Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1892, Image 1

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Majority Report of the Ooinago , Weights
and Measures OommittjOi
llcnellU to , Itn Drrltnl rriim tlio 1'iixingo
of thn lllnnit Hill Other Nntlons
Would Follow tlio Load of the
United Minion , I Me.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob. H. The report
ot the majority of tbo committee on coinage ,
weights and mcasuro ! , recommending tbo
oassago of the Bland froojcolnago bill , will
be presented to the hojiso tomorrow by Mr.
Blorid , nnd , by consent of the minority of thn
rommlttco , It has boon made public tonight.
The report Is n long nud carefully prepared
document , which discusses the various ob
jections made against free coinage , showing
where. In the opinion of the majority , there
objections are 111 founded and how free
coinage of silver would greatly bcnellt this
country , and especially the producers.
The report begins with an explanation of
the provisions of the bill reported. Free
coinage-of silver 1 provided for , and It Is
required that It bo of standard llnonoss to
incot the cost of the alloy used , iho alloy being
nil tbo expense now enacted of depositors
of gold. Coin no'.cs may ba Issued on the
gold or silver deposited , if demanded , instead
of waiting for the coin. The commlttoo raised
the maximum denominations of thcso notes
from $500 to $1,000 , so ns to accommodate
dealers in largo transactions and bank ex
changes. Those notes are made legal tender ,
redeemable in coin on demand. Tba bill pro
vides for the conversion of ull gold and silver
notes into coin notes , redeemable In coin ,
thus doing away entirely with all legal dis
tinctions. It Is believed this will greatly
'tend ' to promote equality In all respects.
There will no longer bo Issued gold notes or.
silver notes , but bimetallic notes , payable In
cither coin at the pleasure of the government.
Why Wo Ilxported Sliver Itiilllou.
The report says it is contended that the
reason wo exported silver bullion whllo our
mints were still open to Its free coinage , was
tnat our ratio wns such that our coin nnd
bullion silver was worth moro , as compared
to gold , nt European mints than here , and
that the same result would again follow , our
ratio remaining at 10 to 1 witti the French
mints open to free coinage at 15J..J to 1. This ,
l t Is Hold , would prevent European nations ,
especially Franco , from again returning to
the bimetallic system. To avoid this the
committee provided that our ratio should bo
changed to 15J lo 1 HO soon as Franco re
sumes free silver coinage al inat ratio. The
report then , under tbo head , "Tho Dump of
Silver , " proceeds lo a discussion of Iho cry
that free coinage of silver would make the
Unltod States the dumping ground for the
silver of the world. The report says :
Would rollinv Tholr SlUer.
"Tho familiar warning that free coinage
would causa ship loads of silver from other
countries to bo brought hero and dumped at
our mints in exchange for our gold is still
urgoa. How can this bo under the ufll or
proposed law. . The ship load of silver
hrou1it | to our mints by iho foreigner would
bo coined into standard dollars and Iboso
dollars returned to him , but ho could not go
to our treasury and demand gold for Ihem.
Nor could ho compel ono of our citizens to
swap htm a gold dollar 1'or a silver dollar ,
that is a voluntary trade that no law ought
to Interfere wltb. Should the foreigner
take coin notes for hU bullion Instead of
coin , tbo same happens. Ho can take the
coin note to tbo treasury and demand
redemption , but that note is redeema
ble in coin , and the secretary
of , the treasury could baud .bun
t&ck the coin struck from his ship
loads ol bullion. Tbo foreigner then would
ascertain that ho bad committed the blunder
i of bringing silver to our mints where it Is
worth : < cents on the dollar loss than It was
at homo , and that ho loses this , ' ) cants and
costof transportation besides. What then will
ho do with his money t Ho must either in
vest in property here , or go homo with It.
- Ho could not buy gold witu it , or gold ex
change unless gold and silver were nt par ;
in tills case there could bo no reason lor pre
ferring the ono metal to tbo othor. If gold
, wont to n premium he would have to pay the
premium on his oxchuugo , thus entailing on
him additional loss on his enterprise of send
ing us ship loads of silver. If bo
invests bis ship load ot , silver money
in our property and business on-
terprl.'ius ho will at once stimulate
industries , awaken enterprises and give us a
healthy business and sound currency. Pros
perity hero and stagnation in the old coun
tries would force ship loads of their people to
this country In scarcli of their lust ship loads
of inonoy , The nations of the old world nro
aware of ibis. They will sco lo it that no
such thing occurs. They know thoudvantnge
the free coinage of silver would guarantee
us , hence tholr uniform predictions 'that
calamity would bo the result Instead ot pros
perity. They are not in tbo habit of giving
us trustworthy advice as to the course wo
should pursue In this matter. "
from Secretary Wliiiloiu.
The report then quotes from the report of
Mr. WIndom , then secretary of tno treasury ,
for the your 18SU , In which the secretary took
tbo position that no danger need be appre
hended of n Hood ot European silver. Says
tbo secretary !
' 'Tbcro Is , In fact , no known accumulation
of silver bullion unywhero m the world.
Germany long slnco disposed of her stock of
melted silver coins , partly by sale , partly by
recoinago into the now subsidiary coins and
partly by use In coinage for Egypt. Only
t , recnntly It became necessary to purchase
V-llyer for the Egyptian coinage executed nt
tno mint at Berlin , It is plain , then , that
thuro Is no danger that the silver product of
past years will bo poured Into our mints
unless now stops bo taken for demonetiza
tion , and for this Improbable contingency
ninplu safeguards can bo provided. Nor need
there bo any serious apprehension that any
considerable part of the stock of iho silver
coin of Kuropo woula bo shipped to
the United States for deposit for treas-
Jury notes. There Is much loss reason
for shipping coin to this country
than bullion , for while ihol cadlng nations of
. Kuropo have diseontlnuoj the coinage ot full
legal tender silver nieces thov have provided
by law for maintaining their existing stock
of silver coins nt par. In England , Portugal
nnd tbo states of the Scandinavian union ,
there Is no stock of "liver coin except subsi
diary coins , required for change purposes ,
the nominal value of which Is far In excess
qf the bullion value. Germany has in circu
lation about $100,000OJO In old silver thalors ,
button years hnvo pissed slnco the sales of
bullion , nrislnc under tbo anti-silver legisla
tion of IbTi ) , were discontinued. The states
of toe Latin union und Spain , which has u
similar monetary svsteni , are the only coun
tries in Europe which buvo any largo stock of
sliver coins , and the commercial necessities ol
these countries are such that they could not
afford , without serious financial distress , to
withdraw from circulation silver coins which
ore nt par with their gold coins , lo deposit
them at our mints on pay mout of their bull
ion value in not01.
Jiilluenco of tbo United Stale * .
V'Tbo truth is , " the majority report then
.continues , "that tbo conspiracy formed In iho
' old world , planned and successfully carried
- inrough there and here , was nluiod to contluo
tbo deal-paying mediums of the nations con
cerned to the single metal gold. For this
purpose tbo par of centuries was broken.
Gold was decreed to rapidly rlso in valuo.
( bus uddlng 50 percent to tba vuluo of
credits , enriching creditors , public and prl-
Tate , ut tbo expense of debtors and taxpay-
or * : enormously depressing the value ot labor
and the products cf labor as compared with
notes , bonds and mortgages. Tbo words frco
coinage of silver sends a thrill of terror to
the promoter ! , of this conspiracy aad tbo
bonollclurlcs. They know that when this
great government thus throws Us weight in
the silver balance the world will again be re
stored to full faith nnd conlldcnco In tha
future safety of silver as the inonoy of the
world. The conspiracy would bo exposed
nnd defeated. It is this phase ot the issun
they fear , not the swapping ot ship loads of
silver dollnrj. It is ' .ho ro-Uoration of the
bimetallic par. U U the skeleton of defeated
fraud and avarice , that lurks In the closet of
the gold palace , that wo are called upon to
meet In battle upon the free coinage question ,
The bushwacklng warfare waged against
the restoration of silver Is the most potent
exhibition of the weakening of the
enemy. It Is argued llrst that all our
gold will go to n premium and bo hoarded.
In the next brrath It is said that the Mlvar
minor will be cirrlchod by coining his million ,
worth > cents. Into n dollar worth 100
cents , not stopping to think that this could
not bo so , unless tup free coinage of silver
puts It at i\ par with gold , In which case
there could bo a premium on gold , and no
hoarding for such reasons.
Uold Monlil Not I'.o I'lild for Slher.
"Tho next slogan Is that the billions of sil
ver coins of other countilos would immedi
ately bo brought hero to bo exchanged for
our gold , thus , without .stopping to rolled
that today wo have only ? 12,5,01)0,000 ) of gold
In the federal treasury , and oven this can
not , by any proposed free coinage law , ba
drawn out In payment fur silver dollars or
coin notes.
' Again , It Is sala we give the silver minor
at our mints $1 for bullion that costs onlv 41
cents , ulthouL hesitating a moment to relleet
that the gold minor , ns is often done , extracts -
tracts live ounces a day In gold which wo coin
into f 100 , when his day's wages is worth
only $ ! or M , thus coining his product that
costs but $4 into money of $100. Thcro nro
no mlnlcg statistics that can oven approxi
mate tbo vast outlay of labor nnd capital ,
not to say privation and deprivation , wasted
absolutely in the search for precious metals ,
gold und silver. The old adage , that it takes
a gold mine to work a silver mine , is an illus
tration of the costs of such mining ;
many thousands waste their lubor
und capital In fruitless search for
the hludon treasure. As a mining
question , It mnv bo fairly H.ild that the polu
minor now has a monopoly nt our mints , that
equality and equal Justice would give the
silver minor the same privilege. It is lugged
in to prejudice and to blind the mind.
Ultimatum or C.nlil .Moil.
"When the utter inconsistencies and falla
cies of all the other objections to free coinugo
are shown wo nio confronted with tbo ulti
matum that our gold will flee from this
country at once and contract our currency o
the amount of S O.OOJ.OOO. The monthly
statement of the secretary of the treasury
for Jan. 1 , 1SUJ , shows that wo have In the
treasury gold com and bullion to the amount
of S278.'J40,730. The last annual report of the
comptroller of the currency shows gold In
national uanks , SaT.OT , * ! , ! 13 , and In private
banks nnd other institutions , * S,8Sy,55 ? , n
total in banks of ? ! HllSiS,094 ! , tnaKlnir a total
in the treasury and in banks of $3T5,40',55t ,
"Of all the objections urged against free
colnago this. In I ho opinion of ourcommittce ,
Is the only ono that deserves serious consid
eration. That the change proposed In our
currency laws , Involving the complete rostor-
atlnnoftho bimetallic standard , u return to
the coinage of both metals in equal terms ,
will cause for the moment some apprehen
sion and probably u disposition to hoard gold
may bo oxpcctod. Yet any evils that may
icsult mubt , In tlio nature of the situation ,
bo transitory. Yet it will not bo contended
that our laws relating to the currency or
tariff or other methods of taxation need to bo
altered. The ultimate good to bo obtained
Is and always has been a sufllclout argument
for amendments.
Gradually Approached Free Coinage.
To restore silver now would not raalce the
radical change that was effected In our cur
rency laws by the net demonetizing
it. Indeed demonetization took place
without a warning nnd at a time when
wo were looking to a resumption of coin pay
ments and surely needed all the specie possi
ble. Wo have approched free coinage crad-
ally.Vo resumed the coinage of standard
silver dollars in 18TS with the distinct pur
pose of putting this country on the gold and
silver basis. At no ttino slnco then has there
been a cessation on the part of a vast major
ity of our people in their efforts for its com
plcto rehabilitation. AVe have coined over
400,000,000 of silver dollars und wo have be
sides over $50,000,000 of silver bullionand are
now pnrchasing4,500,000 ounces ovnry mouth
or r > 4,0)0,000 ( ) ounces annually. Our approach
to free coinage ha ; boon steady and persist
ent. Wo believe silver should have been
restored at once In 1ST8 ; that the longer it is
delayed the greater the injustice done to our
DrmncriitN of tliut Stain Declare for the
ATLANTA , Ga. , Feb. 14. The Journal ,
through Its special correspondents , has Inter
viewed 1/-39 prominent democrats in nil
parts of Georgia as to their protldontial
preference , and the result will bo given in
tomorrow's issue. The correspondents took
the prominent democrats in each community
as they 'came to thorn and their answers
uro published as they wora given.
The result shows that of 1.S39 well
known 'democrats. 819 want Grover Cleveland -
land nominated while only U77 declare for
Hill. Cleveland is the choice by more than
three to one over any other candidate. This
proportion will bold good with the democ
racy of Georgia. Tbo Journal asked : "Will
you please Interview twelve of the most
prominent democrats In your locality or
county as to their preferences for the demo
cratic presidential nomination and mull their
replies by Wednesday , February 10 , but
later If you cannot cot them oy that timo.
Wo do not want any lengthy expressions but
a mere announcement of the choice of ouch
person Interviewed. "
( i.lMIII.KttS J-'JUIIT.
Crcpilr , Colo. , Sporlx i\cliunge : .Many
ShoU , hill No One. UKIIril _ | ,
CiiEi'.m : , Colo. , Fob. ll.-rA sljootlng affray
occurred Friday night , tbo particulars of
which have been suppressed. As far us can
bo learned no ono wus killed , "Louisiana
Kid" had boon gambling in "Soapy"
Smith's place nnd had lost his money ,
tie began complaining that ho had' been
robbed , when he was promptly
knocKOd on the head vtvlth a six-shooter
and thrown ovt of doors. The bid ,
thirsting for revenge , laid In wait outside the
saloon , und soon afterwords two of Smith's
gang came out. The "Louisiana Kid1' opened
IIro on the two men. which they wora not
slow to return , The tiring then became
general und many bystanders had narrow
escapes. The result was that the manager
of Smith's place , whoso naino gnunot bo
learned , had bath hU thumbs shot off , u
slight wound In hU body and nn arm broken ,
The ' 'Louisiana Kid" received three shots in
the neck and two In the body , None of the
wounds are fatal , No arrests were made.
Killed < m IIU We.ldliiDiiy , UEIIKEI.BV , Cal. , Fub. 14. A pecu
liarly sad accldunt occurred hero last even
ing , F. J Uyaps and Cotichlta Ailvent were
married at St. Joseph churcn 'and the bridal
party proceeded to Posen station to take the
local train to tholr future .rcslaence. Whllo
standing on the track the overland train ,
which does not stop nt the station , suddenly
dashed around thn curve through a cut Into
the party. Byops and Mrs. Sllva , a friend
ot the bride , who were In the party were In-
btantly killed while a Ilttlo boy was danger
ously wounded. Tno bitdo's grief was heart
Caught u Singe Jtobbrr.
STOCKTON , Cal , , Feb. 14. Constable Hnwos
of San Andres last night arrived hero with
Felix McClelland , who Is supposed to bo tbo
man who on two occasions robbed Mnkc-
lumme Hill and tbo Valley Spring stage.
The man protests his innocence , but he U bo.
loved to bo the rubber ,
What \7ill ba Done in tbo National Legis
lature This Week ,
Worlc That Ilns Ileen .Mapped Out Tor the
Stutenmeii Sitter Men Preparing lor
the right in the Mouse .V
General I'orecast.
WASHIXKTOX , D. C. , Fob. 14. Thcro are
Indications that this week will bo notable In
congressional annals ns 0110 in which politi
cal Issues will bo made up. In the house
thcro may bo nn alignment of members on
the silver question and It is probable that. In
tbascnalo will bo defined the economical
policy of the democrats ns u sequence of the
program adopted by the majority In the
bouso. The bill providing for the public
printing and binding , which is the pending
business In the senate , will probably bo at
tacked tn tbo section creating a now oQlco ,
that of superintendent of the public docu
ments. And , Indeed , the democratic sena
tors are disposed to question the statements
made by the majority of the committee to the
effect that tha ontlro bill is in thu Interests
of economy. The debate on tha measure is
expected to occupy several days.
I'addock'H Pure rood Hill.
The Paddock bill , to prevent adulteration
and mlsbrandlng of food nnd drugs stands
next in order of the measures to bo consid
ered , but It is possible that It may bo an
tagonized by the Idaho senatorial case of
Clacgett vs Dubols. It Is impossible that
both of those matters can be pissed
this week , but If it should bo otnorwiso Air. will call UP his bill providing for the
erection ot public buildings for postolllccs
In towns and cities where the receipts exceed
W.OOO mutually.
Tomorrow is "suspension" day , nnd there
are several bills on the calendarwhich their
friends bcllovo can sccuro the two-tbitds vote
necessary for their passage. Chairman Wlso
of the committee on interstate commerce will
endeavor , cither by suspension of the rules
or by consideration In the morning hour , to
pass the bill to permit railways to give
special rates to commercial travelers.
Indian Appropriations.
It Is tlio intention of tha Indian affairs
committee tocall up the Indbiu appropriations
bill early in the week , and its consideration
may operate to postpone all other measures ,
as the largo reductions made In tba bill irom
the act of last conprcss will not bo permitted
to go unchallenged ,
Frldav will bo devoted to private claims ,
unless the subject of appropriations should
interfere with the ordinary procedure.
The rules committee has several resolu
tions before It and the proceedings of this
committee will bo of special Interest In view
of the fact that ono of the resolutions is that
introduced by Mr. Bland. : nakina > the silver
bill u special continuing order In the Mouse.
The silver men are strlvmc to nave the or
der reported nt an early day. As soon as
this resolution Is reported nn interesting
parliamentary struggle will begin , and should
there bo more Oelay In the rules committee
the light will bo precipitated without awiill-
Ing action by the rules committee on the re
quest to make the silver bill a special order.
Kx-Scimtor Jirowii ol ( ioorRln Thinks Cleve
land la u Hoodoo.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Fob. 14 : Ex-Senator J. E.
Brown favors Senator Hill of New York for
tbo democratic presidential nomination. Ho
has addressed a letter to the editor of the
Constitution regretting tbo unfortunate di
vision between ox-Prcsldont Cleveland and
Senator Hill as rival candidates for the nom
ination. Ho said :
"Tho democratic party has victory within
its grasp If It makes no unpardonable mis
takes. But to muko victory certain it is nec
essary that wo have a united democracy. It
will bo necessary to nominate u candidate
who will carry all the southern democratic
states and who can carry Now Yorlt , Con
necticut , Now Jersey and Indiana. Ex-
Prosldont Cleveland carried them In
1SS1 , and was elected. Ho loit them
in 18SS and was defeated. We
should take the earliest stops possible
to ascertain who has the sentiment of Iho
states Just mentioned and to nominate that
man. Eutortaining this view I do not doubt
that it Is essential that the party make the
selection of a candidate for president at
present , but I would wait until wo hoar
from Now York and other states necessary
to success , and as both the candidates I Imvo
named for the nomination are men ot great
ability , either can safely bo trusted with
power if he bo tbo most available and when
wo find who is likely to bo tbo most available
then It Is time for the democracy to niauc
ttio selection. You , or some of your readers ,
may remember a case that deus not occur tome
mo at present , but I do not remember ono
where the sumo person has boon nominated
by either ot the grcal political parties to run
three consecutive times for the olllco ol
president , whether successful or unsuccess
ful In the second election , If this bus been
the democratic usage , then usage Is unfavor
able to the claims of President Cleveland , Ho
lias been elected president and served ono
term. Hn has been nominated by the demo
crat ie party for a second term , und with ull
the machinery , patronage nud power of the
administration In his hands , has been do
featcd for a second term. If democratic
usage amounts to anything , or democratic :
pi-credent Is to bo considered , this Inevitably
disposes ot Mr. Cleveland for another term ,
and it would bo moro in conformity with the
usage of the party to nominate Senator Hill
or some otnor great man as the democratic
candidate. When wo take Into consider
ation the long and valuable services of Sen
ator Hill as governor of Now Yonc and tbo
recent faat tliut by a master st rolto of policy
ho secured a democratic majority in tbo log-
islaiuru of Now York nnd redeemed ibn
state from the rule of the republican party ,
und has placed It In the control of the demo
cratic party for many years to come , it
would seem that no ether democrat has done
moro for his party or has moro richly uior-
Itcu its honor und emoluments ,
"Graver Cleveland being out of the way
as a candidate for the nomination by tno un
broken usugo of the demcTcratio party Sena
tor Hill , by his wisdom in council and his
ability in execution , Is head and shoulders
above any other aspirant. His nomination
by the democratic convention will bo fol
lowed by success at the ballot box , which
will cause all the branches of federal govern
ment to pass again under tbo control of the
democrats. I cannot think that the patrlotlo
citizens of the southern section of
tha union can afford to tolerate a divi
sion In tbo fuco of tbo disaster
which would necessarily result. If we stand
bad ; as heretofore , and present a
solid south , and the democratic convention
nominates a candidate who can carry what
has been culled the doubtful states already
mentioned , wo have a glorious triumph In ra
servo for us. Lot us hope that no unwise
step will bo taken , no unfortunate division
tolerated , but , that every democrat will bo
ready to make any and all sacrifices where
necessary for the success ot bis partv and to
defend tbo great public interest involved , "
llt.tllU HIlI'VH/.lV.tXS J/i'KT.
Indications That the ntato Will ( lo Tlielr
Wuyut tlio l'all Klectlon ,
NAMJA , Idaha , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc HER. ] Tbo republican leagues of the
Btato have been In session at Boise City for
the past two days. Tbo state leuguo was or
ganized wltb Edgar Wilson of Boise as presi
dent. A rousing meeting was held last night
ut Sonnas opera bouso. I ) , C. Lockwood
presided. Speeches were made bv Gov
ernor Wllley , Attorney General Roberts , W.
H. Be-rch and Major Barnes. The state
loacuo stnvti out under the most , favorable
nu.snlcos nnd assures Id.tha a pluco In tbo re
publican column In Ib'J- ,
In Honor of Colonel .J. K , Strums.
NOI.M , Idaho , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Biin.J A banquet \vas plvcn last
night nt the Interstate hotel by Cn'ptaln J. M.
Bernard , the proprietor , tn honor of the four
teenth anniversary of Major John H. Stearns ,
who Is ulso a member of national commis
sion ot World's fair managers. The repre
sentative men of the town were present.
Speeches were made by a number of gentle
men and nil spent nn onjrtynblo evening.
ttTAXT yuuxrwx mn.nn.
Dakota Cltlren llellcvei Ho Itnn In
vented Perpetual Alotlon ,
Pir.iiMONT , S. IX. Fob. 14. jSpeclal to Tun
BKE. ] Although this is but n small hamlet
in the canons of the Black Hills , It can boast
of n citizen who has solved the mystery of
perpetual motion. P. C. Mattox has in
vented n machina that has been seen by re
sponsible parties to run for'fifty-six hours
nnd was then stopped. Ho htis combined the
Inclined plane weight and lever theories , nnd
has no doubt solved the problem of perpetual
motion. The model ho now has Is n very
crude uffalr , having been mndo by himself ,
and with but few proper tools. It consists of
a beam about twelve foot In length , with a
track , made of nn octagon sbnpod Iron , on
top , on which runs an Iron ball weighing
about 100 pounds. The beam , or wanting
beam , as It might bettor bo termed , is hung
on an iron shaft In the center , The ball Is
started on the track and gains enough speed
In running . the first eleven feet lo
overcome the grade of about one-fourth
Inch in tbo remaining ono foot of the boam.
The track is so constructed that tbo Ds.ll now
Jumps to another track to return on. Whllo
the ball Is making the turn ut.tho and ot Iho
beam there nro lovers and weights so con
structed that thov overcome its weight nnd
elevate this end of Iho bourn , causing tbo
boll to run to the opposite onu and return as
The power Is to bo developed nt the shaft
In the center of the walking beam , and the
speed Is regulated by blocks , raising or low
ering it at cither end , making the grade of
the track moro or less inclined , thereby
causing the ball to run fast or slou'-U de
sired. /
Tbo machine has boon seen by several
sclontlst.s , machinists , etc. , from Lead , Deadwood -
wood and Hot Springs , and all pronounce it
n wonder. Parties from Dalulwood with un
limited means huvo been negotiating with
Mr. Alnttox the past week trying to buy the
right or a part interest in it , but Mr. Mat
tex hat so much faith In his invention that
he does not wish to soil. Ho bos worked on
this scheme for tbo past sovontedn.years and
has undoubtedly succeeded In o\ery ( sense of
the word. His success bus not turned his
head , and ho Is a man wiih good'sound Judg
ment and knows when ho has a good thing.
That 8-1,000,000 Appropriation ami Han
dling of \lillltH DlHcu.l'sod.
CHIC too , 111. , Fob. 14. President Harri
son's special mossairo on the subject of appro
priation In aid of tbo World's { alrwill prob-
, auly bo sent to congress after tjio members
return from Chicago. Yesterday afternoon
the members of the natloual boara of control ,
now In session , sent a report to the president
on tbo subject of the appropriation. Too
board Informed President' ' HaVrison thai
since the date of the last rqpoft' the- Chicago
directors had decided that't'nuy would not
nstt congress to lenuHnom 5,000.030 and the
whole of ' being
subject appropriation ; was' now -
ing discussed by tbo two governing bodies of
the fair. This stop , was taken that the pres
ident might have ofllclal knowledge pf the
change tn tbo prograui , and not ask cangrons
to do anything that the Chicago directors
have decided they do not want done.
At n conference yosierdav of the commit
tees appointed to settle the disputed ques
tions of transportation nnd installation
President Baker brought up the question of
tbo government appropriation. Ho asked
the board of control to Join the directors
in irylng to got $5,000,000 from con
gress. Ho was in favor of an omni
bus bill , and inalcated thnt the Chicago
cage board ought to have $4,000,000 of
money and iho national commission
$1,000,000. Mr. Baker's plan was not en
dorsed by members of iho board of control ,
who have n plan of their own , by which they
expect to pel $4,000,000 , for Iho national coin-
mission. The subject will bo discussed
again tomorrow.
The disputed questions of transportation
aad Installation of exhibits at the fair were
under consideration , but no conclusion was
reached. A statement of tuo6g.sitiou of the
national board in tbis matter , will probably
bo made ofllcially tomorrow. , (
OMAHA , Fob. 14. )
Tbo present high barometer and cold
weather now covers Iho country from 1'oxas
northward. The area is central over Da
kota. Temperatures below zero extend south
ward nearly to La Crosss , Yankton , Valentino
tine and to Hapid City. Occasional widely
scattered light snow has fallen and cloudy
weather prevails In the lower Missouri vnl-
For Eastern Nebraska Continued cold
but moderating weather , probably with light
local snows during Monday.
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair weather ;
stationary temperature during Monday ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob. 14. For Mis
souri and lowu Continued cold and clear
weather , winds becoming variable" ; slightly
warmer and fair Tuesday.
For Kansas North winds , becoming var
iable ; clear weather ; fair , and warmer
Tuesday. ,
For Colorado Warmer ; south winds and
generally fair woatner.
For Nobrasua , North and South Dakota
Clear und warmer Monday ; warmer and
generally fair Tuesday.
j-\iroits .1 irum-ui'KX I'unvr ,
Authorized liy a City Ordinance MIiuiciipo-
lln SulooiiH Will Jtun rfundayu.
Mix.NKAi'oi.iH , Minn , , Fab. 11. In an nil-
night session tno Minneapolis vlty council ro-
pcalod all existing liquor la\vsj a/ad passed anew
now ordinance that Is unique. jJQloven demo
crats combined with flvo ropubilpaus and put
the ordinance through. IMs aesgncd ) to per
mit tbo running of saloons upduy. Under
the old ordinance , as fast paTqaloous ware
opened Sunday , members of bo Crusaders
society made complaint uga/ujt violators of
the law and they were talien into , the muni
cipal court and heavily tluqd , Jn the new
ordinance a clause distinctly. , states ' that "No
prosecution shall bu commenced' for any violation
lation of any provision of tbo ordinance-
cert upon complaint of a r olollcer. ( " The
potlco otllcofH receive Uwk orders from
Muvor Winston who Is In favor of the wide-
open policy. _ ' }
S.illorn In Sun I'rauelnco Iiiilijlge in 11 Largo
Ml in d ICuif. i *
Svx FiiANCibCO , Cal. , Fo.b. 1 The Amor- }
can b.ark Colombo loft bora foV Puget Sound
today , und thence to South America , Instead
of taking a crow from thu Cpast Seamen's
union fo1 Pucot Sound ana then shipping a
deep water crew on the sound , the captain
signed a crow for the round 'trip. This was
opposed by the seamen's union , and when
two of tbo sailors were bolnp taken aboard
the vessel nu attack \vas'ja > uio ou thorn and
Jehu Curly , u boarding house inun , Tbo
tbreo men were beaten unmercifully , and in
a few minutes 100 men were lighting. Dep
uty United States Sheriff StlpphiK"-.G'omls- }
slonor Thorwald was roughly handled , and
on the arrival of tbo police a number of the
crowd showed cms and bruises , No urrous
were made.
SAN FHANCISCO , Cal , Fob. 14-rTbo Califor
nia stuto World's fuir commission appointed
a committee to make plans and ) > poclUcatIons
for the state builulujf at Chicago
Senator Yoamaus Una a Bill Which Will
Pass the Legislature ,
Though Not ns Itnitlrnt nn ttic Democrats
Vrcfcr It Will Maillfy the Present ( lovernor Hole * 1'uvors
thn I lien ,
Sioux CITY , In. , Fob. 14. ISpcclat Tclo-
gram to TUB Bi'.E.J The premature publica
tion today of a llconso bill prepared by Sena
tor Yoomaus of this county will cause n
genuine sensation In democrat In circles
throughout Iowa. The bill was prepared
some time ago , nnd the Intention was to keep
it In the background till It became apparent
that the Schmidt bill , or democratic caucus
bill , could not pass. It has boon known for
some time that the caucus bill could not pass
the 'legislature. A strong element ot the
democratic party wanted to drop the matter
right thoro. The big democratic counties
along the Mississippi river ns ns much
opposed to very high license ns to out
right prohibition. Their Gorman population
Is largo ana could with dlfllculty bo brought
temporarily to consent to tlio WOO minimum
llconso. But Senator Yoonuns represents
the other democratic faction which wants to
get rid of the prohibitory law on any terms.
Ills bill provides for the retention of ttio
present prohibitory law ovirywhoro save in
cities aoovo 2,000 population , nnd to such
there is to bo local option at special elections ,
upon petition of 200 freeholders. Saloon
keepers nro to glvo bond in the sum of $10,000
nnd there uro stringent restrictions ns to
minors , closing and obstructing the view front
the stroot. In oacb city tbo license Is to bs
nor. loss than $1,000 in advance. The ROV-
ornor is to appoint a nonpartisan board of
three commissioners to enforce the law.
The bill Is really far more obnoxious to
nloonkeoDors than the prohibitory law. It
is known that it will encounter vigorous op
position in the democratic par y , and It may
precipitate a hitter factional light. The sig-
nlllcant fact connected with the Yocmmns bill
Is that It will have the backing ot Governor
Boles , who has spoken very sharply to some
democratic leaders who want to drop' the
subject with thoSchintdt bill , and tbo equally
Important furt Is that Yooman's bill will
certainly receive republican votes , both In the
senate and the bouso.
I' , can bo stated that pledges have boon
already mado. The Yoemans bill opens up
tbo prospect of a nonparllsan modification
of the prohibition law at this session ot the
legislature. Thcro is going to be u gonulno
effort to secure relief from Iho present Intolerable
erable situation , anil It can bo positively
stated that republicans as well as democrats
will bo in It.
Will Have u Nrw Court House.
CBIIAU Ktrms , la. , Fob. 14. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnc.l At Marongo yesterday
Judge Preston of this district decided that
the special election hold in Iowa county
December 21) ) . 1691 , by which It was decided
to sell the Iowa nnd Cborouco lands and build
a courthouse , to bo legal. Tbo case will bo
Defaulter Located.
OTTOMWA , la. , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
to TIIU Bue. I It nas been ascertained that
Lane , the defaulting county treasurer of
Apnanoosc county , who. loft Centervlllo so
suddenly n few weeks' ago , Is in Central
Africa. His bondsmen have made good his
peculations from the county.
j..t.\i >
In tlio Vicinity of Koiirnny Turin Property
Is Hold ut a Premium.
KuAUNEiVNob. , Fob. 14. | SpecIal to Tun
BCB.J The low prlco of farm lands in this
county is attracting mucb attention and many
new settlers are coming in. Moro land will
ho broken this year than ever before. Crop
indications are the best at this time of the
year than for many sea-sons. Ono experi
ment of 400 acres In winter wheat is being
watched with much interest.
\Vork on the Episcopal college will bo renewed -
nowod at an early duto and the college will
open In the fall.
Kearney has bonds voted for $ CO,000 to bo
expended in now school buildings which uro
needed at onco.
E. G. Brabrook , a gentleman who has been
In England in the interest of the largo canal ,
is expected back Ibis week with propositions
from an English syndicate. This canal is to
bo forty miles long and gives Kearney n
water power of about ! )0,000 ) horse power.
Preliminary work is all done nnd construc
tion Is likely to begin In the < iprl..g.
H. H. Curloy of the Department of Agri
culture is in the city to open and take charge
of tba weather station at this point.
The water wheel at th'o cotton mill has
boon connected wltb the canal and will bo
tested on Wednesday. The work of setting
up machinery is going rapidly forxvard.
The manazor of the Kearney Plow works
has been delayed by sickness , but the con
tract for tbo bulluings will be let this week.
Already several branch factories Imvo boon
located. The Kearney factory will omjloy ;
fifty men and bo in operation in the spring.
County Donations.
BI.AIH , Neb. , Feb. 14. - [ Special tc TUB
Biiu.J Hon. K. S. Gavlord of this place has
sccurod'two ' car loads of shelled com for tuo
Russian sjjfferers to bo snipped as soon as
transportation is furnished. This is donated
by a few throughout the county.
Tlio Blair Dramatic company of this pluco
will produce a play about March 1. Tno
piocccds will bo used toward helping the
needy. This company' bos given over $4UO
for the bcuellt of the needy since It was or
ganized and always has it full house when a
play Is givon.
Lr. H. C. Minor has gone to Asbland , Neb , ,
\vbero ho is to take the position as physician
In ohurgo of n now Institute Just organized
for the euro of Inebriates ,
Tbo young republicans of the county will
organize a Youug Men's Republican club in
iho near future. They will organize It early
enough KO as to bo in good workilig order be
fore iho delegates are elected to attend the
national convention nt Minneapolis In June.
They will demand a representation of the
republicans of this county In that convention.
Heretofore iho younc men have bad to take a
back seat whenever a delegate wus to bo sent
to a state or ether convention , but hereafter
tholr demands will bn respected and the
spoils divided , and when it comoi to putting
up candidates have a llttlu more to bay on
the subject or there may bo war ,
Tboro was a strike among the stuffcrs at
tbo collar factory bore r. few days ugo , but
Secretary Dennett told thorn ho would tele
graph to Chicago for help nnd thny were ull
ut work as usuul inside of half an hour.
Mouth Cechir County Veterans.
KiNUQU'ii , Neb. , Fab , 14. [ Special to TUB
BBK.J The llrst reunion of veterans of
South Cedar and counties adjoining was held
in Boughn's opera nouso Friday night , and
was ono of tl'o most cnjoyablo events that
bus transpired In iho history of Randolph ,
Tbcro were present soldiers and citizens to
the full capacity of the house. After the
banquet tables bad boon cleared away , toasts
were responded to by W. H. Cbuppull , liovs.
CbilUou and Luce and G. W. Wlltso , with
U. E. Curtiss loastuiastor and presiding
ofllcflr of tbo meeting. Three vigorous cheers
for tbo veterans being given by / . Bought ! ,
the reunion closed , With tno ultimata ob
ject cf organizing a post of tbo Grand Army
this meeting was called , and tha outlook lu
favorable to Immediate organization with a
lurgo charter membership.
Gibbon Nuivs Nutvi ,
GIIIIIO.V , Neb. , Fab. 14. [ Special to TUB
HEK. ] Tbo Sons of Veterans gave a supper
on Friday evening. There were quite a
number of vUltori present , Bad au attempt
wns made in connection with It to rcdrgnnl/o
the Grand Army of the Republic post , which
has been abandoned for some tune.
Llnam Carv , the county treasurer , wa In
town Saturday.
Profs. Fulmar , Paul and Miss FIoiMo Day
attended tn business in Konrnoy Friday.
Rev , A. B. Carson of Madison spout n few
days during the first of last wcoit in town ,
the guest ot his parents ,
.N'clintilm Tolmcco ( trotters to Ment.
Sciifvi.Eii. Nob. , Fob. II. ( Special to Tun
BKB. ) A meeting of the Nebraska Tobacco
Growers association will bo holdnt the ofllca
of Wells & Niomuii In Schuylor , on Saturday ,
February 20 , at U p. m. All those Interested
in the subject of growing tobacco nro cor
dially Invited to attend. Tlio Invitation Is
extended to all parties throughout the state
of Nebraska , 'i'ho object Is a general dis
cussion upon thoMibJect ot tobacco nnd to-
brtcco culture. N. W. WII.L : ,
O. J. Piir.U'ti , President.
Celebrated Tlielr Weildlni ; Annlternnry.
PAI-IM.IOX , Nob. , Feb. 14. [ Special to Tin :
BEC. | Over 100 old settlers gathered at the
homo of Mr. and MM , Cyrus Latham , four
miles south of town , Friday nftornoon to
colubrato the thirtieth anniversary of the
Latham wedding. A grand feast lasted all
the afternoon , and tn tlio evening the young
people of the neighborhood took possession ,
the morrvmakliiEr lasting until n late hour.
The priuonts were both numerous and costly.
The Lathams were among tha IIrat settlers
in this county and have grown wealthy on
their line farm ,
Dr. Summers Itelnstiiteil.
WEST POINT , Nob. , Feb. 14. [ Special to
Tin : BtaDr. . H. S. Summers of this city
loft for Norfolk Friday noon to reassume
charge of the hospital for the Insane at that
plnco. When James E. Boyd first took his
seat as governor of Nebraska Dr. Summers
was appointed to this position.
Dnmaseiis Council Instituted.
Sfi-nuioit , Nob. , Fob. -Special [ to TUB
Bni ! . ] Frank II. Young1 , most Illustrious
grand master Royal and select Masons , in
stituted Damascus council 14 In this city last
T4.tiryins TIIIXK IT LKO.IK.
Plan to Combine Kantcrn Coal Companies
Will He Carried Through.
NEW YOIIK , Fob. II. The Olcott plan for
reorganizing the 'Richmond & West Point
Railway and Terminal Warehouse company
will bo announced early next week. The
following details were whispered In Wall
street yesterday : In all tburo will bo $500,000-
UOO in securities of the now company issued.
Those will bo divided ns follows : There will
be $ ' 312,500,000 now 4 per cent llrst mortgage
bonds , 64)2,500,000 of Income bonds , $75,000,000
of preferred stock nnd 8150,000,000 of common
btock. Tlu'so securities will roplnco
every existing security outstanding on
the present 8,800 miles of railway
mid nearly ! J,000 miles of water
lines. They will bo listed on the Now York ,
London nnd Amsterdam stock exchanges.
The details ol the rates in wbicU the present
securities of the Terminal and its controlled
rojds nro to be exchanged into those of the
now company will ba made public when the
Olcolt plan is linully announced.
When the above details wore submitted to
General Thomas he said tnero was no plan
yet and no decision would DO reached for n
wee it.
Mr. Sloan said : "This road simply cooperates -
operates 'with the other roads in the move-
mcnt and there. is nothing illegal in tbatnny'
more than there would ba in any democrat
co-oporatiug with Mr. Stout In some political
movoipont. I do not uttucu any Importance
to the .charge of illegality in the arrange
ment. I have no doubt that before the ar
rangement \\"as consummated the very best
counsel available were consulted in tbo
matter. Personally I have no doubt ns to
the legality of the transaction. There Is u
point in this question which bus not , I think ,
been considered. Tlio maximum of produc
t on nnd tlio maximum of consumption are
now so close together that of itself
would tend in u great mousuro to
steady the price. If there were an
oxcesslvo demand for coal now in the anthracite -
cite region , I do not think It could bo sup
plied. Why } For the lack of labor for ono
thing. Labor In Iho anthracite coal leglou
has been getting loss und loss because the
miners have not bau full work. The num
have not boon fullv omplovcd they have
only averaged halt u da.v's work all the year
round and mining labor has boon roducad
very much because of the curtailments from
time to time of the mining companies. The
men have gone west. The result ot this now
agreement will bo that work will bo mora
uniform throughout the year and both labor
and capital will bo better remunerated while
tbo consumer will not bo required to pay any
more than in the past. "
J. Rogers Maxwell , president of the Cen
tral Railroad of Now Jersey , said : "Pornon-
ally I have no doubt as to the legality of the
transaction. I dp not bcllovo tbo price of
coal will bo any htuhor to the consumer than
it was last , year , but the prices will bo
steadier and the miner will bo moro steadily
employed. The present excitement will bo
allayed In a few days and then things will
move along quietly. "
IT ILL UOtiT . .VfO.VS. .
Itullronil Companies Not Inclined to iio-
vato Their TnieliK In Chicago.
CillGAdo , III. , Fob. 14. The Times says a
revolutionary movement Is contemplated by
the various roads entering Chicago. The
Chicago & North .western estimates that to
elevate the 100 miles of surface tracks which
It owns In the city will cost 385,000,000. , '
There are nearly 1COO miles of surface tracks
In Chicago proper und on this basis tha cost
of complete elevation would run Into Jlgurus
somewhere between frliO,000OJO ( ) nnd f'.K)0- )
000,000 , or nearly twlco the amount it would
cost to duplicate the Atclilson system ,
which , with its 10,001) ) miles of main lines ,
is the greatest railroad In the world. Under
the proposed plan the Chicago As North west
ern's passengers will gotoff at WcsiElehtletu
street and passengers would ba obliged to
use cable cnrs , L road trains or other means
of local transportation to roach tbo city. In
the cuso of n passenger arriving ut Chicago
on the Northwestern nnd bound to sonio
point farther east or south , n transfer train
on the bolt line would tann him ut once to his
proper depot. It is proposed to sell nil rull-
road property in the city limits and it
Is believed that the amount so realized will
build the bolt line , all now depots and pay all
expenses attending the change und then
leuvo u surplus of moro that (10,000,000 In
the aggregate. Behind the scheme are all
the Vandurbllt roads. Including tbo Chicago
& Northwestern and such companies. The
motive for this radical departure Is the agita
tion resulting from the dully horrors at grade
crossings , tbo loss being In the aggregate ap
palling. _
JtOl.l ) t > T. J.UUIH ItUHltKHH ,
They Hold Up 11 Oroeerymiiu mid IIU
ST. LODIB , Mo , , Fob. 14 , About 11 o'clock
tonight flvo masked men entered tbo
grocery and saloon of John IClauss , at Four
teenth and Carr streets , and after attracting
tbo proprietor's attention fcr a moment by
snaking dice , und pretending that thov hud
Just come from a inasltod ball , covered him
with revolvers and backing him out of sight
of passersoy on the street , went through his
clothes and money drawer , getting In all ? o5.
In the meantime Klauss1 wife and two cus
tomers baa entered the store. They also
wrro ordered to hold their hands UP whllo
tha robbery was going on. Tbo blghwuyrnun
then backed lo the door and dashed In dif
ferent directions , The police Imvo made four
arrests , but it Is not believed they have the
right men.
, Found Dead In the Htreeti.
CINCINNATI , O. , Fob. 14. Joseph Flynn
was found dead tonlzht on East street , near
the Southern railroad bridge , wltb a bullet
uolo through his head. It if supposed tbut
ho was inurdcrotU
Spreads Like a Pall Over Kaiser Wilhohn'u
Dream oftJniorinl Qroatuoss.
Xo Dellnlto PolleyI Adopted , lint lee
clulnii Mny lie ' jt unmeet ! Soon Ite-
ttilt of tin ! $ Vthn Oreut
Set res Pot lory Uorlis.
I'Aiii ? , Fob. 14. | Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tar. Bnn.J I learn fiom nn
absolutely tiuRtworthy source tliut the Gor
man government Is becoming more niul inoro
uneasy over tlio growth of socialism. The
ompsror would Jllto to employ more enorgotlo
mcnsuros for Its suppression. A uollinto
policy has not yet been adopted , out wo must
oxpsot soon a decision to tukosurlous notion
This evening nil Paris was talking or the
burning of the Sevres factory , news of which
I cabled to the Herald last night. U lock
place at the hour when the masked ball nt
the opera wns beginning , und It was A
Docullnr spcctRola to sco the stream of 11 ro
engines going through the streets at lull
gallop among many muiquarftdcrs In iimny
'It huh of blzntro costumes.
It was S o'cloclt In tbo morning before It
was learned that the llromon had the Humes
under control. By almost u mlr.iclo the
ground floor wlicra the museum was lucatoil ,
was not touched by the lire. The thrco
upper floors wore destroyi-d , ns wus ulso the
work in process of construction , but the old
and pieces that uro a p\rt : of th
glogy of Franco urn intact. Parisians wora
really dcltghtod to hoar this news thH morn-
Ing. The lira broke out in the burnishing
depart moil t. The loss , which wilt amount to
only 300,000 francs , SilU.OJD , might have boon
incalculable , as the Sovros museum contains
many unique single pieces valued at inoro
than 1,000,000 , francs each.
JACOIIII , : ST. Cr.iins.
l.'HtalillhhmcMt nl mi liiimlKi'iitlou Iturvita
SiiKKi"ded ax u Momm.
OMAHA , Fob. ! . To the Editor of TUB
BEK : I read a lottcr in Saturday's Bun
from u gcntlunian in South Omaha , In which
ho struck the It oy no to when ho suggested the
idea of establishing a freight or trnnsporta-
tiou bureau. The Haul Ennto exchange ,
Board of Trade , Nebraska ( stuto Business
Men's association and the Manufacturers
and Consumers association can and nra doing
a great deal of good , but they do not cover
the ilejd. I have beau thinning of this
matter for weeks , and am confident that a
great rlcal of good can bo accomplished both for
Omalut and the entire state by an enterprise
of this Kind. la my judgment , however , It
would bo bettor to irodify the plan sug
gested by the South Omaha gentleman and
make it an "immigration bureau , " or a
' transportation ana immigration uuroau"tha
purpose of which would bo , not only to look
utter freight mutters , but to advorliso Ne
braska and sccuro as much as possible of the
largo Immigration that is sura to coma 'from
the east to the \wstorn states.
I have it from u very reliable source that
300 families in one county in Illinois alone
will locate either In Nebraska or Uauotn this
next spring. Wo uro nil looking for u larger
Immigration during the next twelve months
than wo hava had any ono season for years. |
And yet , what are wo doing to secure it for
NoDrasltaf It is Important that wo have
manufactories , but it Is also or great iin-j
portanca that the broad prairies ot Nebraska
be settled. Whllo every ether Held Is voryi
well represented , no special effort is being
vut forth In this direction. Some of our or.
Animations have accomplished a deal of good' ,
yeon a whole 1 do not think the people gen-
onitU- are entirely satlslled with the amount ,
ofoocl that has been done , and I1
think iho trouble lies in the fact
that the members of those organisations
nro not willing to work wboro they see no di
rect returns coming in as u compensation foe
their labor , and as the gentleman stated In
reference to tbo different organizations ,
"what is everybody's business is nobody's
business. " It Is u fact that organizations of
this kind novordo bring the results expected ;
there being no compensation everybody
looks to thn other follow to do the work ; If a
committee Is appointed to do u certain thing1 ,
nlno times out of ton it is not done , and If It
Is It is but half done , and by only ono or two
of the committee at that. Such tilings
uro never dune as ourofully and thoroughly
us would matters pertaining to tholr
own business. For Uioso reasons I bcllcvo U
would bo a good plan to organi/.o an "Immi
gration bureau , " having for Its members
ono or two enterprising real estate men la
every town In the state , and It wouM bo the
dutv'of each member to' use every oppor
tunity to put Nebraska to the front , secure.
immigration , luduco the railroads to run ex
cursions for liomeseokors , and If necessary
go cast and "work up" thcso excursion ! .
Thn bureau could take listings of farms ana
through Its ngcnts sell thorn , the profits de
rived from sales of all lands made through
tbo bureau to bo paid Into the treasury , nut
of which dividends could bo paid to tha
This , J think , would bo an Incentive to
work and if such an organization had the
support und sympathy of the bnlsncss men
throughout the state , the work would bo
comparatively easy and success , not only In
the amount ot good the fituto would receive ,
but in prollls to Its members would bo as
sured. The bureau could make It u part of
Its business to sccuro enterprises lor the
different towns In tlio stato. If ihorols a
chance of being pala for Its labur , mora good
will DO accomplished than Is being done by
the various organizations wo havo. 1'copla
us a general rule object to dolnir all tbo
work nug paying ull the expenses nnd
lot others reap a part of the bonolltH.
If this untcrprlso could bo atoned It should
recolvo thn support of every business man
In the stuto. At nil wnulu rccelvosomabona-
lit , they would certainly bo wllllng o con
tribute a small amount to bo used in adver
tising the btuto and securlne Immigration ,
Let us hear from ether enterprising men In
regard to this matter. IJUTV.
w >
Working tn S.i vi ! Murderer Iliirrlx ,
New Yoiiic , Feb. 14. W. Traverse Jororne ,
attorney for Curly lo Harris , under KCtitonco
of death for poisoning liU wife , today re
ceived a letter from Chicago , sent to him by
the young man who sayb Harris' wife was In
the habit of taking morphine. In his loiter
ha Incloses some powder , which ho says U
part of that used by Mrs. Harris nt Anbury
Park , N , J. Tno real mime of the writer of
the letter , it now appears , Is Carl Hun man.
though In Chicago ho is known as Carl Peter-
6on , and when ho llrst wrote ho signed his
nama Peterson. Mr. Jerome will huvo the
powder analyzed , Ho would not divulge the
contents of the letter ,
In C'lmrK" "f I' ' " ' Hhnrim
HBI.KXA , Mont. , Fob. H. Tno sheriff took
forcible possession last evening of the slora
of Groenhood , Bohm & Co. , who assigned
early In the day. This action was the result
of an attachment obtained by the Merchants
National bunk. Thcro is yet no ofllclal state
ment of tbo assets and ( labilities. It Is now
believed that the liabilities will reach
$ . ' 100,000. _ _ _ i
lilitlui Itcpubllcaus. |
BOISE Cixr , Idaho , Fob. 14. The State ! !
publican league of Idaho was organized
today. The league endorsed President Hnr-
rUou's administration , reciprocity and pro
tection. The credentials * ? the Mormon Ite-
imbllcan club of Paris , Idaho , were rojccutj
by tbo league , _ _
for a box o ( Uocuain P11U wjrtu