Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Tacts Tail Reflect the Onward Movement
in the Imperial Domain.
Xp\rlo | ii < 'iit In Central Wyoming Color-
n do * < New Cumin Irrigation In lilnlio
Dakolu Tin I'Dnperl * > < MTB
nl tlin Xotthncftt. Wyo. , Fob. 11. [ Special to Tun
JiKii.l 'Iho outlook for Cftiper In the
future Is vnry brlijht.
Them nro two syndicates nftor the laigo
fields ot copper In this vicinity. Otio. rcpro-
fcenlcd hy Prof. Henry Xahur of Chlcneo ,
lias airoady got control of omo sevonty-llvo
mining claims , on which It Is proposed to begin -
gin extonslvo operations as noon ns spring
opens. A Inrso force of men will ho put to
work early In April. The otlior syndicate
already has some forty claims pledged , nnd
there nro yet ever fifty claims hold by Indl-
dividual pnrtlna.
Thuro nro over tbrco squnro miles of
nsbestos already located , nnd only this week
loiters hnvo been received from ISnglish cap-
ilulials Inquiring ns to the number of ncios
that can bo secured , ns the quality Is very
Currier & Smith hnvo a lorgo body of catena
ere , on which the assiy shows over $70 in
silver nnd lead.
The Ulanchard syndicate , which recently
obtained control of ever 1011,000 acres of oil
land , It making ptvu.u'iUions for n buy sea-
non. Two rips on thu ground. The first
well , louAtod four and ono-'nulf miles from
Caipar , Is down over 100 feet. The company
Is composed of such men ns Den Hlancbnrd
of Hrooklyn , N. V. : H. C. Hartlott of Omaha ,
32 , S. Mann of Cheyenne aim several other
nromlncnt 'men. All nro pushers. They
liavo Just completed tlio buildings nnd derricK -
ricK lor their second well on Powder river and
will b.'uln drilling at soon ns they can got
their drill nud easing thoro.
Thu Pennsylvania Oil company Is now
drilling on iho third well , located forty-two
miles north of Casper on Salt creek , and ox-
liccti to reach the oil sand uoxt weok. This
well In only TOO lent , from.tho company's
famous gusher , which was struck a year ugo
nnd was plugged nftcr the oil had flowed
down I ho crook miles. Thn company
Is composed of seven very uo&vy oil pro
ducers of i'onnsylvnnia , wllh larco capllal ,
und nil practical oil men. lion P , M. Shan-
nou a ( Plltsburg , Pa. , Is truslep.
Mr. Shannon Is also a meinbur
of iho oxccultvo commluco of iho
Producers Protective association nnd ono of
tlio manager * of the Producers Oil company ,
txvii organizations In the Ponnsylvanta oil re
gions antagonistic to Iho Standard Oil com
lion. Grorgo B. McCalmont Is the legal nd-
visor aud generalrenresontatlvo of the Penn
sylvania company \Vvomlnp , wllh head
quarter * nt Casper. Ho says Iho company
has.cxpcnUcd about $30,000 thus far aud thai
It is not hero to make it hooin and sell , nut lo
quietly drill uud gut tbo oil and , eventually ,
if tho.v not aufllclont oil of a quality that will
warrant , lo uulld plpo lines nud erect rolln-
cries and market the oil ,
J , D Negus of Chluago has recently pur
chased sovfcrnl of tbo lirgo soda lakes of this
section and wilt oreuc largo refining plants lo
reduce the soda to a marketable condition.
As there are over sovcntv of tboso lakes In
this county largo rotunis are expected from
Irrigation in Idaho.
Accordlnc lo u lalo census bulletin , four-
tenths of 1 per cent of the entire nroa of
Idaho is now cultivated by moans of irriga
tion. This is equivalent to 1317,005 acres , or
B3'.U ' > 7squaro miles.
The aggregate number of farms in Idaho
on Juno 1 , Ib'.K ) , was 0,031 , and of thoao 4UJ ! ; ,
or about , two-thirds , contained irrigated
areas , the remaining third being farms in tbo
northern counties or slock ranches upon
which no irrigation wns practiced. Tuo
total area of thu crops irrigated on Ihcso
4l'Ji ! : farms was only -0.07 per cent of Iho
total area of lands owned liy tlio frrlgniar.- ) .
'iho average size of Iho Irrigated portions
of farms on which cropj wore raised wns
11 fly acres. Classifying Ihojo nreas accord-
Inp to M7O , the following results ere ob
tained : Seven irrigated farms ( crip nrcas
only ) of 040 acres or upwards , Ibirly-lour of
from U'M to ( HO acres , and 17:2 : of from 100 to
itS ) acres. Thoi > o 211) ) crop areas contained nn
nver.isje of SJ70 acres each , and had a total of
57,477 HPI 08 , or over 'M per cent of the entire
amount walorad in iho state , The remain
ing 4,110 individual crop areas , under ICO
ncrcs In size , compri&cU nearly 71 per cent of
the total irrigated area , and averaged thirty-
nine m.Tes each.
Thu avorngo llrst cost of water right Is
S4 71 nor acre , and iho average cist of pio-
narlii ! ; Urnsoil for cultivation , Including the
pim-haso price of the land , but excluding the
cost of water right , la 310.50 per aero. Tno
nveraga present value of the irrigated land of
thn Rtatn , including buildings , etc. , is reported -
ported as $4(5.50 ( pnr ncro , showing an appar
ent nrollt , loss cost of buildings , of ! 1.'JO
jjor iicro. The average annual cost of wntor
Is 8) ) coats per acre , which , deducted from
the average annual value of products per
ncro , leaves nu average annual return of
$12. ll ! ner ncro. '
Tint Mining Cra/t' in Colorado.
Not only Colorado , bntovory mining camp
In the west is moro or loss affected by the
Btnmpcdo to tbo nnw mining c'liups in tbo
Heckles. The oxcltomnnt nnd the rush , oven
in mldwinlor , equals that of LcaOvillo in its
Three now strikes , all located in Colorado ,
nro nttrautlne widespread interest. Thi'se
nro Creedo , Cripple Creelc and Boulder The
Bonldor strike is gold ere of great richness ,
nnd iho camp is in the vicinity of the town of
that. name. Cripplu Creole Is in southern
Colorado , ton mlles distant from the Santa
Fo ro.ul. Creedo is on tlio KIo Grnndo road ,
: nr > miles southwest of Denver. The iwo
lust iiro silver camps , the former a pocket
ntd the latter true flssuro voins. C rood o is
coiihidcrcd the best of the three , ana has
ulrcady n population at 4,000. Five mines
have been opened , and the shipments average
nbout ton car loads of ere dally. If this pro
duction bo maintained It is estimated that
the j ear's output will bo JO.MO.OOO. 'j'ho
OWN nro high grade , \Inldlng about JJOO in
i ( silver per ton , Wnior and Umber uro
bo iilmmlaut , Pcojilo uro pouring in at the
truto of'JOOn day , although It is utterly 1m
, passible to prospect , owing to thu snow on
tit.1 mountains which hcdgo thu Httlo valley
In which the town is localod. Gum blurs and
ruloons uro reaping a harvest , while Iboso
ivho cat : furnish covered ground to sleep on
gather In fu head per night.
.Stripping tlui Kin-nil * .
The trlnl of parties charged with stealing
11 moor from government lands In Idaho , now
In piogross in Holso City , furnlshoa a sample
of thu common robbery of foresU going on
In thn west , During the years 1S83-IMK ) the
iceiiscil cut and sold millions of foot of gov
ernment Uuier in Kootcnal county. Ono wit-
ncss testified that UO.OOO.CHX' foot of saw logs
\\oio delivered by the prisoners to tbo
BviUano | saw mills.
Such wholesale robbery dpservos the
Boverest punishment. Notwithstanding the
liberality of thu government In permitting
If.n taking of timber for necessary domestic !
purposes , i hero nro hundreds ot cases llko
thixo In Idaho , Illustrating the greed of thn
timber pirates , who openly violate the law
und an up thuir lingers nt the authorities , A
fuw vigorous prosecutions and n term 1n jiill
Will have a wholo-sotnaolToet , linn.
Thn Salt Lake natural gas wells are astou-
bhlug ihe owners ana the natives. The first
lUlecr.-foot well , sunk some tlmo ago , ( level-
> pcd u projsuro of 143 poundi , A ton-inch
rvell recently sunk struck dry pas ut ( XX ) feet ,
( vlth a nroasuro much grentur than the Ural
ivell. The toeond ( tribe removes all doubt
u to tbo extent und value of thu tlud , and in-
lures a cheap aud unlimited supply of fuel
for manufacturing and domestic purposes.
Bull I-akors nro Jmtlllably jubilant.
Vulluul Mulilunii.
Tno valiant Santa Hosa ( Cul. ) nmluens ,
\\\o \ \ slstora Swan , aged IT und 20 , deserve to
10 enrolled with Omaba'a heroines. A
itMiury tramp called at their homo and was
utkcn in and fed. The following uleht ho
; allod. after the girls had rotlroa , and pro-
scojod to rob thu house. One of them ,
awakened bv n falling window , Jumped out
of bed anil lit n lamp. A she did so she
saw the tramp under the bed. She did not
scream. She wont to the bed to wnlspor to
her sister , nnd ns she loaned over the col the
burglar caueht her by the nnklcs nn-J throw
ber to tbo lloor. She screamed to her sister
to got up , that there was a man in tbo hou o.
The sister Jumped out of bo 1 nnd , grubbing
n short stick that was lying near , struck
the Intruder n blow ever the head that
almost sent him Into the land whence
no tramps over return. Then she sprang on
him nnd rough I him by tbo throat , and by
that tlmo her sister , who had disengaged
herself from the clutch of the man , went to
her assistance , lloth bclnc well endowed
with strength , they ncla the tramp down
until a little boy was sent for nn ofllccr.
When the ofllcer"nrrlvcd , ho found the two
enraged nnd determined girls holding the
tramp by the throat. The offender was black
in the face from strangulation , tits tongue
wns sticking out , his face was scratched and
badly bruised , and altogether ho was nbout
the inost. unronmntlo burglar ever seen In
Santa Kosn or ulsawhorc. He was taken to
Dakota Tin.
The Hill City Miner explored Iho Hnrnoy
Peak tin mines recently nnd reports Vro *
gross. The abaft of the Gortlo mine Is down
400 foot , with laterals on tbo 00 , ' , ' 00 nnd ! 100-
foot levels. The ledge varies In width from
tbrco to llvo feet , being fully flvo foot on the
400-lovcl. Tils a fact that nt no place In all
thcso openings can the ledge bo scratched
where tin crystals may not bo seen , and In
the breast ot the lower working * on both
walls there li not sufllclont rook to hold
the crystals toiruthcr when It has
been loosened. crystals also aru
tnickly Interspersed through the onllro
lodge of llvo foot. This rich ere Is not In
isolated spots , but tbo vein on the sides of
the drifts show that it runs tbolr entire
length. Much of this ere will mill " > u per
com nloek tin. nnd there are thousands of
tons now on tlio dump which will yield ! J.r
per cont. These ere * compare favorably wttn
the wonderful specimens sent to London sev
eral years ago which excited the admiration
of the tin minors of the world.
Salt i rolitlu .
Tlio result of the municipal election In Salt
Lake City last weak clearly demonstrated
tbo purpose of tbo Goatllcs to stand together
in opposition to Mormon power. The nttompi
to divide thorn on republican and democratic
lines was n failure. Last , August the
majority in Iho city was 714. Last week it
was ill : ! . The result Is tbo election of the
entire liberal cltv ticket the creutcst liberal
victory yet won in Utah. "This viotory , "
s ij-s the Salt Lake Tribune , "Is n barnlngor
of n prosperous year to coma , nnd the
striking of n now great natural gas well Just
when its people were recording their will
through their ballots is a coincidence which
makes liDcrnl hearts Jubilant with hope and
satisfaction. "
Indians May Drink Itocr.
Judge ICnowlos of Iho United States dis
trict court of Montana decides that beer Is
not a spirituous liquor , and therefore it is
not a violation of law to sell or give it to an
Indian. This is an original ruling by n
federal court on this subject. Of tbo stnto
courts that hnvo passoJ upon the question ,
these of Now Hampshire , West Virginia and
Tennessee hnvo agreed with the Judge's
ruling , uliittt the court of North Carolina
nnd one court in Now York have held to the
contrary. The case on trial wan that of u
man who sold n nottiu of beer to an Indian
on the Crow reservation. Ho was dis
charged ,
A manufacturers' union is gainingstrongtn
in Cheyenne.
Laramlo threatens to copper Cheyenne'
smelter with a beet sugar factory.
The lignlto coal found near Gillette Is
bolni ; shipped to neighboring towns.
Over tS.OOO 'has been subscrloed toward
the erection of an Episcopal cathedral in Lar-
A ditch projected for Albany county will
Irrigate 7,000 acres and require $15,000 for
The Ulacl ; Fork canal near Brldcr will
irrigate 00,000 acres of land. It will bo
twonty-livo miles long.
A Wahsnteb zephyr struck Laramlo last
Monday aud whisked through the town at a
gait varying from forty to sixty miles an
Gold Hill rovelsln n carnival of the beauti
ful. During tbo past four , months the total
snowfall was twenty-seven feet lour and a
half Inches.
The youncr reliable Saratoga Sun reports
that ere from the Fairvlew prospect assayed
in gold to Iho Ion. There uio ludicn-
lions that the ere will carry moro silver as a
greater depth is attained , The location of
this property is a most , favored one , being
within a short distance of Grower's Ten
Mile house , and where neither snow nor the
elements can interfere with Iho work but
A train of seven loaded cars , with brakes
on , was loft standing on the main line near
Simpson , while the remainder of th'j train
wns pulled up the hill. Owing to a leak in
the nir , the brakes were unloosed nnd the
cars rolled down grado. They dashed
through Allan stalion at a tlfty-milo gelt and
continued on their wild career to within
three miles of Medlcluo Bow , where they
stopped , having traveled over iwonly miles
without mooting an obstruction. Xo damage
wns done.
South Oiikolu.
Work has commenced on the Sioux Falls
public building.
Tbo Klkhorn is building n trade lo the
Unpid City ehlorlmi7llion works.
Ono hundred of the pioneers of 187G banqueted -
quoted aud swnppod yarns ut Dcadwuod last
On.Friday , February 19 , unltSs executive
clemency intervene , the condemned mill1'
dorcr , Lehman , will formally stretch hemp
nt CustorCity. Lehman had three trials.
Whliecaps have warned iho Urngglsls of
U'niertown ttmt they must no loncor permit
dlco shaking for cigars In their places of
business. Slinking for liquid medicine Is all
J , P. ICealh , n' Dcadwood operalor , pur
chased a half interest m the Josie , Annie and
ICallo lodes on January Ul , paving tli,600. !
Ho has since been offered and refused 10,000
for bis interest.
Under the bend , "Tho Mineral Holt , " ihe
Dondwood Times reports : "Mr. nud Mrs.
James Cotlon nro rejoicing ever tbo arrival
of u girl baby nt ' .heir residence Wednesday
morning , "
Negotiations continue for an extra session
of the legislature lo provide for an exhibit nt
the World's ' fair. A call will bo issued if
members of the legislature agree to servo
without pay.
A strike of n body of free milling gold ere
is reported from Sana Crock , heretofore not
considered In the gold dl&tricl. Assays made
here gave returns of $ i)7.bThe pioporty Is
owned by Dijadwood uiou , who will at ouco
proceed to develop it ,
Hocont developments at thu Nlggor Hill
Un mines have been very satisfuclory. A
good donl of ere has been moiled down in
blacksmith forges and a iinmborof small ban )
run out , which have boon brought to Deadwood -
wood tor uxhiDition.
Bozoinun voted 0,000 for a high school
A minor has filed a claim on mineral land
on South Hodnsy street , Helena.
Tbo upper works of thu Anaconda smelters
are now in operullou , showing tbat the
threatened freight rate light fallod to mate-
The HocUy Ford Coal company has de
clared auolhor dividend of 1100,000 , Twice
within thu twelve mouths beginning July 1 ,
Ib'Jl , has such n dividend been mado.
In the tunnel of the Paragon mine near
Basin u line vein of ere was struck thn past
week ranging from II to t4 ! inches In width
and running up into tbo hundreds to the ton.
The now Iron bridge at the crossing of the
Yellowstone has boon completed at a coat to
the Northern Pacitlo Hailroad company ex
ceeding $100,000. The Iron frame work rests
upon two pier * of solid masonry , the ap
preaches upon granite abutments.
The work problem is becoming a very
serious onein Hullo , Idle men uro uioro
plenty than over before , aud the now ar
rival * in town who came expecting work ,
are not able to got out of town , now that
work is not to be found. Housewives report
a distressing number of requests for meals.
Several ot iho largo silver mines of this
stuta are running on vary low margin again ,
owing to the low price of silver. Tbo ere of
the Alice vlolds flit a ton. and it uosU $13 to
work U. The Moulton is In about the same
condition. Should silver go much below the
present quotation * thwo properties would
close down.
A total of 83,201 cars were handled at
Ogdcn last yoar.
A company has boon organized to bore for
natural gas nt Ogdcn.
A rush to the Deep Creek country Is looked
for as soon as snow disappears.
Considerable counterfeit coin is being cir
culated thioughout southern Utah ,
Mineral of n high grade wiw discovered by
nn old prospector in the hit's ' near Manti.
Urlghnm City Is to liavo n cannery , cream
ery und cheoso" factory running In full blast
this summer.
The Ogdcn council has passed an ordinance
providing for thn issuance of $ . " > 0,000 worth ot
improvement bands.
Utah will exhibit n salt palace nt the
World's fair. Whatever else they may bo
Utah people don't intend to bo regarded ns
"fresh. "
The Ogden Chamber of Commerce has de
cided to odor n bonus In real estate tn the
amount of { . ' 0,000 to on courage the establish
ment of u metropolitan paper In that city.
This Is the way the Ojrdctr Standard puts
it : "Tho contracts have been signed , the
trustee has boon appointed nnd the money
has been guaranteed for the power works.
This mighty enterprise Is now ns certain as
death nud tuxes. "
Idullli ,
Bolso pajs $110 per year for street
The Vishnu mtno nt Hocky Bar turned out
n $5,000 gold brick last month.
A 100-pound timber wolf WM brought
down with poisoned halt near BoUo.
A meeting of superintendents of graded
schools nnd county suporlntundents will beheld
hold nt Bolso March ) .
The Mineral Point , Nellie , Knitna nnd
Gray Eagle claims nt Osborn , In the Ccciir
d'Alenn country , hnva boon sold to St. 1'aul
parties. A Now York company Is to erect , n
smelter nt Osborn.
A few weeks ngo the skeleton of n liueu
mastodon was found In the bluffs of the
Snake river between the mouths of the Bolso
nnd Woisor In Ada county. It has so far
been carefully oxhumod. One of the tusks
was tun foot long nnd the same number of
Inches In diameter at its thickest point.
Aloni ; HID ( Joint.
The famous Salton lake is again rising nnd
Exports from Puget Sound durlne January
were worth SS07/J01.
A 300-pour.d shark was lauded on Sucln
island , Puget Sound , last week.
Card sharps nro reaping n harvest on
Northern Paclliu trains between Tncomaand
Oregon pooolo bnvo been buncoed out of
about $200.000 by piano fakirs on n plan
similar to that wonted in Denver nnd Omaha
last yoar.
The cultivation of the Hcorlco plant bos
boon suggested for southern California. It
thrives best in a rich , sandy loam , requires
but Httlo cultivation , and the" manner of pro
curing the extract is simple.
I'lshormou In Oregon are taking out li
censes. By the terms ofthe law passed by the
lust legislature , no one can fish in the state
except u cit'.ion , or a man who has declared
his Intention to become such and has resided
In the state for six months.
It is not every sheriff in Oregon that can
furnish bonds as speedily as Sheriff Furnish
of Uruatilla county. Last week bo was noti
fied by the county court that bis bonds ns tax
collector were fixed at $15,000. so ho sat
down , wrote out B chock for that amount ,
too ; : it ever to the bank , had it certliiod acd
passed it In to the countv cleric.
The Portland On-gonlan says that tbo
placer mines all over tbat state will bavu
plenty ot water next spring. From every
district most promising reports nro received.
Owners of quart/ mines are devoting the
winter to Improvinc their properties nnd
with thu opening of spring a boom in mining
interests is oxpcctcd.
The Chilian war scare has had some good
results. One of tbo most , Important is
tbo Konoral fooling excited in San
Francisco that somatning should bo dona to
aid the government in completing the harbor
defenses. Exports have decided that the old
city cemetery , where the paupers have been
buried , is tbo host place on the peninsula for
mounting heavy guns , as it commands the i
approach to the harbor. Hero are fifty-four
acres of land that will not bo valuable for
residence purposes for twenty years , yet the
supervisors wish to place a hich value on the
property , and owners of adjacent real estate
are eager to assist them. A movement was
started to buy this land from tbo city aud
deed it to thu general government for ouo
Chamberlain i Co.
Fiiim the Clinton Cmtiilu Ailccitticr , Lijnns , Tn ,
It was the good fortune of a representative
of this p.ipor to visit tbo laboratory of this
enterprising tirm nt Ues Memos ono day this
week. It occupies four Hears of a double
building aud employs sixty-live hands In tbo
different departments , which include tbo
compounding ot the different preparations ,
bottling , packing , shipping and printing. In
tbo latter department they have u linoly
equipped printing office , with half a dozen
presses , which are kept nearly constantly In
operation printing labels nud different kinds
of advertising matter. Their laboratory is
especially busy ut this time , as Chamber
lain's Cough Uemedy. which they manufac
ture , has proven a spendid remedy for the
grip , and In all cases greatly relieves the
patient after taking ono or two doses , while
Its continued tmo will effect a complete cure.
. " > and 50 cunt bottles for sale by druggists.
Srnil to Tim ISro llui'ciiu of Claims for hol-
illrrrt' I'cusliin Onrstlun Ithiiilc. Onuilia ,
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. DUE bid ?
tnvH from Wrst Mississippi 1'orts ( iosslp
About Ollluerx und I'rlialus ,
1'ort Slilnry .Votes.
Lieutenant J. W. McAndrotv , Tvvonty-drst
infantry , returned from leave on tbo 5th
iist. and has resumed charge of the post
Privuto.Tohn Wilson , company E , was dis
charged on the 5th lust , by expiration of
term of service. Ho will , with bis family ,
locate at Cheyenne.
Lieutenant F. L. Palmer , Twenty-first in
fan try , who has had command of company A
for some time , has been relieved by Captain
A. C. Williams.
Hocrult John Moran , who enlisted
under false pretences , was dishonorably
discharged on the 5th inst. Moran
bud been dishonorably discharged by sen
tence of a general court martial from n com
pany of the Seventh Infantry at Fort Logan ,
Colorado. Ho came hero nud enlisted nnd
was spotted by ono of the now identity cards
sent from the War department.
Recruit Frank Houk , unlisted by Lieuten
ant Stamper at Lincoln , Nob. , for companv
It , nrrlvedlioro on the 7tb.
Private Elmer C. Goodrich returned from
furlough on the 7th.
Private Michael Kyun.u deserter from com
pany B , Seventeenth infantry , at Fort Kus-
sell , Wyo. , nud who was arn.'sled in ftorth
Platte , Nob. , and brought here , has been
sentenced by general court martial to dis
honorable discharge and two years' coullno-
niout at Leavonwurth military prison ,
Tort D. A. Kimsull ,
Lieutenant Dowdy bos boon relieved from
duty as noting ordnance officer and Lieu
tenant liurdaway detailed In his stead ,
Lioutouaut Mulr , promoted'to first lieu
tenant , Fourteenth Infantry , is attached to
company F , Seventeenth infantry , for duty ,
Tbo order relieving Captain A , H. Appal ,
assistant surgeon , from duty at this post und
assigning Lieutenant J. M.Caboll in his stead ,
bus boon revoked.
Captain ( Julnton and six enlisted men of
the Seventh infantry were at the post several
days last week in connection with tboueocral
court-martial in session hero.
Owing to a break in the boiler at the pump
bouse , the entire water supply of the post
was cut otT for two days last week. Water
was furnished thn ofllcers and companies by
moans of the water wmion.
Private C. F. Suttou has been granted a
furlough for throe monttn ,
I'lirl KllllllMIIM. .
As tbo tlmo draws near when post traders
will have t close up their piaco-t of business
on military reservations thu people here
have begun lo ask each other what are wo
going to rio when Mr. Paddock moves his
stoio. This is a momentous question , o > -
pcclnlly to families , Tbo canteen cannot
carry the stock of Kdods necessary to supply
n post of this slzp\iritt ovjon It tho.v could ,
who is ( hero in thanrmy with n mercantile
education nnd experience to carry on .such n
business I
'ihcro Is n petition being circulated to
allow Mr. PaddoiUto continue a year loncer ,
or until the cnntoon bo In condition lo carry
on n buMnco to nieot the requirements of
thn post , nnd It Is earnestly hoped that tbo
petition will bo granted.
Tim weather for the past two weeks has
not been favorable f6r ice cutting.
Mr. .lowntt lias nn uxpert jml builder in the
poison of Mr. Lucas assisting Mm to coin-
plcto tno .stool work of , the new guard house.
Lieutenant Bettens , Mnth cavalry , Is in
California on f lek leave ,
fort Ullc-v.
Miss IClla Blatno , who lint boon visiting
with Lieutenant and Mrs.V. . .1. Nicholson of
tbo Seventh , returned last Monday to bor
homo In Helena , Mont.
General , T , W. Forsyth , Major S. M. White-
side and Captain \V. S. Edgerly , Seventh
cavalry , attended a mooting of tba Colorado
commandory of the Loyal Lnglon which wns
held at Denver during tha week.
First Sergeant Herman Ounthor , D troop ,
returned ftiondny from Cheyenne , Wyo. ,
where ho had boon for n few days transact
ing prlvntu business.
Sergeant Fred Baker , U troop , arrived Sat
urday from the recruiting rendezvous nt
Kansas City with four able-bodied recruits.
Georjro B. Buchanan of SU Joseph , Mo. , U
visiting his lather nnd mother , Sergeant nnd
Mrs. John Buchanan.
Private Thomas Tdllv. C troop , will rotlro
from active service , under provision of the
"throe-year net , " February til.
Mrs. Colonel Dallas Bacnu of O mail a is
visiting with her frthor , General J.V. .
W. Cratulo nnd sUtor ot Loavonworth are
visiting wlui Colonel nnd Mrs. Woodruff ,
Second artillery.
Lieutenant W. S. Pierce , Second Attlllery ,
leaves this week for Wntorvllot arsenal.
Major Smith arrived nt the post Tuesday
nnd paid tbo troops Wednesday morning. It
was n very qulot pay day. The bad con
dition of Iho road lo town nnd the absence of
stimulants at the post were two of the rea
sons why * < ho day was so quiet.
\V. H. Godlug , the architect nt this post ,
wns among those who received n Jolting in
the late wreck on the Chicago and Alton.
Harry C. Dutton , of the Chicago. Bur
lington & Qul'icy railroad , is visiting Forago-
master. J. A. Hubert.
Privates Gale and Livingston , E troop ,
were discharged in conscquuncu of expira
tion term of service last Wednesday. Both
sav they are out for good.
Corporal C. K. Osgood , K troop , Is In the
guard houso. The charges against him nro ,
conduct unbecoming a noncommissioned
olllccr. Corporal Osgood Is a member in good
standing of the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation , a lender in the chapel choir nud nn
all-round Christian , but bo ullowcd bis
passions to" pot the best of him and now
sutlers the consequences.
For fear the men nnd horses will got rusty
the orders nro that any day tbo men are not
in tbo riding hall they shall ride iivo or moro
miles for exercise.
Major C. S. llsloy ts turning over E troop's
property to Lieutenant Sodgwiuk Hlco pre
paratory to bis colmj to Fort Hobinson. Tuo
major expects to leave next week.
In connection with hii other treed work nt
this post Chaplain D ; U. Lowell Is endeavor
ing to organize n branch of tbo Christian
alliance of the United States army nt tills
post. The chaplain is getting along nicely
with his lyceum und wo know bis endeavors
to organize un alliance will meet witb
1'ort MyKlnnny.
Wo have boon haying ull sorts of weather
for the past fortnight , the thermometer rang
ing all the way from 40 = above to 15s below
zero. Part of the time it has scorned as if wo
were in the midst of summer , but wo bad
hardly arrived at that agrcoablo conclusion
when presto change.,1 ana Jack Frost baa us
ntrnin in bis clutches bard nnd fast.
Saturday , the 80th , .was n ebartning day
and our commanding ollleer issued orders
that the regular monthly Inspection , which
tnkos place on the last day of every mouth at
all military posts , would be In full-dross uni
form on the parade ground Sunday. In con-
sequence Saturday was devoted to polishing
buttons , cleaning up und the doing o'f all the
many little tilings that soldiers have lo do
when they prepare themselves for n close in
spection. When wo lurnod in for the night
all were ready for the next day's perform
ance ; about midnicht the weather changed
and at 7 o'clock Sunday morning the ground
wns covered witn snow aud the weather was
us bad as it bad bojn good Ibo day before.
This made n change nnd Inspection was in
tbo company quarlors , In overcoats , fur
gauntlets , fur caps and overshoes , instead o'
The canteen has moved into its now quarters
tors at lust nnd the old barn that it has been
occupyinc for the past Ion months has been
turned over to the post quartermaster to bo
reconstructed and when llniahea It will bo
occupied by Ihe Eighth Infantry band as
their quarters.
The building the canteen Is now in was
formerly used as a post trader's store , nnd
has been put in good condition , nnd being in
the center of the post ought to do much bet
ter than it has done heretofore.
Tno Eighth Infantry band has received
three additions from the recruiting depots
lately , and with tlio return of its loader from
u furlough is now in bettor .shape than it
has boon since wo arrived at this post , Feb
ruary 10 , 1891. The now members nre not as
nrolfclont in brass ns they might bo , but in
string they nro all right.
Private Fletcher of company H has been
on another of his successful hunts. Ho left
tbo post nbout S o'clock Saturday morning ,
und Sunday evening ho was back with iivo
largo dour.
A general court martial is now in session
attending to tbo cases ot two gentlemen who
became tired of wearing tbo blue and took a
French leave of absence. Thcso two worth
ies nro Privates Mat-burger of company E
and Fredericks ot company H. They slartcd
out on the 10th and walked to Gillette , the
Wyominc terminus of the Burlington &
Missouri Illvor road , where they were mot
and rocolvcd with open arms by the kindhearted -
hearted marshal of the place , who onlor-
talnod them to the host of bis ability until a
detachment from the tort arrived and re
lieved him of his charge. The marshal ro
colvcd Ibc nentsum of ? l30 ! from the govern
ment for capturing the two runaways. They
are now endeavoring to convince the court
martial that , they bad no intention whatever
of deserting , but were simply out loaning nt
tno country trying , no doubt , to locnto some.
now coal Holds , It Is moro than likely lhat
they will take n trip over thosamo road again
shortly , onrouto to Iho Loavonworth military
prison fora couple of years.
1'ort Mtrniln , H. D.
Corporal Carl Barnstoln of troop D , Eighth
cavalry , has transferred us a private to the
hospital corps. , (
About thirty or forty recruits uro expected
hero from Joffcrjom barracks for assignment ,
to tbo Eighth cavalrf about March 1.
The llrst annual WJI of the W. T. Sher
man ledge No , 13 , IJ. yv. and N. U. , of this
post will bo given.oi ) .next Friday evening ,
February 19. Thucfijunltleo In charge liavo
made elaborate preparations nnd expect tbo
ball to bo u great success.
Captain ) | arrived and assumed
command of his tronpA , Eighth'cavalry.
Sergeant Major Ml Benjamin , discharged
February 13 , will ri-oulistlininudlately. ) Uo-
fore expiration of , pip. next enlistment ho
oxpoots to receive [ a. , patmnlssnrv sorgoant-
bbip as ho stands \yjaj ( , up on the list ut pres
ent. ir , ' ( ,
It Is to bo rcgreUvd tbat tbo enlisted men
of the post do not take jnoro udvanlago of our
commanding olllocr's well known iniurost in
sports nnd amusements nud oush things
along. The fault is with Iho men themselves ,
as Colonel auinuor bus never yet , since ho
has neon in command , vetoed tiny request of
the enlisted men when nmuteniunt was con
cerned. Probably this is the only pos' , in the
army wtiero Wednesday ultoinoon lias been
sot apart for games uud outdoor sports. Why
don't the men take hold and make things
lively and rolluvo jtomo oi thu monotony that
uow exists )
CorporalMcGooof troouE , Eighth oavalrr ,
has been made llrst surgvuni of the sumo
troop , vice Burns , resigned.
Chaplain E. J , VutUnun in now diligently
nt work on uSioux-EnglUh dictionary , whicn ,
when completed , will bo of great assistance
lo teachers of ibo Indians , It will contain
about 70J words of the Sioux lar.gungu , trans
lated into English , with dutlnllions. it Is bis
intention to try und have the Wnr department
adopt it for tbo beuutlt ot onirora nnd thc.s-j
who huvo charge cifthnliislruclbn o'f Indians.
Thu chaplain Uosorvos great credit for bis
enorgotip nnd tireless efforts for the benefit
of his red pupils.
Thn canteen here , owing to the prohibiting
of the snlo of beer , cte , , is not n very liberal
paving Institution , This , no doubt. Is n
gront Injustice- the enlisted men ot this
post.Vhon the dividends declared nt nil
other posti nro I'ompnicd with the inmo hero
It is no uondcr tbnt the enlisted men liavo
the feeling that ttiov uro discriminated
against In this particular : nnd nho the fnct
that , n short wmk to the town of Sturgls will
procure for thorn nil ibo drinkables they nro
able to pay for. is It nuy wonder that they
should like to eo to n post when ) this tils
crimination does not exist (
Sp < > opmdlci. HIM Astlinni
and lie spoilt thirty-two mtntitos trying to
tell bis wife to go lo thunder nnd gel bin bottle
tle of Dlxoti'a Aslhmt Cnro , nnd she ( tutor
thitiir ) Muttered around and brought some
broth nnd n hair brush nnd things , and
Sroopondyke nearly died , but ho got the
Asthma Cure Ilnnlly and then well , I'm
orry forhiswlfo. „
If .MIII ilcslrti tiny Inlorniiitlon or i\il\lrr
rognrulnt ; jour ( -1111111 ngiilnst ttiu fnltril
States RotrcitiiK'iit Tlio HIT Unrrait of
Clnlins will fnriiMi sinmi Irco of
At idi'ii :
Cominoncinn ; todny , Mrs. MUHo
1'rlco-Dow , ovorywlioro pronounced by
press mid public tlio qucon of dancers.
Shu appu.u-H nt ; i , ! , 8,1) nud 10 o'clock ,
uxcopt IMdiiy , then i. , Jl , 4 , 8 , 0 and 10
HoTVIIs the History of Ihn Wiitr Works
( 'iiiiipanj' Tronlilrn ,
O.MMM , Fob. 13. To tbo Editor of Tin :
ltd : : The reports recently published in the
water works ease do not clvo certain Import
ant Information which Is necessary to n
proper undi-rstniidlng of the mailer. Pieaso
dome Iho favor to publish Iho following :
My toiler lo Mr. Underwood wns wrllten
under the following circumstances , viOn :
the consolidation of the Omaha nnd Denver
water works last April six dlioctors repre
senting Omaha auU six representing Denver
were elected , nndV. . A. Underwood wns
agreed upon in the thirteenth. I was of the
Omaha party.Vucn \ trouble commenced I
wanted tn got out , ns 1 had oulvn small in
terest , nnd did not rare , under the circum
stances , to increase it , ns I had before in
Mr. Underwood resigned nnd his resigna
tion was nccoptod , leaving twelve directors ,
neither OmahanorDenver havingn majority.
The Denver party attempted to ro-olcot
Mr. Underwood against the wishes of
Mr. Vernier nnd Mr. Vlallo of the
Omaha parly. A nuarrol ensued nnd n strug-
nlo for the control of Iho dlroclorv began.
Hnd I resigned unconditionally and refused
lo act it would have been unfair ami unjust
to my associates. I requested Mr. Under
wood , who was working with the Denver
party , to arrange to hnvo my resignation ac
cepted nnd permit Mr. Vennor to name my
successor , which would have loft mailers in
Iho same position nnd relieved mo.
By stating that t should net tbo dummy In
the Interest of Messrs. Vennor Ai Co , I
meant only so far as tl'o personal in to reals of
the two factions conlllcted , Ihe question of
Ihe conduct of Ihu nllairs of Ibo company or
of its policy not being then under considera
tion , but simply the question of control. Mr.
Underwood well knows that I did not moan
that I would favor the interests of Veunor &
Co. ngalnst the water worus company if
they should conflict.
Now wi'.h respect to the hydrant ren
tal. January 1 , 1MU , the city owed Iho
company 17,000 , and. the company
owed J'JS,000 ; coupons duo that day , Sl'.MJOU ;
additional coupons would become duo February - ,
ruary L' . 1V.L1 , upon the original MOO.OOO mort-
gatro. The company was required by the
terms of this mortgage to create n sinking
fund in annual Installments , at that tlmo
aggregating &W.GOO. No demand had been
miulo for this fund nnd both Mr. Underwood
and Mr. Vernier had told mo long before the
present quarrel slartcd that they did not In
tend to comply with it as it was not deemed
necessary , the works having increased
enormously in extent und valtro and $100,000
of Iho consolidated bonds having been deposited -
posited with tbo trustee , which could bo sold
as required for sinking fund purposes
or for payment of the bonds at or
before ni.iturlty. The hyur.iut rental
( originally SJl.OOO per annum ) wns
pledged to secure the bauds , coupons and
sinking fund , and the trustee was uuthori/cd
to collect and receipt for the same , but the
company did not surrender us right to col
lect or the city agree to pay It to
the Irusteo. The practice has always been
for the company to collect of the city and
pay its own coupons.
Mr. Underwood appeared inOmahashortly
before January 1. After the city council had
allowed the bill ho served uolico on the
public ofllcials ( representing himself as agent
and attorney for the trustee ) that the money
bo paid to the trustee for Iho sinking fund
roquiremonls and Iho February , 189cou
ppns. Aflor investigating the matter the
city onicials paid the sum lo Iho company
upon tbo receipt of tbo superintendent , Mr.
Hunt , who bad collected it for several years
past. The company owed the Omaha Na
tional bunk a balance of S5.00J upon a note
of the company for Slfi.OOO , endorsed by Mr.
Underwood and duo nnd protested for non
payment October ! ) , 1891 , which it was Im
perative should bo paid. Four thousand dollars
lars of Iho amount received from Iho city
was used with other funds to pay
that note , and Ibo balance , WII.UOO ,
was used lo pay Iho coupons
which were duo. Mr. Vernier bad
arranged lo have Ibo balance of Ihe § 93,000
coupons , except the Si,500 which have slnco
been paid from the income , taken up nnd
carried for six months , mostly nt ( i per cent
'merest without commission. Thu coupons
duo February have since been paid from
tbo income nnd no demand has been made of
the company for thu sinking fund.
Since I have boon associated with Mr. Von-
nor in the management of the affalis of the
company i have not been Inlluencod by him
in nuy way ; neither ho nor I bos drawn ono
cent of compensation or any inpnoy for any
purpose except to pay our aclual legitimate
expenses when absent from home upon Iho
compnny'n business.
I submit the facts without argument and
without any criticism upon the notion of the
honorable court or of tno publication mndo.
The I at to i1 it somncd to mo would give the
public , whoso confidence I dosl'-o to retain ,
tbo impression that I had ncted ngnlrsttho
best interests of the cornpiny and had been
guilty of misappropriation of funds , ncltner
of which Is true. Yours rospoclfully ,
J , II. Dl'MOST.
Too Much 'Money.
Detective Savngo returned yesterday from
Nebraska City with ike Johnson , tiio barber
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon ,
Orange , Nectarine , etc , , have
grown rapidly in popular
favor , as it is known that
they arc produced by extrac
tion from the fruit , not made
up with chemical poisons.
They are natural flavors ,
obtained by a new process ,
which gives the most deli
cate and grateful taste , Dr.
Price's Flavorings can be
conscientiously commended
as being just as represented ,
perfection in every possible
respect. One trial will prove
that their exccicrc ; : < : : < s un.
who absconded with HO belonging to n cus
tomer. Johnson loft the Miop to got thn bill
changed , but Instead ot returning kept right
on going until he reached his old homo In No-
br.iska City. A telephone message from the
police located him , nnd Sivngo was sent
down to bring tlio man back. When arrested -
rested ho had only 0 cents loft out of the
tunount stolon.
Dr. nirnoynojonnit tiiroxt , U SHiAff \ \
At r.ilon Mitvc ,
< V > mmoncln } ; todny , Mrs. MiUlo
Frloo-Dow , the "bnnolti" ; Queen , " who
will tixtnnlah , electrify und cnmpturo
ovorybody. She npponrd ut 3 , 4 , 8 , i )
nnd 10 o'otock , oxeopt Krlduv , tlion - , U ,
I , 8 , 0 nnd 10 oYloek.
n 1'nlr of
Sorgoiiiit Slgwnrt nrrestod n couple of
crooks yostcr.lay who gave their names ns
Onfltlh nnd Klnp..Ther nro both well known
pcitv tlilovci , nnd when nrrestod had In their
poisnsslon n itniplu of suits of clothes u htch
bad been stolen the iliiv before. ' The oloth-
Ing uns idcntlllod by tbe owners ycstorday
nfternoon. Botli rrooits were hold to answer
to Iho charge til petty larceny.
Uoislor'sMairlollo.'xlnoho W.ttnr euros all
hoadnchos in 'JO minutes. At all druggists.
If you < 1iMlro nny Information or nilxloi-
roKarillni ; > onr chilm iiQiilnit lltn I'nltcil
Slates Kotcrnmrnt The llnIliirnui nl
Claims ulll furnish Riimn Iron of cli : rir.
the tail
of Cutnrrh , If
you'll take Doctor
Hugo's Cntnrrli
llomody. With
the poisonous. Ir-
HtnUni ; tm lifts ,
strong caustic so
lutions , " eieawV
linlniu , nnd the
IRe you don't.
They may , per-
hap , help yon fern
n lime. But when
Cntnrrli is driven from the bend by such
menus , something else h stiro to suffer.
Usually , nine times out of ten , it's the lungs.
With Dr. Baso'ii Remedy , there's n perfect
nnd permanent cure , by scnsiblo motho-K
The non > t uhionio caica yield to its mild ,
soothing , demising nnd healing proi > crtie.s.
Not only Cntnrrli itself , but CnturrUal Head-
nche , Cold In the Head all the troubles that
may cauwj Catarrh or mny conm from it.
There's either n perfect und j > ermaiiciit
euro , no matter how bad your ruse , or of
how long iitundhig or tboio's $600 In cash
for j'oii.
Tlio proprietors of Dr. Sngo'a Remedy , in
I > crfcct good faith , nfjit'o nnd contract to give
you ono or the other.
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
Is the bst for nil purposes , be
cause It Is positively pure and m \ -
turo. It is oxcojciinprly pleasant to
the taste una has a delicious bou
N. B. It doesn't burn.nor aca'd
the throat or stem ion like inferior
whlsk-iya. It is rocomuioudod by
the best physicians.
Sold on y at high class hot JB
drupr nnd liquo" stores.
Samplft can lie hud at thu Mlllaid Motel , at
Thompson's , nl .1. A. TiillilHS , at .1. A Wood
AcC'n. . Motul Uollonu , Moynlhan's , The Diamond
mend ,
An Idea ! Complexion Soap.
Kornilo by nUrrusnnil KnncyOnodHDonlorF.orlf
tmnhtp toprrxMirntlilft Wonderful ttnm * pend SS. ?
ceiitn In utmiipe and rccclvu n cnko by rolnni nmll.
JAS. S. ICBRK & CO. , Chicago.
HPr.OIAT.-Slmnilnn llolls Waltz ( tlio popnliu
Pocloty Wnlt/)8cnt ) ntr.i : In nnvnno sending us
Uiruo wruppiTa of Bbunilon Hulls So up.
D2 . J. E. McGXREW ,
IN iiiism | > Liio ! I In the Ira itmuntotiitifi )
PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd all dlnoi'.Ji'ri
aiiddolilllllcsof yiintli and in.inhond. ITvears'
fxporlunco Ilia nisoiirc-os and faullllles are
prurtlu illy unlimited The Doctor In icconi-
inundud liy the pruss , nnd uiidomud In the
( troiKcxt turms ny thu pimp u for f.ilr tr 'tt-
inrnt und lionuM professional udvli'u. The
most , powerful irinodlcs known to inn turn
H lunuu for the Mifui'JHftil treatment of the
followlnilUoisis ; : ! :
aONOUBHOKA'-Iminudlato roller. A coin-
lilotoL'iiru without Ihu leas of an hour's time
from business. .
GLEET Uno of tlio mint complete and sno-
ci'xtul troHimunH for clout ancl all umioylnx
dihuhiirjos yet known In the medical profes
sion. Tim riMiilis HID truly wondorful. The
mn < t stiili'ioni ' anduhiiiiiiu uasus uhoru thu
discharge had n\lsti > d fnryunrt. untlruly con
trolled Inn ronmrlcilily short time.
STHIOTURE-Urcatusi known romndy for
Ihu tri'Utnimit of Hlrluluro , without piln. : r > il-
tin'or dilating. A iiinslromarkahld remedy ,
SYPHI&IS-Nii tro-iIfiH-nl for HUH turrililo
blond illsaiibu IIIIK over hcun inure aiii'eimsfiil ,
or had Htrniucr mitlorsenieiiH. In thu lUht
of inodiun bulonuu lliU illsauHu U positively
fiirdhlo nnd every traonof thu poison imllruly
Kimuveil from the blood , The euro Is complete
and permanent
LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , nnrvoiiH-
iioss , timidity , duspoirlmny , iml all lilUliUn
ulfni'lhof mirly vluo. Ht'lluf obtained al AIIOU.
'J tin wouk J.TOWHtronK. ami the duHpondont bo-
I'omu'jhuorfiil mill hap.y. |
SKIN DISEASES , und Ml OUousospf thn
blood , liver , kldnnvb ninth ladder are trtmtud
successfully with theKro.iteslknown iomedlu.i
for tlll'M ! lllMI IHItH.
Wrllu fnrrliTulitrsiimlioM'.ijii | ! lUt free ,
Melirew' * tinalinnnt for dUorilur.i of thn
Htnimtvh , liis the uiiijuallllod tinilorhoineiit. of
UIOHO wliohavii beiiii cureil. i > iis * Unit liad
sultVniil for year * und nimble to WIHIK or KAT
without lnuroiHln ! tuulr mlHury , untirulv
curul. Tim re me-lk > i nro pleasant and pal-
iitubln to the most di'llu'ttohtoinuoh. Kill
und Karniiin fts , Omuhu , .Sou. Uiilrunco on
( Hhor street.
HAVIi YOU Till ! GK11TH ?
Mnny People Ilivo It nnd Do Not Knowlt
How to Hocognlzo the Symptom * tftul How
to TrentThomi
HtindrciUof ( toonto linvo the Oilppo who do
not know It. Nol ncco S'irlly the final singer ,
hut the tlrM st.icoi. They fool palm in ( lit
head , nnd u had taste In the month , net tlnvl
and ilesjiomleiit , have chilly smmllon" , llmlii
and muscles ache. In.soniu cases Iliciu thliiRi
! iinn\i < rlooli ( < d. Innun viiics perhaps they
aiu considered nlmply n slight void , In nearly
every casu they Indicate tlummilngof tirlnpo.
There Is tint ono tlilnu to do vrhen tlicso
symptoms nppoar. nnd that U to tnUn pronip
ami \ iKorous moasuivi. to fortify nut tire tn
repel the enemy. A Httlo well dlroclrd effort
at just the rlRht time will nriMimplUh very
iniieli nuiru than labored efforts afterward ; .
There U hut one Ihln to lo ilono. and llmt I *
to IHU u pnru Kllmiilaiit , KOhiethlnK tliav will
pioinptly nnost and In no wnj' Injure.somo-
ttilim endorsed by scientists , roi-oimiiomlcd nj
ph > slclans , and poptllai lipcatisoMoulllclont- *
DnnVs I'uro Malt Whiskey. Two yo.tN RO ,
nnd lust joir when Ihedrlppu was riiKlnc.thli
was thn Htatidnrd remedy n < ed , mill roriim *
mt'iided liy the profession. It did inotu U
prevent the Orlppo tlniii nil other known 01
lecomtiieiided remedies. II preserved ninny
people In heillh \ > ho would ollierwhe havii
teen cilKvoiisly slek. purh.iin UMMI worse. It
Is as el1l"lent lo.'l'iy ns ever. It flioulil h
Ixirnti In mind othnr so oalled whlskle )
mnv lint he soolllelenl , innl If any dealer ns *
ferls that tueb whM.los uro Iho s line , Olstmsl
li'm ' at mice. There Is lint onn medicinal
whiskey , and thnt Is Duny'H I'uui Malt.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul. R'y , as represented
on this map.
ilectnc Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vcstibulcd trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gcn'l Agent
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
National Bank.
Cailal | ) 7777. S 100,1)D ) )
Surplus < > ( ! , " > ( ) )
Olllccr nnil Director ! - HonryV Vntoi , ; irotlil nl :
U C. Uu < liliu , viois priMldiMU. O , H Al Ulrica W. V.
Morn- , John S. L'olllni , J. N II. t'.itilclc. l.oi
Ucod , Cashier ,
Corner llith and Farnini Sti.
5.E.CDR. -15cBDUGL/\55T5. ' .
CAPITALS : 100.000.00
BoyifFlte w
XIfillTS OM.Y rf.M- / , - / . , c
f a I Ills Mcriy C'oniliany , I'
S lie of scats lie-ins B i til relay morning.
Thojiioi1 li > oi > "r'Ai1
. IHUlLll I 1'iciora
: ) IHVoolf , Itcuiiin 11 ; Suiidny , > lut-
IIIRC , l > 'i Iru ! } 14.
Tlio Cciuioill.ui
In tlm New Knulriml < ntttudt * ,
SiHMKiiti'il by a ctrtiiit ! cinininv. | InclinlliiK MIIJ3
TUUJACilllbWOI.I ) .MnUiiTOS U'elnnil.-'iuu ' il.iy.
Grand Opera House.
8.Gaiety Girls LAST
At 8. KIGHT ,
six * uisnuvii : ) SKATH AT me IIACII.
Don" wnlt till nlKlii If ymi Cuntonad
Kei 11 now.
Extra Announcement !
First and only appearance of
Iooflleu ) now opun ,
jlohr Ilios.1 planoH iihud al all Huliarwonka
conceits ; Max .Meyer & llro.'o. ( . , general
LVItniary - - .
Kuruwull Appoar.tncu In IhU Olty of
Under the Direction of Mesiri. Henry K.
Al.'Joy 'in I M.uirlee Gran , I'n'sentliiu
Drnir.u In 1'lvo AuU and Hlv Tnuluuux , by
Spcuial Sucnory and Appointment * .
The anlu nf Haiti will up in Killnr murnliu at 9
o'clm k. I 'rlwu l'ir t llciiir , J..iJ anil IUJU ; bttltiuiijr ,
* . ' . : u , fj.umul It.uu
lil D M N M U B K
Aipt'ars | nt ! t , 'I , H , 0 nud 10 o'clock ,
Krlilur liiiHfa' otucnlr ilu ) ; clcuunt imiiol iiliolv
gruphi of Mm. Dow | irottiilo < l tu tliu ladle * .
lOc Admits to All 1O"