TlIE OMAHA DAILY HKE ; MONDAY. FMHKl'ARV 15 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Was Rather Strong auil Buying Wns Quite Sharp. NEWS VMS BULLISH THROUGHOUT t'ublri Upclnro Tluit lloportsof Crop lnm- ) BJJC In I'rntipp nriby no Means IJx. Ai'tltlly In Sloelts iitnl llonilft. CliiCAno. 111. . 1'nb. 13. Tlio wlicnt tnnrkot wii ; rutlicr slr.nii throughout tliu day ; tlio news was mostly bullish nnil tlio haying was At times quite sharp though Inrgely profes- utoiml ; tlio outside business WIIH Mick. Tlio anti-option hill now pending In congress wns loss lit u factor In tlio tending thun It 1ms been forsou-rnl Oiiys pnst us the Impression scorns in lin gulping ( Hoiitid on the board that It will not bccomo it Inw , nt Icnst In Its original form. U.iblcs opened higher uiid strong , Liverpool being from 'id ' to Id up anil private advices from Paris reported n doc'dcd ' upturn thcro nn continued crop ( laniard loportn. A 1'nrls cnblo forwarded by u New York ( Inn said : "Crop damage not exaggerated ; plant dry and dead. " The seaboard nnd Internal mnrltots nil started higher and for u time tlioro was fairly nctlvo tr.idliig here. Tlio buying orders Bccmed to come chlofly from Now York and wuru executed through Mllchnlt , Costar- Murtln , Irwlit-Urceii nnd "Cbsh" OIITord. The tollliu wns cautious utid shorts covered pretty freely. 1'or n tlmo the market sus- tmliicd Use.f stubbornly , May selling from Ol'ie to 111'Jo ' and held for a considerable tlmo uUK)1ic ) unil Hie. Then I'urdrldgo bojun to sell nnO seemed determined to 111 ! the crowd up. For a tlmo olTotlngs nero readllv absorbed , but , dually the prices bngnn to yield. This wns the signal for some of the early buyers to begin Unloading and the weakness Incrcsiscd. Then the crowd bosun to suspect that Now York had been bulling the innrUct to got a hard spot to eell on. The trade begun to show nm'vousue is and on tha fruo oircrltiirs gradu ally sold off to uoSSe. During thti last hour , however , them was a reaction and May closed strong at Ulic. ! The week's exports decreased J.llKi.ujo Uu. In comparison with tin ) week pro- vlous and the available. Mock showed n de crease of HUM ) 0 bu. Thesoaboaid clearnnucs for the two days woio only moderate A cable from Liverpool that II. Kalns Jackson , the well known Cn ll-ili statistician , had esti mated that tlio wheat crop of the world was 49IXJIOO ) ( bit slmrt.of the iiMiulromciits a trcngthcnlntr ulTcut on tlm market. Corn was quiet iiud weak , the demand wns rather "Inpglsh. and us some lurso lots woio thrown on the market prices yioUled some Blbloy was said to have sold out a largo line of long corn bought on the recent bio tk. anil the trade was too small to take It without causing snmii depression. May opened ' 40 higher at 4'JJiC , In symo.ithy with tlio strength in wheat and bccaiiKO of an advance of 'id at Liverpool nnd worked slowly down to < l'ic assisted by large estimated rccoints of .Mon day , but rallied In the last hour with wheat and closed steady at-TJ'iC. Oats weio dull and easy , closing with a loss of Ue. The receipts of bogs were light nnd prices steady Hog products opened firm In sym pathy with wheat and advanced slightly , then weakened nnd closed with slight gains on pork and lar.l , but with ribs unchanged. Estimated receipts for AloirluvVliuat : , 1UO cars : corn , 412 cais ; oats , UIO cars ; IIOSB , iO,0-0 head. The loading futures rim-red as follows : IIIUII. LOW. ri.OSK. Win : AT-No. 2 Kotminry . . Mny ! > ! , Coiix No. 2 Febrnnry. . . < OM March < ! ' < Mny < lTi ( OATH No. „ ' - 1'ebrnnry. . . . 2 ! ) May HIM llneK I'oitK Kehrunry. . . 11 ' It 753 Mny 12 05 I ! M l.Allli I'cbrnnry. . . . nro < IM ) t ti-s lilliK ii Vzj * BIIIIUT Ilir.s- Fobruary. . . , r > f : > 6 M Mny C'JJ 0 05 li U7 Gusli quotations wore ns follows : I'l.oun Dull and steady : spring patents , tl.iOft4.GO : : winter patents , t4.auO4.5J ; bakers , ti.uitt.60 : ; str.iUht , Ji.aoi5i.50. WHEAT-NO. 2 spring wheat. 87JJc ; No. 3 spring wheat , Soyc ; No. 2 rod. njjjo. COIIN Lower ; No. 2 , 4)o ! ; No.a yellow , aSJ ! OATS'No. . ; No. 2 white. 31.J3aUiC ! No. a white , : ilit.'cSie. ( ! HYE No. 1 ! . Wo. llAiu.KV-No. . ' . 50ar 8c ; No. 3 , f. o. U , 42 ® 67c : No. 4. a7G Wc. KI.AX Sum ) No. 1. Oijfc. TIMOTHY SBKD Prime , ij.2. > ® l.7 ! ) . I'OHK Mess pork , per bbl. , J8.CO ; Inrd , per ewU , in.f > .V3G 57(4 ( : short ribs sides ( lonsu ) . tXHT'.i ; dry salted shouldiirs ( boxocl ) , Ki.OOft.'V.S.'i ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , JG.20ii0.2\ : WIIISKV Dlsttlleis' llnlshcd goods , per gul. Receipts and shipments todiy were as fol- lous : On the Proluco oxclmnzo today the butter niurltot. wns lower : fnncy orcnniery , "St&'Xlc ; line wo-storn'Jt. < a27coidliijry,2-a-'iu : ( ; selected ' IKRS. : wa Onuihii I'riidiir I'OUI.THV Oood chickens , 9310c ; geese , duekh und tnrkeyn. III.e. ItiiTTEit-Uood country roll , Wo : fnlr. lvaif ( < c. FliniTH Cullforn'u riverside oranges , ® ! .ti5 ; M'imlilir.'toii inn els. } ; ! . . " > ( ii/v'l."i : Cullfoiulu tunirurliiPS f..tll per box : Florida , orunces , brlghts. MOO : russets , n'.60G 7.'i : I'lorldu tan- Kerlnr&lM < 1t4M , half noxosesteru ; upplcs , rbolce , .N.IMW.M pnr bbl. , fancy stand might bring mine : Now York apples , H&7.Vfti.COi : fancy lemons. iMlWftVJJ : eliolce stories , $ l,5ll.7."i ) : crnpes , par bbl. . 13.0000.00 ; banunus , crated. t..Ot.ftS.i'iU ' ; cruiiliorrlcs. Jt.5CJc7.oa ( Callfornln cabbage , SHCi'iyo ] icrlb. lu crates ; home groun lettuce , 4V ) per iloiiotatr.eM : , dull ; California cuiillllouor , K..l&.M : onions , Hhilt.W \ per bu. ; Nobrusku lir.nd picked beans , . % © ' . ) ; ; medium , tl.W i 1.7'i : celery , I'SiiilOc ' : si\oot potatoes , $ L'.S5ii2.j , I'l.ocn ( Jmaha Milling company's Kelianoo 1'nloiit. $ . ' .f > 0 ! Invluclblo Patent , $ -.4U | l.ono Htur Superlative. $ J.'J."i ; Hnowllakc , $1.0J ; Kiiuov Family. * ! . ( - ( ) ! H. K ( llliiian'd Gold .Medal , f > . , Vi : hnow White , Ji ; ; Snowlliikc , KM ; low grade , ; QIICIIII uf tlm I'antry. I-.OU. HIDES No. 1 green suited hldos , 4 > i41o ; No. 2 green salted hino.i , iffj.'iio : ; ; No. I green nailed hides , M to 40lba. 4iMI'/u ! ; No. 2 grcun halted hlclcH. 25 to 40 Ibs. , ItiU'/.o ' ; No. 1 veal calf. K to IS Ihs. , Be ; No. 2 veal ealf , b to 15 Ibs. , 4e : No 1 dry Hint lililbs , 7OSu : Na'dry Hint hides , fxitce ; No. 1 dry suited bides. .VftOc. Tul- low , No. 1. : m4a : tallow , No. 2 , : i'n ' : grease , Willie A , 4@J > iu ; grease , wblto II , : iliitll'4'oj Kronso , yellow , : ici grcusc , dark , 2'ie ' ; old hut. tor. 21t25io ; beeswax , prime , IGc ; rough tallow. I'/iftV'e. lUiiis-Mnrkot unsettled , ITiilSe. NewYork Murkots. NKW VOHK , Keb. ia. Kr.rnw Itcoelpts. : e,020 sucks ; exports , 7fi'0suckssules ' ; , IT.luo bbls. COIIN JliMi , Quiet. WIIKAT llocolpts , 00.100 bu.t exports , 67 , . 1-fW bu. ; spot market higher , fair to active ; No. 2 rod. * 1.04'i < ai.OI',4 lu Htoro nnd elevator : 11,115 ® 1.U5U ntioat ; i.uitti.rai f. o. b. : NO. a red , JI.OHiJ4l.uV ; iniuriidcd red , OledtJI.08'4 ' ; No. 1 iiortberii , HWMIM' , ; No. l Imrd , l\.V \ y < 3.\.lk \ ; , ; options early were ? il'iu nil on hotter eiinlos und forolgn buying , with re ported damage to tbo French crop , fell ° > @ "ic on realizing , advanced ! on export trad- Inn , und closing steady ul IJiaiUc oxer yester day ; No. 2 red , February. Jl.Ol ai 01J ? , clos ing H.U4M ; April , 8I.Oa ? , * 1.04U. closing | l.U4i Mny , ! * ! . o'osing Il.Oi'U ; June , Jl.ttOf ) ttl.UI , closing * lOJi ; July , 081i4iW'io ! , eloping io. HVK Stronger , moro deinnnd ; western , DIG OCu. OCu.IIAHI.EV Qnlot and steady ; No. 8 Milwau kee , 7tKii7Io. UAIILEV MAI.T Dull ; Canada country made Kc. Kc.COIIN Itecelpls , 150,000 bu , ; exports. 000,00' bu. ; nalei. 471UIW bu. of futurei ; UI.OOJ bu. o rpotl ipots IrreKUlur , nloslnif wuak , qulot No. 2 , 4Uu In ulovutor : SJSttM.'i'o ulloat ; uu graded mixed , 4t > ® Ale ; No. U , 48i4Uic ! ) gluamer mixed , 4l iI5Uic. ! Options ofTcrei trceiy with omo months ? o lower on u dul trade und increaslriB euppllcs ; Kebrnury , 4QJ ( < 0'ic. elosluK , 4tio ) : March , 40H50c , cioslnir 4U\o ; April. W'iC , closing. 60V o ; May , 4U.H4I (0 ! c. closiiiK. 4U So ; Juno. l > a u ; July. 4l'o. OATH KocolptB , ll'J.WH ) bu.i exports , I.CO bu , ; pales , 30,000 bu , of futures ; 01,000 bu , o spot ; spot market stronsor and ijulet : options dull und uncbaiiEed to ! io up , II run I'olirnury MUc ; March. M c : May , 37H3 > Yr4U , closlnu1 ul 37)ic : spot No. iiwhlto , 37M " > Oi mixed wcjt- orn , 85)inWo ) ; : whlto western , a7O41J o ; No. : . bteady nnil qulot ; crude li barrels , packer * , U.BJ united closed at Wo fui March , lUr Stotdy ; Rblppln ; , 13.60 ; good to choice 17.5000.00. llorB Quiet and easy ; state coniiiion tc choice , 20&2.V ) ) 1'aelllc coast , ItKiiCio. riUOAH Itnw , quiet and steady ; rcllnod ijulcl ana siearty. MOLASt'ES l'orolEn , qulot und Urm ; M teat nl J2ii ! Now Orleans , dull but steady ; common tofnnoy I'M&'Co. COTTON Stin : On.-Qulet und btoudy ; crude ZSUc ; yellow. SOffl'.OUc. TJIU.OW Quloti city ( t2CO for package * ) , Qulot , fairly steady ; western dilr/ western rrnnmcry. SlSftlloi western fiu'tory. ir.arJc ; Klsin. irJ'ifi'ilc. HIISIN Dull iind steady ; rollncd common to pood. ll. : ; © : TnitPtc.NTi.NX Quiet nnd firm ntai'iQVic , Konfl-rirmen WMtorn. : tOi\ IHnrs-Innctlro ; uid steady , ) wet salted New Jrli-mn solcctlniis. < s t 75 Ibs nml Tovus pc- ectrd. 4. . to no lb . Cffl c. roMK-Qulet nnd steady ; ine'Sj , i9.753IO.50 ; extra prime , fin.oo. CUT MKITH Quirt nnd flrnij nlcklod bol- leu. OUr ; plcklrd sboiildcrp. .V ! p'.uklol bums. iclmlddlrM , dull ; iliorl clear , ? ; ' . . . ' . I , till ) -y n oil wo tcrn Rtnitn , * V2'i bid ; oiitton silo- . SKI tlorrc ? ! I'pbiunry J5.8I ; March. H.8Vai8r'i ' ; Muy K.uwtti.ui ; July , ' 7,17 bid. CIIKRIK l-'lrm ; ino.lcrutoly uctUo ; putt , , I'm litos-Diill ; American. $ I.V7.Vill7.7.\ I'opl'Kii Plrin. iiulot ; Irkc , tl0.70iu.7. " > , IEAt-l.51. Ti.t Inactive , steady ; "trulta. JIO.CO. Oninli.i ( Ir.iln MnrliPt. Prices bused on delivery tit MlnUMpDl rlvnr inlnti , Nebraska Itiip.tatton , und toil days' shipment , union othorwlso state J , Cash grain calls for Hhlpmcnt within live ittiy * WIIBAT No.8 sprlnB. Mobld ; No. a sprliijr , ( > 0c bid. UVK-No. 2 , 63o bid : No n. 7Sc bid. OAT ? No. a white , at'io ' ! No. a white , 30U : No. a mixed , iWo bid. COIIN No , 2 rebruary , : i"Uo blrti No. U or bettor. : i3VW7ic ; No. S while , ai'.li ' ! bid. Amons the sales were : A.UJO No. SI or bettor corn , ruhrunry , : t7o : 5.000 No. ! . St. l.oula tprtiH , Kobrunry , : i7Uo ; 10,000 No. Si or bolter , Kebruury , : t7ct fi.liOi ) iiitno , : i7'ict I2.VUO same. i7ot IO.OOJ No. : i hltooats , : iJ ! < c ; ftO.WX ) No. a or letter corn. Toledo terms , r'obruury , IICVc ; . ' .510 No. 3 whlto corn , : i'HU' . IlOAIltl Of TIIADK NOTRO. Mr. FlsborofVnhoo was on the market , Henry lllnomor , Chnlco , Nub. , wns looking over the market. William Van Pohron , Mlllnnl , Nob. , wn the visitors on the market. City KANSAS Otrv. Mo. , fob. it WIIKVT A.l > ont steady No 2. hard , 77c ; No. 2 led. Sic. COUNHtronit ; local without lillllnc. Ilia ncc ; : white , : io. OATA-Stronx : No. 2 , mixed , SMWOiJc ; No. 2 whlto.ttOS'D'ic. l-'i.AX tfK.r.i ) SlUSJc. on the biclsof : pnro. llltANVoukt snckrd , We. HAV Wo.ik. but unehnnacd timothy. $ J.W per ton ; fancy piulrlc , $1.0) ; Rood to choice , iv.V ) . Eons Good dotnnnd ; ( Inn nt I74c. ! CIIEKSK Htondyt yoitiiK America , lOo. llttTTnu llrrn ; < 'ieainery. 2i ® 80 ; storo- pnckod , laffllflo ! roll. Wk'Mc. UECKIPTS Wheut , 19uOObu. ; corn , IC'OD bu. ; oats. 3,0 0 bu. Sin IMI r.NTS Wheat. 17,003 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; outs , 0,001) ) bu. Liverpool I.ivnui'Ooi , Keb. IL : WIIKAT Firm : do- nuind poor ; holders olTer sp'irlnitly ; No. 1 California. 7s lldfi.i ( per rental ; red west ern sprint ! 7s lO'JdOrs ' lid ; No. 2 red winter , 7sH'id7slld. Coit : < Klrm : ilpiniind fnlr ; mixed wost- oru , 4s5 dper cental , ItUTTKii United Mutes finest , 100s per owt. ; United States Rood. 8 s Oil. TUIU'KSTINE 2J3 Sill pCTOWt , Nrw York Dry CoiiiU Murlcnt. NEW YOIIK. Kub. 13. Thtro was no now foa- tnro to the drv coodu marknt. I'opnlar goods keep well sold up and pr cos uro Kte.idy. Print cloths 'iro vorv stroni and low Rrades aio slow but llrni also. Ituslncss was qulot In woolen fabrics. Tlio iobhlnz trade was fair. but net up to last year's on account of tbo llKht southern patronage. CofTeo NEW VOHK. Keb. ia. Options opened steady , iincbair-'ed toS points up , closud stuudy ami unehuiiKed to 15 points up ; sales. ai.i. : ' > 0 buu's. I . .r.l . . .I I . .i * . l..1l. It . . . . . CtrCll.I..Knl. . < t 'I VnTh Mllwii < lli.Hurkcts. . Mlt.wAUKnE , WIs. . Keb. H WIIBVT Finn : May. 83'ii'i .No.2-.prln ! ; . 880 ; No. I northern , Olc. COIIN Quiet ; No. 2 whlto.HSl-i''Kle. ' OATS Steady ; No. 2white , Wiji ; ; No. 3 white , aiffMI'Jc. IIAIU.BV Quiet ; Nn. 2 , .lie ; sample , 5U5Wlc. UvE-KIrm ; No. 1 , 8l'4c. .St. I.ouU .Uarlcots. ST. Lotus. Mo. , Kob. 13. WiiEAT-IIlRher ; Nu Srcil. Ciish. OJ'ic : May. Wio. C UN Lower ; cash , : ! ( li c ; Muy , a7'63Sc. OATS Lower ; cash. : ; ilic ! ; Muy , 3tjie , I'ouic Kloady ; tll.T.i for now. LAUD-tjulet : W.a © V.C. WHISKY ( t.14. Clnnlliliutl 3Iurkrts. CtNCiNXA-rr , O. , Feb. 13. WHEAT Firm ; No. y to I. flic. Cons Eusy ; No. 2 mixed , 4lc. ! OATS Steady ; mixed , 3.4 < &i2io. ! WHISKY $1.I4 ; Toleilu MarlcntK. TOLEDO. O. , Fob. 13. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 cnsli and Kebruary ! ) } e. CORN Uuli : No. 2. cash , 4lJc. ! OATS Qulot ; No. 2 cush , : .2c. STOClvSAM ) IIONUS. Nothing UnuRUuHlruurrcil to Increase Oper ations but i : orj tiling was Active. NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Tbo stock market today was nothing more than the flnul ovcnltiK up of a very active and eventful wenk , and wbllo thu coal stocks still fuinlsbcd rather moro than tholrquoiu of transactions nnd tlio pre ponderance of Heading was nvcn greater than for tbo last few days , the market was steady und tbo changes in everything but u few stocks Insignificant. The feeling now Is that tbo coal stocks will settle down to a basis where the dealings In them will bo much lighter tb in during the week now ended. ' 1 ho general miirkot opened firm nt fcomo Binull advances over Inst night's ilcurcs as u rule , but Heading was down 1 per cent : it5ft : : Ijuokawnniia ! * percent und Jersey Central 34 per cent ut inij. : The lust tno rallied shurply , but HondlnK was further forced olT to 37U- This ended Uio ( incline , however , nnd It milled tof > ! ) . nml after very largo tranknc- tlons , closed ut 5SJJ , Jersey Neutral recov ered Its loss and closed unchangotl but after u full recovery gaguoa uwnv again and closed with a loss. Among tbo lost of the list N w Kim-land and I'nlon PiicKlc dovploped marked strength , tliu latter under the Inlliionco of foiulgn buylnpr , but Now Knglund llnully lost nil of Its Impiovcment. In thu Inaetlvu .shares Town Central con tinued Its rapid rise on rumors of n dividend , but closed ut a mutorUl concession from Its Lost llguirs. Tlio Husquolianna & Western Blocks hud a llttlo boom and the preferred rose about 4 percent , but outside of this stock tlio market displayed no life or feature und Ilnetuiitcn within narrow limits through out Iho session. Tbo market llnully closed actlvo und llrm , generally ut slight nd Irrogulur chuntrca from lust nlijlit's figures. Union Pacific , how ever , Is up Ie pur cent. Iowa Central pre ferred li ! percent and Hiisqnohanna & West ern preferred 3M P r cent. U'ho losses Include Laukuwuunu and Houdlng , each 1S ! r/er cent. Government bonds were dull and steady. Stuto bonds were neglected. Tbo following nro tbo closing quotations for the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex- ctianjje todur. Iho total sulej of stocks today wuro 4il'J17 : shimis , Juolunlng ! Atchlsoii. .MOOi Oblcugo Has , 0,0.1 Jj Delaware , LncUawanim ftVcnt - of" . 2 .jA i Deliiwuro & lliWson. i.744i ! Krlo. SUlOit Loulsvillo &NustivIIo.a,1. | 7.'i ! Now Jer- * oy Central , KUi Northern I'uelUo ' pro- , .rfVJl Aal" fllw Englunil , fJ.Ot.iJ ; Heading. 2S7.8 0 : . Hjoliiudiiii & West t'oliit , 4.470 ; Bt i Unloiil'uclllc , ia,75U. At Kilon .Musri ) , Coinmciiciiifr toiluy , Mrs. Mtlho Prleo-Dow , the lovely , irrobistlblo en- chantrcuB. If duncint' is. us lius boon said , "tho pee try of motion , " then thin luily la opio und love Botifr.incurniite. . She uppourd tit 8 , 4 , 8 , 0 nnd 10 o'clock , except ' Prlduy , then 2 , li. 4 , 8 , 0 und 10 o'clock. PERFECT IS EVERY DETAIL Systematic Amugflunnt of the Bureau for Despatching Business , THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS EXPLAINED Urotrllt In it Vir TlniroiiRli In nnd Kiiilpinent | H * Methods Knilnrsril by l.cad- Tun Br.t ! IH'in\U ' : OF Ci.tins b jan Us work In Washliipton in April , IS'.H ' , in ono room lu the 1foiistory ; butldltiK nt " 13 I1' street. It had hardly sottlea itsolt there bcforo It Dogim to ovorllow Its boundaries anil within tilno mouths It hail spread over u wbolo llcor nnd nnolhor , and nnothor , until every olhor tomint In the buildliiif was crawttod out mid thu bttroiu was lott to n monopoly ot the ontlra odlltcQ. At tbo present rate of expansion a new building will bo a necessity bo fore the carpets In the old one begin to show signs of wear. The front rooms on the first Iloor tire overcrowded - crowded at present with the gcnnrnl counsel , tlio heads of the Indian depredation and land departments and their clorlts. The scene in that buz/hip tilvo is a busy o'io even nowbut It is quiet compared tolnt It would Have bcou but for the titnoly Invention o ! the pho- noeraph. This moJest lltllo tnstruinont does the worlc ot half A Uozon stenographers and that force Is proportionately ruducod. Almost all of the correspondence of the bureau IB handled by the tireless uld of oloctricUy. The attorney In clmrgo of the correspoudenco talks his letters into a phonograph , whence they nro IntnscrlboJ by the btaft of typo- writers. Back of thrsa dcpnrtmon'.s nnd opening into the hall Is the largo private oflluo of the manager of the bureau. Thcro Is not much privacy In It , however , for the overllow of work from the other rooms has crowded its wny In here. At a table near Mr.Voddor - burn's desk a clerk stU all day copying addresses - dresses , nnd from a closet nt the otul of the room the click of the typewriter and the hum of tbo phonograph assert themselves Un ceasingly. Thu second Iloor is to bo devoted to the pitcnt branch of the bureau , which hereto fore bus been compelled to ttnd accommoda tion In another building , Tbo patent division has been recently organized , but is already dolug an Immense business. The chief at torney Is assisted by a staff of clerks and typewriter. ? , and , of course , by the Itidls- pensaulo phonograph. . Ascending to the third floor wo roach the quarters consecrated to the work of securing pensions. The head of the dopnrtuent , with his faithful phonograph by bis slno. sits by a window in a front room. His assistants 1111 tbo rest , of the available space. On the fourth Iloor are tlio document moms Bookcases llllod with government reports line the walls , und on the Iloor nro piled stacks of legal blanks , circulars , pamphlets and noivspipors. Correspondence. When the average man receives a letter lie puts it In bis pocket and carries It about , with a constantly increasing load of guilt , until ho braces himself up to the drsporato pitch of answering it. Such a man may iind It of interest to see bow letters are disposed of in n great business institution llko Tin ; Hin BUIIUAUOF CI.UM. John Smith of Brown county , Nebraska , bus a timber claim for which ho 'has not been able to secure u patent. For sorao reason his claim has been held up in the general laud oflica ; in consequence , with no apparent prospect of over botng let down. Mr. Smith has read in Tin : Bi'.n an accountof Its Bureau of Claims , nnd ho thinks ho .vlll write to U about bis just for luck. Ho does so. When the loiter leaches the Washington posloDlce it Is put in a box along with scores of others like it. The postman carries tbo hugo bundle to the building of tbo Ituroau , wtioro It is taken first to the manager's private oflico. Hero the manager opens and glances over all the let ters to see if there is anything that requires his personal attention. Ho also sequestrates all the stamps , chocks nnd money orders be llnds in them. Mr. Smith's communication 0003 not call for any .special action from him and it is taken , together with most of the letters , to the general counsel. Ho reads all the letters carolully and If there are any to which ho wishes to pay further attention ho marks on thorn a foiv words to indicate his desire to have thorn returned. Tbo mall is then turned over to the briefing clerks. Mr. Smith's loiter Is taKen out of its en- volone , endorsed on the back wltb a short do- scrlution of its contents , and put into a case or "jacket. " On too outside of the jacket Is a blank form , which is tilled up thus : 'Nature of Claims Land. "Name of Claimant John Smith. "Postofllco Address Angel's Camp , Brown county , iMob. "Remarks January 15 , 1892. Letter , mak- intr inquiries. " If Mr. Smith's letter bad referred to previous correspondence it would have been placed In the jacket containing that corre spondence , which would have boon taken from the llles for the purpose. A "brio ! " of the letter would then have been endorsed on the jacket as boforo. After the cnso has been briefed a note of it is entered on ono of tbo tnroo record boolH. There is ono book for each newspaper inter ested in tbo Bureau. All ucw cases are recorded in tbo Examiner book , tlioio which have como through Tun BCE ana Pionoor-Pross being duly credited to these papers. THE liii : : cases are also recorded in Tun BEE book and the Pioneer- Press cases lu the Pioneor-Press book. After this another clerk verities the references , taking each document out of its jacket and comparing it with the entries In the books to see that no mistake has been made. Tbo mail then goes back to tbo general counsel , who sorts it out , sending each case to the bead ot the department to which it belongs. Mr. Smith's letter is carried to the attorney In charge of land cajos. Ho roads it over ana Immediately dictates to the phonograph a reply , Informing Mr. Smith ttmt if the facts are as stated in his communication ho is entitled to a patent , which the Bureau will undertake to secure for him for a modcrato fee , piyahle when the patent Is issued. Ho requests the final receipt and a description of the laud. When the land at torney bas dictated his supply of loiters for the day a clerk takes the phonograph and writes them all off In duplicate on a typo- writer. A copy of the answer to Mr. Smith Is sent to Augel'a ' Camp and another copy Is put Into tbo jacket , duly endorsed and pro- sorvea along with Mr. Smith's letter. Tbo jacket Is Hied away In Its proper place , and remains there until another com munication arrives from Mr. Smith , wbon it Is taken out and tbo former pro cedure is repeated. Every letter is answered cither on the day It readies the Bureau or the day after. Any communication received with ruferonco to any case can ho roforroa teat at a moment's notice , so systematically Is nil the enormous correspondence of tbo Bureau arranged and indexed , 1ml Ian Dciiriiiliitloim. The 11 rut work of the Bureau was to hnndlo Indian Depredation claims. For that It was organized , and this branch of its business has never been nogloctod. Three expert attorneys are now engaged In it. toguther with n complete clerical staff. Before March U , 1801 , there was no machinery by which a sufferer from Indian depredations could gee relief , Thonoly recourse was by a special act of congress , and such acts were very seldom passed. For a hundred years tbn govern ment , In ono way or another , had recognized Its liability for such depredations , but it hau made no provision for mealing Its obligations. Claims had continued to bo filed , and the Indian bureau had given them such attention as It could. In 185. " > and subsequently congress - gross made small appropriations for tbo in vestigation of such cases , and under tills authority some thousands of claims were examined. Some wnro recommended - mended for allowance , others were allowed in part and others were rejected , Finally , on March ! ) , 18'Jl , tlio Indian depre dation act was passed UIHI for the llrst tlmo It became possible for a bulToror from Indian ravages to have some assurance of ultimate redress. Under tl'ls law the court of claims was given jurisdiction of such rases. These claims which had been examined and ap proved by the secretary of the interior under act of March U , IbSTi , were given priority of consideration und it was provided that the holders of such claims should bo entitled to judgment without further evidence , unless nitlior tbo claimant at1 ( ho 1 nltC'l States snould elect to. reopen Ilia case , in which ovcnt tbo party so electing should assume the burden of proof. No claim accruing before .fifty 1 , I MM , wns to bo considered unless U bauMico.i pvndlng bolero the rmsngo of thu net , no ci tni was to bo nl lowed for damages comtnittud after the pa . - sago of tha act , nnd nit ct.utns not presented buforo March n , l SM , were to bo forever tnrrod. The Judurients rendered unilor ths law were to bo paid oulAf any money duo from the UniteI States to the tribes gulllv of the depredations , ntul .In default of such funds were to bo paid out of the treasury. An aislstant attor.ioy gjner.U wai appointed to represent the Uillrtul Stntcs In Indian depredation caie.s lirfnro the rourtof claim * ) , All contracts made with iittornow prior to March II , IbOl , for the prosecution of sucli cases were declared void. Immediately after the passage of this law swarms of cx-oongroismcn , thrown out of jobs bv the election of 181(0 ( , sottlcd upon the bewildered sufToiors from Indian devasta tions , nnil It became evident that in the ab sence of some trustworthy , responsible agency for the management of these claims both the government and the claimants would bo loser * , llenco Tun BSK Bfitn\u or CLAIM" . Bcforo the rapacity of cUIra agents wns checked by the Indian doprcda * tlon act these persons almost Invariably de manded oil per cent , or nvon inoro , of the rlilnis thnv handled. Tup. Hnn determined to clvo tlio poor claimants a fair show , and ( tin Hureau Is the result. A Talk U'ltli Attornav Colby. "Wo have Just trono to work , " said ( Seu- ornl Colby , assistant attorney conotal , to a HE u re present at Ivo recently. "Tho first day for the consideration of Indian depredation claims tinder the now law w.w IX'cooibor 7. But the claims are pouring in itl the rale ot ten or twelve a day. There wore some 8,003 on Illo ill the Indian bureau at the date of the passage of the net , of which about 1,100 were 'preferred claims.1" "Is Nebraska making any showlngl" asked Tin : BII : : man. "Yes. Nebraska has about 200 cases on file. But Texas takes the lead , although sno has not an Indian reservation within her borders. But all tlio staid nro showing up moro or You see clalmautR move away from thu scene of their original misfortunes , tak ing tholr claims wllh Ihom.Vo have appll- callons from Colorado and Wyoming for compensation for damages In early Jays In Georgia and Alabnma. It is said that the amount of the claims will foot up to SIJ.UJO- 000 or(50OOUOOOinall. ( " "That xvlll make a considerable hole in the late surplus ! " suggested Tin : BIR omlssarv. "No , " said General Colby , "it won't hurt the surplus. The Indians will have to pav It thomsoivcs. The government holds funds and property in trust for thoni , nnd tuo dam ages they have wreaked will simply bo charged up ugalnst tholr account.1' "But what about tribes that have no funds coming to thorn 1" "In such cases , the government will have to settle , and it ought to , because it has al- loived the money it ought to hold for the tribes to bo squandered. Besides , the In dians are the wards of the nation , and the nation Is responsible for their misdeeds. " "Tnat naturally brings up the work of TUB Brcn Bi'np.AU or CLOMP , " remarked tbo vis itor. "What do you think of that ? " "It is an excellent scheme. " said the gen eral heartily. "It displays remarkable enter prise. You have Iho west covered with a network of great nowspapars nnd if you would onlv add New York , Chicago and St. Louis to the list , you would have the whole country grldironcU. It is an original idea , but tb's papers are admirably adapted for carrying it out. " General Colby's ulea of his duty as a rop- rosenlallve of thn government is to sco that justice is done. Ho does not consider him self retained to make an indiscriminate light on worthless and meritorious claims alike. Ho believes that persons who really sut- fcrcd from thn devastations ot savaeo tribes ought to bo paid for it , and ho also believes that the government ought not to bo swin dled. So ho gives every claim that comes befornhim a critical , but not a captious or fault-finding , examination. The work in connection with Indian depre dation claims , xvMch originally constituted the sole cause for the existence of Tin : Br.u BUIIEAU OK Ci.ii.Ma , now comprlsoi only a small part of its extended operations. But every case Is treated with Just as conscien tious nttenlion now as at the beginning when the Bureau covered only a fraction of its present scops. Tbo increased demands have boon mot by increased facilities , not by re ducing the attention oald to each claimant. I.und Claims. The growth of tuo Bureau was natural and Inevitable. As soon .as It bjcamo generally known that Tun 13KB had established nil agency for the bonoilt of Indian depredation claimants thcro was a Hood of IcltoH from settlers and minors having cases pending in the general land ofilco , asking the Bureau to look after their iutorests. It was , therefore , found necessary to enlarge tbo scope of the ageuoy to cover land and mining cases. Tbo services of a skilled land attorney , with a corps of assistants , were immediately engaged , and the land branch of the bureau was ready for the efllcient prosecution ot claims IjoforJ the land odico and the courts. It found plenty to do. Tbo general land qfllco is u labyrinth whoso mazes no stranger can thread. It consists of thirteen divisions , employing over 450 clerks , and handling nn amount of business too stupendous to bu easily realized. The work in tbo various di visions is monttts , and In some instances years , behind. Not a single division Is be llevtid to have its worlc up to date. Owing to this press of business the laud oftlco has no tlmo to straighten out tangled cases. Claims that are not correct in every particular ore pigeonholed and are 11- able to remain indefinitely in a state of sus pended animation unless the claimants are informed of the defects and hoiv they may bo remedied. And even cases that are abso lutely regular have a tendency to linger an unreasonable time on their wuy through the routine of the oftico. It is evident , therefore , that parsons who doalro to have their cases promptly and intelligently passed upon Und the services of a resident attorney Indispens able. These services are rendered in" the most effective possible manner by TUB Br.u BUIIKAU or CLAIMS. When u case is submitted to the Bureau it is examined by the attorney at the head of the land department for an opinion upon its merits. If the opinion bo unfavorable the claimant is so informed , and is thus enabled to retreat fro in lus position with no expense beyond the cost of the postage stamp on his letter of inquiry. This U the Invariable rule In all brancnosof Tin : BKI : BUICIHU. When the land attorney btiliovos , from the state ment of facts in the claimant's letter , that tbo case is a good one , ho dictates a com munication offering" to tauo cnargo ot thu claim. With this are wont unv legal blanks that may have to bo filled out. When the applicant Ins returned tbesc , with a power of attorney , his case is fairly under way , A member of the legal staff of tlio ? Bureau's land depart ment visits the general land oftlco , goes to tlio room In which the client's case had lodged at Inst accounts- and calls for nil the papers on Illo with reference to tho.&ubjcct. The pitpors nro producmi , examined , and compared with those In possession of the Bu reau. If no rtofects ar f-vlslblo the officials In charge are askpd why they have not moved the case nlongrranU they nro koot under surveillance untij they do mov it. If n Haw is pointed out'mi argument Is pre sented to show that itl ? not a serious ono. or evidence is ent"o correct it. The claim Is pushed along'.from one division to another until it Is allowed. When the busi ness has been thus promptly dispatchedtliou for the llrst tlmo a inoderato fee is collected , Should the decision" b < j" unfavorable , the attorney - tornoy promptly brintfu'Aho matter to the ut- tent ion of tlio com mil woner of the general land office auJ submiVftin argument to ahow that the claimant. ' * ! ' prayer should bo granted. The present commissioner is ox Representative Thomas H. Carter of Mon tana , whose long experlonco in the west has made him thoroughly familiar with practical application of the land laws in every phaso. Problems of every description are constantly coming before Mrr Carter for settle ment , ' Tularu lake is generally bbrlnk- Ing , but sometimes lu waters return over part of the land thev have abandoned. Is the wide strip of farming country botwcn the old and now margins of the lake to bo classified as swamp and overflowed land or noU Has a farm upon which water has been brought by dttchus been reclaimed within tbo meaning of the desert laud act , when it has not all been actually Irrigated ! What are the rights of a Bottler who has gone upon unsurvoyed public land which has subse quently been Included In u railroad laud grant , before bo ha bocu able to make filings ! Is n tract upon which the rainfall has been sufficient to ralsu wheat or hay , but not for grain , arid enough to tx > taken up as desert land I Uoos a hoiucsUader who loaves tils claim to work for the meuus of im proving It forfeit bis residence ! These are A few of thv ultoplt questions I h t the commissioner of the goner/it land ofilco Is constantly calluit upo.i to decide. It mav be readily Imagined that Mr , Carter welcomes anything that relieves him of part of hU excess of iltitios. Ho particularly ap preciates TUB BKK BUIIKAU or CI.UM * . on ac count of Hi Intollliront handling of tangled cases. "The , Bureau knows all the various compartments of this complicated structure. " ho remarked , "and can takj a o.iso dlrcotlv to the right uook , when otherwise the com missioner would have to write a letter. " nUpttclicil , H Is the Buroau'.s osnoclal endeavor to avoid delay. H novtir lots things drift , but always keeps pushing them alone when they show an Inclination to linger. Hero Is where It bns Its great ndviintngnsovcra nonrosldent attorney. Five minutes' conversation In the general land ofilco will easily dispose ol nucsllons which SK months of rorVrtpnn- donco would leavn unsettled. ICach objection can bo answorfd nnd not out of the way on Iho snol , nnd the business can bo transartou In many cases before the attorney leave * the building. Clerks do not put off Innulrlcs to u moro convenient .season when TIIR lttn : lawyer Is prodding them In person , Hlsiv case of "hats blocked while you wait. " Of course the Bureau should bo placed In pos session of as many facts ns possible at Iho start. In writing about land cases , claimants should bo careful to send full descriptions of tholr land , by township , range and section. This saves much preliminary correspondence and prevents needless delay. Tlie I'litcnt Itr.uicli , The third great branch of Tin : Hr.K Is that dovotcd to patents. The American laws for tlio protection of Invention ? nro the most liberal In the world , but still It Is not onsy In fnut. It Is practically Impossible for nn Inventor to tnko advantage of them with out export assistance. The patent onlco , with Us 000 employes , is subdivided Into ns nmny watertight compartments ns n man-of-war. There uro divisions In the examin ing br.mcli alone. Hut tbo dinicitlty of keeping tntclt of the Various divisions is the least of the obstacles lu the way of the applicant who trlo.s to got n patjnt without Iho help of nn attorney. The Invention must be described In u certain way , nnd Illustrated by a certain kind of drawings on n certain kind of paper of a eeruln width , lettered according to a certain system. It would bo absolutely impossible " " possible "for anybody not familiar "with patent onlco practice to comply with these conditions. And If tbo inventor could do the mechanical part of the work himself , ho would probably find that ho had described his device so inadequately us to deprive himself of much of the protection to which ho was rlglufulty entitled. When an application for n patent la drawn by ntj inexperienced or cnrcloss baud It Is usually based upon some ono simple claim. It is easy enough to cot the patent under such n claim , but after Ills secured It Is good for nothing. The inven tion may bo imitated In its essential features without Infringing the rcstrlctod patent. The patents sccuroil by Tim BIK : Bt HUM ; OK CLAIMS nro so broad as to shut out every variety of infringmetit. HOM to rriirrpil. The patent brancti of the Bureau is In charge of ono of the leading attorneys lu this specialty in Washington. He Is assisted by u technical associate nnd the usual clerical staff. When nn inventor writes to consult the bureau about the possibility of securing a patent on a certain ijovlco. the letter is turned over to the chief of the patent di vision. If the Idea appears on Its face tin patentublo , as in the case of a pcrpatnal mo tion device , the attorney notlllcs the applicant to that clTcct , and the cnso is declined. Should tno device seem to deserve a patent , the Inventor is advfcoti to order n preliminary search. This coils § Ti und enables tlio candidate to know whether his idea is old or new. If It turns out to have been already patented further proceedings are stopped and the additional fees nro saved. If tbo preliminary sc-i'ch exhibits a clear lieltl tboinvontor is notified that drawings will be prepared on receipt of $3. These drawings are executed from skotchcs or models bv a skilled draughtsman in strict compliance ivith the very rigid rules of the patent odlce. U'hon they are Hied they must bo accompanied by tbo llrst gov ernment fee of $15. The Bureau then draws tij ) ulaborato specifications , covering everv possible clilni that can bo made for the in vention. Those ro sent to the applicant to bo acknowlejged before n notary and sent , back with the Bureau's fee of KB. Owing to Its peculiar conditions , patent ofllco business Is not taken by reputable attorneys on con tingent fees , and THE BKK BDitniu OK CLAIMS makes hero an exception to its eon- oral rule of requiring no payment until its services are carried to n successful con clusion. The application is then Hied in the patent ollico and goes to the proper d.vlslon to wait Its turn. In duo tlmo the examiner to whom it has been referred gives his verdict. Ho probably allows certain parts of the claim aud rejects others. Thu DuroAu then liles nil argument In uchnlf of tbo rejected claims. This usually pulls throtieh some additional portions of tbo claims. Finally , if necessary , the attorney visits tlio patent oftlce and wrestles with the examiner In person. When both sides have reached uu agreement the applicant is notified that a patent will bo is sued upon payment of the final government fee of $ . ' 0. This will bo accepted nnd tbo patent delivered at any titno within six months from tbo date of allowance. The present commissioner of patents is lion. William K. Strnonds of Connecticut. Mr. Simonds was appointed last August , and at once entered upon bis work with enthusi asm. Ho has introduced many improvements in the service and thinks ho could do still bettor if bo had the moans. To n Bin ; repre sentative , who called 0:1 him recently , ho said : "Wo have to do our work hero under the greatest diflloulties from tbo lack of proper facilities. Wo ought to have a complete sys tem of digests bv which It would bo easy to Iind in the shortest possible tlmo just what had been done in connection with nny partic ular idea from the beginning. "I have u case before mo now in which two men Hied drawings precisely nliko In every line , both drawn from tlio same object , and yet they wont to different departments be cause ono man called his device a 'friction clutch' and the other a 'harrow tooth attach ment. ' Wo ought to have n sot of digests that would onabm an Idea to bo traced , instead of requiring us to depend principally upon titles. Wo could got up the set for $100,000 und it would enable us to dispense wltb enough clerks thereafter to save the money. "Wo tire horribly cramped at present , although our onlco Is not only self-support ing , but has paid $1,000,000 Into tbo treasury. Wo have records piled upon the floor ironi cellar to garrot. Our clerks are cooped up lu crowJod , ill-vontllutod Iquartor.-i that would bo raided by tbo police under tbo cubic ulr ordinance if thov were in Ban Francisco's Chinatown.Vo liandlo 'J."i,000 cases it year nnd the number is constantly growing. The oflico was about ! i. ! > 00 behind when I took charge last August. Wo Imvo no ( . fallen buck any further , but wo Imvo not been a bio to cam. This whole building was put up for H ( latent ofllco , nnd they ought not to try to niiiko It do for us and the land oftlco , too. " "What do you think of Tin : Bun Bmcui or CI.MMSJ" tbo coniinURioner uskcd. 'It In a good thing. It seems to inn some times us If It were on almost lee largo a scnlo , bin It is managed In such n systematic way that nothing is neglected. It is sura to provo Itself u public convenience. " Tbo commissioner bus bad some oppor- t unity to oxummo tlio walkings of Tin : Hii : Briuui' OP CLAIMS of late , sincoll bus added tbo business of securing ( intents to Its olhor operations. 1C very government oillulul ex presses nd.-iilration at the accuracy unit promptness with wbicb its comnrchonstvo organization deals with the smallest ns well as tbo most Important case that U put In its euro. ri'llHIOIIH. It U impossible to touch the claim business in any of Us ramifications without running against the subject of pensions. There are moro pensioners than claimant ! ) of nil other classes combined , nml Iho number of persons already drawing pensions is only exceeded by the number of thosu that think they ought to araw them. I'lio fact that Tin : Hm : wai pronared to assist meritorious claimants of certain classes no sooner bocnma generally known than the Bureau was uosolgcu by veterans and their relatives urging it to take charge of tholr cases before tbo pension orllt'O. It was impossible to resist these de mands and the pension division of the lii'HEAi or UI.UMS was organised. At Its bead is n gentleman who lias spent the greater purl of his life In worK of this kind , lid resigned Iho position of special examiner In tha pension onicc to take charge of ttie pension work of Tin : BKK BLIIKAU or CLAIMS. Ho Is imistnd bytcv'ral attorneys , oxparl assistants und the usual corps'of clcrUs. typewriters and phonographs. The pension lawn are so numerous and complicated Unit it taUes a M > cciui education to waiter tUcui , Ono huudrou uuucity - OMAHA orors' and Jotters' I ( III ( IK . . Directory AAVX1N 8 ANO TKNTS. Omiihn 7rnt A Aiming Co. , Hn . liatmnoclt' , oil nn.l rnhlicr clollilnjr. Mini for rntnlogiir. lll.l Knmini. AND TWIMW. lltn\ir \ 1 ! < W fU Importer * ami unnific- tiiriT , Hour Sn ( k > , llurlnpi : uul Tnlno. .4. II. I'trrltinA o > , M 0. f01 Doilk'O treot. lllc cto noM im month/ ) Imminent' . bond for mir rililuiii ; | nml prlroj 1(1)71 ( $ l'nrniin LOninlii. HOOTS AND S1IOKH. Morsc-Hce ! 1101 llnwnM Street Kurturyonrm-r Mill niul Dnuiili. Wenm innUlnir clinn prlio in emli tniyor < , mill nro fclllut ! clnsi of uiiiiilt which lierr i > l- e Me nltli inorrliunts. < OitNl K. | CI.OIIUXO. f.'dulc ( . 'onil'v H'nrt * , ( /full' , Sliiniifiit'Juri'ri of Mnnufnclurcra ntiJ vr.nUcvl Iron l.'urnli-e. Window rnps , iina.illc WhnliMnlo Clothier * , skrlk-ht' ! . , 'tr 1I1U anil 1IOJ ll.irnoy struct. imv GOOD- . M. K , Sihl'tiA-fii. MtjMi'H'rfc ' Koch Dill fiomin CD. . \ Dry ponds , notion * , fur- Dry Kootlinotions , vent * ' funtlihliiK KODdi. llonnnl. Cor. lltli ninl llorrr.nlsfv Corner lltli nail Kl.KCTIUOAfj Omaha Ooiultiht ul EUotrinl Oi. , Klectro Hjimtiun. I.imyi , Wlro nnil 1'loctrlcul plloiof All KlmK HIS llownril strunt , Ijin tlia. irnif r.ifc i ( MI ni. , Illilstrntcil c.ntnloKiio free. If.H Capitol Avenuo. I UKN'I'IUltU AND OAIUMOTS. llcctie Hum/an / ' ! ( > - iiwiir ( ' < > . , Siccc ! ! < or to r A. llcobc A Co. , Or.icoa'nil Hth it'.O.inln HUNTS' KUKMSIII.NO COO US. HM.M < ! lACJir > l. , / . T. ( iMiln1 rurnMilni : need * . rlothlnir nn'l ' notion * , ' Ocnt * fMrnlihlru uooli. tihuiu n lilnl Wo hen I m'fV CilotJiMteit llrnmt ft.inipluf ! cxproii lnu- "IliicUnkln" O.-erall- . , < l. pant * , whirls , < 'ont ? . etc. Mil Ilarner. Cor. I''tti nnd llowanl * t * . GKOCKIUHS. | C5LAS- . 1) . M. Stccle .t 0) . , Illnlf , llri.ccA- . . ISOI-ian .101101 ilreot , 10th nnil llnrncy. Oinaln , Omnh i , Nob. Neb. GHAI.V ANO IMIOVI-IO l Bivw , N. A. Mcirilintrr. Urokcrs nnilrnih buyer * . I'ltvnti ) wlro < to Nrir ' Sfi llnir.l of Trndi Vork , Chli'AKo , nnil Hi 1 I'rokur In irrnin , prml- LouK Ill-It I'onr.l of ato.iiiincMtock' * 1'rluila Trulc. win-it In N. V. , llilrayu i anil St. Louli IAJS [ , HTO. I IIIOKK , KT-C. 1C. A. I , , flili'inn AO > . I tint. Oiiierii" ACo. . , at * , cap * , trtiw iroo 11 yuri ol litlai. uo Kl v-e < a'nl mlltcm , iilloff : und ftirj. Kth nnil llimioy , M I South Dili .si two different rates of pension nro now being paid , ranging from l to Mlli.Gnper , / month. ICach ono of these rates Is based upon some special pension law. There nro over 2,000 em ployes in the seventeen divisions of Iho pension oftlco in Washington , It is mnni- fustly Impossible for a poor veteran or widow In a remote town to know what cour.-o to pursue in puttlncr a claim through all this stupendous machinery. But with the friendly nldofTin : ! : : Bureau all dinicultici disan' pear. pear.U'tion the Bureau receives n letter asking It to procure u pension , the chief pension attorney examine. * tha ci-io to boo whether It appears to DO a deserving ono or not. If It does not socm to bo meritorious , tbo Bureau declines 10 handle It. If It settms just , a letter Is sent to the claimant advising him what course to pursue. Most porioin who are entitled to pensions under the general law are equally entitled to them under thu disability act of JimoU" , 1S'.U. Of cou MO , nobody can draw two pensions atonco , but in all such cases tbo Btiroau advises the claimant to tlio an application under each law. U is a comparatively simple mutter to secure a pen sion under the act of IS'.D , unit involves llttlo delay. The claimant can tha * ha drawing a small pension within a few months after the date of his application , whllo ho is perfecting his proof under tbo ircnoral law. The present commissioner of pensions Is Gen. Croon B. llaum of IlllnoU Like all tha other officials who have como in contact with Tin : BKK BritBUf or CIAIMho is much impressed by its methods. "I was very ylad to see the Bureau started , " said ho when iuostlonod ] upon the subject. "Itha-i reputable pcnllomou behind It and nnmirablo facilities for the dispatch of business. Of course it Is honorable in its dealing ) , , for It couldn't afford to bo iinvtlilni ; else. Its manugerx are fully qualified to act * as attorneys before Urn noiif.lon ofllco. " Mr. C. F. Davis , editor of ttiu Bloomllcld , Ja. . Farmer , says : ' 'I fan recommend Cham berlain's cough rumody to nil suffer or.- * with colds and croup , I have used It In my family for the past two years and have found it the bo u I ever used for the purinxoi for which it Is intended. " li" ) and , 'iU cunt bottles for sale by druggists. _ II you clmlrn tiny Ion or niUlcn iPKirilliiff jour rliilm jiKiiliiHt Mm llnlli'il Stulci K"11'1'1 ' 1'lin ! ! < > ' Iliirfiiu of Ulitliim lll lurnlKh Hiiini ! lff < t ut At Kili'n .Miixi'r ; Couunuiiclnfi toiluy , the paragon of ( ItiticvrH , Mi'B. Milllo Prluo'Dow , wholuib acliiovod moro tliuti tlio coiubiiU ) ; ' ! triutnplib of Klldlor , .MotileCubas or CJtirniciiiiUiv. Hho aiioiirs ] ) nt 'A , 4 , 8 , 1) ) nnd 10 o'clock daily , except Friday , them ut 2 , ! I , -I , 8 , II tintl 10 o'lilock. Who Oitnu Mil ! 1 ! > ( ; ? Trouble over a dog was the cause of D. Brady's arrest nestorday afternbon , Brady Is conucotod with the Spider und Ply com pany and was around town followed by the dog wlilnh caused the trouble. H , It. Km- lick saw the animal and claimed U , Brady insisted that the animal belonged to him , and during thn argument struck Krallck. A warrant was irn out for Urudv. alleging a ( llsturbauco. . peace anil offcuilvo car. riago. _ _ _ Quuil rolled oatt tire thu lliicst inud ll.VlllVAKI3 , littler A ( ' , . / l.olieekA f.i Cor.lOlti nnct.UckninSt * llnll.tcrV . IUON WOltltH. .v l'flin ( ; \Vroi\alit \ nn.l rnt Iro'i tpidldlnj irork , engine ) . brnss work , Konornl i igunits. lltr , ' ni It. It. llrtittr , MqiiorMprrhnnti , Importer nnl .toti'ior of 111 ! llnrncy St.-pst. WIIIA * mid liiiiors. | M.nnnUclur'ri Ki-niuJy' 10Jr.n.l . ion fnmaniSt. Kntl liulln nittcn. I'rk'oll < ti on rippllc.ntkin. I'rchA- I In l > cr ! * , Wliiilp nlo liquor itp.ilarj 10JI Kiirniini'U s II. .tnlin A. \ \ ' , ! > : r'r < l , llnrilwooil lumber , wool cnri-ct * nnil imrqucl liiiro-lol. Amnrloin I'orJ flooilnff , Inn I cu'iii-it. .Mllwniikort liyilrAilli : < ci'ini-iit nut ] Dili nn.l Doimlar , ( , 'Mliirj nhiit' lliio , f1. .1. .1. ll < > t > FCJr. Millinery , notlon , oouki ! l'l.ino or < nin. nrtlili' etc , v in ttorl ili , rtn. 110-118 H ICtti M. Ounlin t ! > l I IKiutlitt Mrpi < t , OVhTIOltS. .1 , lluith 1'acJnnu Co. I'la I A f n. , 1'nckorR or oytar * , nsh OjKtcr * . riili nnl Celery , ami Culcrj , .110 South I'JUi St GUBLturonworth St. DnvIJ Cole , OILS. Tdiik Line CVi. , Itcflnod and lubrlcntlnx oils , nxlo Kronse , clo. PUODUCI-J COJIM1S ION. llraiicli A Co. . IllliMl A-Kmttlt. Dealers In country prol- I'niiliioc , fruit * oF nil uro , frulti , vcnotoblet , etc. kind * , oytor , ISO ; Howard Strict. l"ti ! and llnrnor Street * . KIlsMirauu it . ' 'UJIK. Jas. A. Oltirkcb Co. Duller , chcoio , n it > , 11 utter , cue * nnl poultry. poultry nnil unine 110. ) Fam un st. K'Joutli 13th Street. Riddall & Co. , 6. Pcg.111. oinnilsnlon Mcrohnn , lluttcr. rheoso. CKII.TO- 1'roiluco , Duller , ICuxs. ctnblc * , frulti. poultry riuu o nnd Poultry. 1'Jth and llownrd Ut * . Omulm. Mullin & Bing'iam & Son , f ppolnltlo * . Iinli3r. o ji S''nd us ) our I'tifi. Milt- i-lipo c. poultry , oto Nn. tjr , Poultry. Cniuo , 15 j tin ilji tis Xtc. llldui , etc. bank. 1TOI-3 l.aivpnnorth St. IMI'Klt. Carpenter Paper Co. , Kln ? P-lPjr 0 : > - Curry n full stock of WrnPI'liii : paper , ml klnjj ° ' " " ' ' printing wrnpplnii nml , , ! , e/ : , ; ± . . , . , M. A. Disbrow & do , I aHar(17 ( u ° v M nufnctureM of nih. I Toy . ilolli , nllniinr , Hours , bit nils and f n / HuoiU. liiiusofuri raonldlnui. llrnncli uf- nl'hlnu BOOti , clillj. occ , th .nd l rd Ht , . , ' ' " [ l" , _ SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARD3 CO. . LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT' ' . PULLMAN VESTIBULE FIRST CLASS TRAIN FROM ST. LOUIS TO NEW YORK , OVER THE VANDALIA AND PENN SYLVANIA SHORT LINES. The mandate of the traveling puhl'c ' miiEt bl obeyed and tlierefoie tbo Viuidulla unit IVnn- kjlvanla II lies nualii slop to Hie fiont nnd pieM'iit their I'oniplliiii'iils-bi'lng the ( list to offer n solid I'lintcngcr train I'luni R. Ixmls to New York. Hoslnnlng with Mombiy , Fobninry IBtli , ISItf , the uboNC mimed lines \illl mn , ejery tiny Jn thi-jenr , n mild riilliiian Vostlhulo tniln roinpohPil of ono I'.ulor midklng cur , line Hist cluss i is.rn er loach , one 1'iillniHa dining rnr nnd mw I'lillmiin sleeping cnr , Horn SI , LonlH nl MO n in to Ni-w York nt 4,00 p. m next iliiy lliKiiiKh IiillininKill ( | , I'nylon , ColiinihiiH , Hllhlniruli , Ilarrleburu mid riilludilphla. The I'uilor Miiiiklng cars unit Vertlbiila < < wlio uro new fCiiluiPM of Ibis iilmidy ) X > pu- l r K'l vice , and the liiel Hint Ilicsc cnrf IIH well IIH Iho slreplug curs run Ihrougb from Ht. lM\\h \ \ to Now York In a Killd VrMlbule Irnln , I'irimplK the nugiimtloii Hint Ibesc Improve- nu'iils will enino Into liinncdlale favnr , Norxtin riiro ulll l > o eliariied on Ibis Irnln , mil only ( list class HckrlR will be aivrptcd. Ainit ofcoriiiictlni. lines In Ibn Wr t nil Honthwcul will ftiriiUb fiuthcr Inrorriintlnn , or plenBo nddrcea Clliuiliuouiiil , VanclulUi Line , Bl. AN OLD VETERAN. H. Hcrltecbtrr. Mtvenn' J'olnt , U'U. , onllorod foi " 5 yraia of Ncr vous 1'roetrotlon , liiioru than tongna can tell. 1'lijslcl. ans \ elleil ooth- lug , ouo bottle o | DR. MILES' NERVINE , \ brought him m.t , nlep am made him feel like . Dew man , Dr. .lullim C. tlnilernooil , ileinuldc , Tcnn. , utl reil from periodical pervoiin attacks , Imt found tffect kfter using ono lioitlo ol Monlne , Trlol tolllo and aidant book FltKK at DR. I'oi sale by Uuhu Jc Ca , 13tU and Dotiglat