Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1892, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEti : All Y 1892-
Loll\trcd by Carrier to any part of thn City
II. \ \ . TlI/TON , - MANAOnil.
' . . . . .Nn 41
.r.PIIOM.ftJ llns'ncss . Office . . . . .
NRl , | | ; , „ „ „ Jjo8l |
i JflAO/f JffttT 1O.V.
K , Y. Plumbing Co
Council Bluff * Lumber Co. , coal.
Cruft's chattel loans. C04 Sapp block.
A marrlapo license was Usuod yesterday
to Christ , 'ohuson anil Mlnnjo Ohrlstensoti ,
both of this county.
Ilenrv M. ICufus of Unffalo , Nob. , and
S.ida Ivf. Ivors of Lancaster , were married
ycstdrduy afternoon by .lustlio Hntnnior.
Hon. I. It. Morse , the "Soldiers' Friend , "
will lecture on "Keeollcctlmis of the Late
Wnr" nt the Mnsotilo tcinplo on Tuesday
ovrnltiR for iho boncllt of the Union Votornn
An electric llelit tower seventy foot high
is being orcctoJ In tbn mldolo of Like
Mnniiwa. It will bo surmounted by three
nrc llehts , which will do a irci\t ; deal
toward dUpollltiK tbo darkness which has ,
In a tnonsuro , prevented the Inko Irom bolntj
n popular placu for evening parties.
K. J. Murnhy , a clerk in the Union Pacific
odlces at Omaha , who loft Iho Catholic
xfchurch after bolnc a priest for "iKhtcun
is years , has applied to , ho Kirst Duptlst
church of this city for ndtnlsslon with a vlow
to finally entering iho proloslant ministry.
The cuso of Wallace u | nlnst Hunter , wnlch
wns submitted to the Jury Friday noon , is
still Undecided , the Jury having failed to
como to an agreement. It Is said that the
in umber s are about equally divided , mid a
disagreement Is looked for. JudgeTlionipll
Is spending Sunday at his homo In Sidney ,
however , so that the doilboratlng will hive
to go on until Monday mornint ; unless an
agreement should DO reached.
Melville E. Landon , better known as EH
Perkins , delivered a Iccturo last evening nt
the oporu house under the auspices of the
local branch of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen. Ills subject was "Tho Philos
ophy of Wit,1' ' but In snito of the high-
sounding title , he wus tbo same Kll as of
yore , and made everybody laugh to hi1 ;
heart's content. The nrocccds were donated
to the Christian home1 , and although It was
Impossible to tell last evening how much
was realized out of the entertainment nuovo
expenses , it is thought quite a sum will bo
loft for the homo.
A special meeting of the Pottawattamlo
County Fruit Growers and Gardeners asso
ciation whs held yesterday afternoon at the
county court house. Those crcsent wcro
pilnclpally grape growers'and the afternoon
was mainly devoted to talking over projects
by which tbo irrapo market must bo increased *
It was flnally decided to appoint a committee
for the purpose of consulting the Merchants
association of Omaha with a vietv to * in
ducing thorn to take stops toward establish-
me a wine factory on the other side of the
rlvor. This committee consists of J. U. Ale-
1'hcrson , Peter \Vloso and O. II. Wheeler ,
and these gentlemen will hold a contcrcuco
with tbo OmaUtt men In tlio near futuro.
Colonslll Kllil I > iiy ilo.
The A'liito goods sale opened
Feb. IS at the Boston Store , Council
Blnlls , In. , where everything in the
white goods line is displayed. Bargains
in muslins , shootings , linens , towels ,
table napkins , embroideries , , white
nprons. white ohirls , handkerchiefs , etc. ,
Below wo quote only a , few of the
many bargains that will ho offered dur
ing this gale. Sale continues for eight
days. Intending purchasers better to
como early and avoid the gteat rush ,
and get Iho better selection of the bar
Ono case bleached muslin ( almost free
from dressing ) 4c a yard , beautiful soft
finish , worth G } .
Another case of the Ellerton muslin
that is usuiilly sold for Oc will he on sale
Biuno as before , OJ.
Lnngdon muslin , sold all over the
country at lOc a yard , during sale our
price 12 yards for $1.00.
All linen damask table linen , special ,
25c n yard.
C4 and 50 nil linen blenched damask
that sold for 48c , C8c und 5Sc , in one lot
ut 30c.
08-inch heavy unbleached damask
( only ono pattern ) sold for 7i > e ; sale
price , C'Jc a yad. : 60 dozen extra largo
nnd heavv Turkish striped towels
( fast colors ) that sold for 25c , sale price
I.1. ! ) 200 dozen line damask towels , ever
86 , dill'orent style borders , hand drawn
unil knotted fringe , at 25c each. „
, \ Examine * bur line of huck tovols at
* " * 'S-2.00 per do/.on.
Sheets and pillow cases all ready for
uce ; see the low prices ; mostly made out
of the fruit of the Loouf muslin.
1'lllow cases readv made , l"Je , 1C : , 17c ,
20o and 22c. Sheets ready mtido , Ooc , 0c ! ) ,
7Co aud 85e. Better grades in embroid
ered nnd hemstitched.
Lot 1 A good size crochet quilt , will
compare favorably with 75o goods , sale
price , COc.
Lot 2-A heavy , full size crochet
spread , sold always for OOc , during sale ,
OUo.Lot 3 Bates damask quilt , sold from
Maine to California for $1.25 and $1.60 ,
our nrico during sale , OSc.
Wo put on sale the most colossal stock
ot ladles' misses' and children's under
wear over shown by us. In fact , wo
don't draw tlio line hero , but are sate In
paying over shown in western Iowa. Sco
show window for prices. Largo display
on second lloor.
Just received for white goods sale. 100
dozen children's collars at COc on the
dollar. Special numbers at Cc , lOc , lo ( )
and Me , equal to nny lOc and COc goods
ever shown In this market.
200 dozen mete of our 60 lace bordered
handkerchiefs , which wo will put on
tale at lo ( ono cent ) ouch.
Fothcrlngham , Whitolaw&Co. ,
Leaders and promotersoflowprices.
Council BlulTs. la.
J. K. Heed has returned from Wash-
liiKton ,
J. K , Casady ban returned from a trip to
Miss French of Cedar Hanids la the guest
of Miss Sublo Amy.
Hon. J. Y. Stone loft yesterday for hU
homo In Ulonwood ,
Mian Connnloy of Missouri Valley is visitIng -
Ing Miss Eunice Wells.
Melville W. Landon , "Ell Perkins , " Is In
Iho city , registered nt the Grand hotel.
Miss Ilortha Chambers of Quick has secured
cured u position In the city schools and wll
bocln work tomorrow In the Washington
blllhlllic ; ,
T. O , Dawsou loft yesterday for DCS
Monies. After spending u few days there ho
will RO to Florida to visit relatives for t > ov
oral weeks.
Mrs. A. Helter , deputy grand chancellor o
tbo 1'ythlan Sisterhood , attended the rucen-
tlou and ball Klvou by the I'.vthlan Sister
hood nt Nuolu , la.
A Ituro C'liaucp.
Dry goods nt cost or loss. Wo wil
dlscontiiuio husincsa in this city , Fob
S5f and will make general marl ; dotvi
price on all goods in the store. Sale he
gins Saturday morning and will con
tinue ton dayi . Wo mean what wo say.
Call ami ho convinced. Open ever }
night till I ) o'clock. C. C. Cully , illto
Broadway. _
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In , ,
closes cvoty oviinlng nt 0 p. m. , unless
Mondays nnd Saturdays. Mondays 0 p.
tn. . Saturdays 10 p. in. Fothoringlmuj ,
\Vhitelaw At Co. . Council Blulls , la ,
Swanson Muelo Co. , Masonic t emplo
'ottawattaraio County Supervisors Re
turn from DCS Moines.
lly f'nrrlnl M'urlc They Srrnrril lli - Ailop-
( Inn of II DIM Tlmt Will Clxi tlui
llrllpf Dc-ll-ril Iiv I'liirliiR
All on nil
I. F. Hcndrluks and A. C. Graham re
turned yesterday noon from Uo Molncs ,
where they wont to iittond n mooting of the
boards of supervisors of the various counties
of the state. Thirty-four counties were
represented by about 100 delegates , and nn
Interesting meeting was heH. The
main Item under consideration , so
far as Pottawattamlo county is concerned ,
was that of the tax levy for county purposes.
A before .stated , by n peculiarity of the law
as It now stands on the statute boohs , Pot-
tawnttamlo county Is the only oifb in the
fctnto except Kossuth which is limited to I
mills on thu dollar for county and poor pur
poses , all the rest being limited to it mills.
This peculiarity was not noticed until this
year , ultliouU [ ; tbo present law has been In
ferro for the last four years. The amount In
the courttv find poor funds Is accordingly
reduced this year from 110,000 to ? ii" > , tx ) ( ) and
the county llnoncos aio crippled seriously.
This matter wns brought before the con
vention and a resolution adopted favoring
the passage of a bill repealing the present
lau'.nnd allowing all thu counties in the
state to levy taxes on the fl.tnlll basis. The
action was concurred In by iho delegates.
The representatives from Pottawattamlo
county wbllo at Dos Moines hnd a bill
drafted arid presented to the legislature , It
being introduced on Friday , and referred to
the seii'ito commlttoo on ways and means
with reasonable assurance of Its belns :
passed , 'J ho bill provides the desired relief
bv placing nil counties on nn equality in Iho
The bridge tax question also rcrelvcd a
great deal of attention. The same legisla
ture that passed the queer rule under which
countv taxes are nowlpvlou also passed a law
providing that cities of iho ilrst class might
levy their own bridge taxes. The
consequence Is that Sioux City , and In fact
almost every largo city In tlio state , has no-
glrotcd to levy any bridge tnxes whatever ,
and tins allowed the whole expense of build
ing and maintaining bridges to ho unld by
the county at liirge. The amount of tux lev-
led in this wav on i'ottawattamio countv
outside of Council Bluffs Is Ml "TO..U The
Board of .Supervisors of Wood bury county ,
In which Sioux City Is located , wai the llr'st
to call halt on this wny of doing , and the
whole hoaid and county attorney woto pres
ent at the meeting to enter a docfdod protest.
A resolution favoring iho repeal of the clause
"allowing cities of the flrst cl s to levy their
own taxes was niloptcd. A bill embodying
the substance of this resolution was
drafted , and after thu close of the convention
the Wooilbury county delegates .stayed to en
gineer it througn the legislature.
No Clul < il llui-gulits.
Everything is bargains nowadays , : md
n , dc-nlor who bus no bargains might just
us wull quit business. Another thing if )
to lot people know where to lind thorn.
Tlio bargains in the music line win
bo procured jut now with the Mueller
Piano & Organ Co. , 10JJ Main street ,
Council BlulTs , In.
Two apprentice nurses wanted at tlio
W. C. A. hospital , corner Dili street und
( ith avcuuo
Reitor , the tailor , 'UO Broadway , lias
ull tlio latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Town of High I'liu Willing to
ltn JS'iinir to Troynor.
Petitions have been prepared and put into
the hopper with the expectation that they
will bo ground out in the form of two now
postofllce ? for this county. Hotb. of the pro
posed ofllcos are In Keg Creek township.
One is to bo located at Krunus Campbell's
store , located a little west of the cen
ter of the township. It is to bo christened
Keg Creek postofllce.
The other ofllcc asked for for U at Perkins
farm near the northeast corner of Keg Crock
township. Quito a little town has already
sprung up thoro. there being a good general
Btoro , a meat market , a public hall , and a
drug store. The little village is a tovt of a
baby boomer and is very ambitious. It is
yearning now for two accessions u doctor
and a postolllcc. It Is in a fair
way to secure the latter and
probably the former. This smart little
town has the unique name of High Five. It
was thus christened when "the corners" was
the meeting place for tho-io who delighted in
passing a social hour with neighbors and
friends , and Iho favorite game was innocently
allowed to fasten Its nutuo onto the place
Itself. Now that the growth of the settle
ment Is approaching the dignity of n village ,
the ucoplc , who are a very intelligent and
thrifty class , fear that there may arise a mis
apprehension in the public mind as to the
character of tlio inhabitants and reputation
of their village. The > nrc , therefore , anxious
to have the name changed from Hlch Five to
one ot more dignity and Illness. In their
putitlon tor a postofllco they request that
Uncle Ham christen it Troynor , in honor of
Council mulls' olllcionUpostmaslor ,
Wo have our own vineyards In Culifor
nia. Jnrvls Wino corau.uiy , Co. BlulTs
Jnrviswlld blackberry is the best
Vocal Mimic.
Prof. T. W. Davis , tondior of voice
and note reading. Loshons private.
Call or adurcos at Grand hotel. Council
IIuil IIU ( iult ulth Htm ,
C , J. Stllwetl , n dairyman living near tbo
deaf and dumb institute , had an experience
last Friday with a trump whoso gull , if it
had bcon developed In the right direction ,
would put him into a paying Held of business
as n lightning rod man. Mr , Stihvell und
his wife loft homo during the afternoon to
como to the city. As Mr. Stllwoil alighted
from the buggy to open the gate the horse
began to 'act some what frisky , and a rather
seedy looking individual who was plodding
along the road came forward and
took the fractious anlnml by the
bits. Ho at once calmed down , and
they proceeded on their way. When they
returned In the evening they found that
some ono had taken a hammer and broken In
a back window , after which lie had gone
through the home , looking everything over
and taking what suited his fancy. Lying on
the center table In tno parlor was the over
coat that had boon worn by the accommodat
ing tramp when he saved Mrs , Stilwcll's
Hfo. Mr. Stllwell's brand now overcoat was
gone , bo that the piece of brlo-a-brao that
adorned the parlor was not to bo considered
as a gift. A suit of clothes was also missing ,
nllhouxh nolblnu' had been left to take its
placo. The tramp wai traced for some dis
tance toward Council llluffx , but was dually
lost track of. _
Lo t Gontlomnn's watch charm In
shape of horeo shoo , eot with diamonds
and rubles. Finder leave at BKK ollico
and receive roward.
Hot for tliu Jim-ill ( Jrns !
At Now Orleans. Ono fare , $31.46 , for
rontul trip. Tiokots on twlo Fob. ! to
28. For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent K. C. , St. J. & C. B.
\u I'arly.
Mrs , J. F. Spare and Mrs. M. MrCiuio
entertained a party of friends last Thursday
evening at the homo of the former , 8H
Avenue A. The following were present :
Mr. and Mrs , John Dougherty , Mr. aim Mrs ,
Uoorgo Odettirk , Mr , and Mrs. C. K.
Tucker , Mr. and Mrs , J. K. Anderson , Mr ,
und Mrs. M , K. Woathorbee , Mr , and Mrs ,
W. D. Klrkland , Mr. pud Mrs. U Urown ,
Mr. and Mr * . I ) . Martonson , Mr. and Mrs. II.
O. Maxwell , Mr. and Mm. W. li. Kuopbor ,
Mr , and Mrs. J. M , Matthews. Mrs. Irwln ,
Mlises Uoper , Dunn , Nuaj , Lida
A'hi to , Jennie White and Dclnshmutt of
Turlington , Messrs. Van Horn. McCampboll
> am and Marshall. The evening wasjpont
n playing high five , first , prizes being
awarded to Mrs. W. D. Klrkland and Mr.
Cram , and second prizes to Mrs. II , O. Max
well and Mr. M. \Vcathcrbeo. . Supper
WAS served at midnight.
msiiiTit > nv it is CIIII.DKKN.
Atirnliitin .Turlnon , nu Agril Kx-.Tndgr.
l > ) lilK itt tlir Ilinpltul.
The case of Abraham Jackson , nn old man
who Is now lying at the point of death nt the
Woman's Christian Association hospital , Is
ono that has awnKcncd the sympathy of all
who have Known of the circumstances , Ho
has bcon at tha hospital for the last thrco
months , during all of which time ho has
boon slnklnc slowly but surely , until now
( loath Is the question of n few days nt most.
Ho has been a resident of tnls
county for many years , and during
the early daya of thu clty'o his
tory wns ono of its best known citlrons.
Since bis Illness he has boon deserted by his
two sons , ono of whom Is living in ( Jlonwood
and the other nt Missouri Valley. Ho also
has n couple ot adopted sons , neither of
whom has shown any disposition to assist
him In his need. Ho tins been nn Inmate of
the hospital at the county's expense , und the
hnmllln'tlon which this fact has caused him
bus nearly broken his heart. Ho Is S3 year *
of ago and has boon n member of Iho Baptist
church for many ycavs. He was Judiro of
the county court here for four years.
Until March 1 , moles without hair re
moved frco by Ur. Cupcll , 510 B-way.
Jarvls 1877brandy , purest , safest , best.
Aftrrimnn Curds.
Misses Cora and .loaslo Fariiiworth enter
tained a party of friends at their beautiful
homo on South Hlghth street last Thursday
afternoon at a muslcalo in honor ot their
guests , the Misses Hita Lofton of Nebraska
City , Anna Abbott and ICato and Kdlth
Campbell ot Chicago. High live was the
principal entertainment , prizes being
awarded Mrs. W. V. Sapp and Mrs. R II.
l.ougoe. Kofioshmcnls were served , Mrs ,
S. C. Key and Mrs , K , II , Men-lam assisting
thn hostesses. One of the most enjoyable
features of the afternoon's entertainment
was the singing of Mtss Lorton , who pos
sesses n soprano voice of r.iro beauty. The
following Is a list of these wtio were nrosont :
MlBsos Hoynolds. Wlckhnm , Hrown , Wright ,
Ruth Martin , Koss , Anna Hess , Ilowmnn ,
Rockwell , Pattoison , Robinson , Shepard ,
Wells , Stovcnson , Wadswortii , Oliver ,
Mary Oliver , Cioason , Xurmuchlen , Nellie
Xurmuchlon , liennctt , Woodoury , Lulz.
Howe , Parsons. Campbell , Couch , Dullard ,
Stella Hulbird. Lorton. Abbott , Butts , ICa'.o
Campbell , Edith Campbell , Baldwin , and
McMiames Alford , Lugoe , McConnell ,
Cooban , Albortson , Woodbury , Macrao ,
Snnpp , Key , Morrlam , Davis , McGee ,
Person , Brown , Soybsrt and Olumachor.
Tlio Ladies' Social cl rclo will give a
sunpor and entertainment at iho First
Broadway church , Tuesday evening ,
February 10. _
Walnut block and coul ,
fresh mined , received datlj Thatcher ,
10 .Main.
Viilcntlnc I'arty.
The ladles of the Congregational church
entertained tbolr friends last Thursday evenIng -
Ing at a Valentine social at the residence of
Mrs. J. C. Blxty , on South First street.
Valentines > verc on sale , and those who were
present laid in a plentiful supply for the
coming festival day. The following is a par
tial list of these wlio were present : Misses
Smith , Oborholt/er , Ogden , Bryant , May
Drj ant , Crocker , Spoonur , Nellie Spooncr ,
Chamberlain , Crane , Fitzpatricit , Holllnps-
wortb , Brmioilman , Otes , Wallace , Jessie
\Vallnco , Coulter , Cully , West , Lutz , Koss ,
Anna Huss , Buschell , Snvder , Forgrave ,
Williams , Howard. Neal ; Mcsdames Neil ! ,
Miller , Grady , Dr. Crofts , Davis , West.
True , Hoss. Nichols , Porter , Griswold , Otes ,
Swanson , Prlnulc , Lutz , E. C. Smith , C. B.
\Vaitc , L. Li , Spooncr , Harry James , J. J.
Stondman , McKesson , Iloltls , Smith , Mor
gan , Tilton , Coulter , Dr. Troynor , Brenna-
man , van Dovort , Coffera. Hudlc , Clemmson ,
Fitch , Uov. G. W. Crofts ; Messrs. Robinson ,
Stcadman , Walte , Spoo'ner , Davis , John
Davis , How , Jnmos. True , Coulter. Mont
gomery , Martin , Hattenhauer , Empklo ,
Fitch , Murphy , tatacoy , L. Squires , Willie-
Squires , McKesson , Crane , Wallace.
Money to loan. Lowest rates. John
ston & Van Fatten , Everett block.
Y. .M. C. A. Convention.
Tbo twenty-second annual state convention
of the Young Mon's Christian associations of
Iowa will bo hold at Iowa City , February 18-
21 , ISsSW.
Among the prominent men who are to be
present and participate are the following :
Rev. W. J. iiiu-slm , Oumha ; Nub. ; Alexander
Patterson , Chicago ; Frank L. Johnson , St.
Louis ; President H. H. Scorloy , Iowa State
Normal school. Cedar Falls : L. L. Doggott ,
colleco secretary of Ohio ; Kov. N. McGee
Waters , Dubuque ; A. M. Wight , Sioux
Fulls , S. D. ; J. Prontiss Bailey. Freeport ,
111. ; .lohn W. Hansel , Chicago. The singing
will bo in charge of C. C. Smith of Cedar
Itunids , E. W. i'eck and C. M. Kcelor of Dos
Reduc'ed rntos have been secured over all
the roads in the stutc , und the delegates will
bo entertained frco of cxponbU. It is ex
pected tnat the convention will bring to
gether not less than : C > 0 young men from all
of the state. Saturday , the IStli , will
o college day , and will bo devoted to hear
ing reports from the twenty-throe college
associations. _
E. II. Sheafo has eastern money on
hand for real estate loans.
Oiiiml/ril tliii
Wallace and Ned Shepard of this city
aim Miss Manchester of Omaha mot with n
sorioub mishap Friday night just after they
bad entered u ni'ck on their way to the party
at the Grand hotel. The carriage had just
started from the front of the house where the
lady was visiting , on Pailt avenue. The
street , never having bcon leveled elf , IK some
what sidling , and no sooner toad the vehicle
turned than It struck thu Mdllnp place und
commenced to slip. A second later It mot
with bomo obstruction ana was Instantly
overturned , throwing theoccupanU violently
nguinst , tbo side of the carrluuo. Wallace
Shepard , being on the lower sldo , was burlou
against the glass In tbo door , which broke , u
sharp piece burying itself in his side. The
blood flowed freely until ho wns tnkim to the
house of a neighbor where a physician was
summoned and the bound wound up , The
other occupants of the carriage were bruised
and shaken up considerably , but not sou-
ously injured , _
Tliflr limy Night.
Sneak thieves were abroad In the land
Friday nignt. Mrs. M. A , Arkivnght's
boarding house on Fourth street was vmlod
while the family and boarders were at , sup
per. The thieves went In ut the front door
of the basement and took two overcoats be
longing to Fred Kubscll und a man mimed
Ogilviothat were bunging in tbo hall. Hus-
sell had passed through the hull less than ton
minuted before thu theft was discovered , and
noticed that It was hanging in iu. placo. In
the mci.ntiino some of the other boarders had
been passing through the ball almost con
tinually , so that whoever took the coats
showed that he possessed considerable
The back door of the Pacific house was
broken In'sometlmu during thu night und a
clock valued at about 15 was stolen , to-
RCtbor wltn a quantity of provisions from the
larder. There is no clew to tbo thlqf ,
At the annual meeting of the medical staff
of St. Bernard's hospital yostorduy the fet
lowing1 oftlcors were elected : President , Dr.
P. S. Thomas ; vicu president , Dr. J. P ,
Whlto ; secretary , Dr. Donuld Macrao , Jr. :
advisory board , Drs , D , Macrae , C. H. Pln-
noy and F. T. Soybert , Staff : Consultants ,
Di-3. D. Macrae and C , H. Pinnoy ; mem
bers , Drs. J. M. Barslow , C. II. Bower , J. H ,
Cleaver , John ( Jrcen , P , A. Hougbton , II.
B. Jennings , D , Macrae , Jr. , P. T. Soybert ,
P. S. Thomas , V. U. Troynor and J , P.
White. _
Church Announcement it.
Bishop Newman will preach ut Masonic
Temple ut 10UO : a. in. Tbo Broadway Meth
odist Episcopal cnuroti has secured tbo
Masonlo hall for the morning service to ao-
commodnto all the cltlrons who desire to
hoar the bishop. All will bo welcome , nnd
there will bo seats for all. Services at
Hughes hall ! Sunday school lit 12 ; vesper
service , led by the Epworth Vjaguo , f > : 'JQ'
preaching service i'j.TO.
Congregational There will bo no morning
service. In order that tH congregation may
hoar BUhop No\vmanT7v."d-ois. ( Sunday
school nt Iv ! o'clock. Evening subject , "A
Discouraged Hero. "
First Presbyterian Preaching morning
nnd evening by Hov. T. 1) . Ewlng , D. D.
Sunday sehcol nt 12 o'clock. Young pee
ple's meeting ot 0:30 : p. in.
Bo.-can Baptist Preai1"'g by the pastor
morning and evening , Sunday school nt
lll"ia. : in. Hovlvul services cnch evening
during the week.
Trinity Methodist Preaching by tha nas-
tor , Hov. H. II. Barton , morning and even
ing. Sunday school at 12 m. Epworth
league nt 7 p. in. Hovlvnl sorvlccs each
Christian Elder Broker will preach mornIng -
Ing and overling at the corner ot Seventeenth
and Broadwey.
Young Mon's Christian Association
Men's meeting nt 4 p. m. Rooms open after
! l o'clock.
Firit Baptist Preaching by the pastor ,
Hov , L. A. Hall , morning nnd evening.
Subjects , 'Snrdis , the Worldly Church nnd
the Pnltltful Fi-iv , " and "A Woman's Heroic
Hosolvo. "
Union Christian Mission , ' . ' .IS Broadway
Sunday school:1. ! ) : : ! ) o'clock. Love feast ! t p.
in. Pr.iifo nnd testimony service 7tO. : :
St. John's English Services In
the Young Men's Christian association
chapl at 11 a. m. nnd 7U : ! ! p. m. Sunday
schoolJ5 : a. m. Young people's mooting
n. 15 p. in.
13ty. Woodbury , dontistsnoxt to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tolo. l-lo.
ULK.I.MI : ! ) ix Tin : AotT/fifr.v .sKr/.s.
Hciiittlrul Auroras Light up tlui Hriurns
nnil nru Vlillilt ; In .Many I'larrs.
Ciucuio , 111. , Fob. in. A gorgeous Illumin
ation of the heavens was visible tonight at
cities over a thousand miles appnrt. It was
the most wonderful exhibition of the aurora ,
or northern HghtA , possibly overseen from
American soil. Dispatches to the Associated
Press show that the phenomenon stretched
over a vast bolt of territory from Iowa to
the Atlantic const. The nmgnlllcent spcc-
taclo wus Rcloulillcally ohservi-d nt the uni
versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Astron
omical Dhector W. J. Hussey of that Insti
tution wires the result to the Associated
Press as follows :
"Tno brilliant roso-rod aurora visible to
night wat > not altogether unexpected. In n
general wav auroras have been predicted
for about this time. Tonight's dlsolay nat
urally follows the appearance of the great
sun spot which has been visible during the
past wooit. Other aurora displays may bo
expected in the near future. "
Other dispatches to the Associated Press
show that Iho phenomenon witnessed nt
New York , Louisville. Cincinnati , Cleveland.
Columbus , Toledo , Detroit , li.dlananolis and
at Illinois niid Iowa points , but not at St.
Louis , Kansas City or Memphis.
At Cincinnati it was at Ilrst supposed that
the city of Hamilton , twenty-five miles dis
tant , was on firo. Tno Associated Press cor
respondent at Lyons , la. , seuus a typical de
scription ns follows :
"From east to west the northern sky here
wus illuminated by an Immense half circle ,
llumlng upward nearly to the zenith. Atlirsl
almost blood red , it dimmed nt time ? to deli
cate pink nnd would brighten suddenly. The
circle wns snot with rays of almost white
lights , ull pointing outward from the circle.
It bepnn nt 0:10 : p. m. and lor an hour was a
gorgcoub sight. At 7 o'clock It hogan disap-
pealing. The weather bad boon very warm
throughout the day , but after the aurora rap
idly grew cold. "
'l hough not soon at St. Paul or Minneapo
lis , the aurora was plainly witnessed in Mil
waukee. The peculiar disturbance known to
tulecrnphers as an electric storm greatly
hampered or/orators working wires stretch
ing north from the city , but did not materi
ally affect the lines going east and west.
At Clu\rlnml.
Ci.KVKMMi , O. , Feb. 13. Xne ) of the most
beautiful aurora borealis displays ever
witnessed here occurred b.twcon U and 3
o'clock. The entire northern sky was nllame ,
the color being a rose-tlntod crimson , with
arches above the horizon and llno.s running to
the zenith. The sky was perfectly clear at
the time. The phenomenon attracted people
from their houses , ninny supposing at flrst
that the illumination was caused by ( Ire.
In Ci > mir < -tlrilt.
HAUTFonn , Conn. , Feb. 13. A beautiful
rose-pin ic aurora in the north train 7 to 8 this
evening led many people to suppose there
was a largo fire beyond the hills.
HALIFAX , N. S. , Feb. 13. The old whole
sale and retailer firm of James Scott & Co. ,
has made an assignment. Debts , $00,000 ;
assets nominally the sarno.
A dispatch from Chatham , N. B. , says the
dry goods firm of Sutherland & Craig has
made an assignment with liabilities of $ 'J. > .000.
MKADVII.M : , Pa. , Feb. 13. The examina
tion in the court of assiguco as to the vuluo
of the property of the Dulamotors1 before the
failure of their banking Institution shows
the ussots were about $ i0,000 : ! , as against
fll)00,000 ) liabilities.
Mooimu : > , Minn. , Fob. 13. The excite
ment ever tno failure of the Merchants' bank
is still unabated. The liabilities are said to
aggregate $20'2,000 and thci assets SU'J.OOO.
The bank holds f 141,000 of President Brun's
paper , and besides there Is nn overdraft of
$31,000 of his cashier Kuutz Indebtedness ;
$ H,000 , unsecured.
Set t tin j ; Union I'licllln Troiililos.
ST. Jnir.i'1) ) . Mo. , Fob. 13. The Grand
Island road's general manager nnd the griev
ance committee of tbo Order of Hallway
Trainmen , at a meeting today , came to an
understanding on the pay schedule , which
the road Is to sign if the Union .Pacific will
sign , As advices were received that the
Union Paclfiu would cdgn the agreement tbo
trouble may bo said to be ended.
llo Dlilii't Ili-ur thn Train.
CIWIT.WA FALLS , Wls. , Feb. 13. Willnrd
Austin , a married man ofS years , while
driving across tbo Wisconsin Central track
today , about tbroo miles east of here in the
town of Lnfavotto , was struck by a freight
train , thrown about forty feet and instantly
killed. Austin wus bundled up about the
head and did not hcur the train approaching.
rill y'8 I'lictlnii I.iiiulcil on Top ,
Sr.pAi.u , Mo. , Feb. 13. After n stormy
ae-isloii the Republican Statu League which
was occasioned by a wrangle ever the report
of the committee on credentials which ro-
sultcu in n victory for the Filly faction. The
convention .pbjourncd smo die nt 5 o'clock '
this m orning. J. H. Hurklcss was elected
president. f
Iti'imlillcan ( i.iliiH iii Ni'tr Vorl < .
AI.IIASV , N. V. , Feb. U(7-The | ( Journal has
compiled the results of tbo supervisor of eleo
tlons Tuesday. In twenty counties ISG'2 sup
ervisors were chosen , Of thobo18 were re
publicans and 1H democrats. Mho republi
can mujoritv of 30 in 18'JI has been increased
' '
to im. ' ' _
llo Kept thn CommUU'u Waiting.
WAHMISOTO.V , D. C. , Fob , 13. The house
committee on au'HciUturoWuHcd halt an hour
toauy for President La yfousso of the New
Orleans Cotton Exchange , , to put in an up-
penrunco and then adjourned the uuti-optlon
hearing until Monday ,
MlnnlttKl | > pl Viillry I.umhorim'ii Out Writ.
TACOM\ , Wash , , Feb. 13. A party of
twenty-seven Mississippi valley lumbermen
have arrived hero over the Northern Pacific.
They will visit points of Interest on Puget
sound and then return east over tbo southern
nought Up t'liiiuillun Cotton M11U.
TOIIOXTO , Ont , Fob. 13. For some tltno
past negotiations have been In progress for
the absorption by one syndicate of all the
cotton mills In the Dominion , und itho deal
will shortly bo consummated ,
Tliu Duiuh Hull.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Feb. Ill Elder Kades ,
the best known Shaker in the United States ,
died today , aged 73.
ranliumlto Murlilnlnts Still Out.
INDIANAI-OMS , lud. , Fob. 13. The strike of
tbo Panhandle machinists is tf.Ul unsettled.
The men were Informed this morning that
niess they returned to work immediately
hey would bo discharged. The men refused
to go to work , nnd now , unless the company
rrnnts tbo demands , every machinist on thn
i'onn.svlvanln system between Indianapolis
and Altoonn , Pa. , will bo called out.
Tm.u/.s itr.ii OIIK w.v/r.i/ , .
The Luiingor nrt gallery was crowded lo
ts utmost capacity last evening .by the
musicians and muslo lovers of Otmihn who
assembled to welcome the great artiste ,
Fraulcln Aus dor Oho of Benin. This lady
visits Omaha under the patronage of the
Ladles' Musical society , nn organization
which has done much to further the Inter
ests of music In this cltv.
The program opened with Boothovon's
sonata In C major ( Op. 53) ) . In the thrco
movements of this inspired sem , the allegro ,
ndngio and allegretto moderate , the tempo
wns perfect , nnd the climaxes and phrasing ,
together with the colossal majesty displayed ,
showed tno extensive cultivation of n fin
ished stylo. The sudden transition
from a strong fortissimo to the
most dollcato pianissimo demonstrated a
powerful touch accompanied by one ol
feathery The "i'rnsto" ( Op. 7) ) of
Mendelssohn was n piece of extreme dlfll-
cutty , Inasmuch as it required n light fan
tastic touch combined with great rapidity.
Tauslg's "Vnlso Caprice" brought Into full
flay the technical ability of the
pianist. Chopin's Berceuse wns pathetically
rendered , nnd his Valso In A Flat ( Op. 4'J )
wus received enthusiastically. Miss Aus
dor Oho seemed to bo particularly at her
case in the thrco etudes of Chopin ; ono of
these was remarkable for the distinctness of
the theme , ngolnst n brilliant obligate
accompaniment. In response to nu encore of
tlio Chopin selection- ! , Miss Aus dor Ono
gave n beautiful rcnultlon of his waltz In E
In the Tarantella di Bravura ( Liszt ) she
seemed to call to her alri all the soul , execu
tion and passion ot her nature and she , ns
well ns the audience , scorned to bo carried
away beyond the things of earth ; belnir
warmly applauded and recalled , the gifted
artiste gracefully acknowledged the compli
ment to her talent , by plnvlnu In character-
tic style Wagner's "Splnnoniled" from the
"Flying Dutchman. "
Miss Aus dcr Ohd leaves today for Colorado
rado Springs to nppoar in concert nnd thence
anu goes to Now York. Since her arrival
hero on Friday she has boon iho guest of
Mr. and MM. Adolph Meyer.
Mr . Terry of Slmriin Dlvorro Xotorlcty n
lIclpll'HN Illllll-C-lle ,
SAN FKAXCISCO , Cnl. , Fob. 13. The Chron
icle , says : "Sarah Althea Terry Is hopelessly
Insane. She was the woman who acquired
such notoriety from her suit against the late
millionaire , William Sharon , whoso wife
she claimed to bo. She afterward married
Judge Terry , who had been her counsel In
the Sharon case. Terry was afterward
killed by Deputy United States Marshal
Nnglo whllo attacking Judge Stephen J.
Field , who decided a suit against Mrs.
Terry. She came here from Stockton Thurs
day night and is now nt the homo of
H. E. Culbreth , editor of the Argus. Mrs.
Terry sits up In bed and with handkerchief
folded to resemble a speaking trumpet
held to her mouth holds imaginary con
versation with spirits. Friday night , while
unguarded , she nearly escaped from the
house without any clothe" on. She sat four
hours perched upon n bureau talking to the
spirits. To a Chronicle reporter who saw
her .she told what the spirits said. She is
attended by Dr. A. A. Giltnoro , who says
there is no doubt of her insanity.
Strnmrr Arrivals.
At KInsalo Passed Wisconsin , from Now
York for Liverpool.
At New York City of Berlin from Liver
pool , Hallcr from Rio Janeiro , Russia from
At Baltimore Ilohenzollorn from Bremen.
At London Mississippi , from New York.
The steamer Sir Walter Hclclgh , from Phila
delphia for Falmcuth. for whoso safety
fears have boon entertained , has arrived in
Bantry bay , Ireland. Her shaft is broken in
two places.
.Senator IngiilU nnil the O. A. K.
ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Fob. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Biu.j The application ot ox-
Senator John J. Ingalls for membership In
John A. Martin post , Grand Army of the
Republic , after hanging fire for several
weeks , was reported favorably last night
and ho was duly elected. His initiation will
take place during tbo otate encampment ,
which will be held hero the last of this
month , and bo made us imposing as possible.
Iloinurlcutilo C'uso lit Duhuqtio.
DumiQUE , la. , Fob. 13. Mrs. Peter Fries
apparently died Wednesday night. Prepara
tions was made for the funeral Friday after
noon. When the body was placed in the
casket it was noticed that it was still warm.
The burial was postponed , but unless life
returns the intormor.t will take place Mon
day. The cnso has excited n good deal of
attention from the medical fraternity.
Hail IVrathcr III the Northwest.
GAIIV , S. D. . Fob. 13 The worst blizzard
of tlie season prevails * here , the wind being
from the northwest.
SLKKI-V ETE , Minn. , Feb. 13. A big
blizzard is reported from Tracy. The weather
wns clear this morning , but It is now cloud
ing up. Snow is already flying und the
thermometer rapidly falling.
Mr . Dr.
CAXOK CITV , Colo. . Fob. 13. Mrs. Dr.
Graves left hero tonight for Providence , H.
I. , accompanied by her brother and nurso.
She intends to return to Canon City In six
or eight weeks.
Xmv\ork' Kiimlno l-'iinil.
NEW Yonic , Fob. 18. The Now York
Husslan famine fund now amounts to 2.r > ,000.
Uturury Nottts.
A book that is bound to attract wide at
tention Is "Shall Girls Proposer1 which tbo
Cassoll Publishing company issue in neat
and dainty stylo. It is written by a "Specu
lative Bachelor" and comes Just In tltno for
the now year , which Is leap year. The
writer approaches his subject seriously and
respectfully , as It behooves a bachelor to do ,
Ho argues that girls should propose If thot
wish to , as they have moro at stake than
have the men. To women , ho says , love and
marriage nro everything ; to men they are
but an episode. The subject Is ono to invite
discussion , and wo predict that it will got it.
Coffee county , Georgia , boasts of a wealthy
farmer , 85 years old , who never owned u
watch or a revolver in his ilfo.
Washington has a musical genius In thu
person of u society vour.g lady who plays the
piano as well with her toes as ordinary pian
ists play with their lingers.
Tokio , Japan , boasts of havinc 800 public
baths In which pcnplo can bo sto.imad und
washed for a cent. I-'von the politicians have
clean hands out there.
A man at Fort Dodge , la. , who attended a
theatrical performance Saturday night lust
laughed ko loud and excessively hard that ho
fell Into u swoon from which ho could not bo
In the rolin ot Richard II. , K100 , the dan
dles of London were shoos with tees from
ono foot to eighteen Inches in length with the
point or "horn" turned up und fastened to
Iho garter by a gold or bilvor chain ,
Tno first book Issued by the Institution for
Saving-still Newport , Muss , , on the
the bank was opened , April 5 , IBjO , was re
ceived at the banking rooms recently to have
the intoicst added. The original deposit was
$ W , and no more deposits were mado. The
interest to date amounted lo tS'JS.
In the South Atlantic It ruined on one on-
casion for over an hour when the sky wns en
tirely free from clouds. In the Mauritius und
other parts of the southern hemisphere this
Is not a ruro occurrence ; but in Europe it
is , and the greatest known length of it *
duration was ton minutes at Constantly
The broad tree has n solid fruit , a little
larger than a cocoanut , which , when cut In
slice * and cooked , can scarcely be distin
guished from excellent bread. The weep
ing tree of the Canary Islands Is wet , oven
in a drought constantly distilling water
from Its leave * , and the wino tree of the
Mauritius Islands furnlsiics good wino in
stead of water.
There Is x turtle farm it LUbon. III. , where
tbeso Inland "torraoln" nro rnned. The
turtles show somesigns : of Intollipcnco. Ono
associates his namo-Dlck-wlth feeding
tlmo ana always responds when ho bears It
A knowledge of the nhyMology of the hu
man Iniynx has mndo It possible to supply
nrtlllclat voices to the people who hnvo bcon
deprived of the ono nntiiro gave them , nnd a
number of cases exist where the cavity has
been opened nnd n larynx made of suitable
material with nibbor membranes has been
inserted nnd bccomo practically useful In
A mnn from BUldoford , Me.who started ns
n candy peddler with n smnll circus , has
turned out to bo a better showman thin the
proprietor of the circus. The circus bocnmo
stranded nt Altoona , PH. , and the candy pjd-
dlcr look the fat woman , the stuffed sunk" * ,
nnd the trained boar ns his sham of the
wreck , llo exhibited the curiosities in n
vacant store , cleared $ .100 the first weak , en
larged his show , hired n small hall , and now
owns a flourishing dime museum.
K/.lit'I'/flf If. .VOTH.S ,
Burlington , Vt. , will hnvo nn electric road ,
Electric push buttons , using dry batteries ,
nrc in Kuccoisful operation on the cable road
In San Diego.
The telephone line between London nnd
Paris has worked so well that another will
bo laid between London and Brussels.
The city of Dubuque , In. , hns taken the
telephone question in hand ami nskod legis
lative authority for regulating the charges.
The electric hoist that Is being erected in n
mine In Montana It said to bo the Urgr-st
over constructcu. Tbo rope will to 1WX ) feet
\Vcstlnghouso Electric nnd Mnnufac
turing company Is about to equip a steam
railroad near Sioux City with elcutrical mo
tive power.
Ono of the Swiss railways has nt present
about 120 of Its car ? lighted by electricity.
The lamps nro provided with n current from
a storage battery placed In each ot the cars.
To telegraph without wires , to get light
without heat , to make solid walls in effect
trausnuront such nro some of the ntrnnco
possibilities after which students of electric
ity may now strive with fair hopes .of sue-
Evldonco of the Interest In electrical trac
tion is found In the fact that ono of thn load
ing electrical comp-inlos Installed sixty-three
now railways In the United States last year
nnd now has on hand unfilled orders for 500
street railway motors.
It I.s said that a syndicate ot Swiss nnd
English capitalists has bcon formed to utlluo
a part of the fills of the lituno nt Liu ( Ton-
burg for the generation of electric onorey.
The water will be led to turn the wheels nnd
7,000 horse power will bo developed.
Prof. Nicholas Tesla has already'succcoded
In producing ! n a room an electrostatic Hold ,
Into which If a glass tube exhausted of air is
carried , the tube will glow with light and
illuminate the room like a lamp. It now
appears , ns Prof. Crooks says. * that "a trno
( lame can bo produced without chemical aid
a tlnmo which yields light ana heat with
out the consumption of material nnd without
any chemical process. " These who have
studied the chemistry of the candle will ap
preciate what this moans.
J. L. McDonnell , dav chief operator in the
Western Union oftlco In Tacotna , Wash. , has
developed nnd applied for patents on thn
snxtuplo system of telegraphy , upon which
Edison claims to hnvo spsnt $ JOJ01n ) ex
periment , but which he failed to make work.
It ts difficult for other than students of
electricity to comprehend the intricacies of
the snxtuplo , but nil can understand what
Mr. McDonnell claim * for his instrument. It
will add to nny ordinary telegraph wire two
phantom wires , atu very slight expense , say
? 'JO , which Is the average cost per sot of
Morse instruments , whllo the bnttcrv re
quired will cost less than one-twentieth of
the first cost of that required to wont other
systems of multiplex telegraphy.
Minneapolis made 7,877,017 barrels of flour
in 1891.
Wo boat England in boot nnd shoo tnnnu
Lnncastor county , Pennsylvania , Is our
greatest tooacco county.
South Africa uses all agricultural machines -
chinos ,
i'lttsburg has a plumoers" supply trust.
New York street cars nro heated by an ap
pi Ian co under tbo vehicle.
In proportion to Il3 size England has eight
times as many miles of railway as the United
A man has Invented a machine which will
resistor the paces and the ground covered
by a horse.
The supply of natural cas in Toledo , O. , it
falling and It hns boon decided to resort to
the use of pumps to force the gas from tbo
wells to the city.
The success of the French postal savings
banks , which were established ten years ace ,
is shown by the report for Ib90. At the
close of that year the total deposits were
over ? 2 ( > ,000,000 , the number of depositors
numbering over 2,000,000. ,
The Bulletin of the American Iron nnd
Steel association gives the statistics of the
production of Bessemer stool mils of ull
vvoichts nnd sections in the United States In
1891 , exclusive of the comparntlvcly small
quantities made by other manufacturers from
nurcbasod blooms , ns follows : The total pro
duction In 1891 was l.HOoyj.W net tons , or
1,219,874 gross tons , n decrease of .177,01510118
from th' ) production of 1890.
An intorestinu experiment U to bo tried on
a French railway. The cars nro to bo
warmed by moans of uoxcsnf acotnto of sodii.
The chemical Is put in n solid stale Into the
boxes , nnd these are then plunged into hot
water of about 100 = . The effect is that the
soda becomes liquid , On being taken nut of
the watur the boxes are wiped dry and nut
In carriages , Dy degrees iho soda solidlllos.
nnd as long as that operation lasts that Is.
for about live or six hours it gradually glvns
off the heat thai it has absorbed in the melt
ing process ,
commencing tomorrow. Mrs. Millie
Prlco-Dow , the lovely , irresistible en
chantress. If dancing is , as has boon
said , "tho poetry of motion , " then thin
lady is opio and love song incarnate.
She appears at Ii , 4 , 8 , 0 and 10 o'clock ,
except Friday , then 2 , II , 4 , 8 , 0 and It )
W ANTKIl To tiny two heavy work hoioos.
Oullatfil58. tith stroet.
llAi tr.idu hoiibo and lot for tnain ; will
W nlvo lonj ; tlmoon halanuo. Cull ut (115 ( S.
IOKFKU the ( ollowln : cliolcu bargains in
fruit and vogetnlilu lands : .07 IILTCH J rods
north of thu Ulmutaiuimi KIOIIIIIIB , oasturn
Hlopo , llnosprln a and line surlnx-broolc , lan.l
vuiy rich and vvult aduntud to fruit.
1 J acres on Urand uvonuo , line orohar il ,
windmill und llnoxrovu ; hlttmtfU on Mymlor
proposed motor line , ono mid onu-lulf nuluj
from Council llhilfn tiostoin .
U ueres of very eliolci ! plowed Ian J on Urand
avcnu , lli iniluifroro uogUitllco ,
110 uuioj 'AVi mlim from cltv limits ; Koo'l
house , barn an J ouUiullillnin ; Una urolmrj ; .1
Kloutbur.'atn tit * " > . ! iJ , Kasy turius ,
Macros , uholuo fruit f.-inn , ( I aurot In blick-
borrlos , COJ youiis fruit truus , : iUi-o r.iiu | viiui
Hoiibo , burn and outhiilldln s A very choiuo
hitrxaln , 10 iieinsudjolnliig city limits.'J-story
ous e , good barn , orchard , Krnpi'B und Hnuill
fruits. W , ( ' , tititiItooui 4 , Upura llouvu
tilook. Council IHull's. la.
I71AUMB , gar.lon lamU , lioimn , lou an I
Jbusluiisa tilooks for s'itu or runt. Day i
Hose. iB 1'uarl sli-uut , Counull UlnlfJ.
10J Iowa f.irina and wardona for ualt > .
stocks of uiorc'liainllso to oxitnaiiKo for
Uounoll lltiilfn propnrty or lotvu laud Jolin-
blon A ; Van 1'alton.
ll'IM'S iiionuy on hand foi
\J _ lottiib.JV. A. Woodsy Co. VjO laJii fctret-l.
IT\OU \ S\IK-Oornur lot , laJxI.ViTt. , with two
dwellings , ono U rooms , now , with every
convenience , stoiini heat , open II ro placu In
n.teli room. llnUhui In hardwood throuahout ;
rent J-K ) ; othurT rooms , runt t-H ) , with iniideru
conveniences. K , II , Bheafe '
WANTKU In a private family about
March 1 , 11 Klrl for housework.
Must bo u good cook and iKtindresa. Uooil
waxes will tie p ild to a vomputuiit t'lrl. Ad
dress , Divine r urcncos , liox 4ZI Counull
| jVim UKN 1' Over 100 dwelllnK of every do-
i scrliiVlon at tirlceu varying from II totltJO
per mouth , locatucl in ull parts of thu vlly. K
II , Bhuufc , 500,11 road wuy.
Willingly \ilil Ills TrMlinoii.v In tlir l.nnR
nnil t'nlirottOii Krrlrsol Test ( 'nsrs .t ) i-r
\\llclnilliK litlili'iirci of the Sui.i j
nnil .skill nl Mrs , Cnpclnnil , slii'p-
urn .V .Miin llrlil ,
l.con lloyd , ? on of the lain nx-slioi ( T J. 1\
toyd , residing nt isoj I'urlj uvoune. ha * fo (
ho nast six weeks been iimlpr thn
oiu-oof lr . ( 'opeliuiil , Shop.itil A Mnusllnld.
Mf. lUiyil lias boon tlio vlntlm ( if Iliu nio.itliMl
llsoniii1 , mint ill , mill iiftoi1 tnlTiit-Iii. yrari
rllsof his ttcattuont and rocovcry.
' Homo ypjii nco I contracted a slight rolil ,
nt Ilrst It did not vniisu mo intieli niiiioyintco ,
Jilt : is It conltnilrd to glow \uir o nnd ulTvov
my ii' , 1 deemed It ndvlsuulu to consult
i > liyslelans.
"My neiMi wns always stopnvd up ( lr t ono
sldi * und then thoothur. dull , lunny lirathu'lum
and n constant dronpliiK from tlio hai'K of tno
lii'iul Into Iho throat , causing tno tohauk and
sp.t , trylm toialso It.
"I could not sVi'p tit night. It heln 'iiinosl
l > lo for tun to net a pcrfc-ct nlahl'x ic > l uiion
tirlslnu In thu inoriiliit ! I would he is tlrodM
when I wont to bed This was my condllloil
whrn I r-illrd upon Hr < . ( 'opoinnn. shrp.iril ft
Miinslleld. I'lti'V examined my cnvo and
I Itnnn.'illntuly p need my self under tliulr
care , anil I Irippj now that I iloiicso. for I .un
so much better , tilllioujh not entirely euied ,
Mv liniiiovitiiient has mailo such a i'liant < i ! Ill
net hut \M-li I to recommend lira , ( 'oneland , \ MaiHtlt'M to the puhlli' In iienerul ,
Mr. llnyd icsldei at No t''Ji l'ar' < i vomits ,
hero he can bo seen and will readily verify
his statement.
Mrs. Crorili ! Cooler , iH'4t C'orlij St. , find *
lU'llcl. L'ut.irrli mill Hi Klteet fpnn
thi ! iir.
Mrs. Ocorzlo Cooler. : it' . " . > I'oiby street.
Uniiiha View , says :
"Trouble c.\lstod nine vtvirs. lln-an with
liilliiiniuntloii of diiiins of both Thli
was thu result of cuturih which had existed
twenty-nine ve.irs My ems wcro extremely
painful. My sull-'ilna wns so leirlhlu I
thought 1 would die. My oawalio discharged
much oflenslvo pus whluli in.idu my euso
utmost unbearable to myself and my finntiy.
jins. ononoiA coo-rat.
I had very little sleep , to touch my oar *
caused Intense tijiony. I snlTerud everything
butdeath. The piofnsn ( llclinrve front mf
ems hns existed for years , and I have been
treated hy dltruiont phyUehins and sj.eulalliits .
but without cure. I had untliuly is \ < < n up
hope.-mil rone.tided to inaKu to more i ( Tort to
cot well. I-'Inully I resolved , lisa last re orto ,
to consult Drs Copcland , Sliuntr.l null Mans-
ilcld. I hc-ophysielans , after acaiefitl exam *
Inatlon of in v case , told mo they eou'd bone-
lit und prob.ihly into mo. Today I con truth- *
folly say tli it under their eire I liavo re
ceived moro lienellt thun I evoi ni.leil from
nil former modlcal treatment Mv ears have
lioth reatod discharging , and I feel better
than I have for your" . The method of trcRt-
inunt Ismlld. pinilus4. : and 1 eaiiuot/sieaK | too
hluh'y of the bkill and euro that Drs C'opc-
laiHl. Shcpuid and Mansllld havoexlubited ill
my cabo.
A Coloclilenri ! Ill tinNottilile Creiti-ntlalH of
tint riiyxlvliuiH ol tliu < : cipcliml :
.Mcdlc.ll Institute.
Dr. W. II. Conoland vvasnro-ddont of hlsclnai
: it liolleviio Hospital Medical i'olluvi' , .New
VorK , hi ) Ki-.idimtud , the mo- . ! famous
Institution of Us kind In the i onntry. Illl
diploma bears the writ ton omloiMtmnni of I hi )
moil KM 1 authorities or Now York , of thu deans
of prominent modlcal collo'ot In I'imnsyl- .
vanla. Dr. ( ' . K. Slii'pat-d was ptesldent of nil
class at Hush Medical Col o"e , Chicago ,
which 18 aokiiowlii.1scd to tie the li tiding ln <
stltnt'on ' of'ts ' lilnilJn thn west. Dr ulicpard'
thorough hospital extiorlen o and special
study In Ih'J diseases of the oye. oar , not-u and
thront , place him aniouc thn leading special *
Ists In the west. Dr. T. II , MansllcM's en den *
Hals are no less abundant and iiniiualllk'd.
llonlnols formally Indoisell hy tlio Hocrotarlul
of various county and state medical * ocetle |
BOOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building ,
Cor. 17lh and Fnrnam Sis. , Omilii , Nffot
W. II. Coi' ) . M. D.
C. S. Sm'.i'.utn , M. IX
T. B. MANSKIHf.l ) , M. I ) .
Consulting I hys clans.
Sppi'lallot : Uitarrh an I all dU i-m of thn
Kyii , Kir. Throit tui'l Ijiiii1Nnrvous DlN
casus , hltln DlHoases. Uhronlo lilso IHH. Olllco
Hours 0 toll a. m. , - 10 "i p. m. , 7 t'J [ > in ,
bundiiy III tt , m to 4 p. in.
Ctitiirrhal troubles nnl ; kludiud illsomos
ticalod hticcoHSfully hv inill , 4u In
Mumps for oiiitstlon olreularHddrfsi all
lettcrH to Copdlund Modl 4lIu < > llluto , Now
York J.Ifo Ilullulus. Oiiuh.i ) , Not )
UATAKlllIAM ) JUXIMiii i .
TIIKA I'Kl ) AT TIIK \IKtM ) | I1ATI. ( ) ! ' IS
A MONTH U.NTII ; Al'lllfj UTI1 - MKIH-
Or Council Blum.
-I. A , Mll.or. F. O. Otoisjn , K. T
Hhuifart , B Ii. H irt , J. I ) . KJmuiidiun , Oliarloi
It , llannaa Transact Kun r.U b mUlnrf liul-
uenii. Lar/est capital and turnluiof any bau <
lubouthwuslurii lo\.u
W. C. ESTE P ,
14 N. Main , Council Bluffa.