurice Vlgimux , the great Parisian expert ,
jnado his tremendous average of 7 , * > i < r at
Central Music hall , Chicago , In his chum-
ploiishjp gnmo with H.lantIonian" Ucorgo
Hlosson. . On this string also two of Shaef-
.fer's victorien over hlobson were counted ,
uud goo of Sloison' over the Wlzzard. It
ha" tlgurod in addition to thcso notable
ttrugglQs In Kcoros of other memorable
The balls , too , with which the games are
being pluyod are the regulation , unpolished
Ivories , and the very sot with which
Vlgnnux made the record at the eight-Inch
balk line , n run of SJ , at Paris , Franco , Juno
14 , 188J , aud are also the sot with whlrh
Juke SchalTor clicked out his notublo victory
over Slpsson in ' 80. Thus it will bo scon
the Oiniiha tournament partakes" largely of
Iho paraphernalia that has llgurod in tl.e
greatest games of the a o , and it is quite
cerltiiu , consUlorlng that this la the Initial
tournament ovnr held tiory for tbo champion
hip of tbo state , and under such eminent
and world rouowued auspices , The score
yettorda.v afternoon :
Ilust run , 17 , Average , -
' Itoforoo Hdwln IlasUull , the celebrated IIn-
i | torbllil rdint. Marker Harry Helbort.
i Tuo attoudanoe In the ovoulng was quite
largo and very enthusiastic , and la conno-
qucuce the gaino was the beat of the tourna
ment 10 for. The contestants wtro Frank
. JConUton and Albert Cahu , IfonUlou winning
by margin'of nlnoty-uiue points.
The llrst huudrod was nip aud tuck , Mr ,
Cabu playing with n degree ot ooufidonco
that promised great posslblliitei. but In
rounding into the second hundred hla nerve
tooic a tumble and before the game termi
nated wai way below zoro. Kenlston played
'bard billiards" from the ouUet and domon-
tratsd beyond .the perad venture of a doubt
Mftt the man who beats him will have stable
claims on the championship of the stato. The
score :
Konlston-li. 2. 6 , 2A.O , 1 , 0. 0. 0. 0 , S , 0. 0 , 0. 0 ,1'
12. 0. IS. 1. a t > . 16. 0 , 0 , t , tl. 0. 0 , 14 , 0 , i5. I. 0 , I , 23 , 0
0. 0 , S , I. 18 , 0 , M. 3 , 19 , 2 , 2. 8 , 19 , 5. 0 , 4 , 8 , 3 , 6 , 4-
llost run. SS. Avorn/e , i1/ . . . _ .
Onhn-2. I. 2 , 12. 3. 0. ft , 0 , : , TO. . 12. 0 , I , ft. 2. I ,
4. o. P. a , 8. a. ft. a. n. o , . o , i. o. a , 4. a. 2. 1. 1. T. 8 , 3 ,
a. n. i. o , J , 7. n. i , : i. 2. a. ft , i : > . P , n , 0-221.
Ilc-st run , 'Jo. A voriEf ) . a l-S.
Hoforeo and marker llnny Pelbcrt.
This afternoon , commouclng nt 'J o'clock
sharp , Messrs. Calm find Hnyos will meet ,
and this ovonlng nt 8 sharp Llojtonnnt Arrn-
smlth nnd Harry Syuies. This evening the
laalos arp spoclally Invttod.
ItntiillK nt OlouorMor.
OI.OUCKSTKK , N. J. , Feb. 10. Weather
clear , track fast :
I'lrst race , ( Ivo-olRhths of n mile , sollltiR !
Uproar colt ( tin ! favorite ) won , Dofondnnt soc-
nn'l ' , Hustle third , Hlnckburn , I Inn ; . I'ostus ,
I'atroclcs and Skldmoru drawn. Time !
1OU ! { .
Second rnce. thrcn-qniirtrrs of a tulle , soil-
Ins : Uinlllftuon. Minnie J ( the favorite ) second
end , Mulatto third. Time : 1:3)V. :
Third race , ono mile , seltlnit : I.otlon won ,
Crl iln .Hcoond , Alan Archer third , Tnpp'i-
haunook , llalston and Klchtal drawn. Al *
gonqnln ( the favorite ) ran unplaced. Time :
1:4014. :
rouith raco. thlrteon-slxU-onths nf a mile ,
soiling : Dickens wbn. Oan'l Toll second ,
Torchlight ( the favorite ; third , drawn.
Time : liltfU-
I'lfth race , nlnc-sl.xtconths of n mllo. soilIng -
Ing : Uncertainty mm. Austral second. Ho I
Klin 'tldld , Santa Jtllu colt ilniwn , l.eo
HrlROl ( the favnrllo ) ran unplaced. Tlmo :
fflM..Sixth race , six and ono-iunrtor furlongs ,
HellliiK : Hornet won , Pnola seeonil. I'llerlm
Itho favorite ) thlid. I'cmbroUo and Greet
ilruwn. Tllnot _ lai : { -
( lolnjr nt
GUTinstiEiui , N. J. , Fob. 10. The track
today was In good condition nnd fast , good
I'lrst race , four nnl onu-hnlf fntloncs :
Sunday won , Llttlo Willie second , Or.ift third.
Tin e : M1J { .
Second race , five fnrlniiRs : Silver Mint won ,
Hilt Humes second , Itonlatnln third , Tlmo :
Third race , four and nno-lmlt fnrloncs : .lay
R Dee won , Dnlfe John second , Graduate
third. Tlmo : 1:24.
Ponrth nice , onn mile : Mohican won ,
Yarirlo second , Ulenlochy tlilid. Time ! l:4J'i. :
I'lfth race , Ilvo fnrlnnvs : Innovation won ;
Once Again second ; Lasso third. Tlmo :
liffi ! .
Sixth race.ono mile and sovontCDnth : llrook-
lyn won ; IjoiiKstrlde second , J. 1) third. Time :
1 : ol.
Now Orlcmii Kurlni ; .
Nuw Oni.i'AXii , La. , Fob. 10. Fair weather
and n fast trnoK secured a largo ntionUanco
nt the races today.
I'lrst raco. solllii ) ? . flvo fnrlones : Clifton
won ; Lilly 0 second : llamlln third. Time :
l:02. :
l:02.Soeond r.ico , soltlnK , flvo nnd one-half fur
longs : Askoy won ; Winnie Davis second ;
Mlis Kruncls third. Tlmo : l:0 : i.
Thrill roeo , sullliiK. slv furlongs : Rive Away
won : MoJJoskatiocond ; l\\g \ \ Mun third. Time :
Tonrth race , hnndleiip , ono mlle : Sam
Siiyor won ; UiiMont second ; General Mnrin-
duke thlifl. Time : 1:411. :
Tips lor Today.
These horses have boon picked out as
probable winners in the races mentioned :
1. Shotovcr Marty 11.
2 , Andrew D Dobonalr.
a. I'arlld Azrnol.
4. Mallolle-llllt/on.
5. Xonobla lei via.
0. llrussells 1'lrelly.
1. Uohcinlnn Lannos.
2. Uproar colt-fAnnlo.
3. I'Qiiztincu Qlostcr.
4. Topnuist S.un D.
.1. MiiolliiKO Hed Elm.
0. Tno Forum Harzljurs.
Only Two Foil.
NEW Yomc , Fob. 10. Jim Corbet wont
against three men hero tonight. The first
bout was with Bill Spillings of Rochester.
Ho knocked him out in two minutes. The
second bout was with CalTay Monaghan of
Philadelphia , and ho was knocked out in one
minute. "Tho third bout was with Joe Lan
lion of Boston who stood up for three roundb
and was not Knocked out.
The cprtflo Opora. "Wang , " is on nt the
now Hoyd tonight.
"Undo Htram" is playing to good houses
nl ; the Farnam street theater this week.
In her new play , "Tho Little Mnvorick , "
Magclo Mitchell , who will bo soon at Boyd's
now Ihoater thrco nights and Satuadav mat-
inpo , beginnlnu.Fobruary . IS , has a churactor
that has boon written ospocmlly for her and
that , suits her brightness ana versatility ad
mirably. The picco is n now American corn-
ody-druma. The seat sale opens tomorrow
morning ,
Mrs. Mllllo Price-Dow is proving an ex
traordinary attraction at the Eden Musco
this week.
Arrangements have been mndo on all the
railroads centering in Omaha for reduced
rates for the engagement of Madam Sara
Bernhardt nt Boyd's new theater on Monday
next , nnd many pcoplo from the surrounding
towns have signified their intention of tak
ing advantage of the rate. Madaino Born-
harnt and her French company travel in u
magnificent special train of eight cars , and
will arrive at 8 o'clock on the morninc of the
ii'-'d inst. from St. Louis over the Missouri
Pacific railway. The company carry every
thing neccessnry for the magnificent pro
duction of Sardou's grsat play "La Toscn. "
Mr. E. F. Gillette , udvanco representative
for Madarao Bornhardt , Is in the cit c , nnd
will hnvo charge ot tbo opening of the nd-
vnncosalo of seats which takes place on
Thursday morning next.
juts , .w.vjo.v.s jiironcu suir.
3arn New York Soiled I.lnon to Ilo Alroil In
.South I > nl < otu.
YAXKTON- . D. , Fob. 15. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTim BKB. | Judge E. G. Smith of
this city , presiding Judge of the First Judicial
circuit , goes to Parker , in this county ,
Wednesday to sit during the trial of the
dlrcocuao of Mrs. Cburlotto Nlcol Mln-
ton of Nov Yoi'lc City , who uslis for sopnra-
tlonon the ground of desertion. IIorhuuDand
has decided to contest the case and has em
ployed nblu legal talent to defend him. The
L-aso will bo tried by Jury and will bo vary
Interesting. Mrs. Mintou Is sister to Do
Lancv Nicol , the Now Yorker who is said to
bo Ward McAllister's greatest rival. She Is
u strikingly bnudsomo woman.
Illulnii Dlvorvit I'riKM'edlliKu ,
DuA.p\\oot ) , S. D. , Fob. 15.SpecialTolo [ -
grum to'iiK BBt-l The contempt proceed
ings In the Blalno divorce case against the
defendant , J. G. Blalno , Jr. , to Imvo boon
heard by Judge Thomas tomorrow , have
been postponed until the 20th Inst. Mrs.
Blalne , accompanied by her attorneys , will
arrive in UoadwooU Wednesday.
Till : lti.YI.TV : MAIUCKT.
TNSTIIOMENTS placed on record February
-L 1C , IS Xi
H II lirltmii nnd wife to J 1' tikoiipor lot
17. block V. Druku's add . , $ 2.503
WaiiRh A , Wafctcifield to A I < SulUm lot
1M , block4. Missouri n > uniiu nark 430
I'reitou UOQVUH and wlfo to 1) ) 1s AluKvoy
bOl.H-10 , . . 758 |
U .letter nnd wlfo to Annlo Itnwloy nnd
husband lot 7 , hlouk 1 , Second add to
t < onth Onulm , . , 6,000
I' K Darling uu 1 ( lluqlclot li , blouk 13 ,
Shiill'bbeeoiul add. and lot 17 , bloolc 20 ,
llunsi'Otn plnCM. , . . . . ; 0000
A K t'nminliiKMind ivlfu tuQUVlllluniH
lot 4. lliirkci-'D ullotmpnt and strip , 8i [
JCM1.D foot . JtOO
Ada L'ottnnd husband to Kvn Duisuy lot
IB. blook 0. 11 ansconi pliieu. , . . . . . . .5'jo
Alfred Mlllard and \Tlfu to A V Hawk
lot 8. blneK i ; 1'oppleton p'iric 1,500
frame ; to ( J L Hoof lot 7 , fclook I , minia. . . < l.OUO
J 1' hkupper and wlfo tu TUla llrllllth ,
lot 17. hilt 2. Drake's add 2,500
A I1 Tukuy ot ul to Thomas McUnlre , lot
2. blk 8 , Clifton Hill . . . , „ . . . j.OJO
QtiiTflt/viu nnuns.
M K Corrlsan ot 11 ! to M O , lots 2 , 4 ,
5. 6. P. 10 and tl. bin 10. lots 1 to U. lilk 3 ,
lot 17 lu an , bik 7. lots 11 to 12. hlk 14i
lots 17 to SO. Vile 0. lotsO tolStilk 15.
I'orrU-uii pluoo. Iot4 < 1 to 5 , blk - . ' ) . lota
18 to W , blk 81. lots ( I to II. blk 21. lota 7
tel .ulk . lols 1 to U. blk 28 , lots 19 to
74'ib } ? ' lols 7 to ll-"lu ! al1 1 < ) ts I 1 °
'klB ' , Inu 1UJ024. bU : .lols7 and 8.
.I'IKSJ. I'lrst add to Corrlgan place 1
M A Kay tad husband to U It Kay , n 14
lot I , Andrews. W it Ts sub 1
J A I'owors ( sucolal in us tor ) to 8 C
Uocors. iut IS. blk JUS. Orandvluw 2 7
Total amount of transfers. .
fnioM TK ri iiiiAv1 * oKcoS-fi
Object of a Bill Now Bofpro the Trench
Chamber of Deputies.
Miiny Toalnrrs of tlio I'ropiiit 1.i w' Itr-
AssodntliinsTliiit Arr l > in' ( "
lulllullmint to Apply ( o tint
Ciitlicille riuirrh. '
tCVj/r//hf ) | / ( < ll/S9JJ ( i/.riinw ( Onnlnn Itennett , )
I'AHIS , Fob. 15. [ Now York Hornld Cable
Spoclal to THE lctu | The deputies ro-
Biitno their mcotlngs todnv , The session
will bo very stormy , as Iho religious question
will bo discussed under nil Its fbrms. More
over , Iho government Intends to present a
bill regarding associations , nnd this measure
Is entirely the work of Jacobins nnd nntl-
liberals and Is directed ngnlnst Catholics ,
The government says In the llrst article
that the right of nssoclatlon may bo enjoyed
without nny previous authority , but the
second article begins by enumerating the
conditions under which nssoctatlon will bo
tolerated. A declaration must bo mftdo M to
the name nnd object ot the association , Its
list of members nnd headquarters , nnd
a full statement mutt also bo forth
coming ns to its foreign members
or correspondents. The points , however ,
which especially nffoct rolltrlous associations
are thcso : Uvory member of nn association
shall have the right to withdraw nt nny time
and to doinand thnt his contribution DO paid
back , and to this demand tbo association
shall not have the right to mnko any opposi
The law also enjoins that no real estate
bo owned except such ns Is absolutely
necessary nnd that hospitals shall
not bo used for purposes of Installa
tion of residence. The associations nro
further prohibited from owning moro money
than is absolutely Imlisponsablo , trom living
In a foreign country , from acquiring nny
kind of property nni from receiving any kind
of gilts nnd heritages. For every inii-acllou
of Iho law the offender is to bo punished by
Imprison mcnt.
Liberty in Franco still maintains her old
reputation , nnd it Is therefore useless to add
thai the bill wns coldlv rcuclvod. Unluckily
Iho radicals arc in a majority in the Chamber
nud they will bo oulv too well satisfied to pass
Iho bill.
Moro important than this bill is the news
of socialistic t rou bio j abroad. In Italy and
Spain the outlook is very gloomy. In Uonio
especially , cruat apprehension is tclt , owing
to the number of persons who are without
work. In Berlin the nuthorilles conllnuo lo
arrest socialists , but my Impression Is that so
for as foreigners are concerned the police
have greatly exaggerated their reports.
Halmncnln'H SIHnr Again llrniight to Viib.
llr Notice Other I'rorotMlIngH.
LONDON , Fob. IS. In the House of Com
mons today Lord George Hamilton , itrst
lord of the admiralty , responding to a ques
tion , denied that the British eovornmanthad
been Involved In any constilutlonal question
by the conveyance by her majesty's ship
Ksptogel from the port of Coroncl. Chili , to
Montevideo ot 3JS ! bars of silver , valued at
145,000 for the then president Balmncedn.
The question of the legal titleof the then ox-
istinc Chilian government was universally
recognized , and the shipment of the bullion
wns regular. Lord George. Hamilton nddod ,
nowovcr , that a change in the naval regula- hich the captain of the Espiogel was
allowed to convoy the sliver Ih question was
under consideration. This silver , after
reaching Montevideo on thtj Espiogel , was
transferred to a mall steamer and taken to
Southampton. It was consigned to the head
olllco in London of tha London and Kivor
Platlo bank. In the meantime the Balnmcedn
government was overthrown arid nn injunc
tion was obtained in the ohuneery court
by ropresentnllvoB of Ihe conj-rossion'al gov
ernment restraining the London and Kivor
1'latto bank from endorsing or handing ever
Ibo documents relating to the bullion and
compelling its deposit in tbo Bank of Eng
land until ttio rightful ownerariiu was passed
upon by the courts.
"Jackson , chtef secretary for Ireland , re
plied that Air. boxton's criticisms of tbo land
act wcro premature. Tlio net , had boon in
operation only u few months. Special causes
accounted for Iho small amount of business
yet done under the act. When tenants had
time to appreciate the value of the land
stock , that stock would find a ready maricet
Mr. Soxton'H amendment wns rejected by
the close vote of ITU to 158. . The nnuounro-
mont of the figures was received with pro
longed opposition nnd Irish cheers. Tbo ad
dress in reply to the speech from the throne
was then formally adopted.
To Mr. Ssxton's query wholnor local gov
ernment bill lor Ireland would bo introduced
on Thursday , Mr. Halfour nodded In the
.SpotH on ( ho Kim.
ICopur'u/itoJ / 1H1 ! l > u Jtiine * ( Innbm Remu-Ct.1
PAIUS , Fob. 15. [ Now York Hornld Cable
Special to TUB Bite. ] At today's silting
of the Academy of Sciences , M. Muscart ,
chlof of the central meteorological bureau ,
rc.ul a communication concerning n largo
solar spol seen by M. Morenu on February
11 ! without the aid of optical instruments.
On the l.'ltn , when the spot wns moving further -
thor from the center , an immense solar protuberance -
tuboranco was observed ut Iho St. Mnur
observatory , of which M. Moroau Is tno chief
The soismii ; perturbation felt nt Porplgnnn
was very probably extended over the whole
earth nn Sunday night. An exceptional de
pression of the baromotar of twenty milli
metres , or almost ono Inch , was felt In Paris.
Ilo l. < -ssi-N Nut Drucl.
ICopi/i/fifed ( ( IKKbyJumes flonlnnleimcW.l
1-AitiH , Fob. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tim Huii. | Late this evening
a report was in circulation that Ferdinand
do Lesseps was dying , and that no baa ro-
coivcd the last sacrament. A correspondent
of the Herald nt once called at tbo rotddence
of the father of thn Suez and Panama canals ,
in rue Montaigne. After considerable alla-
oulty the ronclorge was aroused from bis
blumbers , and on being InVorrogatod declared
the report perfectly without foundation , ns
do Lcssops was enjoying his usual heattn at
the hour he retired.
( iiTiimny Arm ) ' Alnmej.
Bnui.ix , FOB. 15. In the Reichstag today ,
apropos of a sugaoilion thnt tho'remedy for
the practice of ill-using soldiers In thu Gor
man army U public court martinis ; similar
to tin ) Bavarian system. Chancellor von
Oprtvt annulled Umt the Bavarian system
had advantages ever the Prussian system of
private trials. Von Caorlvl promised , however
over , to introduce a bill amending court
martial procedure. Ho expressed the hope
thai the discussion would npl fo's'\er \ qlstrust
of oDloors In the minds of the privates. Tbo
press , bo said , had badly sinned In this res
pect. '
Tlin Dputli IColl ,
D.WKNronT , la. , Fob. J5. ( Special Telegram -
gram lo THE BSK. ] This morning occurred
tbo death of James Monroe Parker , at his
homo hare , a od UT , Ha > vas sirjckea with
paralysis Wednesday night. Hei was u pioneer
neer and ono of the wealthy men ' of the city.
IU ) oldest ban is William Fro'derlck Parkur
of Omaha who Is hero prostrated with seri
ous inflammatory rheumatism In both ankles.
Another son Is Dr. .1. Monroe ParUer , Jr1. , oc
ulist In the medical department of tbo Iowa
State University at Iowa Oily. Mr. il'arkor
wan for many years prominently identified
with Nebraska. In 165U bo w.qnttoFloreuco ,
Neb. , from hero and opened , iho. Bank of
Florence , which was continued throe year *
and elated. Subsequently Uu operated a
Urge form near Florence ana died the owner
of n largo ( STOTi * lrt NcbrAskn land not
from Omnlm. purlng much of his In
Nebraska lA > ( Jc c Involved In llllt'-itlon , but
preserved Mslproportyi Ho cntno hero to
Ilvo 1870. The funeral will bo hold Wednes
HOONK , la. , Fob. -Snoclal [ to
Tun BEU.w-ftJncrtit ] Tomltnson , ngod ( U ,
died nt noon today. , Ho was nn old soldier
nnd formcVlyn'h ' prominent politician and
onico holder. Ho has boon hero twenty-llvo
year * and has been engaged In tbo building
business In wtych ho has acquired n forluno.
I'mi.UiKU'iiM , Pa. , Fob. 1.1. ll-sv. Ooorco
Hnilln Hate. D.U. . S.T.I ) . , M D. , ono ot Iho
best knnwu.l/cotostanl / clergymen
In the country , " "died at his rosldonco hero to
day after nWHlhoss of several months ,
n. I j , i
uiriuri'M : > r TIII : .MINOKITV.
Antl-SIUrr Coninilltoi'iiioii ( lUn Itcmoiu
lor OppoHlng the Illanil Kill.
WASIIIMITOX , D. C. , Fob. in. Mr. Wil
liams of Massachusetts , from the commlttco
on coinage , weights and incostiro ? , submitted
the views ot the minority on Iho Bland free
colnngo bill.
The character and purpose of the bill Is
outlined and the following construction put
forward :
"Tho peril is not great of an avowed de
preciation by our government or the value of
Its own promises : wo shall never openly repudiate -
pudiato our debts , or corrupt the medium of
payment , so thnt the danger lies In legisla
tion , such as this bill proposes , which shall
make the government unnblo to maintain Us
promises an. I touens on Iho basis
on which they have boon accepted ,
That basis is the dollar whli-h
is changeable now , which is chunsoablo
everywhere , which does nol elvo up ! tO coals
nl our border nor yield anything to lire or
water -tho dollar of gold , subslanllnlly. All
obligations now existing in this country nro
expressly payable in gold or have been In
curred since this nation resumed speclo pay-
inonls nnd has continued on n gold basis.
The eold dollar Is therefore , not ony !
the best , but the only honest dollar
In which obligations can now bu discharged.
But under plauslbln theory or continence in
prophecy , tno citizens of this ronnlry maybe
bo misled Into ropudialion , which they would
not conscientiously approve. To make this
bill understood , as n measure of repudiation ,
Is to secure Its dofoat. "
Aunt lu-r 'Object Inn Itrgoit ,
The minority next sot up the claim that
the olfcct of ino bill clearly musl bo this :
"That Iho minis ot Ibis country shall receive
all iho silver which may bo sent from auv
quarter for coinage into dollars , sU'con of
which shall be convertible ) into ono cold del
lar. It is perfectly clear thai nt the very
moment the treasury of the United Stales
shall rofusa In pay gold com upon demand
no ono else will receive sixteen silver dollars
in lieu of thu gold dollar , uacauso tbo single
customer of the world for silver nl inat prlco
has refused to purchase.
' Surety Ihero can bfl no doubt that the
clTorl to rnlso the market price of silver
Irom ill ) cents an ounce to ? 1. 0 > 4
an ounce is dependent entirely on the com
bined willingness and ubillty of the United
States government tb stand alone ns n buyer
of silver at nil times , and In amr quantity at
tbo prlco llxed by this law in gold. II
does not follow that the price of
silver fixed 1 by the ratio in this
bill can DO , . [ nalntalneil , oven if our
government ist willing to rucelvo the payment
of its duos in silver coin , but pay its debts in
gold. The oxchftngo value of silver will bo
dependent nlnne. not on Iho willingness of
Ihn government 'lo keep up Iho exchange.
but on its ability to do so , nnd
the judgment ) as to that abil
ity is pd cd , not alone In the
debt of Iho treasury , but In the markets of
Iho world. VGI speculation on the ultimate
failure of our treasury to maintain its policy
might well silmce to drive gold to a premium ,
precipitate lu scramble for the gold lu the
treasury and suspend gold puymenls by Iho
government , ireenrdless of Iho will of the
secretary of the trcUsury.
Only Voisl ! > li > Iti-milt.
"The mlnorlty.8ubmitthaktho ! only possi
ble result of Uio legislation proposed in ihis
bill Is the prompt suspension of gold pay
ments ujr'tblvgav'b'rntnunt , Vrtid the immed
iate adoption o : th6 cnoapor monelary sland-
nra of sllyer. "
A history of monetary changes In the pasl
Is Ihon recilcd ; the consent of Ihe nations Is
bold to mauo and unnmlto money , nud an in
ternational ugrcomont is nrguoJ as noces-
'ary ; the statement is made that the bill
cannot raise iho price of bilvor to a
ratio value , and that It will bring silver from
foreign countries and apropos the world's
stock of silver Is worth , set forlh in figuroi ,
$ laS,000UOO. It is hold lhat silver coming
fiom abroad would dcslroy the gold standard
and savings banks depositors , artisans nnd
pensioners , it is claimed , would suitor.
Summarizing , linallv , Iho minority urge
lhat not-even the advocates of freo' silver
coinage deny that tjils law i an experiment ,
now in the nUlpry ot inr.nkind nnd eased
upon conditions which have never existed.
For such an experiment such as is proposed ,
nothing can bo n-justill cation which has not
in it n cortumtv of a gtenl reward lo Iho
people who undertakes llio lask. Ttinl re
ward Is not in sight of nn v ono save of the
owners of mines who desire lo receive at iho
hands of Ibe law $1.&IJ4 an ounce for a
commodily which is sold in competition
tor two-thirds of that sum , though diligently
produced at an averaeu cost of 51 cents nn
ounco. Tha bill Itself will urivo our gold
Into the coffers of speculation , invllo foruign
holders of our securities to sell at any price
lo escape loss by repudiation , nnd our whole
monetary system will bo tlius disrupted.
The report is signed by Charles Tractiy
Abnor Taylor , Charles W. Stone , George
Fred Williamson and M. H. Johnson.
Accompanying Is n bill authorizing tbo
president to invite an international monetary
conference. _ _
.Stv.tmiir Arrival * .
At Boston Lake Superior and Michigan
from Liverpool ; Scandinavian from Glas
gow.At Liverpool Franco from Now York ,
ICiinsasniul Virginia from Boston.
At Philadelphia Pennsylvania from Ant
At Southnmolon Ems from Now York.
At London Sighted Ponnland from Now
At New York Sorvla from Liverpool.
lltIowtro at M. I-inil.
ST. PAUI. , Minn. , Fob. in. The cold wea
ther ot the past few days has been Intensi
fied by a brisk breazo. At 7 o'clock this
morning the mercury was 183 below , but at
noon had risen to the zaro point.
ftEtm of'
The OnrtlH casa I'lin'tlniies to bo the center
of attraction In im rranuiseo courts ,
Tlio oam of lnVono''Guioli for rohblni * the
Louisiana National bunk Is on trial ut Nuw
OrluaiiH. tl
The body of R. N. Konqulllo of T.l Pa o.
Tex. , who recently dlsupnuarml. has been
found In u truu Vas V ' VBKUS , N. M.
Missouri's legislature will moot In ipoclal
sebslon tomorrow for the purpose of ledNi rlt't-
Ini ; that state * . uiiljor thu new concrusslonal
apportionment. , , ,
Sarah AltheaMfUll Torry. who has been de
clared liib.nie , ( fciiupocl ) from her watoliei&
and wns discovered ' utter u IOHR noun-li wltn
her old colorod'nUHio , Mammy 1'lo.iaunts.
TbosuhonneravNlit Itoso Scarborough , has
boon lowed Into-JSjiPlys. 1'lu. Hho was jilckod
up , capsized off Uio L'lorlda coast. All on
bouni are iippoiydl to havu bean drowned ,
The steamer WbVknmn brokn loosa from her
moorliiKS atbtl.nla..wlth | only throe men on
board. A tier ivwUlJ ride ut tea miles the mon
succeoJod In HetUnt' up Ktfiur. and brlnglnic
the boat buck UJiiW-iu
The Countnvi ( vcid Illnoliur has been Inter
viewed in roiufvno ( bur murrluuo wlUi the
count , who rei-t-iiUy dlud in Now Vor.c , mid
declares thnt ihblr niiirriiiKU was n pnrujy
love affair and that ho was a most ardent
Henry llavwurd of I'hlliidolphlu hits been
Inclletml by thu Kr.'ind Jury In the I'ultua
stiitcs district-court on the cliarsu of uldlne
nideonV. . Mnisli , president ut thu Keystone
Nnt imal bank , in oinlioizlInK thu fuiuU n
that InsllUitlon.
The asioalfttlon nf Aiiit-rlcHii Whrolmen luu
ulcclud thu tolluwltiK olllccrs : President ,
dairies ] , . llurilntt. llartforJ. I'onn. ; llrst
vlcu proKiduiit , r. ! > ' . fchurldun , Bprln-lluld.
III. ; kucoid | vlco piosldonl. Dr. U. U. U.irrull-
ton Ilruwn. KlUabulh , N , J , ; treasurer , W. M.
lire water , Qulnuy , 111 ,
The durnuco dune by the fire In the cotton
hud on thu Hr.uiily-.Moor dock. Liverpool ,
nnd thu cottan-ludun KJIIIOII du IUB-
HlKna ulungslile. Is placed at t'KW.lwi ) .
Thu unomnloyod workmen of Uunio threaten
to Klvo trouble to the authorities' Thu situa
tion him biicoinu urltlcal ind troojn In the bur-
rauUs are hold in roadlness to cjuoll uay dU-
of tbo Ourront Topic Olub Con
sider tbo Issuo.
How. thu ClrculutliiK Mrdliim of tlio
Country Would lli > An-angri ! liy
Out ilm StiiilrnM til thn I'rolilrin
il tin' Dnli.itr ,
The attendance nt the Current Toplo club
last mgut was very largo. The dltcussion
was the second round at the free nnd un
limited colnngo of silver problem. This
debate began DUO weak ago , but the subject
could not bo disposed of to the satisfaction nf
the club In ono evening , so it was continued
liist night ,
Mr , Allan Uootoponod for the uftlrmatlvo.
Hu held that there was not enough money In
circulation ; that ns silver was abundantly
produced in the United States , It
would bo wlso for tbo government to
adopt frco nnd unlimited coinage of silver in
order to create u market for silver ana In-
ctvnso the money in circulation nt the sanio
timo. Ho raked over the nllogod rrltno of
187 ! ! when silver was demonetized nnd at
tributed to It nearly nit Iho depression Hint
thu country had ever experienced. Ho ml-
vnnated tha Issuing of three thousand billions
of Hat moncv so that all the busi
ness of tbo country could bo transacted upon
n cash basts.
itcTcUc.t With Laughter.
This statement was received with a roar of
Uughter. Mr. Hoot claimed that the
country was in n very precarious
condition from a business standpoint. Idle
mon xvcro crowding the cities begging for
work ana the farmers were gro.inlnu under n
vury hoavv load of mortgages. Free nnd
unlimited colnago of silver , ho thought ,
would brine relief.
J. M. Gillnu assumed the nrgumcnt for
the negative of the question. Ho
took up several of ttio statements
made D.V Mr. Koot and uombaltod them
vigorously. Ho showed that the per capita
circulation in the United States had in-
croascd from $17.50 In 1S70 to fill.45 In lbH ! )
nnd held that it was nonsense to talk about
doing buslr.oss with nothing but cash , for the
entire volume of gold , hilvcr uad currenuy In
circulation only transacted about S par cent
of the business of the country. Ninety-two
per emit oltho business of tbo country was
transacted with checks , drafts and ether evi
dences of credit , 'iho whole commercial
fabric wni based upon' confidence and that
conlldonco" depended upon gold r.s the meas
ure ot values. Mr. Oillun was opposed to
the frco uud unlimited colnago of the silver
dollar ns contemplatci1 by thn Bland bill because -
cause Iho amount ot silver nut into the dollar
wn3 not \vnrth a dollar nnd the govern mcnt
simply stamped a falsehood upon the tuco of
every dollar so coined. Ilo referred to the
( list coinage act of 171U when
Iho dollar meant 24.75 pr.ilns of
gold or 'I71.'J. ) grains of silver :
when ono ounce of gold was worth fifteen
ouncOs of silver. Bit , ho salO , tbo relative
valuoof gold and silver nnd changed. Ono
ounce ot gold was now worth nineteen
ounces of silver , and yet the free silver coin
age men had the audacity to ask the govern
ment to stump 7"i cents' worth of silver as
being worth ? l. Ilo considered it nothing
but n scheme to boom the prlco ot silver
Without the slightest prospect of benefiting
tha laboring classes , ever whom Mr. Root
had made so much ado.
Sir. ItrowHtrr Wmitnl Morn Money.
Mr. G. W. Browstorspoko upon the afllrm-
ativo. Ho wanted more money among the
pedplo , nnd ho thought free and unlimited
sliver coinage would bring tbo doslrod re-
Mr. John M. Ha/.olton spoke upon the
negative side of the question. Ho hold that
to adopt freO and unlimited coinage of silver
might incrcuso the circulating medium , but
it would not put the mnno.v into the hands of
thosOiyho could not earn it. Ho believed la
an hones't dollar.and the stamping of 7."i cents'
worth of silver as a Collar ho considered a
deliberate steal. Mr. Hazolton made a num
ber of very good points and wa j frequently
And then Mr. Lawis I. Ihmstooktholloorin
behalf of Jreo silver. Ho lirou an array ot
llifurcs nt the oluo and the chairman that
fairly made the lights in the hall danco. Ho
was trying to provo that the cold in the
United states was rapidly going olsnwhoro
and .that the country must coin silver in
abuudiinco or'tmslness would boon bo para
lyzed. Thb rapidity with which ho road oft
the lonp nrr.iy of Jlguros created a good do.xl
of murnmunt because it was utterly impossi
ble to sec what bearing the ficufos , as ho
r.lttled them off , had upon the subject under
A. I , . I'Jitrick'H lilcu.
Mr. A. L. Patrick made a short . rather
clever talk in favor ot free and unlimited
coinage. Ho nskod u question , howevor.that
rather llopred him. Ho wanted to know if it
were not' true that cold hud boon getting
dearer instead of silver getting cheaper. Mr.
Uillnn volunteered to nnf wor the question.
Ho first asked Mr. Patrick if the rela
tive value of the two rnotaU
should bq decided by the amount
of each during the past ton years. Mr. Pat-
riclt agreed to stand on that as a basis. Mr.
Gillan then produced figures showing that
whllo the annual output of cold in the United
StiUos in the past ten years had decreased
less than $4OOJ.OOU , the silver output for IS'.IU
was nearly tfM.OOO.UOO more than that of ISM ) .
Mr. Pnlrlctt was obliged to admit that mlvor
was falling In value nnd the anti-free silver
men applauded. .
The discussion was closed by n few
general remitrks from Dr. Dtiryon. Ho said
thut there w.i no magic by which mouoy of
any kind could bo taken from the treasury
of the United States and put into the pockets
of tno farmer or anybody else until bo had
earned it. There was , he thought , no good
grounds for this present cry for an Increase
in the circulating medium. An Inu.'easo In
the circulating medium would crouto n rise
in prices long before p. corresponding rise In
wages would come , nnd this would bo u hard
ship for the laboring classes.
"If I wora In con gr ; , " said Dr Duryon ,
"I should votu against the Uland bill and
tnltu the anathemas of the farmer * for the
prfsent with n Jinn belief that 1 should win
thanks and their gr.illtudo later on when
they had cotton a bettor understanding of
the question. "
The topju for next week will bo the suifno
tax pcobioin. _
Cuituroil tlin Oflluniv * ' ItmoHfn * .
CniisTox , la. , Fob. 15. ( special Telegram
to TUB Bun. I Harry Fellows , a tough citi
zen suspected of numerous crimps , was cap-
tured.tonluht lu the act of buncoing an old
farmer Ho resisted O Ulcers McCJinnls and
Scliotleld , and in the struggle scoured both
tlwir revolvers , holding thoonicora at bav for
a time. Ho was finally captured nud landed
In lull , where charges of resisting odicers
and assault with Intent to kill will be loJired
against him. Fellows is a son of Dr. Fellows
of this city. _
Impnnt'd Lights lor HIIIIIK * .
Booxi : , la. , Feb. 15. [ Special Tolojrratn to
TUB DKK.JTlio city council has grunted an
extension of twenty years to the charter of
the Booao Klocirlo Lisht conip.iny , nud the
business- which has been ol the incandescent
variety , will bo enlarged bv the addition of a
itO.DOO-tiorso power plant , Are light will also
bo arningud anil the city streets will bo well
lighted. . _
lloone'N lllc riK'kini : 1-Uot- . ; , la. , Fab. IS. [ Special Tulogram to
Tin : UBIJ. ] . M. Davln A ; Co. , the pnckora ,
will bojjin tomorrow putting in au ICQ ma
chine , > o that ton packing bouse can run nil
the summer. The capacity of the uouso will
be'doublod durini : the Hummer and tbo total
iiuproveraonw will eot JWiXW ,
IiurKl- ul drMuii ,
CiiBbTON' , In. , Feb. 15. [ Bpecial Telegram
to Tnu"B.E ( ] Burglar * ontorea tbo rosi-
depcu oft.l" \ June Johnston of ( Jromwoll
lust uchl ! < and tnado nwa y with all uvailablo
vuluab\e , including a quantity ol old silver-
Typhu * l'f tir
, NKW Yoiuc , Fob , 15. So von moro cases
of'fyphus fevoruero discovered thU after
noon at-l'i Knst Thirteenth street , and wcro
romovud at unro to North Brotheru island.
Thliik " 7l < .l -r\VUI ll < > In It.
Neuiusiu Our , Neb. , Feb. 15 , [ Special
Telogrnm to TIIR Br.K.J K. Kltory Anderson
ot Now York , whoso iinma has boon used
prominently In the Ulll-Clovotnnd contest In
Now York , was soon nt the Grand Pacific
hotel i > y a IH-.n roprosontatlvo this evening
When asked his Intentions here , ho
said ; "Contrary to rumor , 1 nni not
hero for Iho purpose of organizing
nnv nntl-HlH mnvomont , but nm hero on
purely icgal business. Hill , howovur. can
not carry New York. Whtlo I nm n great
numlror of Cleveland , 1 think Governor
Boles of Iowa' nud Governor Pattlson of
Pennsylvania will stand nn equal show for
the presidential nomination on thn uomo >
cr.itlc ticket , I .shall go to Omaha from horn ,
where I oxpcct to incot Governors Bolos and
Hoyd , nnd then return to Now York. "
lVolf l llopprr nnd "AVnng. "
The folly play Is having IUday , and it Is
placed bolero tha public In tunny gulsus , but
none so delightfully nccoptnblo as thnt of
"Wanp , " the operatic burlotu which the Do
Wolf Hopper company prosontcd at the
Hoyd last evening. Tne humora of comedy
and thogrotcsiiuorios of extravaganza are
drcsiod with a sauce of prolty molodlc nnd
trimmed with beautiful costumes , nnd a
delicious dish limy tnako.
The notion ot the story Is laid In Slam.
Wang ( Mr. Hopper ) U the icgvnt durinc the
minority nf his nephew , MaUya , the crown
priueo ( Miss Oelln Fox ) . For six years ho
has ruled In n povcrtv stricken condition because -
cause uniiblo to 11 ml t'hn tronsuro left by his
brothor. By tntcrcoptlng n letter from the
late king addressed to Mntaya , Wang dis
covers that the roynl treasure had been con-
ucalod In a trunk , Which Is In Iho possession
of the late French consul's widow ( Mis ?
Marlon Slngar ) . In order to secure tbo
trunk Wang marries the widow , who has n
si-oro of daughter's , nnd his woolnp fur-
nlshos motive for much of the ac
tion. The trunk is opened n few
minntns bcforo Matayn Is crowned ,
but Wang finds nothing. A letter falls into
the young king's hands and locates the treas
ure , which had boon put Into gems nnd concealed -
coaled In the roynl mantle. Mntaya gets his
Inheritance , but In order to marrv Gillette ,
the widow's oldest dauchtor ( Miss Anna
O'Keefo ) . bo abdicates In" favor of Wnng.
Colonel l-'rancasso , military Instructor of the
Slnmci.0 troops ( Samuel Heed ) : Joan
Boucher , lieutenant of the French troops
( Kdmund Stanley ) ; Marie , a stepdaughter of
the widow ( Miss Jonuotlo St. Henry ) , nnd
Penal , the black keeper of Ihc royal olophnnt
( Alfred Klein ) are other characters which
add much to the entertainment.
"Wanrr" is a light nnd airy musical trlllo ,
nnd full of rhythm and tunefulness. Tbo
lines uro bright nnd catchy , and wi-ro writ
ten for Mr. Hopper by n literary tailor who
got his measure to pcrlr-rtlon. The elaborate
scenery nnu rich costuming were tlio identi
cal trappings used before Now York audi-
oncoi , and n inngniticent stuping they mndo.
Mr. Hopper is nn exceedingly clever clown
and his drolleries ni-o irresistible. In
"Wang" his personality Is nll-pi'rvn&Ivo , nnd
Mo skips nnd gibes nml grimaces amid scenes
of gorgeous orientalism , tinseled splendor
and fair maidens jjuloro.
Mi'is Fox won western hnarts three years
ago by her singing of "My Love is Fair
Columbia" in "Tho King's Fool. " and
Omaha admirers are still under the spell of
her charm. She plays Mataya with fetching
chic and now witcheries nnd fairly divides
the honors with the star.
Messrs. Heed , Stanley and Klein and
Misses blngor , St. Ilonrynnd O'Keofo are
all clover merrymakers and glvo Mr. Hopper
excellent support. Moreover they have
oclter roles than are generally permitted to
the supporters of star comedians , and nil
score distinctive hits.
Minil'attlri Kn agi-inrnt.
The engagement for the nppoaranco of
Madame Adollna Patt ! andhor associates in
Omaha next Saturday evening has been uan-
cclod. After a visit to the Coliseum thu ad
vance agent decided that it was wholly un-
suitud for the proposed entertainment , par
ticularly the act. from an opora. Negotia
tions fortho use ot the Boya theater are pend
ing , but with no Haltering assurance of : iuc-
coss. '
A ( \Vonllortlniltnsflfi-rtol thn.Voux-
pnpiTVnrlil. .
It is to bo doubted if the ingenuity of
nny class of writers is tnxcd to Mich an
extant ns that of reporters , says tha In
land Printer. Certainly no body of
writers have to put up with an cqnul
number of annoyance * . All the repor
ter's copy hns to go through thu hands
of ii cony-reader , whl > may ttnd ihib is
moro likely than not to 1)0 tlio case not
know the lirst tiling siboul Iho subject
treated of. Tlio copy is butchered or
changed to suit the nottuiis of the
readers , sometimes materially improved ,
and ns often injured. ' ' It is no
infrequent -thin ; * for a reporter
to find , when the paper vomes enl , that
the portions , of Uts bluf ) lliht ho spent
the most of his time on. and on the dic
tion of which he moit prided hinibolf ,
hnvo boon wholly cut out , .Sentences
and phrases that form the stand point of
good Knglish are essential , but are not
wholly t'ouohhary for undcrsUnding the
souse of the article are often remorse-
loasly eliminated. Yuvds of blue pencil
are annually worn uwny In the newspaper
ollicos at the denies of eopyrcadora and
that , too , for good and sulllciont reasons
of ono sort or nnothor that is simply
so much nuilorial scrubbed away
to Iho deti-iinent of the quoon'fa
English Thlb is not to bo taken us a
criticism of tlio worlc of copy readers or
editors. The people want all tlio newt.
for 1 or ii cents , as the case mav bo. Tlio
paper that "gets left" on or slights an
item is censured. Today there is such a
paucity of news that recourse has to bo
had lo special articled or clippings to
( ill up the columns. Tomorrow there
may bo such a redundancy of items thai
whole galleyb of matter. net up nnd
ready for the forms , have to bo hold out
At Iho last moment , perhaps , a big lire
breaks on ! . , or an accident occurs , or MHIIO
prominent iiulh iduul dies. Such items
have to bo treated in detail , no
matter what becomes of the minor news.
1 have often known the forum of a
newspaper 'to bo unlocked in the wee
hours of the morning to accommodate
something of this sort. Then column
articles are whittled down ! u the proof
to 1ml f or quarter-column artiolos. 1'arn-
graphs hocomo mow linos. Homo iloms
are thrown out entirely. The whole haste
to bo done with the grcatonl dispatch in
order that the now forms may l > o ready
for the press at Iho npco.ssury time.
Tliero is no time to waste in cutting the
stulT caiofully. It in butchered ; copyreaders -
readers , editors , everybody admits lu
But it In a necessity ; and a well written
article appears nox't morning disjointed ,
fragmentary , incomplete. And then the
public says : "What English ! "
World' * I'a 1 JUtiKiintrii I'ouli-r.
CmtAt.o , 111. , Fob. Ifi. Several conferences -
ences were hold toaay butweun cummlttoes
of the World'8 lull- national nnd local boards
on tbonuostlqn of jurUdlcllon ever exhibits
nud ether points of dllforopco. Commissioner
Massey this o veiling said rtno retult would
bo that the question ot transportation would
bo finally udjnstca tomorrow. The pro
gram of adjustment onntomplutud u uanl
arranpomont tlio directors to appoint tranlij
manacers , who shull handlu transportation
business under the .supervision of tha direc
tor treneral.-and thu national committee on
transportation. ,
NKW OIII.KAN * . l a. , Tub. 15. ! The demo
cratic state central committee mot nt noon
today , Thcra was a largo audlonca and a
lengthy executive fuislou was held , tlio
olijoci being to aecuro n gqnur&l ) nUirchango
of views amung tha moinbfrs. The uouira
for harmony was ummluioui , Hoipiutlonb
Were unanimously ndonled ratifying all that
the stale executive had dono.
in HnliU Oourl.
Kan. , Fob. lB.--Tho nd-
Journod terra of the district court , convened
today , Judge Holkln presiding. This was
tbo day sot for the boarloK of tbo BherllT
Dunn murder cajes , and it wai expected
thnt tlio hoitllo factions miRht elfish neiln. f '
There was , however , no disturbance of anj.
Utinl. The criminal cases wore not rcaofitd
today , but the docket WM clanrod so thru )
tho.v will bo the llrst business before the
court tomorrow.
llridRo th .MlMiiiirl ,
CtlAMiiKHl.ux , S. O. , I'-cb. 15. fSooolnt
Telegram to TUB llrK.J Arf-umont-i hnv
boon completed between the Chamberlain
1'ontoon IlrlilRO company and city council foi
putttnp n pontoon brldgo nerois the Mlsnourl
river nt this point , The location of tha
brldco nml various oilier dotalli tinvo boon
adjusted niul work will at ouco coininciico
upon the pontoon bents to bo mod In con-
structtni ? the bndpo. The brldRu is n nocos-
slty to nccominodnto thu lurco number of
settlers now locntod west of the Missouri
upon the Inmls ceiled by the Sioux ,
.Mini Mntlii-r'n I.iitrtt Triumph.
Crticuio , 111. , Fob. 15 , A now trfltfoJy In
ilvo acts entitled " - "
, "ThoKj-yptlnn , wnsplvou
it * ( Irst prnsontnllon on any stn o at the
Cmcnco opcrn homo tonight by Margaret
M nth or. The plocc , the authorship of which
11 ummnonncod , Is on the > lines of Victor
HII-'O'I novel , "Tho Hunchback of Metro
Dnmo. " A Inrfco anil fashloimblo nudlonca
witnessed the production anil the itpplnuso
which followed every cllnmx Inulcntod the
ncolrulo of Chicago's onthuiinstlc appro"hl.
ltirUtr ( Jrllllth lit C „
DENVF.H , Colo. , Feb. 15 Judge Allen on- i
torcd nn order today giving KecelvorGrlfllth
of the Western Farm Mortgage Trust coihv V
pany possession of all the compMiv'g prop-\ V
01 ty hoi o except the olllco furnltiiro. The * * ;
shorilTnttomptcd to hold powos-uon of the
safe and Its contenu to which Mr. Grlfllth
Trout tip Ainoni ; Omiilm Oritlit liiHii | > cors
TiiiirlirH llotloin ,
When the grain inspection law lirst wont
Into effect the Hoard of Transportation ,
whosu duty It was to It * the rules governing
the inspection of grain , called the grain inun
of the stnto together nt Lincoln , to advlsa
with thotn on the subject. Mr. Thompson ,
then Inspector nt St Louis , was present on
iuvllntlon nnd furnished valuable Informa
tion us to the grades nnd methods nf Inspec
tion In other stales. Mr. Thompson made
verv good impicsslon on the grain men ns
well ns on the Hoard of Transportation , so
much so In fact , that later when Governor
' 1 haver npj > ointed Mr. Ulanchard chief inspector
specter the board Insisted upon the appoint
mon t of Mr. Thompson ns llrst assistant ,
the law glvniL' It that power.
Shortly after his appointment Mr , Ulatu-h-
urd had u fnlling-out with the board ns to the
manner of conducting the grain Inspection nt
Omnhn , nnd Mr. Thompson being the np-
pointeo of the board bpcamo nn object of dls
like tn his chief. Mr. Hlanchard went BO far
as to enter into negotiations with n Chicago
party to tuko Mr. Thompson's place , but the
board nnd the grnin men sat down .squarely
on this point nnd Mr. Thompson wns re-
On the return of Governor Hoyd the grain
inun , who have all the tlmn maintained that
tha chief inspector of grain should bo a
practical grnin man , set about working for
Mr. Ihonijison's appointment to thnt posi
tion , uud it was announced .somo days ugo
thut ho bad bean or uonld be appointed , al
though no olllciiil contlrmallon of such an np-
polntmont has oeon made.
This movement ovldoutly widened the
breach still further between the chtof inspector
specter and his assistant , nnd yesterday it
culminated In a letter from Mr. Ulanchard
discharging Mr. Thompson. Mr. Dlanchard
him already loft for Lincoln and could not bo
.seen us to tlio inclining of this move.
Mcnnwhilo the grain men are anxiously
looking for the governor to take some action
In the matter.
Several grain mon who were npproachek
on the sunjoct declined to bo Interviewed ,
but nil declared tnnt they woreconlidont that
the eovcrnor would appoint a practical man
for the position of chief inspector and thus
end all the friction in the Inspection depart
Is more especially than any other a hereditary
disease , anil for thN simple reason : Arising
from Impure and In-tnflldent blood , the dis
ease locates Itself In the lymphatics , which
are composed of white tissues ; tin-re n a
period of firtal life when the whole body con-
Mr nrP ! > 's'-s ' ' ° ' w' ' ' " ° tissues , nnd
noou t >
" especially Mibceptlblo to this
dieadfnl disease , Ilul there
r 1 1 1 3 Is a potent i oiiiedy for srrof- X
iil.i , whether huioilltary or uonilieil. It Is
HuodS Saisaparlll.i , which expels every trace
of the disease nnd Kii.cs . to the blood the
quality and color of health. Ret Hood's.
" \VhtMi my boy w as tw o yours r ? n4- . . i /
allul * "
old ho was attacked and sufallul >
feied n long time \villi scrofula Cured
sores. -ihislclimnt length _ .
told us to give him Hood's"Y B OJ >
sapuillla , which wn did. Tno bottles cuied
him. lloibiiow 10 j cai. sold and has not luid
any .sign of sciofiil.v .since. We iccommcnd
Hoixl'sSars.ipaiill.i to all our friends. " MILS.
E. ( . ' . CLU-IT.II , ti Kldder St. , Cleveland , O.
Hood's Sarsapanlla
ljr U. 1. HOOn * CO. , Apolliccarlcs , I/moll. Ma a.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Inpape bcics ; enough for two Urge pies.
AlIei ) icail ) ; eatlly pra-uiciJ ,
And only Complete nnd Satisfactory
Condrnifd Mince Meat in Ilia MaiU-l.
Cheap Substitute ! and Crude Imitations
aru otleit-il wllh llio aim to profit by thu
popiilniliy of ilie New Englanu.
Do not be deceived bul always Insist on
Iho New England rand. The lest made.
.soi.i ) itv AI.I. mincicnH.
DR. MILES reiwllni ; I Ills thtt
rou TII K
Idtlie only rullubln euro for tlio tlr ( d fe"llag jiocu-
Har to vronifn untferlng with weak lu-artn , pain lu
nidu , ihoulili-r nnil Bnn , e k anil huoirry p < * lli ,
* amollierlni * . Tliousanda
Irrccular pulw , fnlntlnt .
UttifytutLelr ptrmuu-nt cnia. JLEOANT JJooic
FKKK * Tlnuuoiara ,
DH MILKS MKDIOAfc OO.Elkhart , Ind.
by Knlin k Ca , l.ltli and
MKNT.mi'uclllufiir llritorla , DliilnoM , KIK.Miu.
iHluia. lluailm-hi' , Ni > rrnu < I'ruiiratluii cuu > uj by ( it. \
lOliul or liilmUH ) , Wiiketulnon. Jknitnl li-iruiflun | , .
HotmnlriK of Hie llrulu. rauilnz Invinllr. mUorjr ,
dcc y , itoaili , rmui.vliiru . Ol < l Auv. liarronnoji. Jun
of Tower In elllieriox , Impotoncr. lidiuorrtioo * mi I
nil KoiuuloVi kOMiu > , liivuluulAr * ' Ixjuui bi r-
iimturrtinun cau uit lij o- rltorlUiil ( if tUa br la ,
Huir-tiu i > , uror-lnitulKunoa. A uunUi'i ( ru-ttiiuiK
II , U fur - ' > . l > r mull , Wu ( lunr nioo 1 bom tu
cure. ICmi'li order turli doxu . nltlili "III "end written -
ten KUaranloa tu rutunil K nut curuJ. ( lu > ri > BUi i
l uoU unlr ill A. KcliruUir. Jlruiik-lilv ' "I" wieuU , d.
K. cor. ICtU and KormiuiU. , Omaha , Neb.